KBC investment strategy presentation - DECEMBER 2014

Page created by Sergio Anderson
KBC investment strategy presentation - DECEMBER 2014
very dynamic   DECEMBER 2014
Investment strategy                                                                                                                            Very Dynamic

                                                                                                                                        Investment climate

                  Key rate trends and outlook                           World economy recovering at different speeds
2,0                                                               2,0
                                                                        Anyone following the economic news is apt to get caught up in doom-mongering. The
                                                    US                  world economy is, however, in (much) better shape. The economic risks (at world level)
1,5                                                 EMU           1,5
                                                                        have in fact come down sharply in recent months.
1,0                                                               1,0   • The world economy continues to recover, but at differing speeds in the various regions.
                                                                          • The Anglo-Saxon countries are experiencing near-boom conditions.
0,5                                                               0,5       • Thanks to a strong job market and buoyant business and consumer confidence, the
                                                                              recovery in the US is firmly on track.
0,0                                                               0,0     • The expansion also remains intact in Asia.
 11-2010   11-2011     11-2012     11-2013      11-2014      11-2015      • But Japanese GDP has shrunk for two quarters in a row. Consumption has barely
                                                                            recovered since the increase in sales tax in April.
                                                                          • In the euro area the recovery that got under way in the middle of last year has lost
       Ten-year interest rate developments and prospects
                                                                            some steam.
4,5                                                               4,5
4,0                         Ten-year interest rate US             4,0
                                                                            We are however assuming that the picture in the coming months will improve thanks
                            Ten-year interest rate germany                  to:
3,5                                                               3,5
3,0                                                               3,0       • the substantial weakening of the euro, which should enable the European export
2,5                                                               2,5         engine (and especially export-oriented Germany) to pick up again;
2,0                                                               2,0       • declining government austerity: the drag exercised by austerity measures on the
1,5                                                               1,5         economy will be half that in recent years;
1,0                                                               1,0       • the sharp decline in oil prices, which should give consumers in particular room for
0,5                                                               0,5         manoeuvre;
 11-2010   11-2011     11-2012     11-2013      11-2014      11-2015
                                                                            • the recovery potential of corporate earnings. These have lagged behind
                                                                              considerably and can benefit from the global recovery and the weaker euro.

                                                                        Inflation remains low
                                                                        Inflation figures remain very low throughout the world and are even falling slightly.
                                                                        In particular the total figure is dropping; underlying inflation remains on track (including in
                                                                        the euro area). We do not therefore fear a ‘deflation scenario’.
Investment strategy                                                                                                                               Very Dynamic

                                                                                                                                             Investment climate

       Trend in EUR/USD exchange rate and fair valuation                         Oil prices continue to come down
                                                                                 The present weakness of inflation is due to a severe supply shock in the oil market.
1,6                                                                        1,6
                                                                                 • Despite the geopolitical tensions in oil-producing areas, oil prices have been
1,4                                                                        1,4     plummeting. This is not because the demand for oil is very weak but because supply is
                                                                                   rising much more strongly than anticipated (especially in North America).
1,2                                                                        1,2
                                                                                 • Lower oil prices are good news. They provide households and businesses with
1,0                                          Fair value                    1,0     lower energy bills and therefore greater purchasing power. The central banks too are
                                                                                   consequently under less pressure to scale back their stimulatory policy.
0,8                                                                        0,8   • The expectation is that the OPEC countries will try in the months ahead to slow the
 Q4 1999    Q4 2002      Q4 2005       Q4 2008        Q4 2011        Q4 2014       price fall by means of production curbs. Much will depend on the stance taken by
                                                                                   heavyweight Saudi Arabia, which so far appears to have little inclination to cut back.
                                                                                 Monetary policy on divergent paths
5,0                             Inflation EMU         Inflation US        5,0    Over the past month the monetary policy of the various major central banks diverged for
3,5                                                                       3,5    the first time:
2,0                                                                       2,0
                                                                                 • The Fed has now officially terminated its third quantitative easing programme.
                                                                                 • That same day the Japanese centrale bank (BOJ) did exactly the opposite. After
0,5                                                                       0,5
                                                                                   grappling for years with the spectre of deflation, it unexpectedly announced a further
-1,0                                                                      -1,0     relaxation of its monetarypolicy.
-2,5                                                                      -2,5   • The ECB has begun implementing the announced measures.
  11/2008             11/2010               11/2012                  11/2014     • The Chinese authorities have also announced new support measures.
                                                                                 The divergent monetary policies will lead to a further firming of the dollar.
Investment Strategy                                                                                                                                    Very Dynamic

                                                                                                                                                   Portfolio allocation

                  Equity and bond returns for the past year                          Good reasons to build up the share position still further
 110                                                                           115
                                                                                     • Although the euro area is lagging behind somewhat, the global macroeconomic situation
                                  Bonds              Equities                          is clearly improving. This is supporting share prices.
                                                                                       • There are enough elements to expect a recovery in the euro area in the coming
 100                                                                                     months as well.
                                                                               100   • The trend of positive corporate earnings is being confirmed.
   95                                                                                  • The third-quarter results in the US (+9.2% earnings growth as compared with last
                                                                                         year) and in the euro area (no less than 13.2% earnings growth) easily exceeded
   90                                                                          90        expectations.
   11-2013            02-2014             05-2014           08-2014      11-2014       • Analysts are expecting corporate earnings to recover further in the coming months
in euros, index 100 = -6 months                                                          as well. Europe has the potential to close the large gap on the US. Scope for positive
                                                                                     • Shares are not expensive. Price/earnings ratios are below (in the euro area and Asia) or
Very dynamic                                   Allocation       Change   Benchmark     at most equal to (in the US) the historical averages.
Equity exposure                                     80.00%       2.50%    75.00%     • The very low returns on other types of investment automatically lead investors to
Bonds                                               10.00%                25.00%       shares: there is little or no alternative.
Real estate                                         2.00%                  0.00%
                                                                                     Avoid bonds: real estate is an alternative
Alternative investments                             1.50%                  0.00%
                                                                                     We remain significantly underweight in bonds. Both indirect (e.g. funds investing in real
Cash                                                6.50%       -2.50%     0.00%
                                                                                     estate shares) and more direct property investment (such as funds participating directly in
                                                                                     real estate projects) remain an interesting alternative.

                                                                                     Avoid the euro
                                                                                     • We are scaling back our cash deposits in USD (partly) and in euros (in full) in favour of
                                                                                     • We are spreading our cash position over currencies offering higher interest and/or
                                                                                       currencies which we expect to appreciate against the euro (especially the USD).
Investment strategy                                                                                                                                 Very Dynamic

                                                                                                                                                      Bond portfolio

Yield spread between government and corporate bonds in the euro                 Bond investments far below the standard level

                         AAA         AA         A        BBB
                                                                                Bond yields normalising in the medium term
 600                                                                      600
                                                                                • Caution is the order of the day. In view of the current low levels, even a slight increase
 400                                                                      400
                                                                                  in interest rates could result in a low or negative return on bonds.
                                                                                • We avoid large concentrations in low-yield currencies.
 200                                                                      200
                                                                                Companies are healthy, but corporate bonds are also becoming expensive
   0                                                                      0     • World growth is continuing to pick up in 2014. This would normally result in lower risk
   11/2009     11/2010     11/2011        11/2012     11/2013      11/2014        premiums on corporate bonds.
                                                                                • Current yields have fallen to very low levels, which means sensitivity to any rise in
                                                                                  interest rates is very high.
Allocation of bond portfolio
                                            Allocation          Benchmark
                                                                                Away from the euro, towards the USD and emerging country currencies
by currency
                                                                                • The growth of the US economy is stronger than that of the euro area. The
Euro                                         74.20%              100.0%           accommodating monetary policy in the US is gradually being scaled back, in contrast to
US Dollar                                     7.10%              0.00%            that in the euro area. This argues in favour of the US dollar. Long-term investments in
Other                                        18.70%              0.00%            US dollars ought, however, to be avoided.
                                                                                • The emerging markets can benefit from the improved global climate.
by bond type
                                                                                  • The robust fundamentals of most emerging market countries (low debt levels,
Euro Sovereigns                              44.70%              70.00%             limited inflation, world’s strongest growth, etc.) will attract renewed attention as a
Euro Corporates                              28.50%              30.00%             consequence.
                                                                                  • In addition to an appreciating currency, we want to benefit from the high current yields
Emerging Markets                             20.90%              0.00%
                                                                                    these markets offer.
Others                                        5.90%              0.00%            • Investors must take account, though, of the greater volatility of these markets.
                                                                                    Effective diversification remains important.
Investment Strategy                                                                                                                                      Very Dynamic

                                                                                                                                                           Equity portfolio

                     European equities versus US equities                              Equity investments are far above the norm.

 280                                                                             280   Equities offer the best prospects of return in the longer term. We are investing above the
           US shares             European shares
 250                                                                             250   benchmark level.
 220                                                                             220
 190                                                                             190   Bring stability to the portfolio
 160                                                                             160
                                                                                       Companies that distribute a high proportion of their profits (a high dividend or share
 130                                                                             130
                                                                                       buybacks) form the core of our portfolio because:
 100                                                                             100
   70                                                                            70
                                                                                       • they offer extra return (a higher dividend; the same profit is divided over a smaller
   11-2009         11-2010         11-2011    11-2012        11-2013      11-2014
                                                                                         number of outstanding shares);
                                                                                       • these are mature businesses with lower market-sensitivity;
in euros, index 100 = -6 years
                                                                                       • they are less volatile than traditional equities, which offers downside protection.
                                                                                       Family-led businesses also offer stability in the medium term.
Allocation of equity portfolio
                                                   Allocation          Benchmark       Seeking growth
by region                                                                              • We are opting for cyclical sectors, which are generally more cheaply valued than the
Eurozone                                            39.70%              37.10%           defensive sectors and able to benefit greatly from the recovery of the global economy.
                                                                                       • We are placing the emphasis on regions with strong economic growth and attractive
Rest of Europe                                       7.70%              8.60%
                                                                                         valuations. This means in particular Asia and Germany (the engine of the European
North America                                       37.50%              38.70%           economy).
Pacific                                              4.30%              8.20%          • We are also tapping into the fastest growing regions indirectly via global leaders. These
                                                                                         are companies that are active worldwide and so benefit strongly from the growth in Asia,
Emerging Markets                                    10.80%              7.40%
                                                                                         as well as from the buoyant economic conditions in the US. Furthermore, the European
by sector                                                                                players in this theme obtain an additional benefit from the strong US dollar/weak euro.
Defensives                                          23.40%              29.30%
Cyclicals                                           46.00%              40.70%
Energy                                               7.70%              7.90%
Financials                                          22.90%              22.10%
Investment strategy                                                                                                               Very Dynamic


Short-term themes

Technology sector                                                              Emerging market bonds (in local currency)
• The broad technology sector is not expensive.                                • Robust economic fundamentals: high growth and low debt.
• Technology benefiting from economic recovery.                                • High coupons.
• Profit forecasts for technology are being upgraded.                          • Undervalued currencies could lead to exchange rate gains.

Global Leaders                                                                 Germany
• International sales diversification is necessary for growth in the medium    • ‘Best pupil in the EMU class’
  term.                                                                        • Accelerating exports.
• Tapping into the acceleration of growth in the US & emerging markets.        • Attractive valuation: fallen behind and cheap.
• Stronger US dollar provides tailwind.

Emerging Asia
• The fastest-growing region is moving up a gear.
• Growing corporate earnings.
• Attractive valuation.

USD Corporate Bonds
• Corporate spreads benefit from stronger world growth.
• Corporates have healthy fundamentals.
• Yield pick-up versus safe haven bonds.
• There are solid grounds for expecting the dollar to strengthen against the
Investment strategy                                                         Very Dynamic


Medium-term themes

Companies with a high payout ratio: High dividend shares / Buyback
• Stability from a high current return and low market-sensitivity.
• High profit distributors are mature, well-managed companies.
• The unique investment process (sector neutrality) ensures the preservation
  of growth potential.

Family Enterprises
• Place emphasis on value creation in the long term.
• Have pricing power.
• More frequently opt for organic rather than external growth, which on
  average generates better financial results.

High-yield bonds in local currency
• Quality debtors from developed and emerging countries.
• High coupons.
• Undervalued currencies could lead to exchange rate gains.

Real estate
• Alternative to a direct investment in real estate (bricks and mortar).
• Attractive dividend yield.
• Interesting solution in times of low interest.
Investment strategy                                                                                     Very Dynamic

                      This document is a publication by KBC Asset Management NV (KBC AM). The information in this document
                      can be changed without notice, and offers no guarantee for the future. Nothing in this document may be
                      reproduced without the prior, express, written consent of KBC AM. This information is governed by the laws of
                      Belgium and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of its courts.
                      KBC Bank Ireland plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
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