LNE & Spa-the magazine for skin care and spa professionals June 2018 $7.50

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LNE & Spa-the magazine for skin care and spa professionals June 2018 .50
LNE & Spa—the magazine for skin care and spa professionals June 2018   $7.50
LNE & Spa-the magazine for skin care and spa professionals June 2018 .50
     June2018   LNEonline.com
LNE & Spa-the magazine for skin care and spa professionals June 2018 .50
Subtle tanning              Trends may come and go, but glowing skin never goes out
                            of fashion. That said, there is a slight shift toward showing

 treatments for             off a more subtle artificial tan than the bolder faux looks of
                            yesteryear. Clients still want the glow with some color to look

      sun lovers
                            good for bikini season, but they are going for a less-is-more
                            approach this year. To suit their needs, spas are getting cre-
                            ative with body treatments featuring bronzers and shimmers
                            over traditional tanning solutions, while others are opting for a
       by Carrie Borzillo
                            customized, hand-painted look over the one-size-fits-all spray
                            tanning booth options.

                                                  LNEonline.com              June2018           59
LNE & Spa-the magazine for skin care and spa professionals June 2018 .50
Summer Craze Guide

                                                                                                  Cortright. "For a perfect tan applica-
                                                                                                  tion, the spray nozzle needs to be about
                                                                                                  8-10 inches from the body. Since our
                                                                                                  bodies are not perfect cubes, the loca-
                                                                                                  tion of the spray nozzle needs to adjust
                                                                                                  to each individual's body shape, as well
                                                                                                  as different locations on the body —
                                                                                                  think inside arms and legs… can't get
         Here are five new ways to help give         exists on the surface of our bodies is       to those very well in a machine."
         your client a modern summer glow:           completely removed so that the tan-              Hand-spraying also offers a more
                                                     ning solution can react directly with        even, less streaky tan and dries quicker,
         Buff & Bronze Package                       the skin to provide a healthy glow. It's     she adds.
         Spa Gregorie's Day Spas & Salons            important that the exfoliant does not
         Newport Beach and Rancho Santa              contain any oils, and that no lotions or     Hydrating Sunless Tan
         Margarita, California                       powders are used on the skin as this         Elizabeth Adam Salon and Day Spa
                                                     will create a barrier between the skin       Chicago, Illinois
         Everyone knows that a good faux tan         and the tanning solution, yielding less
         must start with a great body exfoliation.   than optimal results," says Cortright.       The secret ingredient to Elizabeth
         That's why Angela Cortright, principal          Next comes the custom spray tan          Adam Day Spa's Hydrating Sunless Tan
         of Spa Gregorie's Day Spas & Salons,        using an organic solution. "It's para-       treatment (30-minutes, $125) is vitamin-
         isn't joking when she says her Buff &       ben-free, suitable for all skin types, and   infused steam and infrared technology,
         Bronze Package (60-minutes, $109)           provides a completely natural, glowing       which helps to prep the ideal canvas
         features a full body exfoliation of "ev-    color. We use only the finest all-natural    for a sunless tan application.
         ery square inch of the body – even in       ingredients available including certi-            After a full-body exfoliation with an
         places hard to get to on your own!"         fied organic DHA, Shea butter, citrus,       oil-free scrub and rinse in the shower,
             The exfoliation is performed in a       ginseng, and cucumber," she adds.            the skin is sprayed by hand with a spe-
         wet room using a water-based exfoli-            The spa prefers custom, hand             cial solution. "The steam is fortified with
         ant containing fruit extracts and pum-      spraying as opposed to the spray             hydrating and anti-aging active ingredi-
         ice. "The key to the success of your        tan machines for a variety of reasons.       ents, such as Vitamins A, C, E, plant col-
         spray tan is that all the dead skin that    "Everyone's body is different," explains     lagen and elastin, as well as aloe vera,

 60      June2018             LNEonline.com
Summer Craze Guide

hyaluronic acid, CoQ10, green tea ex-        tan to give a more gradual, natural look.
tract, and algae extract. This gives the         "It's a light, hydrating formula that

                                                                                          Not all tanning
skin enough moisture without oils that       dries very quickly without any unpleas-
could form barrier for color to take,"       ant odor that some self-tanners can
explains owner Elizabeth Adam.               have. This product is also available for
    Another key to the spa's tanning
success is to understand that not all
                                             our clients to purchase for home use
                                             so they can maintain and extend their        applications
tanning applications are best for all skin   tan. It gives just the right amount of
types. "We recommend airbrush tan for
young, supple skin because younger
                                             color for a healthy glow, or you can
                                             apply it more frequently for a darker
                                                                                          are best for
skin is smooth and the spray tan goes        tan," says corporate director of esthet-
on it evenly. But, for older skin that has
wrinkles, folds, or sags is better with
                                             ics Cara Brackman.
                                                 The Bronzing Treatment starts out
                                                                                          all skin types.
a hand-applied self-tanning cream so         with a cream-based exfoliant with tiny
that it can get into all the creases for a   sand-like grains. "A cream base is im-       take some extra time to make sure it's
more even tan," adds Adam.                   portant because it washes away leav-         applied evenly," she adds.
                                             ing the skin clean without any residue.          For optimum results, it's recom-
                                             Oil based exfoliants can leave product       mended that clients book two bronz-
Bronzing Treatment                           on the skin, making it difficult for any     ing sessions within three days of each
Bella Santé Spas                             tanning product to actually absorb into      other. And, it's safe and effective for
Boston, Wellesley, and Lexington,            the skin. It goes on just like a body        the face as well, which not all spray
Massachusetts                                moisturizer would be applied, but just       tanning solutions can say.

Bella Santé Spas' Bronzing Treatment
(50-minutes, $90) uses a cream-based
self-tanning solution in lieu of a spray

                                                                                         LNEonline.com            June2018          61
Summer Craze Guide

         Cranberry-Orange Body
         Joya Spa
         Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at
         Scottsdale, Arizona

         Joya Spa's Cranberry-Orange Body
         Glow (50-minutes, $169 Monday-
         Thursday/$199 Friday-Sunday) uses
         the magic of mica to give their clients
         that special summer glow.
              "Mica is a mineral that is used spe-
         cially for a shimmer/glow effect. It natu-
         rally reflects light providing the subtle
         glow that guests are looking for when
         wanting color but avoiding tanning.
         The glow provided for this treatment
         is ideal for a special occasion or a night
         on the town as this glow will only last
         until it is showered and scrubbed off,"
         says spa director Stevie White.
              The treatment begins with a body
         exfoliation using cranberry orange
         sugar scrub combined with iron-rich
         Kaolin clay. "It transforms into a smooth
         masque for superb hydration and min-
         eralization of the skin. This exfoliation is
         followed with an application of vanilla
         shimmer body lotion containing rich            leaves the client with a golden hue.         and provide the radiant glow), along
         avocado oil, coconut oil, hyaluronic               "We use a mineral iridescent pow-        with more passionflower oil and min-
         acid, vanilla extract, mica, and essen-        der, much like a bronzer. It's mixed with    erals and trace elements. "The subtle
         tial oils," says White.                        the mask and the mask is applied with        glow will last a few days. It will also
              The finishing touch of the treatment      a brush. Then the powder is applied in       depend on how often the client show-
         is a serum of hyaluronic acid, golden          the finishing part of the treatment too.     ers and exercises," adds Froehlich.
         mica, and a vanilla and muhuhu, which          A small amount is massaged into the
         has a smoky and sweet sandalwood-              skin," says spa director Ursula Froehlich.
         like scent, essential oil blend.                   The body wrap includes Artemisia
                                                        flower (detoxification, increased cir-                  Carrie Borzillo is an
         Golden Veil Body Ritual                        culation) and passionflower oil (mois-                  award-winning     lifestyle
         Margot European Day Spa                        turizing, softening, and restoring skin                 and entertainment journal-
         Birmingham, Michigan                           elasticity), as well as minerals and trace              ist covering spas, health
                                                        elements (re-mineralizing, reinforcing       and wellness, sex and relationships.
         For clients seeking a subtle glow in-          cellular cohesion and improving cell         Her work has appeared in magazines
         stead of a tan, Margot European Day            respiration).                                such as Men's Health, SELF, People,
         Spa offers the Golden Veil Body Ritual             The iridescent mineral powder is         Entertainment Weekly and more. She
         (90-minutes, $170) as an option. The           made of cactus desert flower (soften-        is the author of three pop culture
         treatment includes a body scrub, body          ing, soothing, protecting the skin), soft    books. Borzillo can be reached at
         wrap, and a full body massage that             focus pigments (to illuminate the skin       carrie.borzillo@gmail.com.

 62      June2018              LNEonline.com
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