KS4 Supporting you at 2021-2022 - Jo Richardson ...

Page created by Alexander Stevenson
Supporting you at

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you are all well. I understand that the last few months have been challenging in so many ways. We are really
looking forward to having all students back in school.

Students, I hope that you are pleased with the Options choices you received through the post and are excited about
starting those new courses in Year 10.

I understand that the change from KS3 to KS4 feels like a daunting time, so I wanted to put together some advice for
you from your subjects that is all in one place. Heads of Department have kindly offered their advice and ideas here
of how you can get ready to study their courses at GCSE. I have also included exam boards as parents often ask me
about these as we head into KS4.

We are aware that you have not been in school for the past few months so please be assured that we will do
everything we can to make your transition back into school a smooth one. We will do our very best to help you get to
where you want to be. Teachers may email students before the summer about summer projects or further reading
so please check your emails. I will also email students a copy of this booklet so you have hyperlinks to texts and study
guides recommended.

How to use this booklet

Subjects are organised in alphabetical order.

Each subject has offered their advice on how best to prepare for starting their GCSE course in Year 10. For each
subject you will find the following categories:

                                     •   Top Tips and Advice
                                     •   Necessary Equipment
                                     •   Prior Reading that would be beneficial
                                     •   Useful Websites
                                     •   Anything Else

You may wish to highlight any equipment, books or guides you wish to buy/download or tick off any work that
you do before you return to us.

These are yours to keep and use so you may wish to cross through any subjects you are not taking.

Anything that you can do to improve your knowledge or understanding of a subject would be a bonus.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries.

Thank you for your continued support. I am looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Take care

Mrs Rowland

0208 270 6222

    Exam Board: AQA
Top Tips and Advice           Necessary Equipment           Prior Reading that       Useful Websites                   Anything Else
                                                            would be beneficial
Complete all of the work      Start building up some art    101 Mixed Media          https://www.studentartguide.com/ Always ask for
on SharePoint for Year 9.     materials -                   Techniques: Master the                                    advice and help.
Look at as many virtual           • a basic                 fundamental concepts
exhibitions as you can                watercolour paint     of mixed media art
over the lockdown.                    set
Do a Google search for            • some tonal              The Art Book
virtual art exhibitions and           sketching pencils
take it from there. A lot             (B grades)            Isms: Understanding
of art museums across             • a sketchbook            Art.
the world are putting on          • a good set of
special virtual tours.                colouring pencils a
                                      variety of pens to
                                      draw with.

Business GCSE
   Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and Advice       Necessary          Prior Reading that would be    Useful Websites                 Anything Else
                          Equipment          beneficial
Use this time to think    In line with the   Dowload the BBC Business       https://news.sky.com/business Business is a new subject
about the world of        school             News or Sky news app on                                      to you. Our previous
business around you.      equipment          your mobiles and read the                                    students say, ‘business is
What is going to happen   required           daily Business updates.                                      life.’ You learn things in
to some businesses as a                                                                                   business that help you to
result of the lockdown?                      You could also watch Dragons                                 understand the real world
Will this impact be                          Den, The Apprentice and                                      and how business works.
different on big                             there is a great programme                                   You know loads about
businesses and small                         on BBC1 called 'The Customer                                 business already that you
businesses?                                  Is Always Right.' It's on                                    don’t even realise, so just
                                             weekdays at 4pm - give it a                                  start paying attention to
There are some great                         watch, it;s about business                                   the adverts during TV
business orientated                          people testing out their                                     programmes, brands and
programmes on TV for                         product ideas on the public                                  how different businesses
you to watch.                                and getting feedback - very                                  are operating at the
                                             interesting.                                                 moment.

Business BTEC
   Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and Advice         Necessary              Prior Reading that would be       Useful Websites           Anything Else
                            Equipment              beneficial
Use this time to think      In line with the       Nothing specifically to read, but                           Business is a news subject
about the world of          school equipment       it's important to take an         bbc.co.uk/news/business   to you. You are going to
business around you.        required. It would     interest in the small local                                 learn about some local
What is going to happen     be really useful for   businesses around you. What                                 small businesses and how
to some small businesses    you to have IT         are they doing? How are they                                they were created, the
as a result of the          access at home to      coping? How have they                                       people behind these
lockdown? How will they     be able to complete    adapted to business in these                                businesses and what
survive being closed for so coursework to the      strange circumstances? For                                  makes them successful, so
long? There are some        highest standard,      example, lots of local butchers                             it would be great
great business orientated but this is not          have started doing deliveries.                              preparation to start
programmes on TV for you essential as IT           There are lots of stories about                             paying attention to these
to watch.                   facilities are         small local shop owners putting                             businesses local to you.
                            available in the       prices of loo roll up by 500%
                            class room and         You could also watch any of the
                            during intervention    programmes listed in the GCSE
                            times.                 section above.

Exam Board: Edexcel
 Top Tips and Advice           Necessary          Prior Reading that would be beneficial       Useful Websites   Anything Else
    •   Keep up to date with   In line with the   Citizenship today for Edexcel GCSE Jenny     BBC Bitesize      Always ask if you
        the news and topical   school             Wales                                                          need help.
        issues.                equipment          Citizenship studies revision guide and       Parliament UK
    •   Watch topical          required           workbook Pearson.
    •   Read articles on the                      If you don’t have the above texts then
        GCSE Citizenship                          reading around the following themes which
        themes                                    are:
                                                  living together in the UK (human rights,
                                                  migration, discrimination, local council)

                                                  Democracy at work in the UK (elections,
                                                  voting, how laws are made, the budget)

                                                  How the law works (criminal and civil law,
                                                  sentences, youth justice system)

                                                  Power and influence (trade unions, role of
                                                  the media and free press, commonwealth,
                                                  UN, NATO, WTO)

Computer Science
Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and Advice                        Necessary       Prior Reading that  Useful Websites         Anything Else
                                           Equipment       would be beneficial
As we will be doing a lot of programming   Normal school                       www.learnpython.org     YouTube has numerous
in the course, it is essential that you    equipment                           Has some excellent      online Python 3 tutorials
complete the Python challenge work                                             tutorials and reading   and is a goldmine of
emailed to you all.                                                            about Python.           information.

You can use the online version of Python
at: https://repl.it/@enaard/Python-3
 You can of course just install Python 3
from the official website which is:

Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and Advice         Necessary       Prior Reading that would be beneficial                       Useful     Anything
                            Equipment                                                                    Websites   Else
Construction is the study   Normal school   Keep an eye on the news and what’s happening to the
of the built environment.   equipment       construction industry in light of the pandemic.
Keep an eye on all new
building developments in                    Pearsons BTEC Specification
the local area                              https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-

Curriculum Support
 Top Tips and Advice             Necessary Equipment           Prior Reading that      Useful Websites          Anything Else
                                                               would be beneficial
1. Keep your planner up to       Remember to bring your        Anything your subject   Make sure you know       Have a think about how
date with coursework             coursework, revision,         teachers recommend!     login details for all    you like to learn and
deadlines, exam dates,           folders and books from your                           subject websites (e.g.   revise. Do you like
website login details.           other options.                                        Seneca Learning,         making mind maps?
                                                                                       MathsWatch) and          Getting other people to
2. Communicate with your         If you need extra resources                           ensure you are           quiz you? Sticking flash
subject teachers. Ask them       such as art equipment or                              checking your school     cards with key facts
which skills/topics they think   text books, speak to your                             emails regularly.        around your room?
you could spend some extra       subject teacher and arrange
time on so that you can focus    borrowing these before your
on this during Curriculum        Curriculum Support lessons.

3. Come prepared! Think
about what you want to
achieve in your weekly
Curriculum Support sessions
and bring relevant work with
you. The more organised you
are before Curriculum
Support the better you will
use your time, and the more
confident you will feel with
your GCSE preparation.

      Exam Board: AQA
Top Tips or Advice       Necessary         Prior Reading that         Useful Websites                                        Anything Else
                         Equipment         would be beneficial

Try to watch as many     The same as       Here is a link to all of   ZooNation                                              1. Revise Actions, Space,
dance works as you       the KS3 PE kit    the set Professional       https://www.youtube.com/watchv=dkxwgeU8n8w&fea         Dynamics and
can (Miss England        but we would      works for GCSE dance       ture=youtu.be                                          Relationships! You must
will send you links      advise trousers   along with interviews      Sadler’s Wells digital stage                           understand the definition
individually).           instead of        from the                   https://www.sadlerswells.com/whats-on/2020/digital-    and be able to give
                         shorts due to     choreographers.            stage/                                                 examples.
                         the amount of
While observing the      floor work we                                Frantic Assembly
professional works,      do.                ‘AQA Dance                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB-                    2.Keep up your physical
look at how the                            Anthology’                 9LERsyY8&feature=youtu.be                              fitness by following the
dancers                                    www.youtube.com/pl         Rosas Explore the Rosas                                practical links on
                                                                      movement content and create your own
communicate the      There is the          aylist?list=PLBhgvcte                                                             SharePoint. Try to
theme of the piece   option of             MlthpNdpVUZjOMSoJ                                                                 experience as many
through their actions,
                     ordering the          xwSXSk6l                                                                          different styles of dance
space, dynamics and  KS4 dance                                         Motionhouse                                           classes as you can.
relationships.       JRCS t-shirt                                      Clips from shows and behind the scenes videos
                     (it's plain black                                https://www.youtube.com/user/MotionhouseDT/playli
                                                                      sts?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=3                         3.Be creative, use a range
                     with a red
Also observe how the seagull)                                                                                                of ideas to create your
set, lighting, music                                                                                                         own choreographies.
                                                                      Access to a range of resources that could be used to
and costume                                                           accompany home study
contribute to the                                                     https://www.moovbank.com/

Exam Board: WJEC Eduqas
Top Tips and Advice              Necessary                 Prior Reading that would      Useful Websites             Anything Else
                                 Equipment                 be beneficial
Use your time to watch quality   Use the project           The set text for drama is     1 . BBC Bitesize- drama     Watch many plays
dramas on TV and streamed.       posted on the year 9      DNA by Dennis Kelly. You      KS4 is really good and      shared in drama
Consider how the actors use      Drama SharePoint          can buy this on Amazon or     recommended by exam         Multimedia SharePoint.
their voices, movement and       for ‘Girls Like that’ -   if that is not possible you   board for transition into   The more theatre you
gestures to communicate          enjoy the                 can email                     both GCSE and A level.      see the better - actors,
meaning to the audience and      performance and           ccook@jorichardson.org.uk                                 designers, directors as
other performers.                think about the           and request a copy of this    2. You Tube -watch a        you will be enriched
                                 questions.                text which you can come       series of videos about      with a range of ideas.
Use the project posted on the                              and collect from school.      theatre behind the
year 9 Drama SharePoint for                                                              scenes- YouTube,
‘Girls Like that’ - enjoy the                                                            National Theatre- How
performance and think about                                                              We Made it.
the questions.

Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and   Necessary       Prior Reading that would be beneficial                     Useful Websites   Anything Else
Advice         Equipment

Keep an eye    Normal school   Pearsons revision guide:                                   The engineer:     Always ask if
on the news    equipment                                                                  https://www.theen you need help
and what’s                     BTEC National Engineering Revision Guide                   gineer.co.uk      or advice.
happening to                   https://www.pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.co.uk/second
the                            ary/btec/btec-nationals-2016-and-2017/btec-national-
engineering                    in-engineering/ISBN/revision-guides-
industry in                    workbooks/ReviseBTECNational2016EngineeringRevision
light of the                   Guide.aspx?gclid=CjwKCAjwte71BRBCEiwAU_V9hzZ1P4j8
pandemic.                      Q_ojotGFE2w0d6QSXmBdnpdCeMr9fQpJUnLtiVtqEhW0F
                               BTEC Engineering specification:
                               Qualification Summary


English Language and Literature
Exam Board: AQA
       Top Tips and Advice              Necessary      Prior Reading that would be         Useful Websites            Anything Else
                                       Equipment                beneficial
   •    Ensure you are reading      Copies of the     Pigeon English by Stephen       BBC Bitesize - English    Wider reading/viewing of
        a mixture of fiction and    texts you study   Kelman - some research into     Literature - AQA - A      other Dickens' texts such
        non-fiction texts for       would be useful   the murder of Damilola          Christmas Carol           as Oliver Twist, The
        both English Language       to annotate and   Taylor would be really useful                             Signalman. Lots of these
        and English Literature.     make your own     for studying this text.         www.theguardian.com/uk texts are available for free
   •    Get into good habits        notes in.                                         The Guardian website - or online.
        early and set aside 20-                       Articles about Victorian        download the app
        30 minutes a day to                           Britain to support your study
        read for pleasure.                            on A Christmas Carol by         www.bl.uk
   •    Try keeping a reading                         Charles Dickens.                Resources from the
        journal to record your                        https://www.bl.uk/victorian-    British Library
        thoughts and ideas as                         britain.
        you read - record any
        stylistic devices you are                     Reading opinion pieces on
        impressed by as these                         the Guardian website - a
        will be good to use for                       good source for non-fiction
        your own writing later                        writing and helps to keep you
        on.                                           up to date with current

Exam Board: AQA
Top Tips and Advice                Necessary       Prior Reading that would be             Useful Websites Anything Else
                                   Equipment       beneficial
   1. Review all the basics in     Your old        The following books can be ordered      BBC Bitesize      Start writing about
      French (from Year 7-9        French books    from Amazon and will really help your   Languages         yourself, family,
      grammar books,               your            linguistic journey (links on your       Online            friends, hobbies
      vocabulary book and use      grammar and     emailed copy):                          Youtube (French   (compile all your
      of the internet).            vocabulary                                              songs, French     R2W projects done
                                   book.           GCSE French AQA Complete Revision       films, to         since year 7).This
   2. Review the use of                            & Practice (with CD & Online Edition)   research          will help you a lot at
      gender (feminine and         Download a                                              grammar           the beginning of
      masculine nouns), know       French          GCSE French AQA Exam Practice           points)           year 10.
      the use of all articles (    dictionary      Workbook - for the Grade 9-1 Course
      definite, indefinite and     app (Collins                                             Use the AQA      Revise your
      partitive), learn as many    French-         GCSE French AQA Revision Guide -        website to look   classroom language
      infinitive verbs as          English)        for the Grade 9-1 Course                at the            (Est-ce que je
      possible (I will put the     dictionary or                                           specifications    peux...? Je suis
      list on SharePoint again),   "Reverso".      New Grade 9-1 GCSE AQA French:          and exam          désolée)
      know your pronouns,                          Vocabulary Revision Question Cards      components.
      organise some                                (CGP GCSE French 9-1 Revision)
      brainstorms or
      flashcards for the
      present, past and future

   3. Watch films in French
      with subtitles in English
      to start developing your
      listening skills.

Exam Board: AQA
Top Tips and        Necessary       Prior Reading that would be beneficial             Useful Websites              Anything
Advice              Equipment                                                                                       Else
Within Food         Normal school   Practise recipes, get in the kitchen and do some   BBC Bitesize:                Always be
Preparation and     equipment       cooking.                                           https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesi willing to
Nutrition and       and             Try some of these websites for recipes:            ze/subjects/zbtvxyc          learn.
Hospitality and     ingredients     https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collecti       Seneca learning
Catering you will   when needed.    on/healthy-kids
be studying the                     https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/collections/
food industry and                   main-meal-recipes-for-kids.html
how to create
dishes and menus                    CGP Revision Guides
that balance                        https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/secondary-
nutrition and                       books/gcse/design-technology/food-prep-
food groups.                        nutrition/fnws41-new-9-1-gcse-food-

   Exam Board: AQA
                          Necessary          Prior Reading that would be
Top Tips and Advice       Equipment          beneficial                      Useful Websites              Anything Else
Geography is the study    In line with the       • There are a wide range of                              There are two compulsory
of the world. The         school                    revision guides that are    • BBC Bitesize,           fieldwork trips associated
people, places,           equipment                 custom made for the         • Coolgeography           with the course. We will
economies,                required                  AQA specification.          • Internetgeography       complete one in Year 10
environment and how                              • The books produced by        • AQA website for         and one in Year 11. In the
they all connect and                                CGP and Oxford are the          past papers and the   past we have visited
interlink.                                          most accessible.                specification         Stratford and Epping
                                                 • Any other reading you        • Seneca Learning         Forest. The trips are free to
During this time it is                              can do around the                                     students studying
important for you to                                subject would be                                      Geography.
reflect on how you fit                              beneficial, this can
into that picture. You                              include: reading
could do further                                    newspapers, reading
research on these links                             magazines like National
by reading widely,                                  Geographic or subject
watching                                            speciifc books like
documentaries and                                   Factfulness by Hans
keeping up with                                     Roslin or Prisoners of
current affairs.                                    Geography by Tim
                                                    Marshall .

    Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and Advice             Necessary          Prior Reading that would be         Useful Websites           Anything Else
                                Equipment          beneficial
   •   Start by working on      In line with the   Summer Project                      https://sites.google.co   Your school work over the
       the projects we have     school             https://sites.google.com/view/jrc   m/view/                   past three years has been
       provided on the JRCS     equipment          s-history-projects/ks3-                                       designed to prepare you to
       History Projects         required           projects/project-6-gcse-summer-     jrcshistoryprojectsBBC    tackle GCSE history.
       Website.                                    preparation                         Bitesize, Spartacus
   •   Explore BBC Bitesize -                                                          Educational,              All of the skills you have been
       they have fantastic                         Hodder GCSE History for Edexcel:    Wikipedia,                developing will be highly
       resources available,                        Medicine Through Time, c1250–                                 useful when you start the
       many of which are                           Present.                                                      course.
       focused on the topics
       we study at GCSE.                           Hodder GCSE History for                                       Speak to your history
   •   Explore virtual                             Edexcel: Superpower relations                                 teachers if you wish to get
       museums, such as the                        and the Cold War, 1941-91                                     ahead with any resources
       Imperial War Museum                                                                                       from GCSE history - we are all
       and the Museum of                           Hodder GCSE History for Edexcel:                              very happy to give you
       London, Docklands                           Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-                                personalised advice.

                                                   BBC History Magazine

                                                   History Today Magazine

   Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and Advice            Necessary Equipment     Prior Reading that would be      Useful     Anything Else
                                                       beneficial                       Websites
   •   Review Year 9           Scientific calculator   Anything from grade 1-3 on       MathsWatch However small the problem with a
       learning as this has    Usual school            MathsWatch for foundation.                  topic/question, please always ask for
       been the start of the   equipment:              Anything from grade 3-5 on                  help and work on it.
       KS4 course.             ruler/pencil.           MathsWatch for higher.

   •   Always take note of                             These videos and
       errors on mini-tests                            worksheets are useful as the
       as these are topics                             topics at the grades listed
       that appear                                     above will form the first part
       frequently in exams.                            of the exam paper for both
                                                       foundation and higher.

Exam Board: EDUQAS
Top Tips and Advice              Necessary                Prior Reading that would         Useful Websites         Anything Else
                                 Equipment                be beneficial
1. Use this time to consider     In line with the         If you can get copies of The     BBC Bitesize and        You need to be very
your media usage - are you a     school equipment         Sun and The Guardian this        Seneca Learning have    open minded in Media
gamer? Do you love Netflix?      requirements.            will help you, if not, use       useful learning         Studies. You will be
Are you on social media all                               their websites to see how        relevant to the         exploring media you
day? Start thinking about this   It would be useful for   they differ in their reporting   course.                 don't usually use. It
- do you indulge too much?       you to have a camera     styles.                                                  would be useful for you
Does this have an effect on      on your mobile                                            There is also a GCSE    to spend some time
your mental health? Is it        phone, but this is not                                    website (which needs    doing this now - ask
actually good for your           essential. It would be                                    a little tidying up):   family members what
relationships?                   useful for you to                                         https://jharland2.wix   programmes they watch
                                 spend some time                                           site.com/media          when they want to
Being able to consider           now exploring the                                                                 relax, listen to The
different points of view will    different settings you                                                            Archers on Radio 4,
help you in Media Studies.       have on your camera.                                                              read a forum about a
Think about how you are                                                                                            film/tv programme/
using the media and why it                                                                                         game you have never
makes you happy.                                                                                                   used.

                                                                                                                   Do all of this without
                                                                                                                   judgement - you may
                                                                                                                   not be the target
                                                                                                                   audience, but who is?
                                                                                                                   What do they get from
                                                                                                                   this media product?

Exam Board: OCR
Top Tips and Advice             Necessary Equipment        Prior Reading that would    Useful Websites          Anything Else
                                                           be beneficial
1. Work through the Year 9      In line with school        BBC Bitesize                BBC Bitesize             If you are currently learning
resources on SharePoint.        equipment                  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bi    https://www.bbc.co.      an instrument, sing at home
They will help you to prepare   requirements.              tesize/topics/zfr97ty       uk/bitesize/topics/zfr   for fun, or have vocal lessons,
for the start of the GCSE                                                              97ty                     you should be practising
Music course.                   As well as a handwriting   Sharepoint Resources                                 regularly to prepare yourself
                                pen, be sure to have a     https://jorichardson.shar   Sharepoint Resources     for the start of the GCSE in
2. Practise your instrument     few pencils, an eraser     epoint.com/:f:/s/JRCS-      at JRCS                  Music.
or vocal work at home.          and a ruler for writing    Subjects/MU/ElcdKMoB
                                out notation. You will     MW1Fhy7RjAg2uigBqXdG        BBC FOUR                 Remember to practice scales
3. Check out any music          need to bring your         7P_lxGLEz36Mlf5oHg?e=E      https://www.bbc.co.      and technical exercises such a
related documentaries that      instrument to class once   ohxJN                       uk/bbcfour               breathing / tone practice.
interest you on BBC FOUR        a week.
(you can access this channel
online or on cable/ sky TV).    We make regular use of
                                iMacs in lessons to
                                complete composition
                                work (30% of your final

Exam Board: OCR
Top Tips and Advice                Necessary              Prior Reading that would be       Useful Websites    Anything Else
                                   Equipment              beneficial
1. Use this time to widen your     PE kit for practical   A revision guide containing       BBC Bitesize/BBC   Some example worksheets
sporting knowledge by              lessons - there is a   the entire specification can be   Sport/OCR GCSE     which will be used in the
researching different sports       white GCSE PE polo     purchased from Amazon for         PE (exam           opening weeks of teaching in
that you would not normally        top that you can       GCSE PE and is titled "My         questions and      Year 10 can be found on
play or watch. Documentaries       purchase from the      Revision Notes: OCR GCSE PE       specification)     SharePoint in PE, in the Year 9
on Netflix like ‘Icarus’ or ‘The   uniform shop,          (9-1)" by Sarah Powell                               folder.
Last Dance’ will broaden your      although this is not
horizons and allow you to use      compulsory.
these examples in exam
questions and lessons.             All other equipment
                                   will be provided by
2. Learn the names of muscles      the PE department.
and bones in the body to help
with your understanding for
the start of Year 10.

Product Design
Exam Board: AQA
Top Tips and Advice             Necessary       Prior Reading that would be      Useful Websites       Anything Else
                                Equipment       beneficial
PD is the design of everyday    Normal school   CGP Revision guide workbook      Technology student:   Designer and Brand
products. Look into everyday    equipment       Electronic copy                  http://www.technolo   research.
products that you like.                         Your teacher will send you the   gystudent.com
Research different designers                    login.                                                 Your teacher will email you
and brands compete the                                                           BBC Bitesize          the details.
attached research task in the                   Books will be provided in
‘anything else’ column.                         September                        Seneca Learning
                                                New designer:

Religious Studies
Exam Board: AQA
Top Tips and Advice                  Necessary   Prior Reading that would be           Useful Websites       Anything Else
                                     Equipment   beneficial
Use your time to find examples       Normal      Any reading around the following      BBC Bitesize          Engage in debate with
and different perspectives on        school      topics would be useful:               Youtube and           family. See what you family
various ethical issues such as       equipment       • Capital and corporal            Truetube to           thinks about a topic such as,
capital punishment or abortion.                          punishment. Crimes and        research the topics   'Is war neccersary?' Try and
Find out as much as you can                              their punishments.            mentioned.            use exmaples as much as
about Christianity and Islam                         • Abortion, euthanasia,                                 possible to justify your
especially things you don't know                         animal testing, life after    AQA website to        points. If you family agree
such as Baptism or Islamic                               death.                        look at the           with your point try arguing
festivals.                                           • Nature and purpose of           syllabus.             from the opposite side of the
Watch documentaries such as                              families, gender equality                           argument as a challenge.
Tiger King and Making a Murderer                         and marriage. Reasons for
to explore the nature of different                       war, nuclear weapons and
people and their beliefs.                                pacifism.
                                                     • Any reading around both
                                                         Christian and Muslim
                                                         beliefs and practices would
                                                         also be beneficial.

Science Combined
Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and Advice             Necessary Prior Reading that would be beneficial             Useful Websites              Anything
                                Equipment                                                                                 Else
   •   Review science ideas     In line with New scientist magazine: www.newscientist.com/   BBC Bitesize:                Always
       and concepts covered     the school The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins                 - bbc.in/2zp2F1E             ask if you
       in science lessons in    equipment Does anything eat wasps, New Scientist              - bbc.in/2YQ7mw8            are
       Year 9.                  required.    Elephants on Acid and other bizarre              - bbc.in/2zp2T90            unsure or
   •   Use Seneca Learning,                  experiments, Alex Boesse                                                     stuck.
       BBC bitesize and                      Bad Science, Ben Goldacre                       www.senecalearning.com/en-
       Pearson Active Learn.                 Nature Journal: www.nature.com                  GB/

   •   Watch some                           www.bbc.co.uk/news/science_and_environment
       fascinating TED talks                www.thenakedscientists.com
       on science (there are
       lots to choose from),
       for example:
       This Sea Creature
       Breathes Through its


Science (Triple) – Chemistry, Biology, Physics
    Exam Board: Edexcel
Top Tips and Advice                 Necessary Prior Reading that would be beneficial         Useful Websites             Anything
                                    Equipment                                                                            Else
   •   Review science ideas and     In line with New Scientist magazine:                     BBC Bitesize                Always
       concepts covered in          the school www.newscientist.com/                                                     ask if
       science lessons in Year 9.   equipment                                                www.senecalearning.com/en- you are
   •   Use Seneca Learning, BBC     required     The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins           GB/ PDFdrive.com has        unsure
       bitesize and Pearson                                                                  millions of free pdf books. or stuck.
       Active Learn.                            Does anything eat wasps, New Scientist       Click on the Science and
                                                                                             Research box to see the
   •   Watch some fascinating                   Elephants on Acid and other bizarre          selection.
       TED talks on science                     experiments, Alex Boesse
       (there are lots to choose
                                                Bad Science, Ben Goldacre
       from), for example:
       This Sea Creature
                                                Nature Journal: www.nature.com
       Breathes Through its Butt
        https://bit.ly/2WYYQZl                  www.bbc.co.uk/news/science_and_environment

   •   Listen to free Science                   www.thenakedscientists.com
       podcasts from

Exam Board: AQA
Top Tips and Advice         Necessary           Prior Reading that      Useful Websites             Anything Else
                            Equipment           would be beneficial
   1. Go through all basics 1.Download a        GCSE Spanish AQA           • BBC Bitesize           Start creating some
      in Spanish (There is  Spanish             Revision Guide - for       • Languagesonline        Flashcards with new
      a folder on           dictionary app      the Grade 9-1 Course       • You Tube (Spanish      vocabulary- You can
      SharePoint called     (Collins Spanish-   https://radiolingua.com        songs, Spanish       always go back to them
      Year 9 Spanish        English)            /2008/10/lesson-01-            films, to research   and improve them.
      Foundation GCSE)      dictionary or       coffee-break-spanish/          grammar points)
                            Reverso                                        • Use the AQA            2. Research Spanish
   2. Complete the tasks                                                       website to look at   Festivals and create
      and record key        2. Take control                                    the specifications   some posters for each of
      vocabulary            of your learning,                                  and exam             them to present to your
      /structures and       and start                                          components.          peers once back in
      create some           organising a                                   • Grammar practice       lessons. You could use
      flashcards for each   vocabulary book                                    at                   this website:
      of the folder.        with the                                           https://studyspani    https://www.euroclub-
                            vocabulary/key                                     sh.com/grammar       schools.org/spanish-
   3. 2. Watch movies in    structures that                                                         festivals
      Spanish in order to   you will
      develop your          encounter as
      listening skills with you go through
      the English subtitle. your Spanish

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