MEDICAL CANNABIS - 'The Next Big Billion Dollar Market Investors Are Rushing To - MEDICAL CANNABIS - Avise Analytics
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` Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited The Next Big Billion Dollar Market Investors Are Rushing To ` MEDICAL CANNABIS Now Legal MEDICAL in Australia CANNABIS Now Legal in Australia 1
` OVERVIEW Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Global medical marijuana market size was valued at US$11.4bn in 2015 and is projected to grow with CAGR of 17.1 % to ~US$55bn by 2025 (Grand View Research) whereas legal cannabis sales in the US reached Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited US$7.4bn in 2016 and are projected to grow at a CAGR of 30% to ~US$21bn by 2020 (ArcView Market Research). 13.1mn 89% Of Americans Support People Cannabis The Legalization Of Dependent Globally Marijuana For Medical On 30 October 2016, Australia legalizes cultivation and the use of medical marijuana, although it will remain Treatment strictly controlled. The new importation rules introduced in February are making medicinal cannabis products Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited more readily accessible to Australian doctors. 9 Cannabis Stocks Soar > Cannabis products made from Australian grown medicinal cannabis crop could be in use as early as 2017. The medical cannabis 130% in Australia during Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited government has received applications from 25 companies to grow and manufacture medical cannabis product. companies are now Listed in ASX versus 2 in 2015. 1Q CY17 Aussie cannabis companies can even target rapidly growing international market. As of Apr’17, Cannabis is allowed for medical use in countries including 29 US states, France, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Uruguay, Chile, the Czech Republic and Israel. 8000Kg ~700 Estimated yearly demand Number medicinal use of for legalised medical Cannabis. In May, the first 2 imports of medicinal cannabis arrived in Australia. Children suffering from epilepsy and cannabis patients dealing with side effects caused by cancer treatment are most likely to benefit from these products. MEDICAL CANNABIS 2 3 Now Legal in Australia
` WHAT IS MEDICAL CANNABIS? 55% THE #1 REASON PEOPLE USE CANNABIS FOR RELAXATION The term medical marijuana refers to using the whole, unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts 40% to treat symptoms of illness andSample otherbyconditions. Avise Analytics The Private U.S.Limited Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not OF PEOPLE WANT TO recognized or approved the marijuana plant as medicine. However, scientific study of the chemicals in RELIEVE STRESS OR marijuana, called cannabinoids, has led to two FDA-approved medications that contain cannabinoid ENJOY SOCIAL Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited chemicals in pill form. Continued research may lead to more medications. EXPERIENCE Because the marijuana plant contains chemicals that may help treat a range of illnesses and symptoms, 39% many people argue that it should be legal for medical purposes. In fact, a growing number of states in the OF PEOPLE WANT TO US and many other countries including Australia have legalized marijuana for medical use. REDUCE ANXIETY Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited DIFFERENT WAYS TO CONSUME MEDICAL CANNABIS 29% 1. Smoking medical cannabis 2. Vaporizing medical cannabis WANT TO IMPROVE 3. Edible medical cannabis 4. Tinctures and tonics 5. Topical Products SLEEP QUALITY Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited HOW MIGHT CANNABINOIDS BE USEFUL AS MEDICINE? The two main cannabinoids from the marijuana plant that are of medical interest are: 26% Δ9-Tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC) and Chemical Cannabidiol (CBD). USE CANNABIS FOR PAIN MANAGEMENT Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited UNDERSTANDING THE MEDICAL BENEFIT OF THESE COMPOUND? THC – Psychoactive Chemical CBD– Non-psychoactive Chemical 16% WANT • EASES PAIN • REDUCES DRAVET SEIZURE TO • HELPS WITH RELAXATION • KILLS CANCER CELLS STIMULATE • SUPPRESSES PAIN FROM NERVE DAMAGES • STIMULATE BONE GROWTH CREATIVITY • REDUCES RISK OF NERVE DAMAGE • ANTI-INFLAMATORY PROPERTIES • SUPRESSES MUSCLE SPASMS AND CONVULSIONS • ANTI-OXIDANT PROPERTIES 26% • ANTI-PSYCHOTIC WANT TO TREAT A MEDICAL CONDITION Source: New Frontier Data MEDICAL CANNABIS 3 4 Now Legal in Australia
` MEDICINAL CANNABIS TREATMENTS The table summarises the conditions which THC and CBD are known to be able to treat. This list is neither exhaustive nor Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited definitive. It is here only to provide a snapshot of the current state of cannabis research. CONDITIONS TREATMENT SOURCE OF TREATMENT WHY PEOPLE USE CANNABIS (BY GENDER) Sample by Avise Analytics Private CBD Limited THC Both Strength of evidence Stress Relief 45% 37% Pain Reduction Sativex High Aids/HIV 38% Appetite Stimulation And Weight Gain Dronabinol (Marinol) High Reduce Anxiety 25% Alzheimer’s Disease Inhibition Of Neurodegeneration Injected (still in experimental phase) High Arthritis Sample byJointAvise Analytics Destruction Suppression Private Oral Or Limited High Pain Management 23% 31% Injected Improve Sleep 35% Nausea And Vomiting Due To Quality 25% Reduce Nausea And Vomiting Oral: Nabilone & dronabinol (Marinol) Sativex High Chemotherapy Cancer Pain Reduction Smoked Nabiximols High 14% Nausea Suppression Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited 6% Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Reduction Aerosolized, Oral: Nabilone High Source: New Frontier Data Female Male Multiple Sclerosis Improve Spasticity Oral: Dronabinol (Marinol) & Nabilone Sativex High Anxiety And Depression Improvement In Mood Scale Dronabinol (marinol) & Nabilone Sativex High TOP 10 TRACKED CANNABIS THEREPIES (WORLDWIDE) Arthritis Symptomatic Relief Of Joint Pain. Oral Moderate Sample Chronic Non-cancer Pain byPainAvise Reduction Analytics Private Limited Oral mucosal cannabis spray Moderate Pain 43% Anxiety & Depression 28% CBD-enriched Epilepsy Reduction In Seizure Frequency Moderate Migraines 18% cannabis oil Orally, intravenously, or Nausea 15% Glaucoma Ocular Therapeutic Support Moderate inhalation PTSD 14% Schizophrenia Reduced Psychotic Symptoms Oral Low Bipolar Disorder 13% Tourette Syndrome Improvement In Tic Severity Capsules: Dronabinol & Nabilone Sativex Moderate Anorexia 12% Decrease Crohn’s Disease Activity Inflammatory Bowel Disease Smokeable Low ADD/ADHD 11% Index (CDAI) Scores Arthritis 6% Sleep Disorders Improvement In Insomnia Nabilone Sativex Moderate Source: MYDX Presentation MEDICAL CANNABIS 4 Now Legal in Australia
` DISEASES AND PATIENTS The table summarises the total number of patients worldwide and in Australia for different diseases. Each Sample by condition and disease possess certain Avise Analytics benefit Private Limited from medical cannabis. NUMBER OF PATIENTS THE UNRELENTING MARCH OF DIABETES % prevalence and number of adults with diabetes by WHO region DISEASES WORLDWIDE PERCENTAGE (%)* AUSTRALIA PERCENTAGE (%)* Sample by Avise Depression Analytics Private 322 million 5% Limited >2 million (2012) (2011-12) 9.70% in 1980 and 2014* Diabetes 415 million (2015) 8.50% 1.2 million (2014-15) 5.10% Cancer (new cases) 14.1 million (2012) 0.20% 0.12 million (2012) 0.5% Neuropathic - 7-8% 1.8 million (2010) 7-8% Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Chronic Pain 1.5 billion (2011) 21% 3.2 million (2007) 15% Sclerosis 2.5 million - 23.7k (2009) 0.10% Epilepsy 39 million (2015) 0.50% 0.25 million - Insomnia - 35% (2014) 2.1 million (2014-15) 12% Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Autism 24.8 million (2015) 0.3% 0.23 million (2015) 1.0% Alzheimer 46.8 million (2015) 0.6% 0.413 million (2016) 1.7% HIV/Aids 36.7 million (2015) 0.5% 25.3K (2015) 0.11% * Million of people and % of total regional population Arthritis - - 3.5 million (2014-15) 15.30% Source: World Health Organization Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited * As a percentage of regional population NUMBER OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV AND SOME IMPORTANT FACTS: ACCESSING TREATMENT GLOBALLY (MILLIONS) 35.9 36.7 § By 2030, depression will be highest level of disability of any (WHO). 25mn U.S. adults had daily chronic pain, and 23mn more 34.5 35.2 28.9 31.8 33.3 33.9 physical or mental disorder. Only 35% of Australians with anxiety reported severe pain. and depression access treatment; § The number of reported sclerosis cases is increasing by 4% each § In 2015, 1 in 11 adults has diabetes and by 2040, 1 adult in 10 will year in Australia. have diabetes (642mn) globally; whereas it is the fastest growing § Nearly 14% of people with epilepsy have used cannabis products chronic condition in Australia; as a way to manage seizures. 2.2 § 21.7mn number of new cancer cases expected to be diagnosed § By 2025, the number of people with dementia is expected to reach 0.77 7.5 9.1 11 13 15 17 globally in 2030. In Australia, 134k (2017) new cancer cases 536,164 in Australia and 131.5mn worldwide by 2050; 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 estimated will be diagnosed in Australia and 150k by 2020; § An estimated 1.1mn people died from AIDS-related illnesses in People receiving treatment People living with HIV § Chronic disease prevalence is expected to rise by 57% by 2020 2015. Source: New Frontier Data MEDICAL CANNABIS 5 Now Legal in Australia
` GLOBAL MARKET A new report from Grand View Research, Inc. estimates that the global medical marijuana market will reach a GROWTH OF LEGAL MEDICAL & ADULT USE MARIJUANA SALES IN US (2016-2025) value of $55.8 billion by 2025.Sample by Avise industry The global Analytics Private was Limited valued at $11.4 billion in 2015, and the market research and consulting company projects it will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 17.1 percent 24.08 CAGR: 16% 21.46 22.88 during the forecast period. 18.36 19.89 16.02 10.55 10.86 Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited USA $ in Billion 6.56 7.97 10.82 4.75 13.38 6.5 8.22 9.46 9.83 10.2 2.65 13.22 1.89 7.8 8.9 10.06 11.26 12.33 The legalisation of medical cannabis is the key force behind the increasing attractiveness of the US market and also 4.67 5.32 6.07 6.88 with direct influence on the global markets. The current size of the medical cannabis market is approximately USD 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 4.67 billion (2016), while the recreational market in states that have regulated recreational cannabis is estimated at Medical Recreational Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited USD 1.89 billion. For the market potential indication only, unofficially, the size of the US black market for marijuana is estimated USD 50-65 billion. Source: New Frontier Data According to the latest report by New Frontier Data, medical cannabis sales in 2017 are forecast to grow to $5.3 29 LEGAL MEDICAL MARIJUANA STATES AND DC in UNITED STATED billion, which is 67% of total cannabis sales. The report projects that by 2025, medical sales in current legal states Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited are forecast to grow to $13.2 billion, which will account for 55% of total cannabis sales. According to Green Wave Research, 730,000 patients have received medical recommendations to use cannabis in Source: New Frontier Data Research 2014-15, with the reported total over one million registered patients. Currently, there are ~2.3 million of medical marijuana patients in all states as compared to ~1.25 million in March 2016. Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited CANADA Canada legalized medical marijuana in 2001. Since then, the industry has evolved in a staid way. The market for medicinal use is estimated at $144 million in 2014 is projected to grow to $3 billion by 2024 in annual sales alongside a projected $6 billion in annual sales from the recreational market. (Source: VII Capital estimates). Health Canada estimates that at the end of 2016, there were 0.13 million qualified patients in Canada and that patient population is expected to grow to 0.77 million by 2024 (24.9% CAGR). Authorised licensed producers in Canada has drastically increased in three years from 7 producers during January 2014 to 37 producers in Jan 2017. EUROPE Medical cannabis is currently importing (in small quantities) from the Netherlands and used by patients in 10 European countries. The largest markets are: France, Italy, Netherland and Romania. MEDICAL CANNABIS 6 Now Legal in Australia
` GLOBAL MARKET CONTINUED… KEY FINDINGS USA Sample Chronic Pain by Avise Patients are theAnalytics Private Limited Majority in REDUCING PRESCRIPTION DRUG USE & COSTS AS AVG. PRICE PER SINGLE GRAM FALLS, MONTHLY SALES HAVE SOARED 100 million+ MMJ Programs Annual Number of Daily Doses Prescribed $44.50 Americans suffering from 81% Per Physician Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited CHRONIC PAIN 76% 67% 63% 59% 95,672 85,148 2 million+ Source: New Frontier Data Americans ADDICTED to Arizona Hawaii Colorado Nevada Oregon States Without a Medical States With a Medical Cannabis prescription pain killers Cannabis Law Law Sample $1.96 Billion by Avise 25% Analytics 8,300 Private Limited REDUCING OPIOID RELATED DEATHS 11% $220 million $12.77 Medicare Opioids top 3 pain FEWER OPIOID OVERDOSE FEWER OPIOID OVERDOSE REDUCTION IN DAILY POTENTIAL MEDICAID medication cost (OxyContin, DEATHS IN MEDICAL DEATHS IN MEDICAL PHARMACEUTICAL DOSES SAVINGS IN OPIOID Hydrocodone, Fentanyl) CANNABIS STATES CANNABIS STATES PRESCRIBED PRESCIRPTIONS CANADA Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited CANNABIS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES (IN Total number of clients registered at end
` DOMESTIC MARKET Initial demand of upto 8000kg for medicinal marijuana in Australia could top A$100 million a SUMMARY OF REFORMS year, a University of Sydney report estimated. If cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals become The following table (as published on the TGA website Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited overview-regulation) provides an overview of how the new legislative requirements regarding more mainstream within the decade, demand could grow to A$380 million by 2018 and A$1.3 medicinal cannabis work together: billion in 2026, the report’s author Michael Katz said. That’s still a tiny fraction of the U.S. States & market, which could be worth nearly $21 billion by 2020, Morgans Financial Ltd. said, citing Process Step Therapeutic Goods Act Narcotic Drugs Act Territories Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited ArcView Market Research. (Tga) (Odc) Involved Current Australian use of medicinal cannabis The Victorian law reform report estimates that 750,000 Australians use cannabis every week and that 35% of Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Australians over the age of 14 have used it within their life time. It is difficult to accurately estimate the total user base of medicinal cannabis within this estimate, but the Medicinal Cannabis Users Association of Australia (MCUA), an online advocacy and an educational group, recently claimed that their membership was increasing by 150 people a Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited week. Increasing discussion of the therapeutic properties of medicinal cannabis has created a surge of interest in Australia for its use as an alternative to conventional treatments for a range of health conditions. On top of this, recent surveys have shown that cannabis use by Australians over 50 has increased dramatically, even exceeding the use of cannabis by young Australians, and this could be due to the fact that older people tend to suffer more from Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited conditions such as cancer and chronic pain. Flooding with new iPOs Although medicinal cannabis in Australia is still very new, several major players have already emerged including domestic and international cultivators and manufacturers such as AusCann, Bedrocan Australia, CANN Group, MGC Pharmaceuticals, MMJ Phytotech and Tilray. 2016 has seen a flurry of new share offerings, joint ventures and reverse takeovers. Some of these businesses are planning on an import-heavy strategy, allowing them to leverage already- established cultivation and manufacturing facilities overseas, while others are focusing primarily on domestic production for both local consumption and potential future export. While they wait for the regulatory green light, several firms are engaged in discussions with major Australian universities to test and develop new treatments and products. 1 These access arrangements apply unless an appropriate medicinal cannabis product is on the ARTG and available. 2 Access requirements still apply. MEDICAL CANNABIS 8 Now Legal in Australia
` FORECASTING DOMESTIC MARKET Demand for medicinal cannabis in Australia will depend on which conditions and symptoms are approved for medicinal cannabis treatment, recommended dosages, range and type Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited of approved medicinal cannabis products. Study conducted by “The University of Sydney Community Placement Program” in partnership with “MGC Pharmaceuticals” discussed two appropriate demand estimates based on two possible regulatory outcomes. Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited FIRST METHOD: BASED ON NUMBER OF PATIENTS (scaling them up to the size of the Australian population) EPILEPSY CANCER HIV / AIDS MS Sample by Avise Analytics Pharmacoresistant Epilepsy Pain Private Limited Wasting • A 15 year longitudinal study from • Forecast for the likely demand for • Estimated demand has not been • In 2009, 23,700 Australians were France showed the rate of epilepsy medicinal cannabis by Australians forecast. living with MS per 1,000 people aged 16 and older living with severe cancer pain has not Pain • In 2011, 84.3% of MS patients live Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited • was 5.4 = 101,520 Australian been attempted here. Chronic pain currently presents in 39- with muscle spasticity = 83% of • Of these, 22.5% were classified as Nausea 23,700 or 19,979 patients having ‘pharmacoresistant epilepsy’= 85% of people living with HIV/AIDS. • In 2013-2014, there were 621,239 • In 2004, it was found that of those MS 22,842 Australians treatment sessions (or ‘events’) for • Assuming, 39% of people living with patients living with muscle spas city, • Sample HIV/AIDS experience severe pain. by Avise Analytics Of this group, 16.7% had tried at least 4 epileptic medicines without relief = hospitals. Private Limited THIS IS 10,588 PEOPLE. radiation oncology in Australian 53% exhibited moderate to severe spas city= 53% of 19,979 or 10,588 3,814 Australians • In 2012-13, Australian patients • On an average, 67% of MS patient Severe Childhood Epilepsy underwent a total of 374,588 experience chronic pain = 67% of ‘treatment days’ for chemotherapy. 23,700 • 18.8% of Australians are aged 0-14. Of these .00324% children having This Is 995,827 TREATMENT DAYS This is 15,879 Severe childhood epilepsy = 135.2 PER ANNUM. Australians. This is 3,957 patients (3,814+135). MEDICAL CANNABIS 9 Now Legal in Australia
` FORECASTING DOMESTIC MARKET CONTINUED… CONCLUSION Combining the aggregate amounts for these three conditions gives us a total annual demand of 166.6 kg THC and 404.7 kg CBD. Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited CONDITION HIV/AIDS MS EPILEPSY CONDITION CANCER Patients 10,588 15,875 3,957 Dosage per treatment session 3 mg (THC) Sample by Avise Dossage per day, per patient Analytics 10 mg THC Private 20 mg CBD Limited 21.6 mg THC 300 mg CBD Treatment sessions per annum 995,827 Demand per annum 38.6 kg THC 115.9 kg CBD 125.1 kg THC 288.8 kg CBD Demand per annum 2.9 kg THC Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited SECOND METHOD: BASED ON CASE STUDY COUNTRIES ISRAEL THE NETHERLANDS CANADA Based on a rough numbers, if Australia were Number of patients 22,000 25,000 30,537 to emulate the medicinal cannabis regulations Sample by Avise Analytics1.4Private Average daily consump on per patient g Limited 0.68 g 1.1 g of the Netherlands or Canada, it would initially National daily consumption 31 kg 17 kg 33.5 kg need to provide at least 8,000 kg of cannabis to patients per annum. Patient numbers in all National annual consumption 11,242 kg 6,205 kg 12,260 kg of the given countries have been growing and Sample by Population of country Avise Per capita, per annum consumption Analytics Private 1.33 g Limited 84,00,000 0.369 g 1,68,00,000 3,51,00,000 0.349 g are likely to grow further. Any more accurate estimate would have to be on the basis of a Projected Australian demand 31,450 kg 8,679 kg 8,208 kg specific proposed regulatory framework. THE EFFICIENCY AT WHICH THESE PURE CANNABINOIDS COULD BE EXTRACTED FROM HERBAL CANNABIS WOULD VARY GREATLY AND BE DEPENDENT ON THE QUALITY AND COMPOSITION OF THE PLANTS AND THE METHOD OF EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION USED. MEDICAL CANNABIS 10 Now Legal in Australia
` METHODOLOGY OF EXTRACTION COST ESTIMATES FOR AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL CANNABIS PRODUCERS There are three main ways in which medicinal-grade cannabis can be grown: outdoors, greenhouses, and indoors. The variation in costs is largely because of Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited material cost for cultivation. The share of SHARE OF ANNUALISED COSTS BY CULTIVATION REGIME individual components for material and 0% Broadacre 2% Greenhouse 2% 0% Indoor utilities costs are detailed below 1% Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited 1% 10% 4% 0% 6% 5% 6% Materials & Utilities Components Broadacre Greenhouse Indoor 7% Seeds/cultivars 70.6% 2.9% 1.2% 37% Utilities 1.5% 79.3% 92.3% 46% 44% 51% Insurance 23.5% 0.9% 0.4% Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited 78% Nutrients/pesticides 4.4% 16.8% 6.2% Most Of The Medical Cannabis Cultivator Capital, land and infrastructure Security design and infrastructure Labour for cultivation Materials for cultivation Costs of compliance Direct fees and charges Prefer Either Greenhouse Or Indoor Source: Deloitte Access Economics Cultivation As Shown Below: Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited ANNUAL COST OF CULTIVATION & OUTPUT Australian Companies Cultivation Method Cost Of Cultivation Crops Yields Startup Costs for CANN Group Greenhouse Cultivation Harvest per MGC Pharmaceuticals Greenhouse $ per Kg Dried flowers per Cultivators ($ per Methods $ per sqm annum AusCann Group Greenhouse + Indoor Dried Flower sqm (in grams) Sqft) MMJ Phytotech Greenhouse Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Broadacre Greenhouse 75 1108 888 1539 84 180 1 4 10 50 Hydroponics Greenhouse Canadian Companies Cultivation Method Indoor 2291 1909 300 4 75 Canopy Growth Corp. Greenhouse + Indoor Source: Deloitte Access Economics Aurora Cannabis Inc. Greenhouse + Indoor OrganiGram Holdings Indoor Aphria Greenhouse WHY GREENHOUSE CULTIVATION? Supreme Pharma Hybrid Greenhouse Emblem Corp Indoor Most applications to grow medical cannabis are for greenhouse growing in Australia, rather than as a broad acre crop out in the open like sunflowers. The main reason for using greenhouses is security whilst protecting in-house crops from adverse weather events. MEDICAL CANNABIS 11 Now Legal in Australia
` COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT: CANADIAN COMPS COST ESTIMATES FOR CANADIAN MEDICAL CANNABIS PRODUCERS COMPARISON OF EXTRACTION COSTS FOR CANADIAN MEDICAL CANNABIS LICENCED PRODUCERS Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Cash Costs Per Market Area Under Grams Production All-in Costs Per FY17F Revenue FY17F Gram (C$)(most Company (Ticker) Capitalisation Cultivation Produced Costs (C$) Gram (C$) (Consensus EBITDA(Consensus Recent (C$m Eqv.) In Sqft (Cumulative) (Cumulative) (Cumulative) Estimates) Estimates) Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Quarterly) Canopy Growth Corp. (TSX:WEED) 1,264 472,000 8,067,045 29,012,000 3.60 2.66 39.5 (4.0) Aurora Cannabis Inc. (TSXV:ACB) 822 55,200 441,000 725,852 1.77 1.67 33.9 13.8 Aphria Inc. (TSX:APH) 753 100,000 2,338,798 4,402,376 1.88 1.23 22.5 6.3 OrganiGram Holdings (TSXV:OGI) Sample by Avise Analytics 287 Private 227,500 Limited2,210,220 1,018,303 2.17 1.29 16.0 4.3 Acquired by Canopy Mettrum Health Corp. Growth - 3,102,718 8,040,221 2.59 2.00 23.0 (2.2) Source: CapitalIQ, Company reports Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited PRICING OF ALL STRAINS AND BLENDS OF DRIED CANNABIS FROM LICENSED PRODUCERS IN THE MMPR Avg. Selling Price per gram (in C$) 12 10.9 11 10.5 10.2 10.0 9.9 10 9.2 9.1 9 8.3 8.3 Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited 8.0 7.8 7.9 7.8 8.1 8 7.5 7.1 7 5.9 6 5 Canna Farms Broken CanniMed Canntrust Delta-9 MariCann MedReleaf Peace Naturals Redecan AB CANN Aphria Aurora Emblem Emerald Tilray Tweet MS Organigram 18-Nov'16 16-Dec'16 11-Jan'17 22-Feb'17 17-Mar'17 22-Apr'17 Linear (22-Apr'17) Source: Cannstandard As the nearest comparable market to Australia with respect to regulation and demographics, Canada’s publicly-listed peers provide data points regarding how the Australian market, and its participants, may evolve and perform over time MEDICAL CANNABIS 12 Now Legal in Australia
` COMPANIES IN FOCUS MEDICAL CANABIS COMPANIES IN AUSTRALIA Australia is quickly becoming a home base for cannabis companies looking to take advantage of recently legalized medical marijuana. Coupled with favorable opportunities for listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), and Australia is rapidly becoming a hot spot for cannabis innovation and investment. Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited MARKET COMPANY (TICKER) BUSINESS MODEL CAPITALISATION Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited (A$M EQV.) • Nutraceutical products businesses that also engages in pharmaceutical research Medlab Clinical (ASX:MDC) • Develops biotherapeutics for chronic kidney diseases, pre-diabetes/obesity, depression, musculoskeletal muscle loss associated 75.6 with ageing and non-opioid pain management MGC Pharmaceuticals • RTO of MGC into Erin Resources in December 2015 Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited (ASX:MXC) • Medicinal and cosmetics cannabis company with licenses to grow, extract and sell Cannabis Sativa in Slovenia 43.2 AusCann Group • RTO of AusCann into TW Holdings in December 2016 (ASX:AC8) • Focus on the cultivation, manufacture and sale of cannabis medicines for a range of conditions and symptoms 51.1 MMJ Phytotech • Cultivations limited to Canada and clinical development limited to Israel. Attempting to develop and control all processes from 69.5 Sample (ASX:MMJ) Creso Pharma by Avise Analytics Private Limited farming through to pharmacy sales, however focus is entirely on the Canadian market (incl. recreational) • Swiss-domiciled company seeking to sell products into Slovakia and The Czech Republic with a focus on the food supplements (ASX:CPH) market for humans and animals 24.5 Zelda Therapeutics • RTO of Zelda into Gleneagle Gold in November 2016 (ASX:ZLD) • Research-focused company in partnership with AusCann 24.7 Sample CANN GROUP by •Avise Analytics Cultivator, processor Private and manufacturer of medicinalLimited cannabis products in Australia (ASX:CAN) • Experienced Board and team who partnered with experts across the value chain (AgVic, etc) to create true Australian “blue chip” 40.1 offering Botanix Pharmaceuticals • Dedicated to develop next generation therapeutics for the treatment of serious skin diseases. 17.0 (ASX:BOT) • Preparing for the first human trials delivering synthetic cannabidiol to the skin. • Secured strategic alliance with US-based pharmaceutical company, Phoenix Life Sciences, to develop, manufacture and sell Hydroponics (ASX:THC) medicinal cannabis in Australia and internationally 14.4 • Acquired Australia’s leader in breeding and technology for Cannabis, Canndeo Ltd Source: Company MEDICAL CANNABIS 13 Now Legal in Australia
` COMPANIES IN FOCUS CONTINUED… ASX LISTED MEDICAL CANABIS STOCKS IN AUSTRALIA – KEY STATS ASX listed Medical Marijuana players, each at different stages of development and offering various risk/return profiles, are attracting investors’ attention. Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited KEY STATISTICS & STOCK PERFORMANCE SINCE ASX LISTING AusCann CANN Group Medlab Clinical MGC MMJ Zelda Botanix Hydroponics Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Limited Limited Pharmaceuticals Group Holdings Ltd Phytotech Creso Pharma Therapeutics Pharmaceuticals Company Ltd. ASX Code CAN MDC MXC AC8 MMJ CPH ZLD BOT THC.AX Date Listed May-17 Jul-15 Feb-16 Feb-17 Feb-15 Oct-16 Nov-16 Jul-16 May'17 IPO Size (A$ in Million) 13.50 9.00 0.01**** 5 .00* 5.00 5.00 4.00** 3.00*** 8.00 IPO Price (A$) Sample by Avise Analytics 0.30 0.20 Private Limited0.20 0.04 0.20 0.20 0.05 0.02 0.20 CMP (As on May 31, 2017) 0.53 0.79 0.04 0.37 0.34 0.40 0.07 0.04 0.31 % Gain since listing 76.7% 295.0% 0.0% 85.0% 70.0% 100.0% 40.0% 100.0% 55.0% Sample Market Cap (A$ in M) Revenue (TTM) (A$ in M) by Avise Analytics - 3.59 Private Limited - 40.09 - 75.6 43.17 51.06 69.46 -0.019 24.47 - 24.71 - 17.01 14.37 CFO (MRQ) (A$ in M) -0.88 -1.568 -0.635 -1.8 -2.08 -0.973 -1.135 -0.833 0.219 Price to Book (MRQ) 66.78 24.2 3.78 - 3.25 - 1,921.62 8.92 - Sample by Avise Analytics Price to Sales (TTM) - 21.67 Private Limited 246.93 7,211.40 6,502.69 - 10.85 1,555.02 - Cash (MRQ) (A$ in M) 0.45 2.75 13.58 4.49 5.26 10.64 2.64 1.53 0.89## Est. R&D Exp. for next qtr (A$ M) 0.55 0.04 0.15 0.30 0.05 0.34 0.39 Funding Raised Post IPO (A$ in M) - 4.4 17.5 17 15.8 9 6 5.4# - *relisting **listing via reverse takeover ***Bone Medical Limited (ASX:BNE) acquired Botanix Pharmaceuticals Inc., a US-based medical dermatology company and following conclusion of the acquisition, and subject to shareholder approval, changed its name to Botanix Pharmaceuticals Limited ****MGC Pharmaceuticals was a backdoor listing through the Perth gold explorer Erin Resources # Under Tranche 2 of the Placement, the Company is expected to raise A$2.0 million, subject to shareholder approval to be sought at a general meeting to be held on or about 15 May 2017 ## this balance is before the $8 million capital raising in May’17) Source: Company, Reuters MEDICAL CANNABIS 14 Now Legal in Australia
` Closing Share Price (in A$) Closing. Share Price (in A$) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90 1.10 07/15 12/15 07/15 08/15 10/15 09/15 02/16 11/15 11/15 12/15 04/16 01/16 (millions) 01/16 03/16 06/16 03/16 04/16 MXC MDC 08/16 05/16 05/16 07/16 MDC 07/16 10/16 08/16 09/16 09/16 12/16 VOLUME TRADED 11/16 11/16 12/16 02/17 01/17 01/17 03/17 04/17 03/17 Now Legal in Australia 0.051 05/17 0.76 04/17 (25 May, 2017) (25 May, 2017) 05/17 PRICE PERFORMANCE (A$) Closing Share Price (in A$) Closing Price (in A$) 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.45 0.55 0.65 12/15 05/17 MEDICAL CANNABIS 02/17 Sample 01/16 05-17 05/17 02/17 05-17 by 03/16 02/17 05-17 04/16 05/17 03/17 05-17 05/16 05/17 05-17 07/16 03/17 05-17 AC8 AviseCAN 08/16 05/17 03/17 05-17 CAN MXC 09/16 04/17 05-17 05/17 05-17 11/16 04/17 05-17 Analytics 12/16 05/17 04/17 05-17 01/17 05/17 05-17 03/17 05/17 05/17 05-17 04/17 0.475 05-17 05/17 05/17 (25 May, 2017) 05/17 ASX LISTED MEDICAL CANABIS STOCKS IN AUSTRALIA Closing Share Price (in A$) Closing Share Price (in A$) Private Limited 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 02/17 0.15 0.35 0.55 0.75 0.95 11/16 11/16 02/17 07/15 12/16 02/17 COMPANIES IN FOCUS CONTINUED… 12/16 09/15 02/17 12/16 03/17 12/16 11/15 03/17 01/17 01/16 01/17 03/17 01/17 03/16 ZLD 03/17 02/17 MMJ 05/16 AC8 03/17 ZLD 02/17 02/17 04/17 03/17 07/16 Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited 04/17 09/16 03/17 03/17 04/17 03/17 11/16 04/17 04/17 01/17 04/17 05/17 05/17 04/17 03/17 05/17 05/17 05/17 05/17 0.38 0.076 05/17 05/17 (25 May, 2017) (25 May, 2017) Closing Share Price (in A$) Closing Share Price (in A$) 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 20 40 60 80 07/15 08/16 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 08/15 09/15 09/16 08/16 10/16 10/15 11/15 10/16 09/16 11/16 12/15 01/16 10/16 10/16 11/16 02/16 11/16 03/16 11/16 12/16 04/16 11/16 05/16 12/16 01/17 BOT 06/16 12/16 MMJ CPH BOT 01/17 01/17 07/16 08/16 01/17 01/17 09/16 02/17 10/16 02/17 02/17 11/16 03/17 12/16 03/17 03/17 01/17 03/17 04/17 04/17 02/17 04/17 03/17 04/17 04/17 05/17 05/17 05/17 05/17 0.044 05/17 (25 May, 2017) 0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15 20 Closing Share Price (in A$) 10/16 05/17 ZLD AC8 THC BOT CPH CAN MMJ MXC MDC 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 10/16 05/17 YIELD 11/16 05/17 05/17 11/16 05/17 12/16 05/17 05/17 12/16 05/17 12/16 05/17 01/17 05/17 01/17 05/17 05/17 02/17 05/17 CPH THC THC 02/17 05/17 05/17 (27%) (18%) (37%) (28%) (19%) (34%) (26%) (6%) (18%) 1-M 02/17 05/17 03/17 05/17 05/17 03/17 04/17 05/17 05/17 (9%) (7%) (7%) 3-M 81% 6% 19% 1% NA NA 04/17 05/17 Source: yahoo finance 04/17 05/17 05/17 05/17 05/17 05/17 05/17 0.285 (5%) (8%) 44% 74% 57% 60% 0% NA NA YTD 05/17 (25 May, 2017) 15 As on 31 May, 2017
` COMPANIES IN FOCUS CONTINUED… ASX LISTED MEDICAL CANABIS STOCKS IN AUSTRALIA – PROGRESS STATUS SPECIALIZATION & PROGRESS TOWARDS COMMERCIALIZATION – Most of the companies are expected to start their in-house production by next year. CAN MDC MXC AC8 MMJ CPH ZLD BOT THC Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited STATUS • Received • Patent Pending. • Products Ready for • Secured a Licence • Phase II Clinical • Imported first • Pre-Clinical Stage • Phase I Clinical • Application for Australia’s first • Awaiting a final Launch to Cultivate Trial medicinal cannabis Trial research license Medicinal Cannabis shipment clearance Medicinal Cannabis • Imported first products into lodged Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Cultivation Licence. from Canadian health authorities, in Australia. shipment of medicinal products Australia under the new Government to import cannabis from the its Swiss- Legislation from material from subsidiary, Canadian medical Canada. Satipharm AG, cannabis group, (“Satipharm”) in CanniMed. May'17 Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited PRODUCTION / COMMERCIALIZATION NA Q3 2017 NA NA Q3 2017 2018 NA 2018 TIMELINE (Expected) SPECIALIZATION • Advanced Cancer • Seborrheic • Neuropathic & • Gastric • Neuropathic & • Insomnia • Acne • Dementia AREA Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Pain • Cardiovascular dermatitis • Psoriasis Chronic Pain • Multiple Sclerosis • Refractory Epilepsy Chronic Pain • Breast Cancer • Brain Cancer • Psoriasis • Atopic dermatitis • Neurological • Epilepsy Diesases • Acne prone skin (in children) • Pancreatic Cancer • Depression • Diabetes & Obesity Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS CO. 1. Aurora Cannabis 1. Aphria Inc. Inc. - 1. Canopy Growth Corporation - 1. LeafCann 1. AusCann Group Holdings Ltd. - 1. Phoenix Life Sciences 2. Anandia 2. Tasmanian 2. Aunt Zelda's Laboratories Alkaloids Pty Ltd 3. Complutense Commonwealth 3. JV with DayaCann University of Scientific and 4. Phytoplant Madrid Industrial Research S.L. 4. Curtin University Research 5. Zelda 5. CannPal Organisation Therapeutics 6. Telethon Kids 3. Agriculture Victoria 6. Murdoch Insititute Services Pty Ltd University Source: Company MEDICAL CANNABIS 16 Now Legal in Australia
` GLOBAL PEERS FINANCIAL AND STOCK PERFORMANCE GLOBAL Sample by Avise Analytics PEERS Private Limited GW Pharmaceuticals, Canopy Growth Aurora Cannabis Inc. OrganiGram Holdings Aphria Inc. Insys Therapeutics Inc. CanniMed PLC Corporation TSX Venture Inc. TSX: APH NASDAQ GM : INSY Therapeutics Inc. Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited NASDAQ GM : GWPH TSX: WEED Exchange: ACB TSX Venture Exchange: OGI TSX: CMED Currency USD CAD CAD CAD CAD USD CAD Market Cap 2,733.42 1,263.95 821.65 286.6 753.12 1,024.90 205.63 Performance YTD -5.03% -12.47% -4.96% -13.45% 12.30% 53.39% -25.60% Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Performance 1-Year Price to Sales (TTM) 17.30% 275 212.50% 41.75 8.26% 61.54 120.18% 53.85 310.14% 43.04 -11.47% 4.71 -13.49% 25.3 Price to Book (MRQ) 5.94 3.76 5.29 3.04 3.58 3.83 10.94 Gross Margin (TTM) 62.35 -46.36 43.34 -3.62 74.41 88.34 22.89 Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited 150 $134.44 150 C$125.71 150 C$124.74 40 30 C$37.86 50 40 C$43.21 250 200 $213.12 $155.30 $207.52 50 40 C$41.35 100 100 100 30 30 C$17.51 C$20.12 150 C$18.3 20 Actual & Expected 50 $10.08 $10.39 50 C$30.27 C$42.18 50 10 C$5.33 C$10.2 20 100 20 C$9.13 C$24.1 10 50 10 Sales (in millions) 0 0 C$13.35 0 0 0 0 TTM FY17 E FY18 F TTM FY17 E FY18 F 0 TTM FY17 E FY18 F TTM FY17 E FY18 F TTM FY17 E FY18 F TTM FY17 E FY18 F (Ending (Ending TTM (Mar FY17 E FY18 F (Ending (Ending Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited (Ending (Ending Mar 17) Dec 16) 17) Feb 17) Mar 17) Mar 17) Jan 17) Source: Company, Reuters, yahoo finance We have compared top 7 global medical cannabis companies, located either in US or Canada. The US and Canada are by far the largest and most dynamic markets for medicinal cannabis. Although initially legalised at the State level in California in the mid-1990s, the conflict between State and Federal legislation has been a severe hindrance to its progress. Since then, more than half the States and Districts have legalised medicinal cannabis. MEDICAL CANNABIS 17 Now Legal in Australia
` COMPANIES IN FOCUS CONTINUED… ASX LISTED MEDICAL CANABIS STOCKS IN AUSTRALIA – STOCK PERFORMANCE The performance of the Viridian Cannabis Stock Index, as a whole and by sector, as well as in comparison to several major market indices, is detailed in the table below: Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited VIRIDIAN INDEX YTD THERE’S A BUZZ IN AUSTRALIA’S STOCK MARKET 2013 2014 2015 Q1'16 Q2'16 Q3'16 Q4'16 2016 PERFORMANCE (03/31/17) Performance of All ASX Listed Medical Cannabis Stock Index Viridian Cannabis Stock Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited 120% 77.5% 383.5% -32.4% 0.7% 0.0% 30.8% 155.0% 236.1% 17.8% ASX Medical Cannabis Stocks soars more Index 103.39% 100% than 100% during 1Q’17 making it top MARKET INDEX PERFORMANCE performing industry globally in terms of DJIA 26.5% 7.5% -2.2% 1.5% 1.4% 2.1% 7.9% 13.4% 4.6% 80% growth%. That’s five times higher than their peers in the U.S. and Canada. The surge S&P 500 29.6% 11.4% -0.7% 0.8% 1.9% 3.3% 3.3% 9.5% 5.5% 60% was sparked by Australia easing restrictions on imports of cannabis to treat illnesses NASDAQ 38.3% 13.4% 5.7% -2.7% -0.6% 9.7% 1.3% 7.5% 9.8% 40% from epilepsy to cancer. RUSSELL 2000 Sample by Avise Analytics 37.0% Private 3.5% SECTOR PERFORMANCE Limited-5.7% -1.9% 3.4% 8.7% 8.4% 19.5% 2.1% 20% 0% Ancilliary Products & 2-Jan 12-Jan 22-Jan 1-Feb 11-Feb 21-Feb 3-Mar 13-Mar 23-Mar NM NM -60.0% -2.7% -1.2% 24.4% 118.3% 161.2% 22.8% Services -20% Agriculture Technology NM NM -29.1% 5.6% 1.1% -1.7% 46.9% 54.2% -10.8% Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited ALL ORDINARIES INDEX (XAO) Medical Cannabis Eq. Weighted Portfolio DJIA S&P500 NASDAQ Ancilliary Cultivation & 77.7% 214.1% NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Source: yahoo finance, PAC Retail Consulting Services 75.9% 983.9% -64.3% 8.5% 16.0% 81.6% 266.2% 737.3% -25.2% The Viridian Cannabis Stock Index - Year-to-Date (YTD) and Historical Performance Consumption Devices -77.8% 450.7% -82.3% -54.5% 2.5% -17.1% 460.3% 116.5% 3.8% Potential "greater enforcement" by Investment/M&A 31.1% 141.3% -73.1% -8.7% 21.4% 108.7% 101.5% 366.1% 51.3% the Federal government on state- legal recreational (adult-use) Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Miscellaneous Ancillary Physical Security NM NM 222.9% NM -72.3% -65.4% 23.3% -25.6% -17.4% NM 23.3% NM -17.4% NM -9.1% NM 95.3% -40.1% cannabis markets, said on 24th Feb has pulled the market down but still outpaced other index. Real Estate 11.0% -24.7% -51.2% -37.2% -33.7% -36.5% -2.2% -74.1% -7.8% Software/Media 722.2% -26.8% -16.1% 14.5% -31.7% -53.3% 156.2% -6.4% 3.0% "Touching Plant" NM NM 20.0% 3.0% 1.1%% 36.2% 186.3% 306.0% 13.7% Biotech/Pharma 97.5% 766.6% -49.6% 2.0% -6.8% 15.0% 432.9% 482.3% 41.1% Cultivation & Retail -71.9% 388.5% 167.4% 4.4% 21.6% 93.6% 57.5% 287.0% 0.6% Hemp NM NM -41.9% 14.1% -19.7% 3.8% 23.6% 17.5% -19.4% Infused Products & -98.1% 307.4% 17.9% -0.8% -16.5% -18.7% 17.0% -21.3% 0.9% Extracts MEDICAL CANNABIS 18 Now Legal in Australia
MEDICAL CANNABIS Now Legal in Australia ` Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited AUSTRALIA’S FIRST MAJOR DOMESTIC CROP IS COMING MEDICAL CANNABIS 19 Now Legal in Australia
AUSTRALIA’S FIRST MAJOR DOMESTIC CROP IS COMING ` INVESTMENT RATIONALE LISTIING DATE: MAY 2017 First Australian company to secure the necessary licences to undertake research and to cultivate cannabis for human TICKER CANN medicinal and research purposes under the Australian Government's new medicinal cannabis regulatory system. It has PRICE (JUN 02, 2017) A$0.52 been given the official go-ahead to startSample bythe growing Avise Analyticsfirst country’s Private Limited major domestic crop of medicine. MCAP (JUN 02, 2017) A$39.33 M The first Australian buds are expected to be ready this August to the benefit of Aussie patients. The permits allow this EQUITY A$15.73 M Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited pioneering producer to breed plants for propagation, supply them for manufacturing into medical products, and conduct research to develop extracts. CASH A$15.23 M BUILT STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIPS WITH The company entered into various partnerships with tier one organisations/experts across the value chain. This will LEADING ORGANISATIONS TO ADD help the Company to quickly establish its market and brand. OPERATIONAL SYNERGIES Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited ANANDIA LABS To work on Breeding programs that will create next- Low cost production; continuous cropping cycle (equivalent to 4-6 crops per year); 250+ plants per week; (150g generation cannabis strains optimized to address grower flowering head per plant selling between $5-8 per gram); initially sufficient for approx. 4,000 patient per year. and patient challenges. Anandia’s Dr Jonathan Page is the first scientist to have sequenced the cannabis genome and make fundamental discoveries about THC biosynthesis. Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited One of Canada’s largest publicly-listed cannabis companies, Aurora Cannabis Inc. (TSXV:ACB), subscribed for 19.9% of Cann as a cornerstone investor to the IPO at the offer price of $0.30 (or $6.5m in total). Aurora brings a wealth of experience, networks and knowledge to Cann that will fast-track and maximise Cann’s growth strategy in Australia Clinical Evaluation Partner To undertake clinical evaluation of medicinal cannabis for pain in aged care patients USES OF FUND Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited The company plans to use the funds, $13.5 million, raised through the IPO to expand into a second facility within Melbourne and add its cultivation capacity. The funds will also be used to support clinical studies. Agriculture Victoria ABOUT CANN GROUP To provide Cann with access to elite cannabis genetics, as well as cultivation & extraction technology. Cann Group Ltd. (CAN) is the first Australian company to secure the necessary licences to undertake research and to cultivate cannabis for human medicinal and research purposes under the Australian Government's new medicinal cannabis regulatory system. Cann has established facilities and systems which can cultivate medicinal cannabis in accordance with the requirements under the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967. Cann's vision is to be a leading developer and Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research supplier of cannabis, cannabis resin and medicinal cannabis products into the Australian market, and to supply Organisation (CSIRO) overseas markets as those opportunities become available. To undertake cannabis extract analysis of samples of materials cultivated by Cann MEDICAL CANNABIS 20 Now Legal in Australia
AUSTRALIA’S FIRST MAJOR DOMESTIC CROP IS COMING ` AURORA CANNABIS INC (TSXV:ACB) KEY HIGHLIGHTS Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited • Canada’s 2nd largest publicly-listed licenced medicinal cannabis grower / FINANCIAL METRIC manufacturer PRICE (JUN 02, 2017) CAD2.22 Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited • Targeting one of the largest production footprints, Aurora Sky, with a purpose-build, state-of-the-art production facility specifically designed for growing & cultivating cannabis MCAP (JUN 02, 2017) CAN724.12 M • Existing 55,200 sq foot facility • Current expansion of additional 800,000 sq foot facility underway SHARES ON ISSUE 317.18 M Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited • On completion in late 2017, capacity will scale up ~100,000 kg of cannabis a year FY18F / FY19F 122.2 / 241.5 • Acquired CanvasRx in August 2016, a company that provides counselling services to patients who Revenue (CAD M)* have received a prescription for cannabis from a physician – providing strong end-user / patient FY18F / FY19F 44.9 / 102.1 access. EBITDA (CAD M)* • Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited Completed the acquisition of a 40,000 square foot facility from Peloton Pharmaceuticals one month ago Cash (31 Dec 17) 54.9 (April’17), and the facility, which was in the late stages of construction when purchased, should be (CAD M) capable of up to 3,900 kg of high-quality cannabis production by the second half of this year. Sample by Avise Analytics Private Limited • Recently (in May’17), the Company announced an acquisition of a German company, Pedanios GmbH, which wholesales medical cannabis to more than 750 pharmacies in the EU SHARE PRICE AS ON 2 JUN 2017 ABOUT AURORA CANNABIS INC. Aurora's wholly-owned subsidiary, Aurora Cannabis Enterprises Inc., is a licensed producer of medical cannabis pursuant to Health Canada's Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR). The Company operates 1-YR PERFORMANCE a 55,200 square foot, state-of-the-art production facility in Mountain View County, Alberta with the capacity to produce ~8,000KG of cannabis per year MEDICAL CANNABIS 21 Now Legal in Australia
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