Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016

Page created by Bernard Black
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr.
                                                                                         City of Anderson
                                                                                         120 E. 8th Street
                                                                                        Anderson, IN 46016

From the Mayor
                                                                                                        Looking ahead to
As we move away from 2022, I am happy to report that the year ended well for the city of Ander-         February
son with significant progress on many fronts. The new year and the coming months are also filled
with great promise and plans for our continued success. Our economic condition of the city re-          Feb. 2 Groundhog
mains strong as we enter the new year. Our over 20 city departments and exceptional city employ-        Day
ees continue to provide first-rate services ensuring our public safety, quality roads, clean drinking
water, and exceptional parks, to name a few. Our city financial, economic, and quality of life ef-      Feb. 4 Paramount:
forts will continue to excel in 2023 and beyond. I will be reporting in my State of the City Ad-        Anderson Symphony
dress, delivered at the downtown headquartered Madison County Historical Society on Sunday,             Orchestra—Andre
February 26 at 3:00 p.m., on our city’s progress and future plans for continued success. I hope you     Gaskins, Cello
can come and listen to this presentation.
                                                                                                        7:30pm Tickets
The city was once again a proud sponsor of this year’s Dancing Like the Stars event, held at An-        online
derson’s beautiful, historic downtown Paramount Theater. The event which raised funds for the
theatres preservation was held Saturday January 28, and opened to a sold-out crowd. Great perfor-       Feb. 5-11 National
mances by all! Our downtown ice-skating rink, a back-drop to our many downtown activities, has          Burn Awareness
continued to provide countless hours of fun and activities for the children and the “young at heart”    Week
in our community. While we will be wrapping up ice-skating this Saturday, February 4, I am
hopeful that our winter and Christmas activities and celebration created memories for a lifetime!       Feb. 9 Geater Cen-
I just completed delivery of the balance of our annual Mayor’s Ball Teacher Grant Awards to 52          ter: All Paint Class
deserving community educators. A total of over $72,000 was awarded this year. The program,              6:00pm-8:00pm
which I started in 2016, has raised from donations over $350,000 for our local teachers and stu-        FREE register at
dents. In visiting our schools, I am always reminded of our exceptional teachers and students that
help make our community a great place to live. When I see these kids in action, I know our future
is bright!                                                                                              Feb. 14 Happy Val-
                                                                                                        entine’s Day
February is Black History Month. Our city, along with numerous other organizations and churches
in our community, join in paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled          Feb. 16-18 Alley
with adversity while striving to achieve the full promise of this great country.                        Theater: Rope
This month’s activities included several events to recognize Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. In addi-      7:30pm Tickets
tion to supporting the City of Anderson’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at the Paramount          online
Theater, I was proud on behalf of the city, to be a sponsor of the recent award-winning one-act         Feb. 19 Alley Thea-
play, held at the Anderson downtown Mainstage Theatre, The Meeting, which was powerful and
compelling play about an imaginary meeting between Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X.            ter: Rope 3:00pm
A special thanks to Dr. Treva Bostic, owner of downtown Anderson’s Cultured Urban Winery,               Tickets online
who brought this exceptional event to our community. There is talk of a possible encore presenta-       Feb. 20 President’s
tion, yet this month. If it happens, don’t miss this play!
                                                                                                        Day—City of Ander-
In addition, February will be filled with days of historical recognition of our presidents, Susan B.    son Offices Closed
Anthony, and a little romance with Valentine Days!
                                                                                                        Feb. 25 Paramount:
I want to remind everybody, while we are moving through winter, to drive carefully during in-           Buddy Guy 7:30pm
clement weather. Our city street department and our departmental snow-brigade will continue to
be prepared for winter weather and to keep our roads open and safe during anticipated winter con-       Tickets online
ditions.                                                                                                Feb. 26 Madison
Wishing you all of the best, and again I thank you for allowing me the privilege and honor to           County Historical
serve as your mayor of our wonderful city.                                                              Society: Mayor Bro-
                                                                                                        derick presents The
                                                                                                        State of the City Ad-
                                                                                                        dress 3:00pm
                                 Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr.

   AndersonNow!                                                   1                                     February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
2022 Highlights

AndersonNow!          2          February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
2022 Highlights

AndersonNow!          3          February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
Mayor’s Ball for Education: Teacher Grants Delivered
        Mayor Broderick Delivers $72,682.96 in Grants to Anderson Teachers
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. had the honor of visiting Anderson schools to distribute funds to more than
50 educators from schools all throughout Anderson who were recipients of his Mayor’s Education Grants.
The funds were generated through the annual Mayor’s Ball which has raised over $350,000 to fund teachers’
educational projects since Mayor Broderick took office.
“I decided after the first Mayor’s Ball,” commented Mayor Broderick, “to continue to use the grants for edu-
cators every year. We hear all the time about teachers who reach into their own pockets to cover costs and
address academic needs of their students. I hope that through this grant opportunity our dedicated teachers
will be able to bring their creative ideas to life in the classroom that might not have been possible.”
Applications were submitted by educators at every grade level, proposing impressive educational opportuni-
ties including: STEM activities, coding projects, Live Safaris, and more.
Other teachers have plans to purchase 3D printers, smart boards, and reading programs.
“Visiting Anderson schools reminded me of the fantastic educational opportunities that are available in our
local schools. The teachers’ enthusiasm and pride was evident through student work displayed throughout
the buildings and
activity in the
added Mayor
Broderick. “The
content that I
saw covered in
the classrooms
during our visits
reflects high ex-
pectations that
are being set for
the students. I
am proud to sup-
port our Ander-
son educational
In addition to
grants and con-
gratulatory cer-
tificates, Mayor
Broderick inter-
viewed educa-
tors and interact-
ed with classes
for Anderson TV
and social media.
The individual
grants, which
ranged from sev-
eral hundred dol-
lars up to $2,000,
will impact thou-
sands of stu-

AndersonNow!                                         4                                     February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
Mayor Broderick Delivers Awards to Teachers

                              Mayor’s Thomas J. Broderick, Jr.’s
                              Annual Ball Fund Raiser Provides.
                                 Anderson Teachers Apply.
                                 Anderson Students benefit.

AndersonNow!                        5                         February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
ARP Committees Make Progress
As the February 10 application re-     sistance, non-profit assistance,   tion of the process on February 10
lease date for the ARP funds nears,    home owner assistance, and         at
committees remained dedicated to       affordable housing were then
working to create a smooth pro-        formed from appointees of
cess for all potential applicants.     the Mayor and appointees
                                       from City Council.
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr.
commented, “The process of roll-       Currently, committees are fi-
ing out the applications requires a    nalizing the application pro-
lot of background effort. The com-     cess expectations, instruc-
mittees have voluntarily put in        tions, and assessment of the
their time and effort to ensure that   applications, in addition to
the funds are distributed to those     establishing timelines and
in need while abiding by federal       deadlines.
requirements. It is a huge task, and   Creation of the application
we are grateful that they have         process which addresses the
agreed to take it on and to remain     needs of the community and
faithful to the process.”              potential applicants while
After reading and analyzing the        aligning with the federal re-
more than 400 page manual of           strictions, requirements, and
federal regulations on restrictions    guidelines has been a chal-          No
and responsibilities of distributing   lenge that the experts on the
the funds, Mayor Broderick wrote       committees have taken with
a proposal which was approved by       great respect and seriousness.
the City Council in September.         Applications in all of the cate-
Committees representing home-          gories will be available with
less initiatives, small business as-   an explanation and descrip-

AndersonNow!                                              6                                   February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
Water Department: New Dump Trucks

 Video at:

The Water Department was happy         are different sizes to address differ-   with this issue that had been a
to get the possession of their long-   ent work needs.                          growing concern for many years.
awaited, new dump trucks. The
vehicles, which had been ordered a     Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. in-       “Anderson deserves all that we can
year and a half earlier on August      terviewed Water Department Di-           do for them. We should learn from
21, 2021, had been delayed due to      rector Neal Mckee about the need         the mistakes of other cities like
heavy demand and supply chain          for safe and reliable equipment,         Flint, MI,” Stated Mayor Broderick.
issues.                                especially as we are dealing with        “The city water director, city water
                                       frequent repairs due to aging water      employees, and I have been mak-
The old dump trucks have been in       infrastructure.                          ing progress over the past 7 years,
service for nearly 3 decades and                                                making over $22 million in water
repaired numerous times. The Wa-       Director McKee emphasized,               investments, including building an
ter Department has decided to dis-     “Water is an essential resource for      expandable water treatment plant,
pose of one truck and to repair and    everyone in the community. Mak-          changing out roughly 2,500 meters
keep the other as a back-up to in-     ing sure that the water is available     each year, and exploring and drill-
crease efficiency and speed with       is an around-the-clock issue. If         ing for new water wells. All efforts
their daily needs.                     there is a water break, we can’t         were carried out while continuing
                                       afford to have a vehicle in the          to maintain our old infrastructure.
The new Freightliner dump trucks       shop.”
have improved features like steel                                               I am hopeful that our city council
beds that can endure much more         The water infrastructure situation       to join me to make sure we have
than the old trucks, bright exterior   in Anderson has been the subject         safe, clean and plentiful drinking
lighting for work at night, and pow-   of much attention lately as Mayor        water
erful safety strobes. The 2 trucks     Broderick is committed to dealing
AndersonNow!                                             7                                         February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
Grand Opening: Subway on Broadway

                                                               Video at:

Mayor Thomas J. Broderick. Jr. and    veniences for customers in addition    “We are excited to see growth on
the Madison Chamber of Com-           to a full menu. The hours are 8:00     the north side of town, Comment-
merce joined to celebrate the         am to 9:00 pm every day of the         ed Mayor Broderick. “This restau-
Grand Opening of Anderson’s new-      week. This is a great option for An-   rant was once a closed bank. In-
est Subway restaurant located at      derson residents who live in the       vestments and repurposing of
2246 Broadway Street.                 area. For more information, visit      buildings like this redevelop the
This new restaurant is a completely   https://                               community and reflect confidence
renovated and beautifully decorat-        in the local economy and are great
ed building that offers many con-     -broadway-street                       benefits to our tax base and job

                        Grand Opening: Nick’s Auto Service
                                                    Nicks Auto Service continues to grow! Mayor Thomas J.
                                                    Broderick, Jr and the Madison County Chamber of Com-
                                                    merce partnered to celebrate the Grand Opening of
                                                    Nick’s Auto Services expansion to another building. The
                                                    expansion allows Nick’s to expand their reliable, trust-
                                                    worthy service to the residents and businesses of Ander-
                                                    son. The new facility provides more parking and space
                                                    for customers.
                                                    Nick’s hours are M-F 10:00am-5:00pm. For Specific infor-
                                                    mation call 643-0182 or 640-1707 or go to their website

                                                           Video at:

AndersonNow!                                           8                                       February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
Grand Opening: Circle City Curling Club

The city of Anderson is fortunate to   accommodate 24 people at one           and getting involved.
be chosen as the city where the        time. Additionally, there is a warm-   Attending the Ribbon cutting,
Circle City Curling Club opened its    ing room where spectators or           Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr.
doors. This new facility not only      teams that are waiting for ice time    commented, “Curling has recently
will bring people to Anderson, but     can relax with refreshments and        been growing in popularity, and we
it provides a new activity for the     watch game play on the big             are excited to have a location
people of our great city.              screens.                               where Anderson residents can
Curling has continued to grow in       Membership has increased by 30-        have a optional activity.”
popularity and now many groups         40 teams in the past 30 days at the
have formed teams for fun, exer-       1735 W 53rd St. location. For more
cise and competition.                  information go to the website at
The Grand Opening on January 12,
drew guests from Fishers and           Circle City Curling Club
Muncie who intend to form teams        1735 W. 53rd St. Unit 3A
and use this location on a regular     Anderson, IN 46013
basis.                                 They will be able to answer all of
The ice rink has 3 lanes and can       your questions about equipment

                                                               Video at:

AndersonNow!                                            9                                       February 2023
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. City of Anderson 120 E. 8th Street Anderson, IN 46016
Parks Department: January Park Program
 January weather may be unpredictable, but the Anderson
 Parks Department is constantly dependable in offering
 quality options for families.
 January programming included the Park Hop with a variety
 of fun activities at parks throughout our city.
 These free options included various arts and crafts which
 warmed the hearts of the participants on the chilly after-
 noons throughout the month. Some of the fun options
 were creating signs at May Park, participating in a chal-
 lenging scavenger hunt in at Jackson Park and making sun-
 catchers at Pulaski Park.
 It’s still nice to get some fresh air even on cool days. Stop
 over for a fun craft in the park for a few minutes of out-
 door time.
 Watch for Valentine Day and St. Patrick’s Day activities in
 the coming weeks.
 Check the Parks Department Facebook page for activities
 and fun options that are open to the public.

               Parks Department: Health & Wellness Program

                                                                 Join Us!

 The Anderson Parks Department continues to work with
 local partners to keep the Family Health, Wellness, and
 Weight Monitoring Program available for Anderson fami-
 lies. This program is a year long program that began in
 September and is perfect for those who have made health
 a new year’s resolution.
 This program offers monthly monitoring and health track-
 ing, monthly dinners and workouts throughout the week.
 If you are interested in joining or have questions about
 this program, contact the parks department at
AndersonNow!                                             10             February 2023
Parks Department: Snow Day Opportunity
The unpredictable weather and surprise snow day was
just another opportunity for the parks department to
create a fun, healthy opportunity for kids and families to
get outside and get creative.
Parks staff issued a challenge for the best snowman. Par-
ticipants submitted their photos which demonstrated
imagination and impressive effort.
Thank you to all of those who shared their pictures and
thank you to the Parks Department for providing this fun

   Parks Department: Skating Rink Wrapped up a Great Season
                                                       Committed to providing Anderson with free, family ac-
                                                       tivities, Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. extended the
                                                       ice skating rink hours throughout the month of January
                                                       and through February 4.
                                                       “The skating rink is a great place where Anderson chil-
                                                       dren and families can make happy, winter memories,”
                                                       commented Mayor Broderick. “Seeing the smiles on
                                                       the faces of skaters in the evenings and on weekends is
                                                       exactly what we hoped for when we envisioned this
                                                       Skating is available in all temperatures. Skates are
                                                       available in various sizes from young children to adults
                                                       and are also free.
                                                       Additionally, hot cocoa has also been available to
                                                       warm skaters on those cool days and evenings.

AndersonNow!                                           11                                      February 2023
Parks: Line-up for the Extended Summer Concert Series Decided
                                        Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. has an-
                                        nounced the amazing line-up for the
                                        2023 Extended Summer Concert Se-
                                        ries. This line-up includes several fan
                                        favorites and many new bands.
                                        All concerts are free to the public.
                                        Attendees can bring a lawn chair or a
                                        blanket and enjoy the music and at-
                                        mosphere with family and friends.
                                        Concerts will be on Friday nights at
                                        Dickmann Town Center, starting at
                                        7:30 pm beginning on June 2 and will
                                        continue into October, an uncommon-
                                        ly impressive, extended, summer con-
                                        cert run.
                                        The exception to the regular concert
                                        time is the Corey Cox concert which
                                        will be included as a part of Anderson’s
                                        downtown Independence Day Parade
                                        and Celebration.
                                        Downtown Anderson parking is also
                                        free. Attendees can easily find street
                                        parking or can use the parking garage
                                        between Meridian and Main Streets.
                                        Every event will be accompanied by a
                                        local food truck providing various,
                                        themed, dining refreshments or
                                        snacks. Additionally, downtown restau-
                                        rants and venues will be open with a
                                        variety of options for a great family or
                                        date night downtown.
                                        Kids can also have some fun playing on
                                        the equipment at Dickmann Town
                                        Square or enjoying the beach balls or
                                        other giveaways that are sometimes
                                        available during the awesome con-
                                        “The talent this year is impressive,”
                                        commented Mayor Broderick. “Our
                                        Extended Summer Concert Series is
                                        another great Anderson tradition that
                                        we have taken to the next level. We
                                        are excited about the schedule this
                                        year, and we know that visitors will
                                        enjoy the variety of bands that we
                                        have to offer. Plan to come down to
                                        Dickmann Town Center for fantastic
                                        nights of fun.”
                                        Anderson continues to provide resi-
                                        dents with many, free options for fam-
                                        ily fun. Let’s continue to make memo-
                                        ries in Anderson.
AndersonNow!                  12                              February 2023
Parks Department: Community Park Nominees
  Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr., City of Ander-
  son, and the Parks Department are now accept-
  ing nominations for individuals, who have passed
  on but who made impactful contributions during
  their lives to the people of Anderson. Selected
  applicants will be recognized and memorialized
  in a Brick Dedication Ceremony at Community
  Park, Anderson, Indiana.
  Families and friends of selected nominees will be
  invited to attend and accept a commemorative
  brick with their nominee’s name engraved. A
  matching brick will be permanently installed in
  the park as a perpetual tribute for the community
  leader who has passed to be remembered for his
  or her service.
  For an application, contact the Geater Center at
  The application deadline is April 1, 2023.

                             Parks Department: Art Corner
The Anderson Parks Department monthly Art Corner present-
ed “SLIME” as the craft of the session on Jan 19 from 5-7 at
the Geater Center.
Parents looked on and chatted while children engaged in the
process of mixing ingredients and colors to create their own
slime treasures.
Smiles were everywhere as the participants learned from the
instructor, Alecia Davis of the Parks Department and got ideas
from one another.
For information about events at the parks department , check
out their Facebook page at
CityofAndersonParks or online at

AndersonNow!                                          13         February 2023
Parks Department: Movie Nights

Movie Night is a frequent activity    a snack along with a relaxing craft.    gramming is an ideal option for
that is available for kids at the     This is a safe, fun, after-school op-   kids,” commented Mayor Thomas
Geater Center.                        portunity for kids and a great place    J. Broderick, Jr. “It is a positive
                                                                              place where kids can safely spend
The Anderson Parks Department         to hang out with friends.               time and have fun together in
partners with the Anderson Public     “The Geater Center’s evening pro-       those early evening hours.”
Library, offering a free movie with

                   Parks Department: Ongoing Opportunities
Anderson residents are fortunate to have many free op-
portunities available at the Geater Center.
The Geater Center is open Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 8:00.
There are many facilities available in addition to ongoing
programs for adults and children. The Geater Center has
a full gym with 6 hoops and free balls that is open to the
public for fun in groups or just shooting hoops alone.
Also, the Geater Center has an impressive weight room
with free weights as well as a variety of workout equip-
ment options, including treadmills, elliptical machines,
Nautilus machines, and more.
Additionally, you can jump in on Zumba, boot camp or
line dancing almost every day of the week, or you can
enjoy the game room.
For more information about facilities and special pro-
graming, follow the Parks Department Facebook page at

AndersonNow!                                            14                                        February 2023
Anderson Fire Department: Burn Awareness Week in February
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. and        workplaces.”                          we are not paying attention.
Fire Chief Dave Cravens announce
plans for National Burn Awareness         Peyton Manning Children’s Hospi-      The International Association of
Week, February 5-11.                      tal, Ascension St. Vincent has do-    Fire Workers website suggests
                                          nated the smoke detectors that will   many simple things that can be
With the slogan “Hot Liquids Burn         be distributed as an additional       done to prevent injuries. Talk to
like Fire” established by the Inter-      component of burn prevention          children, even small children, about
national Association of Firefighters      awareness events.                     burns. Teach small children to have
as inspiration, local action will focus                                         a 3 feet safety zone around the
on raising awareness about the            Chief Cravens added that another      stove, and test the water in the
dangers of burns due to contact           primary focus of this year’s cam-     bathtub before putting your child
with hot fluids.                          paign is parents with toddlers, as    in.
                                          children can easily be injured when
Aimed at informing seniors,
Fire Department represent-
atives are partnering with
the Anderson Public Library
to distribute smoke detec-
tors and safety information
at the Anderson Library on
February 7 from 10:00 am
to 2:00 pm and on February
8 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Additionally, Anderson In-
termediate will have a post-
er contest for their stu-
dents with prizes for the
“Many people don’t think
about the serious injuries
that hot water or other liq-
uids can cause,” comment-
ed Chief Cravens. “This
week draws us to intention-
ally focus on sharing simple
tips that can prevent scalds
and raise awareness of the
dangers in addition to shar-
ing first aid actions in case
of an accident.”
“Chief Cravens and the City
of Anderson’s first respond-
ers have seen too many
people harmed by prevent-
able accidents,” comment-
ed Mayor Broderick. “The
Anderson Fire Department
has a mission to protect
public safety, and preven-
tion is the best approach.
Take some time during this
week to think about the
precautions that you can
take in your homes and

AndersonNow!                                              15                                       February 2023
APD: Citizen’s Academy
                                                     As part of community outreach, the
                                                     Anderson Police Department will be
                                                     hosting a Citizen’s Academy in 2023.
                                                     The Citizen’s Academy is a series of
                                                     training sessions over the period of
                                                     several weeks. Topics include: Depart-
                                                     ment Operations, Firearms Infor-
                                                     mation, Investigation Procedures and
                                                     Techniques, Crime Scene Processing,
                                                     and more.
                                                     The Academy is open to Anderson res-
                                                     idents 18 or older.
                                                     Classes will be held twice a week for
                                                     the duration of the program that starts
                                                     on February 25, 2023 primarily at the
                                                     Anderson Police Department, 1040
                                                     Main Street, Anderson.
                                                     “The Citizen’s Academy is a great op-
                                                     portunity to share information about
                                                     the Anderson Police Department with
                                                     the local community,” commented
                                                     Mayor Broderick. “Many people have
                                                     questions and others are considering
                                                     joining the department and want to
                                                     know more. I encourage everyone to
                                                     check this out. It is interesting to learn
                                                     about the processes, procedures and
                                                     details of the police force.”
                                                     For more information or to register for
                                                     the program, contact Assistant Chief
                                                     Michael Anderson by calling 765-648-
                                                     6722 or at mander-

               APD: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day Jan 9
                     Mayor Thomas J. Bro-
                     derick, Jr. extended
                     gratitude to all of our
                     police officers on Na-
                     tional Law Enforcement
                     Appreciation Day on
                     January 9.
                     “We are proud of and
                     grateful for our City of
                     Anderson police,” com-
                     mented Mayor Broder-
                     ick. “They go above and
                     beyond every day. We
                     are lucky to have each
                     and every one of them.”
AndersonNow!                                    16                            February 2023
APD: Crime Watch Re-starts
                                                         The 2023 Crime Watch season will officially kick off in
                                                         March. APD will host monthly meetings covering a
                                                         wide range of topics. Crime Watch is a great way to
                                                         get connected in your neighborhoods and make a

      APD: What Parents Need to Know about Cell Phone Aps

Cell phones and other devices can greatly ben-
efit your children. But online access also comes
with risks, like inappropriate content, cyberbul-
lying, and online predators. In addition, using
social media apps and websites where kids in-
teract might prod them to exchange personal
information. Parents/Guardians should be
aware of what their kids see and hear online,
who they meet, and what they share about
themselves. The Anderson Police Department
encourages you to talk with your kids, stay in-
volved and keep an eye on their activities.
-APD Facebook
AndersonNow!                                        17                                         February 2023
APD: Blood Drive
                                                    When Versiti blood banks reached out to the
                                                    Anderson Police Department alerting them of
                                                    an emergency shortage of blood, the APD re-
                                                    sponded immediately, scheduling the blood
                                                    mobile was at the police department on Janu-
                                                    ary 11 with a full schedule of donators after the
                                                    APD advertised the need on social media.
                                                    Blood donation saves lives. Every 2 seconds
                                                    someone in the US needs blood. Just one do-
                                                    nation can save up to 3 lives. More than
                                                    30,000 blood donations are needed every day.
                                                    Not everyone can donate, but if you are able,
                                                    please, donate.

                                     APD: Fallen K9 Friend
The Anderson Police Department is
mourning the loss of their Police K9 Har-
Harry was transported to a vet clinic
because he was having issues with his
right leg.
After a thorough examination, it was
discovered that Harry had a cancerous
bone tumor. Thank you for your ser-
vice, Harry.
-City of Anderson Police Dept. Facebook

AndersonNow!                                   18                                   February 2023
APD: Recruiting New Officers
                                                            The City of Anderson Police Department continues
                                                            to look for quality candidates to join their family.
                                                            All candidates are welcome to apply, whether
                                                            they have experience or not. The APD is highly in-
                                                            terested in individuals who have dedication to and
                                                            connections in our city.
                                                            The APD is a close family, looking for new mem-
                                                            bers who have solid interpersonal skills and a de-
                                                            sire to interact with the people of Anderson.
                                                            The people of Anderson need individuals that they
                                                            can rely on and get to know, officers who care
                                                            deeply for them.
                                                            Anderson offers competitive starting pay with
                                                            scheduled increases, paid vacation and personal
                                                            time, tuition assistance, 12 hour work shifts, over-
                                                            time opportunities, on-going training, and a sup-
                                                            portive force.
                                                            Apply at the City of Anderson Website or by scan-
                                                            ning the QR Code.

                                       APD: New Vehicles
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. and Chief Michael Lee of the Anderson Po-
lice Department are excited to share that a delivery has been made for 17
                                                 new APD vehicles.
                                                 These vehicles, which are
                                                 a part of an ongoing rota-
                                                 tion of vehicles that en-
                                                 sures that our officers
                                                 have safe and reliable
                                                 transportation, reflect
                                                 Mayor Broderick’s com-
                                                 mitment to providing our
                                                 emergency responders
                                                 with the best equipment
                                                 possible as they care for
                                                 the citizens of Anderson.
                                                 Delays due to supply
                                                 chain and order issues
                                                 make this delivery an ex-
                                                 citing event for the APD.
                                                 The vehicles are now be-
                                                 ing sent to have light
                                                 bars, radios and other
                                                 necessary equipment in-
                                                 stalled before being final-
                                                 ly assigned to officers.

AndersonNow!                                           19                                        February 2023
City of Anderson Sponsors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day was punc-      The presentation also includ-
tuated with a theme of unity and urgen-        ed impressive performances, includ-
cy by all of the honored speakers at the       ing: a musical selection by Anderson
City of Anderson 2023 MLK celebration.         University Choir & Community Choir,
                                               an emotional mime-dance by Bran-
The annual committee, led by Tamie             don, Beaty-Alexander, a wonderful
Dixon-Tatum chose the “The Telegraph           introduction of the keynote speakers
Moving Forward Together with Urgen-            by Brian Martin, and more.
cy” as the title and the theme for the
event. This title was inspired by a tele-      A small portion of The Message, which
gram communication sent by MLK to              Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. and the
Cesar Chavez, 2 civil rights activists who     City of Anderson were proud to spon-
shared a common philosophy of peace-           sor, is a play that
fully protesting to bring attention to         showcases a fic-
and take a stand for the rights of abused      tional conversa-
and marginalized individuals.                  tion between Dr.
The message of urgency was empha-              Martin Luther
sized by powerful keynote speakers Dr.         King, Jr. and Mal-
D. Wesley Poythress and Dr. Lauren             colm X was also
Poythress who shared the podium and            performed and
opened with their own stories while re-        served as an excel-
minding the audience that we must              lent sample to en-
“refuse to be done” working toward             courage the audi-
equality and fighting discrimination and       ence to
prejudice until Dr. King’s dream is real-      attend
                                               one of
ized.                                          the 6
Invited speaker Mayor Thomas J. Bro-           shows in
derick, Jr. stated, “We can continue the       January.
mission of Dr. Martin Luther King by
acting together with urgency. Passing
laws is important, but it takes more
than that. It takes living lives of kindness
and acceptance in our hearts and daily

AndersonNow!                                               20                           February 2023
Martin Luther King Day: James Warner Broadcast
                               The Gospel Highlight     unity and equal op-     we need to live the
                               Broadcast hosted the     portunity for all.”     challenge of Dr. King,
                               Martin Luther King,      Rev Edward L. Foggs     not just talk about it.
                               Jr. 20th Birthday Cel-   reinforced the neces-   Rev. Fogg reinforced,
                               ebration. Community      sity of commitment      “The time is always
                               leaders filled the An-   of all to see that      right to do the right
                               derson Zion Baptist      King’s dream comes      thing.”
                               Church community
                               center on January        to fruition.            We need to respond
                               16, and went live on                             to Dr. King’s mes-
                                                        Mac Murphy Hughes       sage, asking our-
                               101,1 and WHBU           added that we need
                               1240AM.                                          selves what our part
                                                        to make every day       is and what we need
                               The event was host-      better than the one     to do.
                               ed by Brother James      before.
                               Warner, Pastor Vic-                              “These are inspira-
                                                        Shared thoughts in-     tions,” commented
                               tor Richardson of        cluded the im-
                               NZE Tom Snyder and                               community leader
                                                        portance of uniting     John Bostic. “Dr. King
                               Judge Clem. Mayor        all people, including
                               Thomas J. Broderick,                             showed us the path.
                                                        people of color and     We have to continue
                               Jr. joined other com-    the poor, and those
                               munity members           who need others to      to take action, voting
                               who enthusiastically     speak for them.         for representatives
                               shared ways that the                             who will protect the
                               message of Dr. Mar-      Others noted that it    weak, encourage ed-
                               tin Luther King, Jr.     is important to elect   ucation, work to-
                               have inspired and        leaders who are         wards fair represen-
                               challenged them.         committed to pro-       tation in all profes-
                                                        tecting strides that    sions, doctors, law-
                               Mayor Broderick          have been made and      yers, business pro-
                               reinforced, “We are      passing laws to en-     fessionals, and en-
                               all born as human        sure rights and pro-    sure wellness, taking
                               beings and it is ulti-   tection while serving   care of ourselves to
                               mately important         as role models and      ensure that quality
                               that we treat others     advocated for oppor-    of life continues to
                               as we would like to      tunities for all.       improve as does
                               be treated. Through                              home ownership and
                               our daily actions, we    Another shared sen-     a legacy of success
                               will be a part of the    timent was that we      for all.”
                               vision of Dr. King,      need to take action,

AndersonNow!                               21                                         February 2023
MLK Special Event: The Meeting
                           Continuing to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the month of
                           his birth, Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. and the City of Anderson
                           sponsored the Cultured Urban Winery ‘s presentation of The
                           Message, a play by Jeff Stetson, at the Mainstage Theater in An-
                           derson performed over the final 2 weekends in January.
                           This play reveals a fictional meeting between Dr. Martin Luther
                           king, Jr. and Malcolm X, 2 men fighting the same battle with
                           different philos-
                           ophies and ap-
                           This work rep-
                           resented an op-
                           portunity for
                           audiences to
                           see the men
                           and their atti-
                           tudes and vi-
                           sions portrayed
                           through two
                           very skilled ac-

   Mayor Broderick, City of Anderson, Sponsors Dancing Like the Stars

                              Mayor Thomas Broderick, Jr. and
                              the City of Anderson were proud
                              sponsors of the 15th Annual Danc-
                              ing Like the Stars event at the Para-
                              mount Theater which drew hun-
                              dreds to downtown Anderson on
                              Saturday night. This event showcas-
                              es local talent and supports Ander-
                              son’s historic entertainment venue.
                              This year’s event was spectacular.
                              The choreography, skill, and stories
                              in the fantastic dances awed the
                              audience which broke into cheers
                              and applause several times through-
                              out the evening. Congratulations to
                              all of the dancers! Another great event in downtown Anderson!

AndersonNow!                           22                                      February 2023
State of the City Address to be at the MC Historical Society
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr.’s annual State of
the City Address is scheduled to take place at the
Madison County Historical Society at 15 W 11th
St, Anderson, IN on Sunday, February 26 at 3:00
This speech is open to the public and will be rec-
orded and posted on the Anderson TV YouTube
The Mayor will highlight many of his and his ad-
ministration’s accomplishments of 2022, oper-
ating while within a fiscally responsible budget.
Significant items include providing new equipment
for multiple departments, paving projects, eco-
nomic growth, revitalization projects, and more.
Ensuring public safety by providing thorough sup-
port to police, fire, light and power, and other de-
partments is also an ongoing objective.
He will further discuss actions taken in 2022 to
improve the quality of life for the residents of An-
derson, including the Grand Opening of May Park,
the return of many events such as the Soap Box
Derby, and response to growing interests, notably
He will also share the present economic status of
the city and discuss future projects that require
Finally, he will discuss his vision of the future of
Anderson in 2023 and beyond, including the econ-
omy, expansion of jobs, redevelopment of neigh-
borhoods, revitalization of parks, and much more.

               Community Engagement: Veteran’s Coffee Club
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr.
attended the monthly Veteran’s
Coffee Club, co-hosted by The
Gathering of Queens, on January
14 at the Impact Center in Ander-
The Coffee Club is an opportunity
for local veterans to come together
for conversation comradery and
Mayor Broderick circulated among
the members before addressing
the group, thanking them for their
service and sacrifice before dis-
cussing Anderson’s state of affairs.

AndersonNow!                                           23         February 2023
Under Mayor Broderick’s Leadership: No City Employee Insur-
                 ance Rate Increase in 8 Years
Mayor Thomas Broderick, Jr. has        the Insur-
consistently insisted on providing     ance Benefit
for the protection of all employees,   Specialist
including insurance as well ensur-     and a council
ing safe working practices and         appointee.
equipment. While making con-           Representa-
sistent improvements in safety         tives of Uni-
measures, the city has been able       fied© and
prevent passing on any financial       True RX©,
burdens to their employees. Most       which pro-
notably, there has not been a single   vide insur-
insurance rate increase for City of    ance ser-
Anderson employees in the past 8       vices to the
years, something almost unheard        City of An-
of with any employer.                  derson, ap-
The Health Commission met Janu-        prised the
ary 31 for the 12 month insurance      committee                               need of the city’s valued employ-
review. The committee, comprised       members gathered of the current         ees. Basically, the City of Anderson
of 12 members, includes represent-     insurance status and presented          currently operates in a solid and
atives from the Board of Works,        them with data from the past.           secure status, able to see to medi-
the Controller office, the Safety      Mayor Broderick has turned an in-       cal needs of all employees and pro-
Board, IBEW, the firefighters, and     herited insurance deficit into a sur-   vide preventative programs and
Human Resources in addition to         plus ready to address any medical       services.

                             February: Black History Month

AndersonNow!                                             24                                        February 2023
Taking Action: Mayor Broderick Addresses Anderson’s Water Issue
Mayor Thomas J. Broderick, Jr. has implementing new wells, increasing                   ward and will hold down rates to a
presented a plan to city council to       capacity at the water plants, and             modest increase for residents. A
correct the water infrastructure is- changing out lead pipes and other                  small increase of less than $2.00 per
sues.                                     aged water lines.                             month, over each phased in year,
                                                                                        over a 3-year period of time, will
The water infrastructure issue is not Water is an essential resource that               cover the bulk of the remaining
a surprise to anyone. It is an issue      many take for granted, as McKee               costs.
that has needed attention for years. says, “Until you turn on the tap and
Anderson is an old city, and much of it’s not there.”                                   The Mayor’s plan will also shift
the infrastructure that we have is                                                      costs away from residential custom-
70 and more years old. When any- Necessary               attention to Anderson’s        ers that should be paid by large in-
thing is that old (a car, a home, a       water    upgrades     is not unusual. Eve-    dustrial users.
furnace) significant investments          ry  city  in the country    has water in-
                                          frastructure     as
need to be made to ensure proper whether they are maintaining, an  ongoing  priority,   The modest monthly increment
and safe working order. The same                                                up-     won’t begin until 2024.
can be said of our water system           grading,     expanding,    or building new
                                          facilities   and  systems   as they  grow.    As there have only been 2 increases
which is essential to our children,                                                     on water rates in the past 20 years
residents, medical facilities, and        City councils are approving water
                                          improvement plans all over the                despite constant rising costs of wag-
businesses.                                                                             es, fuel, and materials, we should
                                          state and beyond.
Water Department Director Neal                                                          be proud of the leadership’s budg-
McKee commented that our wells            Mayor Broderick’s plan, which final-          eting and responsible choices. They
and water systems “are past their         ly, fully addresses current and fu-           have proven that they are working
useful life. You can do the mainte-       ture   demands and conditions,                for us.
nance, but things just have a certain     would     allow for an immediate abil-        This needs to be done. Other
useful life. We need to continue          ity  to provide    over $65 million dol-      “newer” cities, again, may be
working on improvements to keep           lars  in  needed    improvements. First,      spending money for new growth.
our water safe now and into the           the   $9   million dollars  from the ARP
                                          funds    (already   proposed    by Mayor      We are addressing that as well as
future.”                                  Broderick and approved by the city            replacing outdated materials. EVERY
Devoted to the citizens of Ander-         council) will be combined with $8.5           city deals with water needs. We
son, Mayor Thomas Broderick, Jr.          million dollars from available TIF            need to do this for our residents
and his administration have no in-        revenues. Federal dollars, including          today as well as our children and
tention of passing this on to the         forgivable grants, will be sought             success as a city tomorrow.
next administration without taking through the state revolving loan                     Please, contact your City of Ander-
impactful and life-changing action. program for additional needed                       son elected councilpersons to ask
Over the past 7 years, Mayor Bro-         funds.                                        them to support Mayor Broderick’s
derick has taken the lead on activi-                                                    Water System Plan which will bene-
ty, including building the new, ex-       This will allow the plan to move for-         fit the city now and into the future.
pandable, Lafayette
Water Plant which
opened in 2019, re-
placing lines and
changing out meters.
Now, we must contin-
ue our actions and
move forward.
Mayor Broderick has
presented a carefully,
responsibly created,
fully-funded plan to
the city council after
extensive consultation
with engineers, expert
consultants, and city       Mayor Broderick and Neal McKee ad-
departments. The plan dressed the Anderson water issue in an
                            interview with WRTV Channel 6 News.
includes locating and

 AndersonNow!                                                  25                                          February 2023
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