MLA 121 General Lab Procedures & Urinalysis - COURSE OUTLINE - Red Deer College

Page created by Terrence Guerrero
MLA 121 General Lab Procedures & Urinalysis - COURSE OUTLINE - Red Deer College
Medical Laboratory Assistant

                              MLA 121
                    General Lab Procedures

                         COURSE OUTLINE

                       Fall/Winter          2020/2021

Date: August 2020

                         Approved: T e r r i G r a n i g a n
MLA 121 -       General Lab Procedures & Urinalysis                Fall 2020/Winter 2021

As the student, it is your responsibility to be familiar with the information contained in this Course
Outline and to clarify any areas of concern with the instructor(s). It is also your responsibility to be
familiar with RDC Policies. RDC Policies

Academic Calendar Entry
Perform basic laboratory procedures and the examination of urine and its constituents using both
macroscopic and microscopic techniques

Credit Hours:
3–0–2                          (3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab weekly)
20 weeks

Fall Term Dates:               September 3rd, 2020- October 2nd, 2020
Winter Term Dates:             January 6th, 2021 – February 12th, 2021

Pre-requisites: None              Co-requisites: None

Lecture Instructor Name(s):
Melynne Crawley –
For more details regarding contact information, please see instructor bio on Blackboard.

Lab Instructor Name(s):
Melynne Crawley –
For more details regarding contact information, please see instructor bio on Blackboard.

Course Schedule Fall Term:
A          Sep 3, 2020     Oct 2, 2020     MWRF      11:00 - 12:50      OFFCAM       ONLINE
           Sep 3, 2020     Oct 2, 2020     T         14:30 - 16:20      OFFCAM       ONLINE
Please note: This course will be delivered in a blended format. Classes will be asynchronous
(on-line, self-paced) and others will be synchronous (face to face with an instructor) via
Blackboard Collaborate. Please refer to your course schedule, located on Blackboard, for the
dates of these BB Collaborate (face to face) sessions.

Course Schedule Winter Term:
01       Jan 6, 2021       Jan 6, 2021      W         09:30 - 12:20             MAIN           1504
         Jan 13, 2021      Jan 29, 2021     WF        09:30 - 12:20             MAIN           1504
         Feb 2, 2021       Feb 3, 2021      TW        09:30 - 12:20             MAIN           1504
         Feb 10, 2021      Feb 12, 2021     WF        09:30 - 12:20             MAIN           1504
02       Jan 6, 2021       Jan 6, 2021      W         13:30 - 16:20             MAIN           1504
         Jan 13, 2021      Jan 29, 2021     WF        13:30 - 16:20             MAIN           1504
         Feb 2, 2021       Feb 3, 2021      TW        13:30 - 16:20             MAIN           1504
         Feb 10, 2021      Feb 12, 2021     WF        13:30 - 16:20             MAIN           1504
Please note: All labs will be face to face on campus.

Instructor Office Hours:
Fall Term – I will hold office hours from 11am – 12 pm, Monday - Friday via Blackboard
Collaborate from September 3 – October 2, 2020.
Winter Term – Please make an appointment by email.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1.  Practice Safety in all areas of the laboratory.
2.   Use and maintain laboratory equipment.
3.   Use and maintain laboratory glassware/plasticware.
4.   Prepare/store reagents, solutions and media according to specifications.
5.   Calculate solution concentrations, and dilutions using appropriate units.
6.   Assess and evaluate a urine specimen and its constituents using physical properties and
     microscopic identification.
7.   Use commercial reagent strips to measure chemical constituents in urine and correlate the results
     with the urine sediment.
8.   Perform and interpret the results of a pregnancy test on a urine sample with precision and
9.   Describe the pathophysiological conditions of the kidney and the urinalysis findings associated
     with them.

Course Topics:
Laboratory Safety (CSMLS Guidelines)         Centrifuges
Basic microscopy                             Glassware and plasticware
Thermal equipment                            Balances
Reagent Preparation                          Chemical tests
Laboratory Calculations                      Urine sediment
Physical l properties of urine specimen      Disease correlation related to urinalysis findings
Pregnancy Testing

Laboratory Activities:
1. Perform microscopy, set Kohler, examine blood        10. Use laboratory safety devices
2. Calibrate and load centrifuges                       11. Clean Glassware
3. Perform pipetting techniques using macro and         12. Perform and document preventative
micro pipettes, spectrophotometer                       maintenance, recognizing and initiating corrective
4. Perform urinalysis testing using manual and          13. Label, date, handle, store, transport and
automated methods (Clinitek), microscopic               dispose of chemicals, dyes, reagents, solutions,
examination of urine sediments                          biological and other hazardous materials according
                                                        to legislation.
5. Perform pregnancy testing, run quality controls      14. Use sterilization and/or disinfection procedures
and patient samples.
6. Perform calculations/dilutions for reagent           15. Prepares urine specimens for analysis
7. Use reagent preparation equipment, pH meter,         16. Prepare and run quality controls/standards on
balance and autoclave                                   equipment
8. Biological and Chemical spill kit activity           17. Prepare and store reagents, solutions, stains
                                                        and media
9. Apply ergonomic principles to lab tasks              18. Participates in proficiency testing (urinalysis)

Course Textbooks and Resources:
Mundt, L. (2011). Graff's textbook of routine urinalysis and body fluids. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Wolters
Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
MLA Course Pack
Shematek,Wood,O’Grady, Laboratory Safety CSMLS Guidelines, 8th Edition

Materials & Special Fees:
Scientific Calculator required
Learning Activities:
-Group Activities
-Laboratory Activities

Assessment & Grading Schema
  Percentage              Letter            Grade
                          grade             Point
  95-100%                 A+                4.0
  90-94%                  A                 4.0
  85-89%                  A-                3.7
  80-84%                  B+                3.3
  77-79%                  B                 3.0
  75-76%                  B-                2.7
  73-74%                  C+                2.3
  71-72%                  C                 2.0
  69-70%                  C-                1.7
  67-68%                  D+                1.3
  65-66%                  D                 1.0
  Less than 65%           F                 0.0

Assessment of Student Performance:
For complete assignment descriptions and assessment details, please refer to your assignment folder in

The final grade is based on the letter grading system as outlined in the Red Deer College Calendar. In
order to pass this course, an overall 65% final grade must be obtained. In addition to the 65% overall
final grade, students must maintain an exam average of 65% or greater to pass this course.

At all times, the Red Deer College final examinations Final Exam Policy will be adhered to.

 Assignment/Task                              Weight       Description              CLO Due Date

        Lab 1 Assign                          2%           Microscopy               1,2     Jan.05,2021
        Lab 2 Assign                          2%           Microscopy/Thermal       1,2     Jan.12,2021
        Lab 3 Assign                          2%           Centrifuges/Pipetting    1,2     Jan.14,2021
        Lab 7 Assign                          2%           Crystals                 6,7     Jan.28,2021
        Lab 9 Assign                          2%           Preg Tests               6,7,8   Feb.02,2021
        Lab10 Assign                          2%           Strip Tests              6,7     Feb.09,2021

                                                           1 (Module 1-3)
 General Lab Procedures Quiz 1                3%           2 (Module 1, 4-6)        1,2     Sept.13,2020
 General Lab Procedures Quiz 2                3%           3 (Module 1, 7-8)        1-3     Sept.16,2020
 General Lab Procedures Quiz 3                3%                                    1-5     Sept.23,2020
                                                           1 (Module 1)
 Urinalysis Quiz 1                            3%           2 (Module 2)             6,7     Sept.27,2020
 Urinalysis Quiz 2                            3%           3 (Module 3)             6,7     Sept.30,2020
Urinalysis Quiz 3                              3%                                     6-8     Oct. 1, 2020


         1                                      2%          Microscope                 1-3     Jan.06,2021
         2                                      2%          Microscope/Thermal         1-3     Jan.13,2021
         3                                      2%          Centrifuge/Pipettes        1-3     Jan.15,2021
         4                                      2%          Reagent/Media Prep         1-5     Jan.20,2021
         5                                      2%          Balances/pH Meters         1-5     Jan.22,2021
         6                                      0%          Urinalysis, Manual         6,7     Jan.27,2021
         7                                      2%          Urinalysis, Clinitek       6,7     Jan.29,2021
         8                                      3%          Urinalysis, Practical      6,7     Feb.02,2021
         9                                      2%          Urinalysis, Preg Test      6,7,8   Feb.03,2021
         10                                     2%          Urinalysis, Clinitek       6,7     Feb.10,2021
         11                                     3%          Urinalysis, Practical      6,7     Feb.12,2021

 General Lab Procedures Exam 1                  12%         Unit Exam (1-5)            1-3     Sept. 20,2020

 General Lab Procedures Exam 2                  12%         Unit Exam (6-8)            1-5     Sept. 27,2020

 Urinalysis Exam 1                              12%         Unit Exam (Mod 1,2)        6,7     Oct. 02, 2020

 Urinalysis Exam 2                              12%         Unit Exam (Mod 3,4)        6-9     Oct. 04, 2020

Course Procedures and Consequences:

Assignments: Late assignments will not be accepted or graded unless notifications of absence or
extenuating circumstances are communicated with the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to
contact the instructor if circumstances prevent them from meeting these deadlines. A meeting will be
held to discuss if, when and how the assessment can be completed.

I recognize that life can conflict with your studies at times and, in the event that something happens,
communication is key. Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss any interruptions to your
learning in this course so that we can discuss options.

Exams: Exams must be written on the scheduled date unless an alternate date is discussed before or
as soon as possible after the absence with the instructor; alternate arrangements for exams will only be
made for valid reasons and documentation may need to be provided depending on the circumstance.

Mandatory Drop In Labs
If the instructor deems that your skills require additional practice, you may be mandated to attend drop in
lab with specific goals for skill enhancement.

Midterm Feedback
You have the right to know your progress in this course so you can assess your performance and
make decisions regarding your academic standing.
Midterm grades will be posted on Blackboard. I strongly encourage you to consult with me (by
appointment) if your academic performance is below a D. I am available to meet with you at any time
throughout the term regarding any concerns you may have.

Academic Misconduct

Student Academic Integrity & Misconduct
Student Misconduct - Non-Academic

Academic misconduct in all its forms is a serious offence. Academic misconduct is the giving, taking,
or presenting of information or material that unethically or dishonestly aids oneself or another on any
work which, under normal circumstances, is to be considered in the determination of a grade or the
compilation of academic requirements or the enhancement of that student’s record or academic career.
The two key areas of academic misconduct are plagiarism and cheating. Please read the definitions
that follow.

The use of close imitation of language, paintings, films, prototypes and ideas from another author and
representation of them as one’s own original work. The most common forms of plagiarism are copying
or paraphrasing another author’s work without proper acknowledgement, submitting work to which
someone else has made substantial improvements to the content, and submitting the same work for
multiple courses without approval. Plagiarism can be judged to have occurred if the instructor has both
the submitted material and the original source that was copied, or if the student is unable to explain the
terminology or ideas of the submission.

Any attempt to give or obtain unsanctioned assistance in a formal academic exercise (e.g.
examination). Some examples of cheating are unauthorized cheat sheets in a test or exam, the
unauthorized use of electronic devices during exams, and copying from another student.

Plagiarism Tool
Having easy access to the internet and other technology can make it easy and enticing to use other
someone else’s work as one’s own. Because of the high incidence of plagiarism in post-secondary
education, assignments in the course may be submitted through SafeAssign on Blackboard.
SafeAssign compares your work to a global repository of student work at RDC and to published work
online. You are able to access the Originality Report in Blackboard. If you have concerns with your
Originality Report, please come and see me to discuss what it means.

Audio-Visual Recording
Audio or video recording, digital or otherwise, of lectures, labs, seminars or any other teaching
environment by students is allowed only with the prior written consent of the instructor or as a part of an
approved accommodation plan. Student or instructor content, digital or otherwise, created and/or used
within the context of the course is to be used solely for personal study, and is not to be used or distributed
for any other purpose without prior written consent from the content author(s).

Attendance, Participation and Professional Conduct
I believe that students learn best when they are committed to their program and learning experiences.
You should plan to attend all classes/labs in this course. I understand that there are times when you
may need to be absent from course learning experiences. I would appreciate hearing from you sooner
rather than later regarding an absence. If you cannot be in class, please contact me by sending me an
email or by phone. I am committed to support your learning if class time is missed for a valid reason.
If you miss a class without informing me ahead of time, you are responsible for making arrangements
to cover the missed material. Please keep in mind that an absence can cause a disruption in your (and
other students’) learning process and can make it difficult for you to achieve learning outcomes.

Learning is enhanced by actively engaging in the course material. While attendance is the first step
towards your success in this course, your active participation in learning activities during class time and
outside of class is also necessary. It has been found that students who actively participate in class
activities learn more and achieve higher grade than those who don’t. Please remember that you get
out of a course what you put in.

Professional Conduct
It’s important that all course participants exhibit professional behaviour in the classroom/lab at all times
to optimize the teaching and learning experience for everyone. This includes the instructor(s) and
Non-negotiable expectations of behaviour for all course participants include:
-     Arrive on time, be prepared and remain for the duration of the class/lab.
-     Cell phone use in class/labs is limited to learning activities led by the instructor. If a student or the
      instructor needs to use a cellphone during class (not related to class activities), this should be
      communicated ahead of time.
-     Use of laptops and tablets are welcome but are only to be used only for notetaking or class
-     Communicate respectfully with others at all times.
-     Maintain a positive learning environment by listening to others, providing constructive suggestions,
      asking questions, and providing comments that are relevant to the topic.
-     Written communication (e.g. email) should always be professional, respectful, clear and
      grammatically correct.
           We will review and discuss the importance of attendance, participation and professional
behaviour in class. We may also discuss other negotiable class rules that will assist everyone in the
learning process.

Important Dates
                Important Dates                                      Fall 2020/Winter 2021
 September 3rd, 2020                                 First day of classes for Fall term
 September 7th, 2020                                 Labour Day – College Closed
 September 15th, 2020                                Last day to add/drop Fall term courses
 October 6th, 2020                                   Emergency Response Day
 October 12th, 2020                                  Thanksgiving Day, College closed
 October 13th – 16th, 2020                           Reading Break. No Credit Classes
 October 19th, 2020                                  Classes Resume
 October 23rd, 2020                                  Mid=term feedback for Fall term
 November 11th, 2020                                 Rememberance Day, College Closed
 November 13th, 2020                                 Final Exam Schedule posted
 December 9th, 2020                                  Last day of classes for Fall term
 December 19th, 2020                                 Last day of final exams for Fall term
 December 25th-31st, 2020                            College Closed
 January 1st, 2021                                   New Year’s Day – College closed
 January 4th , 2021                                  First day of classes for Winter term/ Tuition fees due
 February 15th , 2021                                Family Day – College closed
 February 16th – 19th, 2021                          Reading Break, No Credit Classes
 February 22nd, 2021                                 Classes Resume

                    Fall 2020 / Winter 2021
          Add/Drop Date                 Withdrawal Date
September 8th, 2020                        February 12th, 2021
Student Policies
 As a student at RDC, you have rights and responsibilities. Please take the time to familiarize yourself
 with the policies that might impact you while you are here:

 Student Rights and Responsibilities:Student Rights & Responsibilities
 Appeals: Informal and Formal: Student Appeals
 Recognition of Prior Learning
 This course may be eligible forPrior Learning Assessment & Recognition. Please refer to the RDC
 Academic Calendar for a list of excluded courses.

 Student Support
 Students should be aware that Personal Counselling, Career, Learning and Disability Resources are
 provided by RDC. Students may inquire about locations at the Information Desk. It is the responsibility
 of students to discuss their specific learning needs with the appropriate service provider.

 Learning Support (Library: 403-342-3264,
    • Writing Skills Centre (
    • Math Learning Centre (math concepts and advanced theoretical math)
    • Learning Strategies (note-taking, studying, and exam-writing strategies)
    • Peer-Assisted Study / Tutoring (one-on-one tutoring by students)

 Disability Resources (Library: 403-357-3629,
     • Coordination of services (tutoring, alternate format text, note-taking, and so on)
     • Academic accommodations, including exam accommodations

 Counselling Services (Room 1402: 403-343-4064,

 Changes to Course Outline
 Changes to the course outline may be made after the first class, as long as this is done during a
 regular class, by class consensus with the instructor(s) and the students who are in attendance on that
 day. These changes are then reviewed by the Associate Dean or designate for completeness and
 consistency with all college policies and school standards.

 Cloud Based Services:
 In this class, we will be using web tools located outside of Canada. You should know that any information
 you provide is being transmitted to other countries and will be subject to policy and laws of the hosting
 country. You have the right to opt-out and not use these web tools. If you have any concerns please talk
 to me.

 Fall Term 2020 Considerations:

  With the ongoing situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Red Deer College will deliver this course
  online for the fall term. Below is some information that will help you succeed as an online learner.
-      It is important to have a reliable internet connection and enough bandwidth to watch videos and
       participate in live classes. Please refer to this link Computer Requirements to see in detail, what
       technology and software you require to successfully complete this course.
-      Many courses will require writing tests and quizzes using Lockdown Browser, which is a secure
       browser designed for taking exams online. It prevents you from accessing other applications or
       websites or printing during an assessment. Lockdown Browser also uses technology that records
       you and your surroundings using a webcam and microphone while taking an online exam to monitor
       for cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty. It is important to follow the instructions for
online testing provided by your instructor and ensure you have the required technology such as a
         computer with microphone and webcam enabled. More information about Lockdown Browser can
         be found at:
-        With the transition of moving coursework to an online platform, you will need to find ways to create
         structure for yourself in order to succeed as an online learner. You will also need to recognize that
         you, your classmates, and your instructors will have to be patient and work together during this
         time. If some of your classes move to a format that does not require you to be online at a specific
         time, you may not feel the same pressure to structure your life around your coursework. Try to
         develop new strategies and adjust your strengths to complete your assignments and prepare for
         tests and exams. To adjust to this new way of learning, here are some tips on how to succeed as an
         online learner.
-        The Online Success Toolkit for students is also available through Blackboard and features modules
         on strategies for online learning success, navigating the online classroom, the online community
         (digital citizenship), and your support system. Students will have access at the beginning of August
         to this valuable information.
-        For additional information on completing courses in an online environment, please see information
         posted on this website: Flexible Learning. Academic Support is also available to help all Red Deer
         College students to be more effective and efficient learners.

    Notification of Online Recording

    Please be aware that lectures, exams, and other online educational services, may be recorded
    during online delivery.

    Red Deer College takes the protection and privacy of student information seriously. We recommend
    students ensure that no other people are in the room and there is nothing identifiable or sensitive in scope
    of the camera/recording view (personal belongings, records, photographs, medications, etc.) prior to the
    commencement of an online course delivery or exams.
    The information collected will only be used for the purposes of delivery and administration of remote
    exam processes, and educational training and services. This information is collected under the authority
    the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta, section 33(c). For general questions
    about the collection, use, or disclosure of information, please contact the Access & Privacy Coordinator,
    Red Deer College, Telephone: 403-356-4987,
    For specific questions on how the recordings will be used or disclosed, please contact your
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