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INTEGRATING TREATMENT FOR PTSD INTO DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOR THERAPY FOR BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Melanie Harned, Ph.D. Funded by Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics R34MH082143 University of Washington
The Problem PTSD decreases the likelihood of remitting from BPD and predicts worse treatment outcome. Extensive trauma BPD PTSD ~50% of BPD clients have PTSD. PTSD increases the 69-80% of BPD clients risk of suicidal and self-injure and/or attempt self-injurious suicide. 8-10% die by behavior in BPD. suicide. Suicide & Self-Injury
Treatment Options Self-Injuring & Suicidal BPD PTSD
PTSD Treatments: The Problem of Exclusion ¨ Clinical trials for PTSD have excluded [T]he common ~30% of patients referred for confluence of exclusion criteria treatment. for suicide risk ¨ The number of exclusion criteria used and substance abuse/dependence is positively related to outcome. is likely to exclude ¨ Common exclusion criteria: many patients with borderline ¤ Suicide risk (46%) features… ¤ Substance abuse/dependence (62%) (p. 224) ¤ “Serious comorbidity” (62%)
DBT: The Problem of not Targeting Outcomes for Axis I Disorders in DBT % Remitted (Harned, Chapman, Dexter-Mazza, Murray, Comtois, & Linehan, 2008)
The Treatment Development Process
Integrating DBT with Prolonged Exposure therapy for PTSD ¨ Standard DBT (1 year) ¤ Individual DBT therapy (1 hour/wk) ¤ DBT group skills training (2.5 hours/wk) ¤ Telephone coaching (as needed) ¤ Therapist consultation team (1 hour/wk) ¨ DBT Prolonged Exposure Protocol ¤ Modified Prolonged Exposure therapy for PTSD ¤ Occurs concurrently with standard DBT ¤ Administered by the individual DBT therapist
Problems to Solve 1. Suicide risk and other high-priority problems made targeting PTSD untenable. 2. Poor distress tolerance made exposure therapy also untenable.
Solution Was to Use a Stage-Based Treatment Model Judith Herman’s Stages of Trauma Recovery (1992) Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Establishing Safety Remembrance and Reconnection and Stability Mourning Emotional Behavioral Processing of Building a Life Control & Skill Trauma without PTSD Acquisition DBT PE Protocol Standard DBT (1 year)
Solution Was Also to Apply ¨ DBT contingency management and commitment strategies to increase motivation to: Treat PTSD Achieve behavioral control in order to treat PTSD Stay under control while treating PTSD
Problems to Solve 3. No clear criteria existed for determining when suicidal and self-injuring BPD clients are ready for PTSD treatment.
Solution Was to Develop BPD-specific readiness criteria and Test them through an iterative process of treatment development
Deciding when to Start PTSD Treatment ¨ Not at imminent risk of suicide. ¨ No recent (past 2 mos.) life-threatening behavior. ¨ Ability to control life-threatening behaviors in the presence of cues for those behaviors. ¨ No serious therapy-interfering behavior. ¨ PTSD is the highest priority target for the client and the client wants to treat PTSD now. ¨ Ability and willingness to experience intense emotions without escaping.
Problems to Solve 4. Therapists were sometimes afraid to treat PTSD, even when clients were eligible.
Solution Was to Use ¨ DBT Therapist Consultation Team to assess and problem-solve therapist factors that interfere with PTSD treatment: ¤ Fear of making the client worse ¤ Uncertainty about client readiness ¤ Lack of confidence in ability to treat PTSD ¤ Burnout
Problems to Solve 5. PE does not include structured methods for monitoring suicide risk and other potential negative reactions to exposure.
Solution Was to Apply DBT Self-Monitoring Strategies DBT Diary Card Pre-Post Exposure Ratings ü Suicide attempts ü Urges to commit suicide ü Self-injury ü Urges to self-injure ü Urges to commit suicide ü Urges to use substances ü Urges to self-injure ü Urges to drop out ü Substance use ü Dissociation ü Other client-specific problem behaviors
Problems to Solve 6. BPD clients often have difficulty achieving effective levels of emotional engagement during exposure.
Solution Was to Use DBT Skills During Exposure As Needed to Down-regulate Emotions Up-regulate Emotions ¨ Opposite action ¨ Observe and describe ¨ TIPP skills ¨ One-mindfulness ¨ Self-soothe ¨ Mindfulness of current ¨ Distraction emotion ¨ IMPROVE the moment ¨ Mindfulness of thoughts ¨ Radical acceptance ¨ Willingness
Problems to Solve 7. BPD clients have multiple problems and chaotic lives that make focusing only on a single problem (or disorder) difficult.
Solution Was Also to Use DBT to Address ¨ Any other serious problems that may occur during PTSD treatment (whether or not they are related to PTSD treatment). ¤ Increased suicide or self-injury urges or behaviors ¤ Treatment noncompliance ¤ Major life problems (e.g., relationship, employment, housing, financial, and health problems) ¤ Other Axis I or II disorders (e.g., eating disorders, major depression, substance use disorders) Use standard DBT strategies, skills, and protocols to target these problems, ideally without having to stop PTSD treatment.
Solution Was Also to Develop ¨ Specific guidelines for: ¤ When to stop PTSD treatment n If higher-priority behaviors occur (or recur) ¤ What to do while PTSD treatment is stopped n Targeting higher-priority behaviors ¤ When to resume PTSD treatment after stopping n Whenhigher-priority behaviors have been sufficiently addressed
Research Findings
Research Progress Pilot cases Open trial Pilot RCT (n=7) (n=13) (n=26) Harned & Linehan, Harned, Korslund, Foa, Harned, Korslund, & 2008 & Linehan, 2012 Linehan, 2014
Treatment Acceptability and Feasibility
Treatment Preferences 76% of suicidal and self-injuring BPD +PTSD clients prefer a combined DBT and PE treatment. Harned, Tkachuck, & Youngberg, 2013
Treatment Feasibility: Open Trial & Pilot RCT M=week 20 (range = 6-37) M=13 Completed sessions (range= (n=13; 73%) DBT PE Protocol 6-19) Started Did not complete (n=18; 60%) (n=5; 27%) Intent-to-Treat DBT+DBT PE Samples Treatment drop (n=30) (n=7; 58%) DBT PE Protocol PTSD remitted Treatment drop Not Started (n=3; 25%) (n=2) (n=12; 40%) Unable to stabilize (n=2; 17%)
Treatment Safety
Exposure Rarely Causes Increases in Suicide and Self-Injury Urges Urge to Urge to Commit Suicide Self-Injure Increase in urges 7.7% 8.2% No change in urges 80.5% 78.2% Decrease in urges 11.8% 13.6% Note. Urges were rated immediately before and after each exposure task (n=701).
Adding DBT PE Does not Increase Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Percentage (%) 0-4 Months 4-8 Months 8-12 Months Treatment Year Total
And it May Even Decrease these Behaviors Clients in DBT+DBT PE were 1.4 – 2.4 times less likely to attempt suicide and 1.3 – 1.5 times less Percentage (%) likely to self-injure. Harned, Korslund, & Linehan, 2014
Clinical Outcomes
PTSD Remission Rates: Post-Treatment Meta-Analysis of Exposure Treatments for PTSD* Completers: 68% % Remitted from PTSD Full Sample: 53% No PTSD worsening * Bradley et al., 2005
PTSD Remission Rates: 3 Months Follow-Up % Remitted from PTSD
Secondary Outcomes Response* Recovery** Post-Treatment DBT+DBT DBT DBT+DBT DBT Outcomes PE PE Depression (HAM-D) 80% 80% 60% 20% Anxiety (HAM-A) 80% 80% 40% 0% Trauma-related guilt (TRGI) 60% 20% 60% 20% Shame (ESS) 100% 60% 100% 20% Global Severity Index (BSI) 100% 40% 80% 0% Among treatment completers, recovery rates on secondary outcomes were 40-100% in DBT+DBT PE and 0-20% in DBT. *Response = reliable improvement **Recovery = reliable improvement + return to normal functioning
Conclusions DBT with the DBT PE protocol: ü Is preferred by the majority of suicidal and/or self- injuring BPD clients with PTSD. ü Is feasible to implement for the majority of clients who complete one year of standard DBT. ü Can be delivered safely. ü Achieves rates of PTSD remission comparable to other PTSD treatments, but higher and more stable than those found in DBT. ü Is associated with large improvements in a variety of BPD and trauma-related outcomes that are greater than those found in DBT.
Acknowledgments ¨ Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. ¨ Anita Lungu, Ph.D. ¨ Edna Foa, Ph.D. ¨ Erin Ward, M.S. ¨ Kathryn Korslund, Ph.D. ¨ Adrianne Stevens, M.S. ¨ Dan Finnegan, M.S.W. ¨ Maureen Zalewski, Ph.D. ¨ Samantha Yard, M.S. ¨ Magda Rodriguez- ¨ Trevor Schraufnagel, Ph.D. Gonzalez, Psy.D. ¨ Clara Doctolero, Psy.D. ¨ Susan Bland, M.S.W. ¨ Andrea Neal, Ph.D. ¨ All the clients who ¨ Penni Brinkerhoff, M.A. participated in this research
Recommendations for Further Reading 1. Harned, M. S., Korslund, K. E., & Linehan, M. M. (2014). A pilot randomized controlled trial of DBT with and without the DBT Prolonged Exposure protocol for suicidal and self-injuring women with borderline personality disorder and PTSD. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 55, 7-17. 2. Harned, M. S., Korslund, K. E., Foa, E. B., & Linehan, M. M. (2012). Treating PTSD in suicidal and self-injuring women with borderline personality disorder: Development and preliminary evaluation of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure protocol. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50, 381-386. 3. Harned, M. S. (2013). Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder with comorbid borderline personality disorder. In D. McKay & E. Storch (Eds.), Handbook of Treating Variants and Complications in Anxiety Disorders (pp. 203-221). New York, NY: Springer Press.
Recommendations for Further Reading (cont.) 4. Harned, M. S., Tkachuck, M. A., & Youngberg, K. A. (2013). Treatment preference among suicidal and self-injuring women with borderline personality disorder and PTSD. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69, 749-761. 5. Harned, M. S. & Linehan, M. M. (2008). Integrating Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Prolonged Exposure to treat co-occurring borderline personality disorder and PTSD: Two case studies. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 15, 263-276. 6. Wagner, A. W., Rizvi, S. L., & Harned, M. S. (2007). Applications of DBT to the treatment of complex trauma-related problems: When one case formulation does not fit all. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 20, 391-400.
Contact Info Melanie Harned, Ph.D. Email:
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