Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...

Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...

  SS V P
                           International General Council - Society of St Vincent de Paul

                                 Living Africa
                                 The 16th President General
                                 visits Africa

The Thematic               A new meeting              Meeting of the                Second
   Year of                      with                  International              International
  François                  His Holiness                Executive                Youth Day of
   Lallier                                             Committee                   the SSVP
                                                        of Famvin
    Page General
 International 3 Council        Page 8                   Page 20                     Page 29
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
  the thematic year of françois
                                             2            Editorial
  o Interview with Jean-Loup de                          Once again, Salamanca!
      Beauvoir                               3                   Renato Lima, 16th President General
  o International Literary
      Competition                            5   In a few weeks, the International General Council will be pro-
  o Visit to the grave of François               moting in the beautiful city of Salamanca, in close collabora-
      Lallier                                6   tion with the Superior Council of Spain, the 2nd International
  international activities                       Youth Meeting of the SSVP, also called the “Salamanca + 10
  o Visit to the USA                         7   Meeting” (since the first event took place there in 2008). The
                                                 gathering will have talks, dynamics, reflections and, above all,
  o A new meeting with His
                                                 discussions about how Vincentian youth can effectively con-
      Holiness                               8
                                                 tribute to the transformation of reality, through charity.
  o Living Africa                            9
  o    IGC meetings                         16     The priority of the General Council is (since it is part of the
  o    Activity Report 2017                 17   international strategic planning) to develop the youth with-
  spirituality                              19   in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at all levels. The young
                                                 vincentian has a central role in the daily life of Conferences
  vincentian family                              and Councils. The message of peace, joy, charity and unity
  o International meeting                   20   that the young take everywhere, especially during the charity
  world news                                     actions carried out at the bases, is essential to renew our or-
                                                 ganization and, above all, to keep it jovial, lively and focused
  o    Liberia: new country joining
       the SSVP                             22   on the principles of our founders, who were young as well.
  o    SSVP Francie: Mission to
       Vietnam                              23
                                                   Vincentian youth is very important for the General Coun-
                                                 cil and for all the Superior Councils, as well as for the whole
  o    Ozanam Education
                                                 Catholic Church. The various initiatives that have been under-
       Programme                            25
                                                 taken by the young in the service to the neediest, have born
  ssvp youth connections                         plenty and wonderful fruits for humanity. To be a young Vin-
  o Mini World Youth Day in                      centian is to savour the fullness of life next to Jesus, Mary,
      Durban, South Africa                  27   Vincent and Ozanam, so that together, living with the princi-
  o International Meeting of                     ples of the Gospel, we can make the difference.
      Vincentian Youth                      29
                                                   I wish that in this year 2018, that I declared “Internation-
  strategic goals                           31
                                                 al Thematic Year of François Lallier” (the youngest founder
Chairman:                                        among the seven), the young vincentian will be a unifying el-
Carlos LAFARGA                                   ement in the daily journey of the SSVP, from the home visits
                                                 to the most important decision-making process, at Council
Head of English Language:                        level. The SSVP needs them! I look forward to seeing them in
Mary Whilssy CANDELARIA y Karl HILA              Salamanca! I want to embrace all of them, personally. Thanks
Head of Spanish Language:                        to all the countries that are generously cooperating with the
Head of Portuguese Language and Graphics:
                                                 General Council in the organization of this major event.
Head of Social Media:
SSVP Representative – Famvin Int.
Communication Department:
Ozanam Network Graphics:
SSVP Spain

International General Council
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
the thematic year of françois lallier

The members of the first
conference “were friends
who shared the same
convictions, the same
joys, the same pains.”

Interview with Jean-Loup de
Beauvoir, direct descendant
of François Lallier

                 Fe b r u a r y 1 9 ,
  2018 was a special day for the
  Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
  On the said day, the SSVP was         Jean-Loup de Beauvoir
  joined, in a meeting at IGC of-       during his visit to the
  fice, by a direct descendant of       International General
  François Lallier, Mr. Jean-Loup       Council Headquarters
  de Beauvoir. This member
  of Lallier’s family, moreover,        Making the most of his stay at the General International Council,
  have lots of information, be          as well as his generosity and closeness, the SSVP asked Jean-Loup de
  it personal or family inher-          Beauvoir interesting questions that are reflected in this interview.
  itance of Lallier, and has even
  studied and collected in a few        IGC: Could you tell us how François    JLB: Being retired, I started getting
  handwritten documents, the            Lallier influence your life?           interested in genealogy and in my
  personal wealth of Lallier.                                                  ancestors. François Lallier was one
                                        JLB: YI was born in Corus, in his      of them.
  These studies are very impor-         house.                                    In 2007, year of the 160th anni-
  tant to the Society because           My youth went under the severe         versary of the acquisition of the
  it contains the distinct life         and vigilant eyes of the president     Corus property by François Lalli-
  profiles of one of our found-         of the civil court of Sens who, from   er, we decided to organize a fam-
  ers; Mr. Beauvoir describe            his framework of gilded wood,          ily celebration. This is the starting
  François Lallier in many ways:        one hundred years after his death,     point of my research.
  in his behavior and his exam-         continued to observe his family.          Documents kept in drawers
  ple in the family, as a lawyer,         François Lallier was for me          came out, especially a diary of
  a man in the professional             “grandfather Lallier”, companion       François Lallier covering the peri-
  field, a man concerned with           of Ozanam, founder of the Confer-      ods from March to June 1834 and
  social justice, as a member of        ences of Saint Vincent de Paul.        February and March 1835... Little
  Conferences, the axis of his                                                 by little I established contacts and
  spiritual and charitable life         IGC: When you decided to inves-        quickly, with the help of Internet,
  and as an intimate friend of          tigate the life of François Lallier,   I found myself in the “Vincentian”
  Frederic Ozanam.                      where did you obtain the informa-      environment... the descendants
                                        tion? Which were the main sourc-       of Bl. Frederic Ozanam have sent
                                        es for this research?                  me the transcript of the extensive

International General Council
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
the thematic year of françois lallier                                         Interview with Jean-Loup de Beauvoir

correspondence between Lallier         Board Meeting in Paris?
and Ozanam (1834-1852) and be-
tween him and Amélie, his widow        JLB: My father was active in the
(1853-1886).                           SSVP; as for me, I have not. How-
                                       ever, during the meeting at which
IGC: Could you tell us about the       I participated I never had the feel-
document that you have written         ing of being an outsider. In addi-
on F. Lallier and about the most       tion, several times in moments
important elements that you            of meditation and fraternity, I
would like to highlight?               thought that in 1833 it must have
                                       been like this.
JLB: By writing my paper, my sole                                               “I imagined Jesus in the midst
intention was to discover the man      IGC: .- In your opinion, what are        of his disciples breaking the
who was hiding behind the one          the most relevant virtues in the         bread and saying, “this is my
who, for me, is and has always         life of Lallier?                         body, and this is my blood”.
been the “grandfather Lallier”.                                                 How not take these divine
   I have worked in a chronological    JLB: What can I say? I have always       words in their literal sense!
order, putting each event of his       been surprised by the extreme
life in perspective with the great     youth of the protagonists... 20            I pictured him as God and
events of his time. My goal was        year old “kids”,                         man at the same time. And
never been to write the history                                                 this mystery of the incar-
of the Conferences of Saint Vin-       • who do not hesitate to defend          nation seemed to link won-
cent de Paul that, in fact, is pres-     Catholicism and challenge uni-         derfully with all others; the
ent in the story only because they       versity professors during their        mystery of the simultaneous
were an integral part of the life of     classes...                             existence of an infinite God
François Lallier.                      • who come to explain to an Arch-        and a finite man; the mystery
   I went through the life of            bishop what is appropriate to          of God in three persons one of
François Lallier from his birth in       teach the young and thus move          which takes on our humanity
1814, until his death in 1886, and I     the society of their time...           and participates in our pain;
hope to have contributed to reveal     • who were able to answer this           the mystery of the Eucharist
the man he was.                          question: “you’re right, if you        where the infinite being is hid-
                                         talk about the past: Christian-        den under a limited body, and
IGC: What do you think about the         ity once worked wonders, but           resides in all the places of the
initiative “Thematic Year of Lalli-      today, what is it doing for hu-        Earth at the same time.
er”, launched by the International       manity?” And you, that pride
General Council?                         yourselves on being Catholic,            And yet, these thoughts
                                         what do you do? Where are the          have not excited a momentum
JLB: As a descendant of François         works that demonstrate the             in my heart. How great is my
Lallier, I can’t but be touched by       truth of your faith?”                  dryness and how infinite my
this initiative which seems to me                                               poverty! O my God, my Sav-
fortunate and justified. In my re-     IGC: From your point of view, what       iour Jesus, Mary, my sweet
search that is far from being the      is the most valuable thing that we,      mother, look at me, have mer-
research of a historian, I have nev-   Vincentians, can learn from the          cy on me. I will approach the
er had the feeling that there is a     spirituality of François Lallier?        holy table, support me and es-
superiority of one companion over                                               pecially make me persevere.
the others. They were friends who      JLB: I am unable to answer this          Give me the grace to love
shared the same beliefs, the same      question; however, I propose a few       you always, more and more,
joys and sorrows.                      extracted sentences of the text of       and to inspire your love in the
                                       a meditation written by François         souls that you have entrusted
IGC: What did you feel taking part     Lallier in 1841, on his 27th birth-      to me.”
on the last SSVP international         day:

International General Council
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
the thematic year of françois lallier

launches the
for writings on
François Lallier
                                The procedures, with the rules and the appendix for this compe-
As a way of                     tition, are available on the IGC website ( The
                                written entries must be no more than 20 pages long. Cash prizes
promoting further               will be awarded to the three best entries (1000, 750 and 500 euros,
the “International              respectively). The SSVP Conferences to which the winners belong
Year on the Theme               will also receive a cash award of the same value, to be spent on the
                                families and individuals they help, or for Vincentian mission.
of François Lallier”,
announced by the                  Entries may be submitted in one of five languages: Portuguese,
16th International              Spanish, English, Italian and French. The closing date for sending
                                in dissertations / studies will be on 8 July 2018. The organizing
President General,              committee will announce the result on 8 September 2018, and
Renato Lima de                  the prizes will be sent to the winners immediately afterwards.
Oliveira, in his                  This competition was announced in the 16th President General’s
Circular Letter on 31           program for his term of office, which instituted the “themed years”
January, the Council            to spread knowledge of the life, work and legacy of the founders
                                of the first Vincentian Conference in 1833. The Council General
General of the                  hopes that many Vincentians, especially young people, will take
SSVP hereby opens               part in the Lallier competition, as they did in the Bailly competi-
the International               tion, which was a great success. “We need to study and value the
                                biographies of our beloved founders”, Bro. Renato Lima added.
Literary Competition
on “The First                     This competition will be repeated each year, until 2022. In 2019,
                                the subject will be “Paul Lamache”. With great enthusiasm, let us
Conference”.                    ask our Superior Councils to help IGC spread the news of this com-
                                petition to the Conferences and Councils, as well as to Vincentian
                                schools and colleges, and to Catholic universities.

                                                     For more information, log on to our website:

International General Council
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
the thematic year of françois lallier

Visit to the grave of François
The thematic year dedicated to Lallier has just
begun and one of the first activities organized
is to locate and visit his tomb, situated in the
cemetery of Sens, 130 km southeast of Paris.

This trip was organized by the Commission of Historical
Research chaired by Juan M. Gómez. With him are the fol-
lowing: the General Vice-President, Joseph Pandian, the 1st
Vice- President Deputy, Carmela Addante and the collabo-
rator of the Commission of Historical Research, Francisco

                                                                            It is very important
                                                                            for the Internation-
                                                              al General Council (IGC) to regain
                                                              the roots, the origins of the Soci-
                                                              ety of St. Vincent de Paul, begin-
                                                              ning by taking care of and protect-
                                                              ing the legacy of the founders of
                                                              the first Conference, honouring
                                                              their memory and strengthening
                                                              the present and future of the SSVP
                                                              through their example, as models
                                                              of fraternity, of community life
                                                              and of helping the poorest.

                                                                On this occasion, the Interna-
                                                              tional General Council also sched-
                                                              uled an official visit this coming
                                                              September 2018, which will have
Grave of François Lallier                                     the presence of the President Gen-
in the Sens Cemetery                                          eral, brother Renato Lima, and a
                                                              bigger number of representatives
                                                              of the SSVP IGC, as also they did
                                                              for the Thematic Year 2017, dedi-
                                                              cated to Emmanuel Bailly.

International General Council
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
international activities

The General
visit to the
United States of
For a whole week, from the
14th to the 20th of January,
Our Fellow member Renato
Lima, 16th General President
of SSVP, visited the United
States of America and invited
the local brothers, as well as
the conferences and councils,
projects and works of SSVP.

Accompanied by brother Edmund
Keane, International Vice Pres-
ident of IGC Institutional Rela-
tions, the International General
President brother Renato Lima
visited Boston and Providence (on
the 14th and 15th of January) and
Washington (on the 19th and 20th
of January). During the last visit,
he was accompanied by Dave Bar-
ringer, CEO of the National Council
of the United Stated, and Mike Ni-
zankiewicz, ITVP America 1.

  Through the General Presi-
dent’s twitter account @RenatoL-
imaSSVP, we lived every moment
of that trip and we were able to
put faces on the names of our
American fellow members, and
saw their great work for the most
in need. One of the examples was
his visit to Our Lady Queen of the      included a major event which was
Martyr’s conference in Seekonk,         the participation (from the 16th
the meeting with the Holly Spirit       to the 18th of January) of SSVP’s
Conference in Whitman and the           General President to the meeting
reunions with the different mem-        of the Executive Committee of the
bers of conferences in Washing-         Vincentian Family that was held in
ton.                                    Philadelphia and held great results
                                        in this edition on the Ozanam’s
  This trip to the United States also   network.

International General Council
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
international activities

A new meeting                   On the 14th of February 2018,
                                SSVP’s 16th General President,
                                                                        President) held a meeting to ana-
                                                                        lyze the progress of Ozanam’s Can-
with His                        brother Renato Lima de Oliveira
                                began a new visit to the city of

Holiness                        Rome. In the morning, he attend-
                                ed the Wednesdays’ Public Audi-
                                                                          The next day (the 15th of Febru-
                                                                        ary), the General President met
                                ence with His Holiness the Pope         with the Prefect of the Dicastery
In the General President’s      Francisco in the Vatican, and           of the Laity, Family and Life, the
international agenda in         during which he handed his holi-        Cardinal Joseph Farrell, as SSVP is
                                ness a report of SSVP’s activities      included in the international insti-
Rome, a meeting with The
                                in Africa, as well as his travel plan   tutions list already having an ec-
Holy Father during a public     starting from February the 22nd         clesial recognition. Later that day,
audience was set. A meeting     during which he will visit seven Af-    the General President met with the
that was about Ozanam’s         rican countries.                        Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect
canonization, another                                                   of the Eastern Churches Congre-
meeting with the dicastery        In the evening, our Brother Re-       gation to look through the works
for the Laity, Family and       nato Lima with Father Giuseppe          done by SSVP in the eastern re-
Life with the Prefect of        Guerra CM (Postulator General of        gions, which were very satisfying.
the Eastern Churches            Bl. Frederic Ozanam’s Canoniza-
                                tion Cause), accompanied by the           Our General President also met
Congregation, and with the
                                Brother Antonia Gianfico (SSVP’s        with the new Dicastery of Integral
Dicastery for the integral      President in Italy and Administrator    Human Development, and organ-
human development service       of Ozanam’s Cause) as well as the       ism which through their work, is
were organized.                 Brother Sebastian Gramajo (CGI’s        in great harmony with SSVP’s mis-
                                general Counselor and 3rd Vice          sion throughout the world.

International General Council
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
international activities
                                                                                            Visited Countries

Living Africa
The 16th President                         The
General, Renato                            that the SSVP
Lima de Oliveira,                          International
                                           General Council and its President
visited Africa.                            General have with the African
                                           continent is clear after more than
                                           28,000 km of travel and the very
From February 20 to                        tight agenda of service with which
                                           brother Renato Lima accomplished
March 15, the SSVP                         in his journey, and in which some
President General                          countries of the SSVP received, for
                                           the first time, the President of our
travelled to Africa to                     beloved Society.
experience first-hand                      With the intention of immersing himself in the situation of each coun-
the different realities                    try visited and being prepared to reach out in the most efficient way to
of the Conferences                         the African reality, Renato Lima always had in mind a series of goals
                                           throughout his journey:
in seven countries
                                             On one hand, there was the need to hold meetings with top lead-
of this continent:                         ers of the various national Governments, as well as with the Ministers
Burkina Faso,                              having portfolios containing the SSVP works. “The political class decides
                                           about the laws and we Vincentians give a voice to the voiceless”, said
Nigeria, Central                           Renato Lima.
African Republic,
and South

                         Primary School in inland Mozambique,
                         Project supported by the SSVP

International General Council
Living Africa The 16th President General visits Africa - Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario ...
international activities                                                         Living Africa

   On the other hand, as a Catho-
lic entity, the President General
visited the highest representa-
tive of the Church Hierarchy in
each country. He had meetings
with Cardinals, Bishops, Apostol-
ic Nuncios, Conferences of Bish-
ops and Vicars General, in order
to strengthen the collaboration
of the Church in the beautiful
work of service carried out by          Welcoming the International President
the Vincentians, which in many          General in Gaborone, Botswana
cases takes places in Diocesan

  Another important objective of
the visit was to strengthen the
presence of Vincentian Fami-
ly. The President General visited
each Branch present in each of the
countries, giving special attention
to the Shared Mission in the ter-
ritory and to the bonds of union
that make us stronger. In addition,
he made it clear that the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul is, as mem-                                              Meeting with the Congregation of the
                                                                                Mission in Maputo, Mozambique
ber of the Vincentian Family, is an
institution open to collaboration
with all entities having the goal of   above, brother Renato Lima was            sage of Love and Charity Network
eradication of poverty and uplift-     available to all media through            that the Society of St. Vincent de
ing the dignity of the human be-       various press conferences, inter-         Paul is promoting today around
ing.                                   views, and participating in radio         the world.
                                       and television, being aware of his
  Of course, in addition to the        role as ambassador for the mes-             One of the main goals set in the
                                                                                 journey of Renato Lima was the
                                                                                 members: their faith and their
                                                                                 work on the ground. He took part
                                                                                 in Assemblies and national / zone
                                                                                 meetings, as well as in meetings
                                                                                 with the Vincentian youth. There
                                                                                 he was available to any question
                                                                                 and request from his fellow mem-
                                                                                 bers, who showed an interest for
                                                                                 the international situation of the
                                                                                 Conferences, the Thematic Year of
                                                                                 Lallier, the Canonization Cause of
                                                                                 Ozanam, the projects SSVP Plus to
                                                                                 reach new countries (like Liberia)
                                                                                 or the Youth Gathering in Sala-
  Visiting Bishop Duncan
  in Johannesburg
                                                                                 manca - Spain, among many other

International General Council
international activities              Living Africa

                                      already consolidated, as well as
                                      many others that are in their first
                                      steps and which, on the occasion
                                      of the arrival of the General Presi-
                                      dent, were officially opened.

                                        The SSVP in Africa comprises of
                                      countries with a large presence of
                                      fellow members, like Nigeria and
                                      Zambia, and countries where the
                                      SSVP has a smaller but very prom-
                                      ising representation, like Botswa-
  Meeting with the Prime              na and Mozambique. It is a de-
  Minister of the Central African     veloping continent that, in many
  Republic, Simplice Sarandji         cases, has an disparity that blocks

  In addition to these meetings
face to face with the General Pres-
ident, Renato Lima wanted to par-
ticipate in closer gatherings with
the members. He visited charities
carried out by the members, with
the sweat of their brow, and took
part in their Conference meetings,
prayed with them and shared their
concerns about specific situations
of their service. He visited many
training workshops, orphanag-
es and shelters for homeless, so-
cial canteens and residences for
                                       Burkina Faso, Training Centre and
seniors, making home visits and        National SSVP Headquarters
visits to a long list of good works

  Radio Veritas in Johannesburg,        President of Burkina Faso,
  South Africa                          Roch Marc Christian Kaboré

International General Council
international activities                                                     Living Africa

its growth. Our members co-exist
with military conflicts and politi-
cal instability, they are struck by
famines, severe illness like AIDS
(today still widespread), natu-
ral disasters and humanitarian
emergencies. However, they have          Meeting with Conferences
                                         from Saint Agnes Particular
great faith and a sense of belong-
                                         Council, Zambia
ing to the Society of St. Vincent
of Paul that makes them face all
these difficulties, not only with
zeal and love to others, but also
with imagination and inventive-
ness, despite lacking material and
human resources. They do not
stop because of difficulties, they
simply dream of a better world
by putting into action all kinds of
initiatives that help their brothers
in need.

   In this trip, heartfelt thanks are
                                                                               Visit to the South Africa
expressed for their work and ded-                                              National Council
ication, to the entire international
structure of the CGI, the SSVP Ter-
ritorial Vice-Presidents of Africa      essary assistance and collabo-       tive to infinity.”
and the Presidents of the various       ration”. African Vincentians per-
Superior Councils of the countries      form their service often with few      The President General wishes to
visited by the President General;       resources, but with an incredible    return to Africa in the year 2020
and even to those Presidents who        commitment and imagination in        in order to visit four other coun-
took advantage of the official vis-     view of improving the lives of the   tries and participate in the Sec-
it of brother Renato Lima to greet      assisted people. Charity is inven-   ond Meeting “All Africa”.
him (like the Presidents of Supe-
rior Councils of Mali, Ivory Coast,
Benin and Togo); and very spe-
cial thanks to all the Vincentians
in Africa and to those who joined
this journey through Social Net-
works and prayed along with the
President General and our African

  After this visit, Renato Lima
said, “I am better prepared to
understand the challenges that
                                         Visit to orphanage in Bangui,
Africa faces to help them more
                                         Central African Republic
efficiently and request the nec-

International General Council
international activities                                                   Living Africa


In this section, we wish to highlight
some of the works of charity that
our fellow members are conduct-
ing and that the President General
had the opportunity to visit and
which are a reflection of the work
that is performed across Africa.

      In Burkina Faso, Renato
Lima attended workshops of so-
cial and labour reintegration,
                                        Inauguration of the next
which teaches a trade to the stu-       Headquarters of the SSVP Nigeria
dents (mechanics workshop - Con-
ference Immaculate Conception;
and dressmaking workshop - Con-
ference Hail Mary). They are also
building houses for homeless
families; in fact, Renato Lima laid
the first stone of one of these
homes, carried out by the Confer-
ence Saint Camillus.

      For Nigeria, we can high-
light the great work of accom-
paniment that our members are
providing in prisons, looking after
the inmates, and also the visits to
households in the poorest neigh-
                                        Francisco Chimoio, Archbishop
bourhoods.                              of Maputo, Mozambique

                                                                            Mass in Our Lady Queen of Nigeria
                                                                            with Vincentian members

International General Council
international activities                                              Living Africa

       In Central African Repub-
lic, they carry out a great job with
the orphans left by the armed
conflict affecting the country and
the strong fight waged by the
SSVP against famine and disease.
A project is being performed to
provide them with a head office,
which currently does not exist,
that could be at the same time a
hospital to care for the poor and
the sick.

       In Zambia, as well as sup-
porting the sick in hospitals and      San Mateo Nursery School in
visits to the homes of the poor-       Johannesburg, South Africa

  Visit to Cardinal Julio Duarte                                     President of the Central African
  Langa - Mozambique                                                 Republic, Faustin-Archange Touadéra

est families, the SSVP is organizing
the “Ozanam Project”, more than
20,000 square meters of farming,
sustainable activity since half of
the production goes to families
in need and the other half for the
maintenance of the Project.

        In Mozambique, the SSVP
has a strong connection with the
Branches of the Vincentian Fami-
ly present in the country and with
the Church, carrying out home vis-
its in the poorest neighbourhoods
                                                                        Meeting with a Youth
and performing charity works for                                        Conference, Burkina Faso

International General Council
international activities                                                 Living Africa

       In Botswana, the President
General visited a children’s home
run by the Conference Christ the
King, which welcomes kids up to
age 18 who come from a rural en-
vironment so that they can study
in the city. A shelter is being built
for homeless people run by the
Conference Holy Cross, as well as a
child shelter “little friends”, which   Visit to Ozanam Project – SSVP
is the responsibility of the Confer-    sustainable farming, Zambia
ence Saint Gabriel.

     In South Africa, the Pres-
ident General visited the SSVP
elementary school “Saint Mat-
thew” and distributed batches of
food in the poorest neighbour-
hoods. In the same way, he could
see how the SSVP offered food to
more than 250 children every day
and visited the “Frederic House”,
where 30 people are sheltered.

                                                                          Meeting with Bishop Clement,
                                                                          Bishop of Lusaka, Zambia

  Children’s Home, Polokon,
  South Africa

International General Council
international activities

General Council                                     The General Council’s head office was a hive
                                                    of activity in February since 3 international
Three international                                 meetings were held there. These meetings
                                                    brought together the Saint Vincent de Paul
meetings at the Paris                               Society’s officers and Renato Lima de Oliveira
                                                    – our 16th President-General – just before his
head office                                         official trip to Africa.

The first meeting was
held on Sunday 18 Feb-
ruary and concerned of-
ficers from the Europe
1 zone. This meeting fo-
cused on 3 main topics:
- Various discussions be-
   tween countries in this
- Consolidating National
   Councils in countries
   where the SSVP’s pres-
   ence is weak (Gibraltar,
   Luxembourg, Malta,
- The SSVP Plus Project
   (aimed at countries
   where the SSVP is com-
   pletely absent, such
   as Scandinavian coun-
   tries, Greece, Cyprus,
   Andorra, Lichtenstein,
   and San Marino)
                                      - The end of the first phase of       for International Aid and Devel-
  The following Monday, it was          the programme for re-aggre-         opment) held its biannual meet-
the Board’s turn to meet. Their         gating Conferences                  ing. This included studying the
intensive programme covering          - Taking stock of preparations        latest projects submitted and as-
2 days’ work addressed many             for the meetings in Salamanca       sessing the Commission’s financial
points, including the following:        (Spain) this coming June            situation.
- Brother Renato Lima’s trip
   to and business in Rome, his         Besides the International Board       On the same day, Brother Rena-
   meeting with Pope Francis and      members, Jean-Loup de Beauvoir        to Lima de Oliveira flew to Ouaga-
   the new dicasteries                – a descendant of François Lalli-     dougou (capital of Burkina Faso)
- The SSVP Plus Project with          er – was present. Lallier is taking   for the first leg of his official trip to
   the latest countries to join the   pride of place throughout 2018 as     Africa covering a total of 7 coun-
   SSVP: Albania and Liberia          one of our theme years dedicated      tries: Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Cen-
- The progress of Blessed             to the SSVP’s founders.               tral African Republic, Zambia, Mo-
   Frédéric Ozanam’s canoniza-                                              zambique, Botswana and South
   tion process                        Finally, the CIAD (Commission        Africa.

International General Council
international activities

The Activity
Report 2017
reflects the
in the
Mission                                                                            Founding of the SSVP in Albania

The International                 Thanks to the generosity of all           of the SSVP Plus project, which
General Council has             our members, the International              invites the Vincentians to look
                                Commission of Aid and Devel-                around their own neighbouring
prepared a report on            opment (CIAD) has managed to                countries where the Conferences
the activities carried          support, with more than 900,000             are not present. In recent months,
out during the year             euros, the initiatives and needs of         Albania and Liberia joined the
2017. This summary is           the Conferences around the world.           charity network, but the IGC is still
a good compendium of            New projects, activities and emer-          working so that other countries
                                gency aid have been launched                can join this great family.
the many projects and           thanks to these international do-
initiatives that have been      nations and twinning in which the             With the intention of devel-
accomplished during an          General Council has a role of liais-        oping fraternity and closeness
entire year not only of         ing or direct management of the             among the fellow members,
the service of the CGI,         funds.                                      which are the necessary ingredi-
                                                                            ents for the development of the
but also of the many              The SSVP grows and this fact is           SSVP’s Mission, the International
actions that are being          reflected through the great works           meetings by language have been
planned for the future
                                VI Ibero-American Meeting, Quito, Ecuador
of the SSVP, which always
seeks the service of the
poorest brothers and the
development of its faith
and of its charism.

International General Council
international activities                                                    Activity Report 2017

                                                                               the SSVP’s heart is beating
                                                                               vigorously, living with
                                                                               enthusiasm its “service in

                                                                               We finish this brief
                                                                               summary of the Activity
                                                                               report of the SSVP looking
                                                                               to our future, to the young
                                                                               people who represent
held. Examples of this are the 6th    development of the Canonization          the new blood of the
Latin-American meeting of the         Cause of the Blessed Frederic            Conferences and who
SSVP, in Quito (Ecuador) and the      Ozanam and the celebration of            have lived through the
2nd Summit of Vincentian Portu-       the 20th anniversary of his Beati-       institutionalization of the
guese-speaking Countries in Rio       fication.                                4th July as the international
de Janeiro (Brazil). We are work-                                              day of the Young
ing to organize a meeting with          To maintain the importance of          Vincentian, in memory
the francophone countries of the      the representation work, as “Am-         of Blessed Pier Giorgio
SSVP.                                 bassador” of the vast network of         Frassati as a point of
                                      charity that is the SSVP, the Pres-
                                                                               reference, hoping that the
  In view of following the teach-     ident General, Renato Lima who,
                                                                               II International Days of the
ings of Saint Vincent de Paul, the    over the past year, has visited 16
IGC has the intention of deepen-      countries in different continents        SSVP Youth in Salamanca,
ing our charism and spirituality.     and in the current year, he has          in the next month of
“Give me a man of prayer and he       already visited many European,           June 2018, will be an
will be able of anything,” Thus, it   American and African countries           unforgettable experience
is running a project that results     (journeys that we echo in this is-       for all.
in the preparation of spiritual       sue of Ozanam Network).
reflections for all Vincentians,
which are published weekly in
the website
and in the Facebook of the CGI,
as well as promoting publications
and works that features the main
figures and models of the SSVP.
In this regard, we highlight the
Thematic Years that are already
dedicated to each founding mem-
ber of the SSVP, Bailly in 2017;
and now Lallier in 2018, and the
proliferation of works and publi-
cation of books that bring us clos-
er to the origin and the heart of
the Conferences. It is also worth
noting the strong impulse and

International General Council
F. Robert Maloney
Spititual Advisor IGC - SSVP

An extraordinary letter to a priest in Italy
named Thomas Pendola
On July 9, 1853, just two months before he died, Frederic Ozanam wrote          Italy, Belgium, Scotland,   Ireland,
an extraordinary letter to a priest in Italy named Thomas Pendola. Fred-        England, Germany, the        United
eric stated, “This dear Society is also my family. After God, it was the        States, Holland, Greece,     Turkey,
Society which kept my faith alive when I left my good, pious parents. So,       Jerusalem, Switzerland,     Austria,
I love it and cherish it from the bottom of my heart.                           Mexico, and Canada.

I have always been happiest when I saw how the good seeds it sowed                What can we do to continue the
bore fruit and flourished … And above all, I have seen it do so much good       growth of the Society within our
by strengthening so many young people in living virtuous lives … We             countries and into new countries?
have conferences in Quebec and Mexico and Jerusalem … And we surely
have a conference in paradise, since, in the twenty years that the Society      4.- Knowing that his death
has existed, more than a thousand of its members have taken the road            was imminent, Frederic
to a better life.”                                                              envisioned a huge conference
                                                                                of a thousand members
Four things stand out in this brief citation.                                   assembled before the Lord in
                                                                                his Kingdom.
1.- The Society was a family to         ethical principles were continually     He expressed the same confi-
Frederic.                               challenged. Frederic, like Vincent      dence that moved Vincent de
Of course, he deeply loved his wife     de Paul, felt that service of the       Paul to say in January 1657, “God
Amelie and his daughter Marie.          poor, seeing Christ in them and         loves the poor. Consequently, God
But he also cherished the mem-          them in Christ, kept his faith alive.   loves those who love the poor; for,
bers of the Society; they were his      He was convinced that young             when we truly love someone, we
second family. He wrote long, el-       people would be drawn to Christ         have an affection for his friends
oquent letters to them, visited the     much more by the witness of ser-        and for his servants. Now, since
poor with them, and remained an         vice than by the witness of words.      the (Society) strives to devote it-
active participant in his confer-                                               self ardently to serve persons who
ence right up to his death. Mem-         How well are we engaging the           are poor, the well-beloved of God,
bers of the Society were not just       young in each of our countries?         we have good reason to hope that,
co-workers; they were – to use the                                              because of our love for them, God
words of Vincent de Paul – “dear        3.- He saw the rapid expansion          will love us. Come then, my dear
friends.”                               of the Society even in his brief        brothers and sisters, let us devote
                                        lifetime.                               ourselves with renewed love to
 Are the members of my confer-            A year after the Society was          serve persons who are poor, and
ence “dear friends”?                    founded, there were a hundred           even to seek out those who are
                                        members. Seven years later, there       the poorest and most abandoned.
2.- Frederic saw how                    were 2,000. By the time of Fred-        Let us acknowledge before God
important the Society was for           eric’s death, just 20 years after       that they are our lords and mas-
young people.                           the Society was founded, there          ters and that we are unworthy of
Frederic lived at a turbulent time      were 50,000 members in numer-           rendering them our little services.”
when his country experienced suc-       ous countries throughout the
cessive revolutions. It was also a      world. During his life, he saw the        Do we share Frederic’s and Vin-
time when Catholic teaching and         establishment of conferences in         cent’s Christ-centered faith-vision?
International General Council
vincentian family

The Executive
Committee of
the International
Family meets in
the United States
                                                       Members of the International Executive Committee of the Famvin

Between 16th and 18th of                  The International Executive              2,000 registrations for the Film
January 2018, Bro. Renato              Committee of FAMVIN is made                 Festival “Finding Vincent 400”.
Lima de Oliveira, 16th President       up of seven branches, four of               The result will be announced
General of the SSVP, took              which are permanent members                 in Castel Gandolfo (Italy), be-
part in the annual meeting of          (Congregation of the Mission, the           tween 18th and 21st October
the International Executive            Daughters of Charity, Internation-          2018, during an important
Committee of the Vincentian            al Association of Charities and             event.
Famíly (FAMVIN), which was             the SSVP) and three are rotating,       •   On 26th, 27th and 28th Novem-
held at the central office of the      non-permanent members (Sisters              ber, also in Rome, the Interna-
Congregation of the Mission,           of Charity of Strasburg, Brothers           tional Vincentian Famíly will
in Philadelphia (United States).       of Mercy and the Sisters of Chari-          hold a large meeting to discuss
With him is Ricardo Tavares,           ty). The term of office of the rotat-       the situation of the homeless.
Vincentian Family Coordinator          ing, non-permanent members is           •   Each international branch of
of the International General           5 years. Currently, among the 225           the Vincentian Famíly was invit-
Council (IGC).                         branches identified as possible             ed to make a voluntary annual
                                       members of the International Vin-           contribution to the FAMVIN of-
                                       centian Famíly, we saw that 100 of          fice to support the global on-
    For the President General, to be   them are active and have a close            going projects (the IGC already
part of the International Vincen-      relationship with others.                   approved a regular donation of
tian Famíly is both a blessing and                                                 €20,000 per year).
joy. “For the SSVP, to belong to the       The participants evaluated the      •   The Campaign “13 Houses”
Vincentian Family is truly an hon-     Vincentian Symposium in Rome                was approved as a specific ges-
our, and this is not a mere compli-    as well as the rest of celebrations         ture in the struggle for better
ment. Together, we are stronger.       of the 400th anniversary of the             housing for the poor of the
The Vincentian spirituality has be-    Vincentian Charism. During the              world (at least 13 houses will
queathed us a common charisma,         three-day meeting, important de-            be built for homeless families
although our branches have their       cisions for the future of the Vin-          in each country). More details
own identity. Therefore, I am very     centian Family were made. These             will be coming soon.
happy with the progress that the       are some of the deliberations ap-       •   The setting up of a new work-
Vincentian Family has brought to       proved in the meeting:                      ing Commission within the
all branches”, said Renato Lima.       • An “International Cooperation             Vincentian Family’s organiza-
During the meeting, the President          Agreement” will be signed by            tion was approved. The Inter-
General presented a summary of             all the branches of the Vincen-         national Commission for the
the General Council’s Activity Re-         tian Famíly. The minutes of the         Homeless (the President Gen-
port for 2017 and announced the            text were already approved by           eral has already appointed Gra-
International Thematic Year 2018           the present Vincentian officers.        ham West, from Australia, as
of François Lallier.                   • There are already more than               the SSVP representative at this
International General Council
vincentian family                                                               International meeting

                                                                                  ly (Haiti, Systemic Change, the
                                                                                  Homeless, Latin-American, Ex-
                                                                                  ecutive Committee and Collab-
                                                                                • The next meeting of the Exec-
                                                                                  utive Committee is scheduled
                                                                                  for the 14th, 15th and 16th Janu-
                                                                                  ary 2019, also in Philadelphia,
                                                                                  a few days before the Vincen-
                                                                                  tian Youth International Gath-
                                                                                  ering to be held in San Carlos,
                                                                                  90 km away from the City of
                                                                                  Panamá, between 18th and 21st

                                                                                    Taking advantage of the trip to
                                                                                Philadelphia, after taking part in
                Ricardo Tavares, P. Robert Maloney and Renato Lima
                                                                                in the Vincentian Family’s meet-
                                                                                ing, the President General visited
  new commission).                           the world was circulated.          several Conferences, Councils and
• The launching of a “Commu-               • Great importance has been giv-     Special Works run by the SSVP of
  nication Department” within                en to the strengthening of the     the United States. He travelled
  the Vincentian Famíly was ap-              Vincentian Family’s National       to the cities of Boston, Whitman,
  proved, with representatives of            Councils, at country level.        Stoughton, Seekonk, Providence,
  the various branches (the Pres-          • From next year, there will be a    Silver Spring and Washington.
  ident General appointed Karl               new rotating post in the Exec-
  Hila, from the Czech Republic              utive Committee. Thus, in the
  as the SSVP representative at              future, the Committee will con-                     The General
  this new Department).                      sist of representatives of eight
• A journalist will be hired in              branches, being four fixed and
  Rome to provide services to                four rotating. This decision was     would like to express
  the Vincentian Family.                     made to further open the de-         wholeheartedly their
• A working group will be set up             cision-making and democratic         gratitude to the American
  to study the issues of religious           process within the Internation-      Vincentian brothers for
  and lay leadership (for this               al Vincentian Family.                the warm welcome to the
  function, President General              • At the suggestion of the SSVP,       President General, who
  appointed Eduardo Marques,                 which is considered a “nursery
                                                                                  was accompanied by the
  from Paraguay).                            of vocation”, from 2019 on-
• A working group made up of                 wards the International Vincen-      fellow members Dave
  young Vincentians will be cre-             tian Family, in addition to the      Barringer (President of
  ated, in order to develop the              efforts for the alliance of the      the National Council), Ed
  concept of Vincentian charism              Homeless, will launch a cam-         Keane (Vice-President of
  from the youth’s point of view             paign of Vincentian vocations        IGC’s Institutional Relations)
  (the IGC will be represented by            (lay, religious, missionary and      and Mike Nizankiewcz
  Willian Alves, from Brazil, des-           priest).
                                                                                  (ITVP America 1), as well as
  ignated by the President Gen-            • In January 2020, in Rome,
  eral).                                     an important event will take         numerous local leaders, like
• The new itinerary of the pil-              place with all the working           Presidents of Conferences or
  grimage to the relics of Saint             commissions that make up the         Councils.
  Vincent de Paul throughout                 International Vincentian Fami-
International General Council
world news

new country joining the SSVP
It is with great pleasure that we announce that, after
several missionary visits and a demanding programme
of formation, the Society of St Vincent de Paul has been
officially established in LIBERIA.

                                                                                   but it was only now that the
                                                                                   seed fell on fertile ground and
                                                                                   we got the response for which
                                                                                   we had long hoped”.

                                                                                       The IGC is very grateful to
                                                                                     the National Councils of Nige-
                                                                                     ria, Sierra Leone and Zambia
                                                                                     for the wholehearted support
                                                                                     they provided, which includ-
Members of the SSVP Liberia                                                          ed sharing training documents
                                                                                     and finance. The President
Last August, representatives of         from the capital). Today, SSVP has      General expressed his deep per-
the Council General International       already 156 members in Liberia.         sonal gratitude to the following
(CGI), headed by the Vice President     One key factor which facilitated        Vincentians for their dedication to
for Africa 1, Brother Patrick           the establishment of the SSVP in        the Liberian project: Patrick Ebho-
Ebhojie, made visits to various         LIBERIA was the strong support of       jie, Veronica Nwokocha, Augustine
parishes and Dioceses where they        the Catholic Church, whose bish-        Inoh, Rosamond Sannoh, Christo-
met with ecclesiastical authorities,    ops and priests were receptive to       pher Chanda, Abraham Focko and
gave interviews to the media and        the Vincentian ideal.                   James Doe.
invited the Catholic faithful to join
the SSVP.                                 LIBERIA is an African country           With the addition of LIBERIA,
                                        with a population of 4 million,         the SSVP is now established in
In December 2017, a success-            of whom 85% are Christian. The          153 countries. The SSVP Plus Pro-
ful training meeting was held in        Catholic Church is organised in         ject aims to bring the SSVP to re-
which 77 people participated. The       three Dioceses.                         gions of the world where it does
programme included talks on the                                                 not yet exist. The IGC welcomes
origins of the SSVP, our founders,        Brother Renato Lima de Olivei-        financial donations to support
the international structure and         ra, 16th President General, gave        this expansion of the SSVP to new
the daily work of the Conference.       thanks to the Holy Spirit for the es-   territories. We have identified 20
This formation made possible the        tablishment of the SSVP in LIBERIA      countries where, with God`s help,
establishment of 12 Conferences         and explained that “the IGC had         we can set up the SSVP where it
- 11 in the capital MONROVIA and        attempted to establish the SSVP         is needed in the service of those
1 in the city of GBARNGA (195km         in LIBERIA in 2006, 2010 and 2013       who suffer materially or spiritually.

International General Council
world news

SSVP France
Mission to Vietnam
At the end of 2017, SSVP members from Yvelines (78) went
to Vietnam to meet their Vincentian counterparts

La                  Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl está presente en The
                    Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has been present in
     Vietnam since 1930, but Conference work was abruptly cut short          been possible however between
     in 1975 with the annexation of South Vietnam by the North. From         Council General in Paris and the
     1976 onwards, Vincentians worked in secret. Although the Socie-         SSVP Vietnam, partly because of
     ty’s activities were known to the authorities, SSVP Vietnam was         the language barrier, as well as the
     hosted in the cathedral of Đà Nẵng, with no official legal character.   particular situation of the Society

For several years now, SSVP France     ity, which is well-established in        Contact was restored with SSVP
has been involved in Vietnam, pro-     the said country having official      Vietnam in 2015, at the General
viding financial support for the       recognition, so that money can        Assembly in Rome, attended by a
works of the Daughters of Char-        be sent to them.Little contact has    member of the Society from Vi-
                                                                             etnam. Then in 2016, the current
                                                                             team of the Vietnamese Superi-
                                                                             or Council made contact officially
                                                                             with Council General, providing a
                                                                             list of 27 Conferences.

Committee of the French
SSVP together with
Vietnamese co-partners
and collaborators

International General Council
world news                                                                Vietnam

        SSVP                          Projects to be implemented
                                      The visit made by members of SSVP-Yvelines in December 2017
      ACTIVITIES                      brought about a lot of information, highlighting the urgent need,
                                      and requiring humanitarian projects to be established:

                                      Building of a multi-purpose         (physiotherapy) help to relieve
                                      hall in Lương Văn (Huê              the sufferings of these children
Surviving on local donations only,    region)                             and their families.
the SSVP Vietnam has a very           This village suffers from fre-
few financial resources but has       quent flooding (2 or 3 times a      Access to drinking water for
many committed volunteers. In         year) and a safe place is essen-    the village of Tam Thanh
Đà Nẵng, the SSVP conferences         tial to house victims of weath-     According to the inhabitants,
have 135 members. They focus          er-related disasters, as well as    the disabilities affecting these
their work mainly on helping the      to provide a childcare center       children are caused by water
deprived families. During the first   which will benefit parents of       polluted with chemical agents
Sunday of each month, the Con-        very poor families, especially      (including the dreadful “agent
ference at Đà Nẵng Cathedral dis-     those who are working. During       orange”) which were used dur-
tributes about 600 to 700 kg. of      the latest flood in November        ing the war (1963-1975). Access
rice to seventy families, which are   2017, 2 districts were badly af-    to clean water is therefore an
among the poorest people in the       fected, with the water reaching     urgent humanitarian need, and
city. The Conference also provides    a depth of a meter inside their     the project has 2 aspects: drill-
some help in the form of money,       houses.                             ing a well, about one hundred
especially for families living fur-                                       meters deep, and installing a fil-
ther away, to cover their medical     Food and medical help for           tration system for the extracted
costs.                                seriously disabled children in      water. According to the Vincen-
                                      Tam Thanh                           tians who visited, a thorough in-
  The Huế region has 10 Confer-       The local parish priest has iden-   vestigation is needed to give an
ences with 140 members. Every         tified around sixty children,       accurate location of the source
week, it receives donations from      within a radius of five kilome-     of the pollution, before commit-
its members, mainly sacks of rice.    ters, with severe mental and        ting spending significant funds.
There is also an annual parish ap-    physical disabilities, very seri-
peal for each Conference.             ous physical defects, or serious    SSVP Vietnam will also submit
                                      illnesses. These children from      twinning applications along
  The second most important           very poor families receive no       with these projects, in order to
work of the Huế conferences is to     medical treatment. The aim          receive the spiritual and mate-
take care of the abandoned chil-      is to increase the amount of        rial support from French con-
dren, whose mothers are most          contact with the families, pro-     ferences, for instance, provid-
often single young women. They        viding both regular human and       ing care and housing for elderly,
do this together with the religious   moral support for them, as well     impoverished people in the Me-
sisters who provide accommoda-        as medical and para-medical         kong delta region.
tion for young women, so they
can give birth quietly, without the
knowledge of their own families.
                                                   Despite the obstacles, help continues to come
                                      strongly for the neediest people in Vietnam, in particular
                                      through the involvement of Vietnamese volunteers and with fi-
                                      nancial support from France. Nothing can stop Vincentians!

International General Council
world news

Ozanam Education
In 2014, SSVP Malaysia was blessed with the mission of
hosting the Pan-Asia Congress 8 (PANASCO ) in Kuala Lum-
pur, Malaysia

                                      team was set up, and having
                                      worked on this program with
                  PANASCO is          the help of a number of expe-
  a gathering of SSVP leaders         rienced educationists for the                               During one of the classes
  within the Asia Pacific and         past 2- 3 years, the SSVP Malay-
  Oceania countries. Held every       sia is proud to say that they have
  4 to 5 years, it is principally     developed an effective “stage by               ized in the interest of the students.
  aimed at re-invigorating our        stage” education program, in 3                 The OEP program is designed in-
  Society within the region           disciplines: English, Mathemat-                dependent of any school syllabus.
  which has several commonal-         ics and Computer literacy. They                It has structured syllabus in place
  ities.                              had done a number of trial runs                with simple lesson plans to help
                                      and have established 9 teaching                guide our volunteer teachers de-
                                      centers in Malaysia. With this,                liver their lessons in an effective
Looking back at the PANASCO           they are more than ready to take               manner. The progress of the stu-
gatherings of the recent past and     the OEP to the Asean region to                 dents is assessed through profi-
having regard to the fact that PA-    jump-start the Outreach.                       ciency levels; it is not age-based
NASCO has been slowly deteri-                                                        but proficiency based. The stu-
orating into a mere “talk shop”         The syllabi, format, teaching ma-            dent is never rushed to the next
with no tangible results to show,     terial and methods were standard-              level until he or she understands
it was decided that PANASCO 8
had to have at least one tangible
result that could be the start of a
sustainable program towards sys-
temic change.

  It was decided at PANASCO 8
that a Young Vincentian Outreach
aimed at Empowerment Through
Education program should be the
primary target or desired result.

  SSVP Malaysia then embarked
on a program called the Ozanam
Education Program (“OEP”) to em-
power the poorest of the poor by
teaching them English, Mathemat-
ics and Computer literacy. A core     Activity for children in a rural environment

International General Council
world news                                                                       Ozanam Education Programme

IT classes for refugee women

                                                                                 It is hoped that the
                                                                                 Young Vincentians
                                                                                 in the region
                                                                                 would participate
                                                                                 in this initiative by
                                                                                 volunteering as
                                                                                 teachers. This will be
                                                                                 a good opportunity
                                                                                 for them to channel
what is being taught at the current    beginning August, 2018. Towards
level. In this manner, each student    this end, SSVP Philippines have
                                                                                 their talents, energy
can learn at his or her own pace       agreed to provide volunteer teach-        and youth towards
and ability. The aim through the       ers and SSVP Malaysia would pro-          this cause that will not
program is to ensure that both         vide the requisite training in Kua-       only benefit the poor
children and adults acquire living     la Lumpur. SSVP Indonesia as the
skills through basic education and     host outpost would facilitate the         they serve but also to
build their self-confidence along      “on the ground” requirements.             enrich their own lives.
the way.

  In March 2017, when our Presi-
dent-General, Bro. Renato, visited
Malaysia, they gathered the SSVP
leaders from the Asean region and
everyone unanimously agreed to
go with the OEP. Having further
fine-tuned the OEP, it was offi-
cially launched in February 2018
in Malaysia by a prominent Ma-
laysian philanthropist and a great
supporter of the Society. The ITVP,
Bro Thomas Tan and leaders from
Singapore, Philippine, Indone-
sia, Cambodia and Australia were
                                                                          Classes for children from an urban environment

  While Brother Graham West
(President, SSVP Australia) could
not make it in time for the Official
launch on his way back from CGI
Paris, he was present at the infor-
mal post-launch meeting.

  Given that the Vincentian Con-
gregation & SSVP from Surabaya
were the most persistent advo-
cate, it was decided that the maid-
en Outreach would be in Surabaya       Computer classes for refugee children

International General Council
ssvp youth

Mini World Youth Day in Durban,                                         This stall allowed MWYD partici-
                                                                        pants to explore options towards

South Africa                                                            meeting their personal calling. The
                                                                        SSVP stand stood out for the vi-
                                                                        brancy of its youth who loved the
In December                     The pilgrimage presented a unique       opportunity to learn and share in-
                                opportunity for South African Vin-      formation about Blessed Frederic
2017, the Southern              centian youth to meet, engage           Ozanam and the history of SSVP.
African Catholic                with and form connections with          The Vincentians enjoyed sharing
                                Vincentian youth from various           their individual experiences of
Bishops Conference              parts of Southern Africa. The Vin-      what it means to be members of
(spearheaded by                 centian pilgrims danced, praised,
                                contemplated in meditation and
                                                                        SSVP and how this has been ex-
                                                                        pressed in the works that they do
Cardinal Napier                 spiritual reflection, took (plenty      in their respective conferences
                                of) selfies and received the bless-
OFM) hosted a Mini              ed Eucharist in union with each
                                                                        and communities.

World Youth Day                 other and the MWYD pilgrims.              The joy of meeting other young
                                MWYD was for Vincentian pilgrims        people who were interested in
(MWYD) pilgrimage               a chance to share ideas for grow-       knowing about the work of SSVP
in Durban, South                ing and working together beyond         and wanting to do more in their
                                online group messages.                  own communities and lives was
Africa. Over 3000                                                       nothing short of excitement!
Catholic youth, from              Gathered together, the energy         Many of them identified SSVP as a
                                of the Vincentian family umbrella       potential vocation.
various southern                was palpable. A case in point was
African                         the SSVP stall at the vocations fair.    The highlight of MWYD was the
                                                                                gathering of Vincentians
countries,                                                                      on stage to present SSVP
gathered under                                                                  goodie hampers to the
                                                                                youth that have entered
the theme: “The                                                                 the stall competition.
mighty one has                                                                  All the participants ex-
                                                                                pressed their interest in
done great things                                                               establishing or joining a
for me and Holy                                                                 conference in their area.
                                                                                The Vincentians, dressed
is His name.”                                                                   in an array of different
                                                                                coloured t-shirts that
                                                                                represented which are-
                                                                                as they came from high-
                                                                                lighted the beauty of di-
                                                                                versity within SSVP and
                                                                                demonstrated that it is
                                                                                an organisation that is
                                                                                open to all.

                                                                                   A further highlight was
                                                                                 the presentation of SSVP
                                                                                 thank you hampers to
                                                                                 various members of the
                                                                                 clergy who had been in-
International General Council
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