Late Roman Forest in the Delta of the River Po (Italy): Remote Sensing and 3D Maps Computation for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction - MDPI
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heritage Article Late Roman Forest in the Delta of the River Po (Italy): Remote Sensing and 3D Maps Computation for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction Giovanna Bucci 1,2 1 Cultural Heritage Department, University of Padova, PD 35139 Padova, Italy; 2 Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques, Federation ITA F07 A.CDCI., BO 40127 Bologna, Italy Received: 2 June 2020; Accepted: 11 July 2020; Published: 13 July 2020 Abstract: Literary and historical sources provide information about Late Roman forests in the Delta of the River Po, in the district of Ferrara (Italy), between Vicus Aventiae (Voghenza), Sandalo, Gambulaga, Caput Gauri (Codigoro) and Castrum Cumiacli (Comacchio). Toponymy, archaeological excavations and geoarchaeological studies support the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of this land. In this work, after a brief examination of the ancient texts, we are going to introduce some new data concerning archaeobotanical evidence, detected by remote sensing in combination with direct surveys (on land and underwater). On the technical side, we are going to present a geomatic application for underwater measurements of ancient trunks related to discoveries in the palaeo-watercourses of the River Po (geomatic measurements, thanks to remote sensing surveys, allows us to have detailed length and diameters of trunks and trees, which are not always visible and detectable while diving) together with some satellite elevation measurement of the river banks and 3D map supported by geocomputation. Thanks to botanical data, we are able to illustrate the local context of the paleoenvironmental/archaeological sites, offering a reconstruction of the landscape and of the use of the wood. Keywords: forest; Late Antique; archaeology; palaeoenvironment; remote sensing; geocomputation; palaeowatercourses; Ferrara 1. Introduction and Historical Sources The open land of Pianura Padana, during the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, was characterized by rivers and watercourses with paludes and piscariae, between forests and woods. The complex hydrographic system was surrounded by a manifold botanical world. Data concerning forests in Late Antiquity in Italy are not abundant [1–3], but thanks to our recent studies we have been able to contribute to the knowledge of this historical phase and reconstruct a detailed panorama of the river banks of the Eridanus (ancient Po) between Voghiera and Portomaggiore, reaching the area of Codigoro and Comacchio (small towns in Ferrara district). The innovative aspect of this research consists of introducing remote sensing technique with indirect measures of landscape and botanical findings with big dimensions, in order to make a contribution for the reconstruction of ancient forests, combined with satellite image analysis and remote sensing elevation data from Google Earth Pro (64-bit), in the new perspective of Waterscape Archaeology. The focus of this study is a specific investigation with thematic analysis about the remains of the Late Antique and Medieval Forest with traditional and innovative methodologies. We are going to explain some details about palaeoenvironmental context of the River Eridanus, going more deeply into some topics and discovers of our project Underwater archaeology of inland waters performed Heritage 2020, 3, 782–795; doi:10.3390/heritage3030043
Heritage 2020, Heritage 2020, 33 7832 into some topics and discovers of our project Underwater archaeology of inland waters performed at at Lago Lago Tramonto, Tramonto, Gambulaga Gambulaga (thesite (the sitealready alreadypublished publishedon on2018, 2018,within within our our project) project) [4]. [4]. Here Here we we present present some comparisons related to other local artificial lakes in the palaeo-watercourse of the some comparisons related to other local artificial lakes in the palaeo-watercourse of the river river Po, Po, like like Lago Lago Campanella, Campanella, near near Sandolo Sandolo and and other other palaeo-watercourses attested near palaeo-watercourses attested near Voghiera Voghiera and and near Comacchio, adding some brief considerations about wood findings in the Codigoro near Comacchio, adding some brief considerations about wood findings in the Codigoro area [5–8] area [5–8] (Figure (Figure 1). 1). 1. Google Earth satellite image 2018, Ferrara district, Italy: the main sites mentioned in this Figure 1. work (accessed work (accessed 27/02/2020). 27/02/2020). The The above-mentioned above-mentioned project project is is coordinated coordinated by by the the authors authors andand itit is is focused focused on experimentation on experimentation of of the synergy of scientific disciplines and combined methodologies and techniques for the synergy of scientific disciplines and combined methodologies and techniques for underwater underwater cultural cultural heritage heritageofofthe theinland inlandwaters. water.It It is aiscollaboration a collaboration between betweenthe scuba Federation the scuba ITA F07-CMAS Federation ITA F07- Diving Center Italia, Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques CMAS Diving Center Italia, Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques Soprintendenza Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio Archeologia, Belle Artiper la città metropolitana e Paesaggio di Bologna e lediprovince per la città metropolitana Bolognadie Modena, le province Reggio Emilia di Modena, eReggio Ferrara, Archaeology Emilia e Ferrara,sector, University Archaeology sector,of Padova, University Cultural of Padova,Heritage Department, Cultural Underwater Heritage Department, Archaeology Laboratory (LAS). Underwater Archaeology Laboratory (LAS). The forest, from The forest, from Roman Roman Time Time to tothe theMiddle MiddleAges,Ages,waswasdeveloped developedcircum circumripa ripaPadi Padi etet litora litora Maris Maris Hadriatici Hadriatici(close (closeto tothe thebanks banks of of the the River River Po Po and and the the coast coast ofof the the Adriatic Adriatic Sea), Sea), as as mentioned mentioned by by Vitruvius (De Architectura, II, 9, 14) and Cassiodorus (Variae, V, 17, 5). S. Patitucci Vitruvius (De Architectura, II, 9, 14) and Cassiodorus (Variae, V, 17, 5). S. Patitucci Uggeri, studying Uggeri, studying ancient ancient document document from from Pomposa Pomposa (Comacchio (Comacchio district) district) [9,10], [9,10], explains explains thatthat there there were were some some sylvae sylvae attested attested in official mediaeval documents, belonging to diploma and emphyteusis in Pomposa: aa silva in official mediaeval documents, belonging to diploma and emphyteusis in Pomposa: silva (wood, forest) in insula queae vocatur Adriana (in the island called Adriana) (wood, forest) in insula queae vocatur Adriana (in the island called Adriana) near Pomposa, a silva near Pomposa, a silva que vocatur de Montone que vocatur (a forest(acalled de Montone forestofcalled the Montone) near Goro, of the Montone) neara nemus Goro, Capitisgauri (a wood of (a a nemus Capitisgauri Codigoro), wood of silva vocataaVaccolino aCodigoro), (a forest called Vaccolino), near the selvosa insula Pomposiana silva vocata Vaccolino (a forest called Vaccolino), near the selvosa insula Pomposiana (Pomposiana Island with dense forest). (Pomposiana Island In thisdense with panorama, forest). actually, we are able In this panorama, to addwe actually, another are ablesilva, located to add another between silva, Voghenza and Portomaggiore, located between Voghenza and following the Eridanus, Portomaggiore, attested following theby archaeological Eridanus, attestedevidences. by archaeological As underlined in our last publication about Lago Tramonto, the local toponymies give some evidences. suggestions about the As underlined inold ourpresence of a localabout last publication forest;Lago Runco, for example, Tramonto, from the the local verb runcare, toponymies give to cut some (referring to prune trees, place already known as Alberolungo–long tree), Rovereto, suggestions about the old presence of a local forest; Runco, for example, from the verb runcare, to cut from roburetum, wood of oaks (referring [11,12]. to prune trees, place already known as Alberolungo–long tree), Rovereto, from roburetum, wood of oaks [11,12]. 2. Topographical and Geoarchaeological Context The Southern Palaoeo-watercourse of the River Po, the Eridanus runs across the ancient sites of Vicus Aventiae (Vochiera–Voghenza), Gambulaga, Roburetum (Rovereto), turning to South to Castrum Cumiacli (Comacchio) from the Etruscan Period until the Late Antique Phase. In the sector between Gambulaga
Heritage 2020, 3 3 2. Topographical and Geoarchaeological Context The Heritage Southern 2020, 3 Palaoeo-watercourse of the River Po, the Eridanus ran across the ancient sites 784 of Vicus Aventiae (Vochiera–Voghenza), Gambulaga, Roburetum (Rovereto), turning to South to Castrum Cumiacli (Comacchio) from the Etruscan Period until the Late Antique Phase. In the sector between and Rovereto Gambulaga theRovereto and river wasthemodified by modified river was the humanby presence. the human Thepresence. riverbedThe shows anthropized riverbed shows banks modelling the river edges, arranged according to a rectilinear flow Southwest–Northeast anthropized banks modelling the river edges, arranged according to a rectilinear flow Southwest– [4,13] (Figure 2). [4,13] (Figure 2). Northeast Figure 2. Gambulaga Gambulaga -- Portomaggiore Portomaggiore (FE).(FE). Main paleoalvei North of Portomaggiore: Portomaggiore: above above the Eridanus with ancient straight artificial rectification, below the the course course of of Sandalo Sandalo river river (elaboration (elaboration G. G. Bucci on Google Earth 2018 satellite image). The presence presenceof of vicus,vicus, the the Voghenza (with houses, Voghenza (with necropolis, and brick furnaces) houses, necropolis, and brick (http://www. furnaces), and the site of the (, necropolis and Fadieni in theof the site ofGambulaga the ( necropolis of the Fadieni in Gambulaga htm), connected by rivers and channels, already demonstrate the remarkable (, diffusion connected by ofrivers the Roman and and Late Roman channels, alreadyAnthropic demonstrate Phase the [14]. The river remarkable was a jointing diffusion naturaland of the Roman element Late used RomanforAnthropic transport, commerce, Phase and river [14]. The everywasday aeconomic life. Reading jointing natural elementtheused localfor stratigraphy, Eridanus we see theand transport, commerce, everybank day developedlife. economic on aReading multilevel thestructure, mainly natural, local stratigraphy, we seewith the artificial Eridanusdevices. bank developed on a multilevel In Voghiera, structure, for example, mainly natural, we see devices. with artificial some layers of sand, coming from overflow of the river (Figure 3) [5,8,15].for example, we see some layers of sand, coming from overflow of the river (Figure In Voghiera, Moving to South, and going to Gambulaga, in Tramonoto Lake (Figure 4), after detecting the 3) [5,8,15]. morphology and direction of the north bank margin, with underwater surveys with a direct draw on site, it is possible to see the stratigraphy in a largely preserved state, despite the dredging works of the old dismissed sand quarry. To define a microstratigraphy for a better comprehension we completed some geoarchaeological drillings (for a detailed description, please see bibliography [4,16]). The sedimentology interpretation describes an upper modern level of silty clay covering a system of palaeosoils and alluvial layers. Three main anthropized levels are attested on site: at −3.15 m a grey compact clay anthropic stratum (Late Antique), at −5.40 m a thin violet clay layer with micro-carbonaceous cores and vegetal traces (palaeosoil—Roman Imperial Phase), at −6.10 m a thick violet silty clay level with micro-carbonaceous cores and vegetal traces (palaeosoil–perhaps belonging to Protohistory). Following the slope of the actual bank, underwater, we see debris and accumulation of wood, trunk and fictile pieces belonging to Roman and Late Roman Period. On the Late Antique–Middle Ages levels there are some big trunks and parts of amphora. Thanks to our geo-archaeological computation, we reconstruct a synthesis of local stratigraphy with metrical references (Figure 5).
Heritage 2020, 3 785 Heritage 2020, 3 4 Figure 3. Voghiera (FE), Street P 29, West side: overflow levels with sandy deposit (photo G. Bucci). Moving to South, and going to Gambulaga, in Tramonoto Lake (Figure 4), after detecting the morphology and direction of the north bank margin, with underwater surveys with a direct draw on site, it is possible to see the stratigraphy in a largely preserved state, despite the dredging works of the old dismissed sand quarry. To define a microstratigraphy for a better comprehension we completed some geoarchaeological drillings (for a detailed description, please see bibliography [4,16]). Figure 3. Voghiera Figure (FE), 3. Voghiera Street (FE), P P29, Street 29,West West side: side: overflow levelswith overflow levels with sandy sandy deposit deposit (photo (photo G. Bucci). G. Bucci). Moving to South, and going to Gambulaga, in Tramonoto Lake (Figure 4), after detecting the morphology and direction of the north bank margin, with underwater surveys with a direct draw on site, it is possible to see the stratigraphy in a largely preserved state, despite the dredging works of the old dismissed sand quarry. To define a microstratigraphy for a better comprehension we completed some geoarchaeological drillings (for a detailed description, please see bibliography [4,16]). Figure 4. Gambulaga–Portomaggiore Figure (FE),Lago 4. Gambulaga–Portomaggiore (FE), Lago Tramonto. Tramonto. ViewView from Southwest from Southwest side side (photo (photo G. G. Bucci). Bucci). The sedimentology interpretation describes an upper modern level of silty clay covering a system of palaeosoils and alluvial layers. Three main anthropized levels are attested on site: at −3.15 Figure 4. Gambulaga–Portomaggiore (FE), Lago Tramonto. View from Southwest side (photo G. Bucci).
Protohistory). Following the slope of the actual bank, underwater, we see debris and accumulation Middle Ages levels there are some big trunks and parts of amphora. Thanks to our geo-archaeological of wood, trunk and fictile pieces belonging to Roman and Late Roman Period. On the Late Antique– computation, we reconstruct a synthesis of local stratigraphy with metrical references (Figure 5). Middle Ages levels there are some big trunks and parts of amphora. Thanks to our geo-archaeological computation, we reconstruct a synthesis of local stratigraphy with metrical references (Figure 5). Heritage 2020, 3 786 Figure 5. Gambulaga – Portomaggiore (FE), Lago Tramonto. Northern side, reconstruction of the Gambulaga—Portomaggiore Figure 5. section stratigraphic with the current bank (FE), Lago Tramonto. morphology of theNorthern lake withside, reconstruction artificial of the cutting due to the Figure 5. Gambulaga stratigraphic – Portomaggiore (FE), Lago Tramonto. Northern side, reconstruction of the excavation of the section quarrywith the current bank morphology of the lake with artificial cutting due to the (G. Bucci). stratigraphic excavation section with (G. of the quarry theBucci). current bank morphology of the lake with artificial cutting due to the excavation of the quarry (G. Bucci). Regarding the discussion of the site we invite you to read our 2018 reportage [4]. Regarding the discussion of the site we invite you to read our 2018 reportage [4]. Our Our focus nownow focus is going is goingonon the wood findings. Regarding the discussion ofthe thewood findings. site we invite you to read our 2018 reportage [4]. During the underwater surveys we documented not only the wood structure off the Late Roman OurDuring focus thenow underwater is going on surveys the woodwe documented findings. not only the wood structure the Late Roman bank,bank, but also butthethe presence alsounderwater the presence of very big of verywe trunks all bigdocumented oriented trunks all oriented in thethedirection of of thethe river current, clear During surveys not onlyinthe direction wood structure river off thecurrent, Late Roman evidence clear of a largeofflood evidence a largethat swept flood over the that swept overriver edges. the river Together edges. with Together withthe thebotanical botanical findings, findings, we bank, but also the presence of very big trunks all oriented in the direction of the river current, clear havewefound havepottery fragments found pottery belonging fragments to different belonging classes to different of objects: classes amphorae, of objects: amphorae, containers containersforfordaily evidence of a large flood that swept over the river edges. Together with the botanical findings, we daily use, fragments of bricks, tiles and bricks (Figures use, fragments of bricks, tiles and bricks (Figure 6 and Figure 7)). 6 and 7)). have found pottery fragments belonging to different classes of objects: amphorae, containers for daily use, fragments of bricks, tiles and bricks (Figure 6 and Figure 7)). Figure 6. Gambulaga Figure – Portomaggiore (FE), 6. Gambulaga—Portomaggiore (FE),Lago Lago Tramonto. Northernside, Tramonto. Northern side, underwater underwater debris debris flowflow with with trunks, wood trunks, with wood traces with ofof traces processing processingand and binding, Romanbricks, binding, Roman bricks, Late Late Roman Roman pottery, pottery, animal animal Figure 6. Gambulaga – Portomaggiore (FE), Lago Tramonto. Northern side, underwater debris flow bones (photo G. bones (photo G. Bucci).Bucci). with trunks, wood with traces of processing and binding, Roman bricks, Late Roman pottery, animal bones (photo G. Bucci).
Heritage 2020, 3 787 Heritage 2020, 3 6 Figure 7.7.Gambulaga–Portomaggiore Gambulaga–Portomaggiore (FE), (FE), Lago Lago Tramonto. Tramonto. Northern Northern side, side, woodwood beam (photo beam (photo G. G. Bucci). Bucci). 3. Materials and Methods 3. Materials Our researchand Methods was completed thanks to a great scientific synergy between many disciplines: mainly geology, archaeology Our research was andcompleted history, and palaeobotany thanks to a great from work insynergy scientific the libraries betweenand atmany university, to the disciplines: survey mainlyactivities, geology, with the help ofand archaeology remote sensing history, andand geomatics (regarding palaeobotany from work remote sensing in the in landscape libraries and at archaeology and studying relations between natural environment and university, to the survey activities, with the help of remote sensing and geomatics (regarding remotearchaeology, see the work of Campana Recording concerning the integration of new and old research sensing in landscape archaeology and studying relations between natural environment and methods [17]). Remote sensing technology archaeology, hasseebeen applied the work through different of Campana Recording instruments. concerningOn thethe land context, integration of new such andasold river banks, research indirect methods [17]). Remote sensing technology has been applied through different instruments. Onflow, studies begun by measuring elevation levels of the river coastal zones, areas of over the subject to natural land context, suchrising up [18,19]. as river banks, indirect studies begun by measuring elevation levels of the river From coastal a technical zones, areas of over pointflow, of view, once subject established to natural risingthe up topographical [18,19]. points, in Google Earth Pro, opening “ruler”, after positioning and saving a line From a technical point of view, once established the topographical points, with a name (we choose a sectorEarth in Google of Km Pro,1, corresponding opening “ruler”, to the aftersection we need), positioning andwesaving moveda to “Modify” line with a and name selected “Showaelevation (we choose sector ofprofile”; Km 1, in the lower part of the video a monochromatic cross section of the site corresponding to the section we need), we moved to “Modify” and selected “Show elevation profile”; appears, including a narrow indicating in the lower thepart check of point position. the video This function cross a monochromatic is very usefulof section andtheenables a very easy site appears, understanding including a narrow of the local geomorphology. indicating the check point Weposition. detected the Thisheight of the river function is veryedges: a crucial useful anddatum for the enables a occupation very easy and anthropic development understanding of housing and We of the local geomorphology. commercial detected system. the height In of addition, the riverthe activity edges: of transport a crucial datum with theoccupation for the towpath took andplace anthropic banks. The helciarius on thedevelopment of housing was walking and commercialwith quadrupeds on the bank, system. In addition, the holding activity aofrope with which transport with theboats are towed towpath tookfrom placetheon ground along The the banks. a waterway. helciarius was walking with In our case quadrupeds on wetherealized four sections bank, holding a rope(length withKm which1,00 boats ca.), individuating are towed from the highest topographical the ground along a areas, attesting river depositional layers, fluvial islands and main banks. The North margin of the waterway. Eridanus is thecase In our key point for the comprehension we realized four sections of(length the ancientKm anthropogenic living/residential 100 ca.), individuating system the highest during the Roman Period and Middle Ages. We detected a height above topographical areas, attesting river depositional layers, fluvial islands and main banks. The North sea level between 3 and 2.5 m (Figure margin 8).of the Eridanus is the key point for the comprehension of the ancient anthropogenic For a better comprehension living/residential system during the of the ancient Roman Periodsettlement and Middle system Ages. weWe constructed detected a4height 3D plan-views, above sea corresponding level between 3toand the2.5investigated m (Figure areas 8). thank to 3D Mapper (Figure 9).
Heritage 2020, 3 7 Heritage 2020, 3 788 Heritage 2020, 3 7 (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 8. Google Erath satellite image 2018 with morphological elevation of the highest topographical areas, attesting river depositional layers. Voghiera (a), Lago Campanella in Sandolo (b), Lago (c) (d) Tramonto (c) and Lago della Gattola (d) in Gambulaga. Figure 8. Google Google Erath Erath satellite satellite image image 2018 2018 with with morphological morphological elevation of the highest highest topographical The red line areas, attesting indicates attestingriver the position depositional river depositionallayers.of the cut Voghiera layers. section (a), Lago Voghiera (accessed (a), Campanella 02/03/2020, in Sandolo Lago Campanella elaboration (b), Lago (b), in Sandolo G. Bucci). Tramonto Lago For (c) a better and Tramonto Lago comprehension (c) della and Gattola Lago della(d) inof the (d)ancient Gambulaga. Gattola settlement The system we red line indicates in Gambulaga. the constructed position of the4 cut 3D section plan-views, corresponding to the investigated (accessed 02/03/2020, elaboration G. areas thank to 3D Mapper (Figure 9). Bucci). The red line indicates the position of the cut section (accessed 02/03/2020, elaboration G. Bucci). For a better comprehension of the ancient settlement system we constructed 4 3D plan-views, corresponding to the investigated areas thank to 3D Mapper (Figure 9). (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure9.9. 3D Figure 3D maps maps with with sections: sections:Voghiera Voghiera(a), (a),Lago LagoCampanella, Sandalo Campanella, (b),(b), Sandalo Lago Tramonto Lago (c), Tramonto Lago (c), LagoGattola Gattola (d), Gambulaga (elaboration (d), Gambulaga (elaborationG. G. BucciBucci withMapper with 3D 3D Mapper online-© MapTiler). MapTiler). Figure 9. 3D maps with sections: Voghiera (a), Lago Campanella, Sandalo (b), Lago Tramonto (c), Lago Gattola (d), Gambulaga (elaboration G. Bucci with 3D Mapper online - © MapTiler).
Heritage 2020, 3 789 The geocomputation of the morphological sections supported by 3d plan-views show very well the altitude differences between the river edges, raised by the alluvial deposits, the old cut of the Eridanus river bed (actually lakes), and the system of small bumps on which the inhabited area has settled, as well places occupied by forest and sylvae. Because of the strong presence of trunks and roots in the Lakes Campanella and Tramonto, knowing the underwater archaeological situation and the troubles of visibility, after some underwater direct investigations, we proceeded with echo side scan sonar surveys. We used an integrated instrument, echo sound scan sonar Humminbird 1198c SI Combo, reading data with the software HumViewer. The software while displaying the swath, allows us to measure the dimensions of findings and anomalies, thanks to the side image visualization thought utilities measure length/distance (Figure 10). The documentation of the trunks was particularly complex due to the poor visibility on the lake bottom linked to the presence of algae and very fine clay in suspension [20]. For this reason, remote sensing investigations were very useful for the positioning and measurement of artificial and natural findings: it was impossible to work with a buddy system because of safety between divers and incompatibility of visual communication. Heritage 2020, 3 8 The software is free o line ( and offers an easy approach to elementary geomatic measurements. The geocomputation The trunkssections of the morphological are detectable as anomalies supported on the bottom by 3d plan-views showofvery the well lake, because of their shape and dislocation, generating shadows and showing anomalous the altitude differences between the river edges, raised by the alluvial deposits, the old cut of the morphology comparedriver Eridanus to the sedimentology bed on site. (actually lakes), and the system of small bumps on which the inhabited area has Thanks to the echo side scan settled, as well places occupied by forest sonar and andsylvae. relative reading software, we were able to detect the lengths and diameters Because of thepresence of the strong giant trunks directly of trunks in roots and the studio, in theusing Lakesa computer. Campanella and Tramonto, knowing the underwater archaeological situation and the troubles twigs In Lake Tramonto, seven large tree trunks, numerous branches and have beenafter of visibility, identified. some Some of them bear traces of binding and processing. underwater direct investigations, we proceeded with echo side scan sonar surveys. We used an The data integrated fusion of echo instrument, the elements sound scancoming sonarfrom direct and1198c Humminbird indirect investigations SI Combo, readingwasdatacompleted with the software HumViewer. The software while displaying the swath, allows us to measure the adimensions by computer Asus Tuf with Intel COREi7, 8th Gen (2019), with Windows 10 for multitask elaboration, of findings integrating remote thanks and anomalies, sensing technologies to the side for the interpretation image visualizationof thought landscapeutilities and waterscape measure ecosystems [21]). length/distance (Figure 10). (a) Figure 10. Cont.
Heritage 2020, 3 790 (a) Heritage 2020, 3 9 findings: it was impossible to work with a buddy system because of safety between divers and incompatibility of visual communication. The software is free o line ( and offers an easy approach to elementary geomatic measurements. The trunks are detectable as anomalies on the bottom of the lake, because of their shape and dislocation, generating shadows and showing anomalous morphology compared to the sedimentology on site. Thanks to the echo side scan sonar and relative reading software, we were able to detect the lengths and diameters of the giant trunks directly in the studio, using a computer. In Lake Tramonto, seven large tree trunks, numerous branches and twigs have been identified. Some of them bear traces of binding and processing. The data fusion of the elements coming from direct and indirect investigations was completed (b) by computer Asus Tuf with Intel COREi7, 8th Gen (2019), with Windows 10 for a multitask elaboration, Figure 10.integrating remote sensing Gambulaga—Portomaggiore technologies (FE), Lago Tramonto. forEcho the side interpretation scan sonar side ofimage, landscape red by and waterscape Figure ecosystems 10. the software [21]). Gambulaga – Portomaggiore Humviewer: measurements(FE), of theLago Tramonto. length Echonos. of the trunks side 1scan sonar (a) and side image, red 5 (b). by the software Humviewer: measurements of the length of the trunks nos. 1 (a) and 5 (b). 4. Discussion 4. Discussion The Big documentationwere of the trunks was particularly complex due to the poor visibility on the lake Big arboreal arboreal finds finds were discovered discovered in in Lago Lago Campanella Campanella and and inin Lago Lago Tramonto. Tramonto. bottom linked toattention Particular the presenceshouldof algae be paidandtovery paid fine clay in suspensionare [20]. For this reason, remote Particular attention should be to long long oak oak trunks, trunks, which which are important important forfor length length and and sensing diameter, investigations attributable were as very habitat useful to the for local the or positioning nearby and forest, andmeasurement from an of artificial archaeological and point natural of view diameter, attributable as habitat to the local or nearby forest, and from an archaeological point of to viewtheto rawthematerial to build raw material pirogues. to build pirogues. Seven Seven trunks of trees have been documented trunks of trees have been documented in in Lake Tramonto between Lake Tramonto between 2016 2016 and and 2019, 2019, at at an an average average depth depth of of between between 5.0 5.0 and and 10.5 10.5 m.m. Trunk Trunk no.1 no.1 measures measures 13.7 13.7 m m (Figure (Figure 11); 11); trunk trunk no.2, no.2, 8.3 8.3 m; m; trunk no.3, 10.0 m; trunk no.4, 7.9 m, trunk no.5, 16.5 m; trunk no.6, 5.7 m; trunk no.7, trunk no.3, 10.0 m; trunk no.4, 7.9 m, trunk no.5, 16.5 m; trunk no.6, 5.7 m; trunk no.7, 8.0 m. They are 8.0 m. They are all all dislocated dislocated along along the the North North bank bank ofof the the river. river. Some Some ofof them them could could bebe in in aa primary primary position, position, others others have have been transported by the stream of the flow, chronologically ascendable to the sixth century been transported by the stream of the flow, chronologically ascendable to the sixth century AD. AD. Figure Figure 11. 11. Gambulaga – Portomaggiore (FE), Gambulaga—Portomaggiore (FE), Lago Lago Tramonto. Tramonto. Trunk no.1 (photo Trunk no.1 (photo G. G. Bucci). Bucci). The big trees were used both to build means of transport (pirogue) for local local traffic and for sale: sale: production centre of small perhaps there was a production small wood wood boot, boot, between between Lake Campanella and Lake Tramonto (underwater, we found two bow or stern fragments, some starboards of monoxyle boats, and some partially excavated trunks) [12]. The trunks number 1 and number 5 are compatible with lengths and diameters (about 1.0 m) of the pirogues discovered in the Ferrara area (more than 23 exemplars are already known: Valle Isola, Valle Rillo, Valle Ponti, Valle Pega (all in Comacchio area), Pomposa (Codigoro), Codigoro, Valle
Heritage 2020, 3 791 Tramonto (underwater, we found two bow or stern fragments, some starboards of monoxyle boats, and some partially excavated trunks) [12]. The trunks number 1 and number 5 are compatible with lengths and diameters (about 1.0 m) of the pirogues discovered in the Ferrara area (more than 23 exemplars are already known: Valle Isola, Valle Rillo, Valle Ponti, Valle Pega (all in Comacchio area), Pomposa (Codigoro), Codigoro, Valle Volta Heritage 2020, 3 10 (Massafiscaglia), Valle delle Gallare (Ostellato), Iolanda di Savoia. These boats, characterized by a common shape, similar measure, and the same kind of wood, can be traced back to the Late Antiquity by a common shape, similar measure, and the same kind of wood, can be traced back to the Late and the Middle Ages [22,23] (Figure 12). Antiquity and the Middle Ages [22,23] (Figure 12). Figure 12. 3D reconstruction Figure of Late Antique 12. 3D reconstruction – Mediaeval Piroga byPiroga of Late Antique—Mediaeval A. Martire by A. [24]. Martire [24]. The most evident comparison with similar botanical finds, still in the status of tree, quite similar in size size and andstratigraphic stratigraphiclocations, locations, arearethethe woods woods fromfrom the nearby the nearby Campanella Campanella Lake Lake (an artificial (an artificial basin, basin, bornquarry born from from quarry excavationexcavation in palaeowatercourse in palaeowatercourse of the of the River Po)River a fewPo) KmaWestfew ofKmLakeWest of Lake Tramonto, Tramonto, located located at the elbow atof the elbow the meanderof the ofmeander the ancient of the Po. ancient Po. Very important studies for the Campanella lake were carried out by the University of Bologna during 1995, 1995,byby L. Forlani L. Forlani and and G. NanniG. Nanni investigating investigating the Sandalo the Sandalo wood fossilwood fossil forest. Afterforest. After a a cataloguing cataloguing of 1519 wooden finds, including 147 trunks, 2 artefacts, 3 of 1519 wooden finds, including 147 trunks, 2 artefacts, 3 roots, 7 cork samples, 8 branches. There wereroots, 7 cork samples, 8 branches. There were parts of trees, shrubs, lianas, most of all deciduous parts of trees, shrubs, lianas, most of all deciduous broadleaf and conifer. In between the three main broadleaf and conifer. In between the three units identified by main units identifiedthe the palaeobotanists, bythird the palaeobotanists, sampling conserve theelements third sampling dating conserve back to the elements Roman dating back to the Roman period or the early Middle Ages [25]. The sampling period or the early Middle Ages [25]. The sampling carried out identifies Populus (Poplar—Salicaceae carried out identifies Populus Family),(Poplar Ulmus –(Elm—Ulmaceae Salicaceae Family), UlmusSalix family), (Elm(Willow—Salicaceae – Ulmaceae family), Salix (Willow Family), Quercus– Salicaceae Family), (Oak—Fagaceae Quercus Family),(Oak Alnus– glutinosa Fagaceae Family), Alnus glutinosa (Alder—Betulaceae (Alder Family), – Betulaceae Juglans Family), Juglans regia (Walnut regia (Walnut—Juglandaceae Family),– Juglandaceae Family), Juniperus communis (Juniper – Cupressaceae Juniperus communis (Juniper—Cupressaceae Family), Prunus (Cherry Laurel—Rosaceae Family). Family), Prunus (Cherry Laurel – Rosaceae TheFamily). C14 analysis are dating back to a chronological span between the fourth and sixth century The AD. The sameC14 analysis chronology are is dating attested traces back tofindings, by pottery a chronological Late Roman span V between amphorae,the fourth found anddirect during sixth century AD. The underwater surveys. same chronology is attested by pottery findings, Late Roman V amphorae, found duringIn direct underwater addition, the recent surveys. archaeological excavation in Comacchio (2014) [26], always on the In addition, the recent palaeowatercoruse of the Eridanus, archaeological providedexcavation in Comacchio some information regarding(2014) the [26], alwaysofon panorama the wood palaeowatercoruse use for nautical means. of the Eridanus, The provided preliminary some information archaeobotanical analysisregarding the panorama performed of wood[27], by M. Marchesini use for nautical means. superintendence The preliminary palaeobotanist, on thearchaeobotanical planks of the sewn analysis boat and performed on pieces by M. monoxyl of the Marchesini [27], pirogue superintendence found close to the palaeobotanist, on the planks local bank, detected Oak woodof the sewn boatcf. (Quercus androbur on pieces of the Family) - Fagaceae monoxyland pirogue Elm found close to the local (Ulmus—Ulmaceae bank, family), detected Oak respectively, thewood (Quercus first to build thecf. robur monoxyle- Fagaceae Family) pirogue, the and Elmto(Ulmus second build –the Ulmaceae family), respectively, boat. Considering the diffusion thearea first of to the build the monoxyle plants from which pirogue, the wood thewas second to build obtained, it the couldboat. be Considering the diffusion area of the plants from which the wood was obtained, assumed that the river boat of Comacchio 2014 field - it could be assumed that the river comacchio/imbarcazioni_2014.htm, boat was built inofthe Po area, Comacchio northern than Santa 2014 Maria in field Padovetere-, (exact location of the excavations). Elm trees were found also in Voghiera [28]. was built in the Po area, northern than Santa Maria in Padovetere (exact location of the excavations). Elm trees were found also in Voghiera [28]. The monoxyle pirogue, given the construction type and the type of wood used, is likely to have been made in an area not too far from the place of discovery (Comacchio). Was it built in Gambulaga? Perhaps! The site might have been a pirogue factory, before the diluvium mentioned by Paulus Diaconus (Historia Langobardorum III.23). A Mediaeval iconographic support regarding pirogues
Heritage 2020, 3 792 The monoxyle pirogue, given the construction type and the type of wood used, is likely to have been made in an area not too far from the place of discovery (Comacchio). Was it built in Gambulaga? Perhaps! The site might have been a pirogue factory, before the diluvium mentioned by Paulus Diaconus (Historia Langobardorum III.23). A Mediaeval iconographic support regarding pirogues construction is offered by the Bayeux Tapestry (Figure 13). Heritage 2020, 3 11 Figure Figure 13. 13. Bayeux Bayeux Tapestry, detailofoftrees Tapestry, detail treescutting cutting to to build build pirogues pirogues andand canoes canoes (Eleventh (Eleventh Cent.Cent. AD)AD) [29]. [29]. To complete the palaeobotany panorama, we need to add data coming from analysis performed by F.To complete Facchini, the palaeobotany University of Ferrarapanorama, working on we need the to add data coming sedimentological from analysis characterization performed of the samples by F. Facchini, University of Ferrara working on the sedimentological catalogued during 2017 campaign [30]. In many samples we see the presence of seeds belonging characterization of the samples catalogued during to flora palustris 2017 campaign (marsh [30].ofIninland flora), typical many waters, samplesattesting we see the an presence of seeds environment inter-distributive belonging to flora palustris (marsh flora), typical of inland waters, attesting complex surviving on the northern side of the Eridanus bank itself in Gambulaga. The documentedan inter-distributive environment complex plants are surviving floating on the northern hydrophytes, side of the Nymphaea albaEridanus (White bankWateritself Lily),in Sparganium Gambulaga.erectumThe documented (Branched plants are floating Bur-reed), helophytes hydrophytes, Apium inondatum Nymphaea albaMarshwort), (Lesser (White Water and Lily), Typha Sparganium erectum (Branched latifolia (Bulrush). Bur-reed), helophytes Apium inondatum (Lesser Marshwort), and Typha latifolia (Bulrush). 5. Conclusions 5. Conclusions The integrations of data coming from direct (surveys on sites, on land and underwater) and indirect Theinvestigation integrations (remote of data sensing, coming from satellite data(surveys direct elaboration, 3D map on sites, on computation), together with land and underwater) and botanical indirect analysis and(remote investigation ancientsensing, sourcessatellite studies,datademonstrate elaboration,the 3D remarkable role of scientific map computation), together synergy with applied on botanical archaeological analysis and ancient research. sourcesThis chance studies, of collaboration demonstrate demonstrates the remarkable how role of anthropogenic scientific synergy occupation applied of this central part on archaeological of the This research. Deltachance can be oftraced back to Roman collaboration Imperial how demonstrates and to Late Antique anthropogenic Period: forests occupation were of this not exclusively central part of theareas Deltaofcan woodland. be tracedThey back were beingImperial to Roman exploited forto and providing Late Antiquefood, as fuel for Period: furnaces forests werefor notproduction exclusivelyofareas bricks,of tiles (Pansiana woodland. They production were being [4,12,13]) andfor exploited glass making providing (from as food, thefuel areafor of Tramonto furnaces for Likeproduction there is a pottery lamptiles of bricks, decorated (Pansianawithproduction the image of[4,12,13]) a local glass andmaker glass working(from making at histhe furnace area [31]), for manufacturing of Tramonto Like there is wooden a pottery goods, lamp especially decorated boats, withand the aimage meansofofa water local transport glass maker and carpentry. working at his furnace [31]), for manufacturing wooden goods, especially boats, and a means The actual transport of water status of and the river, surviving only as palaeo-watercourse, partially occupied by ex carpentry. quarries The of sand,status actual conserves of theuseful river, data for theonly surviving reconstruction of the Late Antique as palaeo-watercourse, partiallyphase. occupied Certainly, by ex the Eridanus, as one of the major rivers, was serving as communication quarries of sand, conserves useful data for the reconstruction of the Late Antique phase. Certainly, corridor across the Southern Delta the reaching Eridanus, astheoneAdriatic of the majorSea; itrivers, was awas commercial serving as route, more than a territorial communication dividing corridor across the device. Southern DeltaThe evidence reaching attested between the Adriatic Sea; it was Lago Campanella a commercial and more route, Lago than Tramonto with adividing a territorial river level packed device. full of Thetimber, evidencetestify the presence attested betweenofLago the forest alongside Campanella and the Lago Eridanus. Tramonto Many withtrunks a rivercome level drifting packed down full of with timber,thetestify river. There are alsoof the presence sequences the forestofalongside uprights which mark the the Eridanus. big destructive Many trunks come flow of the drifting sixth century, down with thereported river. There by ancient are alsosources. sequences Theofdata fusion uprights allowed which mark usthe to reconstruct big destructivea full botanical flow of the local century, sixth context. reported by ancient sources. The data fusion allowed us to reconstruct a full botanical local The context.Late Antique—Mediaeval silva was growing along the rivers, with Populus, Ulmus, Salix, Quercus, The Alnus glutinosa, Late Antique Juglans regia, – Mediaeval Juniperus silva communis, was growing Prunus along (Poplar, the rivers, Elm, with Willow, Populus, Oak, Alder, Ulmus, Salix, Walnut, Juniper), Quercus, CherryJuglans Alnus glutinosa, Laurel). In between regia, Juniperusfluvial communis,islands and (Poplar, Prunus meanders, Elm,small lakesOak, Willow, and Alder, ponds housed marsh Walnut, floraCherry Juniper), with floating Laurel). plants and flowers In between fluvial Nymphaea likeislands andalba, Apium inondatum, meanders, small lakesTyphaand latifolia, ponds housed marsh flora with floating plants and flowers like Nymphaea alba, Apium inondatum, Typha latifolia, Sparganium erectum (White Water Lily, Lesser Marshwort, Bulrush, Branched Bur-reed), giving birth to a locus amoenus (a beautiful place with trees, grass, fruits, flowers and water, Figure 14).
Heritage 2020, 3 793 Sparganium erectum (White Water Lily, Lesser Marshwort, Bulrush, Branched Bur-reed), giving birth to a locus amoenus (a beautiful place with trees, grass, fruits, flowers and water, Figure 14). Heritage 2020, 3 12 Figure 14. Paleoevirnmental and archaeological reconstruction of the North bank of the Eridanus, Figure 14. Paleoevirnmental and archaeological reconstruction of the North bank of the Eridanus, actually corresponding to the North side of Lago Tramonto (draw elements by R. Merlo, elaborated actually corresponding to the North side of Lago Tramonto (draw elements by R. Merlo, elaborated by by G. Bucci). G. Bucci). Funding: This research received no external funding. Funding: This research received Acknowledgments: nothanks A special external to funding. the Executive Board of Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Acknowledgments: A città metropolitana special di Bologna thanks to the e le province Executive Board ofdiSoprintendenza Modena; Reggio Archeologia, Emilia e FerraraBelle withArti F. Berti, e Paesaggio Archaeologist, ex Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Ferrara; V. Nizzo and per la città metropolitana di Bologna e le province di Modena; Reggio Emilia e Ferrara with F. Berti, Archaeologist,C. Guarnieri Functionaires, ex Director Archaeologists, of the National A. Rosa, underwater Archaeological Museum technical assistantV.ofNizzo of Ferrara; Soprintendenza, A. Slanzi Gamper, and C. Guarnieri Functionaires, owner of Tramonto Lake, F. Facchini, geological drillings technical assistant and Archaeologists, A. Rosa, underwater technical assistant of Soprintendenza, A. Slanzi Gamper, owner all the Federation ITA ofF07Tramonto CMAS Diving Lake, F. Facchini, Center Italia geological Instructors drillings and Divers technical whoand assistant worked on Federation all the this project especially ITA F07 R. Bonora, CMAS A. Ferrari, Diving Center Italia A. Duccoli Instructors †. To Antonio and Divers Duccoli, on who worked passed thisaway unexpectedly project especially onR. February Bonora, 2020, A.we would A. Ferrari, likeDuccoli to dedicate †. this To Antonio Duccoli,work. passed away unexpectedly on February 2020, we would like to dedicate this work. ConflictsConflicts of Interest: of Interest: Declare conflicts The authors declareofnointerest or state conflict “The authors declare no conflict of interest.” Authors of interest. must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results. 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