MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about

MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
 Users Guide:
 How to make
   the most of
  your MSSNY

LEARN MORE       Medical Society of the
                 State of New York
INSIDE about     865 Merrick Avenue
how membership   Westbury, New York 11590
benefits you!
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
Welcome to the Medical Society of the State of New York
                      Dear Doctor,

                      It is my great pleasure to welcome you to membership in the Medical
                      Society of the State of New York. Our goal is to protect the profession,
                      protect your rights and income, advance your practice, and keep you
                      informed. We specialize in effective and hard-hitting advocacy and,
                      in partnership with our sixty county medical societies, we have been          The Seal of The Medical Society of The
                      helping New York physicians set high professional and ethical standards       State of New York
                      since 1807.
                                                                                                    The stick, with the snake curled around it, is the staff of Aesculapius
                      By working together, New York physicians can achieve positive change          (Roman), also called Asklepios (Greek), the ancient god of
                      in their offices and hospitals, in the courts and legislative chambers, and   medicine. Aesculapius may have been a real person who was
                      in patients’ homes, workplaces, and schools.                                  renowned for his gentle, humane remedies and his humane
                                                                                                    treatment of the mentally ill. His followers established
                      Membership is one of the best investments you can make in your
                                                                                                    temples of healing where the sick would spend a night while
                      professional future. This guide explains how your membership helps
                                                                                                    the proper remedies were revealed during a dream to the
                      advance your profession on a global scale, while providing you with
                                                                                                    priests of the temple. The cured had to make a suitable
                      individual services and benefits that will advance your personal career.
                                                                                                    sacrifice, usually a rooster, to the god. According to
                      We hope you’ll consider the many avenues for participating in our             mythology, Aesculapius had a number of children,
                      organization and helping direct our efforts to shape MSSNY, AMA and           including Hygieia, the goddess of health, and Panaceia,
                      government healthcare policy.                                                 the goddess of healing. Laurel or bay leaves were
                                                                                                    believed to have healing powers and to resist witchcraft;
                      Please call on us at any time. Your membership is an important
                                                                                                    they were used for their narcotic properties
                      statement of your commitment to your patients – and we are similarly
                                                                                                    when questioning the Oracle of Delphi.
                      committed to serving you.

                      With warmest regards,

                      Philip A. Schuh, CPA, MS
                      Executive Vice President
                      516-488-6100 x398
                                                                                                      You’ll find a wealth of information on MSSNY
                                                                                                      benefits, activities, events and more.

2   Medical Society of the State of New York                                                                                                                             Medical Society of the State of New York   3
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
Advancing Your Interests on a Global Scale
                        MSSNY WORKS FOR YOU!
                       Your Advocate in the New York State                          addition to MSSNY lobbyists, legislators need                       What is Our Advocacy Worth to You?
                       Legislature - the forum where most of the                    to hear directly from physician constituents if                     MSSNY takes on powerful special interests to ensure
                       laws affecting your day-to-day practice                      they are to believe that an issue is of serious                     that your concerns are effectively represented. Don’t
                       originate.                                                   concern. We make this easy for you through                          just acquiesce as big government, big insurance, big
                       MSSNY is YOUR representative. We are                         the Grassroots Action Center on the MSSNY                           business and big hospitals reshape the healthcare
                       committed to policies that will enhance the                  website, Here you can                                system in their interest. Fight for yourself and your
                       delivery of quality medical care, and we work                instantly contact the governor, your legislative                    patients through membership.
                       to ensure that your rights and the interests                 leaders and your local representatives using
                                                                                                                                                        Year in and year out, our presence in Albany has
                       of your patients are fully recognized and                    messages we’ve prepared or your own edited
                                                                                                                                                        prevented harmful legislation from passing, saving
                       reflected in all health policies adopted in                  versions.
                                                                                                                                                        physicians MANY times the cost of dues.
                       New York State.                                              MSSNY’s Legislative Agenda can be found
                                                                                                                                                          • MSSNY has been a highly visible partner in
                       MSSNY’s leadership and its Division of                       on the Society’s website,,
                                                                                                                                                            successful advocacy efforts to improve public
                       Governmental Affairs monitor hundreds of                     or by calling our Albany Headquarters at
                                                                                                                                                            health, including expanding immunization, raising
                       state and federal legislative and regulatory                 518-465-8085.
                                                                                                                                                            the smoking age, and combatting maternal                         Report Managed Care Abuses Through MSSNY’s
                       proposals affecting health and healthcare                                                                                            mortality.                                                       Online Hassle Factor Form
                       each year, submit written positions and                      Join MSSNYPAC                                                         • MSSNY has successfully fought for numerous                       If you believe that insurers are employing unfair
                       testimony at hearings, and conduct regular
                                                                                    Political action committees are voluntary                               legislative initiatives that prevent health insurers             business practices or are not complying with terms
                       meetings with legislators, regulators and
                                                                                    associations of persons who share political                             from interfering with patients receiving the care and            agreed to in our lawsuit settlements, please contact the
                       their staff.
                                                                                    objectives and pool resources. PACs play a                              medications they need.                                           Division of Socio-Medical Economics 800-523-4405
                       Major areas of involvement today include                     vital role in the political process: they foster                                                                                         x332.
                                                                                                                                                          • MSSNY has successfully fought against numerous
                       physician collective negotiation, reducing prior             political participation and educate voters.                             well-meaning but misguided practice mandates                     New or continuing tactics that seem unwarranted and
                       authorization hassles and other insurance                    MSSNYPAC helps elect legislators who share                              that would have taken time away from patient care                unfair can be reported to MSSNY through our Online
                       reforms, medical liability reform, improving                 the views of New York State physicians on                               delivery.                                                        Hassle Factor form on our website,
                       care quality, and promoting and preserving                   how to improve our health care system and
                                                                                                                                                          • MSSNY has consistently defeated persistent efforts               under Practice Resources/Payer Relations.
                       public health.                                               helps ensure that your voice will be heard. Call
                                                                                                                                                            by trial lawyers to increase liability exposure.
                                                                                                                                                          • Every broad scope of practice expansion bill
                       Making the Most of Your Political Clout
                                                                                                                                                            proposed by or involving allied health professionals
                       Your Medical Society membership provides                                                                                             has been defeated by MSSNY.
                       you with tools to leverage your influence. In

      This historical timeline highlights important medical events in New York,    1749                         1764                                    1769                              1794                     April 4, 1806                                          June 10, 1806
    including MSSNY activities that have affected physicians and patient care.     The “Weekly Society of       Cadwallader Colden, physician,          The New York Medical School,      New York State Medical   Enactment of law authorizing each county to            Twelve physicians meet to
    The Medical Society of the State of New York has long been a major player      Gentlemen in New York,” a    farmer, surveyor, botanist and a        the first in New York and         Society organized in     form a local medical society, empowered to             begin organizing MSSNY.
     in socioeconomic, legislative, legal, public health and medical education     group of physicians, meets   lieutenant governor for the Province    second in the New World, grants   New York City.           grant medical licenses to qualified applicants, as
                                            matters in the state and the nation.   to present medical papers.   of New York, proposes the Medical       Bachelor of Medicine degrees to                            well as a state society divided into four districts,
                                                                                                                Society concept to Benjamin Franklin.   its class of two students.                                 each of which can also license candidates.
4   Medical Society of the State of New York
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
Advancing Your Interests on a Global Scale

                                     Public Health Is Key                         Your Advocate On All Fronts                                But adverse business practices and egregious
    MSSNY’s wins                     MSSNY’s Public Health                        MSSNY has a history of success in challenging              activities that increase our burdens and decrease the
                                                                                                                                             quality of care are always on the horizon. Whether the
    enable the practicing            and Education Division is                    insurers’ unfavorable business practices.
                                                                                                                                             issue is surprise billing, pre-authorization requirements,
                                     committed to the science                     Earlier victories included the successful
    physician to stay in                                                                                                                     coverage of anesthesiologist services during certain
                                     of protecting and improving                  challenge to the validity of United Healthcare’s
    business!                        the health of New York                       Ingenix database for determining out of                    procedures, or one-sided employment contracts, we
                                     State communities by                         network reimbursement rates, and settlements               are on your side!

    MSSNY activities help            the promotion of healthy                     with numerous managed care organizations                   We monitor the big players!
    protect your bottom line.        lifestyles, elimination of                   that won nearly $850 million in settlement
                                     health disparities, and                      funds and direct payments to physicians, and
    If you are employed,
                                     understanding of diseases                    more than $1 billion in improved business
    your membership works            and injury prevention.                       practices.
    to help your employer’s          MSSNY presents Category
    bottom line, and the             I CME programs, accredits
    information, education           institutions as CME sponsors,
    and services you receive         and provides a strong
                                     committee structure through
    through MSSNY make
                                     which physicians help
    you a more valuable              MSSNY develop policies and
    employee. It makes               position statements on public
    sense for employers              health issues, and work with
    to include MSSNY and             relevant state agencies to
    County Medical Society           advance our public health
    membership as a
    benefit of employment.
    And a major portion of
    your dues may be tax-

July 8, 1806                       February 5, 1807                                              1817                                        1819                          1821                                       1826                                1839
The MSSNY Bylaws are adopted.      MSSNY holds its first official meeting in Albany.             MSSNY takes first steps to establish a US   Solicitation of dues is       MSSNY formulates and adopts a code         The MSSNY Treasurer reports a       John McCall of Utica starts
                                   William McClelland is elected first President.                pharmacopeia, in order to combat the        instituted, at a sum not to   of ethics, the first medical group in US   balance of $113.75 ½, including a   a movement towards
                                                                                                 chaotic state in which drugs                exceed $1 per year.           to do so. This code becomes the model      counterfeit $3.00 bill.             a national medical
                                                                                                 and medications are compounded.                                           for the one adopted at the American                                            organization.
                                                                                                                                                                           Medical Association in 1847.
6   Medical Society of the State of New York                                                                                                                                                                                        Medical Society of the State of New York            7
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about

Valuable Benefits for Your Practice*                                                                                                                                  LOCAL DISCOUNTS
                                                                                                                                                                      Access local deals and discounts through the Abenity app:
                                                                                                                                                                      movies, restaurants, office products, car maintenance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MLMIC Insurance Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MLMIC is a leader in the medical malpractice

MSSNY has Staff Experts On Call to Assist You in the Following Areas                                                                                                  variety stores, theme parks, and more!                                 insurance industry and has been meeting the professional liability needs of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             healthcare professionals for over 40 years. Its mission is to provide quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             professional liability insurance at the lowest possible cost consistent with
Call 800-523-4405 and the division extension indicated for friendly, personal service.                                                                              CURRICULUM VITAE SERVICE                                                 long term viability. MLMIC has effectively lobbied for legislative reform to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             address those issues that continue to plague healthcare professionals.
                                                                                                                                                                   MSSNY’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) Production Service prepares
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Since its inception, the company has earned a reputation for successfully
                                                                                                                                                                   CVs and personal statements. We copy edit for grammar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             defending more physicians than all other New York insurers combined, a
                   LEGAL QUESTIONS                                                       NEWS SERVICES                                                             and spelling, and reformat for better organization and flow.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             fact held in high regard in New York’s legal community.
                                                                                                                                                                   MSSNY maintains the documents and can later make short
                 Our General Counsel, the law firm of Garfunkel                          Communications (x351)                                         updates at no extra charge. Cost is $50 base fee for MSSNY members,
                 Wild P.C., specializes in health care law and                                                                                         $100 non members.                                                                      Contact MSSNY for assistance in scheduling informative MLMIC
                                                                                         The Daily, a digest of clinical and other health-
                 has extensive high-level experience within                                                                                                                                                                                   presentations for physicians, residents or medical students. These can
                                                                                         related news items with links to full articles in major
                 the regulatory and administrative services of                                                                                                                                                                                teach younger physicians about different types of liability coverage,
                                                                                         news publications.
                 the state government. With over 80 attorneys,                                                                                                         CHART REVIEW & CODING SERVICES                                         and teach risk reduction techniques that are valuable to all healthcare
Garfunkel Wild is able to serve all of our members’ needs from              MSSNY eNews, delivered weekly to your e-mail address,                                                                                                             professionals.
medical school to retirement. MSSNY members receive free                    provides updates on groundbreaking issues affecting physicians                             Medco Consultants, Inc.
                                                                            in the healthcare, legislative and government arenas. Includes                             718-217-3802                                                           MLMIC’s experts are also available to provide an informed outlook on
consultations and reduced rates.
                                                                            Capital Update when the New York State Legislature is in session.                                                               medical liability trends and challenges.
Garfunkel Wild can help you negotiate, draft, and review all types                                                                                           
of agreements: employment contracts, wills, and real estate                 News of New York, MSSNY’s monthly electronic publication,
agreements; shareholder and operating agreements; managed                   presents pertinent information in full detail on issues affecting          A complete package of reimbursement services provided at special                                                          Charles J. Sellers & Co., Inc.,
care/third-party payer participation agreements; billing and                healthcare delivery in New York State.                                     MSSNY member rates. All coding services are performed by a Certified                                                      Insurance Agency
other vendor agreements. Moreover, the firm’s attorneys can                                                                                            Professional Coder (CPC) or Certified Professional Chart Auditor (CPMA). The                                              Physician members of medical
work with our physicians to develop, implement and supervise                                                                                           program features FREE introductory patient encounter reviews for correct                                                  societies for over 75 years. Special
corporate compliance programs, to prepare for and defend                                     MEDICAL DIRECTORY OF                                      documentation and correct coding/billing of diagnoses and procedures, with            discounts and benefits for MSSNY members and assistance with your
against both routine and more complex audits, investigations,                                NEW YORK STATE                                            additional patient encounters reviewed at a discounted rate.                          personal and business insurance needs. Sellers offers:
and reimbursement appeals, and to protect your license before                                On the Web at                                                                                                                      • Disability income and overhead insurance that protect you in your
professional licensing boards.                                                               Membership (x369)                                                                                                                                   occupation
                                                                                                                                                                       DISCOUNTED DEFIBRILLATORS
For legal questions, members may contact Barry B. Cepelewicz,                                 As a member, you have access to our statewide                                                                                                    • Life insurance
                                                                                                                                                                       Simple to use, maintenance free.
MD, Esq. at 516-393-2200 The                 directory of physicians (member and nonmember) and hospitals.                                                                                                      • Long Term Care
firm’s website is at                                 The directory is searchable and is continually refreshed with up-                                                                                                  • Business Owners, Workers Compensation, NYS Disability/Paid Family
                                                                            to-the-minute data.                                                                                                                                                  Leave, Cyber, and more for your business
PAYER PROBLEM ASSISTANCE                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Personal Lines – Home, Auto, Umbrella
                     Socio-Medical Economics (x332)                                      MORNING/LUNCH/EVENING
                 MSSNY’s SME Division offers you and your
                 staff free assistance with questions relating                           Presentations, one hour or less, on public health,
                 to health insurance policies, and can help                              practice related matters and legal issues.
                 resolve claims-related disputes and questions                           Governmental Affairs 518-465-8085
re Medicare, Medicaid, Workers’ Compensation, No-Fault Auto
programs, managed care, traditional indemnity plans, coding,
billing, etc.                                                                            MAILING LIST / LABEL SERVICE
                                                                                         Information Services (x369)

* Benef its listed are as of January 2020, subject to change

1846                                           1893                          1899                                       1901                           1905                                       1916                            1921                                               1926
Nathan Davis, a state society delegate         MSSNY is instrumental in      MSSNY publishes the first Medical          New York State Journal of      The first MSSNY headquarters               MSSNY establishes               MSSNY organizes the Group Plan of                  MSSNY amends its constitution and
from Broome County, leads the formation        forming the New York State    Directory of New York, New Jersey,         Medicine begins publication.   building is established at 64              the Committee on                Malpractice Insurance and Defense                  bylaws and establishes a Board of
of the AMA by convening a meeting of           Department of Health.         and Connecticut. This title remains                                       Madison Avenue, New York City.             Medical Economics.              and creates the Legislation Bureau in              Trustees, transferring authority and
physicians from all over the US at New                                       until 1951, when it becomes the                                           Rent is $500 a year.                                                       Albany, the forerunner of the Division of          management over Society funds from
York University.                                                             Medical Directory of New York State.                                                                                                                 Governmental Affairs.                              the Council to the Board.

8    Medical Society of the State of New York                                                                                                                                                                                                                Medical Society of the State of New York                   9
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
Valuable Benefits for Your Practice
                                                                                                                                                            More MSSNY Benefits
                                                                                                                                                            Save on these professional and personal services
                                                                                                                                                            Call 800-523-4405 x 355 for more information on the following
              PHYSICIAN SUPPORT SERVICES                                                     MSSNY COMMITTEE FOR
              Committee for Physician Health (CPH)                                           PHYSICIAN WELLNESS AND                                                        ALTFEST WEALTH MANAGEMENT                                                     NEW YORK RX CARD
              518-436-4723                                                                   RESILIENCE                                                                    provides personalized financial guidance for                                  The New York RX Card is a free and confidential
                                                                                                                                                                           physicians and their families: investments,                                   point of sale prescription discount card that can
            CPH provides confidential assistance to physicians,                              To meet the profession’s needs, MSSNY has
                                                                                                                                                                           creditor and asset protection, tax planning and                               save your patients up to 75% on prescription
            medical students and physician assistants suffering                              established this committee to increase education,
                                                                                                                                                                           student debt management. Learn more at www.                                   medications.
from substance use or other psychiatric disorders; monitors                  awareness and recognition of stress and burnout and their
                                                                                                                                                                  or call 212-406-0850.
the treatment and clinical practice of program participants; and             effects on both the individual physician and the physician
provides advocacy, support and outreach activities, including                workforce, and to support physicians in optimizing their physical,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         LOCAL DISCOUNTS
prevention and education.                                                    emotional, cognitive and psychological well-being.
                                                                                                                                                                             REFI WITH SOFI                                                              On movies, restaurants, office products, car
                                                                                                                                                                             SoFi student loan refinancing lets you consolidate                          maintenance, variety stores, theme parks, and
                                                                                                                                                                             your loans at a much lower interest rate than                               more!
                                                                                                                                                                             banks offer. Benefits of SoFi include a welcome
                                                                                                                                                                             bonus, low variable and fixed rate options, and no
                                                                                                                                                                             hidden fees. SoFi offers member events, career                            LA FITNESS
                                                                                                                                                            advisory, a referral program, and more. Visit or                            Exclusive discount for you and your family! Typical
                                                                                                                                                            contact customer service at 855-456-7634 or                                   amenities include state-of-the-art equipment, free
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       weights, basketball, racquetball, group fitness,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       yoga, indoor cycling classes, swimming pool,
                                                                                                                                                                           PREMIER MERCHANT PROCESSING                                                 sauna, personal training, babysitting.
                                                                                                                                                                          is a preferred merchant services provider
                                                                                                                                                                          for MSSNY. PMP specializes in designing the                                  MSSNY TRAVEL DISCOUNT
                                                                                                                                                            proper payment solution for your office to streamline your                                 PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                            business acceptance practices.                                                             Exclusive travel discounts average 10- 20%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       below-market on all hotels and car rental suppliers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       worldwide. Any hotel, any car, anywhere, anytime.
                                                                                                                                                                           COLLECTION SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                                           I.C. Systems, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BROOKS BROTHERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15% discount on full priced merchandise at all
                                                                                                                                                                           Ethical collection services that help preserve the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Brooks Brothers U.S. and Canadian stores, by
                                                                                                                                                                           physician/patient relationship.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        phone and online.

                                                                                                                                                            MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PREMIER GEM
                                                                                                                                                                           800-289-6247                                                                 PremierGem offers MSSNY members a different
                                                                                                                                                                           Members receive discounts on magazines for                                   and better way to save on quality diamond
                                                                                                                                                                           office and personal use.                                                     jewelry. Contact 212-319-5151 or steve@
                                                                                                                                                                           Call MSSNY Benefits for more information on the                    
                                                                                                                                                                           following 800-523-4405 x 355

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SCRUBS CLEARANCE STORE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Large variety of brands at huge savings. Visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and use site code
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “SAVE” to access deals.

1927                                 1936                                     1937                                    1971                                  May 25, 1975 2001                                                                            2002                          2007
MSSNY establishes the “Wear, Tear,   The Workers’ Compensation Bureau is      MSSNY Women’s Auxiliary                 MSSNY purchases and dedicates the     A special session of the House of               MSSNY initiates the largest class action     MSSNY receives a grant        MSSNY secures state grants to
Loss and Depreciation Fund,” later   established as an arm of the MSSNY.      participates in the first pilot blood   Lake Success Headquarters building,   Delegates establishes the Medical Liability     lawsuit ever brought against managed         from the New York State       educate and assist physicians with
to become the Building Fund.         The state Women’s Auxiliary holds its    banks program. Founded in Chicago,      modeled after a hospital in India.    Mutual Insurance Company to resolve a           care insurance companies, and joins          Department of Health          health information technology
                                     first meeting.                           some of the earliest hospital and                                             major crisis when all liability insurance       with other state medical societies in        to manage a statewide         through the advancement of an
                                                                              community blood banks in the US are                                           carriers refuse to offer medical liability      an action leading to settlements worth       bioterrorism education        interoperative health information
                                                                              established in New York.                                                      insurance in New York State.                    over $1.6 billion to physicians.             program.                      technology infrastructure in New
10    Medical Society of the State of New York
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       York State.
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
Educational Opportunities for                                                                                                                Leadership Opportunities
Members Available Online                                                                                                                     Your medical societies offer numerous
                                                                                                                                             opportunities and paths through which                        ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                             to enter the leadership track. MSSNY’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      60 County

                                                                                                                                             leaders interact with officials and elected                        MSS                                                                    Societies
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Medical Student Section
                                                                                                                                             representatives at the highest levels of
• Monthly Live Webinars
                                                                                                                                             government, as well as with hospital and                                                           MSSNY
• An Interactive Platform                                                                                                                    business leaders, insurance companies, key                          RFS                                House Of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9 District
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Resident and Fellow                                                      Branches
• Personalized Online Workspace                                                                                                              players in the AMA and specialty societies,                           Section
• Popular Public Health and Advocacy Topics                                                                                                  and with the media.
• 24-Hour Live Programming
• Instant CME Certification                                                                                                                  Get involved through your county medical                            YPS                            MSSNY COUNCIL
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Young Physicians Section
                                                                                                                                             society, or through one of the MSSNY                                                                     and
For further information, contact                                                                                                                                                                                                                Board of Trustees
Pat Clancy at 518-465-8085                                                                                                                   sections or committees that provide an entrée
                                                                                                                                             to top leadership roles as well as powerful                      OMSS                                                                     Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Organized Mediacl
RESIDENT/FELLOW/MEDICAL                                                                                                                      learning experiences. International medical                        Staff Section

STUDENT SYMPOSIUM                                                                                                                            graduates, minority physicians, women, and                   The Medical Society of the State of New York      approximately every two to three months.

The Resident/Fellow and Medical Student                                                                                                      salaried and group practice physicians have                  is a federation of 60 county medical societies.   In cases of emergency arising between
                                                                                                                                                                                                          MSSNY is governed by a House of Delegates         Council meetings, authority falls to the ten
Poster Symposium has been held annually                                                                                                      all been recognized as special constituencies                (HOD) whose members are elected by their          member Executive Committee, which is
since 2006 at the MSSNY House of Delegates                                                                                                   whose increased participation and input                      colleagues in their county medical societies      appointed by the President from among the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          or other constituent groups. Between annual       elected councilors and officers. Financial
meetings, offering a wonderful opportunity for                                                                                               MSSNY wants to encourage.                                    meetings of the HOD, MSSNY is governed            affairs are supervised by the seven members
our younger members to display their research                                                                                                                                                             by its Council, a body of 25 members              of the Board of Trustees, who are elected by
                                                                                                                                                                                                          elected by the HOD. The Council meets             the HOD.
and case studies.

                                                                                                                                             MSSNY COMMITTEES                                                             HOW TO BE A GRASSROOTS ACTIVIST
                                                                                                                                             Committee participation is a great way to hone your leadership               MSSNY’s Grassroots Action Center is your link to reviews of
                                                                                                                                             skills, voice your opinions, and effect change. MSSNY offers                 current legislative issues of concern to physicians and tools
                                                                                                                                             dozens of committees covering the gamut of the work we do.                   for making your voice heard. Send model letters to legislators
                                                                                                                                             New members are always welcome. Committee descriptions                       or your own versions to help achieve quality health care for
                                                                                                                                             are available at MSSNY.                                  all New Yorkers and improvement in the professional lives of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          physicians. The site enables you to look up your federal and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          state representatives by zip code.
                                                                                                                                             THE PHYSICIAN ADVOCACY LIAISON NETWORK (PAL)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Affairs/State Advocacy/
                                                                                                                                             The PAL network makes grassroots contacts with legislators                   Grassroots Action Center.
                                                                                                                                             more defined and personal. PAL members are assigned as
                                                                                                                                             liaisons to their state legislators and meet personally with
                                                                                                                                             them at least twice a year. By developing close relationships
                                                                                                                                             with elected officials, the PAL Network gets MSSNY and the
                                                                                                                                             physician community’s message across in a more visible way
                                                                                                                                             at the local level.

2007                                                   2008              2011                               2016                             2016                                         2017                                                2018                                     CELEBRATING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MORE THAN 200
MSSNY embarks on a major campaign to lead key          MSSNY moves       MSSNY embarks on a new             MSSNY’s intervention vastly      Based on a survey of NYS physicians, MSSNY   MSSNY works with the NYS Office for                 Our Telemedicine Work group
change in the tort and medical malpractice insurance   its Downstate     approach to membership             improves the usefulness of the   forms its Committee for Physician Wellness   Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services             focuses on policies, resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       YEARS AS THE
environment in New York State as part of a special     Headquarters to   involving all members of a         prescription monitoring I-STOP   and Resilience, focused on increasing        to develop a highly lauded required CME             and opportunities MSSNY can              VOICE OF NEW
task force established by the Governor.                Westbury.         medical staff at a reduced rate.   program through our insistence   education, awareness and recognition         program on Pain Management, Palliative              provide to help members in               YORK PHYSICIANS
                                                                                                            on modifications to reduce       of the causes and effects of stress and      Care and Addiction, offered to MSSNY                providing or obtaining care for
12   Medical Society of the State of New York                                                               burdens on physicians.           burnout.                                     members free of charge.                             patients remotely.
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
Networking Through Membership
Avenues For Involvement
MSSNY’s Special Interest Sections provide a means for their members to make local, statewide and national
contacts, exchange ideas and have direct input into MSSNY and AMA policy

Young Physicians Section (YPS)                            resident physicians, and enables resident
The YPS is the voice of young physicians in New
York. Young physicians are defined as age 40
                                                          members to influence society policy. There
                                                          are many opportunities to develop leadership
                                                                                                              Make Change Happen!
or under, or within eight years of completion             skills, make professional contacts, and meet to
                                                          socialize with local residents. The section sends   Do you have a good idea that can change healthcare delivery
of residency/fellowship. YPS provides MSSNY
                                                          delegates to both the MSSNY annual and the          for the better? Are there changes you’d like to see your
with the perspective of young physicians in
                                                          national AMA assemblies.                            medical societies adopt?
policy processes, educates young physicians on
professional matters, and provides leadership                                                                 Individual MSSNY members have started movements that
opportunities. The section holds an annual state          Medical Student Section (MSS)                       have changed healthcare and their patients’ lives for the
meeting and sends delegates to both the MSSNY                                                                 better. Recent achievements, such as vastly improving
                                                          The MSS provides a forum for student opinions
annual and the national AMA assemblies. Many                                                                  I-STOP legislation to reduce the burden on physicians,
                                                          and ideas that can influence MSSNY policy
of the larger county societies also have young                                                                and securing the New York State Attorney General’s
                                                          as well as the AMA’s. The MSS is proactive in
physician committees through which members can                                                                intervention when managed care organizations tried
                                                          community service and has been influential
become active.                                                                                                to set up physician tiering programs, have been
                                                          in establishing national health care policy.
                                                          MSS programs have included, among many              significant in changing the rules under which
Resident and Fellow Section (RFS)                         others, outreach and education regarding            physicians practice.

The RFS provides a forum for the exchange of              organ donation, the Children’s Health Insurance
                                                                                                              Bring your ideas to a county medical society or
information and ideas among resident physicians           Program (CHIP), blood and bone marrow drives,
                                                                                                              section meeting, or seek support through one
in New York State, provides programs and services         and AIDS. The section sends delegates to
                                                                                                              of MSSNY’s committees or special sections.
that enhance the educational environment of               both the MSSNY annual and the national AMA
                                                                                                              Committees are listed on the MSSNY website,
                                                                                                              and your county society or section can nominate
                                                                                                              you for appointment to one that interests you.
                                                          Organized Medical Staff Section (OMSS)              Committees and sections can bring proposals
                                                                                                              to the MSSNY Council or House of Delegates for
                                                          OMSS is MSSNY’s grassroots physician
                                                          organization, composed of representatives from
                                                          organized medical staffs in hospitals, group        The most direct way to propose an idea or action may be
                                                          practices and other physician organizations.        simply to pick up the phone and call MSSNY at 800-523-4405,
                                                          OMSS can help your medical staff organization       or send an email to the appropriate staff person on our website
                                                          stay effective and strong and can deliver the MSSNY/Divisions.
                                                          message of physicians on medical staffs to
                                                          MSSNY, the AMA, federal and state legislatures,
                                                          health care agencies, the Joint Commission, the
                                                          insurance industry, and other public and private
                                                          sector groups.

14   Medical Society of the State of New York                                                                                                                                   Medical Society of the State of New York   15
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
Quick Guide to In-House Services
MSSNY Member Resources
MSSNY staff are ready to assist you in any way possible and welcome the opportunity to do so. Call MSSNY’s Executive Headquarters
at 516-488-6100 (toll free 800-523-4405) followed by the appropriate extension, or Albany Headquarters at 518-465-8085.

Westbury MSSNY
Executive Headquarters............................................... 516-488-6100                                Meeting Services................................................................................ 404
Toll Free........................................................................... 800-523-4405                 Membership.......................................................................................... 403
Lobby Fax...........................................................................516-282-7098                  News of New York.............................................................................. 355
Address Changes............................................................................... 369                Organized Medical Staff Section................................................... 383
Alliance................................................................................................... 396   Payer Problems/Claims Assistance (Ombudsman).................. 332
Benefits (Members)............................................................................ 355                Physician Data.......................................................................................367
Committees (General)....................................................................... 322                   Policies and Bylaws............................................................................ 322
Communications................................................................................. 355               Reimbursement Questions.............................................................. 332
Curriculum Vitae Service................................................................. 383                     Resident and Fellow Section.......................................................... 383
Delegates to Annual House............................................................ 368                         Socio-Medical Economics............................................................... 332
Dues Information................................................................................. 365             Young Physicians Section................................................................ 383
eNews..................................................................................................... 340
Executive Office.................................................................................. 398
Finance....................................................................................................327    Albany
Group Practice Physicians............................................................... 389                      MSSNY Albany Headquarters.....................................518-465-8085
House of Delegates........................................................................... 404                 Fax........................................................................................518-465-0976
Information Services...........................................................................367                Accreditations for CME......................................... 518-465-8085 x317
Institutional Membership Discounts............................................. 389                               Continuing Medical Education........................... 518-465-8085 x317
Insurance Programs for Members................................................. 355                               Committee for Physician Health........................ 518-436-4723 x222
Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Payment Issues...................... 332                                            ...................................................................................... 800-338-1833
International Medical Graduates................................................... 389                            FAX CPH Albany..............................................................518-436-7943
Legal Counsel (Garfunkel Wild)..................................516-393-2200                                      Governmental Affairs............................................. 518-465-8085 x319
Managed Care Contracting Issues............................................... 332                                MSSNYPAC.......................................................518-465-8085 x314/339
Medical Directory............................................................................... 396              Public Health and Education............................... 518-465-8085 x311
Medical Staff Membership Agreements...................................... 389
Medical Student Section.................................................................. 368
Medical, Educational & Scientific Foundation........................... 350

                                                                                                                                               The Medical Society of the State of New York

                                                                                                                                               EXECUTIVE HEADQUARTERS
                                                                                                                                               865 Merrick Avenue
                                                                                                                                               Westbury, NY 11590
                                                                                                                                               Fax: 516-282-7098

                                                                                                                                               ALBANY HEADQUARTERS
                                                                                                                                               1 Commerce Plaza
                                                                                                                                               99 Washington Avenue, Suite 408
                                                                                                                                               Albany, NY 12210
                                                                                                                                               Fax: 518-465-0976
MSSNY Users Guide: How to make the most of your MSSNY membership - LEARN MORE INSIDE about
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