JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...

Page created by Dwayne Fitzgerald
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10
                   For all resources, please go to
Times are a          Monday 30           Tuesday 31 April          Wednesday 1           Thursday 2 April          Friday 3 April
based on              March                                           April
regular School

  Home Task       Have you made your       Could you organise      Can you help make      How can you show         Can you tidy your
                         bed?               your toys today?         lunch today?         kindness to a family          room?
                                                                                            member today?

   Morning       English                 English                 English                 ​English                English
                 Reading                 Reading                 Reading                 Reading                 Reading
   8:55am -
                 WALT: read for          WALT: read for          WALT: read for          WALT: read for          WALT: read for
                 enjoyment.              enjoyment.              enjoyment.              enjoyment.              enjoyment.
                 Read a book on          Read a book on          Read a book on          Read a book on          Read a book on
   (5 minute     ‘Sunshine Classic’ of   ‘Sunshine Classic’ of   ‘Sunshine Classic’ of   ‘Sunshine Classic’ of   ‘Sunshine Classic’ of
Crunch and Sip   choice for 10 minutes   choice for 10 minutes   choice for 10 minutes   choice for 10 minutes   choice for 10 minutes
 break around    and record your         and record your         and record your         and record your         and record your
   10:00am)      reading on your         reading on your         reading on your         reading on your         reading on your
                 reading log             reading log             reading log             reading log             reading log. Upload a
                                                                                                                 photo of your reading
                 Word Work               Word Work               Word Work               Word Work
                                                                                                                 log onto Seesaw.
                 WALT: use spelling      WALT: use spelling      WALT: use spelling      WALT: use spelling
                                                                                                                 Word Work
                 strategies to help me   strategies to help me   strategies to help me   strategies to help me
                 spell common and        spell common and        spell common and        spell common and        WALT: use spelling
                 tricky words            tricky words            tricky words            tricky words            strategies to help me
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
Look, Cover, Write,        Look, Cover, Write,          Look, Cover, Write,         Look, Cover, Write,       spell common and
Check using your list      Check using your list        Check using your list       Check using your list     tricky words
words                      words                        words                       words
                                                                                                              Look, Cover, Write,
Use your list words to     Use your list words to       Use your list words to      Use your list words to    Check using your list
complete an activity       complete an activity         complete an activity        complete an activity      words
from the spelling grid.    from the spelling grid.      from the spelling grid.     from the spelling grid.
                                                                                                              Use your list words to
Reading                    Writing                      Grammar                     Writing                   complete an activity
                                                                                                              from the spelling grid.
WALT: Retell a story       WALT: Write an               WALT: Use the correct       WALT: Write narratives
                           exciting orientation         grammar in our writing      to engage and             Reading
Success Criteria
                                                                                    entertain an audience
                           Success Criteria:            Success Criteria                                      WALT: Design a
I can state the
                                                                                    Success Criteria          brochure/poster on A4
                           Who                          I can identify nouns,
   1.   Characters                                                                                            paper
                                                        adjectives and verbs in     I can include a:
   2.   Setting            Where
                                                        sentences.                                            Success Criteria
   3.   Problem                                                                        1.   Sizzling start
   4.   Solution                                        Task                           2.   Setting           I can include
   5.   Ending             When                                                        3.   Problem
                                                        Write 5 sentences and                                    1.   Title
                           Use this great website                                      4.   Solution
                                                        include a noun, an                                       2.   Author
                           to help you come up                                         5.   Ending
                                                        adjective and a verb.                                    3.   Characters
Read a story and                                                                       6.   Paragraphs
                           with an exciting story       Underline the noun in                                    4.   Brief summary
upload a video or a                                                                    7.   Punctuation
                           starter. Make it sizzling.   blue, the adjective in                                   5.   Rating (5 stars)
voice recording of your                                                                8.   Evidence of
                           (one paragraph) ​Please      red and the verb in                                      6. Recommendation
retell on ​Please upload                                                                    editing
                           upload to Seesaw.            green.                                                        (age group)
to Seesaw.
                           http://www.scholastic.c                                  Task                      Task
                                                        Noun - person, place or
                           om/teachers/story-start      thing                       Choose a fairytale of     Choose a book that
                           ers/                                                     your choice and rewrite
                                                        Adjective - describing                                you have read and
                                                                                    the story changing the    design a
                                                                                    problem, solution and     brochure/poster to
                                                        Verb - doing word           ending. ​Please upload    advertise the book.
                                                        E.g. ​Mrs Brooke-Smith      to Seesaw.                Please upload to
                                                        rides​ her​ red​ bike​ to                             Seesaw.
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
Speaking & Listening                               Handwriting
                                                              WALT: deliver a news                               WALT: ​write the letter
                                                              presentation                                       ‘F’
                                                              Task:                                              Check that you have
                                                                                                                 the correct handwriting
                                                              Speak for 2 minutes
                                                                                                                 posture and pencil grip:
                                                              about your home
                                                              learning experience.
                                                              What has been fun,
                                                              challenging or what is
                                                              something you have
                                                              Ask a
                                                              parent/carer/sibling to
                                                                                                                 Task: Watch the video
                                                              record a video of your
                                                                                                                 and follow the
                                                              news presentation and
                                                                                                                 instructions to write the
                                                              upload it to ​Please
                                                                                                                 letter ‘F’ using the
                                                              upload to Seesaw.
                                                                                                                 handwriting paper

                                  Have something to eat and get outside to do some physical activity
            Gonoodle (can choose from a range of options from youtube) - ​

 Middle       Mathematics              Mathematics            Mathematics               Mathematics              Mathematics
              WALT: Collect data to    WALT: Identify         WALT: Explore the         WALT: I can correctly    WALT: Add 2-digit
11:15am -     represent in a picture   numbers before and     many different ways a     find and label a range   numbers using a range
12:35pm       graph.                                          number can be written.    of 2D shapes.            of strategies.
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
after when given a
Success Criteria                                       Success Criteria           Success Criteria            Success Criteria
                              Success Criteria
I can collect data using                               I can use my               I can find a variety of     I can use different ways
tally marks. I can            I can use visual and     knowledge of whole         2D shapes around my         to successfully add two
transfer tally marks into     mental strategies to     numbers to create the      house. Draw and label       numbers and explain
a picture graph.              identify and locate      total of any given         them correctly.             my strategy.
                              numbers that come        number.
                              before and after a
Task: Watch the               number.                                             Task: ​2D Shape Hunt        Task: ​Shake and Roll
different coloured cars                                Task: ​Number Busting
                                                                                  Looking around your         https://www.random.or
that go past your house
                                                       How many ways can          house, find 8 different     g/dice/
for 10 minutes. Tally         Task: Use the numbers
                                                       you make 24 using          2D shapes. Draw them
the different car             below to find...                                                                Roll 2 x dice. Add the
                                                       addition, subtraction,     on a piece of paper
colours.                                                                                                      two numbers together.
                                 1.   10               multiplication and         and label.
                                 -    Add 10 =         division.​ Please upload
                                 -    Subtract 10 =    to Seesaw.                                             Roll 2 x dice four times.
*If you live in a quiet
                                 -    Add 100 =                                   Then, try drawing the
street, tally the different                                                                                   Write the number of the
                                 -    Halve 10 =                                  2D shape in its real-life
coloured cars that are                                                                                        first 2 dice on a piece
                                                       Studyladder Maths          situation. For e.g. a
parked.                                                                                                       of paper and roll again.
                                                       homework activities        rectangle computer
                                                                                                              For example:
                                 2.   56               should also be             screen. Draw the whole
                                 -    Add 10 =         completed.                 computer and use a          Roll 1: 2 and 3.
Using your tally marks,
                                 -    Subtract 10 =                               coloured pencil to          Roll 2: 6 and 1.
create a picture graph.
                                 -    Add 100 =                                   highlight the rectangle
Please upload to                                                                                              The first roll = 23
                                 -    Halve 56 =                                  shape.​ Please upload
                                                                                  to Seesaw.                  The second roll = 61
                                                                                                              Write down your
                                 3.   103
Studyladder Maths                                                                                             answer to 23 + 61.
                                 -    Add 10 =                                    Studyladder Maths
homework activities
                                 -    Subtract 10 =                               homework activities         Complete using
should also be
                                 -    Add 100 =                                   should also be              subtraction as well.
                                 -    Subtract 100 =                              completed.
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
Studyladder Maths
                                                                                         homework activities
                   4. Choose your
                                                                                         should also be
                      own number.
                       - Add 10 =
                       - Subtract 10 =
                       - Add 100 =
                       - Subtract 100 =

                   5. Draw a number
                      line and use the
                      jump strategy to
               23 + 52 =

               Studyladder Maths
               homework activities
               should also be

           Have something to eat and get outside to do some physical activity
Option 1
           1. Do a lap of your driveway once you reach the other side do 10 star jumps
                    How many can you do in a minute (please be careful of cars)

Option 2
               1. Choose and play a board game with a family member or siblings
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
Afternoon   Science and                   Science and                PDHPE                      Creative Arts-           Science and
 Session    Technology                    Technology                                            Drama/Dance              Technology - Digital
                                                                     Game Focus​:
1:25pm to   WALT:​ Identify living and    WALT​:​ understand that    Obstacle course            WALT: listen to the
 2:55pm     non things                    animals' have external                                music as I dance         WALT: use typing skills
            WILF: I​ can identify the 7   features for a reason.     WALT: ​Practice our        WILF: I can follow the   Check that you are in
            ways we can tell if           WILF:​ I can describe      fundamental skills e.g.    dance steps in time to   the correct position for
            something is living           an animals’ need for       throwing, running,
                                                                                                the music.               typing:
                                          their external features.   balancing
                1. Complete this
                                         1. Look at the              Warm up​,
                   quiz on living                                                               Song: Friend like me -
                   and non living                                    m/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-       Aladdin -
                   things.                   “animal external                         
                                             features”               Activities:                m/watch?v=h5Um-oCZ
            https://www.turacogam        2. Your task                Station 1​ - 2 different   TjE
   You are going to
                                                                     sized balls e.g. tennis
            n-living/                 design an animal that          ball and soccer ball and
                                      has adapted to its             a bucket. Throw the        For dance steps          Check that your fingers
                                      environment.                   balls into the bucket.     see:Task:                have been placed
                 2. Watch Living                                     Change the distance                                 correctly on the keyboard:
                    Things and                                       between you and the           1. Play the video
                                         a) Use the My
                    Nonliving                                        bucket by stepping               below:
                                             New Animal
                    Things | Living |                                further away. to make
                                             Planning                it challenging
                    Nonliving | Kid's                                                           m/watch?v=7SZfjBKJ9
                                             Activity Sheet to       Station 2​ - Sit Ups,
                    Science | 1st                                                               UI&
                                             draw types of           stop watch. How many
                    Grade Learning
                                             feet, mouths,           can you do in one             2. Try and follow
                                             markings,               minute?                          along.
                                             noses, tails as         Station 3 ​- collect 10       3. Stop the video
                                             you can.                water bottles and place
            m/watch?v=BEz7RPvQ                                                                        after each         The coloured row is
                                         b) Put them                 them like the image.
            CAI&feature=emb_rel_                                     Roll a ball and knock            action.            called the ‘home row’.
            pause                            together to
                                                                     down as many pins as                                Success Criteria
                                             make an                 you can. Try to beat                                - Fingers should be
                                             animal.                 your number each time.                              placed on top of the
                                                                                                                         home row
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
3. Find a picture of   c) Once you have                                 - Thumbs should be
   yourself and           selected the                                  placed on the space bar
   write around           final features of                             Task:
   your picture           your animal,                                  Pick a website to practise
   what you will          make it with                                  using typing skills:
   need in order to       playdough.
                                                                        Keyboard Zoo -
   survive and live.   d) Complete the                        
4. Choose one             Animal              Station 4 ​- Choose a     ames/keyboarding_practi
   living thing           Biography           ball and throw the ball   ce
   (plant or animal)      Activity Sheet.                               Typing Rocket -
                                              at the wall and catch
   and write           e) Make an             the ball. Change the      ames/typing_rocket_junio
   around the             environment for     distance between you      r
   picture what it        your animal         and the wall, change      Ghost Typing -
   will need to        f) Answer the          how hard you throw the
                                              ball at the wall.         ames/ghost_typing_jr
   survive and live.      reflection                                    Keyboard Challenge for
   Please upload          questions on a                                extension:
                                              Station 5 (last station
   to Seesaw.             plain piece of      and cool down)​ -
                          paper.                                        ames/keyboard
                                              Watch and copy kids
                                              yoga to practice
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
 Remember           Understand              Apply              Evaluate              Analyse               Create
                                                                                                      Design and make a
  Decorate 3          In your own          Use fancy           Write silly        Syllabify words     simple quiz to help
    words             words write        lettering for       sentences with                             learn the words
                       meanings         difficult part of    spelling words

                                                             Underline easy                            Invent your own
 Add prefixes         Use words          Use words to        words in green        Cut out letters     spelling activity
 and suffixes      appropriately in a      make a           Not sure words in         from a
                      sentence            crossword            yellow and          magazine to
                     (7 of these)                           difficult words in     make 5 words
                                                                                                        Write out your
 Find dictionary    Write synonyms       Draw words         Put your words in      Order words         words in pencil,
 meanings of 5                                                 order from          according to        and colour in the
unfamiliar words                                                easiest to          number of           vowels OR the
                                                             hardest to spell        syllables           consonants.
                                                            Use 10 of your list    Order words        Create a song with
Draw around the      Make a cloze       Make a find a       words to write a       according to       some of the words
  word shape           activity            word                short story            length
                                                                                                       Create a pattern
Write your words                        Create 3 jokes      Choose five of         Find the base      using the letters in
out and next to                           using your        your spelling         words and add        your words and
 each one, list    Scramble words       spelling words      words that you        other examples        your coloured
any words that      then unjumble                           think you can                              pencils, such as
 rhyme with it          them                                spell, and                                rainbow or swirled
                                                            explain why                                     words.
                                                            they are easy.
                                                                                      Choose 3          Create a short
   Find words                                               Write down your        spelling words.    comic strip using as
  within words      Write antonyms         Write an          strengths and        Use those letters     many spelling
                                        acrostic poem       weaknesses with          to see how         words possible
                                         for 3 words           this week’s           many other
                                                                  words            words you can
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
SPELLING WEEK 10: ow, ou          Name:
 1. who
                 1. Fill in these letter boxes from the list.
 2. what
 3. when
 4. where
 5. why
 6. were
 7. wow
 8. cow
 9. now
 10.down        2. Read and draw.
 11. how               crown                  frown             crowd
 12. brown
 13. owl
 14. clown
 15. power
 16. crown
 17. frown      3. Put the words into the right sound column. Can you add
 18. gown       any of your own words to the list?
 19. prowl                   ow                              ou
 20. crowd
 21. allow
 22. towel
 23. drowsy
 24. shower
 25. meow
 26. scowl
JPPS Home Learning Plan Year 2 - Term 1 Week 10 For all resources, please go to - Term 1 Week 10 For all ...
4. Match the word to the meaning.
a) a person who dresses in colourful clothes and entertains people: c____________________
b) a colour: b_______________________
c) an animals that hoots and is wise: o_________________
d) an absorbent material that can be used to dry yourself after a shower: t__________
e) to feel very sleepy: d_______________________
5. Write 2 sentences of your own using words from the list.
6. How many words can you think of that rhyme with ‘why?’
Name:                                        Week: 10
    Spelling word   Monday         Tuesday              Wednesday   Thursday
1. who
2. what
3. when
4. where
5. why
6. were
7. wow
8. cow
9. now
10. down
11. how
12. brown
13. owl
14. clown
15. power
16. crown
17. frown
18. gown
19. prowl
20. crowd
21. allow
22. towel
23. drowsy
24.     shower
25.     meow
26.     scowl
Handwriting Lines

Number of the Day - Worksheet

Name                                                                    Date

                            Number of the Day

   Odd or even?                                                     Sum of the digits:

  Word form:

  Make the number using coins and notes:                                 Tally marks:

  10 more:                            Write a sum that equals your number:

  10 less:                                                          =

  100 more:

  100 less:
                                      Greater than and less than:
  1000 more:
                                                       >                 >
  1000 less:

       Thousands                Hundreds               Tens                    Ones

Time Language

Write a sentence using each of these time words.

My New Animal Planning
Feet                  Nose

Mouth                 Tail

Covering              Ears

Animal Biography
My animal is called a                                                           .

It lives                                                                        .

Its mouth is  so it

eats                                                                            .

Its ears are                                so it can


Its nose is                                so it can


Its covering is                                so it can


Its tail is                               so it can


Other special features about my animal:

Different Animals
Even though all animals have a head, a body, limbs and skin,
      they all look different to each other. Why is this?

It is all about how they have adapted over time to suit their
  environment. A polar bear who lives in an extremely cold
 environment needs different things than a giraffe or a fish.
Frill-Necked Lizard
           Skin                      They live in trees so                                                                       Frill
     They have scaly,              have long claws to grip.                                                               They have a frill
  patterned skin which                                                                                                   around their neck,
helps them to camouflage                                                                                               which is usually folded
 with their environment.                                                                                                back, but when they
If they live in the desert,                                                                                              are in trouble, they
 their skin is a reddish-                                                                                               open it wide to make
 brown colour. However,                                                                                                themselves look bigger.
  those who live in the                                                                                                 They can also open it
tropical rainforests, have                                                                                                  to cool down.
    a brownish-green

                                                                              They are diurnal animals. They like to
 Inside their mouth is yellow and                                            lay in the sun in the morning and early
they can hiss loud. They do this, as                                            afternoon. This is because they are
 well as opening their frill, to help                                         cold-blooded and use the sun to warm
       scare away predators.                                                               their bodies.

                              ‘‘Frilled neck Lizard Darwin’’ by Stephen Michael Barnett is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Fennec Fox
 The fennec fox has large        They live in the desert.    They have big eyes for
   ears to help get rid of                                    helping them see at
body heat when the days                                         night. They are
  are hot. They also help                                     nocturnal animals.
them to hear things from
  a long distance away.
                                                            They have a long, bushy
                                                             tail which helps the fox
They have thick fur on the
                                                            change direction quickly,
 soles of their feet so their
                                                            while hunting their prey.
feet don’t burn on the hot
                                                            They also wrap their tail
 desert floor. It also helps
                                                              around themselves at
 them keep balance while
                                                             night to keep their toes
   walking on the sand.
                                                                 and nose warm.

They have thick fur to help keep them warm on the cold nights. The sandy colour
 of their fur helps reflect the heat during the day and helps them to camouflage.
 Koalas live up in trees so    They are herbivores, so    They have thick, woolly
   they have paws with         don’t need sharp teeth.      fur which helps keep
   rough pads and long                                     them warm when it’s
 claws to help them grip                                  cold and cool when it’s
      the tree trunks.                                     hot. It also helps keep
                                                          them dry when it rains.
  They have small eyes.
Their eyesight is not great.
                                                             They have a lot of
                                                            padding around their
   They eat for 3 hours a                                  rump, which acts like a
day, usually at night time,                               cushion, when sitting on
 and they sleep the rest of                                the hard tree branches.
  the time, to help digest
         their food.
                                    They have a large nose and they use their
  Female koalas have a            fantastic sense of smell to detect how safe the
  pouch for their young.             eucalyptus leaf is that they want to eat.
All animals have adapted to their environment in different ways.

           Can you think of any other adaptations?

           Let’s have a look at some animal features.
Why do you think these animals need eyes like these?
Why do you think these animals need ears like these?
Why do you think these animals need noses like these?
Why do you think these animals need a tail like these?
Why do you think these animals need feet like these?
Why do you think these animals need coverings like these?
Your Task
 You are going to design an animal that has adapted to its environment.

 Use the My New Animal Planning Activity Sheet and your books to draw
as many different types of feet, mouths, markings, noses, tails as you can.
   Then choose one of each and put them together to make an animal.

        Once you have selected the final features of your animal,
                       make it with playdough.

             Complete the Animal Biography Activity Sheet.
You Will Need

•   My New Animal Planning       •   Playdough (in a variety of
    Activity Sheet                   colours)
•   Picture books with lots of   •   Animal Biography Activity
    different animal photographs     Sheet
Go Further
Make the environment for your animal to live in.
Did you animal adapt well to its environment? How?

    Why do you think its important for animals
         to adapt to their environment?

     Is there an animal you know of who has
      adapted very well to its surroundings?


Name: __________________
You can also read