Mission Impossible? Exploring the Limits of Managing Large IT Projects and Ways to Cross the Line - BEG Partners
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Mission Impossible? Exploring the Limits of Managing Large IT Projects and Ways to Cross the Line Robert Winter Peter Rohner Caroline Kiselev University of St. Gallen University of St. Gallen University of St. Gallen robert.winter@unisg.ch peter.rohner@unisg.ch caroline.kiselev@unisg.ch Abstract and practice, there remain uncertainty, conflicts and a thirst for knowledge about project success and fail- For decades much effort has been made to im- ure factors. One way towards increasing project suc- prove project management capabilities. Still, the cess in the future is understanding project failures failure rate remains high, especially for large IT through retrospective analyses. Such analyses not projects. Our postmortem analysis of 15 large IT only help to identify the mistakes made, but also pre- projects of the Swiss Federal Administration, with vent future missteps [4]. an accumulated loss of one billion U.S. dollars, For this reason it came as no surprise as four shows that while project management deficits ac- years ago public pressure and disclosure urged the count for some of the failures, project failure is pri- investigation of failed IT projects within the Swiss marily caused by poor project governance capabili- Federal Administration, which caused a loss amount ties. Based on insights gained from the initial failure of ca. one billion U.S. dollars. This need for an in- analysis, the Swiss Federal Government decided to depth postmortem analysis has led to our oppor- assess all its large IT projects based on our co-de- tunity to not only co-design an analysis framework, signed framework. Meanwhile, also private compa- but also to apply it to 15 large, complex, failed IT nies have assessed IT projects applying our frame- projects within the Swiss Federal Offices. work. As a consequence, valuable discussions and The somewhat paradox situation of continuously measures have been initiated and sporadically pro- maturing project management techniques and capa- jects were stopped. The data gained by these assess- bilities, accompanied by the prevailing project fail- ments will allow to identify patterns that promise to ures, triggered the expansion of our focus beyond be a reference for governance actors and bodies project management, leading to our research ques- what information to ask for, when to intervene, and tion: “Why do IT projects fail even if project man- how. agement was carried out according to the state-of- the-art?” 1. Introduction 2. Background Even after many decades of increasingly mature project management practice1, 71% of IT projects To underpin the elements of our analysis frame- fail completely or partially [1]. In particular, large work, we briefly summarize our understanding of governmental IT projects (more than 6 million U.S. both project success and project failure, and define dollars labor cost) are affected, where the share of project governance. These concepts are concerned complete or partial failure reaches 87% [2]. Public with not only the conformity of project management sector IT projects are six times more likely to over- with the interest of the owner and organization [5, run costs and twenty times more likely to overrun 6], but also with the performance of the project schedule than similar projects in the private sector (management) within the organization [7, 8]. [3]. In light of the increasing number of IT projects in the context of digitization in both sectors, it is to 2.1. Understanding Project Success and be expected that failure costs of IT projects are going Project Failure to increase even more. Albeit years of broad attention to IT project suc- For decades there has been an extensive discus- cess in both IT and project management academia sion on how to define project success (and failure) 1 There is a high number of professional project management ed- ucation programs accompanied by a high demand for practition- ers with project management certifications [36]
and its causes. Many publications use the tripartite methods have in common is their focus on doing definition of success - on time, within a set budget, things right. Project management is understood as and a requested functionality – often referred to as “[…]the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and the iron triangle. However, the concept of the iron techniques to project activities to meet project re- triangle has been challenged [9, 10] and a broad quirements” [21, p. 15] by project managers. How- agreement on how to define project success has not ever, as mentioned before, project success does not yet been reached. Baccarini [11] split the concept of solely lie in the hands of the project manager and her project success into a process and a product compo- team, because projects are embedded not only in an nent. Process success is oriented at the iron triangle organizational, but also in a specific context (e.g., criteria where “[…] failure is seldom a result of organizational, technical, political). Hence, if certain chance. Instead it is rooted in one, or a series of mis- conditions are given – no matter all efforts taken for step(s) by project managers” [12, p. 70]. Product bringing project management to perfection – pro- success, on the other hand, measures the project out- jects are doomed to failure. The actions of project come in terms of user satisfaction and / or realized management depend on decisions made on the pro- user benefit. Hence, even if project management has ject governance level: doing the right thing lays the been successful, the final outcome of the project foundation for doing things right. may not fulfil essential stakeholder requirements. As Project governance only recently started to gain a consequence, it is often suggested to add a benefit increasing attention in academia and practice. It is component to the concept of the iron triangle or even concerned with the alignment of project objectives to shift the emphasis from process to product perfor- with the organizational context and strategy [21] and mance: Project goals should shift from successful constitutes the framework for project decisions [22]. deployment (i.e. doing solution development right) Actors and bodies on the project governance level to benefit realization in use (i.e. developing the right are the project sponsor and a steering committee (of solutions) [10, 13]. Considering the context (i.e. so- which the project sponsor is a member) who set the cial, organizational, political, and technological en- framework and boundaries for project management vironments or conditions) becomes essential to de- (i.e. through definition of policies, processes and livering a successful project. The context has been roles) and at the same time support project managers identified as critical not only for IT projects, but also in managing the project successfully - i.e. meeting a for other types of projects [14, 15, 16, 17]. In con- project’s objective [23, 24]. Figure 1 shows project clusion, we understand a successful project as not governance and management in hierarchical struc- only being on time, within a set budget, and meeting ture as it is understood in HERMES2 [19]: requested functionality through a successful project management process, but also as creating an out- come / product that is being used within a given con- text. Therefore, we argue that the key to project suc- cess often lies beyond project management. 2.2. Doing Things Right vs. Doing the Right Things Massive organizational investments, but also in- creasingly mature methods and certifications have led to a large and highly skilled workforce and pool of experts in the field of project management, which clearly helped to scale up the amount of successfully completed projects. Method support ranges from ge- Figure 1. Project organization neric project management methods to those that are specific to agile development (e.g., PRINCE2 Agile [18]), to large IT projects (e.g., HERMES [19]), or Linking the business organization’s management even very large infrastructure projects (e.g., S-O-S and governance level with the project organization, Method [20]). What all of these project management project sponsors have a critical role regarding the performance of large, complex projects [8, 25]. The 2 As HERMES is the reference project management method in sides the federal administration, which is obligated to use HER- our analysis. There are some details given here: HERMES is a MES to manage its IT projects, many other public sector organi- project management method for IT projects, which has been ex- zations and administrations, as well private sector companies panded to guiding service and product development, and business have successfully work with HERMES. There are also HERMES adjustment projects. The method was developed by the Swiss educational courses and certifications. To find more information Federal Administration and is available as an open standard. Be- please go to: https://www.isb.admin.ch/isb/en/home/themen/pro- jektmanagement/hermes.html
project sponsor and the steering committee represent [12, p. 70], we focused on discovering failure pat- the business organization with its strategy, vision terns to derive specific, employable measures to and goals in the project, allocate resources, and first limit the damage of current, shaky projects and en- and foremost are responsible that the right things are sure the success of future endeavors. In line with done. Doing the right thing can also mean cancelling Nelson’s [4] emphasis on retrospectives as not being a project. For example, if there are changes in the limited to the post-implementation phase of a pro- business environment that have an influence on re- ject, another objective was to design an analysis in- quirements and scope, cancelling even an on-track strument that is also applicable and useful for as- project that however sooner or later will be im- sessing ongoing projects, hoping that failures can be pacted, might actually be the best decision [26]. prevented, present practices improved or changed, Once started, complex projects – like most IT pro- and future losses avoided. Thus, our instrument was jects – are difficult to control and “the tendency to co-designed with public administration offices that cover up and deny early indications of project trou- have an interest in applying such an instrument not bles compounds the problems and delays their reso- only for postmortem analysis, but also in ex ante lution” [27, p. 69]. In the worst case - when poor evaluation or project controlling. contextual conditions are denied - it is almost impos- sible to prevent a project from failing [28]. 3.1. Studied Projects An increasing yet small number of organizations and governmental institutions have introduced gov- The 15 studied projects are all large and complex ernance frameworks. Despite the relevance of pro- governmental IT projects that have been declared as ject governance for project success, there is a lack of failed by the Federal Chief Information Officer research on the roles and processes of project gov- (CIO) - not meeting budget, functionality and / or ernance [29]. Furthermore, not many practical gov- time targets, and / or not generating promised value ernance guidelines and methods exist for projects - to the stakeholders. The projects were conducted in and those are rarely applied or certified [30] [31]. different federal departments and therefore embed- Whereas in most organizations project managers ded in different environments. have to bring along the required skills and corre- Due to the gravity of failure and public rele- sponding certificates for managing a project, project vance, some of the cases were subject to debate in sponsors or steering board members often just slip the Swiss Parliament3 as well as to reports of federal into their role because of their (hierarchical) position Investigation Commissions and even entailed legal in the organization or their management experience lawsuits. Thus, many of the cases have gained broad [32]. The high maturity of project management, to- media and public attention. The encountered dam- gether with the comparatively low maturity of pro- age consisted not only of financial losses, but also ject governance, constitute the backdrop for the fail- non-monetary losses like discontentment and loss of ure analysis presented in the next section. confidence from the general public and the parlia- ment towards federal offices’ performance as every 3. Failure Analysis through a Co-De- financial loss is squandered taxpayer’s money after signed Framework all. All projects had different backgrounds and set- tings due to their various origins and they all took quite different courses. However, they had in com- Public pressure and disclosure has formed our mon that project management was based on HER- opportunity to analyze 15 large, complex failed IT MES [19], the project management method pre- projects of the Swiss Federal Administration. The scribed for all projects of this size. Some projects ap- study was commissioned to answer the question plied agile procedures, but only for software devel- why, despite the application of a state-of-the art pro- opment purposes. The smallest project in our analy- ject management method, these projects failed and sis caused costs of about one million U.S. dollars created losses of together approximately one billion and the largest around 750 million U.S. dollars (av- U.S. dollars in a period of less than 10 years – quite erage approx. 85 million U.S. dollars, median ap- a significant amount for a country with only around prox. 11 million U.S. dollars). In the following, four 8 million inhabitants. As it should be a key objective exemplary projects from our sample are character- of every postmortem analysis to investigate not only ized. what went wrong and what went right, but also “[…] make recommendations that might help future pro- Project A ject managers avoid ending up in a similar position” This project was initiated by the Swiss Federal Tax Administration 2001 with the aim to unify and 3 The Swiss Parliament consists of two chambers: Swiss National Council and in the Swiss Council of States.
replace the existing separately run financial services years. In the end costs ran up to 19 million U.S. dol- tax and general value added tax (VAT) information lars and were largely covered by the running budget systems by a unified single system focusing on cus- of the accountable administration office. There were tomer processes. Troubles in procurement and dis- also preliminary investments of around 3 million putes between the administration office and the sup- U.S. dollars. Due to fundamental changes regarding plier culminated in a cancellation of the contract in e-government services, the main purpose of the pro- 2006, followed by a disassembly of the original pro- ject became widely redundant. However, the project ject into many smaller projects with different spon- was terminated only upon political interpellations. Figure 2. Project analysis model sors. In subsequent years the projects had gotten out Project D of hand financially so that the entire project bundle This Project was initiated by the Federal Office was cancelled in 2012. Until that time more than 120 of Information Technology, Systems and Telecom- million U.S. dollars had been lost. One year later a munication of the Federal Department of Finance follow-up project was launched. and targeted at the introduction of an electronic standard workspace for all employees of the federal Project B administration. The original budget was 85 million In 2004 the Swiss Federal Roads Office launched U.S. dollars over 5 years. After planned costs rose an IT project to build a central data management sys- up to more than 225 million U.S. dollars the project tem to enable administrative bodies from federal to was suspended. In the end, the project boasted effec- municipal level to manage all road and traffic data tive costs of 177 million U.S. dollars and a duration more efficiently and effectively. Because of lacking of 6 years. transparency within procurement processes, the vio- lation of the Federal Budget Act, and changing re- 3.2. Co-Designing an Analysis Framework sponsibilities of the Swiss Federal Street Admin- istration due to the passing of a new legislation that The co-design of our analysis framework was an changed the requirements during the project, costs iterative process: Our first aim was to understand the more than double of the initially budgeted 46 million 15 study projects. Thus, we started with the exami- U.S. dollars had accumulated when the project was nation of the 15 projects through an analysis of pro- stopped. ject documents. We had access to unlimited and ex- tensive documentation, such as project proposals, Project C project plans, phase reports, controlling reports, doc- The aim of this project was the development of uments expressing internal and external expertise, an e-government, e-voting and tracking solution, de- protocols of steering committee and project manage- signed for the special needs of a federal political sys- ment meetings, project evaluations, and final re- tem. The original budget at the project launch in ports. In order to further deepen our insights we con- 2003 was 1.3 million U.S. dollars per year over four ducted interviews with exponents of the largest pro- jects under investigation. As we understood that due
to the (still) ongoing debate, which is far from cul- Project Steer- Personnel composition; Responsibil- minating into clearly defined concepts, we might not ing ity and accountability (duties and come to a to-the-point analysis framework by our- rules); Monitoring and preventive selves we started to work with focus groups4. We ran measures; Approval of phase transi- tion focus groups consisting of eleven highly experi- Project Man- Project brief; Project planning and enced practitioners with several years of leadership agement management; Change management; and management experience in large, complex pro- Risk handling; Resource Manage- jects within the federal administration5. ment; Solution implementation; The main outcomes of the co-design phase are an Project controlling; Reserves analysis model, two structured questionnaires, a pro- Business In- Process management; Organiza- ject classification, and a set of failure patterns. volvement tional change management; Fund- Our project analysis model consists of two dimen- ing; Investment controlling; Enter- sions: Project Method Compliance and Project Con- prise architecture; Data management text Assessment (see Figure 2)6. IT Involve- Solution architecture; mastering ment technology; Availability of IT per- sonnel; Operations and support For each dimension we developed a structured Sourcing Fundamental decision making; Re- questionnaire that covers 37 and 22 items, respec- quirements management; Procure- tively7. The items are assessed using individual qual- ment processes itative scales (0-5) - e.g. in terms of project goals the Continuous Experience transfer ex ante/post; scale ranges from “no formally defined project goals Learning Documentation of experience (in written form) that are clear to the involved per- sons” (0) to “formally defined project goals (in writ- Table 2. Project context assessment ten form) that are mutually derived as well as thor- oughly understood and explicitly accepted by every Area Items involved person” (6). The single scores of the single Terrain Experience with similar projects and solutions; Experience with infra- items of both the project management compliance structure, technology and manage- analysis and project context assessment are consoli- ment; Cultural terrain dated into an overall score for each management Dynamics Technological progress; Organiza- topic resp. context area and finally into an overall tional changes; Openness to change; score for each studied project. Requirements to be met by the solu- tion; Political environment; Legal Dimension 1: Project Method Compliance framework Our initial focus was on examining whether System Com- Peripheral technical systems to be things had been done right. Thus, the goal was to as- plexity taken into account sess the project method compliance of each project Organiza- Heterogeneity of stakeholders; Com- tional Com- plexity of organization in accordance with HERMES project management plexity method as a reference (see Table 1). The single items General Com- Managerial commitment or attitude represent capabilities and activities within a project mitment towards collaboration of business that can be influenced by the project organization. organization and project organiza- Each of the eight jointly defined topics consists of tion; Coordination of budget and several items that are closely related. project situation General Abil- Decision-making autonomy within a Table 1. Project method compliance ity to Act project; assertiveness of project or- Topic Items ganization towards line organiza- Project Goals Intention of sponsor; Goals per sub- tion; project capabilities in business project, Management support for the organization project; Expectation management; Strategic conformity of the project 4. Results of the Failure Analysis Business Case Proven value (impact of the solu- tion); Position of project in portfolio; During our analysis, we found that some of the Selection of project collaborators projects have obviously failed due to the lack of ap- propriate project management. However, we also 4 6 The use of focus groups is a suitable technique for “looking for Further explanations on the results in each dimension will fol- the range of ideas […] that people have about something”, for low in the next section (“Results of the Failure Analysis”) 7 “trying to understand differences in perspectives”, for getting The questionnaires (questions only) can be found here: “ideas to emerge from the group” and for looking for information https://begsolutions.com/BQMBEG/Downloadwith- and opinion in order to design a research study [34, p. 19, 35]. link.aspx?DocumentLinkID=280795a1-c1b3-466f-b22d- 5 Please see Appendix for more details about the co-designing of f33bd6181fa0 the analysis framework.
found projects with professional and skilled project P2 were found having flawless project management, teams and state-of-the-art project management that while still failing, which comes as a surprise. nevertheless ran into massive difficulties and failed. Four out of fifteen analyzed projects scored well We created three groups of projects according to regarding project management compliance. The rea- their project method compliance: good, medium and son these projects nevertheless failed is to be found weak (see Figure 3 - respective sets of projects / col- beyond the sphere of influence and power of the pro- umns are colored green, yellow, and red). ject organization. Rather, the failure is caused by the For projects P6, P14, P5, P1 and P9 a weak pro- project’s context. Our project context assessment ject management was the major cause for project showed that almost all projects had difficulties in re- failure, which comes without surprise. For projects gards to general commitment and general ability to P8, P12, P3, P11, P10 and P4 we assessed some as- act (see Figure 4). pects of project management to be appropriate. However, the score for the project method compli- ance was overall medium. Projects P13, P7, P15 and Figure 3. Project Method Compliance Score Figure 4. Project Context Assessment Score
In many cases project managers and sometimes even their steering committees. In addition to that, in other organizational actors were aware that the pro- some cases the necessary support and / or under- ject was not progressing in a satisfactory way. How- standing for the project in the business organization ever, they did not have the necessary means or was inadequate. power to get their concerns adequately addressed by Figure 5. Failure Patterns The combination of project method compliance Finding #3 (Cluster III): In known terrain and low scores (dimension 1 of our analysis model) with pro- dynamics, complexity can be “healed” by good pro- ject context assessment scores (dimension 2 of our ject management analysis model) for each project allowed us to derive Among the analyzed cases we did not find a sin- patterns that led to the following insights (see figure gle well-managed project that only failed due to dif- 5): ficulties regarding IT complexity and / or organiza- tional complexity. Our third finding is therefore that Finding #1 (Cluster I): Even good project manage- complexity alone – as long as it is the only contex- ment cannot save a mission impossible tual challenge – can be compensated by proper pro- All projects that had good scores regarding the ject management especially in known terrain and project management, but nevertheless failed, faced low dynamics. difficult (pre-)conditions in regard of terrain or dy- namics. These difficult (pre-) conditions could obvi- 5. Proposed Countermeasures ously not be compensated by good project manage- ment alone (i.e. doing things right), particularly in The analysis phase yielded the conclusion that combination with difficult conditions regarding gen- there is a need for actively taking care of a project’s eral commitment and general ability to act. context. As a project’s context is beyond the scope of project management, this is a governance task and Finding #2 (Cluster II): Even in known terrain ac- leadership is necessary in order to understand terrain companied by low dynamics, complexity endangers as well as dynamics and handle complexity so that the mission if not countered by good project man- project missions are defined in a way that gives pro- agement ject management a good chance to succeed. No mat- Projects that had a medium management score ter how mature project management is, a project (i.e. had done most things right) or weak manage- should not be started with a too high amount of tasks ment score (i.e. were not adequately managed), even in new terrain and / or high dynamics. in known terrain and without dynamics challenges Based on our detail analysis, we proposed four- failed due to high organizational and / or technolog- teen measures. All measures were evaluated regard- ical complexity. ing their relevance and feasibility in a workshop. The 40 participants formally represented all federal
departments and agencies. The proposed measures The measure packages can not only be integrated were also cross-verified through interviews with ex- into HERMES or project structures and organiza- ponents of four studied projects. Out of the fourteen tions that use this project management method, they proposed measures, twelve were rated as (very or can also be useful to organizations and projects with fairly) relevant and (very or fairly) feasible and bun- other plan-driven project methods to trigger discus- dled into three measure packages (see Table 3). sions and improve their practice. These three measure packages are currently “translated” into respective extensions of the HER- 6. Contribution to Practice MES project management method or into supple- mentary material (like guidelines to steering com- mittees) within the Swiss Federal Administration8. Based on our initial study, the Swiss Federal Government decided that all ongoing large IT pro- jects (> 5 million U.S. dollars) had to be assessed Table 3. Proposed measure packages using our analysis model. In order to facilitate these Measure Measures ca. 100 assessments, we developed a web-based tool Package (KEY Tool9) and trained assessors. All assessments Establishing and upgrading were done by the respective project teams and mod- “Founda- erated by trained assessors. Our assessments are usu- project management as a rec- tion”: ognized discipline within the ally organized as workshops (up to 4 hours) attended organization; Establishing a by the project sponsor, the project manager as well Setting the professional project govern- as other relevant project participants (up to 8 peo- foundation of ance (i.e. project sponsors and ple). Guided by the assessors, participants go a successful steering committees assuming through a maturity rating (incl. target/actual compar- project organi- their responsibilities); Syn- ison) of about 59 items regarding project context and zation for chronizing budgeting and project method compliance and have to reach a con- large, complex sourcing activities of project sensus on each item. endeavors with business organization; A (small) number of projects were stopped as a Strengthening sourcing strat- consequence of the assessment. For other projects, egy and management valuable discussions and measures were triggered by Implementing a “filter” (i.e. go the assessment. “Triage”: In the meantime the KEY tool has also been de- / no go) within a preliminary Only launch- phase before a project’s ap- ployed to assess large and complex running IT pro- ing large, proval focusing on context and jects within the private sector. The assessment complex pro- project management method; (workshop) has been recognized as a valuable jects within Establishing a more structured method to find potentials for improvement within a good context and rigorous pre-project phase; project by all participants. We have been continu- and with capa- Ensuring consistent monitoring ously evaluating and refining our tool. It can now be ble manage- regarding context and manage- configured (i.e. individual selection of relevant ment ment along all project phases questions, changing of wording of questions, etc.) to ensure an even better match with the project, the ap- Building an organization wide “Ability”: plied project method, and user benefit. project manager pool; Estab- The data gained by meanwhile close to 20010 as- Building the lishing communities of prac- sessments allows us to continue with the identifica- capabilities of tice to exchange project gov- tion of patterns that promise to be a reference for successful, ernance and management ex- steering committees and project sponsors about what context-sensi- perience; Employing internal information to ask for, when to intervene, and how tive project and external experts and to intervene. Furthermore, we are establishing a sys- management coaches to evaluate and sup- tematic monitoring of taken measures and their ef- and govern- port project managers, spon- fect on the project’s course. For practitioners, in- ance sors, and steering committees; sights and patterns may be directly used to challenge Emphasizing the building of actual business practices, including how steering effective requirements and committee members are prepared and supported in change management capacities their organizations. Moreover, identifying patterns 8 Find more about the integration of the measure packages to quent assessments of ongoing projects in the Swiss Federal Ad- HERMES (in German): https://www.newsd.ad- ministration, and ca. 75 assessments of ongoing projects in the min.ch/newsd/message/attachments/37501.pdf public and private sector. 9 KEY stands for key factors for project success. 10 This figure comprises of the 15 initial assessments of failed projects within the Swiss Federal Administration, ca. 100 subse-
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