Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano

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Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione
        del virus negli adulti

                  Massimo Galli
            DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI
Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
Casi di COVID-19 diagnosticati in Italia per
        comune di domicilio/residenza
          14 - 27 settembre 2020
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
All but one of the
                                                genomes belonged to
                                                the lineage B.1, the
                                                most frequently
                                                identified in European
                                                countries, including
                                                Italy. Only a single
                                                sequence was found to
                                                belong to lineage B.

tMRCA estimation confirmed the probable origin of the epidemic
between the end of January and the beginning of February with
a rapid increase in the number of infections between the end of
February and mid-March. Since early February, an effective
reproduction number (Re) greater than 1 was estimated, which then
increased reaching the peak of 2.3 in early March, confirming the
circulation of the virus before the first COVID-19 cases were
                                  Viruses 2020, 12, 798;doi:10.3390/v12080798
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
SARS-CoV        ACE2
spike protein

                           spike RBD

                 ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
• Respiratory transmission is the dominant mode of transmission.
• Vertical transmission occurs rarely; transplacental transmission
  has been documented.
• Cats and ferrets can be infected and transmit to each other, but
  there are no reported cases to date of transmission to humans;
  minks transmit to each other and to humans.
• Direct contact and fomite transmission are presumed but are
  likely only an unusual mode of transmission.
• Although live virus has been isolated from saliva and stool and
  viral RNA has been isolated from semen and blood donations,
  there are no reported cases of SARSCoV-2 transmission via fecal–
  oral, sexual, or bloodborne routes.
• To date, there is 1 cluster of possible fecal–respiratory
                  Meyerowitz et al. Ann Intern Med. doi:10.7326/M20-5008
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
In a closed, stagnant air environment, droplets disappear from
the window of view with time constants in the range of 8 to
14 min, which corresponds to droplet nuclei of ca. 4 μm
diameter, or 12- to 21-μm droplets prior to dehydration.
These observations confirm that there is a substantial probability
that normal speaking causes airborne virus transmission in
confined environments.

Light scattering observation of airborne speech droplet nuclei,
generated by a 25-s burst of repeatedly speaking the phrase
“stay healthy” in a loud voice.
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
The serial interval of COVID-19 is defined as the time duration between a primary case-patient
(infector) having symptom onset and a secondary case-patient (infectee) having symptom onset.
We estimate a mean serial interval for COVID-19
of 3.96 (95% CI 3.53–4.39) days, with an SD of
4.75 (95% CI 4.46–5.07) days, which is
considerably lower than reported mean serial
intervals of 8.4 days for SARS to 14.6 days for

Fifty-nine of the 468 reports indicate that the
infectee had symptoms earlier than the infector.
Thus, presymptomatic transmission might be

Gray bars indicate the number of infection events
with specified serial interval, and blue lines indicate
fitted normal distributions. Negative serial intervals
(left of the vertical dotted lines) suggest the
possibility of COVID-19 transmission from
asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic case-patients.
                                                              Zhanwei Du. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Jun
Modalità di trasmissione e diffusione del virus negli adulti - Massimo Galli DIBIC L.Sacco, UNIMI Malattie Infettive III, ASST FBF/Sacco Milano
Asymptomatic infection may
    be associated with
      subclinical lung
abnormalities, as detected
 by computed tomography.
N Engl J Med 2020382; 22: 2158-60
Attack rates:              < 20 years:                5.2%
                           20 – 59 years:            14.8%
                           > 60 years:               18.4%

Compared with the oldest age group (≥60 years; OR 1.00), the risk of household infection was:
• lower in the youngest age group (
Few infectious subjects might account for
      the majority secondary cases
Seroprevalence of
 significantly varies
      with age:
results from a mass
population screening

 Pagani et al, J. Infection 2020
Un esempio di contagio da SARS-CoV-2: Ristorante in Cina
                                                    CASO INDICE

                                                    conclamatasi in

                                                    CASI SECONDARI

                               Lu J, et al. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020
Dynamics of
  antibody titers in
  the months after

• Neutralizing antibody
  titers declined an average
  of about four-fold from
  one to four months post
  symptom onset.
• This decline was
  accompanied by a decline
  in total antibodies capable
  of binding the viral spike
  or its receptor-binding
• Data are consistent with
  the expected early
  immune response to viral
  infection, where an initial
  peak in antibody levels is
  followed by a decline to a
  lower plateau
                                Crawford KHD,et al.J Infect Dis. 2020 Sep 30:jiaa618
Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 reinfection
     by a phylogenetically distinct strain
•   In March 2020, a 51-year-old women presented to the general
    practitioner symptoms of headache, fever, myalgia, coughing, chest
    pain and dyspnea. She also mentioned anosmia and a change in tasteIn
    March 2020, a 51-year-old women presented to the general
    practitioner symptoms
•   Oxygen saturation by capillary oximeter was 94%. Hospitalisation was
    not deemed necessary at the time and the patient was asked to
    selfquarantine for 2 weeks. Because of persisting symptoms of
    tiredness, muscle pains and dyspnoea, she stayed at home for 5 weeks
    before returning to work.
•   Three months after initial onset of symptoms, she experienced a
    relapse of symptoms with headache, cough and fatigue. Rhinitis was
    also present. There was no travel history.
•   The patient told the general practitioner that the symptoms felt similar
    to the first episode in March, although milder. The nasopharyngeal
    swab was again positive for SARS-CoV-2,suggesting a reinfection
•   Full-length genome sequencing with ONT MinION revealed that the
    initial infectionwas caused by a lineage B.1.1 SARS-CoV-2 virus and
    the relapsing infection by a lineage A
                                  Van Elslande et al. CID 2020 5 sept.

 • The determinants of disease severity seemed to stem
   mostly from host factors such as age,
   lymphocytopenia, and its associated cytokine storm,
   whereas viral genetic variation did not significantly
   affects the outcomes
Lethality rate by age group
Age     deceased   %   lethality
Distribuzione di casi, decessi e
letalità negli operatori sanitari

                              ISS 29/09/2020
A lying ranking
Percentuale di casi di COVID-19 diagnosticati in
Italia per stato clinico al momento della diagnosi e
               settimana di diagnosi

                                          ISS 29/09/2020
Quali occasioni non possiamo

• L’epidemia ha posto l’accento sulle carenze della
  organizzazione ospedaliera ed ancor di più su
  quelle della medicina territoriale.
• È pertanto evidente la necessità di un
  ripensamento profondo su strutture e
• La rete infettivologica è più che mai necessaria
• In cinese, la parola crisi è composta di due
  caratteri. Uno rappresenta il pericolo e l'altro
Grazie per l’attenzione
Tracciatura e gestione dei contatti
                a e gestione dei contatti

                    ?                                                  neg

                    ?                                                  neg
     CASO 1
                    ?    contatti                                      neg
     Tampone                                                                     neg
        +                tampone (t)                                         T
                    ?                                                  pos   T   neg
                    ?                                                            neg
                                                           neg     T pos
                                            neg                         T
                                            neg             T          pos

                                  T     T   T     T    T

“contact tracing”          neg    neg       neg       neg        neg

                                 focolaio spento
Genome characterization of 2019-nCoV

Rhinolophus affinis
                              Zhou et al Nature 2020
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