Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...

Page created by Sean Wang
Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
Makers of the party spirit since 1996   May 2021
Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
DISCLAIMER                                                                                                                                                                                            2
                                                                                                                                                                              Revolution Bars Group plc

The information contained in these slides and the presentation made to you verbally (together the "Presentation Materials") have been prepared by Revolution Bars Group plc (the "Company")
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Peel Hunt, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom, is acting as joint broker to and advising the Company and no one else (whether or not a
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Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
DISCLAIMER (continued)                                                                                                                                                                                  3
                                                                                                                                                                                Revolution Bars Group plc

These Presentation Materials are for distribution in or from the United Kingdom only to persons authorised or exempted within the meaning of those expressions under the Financial Services and
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In addition, each recipient acknowledges that: (i) the contents of these Presentation Materials include inside information relating directly or indirectly to the Company and relating to the Equity
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Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
Proposed Equity Fundraising to unlock growth                                                                   4
                                                                                             Revolution Bars Group plc

Rationale and Use of Proceeds:
▪ Appropriate level of financial gearing
▪ Enables accelerated re-commencement of estate refurbishment programme
▪ Allows the business to take advantage of site acquisition opportunities that may arise

Looking forward to full reopening:
▪ 20 bars re-opened on 12 April 2021 - trading has substantially exceeded expectations to date
▪ All 66 bars will open from 17 May 2021
▪ Roadmap to unrestricted trading by 21 June 2021 on track
▪ Attractive opportunities now expected to accelerate growth of estate
▪ Quality of business enhanced during COVID – ready to take advantage of post-COVID growth opportunities
▪ Customer demand remains strong and we anticipate a rapid rebound in trading when able to trade
  without restrictions

Proposed equity fundraising of £16-21m:
▪ Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer to raise gross proceeds of £16-21m
▪ Open Offer limited in size to c.£1m, due to regulatory restrictions
▪   Directors intend to subscribe for in aggregate £80k minimum

              Management team with track record of delivering on strategy and expectations
Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
Strategy Update                                                                                                                                        5

   Returning to growth with more focused brands and                                                                                 Revolution Bars Group plc

   a reduced cost base
    Key Strategic Pillars                                                Build guest                      Drive sustained           Develop our
 Continued guiding principles                                              loyalty                         profit growth              estate

                                                                 Pre                      ▪ LFL sales and Adjusted* EBITDA returned to growth
                                                                 COVID-19                 ▪ Cost pressures unrelenting

      COVID Trading Context                                                               ▪   Business protection
                                                                                          ▪   Estate rationalisation
                                                                 The Year of
                                                                                          ▪   Cost base reduction
   Pre = Strong momentum                                         COVID-19
                                                                                          ▪   ESG advancement
  During = Building a platform
                                                                                          ▪   Brand refinement and creation
  Post = Growth opportunities
                                                                                          ▪ Roadmap to unrestricted trading by 21 June 2021 on track
                                                                 Post 3rd
                                                                                          ▪ Capacity removed from the market & pent-up demand
                                                                                          ▪ Capitalise on good value expansion opportunities

                                                             ▪     Safe and successful relaunch at pace
                                                             ▪     Drive guest experience and margin through enhanced technology
       FY21/22 Key Priorities
                                                             ▪     Recommence 5-year refurbishment cycle
       Investing in our future
                                                             ▪     Launch two new concepts
                                                             ▪     Seek value enhancing expansion opportunities
                                                             ▪     Commence the deleveraging process
*Adjusted measures exclude exceptional items, share–based charges/(credits) and bar opening costs.
Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
Three Year Plan                                                                                                                                        6

     Positioned to maximise growth potential                                                                                          Revolution Bars Group plc

                             FY21                                                         FY22                                    FY23

      Building the platform for growth                                          Maximise the opportunity                     Expand our reach
▪ Purpose Vision & Values                                                ▪ Re-establish workstream methodology    ▪ Continue deleveraging
▪ Exit underperforming sites                                                                                      ▪ Core brand expansion opportunities
▪ Minimise cash burn                                                     ▪ Return to like-for-like sales growth   ▪ New concept rollout
▪ Protect liquidity                                                      ▪ Reduce leverage
                                                                         ▪ 5-year investment cycle for core       ▪ Market leading sustainability,
▪ Technological advancement                                                estate                                   wellbeing, diversity and inclusion

▪ Wellbeing agenda                                                       ▪ Test and trial sites opened for both
                                                                           new concepts
▪ Diversity & Inclusion strategy
                                                                         ▪ Explore acquisition opportunities
▪ Carbon neutral commitment
▪ Rebase all cost lines
                                                                         ▪ Maximise new digital guest journey
                                                                         ▪ Maximise reasons to visit
▪ Rapid estate relaunch
                                                                         ▪ Maximise the staycation
▪ Revolution – 25th Birthday
                                                                         ▪ Maximise the return to work
▪ Revolución de Cuba – 10th Anniversary
                                                                         ▪ Maximise the return to university
▪ New concept development
                                                                         ▪ Maximise festive trading
Bold text: indicates potential for acceleration subject to fundraising
Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
Pent up demand                                                                                            7
 Delivered 48% of same period 2019 sales in the 4 weeks to 9 May from                Revolution Bars Group plc

 only 15% of total capacity in the bars that were able to trade

                                  April 1st – 6th May
Total         ▪ 34,535 bookings, seeing a significant increase since the same
Bookings        period in 2019
              ▪ 3,540 additional pending bookings
            ▪ 11,168 covers booked taking total number of covers booked to
              22,606 since 21 February 2021, an increase of 88% compared to
Cocktail      the same period in 2019
            ▪ 445 additional pending bookings (fully booked in major locations)
            ▪ Avg. booking size of 11.6 people
              ▪ 21,666 covers booked - new offering since 2019
              ▪ 578 additional pending bookings
              ▪ Avg. booking size of 4.7 people
              ▪   £569,317 corporate business sold
Corporate     ▪   20,395 corporate covers
Bookings      ▪   Avg. corporate group size of 150 people and increasing
              ▪   2 person team compared to 7 in 2019
                                   Ticketed Events
Case          ▪ 1,750 tickets for a themed event sold out in 9 hours
Study 1       ▪ 727 people on the wait list for the next event to be released
Case          ▪ 2,300 tickets for a live entertainment event sold out in 9 minutes
Study 2       ▪ 272 people on the waiting list
Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
Liquidity                                                                                                                                                                                                               8

    Cash liquidity has been increased                                                                                                                                                         Revolution Bars Group plc

                                                                                 Net Bank Debt & Funding Facility
  Mar 2020          May 2020            Jul 2020                Jul 2020         Aug 2020                Nov 2020           Dec 2020          Jan 2021 – Mar 2021           Apr 2021        10 May 2021        Jun 2022
  Minimised         Agreement           Receipt of                Delisting    Completion of              National          Agreement          Minimised cash burn          Agreement      Net bank debt          RCF
   cash burn       with NatWest       CLBILS loan                Company            equity              lockdown in        with NatWest        during lockdown by          with NatWest     of £28.5m         amortises by
  rate during       to increase          £16.5m,                 from Main     fundraising of             England.         to relax debt        staff furlough and          to increase                       £1.0m on 30
 lockdown by        facility from        allowed              Market to AIM     £15m allows                CVA in              facility,          applying for all         CLBILs debt                         June 2022
staff furlough        £21m to             partial                 so better      full (£10m)         subsidiary allows     amortisation          available grants.           facility by                      £3m CLBILs
& agreements       £30m until 31      repayment of                placed to    repayment of           exit of 6 venues     and covenant      Net debt, that stabilised     £3.5m, relax                       continues to
with suppliers        August            RCF with               raise further      RCF and              (5 H1, 1 H2)         (minimum          when trading allowed         amortisation                        amortise by
   to extend                           reduction to             funds more     provides cash                                  liquidity)       (Aug – Sep 2020),           and covenant                         £83k per
    credit &                          £21m facility             quickly and        reserve                                                      increases during             (minimum                         month (£1.0m
    suspend                                                      cheaply if                                                                   November 2020 and               liquidity)                       per annum)
   contracts                                                     necessary                                                                    Q1 2021 lockdowns

        Mar 2020      Apr 2020      May 2020     Jun 2020         Jul 2020     Aug 2020   Sep 2020   Oct 2020   Nov 2020    Dec 2020   Jan 2021     Feb 2021    Mar 2021     Apr 2021 10 May 2021   Jun 2021     Jun 2022
    -                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -

 £5m                                                                                                                                                                                                                            £5m

                                                                    (16.5)      (16.4)      (16.3)    (16.3)     (16.2)       (16.1)       (16.0)     (15.9)      (15.8)
                                                                                                                                                                               (19.3)      (19.2)    (19.1)       (18.1)
£10m                                                                                                                                                                                                                            £10m

£15m                                                                                                                                                                                                                            £15m

£20m      (21.0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                £20m

£25m                                                                                                                                                                                                                            £25m

                        (30.0)       (30.0)          (30.0)
£30m                                                                                                                                                                                                                            £30m

                      CLBILs                   RCF
£35m                                                                                                             (21.0)       (21.0)       (21.0)     (21.0)      (21.0)                                                        £35m
                      Gross Debt               Net Debt             (21.0)      (21.0)      (21.0)    (21.0)
                                                                                                                                                                               (21.0)      (21.0)    (21.0)
£40m                                                                                                                                                                                                                            £40m

£45m                                                                                                                                                                                                                            £45m
                      Total Facility (after amortisation)          (37.5)       (37.4)     (37.3)     (37.3)     (37.2)       (37.1)       (37.0)     (36.9)      (36.8)       (40.3)      (40.2)    (40.1)       (38.1)
Makers of the party spirit since 1996 - Revolution ...
Develop our Estate                                                                                                                                                 9

 Refurbishment of existing estate has produced strong                                                                                    Revolution Bars Group plc

                                                                                     Refurbishments & New Openings
▪ Capex pivoted from expansion to focus on the Revolution
  turnaround refurbishment programme prior to the pandemic
                                                                                                                                                          FY20     FY21
▪ Strong returns on refurbishments in both FY19 and FY20                    Number of Venues                                    FY19     FY20
                                                                                                                                                            H1       H1
  underpinned the improved LFL performance across both brands
                                                                               Existing         Revolution                        6        9                 5       -
▪ Both brands were in LFL growth for the first time since Q2 FY18               Estate          Revolución de Cuba                2        2                 2       -
  pre COVID-19 closures                                                        Refurbs          Revolution Bars Group             8       11                 7       -
▪ Delivered strong ROI performance on refurbishments –                                          Revolution                        2           -              -       -
   •   19 bars were refurbished in FY19 and FY20                             Expansion          Revolución de Cuba                3           -              -       -
   •   16 of these expected to deliver ROI in FY19 and FY20 of 51.4%                            Revolution Bars Group             5           -              -       -
   •   3 have insufficient trading data to draw conclusion

▪ Additional 15 bars from current estate identified for refurbishment
  over next 18 months, subject to fundraising                                                   FY19/FY20 Refurbishments ROI
▪ Internal ROI target of 50%+ on refurbishments                                                        Average        Sales        Actual         Payback
                                                                                       Refurbs 1        Value        uplift 2      sales 3          years
                                                                                                        £000        required      achieved        expected

                                                                           FY19             8            180          +4.1%           +5.6%         2.2           +45%

                                                                           FY20            11            160          +4.1%           +7.1%         1.7           +58%

                                                                        1.Refurbishments over £100k        2. Based on a 3 year payback
                                                                        3.Calculated by comparing change in YoY sales trend from refurbishment versus pre-
                                                                          refurbishment relative to brand average performance (and assuming continuation of trend)
                                                                        4.In FY20 only 8 bars had sufficient trading information, before COVID-19 trading restriction, to
                                                                          be included in the expected ROI
Estate expansion opportunities                                                                        10

Favourable market conditions                                                      Revolution Bars Group plc

                   Room for opportunistic growth

• The total number of bars in the UK YoY to March 2021 has declined by
  4.9%* (Incl. Bar restaurant - 8.7%*)
• The Directors believe this provides a significant opportunity for the Company
  to selectively expand its estate on a site by site basis in a favourable
  cost environment
• The Group’s brand portfolio enables a flexible approach to individual
  property opportunities
• The Directors also believe that there may also be opportunistic M&A
  opportunities when Government support and the rent moratorium finish
  over the summer months
• Regional acquisition specialists are being engaged to assist in the
  identifying and in the acquisition of quality new sites

Target Towns/Regions for expansion:
Revolución de Cuba:               Revolution:
▪ Edinburgh                       ▪ Birmingham,
▪ Glasgow                         ▪ Manchester
▪ Liverpool                       ▪ Liverpool
▪ Brighton                        ▪ Oxford
▪ York                            ▪ Bristol
▪ Oxford                          ▪ Exeter
▪ Cambridge                       ▪ Essex
▪ Bath                            ▪ Portsmouth
▪ Exeter
▪ Portsmouth

*Source: CGA Hospitality Review
Use of Proceeds                                                                                                           11
   Right sizing capital structure to enable acceleration of estate                                       Revolution Bars Group plc

   refurbishment and recommence estate roll-out

                                         •   Immediate significant reduction in net bank debt to more appropriate level of
Balance sheet                                gearing
                     £11 million         •   Targeting FY23 net bank debt : FY23 IAS 17 EBITDA of ⩽ = 1x as estate
and cost of
                                             refurbishment/expansion plan is executed
                                         •   Deleveraging of net bank debt by £10m

                                         •   Accelerated re-commencement of estate refurbishment programme
Accelerated site
                     £2.5 million        •   Additional 15 bars identified Average cost of £165k per site
                                         •   Targeting ROI of 50%+

                                         •   Provides business with financial firepower to take advantage of favourable
                                             market conditions
Recommence                               •   Enhanced negotiating position, enabling faster site acquisition execution
                   £2.5 - £7.5 million   •   3 new sites at a cost of c.£0.8m per site – targeting ROI of 25%+
Estate roll out
                                         •   Up to 5 further new sites at a cost of c.£1m per site – targeting ROI of 25%+
                                         •   Well positioned to capitalise on a transformed market place
Summary                                                                                                      12
    Equity fundraising to unlock growth                                                      Revolution Bars Group plc

▪ Strong pre-COVID performance:
   ▪ Prior to COVID-19 both brands were in LFL growth proving ongoing relevance of our offering
   ▪ Excellent performance, particularly from refurbished sites, drove reduction in net debt

▪   Equity raise unlocks growth:
    ▪ Appropriate level of financial gearing
    ▪ Accelerated recommencement of estate refurbishment programme
    ▪ Ability to take advantage of post COVID-19 site acquisition opportunities

▪ Well positioned to bounce back to a position of strength:
  ▪ Brand evolution progressed during lockdown
  ▪ Engagement of our teams has strengthened
  ▪ Young guest base who are keen to start living again
  ▪ Significant increase in household savings
  ▪ Estate responds well to refurbishment
  ▪ The market place is likely to be less competitive
  ▪ Strong trading since estate began reopening in April
Indicative Timetable                                                             14
                                                             Revolution Bars Group plc

Fundraising                                              Expected timing
Investor meetings                                          17-21 May
Bookbuilding                                               21-24 May

Announce Launch of fundraising                               25 May

Announce Result of fundraising                               25 May

Posting of Circular & Notice of GM                           27 May

General Meeting                                              14 June

Announce results of the Open Offer and GM                    14 June
Admission of new shares to trading on AIM & Settlement       15 June
Improving LFL Sales pre COVID-19                                                                                                                         15

FY20 LFL Sales pre COVID-19 following investment                                                                                     Revolution Bars Group plc

in existing estate delivers clear results in both brands
                    FY19            FY19       FY19            FY19      FY20           FY20        FY20
                     Q1              Q2         Q3              Q4        Q1             Q2          Q3
                                                                                                  (10 Wks)

                           (4.0)%                      (2.9)%                     +1.2%

                                                                                        +1.6%      +1.6%


                    FY19            FY19       FY19            FY19      FY20           FY20        FY20
                     Q1              Q2         Q3              Q4        Q1             Q2          Q3
                                                                                                  (10 Wks)   LFL Sales pre COVID-19 lockdown
                             (5.6)%                     (3.4)%                   (0.4)%
                                                                                                             ▪ Improving trend from last quarter FY19
                                                                                                               throughout FY20 before COVID-19
                                                                         (0.6)%         (0.3)%
                                                               (2.3)%                                        ▪ Sales in H1 +1.2% and for the 36 weeks to
                                    (4.8)%     (4.6)%                                                          7 March 2020 were +1.3%
                                                                                                             ▪ Revolution stepped up to growth in FY20
                                                                                                               Q3 for the first time since Q2 FY18
                                                                                                 (10 Wks)
                           +0.8%                      (1.3)%                    +5.0%
                                                                                                             ▪ Revolución de Cuba performed strongly
                                                                                                               throughout FY20
                                                                        +3.8%                     +3.9%
                                                                                                             ▪ RBG were outperforming CGA Bars Market
                                                                                                               prior to Lockdown 1 and during initial restart
                  (0.3)%                                  (0.1)%
                                                                                                               before introduction of restrictions (e.g.
                                                                                                               curfews) damaged trading across hospitality
FY21 H1 Review – Sales                                                                                                                                                                                           16

       Sales growth prior to COVID-19                                                                                                                                                              Revolution Bars Group plc

                    Total Group Sales FY16 – FY21                                                                                       LFL Group Sales pre COVID-19

                                                              151.4                                                            FY19            FY19     FY19          FY19                    FY20        FY20      FY20
                                                  141.9                      COVID-19                                           Q1              Q2       Q3            Q4                      Q1          Q2        Q3
                                      130.5                                  Impacted                                                                                                                             (10 Wks)
                                                                          110.1                                                       (4.0)%                     (2.9)%                               +1.2%
                                                   68.1                                   H1
                                       63.8                               28.9                                                                                                                            +1.6%    +1.6%
                           60.3                                                           H2                                                                                                  +0.7%

                                                   73.8        78.5       81.2                                                                          (4.1)%
                           59.2        66.7                                           21.6                                     (5.0)%


                          FY16        FY17        FY18        FY19       FY20        FY21

      ▪ Sales have consistently grown year on year since IPO in 2015 up until COVID-19 hit in FY20 H2
      ▪ Prior to COVID-19, RBG were outperforming CGA Bars Market and this continued post Lockdown 1
      ▪ LFL Sales pre COVID-19 following investment in existing estate was delivering clear results:
          − Revolution stepped up to growth in FY20 Q3 for the first time since Q2 FY18
          − Revolución de Cuba performed strongly throughout FY20

* The Group adopted IFRS 16 in FY20. IFRS 16 changes the accounting treatment of leases. Adjusted EBITDA referenced in the notes refers to IAS 17
** Adjusted measures exclude exceptional items, share–based charges/(credits) and bar opening costs
*** Only those venues that traded on the same day in both the current year and prior year reporting periods – some venues not viable to trade under severe restrictions (bigger losses if trade)
COVID-19 Timeline & Response                                                                                                                                                          17

      Business positioned for strong trading period post lockdown                                                                                                    Revolution Bars Group plc

        March – June 2020                                     September – October 2020                                          January – March 2021
  ▪   Lockdown 1 - enforced closure of all bars                ▪   Rule of 6, 10pm curfew (hospitality) and                 ▪   Lockdown 3 begins from 6 Jan
      from 20 March 2020                                           return to working from home introduced
                                                                                                                            ▪   4 step roadmap for England ending
  ▪   Access grants and CJRS                                   ▪   Enforced closures in Scotland, NI &                          restrictions announced on 22 Feb with
  ▪   Increase debt facility from £21.0m to
                                                                   Wales                                                        curfews and substantial meals all scrapped
      £37.5m including £16.5m CLBILS                           ▪   New three tier system with further                       ▪   Budget announces further support to cover
  ▪   Reduce weekly cash burn during closure
                                                                   restrictions introduced - little impact and
                                                                   regions quickly move into higher tiers
                                                                                                                                roadmap with restart grants, capped
                                                                                                                                business rates, furlough extension and VAT
      to c. £0.4m by salary reductions, 98.5%
      take up of furlough, extend credit terms,                ▪   CJRS furlough scheme extended on 31
                                                                                                                                cut extended
      rent waivers                                                 October (after replacement JSS scheme                    ▪   Formal rent support still not forthcoming
  ▪   New Health & Safety processes set up
      for reopening

                                ▪   Hospitality allowed to open from                        ▪   Lockdown 2 in England from 4 Nov – 3                     ▪   Increased CLBILs debt facility by
                                    4 July 2020 (exc. nightclubs)                               Dec                                                          £3.5m to give total facilities of
                                ▪   RBG implement cautious and                              ▪   Stricter three tier system introduced
                                                                                                                                                             £40.3m, new debt amortisation and
                                                                                                                                                             MLC agreed with NatWest
                                    phased approach to re-opening
                                                                                            ▪   CVA approved – exit 6 leases (5 H1, 1
                                                                                                                                                         ▪   * 12 April – venues with outdoor
                                ▪   £15m equity fundraising                                     H2) and lower rents on 5 venues
                                                                                                                                                             areas allowed to open
                                    completed and delist to AIM
                                                                                            ▪   UK vaccine programme begins roll out
                                                                                                                                                         ▪   * 17 May – indoor hospitality will
                                ▪   Government funded Eat Out to
                                                                                            ▪   Christmas mixing rules tightened and                         open with rule of 6 or two
                                    Help Out scheme runs
                                                                                                Tier 4 introduced but cases spike                            households
                                ▪   Employees encouraged to
                                                                                            ▪   All RBG venues close on 30 Dec                           ▪   * 21 June – all legal limits on social
                                    return to places of work
                                ▪   First local lockdown in Leicester
                                                                                            ▪   New debt amortisation and MLC                                contact expected to be removed
                                                                                                agreed with NatWest                                          and nightclubs can reopen

                                      July – August 2020                                   November - December 2020                                             April – June 2021

* Dates specified refer to England – Scotland, Wales & NI dates have not been all been made available and differ where they have been announced (Trading estate = 56 England, 7 Scotland, 2 Wales, 1 NI)
FY21 H1 Review – Income Statement                                                                                                                                                 18

   Adjusted** EBITDA loss of £5.8m (IAS 17)                                                                                                                   Revolution Bars Group plc

                 Summary Income Statement
                                      IFRS 16*                             IAS 17                   ▪ Total Sales of £21.6m were £59.6m (-73.4%)
                                 FY21    FY20              YoY        FY21   FY20           YoY
                                                                                                      lower than FY20 H1
                                   H1      H1                           H1     H1
                                  £m       £m                  £m      £m      £m            £m       − Venues on average only traded 45% of days
Sales                             21.6        81.2       (59.6)       21.6      81.2       (59.6)
                                                                                                         in FY21 H1 delivering a LFL*** of -45%
Gross profit                      15.9        61.8       (45.9)       15.9      61.8       (45.9)   ▪ Adjusted** EBITDA (IAS 17) loss of -£5.8m
Gross profit %                  73.3%        76.1%                   73.3%     76.1%                  compared to prior year profit of £7.6m (which
Adjusted** EBITDA                 (1.2)       12.8       (14.0)        (5.8)     7.6       (13.4)
                                                                                                      was +£0.7m increase from FY19 H1)
Adjusted** EBITDA %             (5.8%)       15.7%                  (26.9%)    9.4%                   − Adjusted** EBITDA includes benefit of
Adjusted** (LBT)/PBT             (11.5)        2.9       (14.4)        (9.5)     3.5       (13.0)       government support covering grant income,
Adjusted** (LBT)/PBT % (53.0%)                3.6%                  (43.8%)    4.3%                     VAT rate cut, business rates relief throughout
Adjusted** (LPS)/EPS            (12.0p)       4.4p (16.4p)            (8.5p)    4.5p (13.0p)            the period
Dividend per share                    -          -                         -       -                  − Furlough support enabled retention of
    H1 Adjusted** EBITDA (IAS 17) – Government Support Bridge
        FY21          Grant          VAT             Business         FY21
         H1          Income        Rate Cut           Rates            H1        Furlough

                      (0.1)          (0.7)                                                           Notes
                                                       (3.5)                                         * The Group adopted IFRS 16 in FY20. IFRS 16 changes the accounting treatment of leases.
                                                                                                     Adjusted EBITDA referenced in the notes refers to IAS 17
                                                                                   (6.9)             ** Adjusted measures exclude exceptional items, share–based charges/(credits) and bar
                                                                                                     opening costs
Cost to company even after furlough support was £0.8m (before company top ups) relating to NI,
                                                                                                     *** Only those venues that traded on the same day in both the current year and prior year
Pension, Sep-20 10% contribution, Oct-20 20% contribution, holiday pay
                                                                                                     reporting periods – some venues not viable to trade under severe restrictions
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