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Let’s consolidate
                                   T    he benefits of growth. After three years spent rebuilding its organisation and
                                        revitalising its commercial strength, Guerbet is now reaping the benefits of
                                   the in-depth changes made. The year 2000 was a key step along the path laid
                                   down in 1998 when the multi-year plan designed to lead the company into a
                                   new era was first launched. For the first time in three years, Guerbet has been
                                   able to take full advantage of the excellent level of demand in most medical
                                   imaging markets. A solid increase in overall turnover; an expanding market
                                   share in Europe, Asia and South America; a marked rise in operating profits;
                                   reduced debt: the beginnings of a recovery, already seen in 1999, were more
                                   than just confirmed during the year 2000. Thanks to its internal reconstruction
                                   work, Guerbet now has a platform of attack that should enable it to achieve its
                                   ultimate goal of growth and profitability. The company still has some skirmishes
                                   to win before it can complete its victory. The figures for the financial year 2000
                                   prove that it has both the resources and the determination to do so.

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                                                                           A solid team
                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS                    MANAGEMENT BOARD

                  Michel Guerbet, MD                    Michel Guerbet, MD              Brigitte Dubreucq
                  Jacky Boudeville                      Chairman                        Vice President,
                  Jean Guerbet                                                          Human Resources
                  Christian Louvet                      Philippe Decazes
                  Bernard Massiot                       Chief Executive Officer         Dominique Meyer
                                                                                        Vice President, Plan
                                                        Bertrand de Castelnau           & Management Control
                                                        Vice President, Worldwide
                                                        Operations                      Philippe Charbon
                                                                                        Vice President, Information
                                    Philippe Decazes    Alain Chaptal                   Technology
                              Chief Executive Officer   Vice President, Industrial
                                                        Operations                      Florence Pivert
                                                                                        Vice President, Communication
                                                        Bruno Bonnemain
                                                        Vice President, Development &
                                                        Regulatory Affairs                   STATUTORY AUDITORS

                                                        Claire Corot                    François Robert
                                                        Vice President, Research        Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,
                                                                                        represented by Philippe Mouraret
                                                        Olivier Guerbet
                                                        Managing Director, Simafex

                                                        Marie-Christine Garnier
                                                        Chief Pharmacist,
                                                        Vice President, Quality

                                                        Philippe Barthelet
                                                        Vice President, Finance

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                               Improved profitability
            H     aving been engaged in a far-
                  reaching restructuring project
            since mid-98, in 2000, the Guerbet
                                                       cast, growth related to improved
                                                       industrial and logistical efficiency. The
                                                       operating result is up 51.7% and rep-
                                                                                                   products for medical imaging.
                                                                                                   Maintaining our dynamic commer-
                                                                                                   cial growth and accelerating our
            group began to reap the tangible ben-      resents 6.3% of total turnover as com-      increased efficiency will help us to
            efits of the initiatives implemented:      pared to 4.5% the year before. At the       continue constantly improving our
            increased sales drive, significant         same time, our debt fell constantly         profitability.
            improvement in profitability and a         and regularly once the Italian invest-      Given the commitment of Guerbet's
            reduction in debt.                         ment had been completed.                    teams to build this new company and
                                                                                                   the prospects for future development,
            With a 7.5% increase in sales, the         Development        programmes for           at the AGM our Board of Directors
            Group is continuing its policy of          Sinerem * and P792, blood pool
                                                                                                   will propose voting for a net dividend
            worldwide commercial development.          agent for Magnetic Resonance                of 0.46 euro per share.
            Almost 70% of its sales are made           Imaging (MRI) are being actively con-
            internationally. This dynamism is the      tinued. In 2000, a sum of 18 million                     Doctor Michel Guerbet
            result of products with a high potential   euros, i.e. 9.1% of total turnover, was                              Chairman
            and a strategic value: Xenetix® for the    devoted to these programmes. New
            X-ray range and Dotarem® for the MRI       avenues of research have been
            range. These two products have regis-      defined and validated in response to
            tered sales increases of 22 and 15%,       the requirements of practitioners in
            respectively, compared to 1999.            the diagnosis of key diseases: imaging
            Guerbet has strengthened its position      of colon cancer, detection of athero-
            in Europe, Asia and South America. In      matous plaque or a universal cancer
            Europe, whilst continuing to consoli-      marker. These strategic directions will
            date its leading position in France,       drive our Group’s research policy for
            Belgium, Switzerland and Portugal,         the next ten years.
            the Group has also increased its mar-
            ket shares in its more recent sub-         Despite high levels of taxation and a
            sidiaries. The creation of a subsidiary    negative exchange result, the group’s
            in Italy in April 2000 has successfully    net profits are up 66.7%, to 2.3 mil-
            enabled the company to have a direct       lion euros.
            presence on the second largest con-
            trast products market in Europe.           In sum, in the course of the year 2000
                                                       the Guerbet Group demonstrated its
            Continuing its policy of commercial,       ability to change and adapt, along
            industrial and research investments,       with its determination to be an essen-
            in 2000 the Group registered, as fore-     tial player in the sector of contrast

                                                                                                                                     2      3

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                                   First benefits of growth

                            € Millions                                              2000              1999            ∆ 00/99*    1998

                            Sales                                                    198.0            184.1            + 7.5%    175.7
                            % sales outside France                                     69.5%            65.9%                     65.2%

                            Operating income                                           12.6              8.3          + 51.7%      6.6
                            Ordinary income before tax                                  6.7              6.2           + 7.5%      2.1

                            Net income                                                  2.3              1.4          + 66.7%    (10.2)
                            Diluted earnings
                            per share (euros)                                           0.92             0.74                     (2.69)

                            Cash flow                                                  17.6             17.7           – 0.7%      8.8

                            Shareholders’ equity                                       88.3             87.3           + 1.1%     87.0

                            Return on equity (1)                                        2.7%             1.6%                    NS
                            Equity/total liability (2)                                 40.0%            38.0%                     40.0%
                            Gearing ratio (3)                                          77.0%            82.0%                     71.0%

                            Investment                                                 12.9             18.3          – 29.5%     17.2

                            R&D expenditure                                            18.0             18.8           – 4.3%     16.6
                            as % of sales                                               9.1%            10.2%                      9.5%

                            Employees as at December 31                              1,040            1,037            + 0.3%    1,103

                            (1) Consolidated income divided by shareholders’ equity prior to financial year income.
                            (2) Shareholder capital following net annual income divided by total balance sheet.
                            (3) Net financial debt divided by shareholders’ equity.
                            * Percentages based on thousands of euro calculations.

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5.3%        0.4%
                                Employees      Guerbet

                                                                                 1996                     162.2

                                                                                 1997                      170.9

                                                                                 1998                       175.7

                                                                                 1999                           184.1

             23.1%                                              49.7%            2000                             198.0
             Guerbet                                            Chandey

                        Breakdown in Guerbet share capital                          Sales
                                                                                   Euro millions

                                       1996              4.7                     1996                    17.9
                                                         2.9%                                            11%

                                       1997                               10.0   1997                             22.2
                                                                          5.9%                                    13%

    (10.2)                             1998                                      1998              8.8
    (5.8%)                                                                                         5%

                                       1999   1.4                                1999                    17.7
                                              0.7%                                                       9.6%

                                       2000     2.3                              2000                    17.6
                                                1.2%                                                     8.9%

                        Net income                                                  Cash flow
                       Euro millions                                               Euro millions
                       as % of sales                                               as % of sales

                                                                                                                         4   5

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                                   Growth back on track
                                       Increased sales efficiency resulting in improved gross
                                       profits and industrial rationalisation that is now well
                                       under way led the group towards ever more dynamic
                                       growth in Europe in 2000 and improvement in its funda-
                                       mentals. Buoyed up by technological innovation, Guerbet
                                       was able to reinforce its position by improving its level of
                                       customer service.

                                       T    he far-reaching programme of
                                            change begun by Guerbet from
                                       mid-1998 onwards was an essential
                                                                                around the world and also by tech-
                                                                                nological innovations – in the fields
                                                                                of X-ray and magnetic resonance
                                       pre-requisite for getting the group      imaging. The advent of the multi-
                                       back on track for dynamic growth,        slice CT has given a new boost to X-
                                       for guaranteeing greater efficiency      ray technology, making it possible to
                                       and restoring profitability. Guerbet's   acquire better-quality images, faster.
                                       results in 2000 demonstrate that this    The contribution of contrast agents
                                       programme was well founded.              is increasingly necessary in numer-
                                       Indeed, the dynamic growth               ous different clinical indications. In
                                       regained in 1999 was further con-        MRI, the development of the
                                       solidated in 2000. Both operating        “machine fleet” and the emergence
                                       profits and net profits improved. At     of new indications, such as mag-
                                       the same time, the group continued       netic resonance angiography, are
                                       to pursue its primary goal of devel-     fostering the growth of contrast
                                       oping and providing the medical          agents in this field.
                                       profession with contrast agents          In these markets, the group offers its
                                       allowing them to give their patients     customers an extensive range of
                                       an accurate and reliable diagnosis.      products tailored to the various indi-
                                                                                cations and developing in tandem
                                          A MARKET BUOYED UP BY                 with technological advances. In the
                                        TECHNOLOGICALINNOVATION                 X-ray field, Guerbet's principal driv-
                                                                                ing force for growth is Xenetix®.
                                       Guerbet is working in a constantly       Today, this product accounts for
                                       changing market – that of medical        30% of Guerbet’s total sales. First
                                       imaging. These changes are driven        launched in 1995, sales of Xenetix®
                                       both by increasing health needs          – a new generation non-ionic

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1996                     13.7

                                                                                               1997              11.1
            product – went up by 22% in the
            last financial year and the product        ALMOST 70% OF SALES MADE
                                                          INTERNATIONALLY                      1998                            17.2
            still has strong potential for increas-
            ing its market share in many differ-
            ent countries. In the field of MRI, it    In the rest of the world, Guerbet has
                                                                                               1999                                18.3
            is Dotarem® that is driving growth in     had more mixed results. In Latin
            the range, with a 15% increase in its     America, the group has been able to
            sales. First launched in 1989, this       consolidate its position through its     2000                12.9
            non-specific product has seen its         Brazilian subsidiary and also
            sales gain momentum since 1998.           through growth in other countries,
                                                      in particular Argentina. In the
                                                      United States, however, sales of            Investment
                A STRONG SALES DRIVE
                                                      Hexabrix® have fallen sharply. In
                     IN EUROPE                                                                   Euro millions
                                                      Asia, the two new Taiwanese and
                                                      Korean subsidiaries are growing
            Achieved by means of products with        despite local economic and social
            a high strategic potential, the           difficulties in Korea. Finally, thanks
            group's growth is also due to the         to active collaboration with some
            active development of new markets,        particularly      dynamic      agents,
            principally in Europe. While the          Guerbet has been able to extend its
            overall turnover for the Group has        market shares in Africa and the
            gone up by 7.5%, its commercial           Middle East. In a worldwide market,
            vitality is even more strongly            the group now makes almost 70% of
            reflected in Europe, with sales hav-      its sales internationally.
            ing gone up by 10.7%. The direct
            presence of Guerbet in Italy –                A GOOD YEAR FOR FINE
            Europe’s second largest contrast                   CHEMISTRY
            agent market – has actively con-
            tributed to this dynamism. Today, the
            group makes 77% of its sales in           After a difficult year in 1999,
            Europe, further confirming its lead-      Simafex – the subsidiary specialising
            ing position in the countries where it    in fine chemistry – saw its sales to
            has been present for many years –         pharmaceutical companies other
            France, Belgium, Switzerland,             than Guerbet increase by 46% in
            Portugal – and registering significant    2000. Simafex produces one of the
            growth in new markets, such as            essential intermediate products for
            Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom,         the active ingredient in Xenetix® and
            Austria or Turkey. Guerbet now            the active ingredient in Dotarem® for
            holds 20% of the European market.         the group. In the year 2000, the
                                                      Simafex teams worked actively
                                                      to develop a new manufacturing
                                                      process for Dotarem®. Simafex also

                                                                                                                        6      7

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                                   began a major project to improve            has started to bear fruit. Thus, the
                                   its environment sector in 2000,             reduction in stocks – representing a
                                   investing sums in the sorting and           reduction of 6.8 million euros – has
                                   concentration of effluents.                 actively contributed to greater
                                                                               industrial efficiency. These major
                                     IMPROVED GROSS PROFITS                    programmes concerning the supply
                                         AND INDUSTRIAL                        chain and the information systems
                                        RATIONALISATION                        are due to be completed in 2001
                                                                               and will permit the group to
                                   Backed up by its dynamic growth,            increase its efficiency and at the
                                   the group has concentrated its              same time to further improve its
                                   efforts on improving its efficiency in      customer service level.
                                   all areas. The first effects of this pol-   Overall, commercial, industrial and
                                   icy are now being seen in the results       computer investments in 2000 went
                                   for the financial year 2000. Gross          up to 12.9 million euros.
                                   profits have improved – a sign of
                                   greater sales efficiency. At the same              RE-EVALUATION OF
                                   time, the rationalisation of indus-               THE FUNDAMENTALS
                                   trial activities has been amplified. In
                                   2000, new working organisations             The operating result of 12.6 million
                                   were set up, in both the pharmacy           euros, up by 51.7%, is a concrete
                                   and chemistry sectors, making it            reflection of the beneficial conse-
                                   possible to increase production             quences of the changes made. This
                                   capacities and improve productivity         total represents 6.3% of turnover, as
                                   while maintaining almost exactly            compared to 4.5% in 1999.
                                   the same level of resources. In three       The group’s net profits have been
                                   years, with modest industrial invest-       affected by high taxation levels. In
                                   ments, the Lanester plant (Mor-             fact, the reduction in tax rates in
                                   bihan) has multiplied its production        France and Germany reduces the
                                   capacity for the active ingredient in       future tax savings that the group
                                   Xenetix®, the group’s leading prod-         may be able to make in 2001 and
                                   uct, by two and half. As for cost           2002 by charging the tax deficits
                                   prices, these have continued to fall,       accumulated in 1992 (acquisition
                                   although the high dollar has had a          in Germany) and in 1998 (restruc-
                                   not insignificant impact on pur-            turing in France) to the profits made
                                   chases of iodine, the main raw              in the financial year 2000. High
                                   material in X-ray products.                 financial costs along with a nega-
                                   The overhaul of logistics flows and         tive exchange result due to the sig-
                                   information systems begun in 2000           nificant fall in the Korean currency

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1996                             6.0%

                                                                                             1997                                    7.2%

                                                                                             1998                  3.8%
            at year-end have also had an effect     ciency increased and profitability
            on the group's net profits, which       improved, particularly with respect
                                                                                             1999                    4.5%
            were nevertheless up by 66.7%. As       to net profits.
            it promised its shareholders, the       An essential player in the field of
            group has begun to reduce its debt,     medical imaging, Guerbet has set         2000                              6.3%
            with a decrease in net debt of a        itself the target of winning 25% of
            little more than 5%.                    the market share by the year 2005.
                                                    Growth in such markets as Italy,
               FAVOURABLE PROSPECTS                 Spain or Germany should, in the             Operating income
                     FOR 2001                       medium term, give the group the
                                                                                               as % of sales
                                                    position of joint leader in Europe. At
            The financial year 2001 has got off     the same time, the group will con-
            to an encouraging start and is set to   tinue to give consideration to having
            confirm the trends of 2000. The         a more direct presence in the North
            sales drive will be maintained, effi-   American and Japanese markets.

                       Rest of
                     the world

                      30.5%                                            46.3%
                      France                                            Rest of

                                  Sales breakdown
                                  by area
                                 as % of sales

                                                                                                                          8     9

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                              Undisputed innovation
                                   In 2000, Guerbet devoted 18 million euros to its research
                                   and development programmes, i.e. 9.1% of its turnover.
                                   Meeting the diagnostic requirements of the health sector
                                   through research and through the development of new
                                   contrast agents is the ambition that Guerbet has set itself
                                   for the coming years.

                                   T    he year 2000 saw teams
                                        actively mobilised to work on
                                   development       programmes         on
                                                                             rate distinction between normal
                                                                             lymph nodes and cancerous lymph
                                                                             nodes. This characterisation may
                                   Sinerem®* and P792 and to validate        have major repercussions with
                                   four main avenues of research: colon      respect to directing treatment
                                   cancer imaging, macrophage**              options, restricting surgery and
                                   imaging, the detection of atheroma-       improving the lives of surgery
                                   tous plaque and imaging of metas-         patients in some cases. Other
                                   tases, which will require the full        European clinical trials programmes
                                   attention of research scientists in the   were launched for this product in
                                   next ten years.                           2000 intended to confirm the value
                                                                             of the product in new indications.
                                       DEVELOPMENT FOCUSED                   These studies are aimed at assessing
                                             ON MRI
                                                                             the binding of Sinerem®* to athero-
                                                                             matous plaque or detecting active
                                   In 2000, Guerbet research concen-         plaques in multiple sclerosis.
                                   trated its efforts on the development     Phase I of the clinical study on
                                   of two products for magnetic reso-        P792, the first intravascular product
                                   nance imaging: Sinerem®* and              to be developed by the Guerbet
                                   P792.                                     research team, was completed dur-
                                   Taking into account the better spa-       ing the first half of 2000. This
                                   tial resolution of MRI machines, the      demonstrated the good safety of the
                                   group launched new clinical trials        product and the value of its pharma-
                                   for Sinerem®*, to back up the clini-      cokinetic profile. The high molecu-
                                   cal value of the product in lymph         lar weight of this type of product
                                   node imaging. In fact, this product       means that it is not diffused outside
                                   makes it possible to make an accu-        the vessels, giving it numerous

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5.0%               6.4%
                                                                                                             Fine chemicals   Other contrast media


             different potential applications.         requirements not as yet fully
             Phase II of the clinical trials on        addressed.
             P792, begun during the second half        In the course of the year 2000, fun-
             of 2000, will make it possible to         damental theoretical work was con-
             validate the performance of this          ducted to validate the main avenues
             product in the fields of angiography,     of research that programmes will
             myocardial perfusion and tumour           concentrate on for the next ten
             characterisation.                         years: imaging of colon cancer,
             In order to speed up the research         macrophage** imaging, atheroma- 69.9%                                                  MRI
             and development process, an elec-         tous plaque and imaging of metas- X-ray uro-
             tronic document management sys-           tases are the four avenues selected.
             tem was developed and set up in           This work led scientists to define
                                                                                                      Breakdown of sales
             2000.                                     certain target pathophysiological              by product line
                                                       mechanisms for which a contrast
                                                                                                     as % of sales
                        NEW AVENUES                    agent could be designed. In 2001,
                        OF RESEARCH                    the concrete application of techni-
                                                       cal solutions, contrast agent proto-
                                                       types, will be begun. This is an
             In 1999, Guerbet’s research teams         approach that is both opportunistic
             had defined – with the help of med-       – making use of existing products
             ical oncology, cardiology, neurol-        and concepts – and voluntarist –
             ogy and gastrology experts – exist-       creating new products. It directs
             ing    and    future     diagnostic       Guerbet research towards the
                                                       development of specific contrast
                                                       agents and confirms the determina-
      1996                               16.2          tion of scientists to make diagnostic
                                                       tests – and hence patient needs – a
                                                       priority in their work.
      1997                               16.5
                                                       Opening up new diagnostic possi-
                                                       bilities, Guerbet has set itself the
      1998                                16.6
                                                       ambition of pursuing its research
                                                       and development policy to provide
      1999                                      18.8   its customers with contrast agents in
                                                       future years fulfilling a need as yet
                                                       not fully met for major diseases.
      2000                                  18.0

                                                       * Under licence to Advanced Magnetics Inc.
                                                       ** Macrophage: large cell derived from blood
                                                       monocytes with the capacity to surround and
                                                       destroy foreign particles, cell waste and
         Research & Development                        microorganisms by phagocytosis.
        Euro millions

                                                                                                                              10      11

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                          A new company culture

                                   T    he year 2000 saw the emergence
                                        of a rejuvenated company,
                                   which had set up a work culture
                                                                           development of performance, mar-
                                                                           rying individual success with collec-
                                                                           tive success.
                                   allowing it to capitalise on and con-
                                   solidate the changes made in the long       FLEXIBILITY AND SPEED
                                   term. This work culture is focused on
                                   customer satisfaction and efficiency    The setting up of flexible organisa-
                                   of organisation.                        tions in all sectors of the company
                                                                           has aided and accelerated its ability
                                            PERFORMANCE                    to adapt to external changes. In
                                                                           2000, the production sectors – in
                                   All Guerbet’s teams are driven by       chemistry at Lanester (Morbihan –
                                   the constant quest for performance.     France) and pharmacy at Aulnay-
                                   This makes it possible to win new       sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis –
                                   markets, as was the case during the     France) – made changes to the way
                                   year 2000 in Italy, Taiwan, the         they were organised. Thus, the
                                   Middle East and North Africa. This      chemical production teams now
                                   performance culture has mobilised       work seven days a week, 24 hours a
                                   all the French, Belgian, Swiss and      day. This new organisation, along
                                   Portuguese teams and helps them to      with a more rational approach to
                                   maintain – or even reinforce – their    industrial investments, has made it
                                   leading position, despite intensify-    possible to significantly increase the
                                   ing competition.                        production capacity for the active
                                   The development of management           ingredient in Xenetix® at the
                                   by targets and performance-related      Lanester site in Brittany. In the phar-
                                   pay among a large proportion of the     macy sector, shifts have been
                                   group's management promotes the         extended and two teams take it in

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1996                          1,161

            turns to dissolve and package con-           CUSTOMER SATISFACTION                  1997                         1,133
            trast agents, thus improving the
            level of customer service. Changes        All the group’s teams have long
            were also made to the group’s dis-        seen customer satisfaction as their       1998                        1,103
            tribution in 2000, with the creation      top priority. In the year 2000, the
            of a distribution platform in Hong        group strengthened and structured
                                                                                                1999                       1,037
            Kong intended to supply Guerbet’s         its service policy. This policy is
            products throughout the Asia and          based firstly on the local proximity
            Oceania region and consequently           of medical representative teams, the      2000                       1,040
            shortening delivery times to cus-         assessment of customers’ needs and
            tomers in this part of the world.         the development of the most appro-
                                                      priate response. But it also relies on
                        TEAMWORK                      the development of tailored ser-             Employees
                                                      vices, such as bibliographic                as at December 31
            The development of teamwork is            searches, partnership with new
            intended to lead to the active            European teams to develop new
            progress of the group’s strategic pro-    products, information on the latest
            jects and also to promote change by       trends in terms of contrast agents by
            departitioning activities. The project    holding conferences, or training
            structures implemented for ISO            assistance in the field of quality and
            9001 certification on the one hand        the setting up of clinical trials. Very
            and the overhaul of the supply            aware of the impact of new infor-
            chain and information systems on          mation technologies on organisa-
            the other are the best example of         tions and behaviour, the Guerbet
            this. All of the group’s French teams     group began a debate in 2000 to
            are committed to the certification        inform the general public about
            project, set for completion by the        medical imaging and to provide the
            end of 2001. The same is true for         medical profession with high-qual-
            the construction of the new supply        ity scientific information and inno-
            chain: the commercial, industrial,        vative services over the Internet.
            logistics and computer teams are all      The changes made at Guerbet were
            working together to improve the           a prior condition for the successful
            reliability and revise all the links in   building of a new company. A hun-
            the chain, from supply of raw mate-       dred years after Marcel Guerbet dis-
            rials right through to distribution,      covered the first organic iodine
            via forecasting and stock manage-         contrast agent, Lipiodol®, everyone
            ment. This project, which will be         working at the Group has now
            completed by the end of 2001, will        entered a new millennium with the
            both improve the level of customer        determination to give their com-
            service and help to reduce the            pany the assets it needs to excel in
            group’s debt, particularly through        the world of medical imaging.
            stock reduction.

                                                                                                                      12     13

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                   Consolidated balance sheet                                             As at December 31, 2000

                                   € Millions       31.12.2000         31.12.1999

                            ASSETS                                                  Net Amounts    Net Amounts
                            Intangible assets                                          29.8           27.6
                            Tangible assets                                            68.2           73.4
                            Financial assets                                            2.2            2.2
                            TOTAL FIXED ASSETS                                        100.2          103.2
                            Inventories                                                49.0           55.8
                            Accounts receivable                                        56.9           56.0
                            Cash and cash equivalents                                   4.4            3.3
                            TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                      110.3          115.1
                            Deferred income taxes                                       9.9           12.0
                            Prepaid expenses and deferred charges                       2.3            1.9

                            TOTAL ASSETS                                              222.7          232.2

                            Share capital and reserves                                 86.0           85.9
                            Net income for period                                       2.3            1.4
                            SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY                                       88.3           87.3
                            Deferred income taxes                                       8.6            8.9
                            Provisions for contingencies and charges                    9.1           12.4
                            PROVISION AND DEFERRED TAXES                               17.7           21.3
                            Convertible bonds                                          10.8           21.6
                            Borrowings and long-term debt                              37.2           32.8
                            Special profit-sharing reserve                              0.6            0.7
                            Short-term borrowings                                      23.8           20.1
                            FINANCIAL DEBTS                                            72.4           75.2
                            CURRENT LIABILITIES                                        44.3           48.4

                            TOTAL LIABILITIES                                         222.7          232.2

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Consolidated income
            statement                                                                    year ended December 31, 2000

                                                                         2000                         1999            ∆ 00/99*
               € Millions                                      M€          % sales            M€        % sales            %
               Operating revenues

               Sales                                         198.0              100.0        184.1       100.0         + 7.5
               Royalties                                           1.5            0.8          1.7            0.9      – 8.9
               Other income                                        3.3            1.7          6.3            3.4     – 46.6

               Operating expenses

               Purchases                                     (49.7)             (25.1)       (47.3)          (25.7)    + 5.2

               General expenses                              (54.3)             (27.4)       (50.1)          (27.2)    + 8.4
               Taxes other than on income                      (8.9)             (4.5)        (7.8)           (4.2)   + 14.2
               Personnel costs
               (including employee profit-sharing)           (59.7)             (30.2)       (58.8)          (31.9)    + 1.6
               Depreciation, amortization
               & provisions                                  (17.6)              (8.9)       (19.8)          (10.8)   – 11.1

               OPERATING INCOME                               12.6                6.3          8.3            4.5     + 51.7

               Interest & related expenses                     (5.1)             (2.6)        (4.2)           (2.3)   + 21.6

               Exchange rate gain (loss)                       (0.8)             (0.4)         2.1            1.2       NS

               ORDINARY INCOME BEFORE TAX                          6.7            3.4          6.2            3.4      + 7.5

               Exceptional items                               (1.4)             (0.7)        (1.0)           (0.5)   + 39.0
               Income tax                                      (3.1)             (1.6)        (3.6)           (1.9)   – 11.5
               Translation adjustments                             0.1            0.1         (0.3)           (0.2)     NS

               NET INCOME (LOSS)                                   2.3            1.2          1.4            0.7     + 66.7

             * Percentages based on thousands of € calculations.

                                                                                                                                 14   15

Brought to you by Global Reports

                                                               for the long term
                                                               ■ Public: 21.5% ownership interest
                   I  n the year 2000, Guerbet shares
                      developed in the same range as the
                   previous financial year. They
                                                               and et 12.3% voting interest (AGM);
                                                               ■ Employees: 5.3% ownership inter-       50

                   nonetheless fell in the fourth quarter      est and 6% voting interest (AGM);
                   in comparison with levels at the start      ■ Guerbet: 0.4% ownership interest.
                   of the year.                                Chandey is 99%-owned by family
                                                               shareholders who are descendants of      30

                   ASTABLEOWNERSHIPSTRUCTURE                   André Guerbet, the company’s
                                                               founder. It’s chairman is Michel         20

                   The Group’s share capital and associ-       Guerbet, MD. Shareholders regis-
                   ated voting rights are distributed as       tered with the company for more          10
                                                                                                             96          97          98         99          00      01
                   follows:                                    than two years are entitled to a dou-
                   ■ Chandey: 49.7% ownership inter-           ble voting right. Taking into account               Adjusted share price
                   est and 58% voting interest (AGM);          this double voting right, there were               in € from January 1st, 1996 to March 26th, 2001
                   ■ Guerbet family: 23.1% ownership           4,976,106 voting rights as of
                   interest and 23.7% voting interest (AGM);   December 31,2000.                             ■ Reporting calendar
                                                                                                             – Interim results: September 11th,
            1996                                       2.5        SHAREHOLDER SCHEDULE                       2001
                                                                                                             – Full-year turnover: February 15th,
                                                               ■ Annual Meeting of Shareholders              2002
            1997                                        2.6
                                                               The Annual General Meeting (AGM)              – Annual results: March 19th, 2002
                                                               of Guerbet shareholders will be held
            1998                                        2.6    on Saturday May 19th, 2001, at 15.00
                                                               pm, at the company’s head office at           All of the above information is also
                                                               15 rue des Vanesses in Villepinte             available on the company website:
            1999                   1.3                         (Seine-Saint-Denis - France).
                                                                                                             For investor enquiries, please contact
                                                               ■ Payment of dividends                        Philippe Barthelet, Vice President,
                                                               The dividend will be payable as of            Finance
            2000                   1.3                                                                       tel: +33-1 4591 5011, e-mail:
                                                               May 30th, 2001, pending the deci-
                                                               sion of the shareholders meeting of           philippe.barthelet@guerbet-group.com
                                                                                                             For all other enquiries, please contact
                                                               May 19th, 2001. For further informa-
                                                                                                             Florence Pivert, Vice President,
                                                               tion about this operation, please con-        Communication
                Dividend                                       tact Guerbet legal affairs at +33-1           tel: +33-1 4591 5003, e-mail:
                                                               4591 5017.                                    florence.pivert@guerbet-group.com
               € millions

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                                                               of growth
                                   W         hat now? Guerbet's accounts for the financial year 2000
                                             provide a good snapshot of the company as a whole,
                                   midway through its recovery programme started three years
                                   ago. The improvement in indicators for growth and profitability
                                   is marked. But this is still only a step along the way. Whilst – and
                                   this is a fundamental point – the company knows that it can
                                   count on increasing health requirements throughout the world
                                   and whilst it can congratulate itself for the development of its
                                   innovative product portfolio, it still has to improve its internal
                                   efficiency. Its rationalisation programme is not yet complete.
                                   There are still savings to be made throughout the industrial
                                   chain. Guerbet is now in better health – the figures prove it. But
                                   it still has to take the final decisive step to achieve the level of
                                   profitability likely to win over the full support of the market. This
                                   is the ultimate aim that the management team – determined to
                                   profit from a favourable economic climate to accelerate the
                                   drive towards recovery – is striving for.

                                                                                                   16      17

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          An extended sales presence
                  GUERBET GROUP                             SIMAFEX                              CODALI SA
                  Postal Address: BP 50400                  16, avenue des Fours-à-Chaux         31, avenue Henri-Dunant
                  95943 Roissy CDG Cedex, France            17230 Marans                         1140 Brussels, Belgium
                  florence.pivert@guerbet-group.com         tel: (335) 46 01 10 32               tel: (32 2) 726 21 10
                  http://www.guerbet.com                    fax: (335) 46 01 01 98               fax: (32 2) 726 24 01
                  tel.: (331) 45 91 50 00                   olivier.guerbet@guerbet-group.com    pol.mathieu@guerbet-group.com
                  fax: (331) 45 91 51 99                    http://www.simafex.com               http://www.codali.be
                                                            Managing Director: Olivier Guerbet   General Manager: Pol Mathieu
                  Head Office
                  Guerbet                                   Division Guerbet France              LABORATORIOS FARMACÉUTICOS
                  Paris Nord 2                              BP 50400                             GUERBET SA
                  15, rue des Vanesses                      95943 Roissy CDG Cedex               Torre Colon II, plant 13
                  93420 Villepinte, France                  tel: (331) 45 91 50 84               Plaza de Colon no. 2
                  Vice President, North America Business    fax: (331) 45 91 76 69               28080 Madrid, Spain
                  Development: Gullan S. Agerbak            Director: Patrick Oscar              tel: (34 91) 700 36 90
                  Director, Southern Europe, Middle East,   patrick.oscar@guerbet-group.com      fax: (34 91) 319 00 68
                  Africa: Antoine Mazraani                                                       eduardo.lopez@guerbet-group.com
                  Director, Northern Europe: Jean-Pol       GUERBET GmbH                         General Manager: Eduardo Lopez
                  Warbecq                                   Otto Volger-Strasse 11
                                                            65843 Sulzbach/Taunus                GUERBET LABORATORIES LTD
                  Aulnay Plant                              Germany                              Shenley Pavilions, Chalk Dell Drive
                  16/24, rue Jean-Chaptal                   tel: (49 61) 96 76 20                Shenley Wood, Milton Keynes
                  93600 Aulnay-sous-Bois, France            fax: (49 61) 96 72 656               Buckinghamshire MK5 6LB
                  tel: (331) 45 91 50 00                    reinhard.grotke@guerbet-group.com    United Kingdom
                  fax: (331) 45 91 51 11/51 23              http://www.guerbet.de                tel: (44 190) 85 22 888
                                                            Managing Director: Reinhard          fax: (44 190) 85 22 999
                  Lanester Plant                            Grotke                               rob.grouse@guerbet-group.com
                  ZI de Kerpont                                                                  General Manager: Rob Grouse
                  705, rue Denis-Papin                      GUERBET AUSTRIA Ges. m.b.H
                  BP712 - 56607 Lanester                    Neulinggasse 29/I/24                 GUERBET SpA
                  tel: (332) 97 76 40 44                    A-1030 Vienna, Austria               Viale Brigata Bisagno, 2/18
                  fax: (332) 97 76 56 38                    tel: (43 1) 710 62 06                16129 Genova - Italy
                  francois-louis.debleds@guerbet-           fax: (43 1) 710 62 06 22             tel: (39 010) 572 34 20
                  group.com                                 bert.quint@guerbet-group.com         fax: (39 010) 595 78 72
                  Lanester Plant Manager: François-         General Manager: Bert Quint          pietro.vigni@guerbet-group.com
                  Louis Debleds                                                                  General Manager: Dott. Pietro Vigni

Brought to you by Global Reports
            Avelingen-West 28c                   LOGICOS LTDA                          Johoon Building 5 Fl.
            Po. Box 334                          Rua André Rocha, 3000 -               834-46 Yeoksam-Dong,
            4200 AH Gorinchem, Netherlands       Jacarepaguá                           Kangnam-Ku
            tel: (31 18) 36 33 688               CEP 22710 - 561 Rio de Janeiro, RJ,   Seoul, Korea 135-080
            fax: (31 18) 36 37 750               Brazil                                tel: (82 2) 3453 1212
            karel.quellhorst@guerbet-group.com   tel: (55 21) 44 59 707                fax: (82 2) 3453 2633
            General Manager: Karel Quellhorst    fax: (55 21) 44 57 689                gyounghee.gu@guerbet-group.com
                                                 http://www.guerbet.com.br             General Manager: François Combes
            MARTINS & FERNANDES                  daurio.speranzini-junior@guerbet-
            Rua Raul Mesnier Du Ponsard 4B       group.com                             GUERBET TAIWAN Co Ltd
            1750 Lisbonne, Portugal              Managing Director: Daurio             4F, 142 Chang An E. Road
            tel: (351 1) 757 32 15               Speranzini Jr                         Sec 2
            fax: (351 1) 757 50 87                                                     Taipei 104 - Taiwan ROC
            antonio.martins@guerbet-group.com    GUERBET JAPAN Co Ltd                  tel: (886 2) 8773 0899
            General Manager: Antonio Martins     Japan Representative Office           fax: (886 2) 8773 0604
                                                 Graceful Nishiazabu Building # 201    guerbet@ms33.hinet.net
            GUERBET AG                           4-13-15 Nishiazabu                    General Manager: François Combes
            Winterthurerstrasse, 92              Minato Ku, Tokyo 106, Japan
            8006 Zurich, Switzerland             tel: (81 35) 48 54 582
            tel: (41 1) 361 30 80                fax: (81 35) 48 54 577
            fax: (41 1) 361 20 41                guerbetj@pnsnet.co.jp
            stefano.omari@guerbet-group.com      Managing Director: François
            General Manager: Stefano Omari       Combes

            GUERBET AS                           GUERBET ASIA PACIFIC Ltd
            Emirhan cad. Barbaros Plazza         311, Fu Hang Industrial Building
            N° 145 C Blok K.4                    N°1 Hok. Yuen Street East
            80700 Dikilitas, Turkey              Hunghom, Kowloon
            tel: (90 212) 258 94 64              Hong Kong Sar
            fax: (90 212) 259 61 01              tel: (852) 2215 4011
            cem.akinciturk@guerbet-group.com     fax: (852) 2900 1925
            General Manager: Cem Akinciturk      guerbet@netvigator.com
                                                 General manager: François Combes

                                                                                                                   18     19

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                         Guerbet’s international agents
                                             Chile                                   Malaysia                                Iran
                            EUROPE           LABORATORIOS RIDER SA                   KEN-MED SDN BHD                         KOOMEH DAR Ltd
             Eire                            Casilla 283-3                           Unit 1304A, 13th floor                  Apt.54, 1777 Vali Asr Avenue
             REID HEALTHCARE                 Placer 1348                             Campbell Complex                        Bagh Ferdows
             22 Burdett Avenue               Santiago                                Jalan Dang Wangi                        Tehran 19617
             Sandycove Co. Dublin                                                    50100 Kuala Lumpur
                                             Colombia                                                                        Iraq
             Finland                         INVERSIONESAJOVECO                      People’s Republic of China              AL-WAFI GROUP
             ALPHARMAOY                      Calle 93B n° 5-31                       FUND TRIP PHARMACEUTICAL Ltd            PO Box 925030
             Sinimaentie 10 B                Apartado Aereo 90191                    311 Fu Hang Industrial Building         1119 Amman – Jordan
             FIN-02630 Espoo                 Bogota DC                               N°1 Hok. Yuen Street East
                                                                                     Hunghom, Kowloon                        Israel
             Greece                          Ecuador                                 Hong Kong                               PROMEDICO Ltd
             REMEKPHARMACEUTICALSSA          FARMAYALASA                                                                     4 Baltimore Street
             3 Koletti Street                KM.2 Autopista Duran-Boliche            Philippines                             Kiryat Arieh
             PO Box 52010                    BP 09.01.5933                           BLUE SKY TRADING Co. Inc.               Petch Tikva
             144 52 Metamorfosis, Attiki     Guyaquil                                416 Dasmarinas Street
                                                                                     Binondo Manila                          Kuwait
             Hungary                         Mexico                                                                          ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
             X-PHARMA Kft                    JUAMA SA de C.V                         Singapore                               COMPANY
             Szentendre – Czoka str 20       Corregidora n° 380                      KENDA (S) PTE Ltd                       PO Box 44558
             200 Hungary                     Col. Miguel Hidalgo                     67 Loyang Way                           32060 Haawally
                                             Mexico DF 14410                         Singapore 508757
             Norway                                                                                                          Lebanon
             GOTHIA MEDICAL AS               Paraguay                                Thailand                                INTERMEDIC
             Ostre Akervei 205               REPRESENTACIONES EL CIERVOSRL           PACIFICHEALTHCARE Co. Ltd               Rue Émile-Lahoud
             0902 Oslo                       Oliva n° 479 c/14 de mayo               229/1 South Sathorn Road                Immeuble Karam
                                             Asuncion                                Bangkok 10120                           Sioufi – Beirut
             Czech and slovakian republics
             DIAGNOSTICPHARMACEUTICALAS      Peru                                    Vietnam & Cambodia                      Saudi Arabia
             Na dolinach 36/128              CARDIO PERFUSION EIRL                   HYPHENS                                 ABDULREHMANALGOSAIBI
             14700 Praha 4                   Av Armendariz 533                       41 Middle Road, n° 01-00 & 02-00        Algosaibi Building
                                             Miraflores                              Singapore 188950                        King Aldulaziz Avenue
             Russia                          Lima 18                                                                         Riyadh 11411
             ZAO “New Port Trading”
             Ul. Rozanova 10/1, 5th floor    Uruguay                                                AFRICA                   United Arab Emirates
             123007 Moscow                   QUIMICA CENIT SA                        Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo,   DUPHARM
                                             Justicia 2069                           Gabon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania,   PO Box 16635
             Slovenia                        Montevideo                              Niger, Senegal, Togo                    Dubai
             NEWPORTMEDICAL                                                          INTERPHARM
             Presernova 5                    Venezuela                               41, rue Barrault
             1000 Ljubljana                  KING MED TRADING Corp.                  75013 Paris – France                         INDIAN OCEAN/OCEANIA
                                             Av. Andrés Bello, Torre Fundación del                                           Australia
             Sweden                          Niño                                    South Africa                            MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL Pty Ltd
             GOTHIALAKEMEDELAB               Piso 3, Ofc. 38                         DANENEPHARMACEUTICALSPtyLtd             11 Corporate Avenue
             Bolshedens Industrivag 20       Caracas                                 Shop 17B Garsfonteinpark                Rowville Vic 3178
             42750 Billdal                                                           645 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein
                                                                                     PO Box 39482                            New Zealand
                                                             ASIA                    Pretoria 0042                           AVENTISPHARMA
                      NORTH AMERICA          Hong Kong                                                                       High point Shopping Center
             Canada                          HIND WING Co. Ltd                       Algeria                                 Level 2, 35 Mokoia Road
             MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL Inc.       Unit 1103B, 11/F, Block B               MEDICAREINTERNATIONAL                   Birkenhead – Auckland
             7500 Route Trans Canadienne     2-8 Watson Road, North Point            5 rue Dauzia – Hydra
             Pointe Claire                                                           16035 Alger
             Québec H9R 5H8                  India                                                                              CARIBBEAN - PACIFIC OCEAN
                                             CHOKSI BROTHERS PRIVATE Ltd             Libya                                   French Guiana, Guadeloupe,
             EZEM Canada Inc.                18, Wellington Plaza                    MEDECIS                                 Martinique
             11100 Colbert, Anjou            90 Mount Road                           7, rue Caumartin                        REYES RODRIGUES SUAREZ
             Québec H1J 2M9                  Chennai 600 002                         75009 Paris – France                    80, route de l’entraide
                                                                                                                             97200 Fort de France - Martinique
             United States                   Indonesia                               Morocco
             MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL Inc.       PT MENDJANGAN                           LABORATOIRESMAPHAR                      French Polynesia, New Caledonia
             675 McDonnell Blvd              22 Jalan, Tanah Abang IV                8, rue Ibn Al-Moâtaz                    GARNIER DIFFUSION
             PO Box 5840                     Jakarta 10160                           20300 Casablanca                        71260 La Salle
             ST Louis, MO 63134
                                             Japan                                   Tunisia
             ALTANA Inc.                     EIKEN CHEMICAL Co. Ltd                  PHARMAPLUS
             60 Baylis Road                  33-8 Hongo 1–Chome                      3, rue de Jéricho El Menzah VII
             PO Box 2006                     Bunkyo-Ku                               2037 Tunis
             Melville NY 11747               Tokyo
             Argentina                       12-2 Nihonbashi 3-Chome                 Egypt
             LABORATORIOS TEMIS LOSTALO SA   Chuo-Ku                                 AMOUNPHARMACEUTICALCo.
             Zepita 3178                     Tokyo 103                               El Obour Industrial Zone
             Código Postal 1285                                                      El Obour City
             Buenos Aires                                                            Cairo

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