MAY 2021 - Climate Bonds Initiative

Page created by Eric Reyes
MAY 2021 - Climate Bonds Initiative
MAY 2021
MAY 2021 - Climate Bonds Initiative
  While countries implement measures to reduce and recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19, they
  also need to address the existential threat posed by climate change. These two problems both need
  international coordination to manage the risks to human wellbeing and the financial system. There have
  been calls for public bodies to tackle these problems together through ‘build back better’ and ‘Just
  Transition’ strategies. Central banks are playing an important role on these agendas.
  During the pandemic, central banks have provided liquidity to the financial system, supported fiscal
  stimulus through purchasing government debt and directly stimulated real-economy activity through the
  targeted provision of credit. Such uses of the central banks’ toolkits that have protected businesses and
  stimulated recovery could be adapted to protect ASEAN member states from future systemic risks –
  particularly climate-related risks.
  This report highlights the range of prudential and monetary tools that support their mandates and reduce
  environmental risks to the financial system. This report synthesises best practice on the ‘greening’ of
  prudential and monetary policies and contextualises these into lessons that can be drawn on by ASEAN
  central banks as they rebuild from the economic impacts of COVID-19.
  The most critical step that ASEAN central banks can take is to establish clear roadmaps outlining
  expectations for the greening of the financial system. A core element of these roadmaps, and one
  recognized by the ASEAN central banks in their November 2020 report, is generating decision-useful
  information on FI’s environmental-risk exposure so bank management, regulators and other stakeholders
  can better understand and manage such risks.
  Central banks have adjusted their policy toolkits to reduce to react to the pandemic. ASEAN central banks
  could look at how similar adjustments could reduce exposure to climate-related risks. Some of the changes
  to prudential regulation include:
  • Stress tests: COVID-19 forced many central banks to delay or adjust microprudential stress testing to
    limit the immediate resource and regulatory burden on FIs and banks. However, it is important for
    central banks to resume environmental stress testing, to build capacity and understanding within FIs.
    France’s ACPR recently published results for stress tests undertaken with volunteer banks and insurers
    incorporating NGFS climate scenarios.
  • Many central banks have loosened microprudential and macroprudential regulation in response to the
    pandemic. Such changes can quickly increase the supply of credit to distressed sectors, for example
    through releasing reserves from the countercyclical capital buffer. This can however inadvertently
    provide credit for potentially environmentally damaging activities which contribute to future climate
    risks. This could be lessened by excluding sectors with high transition risks from tapping this released
  ASEAN Central Banks could also consider calibrating their monetary policy instruments, accounting for the
  climate-related risks of different bank assets.
  • Indiscriminate application of indirect monetary policy tools such as open market operations and standing
    facilities can potentially lead to a build-up of carbon intensive assets, further increasing FIs’ exposures to
    transition risks on their balance sheets. Changes to collateral frameworks could tilt lending activities and
    adjust risk exposures.
  • Similarly, direct monetary policy instruments to stimulate economic recovery could be greened. For
    instance, corporate financing facilities, where the CB buys equity or bonds directly from issuers, could
    also be tilted to encourage green investment.

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
MAY 2021 - Climate Bonds Initiative

Executive Summary........................................................................................................... 2
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 4
The Economic Impacts of COVID-19 ................................................................................... 5
COVID-19: a preview of climate change’s impacts ............................................................. 6
  Physical Risk ............................................................................................................................. 6
  Transition Risk .......................................................................................................................... 7
How Central Banks Can Build Back Better .......................................................................... 9
  Prudential Policy during COVID-19........................................................................................... 10
     Microprudential Regulation .......................................................................................................................... 10
     Macroprudential Regulation ......................................................................................................................... 11
     Stress Testing ................................................................................................................................................ 12
  Monetary Policy during COVID-19 ........................................................................................... 12
     Indirect Monetary Policy Instruments .......................................................................................................... 12
     Direct Monetary Policy Instruments ............................................................................................................. 14
     Non-Standard Instruments ........................................................................................................................... 14
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 16
     Short-term ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
     Medium-term ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Endnotes ........................................................................................................................ 18
About this publication ..................................................................................................... 21

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
In 2020, COVID-19 devastated                  regards to the role of central banks           stressed businesses continue to access
economies around the world.                   (CBs), this means first and foremost           bank credit.
Governments were forced to take               ensuring financial stability by limiting the
                                                                                             2020’s average global temperature was
immediate and unprecedented steps to          potential negative impacts of future
                                                                                             the joint highest recorded in modern
save lives and livelihoods. As the health     climate-related events (encompassing
                                                                                             times (tied with 2016).2 Climate change
crisis begins to stabilise and life-saving    both the physical and transition risks
                                                                                             has remained high on global agendas
vaccines programmes are rolled out,           from climate change). As CBs develop
                                                                                             with several countries setting net-zero
governments and central banks can now         sustainability strategies and frameworks
                                                                                             targets. Positive developments have
look forward to ‘building back better’,       (such as the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’s
                                                                                             included the Network for Greening the
selectively boosting economic growth to       Sustainable Finance Framework and the
                                                                                             Financial System’s (NGFS) continued
increase resilience and ensure stability.     Monetary Authority of Singapore’s
                                                                                             efforts to publish a range of supervisory
There are growing calls for the public        Green Finance Action Plan), the COVID-
                                                                                             guidance, as well as detailed climate risk
sector to provide society with transition     19 recovery presents an opportunity for
                                                                                             scenarios to aid climate risk-based stress
pathways that bolster economic and            central banks to begin their
social resilience against the many            implementation in both monetary and
challenges we face in the 21st century,       prudential policy.                             There are opportunities for synergies in
chief among which is climate change.                                                         responding to the two threats. However,
                                              A growing body of research is revealing
                                                                                             there are situations where there could
This policy brief aims to synthesise          how climate change can affect financial
                                                                                             be conflicts between the two ambitions,
international central bank experiences in     stability. As shown recently, AMS face
                                                                                             for instance, if emergency or stimulus
response to the economic recession            considerable macro-financial risks
                                                                                             funding is provided in an untargeted
resulting from COVID-19 and identify          stemming from the physical and
                                                                                             fashion. This could be mitigated by
opportunities to embed environmental          transition impacts of climate change,
                                                                                             better targeting of emergency funding.
sustainability into stimulus and recovery     risks that should be addressed by
                                                                                             Strategic interventions to ‘build back
efforts. Our objective is to provide          monetary and financial authorities.1 As
                                                                                             better’ when making large-scale stimulus
suggestions on how central banking            ASEAN Central Banks seek to stimulate
                                                                                             and recovery measures could maximise
tools can tackle and be informed by the       recovery efforts from the economic
                                                                                             their longevity and ensure they do not
financial stability risks associated with     recession caused by the COVID-19
                                                                                             increase portfolio exposure to climate-
climate change.                               pandemic, they may, anticipating the
                                                                                             related risks. Additionally, innovative
                                              risks that climate change presents to the
ASEAN Central Banks have responded                                                           policies developed in response to the
                                              financial system, also incorporate
quickly to manage the economic fallout                                                       pandemic could be reworked for climate
                                              sustainability considerations. Central
of COVID-19, utilising their experience of                                                   risk management.
                                              banks have an opportunity to consider
the Asian Financial Crisis and the Global
                                              how their recovery programmes will:            This paper is arranged as follows. The
Financial Crisis (GFC) to help their
                                                                                             first section synthesises how COVID-19
economies withstand the economic              a) impede or improve national and
                                                                                             impacts the responsibilities of central
impacts of the pandemic. Banks had               international climate change
                                                                                             banks. The following section summarises
built up capital and liquidity buffers,          mitigation and adaptation efforts,
                                                                                             how COVID-19 relates to sustainability,
improved risk management practices               and
                                                                                             outlining the impacts of climate change
and internalised the social cost of risk-     b) incorporate transitional and physical
                                                                                             on financial stability. The paper then
taking, allowing them to weather the             climate risk exposures into their
                                                                                             explores the tools available to central
COVID-19 financial crisis better than            recovery programmes.
                                                                                             banks, examining those used in the
those crises which came before them.
                                              Central banks have played a major role         pandemic response and how these
While this paper commends the                 in the wider public sector’s effort to         might be used to foster a sustainable
effectiveness of these responses, it          combat the economic fallout from the           recovery. This section also considers
notes that while ASEAN Member States          pandemic since March 2020. Their focus         whether any of the innovations recently
(AMS) have avoided and recovered more         has been to ensure financial stability         used by central banks could be applied
quickly from the severe domestic              despite (temporary) double-digit falls in      to climate risks. The conclusion draws
impacts experienced in many other             economic activity and to finance               upon this analysis to give suggestions for
countries, they are still vulnerable to the   governments’ expenditure programmes.           short- and medium-term action that can
global ramifications of lockdowns and         The economic disruption from COVID-19          be taken by ASEAN Central Banks to
border closures. ASEAN nations also           has led to unprecedented innovation in         ‘build back better’.
have the opportunity to ‘build back           how central banks use their policy
better’ ahead of other countries. With        toolkits to supply liquidity and ensure

         Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
The Economic Impacts of COVID-19
Though ASEAN countries have                   During this challenging time, ASEAN          better’. Indeed, in the November
experienced lower per capita mortality        Central Banks have focused on growth         meeting of ASEAN Central Bank
rates than most other regions (except         rates and inflation rates. Overall, the      governors, they affirmed their support
North-East Asia), the region has still        ASEAN GDP is forecast to contract by         for a report on the roles central banks
experienced a heavy economic toll as a        4.4% (a downgrade from the 3.8% fall         could play in managing climate and
result of containment measures, which         made in the September update) due to         environment-related risks.7
disproportionately impact countries           the containment measures in 2020.4
                                                                                           Past crisis recovery can also provide
reliant on sectors like tourism (Thailand),   Growth is expected to rebound to 6.8%
                                                                                           examples of how to rebuild from the
and as a result of high rates of COVID-19     in 2021, but prospects diverge within
                                                                                           COVID-19 crisis the response has already
in Europe and North America, which            the region.5
                                                                                           utilised measures introduced during the
indirectly dampened exports from those
                                              As they retrench in response to              2008 global financial crisis (GFC). Both
countries reliant on these trading
                                              increased global risk, the speed and         crises provide precedents for policy
partners (Viet Nam, Philippines).
                                              scale of capital outflows by foreign         changes and provide evidence on
In a joint meeting of ASEAN finance           financial institutions (FIs) have revealed   specific policies' strength in aiding both
ministers and central banks’ governors,       ASEAN countries’ vulnerability to            recovery and future resilience. The
attendees agreed to conclude that it was      changes in market sentiments.6 This          changes to policy and strategy following
imperative to “implement extraordinary        economic contraction has exposed the         both the Asian Financial Crisis and the
measures through targeted fiscal,             vulnerability of economic systems to         GFC show the opportunity for change
monetary and credit support to our real       large external shocks and the                presented by the current crisis.
economy and financial systems, as well        importance of resilience to the
as reaffirming our commitment to the          breakdown of international flows, hence
continued flow of goods and services.”3       the widespread calls to ‘build back

         Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
COVID-19: a preview of climate change’s impacts
COVID-19 is not an isolated pandemic.          global warming will create or amplify           hence the roles and mandates of central
The virus has its roots in pathogens           various risk types that can impact a            banks.8 Such insight helps to frame what
jumping between species in degraded            country’s financial and economic                central banks need to consider and why
ecosystems and socioeconomic activities        stability.                                      they need to act. Applying such
that are ill-equipped to protect lives and                                                     knowledge to the tools used by central
                                               This section seeks to reflect on the
livelihoods from environmental shocks.                                                         banks to maintain financial stability will
                                               transmission mechanisms through which
Likewise, climate change will be a key                                                         elucidate how they can apply these tools
                                               climate change can impact national
driver of environmental stress and                                                             effectively to mitigate the financial risks
                                               economic and financial stability, and
degradation. There is clear evidence that                                                      posed by climate change.

        Figure 1: Possible transmission of climate-related risks to financial
        system vulnerabilities.

        Source: Adapted from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2020) Financial Stability Report9

There is growing evidence that climate         advances in renewable energy                    term climatic changes also present
change can present a risk to the financial     supplanting fossil fuels, or chronic            chronic physical risks; sea-level rise,
system through various forms. Figure 1         climate impacts such as sea-level rise.         temperature increase, desertification
outlines these climate-related risks and                                                       and monsoon changes.
identifies the types of vulnerabilities
                                                                                               The ASEAN region is one of the most
within the financial sector that may be
exposed to different manifestations of
                                               Physical Risk                                   climate-vulnerable regions globally,
these risks.                                   Climate change results in physical risks.
                                               There has been an increase in the               Climate-related disaster losses have a
Both physical climate change and
                                               severity and frequency of acute hazards         fiscal impact through damage to public
transition risks have profound potential
                                               such as flooding, droughts and storm            sector infrastructure (including
macroeconomic consequences. Some of
                                               surges. These can affect corporations or        buildings), crisis response spending and
these transmission mechanisms are
                                               countries directly or indirectly via            tax losses. Average annual losses as a
slow-acting and arise over multi-year
                                               impacts on value and supply chains              percentage of GDP have been estimated
time horizons.10 These include shifts in
                                               caused by extreme weather. Longer-              at 8.7% for Lao PDR, 8.0% for Cambodia,
consumer demand, technological

        Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
6.7% for the Philippines, and 6.2% for        Mendelsohn (2005), the annual cost of         electricity generation or commercial
Viet Nam. Singapore and Brunei, on the        protecting Singapore’s coast is               property in flood-prone areas). Similarly,
other hand, have not been so severely         estimated to range from USD0.3-5.7            technological advances driven by efforts
impacted.12 Whilst exposure across the        million in 2050 to USD0.9-16.8 million by     to improve energy efficiency or
region differs between countries, the         2100.16 However, Singapore is an              greenhouse gas emissions intensity of
interconnectedness of ASEAN markets           advanced economy with a relatively            existing economic processes can render
results in a high contagion risk of           short coastline of only 193 kilometres.       some technologies and business models
financial impacts. Such transmission was      Countries such as Myanmar (with about         obsolete. Transition risk will be felt
seen during the Asian Financial Crisis and    2,300km of coastline) and the                 heterogeneously across economies,
strongly implies the need to coordinate       Philippines (36,289km of coastline) are       depending both on businesses’ level of
action. The dangers of not taking action      significantly more exposed and have           sustainability alignment and their
are substantial. ADB calculates that          communities more dependent on the             adaptive capacity. Given the constraints
South-East Asia’s GDP will be 11% lower       physical integrity and functioning of         on their business models, there is a need
by 2100 under a business-as-usual             coastal natural capital. There is also        to increase SMEs' adaptive capacity to
emissions scenario13.                         close interaction between chronic and         reduce their exposure to transition risks.
                                              acute risks; sea-level rise further           This is particularly vital in ASEAN, where
Many acute climate hazards will be
                                              increases vulnerability to cyclones, and      SMEs contribute 66% of employment
abrupt and physically catastrophic,
                                              frequent extreme weather events will          and 42% of GVA but have limited
posing a direct risk to human life,
                                              reduce countries’ ability to adapt to long    resources to invest in climate mitigation
causing physical damage and disruption
                                              term climatic changes.                        and adaptation or obtain specialist
to businesses and economies. Extreme
                                                                                            advice to help them develop appropriate
weather can also have significant             Overall, physical climate risks can
                                                                                            risk management strategies.19
impacts on sectors and households             endanger the financial system through
physically damaged or interrupted by          several mechanisms. Countering these          It is often assumed that transition risks
bad weather.                                  requires central banks to facilitate          from climate policy unfold gradually as
                                              investments (through regulation, credit       governments introduce them in a
The Dutch central bank (DNB) undertook
                                              enhancement and technical assistance          phased and consultative manner.
climate physical risk stress tests
                                              etc.)17 to improve resilience to climate      However, external agents can revise
subjecting bank balance sheets to severe
                                              change, governments to develop                their policies quickly, materially
floods events likely to occur once in 200
                                              climate-smart agriculture practices to        impacting upon ASEAN countries. For
and 1000 years, in line with norms for
                                              reduce economies’ vulnerability, and          example, critical investors into ASEAN
shocks in financial supervisory
                                              local banks to evaluate their investments     economies, including Japanese20 and
frameworks. These lead to losses of
                                              to understand and manage mitigation           Korean banks,21 have signalled their
between EUR20-60 billion; financial
                                              risks. Climate vulnerability is associated    disquiet at continued investment into
institutions faced several billion euros'
                                              with an increased cost of sovereign           coal, echoing European banks' actions.
exposures to their balance sheets.14
                                              borrowing. Sovereign bond issuers pay a       There is a risk that schemes relying on
Many AMS have already experienced the
                                              yield premium of around 275 basis             ongoing project finance could
devastating effects of extreme weather.
                                              points in highly exposed economies, 155       experience dramatic changes in financial
Events such as Typhoon Haiyan (2013)
                                              basis points in South-East Asian              terms, and a risk of stranded assets and
and Cyclone Nargis (2008) are increasing
                                              economies, and 113 basis points for           counterparty risks for local ASEAN banks
in frequency. With large populations and
                                              emerging market economies overall. On         (a risk they are starting to address; see
economies located in low-lying or below
                                              the other hand, resilience to climate risk    UOB’s, DBS’s and OCBC’s (Singapore)
sea-level locations, banks and insurers'
                                              is statistically significant in reducing      and CIMB’s (Malaysia) decisions to end
risks are clear.
                                              bond yields worldwide, although with          coal financing)22 and the manifestation
The longer-term, chronic physical             much smaller magnitudes.18                    of acute transition risks such as large-
impacts of climate change are equally                                                       scale write-downs of capital for stranded
malignant, even if their immediate                                                          assets.23
manifestations can at first appear more
benign. Irregular rainfall or temperature
                                              Transition Risk                               Similarly, developments such as the EU
                                                                                            Sustainable Finance Taxonomy have
can reduce the output of economies            Transition risks result from the transition   provided Europe’s institutional investors
with large agricultural sectors. This can     to a carbon-neutral economy and the           with clear guidelines on how to measure
have material financial impacts in            possible effects on the value of financial    the alignment of their portfolios with the
industries such as fisheries and              assets and liabilities. The transition to a   Paris Agreement. As Paris Agreement-
agriculture. An International Panel on        low-carbon economy will require               aligned investing becomes normalised
Climate Change (IPCC) report on climate       substantial upfront investment,               through internal investor policies, the
change explains the impacts on key            generating new commercial                     risk of stranded assets in ASEAN may
economic sectors and services.15              opportunities and redirecting capital         increase.
The cost of chronic impacts is also           flows away from certain previously
                                              favoured assets, locations or modes of        High dependency on oil exports will
manifest in the cost of protective efforts.
                                              production (such as fossil-fuel-based         leave Indonesia and other ASEAN
According to a study by Ng and
Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
countries vulnerable to changes in oil      imports may require fossil fuel exporting     outlined above. Mitigation efforts in
price. In their book Central Bank Policy:   countries to rapidly contract fiscal          South-East Asia to meet the goals of the
Theory and Practice, Bank Indonesia         spending in line with the loss of state       Paris Agreement (improving energy
Governor Perry Warjiyo and Solikin          receipts – 22.6% of Indonesian                efficiency, halting deforestation,
Juhro articulate how the discovery of oil   government revenue came from fossil           replacing carbon-intensive fuels) are
fields provided a windfall in state         fuels 2011-2016, and Brunei’s oil and gas     calculated by ADB to cost the region
receipts that could be used to stimulate    industry contributes 60% of GDP.25            USD2bn /year or 0.6% combined ASEAN
economic activity through fiscal                                                          GDP. However, these high costs should
                                            Due to the uncertainties over transition
spending.24 However, the additional                                                       be compared to the cost of inaction –
                                            pathways and policy choices, the
export revenue, which expanded the                                                        under a global business-as-usual
                                            financial cost of transition is challenging
total money supply, also required a                                                       scenario, South-East Asian GDP is
                                            to calculate. Adaptation investment
reflective monetary expansion to absorb                                                   predicted to contract 11% by 2100.26
                                            needs for ASEAN will be significant due
excess liquidity that could otherwise
                                            to the high physical risk exposure
have driven inflation. Reduced oil

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
How Central Banks Can Build Back Better
The preceding sections laid the              Managing Climate and Environment-              Figure 4 for those which can best
foundations for understanding how            related Risks (the Taskforce Report)           incorporate sustainability. Individual CB’s
COVID-19 has impacted financial stability    outlines, sustainable or socioeconomic         responsibilities will vary depending on
and how the ensuing crisis is also an        development is often a secondary               the exact remit. Instruments highlighted
opportunity to reconsider monetary           objective for ASEAN Central Banks.27           in orange are those most relevant to the
policy from a sustainability perspective.                                                   COVID-19 response. Those in grey are
                                             ASEAN Central Banks’ broad mandates
This section outlines the tools that are                                                    less relevant to this discussion paper.
                                             allow them to pursue development
being used to respond to the pandemic
                                             initiatives and shape broad national           In the context of the COVID-19
by central banks and proceeds to
                                             policy objectives, several have also           pandemic, central banks’ main roles
suggest a method through which
                                             developed sustainability strategies or         have been to provide monetary stimulus
sustainability can be incorporated into
                                             frameworks, which enables                      to safeguard the stability of the financial
specific policies and tools.
                                             mainstreaming of sustainability in wider       system, support fiscal stimulus through
This is positioned considering ASEAN         operations. Furthermore, even central          purchasing government debt and
Central Banks’ mandates, which require       banks which do not have explicit or            directly stimulate real-economy activity,
them to:                                     implicit sustainability objectives can still   for example, through corporate asset
                                             consider climate-related physical and          purchases. Most of the measures and
• keep inflation below a target level,
                                             mitigation risks when executing their          instruments outlined in Figure 2 have
• manage the exchange rate,
                                             roles in safeguarding the economy.28           been used in response to the pandemic
• ensure financial stability by monitoring
                                                                                            to maintain liquidity and credit flows.
  systemic risks, and                        Central banks have a range of monetary
                                                                                            The emphasis has been on enabling the
• supervise individual banks                 and prudential policies at their disposal
                                                                                            continued functioning of the real
  (implementing BASEL III) and insurers      to help fulfil these mandates. Figure 2
                                                                                            economy. This is shown by the SME
  to ensure they are operating within        below depicts the tools available to
                                                                                            weighting of several instruments across
  the prudential framework.                  them and how these interact with the
                                                                                            the world.29 These measures are also
                                             national government’s fiscal policy.
As the ASEAN Taskforce’s Report on the                                                      designed to complement or support
                                             Figure 2 highlights the tools commonly
Roles of ASEAN Central Banks in                                                             governments’ fiscal policies.
                                             used in the COVID-19 response; see

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
Figure 2: Conceptual illustration of the role of central banks and
        supervisors, showing interaction with fiscal policy.

                                                                                       a case-by-case basis.32 The capital
Prudential Policy during                    Microprudential Regulation                 conservation buffer (CCB), which stands
COVID-19                                    39% of CBs have loosened                   at 2.5% of risk-weighted assets, has
                                            microprudential regulations in response    been reduced by nine CBs. Whilst
Prudential regulation under the Basel       to the pandemic, according to Dikau et     facilitating liquidity flows and ease of
Agreement ensures that banks have           al.’s ‘Toolbox of Sustainable Crisis       lending, this can increase risk exposures
adequate Tier 1 capital (chiefly bank       Response Measures for Central Banks        – many banks have set expectations for
equity and retained earnings) to finance    and Supervisors’ (2020).30 This can be     the use of the additional capital from
their exposure to loan losses and           enacted quickly, increasing commercial     these buffers; to support the economy
enough liquidity coverage (easily           banks’ liquidity allowing them to          and not for capital distributions
liquidated assets such as government        continue providing credit to their         (dividends and share buybacks). This
bonds) to meet their borrowers’ typical     customers. The Banco Central do Brasil     follows Basel standards which dictate
near-term funding needs. During the         relaxed the capital requirements for       that banks that do not maintain their
pandemic, there has been a loosening of     smaller FIs; their modelling suggested     CCB standard will face automatic
prudential requirements by central          this potentially releases BRL1.3bn of      constraints on income and dividend
banks to avoid the withdrawal of            liquidity that may allow up to BRL16.5bn   distributions.33
liquidity and sharp reduction in inter-     in credit provision.31 The Banco Central
bank lending that occurred during the                                                  Many regulators have asked banks to
                                            de Chile made liquidity regulations more
GFC.                                                                                   curtail payments of dividends and
                                            flexible by expanding the eligible
                                                                                       discretionary bonuses to senior bank
                                            currencies for meeting foreign currency
                                                                                       staff until the end of 2020 and to
                                            reserve requirements and relaxing the
                                                                                       increase the available Tier 1 capital
                                            liquidity coverage requirement (LCR) on
Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
needed to provide for any increase in          Macroprudential Regulation                        among ASEAN CBs, with some such as
losses in the real economy.                                                                      Bank Indonesia holding it at zero prior to
                                               Loosening macroprudential regulation
                                                                                                 the crisis, whereas others held 2.5%
                                               has been used by 21% of CBs during the
                                                                                                 buffers to draw down on.38
                                               crisis, according to Dikau et al. (2020).36
Applicability for Build Back Better:
                                               Commercial banks and other FIs are                Dikau et al. (2020) warn that such
To direct liquidity flows to the most          required to hold capital buffers directly         countercyclical release can be
sustainable activities, central banks can      proportional to the size and riskiness of         potentially environmentally damaging
vary capital requirements according to         their lending activities – the                    since the new bank lending engendered
an FI’s climate risk exposure. Capital         Countercyclical Capital Buffer (CCyB)             by the increase in available capital is not
buffers would be set higher for those          aims to protect the banking sector from           necessarily directed at sectors most in
with greater exposure to unsustainable         periods of excess aggregate credit                need.39 This can be countered by
activities because these FIs would be at       growth that have often been associated            excluding or penalising lending to
greater risk of default. Conversely,           with the build-up of system-wide risk. Its        sectors with the highest transition risk.
capital requirements could be                  countercyclical nature makes the CCyB             This raises the wider issue of climate
discounted according to an FI’s green          the easiest to deploy in a crisis; CBs can        risks not being adequately priced into
lending. In 2019 the Hungarian central         decrease the level of the CCyB                    economic risk management – an issue
bank, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), did           immediately to maintain the flow of               that is beginning to be addressed by
so, announcing a preferential capital          credit in the economy.37 Figure 3 shows           climate disclosures and stress testing.
requirement against balance sheet              the widespread and coordinated efforts
exposure to energy-efficient housing           by many central banks to reduce the
loans.34 The discount reflected the            capital buffer by between 0.5% and 2%
reduced risk of default on green               in the first two quarters of 2020 to
mortgages.35                                   increase capital availability. CCyBs vary

         Figure 3: Effective CCyB rates before and after the COVID-19 Shock

         Source: Adapted from Reinhardt & Hombeeck (2020) With a little help from my friends40

Applicability for Build Back Better            information needed to measure and                 resilience to banks or setting exposure
                                               manage such risks. When developing                restrictions for certain assets or
Regulators wishing to safeguard
                                               these datasets, priority should be given          sectors.41 Risk weighting of assets can be
macroprudential stability should
                                               to sectors and organisations that are             made more sensitive to climate risk by
calibrate regulatory instruments to
                                               most material. New macroprudential                giving higher risk weightings to exposed
account for systemic financial risks like
                                               instruments can be leveraged to reduce            sectors or by reducing risk weighting of
climate-related risks. This can be
                                               risks identified by stress tests, such as         green assets, as done by the People’s
informed by using climate scenarios in
                                               the implementation of a countercyclical           Bank of China (PBOC)42
improved stress testing and disclosure
                                               carbon capital buffer, acting similarly to
requirements; see below. FIs, and their                                                          Increasing prudential involvement in
                                               the CCyB to give climate-sensitive
counterparties, will need time to collect                                                        policy could also take the form of
Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
ensuring that current regulation does        refineries, much worse than the cost        The term “direct” refers to the one-to-
not have unintended consequences on          increase from COVID (although French        one correspondence between the
the financing of low-carbon transitions.     banks have relatively little exposure to    instrument (such as a credit ceiling to a
For example, Basel III stipulates a higher   such sectors).52 Climate stress tests       sector) and the policy objective (such as
capital requirement for long-term credit,    would also provide supervised banks and     restricting domestic credit into the
which disproportionately impacts             FIs with actionable information to          sector).56 Direct instruments set or limit
sustainable finance projects.43              recalibrate their lending decisions.        either prices or quantities through
                                                                                         regulations and may also be used to
                                             ASEAN CBs are making progress on
                                                                                         allocate credit, and can include:57
                                             disclosure requirements. Bank Negara
Stress Testing                               Malaysia (BNM) recently introduced          • Direct controls on interest rates (e.g.,
                                             disclosure requirements for commercial        minimum and maximum interest
Many central banks have delayed or
                                             banks.53 Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’s        rates, preferential rates for certain
adjusted regular microprudential stress
                                             (BSP) 2020 Sustainable Finance                loan categories).
testing to limit the immediate regulatory
                                             Framework introduced disclosure             • Credit ceilings (at an aggregate level or
burden on banks and FIs. Central banks
                                             requirements for supervised banks – on        on individual banks).
are expected to resume full macro- and
                                             their sustainability strategy, finance      • Directed lending policies (e.g.,
microprudential stress testing this year.
                                             activity, environmental & social risk         preferential central bank refinance
The delay may have allowed time for the
                                             management system, risk exposures and         facilities to direct credit to priority
evaluation of stress testing’s coverage;
                                             impacts and sustainability initiatives.54     sectors).
in November, the Bank of England (BoE)
                                             However, ASEAN FIs currently show a         • Window guidance/moral suasion to
and the UK Treasury announced
                                             relative lack of disclosure and progress      promote priority sectors.
mandatory climate disclosures for most
                                             on portfolio level climate scenario
financial institutions by 2025,44 in line                                                On the other hand, indirect monetary
                                             analysis; this may increase liquidity
with the recommendations of the                                                          policy tools such as open market
                                             risks.55 Following the TCFD
Taskforce on Climate-related Financial                                                   operations (OMOs) and standing
                                             recommendations, mandating climate
Disclosures (TCFD).45                                                                    facilities operate through the money
                                             risk disclosures as the BoE has done will
                                                                                         market and can be described as market-
Several CBs (European Central Bank,          allow supervisors to monitor climate risk
                                                                                         based instruments. These are explained
BoE) carried out ad hoc,                     exposure more comprehensively and
                                                                                         in more detail below. Nonstandard
macroprudential stress testing in            discuss how these risks are managed.
                                                                                         policies of asset purchase and
response to the crisis.46 These tests were
                                             A key difference between climate risks      quantitative easing have also swelled
used to inform monetary and prudential
                                             and many other credit risks are that the    central bank balance sheets across the
policy responses.
                                             future liabilities are informed by          world.
                                             forward-looking climatic/energy risk
                                                                                         A recent NGFS report, Adapting central
                                             models rather than backwards-looking
Applicability for Build Back Better:                                                     bank operations to a hotter world, sets
                                             analysis of outturns from credit risk. In
                                                                                         out a framework and assesses the
Central banks can take this opportunity      the long term, results from climate risk
                                                                                         feasibility of how central banks could
to integrate climate into both their         models could inform risk-weightings and
                                                                                         apply their monetary policy operations
macro and microprudential stress             capital allocation.
                                                                                         to manage climate risks.58
testing regimes. Climate stress testing
allows CBs to evaluate the system’s risk
exposures and increase resilience to
possible acute physical and transition
                                             Monetary Policy during                      Indirect Monetary Policy
shocks in the future; it can also inform     COVID-19                                    Instruments
the CB’s capital requirements and
                                             To increase the real economy’s access to    Open market operations are an active
monetary policy. Climate stress tests
                                             finance and also reduce the cost of         method of liquidity supply, initiated by
have been announced by the European
                                             finance, central banks have used            the central bank and offered to a wide
Central Bank (ECB),47 BoE,48 Banque de
                                             monetary policy instruments to expand       range of counterparties but settled
France49 and Monetary Authority of
                                             liquidity and credit supply in the          through open auction mechanisms. In
Singapore (MAS).50 Such stress tests
                                             economy. Central banks can implement        contrast, standing facilities provide
could apply the NGFS’s recently
                                             monetary policy directly through their      passive liquidity supply in a bilateral
published scenarios to assess banks’
                                             regulatory powers or indirectly by          arrangement agreed between the
exposure to climate mitigation and
                                             influencing money market conditions as      central and commercial banks.59 Dikau et
physical risks over a long (30 year) time
                                             the issuer of central bank money            al. (2020) found 48% of central banks
frame.51 The ACPR asked French banks
                                             (currency in circulation and balances       have used indirect monetary policy
and insurers to undertake climate stress
                                             with the central bank). Whilst direct       instruments such as OMOs and standing
tests using the NGFS scenarios. The
                                             policy is more frequently used in           facilities in their COVID-19 response.60
results from the disorderly transition
scenario suggest a three-fold rise in the    emerging market economies, both types
cost of risks for sectors like mining and    can be used concurrently.

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
Open Market Operations                        CBs have established innovative standing       Collateral Frameworks
                                              facilities to facilitate recovery. This is
During open market operations, the CB                                                        Changes to the collateral frameworks
                                              shown by the increased funding-for-
lends short-term to FIs to change the                                                        were used in 29% of responses analysed
                                              lending outlined above. In November,
commercial banks’ offered interest                                                           by Dikau et al. (2020).70 This entails
                                              the BoJ introduced the special deposit
rates. OMO responses include PBOC                                                            reducing the haircut so that more can be
                                              facility to tackle the declining
injecting RMB3.33 trillion (gross)                                                           borrowed for the same collateral or
                                              profitability of regional banks. Those
liquidity into the banking system via                                                        expanding the range of assets that are
                                              that announce mergers or acquisitions
OMOs (reverse repos and medium-term                                                          eligible to be used as collateral. For
                                              are rewarded with higher interest rates
lending facilities)61 and the Bank of                                                        example, the Banco Central de Chile
                                              of 0.1% (rather than -0.1%) in the special
Korea’s (BoK) provision of unlimited                                                         expanded its framework to include
                                              deposit facility. This measure is likely to
OMO liquidity via a weekly repo facility                                                     corporate securities as collateral for its
                                              spark long term restructuring of the
at set interest rates.62                                                                     liquidity operations and high-rated
                                                                                             commercial loans as collateral for
Longer-term refinancing operations
                                                                                             funding facility operations. The ECB
(LTROs) are used to support liquidity
                                                                                             temporarily reduced its haircut by 20%
requirements and reduce sovereign debt        Applicability for Build Back Better:
                                                                                             in its LTRO facility, increasing its risk
yields. The ECB has introduced
                                              If these instruments for stimulating the       tolerance to aid the Eurozone
additional LTROs to meet liquidity needs
                                              real economy are calibrated without            economy.71 Other CBs have made similar
and support euro market operating,
                                              sustainability considerations, they could      adjustments – the Bank of Korea’s
followed by pandemic emergency
                                              potentially lead to a build-up of more         collateral ratio has been lowered from
longer-term refinancing operations
                                              assets with high carbon bias, further          70% to 50%, alongside a broadening of
(PELTROs) with an interest rate 25 basis
                                              increasing FI’s exposure to transition         eligibility.
points below the average refinancing
                                              risks on their balance sheets. Indirect
rate, providing additional longer-term
                                              monetary policies could support the
financing to banks.63 These have been
                                              reduction of climate-related risks             Applicability for Build Back Better:
continued into 2021 due to the
                                              through the exclusion or tilt against
resurgence of the pandemic.64                                                                Expansion of collateral frameworks to
                                              climate/transition risk exposed assets
                                                                                             include green assets can be used to
                                              from the schemes. For OMOs, which are
                                                                                             incentivise sustainable investment.
                                              used in many AMS, climate
Standing Facilities                                                                          MAS’s new Term Facility accepts
                                              consideration could be integrated into
                                                                                             residential property loans72 as collateral
Standing facilities have been widely used     the benchmark allotment that FIs can
                                                                                             from certain banks. This facilitates
to target financial support to specific       access through these operations. This
                                                                                             increased lending to households and
sectors, specifying how money from the        approach could also be used in
                                                                                             corporates,73 demonstrating how
facility should be lent on. BoK               refinancing and liquidity operations by
                                                                                             targeted action on collateral frameworks
established a Corporate Bond-Backed           other monetary bodies.
                                                                                             can change finance markets. The ECB
Lending Facility, a standing lending
                                              Both standing facilities and open market       recently expanded its framework to
facility that allows ready access to credit
                                              operations can also be made more               accept sustainability-linked bonds as
using eligible corporate bonds as
                                              sustainable through changes to                 collateral for Eurosystem credit
collateral.65 The Bank of Japan’s (BoJ)
                                              collateral frameworks. Collateral              operations and asset purchases.74
Special Funds-Supplying Operation
                                              frameworks determine the weights and
facilitates SME financing.66 Further                                                         Furthermore, the exclusion of assets
                                              eligibility of different assets for use as
incentivisation was provided by                                                              with high climate risks as acceptable
                                              collateral for short-term lending by CBs
expanding eligible collateral to include                                                     collateral can also help to reduce the risk
                                              to FIs. Short term-lending supplies
‘private debt’ and applying a favourable                                                     to a central bank’s balance sheet.75
                                              liquidity to the financial system and
interest rate to FIs’ current account                                                        Negative screening is one of the most
                                              transmits changes in the policy interest
balances corresponding to loans                                                              common sustainable portfolio
                                              rate. Haircuts are applied to the face
provided. The BoE introduced the “Term                                                       management tools used by central banks
                                              value of the asset to adjust the amount
Funding Scheme with additional                                                               and is used chiefly in CB’s equity
                                              the CB will lend the FI, reflecting the
incentives for SMEs” (TFSME) in which                                                        holdings.76 In addition to positive and
                                              liquidity and riskiness of the asset. Entire
lending to SMEs generated greater                                                            negative screening, haircut adjustments
                                              classes of assets can be added or
borrowing allowances, reinforcing                                                            can be made to better account for
                                              withdrawn from the list of eligible
transmission of low-interest rates to the                                                    climate-related risk. The NGFS (2021)
real economy.67 The increasing numbers                                                       Hotter World report suggests the most
of CBs introducing term funding                                                              impactful haircut adjustment to be one
schemes show they are widening their                                                         that uses a sliding scale to penalise and
toolkits and turning their attention to                                                      reward issuers according to their
the longer term.68                                                                           climate-related riskiness, with minimal
                                                                                             consequences for monetary policy
As the pandemic has progressed and
horizons have shifted to the long term,
Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
Direct Monetary Policy                      GFC programmes81) to supply short term       enough flexibility to ease the burden of
Instruments                                 funding. BoJ doubled its CP and              reporting, there is potential for the CB to
                                            corporate bonds purchases relative to        influence risk awareness and
Direct instruments have seen
                                            the GFC, while BoE established a             management in the real economy.
widespread expansion during the
                                            purchase programme ten times larger
pandemic as CBs maintain liquidity flows
                                            than that of the GFC.82 They have also
to the real economy.
                                            been used in a targeted fashion to assist
                                                                                         Non-Standard Instruments
                                            priority sectors. The Central Bank of
                                            Nigeria provided N150bn of targeted          During the pandemic, central banks (and
Reserve requirements
                                            credit facilities for households and SMEs;   other investors) have been asked to
Reserve requirements can be reduced,        priority was given to lend to businesses     greatly expand purchases of government
thereby increasing the funds available to   in the health sector.83                      and corporate bond issuances into their
banks for lending. Normally these are set                                                quantitative easing (QE) or asset
                                            There is an interesting example of one
in a market-neutral approach with a                                                      purchase programmes (APPs). At least
                                            (albeit government rather than central
percentage of all customer deposits                                                      18 central banks have carried out asset
                                            bank operated) instrument used to
being placed with the central bank. But                                                  purchases in their responses.88 Such
                                            reduce climate mitigation risks. Canada’s
lower reserve requirements could be                                                      action provides immediate liquidity,
                                            Large Employer Emergency Financing
applied to the desired form of lending.78                                                indirectly funds fiscal policy and restores
                                            Facility (LEEFF) provides 5-year bridge
To increase MSME’s access to credit                                                      investor confidence.89 These non-
                                            loans of CAD60m and above.84 Access to
during the pandemic, the Banco Central                                                   standard instruments expand the central
                                            the LEEFF requires companies to submit
do Brasil allowed FIs to deduct up to                                                    bank’s balance sheet by increasing the
                                            TCFD-related disclosures of their
30% of their reserve requirements on                                                     money supply to buy up high-quality
                                            climate-risk strategies, limits executive
deposits used to provide credit to                                                       financial assets (government and some
                                            pay rises, and the loans are subject to a
MSMEs, which they project expands                                                        commercial bonds) from the secondary
                                            high interest rate. Uptake has so far
lending to MSMEs by BRL 55.8 billion.79                                                  market. QE is used to boost the
                                            been limited (two loans approved in
                                                                                         economy through credit creation when
                                            2020 and three in 202185) since finance
                                                                                         the bank rate cannot be further
                                            is also available to firms through the
Applicability for Build Back Better:                                                     reduced. Because of the near-zero
                                            Bank of Canada’s asset purchasing
                                                                                         interest rates in many OECD countries,
Differentiated reserve requirements, as     programme on less onerous terms.86
                                                                                         QE programmes have been expanded.
applied to MSMEs in the initial response,   This demonstrates the need for more
                                                                                         The BoE holds GBP895bn90 under its
could be used to direct recovery            thought and consistency across
                                                                                         Asset Purchase Facility. The ECB’s
spending towards more sustainable           measures if CBs want to take the
                                                                                         Pandemic Emergency Purchase
lending. For example, Lebanon’s CB,         opportunity of the current upheaval to
                                                                                         Programme holds EUR1,034bn (as of 7th
Banque du Liban, differentiates reserve     embed environmental considerations
                                                                                         May 2021).91 Other central banks have
requirement ratios according to the         into operations.
                                                                                         established APPs in response to the
amount of bank lending flowing to
                                                                                         pandemic. BSP has directly purchased
renewable energy and energy efficiency
                                                                                         PHP300bn of government securities
projects.80                                 Applicability for Build Back Better:
                                                                                         (about 1.5% of GDP) through a
                                            The targeting of corporate financing         repurchase agreement and purchased
                                            facilities to certain industries             PHP500bn on the secondary market,
Corporate financing facilities
                                            demonstrates their suitability for           totalling 45% of the country’s domestic
Corporate financing facilities provide      targeting sustainable sectors in the         borrowing.92 Similarly, in April, Bank
businesses with money on a short-term       recovery effort. The Reserve Bank of Fiji    Indonesia made its first primary market
basis without any need for collateral.      has, to date, been the only CB to            purchases of government securities at
These provide liquidity directly to the     explicitly calibrate a monetary response     IDR4.65trn (USD302m).93 The Bank of
real economy and can be targeted to         to sustainability in expanding the Import    Papua New Guinea also has a
specific industries, making them well       Substitution and Export Finance Facility,    programme.94 Primary market
suited to a crisis that has                 which provides credit at concessional        purchasing (monetary financing) is not
disproportionately impacted SMEs and        rates to certain businesses, including       permitted in many central banks as it
industries such as the hospitality and      renewable energy businesses.87               increases the risk of heightened inflation
transport sectors.                                                                       – secondary market purchase is more
                                            Despite the low uptake of the LEEFF,
                                                                                         widely used.
Corporate financing facilities and          attaching disclosure requirements to
commercial paper (CP) purchase              facilities should not be discounted as a
increase the debt holdings of the central   way to stimulate sustainable investment.
                                                                                         Applicability for Build Back Better:
bank. As commercial paper markets           If such requirements are attached
froze across the world, many CBs            consistently to all financing facilities     There is the potential for a sustainability
established emergency commercial            (rather than lenders of last resort)         focus in the types of bonds purchased in
paper purchase programmes (or revived       offered by the CB and government with        QE programmes. As part of its COVID-19

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
response, Sweden’s Riksbank expanded        the highly fossil fuel-exposed provinces   policies. CBs must recognise and reflect
its SEK700bn (USD82bn) QE programme         of Alberta in Canada and Queensland        the growing understanding of climate
to include sovereign and municipal          and Western Australia.96 QE is a less      risk in their innovative crisis intervention
green bonds. Separately, it made            common CB practice in ASEAN. But           and recovery efforts. All aspects of CB
inclusion in its corporate bond QE          these considerations could be used by      monetary and prudential policymaking
programme conditional on issuers            Indonesia and the Philippines that         could be tilted to mitigating climate
complying with sustainability               engage in QE or Singapore that holds       risks, and we would argue that there are
standards.95 In 2019, Sweden’s Riksbank     foreign corporate bonds.97                 substantial long-term societal benefits to
also applied climate risk-weightings to a                                              considering these opportunities.
                                            Ultimately, recovery efforts must align
portion of its SEK500bn forex reserves.
                                            with longer-term CB and government
This resulted in it excluding bonds from

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
This paper aims to identify the tools       We very much agree with the findings of      bank’s toolkit, certain policies are likely
used during the COVID-19 pandemic,          the ASEAN Taskforce Report, which            to be more impactful and easier to
which are the most suitable for climate-    called for the banks, under the behest of    implement over the next few years.
risk mitigation and can be most easily      central banks, to supply actionable          Figure 4 below identifies our assessment
repurposed. CBs’ response to COVID-19       information regarding their exposure to      of the policies and tools used by central
has showcased their capacity for fast,      climate-related financial risk so they may   banks which could be repurposed to
innovative action. Policies used by CBs     better manage it. But even whilst            mitigate climate risks over the near
during the pandemic - to protect            gathering this information, central banks    term. Individual CB’s responsibilities will
businesses, maintain economic stability     can still take ‘no regrets’ actions to       vary depending on the exact remit.
and stimulate recovery - could protect      enhance sustainability through their         Instruments in green have a high
AMS from future systemic risks –            policy toolkit.                              potential for incorporating sustainability
particularly climate risks.                                                              factors.
                                            Whilst sustainability considerations can
                                            be applied to almost all of a central

         Figure 4: Conceptual illustration of the role of central banks and
         supervisors, showing interaction with fiscal policy.

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
Short-term                                  collateral and ensure these assets, and    Medium-term
                                            the currency/economic system they
As referred to above, introducing                                                      In the medium-term (the next 2-5 years),
                                            support, are resilient to and not
disclosure requirements is an immediate                                                many central banks and regulators plan
                                            worsening future climate and transition
priority for central banks looking to                                                  to require greater disclosure of climate
                                            risks. Some countries (like France) have
develop their understanding of climate-                                                risks in their countries’ financial systems.
                                            tied rescue package in high emissions
related risks. These can be developed in                                               This will be both for individual banks and
                                            sectors, like aviation, to help long-
collaboration with governments to                                                      the entire financial system’s exposure
                                            distance domestic transport make modal
ensure alignment with corporate                                                        using forward-looking risk assessments.
                                            shift from aviation to rail to help
disclosure requirements. Other ASEAN
                                            transition to a lower emissions            Climate-risk scenarios and climate-
CBs could follow the example of BNM,98
                                            economy.104 This Just transition policy    related stress tests (already being taken
MAS99 and BSP100 for their introduction.
                                            balances the socioeconomic need to         forward in Singapore) are an important
The ASEAN Taskforce Report indicates        retain employment in important sectors     medium-term policy in the prudential
that prudential action is more palatable    to their reform.                           regulation toolkit. They are a departure
to central banks than the ‘greening’ of                                                from risk managers’ usual analysis based
                                            For this reason, in Figure 4, we suggest
monetary policy due to the lack of                                                     on historical data and instead model
                                            ASEAN Central Banks investigate
evidence and precedent for such                                                        future risks using a range of plausible
actions.101. However, monetary policy                                                  climate-risk scenarios in anticipation of
tools played an important role in CBs’      • open market operations are tailored to   these events. The data and models are
response to the pandemic crisis both          support bank lending (both short and     still being developed. Still, the stress
globally and within ASEAN102 and could        medium-term) targeted specifically to    tests can be iterated and improved over
play a vital role in tackling the climate     businesses that reduce climate risk      time as the evidence base and tools
crisis. One important matter is ensuring      exposure;                                become more available and more
that liquidity provision through asset      • haircuts and asset eligibility for       sophisticated. The results will provide
purchases and collateral frameworks do        collateral could be reviewed through a   central banks with quantitative insights
not increase climate-related risk             climate-related risk lens;               into the comparative risks faced by
exposure. Better still, they should         • corporate financing facilities, where    different financial institutions within an
encourage investment in sustainable           the CB buys equity or bonds directly     economy and can be used to set
alternatives – the NGFS (2021) has            from issuers, could also be tilted to    prudential guidelines. Where possible,
suggested positive collateral screening       encourage green investment.              results from these risk assessments
and tilting asset purchases to be among                                                should be published – perhaps based on
                                            Adjustments to collateral frameworks
the most impactful measures in climate                                                 TCFD recommendations.
                                            may reduce the volume of central bank
                                            lending to banks, and so must be           Beyond disclosure, research needs to be
There is also a risk that fiscal stimulus   individually assessed. However, the        done in testing the efficacy of using
packages introduced by the government       NGFS suggests the implications for         prudential regulation concepts such as
and supported by central banks (through     monetary policy effectiveness of the       climatic-systemic risk buffers. These
their purchase of government debt) to       options suggested above may be             capital requirements could be calibrated
rescue businesses could worsen physical     negligible compared to more stringent      according to the climate risks on banks’
climate or transition risks. CBs should     exclusionary policies105 and therefore     balance sheets and so provide a
examine the climate-related risk of the     easier to implement.                       sophisticated approach to climate-
assets they buy for policy purposes like                                               related risk mitigation.
exchange rate management or accept as

Embedding sustainability into the COVID recovery - Climate Bonds Initiative
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