Metagenomics 2nd Edition - A review of publications featuring Illumina Technology
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INDEX Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Microbial Populations ............................................................................................................................................ 4 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene ..........................................................................................................................................5 Deep Sequencing ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Complex Populations .................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Amplification and Cloning Bias ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Mosaicism................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Intragenomic Heterogeneity ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Lack of Threshold Identity .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Metagenome Sequencing .......................................................................................................................................10 Eukaryotes ...............................................................................................................................................................11 Transcriptome Sequencing ......................................................................................................................................12 Plasmids (Plasmidomics) .........................................................................................................................................14 Single-Cell Analysis .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Viruses ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Human Health...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Antibiotic Resistance ...............................................................................................................................................19 Oral Microbiome .....................................................................................................................................................20 The Human Gut .......................................................................................................................................................21 IBD and Crohn’s Disease ..........................................................................................................................................23 Cystic Fibrosis ..........................................................................................................................................................24 Other Human Microbiota ........................................................................................................................................25 Soil....................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Bioremediation .................................................................................................................................................... 27 Marine Environment............................................................................................................................................ 28 Biofuels and Biocatalysts ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................................ 32 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................................ 33 2
INTRODUCTION Metagenomics refers to the study of genomic DNA obtained from microorganisms that cannot be cultured in the 1 laboratory. This represents the vast majority of terrestrial microorganisms . Microbial populations occur in every 2-3 biological niche on earth . Humans actually carry ten times more bacterial cells than human cells, and 100 times 4 more bacterial genes than the inherited human genome . Microbes also hold the secrets for generating renewable 5 6 biofuels and bioremediation . The new generation of sequencing technology , with its ability to sequence thousands of organisms in parallel, has proved to be uniquely suited to this application. As a result, the sequencing of microbial genomes has become routine. Recent technical improvements allow nearly complete genome assembly from individual microbes directly from environmental samples or clinical specimens, without the need to 7 develop cultivation methods . This accumulation of sequence information has greatly expanded the appreciation of the dynamic nature of microbial populations and their impact on the environment and human health. With this extraordinary and powerful set of sequencing tools now available, it is no surprise that metagenomics has become one of the fastest growing scientific disciplines. This document highlights recent publications that demonstrate the use of Illumina sequencing technologies in metagenomics. To learn more about Illumina sequencing and microarray technologies, visit Reviews Blainey P. C. (2013) The future is now: single-cell genomics of bacteria and archaea. FEMS Microbiol Rev 37: 407-427 Lipkin W. I. (2013) The changing face of pathogen discovery and surveillance. Nat Rev Microbiol 11: 133-141 Bik H. M., Porazinska D. L., Creer S., Caporaso J. G., Knight R., et al. (2012) Sequencing our way towards understanding global eukaryotic biodiversity. Trends Ecol Evol 27: 233-243 Caporaso J. G., Lauber C. L., Walters W. A., Berg-Lyons D., Huntley J., et al. (2012) Ultra-high-throughput microbial community analysis on the Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq platforms. ISME J 6: 1621-1624 Foster J. A., Bunge J., Gilbert J. A. and Moore J. H. (2012) Measuring the microbiome: perspectives on advances in DNA-based techniques for exploring microbial life. Brief Bioinform 13: 420-429 Fuhrman J. A. (2012) Metagenomics and its connection to microbial community organization. F1000 Biol Rep 4: 15 Temperton B. and Giovannoni S. J. (2012) Metagenomics: microbial diversity through a scratched lens. Curr Opin Microbiol 15: 605-612 Weinstock G. M. (2012) Genomic approaches to studying the human microbiota. Nature 489: 250-256 1 Hugenholtz P., Goebel B. M. and Pace N. R. (1998) Impact of culture-independent studies on the emerging phylogenetic view of bacterial diversity. J Bacteriol 180: 4765-4774 2 Rosenthal A. Z., Matson E. G., Eldar A. and Leadbetter J. R. (2011) RNA-seq reveals cooperative metabolic interactions between two termite- gut spirochete species in co-culture. ISME J 5: 1133-1142 3 Lloyd K. G., Schreiber L., Petersen D. G., Kjeldsen K. U., Lever M. A., et al. (2013) Predominant archaea in marine sediments degrade detrital proteins. Nature 496: 215-218 4 Barwick B. G., Abramovitz M., Kodani M., Moreno C. S., Nam R., et al. (2010) Prostate cancer genes associated with TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion and prognostic of biochemical recurrence in multiple cohorts. Br J Cancer 102: 570-576 5 Desai C., Pathak H. and Madamwar D. (2010) Advances in molecular and "-omics" technologies to gauge microbial communities and bioremediation at xenobiotic/anthropogen contaminated sites. Bioresour Technol 101: 1558-1569 6 Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) are often used interchangeably to refer to high throughput sequencing technologies. Sequencing by Synthesis (SBS) refers specifically to Illumina sequencing technology. 7 Lasken R. S. (2013) Single-cell sequencing in its prime. Nat Biotechnol 31: 211-212 3
MICROBIAL POPULATIONS The study of bacterial populations can usefully be divided into two functional areas: metagenomics (“Who is there?”) and metatranscriptomics (“What are they doing?”). To fully answer those questions, researchers need to integrate the genomic and transcriptomic sequence analyses, and also look at individual genomes. Transcriptome sequencing will be discussed in more detail in the section: Transcriptome Sequencing. Reviews Muller E. E., Glaab E., May P., Vlassis N. and Wilmes P. (2013) Condensing the omics fog of microbial communities. Trends Microbiol 21: 325-333 Carlos N., Tang Y.-W. and Pei Z. (2012) Pearls and pitfalls of genomics-based microbiome analysis. Emerg Microbes Infect 1: e45 Shade A., Gregory Caporaso J., Handelsman J., Knight R. and Fierer N. (2013) A meta-analysis of changes in bacterial and archaeal communities with time. ISME J 7: 1493-1506 Weinstock G. M. (2012) Genomic approaches to studying the human microbiota. Nature 489: 250-256 Wrighton K. C., Thomas B. C., Sharon I., Miller C. S., Castelle C. J., et al. (2012) Fermentation, hydrogen, and sulfur metabolism in multiple uncultivated bacterial phyla. Science 337: 1661-1665 Metagenomics strives to determine the abundance and identity of microbes in a sample. There are two approaches: amplicon sequencing and shotgun sequencing. In amplicon sequencing, an informative marker—such as the 16S rRNA gene—is amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Shotgun sequencing refers to DNA that has been extracted and randomly sheared into smaller fragments before sequencing. These approaches provide different types of information and each offers unique advantages and trade-offs. 16S rRNA (Amplicon Sequencing) Shotgun Sequencing Type of information produced The taxonomic composition and Functional and process-level phylogenetic structure of a microbial characterization of microbial communities as 8 community expressed as OTUs a whole, and the reconstruction of draft genome sequences for individual community members. Application Monitor populations Detect new members, new genes, and resolve complex taxonomies. Ability to detect rare members Highly sensitive. rRNA makes up 80% of Requires much deeper sequencing to of the community (sensitivity) total bacterial RNA achieve the same level of sensitivity 9 Biases Bias produced by the probes and the PCR Sequence content bias 10 itself . The amplified region may not accurately represent the whole genome 11 due to horizontal transfer or mutations . Gene content The gene inventory and the encoded Generate extensive gene inventories and functionality of most microbial species are partial genomes. Discover new genes and largely unknown and may also vary biological pathways. considerably among strains. 8 Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) 9 Klindworth A., Pruesse E., Schweer T., Peplies J., Quast C., et al. (2013) Evaluation of general 16S ribosomal RNA gene PCR primers for classical and next-generation sequencing-based diversity studies. Nucleic Acids Res 41: e1 10 Soergel D. A., Dey N., Knight R. and Brenner S. E. (2012) Selection of primers for optimal taxonomic classification of environmental 16S rRNA gene sequences. ISME J 6: 1440-1444 11 Asai T., Zaporojets D., Squires C. and Squires C. L. (1999) An Escherichia coli strain with all chromosomal rRNA operons inactivated: complete exchange of rRNA genes between bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96: 1971-1976 4
16S RIBOSOMAL RNA GENE The new era of metagenomics was ushered in by studies using 16S rRNA as a phylogenetic marker of microbial 12 taxa . The 16S rRNA gene occurs in all living organisms, with the notable exception of viruses, and represents more than 80% of total bacterial RNA. The 16S rRNA gene includes interspersed conserved and variable regions, which makes it well suited for PCR amplification and sequencing. In this process, probes are designed to hybridize to the conserved regions, allowing for amplification and sequencing of the variable regions. Focusing on a small part of the microbial genome lowers sequencing costs dramatically. This approach has been particularly effective 13 for monitoring fluctuations in microbial populations . Schematic representation of the 16S rRNA gene. Location of variable (purple) and conserved (brown) regions in a canonical bacterial 16S rRNA. The black region is invariable in all bacteria. The impact of read length, read depth, and sequencing errors of the various next-generation sequencing 14 technologies has been extensively studied . For example, Illumina technology is capable of 250 bp paired-end 15 reads, effectively interrogating 500 bases at a time . References McCafferty J., Muhlbauer M., Gharaibeh R. Z., Arthur J. C., Perez-Chanona E., et al. (2013) Stochastic changes over time and not founder effects drive cage effects in microbial community assembly in a mouse model. ISME J Studying the microbiome in mouse gut is a powerful model for the human gut microbiome. A common experimental model includes raising mice in a germ-free environment and then inoculating with specific gut samples under study. This system has however been challenged by the potential effect of microbiome adaptation from the cage microenvironment, the "cage effect." In this study, the extent and impact of the cage effect was investigated. The authors find that, while there are long-term effects of the founding community, these effects are mitigated by the cage microenvironment. Illumina technology: HiSeq Klindworth A., Pruesse E., Schweer T., Peplies J., Quast C., et al. (2013) Evaluation of general 16S ribosomal RNA gene PCR primers for classical and next-generation sequencing-based diversity studies. Nucleic Acids Res 41: e1 Degnan P. H. and Ochman H. (2012) Illumina-based analysis of microbial community diversity. ISME J 6: 183-194 Loman N. J., Misra R. V., Dallman T. J., Constantinidou C., Gharbia S. E., et al. (2012) Performance comparison of benchtop high-throughput sequencing platforms. Nat Biotechnol 30: 434-439 12 Pace N. R. (1997) A molecular view of microbial diversity and the biosphere. Science 276: 734-740 13 Caporaso J. G., Paszkiewicz K., Field D., Knight R. and Gilbert J. A. (2012) The Western English Channel contains a persistent microbial seed bank. ISME J 6: 1089-1093 14 Luo C., Tsementzi D., Kyrpides N., Read T. and Konstantinidis K. T. (2012) Direct comparisons of Illumina vs. Roche 454 sequencing technologies on the same microbial community DNA sample. PLoS ONE 7: e30087 15 Caporaso J. G., Lauber C. L., Walters W. A., Berg-Lyons D., Huntley J., et al. (2012) Ultra-high-throughput microbial community analysis on the Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq platforms. ISME J 6: 1621-1624 5
Luo C., Tsementzi D., Kyrpides N., Read T. and Konstantinidis K. T. (2012) Direct comparisons of Illumina vs. Roche 454 sequencing technologies on the same microbial community DNA sample. PLoS ONE 7: e30087 Mende D. R., Waller A. S., Sunagawa S., Jarvelin A. I., Chan M. M., et al. (2012) Assessment of metagenomic assembly using simulated next generation sequencing data. PLoS ONE 7: e31386 Deep Sequencing One of the most important advantages of next-generation sequencing is the wealth of sequence information it can produce. Deep sequencing refers to the sequencing of a genomic region multiple times—typically hundreds or even thousands of times. This makes it possible to detect organisms that exist in very low abundance within complex populations. These sub-populations can constitute a genetically diverse pool that will survive under changing environments or environmental stress. As a result, the ability to detect low-abundance populations can profoundly impact the interpretation of microbiological changes 16 . The actual sequencing read depth required for this type of analysis will depend on the desired sensitivity as well as the complexity of the population. Panels A and B represent the same microbial population sampled at two different depths. In panel A, it appears that the microbes were reintroduced from an external source. However, deep sequencing in panel B reveals that the microbes were present at all time-points, but dropped below the detection level used in panel A. 16 Caporaso J. G., Paszkiewicz K., Field D., Knight R. and Gilbert J. A. (2012) The Western English Channel contains a persistent microbial seed bank. ISME J 6: 1089-1093 6
Complex Populations 17 The exhaustive analysis of a complex population is a significant technical challenge . The primary goal is to sequence deep enough to distinguish low-abundance members of the population from sequencing errors. A low 18 sequencing error rate is important, as well as strict filters to remove sequencing errors . Rarefaction curve. Phylogenetic diversity increases with read depth. The optimal read depth for discovery applications would be the read depth where phylogenetic diversity no longer increases. Amplification and Cloning Bias , There are PCR and cloning biases inherent in 16S rRNA protocols 19 20. The primers are designed to hybridize to conserved regions, but these regions may change over long evolutionary periods, resulting in a loss of hybridization to the probe. This will lead to an underestimation of evolutionarily distant members of the population. The variable regions are different sizes and can change at different rates; for example, V6 tags appear to systematically overestimate species richness 21. Paired-end Illumina sequencing of the larger V4 region has been successfully used to build phylogenetic trees 22. 17 Bartram A. K., Lynch M. D., Stearns J. C., Moreno-Hagelsieb G. and Neufeld J. D. (2011) Generation of multimillion-sequence 16S rRNA gene libraries from complex microbial communities by assembling paired-end illumina reads. Appl Environ Microbiol 77: 3846-3852 18 Mende D. R., Waller A. S., Sunagawa S., Jarvelin A. I., Chan M. M., et al. (2012) Assessment of metagenomic assembly using simulated next generation sequencing data. PLoS ONE 7: e31386 19 Haas B. J., Gevers D., Earl A. M., Feldgarden M., Ward D. V., et al. (2011) Chimeric 16S rRNA sequence formation and detection in Sanger and 454-pyrosequenced PCR amplicons. Genome Res 21: 494-504 20 Soergel D. A., Dey N., Knight R. and Brenner S. E. (2012) Selection of primers for optimal taxonomic classification of environmental 16S rRNA gene sequences. ISME J 6: 1440-1444 21 Youssef N., Sheik C. S., Krumholz L. R., Najar F. Z., Roe B. A., et al. (2009) Comparison of species richness estimates obtained using nearly complete fragments and simulated pyrosequencing-generated fragments in 16S rRNA gene-based environmental surveys. Appl Environ Microbiol 75: 5227-5236 22 Werner J. J., Zhou D., Caporaso J. G., Knight R. and Angenent L. T. (2012) Comparison of Illumina paired-end and single-direction sequencing for microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon surveys. ISME J 6: 1273-1276 7
Mosaicism Many bacteria have a history of horizontal gene transfer. Horizontal transfer of functional genes, or even 23 significant genomic rearrangements, may not be reported by the 16S rRNA region . In addition, bacteria can 24 tolerate transfer of complete 16S genes . Any species identification using 16S gene-based probes or homology- based analysis of partial 16S sequences may lead to misidentification, because the marker may represent a 25 transferred gene structure . Horizontal transfer of functional genes, or even significant genomic rearrangements, may not be reported by the 16S rRNA region Some bacteria can tolerate the transfer of complete 16S genes, which could impact phylogenetic interpretation based on 16S rRNA metagenomics analysis. 23 Altermann E. (2012) Tracing lifestyle adaptation in prokaryotic genomes. Front Microbiol 3: 48 24 Asai T., Zaporojets D., Squires C. and Squires C. L. (1999) An Escherichia coli strain with all chromosomal rRNA operons inactivated: complete exchange of rRNA genes between bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96: 1971-1976 25 Schouls L. M., Schot C. S. and Jacobs J. A. (2003) Horizontal transfer of segments of the 16S rRNA genes between species of the Streptococcus anginosus group. J Bacteriol 185: 7241-7246 8
Intragenomic Heterogeneity The copy number of rRNA operons per bacterial genome varies from 1 to 15 26. The sequences of multi-copy rRNA can vary by as much as 6.4% 27. This will impact abundance estimates based on the rRNA and limit the phylogenetic resolution of species based on those sequences. The copy number of rRNA operons per bacterial genome varies from 1 to 15 and the sequences of the copies can vary by as much as 6.4%. Lack of Threshold Identity There is no consistent relationship between the conservation of 16S rRNA and the rest of the bacterial genome. For example, the 16S rRNA genes of type strains B. globisporus and B. psychrophilus share 99.8% sequence identity but, at the genome level, exhibit only 23–50% relatedness 28. This can be due to many factors, such as mosaicism and differences in evolutionary pressure. As a result, species identification solely based on the 16S rRNA sequences may lead to misidentifications 29. There is no consistent relationship between the conservation of 16S rRNA and the rest of the bacterial genome. As a result, species identification solely based on the 16S rRNA sequences may lead to misidentifications. 26 Klappenbach J. A., Dunbar J. M. and Schmidt T. M. (2000) rRNA operon copy number reflects ecological strategies of bacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol 66: 1328-1333 27 Wang Y., Zhang Z. and Ramanan N. (1997) The actinomycete Thermobispora bispora contains two distinct types of transcriptionally active 16S rRNA genes. J Bacteriol 179: 3270-3276 28 Fox G. E., Wisotzkey J. D. and Jurtshuk P., Jr. (1992) How close is close: 16S rRNA sequence identity may not be sufficient to guarantee species identity. Int J Syst Bacteriol 42: 166-170 29 Rajendhran J. and Gunasekaran P. (2011) Microbial phylogeny and diversity: small subunit ribosomal RNA sequence analysis and beyond. Microbiol Res 166: 99-110 9
METAGENOME SEQUENCING Metagenome sequencing, also called shotgun sequencing, refers to sequencing DNA fragments extracted from microbial populations. Because this approach captures the complete genomes of all the organisms in the 30 population, mosaicism and biases have little impact . The comprehensive information obtained by this approach enables accurate phylogenetic inferences of close and distant relatives. However, the most substantial advantage is the information it provides about the genes present in the bacterial population, without assembling the individual bacterial genomes. Functional gene groupings can be more informative and more stable than a record of bacterial species. Reviews Droge J. and McHardy A. C. (2012) Taxonomic binning of metagenome samples generated by next-generation sequencing technologies. Brief Bioinform 13: 646-655 Gonzalez A. and Knight R. (2012) Advancing analytical algorithms and pipelines for billions of microbial sequences. Curr Opin Biotechnol 23: 64-71 References Erkus O., de Jager V. C., Spus M., van Alen-Boerrigter I. J., van Rijswijck I. M., et al. (2013) Multifactorial diversity sustains microbial community stability. ISME J A complex cheese starter culture with a long history of use was characterized as a model system to study simple microbial communities. Given that cheese is manufactured under strictly controlled conditions, this study asked "Why is there a high degree of biodiversity in the culture, and what is the mechanism that maintains it?" The genetic lineages were found to be collections of strains with variable plasmid content and phage sensitivities. An active suppression of the fittest strains by density-dependent phage predation—"kill the winner"—was determined as the predominant mechanism maintaining heterogeneity. Illumina Technology: Illumina mate-pair sequencing Harris S. R., Clarke I. N., Seth-Smith H. M., Solomon A. W., Cutcliffe L. T., et al. (2012) Whole-genome analysis of diverse Chlamydia trachomatis strains identifies phylogenetic relationships masked by current clinical typing. Nat Genet 44: 413-419, S411 This study presents a detailed phylogeny based on whole-genome sequencing of representative strains of C. trachomatis from both trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) biovars. It shows that predicting phylogenetic structure using the ompA gene, which is traditionally used to classify Chlamydia, is misleading because extensive recombination in this region masks the true relationships. Illumina Technology: Genome AnalyzerII Squire M. M., Carter G. P., Mackin K. E., Chakravorty A., Noren T., et al. (2013) Novel molecular type of Clostridium difficile in neonatal pigs, Western Australia. Emerg Infect Dis 19: 790-792 Altermann E. (2012) Tracing lifestyle adaptation in prokaryotic genomes. Front Microbiol 3: 48 Coelho A. C., Boisvert S., Mukherjee A., Leprohon P., Corbeil J., et al. (2012) Multiple mutations in heterogeneous miltefosine-resistant Leishmania major population as determined by whole genome sequencing. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6: e1512 30 Harris S. R., Clarke I. N., Seth-Smith H. M., Solomon A. W., Cutcliffe L. T., et al. (2012) Whole-genome analysis of diverse Chlamydia trachomatis strains identifies phylogenetic relationships masked by current clinical typing. Nat Genet 44: 413-419, S411 10
Martin J., Sykes S., Young S., Kota K., Sanka R., et al. (2012) Optimizing read mapping to reference genomes to determine composition and species prevalence in microbial communities. PLoS ONE 7: e36427 EUKARYOTES Microscopic eukaryotic taxa are abundant and diverse, playing a globally important role in the functioning of 31 ecosystems and host-associated habitats . The term "microscopic eukaryotes" generally refers to individuals less than 1 mm in size and encompasses meiofaunal metazoans, microbial representatives of fungi, protists, and algae, 32 as well as eggs and juvenile stages of some larger metazoan species . Reviews Bik H. M., Porazinska D. L., Creer S., Caporaso J. G., Knight R., et al. (2012) Sequencing our way towards understanding global eukaryotic biodiversity. Trends Ecol Evol 27: 233-243 This is a comprehensive review of how advances in DNA sequencing and bioinformatics now allow accurate, en masse biodiversity assessments of microscopic eukaryotes from environmental samples. The review also contains a table of online resources and popular software tools for eukaryotic marker gene surveys. Andersen L. O., Vedel Nielsen H. and Stensvold C. R. (2013) Waiting for the human intestinal Eukaryotome. ISME J 7: 1253-1255 Munoz J. F., Gallo J. E., Misas E., McEwen J. G. and Clay O. K. (2013) The eukaryotic genome, its reads, and the unfinished assembly. FEBS Lett 587: 2090-2093 31 Bik H. M., Porazinska D. L., Creer S., Caporaso J. G., Knight R., et al. (2012) Sequencing our way towards understanding global eukaryotic biodiversity. Trends Ecol Evol 27: 233-243 32 Bik H. M., Porazinska D. L., Creer S., Caporaso J. G., Knight R., et al. (2012) Sequencing our way towards understanding global eukaryotic biodiversity. Trends Ecol Evol 27: 233-243 11
TRANSCRIPTOME SEQUENCING The metatranscriptome is the identity and quantity of a complete set of transcripts in a population of cells. While metagenomics tells us who is there and what they are capable of, based on their gene complement, metatranscriptomics tells us what they are doing at that moment. Unlike hybridization-based techniques—such as PCR, Northern blotting, or microarrays—RNA-Seq information is matched to genes by sequence alignment. This approach offers the following advantages: Characteristic Application No prior knowledge of the genome sequence • Discover novel transcripts and genetic features (gene mining). is required • Annotate functional domains in the genome. Accurate mapping • Mapping of sequences with an aligner is more precise than hybridization in solution. • Transcription can be studied at a much higher resolution and specificity without interference from non-specific cross-hybridization. Dynamic range • Greater dynamic range than fluorescence-based measurements. • Better discrimination at high and low levels of expression. Gene mining has become one of the fastest growing applications of this technology. Transcription analyses of microbial populations in the rumen of various animals, termite gut, and biodigesters have led to the discovery of a 33 staggering array of novel biocatalysts for the biofuel and related industries . Reviews Mutz K. O., Heilkenbrinker A., Lonne M., Walter J. G. and Stahl F. (2013) Transcriptome analysis using next-generation sequencing. Curr Opin Biotechnol 24: 22-30 van Hijum S. A., Vaughan E. E. and Vogel R. F. (2012) Application of state-of-art sequencing technologies to indigenous food fermentations. Curr Opin Biotechnol References Maurice C. F., Haiser H. J. and Turnbaugh P. J. (2013) Xenobiotics shape the physiology and gene expression of the active human gut microbiome. Cell 152: 39-50 The microorganisms in the human gut microbiome are known to impact digestive health, but their influence on health by the metabolism of xenobiotics, including antibiotics and drugs, is still unclear. In this metagenomics study, xenobiotic-responsive genes were found across multiple bacterial phyla involved in various metabolic and stress- response pathways. The results suggest that xenobiotics may have important implications for the human gut microbiome. Illumina technology: HiSeq to sequence the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene 33 Warnecke F. and Hess M. (2009) A perspective: metatranscriptomics as a tool for the discovery of novel biocatalysts. J Biotechnol 142: 91-95 12
Baker B. J., Sheik C. S., Taylor C. A., Jain S., Bhasi A., et al. (2013) Community transcriptomic assembly reveals microbes that contribute to deep-sea carbon and nitrogen cycling. ISME J The biochemical properties of deep-sea microbial communities are an important component of the retention and recycling of carbon and nitrogen in our environment. This study collected microbial populations from the deep Gulf of California and analyzed the microbial community using shotgun sequencing of whole-genome RNA. The functional groups of mRNAs revealed many components of nitrite oxidation pathways and showed that Nitrospirae are minor yet widespread members of deep-sea microbial communities. Illumina technology: HiSeq 2000 for RNA-Seq He S., Ivanova N., Kirton E., Allgaier M., Bergin C., et al. (2013) Comparative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of hindgut paunch microbiota in wood- and dung-feeding higher termites. PLoS ONE 8: e61126 Termites effectively feed on many types of lignocellulose, assisted by their gut microbial symbionts. This study aimed to determine if system-specific differences exist between hindgut paunch microbiota from higher termites with different diets. The metagenomic and metatranscriptomic profiles were determined for two termite species. The results showed that the overrepresented functions in each (hemicellulose vs. cellulose breakdown) were consistent with the dietary differences in carbohydrate composition between the species. Illumina technology: Genome AnalyzerII for RNA-Seq Jung J. Y., Lee S. H., Jin H. M., Hahn Y., Madsen E. L., et al. (2013) Metatranscriptomic analysis of lactic acid bacterial gene expression during kimchi fermentation. Int J Food Microbiol 163: 171-179 Kimchi is a traditional Korean food made through fermentation of vegetables. Kimchi is usually processed without the use of starter cultures at low temperatures by spontaneous fermentation. In this study, the metagenomic diversity of kimchi was determined using 16S rRNA sequencing, identifying six major bacterial strains. Total mRNA was extracted at five time points during fermentation and mapped to the six identified strains, revealing the dynamic changes of gene expression during the fermentation process. Illumina technology: Genome AnalyzerII for RNA-Seq Anantharaman K., Breier J. A., Sheik C. S. and Dick G. J. (2013) Evidence for hydrogen oxidation and metabolic plasticity in widespread deep-sea sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 330-335 This study of microbial chemosynthesis in hydrothermal vents used a combination of DNA, cDNA, small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) amplicon sequencing, and thermodynamic modeling to characterize the genetic potential, transcriptional activity, and distribution of SUP05 bacteria. The bioenergetic model suggests hydrogen fixation can contribute significantly to the SUP05 energy budget, revealing a potential high importance of hydrogen as an energy source in the deep ocean. Illumina technology: HiSeq 2000 Poulsen M., Schwab C., Jensen B. B., Engberg R. M., Spang A., et al. (2013) Methylotrophic methanogenic Thermoplasmata implicated in reduced methane emissions from bovine rumen. Nat Commun 4: 1428 Rumen methanogens in livestock are major sources of anthropogenic methane emissions. This study examined the methylotrophic methanogens in rumen metagenomes using 16S rRNA and whole-transcriptome sequencing. The most abundant Thermoplasmata transcripts, further examined by in vitro incubations, showed enhanced growth of Thermoplasmata. The authors suggest Thermoplasmata as a potential target for future strategies to reduce methane emissions. Illumina Technology: HiSeq 2000 mRNA-Seq 160bp paired-end reads 13
PLASMIDS (PLASMIDOMICS) Plasmids often serve as mediators of lateral gene transfer, a strong and sculpting evolutionary force in microbial 34,35,36 environments . References Brown Kav A., Sasson G., Jami E., Doron-Faigenboim A., Benhar I., et al. (2012) Insights into the bovine rumen plasmidome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109: 5452-5457 The authors describe the rumen plasmidome as having a highly mosaic nature that can cross phyla. The rumen plasmidome profile codes for functions that are enriched in the rumen ecological niche. This profile could confer advantages to the hosts, suggesting that mobile genetic elements play a role in adaptation to the environment. Illumina Technology: Genome AnalyzerIIx paired-end reads Fondi M., Rizzi E., Emiliani G., Orlandini V., Berna L., et al. (2013) The genome sequence of the hydrocarbon-degrading Acinetobacter venetianus VE-C3. Res Microbiol 164: 439-449 Ho P. L., Lo W. U., Yeung M. K., Li Z., Chan J., et al. (2012) Dissemination of pHK01-like incompatibility group IncFII plasmids encoding CTX-M-14 in Escherichia coli from human and animal sources. Vet Microbiol 158: 172-179 34 Brown Kav A., Sasson G., Jami E., Doron-Faigenboim A., Benhar I., et al. (2012) Insights into the bovine rumen plasmidome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109: 5452-5457 35 Podell S., Ugalde J. A., Narasingarao P., Banfield J. F., Heidelberg K. B., et al. (2013) Assembly-driven community genomics of a hypersaline microbial ecosystem. PLoS ONE 8: e61692 36 Penders J., Stobberingh E. E., Savelkoul P. H. and Wolffs P. F. (2013) The human microbiome as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance. Front Microbiol 4: 87 14
SINGLE-CELL ANALYSIS The sequencing and analysis of the genomes of individual cells should provide the ultimate resolution of a microbial population. In addition, the analysis of the RNA from …approximately 70% of all known individual cells should provide insight into the activities of bacterial phyla do not have a single the cells and task division within the population. There cultured representative… has been substantial progress in individual cell analysis in 37,38,39 Wilson et al. 2013 areas such as cancer research , which will inevitably find their way into metagenomics research. Review Blainey P. C. (2013) The future is now: single-cell genomics of bacteria and archaea. FEMS Microbiol Rev 37: 407-427 Bryant J. M. (2013) Culture-free club. Nat Rev Microbiol 11: 434 Lasken R. S. (2012) Genomic sequencing of uncultured microorganisms from single cells. Nat Rev Microbiol 10: 631- 640 Multiple displacement amplification (MDA) of genomic DNA. The φ29 DNA polymerase is efficient at strand displacement. As single-stranded DNA is displaced, it becomes available for yet more annealing of primers resulting in exponential amplification 40. References Seth-Smith H. M., Harris S. R., Skilton R. J., Radebe F. M., Golparian D., et al. (2013) Whole-genome sequences of Chlamydia trachomatis directly from clinical samples without culture. Genome Res 23: 855-866 The use of whole-genome sequencing as a tool for the study of infectious bacteria is of growing clinical interest. Culture of Chlamydia trachomatis has, until now, been a prerequisite to obtain DNA for whole-genome sequencing. Unfortunately, this is a technically demanding and time-consuming procedure. This study presents a new approach combining immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and multiple displacement amplification (MDA) for whole-genome sequencing of bacterial genomes directly from clinical samples. Illumina technology: Genome AnalyzerII and HiSeq with 100 bp read lengths 37 Islam S., Kjallquist U., Moliner A., Zajac P., Fan J. B., et al. (2011) Characterization of the single-cell transcriptional landscape by highly multiplex RNA-seq. Genome Res 21: 1160-1167 38 Navin N., Kendall J., Troge J., Andrews P., Rodgers L., et al. (2011) Tumour evolution inferred by single-cell sequencing. Nature 472: 90-94 39 Moon S., Kim Y. G., Dong L., Lombardi M., Haeggstrom E., et al. (2011) Drop-on-demand single cell isolation and total RNA analysis. PLoS ONE 6: e17455 40 Lasken R. S. (2012) Genomic sequencing of uncultured microorganisms from single cells. Nat Rev Microbiol 10: 631-640 15
Lloyd K. G., Schreiber L., Petersen D. G., Kjeldsen K. U., Lever M. A., et al. (2013) Predominant archaea in marine sediments degrade detrital proteins. Nature 496: 215-218 The single-cell sequencing of both miscellaneous crenarchaeotal group (MCG) and marine benthic group-D (MBG-D) showed the encoding of several protein-degrading enzymes known to be abundant and active in marine sediments. Illumina Technology: HiSeq 2000 McLean J. S., Lombardo M. J., Ziegler M. G., Novotny M., Yee-Greenbaum J., et al. (2013) Genome of the pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis recovered from a biofilm in a hospital sink using a high-throughput single-cell genomics platform. Genome Res 23: 867-877 Single-cell genomics is becoming an accepted method to capture novel genomes, primarily in the marine and soil environments. This study shows, for the first time, that it also enables comparative genomic analysis of strain variation in a pathogen captured from complex biofilm samples in a health-care facility. The authors present a nearly complete genome representing a novel strain of the periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis using the single- cell assembly tool SPAdes. Illumina Technology: Genome AnalyzerIIx Kamke J., Sczyrba A., Ivanova N., Schwientek P., Rinke C., et al. (2013) Single-cell genomics reveals complex carbohydrate degradation patterns in poribacterial symbionts of marine sponges. ISME J Many marine sponges are hosts to dense and phylogenetically diverse microbial communities that are located in the extracellular matrix of the animal. Single-cell sequencing was used to investigate the metabolic potential of five individual poribacterial cells, representing three phylogenetic groups almost exclusively found in sponges. Illumina Technology: HiSeq 2000 Rusch D. B., Lombardo M. J., Yee-Greenbaum J., Novotny M., Brinkac L. M., et al. (2013) Draft Genome Sequence of a Single Cell of SAR86 Clade Subgroup IIIa. Genome Announc 1: This genome announcement paper presents the whole genome from single-cell sequencing of bacterial clade SAR86. This clade has been observed in oceans around the world, based on 16S rRNA sequencing. With the complete genome, the authors report the gene content in comparison to previous metagenomic analysis. Illumina Technology: Genome AnalyzerIIx Campbell J. H., O'Donoghue P., Campbell A. G., Schwientek P., Sczyrba A., et al. (2013) UGA is an additional glycine codon in uncultured SR1 bacteria from the human microbiota. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 5540-5545 Many human-cohabitating microbes belong to phylum-level divisions for which there are no cultivated representatives. One such taxon is SR1, which includes bacteria with an elevated abundance in periodontitis. In this single-cell sequencing from a healthy oral sample, SR1 is found to use a unique genetic code: UGA does not function as a stop codon, but is translated to glycine. The codon reassignment renders SR1 genes untranslatable by other bacteria, which impacts the potential for horizontal gene transfer within human microbiota. Illumina Technology: HiSeq 16
VIRUSES In virology, next-generation sequencing has developed into a powerful tool that can be used to detect, identify, and quantify 41 novel viruses in one step . It is proving to be a sensitive method for …60–99% of the sequences detecting putative infectious agents associated with human tissues. generated in different viral At a modest depth of sequencing, viral transcripts can be detected at 42 metagenomic studies are not frequencies less than 1 in 1,000,000 . One of the fortunate consequences of deep sequencing is the coincidental sequencing of homologous to known viruses. viral DNA or RNA, which has led to the discovery of several Mokili et al. 2012 43 new viruses . The use of Illumina technology is reviewed in Viral Detection and Research. Reviews Chiu C. Y. (2013) Viral pathogen discovery. Curr Opin Microbiol 16: 468-478 Colson P., Fancello L., Gimenez G., Armougom F., Desnues C., et al. (2013) Evidence of the megavirome in humans. J Clin Virol 57: 191-200 Lipkin W. I. and Firth C. (2013) Viral surveillance and discovery. Curr Opin Virol 3: 199-204 Lipkin W. I. (2013) The changing face of pathogen discovery and surveillance. Nat Rev Microbiol 11: 133-141 Malboeuf C. M., Yang X., Charlebois P., Qu J., Berlin A. M., et al. (2013) Complete viral RNA genome sequencing of ultra-low copy samples by sequence-independent amplification. Nucleic Acids Res 41: e13 Mokili J. L., Rohwer F. and Dutilh B. E. (2012) Metagenomics and future perspectives in virus discovery. Curr Opin Virol 2: 63-77 41 Dunowska M., Biggs P. J., Zheng T. and Perrott M. R. (2012) Identification of a novel nidovirus associated with a neurological disease of the Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Vet Microbiol 156: 418-424 42 Moore R. A., Warren R. L., Freeman J. D., Gustavsen J. A., Chenard C., et al. (2011) The sensitivity of massively parallel sequencing for detecting candidate infectious agents associated with human tissue. PLoS ONE 6: e19838 43 Li S. C., Chan W. C., Lai C. H., Tsai K. W., Hsu C. N., et al. (2011) UMARS: Un-MAppable Reads Solution. BMC Bioinformatics 12 Suppl 1: S9 17
HUMAN HEALTH Humans carry ten times more bacterial cells than human cells, and 100 times more bacterial genes than the 44 inherited human genome . The impact on human health Dog ownership significantly increased the is so significant that the human microbiome can be shared skin microbiota in cohabiting adults considered an additional organ, or organs. Host-gene- Song S. J. et al. 2013 microbial interactions are major determinants for the 45 development of some multifactorial chronic disorders . Reviews Bertelli C. and Greub G. (2013) Rapid bacterial genome sequencing: methods and applications in clinical microbiology. Clin Microbiol Infect 19: 803-813 Foxman B. and Rosenthal M. (2013) Implications of the human microbiome project for epidemiology. Am J Epidemiol 177: 197-201 Koser C. U., Ellington M. J., Cartwright E. J., Gillespie S. H., Brown N. M., et al. (2012) Routine use of microbial whole genome sequencing in diagnostic and public health microbiology. PLoS Pathog 8: e1002824 Kuczynski J., Lauber C. L., Walters W. A., Parfrey L. W., Clemente J. C., et al. (2012) Experimental and analytical tools for studying the human microbiome. Nat Rev Genet 13: 47-58 Morgan X. C., Segata N. and Huttenhower C. (2012) Biodiversity and functional genomics in the human microbiome. Trends Genet Weinstock G. M. (2012) Genomic approaches to studying the human microbiota. Nature 489: 250-256 46 Adapted from . 44 Barwick B. G., Abramovitz M., Kodani M., Moreno C. S., Nam R., et al. (2010) Prostate cancer genes associated with TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion and prognostic of biochemical recurrence in multiple cohorts. Br J Cancer 102: 570-576 45 Vaarala, O., Atkinson, M. A. and Neu, J. (2008) The "perfect storm" for type 1 diabetes: the complex interplay between intestinal microbiota, gut permeability, and mucosal immunity. Diabetes 57: 2555–2562 46 Weinstock G. M. (2012) Genomic approaches to studying the human microbiota. Nature 489: 250-256 18
References Song S. J., Lauber C., Costello E. K., Lozupone C. A., Humphrey G., et al. (2013) Cohabiting family members share microbiota with one another and with their dogs. elife 2: e00458 Human-associated microbial communities vary across individuals: possible contributing factors include (genetic) relatedness, diet, and age. This study examined the microbiomes from 60 families, including children and dogs where present. Household members, particularly couples, shared more of their microbiota than individuals from different households, and dog ownership significantly increased the shared skin microbiota of cohabiting adults. The authors conclude that the composition of the human microbiome is significantly affected by contact with cohabitants. Illumina technology: Genome AnalyzerIIx to sequence variable region 2 (V2) of the bacterial 16S rRNA genes Keene K. L., Quinlan A. R., Hou X., Hall I. M., Mychaleckyj J. C., et al. (2012) Evidence for two independent associations with type 1 diabetes at the 12q13 locus. Genes Immun 13: 66-70 ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE The increase in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an important worldwide public health threat. Antibiotic susceptibility is usually monitored based on indicator microorganisms. The choice of the indicator microorganisms is based on the clinical relevance—for example, well-known pathogens—but also on the cultivability of these organisms. Since the vast majority of microorganisms cannot be cultured, this leaves significant gaps in the assessment of AMR of the microbiome as a whole. With the use of next-generation sequencing, it is now possible 47 to detect the presence of antibiotic-resistance genes with high sensitivity in diverse environments . Reviews Penders J., Stobberingh E. E., Savelkoul P. H. and Wolffs P. F. (2013) The human microbiome as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance. Front Microbiol 4: 87 This review discusses the variety and functional diversity of the gut microbiota, specifically in the context of the potential for horizontal gene transfer of AMR genes. The authors discuss metagenomics and functional metagenomics, and give a comparative overview of the abundance of AMR genes in animal rumen. References Roelofs D., Timmermans M. J., Hensbergen P., van Leeuwen H., Koopman J., et al. (2013) A functional isopenicillin N synthase in an animal genome. Mol Biol Evol 30: 541-548 Folsomia candida is a common and widespread arthropod that occurs in soils throughout the world. Horizontal gene transfer is widespread among prokaryotes, but less common between microorganisms and animals. In this study, genome sequencing of F. candida revealed the presence of a gene encoding a functional antibiotic enzyme, isopenicillin N synthase. The data suggest that F. candida has assimilated the capacity for antibacterial activity by horizontal gene transfer as an important adaptive trait in its microbe-dominated soil ecosystem. Illumina technology: HiSeq 2000 47 Penders J., Stobberingh E. E., Savelkoul P. H. and Wolffs P. F. (2013) The human microbiome as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance. Front Microbiol 4: 87 19
Li B., Zhang X., Guo F., Wu W. and Zhang T. (2013) Characterization of tetracycline resistant bacterial community in saline activated sludge using batch stress incubation with high-throughput sequencing analysis. Water Res 47: 4207- 4216 Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a growing problem in public health. One of the most commonly used antibiotics is tetracycline. The efficient detection of tetracycline-resistant bacteria (TRB) is important for monitoring the prevalence of these bacterial species. In this study, a new method for TRB identification was devised, utilizing Illumina high- throughput sequencing for accurate quantification of TRB communities in activated sludge saline sewage. Illumina technology: HiSeq 2000 for 100 bp paired-end reads Forslund K., Sunagawa S., Kultima J. R., Mende D. R., Arumugam M., et al. (2013) Country-specific antibiotic use practices impact the human gut resistome. Genome Res 23: 1163-1169 ORAL MICROBIOME The oral microbiome is a complex ecosystem that includes several thousands of bacterial types inhabiting the human mouth. Some bacteria in the oral microbiome may give rise to periodontitis, but the transition from health to disease is not well understood. Current knowledge of the composition and functional spectrum of the human oral microbiome is limited by the difficulty to culture the majority of microbes that populate the oral cavity. As a result, the conventional view of periodontitis is largely based on the action of a small set of well-characterized pathogens. Advances in next-generation sequencing are making it possible to study the healthy and diseased oral 48 microbiomes in much more detail than before . Reviews Wade W. G. (2013) The oral microbiome in health and disease. Pharmacol Res 69: 137-143 References Wang J., Qi J., Zhao H., He S., Zhang Y., et al. (2013) Metagenomic sequencing reveals microbiota and its functional potential associated with periodontal disease. Sci Rep 3: 1843 The oral microbiome may have significant impact on oral health. In this study, 16 samples were collected from dental swabs and plaques to characterize the microbiome composition and variation. A number of functional genes and metabolic pathways were found to be over-represented in the microbiomes of periodontal disease, revealing new insight into the formation and progression of oral disease. Illumina technology: HiSeq 2000 and cBot for 100 bp paired-end reads Liu B., Faller L. L., Klitgord N., Mazumdar V., Ghodsi M., et al. (2012) Deep sequencing of the oral microbiome reveals signatures of periodontal disease. PLoS ONE 7: e37919 The oral microbiome, the complex ecosystem of microbes inhabiting the human mouth, harbors several thousands of bacterial types. Some bacteria in the microbiome may give rise to periodontitis, but the system-level mechanism transitioning from health to disease is not well understood. This study examined the microbiome of periodontitis and healthy samples using 16S rRNA sequencing and whole-community DNA sequencing. Diseased samples were seen to share a common structure of the microbiome, suggesting a specific microbiome composition underlying periodontitis. Illumina Technology: Genome AnalyzerII 48 Liu B., Faller L. L., Klitgord N., Mazumdar V., Ghodsi M., et al. (2012) Deep sequencing of the oral microbiome reveals signatures of periodontal disease. PLoS ONE 7: e37919 20
THE HUMAN GUT If expanded, the surface of the small intestine alone can reach roughly 49 the size of a tennis court, or 100 times the area of the skin . Nearly 100 …we carry a natural pharmacy trillion bacteria are harbored within the human gastrointestinal tract, with archaea, fungi, and viruses representing smaller numbers of the gut in our guts microbial community. The human microbiome is relatively stable, but Jacobsen et al. 2013 disturbances in the populations of the gut microbiota have been shown 50 51,52 53 to be associated with diseases such as obesity , diabetes , and inflammatory bowel disease . Reviews Cani P. D. (2013) Gut microbiota and obesity: lessons from the microbiome. Brief Funct Genomics 12: 381-387 Torrazza R. M. and Neu J. (2013) The altered gut microbiome and necrotizing enterocolitis. Clin Perinatol 40: 93-108 Albenberg L. G., Lewis J. D. and Wu G. D. (2012) Food and the gut microbiota in inflammatory bowel diseases: a critical connection. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 28: 314-320 Lamendella R., VerBerkmoes N. and Jansson J. K. (2012) 'Omics' of the mammalian gut--new insights into function. Curr Opin Biotechnol 23: 491-500 Moon C. and Stappenbeck T. S. (2012) Viral interactions with the host and microbiota in the intestine. Curr Opin Immunol 24: 405-410 Reyes A., Semenkovich N. P., Whiteson K., Rohwer F. and Gordon J. I. (2012) Going viral: next-generation sequencing applied to phage populations in the human gut. Nat Rev Microbiol 10: 607-617 Zarowiecki M. (2012) Metagenomics with guts. Nat Rev Microbiol 10: 674 References Jacobsen U. P., Nielsen H. B., Hildebrand F., Raes J., Sicheritz-Ponten T., et al. (2013) The chemical interactome space between the human host and the genetically defined gut metabotypes. ISME J 7: 730-742 This meta-analysis of previously published metagenomic data investigates the relationship between microbiome metabolic networks and disease-related proteins in humans. Thirty-three metabolites were identified that interacted with disease-relevant protein complexes. These complexes are associated with adaptive immune response system and with squamous cell carcinoma and bladder cancer. The conclusions highlight the importance of gut microbiota for human health. Illumina Technology: Genome AnalyzerII 49 Hooper L. V. and Macpherson A. J. (2010) Immune adaptations that maintain homeostasis with the intestinal microbiota. Nat Rev Immunol 10: 159-169 50 Turnbaugh P. J., Ley R. E., Mahowald M. A., Magrini V., Mardis E. R., et al. (2006) An obesity-associated gut microbiome with increased capacity for energy harvest. Nature 444: 1027-1031 51 Wen L., Ley R. E., Volchkov P. Y., Stranges P. B., Avanesyan L., et al. (2008) Innate immunity and intestinal microbiota in the development of Type 1 diabetes. Nature 455: 1109-1113 52 Vaarala O., Atkinson M. A. and Neu J. (2008) The "perfect storm" for type 1 diabetes: the complex interplay between intestinal microbiota, gut permeability, and mucosal immunity. Diabetes 57: 2555-2562 53 Ott S. J., Musfeldt M., Wenderoth D. F., Hampe J., Brant O., et al. (2004) Reduction in diversity of the colonic mucosa associated bacterial microflora in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease. Gut 53: 685-693 21
Markle J. G., Frank D. N., Mortin-Toth S., Robertson C. E., Feazel L. M., et al. (2013) Sex differences in the gut microbiome drive hormone-dependent regulation of autoimmunity. Science 339: 1084-1088 Microbial exposures and sex hormones exert potent effects on autoimmune diseases. This study examined the effect of early-life microbial exposure on sex hormone levels and autoimmune disease in a non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model. The microbiome was characterized using 16S rRNA Illumina sequencing. Comparing the effects across both male and female mice, the results indicate that alteration of the gut microbiome in early life potently suppresses autoimmunity in animals at high genetic risk for disease. Illumina Technology: MiSeq Koren O., Goodrich J. K., Cullender T. C., Spor A., Laitinen K., et al. (2012) Host remodeling of the gut microbiome and metabolic changes during pregnancy. Cell 150: 470-480 This study presents the first dataset characterizing the fecal microbiome during the course of pregnancy for 91 pregnant women. Interestingly, the microbiome samples within the third trimester (T3) showed similarities to the microbiomes of individuals with metabolic syndrome. The authors argue that the dysbiosis, inflammation, and weight gain are not only normal, but highly beneficial for a normal pregnancy. Illumina technology: HiSeq 2000 for shotgun sequencing Maslanik T., Tannura K., Mahaffey L., Loughridge A. B., Benninson L., et al. (2012) Commensal bacteria and MAMPs are necessary for stress-induced increases in IL-1beta and IL-18 but not IL-6, IL-10 or MCP-1. PLoS ONE 7: e50636 The microbiome of the stomach (enteric bacteria) interacts with the enteric mucosal immune system, and an alteration of the bacterial community can disrupt immune function. In this study, commensal bacteria (non-harmful enteric bacteria) are shown to contribute to the acute stress-induced inflammatory responses in a rat model system. The microbiome environment was evaluated using Illumina HiSeq sequencing. Illumina technology: HiSeq 2000 to sequence the V4 variable region of the 16S rRNA Schloissnig S., Arumugam M., Sunagawa S., Mitreva M., Tap J., et al. (2013) Genomic variation landscape of the human gut microbiome. Nature 493: 45-50 Subjects sampled at varying time intervals exhibited individuality and temporal stability of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variation patterns, despite considerable composition changes of their gut microbiota. This observation indicates that individual-specific strains are not easily replaced and that an individual might have a unique metagenomic genotype, which may be exploitable for personalized diet or drug intake. 54 55 Illumina technology: Illumina reads obtained from European MetaHIT study and US Human Microbiome Project Castellarin M., Warren R. L., Freeman J. D., Dreolini L., Krzywinski M., et al. (2012) Fusobacterium nucleatum infection is prevalent in human colorectal carcinoma. Genome Res 22: 299-306 The authors carried out total RNA-Seq of 11 colorectal tumor samples and 11 matched controls. The genome sequences of Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum were enriched in the tumor samples. Fusobacterium nucleatum is rare in the normal gut and usually associated with dental plaque and periodontitis. The results were –6 validated by quantitative PCR analysis from a total of 99 subjects (p = 2.5 X 10 ). The authors proceeded to culture and sequence a Fusobacterium strain and also developed a PCR screen. Illumina Technology: Genome AnalyzerIIx for RNA-Seq and HiSeq for bacterial resequencing. Zhang Q., Widmer G. and Tzipori S. (2013) A pig model of the human gastrointestinal tract. Gut Microbes 4: 193-200 54 Qin J., Li R., Raes J., Arumugam M., Burgdorf K. S., et al. (2010) A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing. Nature 464: 59-65 55 Group N. H. W., Peterson J., Garges S., Giovanni M., McInnes P., et al. (2009) The NIH Human Microbiome Project. Genome Res 19: 2317- 2323 22
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