LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence

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LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd.
                             A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.

Three decades of manufacturing excellence                         ISO 9001:2008
                                                                 ISO 14001:2004
                                                              OHSAS 18001:2007
                                                                Certified Company
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
ltl transformers (pvt) ltd.
                    VISION                             LTL was established in 1982, as a joint venture          The awards the Company has received for their
                                                       of Ceylon Electricity Board the Power Utility of Sri     transformers hail their achievements locally and
                                                       Lanka and European Investors initially to produce an     internationally and underline the reason for their 100%
                                                       indigenous transformer. The Company’s production         local market share and rapidly growing export orders.
                                                       line developed with an ongoing Technical Collaboration
                                                       Agreement with ABB AS of Norway and today the            All our transformers are optimized to meet customer
                                                       Company’s state of the art production facilities         satisfaction with regard to energy loss, noise level,
                                                       manufacture very high quality transformers conforming    dimensions and weight. Precise and thorough quality

                                                       to international standards and meet the entire           control before, during and after each stage of the
                                                       Sri Lankan requirements while about 50% of its           manufacturing process ensures that all LTL products
                                                       productions are exported.                                meet the very highest international quality standards.
 DELIGHT THE CUSTOMERS BY PROVIDING TRANSFORMERS &                                                              The transformers are renowned for their high
  SWITCHGEAR PANELS ON TIME WITH EXCELLENT QUALITY     Over time the production range expanded to special       performance and proven reliability.
                                                       transformers such as Earthing, Dual Ratio, Isolation,
                                                       Auto, Rectifier Transformers, Switchgear Panels,         We offer a full range of after sales services to all our
                                                       Package Substations and a host of others.                customers to ensure the reliability of our products.
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
Product Range
                                                                                                                        Advantages of Hermetically Sealed
Power & Distribution Transformers:                              Compact and Package Substation with
                                                                                                                          • Hermetically Sealed Transformers are used in high
  • Capacity from 5 kVA up to 5000 kVA                          Transformer:
                                                                                                                            humid environments, where there is limitation of
  • Varying voltages up to 33 kV                                  • Oil immersed Transformers up to 2000kVA ; 33kV
                                                                                                                            maintenance services and limited space for installation
  • Frequency : 50/60 Hz
                                                                                                                            such as pole mounted transformers, package or
  • Tap Types: Off Circuit Tap links/Off Circuit Tap Changer/   Special Transformers:
                                                                                                                            compact substations.
    On Load Tap Changer                                           • Rectifier / Converter Duty Transformers
                                                                                                                          • The oil will not come in contact with air, thus ensuring
  • Temperature Rise: as per customer requirements.               • Earthing / Grounding Transformers
                                                                                                                            preservation of its dielectric integrity.
  • Silicone/Mineral Oil or other fluids filled Transformers      • Isolation Transformers
                                                                                                                          • Virtually no maintenance required, e.g. no checking
    as per customer specifications. Biodegradable oil is also     • Completely Self Protected Transformers
                                                                                                                            required of silica gel breather, and no need to monitor
    available for environmentally sensitive areas.                • Dual Voltage Ratio Transformers
                                                                                                                            water ingress.
  • Cooling: ONAN / ONAF                                          • Multi Winding Transformers
                                                                                                                          • Transformers occupy smaller space leaving more room
                                                                  • Auto Transformers
                                                                                                                            for connections in compact installations.
Tank and Cooling designs:                                         • Low Voltage Air Cooled Transformers
                                                                                                                          • High reliability of the tanks which is proven by stringent
  • Hermetically Sealed type Transformers with corrugated         • Pad Mounted Transformers (Dead Front) as per ANSI
                                                                                                                            fatigue and over pressure tests carried out on
    tanks (fin walls)                                               standards.
                                                                                                                            transformers of this type.
  • Hermetically Sealed type Transformers with gas
  • Conservator type Transformers with free breathing
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
Package Substation Configuration and Components
                                                                                     HV Compartment
                                                                                     Extensible & Non
                                                                                                                                                                   LV Compartments
                                                                                     Extensible Ring Main Units
                                                                                                                               Transformer                         • LV Distribution Board
                                                                                     (RMU) with following
                                                                                                                               Compartments                        • LV Control Panel with
                                                                                                                               Oil Immersed                           Incomer ACB & Outgoing
                                                                                     • Switch Disconnectors
                                                                                                                               Transformers with choice               MCCB
                                                                                     • Fuse Switches
                                                                                                                               of arrangement for                  • Automatic Power factor
                                                                                     • Vacuum/SF6 Circuit
                                                                                                                               termination with HV & LV               Correction Panel
                                                                                                                               Switchgears Panels                  • LV switch fuse units
                                                                                     • Current & Potential
                                                                                                                                                                   • Instrumentation &
                                                                                       Transformers for Metering
Package/Compact Substations
                                                                                       & Protection

                                                                                                                             Accessories & Controls
                     The Package Substation is a compact arrangement, which                 Internal Lighting & Door Limit Switches, Earth Fault Indicators for Network, Door Stoppers,
                     simplifies conventional substation designs. Substation                                               Steel Meshes to Cover Louvers.
                     housing is divided into three compartments i.e. the HV
                     compartment, the transformer compartment and the LV
                     compartment.                                                     APPLICATIONS
                                                                                      Reduced installation space, which will be advantageous in case of dimension limitations &
                     significant FEATURES                                             high price of land.
                        • Design conforms to IEC 62271-202 and customer
                          specified other standards                                   Short erection time & maintenance free solutions for your energy supply.
                        • Fully compartmentalized design
                        • Removable roof with single lift complete unit               They are ideally suited for new residential and commercial complexes as it can be placed on Ground,
                        • IP 23 standard degree of protection available for           partially or totally below / above ground level.
                          enclosure as per IEC (higher IP class can be provided if
                          required)                                                   Mainly used by Power Utilities, Multiplexes, Hotels, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Software Parks,
                        • Designed to withstand electrical impulses, thermal          Residential Complexes, Airports etc.
                          and dynamic stresses
                        • Compact, and occupies less floor space
                        • Easy to install, operate and maintain, with a theft
                          proof design
                        • Special durability in extreme weather conditions
                        • Tailored configuration to meet customer requirements
                        • Enclosure with guaranteed corrosion protection

                     MAIN ADVANTAGES
                       • Reduced Electrical losses as Package Substations
                         can be provided near load centres
                       • Cost effective
                       • A high degree of safety and operational reliability is
                         achieved by HT and LT Switchgears and protective
                         relays, to avoid overloading
                       • Reduction in logistic costs as Package Substations are
                         delivered as single units
                       • Low civil/ foundation cost                                                                                                       LTL Package Substation installed in Jordan
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
Design, Research & Development                                                                                             The Core Design
LTL Transformers are designed to fully meet all the latest   Special software programs developed in technical              The core is made from high-quality, grain-oriented silicon steel and        Main characteristics
national and international standards, including IEC, BS,     collaboration with ABB Norway and the in-depth expertise      sheets are cut to length by latest GEORG cutting line. The stacked core      • The 450 cut of the core sheets and step-
ANSI and often even exceeding the standards applicable       of our engineers and designers ensure the accuracy and        provides a superior flux path by utilizing a step-lap that joins the core      lap design guarantees optimum flow of
to concerned markets.                                        reliability of all designs with respect to optimization of    legs to the top and bottom yokes. The effective support for the core           magnetic flux in the core joint area resulting
                                                             various factors.                                              together with a step-lap joint ensures optimum performance in relation         reduction in no load loss and no load current
With a commitment to Continuous Improvement, paving a                                                                      to existing currents, sound levels and iron losses.                          • Low sound levels are achieved using the
way for vertical integration, the Research and Development   Our main concerns are                                                                                                                        step-lap stacking pattern
wing of LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd has been painstakingly      • Improvement of efficiency by reducing on load and no      We do our core design so that the core efficiently fills the opening in the  • Various types of magnetic steel (Laser
and continuously working to develop new products,                load losses                                               coil, leaving a minimum of unused space. The short yoke between the            treated / Amorphous etc) are chosen to
better and improvised manufacturing processes, use of          • Emphasis on lowering costs by economizing the use         legs of the core reduces the external flow between the active leg core         match the desired loss level
modern technology and better materials for the benefit of        of materials and planning manufacturing processes         materials, resulting in an increase in efficiency. The stacked core is more  • The simple supporting structures and
customers. This would not only be economical in terms of         that would optimize labor inputs                          uniformly and firmly supported with metal or laminated wood clamps to          clamping devices of the core contribute to
cost and energy, but would also give an all time superior      • The designs are satisfactory with respect to dielectric   prevent movement of the core structure so as to improve sound level            the compactness of the design
product, providing total satisfaction to the end user.           strength, mechanical endurance, dynamic and thermal       characteristics and mechanical strength to withstand short circuit forces.
                                                                 withstand of winding in event of short circuits
                                                               • Using available materials economically in order to
                                                                 achieve lower cost, lower weight, and reduce size and
                                                                 better operation performance
                                                               • Specified performance characteristics such as
                                                                 temperature rise, noise level, impedance etc.
                                                               • Mechanical design, final finish and accessories
                                                               • Ability to withstand high impulsive voltage surges
                                                               • Overload capacity
                                                               • Elimination or reduction of stray losses, hot spots,
                                                                 electrical gradients, etc. by electrical and magnetic
                                                                 field analysis
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
Winding                                                                                                                      Assembly                                                                 Drying and
The low voltage winding is done with foil or rectangular        Corrugated oil ducts extend along the height of the coil     The active part of the transformer consists of the magnetic core;        Oil Filling
conductor extending along the full height of the coil. The      to provide cooling in the winding. The staggered, diamond    windings and other accessories such as tap selectors etc. Before
layer to layer insulation is a thermally upgraded kraft paper   epoxies bonds help assure effective oil flow through the                                                                              The entire finished core and coil assembly
                                                                                                                             drying all connections between windings and bushings and the
which is coated with a diamond pattern of epoxy adhesive.       winding. Normally tapings are provided in HV winding.                                                                                 will be dried by the transformer core oven.
                                                                                                                             connections between the high voltage tapings and the tap changer
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The temperature and duration of the
                                                                                                                             are made. All the high and low voltage leads are supported rigidly
The high to low insulation barrier is fitted over the low       Both copper and aluminum material can be used for                                                                                     drying process ensures the curing of epoxy
                                                                                                                             so that there will be no dangerous movements during severe faulty
voltage winding and high voltage winding is wound               winding                                                                                                                               coated insulation and removal of moisture
                                                                                                                             conditions. Tapings are normally provided at high voltage winding due
directly over the low voltage to ensure a high strength coil                                                                                                                                          within active part assembly.
                                                                                                                             to lower current in it.
assembly. For HV winding enameled insulated round or            SPECIAL FEATURES OF WINDINGS DESIGN
rectangular conductors are used.                                  • Any high voltage ampere turn asymmetry which,                                                                                     After the drying process has been
                                                                                                                             High quality laminated wood or pre fabricated steel clamps are used
                                                                    might occur is compensated automatically by an                                                                                    completed the unit will be tanked and filled
                                                                                                                             for clamping. High quality press board insulations are used to support
                                                                    appropriate internal current distribution in the low                                                                              with degassed oil under vacuum within a
                                                                                                                             the windings axially. Pressboards are used as phase barriers between
                                                                    voltage foil.                                                                                                                     minimum period of time.
                                                                                                                             the high voltage windings as well as between core and low voltage
                                                                  • High short circuit strength due to use of epoxy dotted   windings. The design and the process ensure adequate clearance
                                                                    paper as inter-foil and inter layer insulation           between various components and parts to ensure uniform and
                                                                  • Accurately located taps in HV winding and LV foil        optimum electric field distribution which gaurantees long life of the
                                                                    design keep unbalanced ampere-turns to a minimum         transformer.
                                                                    which make the design stronger under short circuit
                                                                  • Minimum stress loads on the dielectric
                                                                  • The layer-type winding results in a low ground
                                                                    capacity, which gives a nearly straight line surge
                                                                    distribution throughout the winding. A compact, high-
                                                                    impulse-strength coil is the result.
                                                                  • Low eddy losses
                                                                  • More even heat distribution through the windings
                                                                  • Automatic winding techniques can be used
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
Fabrication                                                                                                               Testing
The Sealed type Transformer tanks are made of high          All welds are tested, ensuring 100% leak proof seams and      All transformers are subjected to the full range of specified   Following type/special tests are carried out either at the
quality pre formed corrugated fin walls made out of cold    mechanical strength.                                          tests as per international standards such as IEC, BS and        customer’s request or as part of a verification of a new
rolled steel. It is ensured that finished tanks meet over                                                                 ANSI.                                                           design. All tests are performed within the factory except
pressure requirements & permanent deformation limits        Most of the fabricated tanks are Galvanized in our own hot                                                                    for dynamic short circuit tests and impulse tests which are
specified by international standards.                       dip galvanizing plant, according to international standards   Following routine tests are carried out on each transformer     done at internationally accredited third party laboratories
                                                            and then powder painted. Other non galvanized tanks are       before it is released for dispatch,                             such as KEMA, Netherlands.
Vertical bending machine helps to form the corrugated       shot blasted in order to remove all traces of grease, rust       • Preliminary Insulation Resistance
tanks only with one welded seam, which is a specialty in    welding slag and other impurities. Immediately after shot        • Vector Group                                               The type/special tests are,
our products.                                               blasting the tanks are painted with primer and finishing         • Voltage Ratio                                                • Short Circuit
                                                            coats. All the items are powder painted to provide a             • Winding Resistance                                           • Lightning Impulse Voltage
In conservator type design, high quality steel sheets       smooth attractive final finish.                                  • Oil Dielectric Strength                                      • Sound Level
are used for tank fabrication. For cooling pre fabricated                                                                    • Separate Source Voltage Withstand                            • Temperature Rise
detachable radiator panels are used.                        Various other painting methods are used to meet specified        • Induced Over - Voltage
                                                            customer requirements.                                           • No Load
                                                                                                                             • Full Load
                                                                                                                             • Impedance Measurements
                                                                                                                             • Tank’s pressure withstand ability
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
Quality Assurance
However much a manufacturer of a product talks high           LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd. is committed to deliver state of   Netherlands. Regular internal and external quality audits
about his products, and his manufacturing processes,          the art and reliable products to its customers. To achieve     ensure the full and continuous conformity with these
unless the products are tested and certified by               this the overseas trained engineers and technicians of         international standards. The company’s materials and
internationally reputed independent third party               the production facility strictly follow Quality Assurance      components suppliers are also required to satisfy these
laborataries or testing agencies, they will not be accepted   procedures incorporated in the integrated management           quality standards.
by modern markets.The products of LTL have the world’s        system at every stage of the production process. The
best thrid party certification.                               Company is stringently conforming to ISO standards ISO         Transformers manufactured at LTL are strictly in compliance
                                                              9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007                 with the relevant international standards (IEC, BS, ANSI).
Type-test certification for quality of LTL distribution       with regard to these aspects which are certified by the        This together with the Quality Assurance procedures result
transformers are received from KEMA High Power & High         International Agency Det Norske Veritas (DNV) of the           in the highest quality of the products manufactured.
Voltage Laboratories in the Netherlands.
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
Quality Products Delivered on Time
The quality of each product is guaranteed before its            Transportation options and customer requirments
release for dispatch.                                           are carefully evaluated and determined by our well
                                                                experienced staff in the field, and the products are
We have experience in securely delivering transformers to       appropriately packed and delivered to the final destination.
over 25 countries throughout the world during the past
ten years.                                                      Installation of the transformers or substations can either
                                                                be done by the customer or by the experienced LTL field
                                                                service crew.

                                                                                                                                               Our Dedicated Staff
                                                                                                                                               LTL considers its human resource as its main asset and        organizational capacity, which reflects in the quality and
                                                                                                                                               over the years has assembled a well educated, well trained,   quantity of its production.
                                                                                                                                               and well contented engineers, technicians and other staff.
                                                       UNITED KINGDIM                                                                                                                                        Manufacture of such a range of diversified products that
                                                                                                                                               Their innovation and creativity is well encouraged            adhered to international standards would not have been
                                                                                                 TAJIKISTAN                                    throughout the organization and appropriately rewarded        possible if not for this committed human resource team.
                                                                          PALESTINE       Iraq                                                 as novel ideas could arise from various backgrounds.
                                                                                      KUWAIT                                                   With this shared vision, the company has maximized its
                                                                                         UAE                          BANGLADESH

                                                                                       KENYA         MALDIVES


LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd - A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - Three decades of manufacturing excellence
Technical Data of
                                                                                                   Three Phase Transformers
                                                         Rated Primary Voltage: 33 kV                                  Rated Primary Voltage: 33 kV                                                                                 (OFF LOAD TAP CHANGER
                                                         Secondary Voltage: 415/240 V                                  Secondary Voltage: 11 kV (3 MVA - 5MVA)                                                                          HERMETICALLY SEALED)

                                                         1        Capacity (kVA)                      100       160           250           400           630             800       1000          1250          1500          1750           2000          2500         3000         5000

                                                         2                                          97.05      97.65         98.06      98.41         98.54          98.45         98.54          98.59         98.72        98.67          98.79         98.70         98.74       98.88
                                                                  P.F. = 0.8, Full Load (%)

                                                                 Voltage regulation
                                                         3                                           4.10       3.72          3.72          3.51          3.84           4.08       4.31              4.75       4.44         5.00           4.86          5.27          5.30        5.53
                                                                 P.F. = 0.8, Full Load (%)

Support Services of
                                                         4        No load loss (W)                    355       500           670           965       1295               1400       1550          1825          2160          2290           2620          2830         5195         5275

                                                         5        Load loss (W)                      2125      2575          3295       4205          6150               8675      10275         12430         13340         16520          17040         23450        25470        40130

LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd.                              6

                                                                 Total losses (W)

                                                                  Impedance voltage (%)















                                                         8        Noise level (dB)                       50      51            52            54            55              55            55            56            56            57            58            58            59        60
The company offers a range of support services                                            Length     1095      1165          1285       1370          1535               1890       2010          2025          1985          2250           2420          2510         2900         3250
associated with power installations inclusive of                    Dimensions
                                                                                          Width       900       935           955       1010          1065               1145       1270          1265          1355          1360           1510          1675         1700         1950
transformers which consist of                                                             Height     1470      1515          1625       1705          1845               1925       1990          2230          2270          2270           2330          2380         2600         2900
                                                         10      Oil qty (Litres)                     240       300           380           495           695             785           890       1380          1645          1730           1875          2375         2445         3525
• Transportation, Installation, Commissioning and        11      Weight (kg)                          850      1050          1400       1850          2500               2850       3350          4315          5065          5420           6045          7610         8850        12500
  Testing of Power Transformers up to 220 kVA/150
  MVA at Power Plants, Grid Substations, etc, together   Rated Primary Voltage: 11 kV                                                                                                                                                     (OFF LOAD TAP CHANGER
  with associated protection and fire fighting systems   Secondary Voltage: 415/240 V                                                                                                                                                      HERMETICALLY SEALED)

                                                             1    Capacity (kVA)                                   100               160           250            400            630           800           1000          1250          1500          1750          2000          2500
• Oil filtration and oil testing in transformers up to
                                                             2                                                    97.00          97.80         98.01             98.27          98.45         98.47          98.48         98.62         98.70         98.72         98.69         98.66
  150 MVA                                                        P.F. = 0.8, Full Load (%)

                                                                 Voltage regulation
                                                             3                                                     3.84              3.52          3.39           3.44           3.61          4.09           3.74          4.32          4.34          4.32          5.07          4.85
• Maintenance of Power Installations in Industrial               P.F. = 0.8, Full Load (%)

  and Commercial Buildings , Power Utilities, Hospital       4    No load loss (W)                                 270               375           515            720            990          1205           1325          1635          1940          2460          2500          2550
  Complexes and other such institutions under Annual         5    Load loss (W)                                   2250               2510          3550          4925           6950          8740           11010         12375        13480          15740         18885         24710
  Maintenance Contract or other terms as required by         6   Total losses (W)                                 2520               2885          4065          5645           7940          9945           12335         14010        15420          18200         21200         27260
  customers                                                  7    Impedance voltage (%)                                4.0            4.0           4.0            4.0            4.5           5.0            5.0           5.5           6.0           6.0           7.0           7.0

                                                             8    Noise level (dB)                                     48              49            50            52             53            54              54            56            57            57            57            57
• Repairs of Distribution Transformers                                                              Length         955               1015          1130          1245           1490          1890            2010          2025         2135           2340          2390          2425
                                                                                                    Width          840                880           950          1060           1100          1145            1270          1265         1330           1515          1630          1640
• Hiring of transformers for emergency short term                                                   Height        1235               1280          1370          1460           1660          1770            1835          2055         2095           2135          2155          2245
  requirements as substitutes                            10      Oil qty (Litres)                                  165                200           250           350            540           805             920          1370         1485           1650          1805          2190

                                                         11      Weight (kg)                                       650                850          1100          1550           2100          2750            3200          4225         4730           5420          6060          7160
• Branch offices or agents of company located in          Note : Tolerances are applicable as per the Standard IEC 60076
  several countries will readily respond to customers’
  enquiries with regard to such services                 Vector Group                              Dyn11

                                                         Temp. Rise (°C)        Windings            60

                                                                                Top Oil             55
67, Park Street, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka | Tel: +94 (0) 112 695 007 | Fax: +94 (0) 112 684 900
                              Email: | Web:

                             LTL TRANSFORMERS (Pvt) Ltd.
                154/11, Railway Station Road, Angulana, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
      Tel: +94 (0) 112 605 101-3 Fax: +94 (0) 112 607 312 Email:

                    LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd.
                    A Subsidiary of LTL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.
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