Mathematics in Culture: Analysis of Mathematical Elements in Buna Woven Fabric - UNNES JOURNAL
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Kreano 12 (1) (2021) : 75-84 KREANO J u r n a l M a t e m a t i k a K r e a t i f- I n o v a t i f Mathematics in Culture: Analysis of Mathematical Elements in Buna Woven Fabric Meryani Lakapu1, Irmina Veronika Uskono2, Yohanes Ovaritus Jagom3, Wilfridus Beda Nuba Dosinaeng4, Samuel Igo Leton5, Kristoforus Djawa Djong6 1,2,3,4,5,6Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Corresponding Author:,,,,, 6 History Article Received: November, 2020 Accepted: May, 2021 Published: June, 2021 Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze in depth the mathematical values contained in the buna woven fabric. The method used is a qualitative method with an ethnographic design because it will explain one of the cultural artifacts of the people of NTT, in this case the buna woven fabric. The results obtained are the motifs on the buna woven cloth that analyzed containing geometric and arithmetic concepts. From the analyzed quadrilateral characteristics, the quadrilateral found in the buna woven fabric is a rhombus. In addition, values or mathematical concepts on woven fabrics that can be taught to junior high school students include finding the formula for the area and perimeter of a rhombus using a triangle approach; calculate the area and circumference of a rhombus; arithmetic and geometric sequences and calculating the number of rhombic models on buna woven fab- rics. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis secara mendalam nilai-nilai matemat- ika yang terdapat pada kain tenun buna. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan desain etnografi, karena akan menjelaskan mengenai salah satu artefak budaya masyarakat NTT, dalam hal ini kain tenun buna. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah motif pada kain tenun buna yang dianalisis memuat konsep-konsep geometri dan aritmatika. Dari sifat- sifat segiempat yang dianalisis maka dapat diketahui bahwa bangun datar segiempat yang terdapat pada kain tenun buna adalah belah ketupat. Selain itu nilai-nilai atau konsep- konsep matematika pada kain tenun buna yang dapat diajarkan pada siswa SMP antara lain: menemukan rumus luas dan keliling belah ketupat menggunakan pendekatan segitiga; menghitung luas dan keliling belah ketupat; barisan aritmatika dan geometri serta menghi- tung banyaknya model belah ketupat pada kain tenun buna Keywords: buna, culture, mathematics INTRODUCTION cultural elements in the learning process (Li, 2019). In these days and age, imple- Daily life is closely related to culture. Cul- menting cultural elements into the class- ture could be a medium to help teach room learning process is imperative for mathematical concepts by introducing © 2021, Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif. UNNES p-ISSN: 2086-2334; e-ISSN: 2442-4218
76 Lakapu, M et al. Mathematics in Culture: Analysis of Mathematical Elements in Buna Woven … preserving culture by handing them to woven fabrics is largely unknown. How- the student of the nation (Labudasari & ever, multiple oral sources depict Timor’s Rochmah, 2019). Cultural practices facili- traditional woven fabrics being used to tate the implementation of mathematical protect from the elements. It is remem- concepts. These are called ethnomathe- bered vividly still to this day by the com- matics. Ethnomathematics gives rise to munity’s female member that Timor’s cultural practices capable of motivating cultural heritage is weaving, which are students to learn mathematics (Fajriyah, observable in Timor’s people life cycle. 2018). The following is a visual represen- Buna, sotis/ lotis/ songket, and futus tation of the relationship between local are types of woven fabric from Timor is- culture and mathematics. The intersec- land. This study uses buna as their object tion between local culture and mathe- of study for their utilization of geomet- matics is usually referred to as local cul- rical concepts. Buna weave originates ture-based mathematics. from Timor Tengah Utara regency, spe- cifically the palace area. According to Tas'au, the types of motifs imprinted on buna woven fabric are geometric motifs. Each motif represents different tribes in- habit the royal territory within the cus- tomary structure of the sonafmaubes (Maubesi Kingdom) community (Uskono et al., 2020) People of Indonesia in general (es- pecially Timorese) have implemented mathematics in their daily activities, par- Figure 1: Local Culture Based Mathematical Con- cept [Author’s Analysis is Based on (Supriadi et al., ticularly when choosing a combination of 2018)] color, dots, lines, and shapes to create patterns on to their woven fabric and ba- There are two forms of learning activities tik characteristic. This is in line with the in a local culture based mathematically, opinion that through observation of the which are mathematical activities and Jogjan batik motif, students are able to ethnomathematical forms. Mathematical identify its shape, area, circumference activities consist of the abstraction of dai- (Rudyanto, 2019). A study (Hartoyo, ly life activities into mathematics and 2013) states that although the communi- vice versa, as a classification activity, ties do not have a good understanding of counting, measuring, creating a pattern, mathematics, they can apply mathemati- and more. While ethnomathematical cal concept (geometry) into their woven form is all kinds of mathematical activi- fabric’s motif and weaves. In general, Ti- ties practiced or developed within certain mor people are aware of mathematics in communities (Sudirman; Rosyadi; Les- an abstract way, in which mathematics is tari, 2016). only considered a science that can only Woven fabrics are a cultural herit- be used to solve problems in class. For age and clothing of the Indonesian peo- instance, several cultural activities out- ple ever since ancient times developed as side the classroom, such as building a an improvement to using grass and bark lopo (Timor traditional house), are never as clothing (Saputra, 2019). considered to contain any mathematical The origin of Timor’s traditional elements. The community's understand-
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 75 – 84 77 ing of building a cone-shaped lopo is only due to its geometrical elements that can based on cultural values. Hence, the be analyzed. Next, a preliminary survey measurement is inconsistent, not in ac- was conducted to determine the topic of cordance with the actual cone model. In this study. The research team conducted this case, lopois not built with a fixed the preliminary survey by observing mul- mathematical calculation that leads to tiple types of buna woven fabrics that differences from one lopo to another may have a geometrical concept. The re- (e.g., the width of the outer circle, inner sults of the survey were used to deter- circle, etc.). In other words, the mathe- mine the topic of this study, which is the matical measurements are not consid- geometry of buna woven fabric. This ered in detail; thus, several elements are study collected data by interview (un- not in their actual size. In conclusion, structured) and measuring the fabrics. mathematical concepts are not fully ap- The data collected from interviews and plied in traditional architecture because measurement was then analyzed to ob- the traditional community emphasizes tain a detailed description of buna woven more on cultural values and aesthetics fabric by describing and classifying the elements (Lapenangga et al., 2020). geometrical concept on buna woven fab- According to the statement above, ric. Finally, translating and writing the the research team is interested in analyz- mathematical concept into written text. ing mathematical aspects that can be In general, the steps of this study can be found in buna woven fabric's motif and seen in the Figure 2. their relation to geometry and arithme- tic’s. The purpose of this buna woven fab- ric research is to identify relationships between culture and mathematics so that it may be better understood, pre- venting the students from seeing their culture as something 'foreign' and shift- ing the community's perception of math- ematics to be more accurate. In addition, mathematics applications can be opti- mized in the community and students' daily activities, that they may benefit from their mathematical studies. Another objective of the study is for students to know, maintain, and preserve the local cultures around the community (Rewatus et al., 2020) METHODOLOGY This is a qualitative study with an ethno- graphic design to explain one of East Nusa Tenggara’s cultural artifacts, in this case, buna. The initial step of this re- search was choosing the study object. Figure 2: Research Flowchart (Author’s Analysis, The chosen object is buna woven fabric 2020)
78 Lakapu, M et al. Mathematics in Culture: Analysis of Mathematical Elements in Buna Woven … This study's limitation is that it only uses one type of woven fabric as the object of the study. There is no other object that can be used as a comparison. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Below are patterns of woven fabric that are used as the object of this study. This buna woven fabric originates from the North Central Timor Regency of the East Nusa Tenggara province. Figure 5: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Author’s Analysis, 2020) The modeling in Figure 5 shows that the four shapes are quadrilateral because each of them has four sides and four ver- tices. A further detailed analysis was then conducted regarding the rectangular shapes on buna woven fabrics, especially in the red square. The following were the properties of the rectangular shapes. Property 1: All sides have equal length. According to measurement results, length of = = = = 8 Figure 3: Buna Woven Fabric (Doc. Author, 2020) The following is a motif found in buna woven fabric that can be geometrically modeled: Figure 4: BunaWoven Fabric Figure 6: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Author’s Doc, 2020) (Author’s Analysis, 2020)
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 75 – 84 79 Property 2: Both diagonals are axes of Property 3: Two vertices next to each symmetry other are equal to ° Figure 7: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Author’s Analysis, 2020) Figure 9: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Author’s Analysis, 2020) Analysis of Figure 7 Based on the measurement taken: If folded at AC then point A is located at ∠ + ∠ = 180° ; point A, point C is located at point C and ∠ + ∠ = 180° ; point B is located at point D; there- ∠ + ∠ = 180° ; and fore, AC is an axe of symmetry. ∠ + ∠ = 180° . The angle of each vertex can be divided equally by their diagonals. Figure 8: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Author’s Analysis, 2020) Analysis of Figure 8 Figure 10. Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Author’s Analysis, 2020) If folded at BD, then point B is located at point B, point D is located at point D and Based on measurement taken: ∠ 1 = point C is located at point A; there- ∠ 2 = 53,645° ; ∠ 1 = ∠ 2 = 36,355° ; fore, BD is an axe of symmetry. ∠ 1 = ∠ 2 = 53,645° ; ∠ 1 = ∠ 2 = 36,355° .
80 Lakapu, M et al. Mathematics in Culture: Analysis of Mathematical Elements in Buna Woven … Property 4: The diagonals are perpen- Topic 1: Determining the formula of ar- dicular to each other and divide both ea and perimeter of a rhombus using a diagonals into two lines of equal length. triangular approach. Figure 12: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Au- thor’s Analysis, 2020) Figure 11: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Author’s Analysis, 2020) It can be analyzed that: (a) The intersec- tion of and shows that is per- pendicular to ( ⊥ ); (b) The di- Figure 13: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Au- agonal is divided by the diagonal thor’s Analysis, 2020) into two lines of equal length, = = 6,2 ; and (c) Diagonal is di- Area of Rhombus vided by the diagonal into two lines of = Area ∆ + Area ∆ equal length, = = 5 . 1 1 1 1 = ( × 2 × 1 ) + ( × 2 × 1 ) 2 2 2 2 The analyzed properties are the 1 1 = ( × 1 × 2 ) + ( × 1 × 2 ) properties of a rhombus. Some of the 4 4 2 1 theories used to analyze this shape's = × 1 × 2 = × 1 × 2 property are measurements, axes of 4 2 symmetry, and angles. (Siswoyo, 2011; Ilham, 2015; and Rohayati, S., Karno, W., & Chomariyah, 2017) In addition to the findings above, the mathematical aspect of buna woven fabric can be used in the primary school classroom activity. This finding can be used as a source of study by students to learn the sub-topics below: Figure 14: Buna Woven Fabric Model- ing (Author’s Analysis, 2020)
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 75 – 84 81 Perimeter of Rhombus Topic 3. Arithmetic and Geometric se- = Total length of all its sides quence: forming pattern from the = + + + rhombus model. = + + + = 4 Topic 2. Calculating the Area and Pe- rimeter of Rhombus Figure 17: Buna Woven Fabric (Doc. Author, 2020) Figure 15. Buna Woven Fabric (Doc. Author, 2020) Figure 18: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Au- thor’s Analysis, 2020) The measurement result of the rhombus model of buna woven fabric (Figure 18) shows that 1 ≅ 1 ≅ 1 ≅ 1 ; 2 ≅ 2 ≅ 2 ≅ 2 ; 3 ≅ 3 ≅ 3 ≅ Figure 16: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling 3 and 4 ≅ 4 ≅ 4 ≅ 4 (Author’s Analysis, 2020) Because each sided opposite to Area of Rhombus each other has equal length and angle, 1 1 the area and perimeter of the rhombus = 2 × 1 × 2 = 2 × 10 × 12,4 = 62 can be written as: Perimeter of Rhombus 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 8; = 4 = 4 × 8 = 32 2 = 2 = 2 = 2 = 16; 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 24; 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 32
82 Lakapu, M et al. Mathematics in Culture: Analysis of Mathematical Elements in Buna Woven … The perimeter of rhombus 1, 2, 3, and the four rhombi (1, 2, 3, 4)which is more 4 can be written as an arithmetic and ge- than 80 (because the weaving pro- ometric sequence as follows: cess of buna requires the weaver to do a tying process). Topic 4. Limited Arithmetic Sequence = 8, 16, 24, 32 Topic 6. Calculating the amount of Difference: = 8 rhombus model in buna woven fabric First term: = 8 Pattern: From the rhombus model in Figure 18, = + ( − 1) there are 17 rhombi in its entirety. The = 8 + ( − 1)8 following is a list of rhombi in figure18: = 8 + 8 − 8 = 8 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 3 , With = 1, 2, 3, … 3 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 and rhombuses formed from multiple rhombuses Numbers of terms of is: 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 = 2 ( + ) = 2 ( + 8 ) 4 The following are the preparation steps 4 = 2 (8 + 8(4)) = 80. and process of traditional weaving, in this case using manual weaving tools: Firstly, the tread (abas) are prepared using the Topic 5. Limited Geometric Series needed color and are rolled (naunu) (into each color) until it is round, then the = 8, 16, 24, 32 treads are arranged (nonot) in the weav- Ratio: = 2 ing tools according to the desired design, First term: = 8 then using a weaving wood called atis, ut, Pattern: sia, nekan are arranged so that the pre- = −1 pared treads are ready to weave into a = 8 × 2 −1 woven fabric using senu, mona, niun (other weaving tools). According to = 23 × 2 −1 the buna's motif, what has become a = 23+ −1 characteristic while weaving a buna wo- ven fabric is its tying tread (na’bun). For = 2 +2 instance, if the buna motif that is woven With = 1, 2, 3, … is shaped like a rhombus, as shown in Numbers of terms of is: Figure 3, the weaver needs to count the amount of tread that needs to be tied to = ( −1) achieve the desired result. −1 = 8( −1) In this study, the researcher also 2−1 compared the size of multiple rectangu- = 8(2 − 1) lar shapes of buna woven fabric used as 4 = 8(24 − 1) the object of this study. The following is 4 = 80 an example of rectangular shape model that was compared: The numbers of term of ( 4 = 80) shows that the thread used to make
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 75 – 84 83 2019); (3) study by (Lapenangga et al., 2020)shows that size in mathematics in certain cultural elements are not acknowledged in detail; thus, some ele- ments shift from its initial design because of the weaver or the community in gen- eral emphasizes cultural aspect more than aesthetics; (4) Study by Senita and Neno (Senita & Neno, 2018) shows that Figure 19: Buna Woven Fabric (Doc. Author, 2020) traditional fabric manufacturing (using weaving tools) causes some mathemati- cal concept to be obscured due to the weavers focus on motif they are weaving. Further, by understanding the ethno- mathematics of Batik will increase the student critical thinking (Martyanti and Suhartini, 2018; Febriani et al, 2019). CLOSING Figure 20: Buna Woven Fabric Modeling (Au- Conclusion thor’s Analysis, 2020) Based on the results of this study, it can Immediately (without measuring), some be concluded that the motives found sides correspond to the shape model that in buna woven fabrics have geometric and shares the same size; however, upon arithmetic concepts. From the rectangu- measurement using measuring tools, the lar shape properties that were analyzed, it corresponding sides do not have the can be concluded that the rectangular same size. For example, perimeter 4 = shape on buna woven fabric is a rhombus. 32,4 , 4 = 32 , 4 = 32,4 dan Such properties are as follows: each side 4 = 32.This due to the tying of the has equal lengths; both diagonals are axes tread during the weaving process; there of symmetry; the sum of two angles of is an unevenness of strength of each neighboring vertices are180°; each angle strand of the tread. can be divided equally by the diagonal, The results of this study, as shown and both diagonal perpendicularly inter- above, is supported by the previous stud- sect while dividing themselves into two ies as follows: (1) Previous Study (Har- equal lengths line. In addition, mathemat- diarti, 2017) shows that within a certain ical elements, or concepts on buna woven culture, we are able to analyze mathe- fabric that can be taught to middle school matical concepts that can be used as a student are as follows: determining the concrete mathematical study material; formula of area and perimeter of a rhom- (2) Another study (Arwanto, 2017) show bus using the triangular approach; calcu- that Cirebon’s trusmi batik contains lating area and perimeter of a rhombus; mathematical elements, including the arithmetic and geometric sequence and geometrical concepts of symmetry, counting the amount of rhombus model transformation, and congruency within buna woven fabric. (Zayyadi, 2018; Disnawati and Nahak,
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