Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India

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Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                                                        Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

       Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency
        Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad,
               the northern part of Kerala, India
                                      Vinayan Midhuna, Grurugnanam B.* and Bairavi S.
                  Centre for Applied Geology, Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed to be University, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, INDIA

Abstract                                                                  structure, geomorphology, rock type, drainage, slope,
Landslides are common and disastrous events in                            vegetation, soil cover and land use/land cover are the natural
India's Western Ghats during the rainy season and                         factors that impact landslides. Anthropogenic factors are
various factors influence the occurrence of landslides.                   urbanization, deforestation, road construction, heavy vehicle
                                                                          movement and mining etc. Generally, landslides are
The present research aims to establish landslide
                                                                          classified into two types: one is based on the type of
susceptibility zones to control landslide hazards and                     movement (slides, topples or fall and flows) and the other
risk effectively. Landslides occurred in the entire area                  one is based on the material (debris or earth materials and
of the Wayanad district. The study was carried out in                     rock). The Himalayas, the Western Ghats and the Nilgiris are
vythiri taluk to do detailed surveys using remote                         the landslide-prone area in India. 14 These are severe
sensing and GIS, GPS and field investigation. A total                     landslides who can also alter topography, especially in
of 162 landslide locations are used to develop a                          mountainous regions, modify the course and pattern of
landslide susceptibility map of this area. Landslide                      rivers.19
susceptibility map of this area was done by using the
frequency ratio (FR) model.                                               Landslides may occur everywhere in the world. During the
                                                                          monsoon season, landslides are common in the Himalayas
                                                                          and the Western Ghats. These landslides are mainly
The landslide susceptibility map is based on factors                      triggered by intense rainfall and earthquake. According to
that affect directly or indirectly land subsidence                        Studies, the Western Ghats of India are most vulnerable to
process. There are twelve landslide influencing factors                   landslide occurrences followed by the Himalayas. 18 In India,
taken for this study: Slope, Aspect, Land use/land                        some of the enormous and catastrophic landslides occurred
cover, Rainfall, Vegetation, Soil, Distance to                            in the last three decades: In July 1991, 300 people were
lineament, Distance to the road, Elevation, Curvature,                    killed, roads and buildings were damaged in Assam. In July
Geomorphology and Lithology. The resulting landslide                      1993, 25 people were buried in Itanagar. In August 1993,
susceptibility map shows that 3.6 % of the region is in                   500 people died and 200 houses collapsed in Nagaland. In
a low susceptible zone, 40.5 % is in a moderate                           August 1998, 69 people were killed in Okhimath. In
susceptible zone, 49 % is in a high susceptible zone and                  November 2001, 40 people were killed in Amboori, Kerala.
                                                                          37 On 26th July 2005, more than 74 people died in Sakinaka,
6.9 % is in a very high susceptible zone to landslides.
                                                                          Mumbai; on the same day, 54 people were killed in Raigad.
According to this model, the area under the curve                         On 27th July 2007, more than 50 casualties were reported in
(AUC) for the success rate is 75.3 %. This study would                    Dasalgaon, Maharashtra. On 24th September 2012, 27 people
support the relevant authorities in identifying potential                 died in Sikkim. On 6th June 2013, 5,700 casualties were
risks in particular parts which could be used for                         reported in Kedarnath, Uttarakhand (https://www.dnaindia.
landslide mitigation activities as construction                           com/india/report-india-s-worst-landslides-and-why-these-
development in the region increases.                                      might-not-be-the-last-ones-2006836).

Keywords: Landslides, Vulnerability, Susceptibility,                      In Kttippara, Kerala June 2018, 14 people died (https://
Frequency ratio, Receiver Operating Characteristic.             
Introduction                                                              899498). In Puthumala, Kerala on 8th August 2019, 17
Landslides are sudden and deadly natural hazards when a                   people were killed. On the same day in Kavalappara, Kerala,
mountain's slope changes from stable to unstable.8 The                    in August 2019, 59 people were killed and in Pettimudi,
landslide is a severe natural disaster that can be disastrous to          Kerala,    in    August      2020,    63    people    died
human life and property. 39 It is the downslope movement of               (
earth materials along the steep or gentle slopes due to                   valappara-puthumala-landslide-reasons-trigger.html).
gravity. It is created by a combination of both natural and
anthropogenic causes. Heavy rainfall, earthquake, lithology,              Between 2018 and 2020, the number of landslide
                                                                          occurrences in Vythiri taluk increased significantly. Since
* Author for Correspondence                                               2018, the number of people who have lost their life and
                                                                          property has increased. Monitoring the distribution and

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                                               Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

frequency of historical landslides helps to identify the             from Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).
regions at high risk for landslides.34 Remote sensing and GIS        Geomorphology, soil, distance to lineament and distance to
provide various applications for the Landslide susceptibility        the road map of this area were extracted from Bhukosh (GSI)
mapping (LSM) studies.3-5,11,12,34 Landslide factor                  (     Landslides
identification and inventory mapping are easily made with            were mapped using images from Sentinel-2, Landsat 8,
remote sensing images.34 Several researchers have attempted          landslide points from GSI websource (https://
to quantify landslide susceptibility employing innovative   as well as field visits.
methodologies and GIS applications.
                                                                     Landslide influencing factors: The present research work
Study area                                                           consists of twelve landslide influencing factors such as
The selected area of the present study is Vythiri taluk,             Slope, Aspect, Land use/land cover, Rainfall, Vegetation,
Wayanad district, northern Kerala, India (Fig. 1),                   Soil, Distance to lineament, Distance to the road, Elevation,
geographically located from 11°32′59″N latitude and                  Curvature, Geomorphology and Lithology. They were
76°02′11″E longitude and altitude is 700 meters above sea            measured in the field for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
level with a total area of around 616 km2. This region               (LSM) of the study area. The effect of each factor on
consists of 18 villages, a small town and a popular tourist          landslides in this area is used to compute the frequency ratio
destination on the Western Ghats. Mountain ranges, hills,            of each factor (Table 1).
valleys and plains are the major landforms situated in this
area. The average annual rainfall is about 3840 mm. The              Slope: The slope is a significant influencing factor in
region is well-known for its high-yielding crops like tea,           landslides and it is frequently used to create a susceptibility
coffee, pepper and others. The majority of the area is covered       map. 2,14,20,30 The majority of landslides on slopes is caused
with charnockite and granitic rocks.                                 by the direct or indirect effects of factors such as rainfall,
                                                                     hydrology, geology, lithology, land use/ land cover.9,23 The
Material and Methods                                                 slope map was created using SRTM DEM data in a GIS
The surface slope, aspect, elevation and curvature of the            environment and categorized into five equal classes: very
research region were determined using the Shuttle Radar              low, low, moderate, high and very high10 (Fig.2).
Topography Mission (SRTM) generated Digital Elevation
Model (DEM) by NASA and NGA, with a 30 m spatial                     Slope Aspect: Aspect does not directly influence the
resolution. Sentinel 2 imagery with a spatial resolution of 10       occurrence of landslides; it just indicates the slope's
m was used to create vegetation maps. Land use/land cover            orientation. The aspect map of this area was prepared by
map was created using Landsat 8 imagery with a spatial               using SRTM DEM data. The aspect map is categorized into
resolution of 30 m. The annual rainfall data was collected           nine classes: flat, north, northeast, east, southeast, south,
                                                                     southwest, west and northwest (Fig. 3).

                                           Fig. 1: Location map of the study area

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                                     Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

                                                        Table 1
                   Spatial relationship between each factor and landslide and frequency ratio values
    Factors           Classes        Number     Number of       Number      Number of       Frequency    Normalization
                                     of pixel     pixel in           of      landslide      Ratio (FR)
                                     in class   class(%) (a)    landslide     pixel in        (a/b)
                                                                 pixel in   class(%)(b)
     Slope            Very low         51          31.48         348953        53.40           0.58            0.37
                         Low           92          56.79         233092        35.67           1.59              1
                      Moderate         19         11.7284         65531        10.02           1.16            0.73
                         High           0           0.00           5616         0.85           0.00            0.00
                     Very high          0           0.00            241         0.03           0.00            0.00
    Aspect               Flat          24          14.81          88825        13.48           1.09            0.72
                        North          28          17.28          84835        12.87           1.34            0.88
  Land use/         Agriculture        65          40.12          13820        37.87           1.05            0.91
  Land cover             land                       3.70           1167         3.19           1.15              1
                      Bare land         6          36.41          14443        39.58           0.92            0.79
                     Forest land       59          19.75           6388        17.50           1.12            0.97
                     Urban land        32           0.00            688         1.83           0.00            0.00
                     Waterbody          0
    Rainfall           1-1.875          6           3.70          2710          7.65           0.48            0.17
                     1.875-2.75        22          13.58          3563         10.06           1.34            0.49
                     2.75-3.625        20          12.34          4268         12.05           1.02            0.37
                    3.625-4.500         9           5.55          3426          9.67           0.57            0.21
                    4.500-5.375        15           9.25          2871          8.10           1.14            0.41
                    5.375-6.250        21          12.96          3219          9.09           1.42            0.52
                    6.250-7.125        47          29.01          3758         10.61           2.73              1
                       7.125-8         22          13.58         11587         32.72           0.41            0.15
                     Waterbody          2           1.23         16989          2.47           0.49            0.24
   Vegetation      Low vegetation      52          32.09        108321         15.80           2.03              1
                      Moderate         78          48.14        327348         47.77           1.00            0.49
                         High          30          18.51        232485         33.93           0.54            0.26
      Soil         Humic Acrisols       0           0.00         23749         66.88            0.00           0.00
                   Orthic Acrisols      6           100           5705         16.06            1.49             1
                   EutricNitosols       0           0.00          6054         17.04            0.00           0.00
  Distance to           0-100          37          22.83        2449203        39.71            0.57           0.48
 Lineament (m)        100-500          76          46.91        2461404        39.91            1.18             1
                      500-1000         39          24.07        961187         15.58            0.60           0.51
                     1000-1500         10           6.17        294523          4.77            0.15
Distance to road        0-100          122         75.30        2615173        42.41            1.77             1
      (m)             100-500          25          15.43        1700672        27.58            0.36           0.20
                      500-1000          3           1.85        1131895        18.35            0.04           0.02
                     1000-1500         12           7.40        718401         11.65            0.17
 Elevation (m)          1-1.87          0           0.00           224          0.88            0.00           0.00
                      1.87-2.75         0           0.00           256          1.01            0.00           0.00
                      2.75-3.62        73          45.06         13085         51.94           50.67             1
                      3.62-4.50        64          39.50          5667         22.49           44.42           0.87
                      4.50-5.37        25          15.43          2316          9.19           17.35           0.34
                      5.37-6.25         0           0.00          1746          6.93            0.00           0.00
                      6.25-7.12         0           0.00          1343          5.33            0.00           0.00
                        7.12-8          0           0.00           552          2.19            0.00           0.00

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                  Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

 Curvature (º)           1            2    1.23         4604    0.69         1.77           0.05
                      1.0-2.0         7    4.32        26117    3.93         6.22           0.18
                      2.0-3.0        28   17.28        78226   11.78        24.90           0.73
                      3.0-4.0        38   23.45       124887   18382        33.80             1
                      4.0-5.0        28   17.28       172951   26.06        24.90           0.73
                      5.0-6.0        30   18.51       128353   19.34        26.68           0.78
                      6.0-7.0        21   12.96        91512   13.79        18.68           0.55
                      7.0-8.0         7    4.32        31744    4.78         6.22           0.18
                      8.0-9.0         1    0.61         5109    0.77         0.88           0.02
Geomorphology        Dam and          2    1.23         2020    5.68         0.21           0.05
                      Highly         0    0.00         182     0.51         0.00            0.00
                  dissected hills
                   and valleys
                  dissected hills    2    1.23         1422    4.00         0.21            0.05
                   and valleys
                     Residual        3    1.85         1662    4.68         0.32            0.07
                      mound          6    3.70         1088    3.06         0.65            0.15
                  Rolling plain      2    1.23         1243    3.50         0.21            0.05
                  dissected hills    9    5.55         385     1.08         0.97            0.23
                   and valleys       4    2.46         669     1.88         0.43            0.10
                    Valley fill
                       River          2    1.23         283     0.79         0.21           0.05
                                      0    0.00         533     1.50         0.00           0.00
                                     93   57.40       18171    51.17        10.09           2.38
                                     39   24.07        7850    22.10         4.23             1
  Lithology            Acid to       78   48.14       12563    35.38         1.36           0.45
                   Banded iron       0    0.00         13      0.03         0.00            0.00
                      Fuchsite       0    0.00          0      0.00         0.00            0.00
                       Granite        3    1.85        2299     6.47        0.28            0.09
                  Granite gneiss     48   29.62       12817    36.09        0.82            0.27
                 Graphite-biotite     2    1.23         146     0.41        3.00              1
                  Hornblende-        30   18.51        7212    20.31        0.911           0.30
                  biotite gneiss
                     Pegmatite       0    0.00         21      0.05         0.00            0.00
                       Quartz        0    0.00         233     0.65         0.00            0.00
                       Quartz-       0    0.00         18      0.05         0.00            0.00
                  Talc tremolite
                 actinolite schist   1    0.61         186     0.52         1.17            0.39

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                                               Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

                                             Fig. 2: Slope map of the study area

                                            Fig. 3: Aspect map of the study area

Land use/Land cover: Land use /Land cover (LU/LC) is                 Vegetation: The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
one of the primary factors influencing slope stability. The          (NDVI) map was created using Landsat 8 images 1 in a GIS
vegetation cover influences the strength of a slope to fall          environment. Vegetation of this area is classified into four
short.36 Because of the same unstable conditions, the                classes: high vegetation, moderate vegetation, low
possibility of slope failures in the future will be similar to       vegetation and water body (Fig. 6). NDVI was calculated by
those in the past.24,28 LU/LC map was created using Landsat          using the following equation 1:
8 satellite imagery. LU/LC of this area classifies into five
classes: agricultural land, bare land, forest land, urban land       NDVI = (NIR − RED)/(NIR + RED)                             (1)
and water body (Fig. 4).
                                                                     where NIR = Near-Infrared Spectrum and RED = Red range
Rainfall: Rainfall is the most important factor for                  of the spectrum.
landslides.6 The majority of landslides in this area occur
during periods of heavy rainfall. Landslides can occur as a          The NDVI is a simple and reliable technique for detecting
result of continuous rainfall reducing slope stability. The          the existence of vegetation and it is widely used to assess the
rainfall map of the study area is shown in figure 5.                 quality of the earth's exterior.17

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                        Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

                    Fig. 4: Land use/ Land cover map of the study area

                          Fig. 5: Rainfall map of the study area

                         Fig. 6: Vegetation map of the study area

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                                                 Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

Soil: The soil map of this area is generated using an FAO-            Elevation: Elevation has a great influence on soil,
UNESCO world soil map. Soils of this area are mainly                  environment and vegetation.25 The elevation map of this area
constituted of humicacrisols, orthic acrisols and                     was derived from SRTM-DEM data. The derived map was
eutricnitosols (Fig. 7). Soil erosion and soil creep are very         classified into eight classes of 1-1.87m, 1.87-2.75m, 2.75-
common in these soils.34                                              3.62m, 3.62-4.50m, 4.50-5.37m, 5.37-6.25m, 6.25-7.12m
                                                                      and 7.12-8m (Fig. 10).
Distance to lineament: The distance to the lineament has a
significant impact on landslides along the slopes of this area.       The majority of the research region lies between 2.75 - 3.62
The distance from the lineament of the study region was               m on relatively flat terrain. Only 10% of the land area is in
categorized into four distinct buffer zones in the class range        the high to very high elevation zone (6.25-8m).
of 0-100 m, 100-500 m, 500-1000 m, 1000-1500 m (Fig. 8).
                                                                      Curvature: The SRTM-DEM was used to create the
Distance to roads: Landslides are caused by road                      curvature map for this area. 15 The resulting map are
development that disrupts the slope's stability. The distance         classified into nine classes: 1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-
to the road of this area was divided into four different buffer       8, 8-9 respectively (Fig. 11).
zone, 0-100 m, 100-500 m, 500-1000 m and 1000-1500 m
(Fig. 9).

                                               Fig. 7: Soil map of the study area

                                     Fig. 8: Distance to lineament map of the study area

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                    Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

                    Fig. 9: Distance to road map of the study area

                      Fig. 10: Elevation map of the study area

                      Fig. 11: Curvature map of the study area

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                                               Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

Lithology: In this area, lithology has an essential role in the       Geomorphology: The geomorphology of this area is
occurrence of landslides. Lithology is a common factor in             extracted by using the Bhukosh - Geological Survey of India
landslide susceptibility studies. The lithology of this area          ( web source.
was classified into eleven different classes namely acid to           Dam and reservoir, highly dissected hills and valleys,
intermediate charnockite, banded iron formation, fuchsite             moderately dissected hills and valleys, pediment, pediplain,
quartzite, granite, granite gneiss, graphite-biotite schist,          residual mound, rolling plain, highly dissected hills and
hornblende-biotite gneiss, pegmatite, quartz vein/reef,               valleys, valley fill, pond and river are some of the
quartz-feldspar-garnet granulite and talc tremolite actinolite        geomorphologic characteristics found in the study area (Fig.
schist (Fig. 12). The majority of the landslides happened             13). The rolling plain and highly dissected hills and valleys
along the acid intermediate charnockite rocks in this area.           cover the majority of the study region. These features are
                                                                      also responsible for a large portion of the landslides in the

                                           Fig. 12: Lithology map of the study area

                                       Fig. 13: Geomorphology map of the study area

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Frequency Ratio, a case study of Vythiriblock in Wayanad, the northern part of Kerala, India
Disaster Advances                                                                                    Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

Landslide susceptibility mapping: We employed the                        was classified as a moderate susceptible zone, remaining 3.6
Frequency Ratio technique to map landslide susceptibility in             % as a low susceptible zone landslide.
this study. For the landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM),
it is significant to mention that landslide influencing factors          Validation of frequency ratio model: The frequency ratio
impact the geographic distribution of landslides and future              (FR) in this study was analyzed using the landslide
landslides may occur under similar circumstances to                      susceptibility index (LSI). All landslide points (landslide
previous landslides.22,30                                                locations) in this study are classified into training and testing
                                                                         sample points. Table 1 shows the twelve influencing factors
Frequency ratio method: Frequency ratio is the most                      and their FR in the study area. The FR ratio values are given
widely used statistical technique19,35 for identifying                   as weights to the classes of each influencing factor map to
landslide susceptible zones.9,40,41 This approach is a bivariate         produce a weighted factor, 27 which was then used to
statistical analysis method,16,42 used to forecasting                    generate the LSI map using the raster calculator tool in Arc
landslides.21,40 This approach is easy to apply and effectively          GIS. 36 Among the slope classification, high landslide FR is
deals with landslide susceptibility evaluation due to the                observed in the low and moderate slope categories. The
transparency of the criteria and the convenience of                      landslide susceptibility value represents the actual
application in a GIS environment.21,33 In each variable and              susceptibility to a landslide occurrence, with higher values
its classifications, the frequency ratio values are derived              indicating higher susceptibility.
from the proportion of landslide pixels to the total area
pixels.29,31,32 This model was assessed using Landslide                  According to the findings of FR, the most important
Density Index (LDI). The landslide density, a ratio between              elements influencing landslides are geomorphology, rainfall,
the percentage of landslide pixels and class pixels in each              curvature, aspect, lithology and soil. LSI is the summation
class on a landslide vulnerability map, was used to approve              of each factor FR values as in equation 3:
the model.7,13,26
                                                                         LSI = Fr (Slope) + Fr (Aspect) + Fr (Landuse/
According to the method, the amount of the zone where                    landcover) + Fr (Rainfall) + Fr (Vegetation) + Fr (Soil) +
landslides occurred in the entire area, with the area with an            Fr (Distance to lineament) + Fr (Distance to road) +
estimation of 1 is a normal value. If the value is >1, it implies        Fr (Elevation) + Fr (Curvature) + Fr (Geomorphology) +
a higher correlation and if the value is
Disaster Advances                                                                           Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

landslides (Fig. 16). The area under the ROC curve is used           the AUC for the success rate curve is 75.3 %. The map
to evaluate the accuracy of a model. The area under the curve        developed by the FR model provideds the best landslide
(AUC) is 0.753 (Fig. 17). According to the FR model results,         susceptibility mapping results in the research area.

                                    Fig. 14: Landslide inventory map of the study area

                    60                                                      14
      Landslide %

                    40                                                      10

                    20                                                             6
                    0                                                              2

                            Slope                                                          Aspect
                              (a)                                                            (b)

    40                                                                             40                               d

    30                                                                             20




                         Land use/land cover                                                Rainfall
                              (c)                                                            (d)

Disaster Advances                                                                                Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

   50                                                      70

   40                                                      60

   30                                                      50


         0                                                 10

                                                                            Humic             Orthic       Eutric
                                                                            acrisols         acrisols     eitosols
                            Vegetation                                                         Soil
                              (e)                                                              (f)

              40                                                 60

              30                                                 40



                      Distance to lineament                                            Distance to road

                             (g)                                                               (h)

   60                                                                30

   50                                                                25

   40                                                                20

   30                                                                15

   20                                                                10

   10                                                                   5

         0                                                              0


                              (i)                                                              (j)

Disaster Advances                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

             40                                                                                                                                                                                                 60



                                                                                                                                                                                  Talc tremolite…
                  Acid to…
                             Banded iron…

                                                                           Granite gneiss
                                            Fuchsite quartzite

                                                                                                                                          Quartz- vein/reef


                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dam and…


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rolling Plain


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Valley Fill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Residual Mound

                                                                   Lithology                                                                                                                                                                                            Geomorphology
                            (k)                                                               (l)
   Fig. 15: Spatial relationship of landslide occurrences with the influencing factors, (a) slope, (b) aspect, (c) land
   use/land cover, (d) rainfall, (e) vegetation, (f) soil, (g) distance to lineament, (h) distance to road, (i) elevation,
                                     (j) curvature, (k) lithology, (l) geomorphology.

                                                                                                      Fig. 16: Landslide susceptibility map of the study area

                                                                                                                              Fig. 17: Prediction rate curve of FR model

Disaster Advances                                                                                       Vol. 15 (1) January (2022)

Conclusion                                                                landslides in udhagamandalam – mettupalayam highway,
As a result, a landslide susceptibility map was created for the           Tamilnadu, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research,
                                                                          5(8), 1506-1508 (2014)
Vythiri taluk of Wayanad district, northern Kerala. The
research region was chosen due to the wide range of                       4. Arunkumar M., Gurugnanam G., Isai R. and Suresh M., One
landslides between 2018 and 2020. In this location,                       decade of rainfall precipitation variation with landslides in
landslides have the potential to affect lives and economic                udhagamandalam – mettupalayam highway, Tamilnadu,
losses. This research effectively employed remote sensing                 International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 3(9), 34-37
and GIS techniques to create a landslide inventory,                       (2014)
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