Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College

Page created by Ronnie Hampton
Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
1 December 2017


Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
Principal’s Report
         Andy Wood        My personal thanks and acknowledgement            Merry Christmas to you all. My hope is that
         Principal        to everyone who has contributed to                you have the chance to enjoy some very
                          another very successful year at Hargest.          special family time somewhere during the
                          This includes the staff, both teaching            next few weeks.
                          and non-teaching; you, the parents and
                          caregivers; and so many students who have         Andy Wood
                          found, for themselves, that “giving” can be       Principal
                          more rewarding than just “taking”.

Board of Trustees’ Report
         Chris O’Connor   The final Board meeting of the year               As a Board, we would like to extend our
         Chairperson      included discussion on the content and            very best wishes to you all for the festive
                          wording of the Hargest Mission and Vision         season, and look forward to continuing to
                          Statements. These are the foundation              represent you, the Hargest community,
                          of the school’s purpose and philosophy,           throughout 2018.
                          and are being reviewed for the first
                          time in seven years. Parents will have an         Note: The full ERO report for James
                          opportunity to contribute their views early       Hargest’s recent review is now up on the
                          next year.                                        ERO web site.

PTA Report
          Julie Pasco     The Uniform Sales are on Tuesday 12               benefits for our students which would not
          Chairperson     December and Tuesday 23 January, with             otherwise be available.
                          PURCHASING from 4.30-5.30, and SALES              Finally, on behalf of the parent body,
                          from 6.30-7.30 pm. Please remember                the PTA extends sincere thanks to all
                          that for health reasons, garments should          JHC staff and management for your
                          be washed and ironed immediately                  efforts throughout 2017 to bring positive
                          beforehand. At the present time we                outcomes for our children, and the
                          have an over supply of kilts, so we advise        contribution you make towards developing
                          that we will not be purchasing these in           a strong and principled community. I
                          the December sale. That situation may             wish you all a very safe and rejuvenating
                          (or may not) change prior to the January          summer break.
                          sale. We do welcome donations of items,
                          and remind you that all proceeds from             Julie Pasco
                          this activity run by your PTA volunteers is       Chairperson
                          100% returned to the school as additional         James Hargest College PTA

Whanau Report
          Matua Neitana
                          Mā pango mā whero ka oti te mahi!                 year will reflect in the conclusion of our
          Tane            With leadership and workmanship the job           academic calender for 2017.
                          gets done!                                        Ka tuku te mihi manaaki ki ngā tauira
                          Ka nui te mihi. Thank you to all of the parents   whairawa. Our wishes are with our senior
                          and caregivers who have given so much             students who have just faced the rigours of
                          willingly to the whānau form group and to         External Examination.
                          the kapa haka this year. Also, to all of the      Ngā mihi o te wā tonu nei kei runga i a tātou
                          staff here at James Hargest who have given        katoa. Best wishes to all for the festive
                          generously of their good will and energy to       season.
                          help invigorate and develop our Māoritanga
                          our sincere and heartfelt thanks.                 Mauri ora!
                          The hard work that has gone on during the         Neitana (Nathan) Tane

Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
Staff Leaving 2017
Nadia Rose                                       for today’s students, her smile, enthusiasm,   Roseanne Fletcher
                                                 warmth and energy remain just as vital as
                                                 We salute Mrs Rose’s extraordinary
                                                 contribution to this wonderful school.
                                                 She is one of the reasons it is a wonderful
                                                 school. She has influenced many, many
                                                 lives for good.
                                                 We all wish her every happiness for the
                                                 next chapter of her life!

                                                 Alex Batista

Mrs Rose retires this year after 42 years of                                                    Roseanne Fletcher also came to Hargest
service to James Hargest College.                                                               this year after graduating with a conjoint
Wow! Where to start?                                                                            degree in both Secondary and Primary
An Invercargill girl with Southland Rep                                                         teaching. This has been a huge bonus for
status in netball, basketball and swimming,                                                     us as Roseanne’s versatility has enabled
Mrs Rose was initially employed in                                                              her to teach Year 11, 10 and 9 English as
1976 as a PE teacher, becoming Head of                                                          well as Social Studies. Roseanne will be
Department (HOD) in 1984. In between                                                            missed by her colleagues and students. She
short maternity leaves to have her two                                                          has a very warm and relaxed character and
children, she re-trained by distance                                                            has impressed us all with her very sharp
through Massey University and became                                                            intellect. We wish her well in her next
the school’s (one and only) Guidance             In May of this year the Science Department     teaching position in Timaru.
Counsellor in 1990.                              welcomed Alex Batista to cover a maternity
She then became one of two Assistant             leave position. Alex slotted nicely into       Francine Knowles
Principals in 1997, when she and Mrs             the department and happily took over
Elder together replaced the retiring Senior      four classes. This was his first teaching
Mistress. Mrs Rose was subsequently              experience in New Zealand and his positive
appointed Associate Principal (with              attitude was clearly evident in all of his
responsibility for the Senior Campus) at the     lessons. During this time Alex welcomed
time of the merger of Hargest, Rosedale          his own baby, a boy named Hector, into
and Collingwood in 2005.                         his family. We wish him all the best for his
So as well as a fit and sporty counsellor, we    future teaching career in New Zealand.
now had a fit and sporty senior leader with
counselling skills as well!                      Reuben Fletcher
This combination of experience, expertise
and interests resulted in a period of 20
years of outstanding executive leadership.
She has continued, throughout, to provide                                                       Francine joined the Languages Department
moral and practical support to sporting                                                         to teach Spanish for Terms 3 and 4, while
teams and staff, attending a number of                                                          Ms Reme Leiva-Fernandez was away on
games each week, as well as maintaining a                                                       leave. Ms Knowles’ dedication and her
close association with Waterpolo, Netball                                                       language knowledge from her time in Costa
and Basketball in particular. Her personal                                                      Rica as a student was invaluable. Next year
interest and awhi has given many a coach                                                        she will be continuing her contribution by
and player a lift, just knowing she was                                                         teaching Te Reo on the Junior Campus.
watching, interested and present.
Mrs Rose will be remembered for
the way she made each of us feel:
                                                 Reuben Fletcher came to James Hargest
important, valued, listened to, supported,
                                                 from Victoria University where he
and sometimes (when we needed
                                                 graduated with a Post Graduate Diploma
it) challenged. Her work has been
                                                 in Secondary Teaching. Reuben has taught
quintessentially relational. She has been
                                                 English from Year 9 through to Year 12. He
“keeper of the culture” of what we now
                                                 has been a popular teacher appreciated by
call “The Hargest Way”. She has dealt with
                                                 students and his colleagues for his quick
naughty kids firmly, fairly but always kindly.
                                                 wit and personable character. We are sorry
We will all miss Mrs Rose, whoever we
                                                 to see Reuben leave to take up a full time
are. Some of us have worked with her for
                                                 permanent position at Roncalli College in
decades. An entire generation of current
                                                 Timaru where he will teach English and
parents were taught by her, or had dealings
                                                 establish a Spanish course.
with her as they went through Hargest. Yet
Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
Staff Leaving 2017 (cont.)
Ben Conway                                      Simon Taylor                                  of the Technical Department after seven
                                                                                              years away at Menzies College, and for
                                                                                              the last three years has been a cheerful,
                                                                                              strong, member of staff. He is leaving us to
                                                                                              join St Peter’s College in Gore as Head of
                                                                                              Department. Brian has made an excellent
                                                                                              contribution to the school programme in
                                                                                              a variety of ways. We will miss him but are
                                                                                              happy to see him go to another school on

                                                                                              Corlia du Preez

Ben returned to James Hargest, having           Simon Taylor taught itinerant Brass for two
first been a student here, at the beginning     and a half years. He was an excellent Brass
of Term 2 this year. He has operated as         tutor and we were lucky to have him even
a bit of a Mr Fixit for the Mathematics         though it was such a short time. Simon also
department. For a variety of reasons            helped with our jazz bands and tutored
Ben has filled in by taking all manner          Chamber groups during his time with us.
of classes from Year 9 to Year 13. As a         He left during the year to accompany his
trained Physics teacher he took these new       family to Sweden.
challenges in his stride and leaves us as a
hardworking and flexible member of our          Hayley Chalmers
department. While at James Hargest he
also got involved in the wider life of the                                                    Thank you to Mrs Du Preez who has been
school being involved with camps. We wish                                                     teaching part time in the Student Support
him well as he leaves to take up a position                                                   Centre this year. She has formed lovely
outside of teaching.                                                                          relationships with the students there,
                                                                                              and gone out of her way to make her
Rose Sutton                                                                                   programmes engaging and effective. Thank
                                                                                              you, Mrs Du Preez!

                                                                                              Trudy Read
                                                                                              We appreciate Trudy’s versatility and
                                                                                              adaptability. She stepped back into a
                                                                                              teaching role at Hargest three year’s
                                                Hayley taught Science at Hargest from         ago and has worked tirelessly the in the
                                                the beginning of 2016 and left to go on       Digital Technologies , Foods and Fashion,
                                                maternity leave mid way through Term          Accounting and Economics Departments.
                                                Two. She welcomed baby George soon            It has been wonderful having Trudy back,
                                                after her leave commenced. Hayley was         especially with all her practical knowledge
                                                a valued, and hard working member of          from running a business in the hospitality
                                                the Science department and she has been       industry.
                                                missed. Hayley was also heavily involved
Rose returned to the Mathematics                in the College stage challenge team which     Rhonda Baird
department this year as a part time             won at Regionals this year. We wish her
teacher to help solve a shortage in teaching    well
staff. This was very much appreciated.
Initially she taught 3 classes from Year 9 to   Brian Coyle
Year 12. Her caring and helpful approach
has been valued by her students. Rose has
taken the Year 9 Olympiad club. We wish
her well in the future.

                                                                                              It is with much sadness we have farewelled
                                                                                              Rhonda Baird. She has been the Junior
                                                                                              Campus Librarian for the last twelve years
                                                Brian returned to Hargest as a member         and Rosedale librarian for the five years
Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
Staff Leaving 2017 (cont.)
before the merger. She has seen many          Trish Anderson                                contribution to netball administration and
changes during that time; upgrading of                                                      coaching during her time here. Kristina was
the computerised library system, changes                                                    also our Specialist Classroom Teacher and
in digital technology, the introduction of                                                  our staff valued her in her role as mentor
the “COW” computers on wheels, laptops                                                      and coach. She has decided not to return
and iPads. Rhonda has a wonderful sense                                                     after her maternity leave. We wish her well
of humour and is able to connect quickly                                                    with her young family.
with students and staff. Over the years she
has been a key figure in recording placings                                                 Martha McSoriley
in Athletics, running the projector for
Southspell and taking photographs for the
Junior Campus for all our events. Her Book
Day staging in the library and costumes to
go with the theme are legendary. Rhonda
is a much loved colleague and a friend
                                              Trish’s bubbly, efficient personality
to all. We wish her a long and happy
                                              for ten years helped to ensure that
                                              the administration side of the Sports
                                              Department always ran smoothly. Her
Debbie Ritchie
                                              positive rapport with both staff and
                                              students and her enthusiastic support of
                                              all things sport in the school were enjoyed
                                              and appreciated. Trish was always willing
                                              to help out in other areas of the school      Martha joined the English Department
                                              and her friendly smile was seen in several    in 2013. She quickly established herself
                                              admin areas around the school. (Note:         as an exceptional teacher. Martha was
                                              Trish left her position during the year).     very organised and showed considerable
                                                                                            talent in ‘finding the gaps’ in her students’
                                              Kristina Mason                                learning. Martha has been very busy
                                                                                            outside the classroom producing two
                                                                                            beautiful daughters. We were pleased
                                                                                            to see Martha return part time last year
                                                                                            before motherhood intervened. We hope
We have again appreciated Mrs Ritchie’s
                                                                                            to see her return to Hargest in the future.
unassuming but dedicated service in the
Social Studies and PE departments, part-
time, this year. Mrs Ritchie has worked
with us for some years now, balancing
teaching duties with looking after her
young family. Thank you, Mrs Ritchie!

                                              We are sad to farewell Kristina after eight
                                              years at James Hargest College. Kristina
                                              taught Physical Education and Health as
                                              well as English. She made an enormous

Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
Year 8 Graduation                                       Interrobang
Social & Celebration                                    Magazine Launch
  Wednesday 6 December, 7.00-9.00pm                     On Monday 30 October, the school launched the latest edition of its art and creative
                Free entry                              writing magazine Interrobang. The poet Cilla McQueen attended, and local artist Gordon
Free photo booth, photos of class groups,               Ballantyne also spoke and showed his work. After we showed the magazine to The
supper provided, chocolate and water for                Southland Times, they sent a journalist and a photographer out to the school to interview
                   sale.                                two of the students who had created the magazine.
  Tidy dress, parents must collect their                The picture show Year 9 student, Natasha Guha-Tyrie, reading her work to an audience of
 children, no one will be allowed to walk               students and proud parents.
       home alone or with friends.                      You can buy the magazine from school reception for $5.
   Come and celebrate the end of two
 wonderful years at the Junior Campus!

Readers Cup
After a tight tiebreaker round, James
Hargest took out 2nd place in the recent
Readers Cup Competition.
Congratulations to the team of Eben
Zsemlye, Blake Prattley, Natasha Guha-
Tyrie and Dylan McKay.


                                                                                                                Junior Campus

 Year 7 science - investigating in science using the
Bunsen burners and other lab equipment safely and
              recording observations.

                                                          As part of the year 7 Electricity unit some classes
                                                                    visited the wind farm in Bluff.

                                                        Bus Arrangements
                                                        Last Day both Campuses

                                                                                                                Year 8’s Savannah Sinclair & Emily Kempton of Room
                                                                                                                11 underway with their sculpture unit in art - thinking
                                                                                                                 sideways and using their imaginations to design an
                                                                                                                              eco home of the future.

 Year 8 science - The candle in water trick- engaging
                                                        The Otatara bus will leave at 12.15pm on
    in science, making predictions and recording        the last day, 8 December. The other buses
                    observations.                       will run as normal from 3.00pm.
Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
Ka Hikitia
“The Step Up”

 Tuesday 30 January 2018 is the date of the Ka Hikitia, when all students who have graduated from the Junior Campus will
 gather together to make the “step up” to the Senior Campus. This is a school ritual which began in 2008, and marks the next
 step in our James Hargest College students’ education.
 The 2018 Year 9’s will meet in the atrium at 8.50am, where the Junior Campus council and Year 8 teachers will lead the students
 up the road to be welcomed onto the Senior Campus.

                                                                       Hargest Academic
                                                                       Blues 2018
                                                                       Academic Excellence
                                                                       For Academic Excellence the Hargest
                                                                       system of awards is based on the NZQA
                                                                       system of endorsing certificates with
                                                                       Excellence, except that Excellence
                                                                       credits must be earned in one calendar
                                                                       year (ie 2017). To gain a general
                                                                       Excellence a student must gain at least
                                                                       50 Excellence credits at that or a higher

                                                                       Subject/Course Excellence
                                                                       To gain Subject/Course Excellence a
                                                                       student must gain 14 or more credits at
                                                                       Excellence in a subject in one calendar
                                                                       year. Of these, at least 3 credits must
                                                                       be from externally assessed standards
                                                                       and 3 credits from internally assessed
                                                                       standards in that subject.

Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
International Farewells
                                                                                                 Year 13
William Xie transferring to Christchurch
Ellie Cao moving to Australia                                                                   Graduation
Nat Dechosilpa University in Thailand
Mulan Mitvareesamphun University in Thailand                                                      Dinner
Yura Tanaka returning to Kunei High School in Osaka
Mei Ejima returning to Kunei High School in Osaka                                              Invercargill Working
Cindy Chen going to University in Christchurch                                                      Men’s Club
Harry Cheung joining a University Foundation Course in Australia
Erica Lee continuing her schooling in Vancouver, Canada
                                                                                             Wednesday 6 December
Timo Kauppert returning to his school in Germany                                            6.30pm for a 7.00pm start.
Gornkawin Panma returns to Thailand                                                          For Year 13 students and
Ithikorn Ritsongsak returns to Thailand
They have all made a wonderful contribution to the culture of James Hargest                 their caregivers, tickets are
College. We wish them all the best for their future.                                        $40 each available from the
Attention Parents of Years 7-10                                                                    school office.
Personal Devices
                            Following our carefully staged plan, our 1-1 device
                            environment (commonly called BYOD - Bring Your Own Device)
                                                                                             Host Families
                            will be operating next year at Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.
                            We strongly recommend that, where at all possible, students
                            be equipped with their own personal device at these year            James Hargest Junior Campus are
                            levels next year.                                              currently looking for warm, welcoming,
                            Local retailers will be offering many special Christmas          caring Host Families for International
                            deals over the coming months, and have all been given our        students aged from 10yrs – 13yrs for
specification guidelines (these are available on the James Hargest web site:
                                                                                            Hosting can range in duration from 10                                                               days – 1 year. There is no requirement
We do not prescribe a particular brand, device, or retailer.                                  to have your own child at the Junior
Student Support Centre                                                                          Campus, but, you must be able to
                                                                                            provide a safe and caring environment
News                                                                                             for an International student, be
                                                                                                 willing to treat the student as a
At the Student Support Centre we                                                             valued family member, be respectful,
created our own books or calendars.                                                        mindful and empathetic and be able to
It took us three weeks to make these                                                        communicate well with young people.
using Snapfish. They were part of                                                            A fortnightly payment is provided for
our Science project for Term Four.                                                             each student and I will be available
We waited for a special deal and                                                            for any support or assistance you may
placed our order when there was                                                                  need during your student’s stay.
50% discount! We made them for our                                                          For more information please contact -
                                                                                                           Kylie Hodson
families or pets. We love our books
                                                                                                  James Hargest Junior Campus
and we can’t wait to give them to our
                                                                                                 International Administrator, 03
family and friends.                                                                             2179250 work 0272017811 cell -
Photos: SSC Leavers Lunch. Leavers for
2018 are Mason Bowman, Jane Fox,
                                                                                          Our school leavers this year all have positive
Luke Randell-Miller.
                                                                                          futures to look forward to. Jane is going to
                                                                                          Southland Community College to further her
                                                                                          training in her chosen career of coaching young
                                                                                          people. She will be balancing that with her own
                                                                                          swimming career which means working hard in
                                                                                          a National Development squad in preparation
                                                                                          for the next Para Olympics.
                                                                                          Mason has part- time employment at United
                                                                                          Video, Stadium Southland and Southland
                                                                                          DisAbilities Enterprises. He will still find time to
                                                                                          enjoy his fitness sessions at Fusion Fitness.
                                                                                          Luke has part time employment at Koha Kai
                                                                                          and Southland DisAbilities Enterprises as well
                                                                                          as Work Experience on ILT Ascot’s gardening
                                                                                          team. Luke will be enjoying the independence
                                                                                          of being in a flat for the first time.
                                                                                          We wish our leavers all the best for a wonderful
                                                                                          Mrs. Sanderson, HOD, SSC.

Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
Sporting and Cultural Blues Awards 2017
Aerobics                           Lewis Thomson                Hockey              Jack Steel
Anais Maclennan                                                 Madison Burke       Mitchell Tweedie
Kate Harvey                        Chess                        Brooke King         Samuel Maher – re
                                   Corbin Fraser                Piper Muirhead
Athletics                          Amy Lee                      Andrew Popham       Squash
Esther Ayoade                      Fred Mun                     Kate Ryan           Hamish Dudley
Elena Chetland de Vries                                         Samuel Maher – re   Hayley Flett – re
Jaimee Coverdale                   Cricket                      Jordan Reid – re    Hayden O’Connor – re
Quinn Hartley                      Jenna Moynihan               Emma Ryan – re      Lachlan Thwaites – re
Emma Hewitt                        Alexandra Fenwick - re                           Anna O’Connor - re
Finn Rogers                                                     Mountain Biking     Samantha Taplin – re
Skye Singer                        Cycling                      Rhylee Akeroyd
James Tudor                        Rhylee Akeroyd               Cody Harvey         Swimming
Andrea McDowell - re               Cody Harvey                  Emily Paterson      Daniel Strang
Emma Ryan - re                     Emily Paterson                                   Jacob Blomfield – re
Mac Stodart - re                   Hunter Gough                 Music               Jack Corkery – re
                                   Conor Shearing               Reuben Brown        Jane Fox – re
Badminton                          Madeleine Gough - re
Daniel Wells                       Nepia Ruwhiu - re            Netball             Synchronised Swimming
Kate Loan - re                                                  Hollie Findlay      Arielle Wilkes – re
Samuel Loan - re                   Debating
                                   Mackenzie Fallow             Orchestra           Table Tennis
Basketball                         Drama                        Jack McKenzie       Jordan Cruickshank
Tom Cowie -re                      Sarah-Lene Hogg                                  Andrew Fleming
Hayden Gutsell - re                                             Public Speaking     Maia Cavanagh – re
Mac Stodart - re                   Football                     Sarah Boniface      Finn Holden – re
Nathan Walker - re                 Sean Angus                                       Holly Wu – re
Fraser Wiseman - re                Samantha Bernard             Rock Quest
                                   Tom Bernard                  Liam Fairbairn      Triathlon
Brass Band                         Elena Chetland de Vries      Nepia Ruwhiu        Finn Rogers
Reuben Brown                       Ben Clixby                   Jack Shaw
Tom Stewart                        Conor Evans                                      Underwater Hockey
Samuel Loan - re                   Payton Grieve                Rowing              Finn Rowland
Jack McKenzie - re                 Brandy Brown - re            Brendon Eyles       Andre Vergeer
                                   Ben Nind – re                Summer Jubb         Caleb Westbury
Canoe Polo                                                      Caleb Turnbull
Brianna Morrison                   Golf                         Max Dawson – re     Volleyball
Emily Jagoutz - re                 Liam Hewitt                                      Mary–Jane Grove
Jordan Reid - re                                                Rugby               Gabrielle Milne
                                   Gymnastics                   Rhys Blaas
Chamber Music                      Lachlan Anderson                                 re = Repeat from last year
Alex Thomson                       Lewis Thomson                Softball
Donald Thomson                                                  Tate Mulligan

South Island Tournament
On the 27th of October the James Hargest Junior Campus
Gold water polo team set off to Dunedin to play in the
South Island Intermediate School competition. We were
very unfortunate on the first day, having two losses with low
margin score lines, despite the great water polo that was
played by each and everyone of the students. The second
day some fantastic water polo was played and we came out
with 2 draws. Sadly the draw didn’t go our way. We ended
up playing off for 5th and 6th against a combined schools
team for Canterbury, who were training for nationals and
had won all their games so far. We held out well for the
entire games; however, we ended up losing by one goal in
the final few seconds of the competition.
Although we didn’t quite get the results we were looking for,
the James Hargest team had some really great moments,
improving every game and making the school proud.

Merry Christmas! 1 December 2017 - James Hargest College
Sports Awards                                                                                 Oceania Track
Southland Secondary Schools’                                                                  Cycling
Congratulations to the following students who were recognised for their outstanding           Results
sporting achievements at the recent Southland Secondary School Sports Awards.
                                                                                              Congratulations to Connor Shearing who
Future Champions
                                                                                              broke the New Zealand Under 19 Mens
Aerobics: Kate Harvey
                                                                                              Flying 200 metre Time Trial record this
Athletics and Hockey: Emma Ryan
                                                                                              month at the ILT Velodrome in Invercargill.
Basketball: Mac Stodart
                                                                                              Oceania Track Cycling Championships are
Canoe Polo: Emily Jagoutz and Isaac Flett
                                                                                              being held in Cambridge this week and
Cycling: Emily Paterson
                                                                                              congratulations to Emily Paterson and
Golf: Liam Hewitt
                                                                                              Connor Shearing who are riding for New
Gymnastics: Lewis Thomson
Hockey: Sam Maher
                                                                                              Connor Shearing Silver medal in U19 Mens
Kayaking: Emily Jagoutz and Jack McKenzie
                                                                                              Team sprint, 4th U19 Mens Kilo
Squash: Anna O’Connor
                                                                                              Emily Paterson Silveedal in the U19
Softball: Mitchell Tweedie
                                                                                              Womens Team Pursuit
Swimming: Jack Corkery
                                                                                              Maddy Gough (Southld) 4th U9 Team
Table Tennis: Finn Holden
Waterskiing: Emma Blatch and Chris Grant
                                                                                              Ewan Syme (Southld) 5th U19 Mens Kilo
                                                                                              Nepia Ruwhiu (Southld) 8th U19 Mens Kilo
Contribution to Sport
Finalist: Will Dymond
Finalist and Overall Winner: Fraser Wiseman
                                                                                              Junior Campus
Team of the Year                                                                              Awesome results to our James Hargest
Finalist: U20 Cycling Team of Nepia Ruwhiu, Ewan Syme and Conor Shearing                      Year 7 & 8 team who won all their games
                                                                                              in the Arena Softball competition for Term
Digital Media Competition                                                                     4.
Finalists: Janelle Tinker and Emily Williamson                                                Congratulations to Abby Wallace, Kiana
                                                                                              Collet, Connor Steel and Jamie Whittington
Athlete With a Disability                                                                     who have been selected for Southland U15
Finalist and Overall Winner: Jane Fox                                                         Softball teams.

Junior Sportsman of the Year
Finalists: Mitchell Tweedie
           Finn Holden                           Volleyball
Junior Sportswoman of the Year                   Year 9 and 10 Girls Winners
Finalists: Anna O’Connor
           Arielle Wilkes
Finalist and Overall Winner: Rhylee Akeroyd

Senior Sportsman of the Year
Finalists: Tom Cowie
           Jacob Blomfield
           Mac Stodart

Senior Sportswoman of the Year
Finalists: Kate Harvey
           Andrea McDowell
           Emma Ryan

Girls’ Rugby
Junior Campus
The year 7 and 8 Girls rugby team has
been training hard in preparation for
their Tournament on 24 November at
Woodlands Rugby Club. Last year they
finished runners up and will be keen to
go one better this year. For the majority
of the team this will be the first time they
have played Tackle rugby.                         Back Row (left to right): Brandy Brown (Coach), Haylay van Beek, Lucy Nind, Ella Yule,
                                                                            Sophie Oliver, Emily Kennedy (Coach)
                                                         Front Row (left to right): Tara Shirley, Lucy Machen, Maddison Grieve,
                                                                                   Rhiannon Henderson
Rowing                                                                                           Tennis
Novice Girls’                                                                                    Junior Campus

Novice Girls’ after finishing their first regatta for the year. They won all their races which
was a great start to the season.

                                                                                                 Halle Faherty and Tyler Hawke represented
                                                                                                 James Hargest College for the Invercargill
                                                                                                 Zone at the Southland Primary Tennis
                                                                                                 Championships on Wednesday 1
                                                                                                 Congratulations to Halle for being the
                                                                                                 Southland champion in the Year 7 and
                                                                                                 8 Girls section. Halle was also selected
                                                                                                 to represent Southland at the Southern
                                                                                                 Regional Event in Dunedin on Thursday 9
Novice girls won all their races at the first regatta. Now getting ready for our first major     November where she came second. Halle
regatta at Lake Dunstan soon.                                                                    went on to compete at the South Island
                                                                                                 Primary and Intermediate Championships
Golf                                                                                             in Timaru November 27 and 28.
Southland Primary Schools’ Golf Tournament
                                                                                                 Southland Secondary
                                                                                                 Schools’ Competition
                                                                                                 The finals were held on Friday 24
                                                                                                 November at Splash Palace.
                                                                                                 In the Year 7 and 8 section James Hargest
                                                                                                 Gold beat Verdon College 11-4 to win the
                                                                                                 James Hargest Silver lost to Southland
                                                                                                 Girls’ High School 3-8.
                                                                                                 In the Senior A Grade Section James
                                                                                                 Hargest Boys beat Southland Boys’ High
                                                                                                 School 10-7 to win the competition.
James Hargest had a representation with 8 teams of 4 at the Town Zone Schools Golf
tournament on Monday 13 November.
Congratulations to Halle Faherty, Ronan Shearing, Blake Humphrey and Neave Rowland
whom were placed second overall.
Two James Hargest teams have qualified to play at the Southland Primary School Champi-
onships on Thursday 30 November.
Team 1 - Halle Faherty, Ronan Shearing, Blake Humphery, Neave Rowland
Team 2 - Corvin O’Rourke, Emma Faherty, Laura Jackson, Max Harrington
Staff Contribution to Lunchtime Culture                                                            Vegetable Garden
                                                                                                   Junior Campus
                                                                                                   The students are very proud of the new
                                                                                                   garden area which students and staff have
                                                                                                   developed at the Junior Campus.
                                                                                                   Much of the funds and materials have
                                                                                                   been donated to the school. The garden
                                                                                                   will provide herbs and other vegetables
                                                                                                   which will be used in the foods room as
                                                                                                   part of lessons.
                                                                                                   Poutama Waaka, Dylan Reid, Robbie
                                                                                                   Checketts and Flynn Laker are working
                                                                                                   hard to maintain the garden area.

                                 Mr Burrows, Mr Richardson
                                 and Mr Byatt

Watties Cans for Good
Junior Campus
Brenda King from the Salvation Army
saying a big thank you to Lia Brown, Hayley
Hyde and Kiara Faga for the 1,835 cans the
junior campus collected for the Watties
Cans for Good can collection that was
held in early November. The Salvation
army were very impressed with the huge
amount of cans. A tremendous effort and
a big thank you to everyone who donated
a can for this worthwhile cause.

                                 Just a couple of the fabulous designs based around the theme of
                                 kindness that each homeroom worked on with the cans.

                                 Science Road Show
                                 Junior Campus
                                 The Junior Campus hosted the Science
                                 Roadshow on Monday 20th November.
                                 About 400 students from a variety of
                                 primary schools visited during the day.
                                 Once again there were many fantastic
                                 demonstration experiments shown and a
                                 wide variety of hands on exhibits.
                                 Favourites this year were exhibits on metal
                                 detectors, air pressure, infra red cameras
                                 and hovercrafts.
                                 We were very fortunate to have
                                 Invercargill MP Sarah Dowey come and
                                 visit and try out some of the exhibits (she
                                 loved the hovercraft)
                                 A big thanks to our 12 wonderful student
                                 demonstrators who had a long day
                                 explaining how things work to other

Dates for 2018
 Term 1:
 		      Friday 26 January               Course Consultation for Years 12 and 13

   Monday 29 January
                                         students as contacted
                                         Teacher Only Day
   Tuesday 30 January                    Year 7, 8 and 9 start
                                                                                               Family, friends and
   Wednesday 31 January                  All students at school                               Whānau are warmly
   Tuesday 6 February                    Waitangi Day Holiday                                   welcomed to the
   Friday 13 April                       Term One ends
                                                                                              2017 Senior Campus
 Term 2:     Starts on Monday 30 April                                                       Graduation Ceremony.
             Ends on Friday 6 July

 Term 3:     Starts on Monday 23 July
                                                                                             Year 9 Wednesday 6
             Ends on Friday 28 September                                                      December at 10 am
                                                                                              in Gym 3 with a fun
 Term 4:     Starts on Monday 15 October
             Ends on Wednesday 12 December (to be confirmed)
                                                                                              afternoon to follow
                                                                                               Year 10 Thursday 7
Documentation                                   Prizegivings 2017                            December at 10am in
                                                                                                     Gym 3.
Day                                             Year 11-13
All Year 11-13 students are expected to         Tuesday 5 December @ 7.30pm in the
be at school on Tuesday 5 December              Senior Campus Gymnasium                  Service Awards
for Documentation Day at 10.00am in             Years 7 and 8                            Junior Campus
the Hall. This is when documentation            Thursday 7 December @ 5.00pm in the
envelopes are given out (these include          Junior Campus Hall                       Congratulations to the following students
References, School Magazine, Certificates,      Years 9 and 10                             who have received a Service Award:
final newsletter, etc) provided all text        Friday 8 December @ 10.00am in the                     Road Patrol
and library books have been returned,           Senior Campus Gymnasium                           Kate Anderson-Forbes
accounts paid, and musical instruments/                                                                  Canteen
sports gear returned.                           All whānau, parents and caregivers are        Georgia Hawke, Brianna Loan
                                                welcome to attend these ceremonies.            Kaiawhina - Student Buddy

    Course                                      Values Awards
                                                                                                       Brianna Loan
                                                                                                Hayley Hyde, Olivia Birch
  Consultation                                  Junior Campus
                                                                                                         Rec Shed
                                                                                                  Kate Anderson-Forbes
     2018                                                                                            Student Support
                                                                                              Georgia Hawke, Brianna Loan,
                                                                                                      Jorja McKinley
 Friday 26 January
       2018                                                                                   WELL DONE,
   Years 12 and 13 (2018)                                                                    ALL YEAR 9 & 10
 All students will be emailed                                                                  STUDENTS
  to indicate whether they                                                                Recently, with the seniors leaving
    are required to attend                                                                for NCEA exams, we ran our own
                                                                                          junior examinations. These ran
                                                     (Drawn in Assembly each week)
                                                                                          very smoothly, and afterwards
Unclaimed                                             Room 4		Olivia Birch                many teachers commented
                                                                                          that students this year had a
Property                                              Room 4 Olivar Cowie
                                                      Room 4 Hunter Howe                  particularly good attitude. You
Junior Campus                                         Room 5 Lia Brown                    turned up on time, worked quietly
We have a large number of jackets,                    Room 7 Finn Excell                  and had all your gear. In Year 10
sweatshirts, school jerseys, black shoes,             Room 10 Sacha Horton                Maths we didn’t have to give out
sports shoes, track pants, socks and                  Room 10 Sheilah Wilson              a single calculator! The standard
miscellaneous items of clothing in lost               Room 14 Louis Pienaar               of work was high. Thanks also to
property. Apart from uniform items,                   Room 14 Annabelle Atkins
                                                                                          our parents who have fostered
unclaimed clothing will be given to a                 Room 16 Hugo Ludlow
charity. Please ask your children to check            Room 18 Eden Selman                 this serious and responsible
for lost clothing.                                    Room 18 Summer Harwood              attitude.
HPV Vaccine                                   End of Year                                  Bus Arrangements
Junior Campus                                 Reports                                      Junior Campus - Last Day
The School Based Human Papillomavirus
(HPV) Immunisation Programme will             Year 7 and 8 Reports will be emailed on
again be offering the HPV vaccine to boys     Thursday the 7 December at 4pm. Please
and girls in Year 8 in 2018. This will be a   inform the office if you have had a change
two dose vaccine programme with a 6           of email address to ensure you receive
month gap between the doses. The HPV          your child’s report. Year 9 and 10 reports
vaccine is the final immunisation given       will be emailed on Friday 8 December
as part of New Zealand’s free childhood       during the morning.
immunisation programme.                                                                    The Junior Campus will close at 12.00 noon
                                                                                           on Friday 8 December. Students need to
Consent forms with information on the         PTA Uniform Sales                            make arrangements to be collected from
vaccine will be sent home with your child
in February 2018 for you to fill out and      December and January 2018                    school at 12.00 pm. Bus students will be
return to the school. If you would like                                                    picked up from the Junior Campus at 12.15
                                                        These will be held on:             pm.
more information on this immunisation                Tuesday 12 December 2017
programme please go to:
                                                           4.30pm: Buy In                  Stationery Lists
                                                          6.30pm: Sell out
HPV Immunisation Team, WellSouth, 40                            and
                                                                                           For Years 7, 8 & 9 in 2018
Clyde Street, Invercargill. Phone: 2146436            Tuesday 23 January 2018              Stationery lists are available on the James
or 0800 800 249.                                           4.30pm: Buy In                  Hargest website www.jameshargest.
                                                          6.30pm: Sell out        (under general information);
     Change of                                         EFTPOS will be available            order on-line from the OfficeMax website
                                                                                  or at OfficeMax 109

      Details                                 Sun Block                                    Yarrow Street Invercargill. All stationery is
                                                                                           required for the first day of school in 2018.
                                              Junior Campus
    Have you shifted house,                   We encourage students to use sunblock
    changed internet service                  during breaks outside and have sun block          Year 8 Picnic Day
                                              available on the counter at the Junior
  provider or phone provider
                                              Campus office.                                          (Date
    Please ensure that your                                                                       amendment)
      details are up to date.
                                                                                                The Junior Campus Year 8
   You can easily check what
                                                                                              Picnic Day will be on Tuesday
  details we have by logging                                                                    05 December 2017, NOT
   into https://kamarportal.                                                                  Monday 04 December 2017                                                                    as stated in the November
Junior Campus
School accounts are now overdue for
                                                                   School Accounts
payment. Payment can be made by                  All school accounts for Junior and Senior Campuses will be emailed. If you do not
cheque, cash or eftpos. Internet banking         receive an account, please contact the Junior Campus on 2179250 or the Senior
and automatic payments are welcome, as                                          Campus on 2176129.
are partial payments.                           We encourage automatic payments. Payments can also be made to the school offices
Automatic payments: When your child                                by cash, cheque, Eftpos or internet banking.
moves into Year 9, please remember to                               The Junior Campus bank account number is
change the James Hargest College bank                                        BNZ 02-0924-0408612-01.
account you put the money into:                                    The Senior Campus bank account number is
Senior Campus A/c No: 02 0924 0408612                                        BNZ 02-0924-0408612-02.

 Parent, Caregiver, Whanau                            Coming Events for 2017/2018
  Community Engagement
   At James Hargest College we are always             Senior Campus
 interested in engaging with our community
  and listening to parents, whanau and the            December 2017
   wider community. If you have any good              Fri  1       NZSS Athletics (1-3 December)
 ideas or there is something special that has         Mon 4        Junior Clearance Forms issued
  happened regarding Hargest, or there are            Tues 5       10.00am: Senior Documentation in the Hall
  issues, concerns or complaints we should            		           11.30am: Senior Prizegiving Practice
    be aware of, please contact the school            		           Senior Prizegiving at 7.30pm in Gym 3
  office Senior Campus (2176129) or Junior
                                                      Wed 6        Year 9 Graduation at 10.00am in Gym 3
   Campus (2179250) or via email, office@
                                                      		           Periods 4 and 5: Fun Afternoon
       You will be put in contact with an             		           Year 13 Graduation Dinner
          appropriate staff member.                   Thur 7       Year 10 Graduation at 10.00am in Gym 3
                                                      		           Period 5: Year 9 and 10 Prizegiving Practice
                                                      Fri  8       Year 9 and 10 Prizegiving at 10.00am in Gym 3
           E-mail Newsletters                         		           12.00pm: Students released
 If you do not already receive the newsletter         		           Year 9 and 10 Reports emailed home
 link via e-mail, and wish to do so, could you        Tues 12      PTA Uniform Sale in the Hall
                   please e-mail
                                                      		           4.30pm: Buy In stating
                                                      		           6.30pm: Sell out
your son’s/daughter’s name(s) and which year
                 level they are in.
     The next newsletter will be issued on            January 2018
            Friday 9 February 2018.                   Fri   26		     Course Consultation for Years 12 and 13 students as contacted
  Hard copies of the newsletter are issued to         Mon 29		       Teacher Only Day
the youngest child in each family. Newsletters        Tues 30		      Year 7, 8 and 9 start
     are available on the Hargest web site            Wed 31		       All students at school

    All families with home email addresses            February 2018
  will be sent a link the day the newsletter is       Tues 6		      Waitangi Day Holiday

          Information Updates
 If you have any changes to your details (e.g.
   address, phone numbers, medical details,
                                                      Junior Campus
    emergency contacts, etc), please let the
 school know as soon as possible in order to          December 2017
         keep our records up-to-date.                 Fri  1       Year 7 Picnic Day
  Please email Mrs France (Senior Campus)             Mon 4        Year 8 Picnic Day
              with any changes at                     Wed 6        1.40-3.00pm: Year 8 Graduation                 		           7.00-9.00pm: Year 8 Graduation Social
              or phone 2176129                        Thur 7       11.05am-12.05pm: Year 7 Merit Assembly
      or Mrs Murphy (Junior Campus) at                		           5.00-7.00pm: Excellence Prizegiving in Junior Campus Hall                  		           Year 7 Merit Assembly
              or phone 2179250                        Fri  8       Last day Term 4 2017 - finishing at 12.00pm
                                                      Tues 12      4.30-5.30pm: Second Hand Uniform Sale “Buy In”
           Junior Campus                              		           6.30-7.30pm: Second Hand Uniform Sale “Sell Out”
          6 Layard Street, Invercargill
     Phone 03 2179250, Fax 03 2173152                 January 2018
Email:            Tues 23        4.30-5.30pm: Second Hand Uniform Sale “Buy In”
                                                      		             6.30-7.30pm: Second Hand Uniform Sale “Sell Out”
          Senior Campus                               Mon 29         Year 7 students (2018) “Open Classroom” strictly between 2.00-3.00pm
      288 Layard Street, Invercargill                 Wed 30         Students are to come to the Junior Campus at the following times:
    Phone 03 2176129, Fax 03 2170351                  		             Year 7 @ 8.45-9.10am to the Hall
   Email:               		             Year 8 @ 10.50am to the Hall
   Website:                		             Year 9 @ 8.45am to the Atrium for the Ka Hikitia
                                                      		             1.40pm: Mihi Whakatau - Full school welcome
                                                      		             (Parents welcome - standing room only)


                                                                               68 Don Street, Invercargill.
                                                                                       (03) 218 9621

                                                    Catch up, Get ahead, Stay ahead!
                                                         • Preschool to Y13 NCEA
                                                         • 80 minute lessons
                                                         • Trained teachers

                                                     Call Clayton Riley 03 214 4181 for a free assessment.         1454310


82 Salford Street (close to James Hargest College
        and the Windsor Shopping locale)
                  027 756 4469

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