Meet the TRI team - Tokio Marine HCC

Page created by Laura Salinas
Meet the TRI team - Tokio Marine HCC
Meet the TRI team

Meet the TRI team - Tokio Marine HCC
Meet the TRI Team – Global

The complexity of risks inherent in a corporate level transaction, such as a merger or acquisition, can be such that they threaten
the deal itself. Tokio Marine HCC specialises in customising innovative Transaction Risk Insurance solutions, allowing the seller to
protect deal proceeds while the buyer gains adequate recourse should any unexpected losses or liabilities arise once the deal is
finalised. Our Transaction Risk Insurance team looks to offer a convenient risk transfer solution that can enhance the deal.
Deborah McBrearty heads this team, conducting business out of our Barcelona, London, New York while coordinating with the
Singapore offices for the North American, European and APAC markets.

                 Deborah McBrearty
                 Global Head of Transaction Risk Insurance

                 Tel: +34 93 530 7393
                 Mob: +34 687 971 530

Deborah has over 20 years’ experience in the insurance industry, specifically in the field
of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) solutions. She is widely recognised for establishing
Transaction Risk Insurance (TRI) as a sought-after line of business.

Since joining Tokio Marine HCC in 2009, she has been managing the TRI book of
business globally, with teams in Barcelona, London, Munich, New York, Singapore and

Recently, she has taken on an executive management role that sees her join the
directorship of the Financial Lines & Transaction Risk division.

Meet the TRI team - Tokio Marine HCC
Meet the TRI Team – Europe

               Miguel Angel Hernandez                         Birgit Rummel
               TRI Manager                                    TRI Manager
               Southern Europe                                Northern Europe               
Tel: +34 93 530 7326                          Tel: +49 89 3803 4644
Mob: +34 680 407 927                          Mob: +49 152 9003 8585

Miguel joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2012        Birgit leads our Transaction Risk Insurance
and, currently, leads our Southern            team for Northern Europe. She is a
European team.                                qualified German lawyer specialising in
                                              Corporate Finance and M&A.
He is a qualified Spanish lawyer,
specialising in corporate and commercial      Before joining Tokio Marine HCC in 2016,
law as well as M&A transactions and has       Birgit worked at Munich Re for over 14
worked in the M&A industry for over 15        years. She has a proven track record of
years. He has concentrated on both the        handling       complex       cross-border
legal and the underwriting side of this       transactions and combines insurance and
industry and developed a strong               reinsurance knowhow with market-
international focus. As such, his extensive   management experience.
experience spans many jurisdictions
including Asia Pacific, Continental Europe,   She holds an Executive Master’s degree in
Latin America and the UK.                     International Business and Law from
                                              H.S.G., in Switzerland.
Miguel speaks Catalan, Spanish and
English.                                      Birgit speaks    German,     English   and

Meet the TRI team - Tokio Marine HCC
Meet the TRI Team – Europe

              Laura Roman                                   Iñigo Caja
              TRI Senior Underwriter                        TRI Senior Underwriter                   
Tel: +34 93 530 7348                         Tel: +34 93 530 7306
Mob: +34 676 764 970                         Mob: +34 687 971 528

Laura is a qualified Spanish lawyer, now     Iñigo is a qualified Spanish lawyer with
Senior Underwriter on the Transaction        experience in corporate, contract and
Risk Insurance (TRI) team.                   insolvency law, as well as providing
                                             counsel on acquisitions.
Since her incorporation to the team, she
has underwritten M&A transactions            Prior to joining Tokio Marine HCC in 2019,
worldwide with a particular focus on Asia    he worked for Magin Pont, Abogados y
Pacific and the UK. She now manages          Asesores Tributarios, Bufete Marroquín
our French and Benelux risk portfolio and,   and Uría Menéndez Abogados. He has a
as one of our more experienced               Master’s degree in Law from Universitat
underwriters, leads the development of       de Barcelona. His vast M&A experience
policy wordings, coordinates the team’s      has led him to his position today as a
technical training, and handles knowledge    Senior Underwriter focusing on our
management within the department.            Southern Europe portfolio.

Laura speaks Catalan, Spanish, English       Iñigo speaks Catalan, Spanish, English
and French.                                  and French.

Meet the TRI Team – Europe

               Magdalena Gmur                                  Herminia Pérez                                 Oscar Acuña
               TRI Underwriter                                 TRI Underwriter                                TRI Underwriter                                           
Tel: +34 93 530 7483                           Tel: +34 93 530 7374                            Tel: +34 93 530 7415
Mob: +34 687 048 188                           Mob: +34 629 183 555                            Mob: +34 687 048 469

Magdalena graduated from the Faculty of        Herminia is a Spanish qualified lawyer.         Oscar is a Chilean qualified lawyer who
Law and Administration of the University of    She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and        joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2018.
Warsaw and completed a course in US            a Master’s degree in Business Law and           Originally, he concentrated on M&A in the
law at the Center for American Law             Industrial & Intellectual Property, both from   Asia-pacific region, and then shifted his
Studies co-organised by the University of      the University of Barcelona.                    focus to Southern Europe and Latin
Warsaw and the University of Florida Levin                                                     America.
College of Law. She is a qualified attorney,   Herminia joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2017
admitted to the Warsaw Bar Association         as an intern and in a short time has            Prior to joining, Oscar was an Associate
since 2016.                                    ascended to now hold the position of TRI        Lawyer for over 10 years in a leading
                                               Underwriter, focusing mainly on our             Chilean law firm, specialising in corporate
She started as a TRI Underwriter for Tokio     French and Benelux portfolio.                   and commercial litigation.
Marine HCC in 2019 and was previously
an Associate at DLA Piper Giziński Kycia       Herminia speaks French, Spanish, English        He holds a Master’s degree in
sp.k.                                          and Catalan.                                    International Business Law from ESADE
                                                                                               Business and Law School and specialises
Magdalena speaks native Polish and is                                                          in Tax Consultancy.
fluent in English, French and Spanish.
                                                                                               Oscar speaks Spanish, English, French
                                                                                               and German.

Meet the TRI Team – Europe

              Leo Gradinaru                              Juan Manuel Velazquez
              TRI Jr. Underwriter                        TRI Jr. Underwriter             
Tel: +34 93 530 7356                       Tel: +34 93 530 7300
                                           Mob: +34 687 971 525

Leo joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2019,       Juan Manuel joined Tokio Marine HCC in
focusing on the Southern European          2021 as a Junior Underwriter.
                                           He holds a Lawyer degree from the
Previously, he interned at two law firms   Universidad Nacional de Rosario and a
and also worked for SegurCaixa. He holds   Master’s degree in International Business
a Bachelor’s degree in Law jointly from    Law from the Université Toulouse I
Universitat Jaume I and Universitat de     Capitole. During the past years, he has
Barcelona as well as Master’s degree in    held different positions as a junior
Investment Treaty Arbitration from the     associate of a law firm in Argentina and
University of Uppsala in Sweden.           legal counsel for ATR, a French J-V of
Leo speaks Spanish, Catalan, Russian,
Romanian, English and Italian.             Juan Manuel speaks Spanish, French,
                                           English, and Italian.

Meet the TRI Team – UK

               Nuala Read                                   Philippa Manley
               TRI Manager                                  TRI Analyst
Tel: +44 (0)20 7648 1309                      Tel: +44 (0)20 7648 1314
Mob: +44 (0)7702 806 874                      Mob: +44 (0)7747 562 009

Nuala joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2017.        Philippa joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2020
Currently, she leads our UK team in their     and focuses on the UK region.
offering of tailored insurance coverages to
clients involved in M&A deals.                Before joining the team, Philippa
                                              completed the Lloyd’s of London graduate
Nuala has worked in the insurance             scheme during which time she worked for
industry for over 25 years. Her career has    the Lloyd’s Corporation financial lines
focused predominantly on both the broking     team at Lockton and the transaction risk
and the underwriting of M&A insurance         insurance team at Tokio Marine HCC.
products. Her vast experience in this field
has seen her place hundreds of specialist     She has a Bachelor’s degree in Law, a
M&A policies that often sit alongside         Dean Commendation from the University
complex deal structures. Thanks to this,      of Exeter and is ACII qualified.
Nuala is heavily consulted in the
development of M&A insurance policies
that bring value to both deal parties.

Nuala is ACII qualified and holds a degree
from Bristol University.

Meet the TRI Team – USA

              Shane de Burca                            Safiah Smith
              TRI Lead Underwriter                      Operations Coordinator, TRI
              North America                 
Tel: +1 212 326 9360                         Tel: +1 646.818.0130
Mob: +1 646 799 3114

Shane is a qualified attorney specializing   Safiah joined Tokio Marine HCC in April
in M&A and holds more than 20 years'         2021 as the Operations Coordinator for the
experience across private legal practice     underwriting team of Reps and Warranties
and the insurance industry. He is now        Insurance (RWI) for North American M&A
Lead Underwriter for North America on our    deals.
Transaction Risk Insurance team.
                                             Prior to joining the company, she worked
Before joining Tokio Marine HCC in 2017,     at an insurance defense law firm where
Shane was Chief Counsel Underwriter at       she supported the managing partner
Concord Specialty Risk. Prior to that, he    handling a wide range of legal tasks.
was in legal practice at Davis Polk, and
Chadbourne (now Norton Rose).                Safiah holds a Bachelor’s degree in
                                             Criminal Justice with a minor in
His insurance career has focused on          Psychology from Rutgers University.
specialist  transaction   risk  products
including Representations & Warranties
Insurance (RWI) and Tax Indemnity.

Meet the TRI Team – USA

               A.J. Kritzman                                   John Csuka                                        Cameron Williamson
               TRI Senior Underwriter                          TRI Senior Underwriter                            TRI Underwriter                                        
Tel: +1 212 326 9339                           Tel: +1 212 326 9339                           Tel: +1 281 627 1281
Mob: +1 646 761 7191                           Mob: +1 646 761 7191

A.J. is a qualified attorney specializing in   John is a qualified attorney specializing in   Cameron joined Tokio Marine HCC in
M&A and now Senior Underwriter focusing        M&A and now Senior Underwriter focusing        2021.
on underwriting Reps and Warranties            on underwriting Reps and Warranties
insurance (RWI) for North American M&A         insurance (RWI) for North American M&A         Prior to joining the company, he was an
deals.                                         deals.                                         Associate Attorney at the law firms
                                                                                              Kirkland & Ellis and Smith Anderson.
He holds over 20 years’ experience across      He holds over 10 years’ experience in
the insurance industry, private legal          private legal practice. Before joining Tokio   He comes from a background in private
practice and public accountancy. Prior to      Marine HCC in 2019, he was a Senior            legal practice, specializing in Mergers and
joining Tokio Marine HCC in 2018, A.J.                                                        Acquisitions (M&A), and is licensed in the
                                               Associate in the Corporate and Finance
was Senior Counsel, M&A Underwriting at                                                       states of New York, Texas and North
                                               practice group of Arnold & Porter.
Concord Specialty Risk.                                                                       Carolina. Cameron is qualified Juris Doctor
                                                                                              from Duke University of Law.
                                               He is a graduate of Brown University with
A.J. is the go-to RWI underwriter for                                                         .
                                               a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science
inbound Japanese deals. He also instructs
junior team members on underwriting            and went on to obtain his doctorate degree
deals and negotiating policy language. He      (JD) from Fordham University School of
is a knowledge leader on the nuances of        Law.
underwriting U.S.-style deals.

Meet the TRI Team – USA

               Jonathan Ellis                                Matt Aslan                                    Patrick Rutkowski
               TRI Underwriting Analyst                      TRI Underwriting Analyst                      TRI Underwriting Analyst                                        
Tel: +1 212 326 9364                          Tel: +1 860-866-8613                          Tel: +1 347-899-6720

Jonathan joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2019      Matt joined the Tokio Marine HCC team in      Patrick Rutkowski graduated from Florida
as TRI Underwriting Analyst supporting the    2021 as a TRI Underwriting Analyst.           State University with a degree in Risk
underwriting of Reps and Warranties                                                         Management and Insurance in 2018 and is
insurance (RWI) for North American M&A        Previously, he was an Underwriter at          studying towards an MBA.
deals.                                        Berkshire Hathaway and an M&A Analyst
                                              at Concord Specialty Risk and Ethos           He previously worked at the Florida Office
Previously, Jonathan interned with Cantor     Specialty Insurance Services.                 of Insurance Regulation where he
Fitzgerald’s    equity     compensations                                                    monitored the financial solvency of life and
department.                                   Matt holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political   health insurance companies.
                                              Science from Oregon State University.
Jonathan holds a Bachelor’s degree
specializing in Finance from the University
of Miami’s business school.

Meet the TRI Team – APAC

               Adrià Vázquez                                  Thomas Burke                                   Dianna Goodwin
               TRI Manager                                    TRI Senior Underwriter                         TRI Senior Underwriter
Tel: +65 6592 5671                             Tel: +61 292 257 548                           Tel: +65 6592 6536
Mob 1: +65 9739 4364                           Mob: +61 452 365 066                           Mob: +65 8125 0464
Mob 2: +34 664 505 117
Adrià joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2012          Thomas is a trained lawyer with over 10        Dianna joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2019
and, currently, leads the Asia-Pacific         years of M&A experience. He returned to        and is a dual qualified lawyer in England,
(APAC) team from offices in Singapore.         Sydney Australia, from the UK, to join the     Wales and New Zealand. Currently, she is
                                               Tokio Marine Group in 2018. Currently, he      based in Singapore where she focuses on
In addition to almost a decade of              focuses on TRI Underwriting for the            TRI Underwriting for the Asia-Pacific
accumulated TRI underwriting acumen            region.                                        (APAC) region.
across Europe and APAC, Adrià is
experienced in business development and        Prior to this, he spent almost six years as    Dianna holds over 15 years’ experience in
the setup of new underwriting operations.      a corporate lawyer, advising on a variety of   private legal practice. She has practiced
He also acts as Head of the TMAsia-HCC         cross-border transactions. Initially, he       from Auckland, London, Moscow, Warsaw
Division at TMAsia, where he coordinates       practiced for a top-tier law firm in Sydney,   and Singapore. Her main tenure, prior to
intra-group synergies for Financial Lines in   and subsequently, he practiced at a US         working in underwriting, was at Clifford
Asia.                                          law firm in London. His most recent            Chance. There, she advised on complex
                                               position was as a TRI broker for Hemsley       M&A, commercial real-estate and financial
Adrià holds a Bachelor’s degree in             Wynne Furlonge LLP in London.                  transactions across diverse geographic
Business Administration and a dual                                                            markets and in a variety of sectors.
Master’s   degree     in  International        Thomas graduated with a          Bachelor’s
Management and Marketing from ESADE            degree in Social Science         from the      At Tokio Marine HCC, Dianna has
Business School.                               University of Sydney and has a   Bachelor’s    participated in several global and regional
                                               degree in Law from The           Australian    knowledge development initiatives.
He speaks Catalan, Spanish and English.        National University.
Meet the TRI Team – APAC

              Alex Casanovas                                Xin Ying                                     Gemma Castro
              TRI Senior Underwriter                        TRI Underwriter                              TRI Underwriting Assistant                                     
Tel: +34 607 712 712                         Mob: +65 9863 1104                            Tel: +61 04043 50363
Mob: +34 93 530 7409

Alex joined Tokio Marine HCC’s Barcelona     Xin Ying joined Tokio Marine HCC’s            Gemma joined the Tokio Marine HCC
office in 2015 as an Analyst on the          Singapore office in 2021 as a TRI             team in 2020 as a TRI Underwriting
Financial Lines team. He then transitioned   Underwriter focusing on the Asia Pacific      Assistant.
to TRI in 2016 and is, currently, TRI        region.
Underwriter based in Sydney, Australia.                                                    Previously, she practiced Law at different
                                             Prior to this, Xin Ying spent five years in   advisory firms in the banking and
Alex underwrites M&A globally, with a        practice as a corporate lawyer where she      telecommunications industries.
particular focus on Asia-Pacific deals. He   advised on a range of cross-border M&A
has     a    sound   knowledgebase      on   transactions in various industry sectors.     Gemma holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law
accounting and surrounding corporate                                                       from the Universidad Europea de Madrid
valuation matters.                           She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in     and obtained a Bachelor of Civil Law,
                                             Law from the National University of           specializing in Commercial, Negotiation &
He graduated with both a Bachelor's          Singapore.                                    Dispute Resolution from McGill University
degree in Business Administration and a                                                    in Canada.
Master's degree in Finance from ESADE        Xin Ying speaks English and Chinese.
Business School.                                                                           Gemma speaks Spanish, Gallego, English
                                                                                           and French.
Alex speaks     Catalan,   Spanish     and

Meet the TRI Team – Our Assistants

               Ana Carolina Aguilar                           Rubby Peralta                                Anna Homa                                      Isabel Álvarez
               TRI Underwriting                               TRI Underwriting Assistant                   TRI Underwriting Assistant                     TRI Underwriting Assistant
               Support Manager                                                    
Tel: +34 93 530 7410                           Tel: +34 93 530 7300                         Tel: +34 93 530 7300                           Tel: +34 93 530 7300
Mob: +34 666 530 868

Ana Carolina joined Tokio Marine HCC in        Rubby joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2021        Anna joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2020           Isabel joined Tokio Marine HCC in 2021
2016, originally working on the Operations     as TRI Underwriting Assistant.               working directly for the TRI admin team.       as TRI Underwriting Assistant.
team. She later moved on to be a TRI
underwriting assistant and, currently, leads   She has more than ten years of               Previously,    she     gained      valuable    She has a vast experience working as an
our TRI Administrative Team.                   experience as an Executive Assistant.        experience in Customer Service working at      Assistant Manager in Temprano Capital
                                               Previously, she worked in Credit Agricole,   Amway Business Centre Europe in                Partners and has previously worked in the
Ana Carolina is a qualified Venezuelan         BNP Paribas Barclays and Burberry.           Krakow, Poland, and Colt Technology            Hesperia Barcelona Tower.
journalist specialised in audio-visual                                                      Services in Barcelona, Spain. she also
communications and holds a Master’s            Rubby speaks native Spanish and is fluent    worked for Emirates Airline, allowing her to   Isabel has a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism
degree in Administration and Business          in English and French.                       see the world and discover new cultures.       from the Universidad de Vigo, and a
Management from EAE Business School                                                                                                        Master’s      degree      in     Business
                                                                                            Anna holds a Master’s degree in Incentive
in Barcelona, Spain.                                                                                                                       Administration from Eude.
                                                                                            and Business Tourism, and a Bachelor’s
Ana Carolina speaks Spanish and English.                                                    degree in Tourism and Travel Services          Isabel speaks native Spanish, Gallego and
                                                                                            Management.                                    German and is fluent in English and
                                                                                            Anna speaks Spanish, Polish and English.       French.

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