Page created by Jack Yang
22-LGM Dairy Cattle

  Throughout the policy, “you” and “your” refer to the named insured shown on the summary of insurance and “we,” “us,”
  and “our” refer to the insurance company providing insurance. Unless the context indicates otherwise, use of the plural
  form of a word includes the singular and use of the singular form of the word includes the plural.

  This policy is reinsured by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) under the provisions of the Federal Crop
  Insurance Act (FCIA) (7 U.S.C. 1501-1524)All provisions of the policy and rights and responsibilities of the parties are
  specifically subject to the FCIA. The provisions of the policy may not be waived or varied in any way by any crop
  insurance agent of the insurance company providing insurance. Neither we, our employees, contractors, FCIC, nor the
  Risk Management Agency has the authority to revise, amend, or otherwise alter this policy. We will use FCIC procedures
  (handbooks, manuals, memoranda and bulletins), published on RMA’s website or a successor
  website, in the administration of this policy, including any loss or claim submitted under this policy. In the event the
  insurance company providing insurance cannot pay your loss, FCIC will become your insurer and your claim will be
  settled and paid by FCIC in accordance with the provisions of this policy. No state insurance guarantee fund will be
  liable to pay your loss.

  Agreement to Insure: In return for the payment of the premium, and subject to all the provisions of this policy, we agree
  to provide the insurance as stated in this policy. If a conflict exists among the policy provisions, the order of priority is as
  follows: (1) the Special Provisions; (2) the actuarial documents;(3) Commodity Exchange Endorsement for Dairy Cattle
  and (4) these Basic Provisions, with (1) controlling (2), etc.

                                                   BASIC PROVISIONS
                                                 TERMS AND CONDITIONS

1. Definitions.                                                           Actual price measurement period - The last three
   Act - The Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501-                   trading days prior to the last trading day for the futures
   1524).                                                                 contract.
   Actual corn price - For months in which a CME Group                    Actual soybean meal price - For months in which a
   corn contract expires, the simple average of the daily                 CME Group soybean meal contract expires, the simple
   settlement prices for the CME Group corn futures                       average of the daily settlement prices for the CME
   contract for the month during the actual price                         Group soybean meal contract for the month during the
   measurement period. For other months, the weighted                     actual price measurement period. For other months,
   average of the immediately surrounding months’                         the weighted average of actual soybean meal prices in
   simple average of the daily settlement prices during the               the immediately surrounding months. (See the
   actual price measurement period. (See the Commodity                    Commodity Exchange Endorsement for more
   Exchange Endorsement for more information.)                            information.)
   Actual cost of feed - The actual cost of feed for each                 Actual total gross margin - The sum of actual gross
   month equals the target corn (or corn equivalent) to be                margins per month across all months of the insurance
   fed times 2,000/56 (to convert tons to bushels) times                  period.
   the actual corn price for that month, plus the target                  Actuarial documents - The information for the crop
   protein meal (or protein meal equivalent) to be fed                    year which is available for public inspection in your
   times the actual soybean meal price for that month.                    agent’s office and published on RMA’s website which
   Actual gross margin per month - Actual revenue less                    shows available crop insurance policies, coverage
   the actual cost of feed for the month.                                 levels, information needed to determine amounts of
   Actual marketings - The total amount of milk sold by                   insurance, prices, premium adjustment percentages,
   you in each month of the insurance period and for                      practices, particular types of the insurable crop, and
   which you have proof of sale. Actual marketings are                    other related information regarding crop insurance in
   used to verify ownership of milk and determine                         the state.
   approved target marketings.                                            Application - The form required to be completed by
   Actual milk price - The simple average of the daily                    you and accepted by us before insurance coverage will
   settlement prices of the CME Group Class III milk                      commence.
   futures contract for the month during the actual price                 Approved target marketings - The maximum target
   measurement period. (See the Commodity Exchange                        marketings allowed for the designated months of the
   Endorsement for more information.)                                     applicable insurance period. The producer’s target
   Actual milk revenue - The actual milk price for a                      marketings for any month may not be more than the
   month times target marketings for the month.                           producer’s approved target marketings. Approved
                                                                          target marketings will be based the farm capacity for
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   the ten-month insurance period as determined by the                      defined in 7 CFR part 400, subpart U.
   insurance underwriter.                                                   End of insurance period, date of - The date the
   Assignment of indemnity - A transfer of policy rights,                   insurance provided by this policy ceases.
   made on our form, and effective when approved in                         Expected corn price - For months in which a CME
   writing by us in accordance with section 14.                             Group corn contract expires, the simple average of the
   Beginning farmer or rancher - An individual who has                      settlement prices for the CME Group corn futures
   not actively operated and managed a farm or ranch in                     contract for the month during the expected price
   any state, with an insurable interest in a crop or                       measurement period. For other months, the weighted
   livestock as an owner-operator, landlord, tenant, or                     average of the immediately surrounding months’ simple
   sharecropper for more than five crop years, as                           average of the daily settlement prices during the
   determined in accordance with FCIC procedures. Any                       expected price measurement period. (See the
   crop year’s insurable interest may, at your election, be                 Commodity Exchange Endorsement for more
   excluded if earned while under the age of 18, while in                   information.)
   full-time military service of the United States, or while                Expected cost of feed - The expected cost of feed for
   in post-secondary education, in accordance with FCIC                     each month equals the target corn (or corn equivalent)
   procedures. A person other than an individual may be                     to be fed times 2000/56 (to convert tons to bushels)
   eligible for beginning farmer or rancher benefits if there               times the expected corn price for that month, plus the
   is at least one individual substantial beneficial interest               target protein meal (or protein meal equivalent) to be
   holder and all individual substantial beneficial interest                fed times the expected soybean meal price for that
   holders qualify as a beginning farmer or rancher.                        month.
   Cancellation date - The calendar date specified in the                   Expected gross margin per month - Expected
   actuarial documents on which coverage will                               revenue less the expected cost of feed for the month.
   automatically renew unless canceled in writing by                        Expected milk price - The simple average of the daily
   either you or us or terminated in accordance with the                    settlement prices of the CME Group Class III milk
   policy terms.                                                            futures contract for the month during the expected price
   CME Group - The Chicago Mercantile Exchange                              measurement period. (See the Commodity Exchange
   Group.                                                                   Endorsement for more information.)
   Company - The insurance company reinsured by FCIC                        Expected milk revenue - The expected milk price for
   that is identified on, and issuing, your summary of                      a month times target marketings for the month.
   insurance.                                                               Expected price measurement period - For each
   Commodity Exchange Endorsement for Dairy                                 week in which sales occur, the three trading days prior
   Cattle - An endorsement that contains the exchange                       to and including Thursday that is the beginning of the
   prices that is used to set the expected and actual prices                weekly sales period.
   for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Dairy Cattle.                           Expected soybean meal price - For months in which
   Consent - Approval in writing by us allowing you to                      a CME Group soybean meal contract expires, the
   take a specific action.                                                  simple average of the daily settlement prices of the
   Contract change date - The calendar date contained                       CME Group soybean meal futures contract for the
   in the actuarial documents by which changes to the                       month during the expected price measurement period.
   policy, if any, will be made available in accordance with                For other months, the weighted average of the
   section 21 of these Basic Provisions.                                    immediately surrounding months’ simple average of
   Corn equivalent - The amount of corn equivalent to                       the daily settlement prices during the expected price
   the energy content of the dairy ration used by the                       measurement period. (See the Commodity Exchange
   producer. Suggested conversion rates for dairy feeds                     Endorsement for more information.)
   are given in the Commodity Exchange Endorsement.                         Expected total gross margin - The sum of expected
   Coverage - The insurance provided by this policy,                        gross margins per month across all months of the
   against insured loss of gross margin as shown on your                    insurance period.
   summary of insurance.                                                    FCIC - The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, a
   Crop year - The twelve-month period, beginning July                      wholly owned government corporation and agency
   1 and ending the following June 30, which is                             within USDA.
   designated by the calendar year in which it ends.                        Gross margin guarantee - The gross margin
   Date coverage begins - the calendar date the                             guarantee for an insurance period is the expected total
   insurance provided by this policy begins.                                gross margin for an insurance period minus the
   Days - Calendar days.                                                    deductible.
   Deductible - The portion of the expected total gross                     Insurance period - The eleven-month period
   margin that you elect not to insure. Per hundredweight                   designated in the summary of insurance to which this
   deductible amounts range from zero to $2.00 per cwt in                   policy is applicable. See the Commodity Exchange
   10 cent increments. The deductible equals the selected                   Endorsement for additional detail on insurance periods.
   per hundredweight deductible times the sum of target                     Insured - The person as shown on the summary of
   marketings across all months of the insurance period.                    insurance as the insured. This term does not extend to
   Delinquent debt - Has the same meaning as the term                       any other person having a share or interest in the
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   animals (for example, a partnership, landlord, or any                  Sales period - The period that begins on Thursday of
   other person) unless also specifically indicated on the                each week when the coverage prices and rates are
   summary of insurance as the insured.                                   posted on RMA’s website and ends at 9:00 AM Central
   Liability - The maximum amount payable on an                           Time of the following calendar day. Sales will not be
   Insurance Period under this policy.                                    available for purchase if the Thursday of the sales
   Limit movement - The maximum price change based                        period is a federal holiday. The calendar date for
   on the CME group current daily price limit for                         Thursday of the sales period will be shown as the
   commodity futures.                                                     effective date in the actuarial documents.
   Limited resource farmer or rancher - Has the same                      Share - The lesser of your percentage interest in the
   meaning as the term defined by USDA at                                 insured milk as an owner at the time insurance or                attaches and at the time of sale. Persons who lease or
   successor website.                                                     hold some other interest in the milk other than as an
   Livestock acceptance system - A computer system                        owner are not considered to have a share in the milk.
   that accepts livestock applications and endorsements.                  Special Provisions - The part of the policy that
   Marketing report - A report submitted by you on our                    contains specific provisions of insurance for each
   form showing for each month your actual marketings                     insured crop that may vary by geographic area.
   for that month of milk insured under this policy. The                  Soybean meal equivalent - The amount of soybean
   marketing report must be accompanied by copies of                      meal equivalent to the protein content of the dairy
   sales receipts that provide records of the actual                      ration used by the producer. Suggested conversion
   marketings shown on the marketing report.                              rates for dairy feeds are given in the Commodity
   Milk - Milk produced from any species of domesticated                  Exchange Endorsement.
   mammal of the family Bovidae commonly grown for                        Substantial beneficial interest - An interest held by
   production of dairy products, also referred to as dairy                any person of at least ten percent in you (e.g., there
   cows.                                                                  are two partnerships that each have a 50 percent
   Notice of probable loss - Our notice to you of a                       interest in you and each partnership is made up of two
   probable loss on your insured milk.                                    individuals, each with a 50 percent share in the
   Offset - The act of deducting one amount from another                  partnership. In this case, each individual would be
   amount.                                                                considered to have a 25 percent interest in you, and
   Person - An individual, partnership, association,                      both the partnerships and the individuals would have a
   corporation, estate, trust, or other legal entity, and                 substantial beneficial interest in you. The spouses of
   wherever applicable, a State or a political subdivision                the individuals would not be considered to have a
   or agency of a State. “Person” does not include the                    substantial beneficial interest unless the spouse was
   United States Government or any agency thereof.                        one of the individuals that made up the partnership.
   Policy - The agreement between you and us consisting                   However, if each partnership is made up of six
   of these provisions, the Special Provisions, the                       individuals with equal interests, then each would only
   summary of insurance, the Commodity Exchange                           have an 8.33 percent interest in you and although the
   Endorsement, and the applicable regulations                            partnership would still have a substantial beneficial
   published in 7 CFR chapter IV.                                         interest in you, the individuals would not for the
   Premium - The amount you owe us for this                               purposes of reporting in section 2). The spouse of any
   insurance coverage based on your target                                individual applicant or individual insured will be
   marketings in accordance with section 5.                               presumed to have a substantial beneficial interest in
   Premium billing date - The earliest date upon which                    the applicant or insured unless the spouses can prove
   you will be billed for insurance coverage based on your                they are legally separated or otherwise legally
   target marketing report. The premium billing date is the               separate under the applicable State dissolution of
   first business day of the month following the last month               marriage laws. Any child of an individual applicant or
   of the insurance period in which you have target                       individual insured will not be considered to have a
   marketings.                                                            substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or
   Producer premium - The total premium minus the                         insured unless the child has a separate legal interest
   premium subsidy paid by FCIC.                                          in such person.
   RMA - Risk Management Agency, an agency within                         Summary of insurance - Our statement to you, based
   USDA.                                                                  upon your application, specifying the insured, the milk,
   RMA’s Website - A website hosted by RMA and                            the target marketings, gross margin guarantee, and the
   located at or a successor                    premium for an insurance period.
   website.                                                               Target corn to be fed - Your determination as to the
   Sales closing date - The last day of the sales period                  number of tons of corn or corn equivalent that you will
   by which your completed application must be                            feed for each month.
   received by us. Also, the last date by which you may                   Target protein meal to be fed - Your determination as
   change your insurance coverage for an insurance                        to the number of tons of soybean meal or protein meal
   period.                                                                equivalent you will feed each month.
                                                                          Target marketings - Your determination as to the
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     number of hundredweight of milk you elect to insure in                       or by us. In accordance with section 20, FCIC
     each month during the insurance period.                                      may change the coverage provided from year to
     Target marketings report - A report submitted by you                         year.
     on our form showing for each month your target                           (e) With respect to your application for insurance:
     marketings for that month.                                                   (1) You must include your social security number
     Termination date - The calendar date upon which                                  (SSN) if you are an individual (if you are an
     your insurance ceases to be in effect because of                                 individual applicant operating as a business,
     nonpayment of any amount due us under the                                        you may provide an employer identification
     policy, including premium.                                                       number (EIN) but you must also provide your
     USDA - The United States Department of Agriculture.                              SSN); or
     Veteran farmer or rancher - An individual who has                            (2) You must include your EIN if you are a person
     served active duty in the United States Army, Navy,                              other than an individual;
     Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard, including the                       (3) In addition to the requirements of section
     reserve components; was discharged or released                                   2(e)(1) or (2), you must include the following
     under conditions other than dishonorable; and:                                   for all persons who have a substantial
     (1) Has not operated a farm or ranch;                                            beneficial interest in you:
     (2) Has operated a farm or ranch for not more than 5                             (i) The SSN for individuals; or
          years; or                                                                   (ii) The EIN for persons other than
     (3) First obtained status as a veteran during the most                                  individuals and the SSNs for all
          recent 5-year period.                                                              individuals that comprise the person with
     A person, other than an individual, may be eligible for                                 the EIN if such individuals have a
     veteran farmer or rancher benefits if all substantial                                   substantial beneficial interest in you;
     beneficial interest holders qualify as a veteran farmer                       (4) You must include:
     or rancher. A spouse’s veteran status does not impact                              (i) Your election of plan of insurance and
     whether an individual is considered a veteran farmer or                                  any other material information required
     rancher.                                                                                 on the application to insure your cattle;
     Void - When the Policy is considered not to have                                         and
     existed for an insurance period as a result of                                     (ii) All information required in section
     concealment, fraud, or misrepresentation.                                                2(e)(4)(i) or your application will not be
2.   Life of Policy, Cancellation, and Termination                                            accepted and no coverage will be
      (a) The application must be completed by you and                                        provided;
           received by us not later than the sales closing                         (5) Your application will not be accepted and no
           date. If cancellation or termination of insurance                            insurance will be provided for the year of
           coverage occurs for any reason, including but not                            application if the application does not
           limited to indebtedness, suspension, debarment,                              contain your SSN or EIN. If your application
           disqualification, cancellation by you or us or                               contains an incorrect SSN or EIN for you,
           violation of the controlled substance provisions of                          your application will be considered not to
           the Food Security Act of 1985, a new application                             have been accepted, no insurance will be
           must be filed for the crop.                                                  provided for the year of application and for
      (b) Coverage will not be provided if you are ineligible                           any subsequent crop years, as applicable,
           under the policy or under any Federal statute or                             and such policies will be void if:
           regulation.                                                                (i) Such number is not corrected by you; or
      (c) Your agent does not have authority to bind                                  (ii) You correct the SSN or EIN but:
           coverage under this policy. Coverage for the milk                                (A) You cannot prove that any error was
           described in the application will only become                                           inadvertent (Simply stating the error
           effective when we notify you in writing that your                                       was inadvertent is not sufficient to
           application has been accepted and approved by                                           prove the error was inadvertent); or
           us, and we issue a written summary of insurance                                  (B) It is determined that the incorrect
           to you.                                                                                 number would have allowed you to
           (1) For subsequent insurance periods, coverage                                          obtain disproportionate benefits
                will only be effective if issue a written                                          under the crop insurance program,
                summary of insurance to you.                                                       you are determined to be ineligible
           (2) This policy will be available for sale only on                                      for insurance or you could avoid an
                business days when RMA livestock                                                   obligation or requirement under any
                acceptance system is operational.                                                  State or Federal law;
      (d) This is a continuous policy and will remain in                           (6) With respect to persons with a substantial
           effect for each crop year following the acceptance                           beneficial interest in you:
           of the original application until canceled by you in                         (i) The coverage for all livestock or
           accordance with the terms of the policy or                                         livestock products included on your
           terminated by operation of the terms of the policy                                 application      will     be      reduced
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                   proportionately by the percentage                              (8) Notwithstanding any of the provisions in this
                   interest in you of persons with a                                   section, if you certify to an incorrect SSN or
                   substantial beneficial interest in you                              EIN, or receive an indemnity and the SSN or
                   (presumed to be 50 percent for spouses                              EIN was not correct, you may be subject to
                   of individuals) if the SSNs or EINs of                              civil, criminal or administrative sanctions;
                   such persons are included on your                              (9) If any of the information regarding persons
                   application, the SSNs or EINs are                                   with a substantial beneficial interest in you
                   correct, and the persons with a                                     changes after the cancellation date for the
                   substantial beneficial interest in you are                          previous crop year, you must revise your
                   ineligible for insurance;                                           application by the cancellation date for the
             (ii) Your policies for all livestock or livestock                         current crop year to reflect the correct
                   products included on your application,                              information. However, if such information
                   and for all applicable crop years, will be                          changed less than 30 days before the
                   void if the SSN or EIN of any person with                           cancellation date for the current crop year,
                   a substantial beneficial interest in you is                         you must revise your application by the
                   incorrect or is not included on your                                cancellation date for the next crop year. If you
                   application and:                                                    fail to provide the required revisions, the
                   (A) Such number is not corrected or                                 provisions in section 2(e)(6) will apply; and
                         provided by you, as applicable;                          (10) If you are, or a person with a substantial
                   (B) You cannot prove that any error or                              beneficial interest in you is, not eligible to
                         omission was inadvertent (Simply                              obtain a SSN or EIN, whichever is required,
                         stating the error or omission was                             you must request an assigned number for the
                         inadvertent is not sufficient to prove                        purposes of this policy from us:
                         the error or omission was                                     (i) A number will be provided only if you can
                         inadvertent); or                                                    demonstrate you are, or a person with a
                   (C) Even after the correct SSN or EIN is                                  substantial beneficial interest in you is,
                         provided by you, it is determined                                   eligible to receive Federal benefits;
                         that the incorrect or omitted SSN or                          (ii) If a number cannot be provided for you in
                         EIN would have allowed you to                                       accordance with section 2(e)(10)(i), your
                         obtain disproportionate benefits                                    application will not be accepted; or
                         under the crop insurance program,                             (iii) If a number cannot be provided for any
                         the person with a substantial                                       person with a substantial beneficial
                         beneficial interest in you is                                       interest in you in accordance with section
                         determined to be ineligible for                                     2(e)(10)(i), the amount of coverage for all
                         insurance, or you or the person with                                crops on the application will be reduced
                         a substantial beneficial interest in                                proportionately by the percentage
                         you could avoid an obligation or                                    interest of such person in you.
                         requirement under any State or                       (f) After acceptance of the application, you may not
                         Federal law; or                                          cancel this policy for the initial crop year.
             (iii) Except as provided in sections                                 Thereafter, the policy will continue in force for
                   2(e)(6)(ii)(B) and (C), your policies will                     each succeeding crop year unless canceled or
                   not be voided if you subsequently                              terminated as provided below.
                   provide the correct SSN or EIN for                         (g) Either you or we may cancel this policy after the
                   persons with a substantial beneficial                          initial crop year by providing written notice to the
                   interest in you and the persons are                            other on or before the cancellation date in
                   eligible for insurance;                                        accordance with section 2(j).
       (7) When any of your policies are void under                           (h) Any amount owed to us for any policy authorized
           sections 2(e)(5) or (6):                                               under the Act will be offset from any indemnity or
           (i) You must repay any indemnity that may                              prevented planting payment due you for this or
                  have been paid for all applicable                               any other crop insured with us under the authority
                  commodities and any crop years                                  of the Act.
                  determined by us;                                               (1) Even if your claim has not yet been paid, you
           (ii) Even though the policies are void, you will                             must still pay the premium and administrative
                  still be required to pay an amount equal                              fee on or before the termination date for you
                  to 20 percent of the premium that you                                 to remain eligible for insurance.
                  would otherwise be required to pay; and                         (2) If we offset any amount due us from an
           (iii) If you previously paid premium or                                      indemnity or prevented planting payment
                  administrative fees, any amount in                                    owed to you, the date of payment for the
                  excess of the amount required in section                              purpose of determining whether you have a
                  2(e)(7)(ii) will be returned to you;                                  delinquent debt will be the date that you
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             submit the claim for indemnity in accordance                       (A)       For a policy with unpaid
             with section 7(a) (Determining Indemnities).                              administrative fees or premiums, the
        (3) For this agricultural commodity policy, your                               termination       date     immediately
             premium and administrative fees will be offset                            subsequent to the billing date for the
             from any indemnity or prevented planting                                  crop year (For policies which the
             payment due you even if it is prior to the                                sales closing date is prior to the
             premium billing.                                                          termination date, such policies will
        (4) For any other agricultural commodity policy                                terminate for the current crop year
             insured with us and it is:                                                even if insurance attached prior to
             (i) Prior to the premium billing date, and you                            the     termination      date.     Such
                  agree, your premium and administrative                               termination will be considered
                  fees will be offset from any indemnity or                            effective as of the sales closing date
                  prevented planting payment due you; or                               and no insurance will be considered
             (ii) On or after the premium billing date, your                           to have attached for the crop year
                  premium and administrative fees will be                              and no indemnity will be owed);
                  offset from any indemnity or prevented                          (B) For a policy with other amounts due,
                  planting payment due you.                                            the termination date immediately
    (i) A delinquent debt for any policy will make you                                 following the date you have a
        ineligible to obtain crop insurance authorized                                 delinquent debt (For policies for
        under the Act for any subsequent crop year and                                 which the sales closing date is prior
        result in termination of all policies in accordance                            to the termination date, such policies
        with section 2(i)(2).                                                          will terminate for the current crop
        (1) With respect to ineligibility:                                             year even if insurance attached prior
             (i) Ineligibility for crop insurance will be                              to the termination date. Such
                  effective on:                                                        termination will be considered
                  (A) The date that a policy was terminated                            effective as of the sales closing date
                       in accordance with section 2(i)(2) for                          and no insurance will be considered
                       the crop for which you failed to pay                            to have attached for the crop year
                       premium, an administrative fee, or                              and no indemnity will be owed);
                       any related interest owed, as                              (C) For all other policies that are issued
                       applicable;                                                     by us under the authority of the Act,
                  (B) The payment due date contained in                                the termination date that coincides
                       any notification of indebtedness for                            with the termination date for the
                       any overpaid indemnity if you fail to                           policy with the delinquent debt or, if
                       pay the amount owed, including any                              there is no coincidental termination
                       related interest owed, as applicable,                           date,      the     termination      date
                       by such due date; or                                            immediately following the date you
                  (C) The termination date for the crop year                           become ineligible;
                       prior to the crop year in which a                          (D) For execution of a written payment
                       scheduled payment is due under a                                agreement and failure to make any
                       written payment agreement if you fail                           scheduled payment, the termination
                       to pay the amount owed by any                                   date for the crop year prior to the crop
                       payment date in any agreement to                                year in which you failed to make the
                       pay the debt;                                                   scheduled payment (for this purpose
             (ii) If you are ineligible and a policy has been                          only, the crop year will start the day
                  terminated in accordance with section                                after the termination date and end on
                  2(i)(2), you will not receive any indemnity                          the next termination date, e.g., if the
                  and such ineligibility and termination of                            termination date is November 30 and
                  the policy may affect your eligibility for                           you fail to make a payment on
                  benefits under other USDA programs.                                  November 15, 2019, your policy will
                  Any indemnity payment that may be                                    terminate on November 30, 2018, for
                  owed for the policy before it has been                               the 2019 crop year); or
                  terminated will remain owed to you, but                   (ii) For all policies terminated under sections
                  may be offset in accordance with section                        2(i)(2)(i)(A), (B), or (D), any indemnities
                  2(h), unless your policy was terminated in                      paid subsequent to the termination date
                  accordance with sections 2(i)(2)(i)(A),                         must be repaid.
                  (B),or(D).                                                (iii) Once the policy is terminated, it cannot
        (2) With respect to termination:                                          be reinstated for the current crop year
             (i) Termination will be effective on:                                unless:
                                                                                  (A) The termination was in error;
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              (B)  The Administrator of the Risk                                (ii) The amount of the payment
                  Management Agency, at his or her                                    was clearly transposed from
                  sole discretion, determines that the                                the    amount      that   was
                  following are met:                                                  otherwise due (For example,
                  (1) In accordance with 7 CFR part                                   you owed $892 but you paid
                       400, subpart U, and FCIC                                       $829);
                       procedures,          you      provide                    (iii) You timely made the full
                       documentation           that     your                          payment of the amount owed
                       inadvertent failure to pay your                                but the delivery of that
                       debt is due to an unforeseen or                                payment was delayed, and
                       unavoidable event or other                                     was postmarked no more
                       extenuating circumstances that                                 than seven calendar days
                       created the inadvertent failure for                            after the termination date or
                       you to make timely payment;                                    the missed payment date of
                  (2) You remit full payment of the                                   a previously executed written
                       delinquent debt owed to us or                                  payment agreement, or in
                       FCIC       with      your     request                          the    case    of     overpaid
                       submitted in accordance with                                   indemnity or any amount that
                       section 2(i)(2)(iii)(B)(3); and                                became due after the
                  (3) You submit a written request for                                termination date, the due
                       reinstatement of your policy to us                             date specified in a notice to
                       no later than 60 days after the                                you of an amount due, as
                       termination date or the missed                                 applicable.
                       payment date of a previously                             (iv) For previously executed
                       executed         written     payment                           written               payment
                       agreement, or in the case of                                   agreements, you made the
                       overpaid indemnity or any                                      full    payment      of     the
                       amount that became due after                                   scheduled payment amount
                       the termination date, the due                                  owed within 15 calendar
                       date specified in the notice to you                            days after the missed
                       of the amount due, if applicable.                              payment date.
                       (i) If         authorization       for               (2) You remit full payment of the
                            reinstatement, as defined in                        delinquent debt owed to us; and
                            7 CFR part 400, subpart U, is                   (3) You submit a written request for
                            granted, your policies will be                      reinstatement of your policy to us
                            reinstated effective at the                         in accordance with 7 CFR part
                            beginning of the crop year for                      400, subpart U, and applicable
                            which you were determined                           procedures no later than 30 days
                            ineligible, and you will be                         after the termination date or the
                            entitled to all applicable                          missed payment date of a
                            benefits under such policies,                       previously      executed      written
                            provided you meet all                               payment agreement, or in the
                            eligibility requirements and                        case of overpaid indemnity or
                            comply with the terms of the                        any amount that became due
                            policy; and                                         after the termination date, the
                       (ii) There is no evidence of fraud                       due date specified in the notice to
                            or misrepresentation; or                            you of the amount due, if
              (C) We determine that, in accordance                              applicable; and
                  with 7 CFR part 400, subpart U, and                       (4) If authorization for reinstatement,
                  FCIC issued procedures, the                                   as defined in 7 CFR part 400,
                  following are met:                                            subpart U, is granted, your
                  (1) You can demonstrate:                                      policies will be reinstated
                       (i) You made timely payment                              effective at the beginning of the
                            for the amount of premium                           crop year for which you were
                            owed but you inadvertently                          determined ineligible, and you
                            omitted some small amount,                          will be entitled to all applicable
                            such as the most recent                             benefits under such policies,
                            month’s interest or a small                         provided you meet all eligibility
                            administrative fee;                                 requirements and comply with
                                                                                the terms of the policy; and
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                   (5) There is no evidence of fraud or                           You will not be eligible to apply for crop
                          misrepresentation.                                      insurance for any crop until after the amounts
           (iv) A determination made under:                                       owed are paid in full or you file a petition to
                 (A) Section 2(i)(2)(iii)(B) may only be                          discharge the debt in bankruptcy.
                     appealed to the National Appeals                         (6) If you are determined to be ineligible under
                     Division in accordance with 7 CFR                            section 2(i), persons with a substantial
                     part 11; and                                                 beneficial interest in you may also be
                 (B) Section 2(i)(2)(iii)(C) may only be                          ineligible until you become eligible again.
                     appealed in accordance with section                  (j) In cases where there has been a death,
                     19.                                                      disappearance, judicially declared incompetence,
       (3) To regain eligibility, you must:                                   or dissolution of any insured person:
           (i) Repay the delinquent debt in full;                             (1) If any married individual insured dies,
           (ii) Execute a written payment agreement, in                           disappears, or is judicially declared
                 accordance with 7 CFR part 400, subpart                          incompetent, the named insured on the policy
                 U, and make payments in accordance                               will automatically convert to the name of the
                 with the agreement; or                                           spouse if:
           (iii) Have     your debts discharged in                                (i) The spouse was included on the policy
                 bankruptcy.                                                           as having a substantial beneficial interest
       (4) After you become eligible for crop or livestock                             in the named insured; and
           insurance, if you want to obtain coverage for                          (ii) The spouse has a share of the crop.
           your crops or livestock, you must submit a                         (2) The provisions in section 2(j)(3) will be
           new application on or before the sales closing                         applicable if:
           date for the crop (Since applications for crop                         (i) Any partner, member, shareholder, etc.,
           insurance cannot be accepted after the sales                                of an insured entity dies, disappears, or
           closing date, if you make any payment after                                 is judicially declared incompetent, and
           the sales closing date, you cannot apply for                                such event automatically dissolves the
           insurance until the next available sales                                    entity; or
           closing date).                                                         (ii) An individual, whose estate is left to a
       (5) For example, for the 2020 crop year, if you                                 beneficiary other than a spouse or left to
           purchase Livestock Gross Margin (LGM),                                      the spouse and the criteria in section
           with a termination date of June 30, 2020, and                               2(j)(1) are not met, dies, disappears, or is
           you do not pay the premium or other amounts                                 judicially declared incompetent.
           due for LGM by the termination date, your                          (3) If section 2(j)(2) applies and the death,
           livestock policies will terminate retroactive to                       disappearance, or judicially declared
           the sales closing date that is immediately                             incompetence occurred:
           subsequent to the sales period for which the                           (i) More than 30 days before the
           premium is delinquent, even if insurance has                                cancellation date, the policy is
           already attached to a subsequent sales                                      automatically canceled as of the
           period. The ineligibility date would be June                                cancellation date and a new application
           30, 2020. In accordance with section                                        must be submitted; or
           2(i)(2)(i)(C), for any other policy issued under                       (ii) Thirty days or less before the
           the authority of the Federal Crop Insurance                                 cancellation     date,    or    after    the
           Act that does not have the same termination                                 cancellation date, the policy will continue
           date of June 30, the termination for such                                   in effect through the crop year
           other policy will be effective on the                                       immediately following the cancellation
           termination date following when you become                                  date and be automatically canceled as of
           ineligible. For example, a producer                                         the cancellation date immediately
           purchased an LGM policy on July 31, 2020,                                   following the end of the insurance period
           and did not pay the premium by the premium                                  for the crop year, unless canceled by the
           due date and subsequently purchased a                                       cancellation date prior to the start of the
           Federal reinsured corn policy on March 15,                                  insurance period:
           2021. The LGM policy is terminated June 30,                                 (A) A new application for insurance must
           2021, and the producer is ineligible for any                                     be submitted prior to the sales
           livestock plan of insurance as of the next                                       closing date for coverage for the
           sales closing date after June 30, 2021.                                          subsequent crop year; and
           However, the Federal reinsured corn policy                                  (B) Any indemnity will be paid to the
           would remain in effect for 2021 and would be                                     person or persons determined to be
           terminated as of March 15, 2022 if the LGM                                       beneficially entitled to the payment
           premium remained delinquent. No indemnity                                        and such person or persons must
           will be due for that crop year for either crop.
                                                              (8 of 15)
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                        comply with all policy provisions and                           trading at the end of the day (such as the price
                        pay the premium.                                                moved the maximum allowed by the exchange
          (4) If any insured entity is dissolved for reasons                            and trading was suspended), for any day that the
               other than death, disappearance, or judicially                           information is needed.
               declared incompetence:                                                    (1) LGM for Dairy Cattle will not be offered if
               (i) Before the cancellation date, the policy is                                CME Group Class III milk futures prices
                    automatically canceled as of the                                          decline by the maximum allowed by the
                    cancellation date and a new application                                   exchange two consecutive days during the
                    must be submitted; or                                                     time period for establishing the expected
               (ii) On or after the cancellation date, the                                    gross margins.
                    policy will continue in effect through the                           (2) LGM for Dairy Cattle will not be offered if
                    crop year immediately following the                                       CME Group soybean meal or CME Group
                    cancellation date and be automatically                                    corn futures prices increase by the maximum
                    canceled as of the cancellation date                                      allowed by the exchanges two consecutive
                    immediately following the end of the                                      days during the time period for establishing
                    insurance period for the crop year, unless                                the expected gross margins.
                    canceled by the cancellation date prior to                3.   Insurance Coverages
                    the start of the insurance period:                             (a) Your gross margin guarantee, deductible, and
                    (A) A new application for insurance must                           maximum premium for the insurance period are as
                        be submitted prior to the sales                                shown on your summary of insurance.
                        closing date for coverage for the                          (b) You must select a deductible by the sales closing
                        subsequent crop year; and                                      date.
                    (B) Any indemnity will be paid to the                          (c) You may only select one deductible that is
                        person or persons determined to be                             applicable for all target marketings.
                        beneficially entitled to the payment                       (d) Target marketings must be submitted on our form
                        and such person or persons must                                by the sales closing date for each insurance period
                        comply with all policy provisions and                          in which you desire coverage. If target marketings
                        pay the premium.                                               are not submitted by the sales closing date, your
          (5) If section 2(j)(2) or (4) applies, a remaining                           target marketings for the insurance period will be
               member of the insured person or the                                     zero.
               beneficiary is required to report to us the                         (e) Target marketings for any month of an insurance
               death, disappearance, judicial incompetence,                            period cannot be greater than the approved target
               or other event that causes dissolution not                              marketings for that insurance period. Your target
               later than the next cancellation date, except if                        marketings are due at the time of application in the
               section 2(j)(3)(ii) applies, notice must be                             initial insurance period and your target marketings
               provided by the cancellation date for the next                          report is due by the sales closing date in
               crop year. If notice is not provided timely, the                        subsequent insurance periods.
               provisions of section 2(j)(2) or (4) will apply                     (f) No indemnity will be owed, but you will still be
               retroactive to the date such notice should                              responsible for any premiums owed, if we find that
               have been provided and any payments made                                your marketing report:
               after the date the policy should have been                              (1) Is not supported by written verifiable records in
               canceled must be returned.                                                    accordance with the definition of marketing
     (k) We may cancel your policy if no premium is                                          report; or
          earned for three consecutive years.                                          (2) Fails to accurately report actual marketings or
     (l) The cancellation date is June 30 for the policy.                                    other material information.
    (m) Any person may sign any document relative to                               (g) Coverage can be purchased from the time during
          crop insurance coverage on behalf of any other                               the sales period or as otherwise specified in the
          person covered by such a policy, provided that                               Special Provisions. Coverage is not available for
          the person has a properly executed power of                                  purchase if expected milk and feed prices are not
          attorney or such other legally sufficient document                           available on the RMA website.
          authorizing such person to sign. You are still                           (h) Sales of LGM may be suspended for the next sales
          responsible for the accuracy of all information                              period if unforeseen and extraordinary events
          provided on your behalf and may be subject to                                occur that interfere with the effective functioning of
          any applicable consequences, if any information                              the corn, soybean meal, or milk commodity
          has been misreported.                                                        markets. Evidence of such events may include,
    (n) LGM for Dairy Cattle will not be offered for a sales                           but is not limited to, consecutive limit down moves
         period if the required data for establishing the                              in the milk futures markets or limit up moves in the
         expected gross margins for each month of the                                  corn and soybean meal contracts.
         insurance period are not available because                           4.   Causes of Loss Covered
         futures did not trade, or were not able to continue                       This policy provides insurance only for the difference
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     between the actual gross margin and the gross margin                                         (A) Compliance with the conservation
     guarantee resulting from unavoidable natural                                                        provisions specified in section 5(g)(1)
     occurrences as required by the Act. This policy does                                                of this section; and
     not insure against the death or other loss or destruction                                      (B) Filing form AD-1026, or successor
     of your dairy cattle, or against any unexpected decline                                             form, to be properly identified as in
     in milk production, or in other loss or damage of any                                               compliance with the conservation
     kind whatsoever.                                                                                    provisions specified in section 5(g)(1)
5.   Premium                                                                                             of this section.
     (a) The premium (gross premium less premium                                6.   Insurance Period
          subsidy paid on your behalf by FCIC) is earned                             (a) Coverage begins on your milk on the first day of
          and payable at the time coverage begins.                                         the second calendar month following the month of
     (b) You are only eligible for premium subsidy if you                                  the sales closing date, unless otherwise specified
          target market in two (2) or more months of an                                    in the Special Provisions. For example for
          insurance period.                                                                contracts with a sales closing date in January,
     (c) The premium amount is shown on your summary                                       coverage will begin on March 1.
          of insurance.                                                              (b) Coverage ends at the earliest of:
     (d) The premium will be based on the information you                                  (1) The last month of the insurance period in
          provide on your application.                                                          which you have target marketings.
     (e) Premium or administrative fees owed by you will                                   (2) As otherwise specified in the policy.
          be offset from an indemnity or prevented planting                                (3) If the end date is on a Saturday, Sunday,
          payment due you in accordance with section 2(h).                                      or federal holiday or, if for any reason the
     (f) If you qualify as a beginning farmer or rancher,                                       relevant report is not available to us for that
          your premium subsidy will be 10 percentage points                                     day or any other day of the ending period,
          greater than the premium subsidy that you would                                       then the actual ending value will be based
          otherwise receive, unless otherwise specified in                                      on the most recent reports made prior to that
          the Special Provisions.                                                               date.
     (g) You will be ineligible for any premium subsidy paid                    7.   Determining Indemnities
          on your behalf by FCIC for any policy issued by us                         (a) In the case of a payable loss on insured milk, we
          if:                                                                              will send you a notice of probable loss
          (1) USDA determines you have committed a                                         approximately ten days after all actual gross
               violation of the highly erodible land                                       margins applicable for the insurance period are
               conservation      or     wetland   conservation                             released by RMA. You must submit a marketing
               provisions of 7 CFR part 12 as amended by                                   report, within 15 days of your receipt of the notice
               the Agricultural Act of 2014; or                                            of probable loss.
          (2) You have not filed form AD-1026 with FSA for                           (b) In the event of loss covered by this policy, we will
               the reinsurance year by the premium billing                                 settle your claim by subtracting the actual total
               date.                                                                       gross margin from the gross margin guarantee. If
               (i) Notwithstanding section 5(g)(2), you may                                the result is greater than zero, an indemnity will be
                    be eligible for premium subsidy without                                paid. Under no circumstances will the indemnity
                    having a timely filed form AD-1026:                                    be greater than your total target marketings
                    (A) For the initial reinsurance year if you                            multiplied by the three-day average CME Group
                        certify by the premium billing date for                            Class III milk futures price established at the
                        your policy that you meet the                                      beginning of the insurance period.
                        qualifications as outlined in FCIC                           (c) In the event that the total of actual marketings are
                        approved procedures for producers                                  less than 75 percent of the total of targeted
                        who are new to farming, new to crop                                marketings for the insurance period, indemnities
                        insurance, a new entity, or have not                               will be reduced by the percentage by which the
                        previously been required to file form                              total of actual marketings for the insurance period
                        AD-1026; or                                                        fell below the total of target marketings for the
                    (B) If FSA approves relief for failure to                              period.
                        timely file due to circumstances                        8.   Conformity to Food Security Act
                        beyond your control or failure to timely                     Although your violation of a number of federal
                        provide adequate information to                              statutes, including the Act, may cause cancellation
                        complete        form    AD-1026       in                     or termination of the policy or may cause the policy
                        accordance with the provisions                               to become void, you should be specifically aware
                        contained in 7 CFR part 12.                                  that your policy will be canceled if you are determined
               (ii) To be eligible for premium subsidy paid on                       to be ineligible to receive benefits under the Act due
                    your behalf by FCIC, it is your                                  to violation of the controlled substance provisions
                    responsibility to assure you meet all the                        (title XVII) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (Pub. L.
                    requirements for:                                                99-198) and the regulations published at 7 CFR part
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    400, subpart F. Your policy will be canceled if you                           (a) You may not bring legal action against us unless
    are determined, by the appropriate agency, to be                                  you have complied with all of the policy provisions.
    in violation of these provisions. We will recover any                         (b) If you do take legal action against us, you must do
    and all monies paid to you or received by you during                               so within 12 months after denial of your claim. Suit
    your period of ineligibility, and your premium will be                             must be brought in accordance with the provisions
    refunded, less a reasonable amount for expenses                                    of 7 U.S.C. 1508(j).
    and handling not to exceed 20 percent of the total                            (c) Under no circumstances will we be liable for the
    premium.                                                                           payment of damages (compensatory, punitive, or
9. Amounts Due Us                                                                      other), attorneys’ fees, or other charges in
    (a) Interest will accrue at the rate of 1.25 percent                               connection with any claim for indemnity, whether
        simple interest per calendar month on any unpaid                               we approve or disapprove such claim.
        amount owed to us or on any unpaid administrative                     11. Payment and Interest Limitations
        fees owed to FCIC.                                                        We will pay simple interest computed on the net
        (1) For the purpose of premium amounts owed to                            indemnity ultimately found to be due by us or by a final
             us or administrative fees owed to FCIC,                              judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, from and
             interest will start to accrue on the first day of                    including the 61st day after the date you sign, date, and
             the month following the issuance of the notice                       submit to us the properly completed marketing report.
             by us, provided that a minimum of 30 days                            Interest will be paid only if the reason for our failure to
             have passed from the premium billing date                            timely pay is NOT due to your failure to provide
             specified in the actuarial documents.                                information or other material necessary for the
        (2) We will collect any unpaid amounts owed to us                         computation or payment of the indemnity. The interest
             and any interest owed thereon, and, prior to                         rate will be that established by the Secretary of the
             the termination date, we will collect any                            Treasury under section 12 of the Contract Disputes Act
             administrative fees and interest owed thereon                        of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) and published in the Federal
             to FCIC.                                                             Register semiannually on or about January 1 and July
        (3) After the termination date, FCIC will collect any                     1 of each year and may vary with each publication.
             unpaid administrative fees and any interest                      12. Concealment, Misrepresentation or Fraud
             owed thereon for any catastrophic risk                               (a) If you have falsely or fraudulently concealed the
             protection policy and we will collect any unpaid                          fact that you are ineligible to receive benefits under
             administrative fees and any interest owed                                 the Act or if you or anyone assisting you has
             thereon for additional coverage policies.                                 concealed or misrepresented any material fact
    (b) For the purpose of any other amounts due us, such                              relating to this Policy:
        as repayment of indemnities found not to have                                  (1) This policy will be void; and
        been earned, interest will start to accrue on the date                         (2) You may be subject to remedial sanctions in
        that notice is issued to you for the collection of the                              accordance with 7 CFR part 400, subpart R.
        unearned amount.                                                          (b) Voidance of this policy will result in you having to
        (1) Amounts found due under this paragraph will                                reimburse all indemnities paid for the insurance
             not be charged interest if payment is made                                period.
             within 30 days of issuance of the notice by us.                      (c) Voidance will be effective on the first day of the
        (2) The amount will be considered delinquent if not                            insurance period for the crop year in which the act
             paid within 30 days of the date the notice is                             occurred and will not affect the policy for
             issued by us.                                                             subsequent insurance periods unless a violation of
    (c) All amounts paid will be applied first to expenses                             this section also occurred in such insurance
        of collection, if any, second, to the reduction of                             periods.
        accrued interest, and then to the reduction of the                        (d) Even though this policy is void, you will still be
        principal balance.                                                             required to pay the administrative and operating
    (d) If we determine that it is necessary to contract                               expenses contained on your premium statement to
        with a collection agency or to employ an attorney                              offset costs incurred by us in the service of this
        to assist in collection, you agree to pay all the                              policy.
        expenses of collection.                                                   (e) If you willfully and intentionally provide false or
    (e) The portion of the amounts owed by you for a policy                            inaccurate information to us or FCIC or you fail to
        authorized under the Act that are owed to FCIC                                 comply with a requirement of FCIC, in accordance
        may be collected in part through administrative                                with 7 CFR part 400, subpart R, FCIC may impose
        offset from payments you receive from United                                   on you:
        States government agencies in accordance with 31                               (1) A civil fine for each violation in an amount not
        U.S.C. chapter 37. Such amounts include all                                         to exceed the greater of:
        administrative fees, and the share of the overpaid                                  (i) The amount of the pecuniary gain
        indemnities and premiums retained by FCIC plus                                          obtained as a result of the false or
        any interest owed thereon.                                                              inaccurate information provided or the
10. Legal Action Against Us                                                                     noncompliance with a requirement of
                                                                 (11 of 15)
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                 FCIC; or                                                               executed assignment of indemnity, we will not
             (ii) $10,000; and                                                          make any payment to a lienholder or other person
        (2) A disqualification for a period of up to 5 years                            to whom you have a financial debt or other
              from receiving any monetary or non-monetary                               pecuniary obligation even if you may have a lien or
              benefit provided under each of the following:                             other assignment recorded elsewhere. Under no
              (i) Any crop insurance policy offered under                               circumstances will we be liable:
                     the Act;                                                           (1) To any lienholder or other person to whom you
              (ii) The Farm Security and Rural Investment                                    have a financial debt or other pecuniary
                     Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 7333 et seq.);                                    obligation where you have failed to include
              (iii) The Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C.                                   such lienholder or person on a properly
                     1421 et seq.);                                                          executed assignment of indemnity provided to
              (iv) The Commodity Credit Corporation                                          us; or
                     Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.);                               (2) To pay to all lienholders or other persons to
              (v) The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (7                                 whom you have a financial debt or other
                     U.S.C. 1281 et seq.);                                                   pecuniary obligation any amount greater than
              (vi) Title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985                                the total amount of indemnity owed under the
                     (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.);                                               policy.
              (vii) The Consolidated Farm and Rural                                 (d) If we have received the properly executed
                     Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1921 et seq.);                           assignment of indemnity form:
                     and                                                                (1) Only one payment will be issued jointly in the
              (viii) Any federal law that provides assistance to                             names of all assignees and you; and
                     a producer of an agricultural commodity                            (2) Any assignee will have the right to submit all
                     affected by a crop or livestock loss or a                               loss notices and forms as required by the
                     decline in the prices of agricultural                                   policy.
                     commodities.                                                   (e) If you have suffered a loss from an insurable cause
13. Transfer of Coverage and Right to Indemnity                                         and fail to file a claim for indemnity within the period
    If you transfer any of your milk during the insurance                               specified in section 7(a), the assignee may submit
    period, you may transfer your coverage rights, if                                   the claim for indemnity not later than 15 days after
    the transferee is eligible for crop or livestock                                    the period for filing a claim has expired. We will
    insurance.                                                                          honor the terms of the assignment only if we can
    (a) We will not be liable for any more than the                                     accurately determine the amount of the claim.
         liability determined in accordance with your                                   However, no action will lie against us for failure to
         policy that existed before the transfer occurred.                              do so.
    (b) The transfer of coverage rights must be on                              15. Descriptive Headings
         our form and will not be effective until approved                          The descriptive headings of the various policy
         by us in writing.                                                          provisions are formulated for convenience only and are
    (c) Both you and the transferee are jointly and                                 not intended to affect the construction or meaning of
         severally liable for the payment of the premium.                           any of the policy provisions.
    (d) The         transferee     has     all   rights    and                  16. Notices
         responsibilities under this policy consistent with                         (a) All notices required to be given by you must be in
         the transferee’s interest.                                                     writing and received by the insurance agent
    (e) If the transferee is not eligible for livestock                                 identified in your application within the designated
         insurance for any reason, and the transfer                                     time unless otherwise provided by the notice
         occurs before the final 30 days of the insurance                               requirement.
         period, then the transferred portion of the                                    (1) Notices required to be given immediately may
         coverage will be terminated and no premium for                                      be by telephone or in person and confirmed in
         that portion will be refunded.                                                      writing.
14. Assignment of Indemnity                                                             (2) Time of the notice will be determined by the
    (a) You may assign your right to an indemnity for the                                    time of our receipt of the written notice. If the
         crop year only to creditors or other persons to                                     date by which you are required to submit a
         whom you have a financial debt or other pecuniary                                   report or notice falls on Saturday, Sunday, or
         obligation. You may be required to provide proof of                                 a federal holiday, or if your agent's office is, for
         the debt or other pecuniary obligation before we                                    any reason, not open for business on the date
         will accept the assignment of indemnity.                                            you are required to submit such notice or
    (b) All assignments must be on our form and must be                                      report, such notice or report must be submitted
         provided to us. Each assignment form may contain                                    on the next business day.
         more than one creditor or other person to whom                             (b) All policy provisions, notices and communications
         you have a financial debt or other pecuniary                                   required to be sent by us to you will be provided by
         obligation.                                                                    electronic means, unless we do not have the ability
    (c) Unless you have provided us with a properly                                     to transmit such information to you by electronic
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         means; or you elect to receive a paper copy of                                maintain such records will result in no indemnity
         such information.                                                             being due and since the denial of indemnity is
17. Applicability of State and Local Statutes                                          based on a breach of the policy for the insurance
    If the provisions of this policy conflict with statutes of                         period, you will still be required to pay all premiums
    the state or locality in which this policy is issued, the                          owed.
    policy provisions will prevail. State and local laws and                       (c) Any person designated by us, and any employee
    regulations in conflict with federal statutes or                                   of USDA, will, at any time during the record
    regulations do not apply to this policy.                                           retention period, have access:
18. Other Insurance                                                                    (1) To any records relating to this insurance at any
    Nothing in this section prevents you from obtaining                                     location where such records may be found or
    other insurance not authorized under the Act. However,                                  maintained; and
    unless specifically required by policy provisions, you                             (2) To the farm.
    must not obtain any other livestock insurance issued                           (d) By applying for insurance under the authority of the
    under the authority of the Act on the insured dairy cattle                         Act or by continuing insurance for which you
    or milk. If you cannot demonstrate that you did not                                previously applied, you authorize us, or any person
    intend to have more than one policy or endorsement in                              acting for us, to obtain records relating to the
    effect, you may be subject to the consequences                                     insured milk from any person who may have
    authorized under this policy, the Act, or any other                                custody of those records including, but not limited
    applicable statute. If you can demonstrate that you did                            to, packers, banks, shippers, sale barns, terminals,
    not intend to have more than one policy in effect (For                             cooperatives, associations, and accountants. You
    example, an application to transfer your policy or written                         must assist us in obtaining all records that we
    notification to an insurance provider that states you                              request from third parties.
    want to purchase, or transfer, insurance and you want                      20. Mediation, Arbitration, Appeal, Reconsideration,
    any other policies for the livestock canceled would                            and Administrative and Judicial Review
    demonstrate you did not intend to have duplicate                               (a) If you do not agree with any determination made
    policies), and:                                                                    by us, the disagreement may be resolved through
    (1) Both are for LGM policies, the policy with the                                 mediation in accordance with section 20(f). If the
         earliest date of application will be in force and the                         disagreement cannot be resolved through
         other policy will be void, unless both policies are                           mediation, or you and we do not agree to
         with:                                                                         mediation, you must timely seek resolution through
         (i) The same insurance provider and the                                       arbitration in accordance with the rules of the
              insurance provider agrees otherwise; or                                  American Arbitration Association (AAA), except as
         (ii) Different insurance providers and both                                   provided in sections 20(c) and (e), and unless rules
              insurance providers agree otherwise.                                     are established by FCIC for this purpose. Any
    (2) One policy is LGM and the other is a livestock                                 mediator or arbitrator with a familial, financial or
         policy insuring the same cattle for the insurance                             other business relationship to you or us, or our
         period, the policy with the earliest date of                                  agent or loss adjuster, is disqualified from hearing
         endorsement for the insurance period will be in
                                                                                       the dispute.
         force and the other endorsement will be void.
                                                                                       (1) All disputes involving determinations made by
19. Access to Insured Milk and Records, and Record
    Retention                                                                               us are subject to mediation or arbitration.
    (a) We, and any employee of USDA, reserve the right                                     However, if the dispute in any way involves a
         to examine the dairy herd of the insured producer,                                 policy or procedure interpretation, regarding
         and all records relating to sale of the milk as often                              whether a specific policy provision or
         as we reasonably require during the record                                         procedure is applicable to the situation, how it
         retention period.                                                                  is applicable, or the meaning of any policy
    (b) For three years after the end of the insurance                                      provision or procedure, either you or we must
         period, you must retain, and provide upon our                                      obtain an interpretation from FCIC in
         request, or the request of any USDA employee,                                      accordance with 7 CFR part 400, subpart X or
         complete records of the purchase, feeding (used to                                 such other procedures as established by
         determine capacity only), shipment, sale, or other                                 FCIC.
         disposition of all the insured milk. This requirement                              (i) Any interpretation by FCIC will be binding
         also applies to the records to establish the basis for                                   in any mediation or arbitration.
         the marketing report for each insurance period.                                    (ii) Failure       to    obtain   any     required
         You must also provide upon our request, or the                                           interpretation from FCIC will result in the
         request of any USDA employee, separate records                                           nullification of any agreement or award.
         showing the same information from any milk not                                     (iii) An interpretation by FCIC of a procedure
         insured. We may extend the record retention                                              may be appealed to the National Appeals
         period beyond three years by notifying you of such                                       Division in accordance with 7 CFR part 11.
         extension in writing. Your failure to keep and
                                                                  (13 of 15)
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