Key Findings and Recommendations for State Action and Investment - Missouri's Public Health Response to COVID-19

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Key Findings and Recommendations for State Action and Investment - Missouri's Public Health Response to COVID-19
Missouri’s Public Health Response
to COVID-19:

Key Findings and
for State Action
and Investment
September 2021
The George                       ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Washington University            The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health
                                 study team thanks Missouri Foundation for Health for their vision and com-
Study Team                       mitment to a stronger public health system for Missouri. We would like to
                                 acknowledge their support and partnership throughout the study, and for
Alexis Acosta                    enabling the development of this report. We are immensely grateful for the
MSc, Research Associate          many stakeholders from the public health field and community leaders from
                                 business, education, nonprofit, faith-based, health care, and policy sectors
Marie-Anais Benoit
                                 across the state who contributed their time to this study. Their candid expe-
Research Assistant
                                 riences with COVID-19 response efforts made this report possible.
Ciara Conway
Research Assistant
Dora Hughes                      INSTITUTE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
MD, MPH, Associate               The George Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health advances
Research Professor               population health, wellbeing, and social justice locally, nationally, and
                                 globally by: Applying public health knowledge to enhance policy, practice,
Jeffrey Levi
                                 and management; Conducting rigorous, basic, applied, and translational
PhD, Lead Author
                                 research; and Educating the next generation of public health leaders, policy
and Professor
                                 makers, practitioners, scientists, advocates, and managers.
Anne Markus
Chair and Professor
                                 Missouri Foundation for Health is building a more equitable future through
Marsha Regenstein                collaboration, convening, knowledge sharing, and strategic investment. Work-
PhD, Principal Investigator      ing in partnership with communities and nonprofits, MFH is transforming
and Professor                    systems to eliminate inequities within all aspects of health and addressing
                                 the social and economic factors that shape health outcomes.
Semret Seyoum
MPH, Research Scientist          Learn more at

Jennifer Trott
MPH, Co-Principal Investigator
and Lead Research Scientist

Hope Van Bronkhorst
Research Assistant
Table of Contents
4.   Executive Summary

6.   Introduction and Overview

8.   I. Preliminary Assessment of State and Local
     Foundational Public Health Capabilities

       8. Assessment and Surveillance
       10. Emergency Preparedness and Response
       11. Accountability and Performance Management
       11. Policy Development and Support
       13. Communications
       13. Organizational Administrative Competencies
       14. Community Partnership and Development
       15. Equity

16. II. Implications of the State’s Governance and
    Funding Structure for Public Health

18. III. Recommendations for Strengthening the Public
    Health Infrastructure in Missouri

21. Conclusion

22. Appendix A: Methods and Data Sources
Executive Summary
This report from the study, Strengthening Missouri’s        • Coordination between emergency response offi-
Capacity to Respond to Public Health Crises, summa-           cials and public health officials was often lacking
rizes key findings that are relevant to strengthening         or disjointed. Informal channels of communication
the state’s and local public health agencies’ (LPHAs)         were often used to compensate.
capacity to respond to future public health crises. With
                                                            • The state uses a Highway Patrol map to define the
funding from Missouri Foundation for Health, a George
                                                              health regions of the state. This does not align with
Washington University study team conducted 138 stake-
                                                              public health or health care infrastructure, nor does
holder interviews within public health and other sectors
                                                              it reflect the population, and was therefore not
involved in the COVID-19 response, revealing several key
                                                              useful for pandemic response and coordination.
opportunities for the Missouri Department of Health and
Senior Services (DHSS). Missouri, like many other states,   • The health care sector (primarily hospitals and com-
faced great challenges in responding to the COVID-19          munity health centers) took on significant public
pandemic. Missouri now has a singular opportunity to          health functions, ranging from standing up testing
build stronger public health agencies at state and local      programs and doing limited contact tracing to
levels with unprecedented amounts of funding from             organizing vaccine clinics and redistribution.
the federal government. Among the key findings and
recommendations are:                                        • LPHAs reported difficulties surging their workforce
                                                              to respond to the pandemic.
Ability to collect and analyze data associated with
                                                            The state’s commitment to financing public health is
an infectious disease outbreak was severely lacking.
                                                            among the lowest in the country.
• The sufficiency and accuracy of state data was
                                                            • Historically, Missouri has depended dispropor-
   called into question on many occasions.
                                                              tionately on federal funds to support public health
• LPHAs had limited capacity and resources to                 functions. Those funds are often categorical in
   undertake and sustain surveillance activities and          nature, i.e., tied to specific programs or services,
   contact tracing.                                           thus limiting the state’s (and LPHAs’) ability to
                                                              establish a public health workforce that can ade-
• The rollout of testing was delayed and the state’s
                                                              quately carry out core public health functions or be
   testing protocols were confusing for LPHAs. Many
                                                              responsive to emergent needs.
   LPHAs did not have the capacity or staffing to
   manage the level of testing needed.                      • Federal pass-through dollars for pandemic response,
                                                              such as CARES Act funding meant to support LPHAs,
• LPHAs were challenged with tracking vaccine dis-
                                                              was sent to county officials, rather than directly
   tribution from the state and resorted to local and
                                                              to LPHAs. In a number of key instances, funds for
   regional “bartering systems” for redistribution.
                                                              pandemic response never reached LPHAs, which
Past emergency response experience and planning               undermined their ability to respond.
were not fully leveraged during the pandemic.
                                                            Consistent guidance regarding public health mitiga-
• There is tremendous variation in training, skills, and    tion measures against COVID-19 was lacking from
   capacity across LPHAs, with many lacking the fun-        the state, and complex local governance structures
   damental infrastructure and expertise to mount an        resulted in inconsistent guidance and policy at the
   effective emergency response.                            local level.

  4    Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
• LPHAs were left without guidance on many issues,                 get on-the-ground expertise and assess potential
  such as masking and school attendance, leading to                implementation challenges.
  different practices among neighboring municipali-
                                                               • The variable legal authority and governance struc-
  ties and counties; LPHAs did not see the state as a
                                                                   tures of LPHAs further contributed to confusion
  resource for resolving these differences.
                                                                   around the pandemic response.
• The state did not consult with LPHAs on pandemic
  response decisions, thus missing an opportunity to


 Recommendation:                       The State of Missouri Should:

  1     Provide financial support
        and technical assistance for
                                       Create a special fund to provide technical assistance for LPHAs to assess readiness
                                       for accreditation via the Public Health Accreditation Board, identify costs to close
        public health accreditation.   gaps, and cover fees associated with the accreditation application process.

  2     Prioritize equity.             Expand funding, staff, and other supports to help LPHAs integrate equity
                                       principles into data collection and reporting and community engagement (i.e.,
                                       trust building, links to social services). Increase workforce and funding for the
                                       Office of Minority Health.

  3     Build a modernized
        surveillance system.
                                       Build a modernized system and provide LPHAs or regional bodies with hardware
                                       and software to manage the system, consistent with federal standards.

  4     Create regional
        coordinating bodies.
                                       Incentivize and support greater formal sharing of staffing and services
                                       among smaller LPHAs, with a lead public health agency designated to convene
                                       and coordinate, designed to develop and strengthen all foundational public
                                       health capabilities.

  5     Bolster the public
        health workforce.
                                       Support workforce development through equitable recruiting, hiring, and
                                       promotion practices; new training programs; enhanced salaries for LPHA leaders
                                       with advanced training; and deploy skilled staff within regions.

  6     Ensure equitable
        public health funding
                                       Provide a minimum level of funding for LPHAs, linked to delivery of foundational
                                       public health services and an equity analysis incorporating social vulnerability, and
        across the state.              ensure that public health money flows directly to LPHAs.

  7     Clarify LPHA governance
        structure and authorities.
                                       Commission legal analysis to create greater consistency in decision making and
                                       oversight across LPHA governance and financing.

  8     Harmonize policy
                                       Ensure consistent policies across jurisdictions for public health prevention
                                       and mitigation measures. DHSS should establish and adhere to protocols for
                                       consultation with LPHAs on new policies during emergencies.


                                                                    Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19          5
Introduction and Overview
As of July 2021, COVID-19 has tragically taken the lives             reports will provide more granular findings on region-spe-
of more than 10,000 Missourians and upended the social               cific responses to COVID-19 and opportunities for LPHAs
and economic fabric of all its residents. The pandemic               and regional partners.
severely challenged public health in the state, highlight-
ing the importance of a strong public health system at               In April 2021, the National Academy of Medicine pub-
all levels of government. Unlike any other public health             lished the “Public Health COVID-19 Impact Assessment:
challenge or disaster in recent history, every part of the           Lessons Learned and Compelling Needs” report,3 that
state (and nation) was simultaneously engaged with                   found common deficiencies across the country, many
pandemic response, and thus resources could not be                   of which can be remedied by policy, structural, and
diverted from other areas to help one region cope with               budgetary changes at the state level. A more concerted
the crisis. COVID-19 tested public health infrastructure             effort at building community partnerships is also essential
and systems in profound ways and serves as a strong                  to regaining the trust of the public. A recent national
reminder of what pandemic preparedness — a focus for                 survey showed reduced confidence in state and local
public health since the early 2000s — is all about.                  health departments, often seen along partisan lines.4 Our
                                                                     research in Missouri does not contradict these national
In the summer of 2020, the George Washington (GW)                    findings. Local leaders across the state — whether in
University was contracted by Missouri Foundation for                 public health or health care, or in any of the other sec-
Health to assess Missouri’s public health preparedness               tors dependent on a strong public health voice and
and response capacities to the COVID-19 pandemic                     system — have expressed concern about this loss of trust,
and future public health crises. We used a state- and                which is central to successfully responding to ongoing
local-level case study approach, examining the pandemic              health problems and emergencies.
response statewide, and in three diverse geographic
areas — the Northeast, Southwest, and St. Louis regions.1            The state now has a singular opportunity to build stronger
This interim report summarizes key findings from GW’s                public health agencies at the state and local levels with
research, including 138 interviews with stakeholders in              unprecedented amounts of funding from the federal
public health and many other fields that are relevant to             government.5,6 As of July 2021, Missouri had already
strengthening the state’s capacity to respond to future              received $921 million in federal funding from the Centers
public health threats, and by extension, the capacity                for Disease Control and Prevention for COVID response.
of Local Public Health Agencies (LPHAs).2 Subsequent                 Some of that funding was used to surge critical resources

1 Methods and Data Sources can be found in Appendix A
2 For explanation of the role of the 115 local public health agencies in Missouri’s public health system, see
3 DeSalvo, K., B. Hughes, M. Bassett, G. Benjamin, M. Fraser, S. Galea, N. Garcia, and J. Howard. (2021, Apr 7). Public Health
  COVID-19 Impact Assessment: Lessons Learned and Compelling Needs. NAM Perspectives. Discussion Paper, National Academy
  of Medicine, Washington, DC.
4 The Public’s Perspective on the United States Public Health System. (2021, May 13). Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard
  School of Public Health.
5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC COVID-19 State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Funding. (2021, July 9).
6 U.S. Department of the Treasury. Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Funds. (2021, July 9).

  6     Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
in response to the pandemic, but significant portions can           Using the HealthierMO7 framework8 as a guide, this
also be leveraged for modernization activities. Additional          interim report is organized in three parts: (1) preliminary
federal fiscal relief funding from the U.S. Department              assessment of state and local foundational public health
of the Treasury can also be used for public health mod-             capabilities; (2) implications of the state’s governance
ernization. This report delineates opportunities for use            and funding structure for public health; and (3) state
of these funds, grounded in the evidence the GW team                recommendations for strengthening the public health
systematically collected and analyzed for the project.              infrastructure in Missouri.


                                                                                           The state now has a
                                                                                           singular opportunity to
                                                                                           build stronger public
                                                                                           health agencies at the
                                                                                           state and local levels
                                                                                           with unprecedented
                                                                                           amounts of funding from
                                                                                           the federal government

7 HealthierMO is an initiative of the Missouri Public Health Association with support from Missouri Foundation for Health and other
  funders that convenes public health agencies and partners to build “a stronger, more resilient public health system.” For more
  information about HealthierMO, see
8 According to HealthierMO, Missouri’s Foundational Public Health Services Model “defines a minimum set of fundamental public
  health services and capabilities that must be available in every community in order to have a functional health system.” For an ex-
  planation of the model and the foundational capabilities it outlines, see https://82e4c309-d318-40ba-b895-4b0debd596f5.filesusr.

                                                                         Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19           7
I. Preliminary Assessment of
State and Local Foundational
Public Health Capabilities

The National Academy of Medicine publication refer-                   FINDINGS
enced above used the foundational capabilities9 — the
                                                                      • The ability to collect and analyze data associated
underpinnings of a modernized and effective public
                                                                          with an infectious disease outbreak was severely
health department — as a lens through which to assess
                                                                          lacking, and on many occasions the accuracy of
state and local responses to the pandemic. Many of
                                                                          state data was called into question. The state
these capabilities mirror the Foundational Public Health
                                                                          initially did not use a unified data system. LPHAs
Services model that HealthierMO has adopted, and for
                                                                          relied upon various tracking and data systems,
that reason we are using the same framework, with one
                                                                          some quite outdated and most not interoperable
addition: a focus on equity. Given the disparate impact
                                                                          across the health sector or with other LPHAs and
of the pandemic along racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic
                                                                          the state. These weaknesses affected both case
lines, public health’s capability to mount an equitable
                                                                          reporting and vaccination distribution systems.
emergency response and build partnerships and pro-
grams to reduce underlying inequities in communities                      • As a result, the state’s data was not timely and
is increasingly seen as foundational in and of itself.10                     was often incomplete, with no formal mecha-
This section reviews our preliminary findings within each                    nisms for correcting data in the state’s database.
category of the eight foundational capabilities.                             In addition, because new systems were created
                                                                             urgently and impromptu, staff were diverted from
                                                                             key work. The combined deficiency in state and
Assessment and Surveillance                                                  LPHA capacity was reflected by the need for the
HealthierMO defines this capability as the “capacity to                      state to use a contractor, Deloitte, for key surveil-
collect, analyze, and utilize data to identify and address                   lance functions that government staff normally
health priorities.” This is one of the most fundamental                      handle, including ongoing assessment of the
functions of public health. During the pandemic, this                        vaccine distribution effort. The state even relied
capacity included conducting surveillance, outbreak                          upon Deloitte for COVID outbreak investigations.
investigations, and COVID testing and tracing.

9 PHNCI. Foundational Public Health Services Fact Sheet (November 2018).
10 Indeed, federal legislation to support foundational public health capabilities adds equity to the list of foundational capabilities.

  8     Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
• As noted in the equity discussion below, the            • Although LPHAs used formal and informal chan-
     surveillance systems were not able to provide             nels to share experiences about their pandemic
     sufficiently granular data regarding populations          response, the state did not leverage this knowl-
     most vulnerable during the pandemic.                      edge to provide guidance on contact tracing or
                                                               identify best practices.
  • A broad group of stakeholders, including
     those in public health, health care, professional    • The rollout of testing in the state was delayed
     associations, community organizations, the             and confusing for LPHAs. Many LPHAs did not
     business community, and educational institu-           have the capacity or staffing to manage the level of
     tions, reported that problems with data accuracy,      testing needed. Hospitals and health centers often
     availability, granularity, and timeliness hampered     stepped in, but their geographic and population
     efforts to respond effectively to the pandemic.        reach was not always as extensive or inclusive as
                                                            needed. This prevented early understanding of the
• LPHAs had limited capacity and resources to
                                                            scope of the pandemic and delayed contact trac-
  sustain surveillance activities and contact tracing.
                                                            ing that could have reduced the spread of infection.
  Many LPHAs do not have trained epidemiolo-
  gists who could provide localized analyses of the         • Early testing sites in the St. Louis region, which
  pandemic for local officials and the community (in           had the first COVID deaths in the state, were
  the Northeast, in at least one instance, access to           located in areas with limited testing access
  a regional epidemiologist was seen as an import-             for residents at highest risk of poor COVID
  ant resource). During the pandemic, the need for             outcomes, leaving many minority residents dis-
  contact tracing outstripped the ability of LPHAs to          trustful of subsequent local or state public health
  conduct investigations in the traditional manner.            efforts. Similar sentiments also were voiced in
                                                               the Southwest region.
  • While many LPHAs were creative in bringing on
    volunteers or using internet-based approaches,        • Tracking vaccine distribution was a challenge,
    this diminished the ability of LPHAs to fully           especially in the early stages of the vaccine
    understand and respond to a broad pandemic.             rollout. LPHAs and the state were both blindsided
    These approaches also resulted in frustration by        at times, not knowing full details about the vaccine
    other community sectors that needed support             supply coming into the state directly to providers
    for contact tracing, managing quarantine and            and how best to plan for vaccine distribution. The
    isolation, and providing necessary social services.     state did not receive information from the federal
                                                            government about direct distribution channels to
                                                            FQHCs and pharmacies, and LPHAs felt in the dark
                                                            about how the state was allocating vaccines at the
                                                            local level. In addition, tracking and communicat-
The ability to collect and analyze                          ing about vaccination deployment among LPHAs
                                                            and third-party vaccination events (e.g., National
data associated with an infectious                          Guard, FEMA, and hospitals and health centers)
disease outbreak was severely                               remains a challenge.

lacking, and on many occasions the                          • Despite an effort to control vaccine distribution

accuracy of state data was called                              by the state, many LPHAs engaged in barter sys-
                                                               tems with each other and the health care system
into question.                                                 to ensure they were able to meet demand at
                                                               their local vaccination clinics.

                                                             Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19     9
•     Most LPHAs did not have vaccine appointment
           systems that could meet the demand and be
           interoperable with surveillance/reporting systems.
                                                                         Past emergency response
     •     LPHAs were forced to purchase appointment
                                                                         experience, planning, and exercises
           systems in the middle of an emergency, often
           learning to use them as they were trying to                   were not fully leveraged during the
           stand up mass vaccination efforts.                            pandemic.
•        Many LPHAs lacked a full understanding of the
         underlying health and social service needs of
         their communities, especially those most vulner-
         able in the pandemic, including racial and ethnic          • Coordination between emergency response
         minorities, as well as immigrant populations. This            officials (e.g., SEMA and their local equiva-
         hampered their ability to know in advance (or in              lents) and public health was often lacking or
         real time) how to target outreach and services                disjointed. Informal channels of communication
         during an emergency.                                          were often used to compensate. From the LPHA
                                                                       perspective, coordination at the state level across
                                                                       the various emergency response structures (the
    Emergency Preparedness and                                         Fusion Cell, SEMA, COADS, and VOADS) was
    Response                                                           lacking and LPHA perspectives were often missing
                                                                       from decision making.
    HealthierMO defines this capability as the “capacity
    to promote ongoing community resilience and pre-                • The state uses a Highway Patrol map to define
    paredness, issue and enforce public health orders, share           the health regions of the state,11 which was not
    information with key partners and the general public, and          useful for the pandemic response and coordina-
    lead the health and medical response to emergencies.”              tion because it does not align with public health or
                                                                       health care infrastructure and does not reflect pop-
                                                                       ulation density. These pre-existing regional divisions
                                                                       superimposed a structure that undermined working
    • Past emergency response experience, planning,                    relationships already created by LPHAs.
         and exercises were not fully leveraged during the
         pandemic. We heard nearly universal agreement              • Given the structural limitations of LPHA capac-

         among the LPHAs that the state did not activate               ity, the health care sector (primarily hospitals
         prior plans, in some cases hampering local response           and health centers) took on significant public
         efforts. LPHAs felt that preparation for H1N1 and             health functions, ranging from standing up testing
         other disasters and outbreaks had been better                 programs and doing limited contact tracing to
         coordinated. Some of this could be attributed to              organizing vaccine clinics and redistribution. In
         the loss of dedicated funding for staff preparedness          some communities, health care leaders, not LPHAs,
         and turnover of staff who had prior emergency                 were looked to for public health guidance and
         experience, but that is only a partial explanation. It        were viewed as the lead communicators during
         should be noted that some smaller LPHAs shared                the pandemic. While multiple funding streams and
         emergency planning staff, which they believe served           diverse approaches to responding to the pandemic
         them well in the pandemic. This could be a model              can be beneficial, they require coordination and
         for future preparedness capacity.                             information-sharing so that LPHAs are able to fill

11 Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services divides its health reporting regions according to the Missouri State Highway
   Patrol map. To view the regional map, see

     10      Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
gaps in service provision. LPHAs, unlike their health           Accountability and Performance
   care system counterparts, are alone in having
   ultimate responsibility for ensuring all community              Management
   members have equitable access to services such as               As cited by Healthier MO, LPHAs “use evidence-based
   testing and vaccinations.                                       or promising practices, maintain an organization-wide
   • Hospitals and health centers have different abil-
                                                                   culture of quality improvement, and use nationally rec-
      ities to reach diverse communities. They often               ognized resources to monitor progress toward achieving
      coordinated their activities, but outside of the St.         organizational objectives.”
      Louis City/County area, there was no preexisting
      structure for this kind of coordination. As a rule,          FINDINGS
      LPHAs did not lead or coordinate these activities.
                                                                   • Accreditation12 by the national Public Health
   • Hospitals and health centers had independent                     Accreditation Board has been embraced by
      access to federal funding for their COVID work.                 some (usually larger) LPHAs and resisted by
      This was a benefit for communities, but there                   others. Accreditation provides an opportunity
      was not a mechanism to track resources coming                   to assess the workforce and other capabilities of
      into a community in order to better target LPHA                 LPHAs. The cost of accreditation appears to pose
      efforts. In many cases, LPHAs were not provided                 a significant barrier, as does the concern that local
      with resources to shore up gaps in community                    services may not be comprehensive enough to
      access to services.                                             meet accreditation standards. Some LPHAs viewed
                                                                      the self-assessment process toward accreditation
• Few communities had formal or pre-existing
                                                                      as more valuable than the accreditation itself.
   mechanisms for coordinating and communicating
   across sectors affected by the pandemic beyond
   public health and health care. Thus, informal or ad             Policy Development and Support
   hoc mechanisms were used to engage the business
                                                                   HealthierMO defines this as the “capacity to serve as
   community, the education sector, and social ser-
                                                                   an expert for influencing and developing policies that
   vices providers — all of whom had important roles
                                                                   support community health and are evidence-based,
   to play in pandemic response and were needed to
                                                                   grounded in law, and legally defendable.”
   support public health interventions.

   • In St. Louis City and St. Louis County, new
      groups, such as the Rapid Response Team
      and PrepareSTL, were considered successful                   • Confusion existed regarding who had legal
      interventions for adding social services and com-               authority to make certain decisions locally and
      munity support to surveillance and emergency                    was a central issue in the pandemic. Because
      response strategies. Even with these new enti-                  the state left many mitigation decisions for com-
      ties, substantial behind-the-scenes activity was                munities to decide, a patchwork of policies was
      needed to advance partnership across sectors.                   developed, ranging from mask ordinances to
                                                                      school closures.

                                                                   • Policymaking authority varies greatly among the
                                                                      LPHAs, and most do not have dedicated staff for
                                                                      developing and analyzing policies. LPHAs also

12 The two accrediting bodies that Missouri LPHAs can voluntarily pursue accreditation through are the national Public Health
   Accreditation Board (PHAB) and the Missouri Institute for Community Health (MICH). For more information on PHAB, see https:// For more information on MICH, see

                                                                       Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19         11
lacked authority to enforce certain policies, such      • LPHAs felt they were not consulted before deci-
  as mask ordinances. Policies were, for the most           sions were made by the state. Decisions about
  part, developed in a reactive way as new chal-            key components of the pandemic response were
  lenges emerged. In some cases, separate boards            made by the state and presented to the LPHAs,
  of health could make decisions regarding public           without prior consultation, as a fait accompli. This
  health interventions. In other cases, county boards       was particularly the case with vaccine distribution.
  made the decisions. Regardless, local health              Considerable confusion also occurred around the
  officers faced significant political pressure and         development of the Regional Implementation
  were often undercut by elected officials. Several         Teams (RITs), with constantly shifting expectations
  interviewees even voiced concern that the cur-            of the RITs that were not communicated clearly to
  rent LPHA policymaking authority, which does not          the RIT leaders let alone the LPHAs dependent on
  always require public health expertise or back-           the RITs. This lack of transparency about allocation
  ground, appears to have incentivized some local           of scarce resources led to regional resentments:
  residents to run for public office for the purposes       rural communities felt the state built policies that
  of limiting the authority of LPHAs. Additionally,         worked for St. Louis and Kansas City but may not
  LPHAs often felt they lacked support from the             have adapted well to rural areas, while some of the
  state in educating their local leadership on the          larger cities thought the state was biased in provid-
  scientific basis of public health interventions.          ing pandemic resources to rural communities.

• Policymaking is decentralized, causing cross-ju-
  risdictional confusion. Within one region there
  could be conflicting policies, creating confusion for
  the many people who cross county or city borders
  in their daily lives. There is no mechanism for har-        LPHAs did not receive any specific
  monizing these policies. Overlapping jurisdictional
                                                              guidance on many key policy
  lines created multiple layers of decision making
  and multiple opportunities for contradictory poli-          issues, such as mask policies and
  cies and regulations. One city health department            school attendance. When LPHAs
  can overlap with several counties, creating added
  levels of bureaucracy and confusion for communi-            made decisions at the local level,
  cation and LPHA authority. Likewise, some school            many felt undermined after the
  districts bounded multiple counties, resulting in
  lack of clarity related to school policies.
                                                              fact by the state’s actions or
                                                              communications and did not see
• LPHAs did not receive any specific guidance on
  many key policy issues, such as mask policies and           the state as a viable resource for
  school attendance. When LPHAs made decisions at             resolving differences between
  the local level, many felt undermined after the fact
  by the state’s actions or communications and did
                                                              neighboring jurisdictions.
  not see the state as a viable resource for resolving
  differences between neighboring jurisdictions.

  • School policies presented particular challenges,
      with LPHAs often blind-sided by school board
      decisions regarding policies for reopening,
      quarantining, contact tracing, and vaccination.
      School board autonomy often undercut confi-
      dence in LPHA leadership.

 12    Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
Communications                                                  communities, including immigrants working in
                                                                meatpacking plants — one of the key outbreak sites
HealthierMO defines this capability as the “capacity to         in the state.
build trust and engage internal and external audiences
with clear, transparent, and timely sharing, receiving       • Lack of trust was a big issue in COVID-related
and interpretation of information.” Communication was           communications with the public. Interviewees
perhaps the biggest day-to-day challenge for all public         emphasized how critical the ability to mobilize
health officials during the pandemic. Officials were oper-      trusted messengers was for them — and these
ating in a highly politicized environment, which they had       messengers were often not government officials.
never experienced before, during a public health crisis.        It is not clear the degree to which LPHAs had
                                                                developed the relationships with such external
                                                                communicators. That said, in some areas local com-
FINDINGS                                                        munity leaders did step forward — including from
• Many LPHAs did not see the state as a reliable                the medical community and from other sectors,
  source of information at a time when there were               such as the business and faith communities.
  often conflicting messages coming from federal
                                                                • In the St. Louis region, the principal public-fac-
  officials. LPHAs looked to one another, to CDC,
                                                                   ing messenger, especially for information about
  and to other non-state sources for guidance in
                                                                   hospital capacity and inpatient care, was the
  developing their policies. When the state did com-
                                                                   Metropolitan St. Louis Pandemic Task Force.
  municate about COVID, the messaging was not
  always consistent and LPHAs were often not given
  advance notice of new guidance.                            Organizational Administrative
• Conflicting guidance from neighboring LPHAs                Competencies
  reflects the lack of a formal mechanism for sharing
                                                              HealthierMO states that delivering foundational public
  messaging or communication strategies among
                                                              health programs and services requires competencies in
  the LPHAs. Though many LPHAs are members
                                                             “information technology, human resources services, legal
  of state-based professional organizations where
                                                              services, contract and procurement services, [and] financial
  informal sharing took place, this did not result in
                                                              management,” as well as “using performance manage-
  unified messaging.
                                                              ment systems, developing employees, adjusting to shifts
• Many LPHAs do not have trained public infor-                in culture and environment, and managing change.”
  mation officers. As a result, they did not have the
  ability to target messaging and outreach to specific
  communities. Facebook was often the prime means
  for communicating at the local level by smaller            • Missouri’s LPHA workforce demonstrates tre-
  LPHAs. With more staff resources, a more sophis-              mendous variation in training, skills, and capacity.
  ticated social media and communications strategy              A number of interviewees admitted they were not
  could be adopted.                                             trained and did not have the workforce capacity to
                                                                deal with an emergency of this magnitude. In an
• Many LPHAs did not have resources to translate                attempt to address this deficiency, certain counties
  materials into other languages, which limited                 relied on a “shared services model,” which was
  their ability to engage immigrant and refugee                 already happening informally or formally in some

                                                                  Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19      13
regions. Given the recent resignation of several                       health, and violence and injury prevention. Inter-
   public health administrators across the state13 and                    viewees also discussed legal liability concerns with
   the difficulty that some LPHAs face in recruiting                      using volunteers and non-government employees
   talent, particularly in rural areas of the state, work-                for certain functions, with no clear guidance pro-
   force development will be critical to ensuring a                       vided by the state in this regard.
   strong public health system for the future.

• LPHAs reported struggles in surging their work-                   Community Partnership and
   force during COVID. The contact tracing burden,
   as well as outreach work related to testing and vac-
   cination, was a tremendous challenge for LPHAs.                  HealthierMO defines this capability as the “capacity
   Many were quite creative — finding retirees and                  to create, convene, and sustain strategic collaborative
   volunteers in the community, for example — but                   relationships with partners at the local, regional, and
   they were also forced to divert significant numbers              state level.”
   of their already over-extended workforce from
   other public health services to the COVID response.
   Several interviewees underscored that these
   approaches are financially unsustainable when                    • The importance of partnerships across sectors —
   the emergency has an undetermined length and                           especially between public health and health care,
   expressed grave concern at the severe reduction of                     but also with businesses, education, and social ser-
   routine services that could create new public health                   vices — was emphasized by almost all interviewees.
   challenges, especially related to chronic health                       In some cases, these partnerships were formalized
   conditions, substance use, maternal and child                          and led by public health. In other cases, public
                                                                          health participated in partnerships convened
                                                                          by others (most often the health sector). Infor-
                                                                          mal relationships were critical to communication,
                                                                          coordination, and elevating key policy or practical
The importance of partnerships                                            issues. However, several interviewees noted that
                                                                          smaller LPHAs in particular did not always have
across sectors — especially                                               the staff bandwidth to participate regularly in local
between public health and                                                 coalitions or partnerships despite the perceived
health care, but also with                                                importance of having public health at the table.

businesses, education, and social                                     •     Two sectors of particular concern were edu-
                                                                            cation and social services. In a number of
services — was emphasized by                                                counties, school boards were making decisions
almost all interviewees.                                                    about re-opening, quarantine, and other mit-
                                                                            igation measures independent of or in direct
                                                                            contradiction of the LPHA. In contrast, social
                                                                            services organizations (housing and food

13 See: Munz, M. (2020, October 30). Health department directors across Missouri have left jobs, face threats and harassment. St.
   Louis Post-Dispatch.
   ri-have-left-jobs-face-threats-and-harassment/article_fa61a8fb-80dc-55f0-90fa-5a226c054667.html; Patrick, R. (2021, April 4). St.
   Charles County health director to leave in May. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
   navirus/st-charles-county-health-director-to-leave-in-may/article_184688ef-1930-510d-ab9f-f859774bf64b.html; KMBC News Staff.
   (2021, May 4). Dr. Rex Archer, Kansas City’s top health official, retiring on Aug. 1. KMBC News.

 14     Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
security programs, for example) had access to
      most-at-risk populations and yet did not always
      have desired support from the LPHA to do
      COVID-targeted work.
                                                                 Despite affirmations from the state
                                                                 about prioritizing equitable policies
• The capacity of community-based organizations
    to participate in partnerships and/or contribute to          and practices (and dedicated
    the local COVID response was variable. Organi-               staff), disparities were apparent
    zations with larger budgets had greater resources
    to leverage, but this could skew representation of           at all stages of the pandemic,
    certain interests or communities.                            including in early testing, data
•   In all regions, the need for cross-county partner-           comprehensiveness and accuracy,
    ships was understood to be important. In some                vaccine availability and outreach,
    cases, there are already formal mechanisms for
    sharing services and coordinating decision making.           and communications.
    In other cases, this is far more informal and not as
    well established.

Equity                                                         • Considerable expertise within St. Louis City
                                                                  and County across health care, education,
HealthierMO includes health equity and social determi-            social services, public health, and other sectors
nants of health “as a lens through which all public health        was not adequately leveraged and integrated
programs and services should be provided.”                        at the state and local levels to create equitable
                                                                  action strategies.

FINDINGS                                                     • Equity is not always a priority in other regions

• Discussions related to equity were front and
                                                               of the state. Various explanations were offered,
    center in many of the interviews conducted in              ranging from the difficulty of talking about equity
    St. Louis City and County. The dual pandemics of           because of local politics/sentiment to the belief that
    longstanding racism and COVID-19, in the context           the issue was not important because some counties
    of sustained underinvestment in community health           had very little diversity among their residents.
    and infrastructure, raised concerns that state and       • Equity was often defined by race and ethnicity,
    local responses would shortchange communities of           but some interviewees also identified primary
    color who were at greatest risk for poor health and        language (in areas with significant immigrant
    economic consequences.                                     populations) and socioeconomic status as key
    • Despite affirmations from the state about pri-
                                                               factors. Similarly, the urban/rural differences
      oritizing equitable policies and practices (and          discussed earlier were sometimes presented
      dedicated staff), disparities were apparent at           with an equity lens.
      all stages of the pandemic, including in early
      testing, data comprehensiveness and accuracy,
      vaccine availability and outreach, and commu-
      nications. Further, response efforts that rely on
      technology to reach the community often exac-
      erbate the preexisting digital divide.

                                                                 Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19    15
II. Implications of the State’s
Governance and Funding
Structure for Public Health

Missouri’s public health system is highly decentralized              FINANCING
in statute and in practice. However, as highlighted by
                                                                     Public health funds from the state or federal “pass-
the COVID-19 pandemic, there remain core functions
                                                                     through” dollars are not viewed as being allocated in
that only a state can effectively guide (and often imple-
                                                                     a predictable and consistent way. According to many
ment). The state’s governance and financing mechanisms
                                                                     interviewees, these funding challenges have been his-
contributed to difficulties and inconsistencies in the
                                                                     torically problematic. Yet during the pandemic, public
pandemic response across Missouri. Key findings from
                                                                     health financing was considered even more deleterious;
our interviews:
                                                                     some LPHAs were bypassed, for example, in the allo-
                                                                     cation of CARES Act funding — remaining unfunded or
GOVERNANCE                                                           tapping their own limited reserves because of jurisdic-
                                                                     tional or policy differences with their county authorities.
The legal authority and the governance structures of LPHAs
                                                                     The appropriate flow of public health funds was a sub-
are variable14, creating opportunities for some jurisdictions
                                                                     stantial concern for all LPHAs, but especially those who
while hamstringing local public health efforts in others.
                                                                     were completely left out of CARES Act relief. Other
In addition, some LPHAs have overlapping jurisdictions
                                                                     challenges mentioned:
within a county. This creates confusion and inconsistency
across the state, especially in smaller jurisdictions.               • The state’s level of public health funding has
                                                                         been among the lowest in the country for
                                                                         decades.15 In 2020, Missouri had the lowest per

14 Local Public Health Agencies by Governance, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (2021, July 13). https://health.
15 Lang, A., Warren, M., & Kulman, L. (2018). (Issue brief). A Funding Crisis for Public Health and Safety State-by-State and Federal
   Public Health Funding Facts and Recommendations. Trust for America’s Health.

 16     Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
The state’s level of public health
                                                                          funding has been among the
                                                                          lowest in the country for decades.

   person state public health funding in the U.S.16                 • Historically, Missouri has depended dispropor-
   Missouri’s public health system is decentralized                     tionately on federal funds to support public
   with 115 LPHAs that operate independently from                       health functions. Those funds are often categorical
   each other, and have varying governance structures                   in nature, i.e., tied to specific programs or services,
   and authority to generate revenue — for example                      thus limiting the state’s (and LPHAs’) ability to
   through property tax.17 This variation in gover-                     establish a public health workforce that can ade-
   nance, financing mechanisms, and differences in                      quately carry out core public health functions or be
   relative wealth of communities creates an uneven-                    responsive to emergent needs.
   ness in local public health capacity across the state,
   which during a pandemic, can endanger Missouri
   as a whole. Some health departments worked well
   with their governing bodies and received needed
   financial or governmental support to respond
   more quickly and comprehensively. Other LPHAs
   were financially starved by their jurisdictions, with
   no adequate state response to funding. Given the
   magnitude of the problem and the nature of an
   airborne virus, the state’s reliance on local financial
   support for public health was seen by many inter-
   viewees as misguided.

16 SHADAC Analysis of Per Person State Public Health Funding, State Health Compare. (2021, July 9). SHADAC, University of
17 Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Local Public Health Agencies (2021, July 9).

                                                                         Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19             17
III. Recommendations for
Strengthening the Public
Health Infrastructure in

Fundamental to a successful response to a public health                fund that would help LPHAs close those gaps, either
emergency, such as a pandemic, is ensuring that every                  on their own, or through a system of regional sharing.
community is served by a strong state and local public                 There are models for assessing the cost of closing gaps
health agency with certain foundational capabilities. In               in foundational capabilities that could be applied to the
this section, we identify actions that can be taken on a               state and LPHAs.18,19 (It should be noted that PHAB is
statewide basis to improve state and local public health               revising its accreditation standards to focus more on the
systems in Missouri, as well as cross-cutting changes that             foundational public health services; the assessment of
the state could support during the post-pandemic period.               needed investments could be framed around the draft
                                                                       standards set to be released this summer.) The state
                                                                       should also commit to paying the fees associated with
PROVIDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND                                          applying for accreditation, a financial hurdle cited by
                                                                       many LPHAs.
With some of the workforce funding that is forthcoming,
the state could provide technical assistance to jurisdic-              PRIORITIZE EQUITY
tions as they assess their readiness for accreditation                 The state should expand funding, staff, and other sup-
and identify gaps that must be addressed. The Public                   ports to assist LPHAs with targeted efforts to address
Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) has a readiness                      equity concerns. Such efforts should include LPHA data
assessment tool that could be used to determine work-                  collection and reporting for racial, ethnic, and other
force and other infrastructure investments needed by                   demographic populations; increased community engage-
the various LPHAs. The state could create a special                    ment and partnership to build trusting relationships; and

18 See: Mamaril, C. B. C., Mays, G. P., Branham, D. K., Bekemeier, B., Marlowe, J., & Timsina, L. (2018). Estimating the Cost of
   Providing Foundational Public Health Services. Health Services Research, 53(4), 2803–2820.
19 See: Singh, S. R., Leider, J. P., & Orcena, J. E. (2020). The Cost of Providing the Foundational Public Health Services in Ohio.
   Journal of Public Health Management and Practice.

 18     Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
facilitation of linkages to both health and social services.   • Assessment and Surveillance: While each LPHA
Further, the state should increase the capacity of the           needs a modernized data system, economies of
state Office of Minority Health with dedicated staff and         scale suggest that regional epidemiologists might
funding resources.                                               be the most effective way to ensure in-depth anal-
                                                                 ysis of data at the LPHA and regional level. A joint
                                                                 reporting system between the regional LPHAs and
BUILD A MODERNIZED SURVEILLANCE                                  the state can ensure greater coordination of data
                                                                 analysis and information among all levels of public
The state should expand its capacity at the state level by       health and its key partners. By linking this system to
building a modernized surveillance system and providing          the regional coordinating body that includes repre-
LPHAs (or regional coordinating bodies, as described             sentatives of the health care system (e.g., hospitals
below) with the hardware, software, and workforce to             and health centers), the opportunity to harness all
manage such a system. With major federal funding                 relevant health information in a region is enhanced.
available for modernizing surveillance and epidemiol-
                                                               • Emergency Preparedness and Response:
ogy functions, the state should work closely with the
                                                                 Regional preparedness planning and coordination
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to ensure
                                                                 staff should be supported by the state, reviving a
that the new system being built will be consistent with
                                                                 model developed during H1N1 that many inter-
federal standards.
                                                                 viewees cited as having been quite successful but
                                                                 was eliminated due to lack of funding.
                                                               • Policy Development and Support: The state
                                                                 should support an entity or consortium, led by a
The state should incentivize and support greater formal          school of public health or a public health institute,
sharing of critical staffing and service functions among         to provide LPHAs with independent policy and
smaller LPHAs, particularly those that would otherwise           legal analyses, including creating localized “off-
be inefficient or too costly to be supported by individual       the-shelf” policies that could be adapted during
LPHAs. Increased sharing could be achieved through               an emergency. This would promote harmonization
the establishment of Regional Coordinating Bodies for            of policies across LPHAs and within regions. Few
all public health functions, including preparedness, that        LPHAs have the staff or resources to provide thor-
more accurately reflect how health (public health and            ough analysis of policy or legal options; this action
health care) services are structured in a region.                would provide a stronger foundation for decision
                                                                 making by LPHA staff and local elected leaders.
A lead public health agency should be designated to
convene each coordinating unit, which should be inclu-         • Communication: The state should support regional
sive of all the diverse sectors needed for an effective          public information officer positions. Public commu-
public health response. This approach would address              nication was a key challenge during the pandemic.
some of the coordination challenges seen during the              As noted earlier, many LPHAs do not have dedi-
pandemic response and would, more importantly, pro-              cated public information officers. For efficiency and
vide an opportunity for building competencies and                to ensure consistency in messaging, these officers
stronger community partnerships within regions — part-           can be hired by the regional coordinating bodies
nerships that often cross county lines in the first place.       that are created. Even larger LPHAs can benefit
Key elements of this proposal are outlined below by              from such a process since messaging needs to be
foundational public health capability:                           coordinated regardless of size.

                                                                  Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19    19
• Community Partnership Development: These                   even distribution of resources to support LPHAs across
   coordinating bodies should work with LPHAs to             counties and cities. Perhaps most critically, public health
   create regional Community Health Improvement              money should flow directly to the appropriate LPHAs
   Plans and could work toward coordinated Com-              rather than through the counties. This direct flow may
   munity Health Needs Assessments among the                 require provision of technical assistance with financial
   non-profit hospitals in each region. This would           management to LPHAs or the flexibility for LPHAs to use
   encourage regional understanding of community             fiscal intermediaries, such as local community founda-
   needs and create opportunities for ongoing collab-        tions or regional non-profits, which can manage funds
   oration, not just during an emergency, which would        for them. In addition, giving LPHAs more flexibility to
   build greater trust across sectors.                       braid categorical dollars (and/or provide state funds to
                                                             support key workforce capacities) would be beneficial.
WORKFORCE                                                    CLARIFY LPHA GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE
The state should support workforce development through       AND AUTHORITIES
new training programs; enhanced salaries for LPHA            While attempting to modify the authority and gover-
leaders who have advanced training; and deployment           nance of LPHAs is currently politically fraught, the state
of skilled staff to serve within regions (e.g., regional     could commission a legal analysis, perhaps through the
epidemiologists). Further, a centralized system for rapid    Network for Public Health Law, to find ways to create
hiring of temporary workers should be organized by the       greater consistency in decision making and oversight
state, with mechanisms for ensuring appropriateness          across LPHAs. As part of the analysis of LPHA gover-
of personnel, compensation, and liability protections.       nance, a sub-analysis is needed regarding the different
                                                             ways LPHAs finance their operations.
Providing a minimum level of financing for LPHAs             Even in a decentralized system, especially during emer-
(through state or pass-through federal dollars) could        gencies, the state should ensure that there are consistent
begin to level the playing field. That minimum level         policies across jurisdictions regarding public health
could be determined based on the financial requirements      control measures. DHSS should establish, and adhere
for LPHAs and their regions to ensure delivery of all        to, specific protocols for consultation with, and advance
foundational public health services. An equity analysis,     notice of, new policies during emergencies.
incorporating social vulnerability, is needed to determine
if different approaches to financing could create a more

 20    Missouri’s Public Health Response to COVID-19
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