Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge

Page created by Mildred Shaw
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
  Management Plan

               Adopted July May 20167
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
Prepared by:

Cardinia Shire Council
Strategic Planning Unit

Published July 2016May 2017

© Cardinia Shire Council 20162017
ABN: 32 210 906 807
20 Siding Avenue, Officer

PO Box 7, Pakenham Vic 3810
(DX 81006)

Phone: 1300 787 624
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
1        Executive summary                                                                             4
2        Acknowledgement                                                                               5
3        Introduction                                                                                  6
3.1      Background                                                                                    6
3.2      Consultation                                                                                  6
3.3      What is a green wedge?                                                                        7
3.4      What is the Western Port Green Wedge?                                                         8
3.5      Location                                                                                      8
3.6      State policy                                                                                 11
3.7      Local policy                                                                                 14
3.8      Council Plan                                                                                 15
4        Purpose and vision                                                                          1716
4.1      Management plan purpose                                                                     1716
4.2      Vision                                                                                      1817
5        Land use history                                                                            1918
5.1      Indigenous cultural heritage                                                                1918
5.2      European settlement                                                                         2019
5.3      Pressures for change                                                                        2120
5.4      Attributes and values                                                                       2221
5.5      Community values and priorities                                                             2322
6        Guiding principles                                                                          2625
7        Theme-based strategic directions                                                            2726
7.1      Indigenous and post-contact heritage                                                        2726
7.2      Landscape                                                                                   2928
7.3      Environmental significance                                                                  3029
7.4      Visitation and recreational land uses                                                       3332
7.5      Soils and land capability                                                                   3736

Cardinia Shire Council                           Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan          1
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
7.6    Water                                                                                               4241
7.7    Groundwater                                                                                         4544
7.8    Agriculture and horticulture                                                                        4645
7.9    Climate change                                                                                      5049
7.10   Urban development                                                                                   5251
7.11   Infrastructure and transport                                                                        5655
7.12   Extractive industry                                                                                 5756
8      Precinct-based strategic directions                                                                 6059
8.1    Precinct 1: Agriculture, horticulture and soil based food production                                6261
8.2    Precinct 2: Coastal                                                                                 6665
8.3    Precinct 3: Railway                                                                                 6867
9      Implementation                                                                                      7170
9.1    Purpose                                                                                             7170
9.2    Guiding principles                                                                                  7170
9.3    Actions in the implementation plan                                                                  7170
9.4    Monitoring and evaluation                                                                           7271
9.5    Implementation plan                                                                                 7372
10     The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan – Action Plan                                 8281
11     Abbreviations and glossary                                                                          8382
12     Appendices                                                                                          8887

2                                                      Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan          Cardinia Shire Council
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
List of figures
Figure 1.       Map 1: Context Map                                                                               9
Figure 2.       Map 2: Study area                                                                               10
Figure 3.       Map 3: Habitat corridors and biodiversity                                                       32
Figure 4.       Map 4: Proposed future shared paths                                                             36
Figure 5.       Map 5: Agricultural biophysical land versatility regions                                        40
Figure 6.       Map 6: Coastal acid sulphate soils                                                              41
Figure 7.       Map 7: Settlements and zones                                                                    55
Figure 8.       Map 8: Infrastructure and extractive industries                                                 59
Figure 9.       Map 9: Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge precincts                                              61
Figure 10.      Map 10: Precinct 1                                                                              65
Figure 11.      Map 11: Precinct 2                                                                              67
Figure 12.      Map 12: Precinct 3                                                                              70

List of tables
Table 1.        Summary of key findings from public consultation held in 2011                                   24
Table 2.        Impact of rising temperatures and reduced rainfall                                              50
Table 3.        Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Implementation Plan                                           73

Cardinia Shire Council                                      Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan        3
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
1        Executive summary                              The management plan has an overarching
                                                            vision which is underpinned by the following:
    The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge                    guiding principles
    Management Plan has been prepared by                     theme-based strategic directions
    Cardinia Shire Council. It provides a                    precinct-based strategic directions.
    strategic planning framework that enables
    Council to take advantage of opportunities              Key strategies included in the management
    and proactively attend to challenges                    plan are:
    occurring in the Cardinia Western Port Green             promoting soil-based agriculture and
    Wedge over the next 20 years.                               horticulture
                                                             protecting the Green Wedge’s valued
    Western Port’s internationally recognised
                                                                environment and landscape, and
    environment, its established agriculture
                                                                improving its biodiversity
    industry, rich agricultural soils, ready access
    to water, and its extensive transportation               providing strategic directions for the
    network (connecting farmers with nearby                     Green Wedge’s townships
    local markets and to ports for interstate or             planning for climate change.
    overseas markets) creates the area’s
    enormous (largely latent) economic                      Objectives, strategies and actions are
    potential. The management plan identifies               provided for each theme in order to
    strategies that aim to realise this potential,          implement the management plan over the
    which will have flow-on effects on the local            next five years.
    economy and employment, and the vibrancy
    of the settlements in the Green Wedge.

    The management plan provides Council with
    a tool that can assist in influencing
    appropriate planning of the Cardinia Western
    Port Green Wedge at state level through the
    Metropolitan Planning Strategy Plan
    Melbourne which identifies the Western Port
    Green Wedge as being part of Melbourne’s
    peri-urban area.

4       Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                              Cardinia Shire Council
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
2        Acknowledgement
Cardinia Shire Council respectfully
acknowledges that the land that is the
subject of the Cardinia Western Port Green
Wedge Management Plan is the traditional
land of the Mayone Buluk clan of the Boon
Wurrung people and the Wurundjeri Baluk
clan of the Woi Wurrung people, both of
whom form part of the Kulun Nation.

After community consultation, Cardinia Shire
Council uses the term ‘Aboriginal’ rather
than ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’ in
all its documentation. This is in line with the
National Aboriginal Community Controlled
Health Organisation’s (NACCHO) November
2012 resolution, whereby the term
Aboriginal would be used in all
correspondence and speeches (Resolution:
RES 2009–10). ‘Aboriginal’ is deemed to
represent the views and demographics
within the shire.

Cardinia Shire Council acknowledges the
work undertaken and the support provided
by the City of Casey during the first stage of
the development of this document;
specifically, during the issues and
opportunities paper and the draft Western
Port Green Wedge Management Plan
(December 2014).

Cardinia Shire Council also wish to
acknowledge Planisphere for assistance with
the community engagement process.

Cardinia Shire Council                            Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan   5
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
3        Introduction                                   of both councils in relation to the
                                                            management plan. The City of Casey has
    3.1           Background                                proceeded to prepare its management plan
                                                            for that part of the Western Port Green
    The Western Port Green Wedge covers the                 Wedge which is within its municipal area.
    southern mainly rural areas of Cardinia Shire
    Council and the City of Casey.                          It is important to acknowledge that many
                                                            areas of common interest still remain,
    In 2010, the Victorian Government provided              including the purpose and vision, primary
    funding to Cardinia Shire Council and the               industry, biodiversity protection and
    City of Casey to support the preparation of a           enhancement and the natural environment
    joint mManagement pPlan for the Western                 including the Ramsar Wetlands. The
    Port Green Wedge. This funding was used in              management plan is drafted to ensure that
    part to prepare a discussion paper in relation          both Cardinia Shire Council and the City of
    to the Western Port Green Wedge which was               Casey work together in pursuit of these
    completed and publicly exhibited in late                interests.
    2011 and the draft Western Port Green
    Wedge Management Plan (December 2014)                   3.2         Consultation
    which was exhibited in 2015.                            Extensive consultation has been undertaken
                                                            as part of the development of this
    Preparation of the management plan                      management plan. The involvement of and
    advanced to an initial draft prior to the               consultation with the various stakeholders
    release of the Victorian Government’s                   from the community, agencies and
    metropolitan strategy Plan Melbourne. A                 government authorities has been an
    decision was made by both councils to not               important component in the development of
    advance the draft until there was greater               the document. Three consultation phases
    clarity around Plan Melbourne and its                   have informed the development of
    implementation. Once Plan Melbourne was                 management plan, which are outlined below.
    finalised, the draft Western Port Green
    Wedge Management Plan (December 2014)                   Phase 1 – Initial consultation
    was completed in and placed on public                   Phase 1 was undertaken in May 2011 and
    exhibition in late 2015.                                involved a number of engagement activities
                                                            designed to examine the key challenges and
    The partnership between Cardinia Shire                  opportunities for the Western Port Green
    Council and the City of Casey concluded                 Wedge and identify a vision for the area.
    following a decision made by Cardinia Shire
    Council on 15 February 2016 to finalise the             The methodology was devised to reach a
    management plan independently within its                broad cross section of government and
    own municipal area. This decision was made              agencies, industry representatives, local
    due to a divergence in the strategic direction          businesses, community organisations,

6       Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                              Cardinia Shire Council
Management Plan Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
interest groups and community members.                   online engagement via a website which                  online engagement which included
The following activities formed part of the               hosted associated documents and                         Facebook, Twitter and both council
engagement methodology:                                   questionnaires.                                         websites
 government and agency workshop                                                                                 local papers
 key stakeholder group workshops                   The purpose of the above engagement                          direct mail.
 community survey                                  activities was to obtain feedback for the
 online survey                                     draft Western Port Green Wedge                          Eighteen submissions were received by
 interviews with key stakeholders.                 Management Plan as well as to gain an                   Cardinia Shire Council and 160 by the City of
More than 150 people participated in                understanding of key issues, key                        Casey.
Phase 1.                                            opportunities, priority areas and ideas for
                                                    action relating to the future land use of               3.3          What is a green wedge?
Phase 2 – Discussion paper                          the area.                                               The term ‘green wedges’ refers to the non-
The Western Port Green Wedge                                                                                urban land that surrounds the outward
Management Plan – Discussion Paper was              Twelve submissions were received.                       development of Melbourne. This land is
prepared in conjunction with the City of                                                                    separated from urban areas by the Urban
Casey and was developed from feedback               Phase 3 – Draft Western Port Green Wedge                Growth Boundary (UGB) which was put in
received during Phase 1. This discussion            Management Plan                                         place by the Victorian Government in 2002.
paper was placed on exhibition for public           The draft Western Port Green Wedge
comment from 10 October to 5 December                                                                       Across Melbourne, 12 green wedges are
                                                    Management Plan (December 2014) was                     located in 17 Local government areas. The
2011. To support this exhibition period, a          prepared in conjunction with the City of
series of workshops were held, which                                                                        green wedges accommodate agricultural and
                                                    Casey and was exhibited for public                      recreational uses, as well as a variety of
included the following.                             consultation and comment from 3 August to
 facilitated workshop with government                                                                      important functions that support
                                                    7 September 2015.                                       metropolitan Melbourne. These include
     and agency representatives
 facilitated workshop with key                                                                             major assets such as airports, sewage
                                                    To support this exhibition period, a series of          treatment plants, extractive industry and
     stakeholders (township committees,             workshops were held, which included the
     community groups, growers and industry                                                                 landfill sites. They contain uses that support
                                                    following:                                              urban activity which cannot be located
     representatives)                                two community workshops (Koo Wee
    – two evening public information                                                                        among normal urban development1.
                                                         Rup and Garfield)
        sessions hosted by:                          agency workshop (combined with the                    Townships also exist in green wedges,
         Cardinia Shire Council at the                  City of Casey and facilitated by                   typically established to provide services in
            Cardinia Public Hall                         Planisphere)                                       support of the primary industries pursued in
         City of Casey at the Pearcedale            Victorian Government workshop                         the rural area.
            Public Hall                                  (combined with the City of Casey and
                                                         facilitated by Phoenix Facilitation)
 interviews with key stakeholders

1DELWP, Preparing a Green Wedge Management Plan –
Practice Note 31, June 2015.

Cardinia Shire Council                                  Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                                7
3.4         What is the Western
                                                 much of Victoria’s asparagus, celery, leeks           3.5         Location
                                                 herbs and silver beet. The ongoing protection
            Port Green Wedge?                                                                          The Western Port Green Wedge is located in
                                                 of this important agricultural asset is critical
                                                                                                       the southeast of Melbourne and covers an
The Western Port Green Wedge is one of the       to the future of the green wedge.
                                                                                                       area of approximately 746 square
12 green wedges on the outskirts of                                                                    kilometres, incorporating land within both
Melbourne located outside of the UGB and is      Land within the green wedge area has many
                                                                                                       Cardinia Shire Council and the City of Casey.
shared with both Cardinia Shire Council and      important purposes including:
                                                                                                       Approximately 615 square kilometres of this
the City of Casey.                                biodiversity, providing habitat for the             green wedge land is located within Cardinia
                                                     endangered southern brown bandicoot               Shire.
Although these areas are set aside as non-           and the growling grass frog and the
urban land through the Cardinia Planning             internationally significant Ramsar                Cardinia Shire localities include (but are not
Scheme, green wedges are continually                 wetlands
                                                                                                       limited to) Bunyip, Longwarry, Modella,
subject to intense pressures for urban            providing land for agricultural use                 Catani, Heath Hill, Nyora and Lang Lang in
development and change. Often competing           recognising and protecting land that has            the east. It adjoins the Bass Coast Shire and
pressures occur from urban development,              agricultural and environmental values             the South Gippsland Shire as well as the
hobby farms, tourism, intensive agriculture       providing important natural resources,              Western Port coast.
and infrastructure because of the proximity          including existing sand extraction
to a city which has a population of                  industry                                          Map 1 outlines the Western Port Green
approximately four and a half million people.     encouraging sustainable farming                     Wedge within the metropolitan context and
                                                     activities and providing opportunity for a        in relation to the other 11 green wedges.
A proactive approach is required to ensure           variety of productive uses
that these pressures are appropriately            protecting, conserving, and enhancing               Map 2 shows the Western Port Green Wedge
managed and that the liveability, economic           the character of open rural and scenic            study area including the main settlements
values and the scenic and natural qualities          non-urban landscapes                              and the Urban Growth Boundary.
of the green wedge are not eroded over time.      providing infrastructure such as sewage
Green wedge management plans identify                treatment plants and airports
these values and work with the local              supporting recreational activities such
community to set priorities and make                 as the Pakenham Racing Club’s Tynong
proposals to improve the future planning and         Racecourse.
management of these areas.
                                                 The liveability and economic values of the
This document focuses on the Cardinia Shire      green wedge are extremely important. While
section of the Western Port Green Wedge. A       green wedge land may not be actively
large proportion of this area has some of the    farmed, it is still important to consider the
best agricultural soil in Melbourne, providing   potential use of the land.

8                                                  Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                              Cardinia Shire Council
Figure 1.     Map 1: Context Map

Cardinia Shire Council             Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan   9
Figure 2.   Map 2: Study area

10                              Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan   Cardinia Shire Council
Melbourne to create a more
3.6            State policy                             Protecting the green wedges and peri-urban                    consolidated, sustainable city.
State planning policies provide a Victorian             areas will make the state’s food supply more
strategic context in which the management               secure in the face of increasing climate              Principle 4: Environmental resilience and
plan sits.                                              pressures on                                          sustainability
                                                        food production. It also and theidentifies the         Direction 4.5 - Plan for Melbourne's
Plan Melbourne Metropolitan Planning                    need to lock in amaintain permanent UGB in                 green wedges and peri-urban areas
Strategy – 20142017-2050                                order to protect the values of non-urban                  - Policy 4.5.1 - Strengthen protection
Plan Melbourne is the Metropolitan Planning             land; including agriculture and agribusiness,                 and management of green wedge
Strategy for Melbourne and sets the vision              biodiversity, recreation and open space,                      land.
for and guides Melbourne’s growth through               tourism, heritage and landscape                           - Policy 4.5.2 - Protect and enhance
to the year 2050. It identifies the importance          conservation. And reduce urban sprawl2.                       valued attributes of distinctive areas
of retaining green wedges which support                                                                               and landscapes.
Melbourne through food production, critical             The relevant principles, directions and
infrastructure (such as water supply                    initiatives policies of Plan Melbourne are as         Principle 6: Social and economic
catchments and airports), sand and stone                follows:                                              participation
supply, biodiversity, recreation and tourism.           Principle 1: A distinctive Melbourne                   Direction 6.3 Integrate urban
Green wedges and peri-urban areas                        Direction 1.4 – Support the productive                   development and water cycle
provide opportunities for the community to                    use of land and resources in                         management to support a resilient and
connect with nature, improving health                         Melbourne's non-urban areas.                         liveable city.
outcomes, as well as maintaining the                         - Policy 1.4.1 - Protect agricultural land           - Policy 6.3.1- Reduce pressure on
ecosystem services that underpin                                 and support agricultural production.                  water supplies by making the best
Victoria’s prosperity.                                       - Policy 1.4.2 - Identify and protect                     use of all water sources.
                                                                 extractive resources (such as stone              - Policy 6.3.3 - Protect water, drainage
                                                                 and sand) important for                               and sewerage assets.
                                                                 Melbourne's future needs.
                                                                                                                  Direction 6.5 - Protect and restore
                                                        Principle 2: A globally connected and                      natural habitats
                                                        competitive City                                          Policy 6.5.3 - Protect the coastlines and
                                                         Direction 2.1 - Manage the supply of                     waters of Port Phillip Bay and Western
                                                             new housing in the right locations to                 Port. Direction 5.2 – Protect and restore
                                                             meet population growth and create a                   natural habitats in urban and non-urban
                                                             sustainable city.                                     areas
                                                            - Policy 2.1.1 - Maintain a permanent                 – Initiative 5.2.3
                                                                urban growth boundary around
                                                                                                                      Protect the coastlines and waters of
                                                                                                                      Port Phillip Bay and Western Port.

2DELWP Plan Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Strategy,
March 2017.

Cardinia Shire Council                                    Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                               11
     Direction 5.3 – Enhance the food                                                                        Protect significant resources of stone,
      production capability of Melbourne and            Ensure strategic planning and land                    sand and other mineral resources for
      its non-urban areas.                               management of each green wedge area                   extraction purposes.
     – Initiative 5.3.1                                  to promote and encourage its key
          Protect high quality agricultural land         features and related values.                      Clause 12.01 Biodiversity seeks to protect
          in and around Melbourne for food              Support development in the green                  biodiversity and Clause 12.01-2 Landscapes
          production.                                    wedge that provides for environmental,            seeks to improve the landscape qualities,
     Direction 6.1 – Deliver a permanent                economic and social benefits.                     open space linkages and environmental
      boundary around Melbourne.                        Consolidate new residential                       performance in green wedges and non-urban
     – Initiative 6.1.1                                  development within existing settlements           areas. 12.02 Coastal areas seeks to
                                                         and in locations where planned services           enhance and encourage sustainable use of
          Confirm the mechanism and lock in a                                                              coastal areas. Climate change impacts and
          permanent boundary.                            are available and green wedge area
                                                         values can be protected.                          coastal inundation and erosion are
State Planning Policy Framework                         Plan and protect major state                      addressed in Clause 13 Environmental
(SPPF)                                                   infrastructure and resource assets that           Risks.
The SPPF comprises of general principles for             serve the wider Victorian community,
                                                         such as airports and ports with their             Clause 14 Natural Resource Management is
land use and development in Victoria with
                                                         associated access corridors, water                also of relevance and sub clause 14.01-1
specific policies.
                                                         supply dams and water catchments and              Protection of agricultural land of which the
                                                         waste management and recycling                    objective is to protect productive farmland
The directions of Plan Melbourne are
                                                         facilities.                                       which is of strategic significance in the local
reflected in policy contained in the SPPF of
                                                        Plan and protect major transport                  or regional context.
the Cardinia Planning Scheme.
                                                         facilities that serve the wider Victorian
                                                         community, such as airports and ports             Sub clause 14.01-2 Sustainable agricultural
Clause 9 Plan Melbourne of the SPPF
                                                         with their associated access corridors.           land use seeks to encourage sustainable
requires consideration of Plan Melbourne.
                                                        Protecting important productive                   agricultural land use.
This clause identifies that the key issues               agricultural areas such as Werribee
                                                         South, the Maribyrnong River flats, the           Sub clause 14.02-2 Water quality of which
relevant to the Western Port Green Wedge
                                                         Yarra Valley, Westernport and the                 the objective is to protect water quality.
include the proposed southeast airport, the
potential aero town, Port of Hastings,                   Mornington Peninsula.
                                                                                                           Also of relevance is Clause 14.03 Resource
required road infrastructure and upgrades               Support existing and potential
                                                                                                           exploration and extraction of which the
and the growth of green wedge townships.                 agribusiness activities, forestry, food
                                                                                                           objective is to encourage exploration and
                                                         production and tourism.
                                                                                                           extraction of natural resources in
The overarching policy on green wedges is              Protect areas of environmental,                    accordance with acceptable environmental
located at Clause 11.06                                 landscape and scenic value. such as
                                                                                                           standards and to provide a planning
SettlementMetropolitan Melbourne, under                 biodiversity assets, national and state
                                                                                                           approval process that is consistent with the
sub clause 11.064-7 Green wWedges.                      parks, Ramsar wetlands and coastal
                                                                                                           relevant legislation.
Relevant strategies in relation to the                  areas.
protection of the green wedge are as follows:      

12                                                     Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                               Cardinia Shire Council
Other planning scheme provisions                  natural environment with minimal                           To minimise the potential for conflict
Zones                                             degradation of the natural environment or                   between residents and normal farming
 Green Wedge Zone (GWZ)                          natural processes.                                          practices that are related to the conduct
The purpose of this zone is to recognise and                                                                  of agricultural activities.
protect non-urban land outside the                 Rural Conservation Zone (RCZ)                            To encourage sustainable farming
UGB in the Melbourne metropolitan area for        This zone is designed to protect and                        activities based on whole farm and
its agricultural, environmental, historic,        enhance the natural environment for its                     catchment planning principles on an
landscape or recreational values, or mineral      historic, archaeological, scientific,                       individual and community basis.
and stone resources. The zone provides a          landscape, faunal habitat and cultural
                                                  values. Agriculture is allowed, provided it is          Overlays
minimum lot size of 40 hectares unless an
alternative is specified in a schedule to the     consistent with the environmental and                    Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO)
zone. The creation of smaller lots is allowed     landscapes values of the area. This zone                This overlay applies to areas where the
under particular circumstances.                   could also be applied to rural areas                    development of land may be affected by
                                                  degraded by environmental factors such as               environmental constraints. It also seeks to
                                                  salinity or erosion. A schedule requires                ensure that development is compatible with
 Green Wedge A Zone (GWAZ)
This zone provides opportunity for most           specific conservation values to be stipulated.          identified environmental values.
agricultural uses and limits non-rural uses to    The zone provides a minimum lot size of 40
those that support agriculture or tourism         hectares unless an alternative is specified in             Land Subject to Inundation Overlay
provided that the amenity of residential living   a schedule to the zone. The creation of                     (LSIO)
is protected. It seeks to protect and enhance     smaller lots is allowed under particular                This overlay applies to land in either rural or
the biodiversity, natural resources, scenic       circumstances.                                          urban areas that is subject to inundation, but
landscapes and heritage values and to                                                                     is not part of the primary floodway.
promote sustainable land management.                  Special Use Zone – Schedule 1 (SUZ1)
It also provides opportunity for limited               (Horticultural Preservation)                        Restructure Overlay (RO)
residential development subject to a permit.      This zone provides for the use of land for              This overlay applies a restructure plan to old
The zone provides a minimum lot size of 8         specific purposes, in this case horticultural           and inappropriate subdivisions as a
hectares unless an alternative is specified in    preservation. The purpose of this zone is as            condition of development approval. It seeks
a schedule to the zone. The creation of           follows:                                                to preserve and enhance the amenity of an
smaller lots is allowed under particular                                                                  area and reduce the environmental impacts
circumstances.                                        To preserve land of high agricultural              of dwellings and other development.
                                                       quality for horticulture and other farming
                                                                                                          Particular provisions
   Public Conservation and Resource Zone              activities.
                                                      To discourage non-agricultural and non-                Clause 57 Metropolitan Green Wedge
                                                       soil based uses establishing on soil of                 Land
This zone protects and conserves the natural
                                                       high agricultural value.                           This clause applies to land outside of the
environment and natural processes for their
                                                      To protect the area from the                       UGB (unless otherwise specified). The
historic, scientific, landscape, habitat or
                                                       encroachment of urban and rural                    purpose of this clause is to:
cultural values. It also allows for the
construction of facilities which assist in             residential type development.                       Protect metropolitan green wedge land
public education and interpretation of the                                                                     from uses and development that would
                                                                                                               diminish its agricultural, environmental,

Cardinia Shire Council                                Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                               13
cultural heritage, conservation,           3.7    Local policy
     landscape natural resource or                                                                    Of relevance is sub Clause 21.02-2
                                                Local planning policies provide a local and
     recreation values.                                                                               Landscape of which the objective is to
                                                regional strategic context in which the
    To protect productive agricultural land                                                          recognise and protect the diverse landscape
                                                management plan sits.
     from incompatible uses and                                                                       and areas of significant landscape value. It
     development.                                                                                     identifies the following relevant key issues:
                                                Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF)
    To ensure that the scale of use is         The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS)                Protecting significant landscapes,
     compatible with the non-urban              provides the vision for land use planning and              including the protection of the specific
     character of metropolitan green wedge      development within Cardinia Shire and                      features of each landscape.
     land.                                      identifies the following in relation to the            Recognising that the landscape is an
    To encourage the location of urban         green wedge.                                               important element in the sustainable
     activities in urban areas.                                                                            development of tourism in the
    To provide transitional arrangements for   Clause 21.01 Cardinia Shire key issues and                 municipality.
     permit applications made to the            strategic vision identifies Western Port as a          Recognising the pressures to develop
     responsible authority before 19 May        major landscape feature and that a key                     land in locations of high scenic value.
     2004.                                      influence within the shire is urban growth,
                                                including urban pressures on the rural                Clause 21.02-3 Biodiversity identifies the
The clause also provides for additional         hinterland and management of green wedge              diverse environment that is Cardinia Shire.
controls on uses of green wedge land above      areas. The following relevant key issues are          The objective is to achieve a net gain in the
and beyond those authorised under the           identified:                                           quantity and quality of native vegetation in
other zones that make up the green wedge.        The protection of environmentally                   the municipality.
Practice notes                                       significant areas including the northern         Clause 21.03 Settlement and housing
                                                     hills and the Western Port coast.                provides guidance in relation to rural
The Victorian Government have a series of
                                                 The protection and management of                    townships and identifies that setting clear
practice notes on the operation of the
                                                     biodiversity.                                    limits for development of the townships and
Victorian Planning Provisions (VPP).
                                                 The protection of the Koo Wee Rup                   designing with regard to the surrounding
Preparing a Green Wedge Management Plan              swamp area which contains important              unique characteristics of the townships as
– Planning Practice Note 31                          groundwater reserves and horticultural           key issues.
This practice note is to help guide the              soils in the Western Port basin.
preparation of green wedge management            The management of urban growth,                     Clause 21.04 Economic Development is also
plans and outlines the general requirements          including urban pressures on the rural           of relevance. The objective of sub Clause
that should be met in the preparation of the         hinterland.                                      21.04-2 Agriculture is to maintain agriculture
document.                                        The protection and sustainable use of               as a strong and sustainable economic
                                                     agricultural land.                               activity within the municipality. The following
The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge                                                                 key issues are also identified:
Management Plan has been prepared in            Clause 21.02 Environment identifies that the           Maintaining and protecting high value of
accordance with this practice note and          majority of Cardinia Shire is located within               agricultural land within the municipality.
responds appropriately to all of the policy     the Western Port catchment, which is a                 Protecting productive agricultural land
outlined above.                                 Ramsar wetland.                                            from incompatible uses and

14                                                Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                              Cardinia Shire Council
inappropriate development and               will respond to the opportunities and                     agriculture is facing pressure from the
       subdivision, including non-soil based       challenges facing Cardinia Shire.                         changing world economy, changing
       farming on lands with high soil quality.                                                              climate and other environmental
      Accessing sustainable water supplies        Council’s vision is Cardinia Shire will be                conditions, as well as the demands of
       for agricultural activities.                developed in a planned manner to enable                   development and the ageing of our
      Recognising the impact of intensive         present and future generations to enjoy and               farming community.
       farming on surrounding uses.                experience the diverse and distinctive                   Council will take up every opportunity to
      Developing Green Wedge Management           characteristics of our Shire.3                            enhance agricultural production
       Plans to fulfil statutory, strategic,                                                                 particularly in the southern rural region
       environmental, economic and social          The Council Plan has been amended for the                 (Bunyip Food Belt) by using recycled
       requirements.                               period 2016–17. The following relevant key                water from the Eastern Treatment Plant
                                                   challenges have been identified.                          at Carrum.
Further strategic work is identified at this
clause and requires the preparation of Green       Managing the natural and built environment,           Section 3 Our environment is relevant; the
Wedge Management plans for the three               including climate change.                             objective is we will continue to continue to
green wedges in conjunction with the                The quality of our natural and built                plan and manage the natural and built
relevant councils and government                        environments affects our communities.            environment for present and future
departments.                                            They must be developed and managed               generations.
                                                        in a way that contributes to the health
Clause 22.02 Sand extraction – Lang Lang                and safety of present and future                 Action 3.5.4 of the Council Plan seeks to
to Grantville region identifies that this region        generations.                                     ensure the planning of rural (green wedge)
contains significant sand resources which           Existing natural environmental values               areas protects and enhances important
are expected to become a major source of                such as biodiversity and waterways               agricultural, environmental, natural
sand for the Melbourne supply area over the             need to be protected and improved.               resource, infrastructure and recreational
next 10 to 20 years.                                Climate change is affecting our                     values.
                                                        agricultural areas, community health,
The objective of this clause is to protect sand         parks and recreational facilities.               The objective at Section 4 Our economy is
resources in the Lang Lang – Grantville area                                                             we will create and support local employment
and to provide for the extraction of these         Supporting and increasing agricultural                and business opportunities for our
resources and rehabilitation of sites in a         productivity                                          community and the wider region.
manner which protects the significant               With the majority of Cardinia Shire’s
environmental, social and economic values              land being rural, the hills and southern          Section 4.2 Maintain strong agricultural
of the area.                                           rural regions are important to the                activities.
                                                       economy at a local and national level.
3.8             Council Plan                                                                             In order to achieve the above, the following
                                                    Council needs to protect and strengthen
The Council Plan (2013–17) sets out a                  these areas, and recognises that                  actions are listed:
medium- to long-term vision for how Council

3   Cardinia Shire Council, Council Plan 2013-17

Cardinia Shire Council                               Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                                  15
4.2.1 Support our farmers and growing
      agricultural industry in adapting to
      the changing economy and climate.
4.2.2 Identify innovative ways to value add
      to the region’s primary production
      and transportation.
4.2.3 Advocate for the development of
      roadways to value add to the region’s
      primary production and

16                                            Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan   Cardinia Shire Council
4        Purpose and vision                             Actions relate to more tangible or
                                                                                 measurable tasks; an action is a task that
                         4.1           Management plan                           can be allocated, placed within a timeframe,
                                                                                 and may even need specific funds allocated.
                         The management plan is a strategic                      The management plan achieves:
                         framework which will guide the planning of               identifies the values and features of the
                         the southern (primarily rural) areas of                     Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
                         Cardinia Shire Council over the next 20                     across a range of thematic areas,
                         years. It is envisaged that a review will be                including biodiversity, agriculture and
                         undertaken every five years. However, it is                 horticulture, water, climate change,
                         not intended that the review will make                      cultural heritage and more
                         significant changes to the vision, objectives            provides objectives, strategies and
                         and actions (unless required). It may identify              actions to protect and improve the
                         emerging issues, remove completed actions                   quality of these important assets
                         and identify any new actions in response to              identifies areas of commonality through
                         new and emerging issues.                                    the identification of precincts and sets
                                                                                     out the preferred future land uses in
                         The management plan brings together a                       these areas
                         range of objectives, strategies and actions to           acknowledges and responds to the needs
                         help protect, improve and promote the                       and values of the local community
                         area’s important economic, social and
                                                                                  identifies priority actions and further
                         natural assets in the face of the challenges
                                                                                     work that is required to successfully
                         and pressures which arise from its location
                                                                                     manage the Cardinia Western Port
                         at the edge of metropolitan Melbourne and
                                                                                     Green Wedge into the future.
                         in the face of a changing environment.

                         An objective articulates what the structure
                         plan aims to achieve in relation to a
                         particular theme, such as the goal intended
                         to be attained or the desired outcome.

                         Strategies and actions are similar; they both
                         provide a solution to achieving the objective.
                         However, for the purpose of this structure
                         plan, strategies relate to the method or
                         processes used to achieve the objective,
                         such as how Council will assess and guide
                         proposals within the green wedge.

Cardinia Shire Council       Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                             17
4.2         Vision
A vision for the Western Port Green Wedge
was developed through background research
and extensive stakeholder consultation                  The vision is:
involving the primary industry, local                   The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge will be a permanent
government, state and federal government                green and rural area. It will remain an internationally significant
agencies, utility and service providers,                biodiversity habitat, while also strengthening its agricultural and
environmental groups, resident associations             horticultural role to become a truly innovative and productive
and property owners and occupiers.                      farming district. Agriculture, horticulture and soil based food
                                                        production for the long-term food security of Victoria is at the heart
This was undertaken in 2011 as part of the              of this vision.
preparation of the project’s Western Port
Green Wedge Management Plan Discussion
                                                        Best practice integrated water management will lead to improved
Paper, October 2011 jointly with the City of
Casey.                                                  water quality and a reduced risk of flooding with improved
                                                        ecological conditions in Western Port Bay and local biodiversity will
Some minor amendments have been made                    be protected, as will habitats for threatened species.
to the vision to make it more Cardinia
specific.                                               The green wedge will be home to small, clearly defined
                                                        settlements that have a strong identity, provide jobs and services
                                                        for the local community and support the agricultural and
                                                        horticultural pursuits of the green wedge.

                                                        The local economy will be driven by its agriculture, horticulture and
                                                        extractive industry. The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
                                                        provides the opportunity to accommodate a further third airport to
                                                        serve the long-term needs of Southeast Melbourne and Gippsland
                                                        as identified in Plan Melbourne.

                                                        The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge will be the permanent
                                                        edge to Melbourne’s southeast.

18                                             Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                         Cardinia Shire Council
5         Land use history                                   Wurrung, the Djaja Wurrung and the Taung
                                                                                                                             Wurrung peoples who all shared a
                                                                The Western Port Green Wedge boundaries                      common language.5
                                                                abut the Western Port coast, the low lying
                                                                former Koo Wee Rup and Dalmore swamps,                       The Boon Wurrung, with their
                                                                (which together formed the largest swamp in                  hunter/gatherer lifestyle, followed traditional
                                                                Victoria), as well as pockets of more elevated               routes along the coast, creeks and
                                                                land to the north. The inland Koo Wee Rup                    riversides. Some of these routes were
                                                                Swamp was dominated by permanently                           mapped by William Thomas who was
                                                                inundated reeds and rushes, and the coastal                  appointed Assistant Protector of the
                                                                Dalmore Swamp featured dense scrub and                       Aborigines in 1837 by Baron Glenelg, the
                                                                swamp paperbark. These swamps created a                      British Secretary of State for the Colonies. On
                                                                natural barrier between Melbourne and West                   arriving in Victoria, the Chief Protector,
                                                                Gippsland.                                                   George Augustus Robinson, allocated him
                                                                                                                             the Port Phillip, Western Port and Gippsland
                                                                5.1             Indigenous cultural                          districts which include the entirety of the
                                                                                heritage                                     study area. He travelled extensively with the
                                                                The Western Port area is a part of the                       Aboriginal peoples of these districts including
                                                                traditional country of the Mayone buluk and                  the sea coast from Western Port to Port
                                                                Yallock balug clans of the Bun Wurrung                       Phillip and drew a map in 1840, which
                                                                people and the Bulug willam clan of the Woi                  showed some of these journeys.
                                                                Wurrung.4 For tens of thousands of years,
                                                                the ancestors of these groups experienced                    One of these tracks passed around the east
                                                                extremes of environmental fluctuation from                   side of the Western Port study area from
                                                                volcanic eruption, the ice age (during which                 Gippsland, linking up with well-established
                                                                sea levels dropped and dry land extended to                  trails through the Berwick and Pakenham
                                                                Tasmania creating the Bassian Plain, a vast                  areas to Dandenong. Another track along
                                                                grassland and hunting territory) and then                    the west side of the bay passed near the
                                                                climatic warming (when this plain was                        Tooradin area before joining the track
                                                                inundated) leading to the creation of                        to Dandenong.
                                                                Western Port as it is now seen.
                                                                                                                             The Boon Wurrung and the Woi Wurrung
                                                                The Boon Wurrung and the Woi Wurrung                         peoples intermarried and traded, moving
                                                                people are part of the broader alliance of the               freely (in accordance with mutually
                                                                Kulin Nation which also includes the Watha                   understood protocols) across each other’s

4Canning, S. & Thiele, F. Indigenous Cultural Heritage and      Australian Cultural Heritage Management, report for to the   5Rhodes, D. & Bell, J Shire of Cardinia Urban Growth Corridor
History within the Metropolitan Melbourne Investigation Area,   Victorian Environmental Assessment Council, 2010.            Aboriginal Heritage Study, report to the Shire of Cardinia,

Cardinia Shire Council                                              Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                                                  19
territories. According to some observers,                       the rhythms of the seasons. They created                     Permanent European settlement of the area
their contact was so frequent and so                            sites that contain important evidence of a                   occurred progressively from the 1830s.
amicable, that boundaries between                               distant past and to which they attribute                     Typical early uses included fishing, grazing
them may not necessarily have been                              spiritual meaning.                                           and farming. However, intensive farming was
rigidly defined.                                                                                                             hindered by dense vegetation, the threat of
                                                                Most of the Western Port Green Wedge has                     flooding and the extensive swamps.6
Their movements were seasonal. During                           not been surveyed in any detail to establish
summer months they travelled along major                        the Aboriginal archaeological values which                   In the 1870s the Lands Department decided
streams, fishing for eels, and hunting and                      remain there. The largest and most                           to drain the Koo Wee Rup Swamp so that it
snaring game such as kangaroos, wallabies,                      significant sites found to date have been on                 could be farmed and the Koo Wee Rup
possums, wombats and emus. They                                 elevated land on the swamp periphery, south                  Drainage Committee was formed to oversee
gathered plant foods, ate swamp-dwelling                        of Pakenham. Further research is required to                 the process. The main channel connecting
plants like the roots of rushes, and collected                  clearly identify Aboriginal heritage values in               the Cardinia Creek and a number of smaller
wild honey. In the cooler months, the Boon                      the study area.                                              drains were excavated from 1876 using
Wurrung people moved inland seeking                                                                                          shovels and wheelbarrows, but these initial
shelter and gathered pith of tree ferns and                     5.2             European settlement                          efforts proved unsuccessful and major floods
fished Cardinia Creek.                                          European settlement of the area quickly led                  still occurred. The drainage system was
                                                                to the end of the traditional lifestyle of the               extended from 1889 with the construction of
The land was well watered and was                               Aboriginal peoples as they lost access to                    the Bunyip Main Drain to channel the Bunyip
managed to provide plentiful food resources                     traditional lands and waterways, hunting                     River through to Western Port Coast.7
and shelter for its numerous inhabitants for                    grounds were reduced and traditional food
over 40 millennia. In common with the                           sources disappeared. Hunger, conflict with
practice of Aboriginal people throughout                        Europeans, as well as the introduction of
Australia, they skilfully used fire to clear                    new diseases (to which the Indigenous
forest areas into patchwork patterns to                         peoples had no immunity) led to rapid
foster new plant growth; particularly grasses                   population decline and loss of territory. It
to attract game and to promote the growth of                    also meant that the relationship between the
herbs, tubers, native fruits and nuts to                        natural environment in the Western Port
balance their diet and to forestall bush fire                   area and human activity changed from one
conflagration.                                                  of harmony to one of seemingly constant
                                                                struggle as Europeans sought to tame the
The Kulin people had a rich spiritual life                      land by removing vegetation, draining it and
which centred on connections with Bunjil,                       opening it up for agricultural production and                Station Street Koo Wee Rup during the
the spirit who created the land, their                          passage through to East Gippsland.                           1934 flood.8
custodianship and protection of it and with

6Canning, S and Thiele, F), Indigenous Cultural Heritage and    Australian Cultural Heritage Management, report for to the   7 Graeme Butler and associates), Cardinia Shire (Emerald and
History within the Metropolitan Melbourne Investigation Area,   Victorian Environmental Assessment Council 2010.             Cranbourne Districts) Heritage Study, 1998.
                                                                                                                             8 Casey Cardinia Links to our past

20                                                                 Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                            Cardinia Shire Council
The first village settlement was then built but           damage and the latter made more than                      was declared a groundwater conservation
flooding occurred again in 1893 leading to                1,000 people homeless. The 1936 Royal                     area in 1971, which controlled the rate and
further widening and deepening of the main                Commission was set up to produce an                       volume of water that could be extracted and
drain. Drainage works were completed by                   improved scheme with new levees, the                      prohibited new bores in some areas.12
1897. The new drainage system and drought                 removal of sediment, and a further extension
then led to the soil shrinking and compacting             of the system.                                            5.3         Pressures for change
with the land surface dropping as a                                                                                 The Western Port Green Wedge has a history
consequence. A major flood in 1900 caused                 By the time of World War II, potato growing in            of struggle between retaining and protecting
damage to crops and livestock and a new                   the area had ceased due to market                         the natural environment from urban
round of widening and extension of the                    fluctuations, and the area then became the                development and human activity. This is not
drainage system took place as a result.                   prime supplier of Melbourne’s milk and                    a situation unfamiliar to the Green Wedge
Nevertheless, the area was proving to be                  vegetables. Through the 1950s and 1960s                   areas across Victoria.
fertile land for horticulture and in the early            this trend was accelerated by an influx of
1900s the area became the potato capital of               growers who were forced out of Melbourne’s                The Western Port Green Wedge has many
Victoria.9                                                traditional market gardens in Dingley and                 significant environmental values, while also
                                                          Oakleigh by urban expansion. Potatoes again               being a very important agricultural area. The
Around this time, the hills to the north of the           took over as the dominant land use,                       natural environment will continue to pose
Koo Wee Rup Swamp were extensively                        replacing dairying, which moved further out               challenges as the predicted impacts from
cleared. This in turn led to erosion of the               to Gippsland. New sources of water were                   climate change, such as more frequent
drains because of increased runoff, and                   needed to provide for this expansion and a                inundation, increased storm events and
sedimentation in the lower parts of the                   permit system was introduced in the 1950s                 changes to crops. This will create pressure
system. In 1917, the Koo Wee Rup Flood                    to allow farmers to pump water directly from              on both the environmental and agricultural
Protection District was proclaimed to oversee             the main drain. Only minor flooding occurred              values of the area.
an improved drainage system for the whole                 after this time and the construction of the
area (this resulted from severe flooding                  Tarago Reservoir in 1969 also enabled                     As Melbourne’s population continues to
again in 1911). The needs of World War I                  better downstream flood control.11                        grow, the inevitable urban development
promoted vegetable growing in the area, and                                                                         pressures on the Western Port Green Wedge
also led subsequently to land subdivision for             Groundwater was also being extracted from                 will continue. It is likely pressure to expand
the creation of small-holdings for returned               the aquifers from 1922 for stock and                      the UGB in order to accommodate new urban
soldiers which were known as soldier                      domestic requirements. This process went                  development, rural living, hobby farms and
settlements.10                                            unchecked until water levels in the aquifers              other uses that may compromise the
                                                          had dropped by 15 metres and in the 1967–                 potential productivity of the land will
Major floods in 1923 and 1924 and the                     68 drought they fell below pumping levels                 continue. Pressure is also likely on the Green
super flood of 1934 caused significant                    and no water could be extracted. The area                 Wedge area to accommodate state

9Graeme Butler and associates), Cardinia Shire (Emerald   11 Graeme Butler & Associates. (1998), Cardinia Shire
and Cranbourne Districts) Heritage Study, 1998..          (Emerald & Cranbourne Districts) Heritage Study.
10 Rhodes, D. & Bell, J, Shire of Cardinia Urban Growth   12 Rhodes, D. & Bell, J,Shire of Cardinia Urban Growth

Corridor Aboriginal Heritage Study, report to the Shire   Corridor Aboriginal Heritage Study, report to the Shire
of Cardinia, 2004.                                        of Cardinia, 2004.

Cardinia Shire Council                                         Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                               21
infrastructure in order to support              Within the Casey–Cardinia Green Wedge,                Southern brown bandicoot
metropolitan Melbourne.                         agriculture employs approximately 2,000               Photo: John Petrucka
                                                people and contributes an estimated
The current and future pressures on the         $400 million to the local economy, making it          A number of rural townships and settlements
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge are           the most valuable and productive green                are located in the green wedge, including:
described in more detail in Section 7.          wedge area in Melbourne13.                             Large rural townships
                                                                                                          – Garfield
5.4             Attributes and values           The green wedge also accommodates other                   – Bunyip
While pressures for change will continue (as    rural uses such as grazing, horse and                     – Koo Wee Rup
outlined in Section 5.3), the Cardinia          greyhound breeding and training, beef
Western Port Green Wedge is also home to        production, hobby farms, rural living, nature             – Land Lang
important assets that have value in their own   conservation and the various settlements.                 – Nar Nar Goon
right and have a significant role to play in                                                           Small rural townships
making Melbourne a great city. These            It has recreation assets such as the                      – Bayles
include sand extraction (significant sand       Pakenham Racing Clubs’ new Tynong                         – Cardinia
resources exist, particularly around Lang       Racecourse and equestrian facilities. The
Lang), sewage treatment plants and other        green wedge also has some highly significant              – Tynong
important infrastructure such as airports.      biodiversity assets including internationally          Rural localities
                                                recognised wetlands, and habitats for                     – Iona
While green wedges play an important role in    endangered species including the southern                 – Cora Lynn
providing infrastructure for metropolitan       brown bandicoot and the growling grass frog.
                                                                                                          – Catani
Melbourne, this needs to be balanced with a
healthy green wedge environment. This                                                                     – Heath Hill
creates a healthy eco system that supports                                                                – Caldermeade
healthy communities, agricultural production,                                                             – Monomeith
recreation and tourism.                                                                                   – Modella
Today, the majority of the study area is used
for agricultural purposes. The region
produces livestock, vegetables, cut flowers
and orchard fruits, but particularly high in
vegetable production with almost 90 per
cent of Victoria’s asparagus is produced in
and around Koo Wee Rup; celery (50%) and
leeks (71%) account for significant
proportions of the state’s output.

13   Integrated Water Management Plan

22                                                Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                              Cardinia Shire Council
–   Yannathan14.
                                                   These engagement activities were designed
These townships play an important role             to examine the key challenges and
within the green wedge, providing                  opportunities for the Western Port Green
opportunities for non-urban township living,       Wedge, identify a vision for the areas and
as well as providing a focus for the local         explore potential actions for the draft
provision of services, schools and                 Western Port Green Wedge Management
employment.                                        Plan. Feedback collected during the
                                                   exhibition of the discussion paper informed
The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge also         the content of the draft and the final
has a number of existing tourist attractions       document.
and potential exists to expand tourism
opportunities that complement the other            A report summarising the feedback from
values of the green wedge, particularly            community consultation in 2011 is available
including increased food-based tourism and         separately. This report was prepared by
eco-tourism that has minimal impact on the         Capire Consulting Group and is called the
green wedge environment.                           Western Port Green Wedge Management
                                                   Plan – Community Stakeholder Engagement
5.5           Community values and                 Summary of Findings (May 2011). Key
              priorities                           findings of this report are available in Table1.
The Western Port Green Wedge is home to
more than 20,000 people, all of whom have
different experiences and relationships with
the green wedge. Over half of these people
live in the rural townships; the remainder
live on rural properties.

Many of these community members and
local stakeholders were involved in the
development of the Western Port Green
Wedge Management Plan Discussion Paper
(October 2011) and final management plan
through engagement activities that included
workshops, community surveys, online
surveys and interviews with key

14Cardinia Planning Scheme, Clause 21.03-3 Rural

Cardinia Shire Council                               Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan   23
Table 1.   Summary of key findings from public consultation held in 2011

 Theme              Feedback

 Agriculture           A primary value and key asset needing protection
                       Need for clear zoning based on land capability, soil and commodity studies
                       Need for improved management of farms, including incentives for farmers to stay on the land and to improve farming practices
                       Need for better management of interface between residential and farming areas into the future
                       Key challenge of managing succession planning for ageing farmers; potentially need greater flexibility for farmers to subdivide or to
                        undertake complementary activities such as farm gate sales or food tourism

 Biodiversity          Biodiversity identified as a valuable asset, particularly the internationally recognised Ramsar wetlands and endangered species such as
                        the southern brown bandicoot and the growling grass frog
                       Potential strategies included building on the bio-links programs with incentives to revegetate or help improve them
                       Suggestions included developing bio-links from Cranbourne Botanic Gardens south to the coast as well as east to Bayles to help protect
                        native flora and fauna
                       Specific comments regarding the alignment of some bio-links and also concerns regarding how these had been identified and whether
                        they would be effective
                       An integrated approach to ensure that agriculture and water management helps to improve habitats for valued species was also supported

 Urban                 Widespread opposition to further subdivision in the green wedge
 development           Seventy-two submissions explicitly opposed subdivision and advocated for the Urban Growth Boundary to be the permanent edge to
 pressures              Melbourne, and two petitions with 70 signatures opposed subdivision
                       Some submissions suggested that infill development could be encouraged in small settlements to make them more viable and others felt
                        that a buffer zone between agricultural and residential areas could minimise conflict and that rural living could act as this buffer
                       Future growth at the Port of Hasting was highlighted along with the impact this will have on freight movement and travel patterns across
                        the area

 Water                 Flooding seen as a major concern for the green wedge and many linked this to runoff from new development and hard surfaces in the
                        catchment areas
                       Water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) was advocated to reduce the severity of flooding along with an integrated approach to water
                        management; the impacts of runoff on the Western Port seagrass and saltmarsh ecosystems were a concern for some respondents
                       The need to address rising sea levels was raised with suggestions to restrict inappropriate development and to promote revegetation along
                        the coast

 Recreation and        Key opportunity for leisure and tourism that complements the green wedge to improve the local economy (e.g. educational tourism,
 tourism                agricultural schools, tourism connected to local produce, and eco-tourism along the coast)
                       Support for a walking track along the Western Port coast although some concern about its impact on the Ramsar wetlands and its
                       Support for rail trails and equestrian trails if they can be put in place without threatening local habitats, and particular support was given to
                        a bicycle trail along the South Gippsland rail easement

24                                                      Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan                                        Cardinia Shire Council
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