Microdosing - Marine Corps Association

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Microdosing - Marine Corps Association
Ideas & Issues (Innovation)

           Improving performance enhancement in intelligence analysis
                             by Maj Emre Albayrak

             he Marine Corps Intelligence,
             Surveillance, and Reconnais-       >Maj Albayrak has been an Intelligence Officer for twelve years and is also an
             sance Enterprise (MCISRE)          Expeditionary Ground Reconnaissance Officer. He has recently completed a tour
             may gain an advantage over         as the Operations Officer for the Intelligence Support Battalion in an Inspector-
                                                Instructor capacity.
competitors in intelligence analysis,
productivity, and efficiency if it utilizes
the innovative cognitive benefits gained
through microdosing with psychedelics,          “No problem can be solved from the same level of
which scientists, Silicon Valley execu-
tives, disruptors, and biohackers have          consciousness that created it.”
already harnessed.
   Step into any sensitive compart-
                                                                                —Albert Einstein
mented information facility in the
Marine Corps and you are guaranteed           are attempting to leverage unique bio-        1973. During the height of the MKUl-
to find any number of stimulants and          logical reactions to increase cognitive       tra experiments, however, psychedelics
performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs):           ability, efficiency, and “flow,” much like    continued to gain popularity as research
caffeine and tobacco in many forms,           hyper-competitive, information-hungry,        drugs. From 1947 to 1966, researchers
lab-manufactured and non-Food and             self-motivated scientists, Silicon Valley     wrote over 1,000 scientific papers, pub-
Drug Administration-approved pre-             executives, and CEOs.                         lished several dozen books, and dedi-
workout supplements, etc. The pres-                                                         cated six international conferences to
ence of these substances makes it clear       Enter Psychedelics                            the study of psychedelics. The parallel
that the Marines working within these            Prior to the well-known and docu-          recreational popularity of psychedel-
facilities are attempting to extend their     mented recreational usage of lysergic         ics and the resultant moral panic led
wakefulness while increasing their effi-      acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin        to Federal laws banning LSD in 1966.
ciency and productivity. The increasing       (the alkaloid found in hallucinogenic         This ban also halted legitimate scien-
speed and breadth to which we collect         mushrooms) in the 1960s, scientists,          tific studies, suppressing any further
raw data for processing and exploitation      researchers, psychiatrists, psycholo-         scientific research.
in the fourth generation of warfare,1         gists, and the U.S. Government tested             Currently, psychedelics are experi-
where data flows in terabytes (a thou-        psychedelics in over 1,000 different          encing a third-wave resurgence—the
sand gigabytes) and petabytes (a million      studies. Introduced as medication for         first wave was the traditional use by na-
gigabytes), creates enormous analytical       psychiatric use and growing in medical        tive peoples from civilizations around
and cognitive challenges.2 3                  popularity, Time magazine published           the world for thousands of years, the
   These challenges create a discrepancy      multiple positive reports on LSD dur-         second wave was the heavy scientific
between technological capability (what        ing this time.4 Beginning in 1953, the        and recreational usage in the 1960s that
we can collect) and human ability (what       Central Intelligence Agency began             resulted in their ban, and the third wave
we can process, exploit, and distribute).     a program of experiments under the            is the current use of LSD and psilocybin
Intelligence professionals in MEF intel-      project name MKUltra. The intent of           to assist in medical and psychological
ligence centers work on problem sets          this program was mind control, tested         situations, including recent Food and
that require lateral thinking, logical        through experimentations on human             Drug Administration–approved stud-
reasoning, persistence, close attention       subjects to identify and develop drugs        ies by researchers at Johns Hopkins,
to detail, and creativity on a 24/7/365       and procedures that could weaken              Yale, NYU, and various other facili-
processing, exploitation, and dissemina-      defense mechanisms during interroga-          ties who have confirmed the positive
tion cycle. These Marines are asked to        tions.5 A large portion of subjects were      cognitive effects of psychedelics.7 8
be superhuman and compete in intel-           administered LSD without informed             Scientists, Silicon Valley executives,
ligence where, like professional athletes,    consent, warning, or appropriate control      biologists, biohackers, and others who
one percent gains provide significant         mechanisms.6 Unable to achieve the            face complex problems or operate at
advantages. Therefore, these Marines          desired results, MKUltra was halted in        high performance levels are also using

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Microdosing - Marine Corps Association
Ideas & Issues (Innovation)

microdosing to gain a mental advantage        and creativity,13 both of which are criti-      experience, one of the most important
with psychedelics.9                           cal for problem-solving and analytical          things in my life. LSD shows you that
                                              thinking. These findings support the            there’s another side to the coin.”15
Microdosing                                   abundant anecdotal evidence such as
    A microdose is a sub-perceptual           Nobel Prize–winning scientists admit-           Status Quo
amount (i.e., it does not cause percep-       ting their use of small doses of LSD               Currently, Marines across the MC-
tual sensory changes such as visual hal-      to boost thought.14 Psychedelics are            ISRE regularly use a variety of PEDs
lucinations and is not strong enough          credited as a cause for the emergence           to accomplish their tasks. The most
to debilitate the subject) consisting of      of personal computing from a select             well-known PEDs, caffeine, pre-
about a tenth of a medicinal dose of          group of government- and corporate-             workout supplements, and tobacco,
any given psychedelic, usually between        funded laboratories, and even Steve Jobs        all have some positive short-term ef-
10 and 20 micrograms (μg) of LSD or           claimed, “Taking LSD was a profound             fects. However, they do not signifi-
100 milligrams (mg) of psilocybin. In
research, microdoses were reported to
significantly heighten alertness, creativ-
ity, and problem-solving—inducing a
“flow state” that aids in lateral thinking.
Like most hallucinogens, LSD mimics
the effects of serotonin (a mood regu-
lator) and activates 5-HT2A receptors
in the prefrontal cortex. This increases
the activity of the chemical glutamate,
which enables the transmission of sig-
nals between nerve cells and plays a role
in learning and memory.10 Researchers
at the Centre for Neuropsychophar-
macology at Imperial College London
carried out groundbreaking imaging
studies showing changes in cortical
functions of the brain (see Figure 1).
    Microdoses cause cortical functions
to be more fluid, leading researchers
to believe that psychedelics may help
certain brain areas work in increas-
ingly flexible and expansive ways.11
The study further states that LSD
decreased blood flow to the “default
mode network” (DMN), an area of
the brain that is activated when the
mind is wandering, not committed to
a task, and thinking about one’s emo-
tional state—what is generally viewed as
the “ego.”12 A person’s problem-solving
ability is typically constrained by his
ability to think beyond his limited set
of experiences housed within the DMN,
and attempts to find solutions are typi-
cally made from past experiences. As
psychedelics decrease DMN activation,
individuals have been shown to expand
their ability to connect seemingly un-
connected pieces of information and
create revolutionary new solutions.
The enhanced availability of cognitive
pathways, in addition to the changes          Figure 1. Significant between-condition differences (orange = increases) in Resting State
in cortical functions brought on by mi-       Functional Connectivity (RSFC) between the V1 seed region (purple) and the rest of the brain.
crodosing, enhances lateral thinking          Un-thresholded maps can be viewed here: neurovault.org/collections/FBVSAVDQ/.

WE2    www.mca-marines.org/gazette                                                                 Marine Corps Gazette • February 2019
cantly elevate cognitive activity, en-       Gaining the Advantage                      tropics,28 29 and our own units, such
hance neural pathways, or disrupt the           War is not a game, and meeting your     as the Naval Special Warfare Devel-
brain’s DMN. Additionally, existing          enemy on equal footing is a fool’s er-     opment Group, seek cognitive advan-
stimulants have proven negative effects,     rand. The United States plans to spend     tages via unorthodox methods such as
including jitteriness, energy crashes,       $717 billion on defense in fiscal year     mind gyms and sensory deprivation
elevated heart rate, and, in extreme         2019 to ensure that America has the        tanks.30 The cognitive advantage they
cases, cancer. Some use PEDs such as         most lethal, flexible, and responsive      seek is “flow”—or “ekstasis” from the
Adderall, Ritalin, and Modafinil, albeit     military in the world.27 America dedi-     Greek, which Plato describes as “an
with less regularity. These PEDs are         cates resources to making its military     altered state where our normal waking
effective tools when utilized for their      stronger, faster, and smarter than our     consciousness vanishes completely,
intended purposes; however, the off-         adversaries, and we are searching for      replaced by an intense euphoria and
label use for drugs such as Adderall16       advantages everywhere. Combat does         a powerful connection to a greater
and Ritalin17 have shown ambiguous                                                      intelligence.”31 This phenomena is
improvements in cognition or no im-                                                     described as a non-ordinary state of
provement at all—undesirable when at-                                                   consciousness in which individuals
tempting to solve “wicked problems.”18         ... microdosed psyche-                   tend to have heightened focus, pat-
Additionally, both of these drugs are          delics enhance cogni-                    tern recognition, and reaction time.
amphetamines and carry a variety of                                                     Flow can be observed in a seasoned
side effects: rhabdomyolysis, kidney           tive function and flex-                  close-quarters battle team clearing a
failure,19 and a high risk of addiction.       ibility ...                              complex structure. Scientists solving
Modafinil has shown potential as a                                                      complex problems have described flow;
cognitive enhancer in certain tasks,20                                                  a 10-year McKinsey study revealed top
but the chief use of Modafinil in the                                                   executives being 500 times more pro-
MCISRE is currently limited to recon-        not reward fair play, and World Anti-      ductive while in flow.32 Flow state is
naissance Marines or snipers beyond          Doping Agency doping control officers      understood, but those able to achieve
the forward line of troops on extended       are not taking samples after missions      flow on demand cannot easily guide
reconnaissance and surveillance mis-         to ban Marines from “competition.”         others into it. Research suggests it
sions where fending off exhaustion is        Our enemies are already seeking an         takes significant experience (in some
necessary for survival. Despite stud-        edge over us through PEDs and noo-         cases 10,000+ hours of meditation) 33
ies showing Modafinil as a cognitive
enhancer in complex assessments, 21
military medical officers do not regu-
larly prescribe service members with
Modafinil for off-label uses.
   In contrast, microdosed psychedelics
enhance cognitive function and flex-
ibility, lateral thinking and creativity,
elevate mood, and decrease DMN ac-
tivity. These factors allow the brain to
operate in a manner free of preconceived
notions or boxes, resulting in greater
creative problem-solving abilities.22
Psychedelics, however, are not without
side effects. The most prevalently cited
concerns include purity, dosage con-
trol, uncontrolled environments, and
their illegality. Unlike amphetamines,
psychedelic use does not lead to physi-
cal dependence.23 Overdosing from
the direct pharmacological action of
LSD in humans is not a salient fatality
concern.24 LSD and mushrooms dem-
onstrate the least amount of harm to
users and others amongst drugs25 (see
Figure 2), and LSD does not remain in
the spinal fluid or spinal cord, as it was
once believed.26                                                                 Figure 2.

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Ideas & Issues (Innovation)

to quiet the DMN and enter flow on           problem sets, well versed in their area      will be relevant in this field as well.
demand.34                                    of expertise (subject-matter experts),          The MCISRE provides a young,
   One thing is clear, a flow state pro-     and screened for behavioral/psychiatric      healthy, and educated population that
vides a distinct advantage, and the abil-    issues (PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks,        is under comprehensive medical cov-
ity to achieve “flow on demand” could        previous and current prescription and        erage and supervision. The virtue of
provide a significant cognitive advan-       recreational drug use). It is obvious this   close medical supervision, the ability
tage. Flow states have been entered with     will be in direct contravention of the       to obtain pure microdoses, daily over-
microdosing, and research supports the       Marine Corps substance abuse policy,         sight, and the controlled application of
idea that a cognitive advantage can be       which is why these Marines will have to      dosage makes the MCISRE a perfect
gained. Through well-designed experi-        be very carefully screened and selected.     incubator for this experiment. If gains in
mentation and the use of psychedelics        The volunteers will need drug waiv-          this study were statistically significant,
in intelligence analysis, an advantage       ers entered into their medical files and     they could move to small, dedicated,
may be gained over our adversaries.          must be subject to additional weekly         microdosing analyst groups working
                                             drug screenings to ensure they are only      on wicked problems.
Testing and Integration into Intelli-        ingesting substances prescribed in the
gence Analysis                               study. The group will be separated into      Closing
    “The MCISR-E is a warfighting en-        test and control groups, with the test           Though the idea is radical, it must
terprise that supports decision-making       group being administered microdoses          be understood that this is neither a side-
through the provision of tailored in-        in accordance with current microdosing       ways attempt to allow Marines to ingest
telligence that is timely, relevant, and     guidelines of 10μg of LSD or 100mg of        illicit substances nor to be mistaken as
predictive.”35 It does so through its in-    psilocybin every three days37 and the        a half-baked attempt to recreate previ-
corporation of a 24/7/365 predictive         control group being administered no          ously failed paranormal experiments
analysis process led by the MEF intel-
ligence centers and tied into the Ma-
rine Corps Intelligence Agency and the
intelligence community. The MCISRE             The virtue of close medical supervision, ability to ob-
is additionally tasked with harnessing         tain pure microdoses, daily oversight, and controlled
human capital and innovation to meet
future challenges,36 the former being          application of dosage, makes the MCISRE a perfect
exactly where microdosing and intel-           incubator for this experiment.
ligence analysis will intersect.
    The challenge of unsolved or particu-
larly difficult problem sets is attempting
to solve the problems on the current         substances. Following microdosing, the       such as the Army’s The Men Who Stare
level of cognition either prolongs the       groups will be tasked with competing         at Goats.39 This is a serious foray and
time to solution or leaves the problem       in the popular Asian strategy game Go,       discussion about considering the use of
unsolved. These outcomes are subop-          which can be utilized to assess cogni-       cognitive PEDs to increase productiv-
timal in a 24/7/365 environment that         tive expertise and functions such as at-     ity, creativity, problem-solving ability,
requires rapid intelligence analysis for     tention, working memory, visuospatial        and flow. If such an experiment were
crisis response. Microdosing could be        processing, and decision making.             initiated and found to provide a cog-
tested in a controlled manner with a             Go should be utilized as a benchmark     nitive edge, the DOD and MCISRE,
select group of volunteers under a special   test because presenting test subjects        in concert with the data aggregation
access program to see if significant gains   with previously answered problem sets        tool and other technological advantages
could be made in intelligence analysis       (a’ la tactical decision games) will not     available, would leverage an untapped
productivity and efficiency—especially       be scientifically sound (a subject may       resource to create an insurmountable
on particularly difficult problem sets.      know the solution or have privileged         gap over every other competitor.
With specific guidelines, this hypothesis    access to information that could lead to
could be evaluated utilizing a double        solving the problem). Current unsolved
blind method, either independently or        problem sets will also cause an issue                           Notes
as a joint venture with the Defense Ad-      because the problem may continue to go       1. William S. Lind, COL Keith Nightengale
vanced Research Projects Agency. First       unsolved without setting a benchmark         (USA), Capt John F. Schmitt, COL Joseph
and foremost, all test subjects must be      for how much cognitive improvement           W. Sutton (USA), and LtCol Gary I. Wilson
volunteers and provide explicit consent.     is made between the test and control         (USMCR), “The Changing Face of War: Into
All volunteers should have a high gener-     groups. Additionally, Google has uti-        the Fourth Generation,” Marine Corps Gazette,
al technical score (110+)and be mature       lized Go to test the strength of its ar-     (Quantico, VA: 1989).
and experienced analysts (8+ years of        tificial intelligence program,38 and it
experience), heavily invested in difficult   stands to reason that this evaluation

WE4    www.mca-marines.org/gazette                                                            Marine Corps Gazette • February 2019
2. Sean Fahey, “Big Data and Analytics for             14. Russell Schoch, “Q&A: A Conversation                 27. Jerry Petersen, “House Passes $717B Na-
National Security,” Stanford University, (Palo         with Kary Mullis,” California Monthly, (Berke-           tional Defense Budget for FY 2019,” Executive
Alto, CA: 2012).                                       ley, CA: September 1994).                                Government, (Online: 25 May 2018), available
                                                                                                                at www.executivegov.com.
3. Robert Dixon, “Bringing Big Data to War             15. Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs, (New York, NY:
in Mega-Cities,” War on the Rocks, (Online:            Simon & Schuster, 2011).                                 28. German Lopez, “Captagon, ISIS’s Favorite
19 January 2016), available at https://waron-                                                                   Amphetamine, Explained,” Vox, (Online: 21
therocks.com.                                          16. Irena Ilieva, Joseph Boland, and Martha              November 2015), available at https://www.
                                                       J. Farah, Objective and Subjective Enhancing             vox.com.
4. Jack Shafer, “The Time and Life Acid Trip:          Effects of Mixed Amphetamine Salts in Healthy
How Henry R. Luce and Clare Boothe Luce                People, (Online: 1 January 2013), available at           29. Lukusz Kamienski, “Combat High—A Brief
Helped Turn America on to LSD,” Slate, (Wash-          https://repository.upenn.edu.                            But Sobering History of Drug Use in Wartime,”
ington, DC: 10 June 2010).                                                                                      Military History Now, (Online: 8 May 2018),
                                                       17. Silmara Batistela, et al., “Methylphenidate          available at https://militaryhistorynow.com.
                                                       as a Cognitive Enhancer in Healthy Young
5. Project MKUltra, the CIA’s Program of Re-           People,” Dementia & Neurophsychologia, (On-
search in Behavioral Modification: Joint Hearing                                                                30. Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal, Stealing
                                                       line: 2016), available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.          Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and
before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the    nih.gov.
Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research                                                                  Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way
of the Committee on Human Resources; United                                                                     We Live and Work, (New York, NY: Dey Street
                                                       18. C. West Churchman, “Wicked Problems,”                Books, 2017).
States Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session,   Management Science, (Online: December 1967),
(Washington, DC: 3 August 1977).                       available at https://punkrockor.files.wordpress.         31. Ibid.
                                                       com; and Ted G. Lewis, Book of Extremes: Why
6. Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain, Acid                the 21st Century Isn’t like the 20th Century, (Ba-
Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD;                                                                     32. Susie Cranston and Scott Keller, “Increasing
                                                       sel, Switerland: Springer International Publish-         the ‘Meaning Quotient’ of work,” McKinsey,
The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond, (New York,           ing, 2014). Lewis writes,
NY: Grove Press, 1985).                                                                                         (Online: January 2013), available at https://
                                                            According to Wikipedia, a wicked problem            www.mckinsey.com.
                                                            “is a problem that is difficult or impossible to
7. Fransisco A. Moreno, et al., “Safety, Toler-             solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and
ability, and Efficacy of Psilocybin in 9 Patients           changing requirements that are often difficult
                                                                                                                33. Kathleen A. Garrison, et al., “Meditation
with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,” The                                                                        Leads to Reduced Default Mode Network Activ-
                                                            to recognize.”
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, (Memphis, TN:                                                                   ity Beyond an Active Task,” Cognitive, Affective,
December 2006).                                                                                                 & Behavioral Neuroscience, (New York, NY:
                                                       19. “Stimulants: Toxic to Kidneys and Liver,”
                                                                                                                September 2015).
                                                       Narconon, available at https://www.narconon.
8. Neiloufar Family, et al., “Semantic Activa-         org.
                                                                                                                34. Our Amazing World, “fMRI Brain Imag-
tion in LSD: Evidence from Picture Naming,”
                                                                                                                ing: Classic Hallucinogens vs Mindfulness Med-
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, (2016).          20. R.M. Battleday and A.K. Brem, “Modafinil
                                                                                                                itation; Science of the Self,” YouTube Video,
                                                       for Cognitive Neuroenhancement in Healthy
9. Robert Glatter, “LSD Microdosing: The New                                                                    of Gary Weber at the Science and Nonduality
                                                       Non-Sleep-Deprived Subjects: A Systematic
Job Enhancer In Silicon Valley And Beyond?,                                                                     Conference, (Online: 25 June 2015), available
                                                       Review,” European Neuropsychopharmacology,
Forbes, (Online: 27 November 2015); available                                                                   at https://www.youtube.com.
at https://www.forbes.com.
                                                       21. Ibid.                                                35. Headquarters Marine Corps, Marine Corps
10. David E. Nichol and Eric L. Barker, “Psy-                                                                   Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
chedelics,” Pharmacological Reviews, (Bethesda,        22. “The Associations of Naturalistic Classic            Enterprise (MCISRE), (Washington, DC: 10
MD: 2016).                                             Psychedelic Use, Mystical Experience, and Cre-           July 2014).
                                                       ative Problem Solving.”
11. Robin L. Carhart-Harris, et al., “Neural                                                                    36. Ibid.
Correlates of the LSD Experience Revealed by           23. Saibal Das, et al., “Lysergic Acid Diethyl-
Multimodal Neuroimaging,” Proceedings of the           amide: A Drug of ‘Use’?” Therapeutic Advances            37. James Fadiman, The Psychedelic Explorer’s
National Academy of Sciences of the United States      in Psychopharmacology, (2016).                           Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys,
of America, (Washington, DC: 1 March 2016).                                                                     (Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 2011).
                                                       24. “LSD (Acid) Fatalities/Deaths,” available at
12. Ibid.                                              https://erowid.org.                                      38. Elizabeth Gibney, “Google Reveals Secret
                                                                                                                Test of AI Bot to Beat Top Go Players,” Springer
                                                       25. David J. Nutt, et al., “Drug Harms in the            Nature, (Online: 4 January 2017), available at
13. Noah W. Sweat, et al., “The Associations of        UK: A Multicriteria Decision Analysis,” The              https://www.nature.com.
Naturalistic Classic Psychedelic Use, Mystical         Lancet, (2010).
Experience, and Creative Problem Solving,”                                                                      39. Jon Ronson, The Men Who Stare At Goats,
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, (2016).                 26. George K. Aghajanian and H.L. Oscar, “Per-           (New York City: Simon & Schuster, 2004).
                                                       sistence of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in the
                                                       Plasma of Human Subjects,” Clinical Pharma-
                                                       cology & Therapeutics, (Alexandria, VA: 1964).

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