JPMorgan Investment Funds - Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable Luxembourg - Prospectus

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JPMorgan Investment Funds - Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable Luxembourg - Prospectus

               JPMorgan Investment Funds
               Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable Luxembourg

VISA 2021/166475-1681-0-PC
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d'argument de publicité
Luxembourg, le 2021-11-18
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable Luxembourg - Prospectus
Using This Prospectus                                        3
Sub-Fund Descriptions                                        4
 Equity Sub-Funds
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Europe Select Equity Fund      5
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Europe Strategic Dividend
 Fund                                                         7
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Dividend Fund           9
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Select Equity Fund     11
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Japan Sustainable Equity
 Fund                                                        13
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Japan Strategic Value Fund    15
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   US Select Equity Fund         16
 Balanced and Mixed Asset Sub-Funds
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Balanced Fund          18
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Income Fund            20
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Income Conservative
 Fund                                                        22
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Income Sustainable
 Fund                                                        24
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Macro Fund             26
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Macro Opportunities
 Fund                                                        28
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Macro Sustainable
 Fund                                                        30
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Multi-Asset Cautious
 Sustainable Fund                                            32
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Multi-Asset Moderate
 Sustainable Fund                                            34
 JPMorgan Investment Funds -   Global Multi-Asset Growth
 Sustainable Fund                                            36
 Convertibles Sub-Funds
 JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Convertibles
 Conservative Fund                                           38
 JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Opportunistic
 Convertibles Income Fund                                    40
 Bond Sub-Funds
  JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global High Yield Bond Fund    42
  JPMorgan Investment Funds - Income Opportunity Fund        44
  JPMorgan Investment Funds - US Bond Fund                   46
Risk Descriptions                                            48
Investment Restrictions and Powers                           55
ESG Integration and Sustainable Investing Approaches         67
Share Classes and Costs                                      69
Investing in the Sub-Funds                                   77
Fund Business Operations                                     91
Glossaries                                                   95

                                                                  JPMorgan Investment Funds 2
Using This Prospectus
This Prospectus is designed so that it can be read as a narrative as              Recent actual expenses See applicable KIIDs or the most recent
well as a reference document in which information on particular                   Shareholder Reports.
topics can easily be found. The information on this page indicates
where to find the most commonly used information.                                 Share Classes
                                                                                  Eligibility See Share Classes and Costs.
Portfolio Characteristics                                                         Investment minimums See Share Classes and Costs.
Investment objectives and policies Portfolio management information               Characteristics and naming conventions See Share Classes and Costs.
relating to each Sub-Fund, see Sub-Fund Descriptions; for general                 Dividends See Share Classes and Costs.
information including what is permissible under UCITS law and regulation,
                                                                                  Currently available Go to; for Share Classes
see Investment Restrictions and Powers.
                                                                                  registered for public sale in a particular country, contact the Management
Understanding investment policies                                                 Company or the local representatives shown in Information for Investors in
This is a guide to understanding investment policy terms and descriptions.        Certain Countries.
Unless stated otherwise in the Sub-Fund Descriptions, the following
interpretations apply:                                                            ISIN See applicable KIID.
 Cash and cash equivalents Can be held by any Sub-Fund on an ancillary
   basis.“% of assets” does not include ancillary cash and cash equivalents.      Dealing
   Other investments in cash and cash equivalents for any specific purpose will   Cut-off time See Sub-Fund Descriptions.
   be described in Sub-Fund Descriptions.                                         Placing dealing requests See Investing in the Sub-Funds.
 Equities Includes investments in shares, depository receipts, warrants and      Transfers to another party See Investing in the Sub-Funds.
  other participation rights. To a limited extent equity exposure may also be     General tax considerations See Investing in the Sub-Funds.
  achieved through convertible securities, index and participation notes and
  equity linked notes.
                                                                                  Contact and Ongoing Communications
 Debt securities  Includes investments in bonds and other securities such as     Queries and complaints Contact the Management Company, a financial
  debentures, capital notes and any other obligations paying fixed or floating    adviser or JPMorgan representative.
  (variable) interest.
                                                                                  Notices and publications See Investing in the Sub-Funds.
 Domicile When a domicile is stated, it refers to the country in which the
  company is incorporated and has its registered office.                          Meanings of Various Terms
Derivatives See Sub-Fund Descriptions for derivatives usage for each Sub-         Defined terms See Glossary 1.
Fund. See Investment Restrictions and Powers for general information,             General investment terms See Glossary 2.
including what is permissible under UCITS law and regulation, and for details
on derivatives usage and purposes for the Sub-Funds.                              Currency Abbreviations
                                                                                  AUD       Australian dollar                JPY   Japanese yen
Risks See Sub-Fund Descriptions for a list of the risks for each Sub-Fund
including a general note on risk; individual risks are described in Risk          CAD       Canadian dollar                  NOK   Norwegian krone
Descriptions.                                                                     CHF       Swiss franc                      NZD   New Zealand dollar
Environmental, Social and Governance integration and sustainable                  CNH       Offshore Chinese                 PLN   Polish zloty
investing See ESG Integration and Sustainable Investing Approaches for                      renminbi                         RMB   Chinese renminbi
details of how environmental, social and governance information is                CNY       Onshore Chinese                  SEK   Swedish krona
integrated into the investment decision making process and how Sub-Funds                    renminbi                         SGD   Singapore dollar
with sustainable investing objectives go beyond such integration. Please also     CZK       Czech koruna                     USD   United States dollar
refer to Sustainability risk as described in Risk Descriptions.                   EUR       Euro

Costs                                                                             GBP       British pound sterling
One-time charges and annual fees and expenses Stated in Sub-Fund                  HKD       Hong Kong dollar
Descriptions; explained in Share Classes and Costs.
                                                                                  HUF       Hungarian forint
Performance fees Rate and mechanism used stated in Sub-Fund
Descriptions; calculations and examples set out in Share Classes and Costs.

                                                                                                                                   JPMorgan Investment Funds 3
Sub-Fund Descriptions
Introduction to the Sub-Funds
                                                                                   WHO CAN INVEST IN THESE SUB-FUNDS
The Fund exists to offer investors a range of Sub-Funds with different
objectives and strategies and to offer the potential benefits of diversification   Ability to invest in the Fund is based on a number of factors.
and professional management to both retail and professional investors. The         In a given jurisdiction, only certain Sub-Funds and Share Classes will be
Sub-Funds are intended for long-term investment.                                   registered. Distributing this Prospectus or offering Shares for sale is legal
Before investing in any Sub-Fund, an investor should understand the risks,         only where the Shares are registered for public sale or where offer or sale is
costs, and terms of investment of that Sub-Fund and of the relevant Share          not prohibited by local law or regulation. This Prospectus is not an offer or
Class and how the investment would align with their own financial                  solicitation in any jurisdiction, or to any investor, where such a solicitation is
circumstances and tolerance for investment risk.                                   not legally permitted.

Investors, including insurance undertakings (as defined in Directive               In the United States, Shares are not and will not be registered either with the
2009/138/EC), have sole responsibility for being aware of, and complying           US Securities and Exchange Commission or any other US entity, federal or
with, all laws and regulations which apply to them, whether imposed by their       otherwise. The Fund is not registered under the US Investment Company Act
country of tax residence or any other jurisdiction. This includes                  of 1940. Therefore, in principle, Shares are not available to, or for the
understanding the potential legal and tax consequences and resolving any           benefit of, any US Person. See Information for Investors in Certain Countries
fines, claims or other penalties that arise from failure to comply.                for further details.

The Board recommends that every investor obtain legal, tax and financial           WHO CAN INVEST IN WHICH SHARE CLASSES
advice before investing initially (and under any other circumstances where         Investors should consult Share Classes and Costs to see which Share Classes
legal, tax or investment concerns may be relevant) as they maintain and/or         they are eligible to hold. Some Shares are available to all investors, others
increase their investment.                                                         are available only to investors who meet specific requirements such as
                                                                                   qualifying as Institutional Investors. In all cases, there are minimum
Before Making an Initial Investment                                                investment requirements which the Management Company may waive at its
                                                                                   WHICH INFORMATION TO USE
While each Sub-Fund takes risks that its Investment Manager considers to be
appropriate in light of that Sub-Fund’s stated objective and policies,             In deciding whether to invest in a Sub-Fund, prospective investors should
investors must evaluate Sub-Fund risks in terms of whether they are                read this Prospectus including the relevant Sub-Fund Descriptions (being the
consistent with their own investment goals and risk tolerances. Risk is an         offering document), the relevant KIID if applicable, any relevant local
integral component of a Sub-Fund’s return.                                         disclosure document as required in a specific jurisdiction, the application
                                                                                   form including the terms and conditions, the Articles and the Fund’s most
With these Sub-Funds, as with most investments, future performance will
                                                                                   recent annual report. These documents are made available, together with
differ from past performance. There is no guarantee that any Sub-Fund will
                                                                                   any more recent semi-annual report, as described in Notices and
meet its objectives or achieve any particular level of performance.
                                                                                   Publications under Ongoing Communication. By buying Shares in a Sub-
The value of an investment in any Sub-Fund can go up and down, and a               Fund, an investor is considered to have accepted the terms described in any
Shareholder could lose money. No Sub-Fund is intended as a complete                of these documents. Together, all these documents contain the only
investment plan for any Shareholder.                                               approved information about the Sub-Funds and the Fund. Any information
In addition, Shareholders may experience currency risk if the currency in          or representation given or made by any person which is not contained
which they subscribe or redeem is different to the Share Class Currency,           herein or in any other document which may be available for inspection by
Sub-Fund Base Currency or the currency of the Sub-Fund’s assets. The               the public should be regarded as unauthorised and should accordingly not
exchange rates between the relevant currencies can have a significant              be relied upon.
impact on the returns of a Share Class.                                            The Directors believe that they have taken all reasonable care to ensure that
The main risks of each Sub-Fund are listed on the following pages. By              the information contained in this Prospectus is accurate, is current at the
consulting the list of risks and their definitions which appear in Risk            date of this Prospectus, and does not omit any material information.
Descriptions, Shareholders can better understand the overall risk to an            In case of any inconsistency in translations of this Prospectus, the English
investment in a Sub-Fund.                                                          version will prevail.
                                                                                   For a guide to interpreting certain key investment policy terms, see
                                                                                   Understanding investment polices under Using This Prospectus.

                                                                                                                                        JPMorgan Investment Funds 4
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Europe Select Equity Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks                                         third party provider(s) who identify an issuer’s participation in or the
                                                                               revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the
                                                                               values and norms based screens. The list of screens applied that may result
                                                                               in exclusions can be found on the Management Company’s Website
To achieve a return in excess of the European equity markets by investing      (
primarily in European companies.
                                                                               The Sub-Fund systematically includes ESG analysis in its investment
INVESTMENT PROCESS                                                             decisions on at least 90% of securities purchased.

Investment approach                                                            Derivatives Used for: efficient portfolio management; hedging. Types: see
                                                                               Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the Sub-Funds Use Derivatives,
 Uses a fundamental, bottom-up stock selection process.                       Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD: none. Global exposure
 Investment process built on stock level analysis by a global research        calculation method: commitment.
  team.                                                                        Techniques and instruments Securities lending: 0% to 20% expected; 20%
ESG approach ESG Promote                                                       maximum.
Benchmark MSCI Europe Index (Total Return Net). For currency hedged            Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: EUR. Currencies of asset denomination:
Share Classes, the benchmark is hedged to the Share Class currency.            any. Hedging approach: typically unhedged.
Benchmark uses and resemblance
                                                                               MAIN RISKS
 Performance comparison.                                                      The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The majority of the Sub-Fund’s holdings      from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark and it    The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
is managed within indicative risk parameters that typically limit the          Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
Investment Manager’s discretion to deviate from its securities, weightings     Fund.
and risk characteristics.
                                                                               Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
As a result, the Sub-Fund will bear a resemblance to the composition and
risk characteristics of its benchmark; however, the Investment Manager’s
discretion may result in performance that differs from the benchmark.          Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities

                                                                               Techniques                  Securities
                                                                               Hedging                     Equities
Main investment exposure At least 67% of assets invested in equities of
companies that are domiciled, or carrying out the main part of their
economic activity, in a European country.                                      Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
At least 51% of assets are invested in companies with positive environmental   techniques and securities above
                                                                               Currency                    Market
and/or social characteristics that follow good governance practices as
measured through the Investment Manager's proprietary ESG scoring
methodology and/or third party data.
                                                                               Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
The Investment Manager evaluates and applies values and norms based
                                                                               Loss Shareholders could     Volatility Shares of the     Failure to meet the
screening to implement exclusions. To support this screening, it relies on     lose some or all of their   Sub-Fund will fluctuate      Sub-Fund's objective.
                                                                               money.                      in value.

                                                                                                                                      JPMorgan Investment Funds 5
Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk       One-off charges taken before or after investing                            Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and:                                                (maximum)                                                   the Sub-Fund over a year
                                                                                                                                                           Operating and
 seek long-term capital growth through             Base           Initial      Switch      Redemption       Annual Management                         Administrative Expenses
  exposure to European equity markets;              Class         Charge        Charge        Charge          and Advisory Fee      Distribution Fee            (Max)
 are looking to use it as part of an                A            5.00%         1.00%          0.50%               1.50%                   -                   0.30%
                                                     C               -          1.00%             -                0.50%                   -                   0.20%
  investment portfolio and not as a
                                                     C2              -          1.00%             -                0.40%                   -                   0.20%
  complete investment plan.                          D            5.00%         1.00%          0.50%               1.50%                0.75%                  0.30%
Hedging method for currency hedged                    I              -          1.00%             -                0.50%                   -                   0.16%
                                                     I2              -          1.00%             -                0.40%                   -                   0.16%
Share Classes Portfolio hedge.
                                                     X               -          1.00%             -                   -                    -                   0.15%
Dealing Requests received before 14:30 CET
on any Valuation Day will be processed that     See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information.

Sub-Fund launch date 21 Jul 1997.

                                                                                                                                                 JPMorgan Investment Funds 6
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Europe Strategic Dividend Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks
                                                                                Derivatives Used for: efficient portfolio management; hedging. Types: see
OBJECTIVE                                                                       Sub-Fund_Derivative_Usage table under How the Sub-Funds Use Derivatives,
                                                                                Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD: none. Global exposure
To provide long-term returns by investing primarily in high dividend-yielding
                                                                                calculation method: commitment.
equity securities of European companies.
                                                                                Techniques and instruments Securities lending: 0% to 20% expected; 20%
INVESTMENT PROCESS                                                              maximum.
Investment approach                                                             Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: EUR. Currencies of asset denomination:
                                                                                any. Hedging approach: typically managed to the currency weightings of the
 Uses a bottom-up stock selection process.
 Uses the full breadth of the eligible equity investment universe through a
  combination of fundamental research insights and quantitative analysis.       MAIN RISKS
 Seeks to identify high dividend yielding securities that are fundamentally    The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
  sound.                                                                        from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.
ESG approach ESG Promote                                                        The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
                                                                                Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
Benchmark MSCI Europe Index (Total Return Net). For currency hedged
Share Classes, the benchmark is hedged to the Share Class currency.
                                                                                Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
Benchmark uses and resemblance
 Performance comparison.
                                                                                Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. Though the majority of its holdings
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark, the       Techniques                  Securities
                                                                                Concentration               Equities
Investment Manager has broad discretion to deviate from its securities,         Hedging
weightings and risk characteristics.
The degree to which the Sub-Fund may resemble the composition and risk
                                                                                Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
characteristics of the benchmark will vary over time and its performance
                                                                                techniques and securities above
may be meaningfully different.                                                  Currency                    Market

Main investment exposure At least 67% of assets invested in high dividend-
                                                                                Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
yielding equities of companies that are domiciled, or carrying out the main
                                                                                Loss Shareholders could     Volatility Shares of the     Failure to meet the
part of their economic activity, in a European country. In search of income,    lose some or all of their   Sub-Fund will fluctuate      Sub-Fund's objective.
the Sub-Fund may have significant positions in specific sectors or countries    money.                      in value.
from time to time.
At least 51% of assets are invested in companies with positive environmental
and/or social characteristics that follow good governance practices as
measured through the Investment Manager's proprietary ESG scoring
methodology and/or third party data.
The Investment Manager evaluates and applies values and norms based
screening to implement exclusions. To support this screening, it relies on
third party provider(s) who identify an issuer’s participation in or the
revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the
values and norms based screens. The list of screens applied that may result
in exclusions can be found on the Management Company’s Website
The Sub-Fund systematically includes ESG analysis in its investment
decisions on at least 90% of securities purchased.

                                                                                                                                       JPMorgan Investment Funds 7
Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk
                                                           One-off charges taken before or after investing                              Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and:                                                       (maximum)                                                     the Sub-Fund over a year
 seek a combination of income and long-                                                                                     Annual                                  Operating and
  term capital growth through exposure to           Base            Initial   Switch                    Redemption       Management and          Distribution    Administrative Expenses
  European equity markets;                          Class          Charge     Charge        CDSC*         Charge          Advisory Fee               Fee                  (Max)
                                                      A            5.00%      1.00%            -           0.50%               1.50%                   -                 0.30%
 are looking to use it as part of an                 C               -       1.00%            -              -                0.65%                   -                 0.20%
  investment portfolio and not as a                   D            5.00%      1.00%            -           0.50%               1.50%                0.75%                0.30%
  complete investment plan.                           F               -       1.00%         3.00%             -                1.50%                1.00%                0.30%
                                                       I              -       1.00%            -              -                0.65%                   -                 0.16%
Hedging method for currency hedged                    I2              -       1.00%            -              -                0.50%                   -                 0.16%
Share Classes Portfolio hedge.                        X               -       1.00%            -              -                   -                    -                 0.15%
Dealing Requests received before 14:30 CET
on any Valuation Day will be processed that     See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information. *Reduces by 1.00% a year and is zero after 3 years.

Sub-Fund launch date 24 Feb 2005.

                                                                                                                                                          JPMorgan Investment Funds 8
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Global Dividend Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks
                                                                               Derivatives Used for: efficient portfolio management; hedging. Types: see
OBJECTIVE                                                                      Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the Sub-Funds Use Derivatives,
                                                                               Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD: none. Global exposure
To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies,
                                                                               calculation method: commitment.
globally, that generate high and rising income.
                                                                               Techniques and instruments Securities lending: 0% to 20% expected; 20%
INVESTMENT PROCESS                                                             maximum.
Investment approach                                                            Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: USD. Currencies of asset denomination:
                                                                               any. Hedging approach: typically managed to the currency weights of the
 Uses a fundamental, bottom-up stock selection process.
 Investment process built on stock level analysis by a global research
  team.                                                                        MAIN RISKS
 Seeks to identify companies with sustainably high dividends and/or           The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
  sustainable dividend growth potential.                                       from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.
ESG approach ESG Promote                                                       The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
                                                                               Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
Benchmark MSCI All Country World Index (Total Return Net). For currency
hedged Share Classes, the benchmark is hedged to the Share Class currency.
                                                                               Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
Benchmark uses and resemblance
 Performance comparison.
                                                                               Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. Though the majority of its holdings
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark, the      Techniques                  Securities
                                                                               Concentration               Emerging markets
Investment Manager has broad discretion to deviate from its securities,        Hedging                     Equities
weightings and risk characteristics.
The degree to which the Sub-Fund may resemble the composition and risk
characteristics of the benchmark will vary over time and its performance       Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
may be meaningfully different.                                                 techniques and securities above
                                                                               Currency                    Liquidity                    Market
Main investment exposure At least 67% of assets invested in equities of
                                                                               Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
companies anywhere in the world, including emerging markets that generate
                                                                               Loss Shareholders could     Volatility Shares of the     Failure to meet the
high and rising income. The Sub-Fund may be concentrated in a limited          lose some or all of their   Sub-Fund will fluctuate      Sub-Fund's objective.
number of companies and, in search of income, may have significant             money.                      in value.
positions in specific sectors or countries from time to time.
At least 51% of assets are invested in companies with positive environmental
and/or social characteristics that follow good governance practices as
measured through the Investment Manager's proprietary ESG scoring
methodology and/or third party data.
The Investment Manager evaluates and applies values and norms based
screening to implement exclusions. To support this screening, it relies on
third party provider(s) who identify an issuer’s participation in or the
revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the
values and norms based screens. The list of screens applied that may result
in exclusions can be found on the Management Company’s Website
The Sub-Fund systematically includes ESG analysis in its investment
decisions on at least 90% of securities purchased.

                                                                                                                                      JPMorgan Investment Funds 9
Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk
                                                          One-off charges taken before or after investing                                Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and:                                                      (maximum)                                                       the Sub-Fund over a year
 seek a combination of income and long-                                                                                     Annual                                  Operating and
  term capital growth through exposure to           Base           Initial    Switch                     Redemption      Management and          Distribution    Administrative Expenses
  global equity markets;                            Class         Charge      Charge        CDSC*          Charge         Advisory Fee               Fee                  (Max)
                                                      A           5.00%        1.00%           -            0.50%              1.50%                   -                 0.30%
 are looking to use it as part of an                 C              -         1.00%           -               -               0.60%                   -                 0.20%
  investment portfolio and not as a                   D           5.00%        1.00%           -            0.50%              1.50%                0.75%                0.30%
  complete investment plan.                           F              -         1.00%        3.00%              -               1.50%                1.00%                0.30%
                                                      I              -         1.00%           -               -               0.60%                   -                 0.16%
Hedging method for currency hedged                    T              -         1.00%        3.00%              -               1.50%                0.75%                0.30%
Share Classes Portfolio hedge.                        X              -         1.00%           -               -                  -                    -                 0.15%
Dealing Requests received before 14:30 CET
on any Valuation Day will be processed that     See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information. *Reduces by 1.00% a year and is zero after 3 years.

Sub-Fund launch date 28 Nov 2007.

                                                                                                                                                         JPMorgan Investment Funds 10
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Global Select Equity Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks
                                                                                Derivatives Used for: efficient portfolio management; hedging. Types: see
OBJECTIVE                                                                       Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the Sub-Funds Use Derivatives,
                                                                                Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD: none. Global exposure
To achieve a return in excess of the global equity markets by investing
primarily in companies, globally.                                               calculation method: commitment.
                                                                                Techniques and instruments Securities lending: 0% to 20% expected; 20%
INVESTMENT PROCESS                                                              maximum.
Investment approach                                                             Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: USD. Currencies of asset
 Uses a fundamental, bottom-up stock selection process.                        denomination: any. Hedging approach: typically managed to the currency
                                                                                weights of the benchmark.
 Investment process built on stock level analysis by a global research team.
ESG approach ESG Promote                                                        MAIN RISKS
Benchmark MSCI World Index (Total Return Net). For currency hedged Share        The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
Classes, the benchmark is hedged to the Share Class currency.                   from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.
Benchmark uses and resemblance                                                  The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
                                                                                Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
 Performance comparison.
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The majority of the Sub-Fund’s holdings
                                                                                Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark and it
is managed within indicative risk parameters that typically limit the
Investment Manager’s discretion to deviate from its securities, weightings      Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities
and risk characteristics.
                                                                                Techniques                  Securities
As a result, the Sub-Fund will bear a resemblance to the composition and        Hedging                     Equities
risk characteristics of its benchmark; however, the Investment Manager’s
discretion may result in performance that differs from the benchmark.

POLICIES                                                                        Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
                                                                                techniques and securities above
Main investment exposure At least 67% of assets invested in equities of         Currency                    Market
companies anywhere in the world.
At least 51% of assets are invested in companies with positive environmental
and/or social characteristics that follow good governance practices as          Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
measured through the Investment Manager's proprietary ESG scoring               Loss Shareholders could     Volatility Shares of the      Failure to meet the
methodology and/or third party data.                                            lose some or all of their   Sub-Fund will fluctuate       Sub-Fund's objective.
                                                                                money.                      in value.
The Investment Manager evaluates and applies values and norms based
screening to implement exclusions. To support this screening, it relies on
third party provider(s) who identify an issuer’s participation in or the
revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the
values and norms based screens. The list of screens applied that may result
in exclusions can be found on the Management Company’s Website
The Sub-Fund systematically includes ESG analysis in its investment
decisions on at least 90% of securities purchased.

                                                                                                                                       JPMorgan Investment Funds 11
Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk       One-off charges taken before or after investing                            Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and:                                                (maximum)                                                   the Sub-Fund over a year
                                                                                                                                                           Operating and
 seek long-term capital growth through             Base           Initial     Switch       Redemption       Annual Management                         Administrative Expenses
  exposure to global equity markets;                Class         Charge       Charge         Charge          and Advisory Fee      Distribution Fee            (Max)
 are looking to use it as part of an                 A           5.00%         1.00%          0.50%               1.50%                   -                   0.30%
  investment portfolio and not as a                   C              -          1.00%             -                0.50%                   -                   0.20%
                                                      D           5.00%         1.00%          0.50%               1.50%                0.75%                  0.30%
  complete investment plan.                            I             -          1.00%             -                0.50%                   -                   0.16%
Hedging method for currency hedged                    I2             -          1.00%             -                0.40%                   -                   0.16%
Share Classes Portfolio hedge.                        X              -          1.00%             -                   -                    -                   0.15%

Dealing Requests received before 14:30 CET      See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information.
on any Valuation Day will be processed that
Sub-Fund launch date 30 Apr 1981.

                                                                                                                                                 JPMorgan Investment Funds 12
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Japan Sustainable Equity Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks
                                                                               Derivatives Used for: hedging; efficient portfolio management. Types: see
OBJECTIVE                                                                      Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the Sub-Funds Use Derivatives,
                                                                               Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD: none. Global exposure
To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in Japanese
                                                                               calculation method: commitment.
Sustainable Companies or companies that demonstrate improving
sustainable characteristics. Sustainable Companies are those that the          Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: JPY. Currencies of asset denomination:
Investment Manager believes to have effective governance and superior          any. Hedging approach: typically unhedged.
management of environmental and social issues (sustainable
characteristics).                                                              MAIN RISKS
                                                                               The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
INVESTMENT PROCESS                                                             from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.
Investment approach                                                            The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
 Uses a fundamental, bottom-up security selection process.                    Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
 Uses a high conviction approach to finding the best investment ideas.
                                                                               Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
 Seeks to identify high quality companies with superior and sustainable       risk.
  growth potential.
                                                                               Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities
 Integrates ESG aspects to identify companies with strong or improving
                                                                               Techniques                  Securities
  sustainability characteristics.
                                                                               Concentration               Equities
ESG approach Best-in-Class                                                     Hedging                     Smaller companies

Benchmark TOPIX (Total Return Net). For currency hedged Share Classes,
the benchmark is hedged to the Share Class currency.
                                                                               Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
Benchmark uses and resemblance                                                 techniques and securities above
                                                                               Currency                    Market                        Liquidity
 Performance comparison.
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. Though the majority of its holdings
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark, the      Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
Investment Manager has broad discretion to deviate from its securities,        Loss Shareholders could     Volatility Shares of the      Failure to meet the
                                                                               lose some or all of their   Sub-Fund will fluctuate       Sub-Fund's objective.
weightings and risk characteristics. The degree to which the Sub-Fund may
                                                                               money.                      in value.
resemble the composition and risk characteristics of the benchmark will vary
over time and its performance may be meaningfully different.

Main investment exposure At least 67% of assets invested in equities of
Sustainable Companies or companies that demonstrate improving
sustainable characteristics and that are domiciled, or carrying out the main
part of their economic activity, in Japan. The remainder of assets may be
invested in equities of companies considered less sustainable than those
described above.
Sustainable Companies and companies that demonstrate improving
sustainable characteristics are selected through the use of proprietary
research and third party data. Fundamental analysis is used to better
understand sustainability risks and opportunities that may impact a
company. This analysis is also an important driver behind active company
engagement when seeking to positively influence business practices to
improve sustainability.
The Sub-Fund may invest in small capitalisation companies.
The Sub-Fund systematically includes ESG criteria in investment analysis and
investment decisions on at least 90% of securities purchased (excluding

                                                                                                                                      JPMorgan Investment Funds 13
Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk       One-off charges taken before or after investing                            Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and:                                                (maximum)                                                   the Sub-Fund over a year
                                                                                                                                                           Operating and
 seek long-term capital growth through             Base           Initial     Switch       Redemption       Annual Management                         Administrative Expenses
  single country exposure to Japanese               Class         Charge       Charge         Charge          and Advisory Fee      Distribution Fee            (Max)
  equity markets;                                    A            5.00%         1.00%          0.50%               1.50%                   -                   0.30%
 seek an investment that embeds ESG                 C               -          1.00%             -                0.75%                   -                   0.20%
                                                     D            5.00%         1.00%          0.50%               1.50%                0.75%                  0.30%
  principles;                                         I              -          1.00%             -                0.75%                   -                   0.16%
 are looking to use it as part of an                I2              -          1.00%             -                0.60%                   -                   0.16%
                                                     S2              -          1.00%             -                0.38%                   -                   0.16%
  investment portfolio and not as a                  X               -          1.00%             -                   -                    -                   0.15%
  complete investment plan.
                                                See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information.
Hedging method for currency hedged
Share Classes NAV hedge.
Dealing Requests received before 14:30 CET
on any Valuation Day will be processed that
Sub-Fund launch date 12 Nov 1993.

                                                                                                                                                JPMorgan Investment Funds 14
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Japan Strategic Value Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks
                                                                                            Derivatives Used for: hedging; efficient portfolio management. Types: see
OBJECTIVE                                                                                   Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the Sub-Funds Use Derivatives,
                                                                                            Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD: none. Global exposure
To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a value style
biased portfolio of Japanese companies.                                                     calculation method: commitment.
                                                                                            Techniques and instruments Securities lending: 0% to 20% expected; 20%
INVESTMENT PROCESS                                                                          maximum.
Investment approach                                                                         Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: JPY. Currencies of asset denomination:
 Uses fundamental and systematic research inputs to identify stocks with                   any. Hedging approach: typically unhedged.
  specific style characteristics, such as value and momentum in price and
  earnings trends.                                                                          MAIN RISKS
                                                                                            The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
ESG approach ESG Integrated
                                                                                            from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.
Benchmark TOPIX (Total Return Net). For currency hedged Share Classes,
                                                                                            The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
the benchmark is hedged to the Share Class currency.
                                                                                            Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
Benchmark uses and resemblance                                                              Fund.
 Performance comparison.                                                                   Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. Though the majority of its holdings                       risk.
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark, the                    Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities
Investment Manager has broad discretion to deviate from its securities,
weightings and risk characteristics.                                                         Techniques                     Securities
                                                                                             Concentration                  Equities
The degree to which the Sub-Fund may resemble the composition and risk                       Hedging                        Smaller companies
characteristics of the benchmark will vary over time and its performance                     Style bias
may be meaningfully different.

POLICIES                                                                                     Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
                                                                                             techniques and securities above
Main investment exposure At least 67% of assets invested in a value style                    Currency                       Liquidity                      Market
biased portfolio of equities of companies that are domiciled, or carrying out
the main part of their economic activity, in Japan. The Sub-Fund may invest
in small capitalisation companies.                                                           Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
                                                                                             Loss Shareholders could        Volatility Shares of the       Failure to meet the
                                                                                             lose some or all of their      Sub-Fund will fluctuate        Sub-Fund's objective.
                                                                                             money.                         in value.

Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk         One-off charges taken before or after investing                            Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and:                                                  (maximum)                                                   the Sub-Fund over a year
                                                                                                                                                             Operating and
 seek long-term capital growth through               Base           Initial     Switch       Redemption       Annual Management                         Administrative Expenses
  single country exposure to Japanese                 Class         Charge       Charge         Charge          and Advisory Fee      Distribution Fee            (Max)
  equity markets;                                       A           5.00%         1.00%          0.50%                   1.50%                     -                 0.30%
 seek a value style investment approach;               C              -          1.00%             -                    0.75%                     -                 0.20%
                                                        D           5.00%         1.00%          0.50%                   1.50%                  0.75%                0.30%
 are looking to use it as part of an                    I             -          1.00%             -                    0.75%                     -                 0.16%
  investment portfolio and not as a                     I2             -          1.00%             -                    0.60%                     -                 0.16%
                                                        X              -          1.00%             -                       -                      -                 0.15%
  complete investment plan.
Hedging method for currency hedged                See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information.
Share Classes NAV hedge.
Dealing Requests received before 14:30 CET
on any Valuation Day will be processed that
Sub-Fund launch date 30 Nov 2007.

                                                                                                                                                        JPMorgan Investment Funds 15
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
US Select Equity Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks
                                                                               Other investment exposures Canadian companies.
OBJECTIVE                                                                      Derivatives Used for: efficient portfolio management; hedging. Types: see
To achieve a return in excess of the US equity market by investing primarily   Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the Sub-Funds Use Derivatives,
in US companies.                                                               Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD: none. Global exposure
                                                                               calculation method: commitment.
                                                                               Techniques and instruments Securities lending: 0% to 20% expected; 20%
Investment approach                                                            maximum.
 Uses a research-driven investment process that is based on the               Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: USD. Currencies of asset denomination:
  fundamental analysis of companies and their future earnings and cash         typically USD. Hedging approach: not applicable.
  flows by a team of specialist sector analysts.
ESG approach ESG Promote                                                       MAIN RISKS
Benchmark S&P 500 Index (Total Return Net of 30% withholding tax). For         The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
currency hedged Share Classes, the benchmark is hedged to the Share Class      from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.
Currency.                                                                      The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
Benchmark uses and resemblance                                                 Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
 Performance comparison.
                                                                               Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The majority of the Sub-Fund’s holdings      risk.
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark and it
                                                                               Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities
is managed within indicative risk parameters that typically limit the
Investment Manager’s discretion to deviate from its securities, weightings     Techniques                  Securities
and risk characteristics.                                                      Hedging                     Equities

As a result, the Sub-Fund will bear a resemblance to the composition and
risk characteristics of its benchmark; however, the Investment Manager’s
discretion may result in performance that differs from the benchmark.          Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
                                                                               techniques and securities above
POLICIES                                                                       Market

Main investment exposure At least 67% of assets invested in equities of
companies that are domiciled, or carrying out the main part of their
economic activity, in the US.                                                  Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
                                                                               Loss Shareholders could     Volatility Shares of the      Failure to meet the
At least 51% of assets are invested in companies with positive environmental
                                                                               lose some or all of their   Sub-Fund will fluctuate       Sub-Fund's objective.
and/or social characteristics that follow good governance practices as         money.                      in value.
measured through the Investment Manager's proprietary ESG scoring
methodology and/or third party data.
The Investment Manager evaluates and applies values and norms based
screening to implement exclusions. To support this screening, it relies on
third party provider(s) who identify an issuer’s participation in or the
revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the
values and norms based screens. The list of screens applied that may result
in exclusions can be found on the Management Company’s Website
The Sub-Fund systematically includes ESG analysis in its investment
decisions on at least 90% of securities purchased.

                                                                                                                                      JPMorgan Investment Funds 16
Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk       One-off charges taken before or after investing                            Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and:                                                (maximum)                                                   the Sub-Fund over a year
                                                                                                                                                           Operating and
 seek long-term capital growth through             Base           Initial     Switch       Redemption       Annual Management                         Administrative Expenses
  exposure to US equity markets;                    Class         Charge       Charge         Charge          and Advisory Fee      Distribution Fee            (Max)
 are looking to use it as part of an                 A           5.00%         1.00%          0.50%               1.50%                   -                   0.30%
  investment portfolio and not as a                   C              -          1.00%             -                0.50%                   -                   0.20%
                                                      D           5.00%         1.00%          0.50%               1.50%                0.50%                  0.30%
  complete investment plan.                            I             -          1.00%             -                0.50%                   -                   0.16%
Hedging method for currency hedged                    I2             -          1.00%             -                0.40%                   -                   0.16%
Share Classes NAV hedge.                              X              -          1.00%             -                   -                    -                   0.15%

Dealing Requests received before 14:30 CET      See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information.
on any Valuation Day will be processed that
Sub-Fund launch date 05 Jul 1984.

                                                                                                                                                 JPMorgan Investment Funds 17
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Global Balanced Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks                                          At least 51% of assets are invested in issuers with positive environmental
                                                                                and/or social characteristics that follow good governance practices as
                                                                                measured through the Investment Manager's proprietary ESG scoring
                                                                                methodology and/or third party data. The Investment Manager evaluates
To provide long-term capital growth and income by investing primarily in        and applies values and norms based screening to implement exclusions. To
companies and debt securities issued or guaranteed by governments or their      support this screening, it relies on third party provider(s) who identify an
agencies, globally, using derivatives where appropriate.                        issuer’s participation in or the revenue which they derive from activities that
                                                                                are inconsistent with the values and norms based screens. The list of screens
INVESTMENT PROCESS                                                              applied that may result in exclusions can be found on the Management
Investment approach                                                             Company’s Website ( ). The Sub-Fund
 Multi-asset approach, combining asset allocation with bottom-up expertise     systematically includes ESG analysis in its investment decisions on at least
  leveraged from specialists from JPMorgan Asset Management’s global            75% of non-investment grade and emerging market sovereign and 90% of
  investment platform.                                                          investment grade securities purchased.
                                                                                Other investment exposures The Sub-Fund may also invest in corporate
 Actively managed implementation of equity and bond strategies, with a
                                                                                debt securities.
  balanced risk profile.
                                                                                Derivatives Used for: investment purposes; hedging; efficient portfolio
ESG approach ESG Promote
                                                                                management. Types: see Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the
Benchmark 50% J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index Global (Total Return            Sub-Funds Use Derivatives, Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD:
Gross) Hedged to EUR / 45% MSCI World Index (Total Return Net) Hedged to        none. Global exposure calculation method: relative VaR. Expected level of
EUR / 5% MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Total Return Net). For currency           leverage from derivatives: 200% Indicative only. Leverage may significantly
hedged Share Classes, the benchmark indices are hedged to the Share Class       exceed this level from time to time.
currency. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index component is cross-hedged to
                                                                                Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: EUR. Currencies of asset
the Share Class currency, meaning it seeks to minimise the effect of currency
                                                                                denomination: any. Hedging approach: flexible.
fluctuations between the benchmark currency and the Share Class currency.
Benchmark uses and resemblance                                                  MAIN RISKS
 Performance comparison.                                                       The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
 Basis for relative VaR calculations.                                          from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.

The Sub-Fund is actively managed. Though the majority of its holdings           The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark, the       Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
Investment Manager has broad discretion to deviate from its securities,         Fund.
weightings and risk characteristics.                                            Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
The degree to which the Sub-Fund may resemble the composition and risk          risk.
characteristics of the benchmark will vary over time and its performance        Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities
may be meaningfully different.
                                                                                Techniques                  Securities
                                                                                Derivatives                 Debt securities                 Emerging markets
POLICIES                                                                        Hedging                     - Below investment grade debt   Equities
Main investment exposure At least 67% of assets invested, either directly       Short positions             - Government debt
                                                                                                            - Investment grade debt
or through derivatives, in equities and debt securities issued or guaranteed                                - Unrated debt
by governments or agencies, globally, including emerging markets. The Sub-
Fund may invest in below investment grade and unrated debt securities;
however, debt securities will typically have an average credit quality of       Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
investment grade as measured by an independent rating agency such as            techniques and securities above
Standard & Poor's.                                                              Credit                      Interest rate                   Market
                                                                                Currency                    Liquidity
The Sub-Fund will hold between 30% and 70% of assets in equities, and
between 30% and 70% of assets in debt securities.
                                                                                Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
The Sub-Fund may use long and short positions across asset classes,
                                                                                Loss Shareholders could     Volatility Shares of the        Failure to meet the
countries, sectors and currencies.                                              lose some or all of their   Sub-Fund will fluctuate         Sub-Fund's objective.
                                                                                money.                      in value.

                                                                                                                                       JPMorgan Investment Funds 18
Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk
                                                        One-off charges taken before or after investing                                  Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and:                                                    (maximum)                                                         the Sub-Fund over a year
 seek a combination of capital growth and                                                                                    Annual                                  Operating and
  income through exposure primarily to              Base          Initial     Switch                     Redemption       Management and          Distribution    Administrative Expenses
  equity and government debt securities             Class        Charge       Charge         CDSC*         Charge          Advisory Fee               Fee                  (Max)
  globally;                                           A           5.00%        1.00%           -            0.50%               1.45%                  -                  0.20%
                                                      C              -         1.00%           -               -                0.75%                  -                  0.15%
 are looking to use it as part of an                 C2             -         1.00%           -               -                0.58%                  -                  0.15%
  investment portfolio and not as a                   D           5.00%        1.00%           -            0.50%               1.45%               0.50%                 0.20%
  complete investment plan.                            I             -         1.00%           -               -                0.75%                  -                  0.11%
                                                      I2             -         1.00%           -               -                0.58%                  -                  0.11%
Hedging method for currency hedged                    T              -         1.00%        3.00%              -                1.45%               0.50%                 0.20%
Share Classes NAV hedge.                              X              -         1.00%           -               -                   -                   -                  0.10%

Dealing Requests received before 14:30
                                                See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information. * Reduces by 1.00% a year and is zero after 3 years.
CET on any Valuation Day will be processed
that day.
Sub-Fund launch date 19 Jan 1995.

                                                                                                                                                          JPMorgan Investment Funds 19
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Global Income Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks
                                                                                Derivatives Used for: investment purposes; hedging; efficient portfolio
OBJECTIVE                                                                       management. Types: see Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the
                                                                                Sub-Funds Use Derivatives, Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD:
To provide regular income by investing primarily in a portfolio of income
                                                                                none. Global exposure calculation method: relative VaR. Expected level of
generating securities, globally, and through the use of derivatives.
                                                                                leverage from derivatives: 150% indicative only. Leverage may significantly
                                                                                exceed this level from time to time.
                                                                                Techniques and instruments Securities lending: 0% to 20% expected; 20%
Investment approach
 Multi-asset approach, leveraging specialists from around JPMorgan Asset
                                                                                Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: EUR. Currencies of asset
  Management's global investment platform, with a focus on risk-adjusted
                                                                                denomination: any. Hedging approach: flexible.
 Flexible implementation of the managers’ allocation views at asset class      MAIN RISKS
  and regional level.                                                           The Sub-Fund is subject to Investment risks and Other associated risks
ESG approach ESG Integrated                                                     from the techniques and securities it uses to seek to achieve its objective.
Benchmark 40% Bloomberg Barclays US High Yield 2% Issuer Cap Index              The table below explains how these risks relate to each other and the
(Total Return Gross) Hedged to EUR / 35% MSCI World Index (Total Return         Outcomes to the Shareholder that could affect an investment in the Sub-
Net) Hedged to EUR / 25% Bloomberg Barclays Global Credit Index (Total          Fund.
Return Gross) Hedged to EUR. For currency hedged Share Classes, the             Investors should also read Risk Descriptions for a full description of each
benchmark indices are hedged to the Share Class currency.                       risk.
Benchmark uses and resemblance                                                  Investment Risks Risks from the Sub-Fund's techniques and securities
 Performance comparison.                                                       Techniques                  Securities
 Basis for relative VaR calculations.                                          Derivatives                 China                           - Unrated debt
                                                                                Hedging                     Contingent convertible bonds    Emerging markets
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. Though the majority of its holdings                                       Convertible securities          Equities
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark, the                                   Debt securities                 MBS/ABS
                                                                                                            - Below investment grade debt   REITs
Investment Manager has broad discretion to deviate from its securities,                                     - Government debt
weightings and risk characteristics.                                                                        - Investment grade debt

The degree to which the Sub-Fund may resemble the composition and risk
characteristics of the benchmark will vary over time and its performance
                                                                                Other associated risks Further risks the Sub-Fund is exposed to from its use of the
may be meaningfully different.                                                  techniques and securities above
                                                                                Credit                      Interest rate                   Market
POLICIES                                                                        Currency                    Liquidity
Main investment exposure Primarily invests in debt securities (including
MBS/ABS), equities and real estate investment trusts (REITs) from issuers
                                                                                Outcomes to the Shareholder Potential impact of the risks above
anywhere in the world, including emerging markets.
                                                                                Loss Shareholders could     Volatility Shares of the        Failure to meet the
The Sub-Fund is expected to invest between 5% and 25% of its assets in          lose some or all of their   Sub-Fund will fluctuate         Sub-Fund's objective.
                                                                                money.                      in value.
MBS/ABS of any credit quality. MBS which may be agency (issued by quasi
US government agencies) and non-agency (issued by private institutions)
refers to debt securities that are backed by mortgages, including residential
and commercial mortgages, and ABS refers to those that are backed by
other types of assets such as credit card debt, car loans, consumer loans and
equipment leases.
The Sub-Fund may invest in below investment grade and unrated securities.
The Sub-Fund may invest in China A-Shares via the China-Hong Kong
Connect Programmes, and in convertible securities and currencies.
Dividends are not guaranteed given that returns to investors will vary from
year to year depending on dividends paid and capital returns, which could be
Other investment exposures Up to 3% in contingent convertible bonds.

                                                                                                                                       JPMorgan Investment Funds 20
Investor Considerations
Investor profile Investors who understand
the risks of the Sub-Fund, including the risk
                                                        One-off charges taken before or after investing                                  Fees and expenses taken from
of capital loss, and;                                                    (maximum)                                                         the Sub-Fund over a year
 seek income through exposure to a range                                                                                    Annual                                  Operating and
  of asset classes;                                 Base          Initial     Switch                     Redemption      Management and          Distribution    Administrative Expenses
                                                    Class        Charge       Charge        CDSC*          Charge         Advisory Fee               Fee                  (Max)
 are looking to use it as part of an                 A           5.00%        1.00%           -            0.50%              1.25%                   -                 0.20%
  investment portfolio and not as a                   C              -         1.00%           -               -               0.60%                   -                 0.15%
  complete investment plan.                           C2             -         1.00%           -               -               0.50%                   -                 0.15%
                                                      D           5.00%        1.00%           -            0.50%              1.25%                0.35%                0.20%
Hedging method for currency hedged
                                                      F              -         1.00%        3.00%              -               1.25%                1.00%                0.20%
Share Classes NAV hedge.                               I             -         1.00%           -               -               0.60%                   -                 0.11%
Dividend rate for (div) and (mth) Share               I2             -         1.00%           -               -               0.50%                   -                 0.11%
                                                      T              -         1.00%        3.00%              -               1.25%                0.35%                0.20%
Classes The Management Company may
                                                      V              -         1.00%           -               -               0.60%                   -                 0.11%
reduce the dividend rate for a Share Class in         X              -         1.00%           -               -                  -                    -                 0.10%
response to prevailing market conditions
impacting that Share Class.                     See Share Classes and Costs for more complete information. *Reduces by 1.00% a year and is zero after 3 years.
Dealing Requests received before 14:30 CET
on any Valuation Day will be processed that
Sub-Fund launch date 11 Dec 2008.

                                                                                                                                                          JPMorgan Investment Funds 21
JPMorgan Investment Funds -
Global Income Conservative Fund
Objective, Process, Policies and Risks                                          negative. Under exceptional market conditions the Sub-Fund may be unable
                                                                                to meet its preferred volatility level and the realised volatility may be
                                                                                greater than intended.
                                                                                At least 51% of assets are invested in issuers with positive environmental
To provide regular income by investing primarily in a conservatively
                                                                                and/or social characteristics that follow good governance practices as
constructed portfolio of income generating securities, globally, and through
                                                                                measured through the Investment Manager's proprietary ESG scoring
the use of derivatives.
                                                                                methodology and/or third party data.
INVESTMENT PROCESS                                                              The Investment Manager evaluates and applies values and norms based
Investment approach                                                             screening to implement exclusions. To support this screening, it relies on
                                                                                third party provider(s) who identify an issuer’s participation in or the
 Multi-asset approach, leveraging specialists from around JPMorgan Asset       revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the
  Management's global investment platform, with a focus on risk-adjusted        values and norms based screens. The list of screens applied that may result
  income.                                                                       in exclusions can be found on the Management Company’s Website (
 Flexible implementation of the managers’ allocation views at asset class ).
  and regional level.                                                           The Sub-Fund systematically includes ESG analysis in its investment
 May vary its allocation in response to market conditions, however will aim    decisions on at least 75% of non-investment grade and emerging market
  to have a higher allocation to debt securities than to other asset classes.   sovereign and 90% of investment grade securities purchased.

 Conservatively constructed portfolio, with a volatility comparable to that
  of the benchmark over a three to five year period.                            Other investment exposures Up to 3% in contingent convertible bonds.

ESG approach ESG Promote                                                        Derivatives Used for: investment purposes; hedging; efficient portfolio
                                                                                management. Types: see Sub-Fund Derivative Usage table under How the
Benchmark 55% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index (Total Return
                                                                                Sub-Funds Use Derivatives, Instruments and Techniques. TRS including CFD:
Gross) Hedged to EUR / 30% Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield
                                                                                none. Global exposure calculation method: relative VaR. Expected level of
2% Issuer Capped Index (Total Return Gross) Hedged to EUR / 15% MSCI
                                                                                leverage from derivatives: 150% indicative only. Leverage may significantly
World Index (Total Return Net) Hedged to EUR. For currency hedged Share
                                                                                exceed this level from time to time.
Classes, the benchmark indices are hedged to the Share Class currency.
                                                                                Techniques and Instruments Securities lending: 0% to 20% expected; 20%
Benchmark uses and resemblance
 Performance comparison.                                                       Currencies Sub-Fund Base Currency: EUR. Currencies of asset
 Basis for relative VaR calculations.                                          denomination: any. Hedging approach: flexible.
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. Though the majority of its holdings
(excluding derivatives) are likely to be components of the benchmark, the
Investment Manager has broad discretion to deviate from its securities,
weightings and risk characteristics.
The degree to which the Sub-Fund may resemble the composition and risk
characteristics of the benchmark will vary over time and its performance
may be meaningfully different.

Main investment exposure Primarily invests in debt securities (including
MBS/ABS), equities and real estate investment trusts (REITs) from issuers
anywhere in the world, including emerging markets.
The Sub-Fund is expected to invest between 15% and 45% of its assets in
mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and/or asset-backed securities (ABS) of
any credit quality. MBS which may be agency (issued by quasi US
government agencies) and non-agency (issued by private institutions) refers
to debt securities that are backed by mortgages, including residential and
commercial mortgages, and ABS refers to those that are backed by other
types of assets such as credit card debt, car loans, consumer loans and
equipment leases.
The Sub-Fund may invest in below investment grade and unrated securities.
The Sub-Fund may invest in China A-Shares via the China-Hong Kong Stock
Connect Programmes, and in convertible securities and currencies.
Dividends are not guaranteed given that returns to investors will vary from
year to year depending on dividends paid and capital returns, which could be

                                                                                                                                 JPMorgan Investment Funds 22
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