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SURAT PERNYATAAN Saya yang bertandatangan di bawahini: Nama : M. Hajrul Aswad NIM : 10535 6548 15 Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris JudulSkripsi :Language Attitudes Towards Written Alay Variety in Group Facebook Interaction Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat di depan Tim penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiri bukan hasil ciptaan orang lain dan dibuatkanolehsiapapun. Demikianlah pernyataaan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnyadan saya bersedia menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar. Makassar, Maret 2021 Yang Membuat Pernyataan M. HAJRUL ASWAD iv
SURAT PERJANJIAN Saya yang bertandatangan di bawahini: Nama :M. Hajrul Aswad NIM : 10535 6548 15 Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut: 1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesainya skripsi saya, saya akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya, tidak dibuatkan oleh siapa pun. 2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing. 3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi ini. 4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1, 2 dan 3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran. Makassar, Maret 2021 Yang Membuat Perjanjian M. HAJRUL ASWAD v
1. Jika kamu ingin memberikan uang kepada orang lain maka kamu harus mempunyai uang terlebih dahulu, dan jika kamu ingin membahagiakan orang lain, maka bahagiakan dirimu dulu.. 2. Jangan gunakan standarmu untuk mengukur standar orang lain. DEDICATION A Thesis for My Beloved Family Especially for my Mother and Father My Sister and Brother My beloved Friends Also For my own Self Last The one who doubted me already vi
ABSTRACT M. HAJRUL ASWAD. 2021. "LANGUAGE ATTITUDES TOWARDS WRITTEN ALAY VARIETY IN GROUP FACEBOOK INTERACTION". Thesis, majoring in English, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar (supervised by Ummi Khaerati Syam and Yassir Mallapiang). This research was aim to reveal the types of Alay that are most often used in the 'English conversation on facebook group' and the responses to members of the group towards the Alay language. This research was conducted on social media (facebook). This research used descriptive qualitative method. The respondents of this research were members of the English conversation group in data collection. This research use dobservation and questionnaire, namely by doing via chat messenger on Facebook the question was based on the questionnaire. The findings in this research indicated that many respondents used the Alay language in this case Alay has five types, namely addition code, deletion code, Upper and lowercase code, Combined shift with Addition or deletion code, Combined code with Numbers and the most frequently used types member of English conversation group is Combined shift with Addition or deletion code, and other member's response to Alay language is negative response. Keywords: language attitudes, written Alay, group facebook interaction vii
ABSTRAK M. HAJRUL ASWAD. 2021. “SIKAP BAHASA TERHADAP VARIASI TULISAN ALAY DALAM INTERAKSI GRUP FACEBOOK’’. Skripsi jurusan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (dibimbing oleh Ummi Khaerati Syam dan Yassir Mallapiang). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap jenis Alay yang paling sering digunakan di „English conversation group‟ dan respon terhadap member of group terhadap bahasa Alay, penelitian ini dilakukan di social media (facebook). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. subjek penelitian ini adalah members of group English conversation dalam pengambilan data, penelitian ini menggunakan questionnaire yaitu dengan cara melakukan via chatting messenger di facebook pertanyaan tersebut berdasarkan dari questionnaire. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa responden masih banyak yang menggunakan bahasa Alay dalam kasus ini Alay memiliki lima jenis yaitu addition code, deletion code, Upper and lowercase Code, Combined shift with Addition or deletion code, Combined code with Numbers dan jenis yang paling sering digunakan member of English conversation group adalah Combined shift with Addition or deletion code, dan respon member lain terhadap bahasa Alay adalah respon negative. Kata kunci: Sikap Bahasa, Tulisan Alay, Interaksi grup Facebook viii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Alhamdulillahirabbil‟aalamiin, in the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful and the Almighty who never stop blessing me so that the researcher could finish this thesis. Shalawat is also deliver to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness and deliveredthe truth to human being. In accomplishing the study, the researcher realized that she never finished this thesis without the help from the other people around me. Therefore, the researcher would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to: 1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag. The Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. 2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd, Ph.D., The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. 3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., The Head of English Education Department of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and also to the all lecturers who have taught her during the years of her study. 4. Giving high appreciation and great thankful to his first consultant, Ummi Khaerati Syam ., S.pd., M.pd and his second consultant, Yassir Mallapiang., SS., M.pd for their valuable time, knowledge and guidance with all their patience and wisdom during the process of accomplishing this thesis. ix
5. Giving the greatest appreciation to both of parents; Anas and Hajarni and all of the researcher‟s families for their unconditional support and love. Without them, he never would have the power to finish this thesis. 6. Thank you for the researcher‟s amazing support systems “Tomi, Atkal, Amar, Putri, Rini, Didy,Risma,Lastri,Reski thank you for always being my “prudential” human beings”. 7. Thank you for all of amazing friends that he called them as “Amazon Squad and Pejuang Sarjana”. “Thank you for standing by my side during the ups and downs about 4 years. I am so lucky to have you guys”. 8. All of researcher‟s friends in English Education Department academic year 2015, especially I (Immortal) Class 2015, for anything we shared for 4 years. The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and contribution in this paper. Afterwards, the researcher recognizes that this thesis is still far away from being perfect, but the researcher has done his best till the end conducting the research and completing this thesis, and finally the researcher hopes that this thesis could be useful for the readers in order to give meaningful knowledge. Makassar, 2021 The Researcher M. HAJRUL ASWAD x
APPROVAL SHEET .............................................................................. i COUNSELLING SHEET ...................................................................... ii SURAT PERNYATAAN ……………………………………………. .. iv SURAT PERJANJIAN ………………………………………………. . v MOTTO and DEDICATION ………………………………….……. .. vi ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………… vii ACKNOWLEDMENT ……………………………………………....... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................... xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 1 A. Background .................................................................................. 1 B. Problem Statement ........................................................................ 3 C. Research Objective........................................................................ 3 D. Significance of the research .......................................................... 4 E. Scope of the Research .................................................................. 4 CHAPTER II: REVIEW of RELATED LITERATURE .................. 6 A. Previous of Related Studies .......................................................... 6 B. Some partinent Ideas ..................................................................... 7 1. Definition of Sociolinguistics ................................................. 7 2. Definition of Language ........................................................... 8 3. Language Variation and Social Variation ............................... 9 C. Alay Language .............................................................................. 15 1. Definition of Alay .................................................................. 15 2. Alay Language Forms ............................................................. 16 3. Factor the Use Alay Language ................................................ 19 D. Slang and Alay .............................................................................. 21 1. Definiton of Slang ................................................................... 21 2. Definition of Alay ................................................................... 22 3. the Difference Betwem Slang and Alay Language ................. 24 E. Pragmatics in Using Social Networks ........................................... 27 1. Definition of Facebook .......................................................... 28 xi
2. Definition of Group “English Conversation ........................... 29 F. Language Shift and Language Choice .......................................... 29 1. Definition of Language Shift .................................................. 29 2. Definition of Language Choice ............................................... 30 G. Attitudes and Language Attitudes ................................................. 32 1. Definition of Attitudes ............................................................ 32 2. Definition of Language Attitudes............................................ 33 H. Psycholinguistics and Motivation ................................................. 37 I. Conceptual Framework ................................................................. 39 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD .............................................. 41 A. Research Design ............................................................................ 41 B. Research Subject .......................................................................... 42 C. Research Instrument ...................................................................... 42 D. Data Collection Procedures ........................................................... 43 E. Technique of Data Analysis ......................................................... 44 CHAPTER IV: FINDING and DISCUSSION .................................... 46 A. Findings …………………………………………………………. 46 1. the Kind of Alay Most use in Group ……………………… . 46 2. the Respond Members About Alay…………………………….. 48 B. Discussion ……………………………………………………….. 52 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION and SUGGESTION .......................... 56 1. Conclusion..................................................................................... 56 2. Suggestion ..................................................................................... 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………… ... 58 APPENDICES………………………………………………………. .... 61 CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………… . 75 xii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Language has a very important role in life because with language a person can communicate with other people. in communicating, language is the most effective tool for conveying messages. language has a variety of usage. language can be done orally and in writing, according to the needs and goals of the communication. for that, language which is symbols to express ideas, and feelings. In this globalization era, style modification has emerged. This language style has spread so rapidly, especially among adolescents. Recently, a new language has emerged among adolescents which are often called the language "Alay" or an abbreviation of (anak layangan). The next is Attitudes, attitudes have an important role in studying a particular field or discipline, including learning English, many factors can affect learning success or achievement of learning performance, one of which is attitude. Attitudes are believed to have a central role in efforts to understand, perceive, interpret, do or act against an object. Some experts view attitudes as a combination of several aspects, including cognitive, affective, and conative aspects. These three aspects interact with each other in understanding and feeling an object. 1
2 According to Aldamawu, (2013) the emergence of this language is so fast because it is able to shift the use of English. Alay language is the language used by a group of people and only understood by themselves, especially among teenagers. They say they will be out of date or not slang. They also consider the use of Alay language as creativity, so they feel natural about the emergence of a language containing this particular code. Aldamawu (2013) also said that in this case, not only had the abbreviations occurred but had changed the vocabulary and even the way of writing. The writing of upper and lowercase letters is randomized just like that, not only that the combination of letters and numbers, symbols, and shifting of spelling in any place either at the beginning, middle, or at the end of words are the main characteristics of the Alay language. of course, this causes a shift in the meaning of the word which is meant by all jumbled words and sentences just like that. writing Alay language does not require standard standards all done freely. Along with the advancement of technology, the development of the Alay language is also growing rapidly. Alay style writing can easily be found on various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and so on. However, through this research, the author will only discuss the use of Alay language on Facebook, especially in the "English Conversation" group. The public's acceptance of the Alay language is also diverse. there are those who accept and consider the presence of this language style a form of creativity, but not a few also feel disturbed by the presence of this language. For some people, the emergence of this language is a disturbance for
3 those outside the Alay community, the increasing use of Alay language on social networks is interesting for the researcher to carry out this research. The researcher wanted to know whether in the English group conversation about the use of Alay language if so, what type of Alay was used most and how the group members responded to the Alay writing. B. Research Problem Based on the background of the problem above, so that this research is clear and more directed, the research problem is : 1. What kind of Alay most use in English conversation group on Facebook? 2. What is the respond members English conversation group on Facebook about Alay language? C. Research Objectives This research is conduct to provide information and objectives regarding 1. To find out what kinds of Alay most use in English conversation group on Facebook 2. To find out the respond members about Alay language in English conversation group on Facebook
4 D. Significance of the Research For the Community The results of this research can provide information to the public that along with the development of the age of language that is good and following the language; the structure is not like Alay, which is rife in social networks. For Users of the Alay Language The results of this research are expected to be used in the association Alay to speak properly and correctly, but if you want to use Alay language look at the condition for who you talk and when you talk. Other Researchers The results of this research are expected to be able to provide inspiration and grounding material and a contribution of additional knowledge for further researchers about Alay language in social networks among teenagers. E. Scope of the Research This research deals with applied sociolinguistic in which it examines the linguistic features of Alay variety on Facebook interaction, especially in groups. The name of the facebook group is (English conversation ). Alay has five kinds namely, addition code, deletion code, upper and lowercase code, combined spelling shift with addition and deletion code, combined code with numbers. The researcher focused to
5 see what kind of Alay was mostly use in English conversation group on Facebook and what were the responses of the members of English conversation group about Alay language. The researcher used descriptive qualitative as a method and this research only covers a limited number of member account only 20 persons for the subject of research and for the data collection used of this research was questionnaire.
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Previous Related Studies 1. Jonathan D. S.(2015) "Language Slang and Self Existence". The result of the research, slang that is used by the juvenile to interact with each other is a medium to show an impression of their existence in front of audiences who are the part of the show. The use of slang is a part that can't be separated from the daily. It makes it easy to communicate. The appearance in front of the environment. 2. Bowo H.(2014)"Using Of Alay Language on SMS (Short Message Service) Among Teenagers". This research tried to examine the use of Alay language on texting among teenagers. This research aims to describe the use of SMS language, especially the influence of text in creating the construction of language forms the reality of social life. In a manner specifically, this research aims to describe the language from on the SMS using numbers, symbol instead of letters, ellipsis marks and viewed from phonological, morphological, and syntactic aspects 3. Idil J. (2013) "Alay Language Effect On Good and True Indonesian Youth Ability". The result of the research is Indonesian language mastery efforts to leave Alay language. Especially regarding the effort to master the Indonesian 6
7 language, which is meant here is the effort made by each individual in improving the mastery of the Indonesian language to leave the language Alay, just like giving motivation. From the above research, it can be concluded that Alay bases can affect the language we use, especially Indonesian. The similarity with the research is the same as discussing language as the object of research but the difference is the language used and the media used. If previous research has spoken Indonesian as the object of research, it is different from the research that would conduct, namely English as the object to be examined, and the media used. the above research observes based on daily life or using media such as SMS or SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE different from this research that is using Facebook as the media that would be used as research. B. Some Pertinent Ideas 1. Definition of Sociolinguistic According to Kridaklasana (1982), Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics the interplay between language behavior and social behavior. Behavior social language users will affect the language used by speakers. Chaer and Agustina (2010) stated that sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary field of language concerning the use of that language in society, and sociolinguistics is a research of linguistics externally or called applied linguistics which means it is used to solve or overcome problems
8 that exist in social life. Coulmas (2017) defined sociolinguistics in sociolinguistic explain about micro and macro linguistic, micro linguistics investigated how social structure influences the way people talk and how language varieties and patterns of the correlate with social attributes such as class, sex, and age. Macro linguistics studies what society does with their language, that is attitudes and attachments that count for the functional distribution of speech forms in society, language shift, the interaction of speech communities. Based on the explained above we can conclude Sociolinguistics is the research of linguistics which is the research of language externally how language is used in society or also called applied linguistics and divided into two namely micro and macro linguistics. 2. Definition of Language Chaer and Agustina (1995: 14) the main function of language is as a tool communication. This is in line with the general function of language is as a tool of social communication. Sociolinguistics views language as social behavior that is used in social communication. According to Wikipedia Language is a system that consists of the development, acquisition, maintenance, and use of complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so; a language is any specific example of such a system.
9 The scientific research of language is called linguistic. Questions concerning the philosophy of language, such as whether words can represent experience. Thinkers such as have argued that language originated from emotion while others like can‟t have held that it originated from rational and logical thought. Meyke (2013) stated that Language is a symbol system in the form of sound which is arbitrary, which is used by members of the community for each other related and interact. Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded that Language is an expression that contains an intention to convey something to others. Something meant by speakers can be understood and understood by listeners or interlocutors through the language expressed. 3. Language Variation and Social Variation a. Definition of Language Variation (focus on users) There is four language variation that is based on its users. The first is idiolect, the second is a dialect, the next is a social dialect and the last is temporal dialect. The description of those language variations can be seen as follow: 1) Idiolect Idiolect is the individual language variation (Koesnandar1964 adapted from Chaer&Agustina, 1995:82). Everyone has language variation or his idiolect. This idiolect variation is concerning with the colors of voice, choice of words, language
10 style, sentence order, etc. The colors of voice are the most dominant aspect of language variation because we can recognize someone just by listening to voice without seeing the person. 2) Dialect According to Spolsky (1998:33) dialect is something that concerns variations that are located regionally or socially. Dialect also means the language variation that comes from a group of users that are relative in numbers, living in one particular place, region, or area (Chaer&Agustina, 1995:83). Since dialect is based on the place, region, or area where the users live, it is usually called area dialect, regional dialect, or geography dialect. The users of a dialect have certain features that mark them as people who have the same dialect although they have their idiolect. People who use Javanese with the dialect of Semarang have their particular features that are different from others who have the dialect of Surabaya. But they can communicate well with each other because those dialects are included in the same language, Javanese. The definition mentioned by (Chaer&Agustina, 1995) above is in line with what Spolsky (1998) concludes about regional dialects. He concludes that regional dialects tend to show fewer differences from their close neighbors and greater differences from distant neighbors (Spolsky, 1998:29).
11 3) Kronolek (temporal dialect) is a language term used by people at certain times. 4) Sociolek (social dialect) is a variety of languages relating to the status, class, and social class of the speakers. b. Definition of Social variation/Social dialect Social dialect means the language variation that is concerning with the social status and class. According (Koesnandar 1964 adapted from Chaer&Agustina, 1995:84). This language variation is usually the most spoken language variation and most time consuming to talk about since this variation is concerning with all personal problems of the users, such as age, gender, occupation, level of royalty, economic, social status, social class, etc. According to Holmes (2001:134), social dialects are the language that reflects the groupings of people based on similar social and economic factors. Holmes (2001:134) also states that a person's dialect reflects his social background which can be found in the complications of social dialects in Java and the ways used by Javanese speakers to show their social background. In Javanese, a particular social dialect can be defined as a particular combination of styles or levels that has its distinctive patterns of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In Javanese, every time a Javanese person talks to a different person, he has to choose the right words and pronunciations because almost
12 every word is different and they fit together in patterns or levels. A well-educated Javanese who comes from a rich family usually use five different levels of language. The term social class that is related to the social dialect refers to the differences between people who are associated with differences in social prestige, wealth, and education (Holmes, 2001:135). People from different social classes do not speak in the same way. For example, bank managers do not talk like office cleaners, lawyers do not talk in the same way as the criminals they defend in court. By this social dialect, there is some other language variation that people usually call as acrolect, bacilect, vulgar, slang. (Chaer&Agustina, 1995:87). The description of these particular language variations are in the following: 1) Acrolect. This is the social language variation that is considered to be higher or more prestigious than other social language variation (Chaer&Agustina, 1995:87). For example, the French with the dialect of the city of Paris is considered to be at a higher level than other French dialects. 2) Bacilect. It refers to the social language variation that is considered to be lower or less prestigious than other social language variation (Chaer&Agustina, 1995:87). For example, the English used by cowboys and miners can be classified into bacilect. 3) Vulgar. This means the social language variation that contains features that are used by people that are less educated or even uneducated
13 (Chaer&Agustina, 1995:87). Languages in Europe that existed from the Romans age up to the Middle age can be classified into the vulgar language since the intellectual group of people of those ages used Latin in conducting all of their activities. 4) Slang. It refers to the non-standard words that are known and used by a certain group of people, for example, a group of teenagers, a group of college students, a group of jazz players, etc. Since every group has its own slang words there are many kinds of slang that can be found. Slang is usually created arbitrarily, for example, the word money has some slang words, such as cabbage and dough. Sometimes slang words are more alive, more expressive than the standard words. Slang is also related to peer group and gang speech to obtain some degree of secrecy (Spolsky, 1998:35). In one of the Australian aboriginal languages, exists a men's society with a secret language in which every word means its opposite. Another example is pig Latin which is a children's secret language using a meaningless vowel that is inserted after every syllable, like Canayuyayunayderaystandaythisay? Other social norms are also transgressed by slang, it makes free use of taboo expressions such as the words like fuck and shit in public media that has become a mark of liberation or a sign of revolt (Spolsky, 1998:36). 5) Colloquial. It means the social language variation used in daily conversation, it means the language used in speaking and not in writing (Chaer&Agustina, 1995:88). The term colloquial is derived from the word colloquium meaning
14 conversation. The examples of colloquial in spoken English hare don't for the words do not, I'd for the words I would or I had, we'll for we will, pretty for very, funny for peculiar, and stock in for belief. 6) Jargon. According to Spolsky (1998:33), it is an in-group variety that serves not only to label new and needed concepts but also to create bonds among the members of a certain group and enforce boundaries for people outside the group. Hacking and surfing the net are phrases that do not have an obvious meaning to people who are not following the computer revolution and sticky wicket and hit for a six are understood by people who play cricket. Jargon also refers to the words that are known and used by a certain group of people which usually concerns with a certain field of occupation (Widarso, 1989:63). We can also say that jargon is the technical language of a particular profession. Usually, it is quite easy to find the meaning of jargon without using a special dictionary. We can see an example of jargon in the production of a motion picture. When the director wants to stop a cat of an actor, he will say Cut! and not Stop!. Other examples of jargon are the terms used by sailors who use the terms starboard side to refer to the right side of a boat or ship, and port side to refer to the left side of a boat or ship. 7) Argot. This means the social variation that is limited to certain professions only and secretly in nature by using special vocabulary (Chaer&Agustina, 2004:28). In the crime world of thieves and pick-pocketers, people in it use the terms like glasses for police, leaves for money, etc.
15 8) Cant. According to Chaer&Agustina (2004:28), it means the certain social variation that is used to show poverty that is usually used by beggars, just like the expression the cant of beggars which means the language of beggars. C. Alay Language 1. Definition of Alay Alay language is generally used as a means of communication between adolescents and their groups during a certain time. This is because teenagers have their language in expressing their self. Communication tools are needed by young people to convey things that are considered closed as other age groups or so that other parties cannot know what they are talking about. Adolescence has characteristics between adventure, grouping, and delinquency. This characteristic is also reflected in their language. The desire to create exclusive groups causes them to create secret languages (Sumarsana and Pertana, 2002: 150) The vocabulary of Alay is taken from the vocabulary that lives in a certain group of teenagers. The formation of words and their meanings are very diverse and depend on the creativity of the wearer. Alay language functions as an expression of the sense of togetherness of the users. Besides, by using Alay language they want to declare themselves as members of different community groups from other community groups.
16 The presence of Alay language can be considered reasonable because it is following the demands of the development of the conscience of adolescents. His life span is limited according to the development of adolescence Also, usage is also limited among adolescents of certain age groups and is informal. If you are outside the group environment, the language you use switches to other languages that are generally applicable in the community where they are. of the language used will hate that language. So this is the reason some people hate the Alay language because they do not understand the meaning of the language. 2. Alay Language Forms AliminGunawan (2018) stated that Alay language forms are Speech variation is a variation of speech in a form events that are influenced by social aspects, for example, who is the speaker, where and when the event occurs, and how the speech is said. Because speakers are ABG and children events are carried out on Facebook, and the utterances are carried out in non-formal situations, then the utterance carried contains a lot of code. Including the use of one code. a. Code Code it is means (1) an expression symbol or system used to describe certain meanings; human language is a type of code, (2) a language system in a society, and (3) certain variations in a language. The refer to code as a language or a variety of languages. Based on that understanding can be stated that the code can mean
17 language and can mean certain variants in one language. In this case, Alay language codes are found in situations say on the internet using Indonesian (Indo), language English (Eng), and Arabic (Arb). This research only discusses Alay language codes that use language English. 1. Addition Code What is mean by addition code is the addition of some letters that do not need to be added because it can make extravagance and can change the meaning Alay language: OMGGGGGGGG, SOOOOOOOOOO Meaning: OMG, SO From the example, above we can see the letters added for the word OMG (Oh My God), the G is added a lot and O is for the more SO. 2. Deletion Code Is an abbreviation of excess words that can make other people confused or do not understand the meaning of abbreviated sentences or abbreviated words, especially to people who are just learning English. Alay language : U, R, C, Meaning : You, Are, See
18 From the abbreviations above we can see that the abbreviations above can confuse people especially the learner English. 3. Upper and Lowercase Code What is mean by upper and lowercase code is a word the writing uses uppercase and lowercase letters. Writing these upper and lower case letters is not very regular. Sometimes vowels are capitalized, and sometimes also consonants are capitalized. All scrambled according to the wishes of the writer. This is seen in the following data. Alay Language :hOW ArE yOu? Meaning : How are you? Writing upper and lower case letters is in the word hOWArEyOu. This data shows that the writing of words that are supposed to be small letters is changed to uppercase o and w. This also occurs in the words are and you who write the uppercase letters in letters a and e in the words are and in your words, letter o. 4. Combined Shift with Addition and Deletion Code. What is mean by a combined shift with addition and deletion code is a change in spelling contained in words or sentences in English. Alay Language: Juzt, Uz, Gaiis, Thankz
19 Meaning : Just, Us, Guys, Thanks From the example above we can see the spelling shift from Just to Juzt, the spelling shift s to z and the word Us shifted to Uz and Guys shifted the spelling from U and Y to A and I. 5. Combined Code with Numbers What is meant is a combination of Codes with Numbers is a combination of upper. So, in a word, there are numbers written and small uppercase letters. This can be seen from the following data. Alay language : 1'm So 13e4uty 4n17 CuT3 Meaning : I'm so beauty and cute Several letters are replaced with numbers such as the letter I that changes 1 letter b changes to number 13 letter changes to number 4 and letter e changes to number 3 also several lowercase letters become uppercase letters like letters s and t and lowercase letters appear in letters m and e. 3. Factors The Use Alay Language a. Social factors Adolescent association at this time can be said to be broad because of the many social media cyberspace that connects them. Facebook, for example, it is on
20 this media that Alay's language is written and developed in the status will then be read by other teenagers and will follow the usage of Alay language so that it is increasingly used by teenagers. This language developing among teenagers, but in social media networking most often used. The longer this language is developing so has been considered reasonable in his circles. In Alay, teenagers are free to abbreviate languages according to their society. b. Prestige Factor Many teenagers who try to become slang who do not outdated, this requires them to follow the development of the wrong era one uses the Alay language, the acronym of the Lebay child, the written language in the form of a mixture of spoken slang, especially foreign languages, English, abbreviations, codes, numbers, and symbols. The reason to use this language is that you do not want to call a tad child. c. Advertising Factor A favorite of someone watching soap operas, films, and even advertisements, a little effect on the use of everyday language. The language used by teenagers because of what they listen to. In television, for example, many soap operas, films, and even advertisements that have been used and helped popularized the Alay language. So that young people who see will follow and use the Alay language in their everyday lives Alay language users to be considered cool and cool like artists
21 and stars ads that use the Alay language. Without realizing that language the figures used by the public figure are only scenario demands. D. Slang and Alay Language 1. Definition of Slang Slang is words or phrases that are informal language, and it is typically seen used in speech more often than writing. It can be specific to a particular group of people or context; therefore, the meanings of the words may not be apparent to all people. According to Pei & Gaynor (1954:199) slang is a style of language in common use, produces by popular adaption and extension of the meaning linguistic principles for the formation of a word, generally peculiar to certain classes and social of exists word and by coining a new word with disregard for scholastic standard and age group. Slang prefers to speak in slang writing as well as accents words from long words to shorter words and slang is more similar to idioms, because each sentence cannot be enlarged. Idioms themselves are collections of words whose meanings are not the same as the combined meanings of their constituent words.
22 2. Definition of Alay Alay is an acronym of Anak layangan where kites can fly because of the wind. the same as the child of Alay in the purpose of the kite is the Alay people while the wind is a trend so where there is a trend then there can be Alay. According to Wikipedia Alay is a term that refers to a phenomenon of adolescent behavior in Indonesia. Alay refers to a style that is considered excessive lebay and always tries to attract attention. Someone who is categorized is Alay generally has a unique behavior in terms of language and lifestyle. In language style, especially written language, Alay refers to the pleasure of teens combining uppercase and lowercase letters, combining letters with numbers and symbols, or turning letters to form a new vocabulary. In speaking style, they talk with excessive intonation and style. By the time, teenagers or youth that use special unique kinds of writing that are usually difficult to be read. The user of this language will mix the capital alphabet, symbol, and number to write a word or sentence. They will also add the alphabet, so it will be difficult to be read. In the beginning, Alay is mean as a lifestyle of teenagers or adolescence from the low class, but it becomes a trend soon. "Alay is a symptom experienced by Indonesian youths, who want to be recognized for their status among his friends. These symptoms will change the writing style, and style of dress, all at once increasing narcissism, which is quite disturbing to the cyberspace
23 community. It is hoped that this trait will soon disappear if it will not disturb the community around. Meiriani (2014: 371) also said, "Alay is a teenager's behavior in Indonesia, which makes him feel cool or beautiful among others. This is contrary to the nature of the Indonesian people who are polite, polite, and friendly. Factors that cause it can through TV media (soap operas), and musicians with such makeup. Meyke (2013: 18) writes that " Alay is a type of language that is a term refers to a phenomenon of adolescent behavior in Indonesia "Alay" stands for "child kites "or" lebay children ". This term represents a tacky or lifestyle. Besides, Alay refers to a style that is considered excessive and always trying to draw attention. Someone who is categorized as Alay generally has a unique behavior in terms of language. In the style of language, especially written language, Alay refers to the pleasure of teenagers. Or abbreviate excessively. In the style of speaking, they speak with intonation and style excessive ". She also said that the use of the Alay Language uses Indonesian the good and the right began to be displaced by the emergence of the Alay language, this was evident in the language oral and written that are often used by our society, especially teenagers. Indonesian teenagers difficulty communicating using good and correct Indonesian. The difficulty occurs because of the use of new languages that they consider to be creativity. Languages that contain certain passwords and are considered reasonable arise from some circles.
24 According to Meirinai (2014: 371), the vocabulary of Alay in Indonesia was taken from vocabulary language that lives in a particular group of teenagers. The formation of words and their meanings very diverse and depends on the creativity of the wearer. Alay functions as an expression of the sense of togetherness of the wearers. Also, using Alay, they want to declare themselves as members of a different group of people from the group of other communities. The presence of Alay can be considered reasonable because it is following demands for the development of the conscience of teenagers. His life span is limited according to the development of adolescence. Besides, the usage is also limited among adolescent groups certain age and is not official. If it is outside the group environment, the language is the use of switching to another language that applies in general in the community environment they are. 3. The Difference Between Slang and Alay Language According Meyke (2013) if the slang is sourced from another oral case with Alay language where the Alay language comes from writing. if slang is implied then the Alay language is written. Language Slang focuses more on acronym on sentences and has similarities with idioms while Alay language focuses on the structure of the language itself, which Alay modifies the writing of the language used.
25 Table 2.2the Difference between Slang and Alay Language SLANG ALAY Speaking Writing For slang language more used directly For Alay language is more used or speak directly which means than indirectly or speaking indirectly that is how the people can speak directly and by using media such as Facebook not using a media. Acronym, idioms Acronym, modification sentence Slang language more than acronym Alay language also using acronym and and the sentence from slang almost modification the sentence or the same with idioms acronym example OmG Good Structure Not good structure For the slang language is not wrong Alay language is not good structure structure because this language is not because this language modification the modification word and sentence. word or sentence Based on the table we can see the difference in Slang and Alay for the slang focus for the speaking, acronym, and idioms and still good structure or based on language rules which mean that not mixing upper and lower case or mixed with the number. Different from Alay, Alay focuses on the writing and acronym and modification sentence. Table 2.3 Differences between Acronym Slang and Alay SLANG ALAY OMG:Oh My God OMGGGGG; Oh My God LOL: Laugh out Loud LOOOOOL :Laugh out Loud KEPO:Knowing Every Particular KEp0;Knowing Every Particular Object Object OOTD: Out Of The Day 00TdD; Out Of The Day
26 Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the slang word does not add or subtract sentence structure from what it should while the Alay language modification sentence and combines letters and numbers that do not into the best place. For example, OmG which means O for Oh M for My and G for God, if we see the structure is not the best place because the acronym mixing upper and lower case. Table 2.3 the Difference between Slang and Alay sentence SLANG ALAY Bullshit: “You lying so I‟mm So happy tHisMorninGmY much,everything you’ve said its boyfriend ToOk me, bUt I al50 bullshit.” confused it”snoTUsuall. That hEcarRanD want To do It. Don’t have kittens: “Oh come one, it’s iiI R3ally just a speech. Don’t be a kitten.” loOveeeYouuuuDon‟tTLeaveeeMeE b4BYYY A buck “Let me borrow a buck from Why did I cant To do the Match you, I need to eat” ExerCise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Based on the table above the slang language have a similarity with the idioms which means an indirect meaning known only by general use, And not interpreted word by word? While Alay language focuses on the structure and modification of the language itself, which means Alay modifies the writing of the language used.
27 E. Pragmatics in Using Social Networks Pragmatics is one of the fields of linguistics, specializes in the assessment of the relationship between language and speech context Rahardi,( 2003: 12) defines that pragmatics is the research of the conditions of human language uses as there determined by the context of society. According to Tarigan (1985: 34), pragmatics is a general research of how the context influences the way someone interprets the sentence. Leech (1993: 1) stated that a person cannot understand language attitudes if you do not understand pragmatics, that is how the language used in communication. This statement shows that pragmatics cannot be separated from the use of language. Pragmatics is a research of the ability of language users to connect and adjust sentences and context. But connected with situations or contexts outside the language, and seen as a means of interaction or communication within the community. According Arianto (2012) dialogue and some statements written on social networks, is a secondary communication process. When we communicate through distance, the virtual world facilitates social networking so that we can communicate through the language and messages that we convey. But now, the language that is brought up on social networks is more towards an acronym and is starting to make a new language order. The spread of languages such as slang, Alay language, can not be separated from technological advances, globalization, and the
28 association itself. Voice and written communication features are widely offered to the public. Like the text-based communication features, such as SMS, Facebook, and Twitter. According to Holmes (2001: 8), several components influence someone chooses the language, namely: (1)participants, who speaks and who invited to talk, (2) background, context social interaction, (3) topic, what is it discussed, and (4) function, why speak up. How and when the language used? 1. Facebook Facebook is a social networking site that is used by all communities in the world, by using Facebook can establish friendship between human beings. According to Fauzi (2009: 7), Facebook is a phenomenon of great influence on world life, especially in the social field. The number of social media users in Indonesia is increasing. This year, according to research from the media company We Are Social in collaboration with Hootsuite, said there are 150 million users of social media. That number raised 20 million users compared to the results of research in 2018. Still the same as last year, Facebook became the most popular social media application in Indonesia, with 81 percent penetration, despite being hit by a security scandal over the past year. Indonesia itself occupies the third rank as a country with users as well as the largest target audience of Facebook ads in the world, with a total of 130 million monthly active users.
29 2. Group "English Conversation" English conversation group is one of the English group on Facebook this group has many members as three hundred ninety-five thousand eight hundred and four members (395,804). Most members of this group are people who are just learning English like students, and members of Facebook also come from various countries, such as Indonesia, Morocco, Afghanistan, USA, Italy, China, Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan. H. Language Shift and Language Choice 1. Language Shift Language shift is known or relevant with "language change" or language death". Holmes (2001) gives some explanation about the language shift: The most obvious factor is that the community sees an important reason for learning a second language. The reasons are often economic, but they may also be political. The second important factor seems to be that the community sees no reason to take active steps to maintain their ethnic language or they may not realize that it is in any danger of disappearing. The social and economic goals of individuals in a community are very important in accounting for the speed of shift. The language shift itself refers to the degradation of using language by a native speaker. Holmes also said that the most obvious factor is the communities. It comes by the situation where the communities were in contact with another language and found
30 a process where they feel comfortable or they need to use the new language. The situation usually happens among the youth where they feel more comfortable using their language to disguise the meaning or just to make creativity. Some factors affect the language shift: Demographic factor. Holmes (2001: 61) also says demographic factors are also relevant in accounting for the speed of language shift. He also explains that technologies such as television also take part in the speed of language shift. Universitas Sumatera Utara 11 The demographic works as a barrier. When a community was located in an isolated place, there is only a little opportunity for their language to be spread or to get a new language, which will involve their knowledge about the development of language or the appearance of a new language. However, the appearance of technology today has destroyed some aspect of the language barrier as long as the place has received the new technology of communication. Surrounding situations In other cases, the situation of surroundings will affect the speaker to involve in the language shift. The importance of using language in people‟s daily life sometimes push people to learn and use a new language in continuity. When someone comes into a new place meet with new people who use a different language that is used at his or her new place. Here will be a chance for these people to forget his old language.
31 Social and economic People cannot live alone, it means that they have to get on in society. When people do an interaction, especially in a multi-community area, they tend to use some different languages. Someone who is gathering with the Bataknese people tends to use the Batak language. In other situations when these people join with some friends from abroad, there will be a chance for these people to use the language that is also used by his new friend, and there will be a big opportunity for using English as a common international language. Economic factors also can be a reason for the language shift. A shift to another language may influence someone to depend on where he gets a job. An Indonesia who gets a job in a German factory will speak the German language frequently. Even when one day he has to move to work in German, he has to use it in his daily life. Therefore, there is a big chance for Bahasa Indonesia to be shifted into the German language. A language shift can happen in a short or long time, depend on the eagerness of the native speaker to maintain his language. Language shift not only affects a small group of communities, but it can also affect a big country; we can see Indonesia as an example. Indonesia has some changes in language from 1945 until today. 2. Language choice Language selection communicating is the thing important that must be considered by the speaker. Sometimes, accepted or whether or not the idea/desire of
32 the speaker depending on the choice of language. Various factors are influence someone in the election language, one of which is a factor social. On the other hand, has formulated a domain at the socio psychology level, which is classified domains as intimacy (family), formal (ceremonial) (religious), informal (neighbors), and between groups (economic activity and recreation as well as authority official government). In research about the domain by Fishman et al., language selection is discussed in the following domain terms: family, playground and road, school, mosques, literature, newspapers, military. G. Attitudes and Language Attitudes 1. Definition of Attitudes Attitudes in Indonesian (KBBI, 2016) are interpreted as actions, etc that are based on conviction or conviction. According to Rokeach (in Sumarsono, 2002) attitude is not momentary, but rather something that lasts for a relatively long time. Attitude is a network of beliefs (cognitions) and values that give to someone to act or react to an object in a certain way that it pleases. Besides, Lambert (in Chaer, 2010) explains that the attitude consists of three components, namely cognitive component, affective component, and conative component. The cognitive component is related to knowledge about the natural surroundings and ideas which are usually the categories used in the process think. Meanwhile, the affective component concerns the issue of good judgment, likes, or don't like, towards something or a situation. The conative
33 component concerning behavior or actions as a "final verdict" on reactive readiness to a situation. Furthermore, Anderson (in Chaer, 2010) divides attitudes into two kinds, namely (1) linguistic attitude and (2) non-linguistic attitudes, such as political attitude, attitude social, aesthetic attitudes, and religious attitudes. Both types of attitudes can be related to belief or cognition regarding language. A linguistic attitude is important about something language because language attitude can carry on the life of a language. Language is not static, but dynamic. The dynamism of languages is caused by the dynamics of the language user community. Society is dynamic in a sense always changing. The change can be seen from the attitude and things that are relating to the interests of the community itself. Language as behavior Verbal behavior is one aspect of overall human behavior communicating. 2. Definition of Language Attitudes Circumstances and the formation process of language attitude are not far from the situation and the process of forming attitudes in general. In line with this, Kridalaksana (2001) states that language attitudes are mental positions or feelings against one's language or the language of others. As is the case with attitude, then the attitude of language is also a psychiatric event, so it cannot be observed directly. Language attitudes can be observed through language behavior or behavior said.
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