Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife

Page created by Lisa Evans
Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Photo © Mike Matthews

                        Conservation Plan
Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
           This plan is dedicated to Mary Carol Cooper,
          director of the Native Plant Program at Salato
          Wildlife Education Center and employee from
           4/7/1997 through 12/31/2010. Mary Carol
          Cooper’s passion for native plant and pollinator
         conservation in Kentucky inspired all who knew
        her. Her legacy of conservation will live on forever
             in our backyard gardens and in our hearts.

                                                                                                                           Dave Baker photo

                                              Executive Summary
                                                        from the eastern North Ameri-        pesticides, natural enemies, and other an-
                                                          can population, long known         thropogenic factors. Some of these factors
                                                            to migrate “somewhere” to        are beyond our scope of control in Ken-
                                                            southern destinations, were      tucky and will not be addressed here, but
                                                            overwintering by the millions    more information is available on the MJV
                                                          in the oyamel forests of the Si-   website at:
— Ellis Laudermilk                            erra Madre Mountains in Mexico. Tragi-         threats/. Without significant changes in
                                              cally, only forty years later, this annual     the way humans manage the landscape

        HE MONARCH BUTTER-                    phenomenon is now in serious jeopardy          and a concerted effort by citizens across
        FLY (Danaus plexippus) is one         due to the precipitous crash of the mon-       Canada, Mexico, and the United States,
        of the most recognized and be-        arch population.                               future generations may not bear witness to
loved species in the world. Children and           In fact, monarchs have declined by        one of the greatest migrations on Earth.
adults alike are drawn to this beautiful      approximately 90% over the last 20 years            As is the case with many other spe-
and iconic species with its striking or-      (Monarch Joint Venture, 2017), and by as       cies, habitat loss and alteration are the
ange wings and black venation. Once a         much as 97% from the highest popula-           primary culprits threatening monarchs.
familiar backyard species, the monarch        tion estimates in the winter of 1996-97.       These can be addressed, at least to some
was widespread, abundant, and easily          This massive decline in numbers can be         degree, in Kentucky. What are these habi-
observed. Countless schoolchildren have       attributed to numerous obstacles faced         tat changes and why did they suddenly
learned the butterfly life cycle by rearing   by the species. Monarch Joint Venture          affect monarchs so drastically? What
monarchs in their classrooms or at home.      (MJV) identifies six major categories of       are the other factors contributing to the
In 1975, admiration for the monarch           threats to monarchs: breeding habitat loss,    declines that Kentucky citizens can ad-
grew when it was discovered that adults       overwintering habitat loss, climate change,    dress? To answer these questions, we need
Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Executive summary

to start by explaining what is required to     eration enters a reproductive diapause           winter months where they reproduce on
complete the monarch life cycle and what       (suspended development) in late summer           non-native tropical milkweeds. Monarchs
kind of habitat restoration must take place    or early fall. This includes the majority of     west of the Rocky Mountains spend the
for their survival.                            adult monarch butterflies in eastern North       winter along the California coast, though
      The next generation of monarchs be-      America at this time, which then begin a         a small subset of this population will also
gins when females lay eggs on host plants,     southward migration to the Sierra Madre          make the trek to Mexico.
specifically various milkweed species          Mountains in the States of Mexico and                  In February, the adults in Mexico be-
(Asclepias spp.), which is the required food   Michoacán, Mexico. Along the journey,            gin to mate and start their journey to the
source for the caterpillars that emerge        adult monarchs must find safe havens to          U.S. and Canada. Like the journey south,
from those eggs. Monarchs must have            spend the night, more flowers to provide         they need to find shelter and flowers for
milkweeds to complete their life cycle         nectar for flight, and avoid collisions with     fuel, but this time there is the added pres-
and without them, they cannot survive. In      vehicles, wind turbines, and other ob-           sure of finding milkweeds (Asclepias spp.) so
approximately 4-6 days, the eggs laid on       stacles they may encounter.                      they can lay their eggs for the next genera-
the milkweeds hatch, and the caterpillars           This journey is perilous with countless     tion. It is critical the monarchs soon find
begin to feed on the plant’s leaves. After     losses, but each year millions of butterflies    milkweed after leaving their winter grounds
about 9-13 days, the caterpillars each form    defy the odds and reach their destina-           in Mexico, because the adults that begin
a chrysalis where the pupa undergoes its       tion in Mexico. These incredible monarch         the journey north do not reach the most
transformation into an adult, a process        adults then overwinter in the same oyamel        northern destinations of the species’ sum-
spanning another 8-12 days. Upon emer-         forests on the mountaintops their ances-         mer range. Just as the individuals from last
gence, the adults must find flowers so they    tors used, at elevations of approximately        summer’s, non-reproductive generation mi-
can consume nectar for fuel and begin the      10,000 feet. Some eastern individuals join       raculously knew when to begin the journey
life cycle all over again.                     the southern Florida non-migratory pop-          south and where to go in Mexico, the off-
      One generation, typically the fourth     ulation, while others remain in the south-       spring from the eggs laid along the spring
produced each year, is special. This gen-      ern U.S. in a reproductive state during          migration route continue the journey north

                                                                                  KENTUCKY MONARCH CONSERVATION PLAN                        1
Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Executive summary

to destinations they have never been before.   croplands in Iowa, an im-
      At one time, milkweeds were wide-        portant state within the
spread and abundant because sustainable        monarch’s breeding range,
land use practices were commonplace,           lost 98.7% of its milkweed
facilitating the monarch female’s search       from 1999 to 2012. Dur-
for host plants. In Kentucky, small fam-       ing this same time pe-
ily farms were the norm, and milkweed          riod, an estimated 64% of
often grew among the row crops, pastures,      milkweeds were lost from
fencerows, and field edges. Fallow fields      the entire Midwest, an
were also common as crop rotation was a        area crucial for monarch
standard practice. Bush hogs weren’t near-     reproduction. The petition
ly as prevalent, and zero-turn mowers had      also stated that milkweeds
not yet been invented, so neatly trimmed       in croplands produce
farms were uncommon. Today, fallow             monarchs at a rate nearly
fields are rare. Manicured landscapes with     four times higher than
little habitat beneficial to monarchs, other   plants in other settings, so
pollinators, or even wildlife in general       losses in croplands have a
have proliferated.                             disproportionate impact
      Use of extensive mowing and her-         on monarchs. According
bicides targeting milkweed species has         to the petition, the losses
increased over the past several decades for    translated into an estimat-
a multitude of reasons. Some species of        ed 88% fewer monarchs
milkweed contain substances called carde-      in the region in 2012 than
nolides, which are toxic to livestock. Often   were produced in 1999.
efforts to eradicate milkweed are not con-           Natural enemies and                        Monarch caterpillar on common
tained only to production fields, resulting    exotic species introduc-                         milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
in farm-scale control of milkweed species.     tions are also playing a role
                                                                                                                                 USFWS photo
      Furthermore, in 1996 and 1998,           in the loss of monarchs.
respectively, Genetically Modified Or-         Monarch larvae and eggs are particularly         contribute to the stresses on monarchs by
ganisms (GMOs) in the form of herbi-           vulnerable to predation. According to            weakening individuals and having negative
cide- resistant soybeans and corn were         MJV, only about 5% of monarchs reach             impacts on survival, mass, reproduction,
developed. The corn and soybeans were          the last larval instar. Native predators         and the resources needed for migration.
resistant to the herbicide, but all other      such as ants, spiders, true bugs, beetles,       One of the best known monarch parasites
plants and weeds were not. These varieties     and lacewing larvae are known predators          is a protozoan called Ophryocystis elektros-
of herbicide-resistant corn and soybeans       of monarch eggs and larvae, but exotic           chirra, or OE. This parasite has a higher
represent approximately 90% of soybeans        predators such as Chinese mantids are also       occurrence in monarch populations that
and 80% of corn now grown in the U.S           taking a toll. The monarch larval stage in       do not migrate, such as the one in Florida,
(Forbes Magazine), and require specific        particular is also vulnerable to parasitoids.    and may be exacerbated in areas with ex-
herbicides (toxic to milkweeds). As a          Parasitoids are organisms that require de-       otic milkweeds that grow year-round.
result of the widespread use of these her-     velopment inside or on a host to complete
bicides and over-spray into fencerows and      their life cycle, eventually killing the host.   Bringing Back
field edges, milkweed and other beneficial     The larval stage is the most common tar-         the Monarch
pollinator plants, once so abundant, began     get for parasitoids. MJV suggests that at             A concerted effort is needed to recov-
to disappear at an alarmingly fast rate.       least twelve tachinid flies and one braco-       er monarch populations, not just for the
       Consequently, it has been estimated     nid wasp species are known monarch par-          sake of safeguarding biodiversity, but also
that more than one billion milkweed            asitoids. A native pupal parasitoid, Pterom-     to ensure food security and food supply
stems have been lost from the breeding         alus cassotis, was recently re-discovered, but   stability. Monarchs and other pollinators
range of the monarch in eastern North          little is known about the effect it has on       contribute greatly to food supplies and
America, primarily because of habitat          monarch populations. Parasitoids are used        economies. Native pollinators contribute
loss or alteration. Due to the rapid and       as well-meaning biological control agents        over $24 Billion to the U.S. economy via
severe declines in monarch numbers, an         for unwanted pests, but they often have          agricultural production benefits (pollina-
Endangered Species Act Petition to list        harmful effects on non-target species like       tion). With more than 90% of Kentucky’s
the monarch as a threatened species was        monarchs and other pollinators. Although         nearly 26 million acres privately owned,
filed in 2014. The petition stated that        not usually fatal per se, parasites also         private lands management will be a critical

Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Executive summary

                                                                                              Joint Venture, Monarch Watch, Wild
                                                                                              Ones, and garden clubs, including some
                                                                                              here in Kentucky, were already working to
                                                                                              restore monarch habitat.
                                                                                                    The first step for developing a Ken-
                                                                                              tucky plan was to identify the key part-
                                                                                              ners in the state, bring them together,
                                                                                              identify the problems, and develop next
                                                                                              step solutions to increase monarch num-
                                                                                              bers. In February of 2016 a one-day
                                                                                              “Kentucky Monarch Summit” was held
                                                                                              in Frankfort and representatives from
                                                                                              approximately 40 state and federal agen-
                                                                                              cies and non-government organizations
                                                                                              attended. Presentations were given to
                                                                                              highlight the needs of and threats to the
                                                                                              monarch, as well as current recovery ef-
                                                                                              forts, to ensure that everyone had a clear
                                                                                              understanding of what needed to be
                                                                                              done. Participants were asked to com-
      Adult on                                                                                plete a questionnaire for expediting mon-
      butterfly                                                                               arch recovery, and volunteers were sought
      milkweed                                                                                to assist in the development of a monarch
                                                                                              conservation plan.
      (Asclepias                                                                                    A follow-up working group meeting
      tuberosa)                                                                               for those who volunteered was held at
                                                                                              the Salato Wildlife Education Center in
                                                                               USFWS photo
                                                                                              April 2016 to identify the needs and begin
part of any plan to bring back the mon-       helping to prevent the isolation of popula-     development of a plan. A steering com-
archs. Education will play an essential       tions. Continued research and monitoring        mittee and the following six subcommit-
role in raising public awareness of the       of our work will be needed to see how           tees were also established: Education and
monarch’s plight and inspiring individual     effective it has been in helping monarch        Outreach, Funding, Private Lands, Public
participation. Even small backyards have      numbers. Ultimately, funding to carry out       Lands, Research and Monitoring, and
room for milkweed and nectar plants           monarch recovery efforts will be the deter-     Rights-of-Way. The subcommittees were
capable of producing monarchs and sup-        mining factor as to how much of this work       charged with developing goals, challenges,
porting other pollinators each year. Every    can be completed.                               and strategies to implement monarch con-
contribution is an important step toward           Fortunately, the road to monarch           servation through a Kentucky Monarch
recovery. Public lands and rights-of-way,     recovery is already underway. In late Oc-       Conservation Plan.
such as power lines and roadsides, will       tober of 2015, the Midwest Association                The plan that follows is the ini-
also be important to recovery efforts. The    of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the           tial result of these efforts, but it will be
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conserva-     United States Fish and Wildlife Service         adaptable to changes in technology and
tion estimated that roadsides alone cover     sponsored a “States Monarch Conserva-           our knowledge regarding the monarchs’
more than 10 million acres of land in the     tion Workshop” with cooperation from the        needs. Time is of the essence since
U.S. Another 9 million acres is found in      National Wildlife Federation, Association       monarch numbers are at critically low
power transmission lines and 12 million in    of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and Pheas-       levels and need to rebound as quickly as
pipelines, the cumulative total of which is   ants Forever. The workshop was designed         possible to ensure the migration is not
roughly equivalent to about one-third of      to bring together key partners from the         lost forever. Our initial plan seeks to
the land area found in the national park      Midwest region to begin the process of          meet target benchmarks within a 5-year
system.                                       developing state monarch conservation           period, and this plan is designed to be
     These areas are underutilized for spe-   plans. The final goal being to merge these      adaptively managed and updated on a
cies conservation, that when well managed     plans into a regional monarch conserva-         frequent basis. We need your help, so we
can act as corridors and networks of cor-     tion plan. Some states had begun the pro-       hope you will engage in the efforts out-
ridors allowing monarchs and other spe-       cess of developing a monarch conservation       lined in this plan to do your part to bring
cies to move along uninterrupted habitat,     plan, and organizations such as Monarch         back the monarchs.

                                                                               KENTUCKY MONARCH CONSERVATION PLAN                       3
Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Education and Outreach
                                                                 Overview: Although the migration of the monarch butterfly
                                                                 is one of the most intriguing phenomena in the natural world, we
                                                                 also depend on these butterflies for our food and wildflower diversity.
                                                                 Monarchs serve key roles in pollination, both for food production and
                                                                 for wildflower gardens (75% of wildflowers need pollination to flower).
                                                                 By instating education and outreach efforts across Kentucky, we can
                                                                 raise awareness about the importance of the monarch and its lifecycle.
                                                                 Through the formation of a network of engaged volunteers and interest
                                                                 groups, we can create and maintain monarch habitat and spread the
                                                                 message about the importance of these conservation efforts.

                                                                 Goal: Enhance public knowledge of monarch butterflies, the plight
                                                                 of the monarch, and ways that citizens of the commonwealth can
                                                                 become involved in helping this species.
                                    USFWS photo

Challenge 1:                                      monarchs and raise awareness and knowl-         Challenge 3:
Identify and expand communication to              edge, then progress can be made.                Educate the public about the importance
target audiences.                                                                                 of and current threats to monarchs and
                                                  • Strategy: Create, promote and main-           other pollinators. Through establishing a
• Strategy: Identify priority audiences for         tain Kentucky-specific social media           network of informed educators, supportive
  monarch conservation.                             sites. Rely on existing website resources     materials and increasing Certified Mon-
• Strategy: Utilize varying communica-              (Monarch Joint Venture) for streamlined       arch Waystations, this effort could have
  tion methods and strategies based on              information. Explore feasibility of a link    enormous impact.
  target audience. (e.g., presentations at          to Kentucky-specific materials within
  industry meetings or workshops, presen-           these existing websites.                      • Strategy: Recruit and train “monarch
  tations for local and state government          • Strategy: Utilize local media outlets,          ambassadors” (including children) across
  agencies, social media, radio, direct com-        newspaper articles, television, radio, and      the state who will conduct outreach to
  munication, print)                                podcasts.                                       teach about monarchs.
• Strategy: Measure change in support             • Strategy: Create “branded” signage at         • Strategy: Create educational materi-
  and participation of monarch conserva-            KY welcome centers and rest stops and           als (videos, articles, PowerPoint pro-
  tion among target groups by develop-              provide informational brochures.                grams and teaching aids) as tools for
  ing effectiveness measures. Adapt and           • Strategy: Recruit a celebrity spokesper-        the ambassadors and other educators/
  change messaging approach to target au-           son to be the face of Kentucky’s mon-           presenters.
  diences if not creating desired response.         arch outreach.                                • Strategy: Adapt Kentucky Department
                                                  • Strategy: Develop public service an-            of Fish and Wildlife Resources’ Back-
Assessment: Priority monarch conserva-              nouncements.                                    yard Wildlife program to include infor-
tion audiences will be identified and par-        • Strategy: Partner with the Monarch              mation on Monarch Waystations.
ticipation/support levels in monarch con-           Conservation Science Partnership and          • Strategy: Identify and adapt (as need-
servation will be quantifiable. All strat-          Monarch Joint Venture to integrate a            ed) existing educational presentations
egies will be implemented within the                statewide citizen science program in            and material on monarchs and certified
5-year benchmark.                                   Kentucky aimed at inventorying milk-            monarch waystations.
                                                    weed stems and recording monarch eggs         • Strategy: Fund and develop locally ap-
Challenge 2:                                        and caterpillars.                               propriate native pollinator seed packets
Increase public knowledge of the monarch                                                            to be distributed with educational ma-
butterfly and its life cycle. Public aware-       Assessment: All strategies should be im-          terials.
ness is increasing as studies and reports         plemented in 5 years, and a third of the        • Strategy: Use social media sites to steer
demonstrate a dramatic decline in migrat-         school-aged population of the state should be     Kentucky’s public to existing FAQ and
ing monarchs, bees and other pollinators.         able to recognize a monarch butterfly within      “ask the expert” resources. Encourage
If Kentucky can create a “buzz” around            5 years (assessed via online survey tool).        residents to post images, suggestions and

Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Education and outreach

 comments on social media sites.                 Assessment: 50% of Kentucky nurseries           • Strategy: Identify local networks of
• Strategy: Increase knowledge of large          have signage and/or educational materials         ambassadors and develop a monarch
  landowners, both public and private,           about neonicotinoids. All strategies will be      conservation training program. Ambas-
  about monarchs and their plight.               employed by the 5-year benchmark.                 sadors will be trained in education, hab-
• Strategy: Increase school districts’                                                             itat development and research efforts.
  knowledge about monarch waystations            Challenge 5:                                      Develop programs based on audience
  and pollinator gardens as tools to teach       Increase public awareness on where milk-          and region of the state.
  the Kentucky Academic Science Stan-            weeds and native nectar producing plants        • Strategy: Develop science-based resources
  dards.                                         are available for purchase.                       to aid ambassadors in communicating the
• Strategy: Promote Certified Monarch                                                              principles of monarch conservation, in-
  Waystations and more than double the           • Strategy: Provide current lists of where        cluding habitat, research and education.
  number in the state, with a goal of es-          pesticide-free, native milkweed plugs         • Strategy: Support local monarch ef-
  tablishing 1,000.                                and seeds, as well as native nectar plants,     forts with financial resources and out-
• Strategy: Develop a Monarchs Across              can be purchased.                               reach materials.
  Kentucky curriculum using existing cur-        • Strategy: Use existing educational            • Strategy: Provide information on po-
  riculum that can be found at the Univer-         products such as brochures, website con-        tential funding mechanisms for the in-
  sity of Minnesota Monarch Lab (http://           tent and social media content to pro-           stallation (and certification) of monarch          mote information about the importance           waystations and pollinator gardens.
  curricula) to supplement current curricu-        of planting nectar-producing flowers
  la programs such as Project WILD.                and providing recommendations about           Assessment: Two of these five strategies
                                                   which flowering plants have the great-        will be completed by the 5-year bench-
Assessment: In 5 years, the monarch                est importance for monarch survival.          mark. Within 10 years, priority audienc-
ambassadors will have worked with resi-            Many of these educational products can        es will be identified and outreach toolkits
dents in every county, 1,000 new monarch           be found at the Monarch Joint Venture         will be available for ambassadors. An ef-
waystations will be developed and certified        website (     fective and comprehensive training pro-
with Monarch Watch, and more educa-              • Strategy: Use existing educational ma-        gram will be developed and implemented
tional materials will be available.                terial: presentations, brochures, publica-    for the network of local ambassadors.
                                                   tions, website content and social media
Challenge 4:                                       content to share how to identify mon-         Challenge 7:
Promote public awareness on the harm-              arch eggs and caterpillars. Again, many       Outreach to Civic Groups. Engage envi-
ful effects of spraying pesticides, especially     of these resources can be found at the        ronmentally-conscious civic groups across
neonicotinoids, on plants that that are im-        Monarch Joint Venture website.                the state (e.g. garden clubs, FFA, 4H, Boy
portant to monarchs and other pollinators.       • Strategy: Establish a website at              Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.) in monarch con-
                                          Let this website        servation (i.e. train-the-trainer).
• Strategy: Enlist plant nurseries and             include the existing list of native plant
  sellers, including large-scale sellers like      vendors but also expand upon that infor-      • Strategy: Meet with at least one civ-
  Lowe’s, Home Depot, etc., to educate             mation by providing links to helpful re-        ic group per county regarding the urgent
  customers on use of pesticides, especially       sources. This website can include a blog        need for monarch conservation.
  neonicotinoids.                                  as well as menus and pages that lead to       • Strategy: Secure annual funding for
• Strategy: Encourage retailers to start           helpful resources. Devise and implement         seed packets to encourage citizens to de-
  selling flowers and garden plants free of        strategies for driving traffic to this web-     velop pollinator plantings.
  neonicotinoids.                                  site. Monitor website traffic and period-     • Strategy: Secure annual funding to de-
• Strategy: In lieu of the above, ask re-          ically review and revise strategies for in-     velop signage for landowners engaged in
  tailers to label products that contain ne-       creasing website traffic.                       monarch conservation.
  onicotinoids.                                                                                  • Strategy: Identify and distribute exist-
• Strategy: Work with retailers to create        Assessment: In 5 years, we will have a            ing monarch conservation and Monarch
  educational signage and material regard-       database available on the website with in-        Waystation educational materials to civ-
  ing impacts of neonicotinoids.                 formation about where to purchase milk-           ic groups through conferences, commu-
• Strategy: Request that retailers post          weeds and other native nectar producing           nity events and other civic activities. En-
  signage that explains the risks of neonic-     plants. We will have educational materials        courage civic groups to distribute these
  otinoids.                                      available for download from the website.          materials to their members.
• Strategy: Distribute existing neonicoti-
  noid educational materials developed by        Challenge 6:                                    Assessment: All strategies will be imple-
  other organizations.                           Support local specialist groups.                mented by the 5-year benchmark.

                                                                                    KENTUCKY MONARCH CONSERVATION PLAN                       5
Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Private Lands
                                                                  Habitat Management
                                                                  Overview: Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) populations
                                                                  have experienced alarming reductions during the past 20 years, with
                                                                  the decline in the subspecies (Danaus plexippus plexippus) that breeds
                                                                  east of the Rocky Mountains being of particular concern. Multiple
                                                                  generations of monarchs use summer habitat in Kentucky, and it is
                                                                  assumed that loss of monarch habitat in the state has contributed to
                                                                  population declines. With 95% of Kentucky under private ownership,
                                                                  collaboration with these landowners will be essential for monarch
                                                                  conservation efforts in the state to be successful.

                                                                 Goal: Form monarch conservation partnerships with private
                                                                 landowners across Kentucky to maintain quality monarch habitat
                                                                 through establishment and management of new plantings or
                                                                 management of existing habitat.
                                    USFWS photo

Challenge 1:                                     • Strategy: Secure annual funding to de-
Implement Non-corporate                             monarchs/milkweed/free-milkweeds-for-           velop signage for private corporate land-
Pollinator Plantings                                restoration-projects/                           owners engaged in monarch conservation.
Partner with private, non-corporate               • Strategy: Secure annual funding to            • Strategy: Secure annual funding to
landowners (e.g. production & hobby                 develop signage for private non-corpo-          purchase seed (bulk & individual pack-
farmers, wildlife enthusiasts, non-profit           rate landowners engaged in monarch              ets) for pollinator plantings on private
organizations) across the state to establish        conservation.                                   corporate land that is not eligible for
quality pollinator plantings that include                                                           USDA program incentives.
milkweeds and nectar producing plants for         Assessment: All strategies will be imple-
monarchs and other pollinators.                   mented by the 5-year benchmark.                 Assessment: Two of three strategies will
                                                                                                  be implemented by the 5-year benchmark.
• Strategy: Use existing United States            Challenge 2:
  Department of Agriculture (USDA)                Implement Corporate                             Challenge 3:
  program incentives to establish pollina-        Pollinator Plantings                            Implement Backyard
  tor plantings in every Kentucky county          Partner with private, corporate landown-        Pollinator Plantings
  on private non-corporate land.                  ers across the state (e.g. utility companies,   Partner with landowners across the state
• Strategy: Establish 100 acres of new            coal companies, horse farms, distilleries,      to establish quality pollinator plantings
  pollinator plantings in the Conservation        golf courses, nursing homes) to establish       including milkweed and nectar producing
  Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)              quality pollinator plantings that include       habitats in “backyard” type settings within
  area, the Livingston county Quail Focus         milkweeds for monarchs and appropriate          urban and suburban areas.
  Area, and the Shaker Village Quail Fo-          nectar producing habitat.
  cus Area.                                                                                       • Strategy: Coordinate with University
• Strategy: Secure annual funding to              • Strategy: Use KDFWR’s KY Busi-                  of Kentucky Master Gardener programs
  support purchase of seed (bulk & indi-           ness Conservation Partnership program            to install and certify a minimum of one
  vidual packets) for pollinator plantings         to establish at least one new pollinator         new private Monarch Waystation in
  on private non-corporate land that is not        planting per county on private corporate         each participating county.
  eligible for USDA program incentives.            land while emphasizing maintenance,            • Strategy: Use KDFWR’s Backyard
• Strategy: Secure Milkweed from Mon-              employee, and public relations benefits          Wildlife program to establish at least
  arch Watch for two large-scale (2 acres          (i.e. less mowing costs, wildlife viewing        one new pollinator planting per county
  minimum) private Monarch Waystation              areas for relaxation, good environmental         in non-traditional areas such as schools,
  restoration efforts (to be identified).          stewardship).                                    churches, cemeteries, urban/suburban

Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Private Lands Habitat Management

  sites, homeowner association properties,
  community gardens, etc.
• Strategy: Secure annual funding for
  the purchase of seed (bulk & individual
  packets) for pollinator plantings in non-
  traditional areas.
• Strategy: Secure annual funding to
  develop signage for non-traditional land-
  owners engaged in monarch conservation.

Assessment: Two of three strategies will
be implemented by the 5-year benchmark.

Challenge 4:
Management of Existing
Monarch Habitat
Private land owners have diverse land use
interests making it difficult to orchestrate
monarch habitat man-                                                                                                           USFWS photo

agement and inven-                                                                            the need for and benefits of less mowing.
tories on private land.                                                                      • Strategy: Publish newspaper articles in
Effective management                                                                           major media markets addressing the im-
is necessary to sustain                                                                        pact of excessive mowing on monarchs.
milkweed and compli-                                                                         • Strategy: Utilize USDA Farm Service
mentary pollinator spe-                                                                        Agency’s newsletter to increase aware-
cies in existing monarch                                                                       ness of effects of mowing on monarchs.
habitat. Landowners                                                                          • Strategy: Collaborate with USDA to
need concise and clear                                                                         limit annual mowing requirements in
direction on how to                                                                            Farm Bill programs.
manage newly created
and existing habitat.                                                                        Assessment: Two of four strategies will
                                                                                             be implemented by the 5-year benchmark.
• Strategy: Iden-
  tify and promote Best
                                                                               USFWS photo
                                                                                             Challenge 6:
  Management Practices (BMPs) for               Kentucky Extension, USDA Natural             Demonstration Sites
  monarch habitat.                              Resources Conservation Service, USDA         Develop monarch habitat demonstration
• Strategy: Develop at least one printed        Farm Service Agency, The Nature Con-         sites around the state to facilitate aware-
  and one online educational tool to            servancy, Kentucky Farm Bureau, and          ness of the issue and show examples of
  communicate identified management             Kentucky Department of Agriculture)          high quality monarch habitat.
  practices.                                    on delivering sound monarch habitat
• Strategy: Secure funding for publica-         management recommendations that              • Strategy: Develop at least one demon-
  tion of printed monarch habitat man-          should be shared as part of an overall         stration site per county, possibly at Uni-
  agement material.                             monarch awareness and habitat manage-          versity of Kentucky Extension offices.
• Strategy: Distribute monarch habi-            ment message.                                • Strategy: Post signage at demonstration
  tat management material to private                                                           sites explaining the need for monarch
  landowners via University of Kentucky        Assessment: All strategies will be imple-       conservation and where to obtain more
  Extension Office educational outreach        mented by the 5-year benchmark.                 information.
  classes, Master Gardening programs,                                                        • Strategy: Facilitate annual monitoring
  state garden clubs, and public/private       Challenge 5:                                    of demonstration sites (citizen science or
  arboretums.                                  Reduced Mowing Campaign                         grant funded) to evaluate maintenance
• Strategy: Train appropriate agen-            Minimize annual mowing by farmers,              needs.
  cies and non-governmental organiza-          businesses, and other private landowners.
  tions (Kentucky Department of Fish                                                         Assessment: All strategies will be imple-
  and Wildlife Resources, University of        • Strategy: Develop brochure explaining       mented by the 5-year benchmark.

                                                                               KENTUCKY MONARCH CONSERVATION PLAN                          7
Kentucky Monarch Conservation Plan - Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
Public Lands
                                                                  Habitat Management
                                                                  Overview: Public lands, which comprise less than 5% of
                                                                  Kentucky, are ideal sites for implementation of monarch protection
                                                                  because they serve as an interface between people and nature. Public
                                                                  lands offer several potential benefits: demonstration areas, trained land
                                                                  management staff, trained educators and interpreters, easy access, and
                                                                  readily accessible audiences. Monarch habitat restoration on public
                                                                  land associates agencies with positive actions and results. Funding
                                                                  sources are more likely to be available for public lands. Some public land
                                                                  organizations even have the capacity to create vast monarch habitat
                                                                  and provide the manpower and equipment for maintenance.

                                                                  Goal: Establish a strategy for identifying practitioners within
                                                                  each public land agency who have decision-making powers about
                                                                  implementing a Monarch Habitat Management plan and then sharing
                                                                  scientific information documenting the need to create more monarch
                                                                  habitat with these practitioners.

                                     USFWS photo

Challenge 1:                                       • Strategy: Provide land managers with         Assessment: All strategies will be imple-
Identify relevant public land entities and          accurate data on unit costs for installing    mented by the 5-year benchmark.
determine the proper contact(s) for dis-            and maintaining monarch habitat.
cussing monarch habitat initiatives.                                                              Challenge 4:
                                                   Assessment: All strategies will be imple-      Establish large areas of continuous mon-
• Strategy: Develop a list of all the public       mented by the 5-year benchmark.                arch habitat.
    land holding agencies in the state, with
    contact information for the appropriate        Challenge 3:                                   • Strategy: Once information is gathered
    person(s).                                     Build a network of public land managers          on all the various public land agencies
                                                   interested in developing monarch habitat         across the state, target restoration efforts
Assessment: All strategies will be imple-          and establish lines of communication             towards larger tract sizes.
mented within 1-year.                              between them.                                  • Strategy: Develop and/or provide
                                                                                                    guidance to land managers detailing
Challenge 2:                                       • Strategy: Collect contact information          the process for establishing high quality
Convince diverse agencies with different             from all the identified public land man-       monarch and pollinator habitat.
priorities that monarch conservation is              agers throughout the state that are in-
important enough for action.                         terested in participating in the monarch     Assessment: All strategies will be imple-
                                                     restoration program.                         mented by the 5-year benchmark.
• Strategy: After identifying individual           • Strategy: Establish a user-friendly
  land managers, schedule face-to-face               communication forum for all these indi-      Challenge 5:
  meetings to present information regard-            viduals to discuss ideas and share experi-   Promote consistency among public lands/
  ing the monarch program.                           ences (e.g. possible monarch restoration     agencies—establish consistent messaging
• Strategy: Visit potential habitat sites            list-serve).                                 while still allowing various land manage-
  with land managers and discuss restora-          • Strategy: Host several meetings dur-         ment actions that suit the policies and
  tion options.                                      ing the year at various locations so         needs of diverse agencies.
• Strategy: Assist land managers with                individuals can continually develop and
  development of restoration and manage-             share ideas as well as see what others       • Strategy: Identify key points for agen-
  ment plans for sites.                              are doing.                                    cies to emphasize with the public re-

PUBLIC Lands Habitat Management

 garding monarch restoration.                     and other pollinators.                             duction sites.
• Strategy: Develop multiple restoration                                                         iii. Determine important nesting and
 and management guidelines to fit differ-        Assessment: Strategy will be imple-                 overwintering sites.
 ent situations.                                 mented by the 5-year benchmark.                 iv. Identify pollinators of sensitive or at-
                                                                                                     risk plant species on Federal, State, local
Assessment: All strategies will be imple-        Challenge 7:                                        or non-governmental organization lists.
mented by the 5-year benchmark.                  Elevate importance of eight key Best            v. Identify and remove invasive species
                                                 Management Practices when evaluating                to improve pollinator habitat.
Challenge 6:                                     projects for conserving pollinator habitat.     vi. Strive to use local, genetically appro-
Acquire additional public land to protect                                                            priate native seeds.
and restore pollinator habitat.                  • Strategy: Align with regional and             vii. Implement adaptive management of
                                                  national initiatives to promote the fol-           pollinator habitat.
• Strategy: Secure annual funding for             lowing Best Management Practices for           viii. Engage and inform the public.
 Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation              pollinator and monarch habitat
 Fund and similar programs to purchase            i. Focus on high quality foraging habitat.   Assessment: Strategy will be imple-
 and protect suitable lands for monarchs          ii. Identify important pollinator repro-     mented by the 5-year benchmark.

                                                                 Overview: Right-of-Ways (ROWs) have been identified as a
                                                                 significant opportunity for monarch habitat implementation at the
                                                                 landscape level. Thousands of acres of transportation, utility, and other
                                                                 ROWs dissect Kentucky from east to west, north to south. These areas
                                                                 present prime opportunity to convert traditional grass monocultures
                                                                 to expansive areas of optimal pollinator habitat. Ultimately, the
                                                                 availability and scale of ROWs may prove to be a hallmark in monarch
                                                                 butterfly recovery.

                                                                Goal: Form partnerships, develop planting/mowing plans, and
                                                                identify site selection parameters with various public and private
                                                                entities to convert ROWs into significant pollinator habitat.
                                   USFWS photo

Challenge 1:                                      others to discuss planting procedures.       in which to begin ROW plantings and
Germination and weed competition have            • Strategy: Review previous planting plans    determine which entities to target.
proven to be a major hurdle for establish-        from Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
ment of desirable species within ROWs.            and other entities to determine what         • Strategy: Coordinate with stakehold-
Therefore, we need to determine the best          methods proved to be effective in ROWs.        ers, including Kentucky Transportation
planting procedure to reduce weed competi-                                                       Cabinet, to determine which sites may
tion and increase germination of milkweed        Assessment: All strategies will be imple-       provide the greatest benefit to monarchs
and other desirable species within ROWs.         mented by the 5-year benchmark.                 and pollinators.
                                                                                               • Strategy: Meet with stakeholders to
• Strategy: Work with Kentucky Trans-            Challenge 2:                                    determine overall interest in ROW
 portation Cabinet, seed companies, and          Develop prioritized list of focal areas         plantings.

                                                                                   KENTUCKY MONARCH CONSERVATION PLAN                         9
Right-of-way management

• Strategy: Identify five sites for ROW            equipment or retrofitting existing equip-          net, to determine when to mow while
 planting.                                         ment to harvest seed properly.                     keeping traffic safety concerns in mind.
                                                                                                    • Strategy: Work with ROW stakehold-
Assessment: All strategies will be imple-         Assessment: All strategies will be imple-           ers to take proactive measures preventing
mented by the 5-year benchmark.                   mented by the 5-year benchmark.                     the spread of non-native invasive plants
                                                                                                      into restoration areas.
Challenge 3:                                      Challenge 4:                                      • Strategy: Coordinate pro-active mea-
Determine seed availability, cost of seed         Finalize proper mowing regimes and                  sures to control the spread of undesirable
and equipment needs.                              application techniques of specific herbi-           species into restoration areas (e.g. sig-
                                                  cides to reduce non-native invasive plant           nage for restoration areas, clean equip-
• Strategy: Meet with seed producers to           competition and maximize growth of                  ment policies).
 establish cost and availability.                 beneficial species.
• Strategy: Discuss the feasibility of                                                              Assessment: Strategy will be imple-
 developing these ROW sites as poten-             • Strategy: Work with stakeholders, in-           mented by the 5-year benchmark.
 tial seed sources. This may involve new           cluding Kentucky Transportation Cabi-

     Common milkweed seedlings
                                                                  Overview: Effective rare species management and habitat manage-
                                                                  ment is expensive, and requires long term foresight and support. This is
                                                                  especially true for monarch butterfly, a wide ranging migratory species.
                                                                  Monarchs use habitat across the migration route, most of which is degrad-
                                                                  ed or even missing. Conservation and restoration efforts will be costly.

                                                                  Goal: Generate funding mechanisms to support monarch conserva-
                                                                  tion, including habitat restoration, management, education, and research.

                                    USFWS photo

Challenge 1:                                            as a ranking criterion in target areas to   public lands are owned by an assortment of
Funding is needed to establish and/or                   direct more funding to practices ben-       organizations with varying missions.
manage monarch habitat on private land                  efitting monarchs and other pollinators.
throughout Kentucky, in both large and              ii. Set a goal of enrolling 1,000 to 1,500      • Strategy: Apply to the National Fish
small areas. Approximately 95% of Ken-                  acres per year in pollinator habitat          and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
tucky is privately owned.                               management on EQIP tracts.                    Monarch Conservation Fund for
                                                    iii. Set a goal of directing mid-contract         $50,000 to $250,000 to form a multi-
• Strategy: Utilize existing USDA Farm                  management of CRP and CREP land               agency collaborative effort to man-
 Bill Programs including the Conservation               to improve pollinator habitat on at           age pollinator habitat on public lands
 Reserve Program (CRP), the Conservation                least 45,000 acres.                           throughout Kentucky, to include invasive
 Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP),              • Strategy: Utilize United States Fish              species removal and prescribed fire on
 the Environmental Quality Incentives               and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Partners             grasslands with natural milkweed popu-
 Program (EQIP), and the Wetland Re-                for Wildlife program to establish pol-            lations (
 serve Enhancement Program (WREP)                   linator habitat in appropriate areas.             Pages/home.aspx).
 to improve existing or potential pollinator                                                        • Strategy: Apply to the Kentucky Heri-
 habitat, including lands currently enrolled      Challenge 2:                                        tage Land Conservation Fund (heritage-
 in these programs and new contracts.             Funding is needed to establish monarch     for funding of monarch habi-
 i. Work to establish pollinator habitat          habitat on public land throughout Kentucky,         tat management on state-managed natural
    management, such as fescue conversion,        in both large and small areas. Kentucky’s           areas such as Wildlife Management Ar-


  eas, Nature Preserves, Parks, Wild Rivers     ment on appropriate sites.                    cize through Kentucky Association for
  watersheds, and Conservation Easements       • Strategy: Work to secure annual funding      Environmental Education, such as the
  to include invasive species removal and       for Kentucky Heritage Land Conserva-          stipend for “Got Milkweed?K” train-
  prescribed fire on grasslands with natural    tion Fund (KHLCF) to acquire and pro-         ing for teachers. (
  milkweed populations. Utilize this as         tect natural areas with significant or ap-    mohl/2016/04/06/2016-summer-work-
  non-federal match for appropriate federal     propriate monarch and pollinator habitat.     shops-for-teachers/)
  grants, including NFWF, where possible.
• Strategy: Work with the Kentucky De-         Challenge 3:                                  Challenge 5:
  partment of Transportation to apply up to    Milkweed species, which are host plants       Research funding is crucial to setting
  $75,000 in Transportation Enhancement        to monarch butterflies, are expensive to      monarch population benchmarks in Ken-
  Funds to benefit pollinator habitat on       propagate and the supply is limited.          tucky and identifying sites with high qual-
  highway rights-of-way and other sites.                                                     ity pollinator habitat to facilitate directing
• Strategy: Utilize $25,000 in Imperiled       • Strategy: Identify funding sources for      limited funding to the best possible areas.
  Bat Conservation Funds to enhance             local propagation of milkweed species.
  pollinator habitat on appropriate sites as                                                 • Strategy: Identify research funding
  prey sources for rare bats.                  Challenge 4:                                   sources, and coordinate with existing
• Strategy: Explore private funding            Funding is also needed to educate the          research entities to ensure monarch con-
  sources, such as the Doris Duke Foun-        public on the importance of monarchs as        servation research needs are appropri-
  dation and other charitable foundations.     pollinators.                                   ately addressed.
• Strategy: Collaborate with conservation
  partners to direct agency program fund-      • Strategy: Identify sources of funding       Assessment: Half of these strategies will
  ing towards pollinator habitat improve-       for educational programs and publi-          be employed by the 5-year benchmark.

                                                                               KENTUCKY MONARCH CONSERVATION PLAN                           11
Research and
                                                              Overview: A carefully constructed and implemented monitoring
                                                              and research plan is of critical importance to the Kentucky Monarch
                                                              Plan. It should provide objective and quantifiable parameters to
                                                              measure the progress and effectiveness of individual efforts within the
                                                              scope of the project (i.e. number of monarch stations established, acres
                                                              of habitat restored). A comprehensive monitoring plan will track the
                                                              collective impact of all efforts on the recovery of the monarch. A sound
                                                              monitoring plan will add relevance to the project and enable informed
                                                              decision making.

                                                              Goal: We will utilize existing resources to develop a Kentucky
                                                              monitoring protocol for monarch butterflies and habitats that is
                                                              practical and designed to yield consistent results, if implemented by
                                                              individuals of a variety of backgrounds with minimal training.
                                  USFWS photo

Challenge 1:                                    Challenge 2:                                 • Strategy: Share management protocols
Define “suitable habitat” for monarch           Compile Best Available Science to define       with managers involved in monarch
butterflies.                                    best management practices for monarch          habitat restoration.
                                                habitat restoration and management in
• Strategy: Identify experts who are fa-        Kentucky.                                    Assessment: All strategies will be imple-
  miliar with current research.                                                              mented by the 5-year benchmark.
• Strategy: Develop a list of highest-          • Strategy: Form a committee of experts
  priority research questions regarding          including land managers from Kentucky       Challenge 3:
  regionally specific habitat requirements       State Nature Preserves Commission,          Determine location, distribution, and
  for monarchs.                                  Kentucky Department of Fish and             status of current and potential monarch
• Strategy: Engage university researchers        Wildlife Resources, The Nature Con-         habitat.
  in dialogue regarding monarch research         servancy, monarch citizen scientists and
  priorities.                                    others to generate a report on currently    • Strategy: Create comprehensive data-
                                                 known best management practices as            base for monarch habitat based on Ken-
Assessment: All strategies will be imple-        well as specific management questions         tucky State Nature Preserves Natural
mented by the 5-year benchmark.                  that need to be addressed.                    Area Inventory (NAI) database, Biotics.

                                                                                                                              USFWS photos

Research and Monitoring

• Strategy: Inventory new areas, update       monitoring and who/how data will be         for landowners to provide information
  older records from NAI database.            tracked.                                    on their monarch habitat including size,
• Strategy: Identify potential corridors                                                  quality, and contact information.
  and key areas for habitat establishment/   Assessment: All strategies will be im-
  protection.                                plemented by the 5-year benchmark.          Assessment: Two of three strategies will
• Strategy: Create report/product that                                                   be implemented by the 5-year benchmark.
  can be shared with monarch taskforce.      Challenge 5:
                                             Develop monitoring and reporting tools      Challenge 6:
Assessment: Two of four strategies will      to identify and track the location and      Monitor monarch migration in Kentucky.
be implemented by the 5-year benchmark.      status of monarch habitat.
                                                                                         • Strategy: Use Journey North tools to track
Challenge 4:                                 • Strategy: Coordinate with Monarch          and record Kentucky monarch sightings.
Determine the best methodology for             Watch to locate and track Monarch         • Strategy: Leverage public interest using
monitoring populations in Kentucky.            Waystations on private land in Kentucky     citizen science engagement for tracking
                                               and to obtain permission to add private     Kentucky monarchs.
• Strategy: Seek advice from experts for       landowner contact information to a        • Strategy: Train educators, scientists,
 input and review of existing protocols.       Kentucky Monarch Habitat database.          and individuals in tracking and tagging
• Strategy: Select or adapt the most         • Strategy: Build a database of Monarch       Kentucky monarchs.
  suitable monitoring protocol based on        Waystations in Kentucky and quality of
  expert input.                                habitat at each waystation.               Assessment: All strategies will be imple-
• Strategy: Determine who will conduct       • Strategy: Develop a self-reporting tool   mented by the 5-year benchmark.

                                           A simple way to help
                    The Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund generates funding for natural
                   areas habitat management, including pollinator habitat enhancement, through the
                          sale of license plates featuring the viceroy butterfly, a monarch mimic.

                                                                            KENTUCKY MONARCH CONSERVATION PLAN                     C
Kentucky Department of
 Fish and Wildlife Resources
1 Sportsman’s Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601
      1-800-858-1549 •

           January 2018
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