Page created by Lucille Moss
It is important that your grant is used effectively and based on school need. The Education Inspection Framework
makes clear there will be a focus on ‘whether leaders and those responsible for governors all understand their
respective roles and perform these in a way that enhances the effectiveness of the school’.

Under the Quality of Education Ofsted inspectors consider:
Intent - Curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness
Implementation - Curriculum delivery, Teaching (pedagogy) and Assessment
Impact - Attainment and progress

To assist schools with common transferable language this template has been developed to utilise the same
three headings which should make your plans easily transferable between working documents.

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvementsto
the quality of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) they
offer. This means that you should use the Primary PE and sport premium to:

•   Develop or add to the PESSPA activities that your school already offer
•   Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit
    pupils joining the school in future years
•   The Primary PE and sport premium should not be used to fund capital spend projects; the school’s
    budget should fund these.

to use this template as an effective way of meeting the reporting requirements of the Primary PE and sport premium.

We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the previous spend.

Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding, including any under-spend from
2019/2020, as well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment. All funding
must be spent by 31st July 2022.

We recommend regularly updating the table and publishing it on your website throughout the year. This evidences
your ongoing self-evaluation of how you are using the funding to secure maximum, sustainable impact. Final
copy must be posted on your website by the end of the academic year and no later than the 31st July 2021. To
see an example of how to complete the table please click HERE.
Created by:                                             Supported by:
Details with regard to funding
Please complete the table below.

 Total amount carried over from 2019/20                                                                                 £3592
 Total amount allocated for 2020/21                                                                                     £18100
 How much (if any) do you intend to carry over from this total fund into 2021/22?                                       £281
 Total amount allocated for 2021/22                                                                                     £
 Total amount of funding for 2021/22. To be spent and reported on by 31st July 2022.                                    £

Swimming Data
Please report on your Swimming Data below.

 Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.                                                88%

 N.B. Complete this section to your best ability. For example you might have practised safe self-rescue techniques on
 dry land which you can then transfer to the pool when school swimming restarts.
 Due to exceptional circumstances priority should be given to ensuring that pupils can perform safe self rescue even
 if they do not fully meet the first two requirements of the NC programme of study

 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at     88%
 least 25 metres?
 N.B. Even though your pupils may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving primary school
 at the end of the summer term 2020.
 Please see note above
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke 88%
 and breaststroke]?
 Please see note above
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?            97%
 Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this       No
 must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?
Created by:                                           Supported by:
Action Plan and Budget Tracking
Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and
evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for pupils today and for the future.

 Academic Year: 2020/21                Total fund allocated:                 Date Updated:
 Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that           Percentage of total
 primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school                                                allocation:
                Intent                                    Implementation                                     Impact
 Your school focus should be clear     Make sure your actions to achieve     Funding     Evidence of impact: what dopupils now           Sustainability and
 what you want the pupils to know      are linked to your intentions:        allocated   know and what can they now do? What             suggested next steps:
 and be able to do and about                                                             has changed?:
 what they need to learn and to
 consolidate through practice:
LOCKDOWN                              Provided website links, active                     Children sent in pictures, videos, diary        Parents understand
 To support the children that had     tasks, challenges, PE lessons, video               entries showing what they had done to           what the children do in
 to self-isolate or be at home        support and tasks from the                         stay active.                                    PE and how they can
 throughout the lockdowns this        Partnership to complete. They                                                                      support them to be
 year to be active for 60 minutes a   could be accessed on the school                                                                    active at home with no
 day.                                 website and through the google                                                                     equipment.
                                      classroom so all children could
                                      access them.                                       All children took part in this to keep active
                                                                                         and help with focus in the classroom.
 Create a simple focus of active      Active advent tasks to be                                                                           Off the back of this
 breaks through December.             completed daily.                                                                                    success, we are
                                                                                         Throughout the year, assessment trackers         planning for every
                                      Use of Get Set Partnership                         show the progress children have made.            class to create an
                                      resources                                                                                           active calendar for
Ensure children are confident in                                                                                                          every month of school
their own abilities coming back       Use Do Your Thing Challenges and                                                                    next year.
from 2019-2020 year by                set children/ classes differentiated                                                                Staff have more tools
encouraging skills and personal       tasks to complete.                                                                                  for active breaks to use
best challenges.                                                                                                                          within lessons and

Created by:                                            Supported by:
POST LOCKDOWN                                                                                                           now have more ideas
                                                                                                                        on how to teach and
 To provide all of Reception and      Employment of a Qualified PE         From Easter although still limited due to    develop skills.
 KS1 with an opportunity to attend    teacher after Easter.                covid the following clubs did take place
 a Play Leaders Club at lunch time    From Easter onwards following        increasing student participation, mental
 To provide all of KS1 and KS2 with   Covid Guidelines from the Sporting   and physical well-being. Rounders and
 at least one sports club they can    Governing Body and the LA the        Cheerleading were offered by the new         Increase the number of
 take part in. Thus developing the    following activities to be           PE teacher as part of the Sports premium     clubs from September
 students confidence, physical and    introduced                           money. The additional clubs offered by       as well as targeting
 mental well-being post lockdown                                           the teachers or sports coach                 inactive students.
                                                                            18 children from Year 5 attended after
                                         KS1 Gymnastics Club                  school Rounders Club                     Cheerleading proved
                                         KS2 Cheerleading Club             20 students from Year 4 attended           to be really popular so
                                         Year 3, 4 and 5 Rounders Club        lunch Rounders Club                      Year 4, 5 and 6 will
                                         KS2 Football Club                 10 students from Year 3 attended           continue. The PE
                                         KS1 Multi-Skills Club                lunch Rounders Club (only one Year 3     teacher worked with
                                         Athletics Club with new              could attend so that bubbles weren’t     one of the classroom
                                          athletics equipment                  mixed)                                   teachers who is a
                                                                            26 Girls attended after school             Gymnast so this club
                                                                               Cheerleading Club from Year 3, 4 and     will eventually be
                                                                               5                                        sustainable and the
RECEPTION INCREASED ACTIVITY                                                                                            classroom teacher is
                                      The KS1 Playground to be              10 Boys attended morning
 For reception class to increase                                                                                        really keen to get
                                      enhanced to allow more active            Cheerleading from Year 3, 4 and 5 %
 their physical activity as well as                                                                                     involved next year too
 their agility, balance and           play including scooters, mini         10 students attended Gymnastics Club
 coordination with additional         trampolines and bikes                 Football Club
                                                                            Multi Skills Club                          A new Year 2 and 3
 resources for active play                                                                                              Cheerleading Club to
                                                                           Unfortunately the Athletics Club will take   be introduced
                                                                           place next year as due to Covid the
                                                                           resources weren’t in place until the end     Gymnastics Club
                                                                           of the summer. This is an area that will     Netball Club
                                                                           be greatly focussed on next year with        Rounders Club
                                                                           Long Jump, Running and Throwing events       Possibility of getting
                                                                           and implementation of the ESSA Award         Sports coaches in for
                                                                           Scheme for the extra-curricular club         Football, cricket, rope
                                                                                                                        climbing, badminton

Created by:                                           Supported by:
The new Cheerleading notice board with
                                                                            lots of photos from the sessions has
                                                                            inspired more to want to take part next        A real focus on
                                                                            year. Plus photos in the Newsletter            Athletics Club next
                                                                                                                           year to utilise all the
                                                                            The Football Tournament also                   school facilities and
                                                                            encouraged students to want to take part       encourage students to
                                                                            in more Physical Activity and greatly          move onto out of
                                                                            enhanced students well-being as it was         school Athletics at the
                                                                            lots of fun.                                   Scunthorpe and
                                                                                                                           District Athletics Club.
SPORTS LEADERS                                                              Year 4’s invited to apply for the Sports       The PE teacher and the
 To train the Year 4’s who apply to   Sports Leaders to be trained by the   Leaders programme.                             head teacher will offer
 be Sports Leaders.                   new PE teacher to increase KS1        24 new Sports Leaders were provided            an Athletics Club that
                                      and Reception Physical Activity and   with 12 weeks of Sports Leader training        will use the new ESSA
                                      wellbeing at lunch.                   by the new PE teacher. They were also          award scheme so
                                                                            trained on safety and how to run a lunch       students will receive
                                                                            time play leader session.                      certificates.
                                                                                                                           The Year 5 and 6’s will
                                                                            In collaboration with the senior lunch         also be trained to
                                                                            time supervisor this was introduced in         teach the younger
                                                                            June and has proved to be very                 students how to do
                                                                            successful. Each KS1 class and reception       long jump so that this
                                                                            class are offered one lunch time to join in    can be an additional
                                                                            with the play leaders. A minimum of 80%        activity for students at
                                                                            of each class have joined in alongside         lunch time under the
                                                                            100% of reception class and the feedback       supervision of an
                                                                            from the lunch time supervisors has been       adult.
                                                                            even better than expected.
                                                                            Students genuinely look forward to
                                                                            playing with the Sports Leaders and the       A new Sports Leaders
                                                                            lunch time supervisors have said it has       and Cheerleading
                                                                            changed the dynamic of the playground         display board placed in
                                                                            and it is much calmer. It has had a really    the KS2 corridor to
                                                                            positive impact on the Sports Leaders         promote more students
                                                                            confidence evidenced by their own             to take part next year.

Created by:                                           Supported by:
classroom teachers and the KS1 and R
                                                                            activity levels and enjoyment.
                                                                                                                         Continue to promote all
                                                                                                                         Sports Club on Twitter,
CURRIUCLUM SUPPORT                                                          The new PE teacher has worked with all       the newsletters and on
                                      Students arrive at school so that     KS1 and KS2 staff.                           noticeboards
 To provide at least 2 hours of       they are PE ready in their PE kit.    KS1 have worked on ball skills
 curriculum PE each week with         They will then have a whole           KS2 – Bee Netball development and
 increased physical activity levels   afternoon of PE. The PE teacher to    Striking and Fielding.
                                      introduce the School Games Values     More practical time in the lesson.           Continue the Sports
                                      boxes to allow for easier             More info on Key Indicator 3 to what         Leaders Programme
                                      organisation and more activity        impact this has had.                         into next year with 6
                                      time.                                                                              Sports Leaders on each
                                                                                                                         lunch time
                                      The PE teacher to introduce new                                                    From Easter 2022 start
                                      ideas in PE lessons to improve                                                     to train the new Year 4
                                      physical activity and have less non                                                Sports Leaders.
                                      practical time.

                                                                                                                         PE teacher again
                                                                                                                         employed for 2021-
To introduce ‘It’s catching’ unit     To provide every students with a      Every day students had a short 5 minute      2022 to work with all
and ‘Go Noodles’ to encourage         tennis ball.                          session on Its Catching and Go Noodles. This staff on Gymnastics,
coordination and physical activity    To use Go Noodles Guided Dance.       has improved their catching and throwing     Hockey, Athletics and
                                                                            which can be seen in their PE lessons        Dance.

                                                                                                                         Continue Sports

                                                                                                                         Continue into next year

Created by:                                           Supported by:
Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement                         Percentage of total
                Intent                                   Implementation                                     Impact
 Your school focus should be clear     Make sure your actions to achieve      Funding     Evidence of impact: what dopupils now       Sustainability and
 what you want the pupils to know      are linked to your intentions:         allocated   know and what can they now do? What         suggested
 and be able to do and about                                                              has changed?:                               next steps:
 what they need to learn and to
 consolidate through practice:
 POST LOCKDOWN                         As said previously Sports Leaders                  All the Sports Leaders that applied were    Continue the Sports
 SPORTS LEADERS                        to be trained by the new PE                        offered an initial place on the Sports      Leaders Programme
 To train the Year 4 students as       teacher.                                           Leaders programme. Teachers have            next year. Every half
 Sports Leaders to have a positive                                                        commented on the difference in some of      term the PE teacher
 impact on not only their mental       Sports Leaders to have the                         the quieter children in Year 4 that their   will spend an
 and physical wellbeing but KS1        confidence to take small groups                    confidence has greatly developed and        afternoon with the
 and Reception.                        of students at playtime                            they have seen an improvement in their      Sports Leaders for Top
                                                                                          classroom work academically and their       Up Training.
                                       To organise for a R or KS1 class to                enthusiasm to be at school. All Sports
                                       take part in the Sports Leaders                    Leaders will be taken through to year 5.
                                       activities at lunch time to increase               They have commented on how much
                                       their physical activity and have a                 they love being a Sports Leader.
                                       feel good factor
                                                                                          The KS1 and Reception teachers have
                                       The Sports Leaders to run an end                   said how much their students enjoy
                                       of year Sports Festival                            working with the Sports Leaders and the
                                                                                          knock on effect is that they are learning
                                                                                          vital skills as well as well as agility,
                                                                                          balance and coordination through the
                                                                                          activities they are doing plus the
                                                                                          important values of Team Work.

To introduce the School Games
                                      The New PE teacher to introduce a                   This has worked really well with the        Continue with the
Value Boxes to work with the
                                      new initiative in PE lessons using                  School Games Value boxes. Each class        School Games Values
Whole School focus of Values
Created by:                                            Supported by:
Based Education as a whole school   School Games Value Boxes to           are split into one of 6 teams following      and purchase 4 sets of
based initiative                    improve organisation and more         the School Games Values of                   boxes and bibs so that
                                    physical activity as well as instil   Determination, Team Work, Self-Belief,       every class is able to use
                                    important values in the students.     Respect, Passion and Honesty. The PE         them when more than
                                                                          teacher has shown all the class teachers     one class is on PE.
                                                                          how to implement this and they want to
                                                                          carry this on next year. It makes
                                                                          organisation of teams much easier and
                                                                          students work in their groups. Each
                                                                          week there is a new Team Leader so this
                                                                          adds responsibility and leadership into
                                                                          the lessons. Students earn bean bags
                                                                          throughout the lesson for things they do
                                                                          well, answering questions, scoring goals,
                                                                          following one of the school games values
                                                                          and so on, and this has motivated the

                                                                          All of these values can then link with the
                                                                          School Values as the School is Values
HOUSE CAPTAINS                                                            Based Education School.
To incorporate House Captains
into house competitions and         Students to take part in termly                                                    Termly House
Sports Day                          House Competitions and Sports Day     Although House Competitions have not         Competitions
                                    to aid their physical, social and     taken part due to covid Sports Day did
                                    mental wellbeing. These will be       take part and the House Captains were        Sports Leader Events
                                    assisted by the use of the 8 House    fully involved with its promotion and
                                    Captains                              organisation. This was a very successful     House Captains
                                                                          Sports Day following the LA Covid

                                                                          There was also a KS2 Olympics Day run
                                                                          by the Sports Partnership which was
                                                                          thoroughly enjoyed by the students.

                                                                          In addition to this the Sports Leaders

Created by:                                          Supported by:
organised and ran with the PE teacher a
                                                                                       KS1 Olympic Day where the children
                                                                                       received an Olympic Booklet and
                                                                                       received Bronze, Silver and Gold stickers
                                                                                       after each event.

                                                                                      All of these events were promoted on Twitter
                                                                                      and in the School Newsletter

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport                                    Percentage of total
                Intent                                    Implementation                                  Impact
 Your school focus should be clear      Make sure your actions to achieve Funding Evidence of impact: what do pupils now             Sustainability and
 what you want the pupils to know       are linked to your intentions     allocated: know and what can they now do? What has         suggested next steps:
 and be able to do and about                                                         changed?:
 what they need to learn and to
 consolidate through practice:

PRE LOCKDOWN and                        Staff were sent links to CPD                   PE staff surveys show staff are feeling       Continue to support
LOCKDOWN                                support that they could access if              more positive and confident in                staff by using the
Staff feel confident to teach PE,       they wanted.                                   delivering to PE to a range of different      scheme and pointing
lead lessons and school sport.          PE Lead supported teachers to                  year groups.                                  staff to new resources,
                                        plan and deliver lessons in areas                                                            skills and activities
                                        of the curriculum they struggled                                                             suitable for their class.
                                        PE Lead developed schemes of
                                        work and matching resources for
                                        the whole school in all areas of
                                        the curriculum for staff to use to
                                        support their development.
                                        PE Lead developed assessment
                                        sheets for staff to be able to

Created by:                                             Supported by:
assess where children are and
                                        how they can further support
                                        their children.
                                        PE Teacher employed to further
                                        support staff in areas of the

PE Lead is well trained and able to     PE leader attends regular virtual
lead the subject well in school.        PE forums for national and local       Subject review was completed using          Action plan for 2021-2022
                                        updates, share good practise and       the Ofsted deep dive framework. As a        to support the deep dive
                                        work with other schools.               result, we have provided support to         findings.
                                        PE Leader has access to support        staff and resourced the school well. We
                                        and tools to lead the subject,         have made our progression of skills
                                        including to prepare for an Ofsted     clear and can show how the skills
                                        deep dive.                             progress from EYFS to Year 6.
                                        Teachers to be provided with PE        The school PE provision is safe and
                                        kit to feel part of the PE             compliant with COVID.
                                        department and ready to teach
                                        PE Leader was able to keep staff
                                        up to date with best practise and
                                        COVID guidance.

To employ a qualified PE teacher to    A new PE teacher employed from         As said in Indicator 1 the PE teacher has     To continue Curriculum
work with staff as part of their       Easter to work with KS2 on             worked with KS2 on Bee Netball and KS1 on support next year with the
curriculum support to increase         Invasion Games particularly ball       ball skills. Personalised / bespoke           PE teacher
confidence and subject knowledge       skills linked to Bee Netball.          Messingham Primary School Plans were
                                                                              created by the PE teacher for every lesson    To trial staff using extra
The PE teacher to provide staff with   Key Stage 1 focus to be on mixed       that included progressive skills and games,   resources from Primary PE
detailed PE planning to work           ball skills to develop team work as    teaching points and diagrams all based on     Planning when they do not
alongside the lesson                   well as sending and receiving skills   AfL. The PE teacher also allowed the teacher have the PE teacher to see
                                       and coordination                       observing/team teaching to video parts of the if this has a positive
To introduce the School Games Value                                           lesson so that they could refer to it the     impact on their lessons
                                                                              following year.
Created by:                                            Supported by:
boxes as a way of increasing active   The PE teacher to demonstrate
time in the lesson and assist with    how the School Games Value               Impact - The staff have emailed the PE       Reception to have a
organisation, team work and to use as Boxes are used in the lesson.            teacher to comment on how helpful the        summer block with the PE
a positive behaviour tool.                                                     lessons were. The wellbeing governor met     teacher
                                                                               the staff individually to ask if having a PE
                                                                               teacher had had an impact on their subject
                                                                               knowledge and confidence and all staff were
                                                                               very positive.

School Games Value Boxes               The new PE teacher to put into
To implement the school games value place for KS1 and KS2 a new                                                                   Purchase 4 sets of School
boxes into lessons to help with staff concept of the School Games              As previously said the PE teacher introduced       Games Value Boxes with
organisation and increase the physical Value Boxes.                            the School Games Values as a new initiative        bibs for next year so this
activity in the lessons                This will require 6 boxes with the      and it has proved to be really successful.         can be implemented in all
                                       relevant coloured bibs.                 Something that is now going to continue into       PE lessons. Two sets of
                                                                               next year in all PE lessons.                       boxes for R & KS1 and two
                                       Each class will be split into 6 mixed                                                      sets of boxes for KS2
                                       ability groups and they will be         The feedback from staff is that:
                                       allocated one of the School Games       The lessons are now more easy to organise as
                                       Values of determination, team           students are already in groups
                                       work, honesty, self-belief, respect     The lessons now involve more physical
                                       and passion.                            activity as there is less time setting up and
                                                                               organising. The lesson flows better.
                                       Bean bags will be given to each         The students enjoy the positive visual reward
                                       team for positive areas in the          of a bean bag and work hard to sit down
                                       lesson                                  ready for the next task so more active time.
                                       Warm-ups                                Rewarding positive behaviour and team work
                                       Setting up their group quickly          during the lesson. Less learning time is lost as
                                       Answering questions                     a result.
                                       Scoring goals
                                       Team Work
                                       Showing one of the values
                                       And so on
                                       At the end of the lesson the group
                                       with the most bean bags receive a
Created by:                                             Supported by:
sticker and house points

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils                                     Percentage of total
                Intent                                      Implementation                                Impact
 Your school focus should be clear      Make sure your actions to            Funding Evidence of impact: what do pupils now       Sustainability and
 what you want the pupils to know       achieve are linked to your           allocated: know and what can they now do? What has   suggested next steps:
 and be able to do and about            intentions:                                     changed?:
 what they need to learn and to
 consolidate through practice:
 To provide children with new            We were able to purchase space £5671           Children in Year 5 and 6 are ready to     Continue to monitor
 and exciting equipment to               hoppers to support with jumping                play competitive sport and are more       progress in different
 experience new games and                and movement (including                        confident in games ready for moving       areas of the curriculum
 opportunities within school.            updating our sports day                        into secondary school.                    through assessment
                                         challenges), provide cross country             Children have become more aware of        trackers to see which
                                         events through the partnership,                how active they are thanks to the         sports need more
                                         use fitbits to track our fitness,              fitbits.                                  support with.
                                         buy rounders equipment to teach                Children actively talk about the cross
                                         children how to play rounders as               country experiences and are
                                         an extra-curricular club and                   enthusiastic about competing next
                                         netball equipment to support                   year.
                                         children as they move to
                                         secondary school how to play
                                         netball.                                       The PE teacher started a Rounders club
                                                                                        at lunch for one Year 3/4 class (Summer
                                                                                        1) and two classes of Year 4 (Summer 2)
                                                                                        as well as a Rounders club afterschool
                                                                                        for Year 5. In addition to this a new
Created by:                                             Supported by:
Cheerleading Club for boys was
                                                                               introduced in the morning and for the
                                                                               Girls after school involving 36 children
                                                                               from Year 3, 4 and 5. A photo board
                                                                               was placed in the KS2 area for students
                                                                               to see the Cheerleading.

POST COVID SUPPORT                   Our reception outdoor area was
                                     improved and new equipment was           Our reception children have improved in     Monitor the progress of
RECEPTION CLASS                                                               their physical development with 21/24       children entering
Support our youngest and             bought to support their physical
                                     development including bikes,             children meeting their early learning       reception through the
newest members of the school                                                  goal.                                       year to see what
to enjoy sport and develop their     scooters and a mini trampoline.
                                                                                                                          equipment is needed
physical skills after spending the                                                                                        and what equipment is
previous year in lockdown.                                                                                                the most effective in
                                                                                                                          supporting our children
                                                                                                                          as this could then be
                                      We organised a Silent disco and                                                     used with our less able
 To provide inspirational events                                              All children were engaged and the           children in other school
 for children.                        Olympics day for the children to
                                                                              feedback from staff, children and           years.
                                      take part in.
                                                                              parents was extremely positive.

                                      We have trained sports leaders to
 To develop capacity for more                                                 Children have gained lots of ideas and      Year 4 children will be
                                      support and lead activities at
 physical activity within school.                                             been passed off ready to lead activities    trained every Summer 2
                                      breaks and lunch times through
                                                                              next year. Feedback from the children       term to support and lead
                                      clubs. See previous Key Indicators
                                                                              and the lunch time supervisors very         activities and clubs to
                                                                              positive. See pervious key indicators       younger children when
                                                                                                                          they are in year 5.

                                     All staff run a club after school that   Children were able to develop new skills,   Continue the provision of
                                     can have minimal mixing if               reconnect socially and enjoy a range of     running clubs after school
Clubs were set up in Summer
                                     outdoors and run to COVID safety         activities in a comfortable environment.    clubs
term to ensure children
                                     guidelines.                              Summer Term Clubs
experienced new opportunities                                                                                             Stunt Cheerleading
and skills after the lockdowns.                                                    Football Club                         Gymnastics
Created by:                                           Supported by:
   Gymnastics Club                    Football
                                   Rounders Club x 3                  Athletics
                                   Cheerleading Club x 2              Rounders
                                   Multi Skills Club                  Sports Leader activities
                                   Rope Climbing Club                 Long Jump Club
                                                                       Rope Climbing Club
                              See Key indicator 1 for Athletics Club

Created by:   Supported by:
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport                                                               Percentage of total allocation:
                Intent                                   Implementation                               Impact
 Your school focus should be clear     Make sure your actions to            Funding Evidence of impact: what do             Sustainability and suggested
 what you want the pupils to know      achieve are linked to your           allocated: pupils now know and what             next steps:
 and be able to do and about           intentions:                                   can they now do? What has
 what they need to learn and to                                                      changed?:
 consolidate through practice:
VIRTUAL COMPETITIONS                    We have accessed all virtual                All classes have taken part in a         A review of whether to
Virtual competitions as school          competitions this year through              range of these events.                   create some virtual
vs school competitions cannot           the Sports Partnership and other            It has given the children that do not    competitions of our own
happen due to COVID. Ensure             national virtual competitions.              normally enter competitions the          moving forward so all
children have access to                                                             chance to be involved and to feel        children can be involved.
competitions.                                                                       more confident to compete.
                                                                                                                            Continue Sports Partnership

To ensure all young people are         We held an intra school fun run to           All of our young people were             We would definitely do this
involved in intraschool                run as many laps as possible in a            involved including those with SpLD.      again- it could even be used
competitions in Summer term            time to win a prize.                         There was also the development of        as sponsorship to develop
after the lockdowns.                                                                resilience and respect skills.           sport in school further.

                                                                                    All of our young people were            This will help us further
                                       We held a summer fun day with an             involved including those with SpLD.     develop our annual sports day
To ensure excitement is
                                       Olympic theme and it was run by              There was also the development of       competition.
sustained around competitions
                                       the Get Ahead Partnership.                   resilience, team work and respect
using new and exciting events
in school in Summer term.

                                       The Sports Leaders to work with              Every Key Stage 1 student received      Further Sports Leader events
                                       the PE teacher to run a House KS1            a booklet that they used for the
                                       and Reception Olympic Day                    Sports Festival as they competed
                                                                                    against another house. They then
                                                                                    received a Gold, Silver or Bronze
                                                                                    sticker to place in their booklet to
                                                                                    take home.
Created by:                                            Supported by:
To have a competitive Sports          The PE lead to organise a          The PE lead organised a very           Sports Day and House Captains
Day for the whole school              Reception and KS1 Sports Day in    successful Sports Day with new         in Summer Term 1
                                      the morning and a KS2 Sports Day   trophies provided for winning
                                      in the afternoon following covid   events. This was enjoyed by all and    Medals to be given if budge
                                      guidelines                         was an excellent feel good factor      allows to 1st place winners
                                                                         with all the issues caused by covid.
                                                                         The house captains had a great         New records recorded for the
                                                                         sense of responsibility and helped     running, throwing and jumping
                                                                         the day to be successful with the      events

 Signed off by

 Head Teacher:

 Date:           20.07.21

 Subject Leader: M. Houldridge
 Report Writer: K. Hutchings / M. Houldridge
 Date:           20.07.21

 Governor:       Mr R Smith (Chair of Governors)

 Date:           20.07.21

Created by:                                          Supported by:
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