Mining Facts 2021 The National Mining Association

The National Mining Association


The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the perils of relying
on global supply chains for Americans’ essential needs.
Maximizing our use of the resources we have in abundance
here at home, and determining how to better support access
to those resources, will be key to our long-term economic
recovery. With so many American families and industries
struggling to get back on their feet, affordable, reliable
energy has never been more important.

By delivering the raw materials required for nearly
every industry and consumer product, feeding our
manufacturing, technology, transportation, medical,
defense and energy supply chains — mining provides the
resources for a better future.
America’s                                                                                  Every American
Mining at a                                                                                uses an average of

Number of direct mining
industry jobs.
                                               Number of indirect jobs
                                               generated by the mining
$81,000+                                       $101B                                       of newly mined
Average annual salary for a                    Annual U.S. revenues
miner, well above the U.S.
average wage of $59,000.*
                                               generated through mining.
                                                                                           materials every year,
                                                                                           including two tons
*Employment numbers based on MSHA Q4 2020 preliminary employment data, applied to IMPLAN
2018 data economic multipliers.                                                            of coal.
Direct minerals mining jobs
94,000                                                               for Our
Direct coal mining jobs

Indirect minerals mining jobs
                                                                     Mining provides essential materials and
211,000                                                              power for nearly every industry and
Indirect coal mining jobs                                            consumer product, and supplies low-cost,
$18,000,000,000                                                      reliable fuel for homes and businesses
Total federal, state and local taxes                                 across the country.
attributable to mining jobs
                                                                     The mining industry is supported by hundreds of thousands
                                                                     of hardworking Americans. They are deeply proud of the
                                                                     contributions they make to our country each day, fueling America
*Employment numbers based on MSHA Q4 2020 preliminary
                                                                     and supplying the materials that make our high quality of life
employment data, applied to IMPLAN 2018 data economic multipliers.   possible and America a global leader in innovation.
Resources for
Percent increase in the number of minerals for which the U.S.
is entirely import dependent since 1995.
                                                                Supply Chain
                                                                Metals and minerals are the building blocks
                                                                of our energy, manufacturing, technology,
                                                                defense and medical supply chains.
Value of minerals the U.S. imports from foreign countries,                 Our reliance on foreign countries and
despite being home to reserves estimated at $6.2 trillion.                 geopolitical rivals for minerals we could be
                                                                           sourcing here at home exposes our economy
                                                                           and way of life to unacceptable risks.

66%                               40%                                      Despite being home to one of the world’s
Percentage of mineral             Percentage of minerals                   leading minerals reserves, cumbersome
commodities listed as essential   identified as critical to                permitting processes contribute to the U.S.
for U.S. economic and national    U.S. and national security               remaining import-dependent for many
                                                                           key minerals. But the COVID-19 pandemic has
security that China is the top    for which the U.S. is 100
                                                                           amplified American awareness of the dangers
producer or top supplier of.      percent import reliant.                  of a heavily import-dependent supply chain.
coal, copper, gold, iron ore,
              molybdenum, zinc, uranium,
              lead, rare earths, platinum-
              group metals, salt, gypsum,
              silver, nickel, phosphate, boron,
              limestone, kyanite, beryllium,

              cobalt, bentonite, bromine,
              cement, common clays,

resources     diatomite, feldspar, gemstones,

play a key
              greensand marl, helium,
              magnesium metal, palladium,

role in       peat, potash, sand and gravel,
              soda ash, stone, tripoli,
your state?   wollastonite, zirconium
1,000%                            23
                                           Projected increase in demand      Number of carbon capture,
                                           for minerals needed for future    use and storage facilities
                                           energy technologies, according    under construction or
                                           to the Center for Strategic and   operating around the world.
                                           International Studies.

                                           4.7 tons                          10%
                                           Amount of copper needed for       Amount of global silver
                                           a single wind turbine.            demand utilized in the
                                                                             production of solar panels.

Resources                                  66                                35%
for a Better                               Number of minerals used           CO2 emissions reductions

                                           in the average computer.          achieved through high
                                                                             efficiency, low emissions
                                                                             coal plants.

Technologies made possible through and
employed by mining stimulate innovation,
providing the necessary resources for a
                                           1/5th of a gram
                                           Amount of gold in the average computer, used in many
better life and a better future.           electronics due to its high corrosion resistance.
Coal, cement,
                   Coal, zinc,
                                       Coal, copper,
                                                          Coal, bromine,
                                                                            Sand and                                                               Major mined products                                                      Montana
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cement, sand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gold, copper,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   New Hampshire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sand and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     New Jersey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Stone, sand

                                                                                                                                                   from your state
stone, lime,       gold, lead,         molybdenum,        stone, cement,    gravel, cement,                                                                                                                                  palladium,       and gravel,       silver, lime,      gravel, stone,    and gravel,
sand and           silver, sand        sand and           gypsum, sand      boron, stone,                                                                                                                                    molybdenum,      stone, lime       diatomite, sand    gemstones         greensand
gravel, kyanite,   and gravel          gravel, cement,    and gravel,       gold                                                                                                                                             copper,                            and gravel,                          marl, peat
common clays                           stone, silver      lime                                                                                                                                                               platinum,                          stone, gypsum
                                                                                                        WA                                                                                                                   gemstones

Colorado           Connecticut         Delaware           Florida           Georgia                                                                                                                                          New Mexico       New York          North Carolina     North Dakota      Ohio
                                                                                                                        MT              ND                                                                              ME
Coal,              Stone, sand         Stone, sand        Phosphate         Clays, stone,                                                                                                                                    Coal, copper,    Salt, stone,      Stone,             Coal, sand and    Coal, stone,
molybdenum,        and gravel,         and gravel,        rock, stone,      cement,                OR                                                                                                                        potash, sand     sand and          phosphate          gravel, stone,    salt, sand and
sand and           common clays,       magnesium,         cement, sand      sand and                                                               MN                                                                        and gravel,      gravel, cement,   rock, sand and     lime, common      gravel, lime,
gravel, cement,    gemstones           gemstones          and gravel,       gravel, barite,                   ID                                                                                                   NH        cement, salt     wollastonite,     gravel, feldspar   clays             cement
gold, stone                                               zirconium         gemstones                                                   SD                        WI                                                                          zinc
                                                                                                                                                                                                         NY        MA
                                                                                                                         WY                                                      MI                            CT       RI
Hawaii             Idaho               Illinois           Indiana           Iowa                                                                                                                                             Oklahoma         Oregon            Pennsylvania       Rhode Island      South Carolina
                                                                                                                                                        IA                                         PA
Stone, sand        Phosphate           Coal, sand and     Coal, stone,      Stone, cement,              NV                              NE                                                                     NJ            Coal, stone,     Coal, cement,     Coal, stone,       Sand and          Cement, stone,
and gravel,        rock, sand and      gravel, stone,     cement, lime,     gypsum, sand                                                                                              OH                                     cement, sand     stone, lime,      cement, lime,      gravel, stone,    sand and
                                                                                                                   UT                                                  IL                               MD    DE
gemstones          gravel, silver,     cement, tripoli    sand and          and gravel,                                                                                     IN                                               and gravel,      sand and          sand and           gemstones         gravel, gold
                   lead, stone                            gravel            lime                                              CO                                                            WV                               helium, gypsum   gravel,           gravel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              common clays
                                                                                                                                                             MO                                   VA

Kansas             Kentucky            Louisiana          Maine             Maryland                                                                                                              NC                         South Dakota     Tennessee         Texas              Utah              Vermont
Coal, helium,      Coal, stone,        Coal, salt, sand   Sand and          Coal, cement,                     AZ                              OK                            TN                                               Gold, cement,    Coal, stone,      Coal, stone,       Coal,             Stone,
cement, salt,      lime, cement,       and gravel,        gravel, cement,   stone, sand                                  NM                                                                                                  sand and         zinc, cement,     gypsum, sand       molybdenum,       sand and
                                                                                                                                                             AR                              SC
stone, sand        sand and            stone, lime        stone             and gravel                                                                                                                                       gravel, stone,   sand and          and gravel,        copper,           gravel, talc,
and gravel,        gravel,                                                                                                                                                                                                   lime             gravel, clays     cement, salt,      magnesium         gemstones
gypsum             common clays                                                                                                                                        MS   AL         GA                                                                       lime               metal, potash,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   salt, beryllium
Massachusetts Michigan                 Minnesota          Mississippi       Missouri                                                                                                                                         Virginia         Washington        West Virginia      Wisconsin         Wyoming
Stone, sand        Iron ore, cobalt,   Iron ore, sand     Coal, sand and    Coal, cement,                    AK                                                                                                              Coal, stone,     Sand and          Coal, stone,       Sand and          Coal, soda
and gravel,        cement, nickel      and gravel,        gravel, stone,    stone, lead,                                                                                                                                     cement, sand     gravel,           cement, lime,      gravel, stone,    ash, bentonite
lime, common       concentrates,       stone, lime        clays (fuller’s   lime, sand and                                                                                                   FL                              and gravel,      stone, gold,      sand and           lime              clays, helium,
clays              stone, sand                            earth, ball,      gravel                                                                                                                                           lime, kyanite    cement, zinc,     gravel                               uranium, sand
                   and gravel, salt                       bentonite)                                                                                                                                                                          diatomite                                              and gravel,
19% 20%
Portion of U.S. electricity     Portion of electricity
that comes from coal.           generated from nuclear
                                energy powered by uranium.

Number of minerals it takes
                                Portion of U.S. fossil energy
                                                                That Power
                                                                Our Lives
to deliver electricity to our   reserves (coal, natural gas
homes and businesses.           and oil) that comes from coal   Electricity should be accessible and
                                on a BTU basis.
                                                                affordable to all.

                                                                Resource diversification       New technologies, such as

$93B 23%
                                                                — powered by a mix of          advanced coal-fired power
                                                                domestic coal, natural         generation and carbon
                                                                gas, nuclear power, oil        capture and storage, will
                                                                and renewable sources —        give Americans energy
                                                                ensures that U.S. households   choices that are aligned
Amount Americans save in        Portion of total world coal     and businesses can minimize    with environmental and
electricity costs annually      reserves held by the U.S.—      market disruptions and         climate objectives without
through a diverse power grid    the most of any country.        reduce reliance on foreign     having to sacrifice reliability
anchored by coal.                                               energy sources.                or affordability.
70%                                 43%
                                                                   Portion of the world’s steel that   Portion of U.S. copper
                                                                   requires coal for its production.   demand that goes to the
                                                                                                       construction industry.

Resources                                                          6 billion                           439 lbs
for America’s                                                      Tons of steel used in the U.S.
                                                                   National Highway System.
                                                                                                       Amount of copper used in the
                                                                                                       average American home.

America’s miners play an indispensable role
in powering and building our nation.                               57,000 tons
                                                                   Steel contained in the Empire State Building, which also
From foundations to roofs,      airports and other structures
                                                                   includes 730 tons of aluminum and stainless steel.
power plants to wind            are supported by steel —
farms, roads and bridges        a material dependent on
to communications grids         mining. Even structures using

and data storage centers        concrete employ steel for
— America’s infrastructure      reinforcement. And copper’s
projects begin with mining.     flexibility, conformity, thermal
                                and electric conductivity, and
Roads, railways, appliances,    resistance to corrosion make       Portion of global zinc consumption used to coat steel, making it
buildings, stadiums, bridges,   it an ideal industrial metal.      highly resistant to corrosion.
Caring for                                                              Caring for the
Our People                                                              Environment
Ensuring the safety and health                                          Natural resources are at the
                                                   54%                                                                      $100B
of our colleagues is a core value                  Portion by which
                                                                        heart of mining—environmental                       Amount coal
of the mining industry.                            injuries in U.S.
                                                   mines have
                                                                        stewardship is imperative.                          plant owners
                                                                                                                            have invested
                                                   been reduced                                                             in advanced
                                                                        Today’s mining projects begin with extensive
The goal? Zero fatalities and injuries.            over the last                                                            emissions control
                                                   15 years.            environmental and engineering studies,              technologies over
To achieve our shared goal, we go beyond
                                                                        public involvement in major decision-making,        the last 20 years.
what is required by regulations.
                                                                        and compliance with scores of state and federal
                                                   50%                  laws and regulations governing every facet of
To accelerate the pace of mine safety              Portion by which
improvement, the U.S. mining industry has          fatalities in U.S.
                                                                        the environment, from wildlife habitat protection   3 million
                                                                        to complying with strict water quality standards.   Acres of mined
taken voluntary steps to implement best            mines have
                                                   been reduced         They end with land reclamation that transforms      land that have
practices that encourage a culture of safety.                                                                               been restored
                                                   over the last        sites for recreation, wildlife enhancement and
                                                   15 years.                                                                by U.S. mining
                                                                        other local community needs.                        companies.
By identifying and eliminating potential hazards
and deploying state-of-the-art technology,
                                                                        Building on the extraordinary environmental
the National Mining Association, its members                                                                                $10B+
                                                                        progress made in recent decades, the industry
and respected industry safety and health                                                                                    Amount the
                                                                        is committed to advancing technologies
professionals have developed CORESafety®,                                                                                   U.S. mining
                                                                        that make the use of our resources cleaner          industry has
an award-winning safety framework that is
                                                                        and more efficient. Today’s technologies are        paid to reclaim
bringing more miners home safely after every                                                                                mines that were
                                                                        making combustion of coal more efficient, with
shift, giving mining a lower nonfatal injury and                                                                            abandoned
                                                                        reduced emissions. And ongoing advancements
illness record than manufacturing, construction                                                                             prior to laws
                                                                        in high efficiency, low emission (HELE) coal        requiring
or private industry.
                                                                        technologies and carbon capture and storage         reclamation.
                                                                        (CCS) hold promise for the future.
Speaking of Mining:                                                                        Demonstrated reserves: Deposits that
                                                                                           are potentially minable on an economic
                                                                                           basis with existing technology.
                                                                                                                                           Fly ash: Particles of ash entrained in
                                                                                                                                           gases resulting from the combustion
                                                                                                                                           of fuel. At coal-fired power plants, fly

Key Industry Terms                                                                         Dragline: A large excavation machine
                                                                                           used in the surface mining process to
                                                                                                                                           ash is captured by special equipment,
                                                                                                                                           usually either electrostatic precipitators
                                                                                                                                           or baghouses. Fly ash and other forms
                                                                                           remove overburden (see “overburden”). The       of coal ash are useful by-products —
                                                                                           dragline has a large bucket suspended from      about 25 million tons are used each
                                                                                           the end of a huge boom (275 feet long or        year in major concrete projects, such
                                                                                           larger) that is capable of scooping up vast     as highway construction.
Alloy: A substance with metallic qualities   Bullion: Mixture of gold and silver in cast   amounts of overburden as it is dragged
that is composed of two or more chemical     bars. Also called dore.                       across the excavation area. The dragline,       Fossil fuel: Fuel such as coal, crude oil or
elements, of which at least one is an                                                      which can “walk” on huge pontoon-like           natural gas, formed from the fossil remains
elemental metal.                             Captive mine: A mine whose resource is        “feet,” is one of the largest land-based        of organic material.
                                             used largely or totally by its owners or a    machines in the world.
Anthracite: See “ranks of coal.”             subsidiary operation.                                                                         Gasification: Any of various processes by
                                                                                           Drift mine: A mine entered directly through     which coal is turned into low, medium or
Auger mining: Form of underground            Clean coal technologies: A number             a horizontal opening drilled into the side of   high-Btu gas.
mining that uses an auger (rotary drill)     of innovative technologies designed           a hill or mountain. This mining method is
to penetrate, break and transport drilled    to reduce emissions and use coal in a         used in hilly or mountainous areas.             General Mining Law: The primary statute
material onto a waiting conveyor belt.       more efficient manner. These include                                                          that governs the right to mine locatable
Usually employed to recover remaining        processes applied before, during and          Electrostatic precipitator: An electrical       minerals on unappropriated public domain
material in deep overburden areas that       after combustion, and involve those which     device used in removing particles (see          lands. Though enacted in 1872, it has been
cannot be reached economically by            change coal into a gas or liquid.             “fly ash”) from combustion gases prior to       amended many times.
further contour or area mining.                                                            release from a power plant’s stack.
                                             Coal seam: A bed or stratum of coal.                                                          Hardrock minerals: Locatable minerals
Base metals: Any of the non-precious         Usually applies to a large deposit.           Excavator: A large number of power-             that are neither leasable minerals (coal,
metals. Copper, lead and zinc are usually                                                  operated digging and loading machines,          oil, phosphate, etc.) nor saleable mineral
considered the primary base metals, but      Coke: A hard, dry carbon substance            used increasingly in open-pit mining            materials (sand and gravel, etc.). Hardrock
tin, aluminum and magnesium are also         produced by heating coal to a very high       and quarrying.                                  minerals include copper, lead, zinc,
among those important to modern society.     temperature in the absence of air. Coke is                                                    magnesium, nickel, tungsten, gold, silver,
                                             used in the manufacture of iron and steel.    Face: The surface where mining work             bentonite, barite, feldspar, fluorspar and
Bioleaching: Addition of naturally                                                         is occurring.                                   uranium.
occurring bacteria to extract or remove      Concentrate: The result of separating ore
a soluble substance from ore.                or metal from its containing rock or earth.   Flotation: Separating ore from waste            Highwall: Unexcavated face of exposed
                                                                                           materials by floating away the materials        overburden and coal in a surface mine
Bituminous coal: See “ranks of coal.”        Continuous miner/mining: A mining             of lower specific gravity, while the heavier    or in a face or bank on the uphill side of
                                             machine and technique that removes            materials sink.                                 a contour mine excavation.
Bond: A prerequisite for obtaining a         coal from the face and loads it onto cars
mining permit, companies must post a         or conveyors without the use of cutting       Fluidized-bed combustion: Process to            In situ gasification: The gasification
reclamation bond to ensure sufficient        machines, drills or explosives and without    remove sulfur from coal combustion and          of underground coal deposits through
funds to restore a site in the event a       interrupting the loading process. Can         limit the formation of nitrogen oxides (see     partial combustion.
company fails to complete the reclamation    be highly automated and operated by           “clean coal technologies”). The process
plan approved in the permit.                 remote control.                               involves suspending crushed coal and            Leaching: The action of percolating
                                                                                           limestone in the bottom of a boiler by an       liquid in order to remove the soluble
Btu: British thermal unit. This is a         Conventional mining: A deep mining            upward stream of hot air. While the coal        parts. For example, cyanide leaching of
measure of the energy required to raise      method that includes inserting explosives     is burned in this liquid-like mixture, sulfur   gold is a process where a weak cyanide
the temperature of one pound of water        in a seam, blasting the seam and              from combustion gases combines with             solution is percolated through low-grade
one degree Fahrenheit. On average, coal      removing the material onto a conveyor or      the limestone to form a solid compound          ore heaped on an impermeable liner.
contains about 20 million Btu per ton.       shuttle car. Accounts for about 9 percent     recovered with the ash.                         Gold is then extracted from the liquid in a
                                             of total underground coal production.                                                         closed-loop system.
Lignite: See “ranks of coal.”                    General Mining Law of 1872, as amended.           Placer deposit: An alluvial marine or          Slope mine: A mine with an opening that
                                                 There are four types of mining claims:            glacial deposit resulting from the crumbling   slopes upward or downward to the seam. It
Liquefaction: The process of converting          lode, placer, millsites and tunnel sites. Only    and erosion of solid rocks, and often          must also have adjoining vertical shafts for
coal into a synthetic liquid fuel, similar in    tunnel sites may not be patented under            containing valuable minerals.                  air ventilation and emergency use.
nature to crude oil and/or refined products,     current law.
such as gasoline.                                                                                  Portal: Entrance to a mine.                    Smelter: A furnace in which raw
                                                 Mountaintop mining: A method of                                                                  materials are melted, and metals are
Locatable minerals: Those minerals —             surface mining practiced in the Appalachian       Preparation plant: A facility, usually         separated from impurities.
primarily metallic — that can be claimed         coal fields of the eastern United States.         located on a mine site, which crushes,
and mined on public lands under the              Mountaintop mining allows the mine                sizes and washes material prior                Stope: An excavation from which ore has
General Mining Law of 1872; these do not         operator to completely remove layers              to shipment.                                   been removed in a series of steps.
include coal, oil, phosphate sodium, sulfur,     of dirt and rock covering a coal seam,
or sand and gravel.                              making the entire deposit economical for          Ranks of coal: The classification of coal      Strategic minerals: Those minerals
                                                 extraction. Valley fill — the depositing of       by degree of hardness, moisture and heat       considered essential for a country’s
Longwall miner/mining: A deep mining             rock and dirt from the surface mine into          content. The major ranks, from lowest to       economic and defense needs, such as
machine and technique that uses a steel          adjacent valleys — is a practice that is not      highest quality, are lignite, subbituminous,   metals for defense weapons, satellite
plow or rotating drum, which is pulled           unique to the mining industry; hundreds of        bituminous and anthracite.                     communications, automobile parts and
mechanically back-and-forth across a long        valley fills were constructed throughout the                                                     medical instruments.
face of coal to loosen it and collect the        country during the building of the Interstate     Reclamation: The restoration of land and
product on a conveyor for removal from           Highway System.                                   environmental values to a mining site after    Subbituminous coal: See “ranks of coal.”
the mine.                                                                                          mining occurs.
                                                 Non-metallic minerals: Minerals                                                                  Surface mine: A mine in which the
Metallic minerals: Minerals with a high          (carbon, diamond, coals, bitumen, asphalt,        Recoverable reserves: Portion of               coal lies near the surface and can be
specific gravity and metallic luster, such as    boron, sulfur, rock salt, etc.) that lack the     reserves that can be economically and          extracted by removing the covering layer
titanium, rutile, tungsten, uranium, tin, lead   properties of the metallic minerals.              physically mined using current techniques      of overburden.
and iron. In general, metallic minerals are                                                        after allowing for normal mining losses.
good conductors of heat                          Non-renewable resources: Resources                                                               Tailings: The waste material left over after
and electricity.                                 that are not replaced or regenerated              Reserves: Known identified resources           hardrock mining and milling processes
                                                 naturally within a reasonable period of time,     from which a usable commodity can be           have been completed.
Metallurgical coal: Various grades of coal       such as fossil fuels or minerals.                 technologically, economically and legally
suitable for carbonization to make coke for                                                        extracted using current mining techniques.     Tipple: A surface processing structure for
steel manufacturing.                             Open pit: A mine or excavation open                                                              cleaning and sizing coal and automatically
                                                 to the surface. Refers primarily to mines of      Rock dusting: The process of coating           loading it onto rail cars or trucks for
Minerals: Scientific: naturally formed           metal ores; distinguished from coal surface       tunnels in deep mines with powdered            movement to market.
inorganic solids (elements or chemical           mines.                                            limestone to dilute potentially unhealthy
compounds) with a limited range in                                                                 or dangerous concentrations of dust and        Underground mine: Also known as
chemical composition and with orderly            Ore: Rock that contains important                 minimize fire hazards.                         a deep mine. Usually located several
internal atomic arrangements that                minerals, including metals.                                                                      hundred feet below the earth’s surface,
determine crystalline structure and                                                                Roof bolting: A method of supporting the       materials are removed mechanically and
physical properties. Legal: organic or           Outcrop: Coal that appears at or near             ceilings of underground mines by inserting     transferred by shuttle car or conveyor to
inorganic substances occurring naturally,        the surface.                                      long steel bolts into holes bored into the     the surface.
with characteristics and economic                                                                  strata forming the roof.
uses that bring them within the purview          Overburden: Layers of earth and rock                                                             Unit train: A long train of between 60 and
of mineral laws; substances that may             covering a coal seam or mineral deposit.          Scrubber: Any of several forms of              150 or more hopper cars, carrying only coal
be obtained under the applicable laws                                                              chemical/physical devices that remove          between a single mine and destination. A
from public lands by purchase, lease             Patent: A government deed; a document             sulfur compounds formed during coal            typical unit train can carry at least 10,000
or claim.                                        that conveys legal title to public lands to the   combustion. Technically known as flue gas      tons of coal in a single shipment.
                                                 patentee.                                         desulfurization systems, they combine the
Mining claim: That portion of the public                                                           sulfur in gaseous emissions with another
mineral lands that a person may claim for                                                          chemical medium to form an inert sludge.
mining purposes in accordance with the
The National Mining Association (NMA) is U.S. mining's
advocate in Washington, D.C. and beyond. NMA is the only
national trade organization that represents the interests of
mining before Congress, the administration, federal agencies,
the judiciary and the media — providing a clear voice for U.S.
mining. NMA’s mission is to build support for public policies
that will help America fully and responsibly utilize its coal and
mineral resources.

NMA has a membership of more than 250 corporations and
organizations involved in various aspects of mining. NMA
provides a forum for these diverse industry segments to be
informed, heard and represented.

101 Constitution Avenue NW, Suite 500E
Washington, D.C. 20001
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