JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...

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JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
                                                                      DECEMBER 2020


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JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
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JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

JO                         table of contents
                                                                    Volume 72
                                                                    Number 12
                                                                    December 2020

4151: In the Final Analysis: James J. Robinson     4155: Getting to Know the Incoming TMS Board
                                                         of Directors: Kelly Zappas
4152: TMS Member News: Review Article
      Proposals Solicited for Journal of           4157: Return to “Great Materials in the Movies”:
      Electronic Materials; Submit Nominations           Part II: Beyond Transparent Aluminum:
      for New TMS Award                                  James J. Robinson
4154: In Case You Missed It: Business News         4163: TMS Meeting Headlines
      from the Field
                                                   4164: JOM Classifieds
                                                   4165: JOM Call for Papers

Additive Manufacturing for Energy Applications
4167: Evolution of Microstructure, Residual        4202: Additive Manufacturing of Pure Mo and
      Stress, and Tensile Properties of                  Mo+TiC MMC Alloy by Electron Beam
      Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel            Powder Bed Fusion: Christopher Rock,
      Under Heat Treatments: Xinchang Zhang,             Edgar Lara-Curzio, Betsy Ellis,
      Michael D. McMurtrey, Liang Wang,                  Christopher Ledford, Donovan N. Leonard,
      Robert C. O’Brien, Ching-Heng Shiau,               Rangasayee Kannan, Michael Kirka,
      Yun Wang, Randall Scott, Yang Ren,                 and Timothy Horn
      and Cheng Sun
                                                   4214: Joining Technologies for Metal Additive
4178: Residual Stress Modeling with Phase                Manufacturing in the Energy Industry:
      Transformation for Wire Arc Additive               Milo Gill, Ethan Terry, Yusuf Abdi,
      Manufacturing of B91 Steel:                        Stanton Hawkes, Jacob Rindler,
      Xavier Jimenez, Wen Dong,                          David Schick, Antonio Ramirez,
      Santanu Paul, Michael A. Klecka,                   and Edward D. Herderick
      and Albert C. To
                                                   4221: Leveraging Solute Segregation in Laser
4187: Insights into the Transformation-Induced           Powder Bed Fusion to Achieve Superior
      Plasticity (TRIP) Effect in Ti-Free Grade          Strength and Ductility Via Single-Step
      300 Maraging Steel Manufactured by                 Heat Treatment in Ti-Free Grade 300
      Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF):                    Maraging Steel: Peeyush Nandwana,
      Rangasayee Kannan and Peeyush Nandwana             Rangasayee Kannan,
                                                         and Donovan N. Leonard
4196: Advanced Manufacturing of Printed Melt
      Wire Chips for Cheap, Compact Passive
      In-Pile Temperature Sensors:
      Kunal Mondal, Kiyo Fujimoto,
      and Michael D. McMurtrey
JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

4232: On the Thermal Stability of Dislocation         4254: Support Thickness, Pitch, and Applied
      Cellular Structures in Additively                     Bias Effects on the Carbide Formation,
      Manufactured Austenitic Stainless Steels:             Surface Roughness, and Material
      Roles of Heavy Element Segregation                    Removal of Additively Manufactured
      and Stacking Fault Energy: Pu Deng,                   316 L Stainless Steel: Robert Hoffman,
      Houshang Yin, Miao Song, Dian Li,                     Shawn Hinnebusch, Subbarao Raiker,
      Yufeng Zheng, Barton C. Prorok,                        Albert C. To, and Owen J. Hildreth
      and Xiaoyuan Lou
4244: Detection of Defects in Additively
      Manufactured Stainless Steel 316L with
      Compact Infrared Camera and Machine
      Learning Algorithms: Xin Zhang,
      Jafar Saniie, and Alexander Heifetz

Advances in Surface Engineering
4264: Effect of Graphene/Graphene Oxide               4315: Mesoporous Carbon Fabricated by Using
      on Wear Resistance and Thermal                        Polydopamine Microspheres as Precursor
      Conductivity of Co-Ni Coatings:                       for Effective Oil/Water Separation: Junkai
      Jianjian Liu, Chengyi Zhu, and Guangqiang Li          Gao, Mouyuan Yang, Yan Chen, Yu Liu,
                                                            Xuebin Li, and Jiaqi Wang
4273: Influence of Abrasive Water Jet
      Parameters on Steel Surface: Rui Guo,           4323: Development of Conventional Paul
      Cunlong Zhou, and Shengnan Yuan                       Model for Tensile Modulus of Polymer
                                                            Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites After
4281: Dry Wear Behavior of Cladded NiCoCrAlY
                                                            Percolation Threshold by Filler Network
      Coating on Cast Iron at Elevated
                                                            Density: Yasser Zare and Kyong Yop Rhee
      Temperatures: Hao Liu, Jian Liu, Jingbin Hao,
      Haifeng Yang, Xiuli He, and Gang Yu             4330: Microstructural Modification and Tensile
                                                            Behavior of IF Steel Processed through
4288: Coatings Corrosion Resistance of Poly
                                                            Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment:
      (o-Phenylenediamine) on Mild Steel in
                                                            Yagnesh Shadangi, Kausik Chattopadhyay,
      3.5% NaCl: Influence of Inorganic Acid:
                                                            and Vakil Singh
      Jia-Wei Zhang, Ying Li, Yu-Shi Ding,
      Ke-Feng Pan, and Qing Zhao                      4340: Growth of Ge Nanowires by Chemical
                                                            Vapor Deposition at Atmospheric
4296: Electrodeposition of Duplex Ni–B–Zn/Co
                                                            Pressure Using Readily Available
      Composite Coatings: Ganesh Walunj,
                                                            Precursors GeO2 and C2H5OH:
      Umesh Somaji Waware, A. M. S. Hamouda,
                                                            M. Cumbul Altay and S. Eroglu
      and Tushar Borkar
4305: Influence of Microstructure Heterogeneity
      on the Corrosion Resistance and
      Microhardness of 5052 Al-Mg Alloy:
      Peng Zhou, Lei Deng, Peng Guo, Wei Rao,
      Xinyun Wang, and Mao Zhang

Augmenting Physics-based Models in ICME with Machine Learning and
Uncertainty Quantification
4346: Multiscale Modeling of Defect                   4370: Designing a Periodic Table for Alloy
      Phenomena in Platinum Using Machine                   Design: Harnessing Machine Learning to
      Learning of Force Fields: James Chapman               Navigate a Multiscale Information Space:
      and Rampi Ramprasad                                   Scott R. Broderick and Krishna Rajan
4359: Reduced-Order Models for Ranking Damage         4380: Machine Learning of Dislocation-Induced
      Initiation in Dual-Phase Composites Using             Stress Fields and Interaction Forces:
      Bayesian Neural Networks:                             Mohammad H. Rafiei, Yejun Gu,
      Aditya Venkatraman, David Montes                      and Jaafar A. El-Awady
      de Oca Zapiain, and Surya R. Kalidindi
JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

4393: Laser Powder Bed Fusion Parameter             4431: Materials Design Through Batch Bayesian
      Selection via Machine-Learning-                     Optimization with Multisource Information
      Augmented Process Modeling:                         Fusion: Richard Couperthwaite,
      Sandeep Srinivasan, Brennan Swick,                  Abhilash Molkeri, Danial Khatamsaz,
      and Michael A. Groeber                              Ankit Srivastava, Douglas Allaire,
                                                          and Raymundo Arròyave
4404: Machine Learning-Aided Parametrically
      Homogenized Crystal Plasticity Model          4444: Linking Machine Learning with Multiscale
      (PHCPM) for Single Crystal Ni-Based                 Numerics: Data-Driven Discovery of
      Superalloys: George Weber, Maxwell Pinz,            Homogenized Equations:
      and Somnath Ghosh                                   Hassan Arbabi, Judith E. Bunder,
                                                          Giovanni Samaey, Anthony J. Roberts,
4420: Damage Analysis in Dual-Phase Steel                 and Ioannis G. Kevrekidis
      Using Deep Learning: Transfer from
      Uniaxial to Biaxial Straining Conditions
      by Image Data Augmentation:
      Setareh Medghalchi, Carl F. Kusche,
      Ehsan Karimi, Ulrich Kerzel,
      and Sandra Korte-Kerzel

Graphene-based Composite Materials and Applications
4458: The Reduction of Cu2+ Promoted by Zn or       4495: The Effect of Graphene Oxide
      Ni on rGO: Xiangyong Lv, Guangfen Liang,            Nanosheets (GONSs) and Graphene
      Qinzheng Wang, Yandong Li, Huamei Duan,             Oxide Quantum Dots (GOQDs) on
      Dengfu Chen, Mujun Long, Qingqing Hu,               Corrosion Resistance Enhancement of
      Funian Han, and Linpei Li                           Ni–Fe Nanocomposite Coatings:
                                                          Zahra Mohammadpour and Hamid R. Zare
4466: Synergetic Effect of Micro-bamboo
      Filler and Graphene Nanoplatelets on          4505: Nanosized Zinc Sulfide/Reduced
      Thermomechanical Properties of Epoxy-               Graphene Oxide Composite Synthesized
      Based Hybrid Composite:                             from Natural Bulk Sphalerite as Good
      Krushna Gouda, Sumit Bhowmik,                       Performance Anode for Lithium-Ion
      and Biplab Das                                      Batteries: Yun Hai, Shuonan Wang,
                                                          Hao Liu, Guocheng Lv, Lefu Mei,
4477: Fabrication and Antibacterial Properties            and Libing Liao
      of Silver/Graphite Oxide/Chitosan and
      Silver/Reduced Graphene                       4514: A Facile and Cost-Effective Approach to
      Oxide/Chitosan Nanocomposites:                      Fabricate In-Situ Synthesized Graphene
      Mina Keshvardoostchokami, Farideh Piri,             Nanosheet Reinforced 316L Stainless
      Vahab Jafarian, and Abbasali Zamani                 Steel: Weijia Ren, Ang Li, Wei Zhang,
                                                          Yanjie Yang, Shiqi Zhou, Lan Shi,
4486: Effects of Laser Power on Micro-structure           Qihang Zhou, Mabao Liu,
      and Tribological Properties of SLMed GO/            and Xianhui Wang
      TC4 Nanocomposites:
      Peipei Lu, Meiping Wu, Xin Liu,
      and Xiaojin Miao

Mesoscale Materials Science
4522:   Customized High-Temperature                 4551:    Addressing Fracture Properties of
        Bending with DIC for High-Throughput                 Individual Constituents Within a Cu-WTi-
        Determination of Creep Parameters:                   SiOx-Si Multilayer: Markus Alfreider,
        Technique, Instrumentation, and                      Johannes Zechner, and Daniel Kiener
        Optimization: Syed Idrees Afzal Jalali,
        Praveen Kumar, and Vikram Jayaram           4559:    Development of Recrystallization
                                                             Texture in Commercially Pure Titanium:
4539:   A Finite Energy Bandwidth-Based                      Experiments and Simulation:
        Diffraction Simulation Framework for                 Gyan Shankar, Sreenivas Raguraman,
        Thermal Processing Applications:                     Luis A. Barrales-Mora, and S. Suwas
        Darren C. Pagan, Kevontrez K. Jones,
        Joel V. Bernier, and Thien Q. Phan
JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

Surface Engineering: Applications for Advanced Manufacturing
4574: Surface Engineering: Applications for           4624:   Considering Impact and Corrosion
      Advanced Manufacturing:                                 Resistance in the Performance of Heavy
      Christopher C. Berndt and Ma Qian                       Wear Resistant Coatings:
                                                              Christiane Schulz, Thomas Schläfer,
4576: Fabrication of Industrial-Scale Porous                  Jacob Plowman, and Colin Hall
      Stainless Steel Membrane Tubes and Their
      Applications: K. Yang, J. Wang,                 4632:   Ultra-High-Speed Laser Cladding of
      B. J. Yang, and H. P. Tang                              Stellite® 6 Alloy on Mild Steel: Zefeng Wu,
                                                              Ma Qian, Milan Brandt, and Neil Matthews
4583: A Novel Surface Treatment Technique for
      Titanium Alloys: Ming-Xing Zhang,               4639:   Commercial Scale Uniform Powder
      Shou-Mou Miao, and Yi-Nong Shi                          Coating for Metal Additive Manufacturing:
                                                              S. F. Li, K. Geng, R. D. K. Misra, J. Y. Cui,
4594: Oxidation Behavior of Pack-Cemented                     D. Ye, Y. Liu, and Y. F. Yang
      Refractory High-Entropy Alloy:
      Won June Choi, Chun Woong Park,                 4648:   Copper Surfaces with Bimodal
      Yongwook Song, Hyunjoo Choi,                            Nanoporosity by Microstructural
      Jongmin Byun, and Young Do Kim                          Length Scale Controlled Dealloying of a
                                                              Hypereutectic Al-Cu Alloy: T. Song
4604: Plasma-Sprayed Al Alloy Coating with
      Enhanced Lamellar Bonding Through Novel         4657:   Understanding Corrosion Behavior of
      Self-Bonding Strategy: Haroon Rashid,                   Magnesium Surface by x-Ray Irradiation
      Xin-Yuan Dong, Jun Wang, Xian-Jin Liao,                 for Improved Surface Design and
      Ying-Kang Wei, Xiao-Tao Luo, and Chang-Jiu Li           Applications: Katsuyoshi Kondoh,
                                                              Keisuke Funatsu, Makoto Takahashi,
4613: Self-Bonding Effect Development for                     Shufeng Li, Fumiteru Akamatsu,
      Plasma Spraying of Stainless Steel                      and Junko Umeda
      Coating Through Using Mo-Clad Stainless
      Steel Powders: Xian-Jin Liao, Li Zhang,
      Xin-Yuan Dong, Xu Chen, Xiao-Tao Luo,
      and Chang-Jiu Li

Technical Articles
4665: Effect of Electromagnetic Stirring              4682: Quality Control of Additively
      Position on Uniform Direct Chill Casting              Manufactured Metallic Structures with
      of Large-Sized 7005 Alloy Billet:                     Machine Learning of Thermography
      Yajun Luo, Zhenggang Wu, Li Zhou, Min He,             Images: Xin Zhang, Jafar Saniie,
      Zhenlin Zhang, Xiaomin Peng,                          William Cleary, and Alexander Heifetz
      and Zhifeng Zhang
                                                      4695: Physics-Informed and Hybrid Machine
4674: Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of                Learning in Additive Manufacturing:
      Porous Titanium Prepared by an Electro-               Application to Fused Filament
      Assisted Powder Metallurgy Approach:                  Fabrication: Berkcan Kapusuzoglu
      Jiakang Qu, Xue Ma, Hongwei Xie,                      and Sankaran Mahadevan
      Dongyang Zhang, Qiushi Song,
                                                      4706: Mechanics of 2D Materials-Based Cellular
      and Huayi Yin
                                                            Kirigami Structures: A Computational
                                                            Study: Shaoheng Li, Ning Liu,
                                                            Matthew Becton, Nicholas Winter,
                                                            Ramana M. Pidaparti, and Xianqiao Wang

Discussion                                            Correction
4718: Comment on the Article “Reduction               4721: Correction to: Quantum Materials for
      of Carbon Dioxide to Carbon                           Energy-Efficient Computing:
      Nanostructures in Molten Salt: The Effect             Sugata Chowdhury, Houlong Zhuang,
      of Electrolyte Composition”                           Shawn Coleman, Srikanth Patala,
      by S. Abbasloo, M. Ojaghi-Ilkhchi,                    and Jacob Bair
      and M. Mozammel: Carsten Schwandt
JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

                               About the Cover
                               From the article “Additive Manufacturing of Pure Mo
                               and Mo+TiC MMC Alloy by Electron Beam Powder Bed
                               Fusion” by Christopher Rock et al., shown is dendritic Mo
5700 Corporate Drive           with interdendritic Ti &C plus a fine lamellar TiC region
Suite 750                      with small discrete TiC particle precipitates. The lamellar
Pittsburgh, PA 15237           structure represented shows the matrix to be Mo, and the
USA                            dark lamellae consists of Ti and carbon. Composite image
Phone: 1-724-776-9000          courtesy of Donovan N. Leonard of the Manufacturing
Web:               Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Publisher for TMS
James J. Robinson,
Executive Director
Management                     December 2020 Guest Editors
Matt Baker,                    Additive Manufacturing for Energy Applications                  Graphene-based Composite
Department Head, Content       Additive Manufacturing Committee;                                 Materials and Applications
JOM: The Journal               Nuclear Materials Committee                                     Composite Materials Committee
Justin Scott,                  Isabella van Rooyen, Idaho National Laboratory                  Simona Hunyadi Murph,
Principal Editor; Department   Indrajit Charit, University of Idaho                              Savannah River National Laboratory
Head, Research, Engagement,    Subhashish Meher, Idaho National Laboratory
                                                                                               Mesoscale Materials Science
Data, and Information
                               Advances in Surface Engineering                                 Invited
Maureen Byko,                  Surface Engineering Committee                                   Saurabh Puri, Microstructure Engineering
Editor                         Tushar Borkar, Cleveland State University                       Amit Pandey, Lockheed Martin Space
Kelly Markel,                  Rajeev Kumar Gupta, North Carolina State University
                                                                                               Surface Engineering: Applications
Publications Coordinator       Sandip Harimkar, Oklahoma State University
                                                                                                  for Advanced Manufacturing
                               Arif Mubarok, PPG
JOM: The Magazine                                                                              Invited
Lynne Robinson,                Augmenting Physics-based Models in ICME with                    Christopher Berndt,
Department Head, Strategic     Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification                    Swineburne University of Technology
Communications and Outreach    Invited                                                         Ma Qian, RMIT University
Kaitlin Calva,                 Somnath Ghosh, Johns Hopkins University
Magazine Managing Editor       David McDowell, Georgia Tech
                               James Saal, Citrine Informatics
Cheryl M. Geier,
Senior Graphic Designer        About JOM:
Contributing Writers           The scope of JOM (ISSN 1047-4838) encompasses publicizing news about TMS and its members and
Ashley-Anne Bohnert,           stakeholder communities while publishing meaningful peer-reviewed materials science and engineering content.
Outreach and External          That content includes groundbreaking laboratory discoveries, the effective transition of science into technology,
Communications Lead            innovative industrial and manufacturing developments, resource and supply chain issues, improvement and
Ann Ritchie,                   innovation in processing and fabrication, and life-cycle and sustainability practices. In fulfilling this scope, JOM
Technical Communications       strives to balance the interests of the laboratory and the marketplace by reporting academic, industrial, and
Specialist                     government-sponsored work from around the world.
Kelly Zappas,
                               About TMS:
Membership News and
Communications Lead            The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a professional organization that encompasses the entire range
                               of materials and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production to basic research and the
Graphics Support
                               advanced applications of materials.
David Rasel,
Media Manager                  Publishing Information:
Bob Demmler,                   JOM is an official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and is owned by the Society.
Graphic Designer               TMS has granted Springer the exclusive right and license to produce, publish, archive, translate, and sell JOM
Advertising                    throughout the world. Publication Frequency: 12 issues per year.
Contact          Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY, 10013-1578, USA
for information.
                               JOM articles from 1949 to the present are archived at
                               Secure Copyright Permission:
                               Submit permission requests at
                               Send address changes to: JOM, Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. Periodicals postage paid
                               at New York, NY and additional mailing offices.
JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Reliable, User-Friendly
                                                                                         Software Package for
                                                                                         Materials Design:
                                                                                         • PanPhaseDiagram
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                                                                                         • PanPrecipitation
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                                                                                            treatment conditions
                                                                                         • PanDiffusion
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                Highlight Features:                                                      • PanEngine API
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                • Contour Line: understand the variation of user-concerned
                                                                                         • Databases
                  properties with phase stability
                                                                                            for providing model parameters
                • User-defined Properties: calculate any properties that can be             for the simulation of variety
                  defined as a function of phases                                           properties of multicomponent
                                                                                            alloy systems

                              GUIDE THE FUTURE OF TMS:
                                       SUBMIT NOMINEES FOR THE 2022
                                         TMS BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                               TMS is now accepting nominations for the following Board of
                                               Directors positions for the 2022–2025 term:

                                                  •   Presidential Rotation (encompasses three successive one-
                                                      year positions: Vice President, President, and Past President)
                                                  •   TMS Director/Chair, Membership & Student Development

                                               Find complete job descriptions and qualifications for each office, as
                                               well as the Nominee Statement Form and nomination instructions, at:

                                                 SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS BY JANUARY 15, 2021.
                                               FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                               Contact Deborah Hixon, TMS Awards Program Administrator, at
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

 JOM, Vol. 72, No. 12, 2020
 Ó 2020 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

“There is no getting ‘back to normal,’ experts say. The sooner we accept that, the better.”
                                                                                                   JO            Volume 72

                                                         —CNN headline, Nick Paton Walsh                         Number 12

                                                                                                           December 2020

   It is no secret that we live in a world of constant change. Sometimes the changes are
dramatic but momentary, like tossing a large rock into a still pond. There is a great ga-loosh,
return to quietude. Then, there are the tsunamis that rewrite the shoreline and all that is
“iPhone.” In a decade, smartphones brought about a sea of change as our ubiquitous
speed: COVID-19. In less than a year, it has made deep impacts to our mental, physical,
emotional, and economic health. Books upon books will be written on the topic. The book
of TMS will likely focus on how we convene our community.
pandemic. During 2020, everything since TMS2020 has been either postponed, cancelled,
or virtualized. Will that carry into 2021 and beyond? That’s a great question. The answer is               James J. Robinson
evolving daily as circumstances are impossible to predict.                                                  Executive Director

   TMS has events planned for years to come. Indeed, the TMS Annual Meeting &                                   @JJRofTMS
of a particular size during a particular time at a particular place. Volunteers have promised to
have been signed with venues and third parties to provide hosting and support services.                     “During 2020,
into multiple millions of dollars under a “worst case.” A single impact of that size would
greatly diminish the Society’s reserves and challenge our sustainability. Pre-pandemic, such
                                                                                                      TMS2020 has been
coming to the rescue under the vast majority of these circumstances.                                          cancelled, or
with contract holders, working with our volunteer organizers and participants, pivoting
                                                                                                           carry into 2021
it is again. The word of 2020: “Virtualization.” Virtualization is a tool that has been                     and beyond?”
long available to event organizers, but it was infrequently used under the old normal as
quality of connectivity is variable and unreliable, copyright management becomes more
challenging, virtual presentations don’t help satisfy contractual guarantees with host              If you like this monthly
confront and potentially conquer these obstacles. At this moment, we embrace virtualization
having presentations be available for a couple of months after the meeting (now, an attendee          2004 materials in the
can literally see everything). Also, quality control requires that presentations be uploaded in    movies article: “Return
advance, which eliminates the possibility of no-show speakers.
                                                                                                      to ‘Great Materials in
  After we have a widespread vaccine and the end of travel restrictions, I anticipate that
                                                                                                        the Movies’: Part II:
and hybrid blends. That is a sea of change to which I eagerly look forward (because the                Beyond Transparent
pandemic will be over!).                                                                                         Aluminum.”
JO DECEMBER 2020 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

   JOM, Vol. 72, No. 12, 2020
   Ó 2020 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

                                Review Article Proposals Solicited for the
                                Journal of Electronic Materials; Submit
                                Nominations for New TMS Award
                                Journal of Electronic Materials Seeks Proposals for
                                Invited Review Articles
                                       The Journal of Electronic Materials          For the journal to invite a review article,
                                    (JEM) is soliciting proposals for invited    the lead author should submit a proposal
                                    review articles on emerging applications     containing the information listed below
                                    of electronic materials. JEM reports on      (within a two-page limit):
                                    the science and technology of electronic        • Topic or a tentative title for the review
                                    materials, publishing articles of interest         article
                                    on semiconductors, magnetic alloys,             • $XWKRUQDPHVDQGD൶OLDWLRQV
                                    dielectrics, ferroelectrics, photonic              including contact information for the
                                    materials, and nanoscale materials.                lead author
                                       For this call, review articles of            • Five selected relevant publications
                                    particular interest will provide a new             per author in the topical area of the
                                    perspective and in-depth review to both            proposal
                                    non-specialists and specialists, with           • An abstract (less than 250 words)
                                    emphasis on emerging applications of               summarizing the background and
                                    electronic materials.                              motivation for the review article
                                       Topics of interest include recent            • A comprehensive list of previously
                                experimental and theoretical research                  published articles (approximately
m ember news
        news                    including, but not limited to:
                                  • Electronic materials for energy
                                                                                       25 or more) to be discussed in the
                                                                                       review. Ideally, the majority of these
Share the good news                  conversion and storage                            articles are by authors others than the
about your professional           • Electronic materials for novel memory,             proposing authors
accomplishments!                     logic, and interconnect applications           If invited, a review article should be
Contact Kaitlin Calva,            • Graphene and other 2D electronic             submitted within three months of the
JOM Magazine Managing                materials                                   invitation date. Review articles will be
Editor, at kcalva@tms.            • Electronic materials for photonic            peer reviewed in accordance with the high
org. Please note that                interconnects and novel wavelength          standards of JEM.
only news submitted by               tunable light emission applications            Review article proposals should be
                                  • Electronic materials for power               e-mailed directly to the Senior Editor, John
current TMS members
                                     electronics and smart grid applications     Baniecki, at
will be considered.
                                  • Bioelectronics materials, including          Additional journal details are available at
                                     applications to COVID-19 challenges

                                   Superalloys Archive Expands
                                      The Superalloys Proceedings Archive has
                                   added Superalloys 2016 to its online collection.
                                   The archive is free to all users through the
                                   support of the International Symposium
                                   on Superalloys Committee. To date, it
                                   houses more than 1,000 technical articles
                                   encompassing the history of these important
                                   materials. Visit
                                   to access the newly added papers and all other
                                   publications in the archive.

Table of Contents

 Review Article Proposals Solicited for the Journal of Electronic Materials; Submit Nominations for New TMS Award     4153

Newly Funded Award Honors Donald Sadoway
   TMS members can now submit                    Science and Engineering, and the global
nominations for the new Sadoway                  materials science community. Additional
Materials Innovation and Advocacy                details are available
Award for mid-career professionals.              at
Named for Donald Sadoway, John F. Elliot         SadowayAward.
Professor of Materials Chemistry at the             This award joins
Massachusetts Institute of Technology            more than 15 other
(MIT), the award will recognize                  Society-level TMS
individuals who have made impactful and          awards, including
broad materials science and engineering          several that are
achievements and possess a unique ability        administered by TMS
whole through education, public advocacy,        Institute for Mining,
or entrepreneurship.                             Metallurgical, and
   To nominate a colleague for the               Petroleum Engineers
inaugural award in 2022, applications            (AIME), TMS’s
PXVWEHVXEPLWWHGWR706VWD൵DW                antecedent organization. by April 1, 2021. The             These honors recognize
award recipient will be recognized at the        the outstanding
TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition and              achievements of some of the most                      Donald Sadoway thanks
will receive a $3,500 prize.                     accomplished and promising materials                           his past students,
   Sadoway’s former students, colleagues,        scientists and engineers in the world. For         colleagues, and supporters
                                                                                                        for starting a new award
and associates raised the award funds            more information on all awards, as well                 in his honor at the TMS
WRKRQRU6DGRZD\¶VLQÀXHQFHRQWKHP            as histories on select named awards, visit           Foundation Donor Dinner
the MIT Department of Materials                                                    in February 2020.

New Reserach Collaboration Features TMS Member
   TMS member Nikhil Gupta, a professor          of advanced composites, and using
in the Tandon School of Engineering at           machine learning methods for materials
New York University (NYU), was awarded           characterization.
a multi-year collaboration with Anton Paar          Gupta has been an active member of
USA. Gupta’s team at NYU will conduct            TMS for more than 20 years, serving as
its research using a high-end dynamic            a JOM advisor and on several technical
mechanical analysis (DMA) device from            committees, as well as on the Structural
Anton Paar. Their research focus will            Materials Division (SMD) Council. In
build on a recently awarded patent for           2013, he received a TMS SMD Young
fundamental advancements in the method           Leaders Professional Development Award.
of processing data gathered by the DMA           Earlier this year, he was named a TMS
                                                                                                    Nikhil Gupta
device, which allows the conversion of           Brimacombe Medalist, “for innovations
viscoelastic properties to elastic properties.   in the development of lightweight porous
These new research goals join the team’s         materials and for commitment to educating
current focus on new security methods            the public about the impact of materials
RI'SULQWLQJGHYHORSLQJ¿ODPHQWV             research on society.”

  In Memoriam: Lewis R. Aronin
     TMS extends condolences to the family, friends, and          of metallurgical research until 1966. He later joined
  colleagues of Lewis R. Aronin, who passed away at the age       Kennicott Copper Corporation Ledgmont Laboratory as a
  of 100 on May 21, 2020. Upon earning his B.S. in applied        consultant before moving to the Army Materials Technology
  physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),       Laboratory, where he worked until 1990. During his
  Aronin spent several years in industry working for Waltham      retirement, Aronin volunteered for MIT’s Age Lab, in the 85+
  Watch Company before retuning to MIT as research staff          Lifestyle Leaders community panel.
  on the MIT Metallurgical Project. When Nuclear Metals              A longtime member of TMS, Aronin was originally a
  assumed the project in 1958, Aronin returned to industry,       member of TMS’s antecedent organization, the American
  becoming the leader of physical metallurgy and manager          Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.
Table of Contents

     JOM, Vol. 72, No. 12, 2020
     Ó 2020 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

                                  In Case You Missed It:
                                  Business News from the Field
                                  Cleveland-Cliffs Acquired
                                  Cleveland, Ohio, USA: Cleveland-                 \HDU$VRQHRIWKHZRUOG¶VELJJHVWHOHFWULF
  or industry news of             KDVPRUHWKDQHPSOR\HHVDQG           SODQQHG
  interest to the minerals,                                                        Jervois Buys Brazilian
                                                                                   Nickel-Cobalt Refinery
  metals, and materials           SURGXFHGPLOOLRQWRQQHVRIVWHHOLQ
                                                                                   Hawthorn, Australia:-HUYRLV0LQLQJ
  community? Submit                                                                /LPLWHGDFTXLUHGWKH6mR0LJXHO3DXOLVWD
  your announcement                                                                QLFNHODQGFREDOWUH¿QHU\ 603 IURP
  or press release to             LQOHVVWKDQD\HDUWRERRVWVDOHVWRWKH
  Kaitlin Calva,                                                                   RI'HFHPEHU-HUYRLVZKLFKKROGV
                                  Toyota and Panasonic                             PLQLQJDVVHWVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV8JDQGD
  JOM Magazine                    Partner to Power Hybrids                         DQG$XVWUDOLDLQWHQGVWREHFRPHDYHUWLFDOO\
                                  DQG3DQDVRQLF&RUSRUDWLRQIRUPHGD              RQFHLWV,GDKR&REDOW2SHUDWLRQV ,&2 for
                                                                                   Scotland Opens First
                                                                                   Commercial Gold Mine
                                                                                   Nedlands, Australia:6FRWJROG5HVRXUFHV
Beersheba, Israel: Archaelologists from Tel Aviv University, the Israel            ODWHUGXHWRLQWHUUXSWLRQVFDXVHGE\WKH
Antiquities Authority, and the Geological Survey of Israel excavated one           FRURQDYLUXVSDQGHPLF7KH&RQRQLVKSURMHFW
of the oldest known copper-smelting workshops in Beersheba, Israel. The            LVH[SHFWHGWRSRXU¿UVWJROGE\WKHHQGRI
6,500-year-old site may be the world’s first use of a furnace. Dating to the        DQGLVVODWHGWREHFRPH6FRWODQG¶V¿UVW
fifth millennium BCE, the site provided artifacts that revealed a two-stage         FRPPHUFLDOJROGPLQH6FRWJROGHQYLVLRQV
technology, furnace-based primary smelting followed by melting and refining in
crucibles, through typological and chemical analyses. “It raises the possibility   DQXQGHUJURXQGPLQHZLWKDQLQLWLDO
that the furnace was invented in this region,” said Erez Ben-Yosef, Tel Aviv       SURGXFWLRQFDSDFLW\RIRXQFHVRI
University. (Photo courtesy of Talia Abulafia/Israel Antiquities Authority.)        JROGDQQXDOO\IRUXSWRQLQH\HDUV
Table of Contents

 JOM, Vol. 72, No. 12, 2020
 Ó 2020 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

   Getting to Know
   the Incoming
   TMS Board of

   Kelly Zappas

   In 2021, TMS will welcome two new members to its              TMS 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 14–18,
Board of Directors. Jud Ready of the Georgia Institute           2021. Take a few moments today to get to know these
of Technology (Georgia Tech) and Tim Rupert of the               DFWLYH706YROXQWHHUVWROHDUQKRZ706KDVLQÀXHQFHG
University of California, Irvine (UCI) will begin their three-   their careers, and to gain insight into what they hope to
year terms on the TMS Board of Directors at the end of the       DFFRPSOLVKGXULQJWKHLUWLPHLQR൶FH

                             Jud Ready                           program managers, and friends—has also had a dramatic
                             Vice President                      impact on his career.
                             -XG5HDG\¿UVWEHFDPH            “I would be nowhere close to where I am now,
                             involved with TMS in 1992 as        professionally, without the connection, the content
                             a member of the Georgia Tech        resources, the professional relationships, and also the true
                             student chapter and later took      friendships I’ve developed through my involvement with
                             RQKLV¿UVWPDMRUOHDGHUVKLS       TMS,” he said. “There’s a great camaraderie compared to
                             role as chapter president. He       other societies. It’s a much more friendly atmosphere.”
                             SUHVHQWHGKLVZRUNDWKLV¿UVW        It’s no surprise, then, that one of the things Ready is
                             TMS annual meeting in 1994,         most looking forward to during his term as president in
                             and he has attended the meeting     2022 is a return to normalcy with face-to-face meetings and
                             every year since, missing the       OLYHHYHQWV6WLOOKHQRWHVWKHEHQH¿WVRIWKHYLUWXDOHYHQWV
conference only when his children were born.                     that have been held in the past year.
   “Even then, my students went,” he pointed out. “So, my           “Practicing doing conferences virtually has opened a
research has been presented at every TMS Annual Meeting          lot of new opportunities for content delivery,” he said. “It
for more than a quarter century.”                                will be interesting to see how this adds to TMS’s wealth of
   Ready, who is now deputy director, Innovation                 knowledge and to see how we fold these new capabilities
Initiatives, at Georgia Tech, says there are two things that     into future events.”
keep him coming back to TMS meetings year after year.               Overall, Ready hopes to contribute enthusiasm,
“It’s the people and the science,” he said. “TMS is so           amicability, and friendliness during his term on the TMS
broad. The ability to keep learning new things keeps me          Board of Directors. “That’s what sets TMS apart from
coming back.”                                                    other Societies. The social interactions that can feel forced
   The network he’s built at TMS—including collaborators,        or awkward at other conferences come naturally at TMS.”

           “I would be nowhere close to where I am now, professionally, without the
           connection, the content resources, the professional relationships, and also
           the true friendships I’ve developed through my involvement with TMS.”
           —Jud Ready

Table of Contents

     4156                                                                                                            Zappas

                              Tim Rupert                            “I found many career growth opportunities associated
                              Programming Director               with the bottom-up organization structure of TMS, with
                                 Tim Rupert’s involvement        the chance to organize symposia and become involved in
                              with the Society began at the      FRPPLWWHHOHDGHUVKLSEHLQJVSHFL¿FH[DPSOHV´KHVDLG
                              TMS 2008 Annual Meeting &             As the incoming Programming Director, Rupert
                              ([KLELWLRQZKHQKHZDVD¿UVW    recognizes the importance of the Society’s programming
                              year graduate student giving his   decisions during this unusual time.
                              ¿UVWFRQIHUHQFHWDON                “Programming is always an area that is dynamic and
                                 “I found a community            high-impact, as the hot areas of materials science evolve
                              that valued my work and            quickly,” he said. “But this space is especially important
                              provided an amazing forum for      now as we all deal with COVID and its impact on our way
                              VFLHQWL¿FGLVFXVVLRQ´KHVDLG   of interacting with our peers.”
³$WWHQGLQJ706PHHWLQJVKDVOHWPHVKDUHVFLHQWL¿FLGHDV           “I am excited to dive into this position at a time
ZLWKFROOHDJXHVDQGEXLOGQHZFROODERUDWLRQV0DMRU706         when we truly need innovation in how we operate,” he
meetings like the Annual Meeting and the MS&T meeting            continued. “There will certainly be challenges and perhaps
are still ‘must attends’ for me today.”                          even occasional missteps, but it will also be exciting to
   Rupert, who is now associate professor of materials           have a chance to revamp certain aspects of our Society.
science and engineering at UCI, found that involvement           I truly believe that challenges are opportunities, so I will
LQWKH6RFLHW\DOVRR൵HUHGDQXPEHURIOHVVREYLRXV             bring that perspective into this position and work hard to
SURIHVVLRQDOEHQH¿WV                                            lead us down a positive pathway.”

            “I found a community that valued my work and provided an amazing
            —Tim Rupert

   Who Will the TMS Board Welcome Next Year? You Tell Us!
     TMS is now accepting nominations for two                    carrying out the professional activities of the
   positions on the 2022–2025 TMS Board of Directors.            Society concerned with professional and student
   The open positions are the Presidential Rotation              membership and related activities, including
   and the Membership & Student Development                      diversity and inclusion initiatives.
   Director. Nominations will be accepted until                    Applicants’ packages for these positions will
   January 15, 2021. Additionally, positions for                 be considered by the Society’s Nominating
   Light Metals Division Chair, Materials Processing             Committee, which will then recommend a
   & Manufacturing Division Chair, and Structural                candidate for each position to the Board of
   Materials Division Chair are also open on the 2022–           Directors.
   2025 Board of Directors, but nominations are being              If approved by the Board of Directors, these
   developed directly through the technical divisions.           endorsed candidates will be presented to the
     The Presidential Rotation encompasses three                 general membership for approval by July 2021.
   successive one-year positions: Vice President,                  To access complete job descriptions and
   President, and Past President. All three roles are            qualifications for each office, as well as the
   officer positions within the Society and carry unique          Nominee Statement Form and nomination
   responsibilities. The role of President includes              instructions, visit
   serving as chair of the Board of Directors.                   For additional information, contact
     The Membership & Student Development                        Deborah Hixon, TMS Awards Program               JO
   Director represents the entire membership in                  Administrator, at
Table of Contents

 JOM, Vol. 72, No. 12, 2020
 Ó 2020 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

  Return to “Great
  Materials in the
  Movies”: Part II:
  Beyond Transparent
  James J. Robinson

   A long time ago, in a reality far, far away,    Thanks for Nominating!
I wrote the article, “The Reel Thing: One             Nominations for the “greatest materials moments
                                                                                              momennts in movies”
Editor’s List of Great Material Moments in         were solicited on the official TMS social media accounts
                                                                                                    counts from May
Movies,” for the March 2004 JOM. It was            through July 2020. Thank you to all the members who
                                                                                                    w took the time
enjoyable to contemplate and write, and it         to nominate their favorite films and champion tho
                                                                                                    se nominations
generated more feedback than anything that         with insightful explanations.
I’ve ever written for JOM. I even get the                                                       forget
                                                      Missed an opportunity to nominate? Don’t forgeet to connect with
occasional request to pen a sequel—what                                                          news.
                                                   TMS online so you never miss out on Society new ws.
   Yes, I could write something that would
                                                          @M iner
answer those questions but is 16 years too
Blade Runner to arrive in the form of Blade
Runner 2049. That turned out pretty well
according to fans and critics alike.
   So, let’s give a sequel to “The Reel
Thing” a go, especially as I suspect that
we could all use something pleasantly
distracting right about now. During the
pandemic, I anticipate that many of you
have been scrolling through a lot of
streaming service menus. I know that
I have. Rather than scrolling, try using
Table of Contents

  4158                                                                                                Robinson

                          movies recommended here. In seconds,
                                                                     “The scene where Scotty derived
                          we can pretty much access everything
                                                                     the structure of transparent
                          that has ever been made.
                             The TMS membership renewal              aluminum on a Macintosh
                          campaign has the slogan of “Standing       computer foreshadowed the
                          7RJHWKHU:KLOH:H6WD\$SDUW´6R        advent of computer-aided
                          for your viewing enjoyment, let’s put      materials design, a reality we are
                          a bit of a twist on that with “Viewing     now only beginning to realize.”
                          7RJHWKHU:KLOH:H9LHZ$SDUW´:K\           —Charles Ward on Star Trek IV:
Table of Contents

 Return to “Great Materials in the Movies”: Part II: Beyond Transparent Aluminum                      4159

VXJJHVWLRQVIURPWKHHGLWRULDOVWD൵ZKR          away from a fully functioning
apparently, watch a lot of movies (but not         Iron Man suit to be used by
RQZRUNWLPH :HDOVRGLGDFDOOEDFNWR        the military to defend us or by
letters that I received after publication of the   Amazon to deliver packages.
original article. (See the November 2004,             If the Iron Man character
“Letters to the Editor,” at SpringerLink.)         SHUVRQL¿HVDQXQVSRNHQWKHVLV
   I took many of the inputs, ignored some         that materials science and
others, and what you are reading now is            engineering can be used to
what remains. Unlike the original, there is        defeat virtually any problem (or
no ranking order, so that’s new.                   PDGWLWDQ WKHQ5\DQ&RRJOHU¶V
                                                   Black Panther demonstrated
IS THE SEQUEL BETTER THAN THE                      that mastery of materials
ORIGINAL?                                          manufacturing is central to
   If not better, I’ll be happy with “not          the economic, cultural, and
that bad” or “about the same.” And, if I’ve        WHFKQRORJLFDOPDJQL¿FHQFH
GLVWUDFWHG\RXIURPWKHSDQGHPLFIRU           of great nations. In this case,
minutes or so and got you to discover a            Earth’s greatest country may
movie that you like, I’ve done my job.             EHWKH¿FWLRQDO$IULFDQQDWLRQ
   Here goes . . .                                 :DNDQGDZKHUHDPHWHRU
                                                   embedded a deposit of the metal
ORIGINAL LIST                                      3HULRGLF7DEOHWKLVHOHPHQWLV
The “Marvel Cinematic Universe”                    lighter than steel while being
in General, and Iron Man (2008) and                more malleable and stronger.
Black Panther (2018) in Particular                 7KH:DNDQGLDQVGHYHORSHGWKH
   In little more than a decade and with           technology to apply vibranium
QRVLJQRIZDQLQJWKHLQWHUFRQQHFWHG          in countless marvelous ways
PRYLHVRIWKH0DUYHO&LQHPDWLF8QLYHUVH           to empower and defend their
from critics, adoration by audiences, and             TMS member Lauren
no analog, not even the James Bond and the         PHGLDWKDW³%ODFN3DQWKHU¶VVXLW
Star Wars franchises. For the initiated—and        is a marvel of materials science.
based on my conversations over the years,          It has the ability to absorb
a lot of TMS members are initiated—these           energy from the blows received
³FRPLFERRNPRYLHV´DUHLQ¿QLWHO\PRUH            in combat, store that energy, and
than “comic book movies.”                          release it later. This is based on
the misbehaving, brilliant, charismatic, and       appeal is the charisma of the
fabulously rich weapons manufacturer Tony          ODWH&KDGZLFN%RVHPDQDV
Stark. Using his money, his ingenuity, the         7¶&KDOODWKH%ODFN3DQWKHU
heart on armaments, and an array of cutting-       VLVWHU6KXUL7¶&KDOODPD\EHWKHSURWHFWRU
edge materials technologies (from forging          DQGSROLWLFDOOHDGHURI:DNDQGDEXW6KXULLV
and lightweighting to additive manufacturing       HYHU\ELWKLVHTXDORUEHWWHUDV:DNDQGD¶V
and nanotechnology), Stark invents the Iron        lead scientist and engineer. As we see the
Man armor. The remarkable suit enables an          growth of diversity, equity, and inclusion in
average man to become a superhero—no               the materials community, there have been
magic, no chemistry mishaps, no gamma              few better launching points for awakening
radiation, no alien DNA; just invention            young people as to the possibilities of
and technology. The armor is continuously          materials science and engineering as a
PRGHUQL]HGWKURXJKRXWWKH¿OPVHULHVDQG          career than Black Panther. For more young
becomes more advanced, capable, and                people performing extraordinary feats with
invincible with each installment.                  FKHPLVWU\DQGPDWHULDOVVHHWKH0&8¶V
   I have little doubt that we are but days        Spider-man: Homecoming (2017).
Table of Contents

4160                                                                                     Robinson

                                                               underlying materials technologies
                                                               that enable not only the avatars but
                                                               the environmental power suits that
                                                               allow humans without an avatar to
                                                               move about the moon. You don’t
                                                               at work on motor neuroprosthetics,
                                                               exoskeletons, and robotics. For
                                                               more extraordinary biomaterials in
                                                               see the brilliant television series
                                                               Westworld (2016-), the this-is-
                                                               right-now Ex-Machina (2014),
                                                               and the anime classic Ghost in the
                                                               Radioactive (2019)
                                                                 Marjane Satrapi’s recent Marie
                                                               life of one of the world’s most
       Avatar (2009)                                   UHFRJQL]DEOHDQGLQÀXHQWLDOVFLHQWLVWV
        -DPHV&DPHURQ¶VAvatar, like the              ,QFRYHULQJ0DULHDQG3LHUUH&XULH¶V
       transparent aluminum in Star Trek IV,           discoveries of radium and polonium,
       is engrained on us with its magically           WKH¿OPVKRZFDVHVERWKWKHLQWHOOHFWXDO
       propertied mineral unobtanium—the               and physical labor involved in their
       OHYLWDWLQJ³FRQÀLFW´PDWHULDORIWKHOXVK      experiments, and paints Marie as a
       DQGELRORJLFDOO\GLYHUVHPRRQ3DQGRUD         determined and ambitious researcher
       The real materials magic comes in the form      without shying away from the challenges
       of the biomaterials and bioengineering          she faced as an unconventional woman in
       that create living drones, or avatars, of       a conservative society. In addressing how
       indigenous creatures that allow a man or        WKH&XULHV¶GLVFRYHU\XSHQGHGWKHVFLHQWL¿F
       woman’s consciousness to be temporarily         community and ultimately transformed
       transferred from a human brain to the           WKHZRUOGWKH¿OPDOVRUHPLQGVXVWKDW
       explicit materials-talk in the movie, but you   QHZDQGGL൶FXOWTXHVWLRQVLQHWKLFVDQG
       can easily imagine the complexities of the      our understanding of right and wrong.

       The Thin Man (1934)                             primary metals production and the subject
        $SHUVRQDOFKRLFH:69DQ'\NH¶V           of several articles in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s
       The Thin Man introduced moviegoers to           JOME\3DXODQGRWKHUV
       wealthy and heavy-drinking crime-solvers
       1LFNDQG1RUD&KDUOHV7KHEDQWHULVTXLFN     The Fuller Brush Man (1948)
       DQGZLWW\DQGDVL[LQVWDOOPHQW¿OPVHULHV        S. Sylvan Simon’s comedy vehicle for
       was born. There’s not much in the way           Red Skelton was brought to my attention
       of materials technology, candidly, but          after publication of the original article
       WKHRSHQLQJ¿OP¶VPXUGHUYLFWLPZDVDQ         by frequent JOM contributor Dennis
       inventor who is credited with creating a        Hasson, who wrote the monthly column
       new smelting process for producing gold,        “Retrospect” during the 1980s and 90s.
       silver, and copper. Reference to the process    Dennis described it as follows: “The
       always reminds me of the late 1969 TMS          movie’s materials aspect was the shape
       3UHVLGHQW3DXO(4XHQHDXDGHYHORSHURI      memory behavior of one of Red’s plastic
       WKH4XHQHDX6FKXKPDQQ/XUJLUHDFWRUIRU        brushes. Only recently, shape memory
Table of Contents

 Return to “Great Materials in the Movies”: Part II: Beyond Transparent Aluminum                                 4161

                                                 materials science is front and foremost. It
   ŮųĜåāƼØƋĘåŞĬŅƋųåƴŅĬƴ埱ųŅƚĹÚ            contains some of the best (realistic) scenes
   catastrophic failures of airplanes            of a mid-century industrial chemistry
   due to metal fatigue; [Jimmy]                 ODERUDWRU\WKDWKDYHHYHUDSSHDUHGLQ¿OP
   Stewart’s character has a theory              7KHKXPRULV¿UVWUDWH´
   to explain it, but no one listens to
                                                 Das Boot (1981) and Titanic (1997)
   him until it is (almost) too late.”
            —Todd C. Hufnagel on No              materials service environment, even under
                     Highway in the Sky          the most benign of circumstances. Add
                                                 the stresses of grazing a passenger liner
   l        especially
                  i ll in
                       i medical
                            di l applications
                                     li i        against an iceberg or diving a U-boat below
(e.g., biodegradable sutures) were reported      its operating limits and you are asking too
in the literature. The movie writer was          much of even the most skilled steelmakers
GH¿QLWHO\DKHDGRIPDWHULDOVVFLHQFH            and shipbuilders.
research.”                                        :ROIJDQJ3HWHUVHQ¶VFHOHEUDWHG:RUOG
                                                 :DU,,FODVVLFDas Boot follows the crew
No Highway in the Sky (1951)                     of a German U-boat during the Battle of
 ,QUHVSRQVHWRWKHRULJLQDODUWLFOHQR¿OP   the Atlantic and gives a stark, yet realistic
was referenced more frequently by readers        representation of very human sailors, war
than Henry Koster’s cinematic adaptation         where you cannot see your enemies, and
of Nevil Shute’s novel No Highway,               unforgiving machinery. I think that the
with its metallurgist hero. Nevil Shute is       word “claustrophobic” was invented by
perhaps best remembered as the author of         movie critics struggling to best describe
the end-of-days nuclear war novel, On the        the experience of both the characters and
Beach, which was also adapted into a pretty      the viewers. As for materials, whenever
good movie. No Highway predated On the           the boat dives below its rated depth, the
Beach by nine years and was adapted as           audience joins the crew in their suspense as
No Highway in the Sky. As TMS member             WKHPHWDOKXOOJURDQVDQGULYHWVÀ\ORRVH
                                                    Metal and rivets are also the reason
                                                 behind the night to remember as depicted
catastrophic failures of airplanes due to
                                                 Titanic. &RQVLGHUWKHFRPPHQWVE\706
has a theory to explain it, but no one listens
                                                 member Lauren Garrison as posted to
to him until it is (almost) too late. It also
                                                 TMS social media, “This amazing and
provides an odd example of life imitating
                                                 tragic love story was made possible by the
                                                 brittle failure of the steel hull of the Titanic
                                                 ship. That ductile-to-brittle transition is
series of tragic crashes that were ultimately
                                                 taught to hordes of new materials science
attributed to fatigue failures.” For so many
                                                 students each year to serve as a memorable
                                                 warning of why material properties matter
omission on the original list.
                                                 in design.”
The Man in the White Suit (1951)
                                                   “Thhis am
                                                      his   a
                                                                  az  in
                                                                       ng an
                                                                             nd tr tra
                                                                                      a gic llove
                                                      ory was
                                                   stor     wa  as made
                                                                     ma a e possibly
                                                                              poso sisibbly by tthe
                                                                                        bl           he e
                                                   br ittl
                                                       ttlle failure
                                                   brittle    ffa
                                                                       e off the
                                                                               he T    itan
                                                                                     Titanicnic sship.
Gerlach wrote to me back in 2004: “This            That
                                                   Th  at dductile-to-brittle
                                                             uctile   e-t
                                                                        - o--br
                                                                             b itttl      ttransition
                                                                                    tle tran
                                                                                    tle     ransisiti
                                                                                                   to onn iiss
movie has as its focus the invention and           one
                                                   on  e off tthe
                                                                he most
                                                                      mos     ffamous
                                                                         ostt fa mou
                                                                                 mo     us iin
                                                                                        us    nh history
development of new materials. The action           and
                                                   an       s]] taught
                                                    nd [i[is]   tau
                                                                 augh ghtt tooh hordes
                                                                                  orrdde es ofof nneweww
takes place in an English mill town. This          materials
                                                           r als sc  science     students
                                                                              e st
                                                                                 stududden        each
                                                                                             ntss e  a h
                                                    ear to
                                                   ye      to serve
                                                                seerv ve as a memorable
                                                                                 memor      oraable  e
                                                   wa arnning
                                                            ng of o w whyhy
                                                                          ym material
                                                                                 at  e ial
never needs to be washed and it wears              properties
                                                      ope  erties matter
                                                           erti       mata teer in d  design.
                                                                                        esig  gn.
forever. Forget about those movies where                     —Lauren
                                                             —L     aure
                                                                       renn Garrison
                                                                             Ga   rris
                                                                                        on on on Titanic
                                                                                                  Ti  taninicc
materials are secondary. In this movie,
You can also read