MEMBER BENEFITS & SERVICES GUIDE - Georgia Independent Automobile Dealers ...

Page created by Marilyn Bush
MEMBER BENEFITS & SERVICES GUIDE - Georgia Independent Automobile Dealers ...
2nd Quarter 2019

                                                           We are happy to have you as part of the
                                                    Largest Independent Auto Dealer Association
                                                 in the country! As a thank you, we have compiled
                                                   a wide variety of automotive product and service
                                                  providers. Here you have access to a great vendor
                                         selection that offers more choices and competitive pricing,
                                         including special discounts EXCLUSIVE to GIADA members!


       GIADA is dedicated to partnering with the best automotive product and service providers
      in the marketplace. Our Member Benefits & Services Guide is packed full of companies that
               have an array of products and services intended to benefit your business.
                                  Knowledge, Support, Success since 1956
                               Georgia Independent Auto Dealers Association
MEMBER BENEFITS & SERVICES GUIDE - Georgia Independent Automobile Dealers ...
 This Member Benefits & Services Guide is reprinted quarterly.
 For changes, additions, or to be removed, please contact us at

          DISCLAIMER: The appearance of advertisers, or their identification as members of GIADA,
                 does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured.
                     Please direct discount value questions to the individual vendor.

        ACCOUNTING & TAX                                 ADVERTISING                                      BANKING
Clifton Larson Allen, LLP
770-393-0399                                                       Hamilton State Bank                       800-353-9350                                  678-719-4570
Accounting Services, Tax preparation,                      
Litigation Support                           Autotrader is the most visited third-party    Lines of Credit
__________________________________           car shopping site, with the most engaged
Robert L Burt CPA                            audience of inmarket shoppers. Using              COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS
205-752-3001                                 technology, shopper insights and local
Accounting                                                                                 FNI Incorporated
                                             market guidance, Autotrader’s marketing
__________________________________                                                         888-973-9776
                                             solutions guide dealers to personalized
                                             digital marketing strategies that grow
                                                                                           Business Management Consultant.
                                             brand, drive traffic and connect the online
                                                                                           Product and compliance solutions for
                                             and in-store shopping experience.
                                                                                           financial institutions and select dealers.
912-234-5400                                                                                  COMPUTERS/NETWORKING
Stifel is a diversified global wealth
management company focused
on building relationships that help
individuals, families, and organizations
                                                                                           Alltek Holdings Inc.
pursue their financial goals.
__________________________________           NAAA - National Auto Auction Association
                                             301-696-0400                                  Our technology solutions and support
                                                                         can help your network run smoothly. You
Tax Refund Services Tax Max                  NAAA represents the interests of the          can rest easy knowing that you’re getting
866-642-4107                                 auto auction industry delivering training,    fast help when you need it. We worry              setting standards and offering networking     about your technology, so you don’t
Tax preparation and electronic filing for    opportunities to the remarketing              have to!
car dealers and payday lending industries.   community. The success of the association
__________________________________           is its membership and the ability to come        CREDIT CARD PROCESSING
                                             together as a unified voice.
                                                                                           Flat Rate Processing
                                                                                           Payment Processing, Payment
TJS Deemer Dana LLP                                                                        Technology, Software Partnership, Flat
912-238-1001                                                                               Rate Pricing - Integrated with Wayne                                                                                  Reaves DMS
Accounting Services

TrueCar                                       AutoManager, Inc.
                                              512-735-5347                                  800-300-2808
Repay Realtime Electronic Payments            Dealer Leads
404-504-8442                                                                                AutoManager is a leading provider of                                                                             dealer management software. Since
                                                  DEALER MGMT SYSTEMS /                     1987, DeskManager DMS, WebManager
Full service provider of electronic                 WEBSITE PROVIDERS
transaction processing services for retail                                                  website builder and comprehensive
merchants                                                                                   vehicle marketing system, as well as
__________________________________                                                          Automotive CRM have helped dealers
Sun Trust/First Data                                                                        both independent and franchise alike
                                              .Auto/.Car/.Cars Domains                      grow their business. Our products are
404-281-8641                                  800-632-AUTO                                                                               scalable, so whether you are a small
                                                                           up-and-coming dealership, or a large
Merchant Services                             GIADA member dealerships can take             well-oiled machine, AutoManager is an
                                              advantage of a special one-time 50%           ideal choice for your dealer management
          CREDIT REPORTS                      discount on any .Cars, .Car, or .Auto         software. Our products are simple to use,
                                              domain of their choice. Submit dealer         feature loaded, affordable, and come
                                              contact information at www.Go.Cars/           with exceptional customer service. Let us
700Credit                                     GIADA and a .Cars team member will            exceed your expectations and help you
866-273-3848                                  reach out to assist you.                      grow your business.                                 50% off 1-year registration at https://www.   Call Today for GIADA Member Special
Focuses on delivering the most robust,        Go.Cars/GIADA                                 Discounts!
bureau-inclusive credit, compliance,          __________________________________            __________________________________
prescreen and consumer pre-
qualification solutions on the market
__________________________________            ABCOA/Deal Pack                               Car-Ware, Inc.
                                              800-526-5832                                  855-504-5949
                                              Deal Pack, a turn-key software product        Take your dealership to the next level. Our
Microbilt Corp                                of ABCoA, contains features vital to the      Dealer Management System includes:
866-538-9815                                  successful operation of a dealership,         Built-In CRM, Quickbooks Integration,                                 related finance company, finance company      Inventory Management, Buy Here Pay
Credit Reports                                or service and parts operation, handling      Here and more. Starting at $49 a month!
                                              buy here pay here, retail, external and       Call for a free test drive.
                                              internal leasing, floor planning, and
ProCredit Express                                                                           __________________________________
                                              wholesale deals in real-time accounting
                                              20% discount off our one-time fee to
                                              GIADA members
Credit Bureaus and Compliance
    DEALER LEADS PROVIDER                                                                   404-518-8124
                                                                    CarDucks provides dealers with access
                                              888-514-0123                                  to a steady volume of ondemand, ultra
InterActive Financial Marketing                                                             low cost leads. We provide a chat-only
Group, LLC                                                                                  interface with built-in features to help
                                              We deliver award-winning inventory
804-225-1880                                                                                get buyers through the showroom door.
                                              management & dealer website solutions.                                                                          No subscriptions or monthly fees.
                                              We provide fully automated tools for
Our mission is not to be another vendor
                                              marketing inventory on Craigslist,
that provides leads, but to understand        Facebook, & over 400 online marketplaces.
your needs and develop solutions that are     As an eBay preferred service provider,
customized to fit your specific sales plan    Auction123 offers the best tools for
along with helping you execute those          generating leads on eBay.
plans. We consider ourselves a partner, one   GIADA members receive $100 off the monthly
that is vested in your growth and success.    subscription of our complete website and
We recognize that our success largely         inventory marketing tools package.
dpends on your success.
                                                                                                              2ND QUARTER 2019 | PAGE 3
Innovative Dealer Solutions
                                                                                                 DEALER TRAINING
                                                       Proactive Dealer Solutions
Comsoft                                     We provide easy to use software to help      704-896-1447
800-849-3838                                manage your dealership                                              __________________________________           Proactive Dealer Solutions is a training
Comsoft specializes in Dealership           Nowcom Corporation / DealerCenter            an consulting company specializing in
Management & Marketing Software             888-669-2669                                 the implementation and rehabilitation of
Solutions. We offer Deal Paperwork                             Business Development Initiatives within
Processing, Inventory Control, Prospect     Web-based Dealer Management                  Automotive Dealerships. As The BDC
Management, BHPH, LHPH Management           Software                                     Experts, we have distinguished ourselves
Reports, in addition to third party         __________________________________           as the industry leader for Automotive
Integrations including Quick Books and      Red Shield Dealer Services                   Business Development across the US and
others. Integrated websites available       602-622-8299                                 Canada. We work with Dealers to increase
with data feeds to multiple online                              their business without increasing their
advertisers.                                Provider of next-generation vehicle          advertising budgets, by maximizing the
Call for a free test drive!                 protection products adapted to suit          sales and service opportunities that they
__________________________________          an ever-changing auto industry.              currently have.
                                            Supercharge your sales with our cutting-
                                            edge one-stop e-contracting system:                       EMISSIONS
                                            share plans and benefits, e-sign and         Georgia’s Clean Air Force
DealerSocket                                e-submit contracts, track commissions        800-449-2471
(949) 900-0300 x1051                        and more from nearly any smart device.                            __________________________________           Your resource for Georgia’s Vehicle
DealerSocket is a leading provider of                                                    Emissions Inspection & Maintenance
software for the automotive industry,                                                    Program
offering a suite of seamlessly integrated
products to help dealers sell and service   RouteOne, LLC                                      FINANCE COMPANIES
vehicles more profitably, while improving   248-229-5170                                 1803 Capital LLC
their customers’ experience.                                       503-657-0440
__________________________________          Dealer Management Systems /
                                            Compliance & Red Flag Tools / Web-Based
                                                                                         Maximize your chances for approval
                                            Credit Applications /
                                                                                         by partnering with 1803 Capital LLC to
                                            Automated Vehicle Value Tools
                                                                                         add a team of experienced buyers who
DealerTrack-RTS                             __________________________________
                                                                                         specialize in approving customers with
860-448-3177                                                                             challenged credit.                                                                       __________________________________
Dealertrack is the leading provider of      Selly Automotive                             Agora Data Inc.
digital solutions to the automotive         888-246-1372                                 877-592-4672
retail industry – making workflows                
more efficient, transparent, and            Selly Automotive is an affordable and        We are data, process and secondary
profitable through products like dealer     intuitive cloud-based sales software built   market experts that integrate all
management system (DMS), fixed              from the ground up for Independent &         stakeholders in automotive finance.
operations, CRM, sales and F&I, and         BHPH dealers. Selly is a full CRM & ILM
registration and titling. It’s the only     solution that allows dealers to manage
company helping enable the                  internet leads and customer follow-ups.
transformation of auto retailing.           Selly also integrates with major DMS,
__________________________________          website, and lead providers.

Frazer Computing Inc.                       Wayne Reaves Computer Systems, Inc.
888-963-5369                                800-701-8082 or 478-474-8779                        
Computer Software                           Computer Software / Dealer
                                            Management Systems and Dealer
                                            Website Provider

Cash Plus, Inc.
                                              Car Title Loans, Payday Loans, Installment
                                              Loans and Post-Dated Check Loans
                                                                                           International Credit, Inc.
AllCredit Acceptance Company, LLC
                                                                                                        CIG Financial                                Working with Car Dealers for their
Financing needs for Independent Used          404-904-5012                                 Customer’s Financing Needs
Auto Dealers & Customers            
Close on your first deal & receive an         Capital Incentive Group Financial is an
additional $250.00 on your first Check.       indirect automobile finance company
(This applies to new dealer accounts only.)   that helps car dealers provide financing
__________________________________            for their customers. CIG just celebrated
                                              30 years of service and is currently
                                              lending in 17 states. Founded in 1985,       337-524-1410
                                              CIG is based in Irvine, California. CIG
                                              Financial, recognized by customers,          We are a automotive capital company,
                                              associates, and business partners as the     specializing in the purchase of BHPH
American Credit Acceptance                                                                 receivables. We also offer a host of
                                              auto finance industry’s premier specialty
866-202-6912                                                                               backend products including the
                                              lender, operates with the highest                                                                         revolutionary Vehicle Return Plan.
                                              standards of integrity. CIG is a company
Consumer Auto Finance Company                 that is built to last.                       __________________________________
providing financial solutions from            __________________________________
Free enrollment for your dealership. Call
866-202-6912 to start the enrollment
process today!                                Dealers Finance, Inc.                        National Auto Lenders
                                              678-739-2059                                 305-822-2886
Automobile Acceptance Corporation
                                              Dealers Finance provides financial           Non-Prime Auto Financing to Help Dealer
                                              support to hundreds of independent           Partners
                                              used car dealers in the southeast US. We     __________________________________
Financing needs for your customers
                                              provide flexible credit lines from $50,000
                                              to $1,000,000 and offer a variety of
                                              floorplan financing programs specifically
                                              geared to the needs of the independent       Nationwide Acceptance Corporation
                                              used car dealer.                             770-935-5626
Car Financial Services                                                                     Secondary Finance
                                              FT Acceptance Corp.
877-570-8857                                                                               __________________________________
                                              786-673-3071                                                                           Peach State Federal Credit Union
Bulk Purchase, Payment Streams, Account       FT Acceptance Corp is a leading provider     678-889-4328
Servicing for BHPH / Floor planning for       of the automotive financing services
BHPH dealers with NO audit fees               industry. Founded in 2008, under the         Auto Loans / Auto, Home, Long-term
__________________________________            management of FT Trade Financial Corp.,      Care, Accidental Death Insurance
                                              with the mission to deliver subprime
                                              customers a personalized and affordable
                                              financing program.
CarGirl, Inc.                                 __________________________________
904-472-7930                                  Independent Bank                            423-883-1503
We are a network of seasoned        
professionals from the banking and            Auto Loans; Direct Finance
finance arena, specializing in – but not      __________________________________
limited to – automotive.                      Independent Dealers Advantage, LLC
                                              Providing Sub-prime Financing when
                                              others cannot
                                                                                                           2ND QUARTER 2019 | PAGE 5
Peoples Financial Corp.
770-422-2735                                 Spartan Financial Partners                         855-233-3605                                 United Acceptance Inc.
Auto Loans, Direct or Indirect, Secondary                         877-281-2360
$50 CASH for a cash advance of $3k-$5k       BHPH Line of Credit                
or $100 CASH for a cash advance greater      Free portfolio analysis! Call 855-233-3605   Account Purchase, Bulk Receivables
than $5k on any automobile contract          today!                                       __________________________________
financed by Peoples! - Offer expires         __________________________________
Peoples Financial Hiram
Auto Loans, Direct or Indirect, Secondary                                                 United Auto Credit
$50 CASH for a cash advance of $3k-$5k                                                    866-504-2133
or $100 CASH for a cash advance greater      Sterling Credit                    
than $5k on any automobile contract          706-830-3045                                 Created with the car buying public in
financed by Peoples! - Offer expires                mind, United Auto Credit has become
12/31/2019                                   Buy Bulk Receivables                         a leader in the Automotive Finance
__________________________________           __________________________________           Industry. When other’s say “no”, United
Peoples Financial Valdosta                   Style Financial Acceptance                   Auto Credit says “yes” because we believe
229-242-6620                                 770-949-8598                                 everyone deserves a chance at vehicle                                                 ownership.
Auto Loans, Direct or Indirect, Secondary    Account Purchase Program, Point of Sale,     __________________________________
$50 CASH for a cash advance of $3k-$5k       Bulk
or $100 CASH for a cash advance greater      __________________________________
than $5k on any automobile contract
financed by Peoples! - Offer expires
Road Auto Finance
912-667-4628                                 TRG Auto Finance, LLC                                                                       Wells Fargo Dealer Services
                                             904-214-5708                                 888-937-9997
Quality & Professional lending. We 
provide automotive financing to                                                 
                                             TRG Auto Finance, LLC offers several         We’ve provided auto dealers with
consumers through our trusted dealer         receivable purchase programs including
partners.                                                                                 integrated financial services solutions
                                             Payment Share and Payment Interval           for over 65 years-featuring a broad
__________________________________           Advance programs with and without            credit spectrum of indirect auto
                                             servicing options. No aging required!        financing, quick credit decisions, and
                                             All programs are available day 1 of the      fast funding of qualified retail contracts.
                                             contract. We are able to service both        Our commercial dealer partners provide
                                             English and Spanish speaking customers       deposit, treasury and merchant services.
SDA                                          and we offer servicing as a standalone
800-467-5172                                 product to assist you in growing your                                   business by outsourcing your collections.        FLOOR PLAN COMPANIES
SDA, located in Georgia, has been a          In addition to purchasing your               Auction Credit
nationwide provider of capital to the        receivables, we offer floor plan options     770-336-7880
BHPH industry for over 25 years. We          for well qualified dealers.        
purchase accounts and let the dealer         __________________________________           Increase Inventory using Flexible Credit Lines
continue to collect. Raise the capital you   US Auto Credit Purchasing Center, LLC
need…without giving up control of your       877-280-9267
                                             Specialty automobile financing for
                                             sub-prime credit customers

PrimaLend Capital
AutoBank Floorplan LLC                       972-239-6668
864-269-3322                                                      PrimaLend Capital is a privately owned        ARA GPS
NO Additional Fees. NO Audit Fees. 180       commercial lender, providing no-hassle      ARA GPS Systems
Days Financing.                              revolving lines of credit and inventory     770-871-0051
__________________________________           floor plans to independent auto dealers
Automotive Finance Corp.                     and finance companies nationwide.           All trackers locate, but ours is the ONLY
770-805-4155                                 __________________________________          GPS SYSTEM available that can help                                                                            you find your collateral even if your
Floor Planning                                                                           customer has tampered with the device!
__________________________________                                                       Compatible with any internet enabled
Carbucks                                     XL Funding
                                                                                         device and VOTED BEST SMARTPHONE
864-234-9696                                 317-708-4111
                                                                                         APP! Find out how much more SVR                    
                                                                                         Tracking can do for you beyond basic
__________________________________           XLFunding
                                                                                         locate. Call or text Larry Carter at 770-
                                                                                         871-0051. Email or
                                                GPS TRACKING - PAYMENT                   visit us at
                                                  PROTECTION DEVICES                     Buy one GPS device, Get one Free!
City Auto Finance, LLC                                                                   Eligible for first time GIADA Members &
615-224-2005                                                                             new ARA GPS Customers.
City Auto Finance is a dedicated
automotive finance provider
headquartered in Franklin, TN                Advantage GPS by Procon
with offices in Memphis, TN; Mobile,         Analytics
AL; Huntsville, AL; Murfreesboro, TN;        949 422-7103
                                                               Cal Amp Wireless
Chattanooga, TN; and Atlanta, GA. Each
                                             Advantage GPS is a GPS automotive           781-302-4345
branch is staffed with experienced
                                             analytics company on a mission to 
professionals who truly understand
                                             replace outdated technology. The            GPS Tracking Devices
their local market and the automotive
                                             company’s artificial-intelligence driven    __________________________________
__________________________________           analytical dashboard along with its
                                             wire-free REVOlutionary family of three,
                                             GPS devices with flexible tracking modes
                                             provides auto lenders with a progressive,
Floor Plan Xpress LLC                        next generation set of risk mitigation
                                             tools.                                      IkonGPS
Independent Floor Planning
                                                                                         IkonGPS is a telematics supplier to the
                                                                                         automotive industry. We currently offer
                                                                                         our GPS products directly to automotive
                                                                                         dealers, auto finance and insurance
                                                                                         companies. Our customized software
NextGear Capital, Inc.
                                                                                         solutions, combined with our innovative
                                                                                         hardware/software platform, provides
                                                                                         our customers with state-of-the-art
NextGear Capital is the industry’s leading
                                                                                         telematics to monitor, protect and
comprehensive provider of lending
                                                                                         optimize mobile assets throughout the
products, providing flexible lines of
                                                                                         United States.
credit for dealers to purchase new and
                                                                                         $59 per unit. Call for details.
used inventory at over 1,000 auto and
specialty auctions and other inventory
sources throughout the United States,
Canada, United Kingdom and Ireland.

                                                                                                          2ND QUARTER 2019 | PAGE 7

                                           Cornerstone Insurance Group                  Ph: 800-588-1249 / Email: LST@LSTINS.COM

Passtime                                   800-257-9999                                LST Insurance Agency
877-727-7846                                        706-277-0971                            Attention: Used Auto Dealers! We offer
Vehicle Tracking                           liability and bond coverages for start-up   "In 1998, we established LST Insurance
__________________________________         used auto dealers and brokers, as well      Agency to serve the needs of Truckers,
                                           as those who have been in business for      Loggers and Saw Millers. Since then, we
                                           many years. We offer competitive pricing    have expanded to other areas such as
                                           and have an in-depth understanding of       Garage, Personal, Auto and Homes.
Spireon, Inc.                              State requirements to ensure you have       We have several A+ rated companies
855-867-2684                               the coverages you need                      to approach for your garage related                                __________________________________          insurance needs. Some of the coverages
A trusted industry leader with over 3                                                  we offer are Liability, Dealer Bonds,
million active subscribers, Spireon’s                                                  DOL, Title Bonds, and Dealer’s Errors &
GoldStar GPS offers worldclass                                                         Omissions. Please call our main number
reliability and delivers simple-to-use,    D. Ward Insurance                           706-277-0971 to discuss your coverage
web-based tools that automate a range of   770-974-0670                                needs.
manual tasks, saving you time and money.                          __________________________________
Call (855) 867-2684 or visit   We offer Bonds, Garage Liability,           Millenium of Griffin Insurance
to receive a special introductory offer.   Dealers Open Lot, Rental Program            (770) 227-1584
__________________________________         Insurance, Property Insurance, Tow Truck
                                           Insurance, Car Hauler Insurance, Workers    __________________________________
                                           Compensation and more. Since 1988 - All     Pearl Insurance
                                           Types - Business & Personal                 866-679-0891
Stars GPS                                  __________________________________
                                           FSB America                                 Your days of juggling multiple policies                              888-786-2663
The longest running GPS partner of                                                     are over. Cover your auto inventory,
                                                               property, and liability under one policy!
NIADA ; Education for Compliance,          We have been successful in contract, bid,
Disclosure, and Best Operating/                                                        Start benefiting from our industry
                                           performance, payment, maintenance,          expertise. Contact us today!
Collection practices.                      license, permit and many other bonds        __________________________________
                                           by listening to each client, providing      Primeco Insurance
  INSURANCE/SURETY BONDS                   fast service and competitive rates and      770-971-8452
                                           negotiating the largest possible bond
                                           programs.                                   Bonds, Garage Liabilities, Dealers Open
                                           __________________________________          Lot, Workers Compensation, Property
Absolute Surety LLC
We offer dealer & title surety bonds as
well as garage liability insurance.
A+ Rated with BBB
                                           Georgia Insurance Associates, Inc.          PTS Financial Services
__________________________________                                                     706-602-0597
American Risk Services                                                       
678-366-7279                                                                           PTS provides GAP built specifically for
                                           Bonds, Garage Liability, Dealers Open                                                               the BHPH dealer. With PTS GAP, enjoy no
                                           Lot, Workers Compensation, Property,
Customized Collateral Insurance for                                                    down payments, convenient payment
                                           Home, Auto
BHPH Dealers & Finance                                                                 options (weekly/bi-weekly/monthly),
                                           Hardegree Insurance Agency                  and we are compatible with most major
                                           770-390-0888                                dealer software providers! Call and find
                                                       out how we can build you a custom
                                           Garage Liability, Auto Inventory, & Bonds   program today!

Reeves Insurance Agency                        Surety Bond Girls                             Williams and Stazzone Insurance
770-949-0025                                   678-694-1967                                  Agency, Inc.                                                  800-868-1235
Reeves Insurance Associates has been a         Surety Bond Girls , LLC is a full service
member of the GIADA since 2000. We have        licensed, P&C Agency specializing in          We are garage liability specialists and
in-depth knowledge and understanding of        all aspects of compliance. We offer a         are proud members of the GIADA. In
the used car dealer industry and are able      streamlined approach to surety bonding,       business for nearly 30 years, our programs
to provide the proper insurance coverage       permit expediting and licensing. With         represent stability for your dealership. We
to meet the used car dealers’ needs. We        over 21 years in the surety bond and          have exclusive garage liability markets. We
quote coverage with multiple insurance         compliance industry, we have seen             are also daily rental and leasing specialists.
companies to ensure our dealers have the       the need for our unique specialized           Our start up daily rental program has
most competitive coverage and premium          services offered in a convenient mobile       been helping dealers add daily rentals
available. Whether you’re a new or existing    atmosphere. We like to think of ourselves     for decades. Find out what a specialized
dealer, auto broker, retail lot, wholesaler,   as your one-stop mobile shop for all your     agency can do for you.
large or small, we have a carrier for you.     professional license needs.                   __________________________________
__________________________________             Free NMVTIS report with a Title Bond          WoodmenLife
                                               __________________________________            678-447-1161
                                                                                             WoodmenLife offers Life Insurance,
Ron E. Widener & Associates
                                                                                             Investments, Employee Benefits, Buy
                                                                                             Sell Insurance, Key Person Insurance,
                                                                                             Health, Dental, Vision, 401Ks, Roths
Bonds, Garage Liability, DOL, WC,
                                                                                             and Annuities. We are a Not-for-Profit
Property & Rental Car Insurance
                                               Tabb Insurance Agency                         Fraternal Insurance company with
                                               770-483-1800                                  a mission to provide members with
                                                                  financial security while making a
                                               The Tabb Insurance Agency, Inc.               difference in your community.
                                               was established to insure all lines of
                                               coverage for individuals, families and                          LEGAL
S. Brown & Associates, Inc.                    businesses. Our employees are fully
973-270-2270                                   licensed and are committed to providing                                      the highest degree of service to our
S. Brown & Associates, Inc. is a provider      clients. Our agency is a member of the
of “POINT of SALE INSURANCE” to auto           American Independent Insurance Agents         Culhane Meadows
dealerships. All insurance programs            Association, The Georgia Independent          404-870-8077
are underwritten by AM BEST “A” rated          Agents Association. We specialize in
insurance carriers.                            Garage Liability, Dealers Blanket and         __________________________________

                                                                                             Gregory Law, LLC
                                               USHealth Advisors                             770-217-5524
                                                         A practicing attorney who knows the car
                                               Health care solutions for families, small     business from the inside out and has the
                                               business owners and self employed             ability to look at client’s dealerships from
                                               individuals. I have the answer to the         an attorney’s perspective with a dealer
                                               rising cost of health care that everyone      principal’s experience
                                               is experiencing today. We utilize the         Discounts available through GIADA Legal
                                               Cigna PPO network with zero annual            Resources
                                               deductibles, zero copays for doctor visits,
                                               labs, x-rays and more.

                                                                                                                2ND QUARTER 2019 | PAGE 9
Jacobs & King, LLC
We’ve built our reputation by telling        SpinCar
clients what they need to know, not what     646-692-3535
they want to hear.                                                    Foundation Ambulance, Inc.
__________________________________           SpinCar® is a comprehensive automotive        678-826-2219
                                             merchandising platform in use by    
                                             thousands of dealers in the USA, hundreds     We sell ambulances, but have a full-
                                             internationally across 12 countries, and      service Paint, Body, Upholstery &
                                             several OEMs. SpinCar’s Mobile Capture        Graphics departments available for
                                             Application increases photographer            general auto repairs or vehicle wraps, etc.
                                             efficiency by 2-3x while guaranteeing         10% Discount to GIADA members
Lefkoff Law, LLC                             photographic consistency and promoting
404-482-2228                                 higher inventory coverage ratios. SpinCar’s            PARTS & SERVICE                               360° WalkAround® display is proven
                                             to increase website dwell times and           Amerifleet Transportation, Inc.
Lefkoff Law is a general practice law firm
                                             conversion rates by providing a more          404-432-4611
that specializes in the representation of
                                             interactive experience. Finally, SpinCar’s
GIADA dealers and associated finance
                                             reporting provides unprecedented              Repair & Maintenance on Vehicles
companies in fair business practices
                                             consumer insights that foster customer-       In Route; Vehicle Transportation and
act litigation, insurance disputes,
                                             tailored sales conversations and marketing.   Temporary Storage of Vehicles
government investigations, employment,
and much more. Lefkoff Law - Integrity.
                                                        PAINT & BODY                       Associated Fuel Systems Inc.
Solutions. Results.
50% off initial consultation for GIADA       AP Auto Repair Shop
members                                      404-519-3560
                                                                                           Full service truck repair shop. We can
__________________________________           Douglasville, GA
                                                                                           diagnose all your minor & major diesel
Lefkoff, Rubin, & Gleason, PC                __________________________________
                                                                                           repair needs down to the most difficult
404-869-6900                                 Auto Tech & Body Work Inc.
                                                                                           troubleshooting issues.                                   (404) 363-1277
Creditors’ Rights, Bankruptcy,     
                                                                                           Auto Doctor, Inc.
Foreclosures and Collections                 Established in 1980, Auto Tech & Body
__________________________________           Work is located at 3937 Jonesboro Rd in
Rountree & Leitman                           Forest Park, GA - Clayton County and is
                                                                                           Canton, GA - We are a collision center. We
404-584-1229                                 a business listed in the categories Auto
                                                                                           work on all makes & models. Restorations                                 Maintenance & Repair Services, Auto
                                                                                           of cars & trucks. Free Estimates
Rountree Leitman & Klein, LLC is a full      Body Repair, Auto Repair, Auto Body &
service commercial law firm specializing     Fender Work, General Automotive Repair
in business and personal bankruptcy,         Shops and Auto Body Repair & Service.
loan workouts and debt restructuring,        __________________________________
commercial litigation, collections,          Courson’s Paint & Body Shop, Inc.
landlord/tenant, foreclosures, evictions,    912-367-4226
lien law and business disputes.              Body Shop
                                                                                           We are committed to your success. Every
 MANAGEMENT CONSULTING                                                                     day, AutoZoners do whatever it takes to
                                                                                           help you manage your shop efficiently,
C.A.P.O. Consulting                                                                        train your technicians, and maximize
770-527-1304                                                                               your profits. With Team AutoZone,
                                                                                           you can take advantage of a wealth of
                                                                                           services specifically tailored to meet
                                                                                           the needs of the auto repair industry.
                                                                                           AutoZone, IMC and ALLDATA work
                                                                                           together for you, to deliver an integrated,
                                                                                           all-in-one approach that promises to
                                                                                           help you get more mileage out of your
                                                                                           business plan.

PAGE 10 | 2ND QUARTER 2019

Cooper Tire
For Sales - Kevin Kummerer                 Lewis Color, Inc.
__________________________________         800-346-0371
Mr. Perfect Customs                                            Snapcell
678-540-7750                               Printing, Promotional & Marketing Needs     974-762-7567                          
We provide a variety of auto custom                                                    In an increasingly video-orientated
services, including auto sales, auto
                                            PROMOTIONAL & MARKETING                    consumer industry, SnapCell is a
interior restoration, window tint, auto                                                powerful video app that enables dealers
accessories sales and installation.                                                    to reach out to, and respond to, customer
__________________________________                                                     inquiries with attention-grabbing
                                           BirdEye                                     personal videos that sell cars and
                                           650-313-5225                                improves the customer experience.
                                           BirdEye is the all-in-one customer                 RECONDITIONING &
Phoenix Automotive Cores                   experience platform that reimagines the              ACCESSORIES
(678) 208-8736                             way customer feedback is used. Serving                           over 40,000+ businesses, BirdEye makes
International Automotive Core Supplier     it easy to get more feedback, drive
& Processor of Catalytic Converters.       more business, and retain more loyal
We purchase used auto parts to supply      customers.
the automotive parts remanufactures        __________________________________
worldwide. Our highly efficient catalyst   Meeting Street Graphics                     Accessory Distributing Co Inc.
dust collection system provides            205-497-0520                                770-745-8446
maximum value to all our catalytic                  
converter customers.                       Personalized Drive-Out Tags                 Key Tags, Chemicals, Pin Stripping,
__________________________________         __________________________________          Magnets
Southern Pik-A-Part of Columbus                                                        We are a family owned company since
706-689-1313                                                                           1966. We offer a variety of dealing                                                                                supplies and paperwork needed for
We are the cutting edge of the full                                                    a new or used car dealership. We also
service used auto parts industry! Lowest                                               service body shops and car detail shops.
Pricing Guaranteed!                                                                    10% off any Yeager brand product (one-
__________________________________                                                     time use). 10% off your first custom auto
The Parts Farm                                                                         plate order.
912-526-3080                                                __________________________________
                                           954-821-1138                                Advance Chemical Products
Call us today about putting an engine
                                  is an excellent 
kit together for your street rod, retro
                                           marketing tool to help independent          Detail Supplies
conversion or kit car!                                                                 __________________________________
__________________________________         dealers sell more vehicles. It allows the
Utility Trailer Sales Comp of GA, LLC      dealer to give each customer two years
404-363-4383                               of free maintenance on a sold vehicle,
                                                                                                    differentiating the dealer from other
South's finest full service Trailer        dealers in the market.
Dealership. Our Primary objective is       GIADA members receive a $200 savings             RENTAL CAR BUSINESS
to provide the transportation industry     on the first three months with a three      Associated Car Rental Systems
with quality trailers, excellent service   month or longer agreement. New dealer       770-948-1731
and aftermarket parts from our leading     sign-ups only.                    
manufacturers.                                                                         Rent-A-Car Training & Insurance

                                                                                                       2ND QUARTER 2019 | PAGE 11
Avis Rent A Car Systems, Inc.
404-763-6331                                        Law Office of Confidence N. Mpia
Avis Car Rental and its subsidiaries            (678) 539-7885                             ASC Warranty
operate one of the world's best-known                                 800-442-7116
car rental brands with approximately            Send out Certified Demand Letter,
5,500 locations in more than 165                Skiptracing, Criminal Warrants for         “Helping Dealers Sell More Cars for Over
countries. Avis has a long history of           Prosecution, Auto Deficiency Civil         30 Years “
innovation in the car rental industry           Suits, Garnishments, Garnishment/Fifa,     Contact Dealer Services at 800-442-
and is one of the world's top brands            Document Drafting, Liens, Voluntary and    7116 to receive a $90 off first 12 month
for customer loyalty. Avis is owned by          Involuntary Repossessions.                 or longer Service Agreement coupon!
Avis Budget Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CAR),          New Client Intoductory Pricing of $350     (One coupon per dealership, ASC
which operates and licenses the brand           per file                                   Finance contracts do not qualify) Expires
throughout the world.                           __________________________________         12/31/19
__________________________________                                                         __________________________________
Enterprise Leasing Company-Southeast                                                       Coastal Credit
803-749-6153                                                                               770-403-5808                                                                   
Vehicle Rentals                                                                            Coastal specializes in purchasing
__________________________________              Recovery Center & Management, Inc.         contracts from new and used automobile
Penske Truck Leasing Co.                                                                   dealerships. We have been serving the
610-775-6099                                                                               automobile industry continuously since
                                                                                                           1987. Our primary customer base is in
                                                Repossession & Skip Tracing
Truck Rental                                                                               the secondary used car market, and we
                                                __________________________________         purchase loans made to military and
__________________________________              Victory Recovery Services, Inc.            civilian consumers.
RDR Car Truck & Van Rental                      866-945-2855                               __________________________________
229 924-6330                                                            Nationwide Skip Tracing & Repossession
Affordable and reliable rental services for
cars, trucks, vans, suv’s, and moving trucks.            SATELLITE RADIO                   DealerRE
                                                                                           804 824-9533
Xpress Rent-A-Car
                                                                                           DealerRE is the expert at establishing
Car Rental in Dublin, GA - 2372 US-80,          SiriusXM Radio                             and managing dealer owned reinsurance
Dublin, GA 31021                                866-635-5027                               companies which allow dealers to
                                                                     provide their own limited warranties,
      REPOSSESSION & SKIP                       Satellite Radio & Online Radio Service     service contracts, and ancillaries
           TRACING                                                                         products. We also help BHPH dealers
Hill & Associates of GA, Inc.                         SERVICE CONTRACT                     provide debt cancellation, collateral
770-499-1801                                        PROVIDERS, WARRANTY                    protection insurance (CPI) and GAP.                                  AGWS                                       With our 25 years of automotive F&I
Automobile Repossessions                        800-579-2233                               and reinsurance company management
                                                                      experience, we can help you put the
                                                AGWS is an innovative provider of          perfect
                                                administration services for Dealers        __________________________________
                                                and Marketers offering vehicle service
                                                contracts, limited warranties, and a
                                                variety of environmental and aftermarket
                                                products across the United States. Since
                                                its inception in 1998, the goals of AGWS   Diamond Warranty Corp.
                                                are to offer superior claim processing,    800-384-5023
                                                exceptional customer service, and
                                                unmatched profitability options.           Extended Automotive Warranty
                                                Products are insured by A (Excellent)      Coverage Plans & Aftermarket Vehicle
                                                rated carriers.                            Warranty Provider

PAGE 12 | 2ND QUARTER 2019
Freedom Warranty                                                                         Preferred Warranties
860-392-9361                                Integrity Warranty LLC                       800-548-1121                         423-910-9490                       
Freedom Warranty of America is on a                        PWI offers a full range of vehicle
mission to revolutionize the Vehicle        Industry-leading service contract            protection plans to fit all budgets and
Service Contract Industry by introducing    options, for an industry-leading selection   needs, so your customers can drive away
innovative products that include:           of vehicles. We help you provide value to    with confidence.
Freedom Classic, Freedom Complete,          every car buyer.                             __________________________________
Freedom Drive, and Freedom Vital.           Backed by an A.M. Best A-rated insurance
Our products are available exclusively      company, our service contracts provide
through approved car dealerships,           "Peace of Mind Nationwide."
certified repair facilities, established    $50 off first service contract with a term
lenders, and accredited insurance           of 12 months or longer. Applicable to
agencies throughout the United States.      new dealers only. Limit one per contract.
                                                                                         ProGuard Warranty Inc.
__________________________________          __________________________________
                                            Interstate National Dealer Services
                                                             ProGuard Warranty is a leading provider
                                            Interstate National Dealer Services is a     of new and pre-owned vehicle service
                                            leading nationwide provider of service       contracts sold exclusively through a
                                            contracts and extended warranties.           nationwide network of dealer partners.
Gold Standard Automotive Network
                                            Coverage is offered for a broad range        We offer an expansive menu of Standard,
                                            of products including new and used           Commercial, CPO and GAP vehicle
                                            cars and trucks, recreational vehicles,      protection plans backed up by the best
Gold Standard is the Industry Innovator
                                            watercraft and more.                         service in the industry. With Dividends,
in VSC's, that includes prepaid
                                            __________________________________           Commissions, Bonuses and Reward
maintenance with every contract offered.
                                                                                         programs to increase your bottom line,
Maintenance creates the easiest close
                                                                                         high-end marketing material to simplify
when offering a VSC on any make, model,
                                                                                         your sales process and the most user-
mile & year vehicle. We also protect your
                                            NVP Warranty                                 friendly dealer portal, ProGuard is the
dealer profits!
                                            888-270-5835                                 complete package.
                                            NVP Dealer Benefits include: Increase          SOCIAL MEDIA &/OR ONLINE
                                            transaction profitability; Provide              REPUTATION MONITORING
                                            customers with a quality service contract
                                            program; Simple pricing matrix to share
GWC Warranty                                with customers; Easy to Understand
1-800-482-7357                              Coverage Programs; Solid underwriting        Podium                             and insurance backing and much more!         801-376-0677
GWC Warranty is the automotive              __________________________________ 
industry’s best-in-class provider of used                                                Podium helps businesses drive user-
vehicle service contracts. We help our                                                   generated content in the form of online
dealers sell more cars by giving car                                                     reviews to increase visibility, improve
shoppers the confidence to become car                                                    business operations, and drive purchase
buyers. Since 1995, GWC has worked                                                       decisions. Podium serves 50,000+ users
with our dealer partners to protect more    Penn Warranty Corp                           across nearly 10,000 local businesses and
than 1.5 million customers.                 570-991-3044                                 is redefining the modern relationship
$25 off one service contract with a term                             between businesses and customers.
of 12 months or longer. Applicable          As an industry leader in the extended
to new dealers only. Offer expires          service contract space, we offer unlimited
12/31/2019. No cash value. Limit one per    mileage plans and peace of mind to your
contract. Discount code: GA19               customers! Ask us how we can help you
                                            be more profitable.

                                                                                                         2ND QUARTER 2019 | PAGE 13
AMS Vans, Inc.
                                                     USED CAR VALUATION                   770-729-9400
Professional Mojo LLC                                                           
866-611-2715                                                                              Van Conversions                                                                      __________________________________
                                               Black Book                                 Custom Mobility Van & Lift Sales &
Online marketing portfolio creation and
                                               800-554-1026                               Services LLC
      TAX COMMISSIONERS                        Wholesale Vehicle Guide          
                                               GIADA members receive 1 month free         Conversions, Hand Controls, and
Chatham County Tax Commissioners               with a paid subscription to a Black Book   Wheelchairs
912-652-7100                                   product                                    __________________________________

           TITLE SERVICES                        VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTS
Avanco Tag & Title Service                     Auto Data Direct, Inc.
404-768-7162                                   850-877-8804                   
Title and Registration Services                Vehicle Database Searches
__________________________________             __________________________________
                                                                                          R & R Van Lift Sales & Services
                                               Carfax                                     R&R Van Lift has the largest selection
                                               404-323-8584                               of new and used wheelchair accessible
                                                                      vans, trucks and SUV's. We offer a
Tags & Titles, Inc.                                                                       full service department that installs
                                               Vehicle History
770-552-8227                                                                              high-tech equipment, hand controls                                                                            and vehicle modifications. As well as,
We offer a full range of tag and title             VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS                  wheelchair accessible van rentals.
services, including processing duplicate       Adaptive Driving Solutions Inc.
titles over the counter at the GA Dept. of     706-364-2688
Revenue office. All tag & title transactions
are processed directly at the county, if an    Quality new and used handicap vans and
error is made we will have it corrected        scooter lifts designed to accommodate
before the title prints.                       your individual needs
We would like to offer GIADA members           __________________________________
10% off our service fee on all duplicate       Adaptive Mobility Systems, Inc.
titles.                                        770-674-0776
                                               Adaptive Mobility Systems was
                                               incorporated in Georgia in 1979 and has
TitleTec an AutoPoint Company                  been building wheelchair accessible vans
877-684-4958                                   since.
Business, Title & Registration Software
 Save big money on dealer forms & supplies for your dealership.

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                                      GIADA LEGAL
                                      RES O U R CES

                    GIADA LEGAL | Expert Legal Assistance available
                             to GIADA Dealer Members

           GIADA ASSOCIATE MEMBER | Keep a lookout for service providers
               with our GIADA Associate Member logo on their website!

             GIADA QUALITY DEALER | Visit to view the criteria
                      for the 2019 Quality Dealer of the Year.

GIADA SCHOLARSHIP | Visit to view the criteria for the 2019 GIADA Scholarship.
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