Lexical Semantic Change Discovery - Sinan Kurtyigit Maike Park Dominik Schlechtweg Jonas Kuhn Sabine Schulte im Walde - ACL Anthology
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Lexical Semantic Change Discovery Sinan Kurtyigit♠ Maike Park♥ Dominik Schlechtweg♠ Jonas Kuhn♠ Sabine Schulte im Walde♠ ♠ Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart ♥ Leibniz Institute for the German Language, Mannheim sinan.kurtyigit@gmail.com, park@ids-mannheim.de {schlecdk,jonas.kuhn,schulte}@ims.uni-stuttgart.de Abstract of novel LSCD models, and on analyzing and evalu- ating existing models. Up to now, these preferences While there is a large amount of research in for development and analysis vs. application repre- the field of Lexical Semantic Change Detec- tion, only few approaches go beyond a stan- sented a well-motivated choice, because the quality dard benchmark evaluation of existing models. of state-of-the-art models had not been established In this paper, we propose a shift of focus from yet, and because no tuning and testing data were change detection to change discovery, i.e., dis- available. But with recent advances in evaluation covering novel word senses over time from the (Basile et al., 2020; Schlechtweg et al., 2020; Ku- full corpus vocabulary. By heavily fine-tuning tuzov and Pivovarova, 2021), the field now owns a type-based and a token-based approach on re- standard corpora and tuning data for different lan- cently published German data, we demonstrate that both models can successfully be applied guages. Furthermore, we have gained experience to discover new words undergoing meaning regarding the interaction of model parameters and change. Furthermore, we provide an almost modelling task (such as binary vs. graded semantic fully automated framework for both evaluation change). This enables the field to more confidently and discovery. apply models to discover previously unknown se- mantic changes. Such discoveries may be useful 1 Introduction in a range of fields (Hengchen et al., 2019; Jatowt There has been considerable progress in Lexical Se- et al., 2021), among which historical semantics and mantic Change Detection (LSCD) in recent years lexicography represent obvious choices (Ljubešić, (Kutuzov et al., 2018; Tahmasebi et al., 2018; 2020). Hengchen et al., 2021), with milestones such as In this paper, we tune the most successful mod- the first approaches using neural language mod- els from SemEval-2020 Task 1 (Schlechtweg et al., els (Kim et al., 2014; Kulkarni et al., 2015), the 2020) on the German task data set in order to obtain introduction of Orthogonal Procrustes alignment high-quality discovery predictions for novel seman- (Kulkarni et al., 2015; Hamilton et al., 2016), de- tic changes. We validate the model predictions in a tecting sources of noise (Dubossarsky et al., 2017, standardized human annotation procedure and visu- 2019), the formulation of continuous models (Fr- alize the annotations in an intuitive way supporting ermann and Lapata, 2016; Rosenfeld and Erk, further analysis of the semantic structure relating 2018; Tsakalidis and Liakata, 2020), the first uses word usages. In this way, we automatically detect of contextualized embeddings (Hu et al., 2019; Giu- previously described semantic changes and at the lianelli et al., 2020), the development of solid an- same time discover novel instances of semantic notation and evaluation frameworks (Schlechtweg change which had not been indexed in standard his- et al., 2018, 2019; Shoemark et al., 2019) and torical dictionaries before. Our approach is largely shared tasks (Basile et al., 2020; Schlechtweg et al., automated, by relying on unsupervized language 2020). models and a publicly available annotation system However, only a very limited amount of work requiring only a small set of judgments from anno- applies the methods to discover novel instances of tators. We further evaluate the usability of the ap- semantic change and to evaluate the usefulness of proach from a lexicographer’s viewpoint and show such discovered senses for external fields. That is, how intuitive visualizations of human-annotated the majority of research focuses on the introduction data can benefit dictionary makers. 6985 Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 6985–6998 August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
2 Related Work evaluating models and predicting changing words on all kinds of corpora. State-of-the-art semantic change detection models are Vector Space Models (VSMs) (Schlechtweg 3 Data et al., 2020). These can be divided into type-based (static) (Turney and Pantel, 2010) and token-based We use the German data set provided by the (contextualized) (Schütze, 1998) approaches. For SemEval-2020 shared task (Schlechtweg et al., our study, we use both a static and a contextualized 2020, 2021). The data set contains a diachronic model. As mentioned above, previous work mostly corpus pair for two time periods to be compared, focuses on creating data sets or developing, evalu- a set of carefully selected target words as well as ating and analyzing models. A common approach binary and graded gold data for semantic change for evaluation is to annotate target words selected evaluation and fine-tuning purposes. from dictionaries in specific corpora (Tahmasebi Corpora The DTA corpus (Deutsches and Risse, 2017; Schlechtweg et al., 2018; Perrone Textarchiv, 2017) and a combination of the et al., 2019; Basile et al., 2020; Rodina and Kutu- BZ (Berliner Zeitung, 2018) and ND (Neues zov, 2020; Schlechtweg et al., 2020). Contrary to Deutschland, 2018) corpora are used. DTA this, our goal is to find ‘undiscovered’ changing contains texts from different genres spanning the words and validate the predictions of our models 16th–20th centuries. BZ and ND are newspaper by human annotators. Few studies focus on this corpora jointly spanning 1945–1993. Schlechtweg task. Kim et al. (2014), Hamilton et al. (2016), et al. (2020) extract two time specific corpora C1 Basile et al. (2016), Basile and Mcgillivray (2018), (DTA, 1800–1899) and C2 (BZ+ND 1946–1990) Takamura et al. (2017) and Tsakalidis et al. (2019) and provide raw and lemmatized versions. evaluate their approaches by validating the top ranked words through author intuitions or known Target Words A list of 48 target words, consist- historical data. The only approaches applying a ing of 32 nouns, 14 verbs and 2 adjectives is pro- systematic annotation process are Gulordava and vided. These are controlled for word frequency Baroni (2011) and Cook et al. (2013). Gulordava to minimize model biases that may lead to artifi- and Baroni ask human annotators to rate 100 ran- cially high performance (Dubossarsky et al., 2017; domly sampled words on a 4-point scale from 0 Schlechtweg and Schulte im Walde, 2020). (no change) to 3 (changed significantly), however without relating this to a data set. Cook et al. work 4 Models closely with a professional lexicographer to inspect Type-based models generate a single vector for 20 lemmas predicted by their models plus 10 ran- each word from a pre-defined vocabulary. In con- domly selected ones. Gulordava and Baroni and trast, token-based models generate one vector for Cook et al. evaluate their predictions on the (macro) each usage of a word. While the former do not take lemma level. We, however, annotate our predic- into account that most words have multiple senses, tions on the (micro) usage level, enabling us to the latter are able to capture this particular aspect better control the criteria for annotation and their and are thus presumably more suited for the task of inter-subjectivity. In this way, we are also able to LSCD (Martinc et al., 2020). Even though contex- build clusters of usages with the same sense and to tualized approaches have indeed significantly out- visualise the annotated data in an intuitive way. The performed static approaches in several NLP tasks annotation process is designed to not only improve over the past years (Ethayarajh, 2019), the field the quality of the annotations, but also lessen the of LSCD is still dominated by type-based models burden on the annotators. We additionally seek the (Schlechtweg et al., 2020). Kutuzov and Giulianelli opinion of a professional lexicographer to assess (2020) yet show that the performance of token- the usefulness of the predictions outside the field based models (especially ELMo) can be increased of LSCD. by fine-tuning on the target corpora. Laicher et al. In contrast to previous work, we obtain model (2020, 2021) drastically improve the performance predictions by fine-tuning static and contextualized of BERT by reducing the influence of target word embeddings on high-quality data sets (Schlechtweg morphology. In this paper, we compare both fami- et al., 2020) that were not available before. We lies of approaches for change discovery. provide a highly automated general framework for 6986
4.1 Type-based approach tualized embeddings, resulting in two sets of up Most type-based approaches in LSCD combine to 100 contextualized vectors for both time peri- three sub-systems: (i) creating semantic word rep- ods. To measure the change between these sets we resentations, (ii) aligning them across corpora, and use two different approaches: (i) We calculate the (iii) measuring differences between the aligned Average Pairwise Distance (APD). The idea is to representations (Schlechtweg et al., 2019). Mo- randomly pick a number of vectors from both sets tivated by its wide usage and high performance and measure their mutual distances (Schlechtweg among participants in SemEval-2020 (Schlechtweg et al., 2018; Kutuzov and Giulianelli, 2020). The et al., 2020) and DIACR-Ita (Basile et al., 2020), change score corresponds to the mean average dis- we use the Skip-gram with Negative Sampling tance of all comparisons. (ii) We average both model (SGNS, Mikolov et al., 2013a,b) to cre- vector sets and measure the Cosine Distance (COS) ate static word embeddings. SGNS is a shallow between the two resulting mean vectors (Kutuzov neural language model trained on pairs of word and Giulianelli, 2020). co-occurrences extracted from a corpus with a sym- 5 Discovery metric window. The optimized parameters can be interpreted as a semantic vector space that con- SemEval-2020 Task 1 consists of two subtasks: tains the word vectors for all words in the vocabu- (i) binary classification: for a set of target words, lary. In our case, we obtain two separately trained decide whether (or not) the words lost or gained vector spaces, one for each subcorpus (C1 and sense(s) between C1 and C2 , and (ii) graded rank- C2 ). Following standard practice, both spaces are ing: rank a set of target words according to their length-normalized, mean-centered (Artetxe et al., degree of LSC between C1 and C2 . These require 2016; Schlechtweg et al., 2019) and then aligned to detect semantic change in a small pre-selected by applying Orthogonal Procrustes (OP), because set of target words. Instead, we are interested in the columns from different vector spaces may not cor- discovery of changing words from the full vocab- respond to the same coordinate axes (Hamilton ulary of the corpus. We define the task of lexical et al., 2016). The change between two time-specific semantic change discovery as follows. embeddings is measured by calculating their Co- sine Distance (CD) (Salton and McGill, 1983). The Given a diachronic corpus pair C1 and C2 , de- strength of SGNS+OP+CD has been shown in two cide for the intersection of their vocabularies recent shared tasks with this sub-system combina- which words lost or gained sense(s) between tion ranking among the best submissions (Arefyev C1 and C2 . and Zhikov, 2020; Kaiser et al., 2020b; Pömsl and This task can also be seen as a special case of Se- Lyapin, 2020; Pražák et al., 2020). mEval’s Subtask 1 where the target words equal 4.2 Token-based approach the intersection of the corpus vocabularies. Note, however, that discovery introduces additional diffi- Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans- culties for models, e.g. because a large number of formers (BERT, Devlin et al., 2019) is a predictions is required and the target words are not transformer-based neural language model designed preselected, balanced or cleaned. Yet, discovery is to find contextualized representations for text by an important task, with applications such as lexi- analyzing left and right contexts. The base version cography where dictionary makers aim to cover the processes text in 12 different layers. In each layer, full vocabulary of a language. a contextualized token vector representation is cre- ated for every word. A layer, or a combination of 5.1 Approach multiple layers (we use the average), then serves We start the discovery process by generating as a representation for a token. For every target optimized graded value predictions using high- word we extract usages (i.e., sentences in which performing parameter configurations following pre- the word appears) by randomly sub-sampling up to vious work and fine-tuning. Afterwards, we infer 100 sentences from both subcorpora C1 and C2 .1 binary scores with a thresholding technique (see These are then fed into BERT to create contex- below). We then tune the threshold to find the 1 We sub-sample as some words appear in 10,000 or more best-performing type- and token-based approach sentences. 6987
x 4: Identical to test multiple parameter configurations.3 We sam- 3: Closely Related ple words from different frequency areas to have 2: Distantly Related predictions not only for low-frequency words. For 1: Unrelated this, we first compute the frequency range (highest frequency – lowest frequency) of the vocabulary. Table 1: DURel relatedness scale (Schlechtweg et al., This range is then split into 5 areas of equal fre- 2018). quency width. Random samples from these areas for binary classification. These are used to generate are taken based on how many words they contain. two sets of predictions.2 For example: if the lowest frequency area con- tains 50% of all words from the vocabulary, then Evaluation metrics We evaluate the graded 0.5 ∗ 500 = 250 random samples are taken from rankings in Subtask 2 by computing Spearman’s this area. The SemEval-2020 target words are ex- rank-order correlation coefficient ρ. For the binary cluded from this sampling process. The resulting classification subtask we compute precision, recall population is used to create predictions for both and F0.5 . The latter puts a stronger focus on pre- models. cision than recall because our human evaluation cannot be automated, so we decided to weigh qual- Filtering The predictions contain proper names, ity (precision) higher than quantity (recall). foreign language and lemmatization errors, which we aim to filter out, as such cases are usually not Parameter tuning Solving Subtask 2 is straight- considered as semantic changes. We only allow forward, since both the type-based and token-based nouns, verbs and adjectives to pass. Words where approaches output distances between representa- over 10% of the usages are either non-German or tions for C1 and C2 for every target word. Like contain more than 25% punctuation are filtered out many approaches in SemEval-2020 Task 1 and as well. DIACR-Ita we use thresholding to binarise these values. The idea is to define a threshold parame- 6 Annotation ter, where all ranked words with a distance greater The model predictions are validated by human an- or equal to this threshold are labeled as changing notation. For this, we apply the SemEval-2020 words. Task 1 procedure, as described in Schlechtweg et al. For cases where no tuning data is available, (2020). Annotators are asked to judge the semantic Kaiser et al. (2020b) propose to choose the thresh- relatedness of pairs of word usages, such as the two old according to the population of CDs of all words usages of Aufkommen in (1) and (2), on the scale in the corpus. Kaiser et al. set the threshold to in Table 1. µ + σ, where µ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation of the population. We slightly modify this (1) Es ist richtig, dass mit dem Aufkommen der approach by changing the threshold to µ + t ∗ σ. Manufaktur im Unterschied zum Handwerk In this way, we introduce an additional parameter t, sich Spuren der Kinderexploitation zeigen. which we tune on the SemEval-2020 test data. We ‘It is true that with the emergence of the test different values ranging from −2 to 2 in steps manufactory, in contrast to the handicraft, of 0.1. traces of child labor are showing.’ Population Since SGNS generates type-based (2) Sie wissen, daß wir für das Vieh mehr Futter vectors for every word in the vocabulary, measuring aus eigenem Aufkommen brauchen. the distances for the full vocabulary comes with low ‘They know that we need more feed from our additional computational effort. Unfortunately, this own production for the cattle.’ is much more difficult for BERT. Creating up to 100 vectors for every word in the vocabulary drastically The annotated data of a word is represented in a increases the computational burden. We choose a Word Usage Graph (WUG), where vertices repre- population of 500 words for our work allowing us sent word usages, and weights on edges represent 2 3 Find the code used for each step of the pre- In a practical setting where predictions have to be gener- diction process at https://github.com/seinan9/ ated only once, a much larger number may be chosen. Also, LSCDiscovery. possibilities to scale up BERT performance can be applied (Montariol et al., 2021). 6988
full C1 C2 Figure 1: Word Usage Graph of German Aufkommen (left), subgraphs for first time period C1 (middle) and for second time period C2 (right). black/gray lines indicate high/low edge weights. the (median) semantic relatedness judgment of a sified as change. As proposed in Schlechtweg and pair of usages such as (1) and (2). The final WUGs Schulte im Walde (submitted) for comparability are clustered with a variation of correlation cluster- across sample sizes we set k = 1 ≤ 0.01 ∗ |Ui | ≤ 3 ing (Bansal et al., 2004; Schlechtweg et al., 2020) and n = 3 ≤ 0.1 ∗ |Ui | ≤ 5, where |Ui | is the (see Figure 1, left) and split into two subgraphs number of usages from the respective time period representing nodes from subcorpora C1 and C2 , (after removing incomprehensible usages from the respectively (middle and right). Clusters are then graphs). This results in k = 1 and n = 3 for all interpreted as word senses and changes in clusters target words. over time as lexical semantic change. Find an overview over the final set of WUGs In contrast to Schlechtweg et al. we use the in Table 2. We reach a comparably high inter- openly available DURel interface for annotation annotator agreement (Krippendorf’s α = .58).5 and visualization.4 This also implies a change in sampling procedure, as the system currently imple- 7 Results ments only random sampling of use pairs (without We now describe the results of the tuning and dis- SemEval-style optimization). For each target word covery procedures. we sample |U1 | = |U2 | = 25 usages (sentences) per subcorpus (C1 , C2 ) and upload these to the 7.1 Tuning DURel system, which presents use pairs to annota- SGNS is commonly used (Schlechtweg et al., 2020) tors in randomized order. We recruit eight German and also highly optimized (Kaiser et al., 2020a,b, native speakers with university level education as 2021), so it is difficult to further increase the per- annotators. Five have a background in linguistics, formance. We thus rely on the work of Kaiser et al. two in German studies, and one has an additional (2020a) and test their parameter configurations on professional background in lexicography. Similar the German SemEval-2020 data set.6 We obtain to Schlechtweg et al., we ensure the robustness three slightly different parameter configurations of the obtained clusterings by continuing the an- (see Table 3 for more details), yielding competitive notation of a target word until all multi-clusters ρ = .690, ρ = .710 and ρ = .710, respectively. (clusters with more than one usage) in its WUG In order to improve the performance of are connected by at least one judgment. We fi- BERT, we test different layer combinations, pre- nally label a target word as changed (binary) if it processings and semantic change measures. Fol- gained or lost a cluster over time. For instance, lowing Laicher et al. (2020, 2021), we are able Aufkommen in Figure 1 is labeled as change as it to drastically increase the performance of BERT gains the orange cluster from C1 to C2 . Follow- 5 We provide WUGs as Python NetworkX graphs, de- ing Schlechtweg et al. (2020) we use k and n as scriptive statistics, inferred clusterings, change values and lower frequency thresholds to avoid that small ran- interactive visualizations for all target words and the respec- dom fluctuations in sense frequencies caused by tive code at https://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/ data/wugs. sampling variability or annotation error be misclas- 6 All configurations use w = 10, d = 300, e = 5 and a 4 https://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/ minimum frequency count of 39. data/durel-tool. 6989
Data set n N/V/A |U| AN JUD AV SPR KRI UNC LOSS LSCB LSCG SemEval 48 32/14/2 178 8 37k 2 .59 .53 0 .12 .35 .31 Predictions 75 39/16/20 49 8 24k 1 .64 .58 0 .26 .48 .40 Table 2: Overview target words. n = no. of target words, N/V/A = no. of nouns/verbs/adjectives, |U | = avg. no. of usages per word, AN = no. of annotators, JUD = total no. of judged usage pairs, AV = avg. no. of judgments per usage pair, SPR = weighted mean of pairwise Spearman, KRI = Krippendorff’s α, UNC = avg. no. of uncompared multi-cluster combinations, LOSS = avg. of normalized clustering loss * 10, LSCB/G = mean binary/graded change score. on the German SemEval-2020 data. In a pre- as changing, respectively. We further sample 30 processing step, we replace the target word in ev- targets from the second set of predictions to ob- ery usage by its lemma. In combination with layer tain a feasible number for annotation. We call the 12+1, both APD and COS perform competitively first set SGNS targets and the second one BERT well on Subtask 2 (ρ = .690 and ρ = .738). targets, with an overlap of 7 targets. Additionally, After applying thresholding as described in Sec- we randomly sample 30 words from the population tion 5 we obtain F0.5 -scores for a large range of (with an overlap of 5 with the SGNS and BERT thresholds. SGNS achieves peak F0.5 -scores of targets) in order to have an indication of what the .692, .738 and .685, respectively (see Table 3). In- change distribution underlying the corpora is. We terestingly, the optimal threshold is at t = 1.0 in call these baseline (BL) targets. This baseline will all three cases. This corresponds to the thresh- help us to put the results of the predictions in con- old used in Kaiser et al. (2020b). While the peak text and to find out whether the predictions of the F0.5 of BERT+APD is marginally worse (.598 at two models can be explained by pure randomness. t = −0.2), BERT+COS is able to outperform the Following the annotation process, binary gold data best SGNS configuration with a peak of .741 at is generated for all three target sets, in order to t = 0.1. validate the quality of the predictions. In order to obtain an estimate on the sampling The evaluation of the predictions is presented variability that is caused by sampling only up to 100 in Table 3. We achieve a F0.5 -score of .714 for usages per word for BERT+APD and BERT+COS SGNS and .620 for BERT. Out of the 27 words (see Section 4.2), we repeat the whole procedure predicted by the SGNS model, 18 (67 %) were ac- 9 times and estimate mean and standard deviation tually labeled as changing words by the human of performance on the tuning data. In the begin- annotators. In comparison, only 17 out of the ning of every run the usages are randomly sampled 30 (57 %) BERT predictions were annotated as from the corpora. We observe a mean ρ of .657 such. The performance of SGNS for prediction for BERT+APD and .743 for BERT+COS with a (SGNS targets) is even higher than on the tuning standard deviation of .015 and .012, respectively, data (SemEval targets). In contrast, BERT’s perfor- as well as a mean F0.5 of .576 for BERT+APD and mance for prediction drops strongly in comparison .684 for BERT+COS with a standard deviation of to the performance on the tuning data (.741 vs. .013 and .038, respectively. This shows that the .620). This reproduces previous results and con- variability caused by sub-sampling word usages is firms that (off-the-shelf) BERT generalises poorly negligible. for LSCD and does not transfer well between data sets (Laicher et al., 2020). If we compare these 7.2 Discovery results to the baseline, we can see that both mod- We use the top-performing configurations (see Ta- els perform much better than the random baseline ble 3) to generate two sets of large-scale predic- (F0.5 of .349). Only 10 out of the 30 (30 %) ran- tions. While we use the lemmatized corpora for domly sampled words are annotated as changing. SGNS, in BERT’s case we choose the raw corpora This indicates, that the performance of SGNS and with lemmatized target words instead. The latter BERT is likely not a cause of randomness. Both choice is motivated by the previously described per- models considerably increase the chance of finding formance increases. After the filtering as described changing words compared to a random model. in Section 6, we obtain 27 and 75 words labeled Figure 2 shows the detailed F0.5 developments 6990
tuning predictions parameters t ρ F0.5 P R ρ F0.5 P R k = 1, s = .005 1.0 .690 .692 .750 .529 SGNS k = 5, s = .001 1.0 .710 .738 .818 .529 .295 .714 .667 1.0 k = 5, s = None 1.0 .710 .685 .714 .588 −0.2 BL BERT APD .673 .598 .560 .824 COS 0.1 .738 .741 .706 .788 .482 .620 .567 1.0 random sampling .349 .300 1.0 Table 3: Performance (Spearman ρ, F0.5 -measure, precision P and recall R) of different approaches on tuning data (SemEval targets) and performance of best type- and token-based approach on respective predictions with optimal tuning threshold t, as well as the performance of a randomly sampled baseline. across different thresholds on the SemEval targets that there is only one and the same cluster in both and the predicted words. Increasing the threshold time periods, and the meaning of the target does not on the predicted words improves the F0.5 for both change, even though a large variety of contexts ex- the type-based and token-based approach. A new ists in both C1 and C2 . For example: ‘which bears high-score of .783 at t = 1.3 is achievable for oats at nine years fertilization’, ‘courageously, a SGNS. While BERT’s performance also increases nine-year-old Spaniard did something’ and ‘after to a peak of .714 at t = 1.0, it is still lower than in nine years of work’. Both models are misguided the tuning phase. by this large context variety. Examples include the SGNS targets neunjährig (‘9-year-old’) and 7.3 Analysis vorjährig (‘of the previous year’) and the COS tar- For further insights into sources of errors, we take gets bemerken (‘to notice’) and durchdenken (‘to a close look at the false positives, their WUGs think through’). and the underlying usages. Most of the wrong predictions can be grouped into one out of two 8 Lexicographical evaluation error sources (cf. Kutuzov, 2020, pp. 175–182). We now evaluate the usefulness of the proposed Context change The first category includes semantic change discovery procedure including the words where the context in the usages shifts be- annotation system and WUG visualization from a tween time periods, while the meaning stays the lexicographer’s viewpoint. The advantage of our same. The WUG of Angriffswaffe (‘offensive approach lies in providing lexicographers and dic- weapon’) (see Figure 5 in Appendix A) shows a sin- tionary makers the choice to take a look into pre- gle cluster for both C1 and C2 . In the first time pe- dictions they consider promising with respect to riod Angriffswaffe is used to refer to a hand weapon their research objective (disambiguation of word (such as ‘sword’, ‘spear’). In the second period, senses, detection of novel senses, detection of ar- however, the context changes to nuclear weaponry. chaisms, describing senses in regard to specific We can see a clear contextual shift, while the mean- discourses etc.) and the type of dictionary. Visual- ing did not change. In this case both models are ized predictions for target words may be analyzed tricked by the change of context. Further false posi- in regard to single senses, clusters of senses, the tives in this category are the SGNS targets Ächtung semantic proximity of sense clusters and a stylized (‘ostracism’) and aussterben (‘to die out’) and the representation of frequency. Random sampling COS targets Königreich (‘kingdom’) and Waffen- of usages also offers the opportunity to judge un- ruhe (‘ceasefire’). derrepresented senses in a sample that might be infrequent in a corpus or during a specific period Context variety Words that can be used in a of time (although currently a high number of over- large variety of contexts form the second group of all annotations would be required in order to do false positives. SGNS falsely predicts neunjährig so). Most importantly, the use of a variable number as a changing word. We take a closer look at its of human annotators has the potential to ensure a WUG (see Figure 6 in Appendix A). We observe more objective analysis of large amounts of corpus 6991
Figure 2: F0.5 performance on SemEval targets (orange) and respective predictions (green) across different thresh- olds. Left: SGNS. Right: BERT+COS. Gray vertical line indicates optimal performance on SemEval targets. data. In order to evaluate the potential of the ap- up until today.7 Additionally, lemma entries in the proach for assisting lexicographers with extending Wiktionary online dictionary (Wiktionary) are con- dictionaries, we analyze statistical measures and sulted to verify genuinely novel senses described predictions of the models provided for the two sets in Section 8.1. of predictions (SGNS, BERT) and compare them to existing dictionary contents. 8.1 Records of novel senses We consider overall inter-annotator agreement In the case of 17 target words, all senses identified (α >= .5) and annotated binary change label to by the system are included in at least one of the select 21 target words for lexicographical analy- three dictionaries consulted for the analysis. In sis. In this way, we exclude unclear cases and the four remaining cases, at least one novel sense non-changing words. The target words are ana- of a word is neither paraphrased nor given as an lyzed by inspecting cluster visualizations of WUGs example of semantically related senses in the dic- (such as in Figure 1) and comparing them to entries tionaries: in general and specialized dictionaries in order to einbinden Reference to the integration or embed- determine: ding of details on a topic, event, person in respect to • whether a candidate novel sense is already a chronological order within written text or visual included in one of the reference dictionaries, presentation (e.g. for an exhibition on an author) is judged as a novel sense in close semantic prox- • whether a candidate novel sense is included in imity to the old sense ‘to bind sth. into sth.’, e.g. one of the two reference dictionaries that are flowers into a bundle of flowers. einbinden is also consulted for C1 (covering the period between used in technical contexts, meaning ‘to (physically) 1800–1899) and C2 (covering the period be- implement parts of a construction or machine into tween 1946–1990), indicating the rise of a their intended slots’. novel sense, the archaization of older senses or a change in frequency. niederschlagen In cases where the verb nieder- schlagen co-occurs with the verb particle auf and Three dictionaries are consulted throughout the the noun Flügel, the verb refers to a bird’s action of analysis: (i) the Dictionary of the German language repeatedly moving its wings up and down in order (DWB) by Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm (digitized to fly. version of the 1st print published between 1854– regelrecht Used as an adverb, regelrecht may re- 1961), (ii) the Dictionary of Contemporary Ger- fer to something being the usual outcome that ought man (WGD), published between 1964–1977, now 7 curated and digitized by the DWDS and (iii) the Only the fully-digitized version of the DWB’s first print Duden online dictionary of German language (DU- was consulted for this evaluation, since a revised version has not been completed yet and is only available for lemmas start- DEN), reflecting usage of Contemporary German ing with letters a–f. 6992
to be expected due to scientific principles, with an 9 Conclusion emphasis on the actual result of an action (such as We used two state-of-the-art approaches to LSC the dyeing of fiber of a piece of clothing following detection in combination with a recently published the bleaching process), whereas senses included in high-quality data set to automatically discover se- dictionaries for general language emphasize either mantic changes in a German diachronic corpus the intended accordance with a rule or something pair. While both approaches were able to discover usually happening (the latter being colloquial use). various semantic changes with above-random prob- Zehner (see Figure 3 in Appendix A) The ability, some of them previously undescribed in meaning ‘a winning sequence of numbers in the etymological dictionaries, the type-based approach national lottery’, predicted to have risen as a novel showed a clearly better performance. sense between C1 and C2 , is not included in any of We validated model predictions by an opti- the reference dictionaries. mized human annotation process yielding high inter-annotator agreement and providing conve- In most of these cases, senses identified as novel nient ways of visualization. In addition, we eval- reflect metaphoric use, indicating that definitions uated the full discovery process from a lexicogra- in existing dictionary entries may need to be broad- pher’s point of view and conclude that we obtained ened, or example sentences would have to be added. high-quality predictions, useful visualizations and Some of the senses described in this section might previously unreported changes. On the other hand, be included in specialized dictionaries, e.g. techni- we discovered some issues with respect to the re- cal usage of einbinden. liability of predictions for semantic change and number and composition of reference corpora that 8.2 Records of changes are going to be dealt with in the future. The results For 12 target words, semantic change predicted of the analyses endorse that our approach might aid by the models (innovative, reductive or a salient lexicographers with extending and altering existing change of frequency of a sense) correlates with dictionary entries. the addition or non-inclusion of senses in dictio- nary entries consulted for the respective period of Acknowledgments time (DWB for C1 , WGD for C2 ). It should be We thank the three reviewers for their insightful noted though, that lemma lists of the two dictionar- feedback and Pedro González Bascoy for setting up ies might be lacking lemmas in the headword list, the DURel annotation tool. Dominik Schlechtweg and lemma entries might be lacking paraphrases was supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation or examples of senses of the lemma, simply be- and the CRETA center funded by the German Min- cause corpus-based lexicography was not available istry for Education and Research (BMBF) during at the time of their first print and revisions of the the conduct of this study. dictionaries are currently work in progress. Additionally, we consult a dictionary for Early New High German (FHD) in order to check References whether discovered novel senses existed at an ear- Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wil- lier stage and may be discovered due to low fre- helm Grimm, digitalized edition curated by the quency or sampling error. In two cases, discovered Wörterbuchnetz at the Trier Center for Digital Hu- novel senses that are not included in the DWB (for manities. https://www.woerterbuchnetz.de/ DWB. Accessed: 2021-01-07. C1 ) are found to be included in the FHD. Interestingly, one sense paraphrased for Ausru- Frühneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch. https:// fung (‘a loud wording, a shout’) is included in fwb-online.de. Accessed: 2021-01-07. neither of the two dictionaries consulted to judge Wörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache 1964– senses from C1 and C2 , but in the FHD (earlier) 1977, curated and provided by the Digital Dictionary and DUDEN (as of now). These findings suggest of German Language. https://www.dwds.de/d/ that it might be reasonable to use more than two wb-wdg. Accessed: 2021-01-07. reference corpora. This would also alleviate the Nikolay Arefyev and Vasily Zhikov. 2020. BOS at corpus bias stemming from idiosyncratic data sam- SemEval-2020 Task 1: Word Sense Induction via pling procedures. Lexical Substitution for Lexical Semantic Change 6993
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full C1 C2 Figure 3: Word Usage Graph of German Zehner (left), subgraphs for first time period C1 (middle) and for second time period C2 (right). full C1 C2 Figure 4: Word Usage Graph of German Lager (left), subgraphs for first time period C1 (middle) and for second time period C2 (right). full C1 C2 Figure 5: Word Usage Graph of German Anriffswaffe (left), subgraphs for first time period C1 (middle) and for second time period C2 (right). full C1 C2 Figure 6: Word Usage Graph of German neunjährig (left), subgraphs for first time period C1 (middle) and for second time period C2 (right). 6998
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