Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum uitans

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Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum uitans
Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of
the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and
Sargassum uitans
Inara R. W. Mendonça
  Universidade de São Paulo
Tom Theirlynck
  Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Erik R. Zettler
 Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Linda A. Amaral-Zettler
  Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Mariana Cabral Oliveira
 Universidade de São Paulo

Research Article

Keywords: Golden Tide, microbial community, dysbiosis, high-throughput sequencing, Amplicon
Sequence Variants

Posted Date: January 3rd, 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2556643/v2

License:   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Additional Declarations: The authors declare no competing interests.

Version of Record: A version of this preprint was published at Ocean and Coastal Research on January
1st, 2024. See the published version at https://doi.org/10.1590/2675-2824072.23111.
Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum uitans
1   Title: Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the

 2   holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum fluitans


 4   Inara R. W. Mendonça*, ORCID: 0000-0003-2680-1431

 5   Department of Botany, Institute of Biosciences, University of Sao

 6   Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

 7   *Corresponding author: E-mail: inara.regina@gmail.com (Inara

 8   Mendonça)


10   Tom Theirlynck

11   NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The

12   Netherlands

13   Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of

14   Amsterdam, The Netherlands


16   Erik R. Zettler, ORCID: 0000-0002-9266-1142

17   NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The

18   Netherlands


20   Linda A. Amaral-Zettler, ORCID: 0000-0003-0807-4744

21   NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The

22   Netherlands

23   Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of

24   Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum uitans
26   Mariana Cabral Oliveira, ORCID: 0000-0001-8495-2962

27   Department of Botany, Institute of Biosciences, University of Sao

28   Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

29   Acknowledgements

30        We thank the NIOZ R/V Pelagia crew members and scientists

31   aboard the cruise 64PE455, and Vivian Viana and Rosário Petti for

32   technical support at LAM-USP, and Jan van Ooijen in the OCS

33   department at NIOZ for nutrient analyses. This manuscript is a

34   contribution of NP-BioMar, USP.

Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum uitans
35   Abstract


37   Holopelagic Sargassum has been causing massive strandings on

38   tropical Atlantic Ocean shorelines. After stranding, the algal biomass

39   starts to decompose, releasing nutrients, toxic gases, and potentially

40   introduces exogenous macro and microorganisms. Describing the

41   microbiome associated with Sargassum, and how it changes after

42   stranding is important in identifying potential microbial introductions

43   to   coastal   environments,      as   well   as   sources   of     potential

44   biotechnological resources. In this study, stranding simulation

45   exploratory experiments were done for S. fluitans III and S. natans

46   VIII on shipboard. Samples for microbiome identification were taken

47   at 0 hr, just after removing healthy Sargassum from the seawater, and

48   after 24 and 48 hrs of stranding simulation under environmental

49   conditions.    The    bacterial   community      was   identified   through

50   sequencing     of    16S   rRNA   gene   V3-V4     hypervariable    regions,

51   generating a total of 2,005 Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs). Of

52   those, 628 were shared between Sargassum species. The stranding

53   simulation changed the microbial community and only 30, out of 2,005

54   ASVs, persisted throughout the experiment. Phototrophs were in the

55   main functional group at 0 hr, shifting to chemoheterotrophs within

56   the first 24 hrs of exposure of Sargassum to air conditions. The most

57   abundant orders Microtrichales and Rhodobacterales at 0 hr, were

58   replaced after 24 hrs of exposure by Alteromonadales and Vibrionales,

59   the latter representing up to 91% of the relative abundance in the

Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum uitans
60   bacterial community. Even though these are initial results they

61   emphasize the need to better investigate the microbiome once its

62   biomass could become a fertile ground for potentially pathogenic

63   bacteria.


65   Keywords: Golden Tide, microbial community, dysbiosis, high-

66   throughput sequencing, Amplicon Sequence Variants.

67   Introduction

68         Sargassum is a genus of brown macroalgae (Sargassaceae,

69   Fucales, Phaeophyceae) comprising more than 350 species [1]. Most

70   Sargassum species are benthic and grow attached to a substrate by a

71   structure called a holdfast, except for Sargassum natans and S.

72   fluitans that are holopelagic (floating for their entire life cycle). These

73   species often form floating rafts in open oligotrophic waters and

74   historically had a geographic range largely confined to the Sargasso

75   Sea. The floating holopelagic Sargassum constitutes an ecosystem on

76   its own, with at least ten endemic species, such as the Angler Fish

77   (Histrio histrio), crab species (Planes minutes), Sargassum shrimp

78   (Latreutes fucorum), and Sargassum pipefish (Syngnathus pelagicus)

79   [2, 3]. It provides a habitat, nursery, and haven for endemic and many

80   other marine organisms in oligotrophic waters with limited floating

81   substrate [2, 4]. For those reasons, it has been named a “Golden

82   Floating Rainforest” by Laffoley et al. [3].

83         Floating Sargassum is transported by wind and surface currents

84   towards coastlines where it strands. Due to its golden yellow color,

85   when healthy, holopelagic Sargassum stranding on coastlines is often

 86   referred to as Golden Tides, but some groups have shifted to calling it

 87   “Brown Tides” since their golden color turns to dark brown as the

 88   biomass accumulates and decays [5]. Up until 2011, the stranding

 89   events were mostly limited to the Gulf of Mexico and Bermuda, after

 90   which, massive amounts of both Sargassum species started to strand

 91   on   South   American,   Caribbean   and    African   shorelines   [6–9],

 92   introducing the hypothesis of a new region of accumulation of

 93   Sargassum in the tropical Atlantic Ocean.

 94         In 2018 Wang et al. [10] used remote sensing approaches to

 95   describe the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt (GASB) in the North

 96   Equatorial Recirculation Region (NERR), 8,000 km long and estimated

 97   to contain more than 20 million metric tons of Sargassum biomass.

 98   One proposal for the origin of the GASB is that a negative anomaly at

 99   the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) during the winter of 2009–2010

100   shifted the wind direction westerly resulting in the transport of

101   Sargassum from the Sargasso Sea into the NERR [11]. The annual

102   recurrence of Sargassum blooms, however, might be the result of

103   changing environmental conditions including: exposure to higher

104   sunlight intensities and seawater temperatures, increased open-ocean

105   upwelling bringing nutrients to surface, elevated Amazon, Orinoco,

106   and Niger Rivers nutrient inputs, and dust deposition from the Sahara

107   Desert [10–12].

108         Sargassum can become a menace to coastal environments when

109   massive coastal accumulations occur. Shortly after stranding the

110   biomass starts to decompose turning the water brown, blocking

111   sunlight penetration with consequent anoxic conditions, loss of

112   nutrients    and   causing   mass   mortality   in   vulnerable   marine

113   communities [5, 13]. After 48 hours onshore, the algae start decaying

114   and releases toxic gases like hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, both

115   reported to affect respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological

116   system of humans and other animals roaming around the beach [14].

117   Many of the affected regions rely on tourism or fisheries for their

118   livelihoods, making removal of Sargassum biomass essential, but

119   incurring both monetary and environmental costs. Mexican coastal

120   areas have spent up to 284,000 USD per km on cleaning beaches [15],

121   not including financial losses to fisheries, tourism, local biodiversity,

122   coastal erosion and other ecosystem damages. Problems aside,

123   stranded Sargassum biomass has also been seen as an opportunity to

124   extract bioproducts such as biochemicals, animal feed, fertilizer, and

125   fuel [7].

126         Large-scale effects of Sargassum strandings are an active area

127   of research, but we know much less about the contribution of its

128   microbiome to these coastal stranding sites. Recent studies identified

129   Vibrio OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) that clustered within

130   pathogenic    strains   in   NERR-collected     holopelagic   Sargassum

131   microbiomes and Vibrio pathovars were identified at different

132   substrates of Sargasso Sea [16–18]. High abundance of Vibrio was also

133   identified in Sargassum stranded in Caribbean Islands of Martinique

134   and Guadeloupe [19]. However, an earlier study in 2010 did not report

135   Vibrio OTUs in holopelagic Sargassum from the Gulf of Mexico [20].

136        The     possibility     of   introducing      foreign    pathogenic

137   microorganisms imposes yet another threat to coastal regions,

138   alongside possible impacts to the local microbiome, with unknown

139   consequences. The concentration of such opportunistic pathogenic

140   bacteria could increase under global warming conditions [21]. For

141   example, elevating water temperature caused Kelp microbiome

142   dysbiosis and enrichment of pathogenic bacteria [22]. Holopelagic

143   Sargassum microbiomes could go through the same process in the

144   open ocean as the sea surface temperature rises.

145        We hypothesized that the Sargassum microbiome undergoes

146   extensive changes in composition and structure during stranding

147   events   associated   with    exposure   to     desiccation   and   other

148   environmental conditions. In this work we simulated a Sargassum

149   stranding event to characterize and understand how the Sargassum

150   microbiome changes, and potentially alters the native microbiome of

151   shorelines affected by brown tides.


153   Materials and methods
154   Study area
155        Holopelagic Sargassum was collected in the Great Atlantic

156   Sargassum Belt, in the North Equatorial Recirculation Region (NERR),

157   aboard the RV Pelagia cruise 64PE455 in the summer of 2019 (Fig. 1).

158   The NERR extends from Northern Brazil to the Gulf of Guinea in

159   Western Africa and encompasses the area from approximately 5° S to

160   10° N. This region is bounded by currents including the South

161   Equatorial Current (SEC), North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC)

162   and North Brazil Current (NBC) [8, 23].


164   Fig. 1 Sampling sites in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Sargassum

165   fluitans III was collected at 6.7400° N -37.0879° W on 25 July 2019,

166   and S. natans VIII was collected at 8.5676° N -49.8546° W, on 4

167   August 2019 (green squares). The North Equatorial Recirculation

168   Region (NERR), where holopelagic Sargassum accumulates, is shown

169   in the center of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC), South

170   Equatorial Current (SEC) and North Brazil Current (NBC). Map source

171   GSHHG database version 2.3.7 of 2017. Map source GSHHG database

172   version 2.3.7 of 2017 [24]


174   Sampling site

175          Healthy Sargassum was collected using a manta trawl sterilized

176   with 10% (v/v) bleach solution and 70% (v/v) ethanol solution, then

177   immediately transferred with gloved hands to clean buckets sterilized

178   with 10% (v/v) bleach solution and 70% (v/v) ethanol solution and filled

179   with    ambient   sea   surface   water.   Sargassum was sorted by

180   morphotypes. The species were identified following Parr [25] and

181   Winge’s [26] descriptions. Vouchers were pressed on paper, free of

182   fixative, and archived at the SPF herbarium - Universidade de São

183   Paulo (USP) under the identification numbers SPF 58583 and SPF

184   58584       (Index       Herbariorum,        Herbarium         Code:SPF

185   http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/).        Shipboard       Restriction

186   Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) of molecular mitochondrial

187   markers cox2 and cox3 [27] confirmed our morphology-based species

188   identifications of S. fluitans III and S. natans VIII morphotypes, hereon

189   referred to as Sf III and Sn VIII. A total of 3 kg of Sf III was collected

190   at 6.74° N -37.09° W on 25 July 2019, and 0.7 kg of Sn VIII was

191   collected at 8.57° N -49.85° W on 4 August 2019. At each sampling

192   site, seawater salinity, temperature, and nutrient concentrations

193   (PO43-, NO3/NO2, NO2 and Si) were measured from the shipboard

194   clean seawater system with an intake at 3 meters-depth.

195          Immediately following collection, we cut phylloids from branch

196   tips of three different specimens of each morphotype and preserved

197   them in silica gel (see details below), representing time zero (0 hr)

198   samples. After sampling for the 0 hr time point, Sargassum biomass of

199   each species was placed in an individual sterilized plastic tray (70 cm

200   x 70 cm) and covered with a nylon net (3 cm x 3 cm mesh) to avoid

201   biomass removal by wind on shipboard. The trays were placed on the

202   roof of the ship’s bridge deck to minimize shading and contamination

203   by activities on lower decks and left exposed to environmental

204   conditions (Fig. S1a). After 24 and 48 hrs of exposure, phylloids were

205   sampled from three different clumps collected from inside the

206   Sargassum pile, characterized by humidity and decomposition, while

207   the outside layer of the pile appeared dehydrated (Fig. S1b). All 18

208   samples (triplicate samples for 0 hr, 24 hrs, 48 hrs for both Sf III and

209   Sn VIII) were cleaned by manual removal of most of the fouling fauna

210   and then preserved in silica gel [28] and -20 ºC and later stored at -80

211   °C in the Laboratório de Algas Marinhas "Edison José de Paula" (USP-

212   Brazil).

213         Environmental conditions such as air temperature, light

214   intensity, biomass weight changes and incidence of rain were

215   monitored during the exposure experiment. Air temperature and light

216   intensity were measured using a sensor data logger (HOBO® Logger

217   Onset USA) placed beside the trays recording measurements at one-

218   minute intervals (Fig. S1a). Complementary air temperature data

219   were obtained from the ship's meteorological thermometer, which is

220   protected from sunlight, unlike the sensor data logger. We estimated

221   total biomass weight with three consecutive measurements by

222   suspending the tray from an electronic scale (WeiHeng® mod 128)

223   before each sampling event. The repetition of measures was necessary

224   to correct for the ship movement reducing the precision of the scale.

225   In case of rain, trays had drainage holes to allow rainwater to flow

226   away from the Sargassum.

227        Salinity,       temperature,   and   nutrient   concentrations    were

228   measured at both sampling sites (Table S1a). Illuminance and air

229   temperature were recorded throughout our Sf III experiment,

230   however, during the Sn VIII simulation, we suffered data losses, so we

231   used mean values from before and after the simulation. We also used

232   the ship's meteorological thermometer data to complement on-site air

233   temperature measurements (Table S1b). The ship’s thermometer

234   recorded lower values since it was kept shaded and ventilated to

235   measure air temperature without the sun's influence, unlike the Hobo

236   Logger, which was directly exposed to sunlight (as was the

237   Sargassum). Humidity loss was measured by daily weighing of the

238   biomass and, despite a rainfall after 24 hrs, (Sn VIII) biomass weight

239   decreased 70% in Sf III and 58% in Sn VIII after 48 hrs of the

240   experiment (Table S1c).


242   Microbiome           -   DNA   extraction,   amplification,   and     high-

243   throughput sequencing

244        The microbial community associated with Sargassum was

245   extracted and sequenced as a whole, including the endophytic and

246   remaining epiphytic compartments. The DNA extraction, PCR

247   amplification, and high-throughput sequencing were performed at the

248   GoGenetic        -       Biotechnology    Company     (Curitiba,      Brazil;

249   gogenetic.com.br) using the following steps. The phylloids were

250   pulverized with a bead beater Vortex Genie2 (Scientific Industries,

251   NY-USA), with adapter SI-H524 for 20 min. The DNA was extracted

252   using the Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil Microbe Miniprep kit (Zymo)

253   according to the Manufacturer’s protocol, following the non-soil

254   procedure. The PCR amplification was based on the Earth Microbiome

255   Project     protocol      [29],     using     universal    primers       341F

256   (CAGCCTACGGGNGGCWGCAG)                              and                  805R

257   (ACAGGACTACHVGGGTATCTAATCC) to amplify the V3-V4 regions of

258   the   16S   rRNA    gene     with    the    following   modifications.   PCR

259   amplification using GoTaqG2 Mastermix (Promega) was performed

260   with the following cycle settings: 94 °C for 3 minutes; 18 cycles of 95

261   °C for 30 seconds, 50 °C for 45 seconds, 72 °C for 30 seconds; final

262   extension of 72 °C for 10 min and hold at 4 °C. 16S PCR results were

263   verified with gel electrophoresis and concentrations were quantified

264   on a Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer (Invitrogen, Life technology, CA, USA).

265   The amplicon sequencing was performed on the Illumina MiSeq

266   platform with the MiSeq Reagent 500 V2 Kit, generating paired-end

267   reads (2 x 250 bp). Raw 16S rRNA sequence data are available on the

268   NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA-NCBI) under bio project accession

269   ____, and further sampling information are given in the MIMARKs

270   Table (Table S2).


272   Sequence analysis and bioinformatics

273         The microbial community analysis was performed using the

274   Quantitative   Insights    into   Microbial    Ecology    (QIIME2    version

275   2019.7.0) bioinformatics platform [30]. Quality read assessment was

276   done using the function qiime demux summarize. The reads were

277   merged, denoised, chimera checked and sequences clustered into

278   Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) with the DADA2 pipeline [31, 32];

279   parameters were -p-trim-left-f 5 -p-trim-left-r 5 -p-trunc-len-f 180 -p-

280   trunc-len-r 100. Low frequency ASVs were removed (
300   (0 hr, 24 hrs and 48 hrs) nested in the top factor Sargassum (Sf III and

301   Sn VIII) using the GAD package for nested factors [39] after verifying

302   homoscedasticity (Bartlett test) and normality (Shapiro-Wilk test) of

303   the data. Significant results were compared with Tukey HSD post-hoc

304   pairwise tests. Richness of ASV´s was used to build Venn diagrams

305   using VennDiagram package [40]. ASVs shown as shared between Sf

306   III and Sn VIII went through further analyses to compare their

307   abundances (number of reads) over time and between Sargassum

308   species using a Permutational Multivariate ANOVA (PERMANOVA)

309   (Bray Curtis distance matrix and 9999 permutations).

310         To describe beta diversity changes in the microbial community

311   we analyzed Community Structure by using total ASV abundances in

312   a PERMANOVA (Bray Curtis distance matrix and 9999 permutations).

313   Total ASV abundances were then transformed into presence/absence

314   data to perform a Community Composition PERMANOVA (Jaccard

315   distance matrix and 9999). A Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA)

316   was performed to show the differences between Sargassum species

317   and the effect of the Exposure experiment. A PERMANOVA statistical

318   test was also used to evaluate microbiome order abundance, and

319   presence/absence variations. All PCoAs and PERMANOVAs were

320   generated in R statistics using the “vegan” package [41] after

321   checking for homogeneity of group dispersions using Betadisper.


323   Results

324         High-throughput sequencing generated a total of 2,360,794 raw

325   paired-end reads. This resulted in a total of 1,281,933 high-quality

326   sequences with mean length of 230 bp (± 14 sd) and corresponding to

327   2,005 ASVs. Taxonomic assignment of ASVs associated with Sf III

328   identified 13 bacteria phyla, corresponding to 18 classes, 51 orders,

329   77 families and 95 genera. For Sn VIII there were 13 Bacteria phyla,

330   corresponding to 27 classes, 75 orders, 105 families and 125 genera

331   identified.

332         Abundance (number of reads) within orders were similar

333   between Sargassum species (PERMANOVA: p = 0.081, Table S4), but

334   not at different time points during the stranding simulation

335   (PERMANOVA: p < 0.001, Table S4). The most abundant bacterial

336   orders   (Fig.   2)   associated   with   Sf   III   0   hr   samples   were

337   Rhodobacteriales (19%, 14,668 ± 165 sd), Microtrichales (16%,

338   12,092 ± 2,586 sd), unclassified Firmicutes (9%, 6,708 ± 1,731 sd)

339   and Phormidesmiales (8%, 5,984 ± 2,869 sd). A similar distribution

340   was found in Sn VIII 0 hr samples with the dominance of

341   Microtrichales (37%, 23,796 ± 8,780 sd), Rhodobacterales (10%,

342   6,374 ± 1,403 sd), Rhizobiales (7%, 4,487 ± 1,190 sd) and

343   Phormidesmiales (5%, 3,416 ± 2,422 sd). After 24 hrs of simulation,

344   the microbiome went through dysbiosis causing drastic reduction in

345   abundances of the majority of the associated bacteria. In contrast,

346   some orders increased in abundance, such as Alteromonadales (Sf III:

347   7,405 ± 2,516; Sn: VIII 4,438 ± 1,523 sd) but nothing compares to

348   Vibrionales that reached up to 91% (73,040 ± 7,038 sd) of the relative

349   abundance in 24 hrs in Sn VIII. After 48 hrs, Vibrionales was still the

350   most abundant group (Sf III: 35,188 ± 11,465; Sn: VIII 54,819 ±

351   25,515 sd), however there was an increase in abundance of

352   Flavobacteriales, Rhodobacteriales and Rhizobiales.


354   Fig. 2 Distribution of bacterial orders associated with S. fluitans III

355   and S. natans VIII throughout the stranding simulation. Relative

356   abundance (% of reads) of the most abundant microbiome orders

357   associated with S. fluitans III and S. natans VIII within the stranding

358   simulation sampling times (0, 24 and 48 hrs) (n = 3 per sampling time)

360         As expected, richness of orders significantly decreased within

361   the stranding simulation with Sf III losing a total of 28 orders, while

362   Sn VIII lost 12 orders. Six of these orders were commonly lost in both

363   simulations: Ardenticatenales, Caldilineales, Candidatus Peribacteria,

364   Psycisphaerales,       Rickettsiales      and        Synechococcales.
365   Presence/absence of orders was also different between Sargassum

366   species (PERMANOVA: p = 0.003, Table S4). This result is consistent

367   with both species of Sargassum having unique associations at the

368   order level (e.g. Sf III: Thiohalorhabdales and Bacteroidales; Sn VIII:

369   Pseudonocardiales and Clostridiales).

370         The effect of the stranding simulation at ASV level is shown in

371   the PCoA plot in Fig. 3 which demonstrates that at 0 hr the community

372   structure was very similar in both species, and it shifted after the

373   beginning   of   the   stranding   simulation   (Fig.   3a).   Community

374   composition based on presence/absence alone, on the other hand, was

375   not similar between Sargassum species at 0 hr and these differences

376   increased throughout the stranding simulation (Fig. 3b). PCoA

377   patterns agree with the PERMANOVA results, showing significant

378   changes in microbial community structure and composition within the

379   stranding simulation sampling times (PERMANOVA: p < 0.001 for

380   both community structure and composition, Table S5). Significant

381   differences were also recorded when comparing Sargassum species

382   community structure and composition (PERMANOVA: p = 0.003 and

383   p = 0.001, Table S5), owing to the fact that out of 2,005 ASVs only 628

384   were shared between Sf III and Sn VIII (Fig. 4, bottom). Despite being

385   shared, these 628 shared ASVs had significantly different values of

386   relative abundance between Sargassum species (PERMANOVA, p =

387   0.013, Table S5).


389   Fig. 3 Structure and composition of the Sargassum microbiome

390   throughout the stranding simulation. Principal coordinate analysis

391   (PCoA) of the bacterial communities associated with Sf III and Sn VIII

392   throughout the stranding simulation. PCoA of community structure

393   based on abundance data (a) and community composition based on

394   presence/absence data (b) of ASVs associated with Sargassum. Grey

395   symbols – Sf III; Green symbols – Sn VIII; Squares 0 hr; Circles 24 hrs;

396   Triangles 48 hrs (18 samples are plotted)


398         Before the experiment began, Sf III and Sn VIII shared only 30%

399   of the ASVs at 0 hr (444 ASVs shared out of a total of 1476 ASVs

400   identified at 0 hrs) (Fig. 4, top). After the first 24 hrs of exposure to

401   environmental conditions in the stranding experiment, there was a

402   five-fold decrease in ASV observed richness for Sf III (0 hr = 1137; 24

403   hrs = 222) and three-fold decrease for Sn VIII (0 hr = 783; 24 hrs =

404   266). After 48 hrs, Sf III had a similar richness to the 24 hrs timepoint

405   (223 ASVs), while there was increase in richness (720 ASVs) for Sn

406   VIII in relation to the 24 hr samples (Fig. 4, side Venns). The

407   Shannon’s diversity index, based on rarefied data of 38,317 reads per

408   sample, showed similar diversity between Sargassum species and

409   significantly higher microbiome diversity in 0 hr samples compared to

410   those after 24 hrs of exposure. Shannon’s Index at 24 hrs and 48 hrs

411   were similar for Sf III (Tukey HSD: p = 0.99) (Fig. S3; Table S6). The

412   same was not reported for Sn VIII, where after 48 hrs a higher

413   diversity was observed compared to 24 hrs (Tukey HSD: p = 0.008).


415   Fig. 4 Venn diagram representing ASV distribution along the

416   stranding simulation in Sf III (left, shades of grey) and Sn VIII (right,

417   shades of green). At the top center, Venn diagram representing ASVs

418   present at 0 hr showing the 444 were shared between species before

419   the stranding simulation. Side Venns show the changes in ASVs in all

420   3 sampling times per species and, in the center, there are the ASVs

421   that persisted throughout the stranding simulation. Among the

422   persistent ASVs, 30 were commonly identified in both Sf III and Sn

423   VIII simulations. The bottom Venn shows the total 2,005 ASVs

424   recovered, 628 were identified in both Sargassum species at some

425   point during the stranding simulation

427        Despite drastic changes in richness and diversity, persistent

428   ASVs were identified throughout the stranding simulation of Sf III (52

429   ASVs) and Sn VIII (112 ASVs) (Fig. 4, center). Among the persistent

430   ASVs, 30 were commonly identified in both Sn VIII and Sf III during

431   the stranding simulation, and those ASVs belonged to orders

432   Vibrionales   (5),    Microtrichales         (5),     Verrucomicrobiales    (3),

433   Alteromonadales       (2),     Rhizobiales     (2),     Rhodobacteriales    (2),

434   Propionibacteriales          (1),   Bacillales        (1),   Pirellulales   (1),

435   Sphingomonadales (1). Other persistent ASVs had identification

436   limited to the taxonomic level of class Alphaproteobacteria (2),

437   Bacteroidia (1), Gammaproteobacteria (2), and phyla Actinobacteria

438   (1) and Firmicutes (1). Among the persistent ASVs, some were present

439   in low abundance at 0 hr as the case of Vibrio sp. and Alteromonas sp.

440   (Fig. 5a Vibrionales and Alteromonadales) and the abundance

441   increase after exposure to air from less than 300 reads to more than

442   5000 reads on average. On the other hand, Sva0996 and an

443   unidentified Firmicutes reduced abundance from more than 2000

444   reads to less than 700 reads on average (Fig. 5a, Microtrichales (5)

445   and Unclassified Firmicutes).


447   Fig. 5 Heatmaps – a) abundance of the 30 persistent ASVs identified

448   at order level. Numbers within parenthesis indicate different ASVs

449   belonging to a same order. b) Percentage (%) of each putative

450   functional group identified among all taxonomic identification


452        Functional   Annotation    of   Prokaryotic   Taxa   (FAPROTAX)

453   identified representatives of 28 functional groups (Fig. 5b). Members

454   of a taxonomic group can be classified in different functional groups,

455   and that was the case for 24 cyanobacteria assigned to 4 functional

456   groups (phototrophy, photosynthetic cyanobacteria, photoautotrophy

457   and oxygenic photoautotrophy). These 24 cyanobacteria were

458   common at 0 hr, but rarely identified after the stranding simulation

459   started. The chemoheterotrophic taxa present at 0 hr such as Vibrio

460   sp., Alteromonas sp. and Pseudoalteromanas sp. increased in

461   abundance during the stranding simulation, for that reason, various

462   chemoheterotrophic ASVs were also identified as within the 30

463   persistent ASVs. Lastly, fermentation and nitrate reduction functional

464   groups comprised 21 and 9 reported taxa respectively, however only

465   2 were abundant, Vibrio sp. and Vibrio sp. hMe-34 (GenBank:

466   JX411932.1), both also included in the chemoheterotrophic functional

467   groups. The remaining 20 functional groups had less than 7 taxa

468   records and abundance below 3%.


470         Discussion

471         This   study   characterized   the   changes   in   the   microbial

472   community associated with holopelagic Sargassum species Sf III and

473   Sn VIII under a simulated stranding event. Our results showed that

474   the stranding simulation caused dysbioses of the microbial community

475   of Sf III and Sn VIII in just 24 hrs of exposure to air conditions. The

476   major outcome for both species was a drop in diversity of bacterial

477   orders and a shift of dominant and functional groups. The results were

478   similar between Sf III and Sn VIII even though they were collected

479   approximatelly 12o of longitude apart and experiments were done 10

480   days apart.

481         The changes in community structure and composition during the

482   stranding simulation indicates that each Sargassum species retains a

483   different microbial community after stranding. Many microorganisms

484   identified at time 0 hr disappeared or had a drastic reduction in

485   abundance after stranding, except Vibrionales, Alteromonadales, and

486   Oceanospirilalles whose relative abundances increased. Vibrio quickly

487   became the dominant genus during our stranding simulation after just

488   24 hrs, which might indicate active alginate degradation during the

489   first days of stranding. The temperature at the site was also ideal for

490   Vibrio   proliferation,    known   to   grow   in   higher    sea   surface

491   temperatures up to        40 °C [42, 43]. Eventhoug we can not reach

492   species level using V3-V4 16S rRNA, potential pathogenic strains of

493   Vibrio   were   previously     reported   associated   with    holopelagic

494   Sargassum [16, 17, 19]. A more recent study has sequenced the

495   genome of 16 Vibrio spp. isolated from Sargasso Sea substrates

496   (Sargassum sp., leptocephalus eel larvae and plastic marine debris)

497   and the genomes were closely related to phatovars V. alginolyticus, V.

498   campbellii, V. fortis, and V. parahaemolyticus [18]. Nontheless, they

499   also identifieid pathogenic genes including adhesion, toxin, hemolysis

500   and phospholipases, all together these genes make Vibrio a potent

501   opportunistic pathogens. Furthermor, all 16 isolates had alginate

502   lyase genes, enhancig the probability of using Sargassum as a source

503   of carbon. We agree with Mincer et al. [18] that it is necessary to

504   exercet a through investigation of Vibrio at stranding sites to ascertain

505   if there is an increase in Vibrio as we identified in our study, and also

506   determine their potential pathogenicity. This is very impotante giving

507   the intention of harvesting stranded Sargassum biomass in a scenario

508   of climate change, where seems to be increasing reports of Vibrio-

509   related illnesses [21, 44, 45].

510         Not only Vibrionales, but also Alteromonadales is known for its

511   pathogenic genera such as Pseudoalteromonas and Alteromonas [46,

512   47] and it also drastically increased in abundance during the stranding

513   simulation. Stranded Sargassum starts to decompose and looses its

514   defense mechanisms against bacteria, and therefore, it becomes a

515   source of carbon to certain opportunistic and fast-growing bacterial

516   strains such as the above mentioned. Once the source of carbon is

517   depleted, it is possible that the abundance of Vibrionales and

518   Alteromonadales will decrease, however until then, Sargassum is a

519   fertile ground for potentially pathogenic bacteria and this study raises

520   the need to investigate the microbiome at stranding sites to assess the

521   risk of pathogenic bacteria being introduced and/or enriched in

522   coastal areas.

523         A previous study by Hervé et al. [19] collected nine samples from

524   four inland Sargassum storage sites in Martinique to describe its

525   microbiome. They reported that samples were taken both from the top,

526   as well as the middle of Sargassum piles, therefore the material was

527   partially or completely dried making the separation of morphotypes

528   difficult, and also making aging of the Sargassum impossible. Our

529   work controled some variables such as morphotypes, aging and

530   coastal influences (sand, freshwater discharge and human activities

531   associated microbes), therefore, our results provide a baseline of

532   Sargassum     associated    microbiome      with   minimun       external

533   interference, except from open ocean airborn and sea spray

534   microbiome [48].

535         Hervé et al. [19] reported dominace of Flavobateriales in their

536   results, a group that only started to show some minor increase after

537   48 hours in our experiment. Our experiment showed dominance of

538   Vibrionales after 24 hours, and it is interesting to point out that the

539   same order dominated a mix of Sargassum samples collected in the

540   water near shore (n = 30) and samples stranded on the beach (n = 9),

541   however in lower proportion (18% in Hervé et al. [19] results and

542   higher than 60% in our results). The functional groups showed a

543   similar pattern with phototrophy and chemoheterotrophy dominating

544   in fresh Sargassum. Phototrophic individuals were less representative

545   after 24 hrs of stranding simulation, as well as in inland storage of

546   Sargassum biomass in Martinique, probably due to diminshing light

547   penetration in the interior of the pile and desiccation.

548         Among    the    chemoheterotrophic     lineages,     we   identified

549   Verrucomicrobiales,    known    producers     of   enzymes      degrading

550   fucoidans [49]. Fucoidans are common brown algal cell wall

551   polysaccharides with bioactive effects shown to have therapeutic, anti-

552   inflammatory, and anticoagulant properties [50]. In our study,

553   Verrucomicrobiales decreased in relative abundance when the

554   stranding simulation began, but was still detected at the end of the

555   experiment. The Verrucomicrobiales remaining after 48 hrs of our

556   stranding simulation, tolerant to drying conditions, could be an option

557   for Sargassum fucoidan degradation.

558         Not only fucoidans but also bacterial fermenting alginates are of

559   growing interest to produce low molecular weight prebiotics [51] and

560   third generation bioethanol [52]. Some target bacteria for alginate

561   degradation are Pantaea [53], Bacteroides [54], and various marine

562   Vibrio spp. [55–57]. Even though we have not identified Pantaea and

563   Bacteroides among the sequences generated, we do have Vibrio and

564   Alteromonadales as the main fermentation representatives that

565   demonstrate a drastic increase in abundance once the Sargassum is

566   stranded. One concern related to Sargassum degradation is the

567   production of hydrogen sulfide, which is a toxic gas [58], but we have

568   not identified any functional group related strickly to the sulfur cycle,

569   indicating that the bacteria associated with such processes are likely

570   found in coastal waters, and not associated with Sargassum from the

571   open ocean. This evidence is supported by Hervé et al. [19] with the

572   identification of sulfur-respiring microorganisms in nearshore water

573   samples, as well as in stranded Sargassum.

574         Contrary to expectations, the richness of ASVs associated with

575   Sn VIII increased after 48 hrs of exposure to air, driven by 385 ASVs

576   that appeared only in the 48 hrs samples.       The effects of richness

577   increase is easily visible at the PCoA plot (Fig. 3), where 48 hr samples

578   clustered between 0 and 24 hr. It is important to point out that these

579   exclusive Sn VIII 48 hrs ASVs were at low abundance. Therefore, this

580   increase in richness could have originated from airborne microbiota

581   introduced with the rain that occurred after 24 hrs. Another possibility

582   is rare taxa, previously below detection limits, responded to new

583   environmental conditions such as higher temperatures, abundance of

584   substrate, and reduction of competition due to the dysbioses.

585   Associated epifauna could introduce another source of variability, if

586   Sn VIII and Sf III were encrusted by different species and quantities

587   of hydrozoans and bryozoans for example [15, 59] that harbour their

588   own microbiomes. Even though most of the associated fauna was

589   manually removed, any remaining faunal microbiomes would have

590   been sequenced. In summary, richness increase could have been

591   caused by variation within the Sargassum clumps, and our sampling

592   design did not allow for the identification of the variation source.

593            The microbial community before the beginnng of the simulation,

594   at   0    hr,   was   dominanted    by   Proteobacteria,   Actinobacteria,

595   Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, and Firmicutes in both species of

596   Sargassum.       Similar   phylum   compositions    were    identified   in

597   holopelagic Sargassum spp. collected in 2018 in stranding sites at the

598   Caribbean Islands [19], open ocean collected in 2017 and 2019 [16,

599   17] and in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 [20]. This dominance also

600   happened in benthic Sargassum muticum sampled on Portugal [60]

601   and S. hystrix and S. furcatum sampled on Martinique Island. When

602   comparing at order level between Sf III and Sn VIII at time 0, there

603   are not a lot of differences in composition. Therefore, Sargassum

604   species habour similar microbial orders.

605         Aside from the shared microbial characteristics at the order

606   level, Sf III and Sn VIII do not share about 70% of all ASVs identified

607   previous to any manipulation (0 hr). The Sargassum species were not

608   collected at the same site (a distance of 12° of longitude), so that could

609   account for some of the inter-species differences we observed.

610   Previous studies have reported species, morphology and biogeography

611   as sources of microbial variations in holopelagic Sargassum species

612   [16, 17, 61]. However it is unlikely that the environmental water

613   column microbiome itself could affect our results, since water and

614   macroalgal microbiomes are shown to differ greatly [16, 22, 62]. Other

615   less explored sources of microbial variation could be related to

616   Sargassum’s algae-bacteria symbiotic relationships. Algae and

617   bacteria are known to influence each other, where some bacteria

618   produce    bioactive   compounds     essential   for   algal   physiology,

619   morphogenesis and growth [63, 64]. In addition, morphologically

620   different structures from the same alga can harbor unique strains of

621   bacteria [60, 62]. Giving the particulars of algal-bacterial interactions,

622   it is not surprising to identify unique ASVs associated with different

623   species of Sargassum.


625         Conclusion

626         Our study presents a baseline of the microbial composition in

627   decaying Sargassum before it hits the coastal areas, with minimum

628   external influences. The stranding simulation caused microbiome

629   dysbiosis, with reduction of richness in the first 24 hrs and drastic

630   changes in the dominant bacterial groups. We hypothesize that the

631   changes in dominance is caused by the biomass-degrading capacity

632   and resistance to the new set of environmental conditions of these

633   bacterial    groups      (e.g.     Verrucomicrobiales,      Vibrionales,

634   Altermonodales). The large accumulations of Sargassum stranding

635   around the equatorial coasts may be introducing pathogenic bacteria

636   belonging   to   Vibrionales,    and   Alteromonadales,   which   might

637   represent an additional risk to human and animal health. Our

638   exploratory results emphasize the urgent need of stranding events

639   monitoring in coastal regions to verify if such groups will dominate,

640   not only because Sargassum may be introducing bacterial lineages to

641   the coast, but also because it can serve as a fertile substrate for

642   existing pathogens, representing a risk to the coastal ecosystem

643   equilibrium, as well as to human health.


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901   Statements and Declarations

902   Funding

903        This study was funded by grants from FAPESP (I.R.W.M.

904   scholarship    2018/17843-4;     M.C.O.    Biota   research    project

905   2020/09406-3); CNPq (M.C.O. 305687/2018-2); partially by CAPES

906   (Finance Code 001).


908   Competing interests

909        The authors declare that they have no relevant financial or non-

910   financial competing interests to report.


912   Availability of data and material

913         Raw 16S rRNA sequence data will be available on the NCBI

914   Sequence Read Archive (SRA-NCBI) under bio project accession ___.


916   Authors' contributions

917   Based on CRediT author contribution statement


919   Inara R. W. Mendonça: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal

920   Analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing – Original

921   Draft Preparation.


923   Tom Theirlynck: Investigation, Writing – Review & Editing.


925   Erik R. Zettler: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology,

926   Writing – Review & Editing.


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