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Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine (2012), 15, N o 2, 73−78 MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE GALL BLADDER OF THE CHUKAR PARTRIDGE (ALECTORIS CHUKAR) B. MOBINI Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord branch, Shahrekord, Iran Summary Mobini, B., 2012. Microscopic study of the gall bladder of the chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar). Bulg. J. Vet. Med., 15, No 2, 73−78. A study on the microscopic anatomy of the gall bladder was conducted in 8 female and 8 male twenty-week-old healthy Iranian chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar). The gall bladder was com- posed of tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis and tunica serosa or tunica adventitia. The tunica mucosa was mainly lined by simple columnar epithelium. All epithelial cells of the chukar gall bladder have reacted for acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides. The lamina muscularis mucosa was absent. The lamina propria-submucosa contained numerous diffuse or nodular lymphatic tissues. The tunica mus- cularis of the gall bladder showed a circular layer of smooth muscle fibers. The tunica serosa or ad- ventitia presented no striking features. Key words: chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar), gall bladder, microscopic anatomy INTRODUCTION The chukar (Alectoris chukar), is a central For the elucidation of microscopic Eurasian species from the family Pha- anatomy of gall bladder, some investiga- sianidae of the order Galliformes, inhabi- tions have been carried out in different ting the dry highlands of Europe through adult avian species, such as the ostrich the Himalayas. It has been introduced (Abidu-Figueiredo et al., 2006; Stornelli throughout North America and its native et al., 2006), chickens (Yamada & Hoshi- range in Eurasia, from southeastern no, 1972; Gheri et al., 1988; Ciobotaru & Europe to the west, to India, Pakistan and Militaru, 2002), and guinea fowl (Sivag- Afghanistan to the east. This partridge is nanam & Geetha, 2008). However, no also a valuable pet and popular game bird insight has ever been gained into the his- for people in the Middle-East. In recent tological structures of the gall bladder in years this species has been intensively Alectoris chukar. Also, research on par- reared in Iran and used for meat produc- tridges in Iran has started very recently, tion. Regarding the progressive interest in which makes this study even more impor- this kind of meat among Iranians and tant as it is intended to be a reference for large investments in this field, providing future studies. knowledge of the microscopic anatomy The purpose of the present study was and biology of this species could be quite to investigate microscopic structures of valuable. gall bladder of five-month-old Iranian chukar partridges and to determine the
Microscopic study of the gall bladder of the chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar) variation in these features compared to Bancroft, 1984). Histological studies on other bird species. stained sections were carried out by light microscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS Sixteen clinically healthy Iranian chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) from both The gall bladder in Alectoris chukar was sexes were used to determine the histo- composed of tunica mucosa, tunica mus- logical structures of the gall bladder. cularis and tunica serosa (for the free sur- They were reared in a floor-pen house face) and tunica adventitia (for the at- from hatch to 20 weeks of age. The tached surface) in both sexes. The tunica chuckar chicks received feed and water mucosa of the gall bladder was mainly ad libitum. The animals were euthanized. lined by non-ciliated simple columnar The gall bladders were removed from the epithelium. However, in some regions it donors, placed in physiological saline and varied from cuboidal to tall columnar cut open therein to expel intravesical bile (Fig. 1). The apical cytoplasm of these which is injurious to the epithelial tissues. cells was covered by a continuous striated The gall bladders were fixed in 10% buff- border of microvilli (Fig. 2). No goblet ered formalin solution for 12 to 24 h, de- cells were observed in epithelium. Tunica hydrated and embedded in paraffin in mucosa forms some simple folds lined routine manners. Tissue samples were with tall columnar epithelium, which ap- stained by a variety of techniques for peared to be regularly distributed over the general observations and types of fibres in whole luminal surface of the gall bladder. the connective tissues: 1) haematoxylin The mucosal folds were almost isometric. eosin, 2) Masson’s trichrome, 3) Ver- Deep invaginations of the surface epithe- hoeff’s, 4) Gomori’s method for reticu- lium were observed to have grown down lum (Luna, 1968), 5) alcian blue (pH 1.0), into the underlying loose connective tis- 6) Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) (Cook & sue, showing a tubular gland like appear- M LP-S TA Fig. l. The gall bladder of twenty-week-old Iranian chukar partridges: epithelium (E), simple fold (arrows), epithelial invaginations (I), lymphatic aggregations (L), lamina propria (LP-SM), tunica muscularis (TM), tunica adventitia (TA). Haematoxylin eosin, × 400. 74 BJVM, 15, No 2
B. Mobini E LP-SM TM TA Fig. 2. Reticular fibres (arrows) in lamina propria-submucosa (LP-SM), and tunica serosa (TA) of chukar gall bladder, epithelium (E), tunica muscularis (TM). Gomori’s staining for reticulum, ×400. ance (Fig. 1). The surface cells and those All epithelial cells reacted positively lining folds and the epithelial invagina- to periodic acid Schiff (PAS) (Fig. 3), and tions exhibited an oval nucleus located in alcian blue stains (Fig. 4). the basal cytoplasm. However, in some The lamina muscularis mucosa was regions with cuboidal epithelium, the nu- absent. The thin lamina propria-submu- cleus was more spherical. cosa contained loose connective tissue which consisted of reticular (Fig. 2), col- lagenous (Fig. 5) and elastic fibres (Fig. 6), and numerous diffuse or nodular lym- phatic tissues, but no glands were ob- served (Fig. 1). The tunica muscularis was composed of a layer of circularly arranged muscle fibres (Fig. 1). The outermost tunica of the free sur- face of the gall bladder was the serosa, E which loose connective tissue invested by mesothelium, whereas in attached surface adventitia and mesothelium were absent. The loose connective tissue was made up LP-SM of adipose tissues, blood vessels (Fig. 6), parasympathetic ganglia with nerve bun- TM dles (Fig. 1), reticular, collagenous and, elastic fibres, but glands were absent in tunica serosa (Fig. 2, 5, 6). Fig. 3. PAS-positive material is present in the apical part of the cytoplasm of the epithelial DISCUSSION cells (arrows), epithelium (E), lamina propria- submucosa (LP-SM), tunica muscularis (TM). The wall of the gall bladder in Alectoris PAS, ×1000. chukar was composed of tunica mucosa, BJVM, 15, No 2 75
Microscopic study of the gall bladder of the chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar) lamina propria-submucosa, tunica muscu- The apical cytoplasm of epithelial cells, laris and tunica serosa or adventitia, which was covered by a continuous stri- which was similar to those of guinea fowl ated border of microvilli agree with the (Sivagnanam & Geetha, 2008). Although results obtained from Yamada (1974) and some variations were observed in the epi- Dellmann (1993). The simple isometric thelium of tunica mucosa, it was mainly folds were regularly distributed over the lined by non-ciliated simple columnar whole gall bladder luminal surface, which cells similarly to the findings of Yamada was similar to the previous findings (Ya- & Hoshino (1972) in chickens and Sivag- mada & Hoshino, 1972; Gheri et al. nanam & Geetha (2008) in guinea fowl. 1988). E LP-SM TM TA Fig. 4. Acidophilic mucosubstances are present in all surface epithelial cells (arrows), epithelium (E), lamina propria-submucosa (LP-SM), tunica muscularis (TM), tunica adventitia (TA). Alcian blue, ×400. E LP-SM TM TA Fig. 5. Collagenous fibres (arrows) in lamina propria-submucosa (LP-SM) and tunica serosa (TA) of chukar gall bladder, epithelium (E), tunica muscularis (TM). Masson’s trichrome, × 400. 76 BJVM, 15, No 2
B. Mobini E LP-SM TM BV TA A Fig. 6. Elastic fibres (arrows) in lamina propria-submucosa (LP-SM) and tunica serosa (TA) of chukar gall bladder. epithelium (E), tunica muscularis (TM), adipose tissue (A), blood vessels (BV). Verhoeff’s, × 400. In tunica mucosa, downgrowths of the the concentration of the bile (Hayward, surface epithelium which exhibited a tu- 1968), others have noticed that they ap- bular gland like appearance were in pear to play significant roles for maintain- agreement with those reported previously ing functionally important properties of (Yamada & Hoshino, 1972; Gheri et al., membranes such as morphological con- 1988). All epithelial cells containing an figurations, structural rigidity and perme- oval nucleus were situated basally. Simi- ability (Quinton & Philpott, 1973). This lar results were also reported by Yamada finding indicated that the epithelium of & Hoshino (1972) in chick embryo and the gall bladder had a secretory function Gheri et al. (1988) in adult fowl. (Dellmann, 1993) and suggested an asso- The mucosal histochemical reactions ciation of neutral mucopolysaccharides of the chukar gall bladder were similar to with acid mucins (Gheri et al., 1988). that of other poultry (Yamada & Hoshino, In our study, no lamina muscularis, 1972; Gheri et al., 1988; Madrid et al., goblet cells and gland were observed in 1989), which indicated that the muco- gall bladder mucosa of the chukar part- substances consist of acid and neutral gly- ridges, which is in agreement with the cosaminoglycan complexes (Yamada & results of a previous study (Sivagnanam Hoshino, 1972). While some investigators & Geetha, 2008). have reported that the presence of mucous Reported lymphatic aggregations of secretion might be of importance in rela- the lamina propria-submucosa in chicken tion to the water absorbing function of the gall bladder were in agreement with our gall bladder epithelium (the mucus might results (Ciobotaru & Militaru, 2002). form a water-absorbing surface gel) for BJVM, 15, No 2 77
Microscopic study of the gall bladder of the chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar) The tunica muscularis of gall bladder Staining Methods of the Armed Forces in in guinea fowl was composed of an outer Statute of Pathology. 3rd edn, McGraw- longitudinal layer and an inner layer that Hill, New York, pp. 87–88, 94–95, 158– consisted of an outer circular and an inner 160, 163–164. longitudinal muscle fibres (Sivagnanam Madrid, J. F., J. Ballesta, T. Galera, M.T. Cas- & Geetha, 2008). In chukar partridges tells & R. Perez-Tomas, 1989. Histochem- istry of glycoconjugates in the gallbladder however, there was a layer of circularly epithelium of ten animal species, Histo- arranged muscle fibres. chemistry, 91, 437–443. The tunica serosa and adventitia of Quinton, P. M. & C. W. Philpott, 1973. A role gall bladder in chukars are in agreement for anionic sites in epithelial architecture. with the results obtained from Sivagna- Effects of cationic polymers on cell mem- nam & Geetha (2008). brane structure. The Journal of Cell Biol- In conclusion, the microscopic anatomy ogy, 56, 787–796. of the gall bladder of the Iranian chukar Sivgnanam, S. & R. Geetha, 2008. Histologi- partridge (Alectoris chukar) was similar to cal studies on the gall bladder and biliary that in chickens and guinea fowl. system in Guinea fowl. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 20, 60–61. REFERENCES Stornelli, M. R., M. P. Ricciardi, E. Giannessi & A. Coli, 2006. Morphological and histo- logical study of the ostrich (Struthio came- Abidu-Figueiredo, M., B. Xavier-Silva, F. V. lus L.) liver and biliary system. Archivio C. Bath, M. A. Babinski & M. A. Chagas, Italiano Di Anatomia Ed Embriologia. 2006. Morphological and topographical 111, 1–7. aspects of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) liver. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências Vet- Yamada, K. 1974. Acid mucosaccharide-con- erinárias, 101, 41–43. taining structures in the gall bladder epithe- lium of the rabbit as seen with the electron Ciobotaru, E. & M. Militaru, 2002. Researches microscope. Histochemistry, 39, 351–360. regarding the structure and reactivity of lymphoid formation associated to gall Yamada, K. & M. Hoshino, 1972. Morpho- bladder in chicken. Revista Romana de chemical analysis of the epithelial muco- Medicina Veterinara, 12, 117–127. substances in the gall bladder of the fowl (gallus domesticus). Histochemie, 29, 120– Cook, H. & J. Bancroft, 1984. Manual of His- 128. tological Techniques. Churchill Living- stone Edinburgh, London, pp. 102–103, 111–112. Paper received 21.12.2011; accepted for Dellmann, H. D., 1993. Textbook of Veteri- publication 23.04.2012 nary Histology. 4th edn, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, pp. 189. Correspondence: Gheri, G., S. Gheri Bryk & G. E. Orlandini, 1988. Histochemistry of mucosubstances Behzad Mobini DVM, PhD in the gallbladder epithelium of the chick Associate Professor of Anatomical Sciences, embryo. Histochemistry, 88, 519–524. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hayward, A. F., 1968. The structure of gall- Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord branch, bladder epithelium. International Review P.O.Box 166 Shahrekord, Iran of General and Experimental Zoology, 3, e-mail: dr.mobini@iaushk.ac.ir 205–239. Luna, L. G., 1968. Manual of Histological 78 BJVM, 15, No 2
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