Measuring "Why" in Recommender Systems: a Comprehensive Survey on the Evaluation of Explainable Recommendation

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Measuring “Why” in Recommender Systems: a Comprehensive Survey on the
                                                          Evaluation of Explainable Recommendation
                                                                         Xu Chen1 , Yongfeng Zhang2 , Ji-Rong Wen1
                                                              Beijing Key Laboratory of Big Data Management and Analysis Methods,
                                                               Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China
                                                                        Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University
arXiv:2202.06466v1 [cs.IR] 14 Feb 2022

                                                                   Abstract                                    Basically, explainable recommendation solves the problem
                                                                                                            of “why”, that is, why the items are recommended. By pro-
                                              Explainable recommendation has shown its great                viding explanations, people can make more informed deci-
                                              advantages for improving recommendation persua-               sions, and the recommendation persuasiveness and algorithm
                                              siveness, user satisfaction, system transparency              transparency can be improved. In the field of explainable rec-
                                              and among others. A fundamental problem of                    ommendation, evaluation is a fundamental problem, which
                                              explainable recommendation is how to evaluate the             judges the model availability and helps to make model selec-
                                              explanations. In the past few years, various evalua-          tions. Comparing with the other evaluation tasks, evaluating
                                              tion strategies have been proposed. However, they             recommendation explanations is much more difficult because
                                              are scattered in different papers, and there lacks            the ground truth is hard to obtain and human feelings are not
                                              a systematic and detailed comparison between                  easy to approximate. To alleviate these difficulties, the past
                                              them. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we compre-           few decades have witnessed a lot of promising evaluation
                                              hensively review the previous work, and provide               strategies. However, these strategies are independently pro-
                                              different taxonomies according to the evaluation              posed in different papers, and has various prerequisites and
                                              perspectives and evaluation methods. Beyond sum-              implementation characters. There lacks a systematic compari-
                                              marization, we also analyze the (dis)advantages               son between them, which may hinder the evaluation standard-
                                              of existing evaluation methods, and provide a                 ization and be not friendly to the newcomers to this domain.
                                              series of guidelines on how to select them. The
                                              contents of this survey are concluded from more                  To bridge the above gap, in this paper, we thoroughly con-
                                              than 100 papers from top-tier conferences like                clude the previous work, and present a clear summarization
                                              IJCAI, AAAI, TheWebConf, Recsys, UMAP and                     on existing evaluation strategies. In specific, recommenda-
                                              IUI, and the complete comparisons are presented at            tion explanations may serve for different targets, for example,
                                                       the users, providers and model designers. For different tar-
                                              DOC/. With this survey, we finally aim to provide             gets, the evaluation perspectives are also various, and we sum-
                                              a clear and comprehensive review on the evaluation            marize four major evaluation perspectives from the previous
                                              of explainable recommendation.                                work, that is, the explanation effectiveness, transparency, per-
                                                                                                            suasiveness and scrutability. For evaluating the explanations
                                                                                                            from the above perspectives, there exists a lot of evaluation
                                         1 Introduction                                                     methods. We conclude these methods into four categories in-
                                         Artificial intelligence (AI) has deeply revolutionized people’s    cluding the case studies, quantitative metrics, crowdsourcing
                                         daily life and production, bringing effectiveness, efficiency,     and online experiments. For each method, we detail its main
                                         reliability, automation and etc. Among different AI tasks,         characters, and analysis its advantages and shortcomings, At
                                         many are purely objective, where the ground truths are ir-         last, we propose a series of guidelines on how to select these
                                         relevant with subjective factors. Computer vision (CV) is a        evaluation methods in real-world problems. The main contri-
                                         typical domain falling into this category. For example, in the     butions of this paper are summarized as follows:
                                         task of image classification, the models are built to accurately      • We provide a systematic and comprehensive survey on
                                         predict the labels like a cat or a dog. These labels are objec-    the evaluation of explainable recommendation, which to the
                                         tive facts, which do not change with human feelings. In many       best of our knowledge, is the first survey on this topic.
                                         other domains, the tasks are more subjective, where there is          • We propose different taxonomies for existing pa-
                                         no rigid ground truth, and the target is to improve the utili-     pers according to the evaluation perspectives and
                                         ties of certain stakeholders. Recommender system is a typi-        evaluation methods.           The references cover more
                                         cal subjective AI task, where the stakeholder utilities not only   than 100 papers from top tier conferences like IJ-
                                         include the recommendation accuracy, but also contain a lot        CAI, AAAI, TheWebConf, Recsys, UMAP and IUI,
                                         of beyond-accuracy aspects, among which explainability is a        and their complete summarization is presented at
                                         significant and widely studied one.                      
• We analysis the advantages and shortcomings of existing        rience can be improved, which may consequently increase
evaluation methods and propose several guidelines on how to        the user conversion rate and stickiness. Here, we use the
choose them in different scenarios.                                term “effectiveness” in a broad sense, which covers the
                                                                   concepts of efficiency, satisfaction and trust in many litera-
2 Related Survey                                                   ture [Balog and Radlinski, 2020].
Recommender system is becoming increasingly important,
with dozens of papers published each years on top tier con-
                                                                   3.2   Transparency
ferences/journals. For better summarizing and comparing            Transparency aims to evaluate “whether the explanations can
these work, people have conducted many promising survey            reveal the internal working principles of the recommender
studies. For general recommendation, early surveys mainly          models [Tai, 2021; Sonboli, 2021; Li, 2021b]?” It encour-
focus on shallow architectures like matrix factorization or        ages the algorithms to produce explanations which can open
heuristic methods [Adomavicius, 2004]. Later on, with the          the “black box” of the recommender models. With better
ever prospering of deep neural networks, people have de-           transparency, the model designers can know more about how
signed a large amount of neural recommender models. Cor-           the recommendations are generated, and better debug the sys-
respondingly, many comprehensive surveys on deep recom-            tem.
mender algorithms are proposed [Zhang, 2019; Wu, 2021;
Fang, 2020]. Beyond concluding recommender models from             3.3   Persuasiveness
the architecture perspective, many surveys focus on how to
leverage the side information. For example, [Bouraga, 2014]        Persuasiveness aims to evaluate “whether the explana-
summarizes the models on incorporating knowledge graph             tions can increase the interaction probability of the users
into recommender systems. [Chen, 2013] reviews the al-             on the items [Tsukuda, 2020; Balog and Radlinski, 2020;
gorithms on social recommendation. [Kanwal, 2021] fo-              Musto et al., 2019]?” In general, persuasiveness aims to en-
cuses on the combination between the text information and          hance the utilities of the providers (e.g., sellers on the e-
recommender models. [Ji, 2017] summarizes the models               commerce websites, content creators on the micro video ap-
on image based recommendation. In addition, people also            plications). Comparing with transparency, persuasiveness
conduct surveys according to different recommendation do-          does not care about whether the explanations can honestly
mains. For example, [Song, 2012] summarizes the algo-              reflect the model principles. It focuses more on whether the
rithms in music recommendation. [Goyani, 2020] focus               explanations can persuade users to interact with the recom-
more on the movie recommender models. [Wei, 2007] is               mendations, so that the business goals can be achieved.
tailored for the algorithms in e-commerce. [Yu, 2015] is
a comprehensive survey on point-of-interest (POI) recom-           3.4   Scrutability
mendation. We have also noticed that there are some sur-           Scrutability aims to evaluate “whether the explanations
veys on recommendation evaluations [Gunawardana, 2009;             can exactly correspond to the recommendation re-
Silveira, 2019]. However, they focus more on the metrics           sults?” [Cheng et al., 2019; Tsai and Brusilovsky, 2019;
like accuracy, novelty, serendipity and coverage, which dif-       He et al., 2015]. In other words, if the explanations are
fers from our target on explanation evaluation. In the past, we    different, then whether and how the recommendation list is
have published a survey on explainable recommender mod-            altered. This perspective is closely related with transparency
els [Zhang, 2018], but it aims to summarize this field in a        yet one does not imply the other. Transparency pays more
general sense. However, in this paper, we focus on the evalu-      attention to the details inside the model, aiming to whiten
ation part, and include many latest studies.                       the working mechanisms. Scrutability cares more about the
                                                                   relations between the explanations and outputs, which can be
3 Evaluation Perspectives                                          model agnostic.
Recommendation explanations may serve for different pur-              We summarize the above evaluation perspectives in Table 1.
poses, e.g., providing more recommendation details, so that        We can see, recommendation explanations mainly serve for
people can make more informed decisions, or improving rec-         three types of stakeholders, that is, the users, providers and
ommendation persuasiveness, so that the providers can obtain       model designers. For different stakeholders, the evaluation
more profit. For different purposes, the explanations should       perspectives are different: effectiveness cares more about
be evaluated from different perspectives. In the literature, the   the utilities of the users, persuasiveness is more tailored for
following evaluation perspectives are usually considered.          the providers, and transparency and scrutability serve more
                                                                   for the model designers. If one compares the explanations
3.1   Effectiveness                                                in recommender systems and general machine learning, she
Effectiveness aims to evaluate “whether the explanations           may find that the latter mainly focus on the transparency and
are useful for the users to make more accurate/faster              scrutability, since it is not related with the users and provides.
decisions [Balog and Radlinski, 2020]?”       or sometimes         In this sense, explainable recommendation can be more com-
“whether the users are more satisfied with the explana-            plex, since it needs to trade-off different stakeholders.
tions [Xian, 2021]?” It is targeted at improving the utilities     Remark. (1) The above four perspectives are not always in-
of the users, that is, better serving the users with the ex-       dependent, they may have both overlaps and contradictions.
planations. By enhancing the effectiveness, the user expe-         For example, the explanations for improving transparency
Table 1: Summarization of the evaluation perspectives.

  Evaluation perspective             Evaluation problem                    Representative papers             Serving target
                                                                                 [Hada, 2021;
                                Whether the explanations are                    Guesmi, 2021;
       Effectiveness          useful for the users to make more                  Wang, 2020;                     Users
                                  accurate/faster decisions?                   Gao et al., 2019;
                                                                              Chen et al., 2013]
                                                                                [Chen, 2021a;
                               Whether the explanations can
                                                                                Sonboli, 2021;
                                 reveal the internal working
       Transparency                                                               Li, 2021c;               Model designers
                               principles of the recommender
                                                                                  Li, 2020c;
                                                                                  Fu, 2020]
                                                                             [Musto et al., 2019;
                                Whether the explanations can             Tsai and Brusilovsky, 2019;
      Persuasiveness          increase the click/purchase rate of        Balog and Radlinski, 2020;            Providers
                                    the users on the items?                    Tsukuda, 2020;
                                                                           Chen and Wang, 2014]
                                                                               [He et al., 2015;
                                Whether the explanations can             Tsai and Brusilovsky, 2019;
        Scrutability             exactly correspond to the                   Cheng et al., 2019;           Model designers
                                 recommendation results?                      Balog et al., 2019;
                                                                                  Liu, 2020]

may satisfy the curiosities of some users on how the rec-            demonstrated, while by the negative ones, the readers can un-
ommender models work, and therefore the explanation effec-           derstand when and why the model fails.
tiveness can be enhanced. In another example, to persuade               The most popular case studies are conducted by
users to purchase more items (i.e., persuasiveness), the expla-      visualizing the attention weights [Li, 2021b; Li, 2021c;
nations may not accurately reveal the model working mech-            Chen et al., 2019]. For example, in fashion recommendation,
anism (i.e., transparency), but have to highlight the features       [Li, 2021b] presents the matching degree between the tops
which can promote sales. When designing and evaluating ex-           and bottoms across different attributes. In image recommen-
plainable recommender models, it is necessary to predeter-           dation, [Chen, 2017] visualizes the importances of different
mine which perspectives to focus on, and how much we can             user previously interacted images as well as the regions in
sacrifice on the other perspectives. (2) We have noticed there       each image. In graph based recommendation, [Li, 2021c]
are many other evaluation perspectives, such as the fluency          illustrates which neighbors, attributes and structure contexts
of the explanation [Chen, 2021b] or whether a user-item pair         are more important for the current user-item interaction pre-
is explainable [Liu et al., 2019]. However, these perspectives       diction.
are not common, only appearing in a small amount of papers.             In many studies, people present template-based or fully
Thus we do not elaborate them in this survey.                        generated natural language explanations as case studies. For
                                                                     example, [Chen, 2020; Zhang et al., 2014] show the expla-
4 Evaluation Methods                                                 nations by assembling the model predicted attributes and the
To evaluate recommendation explanations from the above per-          pre-defined templates. [Li, 2020b; Li, 2021a] present the ex-
spectives, people have designed quite a lot of evaluation meth-      planations which are completely generated from the models.
ods. By going over the previous papers, we find that there are          When evaluating knowledge-based recommender models,
mainly four categories, that is: case studies, quantitative met-     people usually conduct case studies by showing the rea-
rics, crowdsourcing and online experiments. In the following,        soning paths between the users and items. For example,
we elaborate these methods more in detail.                           in [Wang et al., 2019], the authors present the importances
                                                                     of different paths for a given user-item pair. In [Xian, 2020;
4.1   Evaluation with Case Studies                                   Fu, 2020], the authors present examples to reveal the model
In this category, people usually present some examples to            routing process from the users to the items.
illustrate how the recommender model works and whether                  In many papers, the explanation items/features are pre-
the generated explanations are aligned with human intuitions.        sented as intuitive case studies. For example, [Liu, 2020;
Usually, the recommender models are firstly learned based on         Li, 2020c] highlights the items which are significant for the
the training set, and then the examples are generated based on       current model prediction. [Yang et al., 2019] shows impor-
the intermediate or final outputs by feeding the testing sam-        tant feature combinations to reveal the model working princi-
ples into the optimized model. More specifically, the exam-          ples.
ples can be both positive and negative [Chen et al., 2019]. By          In aspect-based recommender models, the case studies are
the positive examples, the effectiveness of the model can be         usually conducted by presenting the learned aspects for the
users/items. For example, in [Tan et al., 2016], the authors                 • Feature Matching Ratio (FMR). In [Li, 2020a], the re-
show the top words in the learned aspects to demonstrate the             views are generated under the control of a feature. FMR
effectiveness of the model in capturing user preference.                 evaluates whether this feature can successfully appear in
   The major advantage of case studies lies in its intuitiveness,        theP  predicted results. It is formally computed as FMR =
which makes the readers easily understand how the explana-               N      u,i 1(fu,i ∈ Su,i ), where fu,i is the input feature, Su,i is
tions look like. However, there are many significant weak-               the predicted review, N is the number of user-item pairs, and
nesses. To begin with, it can be biased, since one cannot eval-          1 is the indicator function.
uate and present all the samples. And then, due to the lack of               In counterfactual explainable recommendation [Tan, 2021],
quantitative scores, it is difficult to compare different models         the following two metrics are usually leveraged to evalu-
and make accurate model selections.                                      ate how the model prediction changes when the key fea-
                                                                         tures/items (which are used as the explanations) are altered.
4.2    Evaluation with Quantitative Metrics                                  • Probability of Necessity (PN). This metric aims to eval-
                                                                         uate “if the explanation features of an item had been ignored,
In order to more precisely evaluate the explanations, people             whether this item will be removed from the recommendation
have designed many quantitative metrics. Basically, this cate-           list?” Formally, Suppose Aij is the explanation feature set of
gory of methods assumes that the stakeholder utilities can be            item j when being recommended to user i, let PNij = 1, if
approximated and evaluated via parameterized functions. In               item j no longer exists in the recommendation list when one
the following, we elaborate the representative metrics.                  ignores the features in Aij , otherwise PNij = 0. The final
   Intuitively, if the explanations can accurately reflect the                                        P        PN
                                                                         PN score is computed as i,j 1(|Aijij|>0) .
user preferences on the items, then the user satisfaction can be
improved. As a result, many papers [Li, 2021a; Hada, 2021;                   • Probability of Sufficiency (PS). This metric aims to
Li, 2020a] leverage the user reviews, which pool comprehen-              evaluate “if only the explanation features of an item are re-
sive user preferences, as the explanation ground truth. In               mained, whether this item will be still in the recommenda-
these studies, the explainable recommendation problem is re-             tion list?” Let PSij = 1, if item j exists in the recommenda-
garded as a natural language generation (NLG) task, where                tion list when one only remains the features in Aij , otherwise
                                                                                                                           P         PS
the goal is to accurately predict the user reviews. Under this           PSij = 0. The final PS score is computed as i,j 1(|Aijij|>0) .
formulation, the following metrics are usually leveraged to                  Similar evaluation metric is also leveraged in [Liu, 2020],
evaluate the explanation qualities.                                      which measures the explanation quality based on the perfor-
   • BLEU and ROUGE scores. BLEU [Papineni, 2002]                        mance change before and after the key history items/entities
and ROUGE [Lin, 2004] scores are commonly used metrics                   are removed from the model input. The key intuition is that
for natural language generation, where the key insight is to             if the explanations are the key history items/entities underly-
count the world (or n-gram) level overlaps between the model             ing the recommendations, then removing them should greatly
predicted and real user reviews.                                         change the recommendation performance. The formal defini-
   • Unique Sentence Ratio (USR), Feature Coverage Ra-                   tion is as follows:
tio (FCR) and Feature Diversity (FD). These metrics aim                      • Performance Shift (PS). Suppose the original recom-
to evaluate the diversity of the generated reviews [Li, 2020a].          mendation performance is r, after removing the key history
USR evaluates the diversity on the sentence level. In specific,          items/entities, the performance is changed to r′ , then RS =
suppose the set of unique reviews is S, and the total number             r−r ′
                                                                            r . Here the performance can be evaluated with different
of reviews is N, then this metric is computed as USR = |S|         N .   metrics, such as precision, recall, NDCG and so on.
FCR and FD compute the diversity on the feature level. In                    In [Abdollahi and Nasraoui, 2017], the authors firstly de-
the former metric, suppose the number of distinct features in            fine which items can be explained based on the user-item in-
all the generated reviews is M , and the total number of fea-            teraction graph, and then the following two metrics are pro-
tures is Nf , than FCR = N    f
                                . For the latter one, suppose the        posed to evaluate the explainability of the recommendations.
feature set in the generated
                           P  review   for user-item pair (u, i) is          • Mean Explainability Precision (MEP) and Mean Ex-
Fu,i , then FD = N (N1−1) (u,i)6=(u′ ,i′ ) |Fu,i ∩ Fu′ ,i′ |, where      plainability Recall (MER). For a user u, suppose the set of
N is the total number of different user-item pairs.                      items which can be explained is Nu , the recommended item
   • Feature-level Precision (FP), Recall (FR) and F1 (FF)               set is Mu , then MEP = |N|M   u ∩Mu |
                                                                                                               and MEP = |Nu|N∩M  u|
In many papers [Tan, 2021; Tai, 2021], the explanation qual-                 Based on the above quantitative metrics, different models
ity is evaluated by comparing the features in the predicted              can be compared, which is important for model selection and
and real user reviews. For each user-item pair (u, i), sup-              benchmarking this field. In addition, quantitative metrics are
pose the predicted and real feature sets are Su,i and Tu,i ,             usually very efficient, since most of them can be computed
respectively. Then the feature-level precision, recall and F1            in a short time. As for the shortcomings, quantitative met-
                                                       |S ∩Tu,i |
for this user-item pair are computed as FPu,i = u,i        |Su,i |   ,   rics are sometimes not fully aligned with the evaluation goals.
           |S   ∩T   |                                                   For example, BLUE score only evaluates the word-level over-
FRu,i = u,i         u,i
                         and FFu,i = 2·FP·FR
                                         FP+FR , respectively. The
              |Tu,i |                                                    laps between the generated and real explanations, but it does
final results are
                P  averaged     across all the
                                            P user-item pairs, that      not directly tell whether the explanations are reasonable or
is, FP = N1             FPu,i , FR = N1        u,i FRu,i and FF =        not. What’s more, when the stakeholder utilities are too com-
 1 P

N     u,i FFu,i , where   N  is  the number  of user-item pairs.         plicated, existing quantitative metrics, which are heuristically
designed by a small amount of people, may have the risk of          the usefulness of the explanations generated from the pro-
misleading the evaluation results.                                  posed model and the baselines.
                                                                       In the above questions, the first category is the most dif-
4.3   Evaluation with Crowdsourcing                                 ficult, since the annotators have to make decisions from a
As mentioned before, recommender system is a subjective AI          large amount of candidates. However, the labeled datasets
task, thus involving human feelings into the evaluation pro-        are model-agnostic, which can be reused for different models
cess is a direct and natural idea. Such evaluation methods are      and experiments. In the second and third categories, the an-
called crowdsourcing, and there are mainly three strategies,        notators only have to answer yes or no, or select from a small
which are elaborated as follows.                                    amount of candidate answers, but the annotations cannot be
    • Crowdsourcing with public datasets. In this method,           reused, which is costly and not scalable.
the recommender models are trained based on the public                 • Crowdsourcing by injecting annotator data into pub-
datasets. And then, many annotators are recruited to eval-          lic dataset. A major problem in the above method is that
uate the model generated explanations based on a series of          the annotator preferences may deviate from the real users’,
questions. There are two key points in the evaluation process.      which may introduce noises into the evaluation. As a remedy
    (i) Annotation quality control. In order to accurately eval-    for this problem, [Gao et al., 2019] designs a novel crowd-
uate the explanations, controlling the annotation quality is        sourcing method by combining the annotator generated data
a necessary step. In the previous work, there are two ma-           with the public dataset. In specific, the evaluations are con-
jor strategies: one is based the voting mechanism, for ex-          ducted based on the Yelp dataset1 , which is collected from
ample, in [Chen et al., 2019], there are three annotators for The authors recruit 20 annotators, and require each
each labeling task, and the final result is available only when     annotator to write at least 15 reviews on Then, the
more than two annotators have the same judgment. The                reviews written by the annotators are infused into the original
other strategy is based on computing certain statistical quan-      Yelp dataset, and the explainable models are trained based on
tities. For example, in [Chen et al., 2018], Cohen’s Weighted       the augmented dataset. In the evaluation process, the anno-
κ [Cohen, 1968] is leveraged to assess the inter-annotator          tators are required to score from 1 to 5 on the explanations
agreements and remove the outlier annotations.                      according to their usefulness. Since the data generated by the
    (ii) Annotation question designs. We find that the annota-      annotators is also incorporated into the model training pro-
tion questions in different papers are quite diverse. In general,   cess, the feedback from the annotators are exactly the real
they can be classified into three categories. The first cate-       user feedback.
gory are “model-agnostic” questions, where the problems do             • Crowdsourcing with fully constructed datasets. In
not dependent on any specific model. In [Chen et al., 2019],        this category, the datasets are fully constructed by the an-
the annotators are required to simulate themselves as the real      notators. In general, there are four steps in the evaluation
users, and then label out the ideal explanations from all the       process, that is, (i) recruiting annotators with different back-
possible ones. Then the labeled explanations are regarded           ground (e.g., age, sex, nationality and etc.), (ii) collecting
as the ground truth, and the proposed model and baselines           annotator preferences, (iii) generating recommendations and
are evaluated by comparing their predicted explanations with        explanations for the annotators, and (iv) evaluating the ex-
the ground truth. The second category are “single-model”            planations by asking questions on different evaluation per-
questions, where the problems focus on only one explain-            spectives. Usually, The number of annotators in this cate-
able model. In [Li, 2021b], the annotators are asked to up-         gory is much larger than above two methods, and the exper-
vote or down-vote the explanations generated from the de-           iment settings and studied problems are quite diverse. For
signed model and the baseline, respectively. In [Xian, 2021;        example, in [Musto et al., 2019], there are 286 annotators
Li, 2020b], the annotators have to evaluate whether the pro-        (with 76.3% males, and 48.4% PhDs), and they are asked
posed model can help users make better purchase decision.           to evaluate the explanation transparency and effectiveness.
In [Chen, 2021b], the authors ask the annotators to label           In [Naveed, 2020], the authors aim to study whether feature-
whether the explanations produced from the designed model           based collaborative filtering (CF) models can lead to better
are fluent and useful. In [Tao et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2018],    explanations than the conventional CF’s. There are 20 anno-
the annotators are required to answer whether they are sat-         tators, among which 14 are females with the age ranges from
isfied with the generated explanations, whether the explana-        21 to 40. In [Hernandez-Bocanegra, 2020], the authors inves-
tions can really match their preferences and whether the ex-        tigate whether the type and justification level of the explana-
planations can provide more information for users to make           tions influence the user perceptions. To achieve this goal, 152
a decision. The third category are “pair-model” questions,          annotators are recruited, where there are 87 females, and the
where the problems focus on the comparison between a pair           average age is 39.84. In [Balog and Radlinski, 2020], the au-
of explainable models. In [Li, 2020b], the annotators need          thors recruit 240 annotators to study the relations between the
to answer which explanations produced from the designed             explanation effectiveness, transparency, persuasiveness and
model and baseline are more closer to the ground truth.             scrutability. In [Tsukuda, 2020], the authors recruit 622 an-
In [Tao et al., 2019], the annotation questions are: between        notators to evaluate the influence of the explanation styles on
A and B, whose explanations do you think can better help            the explanation persuasiveness.
you understand the recommendations? and whose explana-                 In the above three types of crowdsourcing methods, the
tions can better help you make a more informed decision?
In [Chen et al., 2018], the annotators are asked to compare      
Table 2: Summarization of the evaluation methods. In the second and third column, we present the most significant strengths and shortcomings
of different evaluation methods. In the last column, we present the perspectives that a method is usually leveraged to evaluate.

   Evaluation methods              Strengths              Shortcomings            Representative papers         Evaluation perspectives
                                                                                      [Xian, 2020;
                                                                                      Xian, 2020;
                                                       Bias; Cannot make                Fu, 2020;                    Effectiveness;
       Case studies          Better intuitiveness
                                                          comparisons                  Liu, 2020;                    Transparency
                                                                                     Barkan, 2020;
                                                                                       Li, 2020c]
                                                                                       [Li, 2021a;
                                Quantitative           Deviating from the
                                                                                      Hada, 2021;
                             evaluation; Easy to       explanation goals;                                            Effectiveness;
   Quantitative metrics                                                                Li, 2020a;
                              benchmark; High            Less effective                                               Scrutability
                                                                                       Tan, 2021;
                                 efficiency             approximation
                                                                                       Tai, 2021]
                                                                                       [Li, 2021b;
                                                                                      Xian, 2021;
                                Based on real                                                                        Scrutability;
      Crowdsourcing                                         High cost                  Li, 2020b;
                               human feelings                                                                       Transparency;
                                                                                     Chen, 2021b;
                                                                                   Wang et al., 2018]
                                                                                   [Zhang et al., 2014;             Effectiveness;
   Online experiments            High reliable              High cost
                                                                                      Xian, 2021]                   Persuasiveness

first one is fully based on the public datasets, the second one            Guidelines for selecting the evaluation methods. Based
is based on the combination between the annotator generated             on different characters of the evaluation methods, we propose
data and the public dataset, and the last one is completely             several guidelines on using them in real-world applications.
based on the annotator generated data. Comparing with the               (i) If the recommender models serve for high-stake tasks such
case studies and quantitative metrics, crowdsourcing is di-             as health caring and finance, then more reliable evaluation
rectly based on real human feelings. However, it can be much            methods should be selected, since the cost of mis-explaining
more expensive due to the cost of recruiting annotators.                a recommendation, so that the users fail to make correct de-
                                                                        cisions can be much larger than that of conducting the eval-
4.4   Evaluation with Online Experiments                                uations. (ii) For general recommendation tasks, if the eval-
                                                                        uation budget is limited, one has to trade-off the strengths
In the previous work, we also find a few papers, which eval-
                                                                        and shortcomings of different evaluation methods. (iii) From
uate recommendation explanations with online experiments.
                                                                        Table 2, we can see the same perspective can be evaluated
In specific, in [Zhang et al., 2014], the online users are split
                                                                        using different methods, thus one can simultaneously using
into three groups. For the users in the first group, the explana-
                                                                        these methods to take their different advantages. For example,
tions are generated from the proposed model. For the second
                                                                        when the model is not well optimized, we can use case stud-
group users, the explanations are produced from the baseline.
                                                                        ies to roughly evaluate the explanation effectiveness. Once
For the last group, there is no explanations. After running the
                                                                        the model has been tuned better, quantitative metrics can be
system for a short time, the authors compute the click through
                                                                        leveraged to demonstrate whether the explanations are indeed
rate (CTR) in each group to evaluate whether the explanations
are useful. Similar method are also leveraged in [Xian, 2021],
where the conversion and revenue are compared before and af-
ter presenting the explanations to the users. We believe online         5 Conclusion and Outlooks
experiments can be more reliable. However, its cost is very             In this paper, we summarize existing explainable recommen-
high, since it may disturb the real production environments,            dation papers with a focus on the explanation evaluation. In
and impact user experiences.                                            specific, we introduce the main evaluation perspectives and
   We summarize the above evaluation methods in Table 2,                methods in the previous work. For each evaluation method,
where we can see: for different evaluation methods, they are            we detail its characters, representative papers, and also high-
usually leveraged to evaluate different perspectives. For ex-           light its strengths and shortcomings. At last, we propose sev-
ample, case studies are mainly used to evaluate explanation             eral guidelines for better selecting the evaluation methods in
effectiveness and transparency, while crowdsourcing can be              real-world applications.
leveraged to evaluate all the perspectives defined in section 3,           By this survey, we would like to provide a clear summariza-
since it can flexibly design questions for the annotators. From         tion on the evaluation strategies of explainable recommenda-
the second and third columns, we can see different evaluation           tion. We believe there is still much room left for improve-
methods have their own strengths and shortcomings, and no               ments. To begin with, since the heuristically designed quanti-
one method can take all the advantages.                                 tative metrics can be incompetent for evaluating the complex
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