May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association

Page created by Rosa Gibbs
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association   May 2022
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
Powerful Maternal Genetics
          The Best of Line One Breeding with a Modern Phenotype

               CL 1 DOMINO 1195J 1ET

                                                                                                             T O D AY !

      CL 1 DOMINO 1195J 1ET Reg# 44259329 | Horned | Act BW 94 | Adj 205 651(ET) | Adj 1256(ET) | Adj REA 13.03 | Adj Marb 2.43
      CED 3.2 BW 3.5 WW 55 YW 92 SCF 18.2 MILK 40 M&G 68 UDDER 1.20 TEAT 1.30 REA 0.57 MARB 0.12 CHB 128

                                                                    HH MISS ADVANCE 2022Z ET

      HH ADVANCE 5345C                   1195J was the Pérez Cattle Company/Barber Ranch top selection from the 2022 Cooper Ranch
    HH ADVANCE 8392F ET                  Bull Sale. His balanced EPD profile, classic Line One pedigree, 100% pigment, and superior
      HH MISS ADVANCE 2022Z ET           depth/mass makes him one of strongest Line One bulls to ever come out of Montana. The cow
CL 1 DOMINO 1195J 1ET                    families behind 1195J prove the value of his maternal strength—combining Coopers legendary
      CL 1 DOMINO 860U                   055X and Holden’s 2022Z cow. At age 12, 055X still ranks in the top 25% or better in 12 traits—
    CL 1 DOMINETTE 055X                  excelling in performance, carcass, and maternal! Scan the QR code to order semen or visit
      CL1 DOMINETTE 7136T 1ET  

                           Order Semen at
                    Nara Visa, NM                                                             Channing, TX
                    Michael Pérez (575) 403-7970                                              Brett Barber (806) 681-2457
                    Kyle Pérez (575) 403-7971                                                 Justin Barber (806) 681-5528
   Cattle Company                                               
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
Texas Hereford Association Officers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Larry Johnson, Abilene, president
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                E.C. Rosson, Milford, president-elect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Jimmy Atlas, Grandview, vice-president
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             John Scharbauer, Midland, vice-president
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                James Strode, Paluxy, vice-president
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jack Chastain, Ft. Worth, secretary-treasurer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Terri Barber, Channing, past president
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Executive Committee:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Chad Breeding, Miami
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Morgan Cox, Tarzan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bryan Lank, Millsap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wade Perks, San Angelo
    Official publication of the Texas Hereford Association                                                                              May 2022 • Vol. 71, No. 7                                                                       Cody Webb, Barnhart
    Mission Statement                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Directors
       The Texas Hereford Association will provide the leadership to unite, foster and protect                                                                                                                                         Jon Averhoff, Hamilton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Luke Bradford, Anderson
    the interest of the Hereford breed; and promote fairly the production and consumption of                                                                                                                                          Swayze Brainard, Pampa
    Hereford beef universally.                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lee Haygood, Canadian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jan Beth Klein Johnson, Henrietta
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Hadley Mann, Lubbock
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Travis Mason, Justin
    Features                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Kurt Mathias, Mt. Pleasant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jon David Moore, Abilene
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Van Owen, Abilene
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jackie Pullen, Rockwall

       14      2022 Combined Junior Hereford State Show
               Welcome to Texas Hereford State Show “Bet on Red & White”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Steven Rader, Mt. Vernon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Gary Schneider, Aquilla
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lee Terrell, Sherman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Wesley Theuret, Kenedy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rick Tisdale, Kingsland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tom Walker, Stamford

      16       Hereford Juniors
               Build on Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cody Webb, Barnhart
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Len Weinheimer, Stonewall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shannon Worrell, Mason
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Si Beerwinkle, Earth
               Development in Texas                                                                                                                                                                                                     Chad Breeding, Miami
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gary Buchholz, Waxahachie

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jay Creamer, Waxahachie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Scanlon Daniels, Dalhart

       17      Sale Reports                                                                                                                                                                                                           John Dudley, Comanche
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cheryl Harris, Hamilton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Matt Harris, Salado
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tracy Holbert, College Station

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Robert Jackson, Ranger
               Texas Dams of Distinction Announced                                                                                                                                                                                     Kelly Jacobs, Floresville
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bill King, Moriarty, NM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bryan Lank, Millsap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Brady Mimms, Lorenzo

    Departments                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wade Perks, San Angelo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     John Scharbauer, Midland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Monroe Schatte, Jr., Giddings

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lisa Schnitker, Turkey

       4       Bulletin Board                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dwight Sexton, Cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Jon Weil, Irene
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ryan Akers, San Angelo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dave Allan, Nocona
               Tailgate Talk                                                                                                                                                                                                            Raymond Bell, Pollok
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Nancy Bowling, Blackwell, OK

                                                                                                                   Dams of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  William Brymer, College Station

      18                                                                                                                                                        Distinctio
                                                                                        Texas                                                                                                                                            Jeff Chaffin, Morgan
               Auxiliary News                                       The 20
                                                                           21 Dams
                                                                    with bre
                                                                   from 73
                                                                             eders an
                                                                                     of Distin
                                                                                      d 128 he
                                                                                               ction list
                                                                                                          s Texas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Morgan Cox, Tarzan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jack Dangelmayr, Muenster
                                                                                                                   as 6th in

                                                                            6 Heref             ad. A tot                    the
                                                                                    ord pe                 al of 2,5
                                                                  4S Farms                 rforman
                                                                                                    ce herds         96 Heref nation               the ho
                                                                            LLC, Denis                                        ord cow                     nor of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jeep Darnell, El Paso
                                                                                       on                        in 40 sta            s                          being na
                                                                 Barber Ra                                                 tes ear                Family                   med a
                                                                           nch, Chann                                              ned                    Partners                2021 Da

               Cattle for Sale
                                                                Aidyn Ba                    ing                                                  breeders          hip of
                                                                                                                      Flying S                             with 19        San An            m of Dis
                                                               Bryden Ba
                                                                            rber, Chann
                                                                             rber, Chann
                                                                                          ing                         David Ha
                                                                                                                               rbour, Sti
                                                                                                                                         s, Dallas
                                                                                                                                                                    dams.        gelo ran
                                                                                                                                                                           Texas bre      ked 17 th
                                                                                                                                                                                     eders inc
                                                                                                                                                                                                    in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               . JP
                                                                                                                                                                                                           top 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Justin Dauer, Panhandle
                                                              Rylee Ba                     ing                       Falyn He                                                                  lude:
                                                              Gary & Ka
                                                                          rber, Chann
                                                                           thy Buchh
                                                                                        ing                        Indian Mo
                                                                                                                              mpel, Ine
                                                                                                                               und Ranch
                                                                                                                                                                          OH         Triangle
                                                                                                                                                                               Player Pol
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ranch, Sa
                                                                                                                                                                                                               n Angelo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kaite Jo Day, Meadow
                                                                                                                                                                                           led Heref
                                                             Case Ra
                                                                       nch, Me
                                                                                       olz, Waxah
                                                                                                   achie          JP Family
                                                                                                                                           , Canadian                         Ricketson                  ords, Em
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ory                Mark M. Ellison, Austin

                                                            Coates Ra            rtzon                                                  Partnersh                                          Hereford
                                                                                                                 Kinnear,                         ip, San An                 RK Cattle                  s, Dalha
                                                                         nch Co.,                                           Courtney                         gel                          Co., Dodd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Paul Funk, Copperas Cove
                                                           Cole Pol                 Mertzon                     Kinnear              , Jos hua                   o                                      City
                                                                     led Heref                                            Polled He                                         Rocking
                                                                                 ord s, Orange                                      refords,                                            Chair Ra
                                                          D2 Farms                                             Kurtis Ma                                                                          nch, San
                                                         Dauer He
                                                                      , Dalhart
                                                                                                                           thias, Mt
                                                                                                                           Ranch, Co
                                                                                                                                     . Pleasant
                                                                                                                                               Joshua                      Rocking
                                                                                                                                                                                      R  Ra nch, Gates
                                                                                                                                                                                      & Sons,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jim Hill, Channing
                                                        Double Dia
                                                                      mond Ra
                                                                                                              Metch Pol
                                                                                                                          led Heref
                                                                                                                                       pperas Co
                                                                                                                                                 ve                      Spearhea
                                                                                                                                                                                     d Ranch
                                                                                                                                                                                                 R., Olney
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dan Nance, Haslet

                                                        Doyle He                 nch, Mc                     Gary Mo                ords, Ca                                                    , Copperas
                                                                  reford Ra                 Dade                       ore, Brenha            nton                      Texas Sta                               Cove
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Walter Pfluger, San Angelo

                                                       Landon Do               nch, Wo                                              m                                               rdance Ca
                                                                                         lfe City            MW Heref                                                  Wesley                     ttle , LLC, Ha
                                                                   yle, Lantan                                           ords, Bro                                                S. Theure                       milton

               Advertisers Index
                                                       Will Ech                   a                         Noack He               wnwood                                                     t, Kened
                                                                ols, Brecke
                                                                              nridge                        Audrey No
                                                                                                                                LLC, Rockd
                                                                                                                       lan, Gilme            ale
                                                                                                                                                                      Kurt & Jes
                                                                                                                                                                     Trinity Far
                                                                                                                                                                                    sica Tho
                                                                                                                                                                                               mas, Wo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ward Smith, Pleasanton
                                                                                                                    Nolan, Gil
                                                                                                                                                                    TT Heref
                                                                                                                                                                   W-2 Cattle
                                                                                                                                                                                        Mt. Pleasa
                                                                                                                                                                                    Ranch, Kin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cody White, Amarillo
                                                                                                                                                                   Willis Pol
                                                                                                                                                                                  Co., Dublin
                                                                                                                                                                               led Heref
                                                                                                                                                                                           ords, Em
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Monte Williams, Dublin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Callie Zoeller, Gatesville

    On The Cover                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TEXAS HEREFORD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4609 Airport Freeway • Fort Worth, TX 76117
    This month’s cover was submitted by Gary Woody of                                                                                                                                                                            817/831-3161 • Fax: 817/831-3162
    McKinney, Texas. For the photo chosen from all the                                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jack Chastain, Manager/Editor
    submissions Mr. Woody will receive a check for $100                                                                                                                                                                     Penni Hiles, Assistant Editor & Circulation
    from Park Place Enterprises.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Park Place Enterprises, Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lee Chastain, Photo Production
         THE TEXAS HEREFORD (ISSN 0744-4761) (USPS 616-680) is published monthly except for the                                                                                                                                         AFFILIATED WITH
    month of July by the Texas Hereford Association. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address no­tic­es                                                                                                                        LPC – Livestock Publications Council
    to The Texas Hereford, 4609 Airport Frwy., Ft. Worth, TX 76117. Periodical postage paid at Ft. Worth,                                                                                                                       National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
    TX, and additional mailing offices.Subscription rate: One Year, $25.00. Advertising rates on request.                                                                                                                          American Hereford Association
    Contributions to the ed­i­to­ri­al pages are welcome, but the magazine can­not be responsible for the return                                                                                                           Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
    of unsolicited ma­te­ri­al.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Texas Purebred Cattle Alliance

2   TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association

Bulls always available at private treaty on the ranch,
as well as high-end steers, bulls and females
consigned to sales all around Texas.                                  Official Logo:

Since1898, we’ve been continuously working to improve
both our registered and commerical horned Herefords.
By developing the classic west Texas Hereford using
21st century genetics, we produce rugged, sturdy, sound
cattle that will get the job done in any operation.
The upshot – docile, easy fleshing cattle that are
accustomed to all vehicles and trailers, as well as being
worked with a horse, on foot and with dogs.                                      O H Triangle Ranch
                                                              36 W Beauregard Ave., Suite 616 • San Angelo, Texas 76903
Whether it’s beef on the hoof, or beef for your freezer,                         Office 325-655-4486
we are your best source for high quality.                          Ryan Akers | Ranch Manager • Cell 805-709-2289
Visit our website for more information:     
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
    Attention Members &                        ford Association website under the                   Youth links or contact Amy Weston,
                                               youth link. Applications must be                     817-454-8248, westonfamilyfarms@
    Subscribers                                postmarked on or before June 1. The         or Briss Mann, 432-788-
        Work has already begun on the July     scholarship will be awarded during                   8372 for more information. ★
    2022 Membership Directory. Please re-      the TJHA-TJPHA State Show. ★
    turn your Herd Bull listing form with                                                           Texas Hereford Auxiliary
    any new information or changes and it
    would greatly help if you would alert us
                                               AHA Seeking Board                                    Scholarship Information
    to any recent area code change or new      Nominations                                           1. Applicants must have been a member
    mailing addresses as the post office            The American Hereford Associa-                      of TJHA by January 1 of the current
    updates it compliance to help with 911     tion is seeking nominees to serve a                      year.
                                               four-year term as a director. To submit               2. Applicants must be either a senior in a
    locations. All non-member subscribers
                                                                                                        Texas high school or a freshman in any
    are urged to consider becoming active      nominations, please contact a member
    members to show your support of Here-      of the nominating committee. Tommy
                                                                                                     3. Applicants must be under the age of
    ford cattle and boost our effectiveness    Mead, chairman, Midville, GA, (706)                      22.
    and clout as a spokesman for the Here-     339-0201,;                       4. Applicants must be single, never mar-
    ford beef industry. ★                      Pete Atkins (Northwest region), Tea,                     ried and cannot have a child.
                                               SD, (605) 351-9847, petea15@gmail.                    5. Applications must arrive by June 1.
    Scholarships to be Awarded                 com; David Burns (Southeast region),
                                               Pikeville, TN, (615) 477-5668, burn-                     The second scholarship being of-
    at State Show                    ; Les Midla (North-                    fered is to aid a college student pursu-
        The Hereford Youth Foundation of       east region), Marianna, PA, (724) 267-               ing their education goals. Eligibility:
    Texas is offering scholarships to indi-    3325,; Kyle                       1. Applicant must be a member of TJHA.
    viduals pursuing degrees in accredited     Peréz (Southwest region), Nara Visa,                  2. Applicant must be an upperclassman
    colleges. Special consideration will be    NM, (575) 403-7971, kyleperez82@                         college student attending college.
    given to students pursuing a career in ★                                          3. Applicant must be single, never mar-
                                                                                                        ried and no children.
    beef cattle production. The number of
                                                                                                     4. Applications must be received before
    scholarships and the amount awarded        Texas Hereford Queen/                                    June 1.
    annually is dependent upon funding.
        Each scholarship will be paid by
                                               Sweetheart Entries Due                                   Each of these scholarships is for
    check payable to the university that            The Texas Hereford Auxiliary                    $2,000, and payment will be made at
    the student will be attending during       would like to encourage all eligible                 the beginning of the fall semester. The
    the upcoming semester. The check           girls to participate in the 2022 Texas               winners will be notified at the Texas
    will be issued by the Hereford Youth       Hereford Queen/Sweetheart contest.                   Junior Hereford Association field day.
    Foundation of Texas and mailed to the      New royalty will be crowned at the                       For an application and more infor-
    university. This is a renewable schol-     Texas State Junior Show this sum-                    mation contact: Ashleigh Mimms, 806-
    arship and will be paid ¼ (one fourth)     mer. Rules and application can be                    319-4253; ashleighmimms@hotmail.
    awarded per semester.                      downloaded from the Texas Here-                      com or Briss Mann, 432-788-8372; gy-
        The HYFT scholarship application       ford website in the Auxiliary and           ★
    and requirements are posted on the
    THA website,, in the
    Youth section. You can also contact the     Your Chance to Earn $$$
    Texas Hereford Association office for       Beginning with the August 2021 issue of Texas
    an application at 817-831-3161 or via       Hereford magazine (through the May 2022
    email,         issue), Park Place Enterprises will pay $100
        All application materials must be       directly to any THA or TJHA member (sorry
    received no later than June 1. ★

                                                Jack Chastain, you’re ineligible) whose
                                                photo is chosen to run on the front cover.
    Ashley Radde Memorial                       Submit your high-resolution (300 dpi) digital
    Scholarship                                 image (jpg, approximately 10” x 12”) for
                                                consideration directly to the Texas Hereford
        Information, requirements, and          Association office via e-mail – texashereford@
    scholarship application regarding the Please use the subject line: Cover
    Ashley Radde Memorial Scholarship           Submission. Deadline is the 15th of each month.
    can be obtained on the Texas Here-

4   TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
WE             L I V E T H E H E R E F O R D C AT T L E B U S I N E S S

                                                       JU S T L I K E Y O U !
                                                            W W W. T H E G E N E S O U R C E . C O M

     KJ T WJ 907E LIBERT Y 159H ET                           PCC 7009 173D MAVERICK 0183 ET

T/ R B P F A M E R I C A N C L A S S I C 5 6 1 C E T               KLD RW MARKSMAN D87 ET

           UPS MIGHTY 7850                                          J D H A H S TA N D O U T 1 6 G ET

                                  14382 FM 103, NOCONA, T X 76255
      DAVE ALLAN 979-561-7115 | BECKY ALLAN 512-750-8367 | PAUL MAULSBY 979-587-2835
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
tailgateTALK                           By Jack Chastain, Editor

    M      ay has always been an exciting Month. Green grass is a
           welcome sight (hopefully we will see some this year)as
    is not having our cows meet you at the gate waiting to be fed.
                                                                        The youth are most appreciative and extend an invitation to
                                                                        attend and watch not only a tremendous cattle show, as well as
                                                                        their participation in other educational and fun events.
    Calving should be almost finished and the sight of newborn               Last month I challenged every member to sign up a new
    calves is as good as it gets in the ranching business. May is       member. We have seen a few come in. I issue the same chal-
    National Beef Month when grocery chains and food suppliers          lenge this month but need you to get them to us before the end
    feature beef in their advertising. Mothers Day in May and Fa-       of May to be included in the summer June/July issue. We also
    thers Day in June should be a must to feature beef in every-        need your ad in this popular promotional issue.
    one’s menu. The CHB office assures me we can find CHB in                 As time marches on, so do deadlines for many projects
    Texas. In addition to CHB, the Crystal Creek Cattle Company         sponsored by THA. Now is the time to set aside bulls and fe-
    has informed us that they are supplying straight Hereford beef      males for the THA Fall Classic sale in Buffalo, Texas on October
    from Greater Omaha Beef to a number of restaurants in the           26. A number of entries are already consigned. We also encour-
    North Texas region.                                                 age consignors to select a pen of heifers for the 53rd Annual
          The demand for top quality Herefords continues to be          Whiteface Replacement Female Sale to be on Sunday, January
    strong. I have had numerous calls seeking bulls, open and bred      29, 2023. The Fort Worth Stock Show has allowed us to add Red
    heifers and young cows, both Hereford and Hereford X Angus          Angus X Hereford cross heifers to our show and sale. They will
    cross. Our sales reported in this issue reflect a growing demand    show with the Black Angus X Hereford cross entries.
    for quality Hereford cattle. Our inquiries for cattle to buy have        We are busy putting together the summer membership
    been good. These come from both phone and the web site. Our         directory issue of our publication. Remember that the infor-
    “for sale” listings have been extremely popular and resulted        mation that is printed in the herd listing part of this issue is
    in many sales. Please help yourself by keeping these listings       also posted on our web site and can be viewed by anyone at
    current. We cannot help you sell your stock unless you tell us      anytime. Phone numbers, addresses(both physical and e-mail)
    it is for sale.                                                     and current herd information have never been more impor-
          Our juniors are busy preparing for another great state show   tant. Please help yourself by making sure your information is
    sponsored jointly with TJPHA and funded by our Youth Foun-          correct. Advertising is also a big part of this issue. It is an op-
    dation of which so many of you generously support. As an ad-        portunity for you to highlight your operation for a minimal
    visor I can safely say that this event could not happen without     expense. Results might surprise you. “Advertising does not
    the support of the Hereford breeders around the entire state.       cost-IT PAYS.” ★

         Family. Tradition. Quality.                     In it for the long haul.

                                                    Registered Herefords Since 1948

                    JK Schmidt 972-921-8281   ■   ■   14273 SR Ranch Road   ■   Mason, Texas 76856

6   TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
May 2022 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
1Horned  Bull
  in the breed         when combining Birth Wt., Yearling Wt., Marbling and CHB
                       5-19 straws $35.00 / 20 or more $30.00 / Certificates $45.00 • Commercial semen available.
                       Semen sold to Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Texas, Georgia and Tennessee.

                                                                                                                             He’s the heifer bull
                                                                                                                             with ribeye and
                                                                                                                             high marbling you
                                                                                                                             need. Place your
                                                                                                                             semen order today.

                       The heifer-calving-ease
                       bull with carcass!
                                                                         S t a rda n c e
                                                                                                HH ADVANCE 932J [SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF]
Entered in the National Reference Sire Program                                              HH ADVANCE 1045L [CHB,DLF,IEF]
Co-owned with Collins Cattle Co.                                                                HH MS ADV 898H 1ET [DOD,IEP]
                                                                                         DS 1045 ADVANCE 3575N [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF]
CED BW         WW      YW   DMI    SC   SCF MILK M&G CEM
                                                                                                DS TROY 6805
+9.8 -0.8       +60    +106 +0.9 +2.1 +22.8 +33      +63 +5.1
MCW US          TS     CW   FAT   REA MARB BMI       BII CHB                                DS 6805 MS TROY 8605 [DLF,HYF,IEF]
+117 +1.20     +1.30   +97 +0.107 +0.87 +0.88 +$512 +$643 +$214                                 DS MS NORSTAR 4119
                                                                                      STARDANCE M8086 ET [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF] #43989449 • 02/25/18
BW 6/70 • WW 4/39 • Scan ..5                                                                    UPS DOMINO 3027 [CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF]
His dam has 67 progeny with his full sister having a                                        CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X [SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF,MDF]
bull calf in the Olsen National Sire Reference Program.                                         CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET [DLF,HYF,IEF]
 This just in…                                                                        CHURCHILL LADY 284Z ET [DLF,HYF,IEF]
Stardance son topped yearling bulls at recent Ridder Hereford Ranch                             GH NEON 17N [CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]
                                                                                            CHURCHILL LADY 6109S ET [DLF,HYF,IEF]
Production Sale at $12,000.
                                                                                                CHURCHILL LADY 202 [DLF,HYF,IEF]
At Holden Herefords recent sale, 2 bulls sired by HH Advance 1045l,

                                                                                      Doyle Hereford Ranch
paternal grandsire of Stardance sold for ½ interest $65,000 and                                                            214-240-4538
$40,000 respectively.                                                                                                      9545 St. Hwy. 34 North
COME PICK YOUR CHOICE OF WEANING BULL CALVES FOR DELIVERY LATER.                                                           Wolfe City, Texas 74596
ALSO VIEWING OF SELECT HEIFERS FOR SALE.                                                                         
                                                                                                                           May 2022 • TEXAS HEREFORD    9
                                                                                             EXPORTING Livestock through

                                                                                                  ground O air O sea
     El Paso Livestock Export Facility
           10800 Socorro Road
           El Paso, Texas 79927
           Office (915) 859-3942

      Del Rio Livestock Export Facility
                                           H                                       H                        Howdy Neighbors,
              543 Farley Lane                                          Houston-Bush Intercontinental
           Del Rio, Texas 78840                                        Airport Livestock Export Facility    Here at the Texas Department of Agriculture, one
                                                                                                            of our most important missions is to protect and
           Office (830) 773-2359
                                               H                              16424 Luthe Lane
                                                                             Houston, Texas 77032
                                                                             Office (281) 443-2447
                                                                                                            promote production agriculture here in the Lone
                                                                                                            Star State. A cornerstone of that mission is to
                 Laredo Livestock Export Facility                                                           ensure that livestock being exported from our
                        3902 Jaime Zapata                                                                   state meets all state and federal guidelines.
                        Memorial Highway
                       Laredo, Texas 78046
                       Office (956) 722-6307
                                                          H      Brownsville Livestock Export Facility
                                                                      701 South Vermillion Ave.             The Texas Department of Agriculture export
                                                                      Brownsville, Texas 78521
                                                                        Office (956) 546-5135               facilities are the gateways for exporting livestock
                                                                                                            from Texas. From cattle and horses to pigs and

T   he Texas Department of Agriculture has five livestock export facilities                                 poultry, these facilities are tools to help get Texas
    located across the state. Each facility provides livestock buyers and sellers                           livestock around the world. Through our export
                                                                                                            facilities, TDA is committed to not only protecting
with a location on the Texas border where animals can be held until inspection
                                                                                                            the transported livestock but also the owners,
and export requirements are completed. Once the livestock have been cleared                                 buyers and brokers.
for travel, they can be loaded for transport out of the United States.
Livestock leaving the Brownsville, Del Rio, El Paso, and Laredo facilities will be                          Exporting livestock may seem daunting. The
loaded for ground transport into Mexico. The Houston facility moves livestock                               information we’ve posted on our livestock export
by air and sea, covering destinations all over the world.                                                   facility website, and our facility staff, can help
                                                                                                            you successfully navigate this process. Please
                                                                                                            contact us if you have any questions.
                                          CATTLE HORSES   PIGS      GOATS       SHEEP      POULTRY
  H Brownsville Facility
                                                                                                            Sid Miller
  H Del Rio Facility                                                                                        Commissioner
  H     El Paso Facility

  H Houston-Bush
        Intercontinental Airport

  H     Laredo Facility                                                                                         For More Information:
10    TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022

Del Rio Export Pen Ad.indd 1                                                                                                                            8/17/21 2:35 PM
                     Herd Bulls
                                                              CED     6.1 .39                                                                CED    6.3 .33
 BCC DOMINATOR 062H ET [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF]                                   SR DOMINATOR 1149G
                                                              BW      1.6 .45                                                                BW     0.7 .38
                                                              WW       64 .41                                                                WW      51 .30
                                                              YW     104 .42                                                                 YW      96 .32
                                                              DMI     0.5 .14                                                                DMI    0.4 .11
                                                              SC      1.7 .36                                                                SC     1.2 .31
                                                              SCF   21.7 .29                                                                 SCF   18.1 .15
                                                              MILK     30 .27                                                                MILK    23 .18
                                                              M&G      62 -                                                                  M&G     49 -
                                                              CEM     4.4 .23                                                                CEM    7.9 .22
                                                              MCW    112 .17                                                                 MCW    104 .16
                                                              US    1.20 .36                                                                 US    1.10 .23
                                                              TS    1.20 .36                                                                 TS    1.20 .23
#44169507 • 02/21/2020                                        CW       83 .10   #44039201 • 04/01/2019                                       CW      83 .13
             CL 1 DOMINO 215Z [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF]     FAT  0.044 .10                 CL 1 DOMINO 215Z [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF]    FAT  0.074 .18
     BCC DOMINATOR 619D [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MDF]                 REA   0.41 .10         BCC DOMINATOR 619D [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MDF]                REA   0.46 .13
             BCC MISS BELL 206Z [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]           MARB 0.11 .10                  BCC MISS BELL 206Z [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]          MARB 0.15 .16
BCC DOMINATOR 062H ET [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF]                 BMI    $440       SR DOMINATOR 1149G                                           BMI    $387
             HH ADVANCE 1173Y [SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF]                                              HH ADVANCE 0132X [SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF]
                                                              BII    $525                                                                    BII    $460
     BCC L1 DOMINETTE 454B [DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]                                   SR FORTIA 562C
             BCC BABY CHEEKS 2115Z                            CHB    $128                    SR NAVITA 0106X [DOD]                           CHB    $134
                                                                                                                                             = Top 10%
                                                              CED     2.8 .43                                                                 CED     -2.7 .37
 SR SUSTAIN 808F [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF]                                     SR DISPATCH 638F [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]
                                                              BW      3.5 .59                                                                 BW       5.0 .57
                                                              WW       71 .51                                                                 WW        70 .49
                                                              YW     111 .42                                                                  YW      116 .51
                                                              DMI     0.5 .16                                                                 DMI      0.6 .16
                                                              SC      1.4 .45                                                                 SC       1.3 .45
                                                              SCF   29.7 .35                                                                  SCF    20.0 .29
                                                              MILK     45 .33                                                                 MILK      35 .27
                                                              M&G      80 -                                                                   M&G       70 -
                                                              CEM     3.6 .30                                                                 CEM      1.4 .22
                                                              MCW      62 .24                                                                 MCW       90 .17
                                                              US    1.20 .44                                                                  US     1.20 .40
                                                              TS    1.30 .44                                                                  TS     1.20 .40
#43930249 • 03/02/2018                                        CW       68 .26   #43929908 • 03/26/2018                                        CW        99 .21
            UPS DOMINO 3027 [CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF]   FAT  0.034 .29       NJW73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET [SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDC] FAT  -0.016 .26
     CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X [SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF,MDF]           REA   0.44 .27     BCC BILLY THE KID 330A [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MDF]                 REA    0.92 .20
            CHURCHILL LADY 7202 ET [DLF,HYF,IEF]              MARB 0.24 .27        BCC SWEET CAROLINE 071X [DLF,HYF,IEF]                      MARB -0.03 .23
SR SUSTAIN 808F [CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF]                   BMI    $549       SR DISPATCH 638F [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]                          BMI     $437
            CL 1 DOMINO 0130X 1ET [SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF]                            CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X [SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF,MDF]
                                                              BII    $653                                                                     BII     $513
     SR SCOPIA 691D [MDF]                                                        SR FORTIA 270Z [DOD]
            SR 10Y WARDETTE 423B [MDC]                        CHB    $122          SR RAZIE 093X                                              CHB     $145
                                                               = Top 1%                                                                      = Top 1%
                                                               = Top 5%                                                                     = Top 5%
                                                                                                                              Jon David Moore
                                                                                                                              PO Box 331•Hamilin, TX 79520

                                                                                                                              May 2022 • TEXAS HEREFORD          11
Texas Hereford

     Fall C l assi c Sa le
             OCTOBER 26, 2022 • BUFFALO, TX

                                                NOMINATION FORM
                                   2022 THA FALL CLASSIC HEREFORD SALE
                                      Wednesday, October 26, 2022 • Buffalo Livestock Marketing,Inc.

      Consignors Name


      City                                    State           Zip                         Phone

      We will consign the following cattle:

                       Bulls (age required) $50/Bull Entry Fee
                       Registered Hereford Females (number, age, breeding status) $50/Group Entry Fee
                       Commercial Females (breed, age, breeding status) $50/Group Entry Fee
                                                                                     Please enclose:
             BULLS must be 18-25 months of age                                         • registration number
             Breeding Soundness and Trich tested                                       • footnote for catalog and
             FEMALES should be 6 years of age or less                                  • any photo you have of sale animal

              • Entry Fee required.                                                     by July 1
              • Sale limited to first 60 bulls entered and subject to inspection.
              • Sale Fee will be Entry Fee plus flat 10% of gross on bulls. 6% of gross on females.
             Please enclose original or copy of registration certificates for development of the catalog.
             Also please enclose with the papers the footnotes you wish to put with your consignment.

                            Entry Deadline ... July 1, 2022
                Texas Hereford Association • 817/831-3161 • cell: 817/821-3544 • 817/831-3162 fax
                                   4609 Airport Freeway, Ft. Worth, TX 76117

12   TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022
Our Annual              HERD BULL ISSUE
                             deadline is upon us… Please               respond by                    May 15
❑ YES, Please include me in this year’s HERD BULL ISSUE and reserve my advertising space for:
❑ Full Page . . . $750          NOW OFFERING FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS
                                   Size       1 Time       6-Time Rate          10-Time Rate
❑   2/3 Page . . . . $600
                                Full Page      $750     $400 x 6 = $2,400 $300 x 10 = $3,000

❑   1/2 Page . . . . $400       1/2 Page       $400     $250 x 6 = $1,500 $200 x 10 = $2,000
                                1/3 Page       $300     $175 x 6 = $1,050 $150 x 10 = $1,500
❑   1/3 Page . . . . $300
                                1/4 Page       $250     $150 x 6 = $900     $100 x 10 = $1,000
❑   1/4 Page . . . . $250
                               ❑ YES, I want to take advantage of the frequency discount:
❑   1/6 Page . . . . $150        ❑ 6-Time Rate          ❑ 10-Time Rate                                        Full Page
                                                                                                        7.5" wide x 10" deep
Advertising Copy: The main idea I want to get across in my ad is:

Photos:   ❑ NO, there will not be any photos used in my ad.                                          2/3 Page (left) 4.625" wide
                                                                                                     1/3 Page 2.3125” wide
          ❑ YES, I want to use photos of PLEASE IDENTIFY IMAGES WITH NAME AND PHOTO ID #             both are 10” deep

Special Instructions:

Contact information you want to appear in your ad:
(names of owners/managers, addresses, phone, fax, e-mail, web site)                                           1/2 Page
                                                                                                      7.5" wide x 4.875" deep

                                                                                                                  1/4 Page
❑ YES, I need to see a proof of my ad. Please send via ❑ e-mail                 ❑ fax       ❑ mail   3.625" wide x 4.875" deep

Authorized by
           Texas Hereford • 817-831-3161 • Fax 817-831-3162 •                          1/6 Page
      • 4609 Airport Freeway • Fort Worth, Texas 76117                3.625" wide x 2.44" deep
                                                                                                 May 2022 • TEXAS HEREFORD         13
           Tuesday, June 7
           Noon . . . . . . . . Officers and Directors Move-in

           Wednesday, June 8
           8AM. . . . . . . . . Barns Open to ALL Exhibitors
           10AM-5PM . . . Check-in
           1PM-3PM . . . . Speech Contest
           4PM . . . . . . . . . TJHA & TJPHA Queens’ Interviews
           3PM-5PM . . . . Measure Mini Hereford, Weigh Mini Steers
           4:30PM . . . . . . New Member Orientation
           5PM . . . . . . . . . Texas Hereford Queen & Sweetheart Tea
                                 Photos & Posters must be turned in
                                 All Cattle Entries must be in barn and checked in
           6PM . . . . . . . . . Weigh & Classify Steers
           6:30PM-9PM . . Family Fun BINGO NIGHT!!!
                            Proceeds from Bingo night will go to those
                            affected by Texas Wildfires. This will be the
                            service project at the 2022 Texas State Show.

There is NO OUTSIDE ALCOHOL ALLOWED on the grounds of the Belton Expo Center
2022 SHOW SCHEDULE,                 continued

Thursday, June 9
8AM. . . . . . . . . Quiz Bowl Written Test
9AM. . . . . . . . . Opening Ceremonies
                     ALL Juniors must attend and WEAR State Show Shirt
9:45AM . . . . . . Shadow Showmanship Contest
10:30AM . . . . . Showmanship Contest
                  Ring A Pre-PeeWee, PeeWee & Junior
                  Ring B Intermediate & Senior
2:30PM . . . . . . Team Fitting Contest
                   ONLY Contestants and Judges in Contest area
4:30PM . . . . . . TJPHA Annual Meeting
5:30PM . . . . . . TJHA Annual Meeting
7PM-9PM . . . . DANCE!!!
                 All Officers & Directors are required to stay for clean-up!!!

Friday, June 10
8AM. . . . . . . . . SHOW (Blow & Go!! NO FIT in Fridays Shows)
                     Ring A Steers, C/C Pair, Bulls, Bred & Owned Females
                     Ring B Mini Prospect Steers, Mini Market Steers,
                            C/C Pair, Bulls, Bred & Owned Females
2PM . . . . . . . . . Individual Sales Contest
3PM . . . . . . . . . Quiz Bowl Buzzer Round
4PM . . . . . . . . . JNHE Meeting
6PM . . . . . . . . . Silent Auction Closes
6PM . . . . . . . . . AWARDS CEREMONY

Saturday, June 11, 2022
8AM. . . . . . . . . Owned Show (Fit Show)
                     Ring A Owned Female Show
                     Ring B Miniature Hereford Junior Owned Female Show


Front row (left to right): Bailey Morrell, Willows, CA, Gary Buchholz, GKB       Kathy Buchholz, GKB Cattle, Waxahachie, TX, Amy Cowan, American Here-
 Cattle, Waxahachie, TX, Alisha Klemme, Plymouth, WI, Taylor Dieball, Man-        ford Association director of youth activities and foundation, Kansas City, MO.
 hattan, KS, Katherine Krauss, Russell, KS, Megan Underwood, Campbellsville,      Back row (left to right): Abigail Vander Groef, Newton, NJ, Salem Sifford,
 KY, Abigail Pitstick, South Solon, OH, Josie Correll, Cleveland, NC, Elizabeth   Goldvein, VA, Libby Rushton, Waverly, TN, Logan McFatridge, Otterbein,
 Crumm, Anadarko, OK, Lauren Gatz, Fairview, KS, Kaylee McInvale, Lock-           IN, Bryden Barber, Channing, TX, Isaac Rhode, Stewartsville, MO, Trevor
 ney, TX, Molly Biggs, Dixon, IL, Ralston Ripp, Kearney, NE, Haley Mouser,        Johnson, Centerville, SD, Wyatt Lawrence, Princeton, MN, JW Cox, Flem-
 Tenstrike, MN, Paige Lemenager, Hudson, IL, Dellana Muck, Caledonia, IL,         ingsburg, KY, Dylan Kottkamp, Clayton, IN, Lauren McMillan, Tiskilwa, IL.

 Hereford Juniors

 Build onTheir                                                                                  LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                DEVELOPMENT in Texas

       wenty National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA)                          show themselves off to future employers.
       members were selected to accompany seven NJHA                                   The final day was spent with sessions focused on intra vs.
       Board of Directors as they recently attended the first                     interpersonal communication, emotional maturity and build-
 Building On Leadership Development (BOLD) Conference at                          ing connections, led by the NJHA Board of Directors leader-
 Desdemona, Texas, March 24-27. This elite leadership retreat                     ship team. Tours of the different GKB Cattle operations were
 was hosted at Hi Point Ranch owned by Gary and Kathy Bu-                         held both days, along with a closing night chuckwagon steak
 chholz of GKB Cattle.                                                            dinner and a dance under the Texas stars.
      BOLD was created by the NJHA Board of Directors, who                             Building was the underlying theme of the BOLD event
 wanted college-aged junior Hereford members to expand                            and junior members were challenged to build their net-
 their leadership skills beyond the Faces of Leadership confer-                   works while growing their leadership skills. National Here-
 ence that is held each summer. With an age range of 18-22                        ford Queen, Lauren Gatz from Kansas attended the inau-
 years, BOLD is geared to the college and career focused junior                   gural conference. “Thank you to GKB Cattle for opening
 members, providing them with a more personalized learning                        up their ranch to us and sponsoring this once in a lifetime
 experience, focused on improving their leadership, providing                     opportunity,” Gatz said. “Being able to learn from Gary and
 career opportunities, and cultivating life-long relationships.                   Kathy Buchholz was a highlight of the trip. I am very excit-
      “BOLD was proven to be well worth the effort, and I am                      ed to utilize the knowledge I gained this past weekend to
 overjoyed with the reactions and feedback we have already                        continue developing myself. This was a special conference
 been getting following the first conference,” said Lauren Mc-                    that I would encourage every junior member to apply for in
 Millan, NJHA Leadership Chair.                                                   the future.”
      Junior members spent the first evening participating in                          Attendees left the three-day conference energized and
 team building activities. On day two they were welcomed                          ready to take the next steps in their leadership journeys. Megan
 by Gary and Kathy Buchholz to Hi Point Ranch, followed                           Underwood, BOLD participant from Kentucky and graduate
 by an inspirational message from keynote speaker Kelly                           student at Kansas State University said after the conference,
 Barnes, a panel filled with industry representatives with                        “I’m excited to take the knowledge learned and friendships
 careers in ranch management, education, food science                             created to make a bold impact while living my dreams.”
 and association employment. Following the career panel,                               BOLD will be held annually in March, as an elite leader-
 Shannon Worrell, Ag One Source, led a workshop on un-                            ship opportunity, with an application process necessary to at-
 derstanding personal strengths and assisting attendees on                        tend. The 2022 Faces of Leadership Conference is scheduled for
 building their resumes to highlight personal strengths and                       Aug. 3-6 in Billings, Mont., and registration will open in May. ★
16   TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022

Buck Cattle Co.                                                   The Spring Hereford                                            Bar A Cattle Co.
Spring Edition XXVI Sale                                          Collection Sale                                                April 3, 2022
                                                                                                                                 Hosted by SC Online
March 26, 2022                                                    Cross Timbers Polled
Madill, OK                                                                                                                                                                        Avg.
Auctioneer: Steve Bonham                                          Hereford Association                                           14 Hereford Heifers . . . . . . . Avg. . . . $9,022
                                                                  April 2, 2022                                                  15 Units semen . . . . . . . . . . Avg. . . . . .$167
33 Females . . . . . . . . . . .$485,250 . . $14,705              College Station, TX                                            Lot 16 – BACC 540 Chandon 180 ET;
                                                                  Auctioneer/Sale Mgr.: Troy Robinett                            12/3/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25,500
TOP SELLING FEMALES                                   PRICE       Sale Honoree: Jimmy & Claudia Atlas                            Lot 6 – BACC 629 Georgia Kay 160 ET;
Lot 44 – GN Justifiable 1044J ET;                                                                                                10/21/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$16,501
9/22/21; Kynlee Dailey, Kingston,                                 5 Bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$16,600 . . . $3,320    Lot 3 – BACC 540 Chandon 156;
OK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$80,000                                                                  10/12/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$16,500
Lot 40 – VC Jim Jam Bam 1040J;                                    29 Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$67,900   ...   $2,341   Lot 9 – BACC 629 Georgia Kay 169 ET;
9/10/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$44,000    9 Show heifers . . . . . . . . .$20,850         ...   $2,317   11/5/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250
Lot 52 – JFR Jackpot Winner 1052J ET;                             8 Bred females . . . . . . . . .$17,800         ...   $2,225   Lot 10 – BACC 2C Cassandra 172;
10/3/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30,000    3 Open females . . . . . . . . .$3,900          ...   $1,300   11/14/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500
Lot 59 – CMCC Just A Tease 1059J ET;                              49 Total Females . . . . . .$110,450            ...   $2,254
9/1/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20,000
                                                                  TOP SELLING BULLS                                     PRICE
Lot 51 – JFR Jackpot Lotto 1051J ET;                                                                                             Stuber Ranch 54th
10/4/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,000    Lot 2 – Zoellers 35D Historic 06J;
Lot 47 – CMCC Jumpstart 1047J;                                    4/2/21; from Zoellers Family Herefords,                        Annual Production Sale
9/16/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$16,000    Gatesville to Craig Potter, Columbus . . . $4,300              Bowman, ND
                                                                  Lot 3 – MCM 110E Addiction F156 61H;                           April 16, 2022
Lot 65 – BK Juicy Deal 1065J ET;
                                                                  4/23/20; from McMullin Ranch,                                  Auctioneer: Joe Goggins; Greg Goggins
9/6/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000
                                                                  Copperas Cove to Timothy Bobo,
                                                                  Fredericksburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000                                                           Avg.
                                                                                                                                 79 Hereford bulls . . . . . .$389,000 . . .          $4,924
Copeland & Sons                                                   TOP SELLING FEMALES                                   PRICE    64 Reg. heifers . . . . . . . .$195,150 . . .        $3,049
                                                                  Lot 15 – MCM 56A Chopsticks 81A 50F;                           158 Com. Hereford
Herefords, LLC                                                    3/17/18; from McMullin Ranch to                                 heifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$203,190 . . .   $1,286
Demand the Brand                                                  Craig Potter-$6,000;                                           53 Com. F1 heifers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $1,359
                                                                  Lot 15A calf – MCM 50F Chop Class
Annual Bull Sale                                                                                                                 TOP SELLING BULLS                                    PRICE
                                                                  F156 123J; 8/27/21; from McMullin
March 28, 2022                                                    Ranch to Aaron Castillo,                                       Lot 83 – SR Aura 831J; 3/5/21;
Clayton, NM                                                       Austin-$5,750 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,750    Van Newkirk Herefords, Oshkosh, NE . . $21,500
Auctioneer: Dustin Layton                                         Lot 16 – MCM 33A Queeny 439 53F; 3/26/18;                      Lot 1620 – SR Dignity 1620H; 5/26/20;
                                                                  from McMullin Ranch to Craig Potter-$2,100;                    Pied Piper Farms, Hamlin . . . . . . . . . . .$18,000
                                                   Avg.           Lot 16A calf – MCM 53F Queen Class                             Lot 63 – SR Dominator 631J; 3/26/21;
48.5 bulls . . . . . . . . . . . .$301,000 . . . $6,206           F156 119J; 8/19/21; from McMullin                              Monte Shockley, Poteau, OK . . . . . . . . .$15,000
30 Com. females . . . . . . .$60,750 . . . $2,025                 Ranch to Aaron Castillo-$4,250 . . . . . . . $6,350            Lot 15 – SR M-H Dominator 151J;
TOP SELLING BULLS                                     PRICE       Lot 9 – P&J Miss Revolution X51 F2;                            3/5/21; Engelhaupt Herefords,
                                                                  2/25/18; from P&J Polled Herefords,                            Butte, NE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000
Lot 1 – JCS Makers Mark 1136; 3/21/21;
                                                                  Lavernia to Meischen Polled Herefords,                         Lot 56 – SR Dominate 561J; 3/25/21;
½ int. to Paquette Hereford Ranch,
                                                                  Yorktown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,500   Ryan Wolf, Fredonia, ND . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000
St. Anne, IL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000
                                                                  Lot 6 – Oaks Opie 9078; 9/15/19;                               Lot 104 – SR Dominator 1041J; 3/29/21;
Lot 5 - JCS Makers Mark 1019;2/25/21;
                                                                  from Hidden Oaks Ranch, Hamilton to                            Cole Elshere, Faith, SD . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000
buyer 488 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000      Alyxandra Hackebeil, Devine . . . . . . . . $5,400
Lot 51 – JCS 3548 Domino 1004;                                    Lot 7 – Oaks Maddy 9087 ET; 10/5/19;                           TOP SELLING FEMALE                                   PRICE
2/14/21; ML Cattle, Dalhart . . . . . . . . .$10,000              from Hidden Oaks Ranch to Alyxandra                            LOT 1085 – SR Domina 1085J; 3/1/21;
Lot 3 – JCS Makers Mark 1109; 3/9/21;                             Hackebeil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000   Loehr Farms, Peoria, IL . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000
buyer 489 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,750      Lot 34 – MCM 1064 My Joy F156 69H;
Lot 31 – JCS 8463 Domino 1036; 3/23/21;                           4/20/20; from McMullin Ranch to
Farr Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500    Aaron Castillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,700
Lot 12 – JCS Spartan 1135; 3/21/21;
buyer 487 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,250
Lot 8 – Mat 8341 Domino 1015; 2/20/21;
buyer 1005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500
Lot 17 – JCS Royal Blend 1114; 3/9/21;                                                                                                          ADVERTISING
buyer 1042 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,000                                                                                     DEADLINE
                                                                                                                                                for the June/July
Lot 21 – JCS Royal Blend 1121; 3/14/21;
buyer 476 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,000                                                                                    Herd Bull issue is
                                                                                                                                                May 15

                                                                                                                                                    May 2022 • TEXAS HEREFORD                     17

 W4 Ranch Spring                                               2/16/20; Prairie Oaks, AL . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500    15 Spring
                                                               Lot 69 - W4 DBH Sensation H902;                            2-year-old bulls . . . . . . .$58,500 . . . $3,900
 Production Sale                                               2/25/20; Kent Smith, Midway . . . . . . . . $7,500        4 com heifers . . . . . . . . . .$15,250 . . . $3,812
 April 16, 2022                                                                                                          27 Red Angus bulls . . . .$102,000 . . . $3,777
                                                               TOP SELLING FEMALES                            PRICE
 Morgan, TX
                                                               Lot 102 – W4 4312 Bailee G666;                            TOP SELLING HEREFORD BULLS                               PRICE
 Auctioneer: Col. Doak Lambert
 Sale Mgr: Tom Johnson                                         11/20/19; to buyer 536 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000   Lot 5 – B Mr Endure 4038 0210 ET;
                                                               Lot 95 – W4 548C Top Lady G506;                           10/16/20; Groendyke Ranch,
                                                  Avg.         9/11/19; to buyer 536. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000   Enid, OK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $8,000
 70 Two-year bulls. . . . . .$324,000 . . . $4,629
                                                                                                                         LOT 4 – B Frontier 4129 0218 ET;
 20 Fall yearling bulls . . . .$68,250 . . . $3,413
                                                                                                                         9/10/20; Groendyke Ranch . . . . . . . . . .             $7,000
 95 Females . . . . . . . . . . .$251,400 . . . $2,646         Bowling Ranch Herefords                                   Lot 7 – B Frontier 4067 0211 ET;
 TOP SELLING BULLS                                 PRICE       & Red Angus                                               9/14/20; Groendyke Ranch . . . . . . . . . .             $5,500
 Lot 26 – W4 7195 Domino H106;                                 Spring Bull Sale                                          Lot 9 – B E309 7933 0117H; 9/23/20;
 3/11/20; Jeremy Barwick,                                                                                                buyer 262 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $5,250
                                                               April 14, 2022
 Stephenville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$18,000                                                             Lot 22 – B Lady Juno 88X 0202 ET;
                                                               Newkirk, OK
 Lot 73 – W4 DBH Sensation H908;                                                                                         2/15/20; buyer 277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         $5,250
                                                               Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout
 2/25/20; Richard Byrd, Stephenville . . . $8,500
 Lot 81 – W4 548C Advance Speed H552;                                                                         Avg.       TOP SELLING RED ANGUS BULLS                              PRICE
 9/24/20; Robert Morrison, Dublin . . . . . $8,000             14, 18 mo.-old                                            Lot 47 – Bowl Mr 5L Defender 0088;
 Lot 10 – W4 2296 Sensation H037;                               Hereford bulls . . . . . . . .$61,500 . . . $4,392       10/10/20; buyer 280 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,750

                                                                                       P               lease join us for an afternoon of fun.
                                                                                                       There will be crafts, etiquette lessons,
                                                                                                       refreshments, and lots of fun with old
                                                                                         and new friends. We hope all Hereford young
                                                                                         ladies will attend and learn about the queen

                                  u e e n ’ s Te a                                        programs. Moms, grandmas, aunts, and other

                                Q                                ow
                                                                                          interested women are welcome too. Please
                                                                                           come and meet the TJHA and TJPHA queens,
                                         H A /T J P H A State Sh                           princesses, and sweethearts.
                                      TJ                       2022
                                                    y, June 8,
                                      Wednesda                                              Dress will be dressy casual, no shorts,
                                                 5:00 p.m.                                  barn clothes, etc.
                                                         quet Hall
                                           Equine Ban                                         Hope to see all of you there!!
                                                   Hosted by
                                                        en Pepper
                                            TJHA Que                  ire Ellis
                                                         etheart Cla
                                            TJHA Swe                        ary
                                                Te x a s  H e reford Auxili

                                                  2022 Auxiliary Officers:
                                                  President Briss Mann
                                                  1st Vice President Ashleigh Mimms
                                                  2nd Vice President Amy Weston
                                                  Secretary/Treasurer Morgan Mann
                                                  Reporter/Historian Jean Lonie
                                                                                               TJHA Queen Pepper White             TJHA Sweetheart Claire Ellis

18   TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022
Texas                  Dams of Distinction
The 2021 Dams of Distinction lists Texas as 6th in the nation     the honor of being named a 2021 Dam of Distinction. JP
with breeders and 128 head. A total of 2,596 Hereford cows        Family Partnership of San Angelo ranked 17th in the top 20
from 736 Hereford performance herds in 40 states earned           breeders with 19 dams. Texas breeders include:

4S Farms LLC, Denison                      Flying S Herefords, Dallas                   O H Triangle Ranch, San Angelo
Barber Ranch, Channing                     David Harbour, Stinnett                      Player Polled Herefords, Emory
Aidyn Barber, Channing                     Falyn Hempel, Inez                           Ricketson Herefords, Dalhart
Bryden Barber, Channing                    Indian Mound Ranch, Canadian                 RK Cattle Co., Dodd City
Rylee Barber, Channing                     JP Family Limited Partnership, San Angelo    Rocking Chair Ranch, San Angelo
Gary & Kathy Buchholz, Waxahachie          Kinnear, Courtney, Joshua                    Rocking R Ranch, Gatesville
Case Ranch, Mertzon                        Kinnear Polled Herefords, Joshua             Schlegel & Sons, R., Olney
Coates Ranch Co., Mertzon                  Kurtis Mathias, Mt. Pleasant                 Spearhead Ranch, Copperas Cove
Cole Polled Herefords, Orange Grove        McMullin Ranch, Copperas Cove                Texas Stardance Cattle, LLC, Hamilton
D2 Farms, Dalhart                          Metch Polled Herefords, Canton               Wesley S. Theuret, Kenedy
Dauer Herefords, Panhandle                 Gary Moore, Brenham                          Kurt & Jessica Thomas, Wolfforth
Double Diamond Ranch, McDade               MW Herefords, Brownwood                      Trinity Farms, Mt. Pleasant
Doyle Hereford Ranch, Wolfe City           Noack Herefords, LLC, Rockdale               TT Hereford Ranch, Kingsland
Landon Doyle, Lantana                      Audrey Nolan, Gilmer                         W-2 Cattle Co., Dublin
Will Echols, Breckenridge                  Bethany Nolan, Gilmer                        Willis Polled Herefords, Emory

                                                                                                 May 2022 • TEXAS HEREFORD      19
Call for entries.
                                                           Deadline: November 1, 2022.
       53rd Annual


       a new force within the Hereford industry

        Featuring our Premium Whiteface Replacement Female Show & Sale

        SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2023
        Our Powerhouse Sale will be a great event. The demand for Hereford females is at an all-time high and this
        should be the source for some of the best Hereford genetics offered in the State of Texas. Make “Super
        Hereford Weekend” an educational and entertaining event by attending the Annual Meeting and social of Texas
        Hereford Association, & the National Hereford Show.
        Special Rules:
        1. All consignors must be active or associate members of the Texas Hereford Association.
        2. Animals must be in their pens not later than 6:00 p.m. Friday, January 27, 2023.
        3. All animals will be shown in pens of ten (10) by classes and placed by judges at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, January 28, 2023.
        4. All females entered will be sold in the Hereford Sale at 1:00 p.m., Sunday, January 29, 2023.
        5. Pen and Sale Fees: an entry fee of $18.00/head is due on November 1, 2022. A seven (7) percent sale fee will be assessed at the
           sale. This fee includes all Stock Show pen fees and sale costs. No refunds after entries close.
        6. Health requirements: all females entered in this division must meet regulations of the Texas Animal Health Commission and must           NOW
           be accompanied by an official health certificate.                                                                                     ACCEPTING
        7. If animals are to be sold as registered, papers must be provided to sale manager with health papers. Minimal grooming is
           encouraged.                                                                                                                           RED ANGUS

 Make Fort Worth a MUST DO event in 2023

     Send us your best Hereford heifers…                                                            HEREFORD WEEKEND • Jan 28-30, 2023
     2023 Premium Whiteface Replacement Female Show & Sale                                             Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show

     Hereford Division                                                                Red or Black White-faced English Cross Division
     Class 1         Heifers calved after Sept. 1, 2021                               Class 7          Heifers calved after Sept. 1, 2021
     Class 2         Heifers calved from 1-1-21 to 8-31-21, Bred, No Calves           Class 8          Heifers calved from 1-1-21 to 8-31-21, Bred, No Calves
     Class 3         Heifers calved 1-1-20 to 12-31-20 Bred, No Calves                Class 9          Heifers calved 1-1-20 to 12-31-20, Bred, No Calves
     Class 4         Heifers calved 1-1-20 to 8-31-21, Any Or All With A Calf At Side Class 10         Heifers calved 1-1-20 to 8-31-21, Any Or All With A Calf At Side

     Name                                                                     Social Security # or Ranch EIN (required by Stock Show )


     Phone:                                                         Age of Heifers (month calved)

     e-mail                                                          If bred, when & to what breed

     Calfhood Bangs Vacc.? (yes or no)                    Other Information
     Jack Chastain, Manager • 817-831-3161 • • 4609 Airport Freeway • Fort Worth, Texas 76117
20   TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022
Application for Membership in the Texas Hereford Association
Advantages of THA Membership                                      ACTIVE Membership Application
SERVICE – The Texas Hereford Association        I hereby make application for membership in the TEXAS HEREFORD ASSOCIATION.
is a service organization to benefit the Here-
ford breed and the breeder.                     Upon becoming a member, I will abide by the constitution and By-Laws of the Association and
      Members are assisted in buying and        also the rules of the American Hereford Association.
selling cattle at private treaty and by auc-
tion.                                           I am the owner of                     head of registered Herefords and
      The Texas Hereford Association spon-      head of commercial cattle.
sors the Powerhorse Hereford Female Show
and Sale, the Powerhouse Halter Sale, and       Attached hereto is remittance of One Hundred and twenty-five dollars. ($125.00 covers active
the THA Fall Classic. These sales promote       membership for one year). Dues include a subscription to the Texas Hereford magazine and a
the use of better Hereford bulls and females.   one year free listing in the “Cattle for Sale” on the THA website and monthly magazine.
The Texas Hereford Association is also ac-
tively engaged in the promotion of Texas
Herefords and in sponsoring seminars, field
days, and other events to encourage educa-
                                                RANCH NAME
tional opportunities for members.
ASSOCIATION – The Texas Hereford As-            ADDRESS
sociation was organized in 1899. Its mem-
bership has included the elite of the Texas     CITY
Hereford industry since its inception. Mem-
bership dues are $125.00 per year. Associate    STATE                    ZIP
memberships are available for $100.00 per
year.                                           PHONE
DIRECTORY ISSUE – Every active member
of the Texas Hereford Association has a free    SPOUSE’S FIRST NAME
listing in the Directory issue of The Texas
Hereford. This Directory is used by thou-       SIGNED                                                             DATE
sands of Hereford breeders the year round.
Information pertaining to your herd such as
herd sires, bloodlines, location of farm or                   ASSOCIATE Membership Application
ranch, telephone numbers, etc., will be list-
ed in this widely used reference book. This     FIRM
herd listing alone is worth the price of mem-
bership. Associate members are also listed.     ADDRESS
lication of the Texas Hereford Association.     CITY
It is the only publication in Texas devoted
solely to Herefords. It includes news about     STATE                          ZIP
the association, news about Herefords and
timely editorial features. Active members       PHONE                                                       DATE
can list Herefords for sale FREE in the Cat-
                                                Attached hereto is remittance of one-hundred dollars ($100.00) covering associate membership
tle For Sale column. This service has been
                                                fee for one year in the Texas Hereford Association. (Includes magazine)
responsible for selling thousands of Texas
Herefords all over the nation. Texas Here-
ford Association members may advertise in                     Voluntary Contribution THA Foundation (Tax-deductible)
The Texas Hereford at low livestock rates – a
considerable savings for your marketing pro-              SUBSCRIPTION FORM - $25.00 per year includes directory issue
gram. Sale catalogs, brochures, flyers, and
other marketing aids designed are produced      NAME
by our professional staff at considerable
savings. (Advertising rates will be sent on     ADDRESS
    The Most Important Investment
          You Can Make as a                     STATE                                                       ZIP
     Registered Hereford Breeder
        is a membership in the                                              TEXAS HEREFORD ASSOCIATION
      Texas Hereford Association.                4609 Airport Freeway • Fort Worth, Texas 76117 • Phone 817/831-3161 • Fax 817/831-3162
                                                               e-mail: •
                                                                                                              May 2022 • TEXAS HEREFORD    21
                                           7 Registered L1 Hereford Bulls for sale   5 Registered Hereford bulls, twelve      10 polled Hereford bulls; 10 Angus
                                           - all yearlings. Top Line genetics.       to 20 months old. Both Horned and        14-16 month old. Fertility tested.
                                           Contact: Dr. Bob Faseler                  Polled available.                        10 horned & polled Hereford cows.
                                             Faseler Farms                           Contact: Kurtis Mathias                  Bred to Hudgins Brahman bulls for
                                             Branchville, Texas                        Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455                 fall calves. 10, 10-13 month old open
           FOR SALE                          409-749-9277                              903-573-1791                           polled Hereford heifers for sale.
                                                                                                Contact: Joseph Skrivanek
                                                                                     2 - 2-yr. old horned Hereford bulls        Caldwell, TX 77836
                                           Two Polled 18-month-old sons of           and 3 - 18-month-old polled Hereford       979-567-3131
 1 coming 2-year-old Line 1 Hereford
                                           Validated coming off test in October--    bulls for sale.                            979-567-3857
 Bull; 5 yearling Line 1 Hereford Bulls;
 10 bred Line 1 Hereford Heifers; 10       excellent carcass numbers! 7 fall bull    Contact: Mimms Herefords                   979-224-4698
 yearling Line 1 Hereford Heifers.         calves will be available in November.       Lorenzo, TX 79343
                                           Excellent pedigrees and numbers.            806-781-3400 – Brady                   7 Horned Hereford Bulls, 22-26
 Contact: Bar J Bar Hereford Ranch
                                           Contact:Paul Funk                           806-778-6677 – Ryan                    months old and tested ready to go.
   El Paso, TX 79932
                                             Spearhead Ranch                           806-778-6996 – Rhett                   Contact: Wesley Theuret
   Jim Darnell 915-479-5299
                                             Copperas Cove, TX 76522                                                            Kenedy, TX 78119
   Jeep Darnell 915-549-4771                                                         3 registered 2-year-old horned
                                             254-289-7657                                                                       210-315-0103
                                                        Hereford bulls for sale.         
 Hereford Bulls for sale in East Texas.
 45 breeding age bulls, tested, hot and                                              Contact: John Lewis
 ready to work! Mostly horned, but a      Consistent    quality bulls available from   Murphey’s Circle M Ranch               20 Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to
 few good polled bulls as well.           proven P606, Logic, Online, Garrett          Meridian, Texas 76665                  18 months old and several Fall born
 Contact: Jim G. Bell Farms               bloodlines: 24- 2 yr. olds ready to go;      254-709-1860                           show heifer prospects out of Bar SLHF
                                          25- 14-17 month old long yearlings;                                                 028 240.
   Pollok, TX 75969
                                          28- 8-11month old development bulls. For Sale - 25 - 2 yr. old Bulls; 30 -          Contact: Rick Tisdale
   936-867-5126                                                                      Open Weaned Heifers. Straight horned,
                                          Contact: Dale Hester                                                                  TT Hereford Ranch
 Sold out of Bulls – check with us this     Rockin 4H Ranch                          mostly line one pedigrees.                 Llano, TX 78643
 fall for Bulls and Females.                Canton,   TX 75103                       Contact: Vernie Doehring                   325-423-2509
 Contact: B&H Herefords                     903-340-5006                               417-733-3444
   Pinon & Artesia, NM                                                                 Shiloh Doehring – 936-827-5158         15, 16-18 month old Hereford bulls
                                          7 yearling bulls for sale.                   Steven Noack – 979-218-0065            for sale.
   Jim Bob Burnett: 575-365-8291
                                          Contact: Pete Johnson                        Noack Herefords                        Contact: Steve Whitaker
                                            Sunny Hill Ranch                           Rockdale, TX 76567                       Flying 5 Herefords
   Phil Harvey, Jr.: 575-644-6925
                                            Lufkin, TX 75904                                Hart, TX 79043
                                            936-465-1672 (cell)                                                                 806-774-7598                                                                   Yearling and Two year old horned and
                                          15 registered horned Hereford bulls        polled Hereford Bulls, cows, pairs,      Registered Polled Bulls and Heifers.
 8 Registered 2-year-old and 4
                                          for sale 12-23 months old.                 show/replacement heifers for sale.       Central and East Texas. Proven
 Registered 18-month-old bulls for
                                          Contact:  Cindy  Pope Leaverton            Can help with delivery.                  bloodlines. Pictures & videos available
 sale. Straight Line One pedigrees.
                                            Fairview Hereford Farm                   Contact: Mike Nolles                     at
 Contact: William Brymer
                                            Henrietta,  Texas 76365                    Nolles Cattle Co.                      Contact: Wendee Whitehead
   Brymer Ranch Herefords
                                            940-867-7197                               Bassett, NE 68714                        Whitehead Herefords
   Caldwell, TX 77836
                                                                                       402-244-5473                             McDade & Rusk, TX
   979-595-7451                           Line One bulls. 12 available. Virgin,                 512-970-1595
                                          gentle, home grown, raised together                                                   E-mail:
 8 Registered horned bulls, one to 2
                                          on pasture with daily supplement.          Horned Hereford bulls for sale – ready
 years old for sale. LH Calgary and Line
                                          Excellent condition. Pictures available. for service.
 One bloodlines. U Bar Hereford Ranch
                                          Fully vaccinated and wormed with           Contact: Mark P Ranch                    Registered Hereford fall-born cow-
 near Lockhart, TX.
                                          Valbazan this spring. Guaranteed             Sunset, TX 76270                       calf pairs (heifer and bull calves):
 Contact: Thomas Cardwell
                                          fertile. Prefer phone call or text           Dr. Floyd Pirtle – 806-744-1300        Sires: CL1 Domino 0186H, Churchill
   Manor, TX 78653
                                          message.                                     Lubbock, TX 79415                      Majestic, Churchill Broadway, NJW
                                          Contact: McKenney Farms                      Clyde Johnson, Mgr. - 940-366-9444     Long Haul 36E and EFBeef X651
 5 fall coming 2 year-old bulls for sale.   Terrell, TX 75161                                                                 Tested A250
 Contact: Jack Chastain                     214-384-5465                             Horned and polled bulls for sale, ages   Contact: Teresa Henderson
   Chastain Cattle Co.                                  10 months to 2 years. In Northeast         Wildflower Ranch
   Mineral Wells, TX 76067                                                           Texas, Mt. Vernon, TX.                     Iola, TX 77861
                                          5 registered Hereford bulls for sale.      Contact: Steven Rader            
                                          Two Horned and three polled. Stout           Rader Herefords                          203-247-1134
 10, 18-month-old Horned Hereford         young bulls, 13 to 15 months old.            Mt. Vernon, TX 75457
 bulls for sale.                          Developed in large traps with limited        903-439-4418                           Horned Hereford bulls for sale.
 Contact: Larry Collins                   supplementation. Also offering a                                                    Sensation and Hometown breeding.
   Collins Cattle Co.                     select group of winter heifer calves       Registered Hereford for Sale: Bulls      Contact: Sheldon Wilson
   Hughes Spring, TX 75656                for sale. Some are junior show             and Heifers, Horned and Polled. Doyle     West Star Herefords
                                          prospects. They all should develop         Hereford Ranch and Iron Lake Ranch        Kenton, OK 73946
                                          into productive cows. From a herd          genetics as foundation.                   580-651-6000 (cell)
 1, 18-month-old bull, fertility tested.  that has produced many successful          Contact: Mike Roberts                     575-451-7469 (res.)
 28 Spring bulls for sale. Make your      show heifers in the past. All bulls and      Roberts Ranch
 deposit on your next bulls for April 1st females are top national blood lines.        4607 CR 4400
                                                                                                                                 ACTIVE MEMBERS RUNNING A
 pick up.                                 Contact: Sam Massey                          Commerce, Texas 75428
 Contact:Mike Doyle                         Massey Hereford Ranch                      Call or Text: 903-366-3555                 MINIMUM 1" CLASSIFIED AD
   Wolfe City, TX 75496                     Stephenville, TX 76401                                                                      EVERY MONTH                   432-940-7720
                                                                                                                                     can list cattle for sale
   214-240-4538                                       e-mail your listing to
                                                                                                                                         on this page
                                                                                                                                     non-member rate: $50
22   TEXAS HEREFORD • May 2022
                                        J. Mac Weil                                    Collins Cattle Co.                                         KJB Herefords/WB Club Lambs
                                        254-495-3386                                                                                                  Jamie, Kevin, William and BG Baker
                                                                                       Bulls & Heifers For Sale
                                                                                       Larry Collins, owner
                                        Jon Weil                                       903-736-3599                                                                    214-629-9106
                                        225-324-0770                                   316 Crestview                                                  
          Est. 1957                     P.O. Box 91 • Irene, TX 76650                  Hughes Springs, TX                                           6370 State Highway 22 • Hillsboro, TX 76645

                    Harry & Cheryl Grett                                                                        THREE D RANCH                     Sam & Barbara Dominey
                                                                                       DDD                           PAUL DAVIS

                                                                                                                 777 Paul Davis Lane              Ken Cook, Mgr.
                             P. O. Box 969                                                                     ROCKWALL, TEXAS 75032
                             Elgin, Texas 78621                                           DDD                   972/771-3396 (RANCH)
                                                                                                                 972/771-5653 (OFC.)
                                                                                                                MIKE HAWKINS, MGR.
                                                                                                                 903/348-7049 (CELL)
                                                                                                                                                  3312B SH 19N
                                                                                                                                                  Huntsville, TX 77340              FOR SALE
                                                                                       D         oyle
Carl Herrmann                                                                                           “Genetics of today’s leading                 HEREFORD // ANGUS // BRANGUS // BRAHMAN
(C) 979-820-5349                                                                       The                performance families.”
Hank Herrmann                                                  ALDWELL                           ifference
(C) 979-820-5277
                                                                   IVESTOCK               DOYLE HEREFORD RANCH                                      Ranches in Waxahachie, Tarzan, Desdemona & Madisonville, TX
Sale Every Wednesday • 1PM                                                                        P.O. Box 82 • Wolfe City, TX 75496                                  Gary Buchholz
 HAULING AVAILABLE                                                                                       mobile: 214/240-4538                              Gary Cell: 214.537.1285 •
Sale Barn: 979-567-4119                                       OMMISSION                                           Herdsman: Jay Creamer: 254.707.2199 •
P.O. Box 542 • Caldwell, TX 77836                                                                   email:                                   WWW.GKBCATTLE.COM

Brymer Ranch Herefords                                                                                                                               AHA Golden Breeder Award • Est. 1929
                                                                                                                                                       LEE HEREFORD RANCH
           Registered Line One Herefords                                                                                                                             Ira F. Lee

                       CALDWELL, TEXAS                                                                                                               6467 Seawillow Rd. • Lockhart, TX 78644
                                                                                                                                                        512/398-3032 • Cell 512/431-9650
                 William and Anduin Brymer                                                                                                               e-mail:
                       mobile: 979-595-7451                                                                                                                Registered Herefords For Sale

   Noack Herefords                                                                                     Mathias
                                                                                                                                                   Sunny Hill Ranch
                                                                                                                                                                         Pete Johnson
           “Quality Registered Herefords”                                                Registered Herefords & Paint Horses                                      Registered Polled Herefords
                                                                                                                                                                    Hwy. 94 West • 5 Miles
                                                                                                            Kurt • Brenda
                     BULLS FOR SALE                                                           192 CR 4040 • Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455
                                                                                                                                                                Cell: (936) 465-1672
 Office: 512-446-6200 •                                                     903-573-1791 •
                                                                                                                                                     Office: 844 Ben Dunn Rd. • Lufkin, TX 75904

                      ROCKIN’ W                                                                     McKenney Farms                                Jackie Pullen                                     Est. 1985
                            HEREFORDS                                                              Registered Line One Herefords
                        Maynard Warnken • 979-561-8846                                                    Terrell, Texas
                        Kevin Warnken • 979-743-0619
                                                                                             “Doc” and Nancy McKenney
                                                                                       Mobile 214-384-5465 • Ranch 972-524-0088                     972-571-5906 CELL • 972-722-5081 RES
 Fax 979-561-8867 • Drawer 29 • Schulenburg, TX 78956                                           Email:                          460 Pullen Road • Rockwall, TX 75032

                                                                                                                                                            itt Herefords
              Raising cattle in Texas since 1855

                                                                                                                                                         Pru P
SKRIVANEK RANCHES                                                                            NOLAN HEREFORDS
                Joey & Susan Skrivanek, owners                                             Scott, Alise, Ilissa, Bethany & Audrey

             407 W. Mustang • Caldwell, TX 77836                                           1950 Skylark Rd. • Gilmer, TX 75645
         Joey res. (979) 567-3857 • cell (979) 224-4698                                                                                   MINEOLA, TX
 office: (979) 567-3131 • e-mail:                            
 9 miles E. of Caldwell on Hwy 21, or 15 miles W. of Bryan-College Station on Hwy 21      Res.: 903-797-6131 • Cell: 903-738-5636                         ROB PRUITT • 903-569-4224
                                                                                                                                                   Res. 903-569-2174 •

                                                                                                                                                       Kevin Self   Savanna Layman       AJ Self
                                                                                                                                                       214-287-1249 MANAGER 469-525-1214 214-952-1370

Registered Polled Hereford Bulls, Heifers, Cows
                                                                                                       Susan, Mike, Steven, Sara                     Dead End Ranch
 Wendee Whitehead 512-970-1595 or Anne 512-970-3588                                    Ranch 903.537.7600                                      
                                                   Steven cell 903.439.4418               3117 US Hwy 67 E       789 CR 4534 ■ Whitewright, TX 75491
(Central) McDade, TX                  (East) Rusk, TX                                            Mt Vernon, TX 75457     @_deadendranch_

                                  Farm Ranch                &                                         MARBLE-LATION
                                                                                             Larry Woodson • 214-491-7017
                                                                                                                                                          Curtis Younts & Son
                                                                                                                                                             Established in 1959
                                                                                                                                                               Curtis Younts, Jr.
                                                                                                       Bonham, Texas
    Owners: Gary & Claudia Humphreys                                                       ranch located 10 miles south of Bonham                   3648 Elmer King Rd. • Belton, TX 76513
     817-304-1642 • Grandview, Texas                                                             and 2 miles south of Gober                       254/939-6492 (residence) 254/760-0243 (cell)

                                                                                                                                                                      May 2022 • TEXAS HEREFORD                   23
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