Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children; an Emerging Global Threat - A Review - International ...

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                           Vol.8; Issue: 7; July 2021
Review Article                                                              E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

  Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children;
       an Emerging Global Threat - A Review
                                 AR Shabaraya1, Archana KU2
                                    Professor & Head, 2Student Pharm D,
   Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Mangalore, Karnataka-574143
                                       Corresponding Author: Archana K U

ABSTRACT                                                  rashes, Gastrointestinal symptoms such as
                                                          (abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea),
MIS C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in               hypotension and shock [1]. On April 25,
Children) is a disease related to post COVID-             2020, the United Kingdom's National Health
19 sequelae. Differential diagnosis includes
                                                          Service alerted physicians of a newly
Kawasaki disease, Bacterial sepsis, toxic shock
                                                          recognized       syndrome     with      severe
syndrome, Appendicitis, Macrophage activation
syndrome. Clinical Presentations include high             multisystem inflammation in children with
grade fever, rashes, Gastrointestinal symptoms            clinical features similar to those found in
like (abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea),                Kawasaki disease and toxic shock syndrome
hypotension and shock. The pathogenesis of                    . The new illness was temporally linked to
MIS-C is unknown, and a postinfective etiology            COVID-19, with symptoms appearing 3-4
has been hypothetical but unproven. Antibodies            weeks after an increase in COVID-19
to SARS-CoV-2 appear in the second week                   occurrence in a specific geographic area.
following infection, although their existence             Additional cases of children with a hyper
does not suggest infection resolution.                    inflammatory syndrome involving several
Laboratory markers of inflammation, such as
                                                          systems were reported in subsequent
CRP, are elevated. IVIG, Glucocorticoids such
                                                          publications from different European
as     methyl      prednisolone,     Antibiotics,
thromboprophylaxis with Light Molecular                   nations and the United States [5].
Weight Heparin are the management options.                DEFINITION
Since the available information doesn't allow to                   According to CDC, the case
formulate well-established guidelines or                  definition for MIS C is a person younger
recommendations for MIS-C treatment, and
                                                          than 21 years of age with fever (>38.0°C for
therefore the long-term sequelae of the illness
aren't yet known.                                         ≥24 hours), signs of inflammation in the
                                                          laboratory(increased C-reactive protein
Keywords: MIS C, IVIG, Kawasaki disease                   (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate
                                                          (ESR), fibrinogen, procalcitonin, d-dimer,
INTRODUCTION                                              ferritin, lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH),
       According to current data there are                interleukin 6 (IL-6), elevated neutrophils,
3,07,95, 716 SARS Covid 19 active cases in                reduced lymphocytes and low albumin)and
india and 4,07,145 deaths were reported [3].              signs of clinically serious illness requiring
MIS C is a disease associated with post                   hospitalization with multisystem organ
COVID 19 sequelae. Differential diagnosis                 involved [4].
includes Kawasaki disease, Bacterial sepsis,              Kawasaki Disease
Toxic shock syndrome, Appendicitis,                              Kawasaki disease (KD), also known
Macrophage activation syndrome. Clinical                  as Kawasaki syndrome, is a febrile sickness
Presentations include high grade fever,                   with unknown etiology that mostly affects

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A R Shabaraya Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children; an emerging global threat-a review

children under the age of five. Clinical signs              proBNP and Troponin, coronary
include fever, rash, swelling of the hands                  aneurysm, hypoperfusion, hypotension
and feet, irritation and redness of the whites              Tachycardia
of the eyes, swollen lymph glands in the                   Respiratory symptoms such as cough,
neck, and irritation and inflammation of the                tachypnea, chest congestion, chest
mouth, lips, and throat[9]. Laboratory                      infiltrates [7],[8].
markers of inflammation, such as CRP, are
elevated, similar to MIS-C. Patients with              PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
KD exhibit leukocytosis with neutrophil                        The pathogenesis of MIS-C is
predominance and thrombocytosis, which                 unknown, and a post infective etiology has
are slightly different hematologic disorders.          been hypothetical but unproven. Antibodies
Thrombocytopenia has been reported in KD               to SARS-CoV-2 appear in the second week
patients, however it is uncommon. The                  following infection, although their existence
cardiac findings in MIS-C differ from those            does not suggest infection resolution. In
in KD because MIS-C patients are                       comparison to adults with severe COVID-
substantially more likely to have cardiac              19 causing acute respiratory distress
dysfunction and hypotension than coronary              syndrome (ARDS) and adults who
artery anomalies.                                      recovered from mild disease, a recent study
                                                       found inefficient and reduced neutralising
Toxic shock syndrome                                   antibody activity against SARS–CoV-2 in
         Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a               patients with MIS-C, implying a reduced
life-threatening condition marked by fever,            protective serological response[11]. The virus
hypotension, a sunburn-like rash, and end-             is rarely found in the respiratory system of
organ destruction. TSS was once linked to              MIS-C patients, but other organs, such as
the use of high-absorbency tampons by                  the gastrointestinal tract, have yet to be
menstruation women; however these were                 studied [12].
finally phased out of the market. Since then,                  Although the presence of SARS-
it's been increasingly crucial to consider             CoV-2-specific T cells in the peripheral
non-menstrual instances. TSS is thought to             blood of recovered and COVID-ARDS
affect 0.8 to 3.4 per 100,000 in the United            adult patients has recently been reported, no
States [10].                                           such reports have yet been reported in
                                                       children, and the biological significance of
CLINICAL FEATURES                                      SARS-CoV-2-reactive T cells, whether
        MIS C patients present with                    protective or even detrimental, is still
symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease like              unknown[13].
symptoms such as Fever, Conjunctivitis,                        It's also been suggested that the
rash, myalgia, stomatitis, lymphadenopathy,            SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein shape has a
extensively swelling with erythema.                    direct effect on immunological activation.
 Gastrointestinal symptoms similar to                 Indeed, new evidence suggests that the
    viral gastroenteritis which include                SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein has a
    nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,                  superantigen-like domain with sequence and
    diarrhea elevated AST/ALT [6].                     structural similarities to Staphylococcal
 Kawasaki disease like features were                  enterotoxin B, which could be responsible
    seen in many patients such as skin rash,           for the hyperinflammation seen in MIS-C
    oral mucosal changes such red lips,                and adults with severe COVID-19 and
    strawberry like tongue.                            cytokine storm[14].
 Cardiovascular       abnormalities     such
    myocardial      dysfunction,     elevated

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A R Shabaraya Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children; an emerging global threat-a review

  Laboratory Investigations           Complete blood count: leukocytosis and lymphopenia can be seen.
                                      CRP: CRP elevation
                                      Coagulation: Hyperfibrinogenemia is typical, PT and PTT should be monitored to investigate a
                                       prothrombotic state. In case D-dimer is measured, high levels should be interpreted as
                                       potentially related to the hyperinflammatory state.
                                      Electrolytes: Hyponatremia may be seen.
                                      Liver function tests: MIS-C cases with gallbladder hydrops (that may cause
                                       hyperbilirubinemia) have been described.
                                      Kidney function tests: MIS-C cases with acute kidney injury have been observed.
                                      Blood gas analysis: To assess gas exchange and the presence of metabolic acidosis. High
                                       lactates have been described in MIS-C patients without evidence of sepsis.
                                      Cultures of blood, urine, and faeces
                                      EBV, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Coxackievirus, Echovirus, Adenovirus, Influenza, and VRS
                                       serologies When serologies are positive, PCR testing should be obtained as soon as possible.
  Performed in case of                Peripheral smear
  Hyperinflammatory state in          Triglycerides, Total protein, Total Albumin levels
  laboratory investigations           CPK, LDH
                                      Troponins and NTpro-BNP
  Imaging                             EKG + Echocardiogram: to look for evidence of myocarditis, valvular insufficiency,
                                       pericarditis, cardiac tamponade, and coronary abnormalities (if cardiac enzymes are elevated or
                                       if clinical suspicion exists). In the event of a cardiac arrest, an echocardiogram may be used to
                                       rule out dehydration.
                                      Chest X-RAY
                                      Abdomen US: in case of gastrointestinal symptoms[15].

TREATMENT                                                              3. Consider Dexamethasone 10 mg/m2 q1d
       The goal of the treatment may vary                                  just in case of sHLH or CNS
consistent with the patient. The treatment                                 involvement
may depend on the clinical presentations of                                    i or ii should be chosen counting on
the patient. Medications given below are                               disease severity, supported clinical/
that the common treatment approach                                     laboratory features. Methylprednisolone
observed in several studies.                                           pulses are recommended just in case of
                                                                       sHLH diagnosis/suspicion.
        2g/kg IV (up to 70-80 g) to be                                 ALTENATIVETREATMENTOPTIONS
administered over a minimum of 12 h in                                          Large-spectrum antibiotics: while
patients with heart failure immunoglobulins                            expecting microbiology tests
should be administered over a minimum of                                       Acetylsalicylic acid: 5 mg/kg for a
16 h or, alternatively, the whole dose                                 minimum of 6-8 wks. Just in case coronary
should be splitted in two infusions 12 h                               abnormalities are found, ask AHA
apart. A second dose of immunoglobulins                                recommendations for Kawasaki Disease [16].
should be considered just in case of                                           Thromboprophylaxis with LMWH:
inadequate response [19].                                              Since adults with COVID-19 are at high risk
                                                                       of thromboembolism, and given the high
GLUCOCORTICOIDS                                                        inflammatory state of youngsters with MIS-
        To be administered with IVIG                                   C, it appears reasonable to start out
upfront just in case of heart involvement,                             prophylaxis with LMWH. As per ISTH
severe disease, impendings HLH or toxic                                recommendations [17], risk stratification
shock syndrome.                                                        should be done supported D-Dimer and
1. Methylprednisolone1 mg/kg BID IV                                    other known pro-thrombotic factors. Just in
2. Methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg (max 1 g)                               case of D-Dimer>5X normal values and/or
    IV pulse q1d for 1-3 days, followed by                             presence of other known pro-thrombotic
    Methylprednisolone         i.v./Prednisone                         factors, Enoxaparin100UI/kg BID should be
    orally, supported the      severity     of                         administered. Eculizumab: just in case of
    clinical/laboratory features                                       acute renal failure and evidence of

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