Multi-energy Vector Integration Innovation Opportunities - Preliminary assessment of innovation opportunities for

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Multi-energy Vector Integration Innovation Opportunities - Preliminary assessment of innovation opportunities for
Multi-energy Vector Integration
           Innovation Opportunities
           Preliminary assessment of innovation opportunities for

           Bilaal Hussain / Adam Thirkill
           May 2018

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Multi-energy Vector Integration Innovation Opportunities - Preliminary assessment of innovation opportunities for
Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                                                                             © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                1.        Executive summary ...................................................................................................................................... 4

                2.        Context ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
                                     What is multi-energy vector integration? ............................................................................... 6
                                     Purpose of this report & methodology ................................................................................... 6

                3.        Insights from the landscape review....................................................................................................... 8
                                     Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 8
                                     3.1.1.          Energy Technologies Institute Multi Vector Study............................................. 8
                                     Observations ...................................................................................................................................... 9
                                     3.2.1.          Heating ............................................................................................................................... 9
                                     3.2.2.          Grid balancing ................................................................................................................10
                                     3.2.3.          Transition from gas ......................................................................................................10
                                     Summary of multi-vector system opportunities .................................................................10

                4.        Key insights from the SME stakeholder survey ...............................................................................13
                                     Purpose of the survey & methodology..................................................................................13
                                     Key findings of the survey ...........................................................................................................13
                                     Relevant capabilities and market offerings available within UK SMEs (identified by
                          the SME survey) ..........................................................................................................................................15
                                     SME views on the barriers to multi-vector implementation in the UK ......................17

                5.        Key challenges and opportunities........................................................................................................18
                                     Challenges and barriers to multi-vector implementation ...............................................18
                                     5.1.1.          Case Study 1 – Domestic ‘Multi Vector’ Heat ....................................................18
                                     5.1.2.          Case Study 2 – Vehicle to Grid (V2G) ....................................................................20
                                     5.1.3.          Case Study 3 – Power to Gas (P2G) .......................................................................23
                                     Opportunities arising ....................................................................................................................25
                                     5.2.1.          Case Study 1 – Domestic ‘Multi Vector’ Heat ....................................................25
                                     5.2.2.          Case Study 2 – Vehicle to Grid (V2G) ....................................................................27
                                     5.2.3.          Case Study 3 – Power to Gas (P2G) .......................................................................29


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Multi-energy Vector Integration Innovation Opportunities - Preliminary assessment of innovation opportunities for
Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                                                                          © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                    Cross-cutting themes of potential relevance to future funded innovation
                          programmes .................................................................................................................................................30

                6.        Next steps .....................................................................................................................................................32

                7.        Appendix A – Landscape Review ..........................................................................................................33
                                    Introduction ......................................................................................................................................33
                                    7.1.1.           Previous multi-vector integration work................................................................33
                                    Multi-vector heating systems ....................................................................................................34
                                    Power-to-gas ...................................................................................................................................36
                                    Vehicle-to-grid ................................................................................................................................37

                8.        Appendix B – Stakeholder Survey Questions...................................................................................41

                9.        References .....................................................................................................................................................42


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                1. Executive summary
                Multi-energy vector integration is a term used to describe a move towards increased
                interaction between constituent parts of the energy system, (i.e. electricity, heat, transport, etc)
                to enable new services and value streams to be realised to help to create a more dynamic and
                flexible low carbon energy system. There are various challenges that need to be addressed to
                enable multi-vector energy systems and approaches to play a more significant role in the
                energy system. The presence of these challenges creates numerous opportunities for SMEs to
                exploit their skills, capabilities and assets.

                This report provides an initial understanding of where these opportunities are and how SMEs
                can be supported to develop their capabilities to enable them to play a more significant role
                in the development of multi-vector energy.

                To provide the evidence in understanding where the opportunities arising from increased
                multi-energy vector integration exist, a methodological approach was adopted as follows;

                       •     A landscape review - This included a short analysis of literature in this area, and
                             examples of where multi-vector approaches are currently being applied which was
                             used to determine the level of maturity of pre-existing multi-vector solutions.

                       •     A stakeholder engagement activity – which was used to obtain insight into the
                             degree of understanding within the UK SME community of multi-energy vector
                             opportunities, to provide the SME community’s views on the barriers they see to multi-
                             energy vector implementation, and to gain an understanding of the capabilities within
                             the UK SME community that could be used to exploit opportunities in this area.

                       •     Analytical work – to identify the key challenges and opportunity areas for UK SMEs
                             arising from a move to multi-energy vector integration, along with preliminary
                             thoughts on where future innovation activities might be focussed.

                A key finding of this preliminary analysis was that many of the key challenges relating to
                enabling increased multi-vector integration are non-technological and are focussed on the
                need to create innovative value propositions and business models to increase the pull from
                end-users for multi-vector solutions.

                A number of cross-cutting innovation themes have emerged across the multi-vector energy
                case studies considered in this analysis. These can be characterised as those generic areas
                likely to offer value to SMEs in the near term, and those that could form the basis of publicly-
                funded innovation programmes to support multi-energy vector progression and the UK SME
                community in the future. These cross-cutting themes are:


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                      •     Novel system control approaches - given the complexity of multi-vector energy
                            systems there is a need for the development of control schemes which can automate
                            decision-making and improve the system-level technical and commercial performance
                            of multi-vector systems.

                      •     Software development - a range of software solutions are required to make multi-
                            vector systems more attractive to market participants both from the operational and
                            commercial perspectives.

                      •     Aggregation services and associated business models (for vehicle to grid multi-vector
                            solutions) - there is a need for aggregation services and associated business models to
                            manage the supply of energy derived from electric vehicle batteries and to incentivise
                            electric vehicle owners to participate in V2G systems.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                2. Context
                            What is multi-energy vector integration?
                As the UK progresses down the pathway to energy system decarbonisation, it is clear that
                novel technologies, system solutions (including ICT), and business models will be required to
                deliver this transition. Furthermore, there is increasing recognition that the transition to low
                carbon will introduce changes in the nature and scale of flexibility services needed to deliver
                a resilient and robust energy system in the future.

                Historically, the various sectors within the UK energy system (electricity, gas, transport, etc)
                have generally been operated as independent functions, with interactions being limited to
                examples such as the provision of gas for power stations, or the provision of liquid fuel to
                service the transport sector. To support the low carbon transition there is increasing interest
                in enhancing the interaction and integration between the constituent parts of the energy
                system such that new services and value streams can be realised across these historic
                boundaries. This approach is referred to as multi-energy vector integration, i.e. the provision of
                new services or enhancement of existing services using multiple energy carriers (electricity,
                heat, gas, hydrogen, etc).

                To progress multi-energy vector thinking and its application, there is a balance to be struck
                between providing the frameworks needed to provide long-term stability for large-scale
                investments, and the need to deliver sufficient value to potential market participants and
                innovators in the nearer term to enable them to build and develop successful businesses. Many
                of the systems and technologies of potential relevance to realising multi-energy vector
                solutions are either not commercialised, or have come up against barriers for increasing
                market penetration. There is also of course the challenge of having to displace or co-exist with
                more conventional single-energy vector approaches that currently predominate.

                            Purpose of this report & methodology
                The purpose of this report is to provide a preliminary assessment of some of the nearer-term
                opportunities for UK SMEs that may materialise from a move towards increasing levels of
                multi-vector energy integration within the UK energy system. This is intended to provide
                evidence to the SME community to help them assess how best to position themselves for such
                a change. In addition, the information in this report is intended to help inform considerations
                of how future government innovation investments in this area might be best focussed in the
                near term.

                It is important to bear in mind that the potential scope for multi-energy vector interactions in
                the UK is very broad and covers a multitude of applications and technology areas. This report


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                          © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                is therefore (inevitably) only a preliminary analysis of the landscape, focussed on three specific
                case study areas, and it will be necessary for more detailed investigations beyond this analysis
                to establish a full and detailed understanding of the opportunities that may be available for
                SMEs arising from a move to increased multi-vector integration.

                The analysis in this report is separated into three main sections, aligning with the three phases
                of work undertaken in this project:

                       •     A landscape review - to provide examples of types of pre-existing multi-energy
                             vector systems, technologies and approaches, and to identify examples of research
                             and innovation already being undertaken. This comprises a short review of current
                             literature in this area, and the identification of examples where multi-vector
                             approaches are currently being applied. This information is also used to gauge the
                             commercialisation/maturity of activities in this area.

                       •     A stakeholder engagement activity - to provide an indication of the degree of
                             understanding within the UK SME community of multi-energy vector opportunities, to
                             provide the SME community’s views on the barriers they see to multi-energy vector
                             implementation, and to gain an understanding of the capabilities with the UK SME
                             community that could be used to exploit opportunities in this area. This was delivered
                             through a stakeholder survey that was distributed to around 100 SMEs known to the

                       •     Analytical work – to identify a number of opportunity areas for UK SMEs arising from
                             a move to multi-energy vector integration, along with preliminary thoughts on where
                             future innovation activities might be focussed. This analysed the findings from the first
                             two activities (above) within the context of three different multi-vector case studies.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                    innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                           © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                3. Insights from the landscape review
                A survey of existing academic and industry literature was performed to characterise existing
                or under-development multi-energy vector systems and technologies, the level of maturity of
                these systems, and where possible the identification of any market barriers that currently exist.

                Technical maturity ranges from early development through to full commercialisation and is
                loosely guided by estimates of technology readiness levels, although it should be borne in
                mind that maturity does not necessarily give an indication of technical performance.

                This section provides a summary of the key findings and observations from the landscape
                review. More details can be found in Appendix A.

                3.1.1. Energy Technologies Institute Multi Vector Study
                A key input to the literature survey was an ETI-commissioned study led by Element Energy
                (published in 2017)1 which focussed on the potential financial value of different multi-vector
                system configurations. Seven case study systems were modelled and evaluated in terms of
                their economic value compared to an equivalent single vector solution. An assessment of the
                carbon emissions impacts of these options was also performed.

                The study identified that the heat sector (domestic, commercial, DH networks) provided
                significant potential for multi-energy vector integration, due to:

                       ▪    the large variation in diurnal and seasonal demand for heat requiring significant
                            investment in the reinforcement of the grid;
                       ▪    the suitability of different energy vectors to provide heat;
                       ▪    the ability to use decarbonised gas thus prolonging the usefulness of the existing gas
                            grid past 2050
                       ▪    and the ability to store heat in hot water tanks (which is already widespread).

                An additional area of interest for multi-vector systems was power-to-gas, with electrolysis
                demonstrating some value in reducing system cost compared with the curtailment of
                renewable generation which would occur without power-to-gas options. Electrolysers were
                also identified as being flexible and responsive solutions but they are currently limited by their
                relatively high capital cost.

                 “Multi Vector Integration Study – D6.1 Summary Report”, 10 September 2017, available from the ETI
                website (


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                A third potentially-favourable scenario identified in the study related to transport, in particular
                maximising the value of electric vehicle batteries in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems by providing
                services to the electricity grid.

                To bound the analysis within this project, the three areas highlighted above have been the
                main focus of the subsequent analysis presented in this report.

                Analysis of pre-existing literature and an examination of a number of current multi-energy
                vector projects, has enabled an overview of the current multi-vector landscape to be
                developed. The details of the review are presented in Appendix A. Some observations from
                this work are:

                3.2.1. Heating
                The need to decarbonise heat is recognised in the Clean Growth Strategy (BEIS, 2017), however
                85% of homes are supplied with natural gas to satisfy heating demand. Multi-energy vector
                heating solutions typically involve a combination of gas and electricity to satisfy heating
                demand in homes and therefore can help to decarbonise the sector by reducing the amount
                of gas consumed to provide heat. Furthermore, appropriately designed and installed heat
                pump based systems can deliver more thermal energy to an end user than electricity they

                Additionally, CHP based systems are able to provide both heat and power and can therefore
                deliver energy efficiency improvements and carbon savings, especially if they use low-carbon
                fuel sources. Whilst electrifying the heat sector may contribute adversely to the peak electricity
                demand, it is possible that CHP systems can help alleviate this potential grid stress at peak
                times. The same argument applies to electric vehicle charging.

                Many of the component technologies that can be integrated to form multi-energy vector
                heating options are either available already and are widely deployed (e.g. gas boilers, heat
                pumps, etc), or are in varying stages of development. However, there has been very limited
                take up in the UK of multi-vector heating systems primarily because of the strength of the
                incumbent technology that dominates the heating landscape in the UK (gas boilers), and the
                lack of any real incentive to move away from this. In the context of the UK’s low carbon energy
                transition however, a move away from the reliance on gas boilers for domestic heating will be
                needed to support the delivery of the UK’s energy targets. Multi-vector heating options are
                well placed to capitalise on this opportunity.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                3.2.2. Grid balancing
                Grid balancing services, including reducing the amount of curtailed renewable electricity, can
                be achieved by multi-vector power-to-gas and vehicle-to-grid systems.

                Electric vehicles (amongst other storage solutions) could be used to store surplus renewable
                energy thus reducing the need for curtailment of renewable energy sources in these
                conditions. The quick response time of the electric vehicle batteries, if suitably managed and
                co-ordinated, provides an opportunity for load balancing and supplying low carbon electricity
                in times of low renewable generation. It has been suggested that this could reduce the need
                for back-up thermal generation such as that provided by CCGTs. However, a lack of electric
                vehicle charging infrastructure in many UK cities has limited electric vehicle adoption to date,
                although major initiatives are in place to significantly increase the charging infrastructure in
                the UK in the coming years.

                The provision of frequency and other services to the power system may improve the business
                case for power-to-gas systems, despite these currently being a small share of the potential
                revenue. There is a wide technical evidence base that demonstrates how electrolysis can
                facilitate the long-term storage of electricity in the form of hydrogen, thereby enabling the
                provision of grid balancing services.

                3.2.3. Transition from gas
                There will always be challenges transitioning away from gas for heating due to the widespread
                connection of UK homes to the gas grid, the familiarity of end users with these heating
                systems, the relatively low cost and high efficiency of gas boilers, and the availability of natural
                gas as a resource. This is likely to be a significant barrier to the evolution and development of
                a multi-vector heating market. Therefore, developing new value propositions, business
                models, and supply chains to encourage the adoption of multi-vector solutions is seen as
                being critically important. Targeting deployment in off-gas-grid applications and new-build
                homes may help progress this.

                            Summary of multi-vector system opportunities
                The review of the multi-energy vector landscape has revealed insights into the maturity, scale
                and issues associated with example multi-vector system and technology solutions in heating,
                vehicle-to-grid and power-to-gas applications. These are summarised in Table 1.

                Technology and system maturity ranges from those in early stage development to those that
                are already fully commercialised. Key issues identified in the literature that limit the
                performance or the market for these multi-vector systems are also summarised and have been
                used to inform later thinking as to where opportunities might lie in the multi-vector landscape.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                                        © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                                                                     Table 1: Level of maturity of multi-vector systems

                  System                                   Maturity                      Scale                               Sector                         Issues
                  Gas boiler/Air source heat               Available       (individual   Approx. 95,000 ASHPs and            Heating                        Technical/performance           issues
                  pump (ASHP) or Ground                    technologies)                 10,000 GSHPs operational in                                        related      to     building        and
                  source heat pump (GSHP)                                                UK in 2013 (Hannon, 2015)                                          installation quality;
                                                                                                                                                            Low       thermal      efficiency    of
                                                                                                                                                            existing buildings;
                                                                                                                                                            Incumbent gas network makes
                                                                                                                                                            transition from gas hard
                  Gas boiler/solar thermal                 Available                     100,000 solar thermal systems       Heating                        Highly variable heat output of
                                                                                         in      2013    (Greening      &                                   solar thermal systems;
                                                                                         Azapagic, 2014)                                                    Reliant on gas network, which
                                                                                                                                                            would need decarbonising
                  ASHP/Quantum Boiler                      Early stage demonstration     1 demonstration system at           Heating                        Incumbent           gas      network
                                                                                         BRE                                                                supplying 85% of homes –
                                                                                                                                                            difficult transition
                  Combined CHP/solar PV                    Concept                                                           Combined heating and power
                  systems (CHP-PV)
                  Power-to-H2                              Late demonstration/early      A number of demonstration           Long term storage of surplus   Capacity factors of electrolysers
                                                           commercial in EU.             plants    in    EU    and     UK    renewable electricity / grid   limited by the amount of surplus
                                                           Early commercial large-       (HyDeploy, InTEGReL)                balancing / decarbonisation    renewable electricity
                                                           scale plant Japan.                                                of gas grid

                  H2 grid injection                        Early demonstration           L-M Hydrogen Cluster project        Decarbonisation of gas grid


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                                    © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                  Flexible                  H2/power       Early demonstration          Orkney-Kirkwall, tidal energy   Storage of renewable H2 for
                  generation                                                                                            electricity generation
                  Fuel Cell-CHP                            Available – Japan            60,000 units – Japan (2013);    Combined heating and power         High capital costs;
                                                           Late demonstration / early   ~1000 units Europe (2017);                                         Lack of policy and regulation in
                                                           commercial – Europe &        ~1000 units – Korea (2013)                                         UK and Europe
                  Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)                    Early demonstration          Four   Cenex   projects   and   Transport / grid balancing         EV policies do not appear to
                                                                                        Nissan projects in the UK and                                      increase the penetration of EVs
                                                                                        Europe                                                             (Heidrich et al., 2017);
                                                                                                                                                           Lack   of   investment     in   EV
                                                                                                                                                           infrastructure in many UK cities
                                                                                                                                                           (Heidrich et al., 2017)
                  Vehicle-to-home (V2H)                    Available                    >7000 installations in Japan    Used extensively after the
                                                                                        Jumpsmart Maui, Hawaii          Tōhoku       earthquake      and
                                                                                                                        tsunami to provide power to
                  Energy storage                           Ranges from available /      40 different energy storage     A variety of grid services         Market and regulatory barriers
                                                           significantly deployed to    projects in the UK                                                 limiting market participation
                                                           early stage demonstration


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                            © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                4. Key insights from the SME stakeholder survey
                            Purpose of the survey & methodology
                To be able to identify potential opportunities for SMEs arising from increased multi-energy
                vector integration, it is important to understand the capabilities and interests of the UK’s SME
                community. This was achieved through a stakeholder survey that was distributed to around
                100 SMEs known to the Catapult. These SMEs either already have direct interests in multi-
                energy vector applications, or that have capabilities that could potentially be applied to multi-
                energy vector applications.

                This survey had the purpose of:

                      •     Providing an indication of the degree of understanding within the UK SME community
                            of multi-energy vector opportunities

                      •     Provide an understanding of SME thinking in the multi-energy vector domain

                      •     Gaining an understanding of the capabilities with the UK SME community that could
                            be used to exploit opportunities in this area.

                      •     Providing the SMEs community’s views on the barriers they currently see to multi-
                            energy vector implementation

                The survey questions are presented in Appendix B, and the key findings are presented in
                section 4.2 below.

                            Key findings of the survey
                The key findings from the stakeholder survey can be summarised as follows;

                      •     There is clear evidence within some SMEs of an appreciation of the opportunities that
                            multi-energy vector integration might afford - in some cases this is an integral part of
                            the organisation’s thinking. But there is a dramatic difference between those SMEs “in-
                            the-know” and those that have had no exposure to multi-energy vector opportunities.
                            There was a strong call for more information to be shared about what multi-vector is
                            and what it means for SMEs.

                      •     Most SME activity of relevance to multi-energy vector applications is focussed on the
                            development of solutions for the electricity sector that may have additional value in
                            non-electricity parts of the energy system. In other words, their prime interest is the
                            electricity sector, the details of this are illustrated in Figure 1. There is limited evidence
                            of bespoke solution development addressing the multi-vector space.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                                            © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                              Figure 1: SME activity / sectors of interest identified by the SME survey

                      •     There is considerable interest and development activity in control, aggregation, and
                            the provision of “services” as opposed to the development of specific technology

                      •     A range of capabilities already exists in the UK SME community (see section 4.3), but
                            this is (inevitably) dispersed among many organisations and there is little evidence of
                            interaction between these organisations. There must be significant opportunities for
                            increased collaboration, partnering and knowledge-sharing to improve market
                            offerings and maximise commercial value.

                      •     Figure 2 presents a summary of the types of barriers identified by SMEs to increased
                            multi-energy vector integration in the UK. Further detail is provided in section 4.4.
                            Around 75% of all barriers that in their view were prohibiting the progression of
                            increased multi-energy vector integration, can be categorised as “non-technical” and
                            therefore not related to the development of new technology and systems; a conclusion
                            that can be drawn from this is that in the eyes of SMEs many of the core “hardware”
                            needed to deliver multi-energy vector integration already exist, and the real
                            opportunities actually lie in areas like applications engineering, system integration and
                            the provision of operational/market “services”.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                                           © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                            Figure 2: Barriers to Multi-Vector Integration Identified by the SME survey

                            Relevant capabilities and market offerings available
                        within UK SMEs (identified by the SME survey)
                Although the survey was inevitably limited in its scope, it did provide helpful insight into the
                types of capabilities that already exists within UK SMEs operating in areas of relevance to multi-
                energy vector integration.

                Overall there is a very broad range of relevant skills and market offerings already available
                among UK SMEs, although many of these are currently not being targeted at multi-energy
                vector applications. Examples of these are summarised generically below, and for simplicity
                they have been categorised under the headings of capabilities, products or services.


                      •     Energy sector knowledge
                      •     Software development & data management
                      •     Asset management
                      •     Cyber security
                      •     Industrial process integration
                      •     Big data
                      •     System design & integration
                      •     Technology innovation


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                It should be noted that not all of these capabilities are energy sector specific, however all of
                them have potential relevance to the development and progression of multi-energy vector
                integration. Furthermore, many of the SMEs offering these capabilities are not yet operating
                in the multi-energy vector space, and hence there is significant potential for them to deploy
                these skills and assets into new opportunity areas.


                      •     Heat pumps & hybrid heat pumps
                      •     Sensors, controls
                      •     Peer-to-peer trading platforms
                      •     DSR technologies
                      •     Micro-grids
                      •     End user interfaces
                      •     Cloud-based systems for multiple asset control
                      •     Energy storage systems
                      •     PV, solar thermal
                      •     Electric vehicle connections and charging regimes

                Available products include many technologies and systems that can be used within or are
                necessary for the development of multi-energy vector systems. They include but are not
                limited to technologies that produce, store or transfer energy, and very importantly they also
                include a range of enabling technologies such as sensors and controllers. In many cases these
                products have been developed or are being primarily deployed in a specific (single energy
                vector) application, however there are clear opportunities for these products to be exploited
                within multi-vector applications.


                      •     Commercial optimisation of asset operation
                      •     Monitoring & controls
                      •     System design & integration
                      •     “Energy as a service” business models
                      •     Frequency response services (aggregation, etc)
                      •     System balancing services
                      •     Intelligent management of multiple connected devices
                      •     Virtual power plants (management, etc)

                Again, many of these services have been developed or are currently being targeted at specific
                (single vector) applications, but all are potentially relevant or are enablers for multi-energy
                vector systems.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                                    © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                            SME views on the barriers to multi-vector implementation
                        in the UK
                A range of barriers to multi vector implementation were identified by the SME survey. These
                barriers can be grouped into 6 broad categories as follows:

                  Category                                         Barriers
                                                                   There is currently little customer pull to change
                                                                   Value of carbon is not currently realised in financial investments

                  Business    model                   /    Value
                                                                   There are difficulties in communicating payback to clients
                                                                   There is greater caution among investors in higher risk projects
                                                                   There are high capital costs and value propositions are not
                                                                   always clear
                                                                   Need to change “old habits” in the industry
                                                                   There is a requirement for greater sharing of ‘good practices’
                  Cultural                                         Siloed thinking at all levels in the system
                                                                   Unrealistic expectations on end users to optimise their energy
                                                                   Multi-vector = complexity & multiple challenges
                                                                   Conflicting drivers and values (probably due to “single vector
                  Complexity                                       thinking”)
                                                                   Too much time and effort needed for adaptation
                                                                   Need more information (from authoritative independent actors
                                                                   with industry knowledge) to inform the debate
                  Lack of awareness                                Lack of consumer/end-user knowledge
                                                                   Still unclear what “multi-vector” really means
                                                                   Need more opportunities to hear about work in this area
                  Technology                /        innovation    Lack of access to innovation funding
                  funding                                          DNOs not funding / investing in community schemes
                                                                   There is currently too much regulation which is preventing
                                                                   Subsidies promote some technologies over others
                                                                   Energy trading scheme needs to be developed
                  Policy / regulation
                                                                   Lack of a common framework and long-term signals for
                                                                   Lack of clarity on the value of flexibility in the energy system
                                                                   Low policy stability


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                5. Key challenges and opportunities
                            Challenges and barriers to multi-vector implementation
                The stakeholder survey along with the landscape review identified a range of challenges and
                issues that introduce barriers to greater multi-energy vector implementation. To help
                understand the drivers behind these challenges, which can then in turn be used to derive a
                series of opportunities for the UK SME community, it was necessary to focus the next phase of
                analysis on a manageable number of case studies. The following three very different case
                studies were selected on the basis of their relevance to the multi-energy vector debate, the
                breadth they provide to the analysis, and having been identified in the landscape review:

                      •     Domestic multi-vector heat
                      •     Vehicle-to-grid
                      •     Power-to-gas

                For each case study the challenges identified in the survey have been used to explore and test
                the arising opportunities potentially available to SMEs through a series of workshops. This
                analysis has focussed on the challenges that the SME community could reasonably be
                expected to address, so for example, issues relating to the policy environment were viewed as
                the domain of Government rather than SMEs and were therefore excluded.

                To appreciate where the opportunities exist it is necessary to deconstruct the challenges and
                understand the root causes of the issues raised in the survey for the three case study areas.
                The results of this process, delivered through a series of workshops and subsequent analysis,
                are presented in Tables 2-4. The tables present a deconstruction of the identified issues at
                different levels, with the high-level issues raised from the survey being referred to as “Level 1”
                Challenges. Each increasing challenge level within the tables provides greater granularity on
                the drivers behind the particular issues that have been identified. This information can then be
                used to assess and identify the key areas of opportunity for SMEs, as described in section 5.2.

                5.1.1. Case Study 1 – Domestic ‘Multi Vector’ Heat
                An example of a domestic ‘multi-vector’ heating system would be the use of heat pumps,
                coupled with gas boilers used at times when there are peaks in heat demand. While these
                individual technologies are commercially available and widely deployed, there is little evidence
                of deployment of these systems in combination and therefore there remain challenges (and
                potential market failures) that need to be addressed as shown in Table 2.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
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                                                                                                             © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                                           Table 2: Case Study 1 - Domestic 'Multi Vector' Heat

                  Challenge                            Challenge                  Challenge                       Challenge
                  Level 1                              Level 2                    Level 3                         Level 4
                                                                                  Lack of desire/time &
                                                                                  skills to manage
                                                       Multi-vector               Lack      of     trust     in
                                                       heating systems      are   equipment
                                                       too complex          for   Thermal       lag      means
                                                       consumers             to   consumers can’t relate
                                                       understand            &    inputs       to       output
                                                       operate                    response
                                                                                  A      complex        control
                                                                                  strategy is needed
                                                                                  High upfront costs of           Reduce    installation
                                                                                  changing             heating    costs and equipment
                                                                                  systems                         CAPEX
                                                                                  Lack of awareness of
                                                       Lack of customer           alternative multi-vector
                                                       pull & lack of             options
                                                       incentive to change.       Insufficient carbon price
                  Lack   of    business
                                                                                  signals to drive multi-
                  models and value
                                                                                  vector solutions
                                                                                  Lack      of    clarity    of
                                                                                  Not ‘counting’ non-
                                                                                  monetary benefits (e.g.
                                                                                  comfort, etc)
                                                                                  Perceived       value    not
                                                       ‘Client payback’
                                                                                  realised quickly (payback
                                                                                  too long)
                                                                                  Assumes customers only          How can better heating
                                                                                  value cost/lower price          services be valued?
                                                                                  Uncertain           revenue     Lack of sight of future
                                                                                  mechanisms                      market mechanisms
                                                       Lack of investor ‘risk                                     Unknown plan for future
                                                                                  Uncertain future market
                                                       appetite’                                                  heat decarbonisation
                                                                                  Lack   of       clarity   of
                                                       Insufficient support
                                                                                  Perception that there is
                                                       for    higher    TRL
                                                                                  an over reliance on TRLs
                                                       solutions to de-risk
                                                                                  to determine funding
                  Access to innovation                 investment.
                  funding                              Funding      flowing
                                                       ‘DNO/CDO’ (Tier 1
                                                       supply chain) rather


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
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                                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                                       than       solution
                                                                               The support needed
                                                                               for increasing unit
                                                                               production is different
                                                       (Different needs to
                                                                               to that needed for
                                                                               Not all conditions for
                                                                                                         Identifying funding streams
                                                                               success             can
                                                                                                         that straddle multi-vector
                                                                               be addressed by 1
                                                       Benefits cases too      proposal
                                                       restrictive             Benefits cases don’t
                                                                               take account of the
                                                                               benefits of multi-
                                                                               vector solutions
                                                       Single       vector
                                                       orientated funding

                5.1.2. Case Study 2 – Vehicle to Grid (V2G)
                Vehicle to grid systems can potentially be used to provide a range of services to the electricity
                grid, including stabilisation, voltage control, etc. Given that only a small proportion of the UK
                vehicle fleet is currently electric vehicles, and that many vehicles are likely to be needed to
                deliver the required levels of service, using these vehicles to provide grid services is still very
                much in the early stages of development and testing. However due to the expected rise in
                electric vehicle ownership there are likely to be significant opportunities for SMEs within
                vehicle to grid applications as they develop. Table 3 shows a range of the issues that need to
                be addressed.

                                                              Table 3: Case Study 2 - Vehicle to Grid

                  Challenge                     Challenge                      Challenge                        Challenge
                  Level 1                       Level 2                        Level 3                          Level 4
                                                                               Making     V2G     solutions
                                                                               attractive propositions for
                                                                               Increasing V2G awareness
                  Lack of business                                             within consumers
                                                Consumer perception
                  models and value                                             Ensuring users are not
                  propositions                                                 worse off by engaging in
                                                                               Negative perception of the
                                                                               impact of V2G on battery life


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                                                                                                        © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                                                             Reluctance to connect due
                                                                             to (for example) a loss of
                                                                             range if battery used for
                                                                             V2G before vehicle use
                                                                             Developing            suitable
                                                                             contract        arrangements
                                                                             reflecting acceptable share
                                                                             of financial risk across value
                                                                             How best to capture driver
                                                                             Services not available when
                                                How services are valued
                                                                             needed (e.g. vehicles not
                                                and controlled
                                                                             connected when required) –
                                                                             how to incentivise vehicle
                                                                             connection for V2G
                                                                             Roles and responsibilities
                                                                             for control
                                                                             How is the service billed,
                                                                             who is buying the service,
                                                                             Additional         equipment
                                                                             needed for V2G
                                                                             Reduce cost of providing
                                                                             V2G equipment
                                                Cost of service provisions
                                                                             Impact       on        vehicle
                                                                             performance, degradation
                                                                             of batteries, etc, and how
                                                                             are these costed?
                                                                             Identifying the services that
                                                                             could be provided and
                                                                             establishing their value
                                                                             Developing       appropriate
                                                                             business      models       for
                                                                             Reducing the complexity of
                                                                             Meeting drivers’ needs (e.g.
                                                (Virtual car parks)
                                                                                                               Returns          for
                                                                                                               businesses      and
                                                                             Assessing the      value     of
                                                                                                               consumers involved
                                                                                                               Cheap      charging


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
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                                                                                                      © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                                                            Recruitment of a critical
                                                                            mass of vehicles to enable
                                                                            aggregation to work
                                                                            Making the value of in V2G
                                                                            sufficient       to      attract
                                                Willingness           of    participants
                                                participants to connect     Delivering charging at the
                                                and permit use in V2G       lowest cost
                                                mode when battery is full   Minimising the risk of users
                                                                            only connecting when they
                                                                            need to charge
                                                                            Encouraging participants to
                                                                            connect when battery is fully
                                                                            Bespoke business models
                                                                            required (e.g. Taxi fleets,
                                                                            Corporate fleets, etc)
                                                                            Management                  and
                                                Fleet business models                                          Control
                                                                            scheduling of fleets
                                                                            Aligning      fleet    business
                                                                            models with V2G business
                                                                            Definition and agreement of
                                                                            which participants have
                                                                            access to what information
                                                                            Location of service (e.g.
                                                                            tracking where vehicles are,
                                                                            where charge/V2G points
                                                Status monitoring           are, etc)
                                                                            Identifying the state of
                                                                            charge of participating
                                                                            Assessing how much battery
                                                                            capacity is available (vehicle
                                                                            level, fleet level, etc)
                  Complexity                                                Financial risk management
                                                                            Identifying and agreeing
                                                                            who pays for the connection
                                                                                                               Who pays for this
                                                                            Delivering the interface with
                                                                                                               Making      interfaces
                                                Connection                  the grid
                                                                                                               “Grid Friendly”
                                                                            Where      to   locate the
                                                                            charging/V2G points
                                                                            How much capacity is
                                                                            needed in the charging
                                                                            points      and    electricity


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
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                                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                                                               Enabling two-way power
                                                                               Protection arrangements for
                                                Physical protection            the charge/V2G points
                                                                               EV       disconnection       in
                                                                               response         to       grid
                                                                               Management & scheduling
                                                Volume of participants
                                                                               of many participants
                                                                               Service            guarantees
                                                                               Clarity needed on the value
                                                                               split across the supply chain
                                                                               How to remunerate many
                                                Value chain
                                                                               actors/large number of
                                                                               Fragmented               value
                                                                               chain/many             parties
                                                                               providing services
                                                                               Brokering services needed         Raise awareness
                                                                               Identification            and
                                                SMEs unaware of multi-         communication of new
                  Lack          of
                                                vector opportunities for       market          opportunities
                  Awareness     of
                                                their                          needed
                                                services/technology            Market visibility very limited
                                                                               and long-term prospects

                5.1.3. Case Study 3 – Power to Gas (P2G)
                Power to gas (P2G) relates to when electricity is used to produce a gas (typically hydrogen),
                which can then be sold or utilised within different parts of the energy system. The carbon
                intensity of the hydrogen product will decrease as the carbon intensity of the grid or the source
                power plant decreases.

                                                              Table 4: Case Study 3 - Power to Gas

                  Challenge                            Challenge                Challenge                          Challenge
                  Level 1                              Level 2                  Level 3                            Level 4
                                                                                                                   Needs of small
                                                                                                                   users vs large
                                                                                                                   users of H2 need
                                                       Lack of customer pull
                  Lack   of    business                                                                            defining
                                                       and lack of incentive    Scalability
                  models and value                                                                                 Is enough excess
                                                       to change
                  propositions                                                                                     power available to
                                                                                                                   make           the
                                                                                                                   economics work?


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                                                                                                      © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                                                                                                 Is enough H2 likely
                                                                                                                 to be produced to
                                                                                                                 make            the
                                                                                                                 economics work?
                                                                               Renewable               energy
                                                                               curtailment not seen as a
                                                                               sufficiently significant issue
                                                                                                                 Users     of    H2
                                                                                                                 currently niche
                                                                                                                 Uncertain future
                                                                               Demand for product (e.g.
                                                                                                                 demand (role of
                                                                               hydrogen) unclear
                                                                                                                 hydrogen in the
                                                                                                                 future     remains
                                                                               Upfront costs                     Cost reduction
                                                                               Insufficient carbon price
                                                                               signals to drive P2G
                                                                               Long-term role of DSR
                                                                               Where is the value likely to
                                                                               be geographically located?
                                                                               Uncertainty whether enough
                                                                               curtailed electricity available
                                                       Value proposition not
                                                                               to make P2G viable
                                                                                                                 Comparison with
                                                                                                                 alternative means
                                                                                                                 of       producing
                                                                               Need to be able to assign a
                                                                                                                 hydrogen       (e.g.
                                                                               value to the H2 derived from
                                                                                                                 SMR, CCS, etc)
                                                                                                                 Comparison with
                                                                                                                 other       energy
                                                                                                                 storage options
                                                                               Safety of hydrogen as a fuel
                                                       User perceptions
                                                                               (research ongoing)
                                                                               Uncertainty about amount of
                                                                               low cost/curtailed electricity
                                                                               available       for      P2G
                                                                               ROI (future market remains
                                                       Lack of investor risk
                                                                               Limited capacity factor of
                                                                               electrolyser could diminish
                                                                               financial returns
                                                                               Uncertainty about the value
                                                                               and role of H2 in the UK
                                                                               energy system in the long


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
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                                                                                                          © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                                                                                   Lack of clarity on hydrogen
                                                                                   transportation futures (e.g.
                                                                                   the amount and cost of
                                                                                   pipelines, etc)
                                                                                   Uncertainty regarding H2
                                                       Infrastructure              rollout rates
                                                                                   H2 Storage requirements
                                                                                   and options
                                                                                   Fraction of H2 permitted in
                                                                                   gas grid (what is it likely to
                                                                                   be in the future?)
                                                                                   Validation of how much is
                                                                                   available,    how      is    it
                                                                                   “measured” and allocated to
                                                       Curtailed electricity
                                                                                   P2G, etc
                                                                                   Control and management
                                                                                   Ensuring        that      P2G
                                                       Life Cycle       Analysis
                                                                                   applications deliver genuine
                                                                                   carbon benefits
                                                                                   Where are the optimal siting
                                                       Siting of electrolyser      locations, how are they
                                                                                   characterised, etc

                            Opportunities arising
                Using the analysis presented in the tables above it has been possible to identify the types of
                near-term opportunities that could arise for SMEs as a result of a transition to increased levels
                of multi-vector integration. Many of the opportunities presented in the section that follows
                are likely to address a range of issues identified in the three case studies.

                5.2.1. Case Study 1 – Domestic ‘Multi Vector’ Heat
                Within the domestic multi vector heat space two generic nearer-term areas have been
                identified in which SMEs could play a significant role: (1) Development of technology solutions
                to minimise the complexity of multi-vector heating systems; and (2) Offering heating solution
                audit and installation services to dwelling owners.

                In relation to the minimisation of system complexity, given that multi vector heating systems
                are likely to involve multiple technologies (e.g. heat pumps with peaking boilers), robust and
                flexible control strategies will be important to ensure that system can work to deliver the
                service that is needed. The potential opportunities for SMEs to target in this area include;


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
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                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                Control Systems

                The development of smart control systems that maximise overall system efficiency and system
                performance, and that can ensure that the different heating technologies can work in a
                complementary manner. Such a system should be able to make decisions on the optimal
                method of operating the technologies given the user requirements for water and space
                heating, e.g. local environmental conditions, financial considerations, etc. It should also be able
                to take information on electricity and gas prices and optimise the system on a cost basis.

                Software Development

                One of the challenges raised in section 5.1.1. is how the complexity of a multi vector system
                (when compared to equivalent single vector solutions) might impact on the ease of use by the
                user, and might simply be perceived to be too complicated for a user to install and operate.
                Therefore, there is a need for software solutions that enable a user to specify their demands
                for space heat, hot water, comfort, etc, in a simple manner and which then delivers the required
                services automatically without the need for further user intervention via an intelligent
                software-based system. An example of this might include an app based system with an easy
                to use user interface.

                Measurement Devices

                For any “intelligent” multi-vector heating system there will be a need for equipment that can
                measure the physical conditions of the local environment, technologies, etc, on a real-time
                basis to inform heating system decisions. This offers opportunities in the development of
                measurement technologies and methods which can be integrated with multi vector heating

                The second broad opportunity area arising from multi-vector domestic heating relates to the
                provision of heating solution audit and installation services to dwelling owners. Examples of
                these opportunities include:

                Housing and Technology Matching

                A range of technology solutions are likely to be available, and these need to be matched with
                the particular requirements of the dwelling under consideration. This creates opportunities for
                audit/assessment processes for each house or each house type, that can then be used to
                identify the optimal multi-vector solution(s). This may include the development of models that
                can take in inputs from a housing assessment and use this information to develop optimised
                multi-vector heating solutions for the dwelling, incorporating assessments of the technologies
                that should be used and how they should be operated.


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Multi-energy vector integration innovation opportunities project: Preliminary assessment of
                  innovation opportunities for SMEs
                                                                                         © 2018 Energy Systems Catapult

                Installation Services

                Deploying multi-vector heating solutions will require technical expertise in installing a wide
                range of technologies in a wide range of housing types. This lends itself to a series of local
                installation and servicing models that are well suited to locally-based SMEs.

                Development of Innovative Financial Frameworks

                It is clear that tackling the challenge of the (potentially) significant up-front costs associated
                with multi-vector heating solutions will be key to moving these solutions towards commercial
                reality. The development of innovative financial frameworks, leading to new business model
                offerings, is an area that SMEs may be able to position themselves within. An example of such
                an offering might be low-cost but long-term financial arrangements that are easily transferred
                from one home owner to another when houses are bought and sold (akin to providing heat
                as a service rather than delivering a bespoke technology solution).

                5.2.2. Case Study 2 – Vehicle to Grid (V2G)
                As described earlier, a vehicle-to-grid system is a potentially novel multi-energy vector
                approach to providing services to the electricity grid. There are however challenges that need
                to be addressed to enable a vehicle-to-grid system to be able to operate, and these in turn
                provide innovation opportunities for SMEs.

                There are several areas of opportunity for SMEs that have been identified in this initial analysis
                within vehicle-to-grid development. Much of this opportunity is associated with the provision
                of aggregation and other control-related services to manage the energy supply to/from
                vehicle batteries and to use this to deliver services to customers (e.g. DNOs, energy companies)
                when required.

                The first broad theme of interest comes under the umbrella of system control. This can address
                many of the challenges that have been raised in section 5.1.2:

                EV Usage Control Systems

                To help manage the sometimes-negative perceptions consumers have in relation to electric
                vehicle battery operational life, performance and degradation, there is an opportunity in the
                development of systems that give the electric vehicle owner a level of control over how their
                battery is used when connected to a charging point as a generator (either as an individual unit
                or through aggregation). Such a system would allow the user to define the parameters under
                which the battery is used and operated. This may include the vehicle owner specifying a
                minimum charge the battery must always have, or over what time periods the car may be
                utilised by the grid.


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