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Musicianship Enhances Perceived Emotions                   323

     M U S I C IA N S H I P E N HA N C E S P E R C E P T I O N B U T N O T F E E L I N G O F E M O T I O N
       F R O M O T H E R S ’ S O C IA L I N T E R AC T I O N T H R O U G H S P E E C H P R O S O DY

E L I O T FA R M E R , C R E S C E N T J I C O L , & K A R I N P E T R I N I                                        training and practice; a complex and motivating multi-
University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom                                                                            sensory experience that requires the integration of audi-
                                                                                                                    tory and visual sensory information with motor
MUSIC EXPERTISE HAS BEEN SHOWN TO ENHANCE                                                                           responses (Edward & Carole, 1990; Lee & Noppeney,
emotion recognition from speech prosody. Yet, it is cur-                                                            2014; Zatorre, Chen, & Penhune, 2007). Therefore, the
rently unclear whether music training enhances                                                                      study of musicians provides an ideal model to explore

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Downloaded from by guest on 28 May 2020
the recognition of emotions through other communi-                                                                  experience-dependent changes in cognition, perception
cative modalities such as vision and whether it enhances                                                            and neuroplasticity.
the feeling of such emotions. Musicians and nonmusi-                                                                   A central component of music training involves the
cians were presented with visual, auditory, and audio-                                                              production and perception of complex, expressive pat-
visual clips consisting of the biological motion and                                                                terns of sound (Gardiner, 2008), and it is therefore not
speech prosody of two agents interacting. Participants                                                              surprising that musicians show perceptual differences
judged as quickly as possible whether the expressed                                                                 compared to nonmusicians in the auditory domain. In
emotion was happiness or anger, and subsequently indi-                                                              terms of perceptual ability, musicians have been shown
cated whether they also felt the emotion they had per-                                                              to be more capable of segmenting speech from back-
ceived. Measures of accuracy and reaction time were                                                                 ground noise (Parbery-Clark, Strait, Hittner, & Kraus,
collected from the emotion recognition judgements,                                                                  2013; however, see Boebinger et al., 2015, and Madsen,
while yes/no responses were collected as indication of                                                              Marschall, Dau, & Oxenham, 2019, for a lack of differ-
felt emotions. Musicians were more accurate than non-                                                               ence between musicians and nonmusicians), and show
musicians at recognizing emotion in the auditory-only                                                               enhanced perception of auditory features such as pitch
condition, but not in the visual-only or audiovisual                                                                (Kishon-Rabin, Amir, Vexler, & Zaltz, 2001; Moreno
conditions. Although music training enhanced recogni-                                                               et al., 2009), timbre (Chartrand & Belin, 2006), and
tion of emotion through sound, it did not affect the felt                                                           intensity (Hausen, Torppa, Salmela, Vainio, & Särkämö,
emotion. These findings indicate that emotional pro-                                                                2013). It is plausible that these enhanced perceptual
cessing in music and language may use overlapping but                                                               abilities extend to the perception of emotions, which,
also divergent resources, or that some aspects of emo-                                                              in both music and speech, are expressed through varia-
tional processing are less responsive to music training                                                             tions in acoustic features such as intonation, pitch, and
than others. Hence music training may be an effective                                                               intensity (Juslin & Laukka, 2003). However, the effect of
rehabilitative device for interpreting others’ emotion                                                              music expertise on emotion processing has been sparsely
through speech.                                                                                                     studied and research has predominantly focused on
                                                                                                                    emotions expressed through excerpts of musical
Received: August 19, 2019, accepted January 8, 2020.                                                                performances.
                                                                                                                       Within the music domain, research has indicated that
Key words: music expertise, emotion perception, emo-
                                                                                                                    musicians and nonmusicians do indeed perceive emo-
tional feeling, social interaction, multisensory
                                                                                                                    tions differently. For example, length of music training
                                                                                                                    is positively correlated with the accuracy with which
                                                                                                                    emotions are perceived when hearing musical excerpts
                                                                                                                    (i.e., when the emotion perceived by participants

          LAYING A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REQUIRES                                                                      matches the emotion intended in the music excerpt;
       the development and application of numerous                                                                  Lima & Castro, 2011a; Livingstone, Muhlberger, Brown,
       specialized skills, such as the rapid processing                                                             & Thompson, 2010), and musicians and nonmusicians
of auditory information, the translation of written nota-                                                           differ in perception of expressiveness and emotion when
tion into coordinated movements, and precise rhythmic                                                               observing solo musical performances of a drummer (Di
timing. These skills develop through substantial                                                                    Mauro, Toffalini, Grassi, & Petrini, 2018). It is also

Music Perception,    VOLU M E      37,   ISSUE      4,   PP.   323–338,   IS S N   0730-829,    EL ECTR ONI C I SSN   1533-8312. © 2020             B Y THE R E GE N TS OF TH E U NIV E RS I T Y OF CA LIF OR NIA A LL
      R EPR INT S   AN D   P E R M I S S I O NS   W E B PAG E , HT T PS :// W W W. UCPR ESS . E D U / JOU RNA LS / R E P RI NTS - PERMISSI ONS .   DOI: M P.2020.37.4.323
324   Eliot Farmer, Crescent Jicol, & Karin Petrini

possible that these differences extend to nonmusical         participants who had music training. Since recognition
stimuli, as Juslin and Laukka (2003) have indicated that     of emotions is a fundamental social function (Klaus,
acoustic cues used to express emotions are similar in        Rainer, & Harald, 2001), and therefore likely to still be
both music and speech. For example, anger in music is        efficient in nonmusicians (Hauser & McDermott, 2003),
expressed through fast tempo, high sound level and           it is plausible that an extensive period of music training
high-frequency energy, and rising pitch. Similarly, anger    is needed to detect differences in emotion perception
in speech is expressed through fast speech rate, high        (Lima & Castro, 2011b).
voice intensity and high-frequency energy, and rising           Although sound is a dominant feature of music, audi-
pitch (Juslin & Laukka, 2003). Thus, if common               tory information usually coincides with other elements
mechanisms are used for processing emotions in both          of music practice or performance, such as translating
domains, it is plausible that the advantage shown by         musical notation into motor activity (Herholz & Zatorre,
musicians for processing emotion in music extends to         2012). Furthermore, visual expressive skills are highly

                                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 28 May 2020
the processing of emotion in speech.                         important to musicians (Lindström, Juslin, Bresin, &
   Only a few studies have examined whether music            Williamon, 2003) who must learn to use body movement
training affects emotion perception from auditory            to visually express intention and emotion (Dahl &
sources beyond the music domain, although some evi-          Friberg, 2007), and must also learn to visually interpret
dence can be drawn from research on linguistic prosody;      the intentions of other musicians in order to communi-
a nonverbal component of speech characterized by var-        cate during live performances (Gardiner, 2008). Never-
iations in pitch, loudness, rhythm, and timbre that can      theless, few studies have explored the effects of music
signify the emotion of an utterance (Wu & Liang, 2011).      training on visual and multisensory perception of emo-
For example, Thompson, Schellenberg, and Husain              tion. Vines, Krumhansl, Wanderley, Dalca, and Levitin
(2004) showed with three experiments that not only           (2011) found that when musicians were presented with
adult trained musicians performed better than nonmu-         the sound and video of a solo clarinet performance, the
sicians when recognizing different emotions from pros-       visual information augmented the emotional content
ody, but that even 6-year-old children trained with          perceived through the sound, compared to when the
musical instruments for one year were better able to         sound was presented alone. This effect did not extend
recognize emotions from prosody compared to children         to nonmusicians in separate studies by Petrini, McAleer,
of the same age that took drama classes for one year.        and Pollick (2010) and Petrini, Crabbe, Sheridan, and
Similarly, Good et al. (2017) showed that children (aged     Pollick (2011), who found that sound dominated the
between 6 and 15 years) who used cochlear implants and       visual signal in the perception of affective expression
undertook six months of piano lessons showed                 of excerpts of drumming and saxophone performances.
enhanced emotional speech prosody perception com-            Additionally, Lima et al. (2016) recently showed that
pared to children with cochlear implants who undertook       individuals with congenital amusia (a lifelong impair-
painting lessons for six months. Finally, Lima and Castro    ment in music perception and production) show
(2011b) assessed the effect of musical experience on rec-    a reduced ability to recognize emotion not only from
ognition of emotions from speech prosody, and showed         prosody and other emotional sounds (e.g., crying) but
that musicians perceived emotion more accurately than        also from silent facial expressions, indicating that
participants with no music training; a difference that was   impairment in music processing affects emotion recog-
found across all six basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear,   nition beyond the auditory domain. Taken together,
happiness, sadness, and surprise; Ekman, 1992). How-         these findings suggest that musicians may place greater
ever, the stimuli consisted of single-speaker sentences,     weight on emotional visual information compared to
whereas studies have indicated that emotion recognition      nonmusicians, at least when perceiving emotions from
is more accurate when stimuli represent multiple people      musical performances. This suggestion has been recently
interacting with the same emotion (Cauldwell, 2000;          supported by Di Mauro et al. (2018), who found that
Clarke, Bradshaw, Field, Hampson, & Rose, 2005). Fur-        musicians placed greater weight on visual information
thermore, the findings of Lima and Castro (2011b) con-       when perceiving emotion from drumming clips. How-
trast with an earlier study by Trimmer and Cuddy             ever, the effect of music expertise on visual and multi-
(2008), which found no association between music train-      sensory perception of emotion has only been tested
ing and recognition of emotional speech prosody. How-        using musical stimuli, where musicians have more
ever, as Trimmer and Cuddy (2008) had carried out            expressive knowledge, and so it remains unclear as to
a correlational study, there was no cut-off specified for    whether this effect extends to visual and multisensory
musicianship and thus no indication of the number of         information in nonmusical domains, where both
Musicianship Enhances Perceived Emotions   325

musicians and nonmusicians can be considered to have          processing in music and language share resources
a similar level of expertise.                                 beyond those specific to sound (Lima & Castro,
   Finally, it remains unclear whether music training         2011b), and to indicate to what extent music can be
affects the feeling of emotion. Indeed, it has been pos-      used as an effective therapeutic device for individuals
tulated that the perception of emotion, whether exhib-        with emotion-processing disorders (e.g., autistic per-
ited by another person or within a piece of music, may        sons; Sharda et al., 2018).
directly induce the same emotion in the perceiver               In light of previous research indicating that musi-
(Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, 1993; Juslin, Harmat,          cians detect emotions more accurately in music and
& Eerola, 2014). For example, Neumann and Strack              speech (Lima & Castro, 2011a; 2011b)—together with
(2000) have shown that listeners often feel the emotions      the acoustic similarities between emotion expression in
portrayed in the vocal expressions of other people, and       music and speech (Juslin & Laukka, 2003)—we hypoth-
similarly, Juslin et al. (2014) were able to induce sadness   esized that musicians would perceive emotions in the

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in listeners by playing music featuring a voice-like cello    auditory-only stimuli faster and more accurately than
timbre performing a song with slow tempo, legato artic-       nonmusicians. Furthermore, given the greater weight
ulation, and a low volume; acoustic features consistent       musicians place on visual information in emotion per-
with the vocal expression of sadness (Juslin & Laukka,        ception from music performance (Di Mauro et al.,
2003). In both cases, the induction of emotion requires       2018; Vines et al., 2011), and their improved multisen-
the detection of sound patterns, and therefore if musi-       sory abilities in other cognitive domains (Lee & Nop-
cians do show enhanced recognition of emotion, it is          peney, 2011, 2014; Petrini et al., 2009), we hypothesized
possible they would be more likely to feel such emotions      that musicians would also be able to detect emotions
themselves. However, the mechanisms through which             faster and more accurately than nonmusicians in the
emotions are induced extend beyond the mere percep-           visual-only and audiovisual conditions. Finally, because
tion of emotion and include other factors such as sub-        some mechanisms of emotion induction depend on
jective appraisal of the stimulus (Roseman & Smith,           recognition of affective cues (Juslin et al., 2014; Neu-
2001; Scherer, 1999). Consequently, emotions felt do not      mann & Strack, 2000), it was hypothesized that if musi-
always coincide with emotions perceived (Juslin &             cians were more accurate at recognizing emotion, they
Laukka, 2004; Scherer, 1999), and it is therefore unclear     would also feel the emotion they had perceived more
whether any perceptual benefit of music training would        frequently than nonmusicians. However, because the
affect emotion induction.                                     induction of emotion involves mechanisms that extend
   The aim of the current study was to investigate            beyond the perception of emotion alone (Roseman
whether music expertise affects the perception and feel-      & Smith, 2001; Scherer, 1999), this latter hypothesis
ing of emotions expressed by others’ social interactions.     remained exploratory.
We used a recently created and validated set of audio-
visual clips depicting two people interacting (Piwek,                                  Method
Petrini, & Pollick, 2016) with angry or happy emotions,
and presented the clips as auditory-only, visual-only,        PARTICIPANTS
and audiovisual combined, to test 1) whether the pre-         The number of participants in each group was similar or
viously found benefit for the combined clips in nonmu-        higher than previous studies investigating the effect of
sicians (Piwek, Pollick, & Petrini, 2015) extends to          music expertise on cognitive and perceptual abilities
musicians; 2) whether musicians’ enhanced ability to          (e.g., Petrini, Holt, & Pollick, 2010; Petrini, Pollick,
recognize emotions from musical gestures extends to           et al., 2011; Bhatara, Tirovolas, Duan, Levy, & Levitin,
nonmusical gestures, thus indicating whether musi-            2011; Lee & Noppeney, 2014; Lu, Paraskevopoulos, Her-
cians’ enhanced ability to recognize emotions is specific     holz, Kuchenbuch, & Pantev, 2014; Lima & Castro,
to speech prosody; 3) whether musicians’ enhanced             2011b). As estimated in a previous study (Di Mauro
ability to recognize emotions extends to their feeling        et al., 2018) the effect size reported in previous research
of such emotions. Specifically, we tested for differences     examining differences in emotion perception and
in how accurately and quickly musicians and nonmusi-          audiovisual perception between musicians and nonmu-
cians recognized the emotion in each clip, and in how         sicians is medium to very large (Cohen’s d  0.50–2.0;
frequently musicians and nonmusicians felt the per-           e.g., Bhatara et al., 2011; Lima & Castro, 2011a; Castro &
ceived emotions. This knowledge is necessary to further       Lima, 2014; Lee & Noppeney, 2014; Lu et al., 2014;
our understanding of how music training affects cogni-        Petrini, Holt, & Pollick, 2010). Hence, we expected at
tive and emotional processes, of whether emotional            least a medium effect size, which required a total sample
326   Eliot Farmer, Crescent Jicol, & Karin Petrini

size of 20. We calculated this sample size by using            portrayed the emotion at medium intensity, and where
G*Power 3.1 (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner, 2007)           the emotion had been identified previously with 75%
and running an a priori power analysis for a repeated          accuracy (Piwek et al., 2016). These criteria were used to
measures ANOVA, within-between interaction and                 avoid any ceiling effects, while ensuring the correct
assuming a Cohen’s F effect size equal to 0.25 (medium         emotion could still be identified above chance. These
effect size), a level of power of 0.80, 2 groups, 6 mea-       clips were then edited in Adobe Premiere Pro 2017 to
surements (2 emotions x 3 modalities), and an alpha            produce auditory-only (where the video was replaced
level of .05.                                                  with a black background) and visual-only (where the
   Forty participants were recruited through opportunity       audio track was muted) versions.
sampling. 20 participants (6 males) were nonmusicians,            Multisensory facilitation is greater when the different
with ages ranging from 18–29 years (M ¼ 21.70, SD ¼            senses have the same reliability (Ernst & Banks, 2002).
2.56). Twenty participants (7 males) were musicians,           As such, a high-cut filter attenuating sound above 280

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with ages ranging from 21–28 years (M ¼ 22.25, SD ¼            Hz was applied to the auditory stimuli using Adobe
2.10). Nonmusicians had no music training other than           Premiere Pro 2017, in order to maintain the vocal pros-
basic music classes within the school curriculum,              ody and intonation while decreasing the auditory reli-
whereas musicians had at least 5 years of music training       ability to a level more similar to the visual stimuli
(ranging from 5–24 years; M ¼ 10.15, SD ¼ 5.86). Musi-         (similarity in reliability between the auditory and visual
cians were instrumentalists who played guitar (n ¼ 10),        information when using this filter was pre-assessed by
piano (n ¼ 10), violin (n ¼ 2), trumpet (n ¼ 2), saxo-         running a small pilot study). The high-cut filter was
phone (n ¼ 2), clarinet (n ¼ 1), and flute (n ¼ 1). All        chosen as a means of reducing the reliability of the
participants were fluent English speakers, had normal          auditory information while emulating real-life condi-
hearing, and had normal (or corrected to normal) vision.       tions and therefore maintaining ecological validity
The study received ethical approval from the Depart-           (Knoll, Uther, & Costall, 2009; Scherer, 2003). Finally,
ment of Psychology Research Ethics Committee at the            the average sound amplitude of each clip was normal-
University of Bath [17-262], and written informed con-         ized to -0.5dBFS using Adobe Premiere Pro 2017 to
sent was obtained from all participants.                       ensure consistency in volume. The clips were exported
                                                               as MPEG-4 (mp4) files with a resolution of 800 by 600
MATERIALS AND STIMULI                                          pixels, a frame rate of 30fps, and Advanced Audio Cod-
The stimuli were selected from a set of audiovisual affec-     ing (AAC) audio with a sample rate of 44.1kHz.
tive clips developed and validated by Piwek et al. (2016).        Thus, the final set of stimuli consisted of 48 clips
The clips represented the biological motion of two peo-        (each lasting between 2500 and 3500ms), comprised
ple interacting in the form of point-light displays, which     of 2 emotions (happiness and anger) expressed by 8
offer the benefit of removing contextual information           different pairs of actors and presented as 3 stimulus
such as clothing or body appearance (Johansson,                types (visual-only, auditory-only, and audiovisual). The
1973). The clips also included dialogue in the form of         stimuli were presented using a 15’’ MacBook Pro laptop
speech prosody of the two people (see details below)           with retina display, and Beyerdynamic DT 880 Pro
which, in addition to the point-light displays, conferred      headphones.
information about movement and some morphological                 We focused our investigation on anger and happiness.
characteristics of the speakers (e.g., body size as depicted   These two emotions were selected because they are both
by formant spacing; Pisanski et al., 2014).                    basic emotions recognized in all cultures (Ekman, 1992),
   This helps prevent emotional bias that may be asso-         and are easy for actors to accurately convey in various
ciated with certain cues such as identity, and ensures         scenarios (Ma, Paterson, & Pollick, 2006; Pollick, Pater-
that visual attention is primarily focussed on body            son, Bruderlin, & Sanford, 2001). Furthermore, anger
movement and expressivity (Hill, Jinno, & Johnston,            and happiness are the most frequently reported emo-
2003). The dialogue in each clip was either a deliberation     tions when people are asked to reflect upon their expe-
consisting of two affirmative sentences (Actor 1: ‘‘I want     rienced emotions, and are also most commonly
to meet with John’’; Actor 2: ‘‘I will speak to him tomor-     experienced as pure emotions, as opposed to combina-
row’’) or an inquiry consisting of a question and answer       tions of multiple other emotions (Scherer & Tannen-
(Actor 1: ‘‘Where have you been?’’; Actor 2: ‘‘I have just     baum, 1986). Finally, both share similar acoustic and
met with John’’).                                              visual properties such as high voice intensity and large
   From the set of clips in Piwek et al. (2016) we selected    movements (Dittrich, Troscianko, Lea, & Morgan, 1996;
eight angry and eight happy audiovisual displays that          Juslin & Laukka, 2003), thus making the discrimination
Musicianship Enhances Perceived Emotions   327

between these emotions a challenging task for both               participant—were presented successfully. Three sepa-
musicians and nonmusicians.                                      rate mixed ANOVAs were used to analyze the three
                                                                 dependent measures. The assumptions of homogeneity
PROCEDURE                                                        of variance and sphericity were tested using Mauchly’s
Participants were tested individually. On arrival, they          test of sphericity and Levene’s test for equality of var-
were given information about the study, and asked to             iances. Both tests were nonsignificant (p > .05) for each
confirm their history of music training (to ensure they          ANOVA, indicating these two assumptions had been
met the criteria for musician or nonmusician). After             met. However, visual inspection of Q-Q plots indicated
giving informed consent, participants were seated                that the assumption of normally distributed residuals
approximately 55 cm from the screen of the laptop, and           was violated for the ANOVA on proportion of emotions
wore the headphones with an intensity at the sound               felt, and outliers were detected in the reaction time data.
source of 60 dB.                                                 Data treatment in relation to these violations is dis-

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   Participants were told they would be watching clips of        cussed in the relevant sections below. Significant find-
two people interacting, and that some clips would be             ings were followed up with pairwise comparisons, with
composed by video and audio, while others only by                Bonferroni correction applied to maintain control of
video, or only by audio. Participants were instructed            family-wise type 1 error.
to make two consecutive responses for each clip. First,
a forced-choice identification of the emotion expressed          RECOGNITION ACCURACY
in the clip by pressing the ‘‘1’’ key on the laptop key-         A response was considered correct when it matched the
board to indicate ‘‘happy,’’ or the ‘‘3’’ key to indicate        intended emotion of the interaction in the stimuli. The
‘‘angry.’’ Participants were asked to respond as quickly         average proportion of correct responses were submitted
as possible when giving this response. Following this            to a mixed ANOVA, with Musical Experience (musician
initial response, participants were instructed to indicate       or nonmusician) as a between factor, and with Emotion
whether they felt the emotion they had perceived by              (happy and angry) and Modality (visual-only, auditory-
pressing either the ‘‘1’’ or ‘‘3’’ key on the laptop keyboard    only, and audiovisual) as within factors. There was a sig-
to indicate ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘No,’’ respectively. Participants were   nificant main effect for Emotion, F(1, 38) ¼ 9.18, p ¼
first presented with three randomly selected practice            .004, 2 ¼ .195, indicating that participants identified
trials, containing one visual-only, one auditory-only,           a higher proportion of emotions correctly when judging
and one audiovisual clip. Following the practice trials,         happy (.75) compared to angry (.63) clips. Additionally,
participants had the opportunity to ask any questions,           the main effect of Emotion was independent of Modal-
and were then presented with the full stimuli set of             ity or Musical Experience, as there was no significant
48 clips, which were presented in a random order. Each           interaction between Modality and Emotion, F(2, 76) ¼
trial began with a black screen and text saying ‘‘Test           0.73, p ¼ .49, or between Musical Experience and Emo-
Clip’’, which lasted for 1 s. This was immediately fol-          tion, F(1, 38) < 0.001, p ¼ .986.
lowed by the clip. Reaction times were measured from                There was no significant main effect for Musical
onset of the clip until the first key was pressed. The next      Experience, F(1, 38) ¼ 0.81, p ¼ .37, but there was
trial began immediately after the participant made their         a significant main effect for Modality, F(2, 76) ¼
second response. MATLAB Release 2017b (MathWorks,                15.10, p < .001, 2 ¼ .284, and a significant interaction
Inc.) software with Psychophysics Toolbox extensions             between Modality and Musical Experience, F(2, 76) ¼
(Brainard, 1997; Kleiner et al., 2007; Pelli, 1997) was          3.46, p ¼ .04, 2 ¼ .083 (Figure 1). Pairwise com-
used to present the stimuli and collect the responses.           parisons with Bonferroni correction indicated that
                                                                 nonmusicians identified a higher proportion of emo-
                          Results                                tions correctly in the audiovisual clips (.76) than in the
                                                                 auditory-only (.62; p < .001; 95% CI [0.062, 0.217]) and
The average value for each dependent measure was cal-            visual-only (.65; p ¼ .01; 95% CI [0.026, 0.188]) clips,
culated from the eight actor interaction clips per condi-        but no differences were found between the auditory-
tion for each participant. Data from a single trial for one      only and visual-only clips (p ¼ 1.00). In contrast,
participant were removed from subsequent analysis                musicians identified a higher proportion of emotions
because Matlab failed to display the clip, and so their          correctly in the audiovisual clips (.77) than in the
7 remaining trials for this condition were used to cal-          visual-only clips (.63; p < .001; 95% CI [0.059, 0.221]),
culate the average value. The remaining 47 clips for this        but no difference was found between the audiovisual and
participant—and all 48 clips for every other                     auditory-only clips (.72; p ¼ .29), or the auditory-only
328   Eliot Farmer, Crescent Jicol, & Karin Petrini

                                                                                                                                            Downloaded from by guest on 28 May 2020
                                                                   FIGURE 2. Mean reaction time (s) of emotion judgements given by
FIGURE 1. Proportion of correct emotion judgements given by        musicians and nonmusicians in response to happy and angry clips
musicians and nonmusicians in the three stimuli modalities when    when collapsing across stimuli modality. Error bars represent standard
collapsing across emotion. Error bars represent standard errors.

and visual-only clips (p ¼ .07). Furthermore, musicians
                                                                      Pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni correction
identified a higher proportion of emotions correctly
                                                                   showed that for musicians, reaction times were signifi-
compared to nonmusicians in the auditory-only clips
                                                                   cantly shorter when responding to the happy clips
(p ¼ .02; 95% CI [0.175, 0.016]), whereas there were
                                                                   (1.207 ms) compared to the angry clips (1.386 ms;
no significant differences between musicians and non-
                                                                   p ¼ .001; 95% CI [0.278, 0.081]). No significant
musicians for the visual-only (p ¼ .55) and audiovisual
                                                                   differences were found between happy (1.296 ms) and
(p ¼ .83) clips. No significant 3-way interaction between
                                                                   angry clips (1.321 ms) for nonmusicians (p ¼ .60), or
Emotion, Modality, and Musical Experience was found,
                                                                   between musicians and nonmusicians for either happy
F(2, 76) ¼ 0.02, p ¼ .98.
                                                                   (p ¼ .62) or angry (p ¼ .73) clips.
  An additional analysis was conducted on the associ-
                                                                      No significant interaction between Modality and
ation between years of music training and recognition
                                                                   Musical Experience, F(2, 76) ¼ 0.66, p ¼ .52, Modality
accuracy for all six different conditions (2 emotions:
                                                                   and Emotion, F(2, 76) ¼ 2.63, p ¼ .08, or Modality,
angry and happy x 3 modalities: auditory-only, visual-
                                                                   Musical Experience, and Emotion, F(2, 76) ¼ 2.05,
only, and audiovisual). Years of music training did not
                                                                   p ¼ .14, was found.
significantly predict the level of accuracy in the musi-
                                                                      An additional analysis was conducted on the associ-
cians’ group for any of the conditions, F(1, 18)  2.04,
                                                                   ation between years of music training and reaction time
p  .17.
                                                                   for all six different conditions (2 emotions: angry and
                                                                   happy x 3 modalities: auditory-only, visual-only and
REACTION TIME                                                      audiovisual). Years of music training significantly pre-
Average reaction times were submitted to a second                  dicted the reaction time in the musicians’ group for all
mixed ANOVA with the same factors as described above.              conditions, F(1, 18)  5.99, p  .03 (Figure 3).
Errors and outliers (reaction times exceeding the mean                Finally, an analysis was conducted to examine
of each participant by 2 SD) were not included in the              whether there was any association between accuracy
analysis. There was no significant main effect for Modal-          of responses and reaction time for musicians and non-
ity, F(2, 76) ¼ 1.66, p ¼ .20, or Musical Experience, F(1,         musicians separately. We found only two significant
38) ¼ 0.01, p ¼ .95. Concerning Emotion, reaction times            associations for the nonmusician group, between the
were shorter for happy clips than for angry clips, F(1, 38)        accuracy and reaction times for happy auditory-only
¼ 8.90, p ¼ .005, 2 ¼ .190, but there was a significant           (r ¼ .85, p < .001) and for happy audiovisual (r ¼
interaction between Emotion and Musical Experience,                .51, p ¼ .02) conditions. No significant associations of
F(1, 38) ¼ 5.03, p ¼ .03, 2 ¼ .117 (Figure 2).                    this type were found for musicians. The same analyses
Musicianship Enhances Perceived Emotions   329

                                                                                                                                                   Downloaded from by guest on 28 May 2020
FIGURE 3. Mean reaction time (s) of emotion judgements plotted as a function of years of music training.

carried out on the average reaction time for only accu-
rate responses returned the same results (see Appendix).

A third mixed ANOVA, with the same factors as above,
was used to analyze the average proportion of responses
where participants reported feeling the emotion they
had perceived. Visual inspection of Q-Q plots indicated
that residuals for each factor level were positively
skewed, demonstrating that while most participants
rarely reported feeling the emotion they had perceived
(average proportion of emotions felt ¼ .20), a small
number of participants reported feeling emotion more
frequently. The analysis was therefore repeated follow-
ing square root transformation of raw data, and subse-
quent Q-Q plot inspection of transformed data                             FIGURE 4. Proportion of happy and angry trials where participants felt
indicated approximately normal residual distribution.                     the emotion they had perceived in visual-only, auditory-only, and
However, analysis using raw and transformed data                          audiovisual clips, collapsing across musical experience. Error bars
revealed equivalent findings, and therefore only the                      represent standard errors.
results using raw data have been reported.
  There was no significant main effect for Emotion,
F(1, 38) ¼ 2.02, p ¼ .16, or Musical Experience, F(1,                     where emotion was felt was lower in the auditory-
38) ¼ 0.05, p ¼ .83, but there was a significant main                     only clips (.13) than in the visual-only (.19; p ¼ .03;
effect for Modality, F(2, 76) ¼ 8.04, p ¼ .001, 2 ¼ .175,                95% CI [0.127, 0.004]) and audiovisual clips (.25;
and a significant interaction between Modality and                        p < .001; 95% CI [0.190, 0.060]), but there was no
Emotion, F(2, 76) ¼ 4.35, p ¼ .02, 2 ¼ .103 (Figure 4).                  significant difference between the visual-only and
Pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni correction indi-                     audiovisual clips (p ¼ .11). For happy clips, the pro-
cated that, for angry clips, the proportion of trials                     portion of trials where emotion was felt was lower in
330   Eliot Farmer, Crescent Jicol, & Karin Petrini

the visual-only clips (.18) than in the audiovisual clips     only or audiovisual conditions. Second, musicians, but
(.26; p ¼ .04; 95% CI [0.141, 0.003]), but there were       not nonmusicians, took longer to respond to angry
no differences between the visual-only and auditory-          stimuli than to happy stimuli, but reaction times did
only clips (.22; p ¼ .89), or the auditory-only and audio-    not differ significantly between musicians and nonmu-
visual clips (p ¼ .71). Finally, within the auditory-only     sicians. Finally, music training did not affect the feeling
clips, the proportion of trials where emotion was felt was    of emotion, but we found that across all participants
significantly higher when the expressed emotion was           anger was felt significantly less often than happiness
happy (.22) than when it was angry (.12; p ¼ .002;            within the auditory-only condition.
95% CI [0.036, 0.151]).                                          Concerning emotion perception, our results are con-
   No significant interaction between Modality and            sistent with prior research by Lima and Castro (2011b),
Musical Experience, F(2, 76) ¼ 0.27, p ¼ .76, Emotion         who found that musicians were more accurate than
and Musical Experience, F(1, 38) ¼ 0.17 p ¼ .69, or           nonmusicians at perceiving emotions expressed in

                                                                                                                            Downloaded from by guest on 28 May 2020
Modality, Musical Experience, and Emotion, F(2, 76)           speech. Additionally, we extend their findings in two
¼ 0.60, p ¼ .55, was found.                                   important ways. First, we found consistent results while
   An additional analysis was conducted on the associ-        using more complex speech prosody stimuli of two peo-
ation between years of music training and felt emotion        ple interacting, thereby indicating that the effect of
for all six different conditions (2 emotions: angry and       music expertise on emotion recognition through speech
happy x 3 modalities: auditory-only, visual-only and          prosody extends to multiagent social interactions. Sec-
audiovisual). Years of music training did not signifi-        ond, by comparing performance for auditory-only,
cantly predict the level of felt emotion in the musicians’    visual-only, and audiovisual conditions, we were able
group for any of the conditions, F(1, 18)  1.62, p  .22.    to test whether perceptual differences between musi-
   The same analyses carried out on the average propor-       cians and nonmusicians were specific to certain com-
tion of felt emotions only for accurate responses             munication channels. Here, our results showed that
returned the same results (see Appendix).                     music expertise had no effect on the accuracy of emo-
   Since a null result does not imply the absence of a dif-   tion perception when the clips were presented in the
ference between musicians and nonmusicians in the             visual-only or audiovisual conditions. This indicates
level of felt emotions, we also calculated Bayes Factors      that the effect of music training on emotion perception
(BF10) to evaluate the strength of evidence in favor of the   of nonmusical stimuli is limited to the auditory domain,
null hypothesis relative to the alternate hypothesis. We      and likely occurs due to the enhanced processing of
used a one-way ANOVA approach with the default JZS            features such as pitch (Moreno et al., 2009), timbre
prior (Jeffreys, 1961; Rouder, Speckman, Sun, Morey, &        (Chartrand & Belin, 2006), and intensity (Hausen
Iverson, 2009; Zellner & Siow, 1980) to get a Bayes Fac-      et al., 2013) associated with extensive music training.
tor for each one of the six conditions (2 emotions x 3           Moreover, we found that for nonmusicians, accuracy
modalities) when comparing musicians and nonmusi-             of emotion recognition improved when stimuli from
cians. We obtained for all conditions BF10 values ranging     both auditory and visual modalities were presented
from .124 to .151, which are considered as moderate           together in the audiovisual condition, compared to the
positive evidence in favor of the null hypothesis (e.g.,      auditory-only and visual-only conditions. This result
Schönbrodt & Wagenmakers, 2018).                             replicates the findings of Piwek et al. (2015), where the
                                                              same stimuli were used, in showing that nonmusicians
                           Discussion                         can increase their emotion recognition accuracy
                                                              through multisensory integration. Musicians, in con-
The aim of this study was to assess whether music             trast, did not show greater accuracy in the audiovisual
expertise affected the perception and feeling of emotion      compared to auditory-only conditions, indicating that
from others’ social interaction through sound alone           accuracy of emotion recognition for musicians did not
(speech prosody) and also through other communica-            benefit significantly from inclusion of the visual infor-
tive modalities such as vision (biological motion) and        mation. Conceptually, the integration of multisensory
sound and vision (speech prosody and biological               emotional information relies on the reliability of the
motion) combined. First, we found that musicians were         sensory modalities being used (Collignon et al., 2008;
more accurate than nonmusicians at perceiving both            Piwek et al., 2015). Indeed, multisensory facilitation
happy and angry emotions within the auditory-only             (e.g., the higher accuracy for audiovisual compared to
condition, but no differences in accuracy were found          auditory-only and visual-only displays) is greatest when
between musicians and nonmusicians for the visual-            sensory cues have similar levels of reliability (Ernst &
Musicianship Enhances Perceived Emotions   331

Banks, 2002), whereas facilitation diminishes when the           affect bursts of happiness were better recognized than
reliability of one cue dominates the other (Alais & Burr,        anger, and Dittrich et al. (1996) found that happy dis-
2004). As such, due to enhanced processing in the audi-          plays of point-light dancers were identified more accu-
tory domain, musicians received the most reliable infor-         rately than angry displays. Furthermore, using the same
mation through the auditory modality (even when                  stimuli as used in our current study, Piwek et al. (2015)
degraded through a high-cut filter), such that the addi-         also found that happiness was identified more accu-
tion of visual information in the audiovisual condition          rately than anger.
did not offer any additional multisensory benefit. This             One explanation for the more accurate recognition of
partly contrasts with the findings of Vines et al. (2011)        happiness over anger found in this study concerns our
and Di Mauro et al. (2018), who found that musicians             use of multiagent interactions. Indeed, research compar-
placed more weight than nonmusicians on visual infor-            ing single and multiagent stimuli has shown that parti-
mation when judging the expressed emotion of music               cipants express a bias toward perceiving emotions as

                                                                                                                                    Downloaded from by guest on 28 May 2020
clips. However, these contrasting results are arguably           angry when listening to single-speaker dialogues (Cauld-
due to an effect of expertise and familiarity, such that         well, 2000), and demonstrate impaired recognition of
musicians, who are visually familiar with music perfor-          happiness when viewing single-actor point-light displays
mances, are consequently more able to integrate visual           (Clarke et al., 2005). This bias may be explained through
information into their judgements when observing such            consideration of the social expression of emotion.
performances.                                                    Namely, happiness is most commonly expressed
   The absence of a multisensory advantage shown by              through enthusiastic and dynamic social interaction
musicians in our study thus probably depends on the              involving multiple people (Shaver, Schwartz, Kirson, &
lack of a difference in expertise between musicians and          O’Connor, 1987), to the extent that our perception of
nonmusicians when judging emotions through nonmu-                happiness may be impaired when the social context is
sical gestures and movements. This is in agreement with          removed (Clarke et al., 2005). In contrast, anger is less
previous findings by Lee and Noppeney (2011), who                often observed in public, and physical and verbal expres-
showed a multisensory advantage in musicians for                 sions of anger can frequently occur in the absence of
a music clip but not for a speech clip. In fact, studies         a second person (Shaver et al., 1987). Thus, whereas the
showing a multisensory advantage for musicians com-              recognition of happiness in single-agent stimuli may be
pared to nonmusicians (Lee & Noppeney, 2011, 2014;               impaired, the recognition of anger would not be affected.
Petrini et al., 2009; Petrini, Holt, & Pollick, 2010; Petrini,   Because we used multiagent stimuli, it is plausible that
Pollick, et al., 2011; Proverbio, Attardo, Cozzi, & Zani,        the perceptual bias against perceiving happiness was
2015) have typically assessed musicians and nonmusi-             reduced in comparison to previous studies using
cians in their multisensory ability for clips representing       single-agent displays, thus accounting for the more accu-
the movements and sound of a musician. This high-                rate recognition of happiness in our results. As such, our
lights that additional factors, such as motor experience         findings add further evidence toward the importance of
and visual familiarity with the stimulus are likely to           considering multiagent social context and first- vs. third-
impact upon multisensory ability.                                person perspective in research on emotion recognition.
   Across all participants, we found that happiness was             Concerning reaction times, musicians, but not non-
identified more accurately than anger. This finding              musicians, gave slower responses when recognizing
stands in contrast to numerous studies showing that              emotion in angry clips than in happy clips. However,
participants identify angry expressions more accurately          reaction times did not differ significantly between musi-
than happy expressions when listening to voices (Banse           cians and nonmusicians overall. A plausible explanation
& Scherer, 1996), watching single-actor body movement            for this finding concerns a more pronounced speed-
(Pollick et al., 2001), and watching two people interact-        accuracy trade-off exhibited by musicians. Specifically,
ing (Clarke et al., 2005). Additionally, studies have also       musicians are trained to carefully analyze sound, and
found that detection of anger elicits activation in brain        consequently exhibit longer processing times when
regions associated with autonomic defensive behaviour            responding to auditory stimuli that are ambiguous or
in relation to threat (such as the amygdala and hypo-            difficult to interpret (Chartrand & Belin, 2006; Münzer,
thalamus) and may therefore signify an evolutionary              Berti, & Pechmann, 2002). Musicians must also learn to
benefit of anger detection (Pichon, de Gelder, & Grezes,         carefully interpret visual cues of emotion and intention
2008). Conversely, other studies have found more com-            when performing or rehearsing (Gardiner, 2008); for
parable results to ours. For example, Belin, Fillion-            example, to recognize when another performer will
Bilodeau, and Gosselin (2008) showed that nonverbal              begin a solo, or to ensure they play the final note of
332   Eliot Farmer, Crescent Jicol, & Karin Petrini

a song in synchrony with other instrumentalists               et al., 2008). Conversely, perception of anger through
(Palmer, 1997). As such, musicians may exhibit compa-         sound alone can indicate the presence of a threat that
rable speed-accuracy trade-offs when processing both          cannot be seen, and may therefore be more likely to
auditory and visual stimuli. In our current study, recog-     induce escape-related emotions such as fear (Danesh,
nition of anger was less accurate than recognition of         1977). This is consistent with studies showing that
happiness, therefore indicating that angry clips were         regions associated with our own feelings of anger, such
overall harder to interpret. Additionally, numerous           as the amygdala (Phan, Wager, Taylor, & Liberzon, 2002),
studies have consistently indicated that happiness is the     are more responsive to visual than auditory expressions
most common emotion expressed through music (Juslin           of anger (Costafreda, Brammer, David, & Fu, 2008). In
& Laukka, 2004; Lindström et al., 2003), and it is there-    contrast, happiness is often felt automatically in response
fore plausible that musicians are less familiar with          to both visual (Deng & Hu, 2018; Seibt et al., 2015) and
expressions of anger compared to happiness. In this           auditory (Johnstone, van Reekum, Oakes, & Davidson,

                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 28 May 2020
case, the existence of a more pronounced speed-               2006) expressions of happiness, and is less dependent on
accuracy trade-off would explain why musicians in this        appraisal of the situation (Deng & Hu, 2018; Seibt et al.,
current study spent more time processing the angry            2015). In this context, our study provides further evi-
clips across all sensory conditions. However, we found        dence for the importance of contextual factors in the
that with the increase in years of music training there       induction of emotion, such that, while happiness may
was an increase in reaction time for all the emotions and     be felt in response to both auditory and visual stimuli,
modalities, such that musicians with more training or         anger is predominantly felt in response to visual stimuli.
experience took longer to recognize both happy and               Finally, the lack of an effect of music expertise on felt
angry emotions in all sensory conditions (auditory-           emotion, in contrast to the found effect of music exper-
only, visual-only, and audiovisual). This speed accuracy      tise on perceived emotion, supports the hypothesis that
trade-off effect did not result however in higher levels of   a speech-music interaction might occur at an early level
accuracy or higher levels of felt emotion in more expe-       of processing. This agrees with reports (Musacchia,
rienced musicians, therefore indicating that the slower       Sams, Skoe, & Kraus, 2007; Strait, Kraus, Skoe & Ashley,
answers of musicians for the angry clips cannot be fully      2009) of musical expertise affecting subcortical (brain-
explained by a speed-accuracy trade-off.                      stem) level processing of vocal signs of emotion. The
   Regarding the proportion of trials where emotions          difference between perceived and felt emotion also sup-
were felt as well as perceived, no differences were found     ports the previously postulated separation between these
between musicians and nonmusicians, indicating that           processes in music (Gabrielsson, 2001) and extends this
neither music training or accuracy of emotion recogni-        differentiation to voice prosody and musical expertise.
tion affected the felt emotion. We did, however, find that    Finally, although studies comparing perceived and felt/
across all participants anger was felt significantly less     evoked emotions and differences in brain responses
often than happiness within the auditory-only condition.      between musicians and nonmusicians are rare, a recent
Here, it is possible that the expressions of anger in our     study by Brattico et al. (2016) has shown a neural dis-
study were perceived with lower intensity or clarity com-     sociation between perceiving sadness and happiness and
pared to the expressions of happiness and were conse-         evaluating pleasure-related processes from music, with
quently less likely to induce emotion. However, although      musicians showing increased activation in areas related
this is consistent with our finding that angry expressions    to proprioception and salience detection, such as the
were recognized less accurately than happy expressions,       insula and the anterior cingulate cortex. Future studies
it would not explain why the differences in felt emotion      could examine whether a neural dissociation between
were only found for the auditory-only stimuli.                perceived and felt emotion is present also for vocal emo-
   An alternative explanation concerns the importance of      tional signals and whether areas involved in processing
contextual factors in the induction of happiness and          sound are specifically modulated by musicianship in the
anger, such that auditory expressions of anger may            brain network subtending emotion perception.
induce different emotions to visual expressions of anger.
Specifically, Deng and Hu (2018) and Seibt, Mühlberger,      LIMITATIONS
Likowski, and Weyers (2015) have shown that the induc-        Many other participants’ characteristics and predisposi-
tion of anger is dependent on appraisal of the situation.     tions besides music practice and training (e.g., socio-
Indeed, visual detection of anger often signifies a direct    educational background, general intellectual level or
threat in the proximate environment and may conse-            personality characteristics; Lima and Castro, 2011b)
quently induce anger as an adaptive response (Pichon          could predict or be associated with music training and
Musicianship Enhances Perceived Emotions   333

thus be different in musicians and nonmusicians. Our                 would have enabled more thorough interpretation of
participants were mostly university students and thus                our findings. Most notably, this would have helped
the sample was quite homogeneous, and we do replicate                determine the factors that influence felt emotions. That
findings from studies that did control for some of the               is, despite anger and happiness being considered high
aforementioned characteristics (e.g., Lima and Castro,               intensity emotions, in the absence of intensity ratings, it
2011b). However, we did not measure at what age musi-                remains unclear whether, for example, the lack of dif-
cians started their training, the frequency of their prac-           ference between musicians and nonmusicians in felt
tice, control for cognitive abilities, or ask for socio-             emotion was due to low emotional intensity portrayed
educational characteristics, and thus we cannot dismiss              by the chosen stimuli. Future studies should obtain
that these factors may be linked to music training and               a measure of emotional intensity to clarify this point.
consequently to the effect of music training on emotion
recognition (Herholz & Zatorre, 2012; Strait, O’Connell,

                                                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 28 May 2020
Parbery-Clark & Kraus, 2014); Swaminathan & Schel-
lenberg, 2018). Future studies should include these mea-             In conclusion, this current study provides empirical
sures and use them as covariates (if not variables of                evidence that, through improving auditory capabilities,
interest) to control for their influence.                            music training enhances perception and recognition of
   The second limitation concerns the two emotions                   emotion from others’ social interaction when delivered
used in our study. Happiness and anger were selected                 through sound, but not through vision. This indicates
as they are both easy for actors to convey in social                 that the overlap between music and language processes
interactions, and both are high intensity emotions,                  is specific to sound, and does not generalize to other
thereby making discrimination between them more dif-                 communicative channels. Furthermore, we show that
ficult (Dittrich et al., 1996; Juslin & Laukka, 2003).               music expertise enhances the ability to recognize emo-
However, without multiple emotions to choose from,                   tions from others, but not the feeling of such emotions,
participants had to engage with a forced-choice scenario             indicating that the effect of music training is confined to
where biases in emotion misidentification may have                   perceptual processes of emotion. Although the literature
become more problematic. Pertaining to our present                   on the effect of music training on emotion perception
study, aforementioned research has indicated that anger              from stimuli other than music still remains in its
is misidentified as happiness more frequently than hap-              infancy, the current findings have promising implica-
piness is misidentified as anger (Dittrich et al., 1996;             tions not only theoretically but also in terms of appli-
Lima & Castro, 2011b), and it is therefore possible that             cation. Indeed, if emotion recognition in music and
participants in this current study may have been biased              speech share common auditory mechanisms that are
towards interpreting stimuli as being happy. Addition-               affected by music training, music may present a useful
ally, we cannot separate the effects of the specific emo-            rehabilitative device for assisting persons who have dif-
tions used here and emotional valence effects, as we had             ficulty interpreting (rather than feeling) emotions from
one positive and one negative emotion. Thus, future                  vocal expression; a symptom present in disorders such
research would benefit from including additional emo-                as autism (Korpilahti et al., 2007).
tions (both positive and negative) to avoid these types of
biases and disentangle the contribution of specific emo-
                                                                                             Author Note
tions from that of emotional valence.
   Finally, we did not ask participants to rate the inten-             Correspondence concerning this article should be
sity of the emotion they perceived in each display.                  addressed to Dr. Karin Petrini, Department of Psychol-
Although we found interesting results based on the                   ogy, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2
measures we had used, inclusion of intensity ratings                 7AY, United Kingdom. E-mail:


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