MLC Wrap Super Series 2 - How to Guide

Page created by Gary Hardy
MLC Wrap Super Series 2 - How to Guide
MLC Wrap Super Series 2
How to Guide

Preparation date   Issued by The Trustee,         ABN 93 002 814 959     The Universal Super Scheme
1 July 2017 date
Preparation        Issued by the Trustee
                   MLC Nominees   Pty Ltd NULIS
                                          (MLC)   AFSL
                                                        80 008 515 633     The
                                                                         (The   Fund MLC Superannuation Fund
2 November 2020    Nominees (Australia) Limited    AFSL 236465           ABN
                                                                                 928 361701
                                                                                   022   101955
The purpose of this document is to give you
enough information to manage your account
        with your financial adviser.

Your financial adviser                                        4
                                                                   Within the Series 2 accounts you
Accessing your account online                                 5   have the option to select from
                                                                   our Core Investment List or the
                                                                   full Investment List. The Core
How your MLC Wrap account works                               6
                                                                   Investment List gives you access
                                                                   to a focused range of investment
About your Cash Account                                       7
                                                                   options and a simpler fee structure.
                                                                   Alternatively, you can choose to select
Core Investment List                                          8
                                                                   from our full range of investment
                                                                   options on the Investment List.
Adding to your super – the rules                              9
                                                                   Speak with your financial adviser to
Adding to your super – the mechanics                         11   determine which works best for you.
                                                                   For more information about the Core
Asset transfers into your account                            13   Investment List please refer to page 8.
Transferring your super to MLC                               14

Starting a pension                                           15   Want to change your mind?
                                                                   You can mail, fax or email us to
Starting a pension – Transition to Retirement pension        16   close your account within 14 days
                                                                   of opening it.
Pension payments – the rules                                 17
                                                                   Please make sure you include your
Pension payments – the mechanics                             18   name and account details.
                                                                   We’ll send you confirmation once we
Accessing your money – the rules                             19   have closed your account.

Accessing your money – the mechanics                         21   If you do close your account, we’ll
                                                                   return the account balance to you
                                                                   if it isn’t preserved. Alternatively
Managing your investments                                    22
                                                                   we’ll transfer it to another eligible
                                                                   super fund or, subject to cashing
Changes to the Investment List                               28
                                                                   restrictions, a pension product of
                                                                   your choice.
Corporate actions                                            29
                                                                   Your account balance will be
Receiving distribution income and dividends                  30   adjusted for any:
                                                                   •   increase or decrease in the unit
Fees and costs                                               31       prices or value of your investment

Tax – the rules                                              33   •   insurance premium paid
                                                                   •   pension payments or lump sum
Tax – the mechanics                                          38       payments made to you
                                                                   •   tax payable, and
Insurance41                                                       •   administration costs incurred
                                                                       in establishing or closing
Nominating a beneficiary                                     42       your account.

Appointing someone to act on your behalf                     44   Please note: This cooling off period
                                                                   doesn’t apply if you transact on your
How we keep you informed                                     45   account within the 14 days.

Additional information you need to know                      46


References to MLC Wrap refers to MLC Wrap Super Series 2.
If you want more information please contact us on 132 652.
The information in this guide may change from time to time.
                                                                        How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 3
Your financial adviser

Your financial adviser will play a pivotal   If you change your
role in the continuing review and            financial adviser                             Your financial adviser
management of your account.                                                                MLC Wrap is only available to
                                             At some stage you may decide to change        you through a licensed financial
Your financial adviser will instruct us      your financial adviser. You’ll need to tell   adviser or through their authorised
how to invest your money and on any          us in writing and provide details of your     representative.
other matters relating to your account.      MLC Wrap Super account and your new           At MLC we believe in the value of
This includes instructions to:               financial adviser.                            financial advice and strongly
                                                                                           recommend you regularly keep in
•   switch between investments               This will include any fee arrangements
                                                                                           touch with your financial adviser.
•   make additional contributions            you’ve agreed.
                                                                                           If you choose to no longer receive
•   change your account details, and         We’ll need to first check your new            financial advice, you can still use
                                             financial adviser is an authorised            MLC Wrap and we’ll continue
•   make withdrawals to your nominated
                                                                                           to provide product updates and
    bank account.                            financial adviser and is licensed to
                                                                                           statements to you at your last
                                             provide advice on our products.
                                                                                           known email or postal address.
We’ll contact your financial adviser if we
                                                                                           You can update your personal
need to:                                                                                   details or manage your account
•   give you instructions, or                                                              at
•   obtain information from you.

4 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Accessing your
account online

Investor Online is MLC Wrap’s secure         Through Investor Online, you can also run the following reports.
site where you have 24-hour access to
                                              Report                           What information it provides
your accounts.
                                              Portfolio Valuation              Gives a list of all your investment holdings within
Once you’ve logged in via                                                      your account at a specified date and the: you can:
                                                                               • current share or unit price
•   view all your MLC Wrap accounts in                                         • total value, and
    one place                                                                  • percentage of your portfolio.
•   keep track of your investments and
    account balances                          Market Exposure                  Shows the current market exposure and sector
                                                                               allocation across your investment portfolio.
•   view your transactions
                                              Transaction Summary              Shows the transactions that occurred over
•   get your Bpay® details for investing
                                                                               the specified period for each investment in
•   register for Electronic Funds Transfer                                     your portfolio.
    (EFT) details for contributions
                                              Centrelink Pension Schedule      Provides you with information to enable Centrelink
•   update your contact details and
                                              (pension accounts only)          to assess Social Security or Service Pension
    password                                                                   entitlements.

•   view your insurance, and
•   find out how your investments are
    tracking with consolidated reporting.

® Registered to Bpay Pty Ltd
  ABN 69 079 137 518

                                                                                                    How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 5
How your MLC
Wrap account works

MLC Wrap allows you, together with your financial adviser, to manage your investment
portfolio on your terms.

                                                       Your account

                                                                        Investment 1
                                                        Buy and sell
          Your contributions                            investments

                                                                        Investment 2

                               Cash Account            Earnings from
    You                                                 investments
                                                                        Investment 3
             Payment of                                  Premiums
                                                   Insurance proceeds

                               Fees, charges & taxes

6 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
About your
Cash Account

The Cash Account is used for all               Minimum cash requirement                    If you don’t make a nomination, we’ll
transactions on your account including                                                     sell your investments in the order
                                               You need to invest a minimum amount
pension payments. Where applicable,                                                        the investment groups are listed
                                               in your Cash Account as shown in the
insurance premiums are also deducted                                                       on the Investment List available at
                                               table below.
from your Cash Account.                                                          
                                                Super       1% of your account balance
                                                                                           Where you hold multiple investments
Your Cash Account Investment                                to a maximum of $5,000.
                                                                                           from the same group, the first
Like other cash investments, you earn           Pension     1% of your account balance     investment we’ll sell is the one that
interest on a positive cash balance in                      to a maximum of $5,000         hasn’t been bought or sold for the longest
your Cash Account. However, interest                        plus an amount to cover the    period of time.
will be charged if your Cash Account is                     next two months of
                                                            pension payments (for          Please note: Separately Managed Account
negative. This may happen if you buy
                                                            monthly and fortnightly
investments using proceeds from sales                                                      (SMA) model portfolios and term deposits
                                                            payments) or the next
that aren’t final, or if you haven’t allowed                pension payment (for other     will be included last in the default sell
for fees or other payments. The interest                    payment frequencies).          down order.
rate charged will be equivalent to the rate
applied where your Cash Account balance                                                      There may be tax implications
is positive.                                   Monitoring your Cash Account
                                                                                             if we have to sell some of your
                                               You and your financial adviser are            investments. You should make
Interest is calculated daily and paid to                                                     sure your minimum cash
                                               responsible for maintaining the
your Cash Account quarterly.                                                                 balance is always maintained.
                                               balance in your Cash Account above
Your Cash Account is currently allocated       the minimum cash requirement.
to cash investments, managed by NAB.                                                       Cash Account fee
                                               You can top up your Cash Account by
Please go to
                                               transferring money into it, or requesting
or speak with your financial adviser                                                       A fee of 0.75% pa is calculated on the
                                               to sell down other investments in
for information on your Cash Account                                                       daily Cash Account balance. The Cash
                                               your account.
including:                                                                                 Account fee does not count toward the
                                               If your Cash Account balance falls below    maximum or minimum Administration
•   the relevant product information
                                                                                           fee. The Cash Account fee does not
    and/or terms and conditions for            the minimum cash requirement, we
                                               may sell some of your investments to        apply to the cash allocation for your
    the investments
                                               pay for any outstanding fees, charges       investments in the SMA.
•   the approximate allocation to each
                                               and expenses and to provide at least the
    investment, and                                                                        The Cash Account fee is calculated daily
                                               minimum cash requirement. We’ll review
                                                                                           and deducted from the investment
•   the indicative earning rates and           this quarterly and let your financial
                                                                                           returns, before interest is calculated
    performance information.                   adviser know before taking action.
                                                                                           and applied to your Cash Account each
                                               With the exception of listed investments    quarter or on withdrawal. It is not an
                                               and term deposits, you can nominate the     explicit deduction from your Cash
                                               order you’d like your investments to be     Account balance and will be included
                                               sold should the need arise.                 in the ‘other fees of your investment’ in
                                                                                           your statement.

                                                                                                 How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 7
Core Investment List

With MLC Wrap Super Series 2 you have      How do I move in and out of the              How do fees work if in the
access to the full range of investment     Core Investment List?                        Core Investment List?
options on the Investment List. This is
                                           You can apply to move your account           The Administration fees you pay will
known as the full Investment List.
                                           between the Core Investment List and         depend on the Investment List
Alternatively, you can choose to select
                                           full Investment List at any time by:         applicable to your account at the end
our Core Investment List, which gives
                                                                                        of the month or when you close
you access to a focused range of           •   Speaking to your financial adviser; or   your account.
investment options and a simpler
fee structure.                             •   Completing the Switch &
                                               Re-weight form                           You and your financial adviser are
                                                                                        responsible for the investments held in
The Core Investment List is made up of a
                                           You can obtain this form at                  your account. Where there are holdings
selection of MLC investment options and
                                                outside of the Core Investment List in
includes the Cash Account.
                                           or by calling us.                            your account, you’ll be charged the
To understand the range of investment                                                   Administration fee applicable to the full
                                           Any active transactions, current             Investment List even where the Core
options available through the
                                           investment holdings, or current              Investment List has been selected on
Core Investment List, see the
                                           investment facilities on the account         your account.
Investment List available at
                                           which include investments not available
                                           on the Core Investment List may delay        The Administration fee is based on your
When you open your account, you must       the request to move to the Core              combined super and pension account
select from either the Core Investment     Investment List.                             balances that are within the same
List or the full Investment List.                                                       Investment List structure. For example,
                                           We may also update the Investment List       you are not able to combine balances
You can’t choose to operate under both     selected on your account to be the full      from a pension account where you have
the Core Investment List and full          Investment List should the holdings          selected the Core Investment List, with a
Investment List within the one account     outside of the Core Investment List          super account where the full Investment
at the same time.                          continue to be held in your account.         List has been selected.
                                           Both of these scenarios will impact the      If you have selected the Core Investment
                                           Administration fees you pay.                 List, you can’t receive the benefit of
                                                                                        family group linking. Members of the
                                           You can review your investments at any
                                                                                        family group will also not be able to
                                           time by speaking with your financial
                                                                                        benefit from your account.
                                           adviser, logging in to your account at
                                  or by calling us.           Please speak to your financial adviser
                                                                                        about which option is most appropriate
                                                                                        for your circumstances.

8 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Adding to your super –
the rules

                                               Eligibility to contribute
    The law requires that any
    contribution that can’t be allocated       Your age                 Employer contributions          Contributions       Contributions
    to your account within 30 days be                                   Mandated     Voluntary          from you            from your
    returned. We may therefore return                                                                                       spouse
    contributions to the source of the
    payment as early as 10 days after
                                               Under 67                       •               •                 •                   •
    we receive it to make sure that we
    meet this requirement.
                                               67 but less than 75
                                                                              •         must satisfy
                                                                                         work test
                                                                                                          must satisfy
                                                                                                            work test*
                                                                                                                              must satisfy
                                                                                                                                work test
                                                                                          (unless        (unless eligible    (unless eligible
                                                                                        eligible for      for work test       for work test
                                                                                         work test         exemption)          exemption)
Who can contribute to                                                                   exemption)
your super account?
Most commonly, contributions to your
                                               75 and over                    •          not eligible     not eligible*        not eligible

                                              * This does not apply for members who are applying and eligible for a Downsizer contribution.
super account can be made by you, your
                                                 Please find more information at
spouse or your employer.

You may also be able to grow your super       If you’re aged between 67 and 75,
faster with strategies that include:          all contributions, except mandated                    Some useful definitions
•   Government co-contributions based         employer contributions and downsizer                  Mandated employer contributions
    on your personal contributions and        contributions, can only be made provided              are those required to be paid under
    subject to income, or                     you have been gainfully employed on at                the Superannuation Guarantee laws,
                                              least a part-time basis. This means you’ve            a certified award or a registered
•   salary sacrifice contributions by
                                              worked for at least 40 hours over a 30-day            workplace agreement.
    arranging with your employer to
                                              consecutive period in the financial year in           Voluntary employer contributions
    sacrifice some of your pre-tax salary.
                                              which the contribution is made.                       include salary sacrifice contributions
Your financial adviser will be able to help                                                         and employer additional contributions.
                                              Before you make a contribution, it’s your
you decide what contribution strategies                                                             Further information on
                                              responsibility to make sure you meet the
are suitable for you.                                                                               contributions can be found in the
                                              work test requirements.
                                                                                                    ‘Tax—the rules’ section under the
Check your eligibility                                                                              heading ‘Contribution types and
                                              From age 75, only mandated employer
                                                                                                    caps for tax purposes’.
                                              contributions (those required by
The type of contribution, and whether
                                              Superannuation Guarantee laws, an
it can be accepted, will depend on your
                                              award or registered workplace agreement)
age and work status.
                                              and downsizer contributions can                     superannuation balance at the prior 30
Here’s a quick guide to help you decide       be made.                                            June must be less than $300,000 and the
whether you or others can contribute to                                                           exemption can only be applied once in
                                              An exemption from the work test is                  your lifetime.
your super account. Please note: You can
                                              available to recently retired individuals
transfer other super money from most
                                              age 67 – 74. It allows voluntary                    The rules around contributions may
other funds to your account at any time.
                                              contributions to superannuation without             change, so you’ll need to speak to your
                                              the need to satisfy the work test if the            financial adviser. Alternatively you can
                                              test has been met in the previous                   visit, or
                                              financial year. In addition, your total             call us.

                                                                                                        How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 9
Splitting contributions                     What are downsizer                            The ATO is responsible for administering
with your spouse                            contributions?                                the downsizer contribution scheme so
                                                                                          you will need to complete the ATO
You may be able to split particular types   If you sell a property that has been your
                                                                                          downsizer contribution to super form,
of contributions with your spouse by        main residence at some point and you’ve
                                                                                          and provide this to us when making, or
asking us to transfer these contributions   owned it for at least 10 years and are aged
                                                                                          prior to making, the contribution.
into your spouse’s super account.           65 or more, you may be eligible to
                                                                                          We recommend speaking to your
                                            contribute an after-tax superannuation
                                                                                          financial adviser and learning more
To do this, you and your spouse need        contribution of up to $300,000
to complete a Contribution split            (or $600,000 for couples) from the
to spouse account form. You can             sale proceeds of your home to boost           *	The total super balance measures the
obtain this form at             your super balance.                              30 June value of your super savings in
                                                                                             accumulation accounts and retirement
forms_and_brochures or by calling us.
                                                                                             phase income streams and is used to
                                            You may make more than one
                                                                                             calculate your eligibility for making
As there are some limitations and tax       contribution from the sale of the eligible       certain contributions.
implications, we recommend you              property, but the total must not exceed
speak with your financial adviser or        this maximum. You may contribute less
go to                            than the maximum. These contributions
                                            can be made to your super account
First Home Super Saver Scheme               regardless of your work status, total
                                            super balance or what you’ve already
The First Home Super Saver Scheme
                                            contributed to super under the ordinary
(FHSSS) is a government initiative
                                            contribution caps.
intended to help first home buyers
save for a home.                            Downsizer contributions are not
                                            tax-deductible. The downsizer
Once you’ve established a super account,
                                            contribution will also form part of your
net of tax future voluntary concessional
                                            total super balance* and consequently
and non-concessional super
                                            may affect your ability to make
contributions you make (within the
                                            certain types of super contributions
specified limits) may become eligible to
                                            in the future.
withdraw, plus a deemed rate of return
determined by the ATO (based on the         Unlike your home which is not assessed
90 day Bank Bill rate + 3%) to purchase     by Centrelink while it is your main
your first home.                            residence, your super is assessed under
                                            the assets and income tests once you
Limits apply to the amounts you can
                                            reach Age Pension age. If you receive any
save and withdraw through the FHSSS.
                                            means-tested social security or
If you decide not to purchase a home or
                                            Department of Veterans’ Affairs income
do not qualify for the scheme, you won’t
                                            support payments, you should seek
be able to withdraw your voluntary
                                            advice to understand the impact that
contributions until you retire or meet
                                            making a downsizer contribution will
certain other conditions.
                                            have on your entitlements.
To determine your eligibility or to apply
for this scheme you must contact the
ATO. We recommend speaking to your
financial adviser and learning more at

10 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Adding to your super –
the mechanics                                                                                       There are conditions applicable to
                                                                                                    making contributions. For further
                                                                                                    information please see Adding
                                                                                                    money to your super – the rules

How you can make                                                                                    Certain contributions such as CGT
contributions                                                                                       small business and downsizer
Once you’ve started your account, one-           All forms are available at             contributions can only be made via
off and regular contribution can be made.        forms_and_brochures or by contacting               cheque. The relevant forms need to
                                                 us. All forms and written requests can             be provided to us before or at the
All contributions will be shown in your          be scanned and emailed, faxed or mailed            time the contribution is made.
statements. You can also view your most          to us.                                             For further information, please
recent transactions and investments at                                                              visit

 Method                    Who and what                How
 Bpay®                     You, your spouse or your    1. Either call your financial institution or use internet banking.
 Paying                    employer can make              You don’t need to complete any forms if you’re using Bpay®.
 contributions             one‑off and regular         2. You’ll need to use the following information, which is also available at
 from a bank or            contributions.       
 similar account.
                                                          Bpay® Biller Code                      10959
                                                          Customer Reference Number
                                                          Your Customer Reference Number is provided in your Welcome letter we send to
                                                          you when we set up your account or by accessing your account details at
                                                 Alternatively you can call us to obtain this number.
                                                          The reference number will be the two digit Contribution code to specify what
                                                          contribution is being made followed by the eleven digit BPAY Reference Number.
                                                          The table below lists the Contribution types and relevant codes.

                                                          Contribution type                        Contribution code
                                                       	Employer – Super Guarantee and
                                                         Voluntary Employer                        11

                                                          Personal                                 13
                                                          Spouse                                   15
                                                          Salary Sacrifice                         16

 Direct Debit              You, your spouse or your    1. Check your financial institution account can accept direct debit requests.
 Paying                    employer can make           2. Complete and sign the Update account details form available at
 contributions             one-off and regular
 from a bank or            contributions.
                                                       3. Send the form to us.
 similar account.
                                                       You need to make sure you have sufficient cleared funds available in your account
                                                       on the due date of each direct debit.
                                                       Regular Investment Facility
                                                       Regular contributions can be made by setting up a Regular Investment Facility
                                                       with a nominated financial institution account for monthly, quarterly, half-yearly
                                                       or yearly payments.
                                                       Changes to direct debits
                                                       1. Complete and sign the Update account details form available at
                                                       2. Send the form to us.
                                                       We may cancel regular direct debit drawings if three consecutive drawings are
                                                       dishonoured by your financial institution. We’ll contact your financial adviser if
                                                       this happens and ask what course of action to take.

® Registered to Bpay Pty Ltd
  ABN 69 079 137 518

                                                                                                        How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 11
Adding to your super
– the mechanics

    Method               Who and what                       How

    Electronic           You or your employer can           1. Check with your financial institution if it has any requirements relating to EFT
    Funds Transfer       make one-off and                      payments and how they can be made.
    (EFT)                regular contributions.             2. Register at to obtain our bank details for EFT.
                         Please note: salary sacrifice      3. Use these bank details to make your payment.
                         contributions cannot be made
                         by EFT.
    Credit Card          You, your spouse or your           Credit card contributions can be made by calling us.
    Payments             employer can make one-off
    (via VISA or         contributions.

    Cheque               You, your spouse or your           1.	Complete and sign the Additional investments form available at
                         employer can make one-off    
                         contributions.                     2. Attach a cheque payable to ‘MLC Wrap Super’ crossed ‘Not Negotiable’.
                                                               If it’s a personal cheque make sure you have sufficient cleared funds in your
                                                               account to enable us to bank the cheque.
                                                            3. Send the cheque and form to us.
                                                            Please note: An election form must be provided to us at or before the time a small
                                                            business CGT or downsizer contribution is made.

    Asset Transfer       You can contribute by              1. Speak with your financial adviser to make sure the asset you wish to transfer
    (also known          transferring assets you own to        can be added to your MLC Wrap account.
    as In specie         your account without               2. Complete the Asset transfer (in specie) deposit form and send it to us.
    transfer)            having to sell them.               Please note: For more information on asset transfers please refer to page 13.

    If the contribution type isn’t provided when it’s paid, we’ll contact you or your financial adviser. If we’re unable to get the
    information we need, then processing of the contribution may be delayed or it may not be accepted.
    Please check your statements to ensure all contributions made to your account have been correctly classified. Contributions
    classified incorrectly may be taxed incorrectly.

How you can make sure your                          •    wish to have capital gains tax (CGT)         (see page 24 for more information on
contributions go smoothly                                exempt contributions arising from            these facilities).
                                                         the sale of a qualifying small business
When you make a contribution please                                                                   If you don’t want your contribution
                                                         asset counted towards your CGT
make sure you’ve identified the correct                                                               invested in line with the investment
                                                         contribution cap (to be submitted
type of contribution for your payment.                                                                facilities you have in place, you or your
                                                         by cheque only)
All contributions have to be identified as:                                                           financial adviser will need to let us know
                                                    •    are eligible to make contributions that      before the contribution is made.
•    Mandated employer (such as Super                    are exempt from the contribution caps
     Guarantee),                                         under the personal injury rules, (to be
                                                         submitted by cheque only), or                   When we can’t process
•    Salary Sacrifice,
                                                                                                         your contribution
•    Personal, or                                   •    are eligible to contribute as a downsizer
                                                         contribution. Refer to Adding to your           If we don’t have all the information
•    Spouse.                                                                                             we need to process your
                                                         super – the rules for more information
                                                                                                         contribution, we’ll contact your
In some cases, where you’re making                       on this type of contribution.
                                                                                                         financial adviser.
personal contributions, you may need
to provide us with additional information           How we process                                       Any contributions we can’t process
or forms at or before the time the
                                                    your contribution                                    will be held in an interest bearing
                                                                                                         trust account for up to 30 days.
contribution is made.                               As long as we have all the correct details           If after 30 days we can’t get the
                                                    we’ll process your contributions to your             information we need, we’ll return
These include cases where you:
                                                    Cash Account. If you have investment                 your money. Any interest earned is
                                                    facilities in place, your contribution will          retained for the benefit of members
                                                    be invested in line with your instruction            of the Fund.
12 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Asset transfers into
your account

Before you make a decision on transferring    We’ll then arrange to have your investments
your investments make sure you:               transferred into your super account.
•   speak with your financial adviser         Please note: Assets cannot be transferred
•   check whether we can accept the           out of MLC Wrap super accounts (in
    investments you want to transfer in       specie).

•   compare the features and fees of the      What happens next?
    service you’re transferring from
                                              As long as we have all the correct details
•   consider that any investments
                                              we’ll arrange to transfer the investments
    transferred into your super or pension
                                              into your account. The transfer process may
    account will be transferred to the
                                              take a few weeks as we work with your other
    Trustee, NULIS Nominees (Australia)
                                              service provider to move your investments.
    Limited, resulting in a change of
    ownership. This may result in a           Once the process is complete, we’ll confirm
    Capital Gains Tax (CGT) liability         the details of the transfer in writing to you.
                                              Also, the transfer will appear on your next
•   consider that you cannot in specie
    transfer assets out of the super or       Statement available at
    pension account. All investments will
    need to be sold if exiting the Fund.
•   consider any exit penalties you may
    be charged, and
•   work out any differences in fees you
    may be charged.

If your investment doesn’t appear
in the Investment List (available at
or your holding exceeds the Trustee’s
diversification limits, please contact
us to discuss your request.

Transfers in
Keeping your investments in one place
makes sense because you’ll reduce your
paperwork and it’ll be easier to keep track
of how your investments are performing.
You also may save on fees.

Transferring your investments is easy
with MLC Wrap. Just speak with your
financial adviser who’ll arrange for the
appropriate forms to be completed and
sent to us or complete the Asset transfer
(in specie) deposit form available at

                                                                                               How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 13
Transferring your
super to MLC

Keeping your super in one place reduces your paperwork making it easier to
keep track of your investments. You may also save on fees.

                                             What happens next?
    Before you make a decision on
    transferring your super make             Transfers will be processed to your Cash
    sure you:                                Account. Then we’ll invest your money
                                             according to the instructions you have
    •   speak with your financial adviser
                                             given us for your existing balance or your
    •   compare benefit and
                                             regular contributions (if applicable).
        investment options
    •   check any differences in the         If you want to invest your money
        insurance cover you may have,        differently, you or your financial adviser
        and                                  will need to let us know before your
    •   work out any differences in fees     money is transferred.
        you may be charged.
    Please note: Rollovers/transfers
    from certain funds may be subject
    to tax in MLC Wrap Super.

Transferring your super
is easy with MLC
You can:
•   speak with your financial adviser
•   view and complete the online super
    consolidation form at
•   complete a Consolidate your super
    form, available at
    forms_and_brochures, or
•   call us.

You can then either:
•   send the form to us and we’ll arrange
    to have your super balance transferred
    to MLC,
•   send the form directly to your other
    super fund and they’ll then arrange
    for your super balance to be
    transferred to MLC.

Once we’ve received your money from the
other fund, we’ll write to you confirming
the amount and details.

14 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Starting a pension

                                                                                            Provided you’re eligible, contributions
    A limit applies to the amount that can be transferred to the retirement phase           can be made before starting your
    to support superannuation income streams. The limit is known as the Transfer            pension. Refer to Adding to our super
    Balance Cap and is $1.6 million for the 2020/21 year of income. This cap applies to
                                                                                            – the rules for more information.
    all your retirement phase superannuation income streams such as Account-based
    and Transition to Retirement (TTR) pensions in the retirement phase. A TTR
    pension will qualify as a retirement phase superannuation income stream and             How your pension is started
    count towards the cap when you meet an eligible condition of release.                   If you don’t have an MLC Wrap
    Individuals who exceed this cap may be subject to excess transfer balance tax and       super account, please see the
    will be required to withdraw or transfer the excess back into the accumulation phase.   Product Disclosure Statement at
    If the request is not actioned, the Trustee may be required to process the request.
    Refer to Accessing your money – the rules for more information or visit
                                                                                            If you have an MLC Wrap super account,
    If you’re invested in a Term Deposit you need to consider that the accrued interest
                                                                                            your financial adviser can complete your
    may impact your Transfer Balance Cap. Pending income from your investments
    may also impact your Transfer Balance Cap. For more information speak to your           application online.
    financial adviser or call us on 132 652.                                                Alternatively, you can complete and
                                                                                            sign a Transfer to pension form. See
                                                                                            ‘Pension payments—the rules’ for
A pension is a way in which you can be          eligible conditions of release) the TTR     details about the amount of pension you
paid your super benefits. It is designed        will move into the retirement phase.        can choose to receive.
to provide you with a regular income            Refer to Transition to Retirement (TTR)     Your pension must be started with a
stream instead of a one-off lump                pension on page 16 for more information.    lump sum. So if you intend to start your
sum payment.                                    Once you’ve determined your eligibility     pension with money from different
MLC Wrap Super Series 2 offers the              to start a pension, you can transfer your   sources, you should first consolidate all
following types of pensions:                    account balances from your:                 amounts in a super account.

•   Account-based pensions, and                 •   MLC account                             To consolidate your other super accounts
                                                                                            to your MLC Wrap super account,
•    ransition to Retirement (TTR)
    T                                           •   other super funds, or
    pensions.                                                                               complete a Consolidate your super form.
                                                •   both.                                   See ‘Transferring your super to MLC’
                                                                                            for more information.
Account-based Pensions
These are considered to be in the                                                           Once we’ve received and processed
                                                    Maintain your MLC
‘retirement phase’ as you’ve met an                                                         all specified rollovers and contributions,
                                                    Wrap super account
eligible condition of release before you                                                    we’ll transfer the lump sum amount that
entered into the product.                           You can choose to leave some            you want over to your pension account.
                                                    money in your MLC Wrap super
                                                                                            We can then confirm your pension
Transition to Retirement (TTR)                      account so you can continue to:
                                                                                            account and investment details and
pensions                                            •   make additional contributions,      start your pension payments.
To commence a TTR pension you                           or
would’ve reached your preservation                  •   pay your insurance premiums
age and are not eligible to commence                    (if you wish to maintain your         We’re unable to transfer your
                                                        insurance policy).                    lump sum amount if there
an Account-based pension. Your
                                                                                              are outstanding investment
TTR pension is considered to be in                  You need to maintain a minimum            instructions for the investments
accumulation phase. Once you reach age              balance in your account of $3,000.        in your super account.
65 (or notify us of meeting one of the

                                                                                                 How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 15
Starting a pension

If we’re unable to process your                Transition to Retirement (TTR)                If you have met another condition of
application, we’ll contact you or your         pension                                       release, such as permanent incapacity or
financial adviser seeking further                                                            terminal illness, please call us on 132 652.
                                               If you haven’t retired but have reached
information. If we’re still unable to accept
                                               your preservation age, you can access         Once you’ve met an eligible condition
your application we’ll return the monies
                                               your preserved benefits in the form of        of release, there’s no maximum pension
to the source of payment.
                                               a TTR pension.                                amount you can withdraw each year
Pension Refresh                                                                              and you can access unlimited lump sum
                                               Any investment earnings you receive,
                                                                                             payments from your pension account.
You can’t add further contributions or         as well as any realised capital gains, are
                                                                                             Your TTR pension balance at the time
other amounts directly to your pension         taxed at a rate of up to 15%. You can
                                                                                             you meet the eligible condition of release
account after it has started.                  draw up to 10% of the account balance
                                                                                             will count towards your transfer balance
However, you can transfer your pension         each year. You’re unable to make lump
                                                                                             cap (please refer to the call out box at the
account balance back to your MLC Wrap          sum withdrawals until you meet one of
                                                                                             start of page 15).
super account (if still open or a new MLC      the eligible conditions of release, though
Wrap super account), add more money            some very limited exceptions apply.           Preservation age
(if eligible) and then start a new pension.    The eligible conditions of release are:       Preservation age is 55 for those born
You can do this by speaking to your            •   reaching age 65                           before 1 July 1960 and gradually increases
financial adviser or by completing the                                                       to 60 depending on your date of birth.
                                               •   being permanently retired (as defined
                                                                                             See the table below for more details.
Transfer to super and Transfer to                  by law)
pension forms available at
forms_and_brochures                            •   permanent incapacity, and
                                                                                              Date of Birth               Preservation
Alternatively, you can start a separate        •   terminal illness.                                                      Age
pension by:
                                               When you’ve reached age 65, investment         Before 1/07/1960            55
•   speaking with your financial adviser,      earnings and realised capital gains
                                                                                              1/07/1960 - 30/06/1961      56
    or                                         automatically become tax exempt
                                               without you having to notify us. If you        1/07/1961 - 30/06/1962      57
•   completing the Pension Application
    form available at                          meet one of the other eligible conditions      1/07/1962 - 30/06/1963      58               of release, as described above, you’ll need
                                               to notify us in order for the investment       1/07/1963 - 30/06/1964      59
                                               earnings and realised capital gains to         From 1/07/1964              60
                                               become tax exempt.

                                               You can notify us of your permanent
                                               retirement by completing our
                                               Condition of release form available

16 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Pension payments –
the rules

You can choose the amount of pension you receive, provided the amount
meets the payment rules. This section describes the rules you must follow
when making your choice.

Minimum pension payment                                                                            You will need to notify us if you
                                                                                                   permanently retire before age 65 because
Once you start your pension, you must receive the legislated age-based minimum
                                                                                                   the maximum payment limit will no
amount each financial year. The minimum amount depends on your age and your
                                                                                                   longer apply and your investment
account balance when you start your pension and is recalculated at 1 July each year.
                                                                                                   earnings will not be taxed.
The minimum amount is rounded to the nearest $10.

Age-based minimums                                                                                 Specified payment
                                                                                                   You can choose an amount within
    Age at start of pension    Default minimum                Reduced minimum
                                                                                                   the required minimum or maximum
    and each 1 July            percentage of account          percentage of account
                               balance (%)                    balance (%)1                         (if applicable), and you can elect to have
                                                                                                   that amount increased annually by the
    Under 65                   4                              2                                    Consumer Price Index or a percentage of
    65 to 74                   5                              2.5                                  your choice.

    75 to 79                   6                              3                                    Information to Centrelink
                                                                                                   Just let Centrelink know you receive a
    80 to 84                   7                              3.5
                                                                                                   pension from us and it will request the
    85 to 89                   9                              4.5                                  information it needs from us.
    90 to 94                   11                             5.5                                  The information we’ll send includes the:
    95 or more                 14                             7                                    •   balance of your account, and
                                                                                                   •   annual income you’ve received.
1 The reduced minimum is available for the 2020/2021 financial year.
    The minimum may be suject to change from time to time. For more information go to   This information, along with other
                                                                                                   information you provide, will be used to
The minimum amount is pro-rated in the financial year you start your pension. If you
                                                                                                   determine your social security benefits.
start your pension in June, you do not have to take any payments until the
next financial year.                                                                               Please speak to your financial adviser
                                                                                                   to make sure you’re giving all the
Shortly after 1 July each year we’ll send you a letter showing you the legislative                 information you need to Centrelink.
age-based minimum annual amount for your pension for the following financial year.
                                                                                                   Term Allocated Pension (TAP)
Maximum pension payment
                                                                                                   For TAP’s we’ll send you an update of
If you have a TTR pension in the accumulation phase, the rules are:                                your minimum and maximum annual
•    your pension payment needs to meet the legislative age-based minimums (refer to               pension amount shortly after 1 July each
     Age-based minimums table) or a pro rata amount                                                year.
•    a maximum pension payment of 10% of your account balance can be withdrawn in a
     financial year (until you meet an eligible condition of release). This amount is not
     calculated on a pro rata basis.
•    you must reach your preservation age to able to draw a pension.

These rules will generally apply until you either:
•    permanently retire
•    stop working on or after age 60, or
•    reach age 65.

                                                                                                         How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 17
Pension payments –
the mechanics

Choosing your                                 Changing your                              Low balance pensions
pension payments                              pension payments
                                                                                         When the balance in your pension
Payments will be made from your               Generally you can change your pension      account falls below $3,000, and so long
Cash Account to your nominated bank           payment details at any time during the     as your investment options can all be
account. You can choose one of the            year by:                                   sold to cash, we may close your account
following payment frequencies:                                                           and pay the balance (net of any
                                              •   contacting your financial adviser
                                                                                         withholding tax) to your nominated
•   fortnightly
                                              •   completing the Update account          bank account—and of course we’ll let you
•   monthly                                       details form available at              know if that happens.
                                        , or
•   quarterly
                                                                                         If you hold any illiquid or suspended
•   half-yearly, or                           •   calling us.
                                                                                         funds in your pension account that
•   yearly.                                   You can change the:                        prevent us from making this payment (or
                                                                                         making your mandated minimum
You can also choose the date these            •   amount of pension payments
                                                                                         pension payment), we’ll move your
payments are made from your                   •   payment date                           pension account to a super account, and
pension account. If the selected date
                                              •   payment frequency, or                  contact you to let you know the details.
falls on a weekend or public holiday, we’ll                                              These assets may be able to be sold
generally process the payment on the          •   indexing of pension payments.
                                                                                         during a future period of redemption set
prior business day.                                                                      by the fund.
                                              You can add or update the financial
                                              institution account details for
                                              pension payments.

                                              If you nominate an account that isn’t in
                                              your name or that you share jointly, we
                                              may need to confirm the identity of the
                                              account holder.

18 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Accessing your money –
the rules

Because super is a long-term investment, there are strict rules
around how and when you can access your money.

Super                                              •   become temporarily incapacitated
                                                       (subject to withdrawal restrictions)           You will need to lodge a Notice of
You’ll only have access to your super                                                                 intent to claim or vary a deduction
when you have:                                     •   been given a release authority to pay          form if you wish to claim a tax
                                                       excess contributions tax, or                   deduction for contributions you
•   reached age 65
                                                                                                      have made before transferring
                                                   •   had temporary residency which has
•   reached your ‘preservation age’ (see
                                                       expired and you’ve permanently                 some or all of your balance to
    page 16) and are permanently retired                                                              pension or closing your super
                                                       departed Australia, and satisfy the
                                                                                                      account. This form is available at
•   reached your ‘preservation age’ and                superannuation law requirements.
    are starting a TTR pension
                                                   The restrictions on access to your                 We are unable to accept a request
•   been granted access due to financial
                                                   super are usually referred to as the               to claim a tax deduction for
    hardship                                                                                          contributions you have made
                                                   ‘preservation rules’. You can find out
•   been granted access on compassionate           more by visiting,                after you have transferred some
    or other grounds, approved by the     or speaking with your                   or all of your balance to pension
    Australian Taxation Office (ATO)               financial adviser.                                 or your super account is closed.
                                                                                                      Please note: the amount you can
•   a permanent disability (as set out in law)
                                                   You can transfer your super account                claim as a tax deduction may also
•   a terminal medical condition (as set           balance at any time to another eligible            be impacted if any partial rollovers
    out in law)                                    super fund.                                        or withdrawals have been processed
                                                                                                      on your super account. Please speak
•   terminated employment after age 60
                                                   If you request a partial withdrawal, you           to your financial adviser or call us
•   terminated employment at any age               need to make sure there’s sufficient               for more information.
    with restricted non-preserved benefits         money in your account to pay any
    in the account and that employer has           insurance premiums (if applicable)
    contributed to your account                    and/or fees.

    Special rules for temporary residents
    If you are or have been a temporary resident you can generally only access your super
    benefits as a single lump sum where your visa has ceased to have effect and you’ve
    departed Australia. Withholding taxes may apply to the lump sum payment.
    Exceptions apply if you become permanently disabled or suffer a terminal medical
    condition or, in the event of your death.
    If you don’t claim your super benefit within six months of becoming eligible, we may have to
    pay it to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) as unclaimed super. In these circumstances, relying
    on relief from ASIC, we’re not required to notify you or give you an exit statement, and you’ll
    need to make an application directly to the ATO to have any entitlements paid to you.
    These rules don’t apply if you are, or become, a New Zealand citizen, Australian citizen
    or permanent resident, or you hold a relevant Retirement visa.

                                                                                                        How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 19
Pension                                       •   where the withdrawal occurs within
  Excess transfer balance                                                                   the first six months of the pension
  The ATO may require you to              Account-based Pensions                            and only when the pension hasn’t
  commute an amount out of your           If you need more than your regular                been purchased with the lump sum
  superannuation income stream.                                                             withdrawal proceeds of another
                                          pension payments, you can request an
  The amount is called your excess                                                          complying income stream
                                          additional amount to be paid to you
  transfer balance and includes the
  excess transferred into your pension    as a lump sum payment or additional           •   for a payment split under family law,
  account, plus excess transfer           pension payment.                                  or
  balance earnings.
                                          Unless you have a Transition to               •   upon death, or to fund the payment
  You might be able to commute the        Retirement Pension, there’s no                    of a death benefit.
  excess transfer balance amount into     limit on the amount of lump sum or
  your super account, or withdraw it      additional pension payments you can           Social Security considerations
  from your pension account.
                                          receive each year.                            Any decisions you make regarding the
  If the ATO hasn’t been notified                                                       level of pension payments and lump sum
  that the excess transfer balance        Transition to Retirement (TTR)                withdrawals you receive may impact any
  amount has been commuted within         Pensions                                      income and support payments you’re
  60 days from the date of the letter,
                                          If you’ve reached your preservation           entitled to (if applicable).
  they may send a Commutation
  Authority letter to us instructing us   age (see page 16), you can start a TTR        We recommend you speak with
  to commute the excess amount.           pension. Your total pension payments in       your financial adviser or go to
                                          any financial year must not exceed 10% to find out
  If we receive a notice we will
                                          of your account balance.                      more about the implications.
  endeavor to contact you to confirm
  your instruction for withdrawing        If you request an additional payment,
  this money from your pension            which causes you to exceed your               Transferring your pension
  account. If we have not heard from
                                          maximum level, we won’t be able to            You can transfer your pension to most
  you, we’ll withdraw the money from
                                          process your request. If this occurs, we’ll   other super or pension funds at any time,
  your pension account and pay the
  amount to the same bank account         contact you or your financial adviser.        however, you’ll need to have received
  where your pension payments                                                           your minimum annual payment. If you
                                          Also, with only limited exceptions, you
  are paid.                                                                             haven’t, we may pay you an additional
                                          can’t make lump sum withdrawals until
  If you would like more information,                                                   amount and then transfer the balance
                                          you’ve met an access condition.
  or you disagree with the amount of                                                    of your account.
  your excess transfer balance please     Term Allocated Pensions                       TTR pensions can only be transferred
  contact the ATO at
                                          You can generally only access money in        to a super account or another TTR
                                          term allocated pensions via regular           pension. Term Allocated Pensions
                                          pension payments. Lump sum                    can only be transferred to a new
                                          withdrawals are only available in limited     Term Allocated Pension.
                                          circumstances. These are:
                                          •   to pay a surcharge liability
                                          •   to purchase another complying
                                              income stream

20 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Accessing your money –
the mechanics

                                           You can choose where your money              What happens if we’re unable
    Before you make any withdrawal         is paid. Withdrawals can be paid:            to process your request?
    request you should check any
    limitations and implications           •   to another MLC account                   Sometimes there’ll be reasons why
    that may apply. You may speak          •   directly to another nominated            we can’t process your request. It could
    to your financial adviser or go            financial institution account either     be because we don’t have enough
    to or call us.                  in your name or to a third party         information or some outstanding
                                               nominated by you, or                     requirements haven’t been met.

                                           •   by cheque payable to you. It will be     If this is the case, we’ll try our best to
Taking money out                               forwarded to the address recorded        contact you or your financial adviser to
If you want to take some money out,            on our system unless you notify us       find out any extra information we need.
you’ll need to make sure you still have        otherwise in writing.
                                                                                        Once we’ve received the outstanding
at least $3,000 left in your account.      Rollovers will be paid by EFT or cheque      information, we’ll process your request
You should be aware that your account      to the nominated rollover institution.       as usual and confirm your transaction.
balance doesn’t fully reflect the tax
impact of any unrealised gains or losses   Fast-track withdrawals
that may arise if you request a full       If you need to access your money quickly,      Where your account holds
withdrawal of your account. The amount     you can request to have your withdrawal        investments that can’t be sold down
that would be available if you request     Fast-tracked.                                  to cash, we’re unable to close your
a full withdrawal is referred to as your                                                  account until these investments can
‘Withdrawal Benefit’, which does allow     It’ll be processed within five business        be sold down to cash.
for any additional tax arising from the    days and can provide you with up to 75%        If this happens, we’ll pay out as
sale of your investments.                  of your account balance before the sale of     much of your account balance as
                                           your investments are complete.                 possible. However, you’ll be required
Your account balance and your                                                             to maintain a cash reserve in your
Withdrawal Benefit are both disclosed      A Fast-track withdrawal is paid from           account equal to two years of fees
in your statements.                        your Cash Account. We’ll pay the money         and costs relevant to your account.
                                           to you even if your Cash Account
How to make a withdrawal                   balance becomes negative, however,
                                           you’ll need to pay interest (see page 7
You can make a withdrawal by:              for more information).
•   contacting your financial adviser
                                           Please note: Fast-track withdrawals
•   completing either the                  aren’t available for certain investments
    Withdrawal or Rollover form at         such as:, or
                                           •   illiquid investments
•   calling us.
                                           •   hedge funds
All forms and written requests can be
                                           •   term deposits
scanned and emailed, faxed or mailed to
us. We may need to verify your identity    •   debentures
before we can process your request.        •   property diversified investments, or
                                           •   capital protected products.

                                                                                             How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 21
Managing your

Placing investment instructions                                                                   Single buy or sell transaction
Investment instructions can be submitted either as:                                               Investments are purchased from the
                                                                                                  available cash in your Cash Account.
•    a single buy or sell transaction, or
                                                                                                  Available cash is the amount of money
•    part of a switch or re-weight transaction.                                                   in your Cash Account that is available
                                                                                                  to invest or withdraw (see page 7).
Your financial adviser can submit investment instructions online or you can submit
                                                                                                  The proceeds from investment sales are
investment instructions by completing a Switch and Re-weight form available at
                                                                                                  paid to your Cash Account.
                                                                                                  When you’re purchasing investments
All instructions must be completed accurately. We aren’t liable for any loss where
                                                                                                  (as opposed to switching between
we’re unable to complete an investment instruction because of inaccurate or
                                                                                                  investments), there must be sufficient
incomplete instructions.
                                                                                                  available cash in your Cash Account
Prices used for buying and selling investments and the minimum purchase amounts                   before we can action the instruction.
for investments are shown in the following tables.
                                                                                                  Switching and re-weighting
Prices used for buying or selling investments                                                     transactions
    Investment type             Determination of price                                            All switch instructions are submitted
                                By the investment manager when the trade occurs.                  as Fast-track switches, unless you
    Managed investments
                                                                                                  specify otherwise.
    Listed investments          The price at which the trade occurs on the ASX.
                                                                                                  Fast-track switches are those where
    Term deposits               Interest rate applicable on the date the investment is made.
                                                                                                  the proceeds from sales of investments
    SMA                         The price at which the trade occurs on the ASX.                   not yet finalised may be used to buy
                                                                                                  the investments included in your
                                                                                                  switch transaction.
Minimum investment amounts
    Minimums                                Initial                      Additional               Please note: Purchasing investments
                                                                                                  using the proceeds from these pending
    Managed investments                          No minimum.                      No minimum.
                                                                                                  sales may result in your Cash Account
    Listed investments                                  $2,000                           $500     becoming negative. Interest is payable
                                                                                                  on negative balances (see page 7).
    Term deposits                              Varies by issuer.              Varies by issuer.

    SMA                          Variable by model portfolio.                     No minimum.

22 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
Managing your

Diversification limits
To help you diversify your investments we’ve placed limits on how much you can have in some investment types, as specified in the
table below. We may also apply limits to individual investments and may change these limits from time to time. These limits are
monitored, and purchases or asset transfers in that breach these limits won’t be allowed. You and your financial adviser are responsible
for observing these limits for changes in asset value and withdrawals.

 Investment type                            How much you will be able to invest

 Term deposits                              You can only invest up to 80% of your pension account balance in term deposits with terms of
                                            more than 12 months. No restriction applies to term deposits of 12 months or less.

 Managed investments                        You can invest up to:
 (excluding any investments you hold in     • 85% of your account balance in Fixed Interest – Annuities
 an SMA model portfolio)                    • 25% of your account balance in Fixed Interest – Specialist investments
                                            • 25% of your account balance in Hedge, Hybrid Property and Mortgage Funds
                                            • 10% of your account balance in Alternatives – Private Equity
                                            • 50% of your pension balance in High Growth - Real Return (geared) Funds
                                            • 25% of your account balance in Alternatives - Single Strategy investments.

 Listed investments                         S&P/ASX All Ordinaries Index
 (excluding any investments you hold        You can invest up to:
 in an SMA model portfolio)                 • 30% of your account balance in any single ASX top 50 investment
                                            • 20% of your account balance in any single ASX top 51– 300 investment
                                            • 10% of your account balance in any single listed investment outside the ASX top 300
                                            • 40% of your account balance in listed investments outside the ASX top 300 investments.
                                            Instalment warrants
                                            You can invest up to:
                                            • 10% of your account balance in a single instalment warrant, and
                                            • 20% of your account balance in total instalment warrants.
                                            Exchange traded commodities
                                            You can invest up to:
                                            • 10% of your account balance in a single exchange traded commodity, and
                                            • 20% of your account balance in total exchange traded commodities.

The Trustee reserves the right to change these limits.

                                                                                                    How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super | 23
Managed investments                         Selling managed investments                    •   Custom Cash Facility: You can select a
                                                                                               maximum threshold (maximum cash
Buying managed investments                  You or your financial adviser may
                                                                                               trigger) for your Cash Account balance.
                                            instruct us to sell part or all of a
You or your financial adviser can provide                                                      Once exceeded, we’ll purchase your
                                            managed investment.
instructions for:                                                                              chosen investments and bring your
                                            A partial sale can be requested as a:              Cash Account balance down to the
•   one-off investments – an instruction
                                                                                               higher of; your nominated cash target
    to make a single specified              •   dollar amount                                  amount, or the minimum cash
    investment, and/or
                                            •   number of units, or                            requirement for your account. The
•   ongoing investments – a standing
                                            •   percentage amount.                             Custom Cash facility will be run
    instruction to automatically invest                                                        monthly on the last weekend
    additional contributions into           When investments are sold you’ll have              of every month.
    managed investments.                    the option to choose which investments
                                            you sell. This will help you manage your       Your facility continues until:
When buying managed investments,
                                            tax more effectively.                          •   you or your financial adviser changes
a specified dollar amount must                                                                 the original instruction, or
be provided.                                You’ll be able to sell investments that:
                                                                                           •   one or more investments nominated
We’ll generally act upon managed            •   cost you the most                              are no longer available. If this
investment instructions within              •   you bought first, or                           happens, your money for that
five business days of receiving                                                                particular investment will stay in your
your instructions.                          •   you specify.
                                                                                               Cash Account.
                                            The tax treatment of super can be
It generally takes investment managers                                                     Please note: The Custom Cash Facility
                                            complex and your financial adviser can
a number of days to complete                                                               cannot be set up together with a
                                            help you understand what will work best
an instruction.                                                                            Progressive Investment or a Automatic
                                            for your personal circumstances.
                                                                                           re-weight Facility (described on page 25).

    All instructions must be                Investment facilities                          Also, you need to make sure that you
    completed accurately, and there                                                        have enough money in your Cash
                                            Four facilities are available:
    must be sufficient available                                                           Account to cover your Progressive
    cash in your account before             •   Additional Investment Facility: You
                                                                                           Investment Facility otherwise it won’t be
    we can action the instruction.              can invest your contributions in one
    We aren’t liable for any loss               or more managed investments or SMA
    where we’re unable to complete              model portfolios
    an investment instruction
                                                                                           How to set up, change or cancel
    because of inaccurate or                •   Regular Investment Facility:               an investment facility.
    incomplete instructions.                    You can invest your regular (monthly,
                                                                                           You can start or change an investment
                                                quarterly, half-yearly or yearly) direct
                                                                                           facility by:
                                                debit investments in one or more
                                                managed investments or SMA model           •   contacting your financial adviser
                                                portfolios                                 •   completing an Update account details
                                            •   Progressive Investment Facility:               form available at
                                                You can invest a fixed amount monthly          forms_and_brochures, or
                                                or quarterly from your Cash Account
                                                                                           •   calling us.
                                                in one or more managed investments
                                                or term deposits (provided the issuer’s
                                                minimum is met).

24 | How to Guide – MLC Wrap Super
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