M3 junction 9 improvements scheme Public consultation Have your say July 2019 - Citizen Space
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M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme Investing in your roads How to respond Public consultation exhibitions At Highways England we believe in a connected The public consultation will run for eight One of the best ways to find out more about our to find out more about the scheme and speak to country and our network makes these connections weeks, from 2 July to 27 August 2019 and proposals and have your say is to come to one of members of the project team who will be happy to happen. We strive to improve our major roads we’d like to hear what you think. Please share with our public consultation exhibitions. You will be able answer any questions you may have. and motorways – engineering the future to keep us any ideas, local knowledge or concerns you people moving today and moving better tomorrow. may have. Information on our proposals will be Date Time Location Address We want to make sure all our major roads are available at our public consultation exhibitions, more dependable, durable and, most importantly, or alternatively, you can view all the consultation Saturday Winchester The Broadway 10.30am – 4.30pm 6 July 2019 Guildhall Winchester, SO23 9GH safe. That’s why we’re delivering £15 billion of materials on our webpage at: investment on our network – the largest investment Wednesday Winchester The Broadway https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/he/m3- 2pm – 8pm in a generation. Improvements to junction 9 are 10 July 2019 Guildhall Winchester, SO23 9GH junction-9-improvements-statutory-consultation a critical part of this investment and will improve Friday Kings Worthy Fraser Road 2pm – 8pm journeys between the A34 and the M3, which is 12 July 2019 Community Centre Kings Worthy, SO32 7PJ Please respond using one of the great news for the local and regional economy. Saturday Kings Worthy Fraser Road following methods: 10.30am – 4.30pm 13 July 2019 Community Centre Kings Worthy, SO32 7PJ This scheme is categorised as a Nationally Online – complete the response form online at: Saturday Tesco Extra Easton Lane Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) under 10.30am – 4.30pm https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/ 20 July 2019 Winnall Winchester, SO23 7RS the Planning Act 2008. As such we are required he/m3-junction-9-improvements-statutory- Saturday Tesco Extra Easton Lane to make an application for a Development 10.30am – 4.30pm consultation 3 August 2019 Winnall Winchester, SO23 7RS Consent Order (DCO) to obtain consent (a type of planning permission) to build the scheme. A Write – to us at FREEPOST M3 junction 9 DCO can incorporate a range of consents that Complete a paper copy of the consultation Where to get the brochure normally have to be obtained separately, such response form and return it using the freepost as environmental permits. The DCO for the M3 address provided above. The response form Paper consultation brochures and response forms A34 Road Chef Services – Sutton Scotney, junction 9 improvements scheme will also need is available at the consultation events and will be available at the following locations from SO21 3JY to include powers for the compulsory acquisition deposit locations detailed in this brochure. Tuesday 2 July 2019 to Tuesday 27 August 2019 Tesco Extra – Winall (foyer), Easton Lane, of land, as the works will require land beyond the (availability will depend on opening times). Email – your response to: Winnall, SO23 7RS current highway boundary. M3junction9Improvements@highwaysengland. Winchester Discovery Centre – Jewry Street, Paper copies of our consultation materials can Applications for a DCO are made to the Planning co.uk Winchester, SO23 8SB also be provided on request. Paper copies of this Inspectorate, the body appointed by the Winchester Tourist Information Centre – scheme consultation brochure, the consultation government to examine the merits of proposals All responses should be returned by Winchester Guildhall, High Street, Winchester response form and the Statement of Community and to make recommendations to the Secretary of State on whether consent should be granted. For 11.59 pm, 27 August 2019. SO23 9GH Consultation will be supplied free of charge. For paper copies of the Preliminary Environmental more information on this process, please visit: Responses received after this date Winchester City Council Customer Information Report (PEIR), a reasonable charge to https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ may not be considered. Services Centre – City Offices, Colebrook cover printing, postage and VAT (at 20%), up to a Street, Winchester, SO23 9LJ application-process maximum of £200 will be applied. Kings Worthy Community Centre – In this brochure we explain our proposals for the Please contact Highways England regarding Fraser Road, Kings Worthy, SO23 7PJ scheme and how you can give us your feedback payment methods – you can call our Customer during our public consultation. Your responses will Winnall Community Centre – Garbett Road, Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 or email help us shape the scheme before we submit our Winchester SO23 0NY M3junction9Improvements@highwaysengland. application for development consent. M3 Moto Services – Winchester, M3 between co.uk junctions 8 and 9, SO21 1PP 2 3
M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme PROPOSED SITE M3 COMPOUND LOCATION Development A33 Consent Order A34 Plan not to scale Boundary KINGS WORTHY HEADBOURNE WORTHY EASTON ad ne La y Ro o n st th Ea Wor ABBOTT'S BARTON Lo SOUTH DOWNS n gW NATIONAL PARK alk WINNALL A272 B333 0 Key WINCHESTER Proposed Order Limits River Itchen A31 South Downs National Park M3 4 5
M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme Why is the scheme Our proposed design Proposed scheme needed? Our proposal provides free-flowing road links between the M3 and the A34 both northbound Approximately 110,000 vehicles use this junction and southbound, with no need to enter the every day, and the current junction design cannot junction 9 roundabout to travel between the M3 cope. If improvements aren’t made then the and A34. The A34 southbound link will pass the problem will only become worse. This will not only M3 with a 50mph speed limit. These changes have a negative impact on junction 9 itself, but Plan not to scale will reduce congestion on the newly designed also on many of the surrounding roads. dumbbell road layout, helping to make journey times more reliable, improve road safety and The objectives of the scheme are to: reduce air pollution. improve safety as a result of a reduction in A number of improvements are proposed to delays and queue lengths the junction: support economic growth by unlocking development capacity for jobs, business and traffic between the M3 and the A33/A34 will housing creation use free-flowing links between these roads, instead of the existing junction reduce congestion and increase journey time reliability the M3 will be widened from two to four lanes between the south-facing roundabout slips and improve the environment by reducing the new free-flow links with the A33/A34 adverse noise, improving air quality and making sure there is no net loss to biodiversity new subways through the junction will create a continuous, segregated route for pedestrians improve accessibility for pedestrians, and cyclists between the South Downs cyclists, and horse riders. National Park, Winnall and Abbots Worthy existing traffic signals will be removed and slip Improved pedestrian/ cycleway completing roads between the M3 and the new dumbbell link in the National Cycle roundabout will be realigned. Network (Route 23) Key Proposed Order Limits Proposed Carriageway Exisiting Carriageway Traffic Island Embankments/Cuttings Predestrian/Cycleway Exsisting National Cycle Network (Route 23) Grassland/Verges 6 7
M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme You said, we did - feedback from the previous options consultation Walking, cycling and riding route We held our previous public consultation on the reducing traffic congestion (91%) scheme in early 2018. In this previous consultation improving safety of the junction (75%) a preferred option was presented, along with details of other rejected options. improving facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders (66%). 96% of those who responded to the 2018 consultation agreed with the need for A number of key issues and concerns were raised improvements at the junction and the majority during the 2018 consultation. The table below believed that the option presented at that stage outlines how we have sought to address these would meet the scheme objectives in terms of: in developing the preferred design option taken forward. Issue/concern How this is being addressed Safety concerns in relation to A34/A33 The layout of the A34 slip roads between junction 9 and the A33 merging: concern was expressed that has been revised to increase the weaving length. The revised the weaving length (the distance allowed layout, which has been safety risk assessed, includes altering for traffic to change lanes) was too short the location of the junction 9 slip road and enhancing the diverge along the A34 carriageway between the arrangements for the A33. merges and diverges of the A33 and The weaving length for the southbound merge from the A33 to Benefits and effects of the junction 9. the A34 will be increased by reducing the A33 slip road to one lane entry. Improved traffic signing and reduced speed limits will proposed design also help to increase safety in this section. In assessing the benefits and effects of the the likely environmental effects and mitigation Facilities for walkers, cyclists and The walking, cycling and horse riding facilities are designed to proposed design, we look at a number of factors. measures envisaged for the scheme. horse riders: respondents felt that the the latest standards, and to accommodate both the existing and This information is based on our findings from Measures to avoid, reduce or offset any proposed shared surface path for walkers, likely levels of use in the future. detailed surveys and assessments that we have environmental impacts will continue to be cyclists and horse riders should be carried out. There will be appropriate clearance from walls and other vertical investigated as the project progresses and will be separated from the junction 9 motorway surfaces. Barriers will be included to separate high speed traffic Environmental impacts are assessed based on detailed further in the Environmental Statement and have a safety barrier provided from path users where appropriate, and fencing will also be national guidance. The PEIR, which is available which will form part of our application for between the pathway and the road. included where appropriate. from the consultation web page: development consent. Disruption during construction: A Traffic Management Plan will be developed with the relevant https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/he/m3- Some of the main findings from our preliminary respondents expressed concern about local stakeholders to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum junction-9-improvements-statutory-consultation) assessment of different impacts and benefits disruption to local journeys during and that routes are appropriately designed. This information will associated with the scheme – including mitigation construction. be shared with the public prior to construction work starting. provides an initial statement of the main measures – are summarised in the table that can environmental information available from our Environmental impacts of the Our PEIR, published as part of this consultation process, be found on pages 12-14. Further information on assessments to date, along with descriptions of scheme: concerns about the potential provides the information compiled to date about the predicted most of these areas can be found in the PEIR. environmental impacts of the scheme environmental impacts of the scheme and the proposed included noise and air quality, as well mitigation measures. We no longer plan to use the site as visual impact – particularly in relation compound previously proposed to the east of the A272 Spitfire to the landscape of the South Downs Link. In response to the South Downs National Park Authority’s National Park. concerns regarding this compound we are now considering alternative locations. 8 9
M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme Minimising environmental impacts The environmental constraints we have considered extent of the Order Limits will be displayed at the whilst developing our design for the scheme Public Consultation exhibitions and will also be are illustrated in the following map. A wider plan made available online. showing environmental constraints for the entire A34 A33 Plan not to scale Lo ne n La gW t on s alk Ea Key M3 ad Listed Building y Ro th Public Right of Way Wor SOUTH DOWNS NATIONAL PARK National Cycle Network Route 23 Proposed Order Limits Lo g n Special Areas of Conservation W alk ABBOTT'S Historic Landfill ne BARTON La n Sites of Special Scientific Interest to s Ea Groundwater Source Protection Zones ad SOUTH DOWNS Zone 1 - Inner Protection Zone Ro NATIONAL PARK A34 thy or Zone 2 - Outer Protection Zone W M3 Scheduled Monument n he Flood Zone 3 Itc er Riv Flood Zone 2 Air Quality Management Area ne Noise Important Area La A272 n n sto Tesco he Ea Registered Parks and Gardens tc rI Extra ve Ri WINNALL South Downs National Park B333 0 Plan not to scale WINCHESTER 10 11
M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme Findings from our preliminary assessment Consideration Description Consideration Description Residents and There would likely be some temporary disruption during construction to routes Safety and The junction upgrade would have a beneficial effect on commuter journey times community used by pedestrians and cyclists. However, once in operation the scheme will effects on local due to a reduction in congestion between the M3 and the A34. bring improvements to local rights of way. travel Our proposal provides free-flowing road links between the M3 and the A34 In the long-term the scheme would improve connectivity for pedestrians and both northbound and southbound, separating the traffic going into Winchester cyclists – in particular by improving National Cycle Network 23 and access onto and the through-traffic on to the A34/A33 with no need to enter junction 9. This the South Downs National Park. In turn these improvements would promote will benefit the local road network by reducing rat-running of traffic through health benefits and improvements to local amenity. Winchester city centre. Landscape Our preliminary assessment of the scheme shows that there would likely be Improved traffic flow will also enhance safety by reducing collision incidents temporary adverse effects during construction on landscape character and resulting from queuing on the approaches to the junction, as well as vehicles people’s views, particularly for local residents and users of public rights of way changing lanes on the A34 and on the roundabout at the junction. and recreational paths. To mitigate these adverse effects during construction we Nature The scheme is close to the River Itchen Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and would look to retain vegetation wherever practicable and employ considerate conservation Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), St. Catherine’s Hill (SSSI) and several site management. sites of importance for nature conservation. We have carried out a number of Our preliminary indication of the landscape strategy is included within the PEIR surveys that have identified the presence of protected species such as common and sets out how we plan to mitigate any potentially adverse effects on local reptiles, nesting birds, bats, badgers and hazel dormice. landscape character (including the South Downs National Park) and local views. Preliminary assessments have shown it would be possible to mitigate potential This includes landscape forms being designed to integrate the scheme into the adverse effects through sensitive design and construction methods. Measures surrounding topography. to reduce the potential adverse effect on protected species would include Geology The scheme would likely have effects on geological and soil resources and replacing lost habitat and providing enhancements to existing habitats. and soils early modelling has identified some potential sources of contamination such as Cultural Our archaeological investigations have revealed a low level of archaeological historic landfills (including at the A272 Spitfire Link). heritage remains and confirmed the survival of a prehistoric ring ditch and prehistoric Ground investigations are currently being carried out, the results of which will pits within the scheme area. There is the potential for a minor adverse effect inform our assessment and proposed mitigation (such as designing out likely on historic buildings and the historic landscape. However, the scheme largely issues and employing good practice construction methods). involves improvements to the existing highway layout and so the overall setting would not be greatly modified. Water The water environment in the area of the scheme includes surface water (for environment example, River Itchen, Nun’s Walk Stream and other streams), areas associated Mitigation through design (the use of cuttings, bunds, and vegetation) would and flooding with flood risk and groundwater resources. Our preliminary assessments be used to mitigate significant effects on the setting of historic landscapes identify some potential impacts to the water environment during construction but and buildings. suggest there would be no increase in flood risk or negative impacts on water quality as a result of the scheme once in operation. Potential impacts during construction could be mitigated using good practice construction methods, such as locating potential pollution sources away from waterbodies. Further investigations and assessments will inform the design and mitigation measures to reduce the impact of the scheme once in operation. 12 13
M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme M3 junction 9 • improvement scheme Next steps Consideration Description The consultation closes on 27 August 2019 at The process for this is explained in the table 11.59pm. We will then review and analyse all the below. Air quality The Winchester city centre air quality management area is approximately 1.2 km suggestions and comments received and produce a short summary of the feedback we received. away from the scheme. This is an area subject to an action plan developed by Winchester City Council to ensure national air quality objectives are met. There This will be published in Winter 2019 on the 2020 are also residences, schools and ecologically designated sites that could be consultation website: We plan to submit our application for affected by changes in air quality. https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/he/m3- development consent to the Planning junction-9-improvements-statutory-consultation Inspectorate at the start of next year. Our early assessments have found that no significant impacts on human health or local ecology would occur during construction. However, there is the potential Your feedback will be considered as we make for air quality to be adversely affected in certain locations once the scheme is in further refinements to the proposed design and operation, including some locations within the River Itchen SAC and SSSI. We develop our planned mitigation measures. A more 2021 will continue to refine this assessment as traffic data becomes available and this detailed summary of the feedback received will The Planning Inspectorate will evaluate the will inform appropriate mitigation measures. be provided in our consultation report, which scheme and application before giving a Noise The scheme is near to several residences and schools, and three noise will also explain how our proposals have been recommendation to the Secretary of State, important areas - areas identified as being particularly susceptible to traffic informed and influenced by this feedback. This who will decide whether to grant the noise. People within these areas would likely be affected by a higher level consultation report will form part of our application scheme consent. of noise during construction of the scheme. Our preliminary noise modelling for development consent and will be available to suggests that once the scheme is in operation, the majority of residences and the public following submission of the application other sensitive locations would experience no more than a negligible increase on the consultation website: in noise. https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/he/m3- 2021 Modelling will be developed further as traffic data and construction information junction-9-improvements-statutory-consultation If consent is granted by the Secretary of State, becomes available to inform mitigations for construction and operation. works are expected to start in 2021. We expect to submit our application for Walkers/ Existing routes for walkers, cyclists and horse riders within the scheme development consent by the beginning of 2020 cyclists/horse boundary will be maintained or upgraded as appropriate. The current path and, provided it is granted, work will start in 2021. riders through junction 9, which is part of the National Cycle Route Network (route 23 In addition to this consultation process, we will 2023 or NCR 23), will be upgraded to provide a safe continuous link through to Easton continue to engage with anyone interested in, or Lane, which gives access to Winnall and Winchester. The scheme would be open for traffic. impacted by the scheme. To help us shape the A new walking, cycling and horse riding route is proposed on the eastern side final design in preparation for our submission to of the M3, between Easton Lane and Long Walk. This would run parallel to (but the Planning Inspectorate it is important you are involved at this stage of the consultation process. For more information, please visit our separate from) the motorway. A safe walking and cycling link will be provided to webpage where you can also sign up for the Highways Depot from Easton Lane, and along the north-east side of A34. Once we submit our application, the Planning email alerts whenever the webpage for this Inspectorate (acting on behalf of the Secretary scheme is updated. If you have any queries of State) may examine the application and make about this scheme please email: a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport, who will decide whether or not the M3junction9Improvements@ scheme will go ahead. highwaysengland.co.uk or contact our Customer Contact Centre by calling: 0300 123 5000 14 15
If you need help accessing this or any other Highways England information, please call 0300 123 5000 and we will help you. © Crown copyright 2019. If you have any enquiries about this publication email info@highwaysengland.co.uk You may re-use this information (not including logos) or call 0300 123 5000*. Please quote the Highways free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms England publications code PR42/19 of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence: Highways England creative job number GFD19_0101 visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open- government-licence/ *Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and must count towards any write to the Information Policy Team, The National inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, BT, other fixed line or payphone. Calls may be Mapping (where present): © Crown copyright and recorded or monitored. database rights 2019 OS 100030649. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact Printed on paper from well-managed forests and other with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You controlled sources when issued directly by Highways are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell England. any of this data to third parties in any form. Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, This document is also available on our website at Guildford GU1 4LZ www.highwaysengland.co.uk Highways England Company Limited registered in For an accessible version of this publication please call England and Wales number 09346363 0300 123 5000 and we will help you.
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