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                                                               FOR AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES

                                                                                           Su Pang and Hayder Radha

                                                                       Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
arXiv:2103.07783v1 [cs.RO] 13 Mar 2021

                                         The ability of an autonomous vehicle to perform 3D track-
                                         ing is essential for safe planing and navigation in cluttered
                                         environments. The main challenges for multi-object track-
                                         ing (MOT) in autonomous driving applications reside in
                                         the inherent uncertainties regarding the number of objects,
                                         when and where the objects may appear and disappear, and
                                         uncertainties regarding objects’ states. Random finite set
                                         (RFS) based approaches can naturally model these uncer-
                                         tainties accurately and elegantly, and they have been widely
                                         used in radar-based tracking applications. In this work, we
                                         developed an RFS-based MOT framework for 3D LiDAR
                                         data. In partiuclar, we propose a Poisson multi-Bernoulli
                                         mixture (PMBM) filter to solve the amodal MOT problem
                                         for autonomous driving applications. To the best of our
                                         knowledge, this represents a first attempt for employing an
                                         RFS-based approach in conjunction with 3D LiDAR data
                                         for MOT applications with comprehensive validation using             Fig. 1. Overview of the proposed PMBM tracker pipeline.
                                         challenging datasets made available by industry leaders. The         For each frame, many 3D detections are generated by a
                                         superior experimental results of our PMBM tracker on pub-            neural-network-based 3D detector, as the red bounding boxes
                                         lic Waymo and Argoverse datasets clearly illustrate that an          shown in the top two figures illustrate. Our PMBM tracker
                                         RFS-based tracker outperforms many state-of-the-art deep             could successfully track targets and filter out false positives.
                                         learning-based and Kalman filter-based methods, and con-             In the lower two figures, different bounding box colors corre-
                                         sequently, these results indicate a great potential for further      spond to different unique tracked IDs. The green pentagon in
                                         exploration of RFS-based frameworks for 3D MOT applica-              the center of each figure represents the ego vehicle pose. All
                                         tions.                                                               figures are in top-down view. Better viewed in color.

                                             Index Terms— Autonomous Vehicle, Multi-Object Track-
                                         ing, Random Finite Set, LiDAR                                        finite set (RFS)[4, 5, 6] based approaches have opened the
                                                                                                              door for developing theoretically sound Bayesian frameworks
                                                            1. INTRODUCTION                                   that naturally model all the aforementioned uncertainties ac-
                                         Multiple object tracking (MOT) is a critical module for en-          curately and elegantly.
                                         abling an autonomous vehicle achieve robust perception of                 RFS-based MOT algorithms have been shown to be very
                                         its environment and consequently achieve safe maneuvering            effective for radar-based MOT applications [7, 8]. In par-
                                         within the environment surrounding the vehicle. The main             ticular, Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) filtering
                                         challenges for MOT in autonomous driving applications are            has shown superior tracking performance and favourable
                                         threefold: (1) uncertainty in the number of objects; (2) uncer-      computational cost [9] when compared to other RFS-based
                                         tainty regarding when and where the objects may appear and           approaches. Consequently, under this work, we propose
                                         disappear; (3) uncertainty in objects’ states. Traditional filter-   a PMBM filter to solve the amodal MOT problem for au-
                                         ing based methods, such as Kalman filtering [1, 2, 3], perform       tonomous driving applications (Fig 1). Applying RFS-based
                                         well in state update and estimation but can hardly model the         trackers for 3D LiDAR data and/or for 2D/3D amodal detec-
                                         unknown number of objects, and the so-called birth and death         tions (bounding boxes) has not been well explored. Existing
                                         phenomena of objects. Meanwhile, the emergence of random             works in this area either under-perform state-of-the-art track-
2.1. Object State
                                                                  The object states used in this work is defined as x =
                                                                  [x, y, vx , vy ], where x and y represent the 2D location of the
                                                                  object, vx and vy are the velocities along x and y directions
                                                                  respectively. The reasons that we define the states in this com-
                                                                  pressed way are as follows: first, the z value does not change
                                                                  dramatically for consecutive frames; second, the dimension
                                                                  of the objects are already precise from a neural network based
                                                                  detector; therefore, it is not necessary to incorporate all 3D
                                                                  information; third, reducing the state dimension inherently
                                                                  enables the tracking system operate at a lower computational
                                                                  cost for real-time performance. Under this work, our PMBM
                                                                  tracker is designed as a point-based tracker. The center points
                                                                  of the objects, which are initially output from the detector,
                                                                  are tracked using unique tracked IDs, while the bounding box
Fig. 2. PMBM tracker system architecture. There are four pri-     dimensions (height, width, length) are directly extracted from
mary components: (1) PMBM Predictions; (2) Data Associa-          the detection measurements.
tion; (3) PMBM Update; and (4) Reduction. PPP represents
Poisson point process, and MBM stands for multi-Bernoulli         2.2. Detected and Undetected Objects
mixture. The detail for each component is provided in Section     Under the PMBM model, the set of objects xt at timestamp
2.                                                                t is the union of detected objects xdt and undetected objects
                                                                  xut . Detected objects xdt are objects that have been detected at
ers or they have been tested using a small dataset that do not    least once. Undetected objects xut are objects that are not de-
reflect broad and truly challenging scenarios [10, 11, 12].       tected. Note that we are not explicitly tracking the undetected
We believe that RFS-based methods could provide robust            objects, which is impossible under a tracking-by-detection
and highly-effective solution for these emerging detection        framework. Instead, we have a representation of their pos-
modalities.                                                       sible existences. For example, if we consider an autonomous
    The contributions of our paper are as follows: (1) We pro-    car under a scenario where a large truck blocks part of the
pose a PMBM filter to solve the amodal MOT problem for            view. It is possible that some objects are located in the oc-
autonomous driving applications. To the best of our knowl-        cluded area behind the truck, and hence, these objects are in-
edge, this represents a first attempt for employing an RFS-       herently undetected.
based approach in conjunction with 3D LiDAR data and neu-
                                                                  2.3. Data Association Hypotheses
ral network-based detectors. (2) We demonstrate that our
PMBM tracker is low-complexity, and it can run at an av-          For each timestamp, there are multiple hypotheses for data
erage rate of 20 Hz on a standard desktop. (3) We validate        association. For our measurement-driven framework, each
and test the performance of our PMBM tracker using two            measurement, either it is a newly detected target, a previously
extensive open datasets provided by two industry leaders –        detected target, or a false positive detection. We form dif-
Waymo [13] and Argoverse [14]. These datasets, which have         ferent global association hypotheses from possible combina-
more than 80000 diverse testing frames, clearly demonstrate       tions of the single target hypothesis (STH). Gating is used to
that our tracker outperforms many state-of-the-art methods        reduce the total number of hypotheses and only keeps rea-
under realistic driving conditions. It is worth noting that our   sonable ones. Murty’s algorithm [15], an extension of the
PMBM tracker ranks No.2 in average MOTA and No.1 in ve-           Hungarian algorithm [16] is used to generate K best global
hicle MOTA among all the entries that use the organizer pro-      hypotheses instead of only one.
vided detections on the Argoverse dataset.
                                                                  2.4. PMBM Density
                      2. APPROACH
                                                                  Under the PMBM model, we use Poisson RFS, also named
The PMBM filter is a relatively new approach to the MOT           as Poisson point process (PPP) to represent undetected ob-
problem. It is able to track objects based on a Bayesian frame-   jects, and multi-Bernoulli mixture (MBM) RFS to represent
work, and it models undetected objects and detected objects       detected objects. The PMBM density is defined as a convo-
using two distinct probability distributions. The high-level      lution of a PPP density for undetected objects and a MBM
system of the proposed PMBM MOT tracker architecture is           density for detected objects:
shown in Fig 2. As shown in the figure, the tracker consists of                              X
four primary components: (1) PMBM Predictions; (2) Data                   PMBMt (x) =              Pt (xu )MBMt (xd )    (1)
Association; (3) PMBM Update; and (4) Reduction.                                           xu ]xd =x
where x represents all the objects in the surveillance area, and        There are two different types of updates for detected ob-
where x is the disjoint union set of undetected objects xu and     jects: the objects being detected for the first time and the de-
detected objects xd . P(·) and MBM(·) are the Poisson point        tected objects from the previous timestamp. Our tracker is a
process density and multi-Bernoulli mixture density, respec-       measurement-driven framework: an object must be connected
tively.                                                            to a measurement in order to be classified as detected for the
                                                                   first time. All the undetected PPP intensity components and
2.5. PMBM Prediction                                               corresponding gated measurements are considered to gener-
A crucial aspect of the PMBM filter is its conjugacy prop-         ate the fused distribution. Note that the detections provided
erty, which was proved in [17]. The notion of conjugacy is         from a neural network always have confident scores attached
quite critical for robust and accurate Bayesian-based MOT.         to them. This confident score is an invaluable indicator of the
In summary, the conjugacy of the PMBM filter inplies that if       object probability of existence. So unlike a standard PMBM
the prior is in a PMBM form, then the distribution after the       filter, we incorporate the detection confident score into the
Bayesian prediction and update steps will be of the same dis-      update step of objects detected for the first time. We get a
tribution form. Therefore, the prediction stage of a PMBM          new Bernoulli process for each first-time detected object. As
filter can be written as: Z                                        for detected objects from the previous timestamp, if there are
                                                                   measurements associated with them, then for each hypothesis,
  PMBMt+1|t (xt+1 ) = p(xt+1 |xt )PMBMt|t (xt )δxt                 a standard Kalman filter is used to update the state vector, the
                                                            (2)    updated probability of existence is set to 1 because one can
                                                                   not associate a measurement to an object that does not exist;
where p(xt+1 |xt ) represents the transition density. Constant     if there is no measurement associated with an object, which
velocity model is used as the motion model in this work for        was detected from a previous frame, then we maintain the ob-
simplicity. Under the PMBM filter, undetected and detected         ject predicted state unchanged. Furthermore, we decrease the
objects can be predicted independently. We define Ps as the        probability of existence and weight with (1 − Pd ). Note that
probability of survival, which models the probability that an      Pd here is related to the associated detection confident score
object survives from one time step to the next. For unde-          in the past frames. Here, unlike other standard Kalman filter
tected objects, the predicted parameters consist of predicted      based trackers, the survival time of detected objects without
parameters from the previous timestamp and PPP birth pa-           measurement varies based on the tracking status from the pre-
rameters. The weight of each undetected object is scaled           vious time period.
by Ps in the prediction step. For detected objects, which
are modeled as multi-Bernoulli mixture RFSs, each multi-           2.7. Reduction
Bernoulli (MB) process can also be predicted independently         The assignment problem in MOT will theoretically become
of the other MB processes. The probability of existence for        NP-hard[18], and hence, the reduction of the number of hy-
each MB-modeled object is decreased by a factor Ps in order        potheses is necessary for decreasing the computational com-
to account for the higher uncertainty of existence within the      plexity and maintain real-time performance. Five reduction
Prediction stage.                                                  techniques are used in this work: pruning, capping, gating,
                                                                   recycling and merging. Pruning is used to remove objects
2.6. PMBM Update                                                   and global hypotheses with low weights. Capping is used to
                                                                   set an upper bound for the number of global hypotheses and
Furthermore, by adding information from the measurement
                                                                   detected objects. Gating refers to limiting the search distance
model p(zt |xt ), the PMBM density can be updated with:
                                                                   for data association, and where Mahalanobis distance is used
  PMBMt+1|t+1 (xt+1 ) =                                            here instead of Euclidean distance. Recycling is applied to
                    p(zt+1 |xt+1 )PMBMt+1|t (xt+1 )                detected objects with lower probability of existence. In that
                                                            (3)    context, instead of discarding these objects, we recycle them
                   p(xt+1 |x0t+1 )PMBMt+1|t (x0t+1 )δx0t
                                                                   by moving them from detected object set to undetected object
In the update step, the undetected objects that do not have        set. There may be non-unique global hypotheses, and hence,
any measurement associated with them remain undetected.            merging would merge these identical global hypotheses into
The Bayesian update will thus not change the states or vari-       one.
ances of the Poisson distributions since no new information                             3. EXPERIMENT
is added. Here we define Pd as the probability of detection,
which models an object ought to be detected with that prob-        3.1. Settings
ability. For undetected objects without measurement associ-        Dataset. We evaluate our method on two popular open dataset
ated, the weight is thus decreased with a factor (1 − Pd ) as      provided by two industry leaders: Waymo [13] and Argov-
to account for the decreased probability of existing. For de-      erse [14]. Waymo 3D tracking dataset contains 800 training
tected object, the predicted state is updated by weighting in      segments, 202 validation segments and 150 testing segments.
the information contained in the measurement.                      Each segment includes ∼ 200 frames covering 20 seconds.
Method                      Split          Class MOTA (%) ↑ MOTP ↓ #False Possitive ↓ #Misses ↓ #IDS ↓ #FRAG ↓
   Argoverse Baseline [14]         validation       Vehicle   63.15     0.37      17385          19811      122     323
    Our PMBM Tracker               validation       Vehicle   68.70    0.375      10644          20782      271    1116
   Argoverse Baseline [14]         validation      pedestrian 41.70    0.257       3783          14411      113     123
    Our PMBM Tracker               validation      pedestrian 45.50    0.249       4935          11653     201     903
   Argoverse Baseline [14]            test          Vehicle   65.90     0.34      15693          23594     200     393
    Our PMBM Tracker                  test          Vehicle   71.67     0.34       8278          24165     362     1217
   Argoverse Baseline [14]            test         pedestrian 48.31     0.37       4933          25780     424     387
    Our PMBM Tracker                  test         pedestrian 48.56     0.4        5924          24278     783     1750
                         Table 1. Quantitative comparison of 3D MOT evaluation results on Argoverse dataset

                  Method                   Split   Class MOTA (Primary) (%) ↑   MOTP ↓ False Possitive (%) ↓ Misses (%) ↓
            Waymo Baseline [13]            test    All         25.92             0.263        13.98             64.55
           Argoverse Baseline [14]         test    All         29.14             0.270        17.14             53.47
            Probabilistic KF [3]           test    All         36.57             0.270         8.32             54.02
            Our PMBM Tracker               test    All         38.51             0.270         7.74             52.86
                           Table 2. Quantitative comparison of 3D MOT evaluation results on Waymo dataset

There are ∼ 40400 frames in the validation set and ∼ 30000              the impact of the quality of input detections is inherently
frames in the testing set. Three classes are evaluated: vehicle,        of a paramount importance. But our performance is still
pedestrian and cyclist.                                                 very competitive compared to other entries that use better
    Argoverse 3D tracking dataset consists of 113 total num-            self-generated detections.
ber of segments (scenes) and 15-30 seconds for each segment.                It is worth noting that our tracker has superior perfor-
The data is divided into three sets: 65 segments for train-             mance for the vehicle case compared to pedestrian tracking.
ing (∼ 13000 frames), 24 segments for validation (∼ 5000                We believe that this is attributed to the fact that the distance
frames) and 24 segments for test (∼ 4200 frames). Since our             between pedestrians are much smaller than distances among
method is not a learning based method, we don’t need to use             vehicles. Thus, since our tracker is a point-based method, it is
the training set; but validation set is used for tuning the pa-         unable to process object dimension, and consequently, close
rameters. Class vehicle and class pedestrian are evaluated.             distances between hypotheses could result in merging such
The field of view of these two datasets are both 360 degrees.           hypotheses that should be separated. Subsequently, this could
    Note that for both Waymo and Argoverse datasets, ground             lead to erroneous data associations. Therefore, as shown in
truth labels are only available for training and validation sets.       Table 1, for class pedestrian, our tracker has higher false pos-
For fairness of evaluation of testing samples, one needs to             itives, ID switches and fragmentations, which are due to low
submit the tracking results to the relevant server, and the eval-       quality data association. Meanwhile, for vehicles, all the ve-
uation results are subsequently published on the correspond-            hicle detection measurements are further separated due to the
ing leaderboard.                                                        fact that two vehicles cannot be overlaid with each other when
Detections. We use precomputed 3D object detections pro-                compared to the pedestrian case.
vided by the dataset organizer.                                                               4. CONCLUSION
Evaluation Metric. Standard evaluation metrics [19] for                 In this paper, we propose a PMBM filter to solve the 3D
MOT are used. The details of the metrics for each dataset can           amodal MOT problem with 3D LiDAR data for autonomous
be found in [13, 14].                                                   driving applications. Our framework can naturally model the
3.2. Experimental Results                                               uncertainties in MOT problem. This represents a first attempt
                                                                        for employing an RFS-based approach in conjunction with 3D
The results for Argovers dataset and Waymo dataset are                  LiDAR data, neural network-based detectors and with com-
shown in Table 1 and Table 2. As shown in these two tables,             prehensive testing in large-scale datasets. The experimental
our method outperforms other state-of-the-art tracker signif-           results on Waymo and Argoverse datasets demonstrate that
icantly. At the time of submission (May 2020), among all                our approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods
the entries that use organizer provided detections, our PMBM            by a large margin. Finally, we hope that our results motivate
tracker ranked No.3 in averaged ranking (primary metric),               future research on RFS-based trackers for self-driving appli-
No.2 in averaged MOTA for all classes, No.1 in Vehicle                  cations.
MOTA, No.5 in Pedestrian MOTA within the Argoverse 3D                       Acknowledgement: This work has been supported in part
Tracking Leaderboard1 , and No.5 on the Waymo 3D track-                 by the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) and by
ing leaderboard 2 . For tracking-by-detection approaches,               Amazon Robotics under the Amazon Research Award (ARA)
   1               program.
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