January/February 2021 - NASNPRO

Page created by Tyrone Shelton
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO
January/February 2021
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO

                                                                                         2   Welcome

                                                                                         4   The Eyes Are The Window
                                                                                             by Danné Montague-King

                                                                                         6   Detecting Melanoma in Your Treatment Room
                                    January 2021                                             by Stephanie Holvick

                                                                                         10 2 Page Feature Giveaway!

W   e are excited to be re-connecting with you! 2020 brought great challenges, but
    through it all, we have seen great acts of kindness, resiliency and generosity.      12 Do You Know the Difference Between Mottled Hyperpigmentation,
                                                                                            Malassezia folliculitis and Glycation?
More than ever, we are grateful for all of our members! If you haven't already
                                                                                            by Candace Noonan
logged into NASNPRO.com to access your member rewards and tap into even more
education with our launched education segments on NASNPRO.tv                             14 Host and Keynote Speaker Biographies

Success is not accidental or a game of chance. The most successful people and            19 Sponsor List
professionals did not become an overnight sensation.                                     NOTES Start on Page 15

They put in years of work not only externally but internally, working through their
fears and doubts. They never gave up on their dreams and goals. Did you know,            Morning Session
Theodor 'Ted' Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, was rejected by 27 different            9:00 Doors Open
publishers before his first children’s book was published? This is one example of what   10:00 Welcome by Denise R. Fuller and Host Terrance Bonner
can happen if you don’t settle or give up. Refuse to settle. Dream big and let 2021      Keynote Speakers
                                                                                         Ryan Christopher: Marketing Terms vs. Regulation - The Truth and the Myths
be your greatest adventure.
                                                                                         Drew Coleman: How to Grow your Business in Challenging Times
                                                                                         Candace Noonan: Box, Rolling or Ice Pick - Understanding Terminology
Wishing you all the best success,
                                                                                         		               To Effectively Treat Atrophic Scars
                                                                                         Tasha Chen: How To Use the Feel Good Revenue Model to Make More Money

                   Denise R. Fuller                                                      12:30 Lunch & Networking
                   NASNPRO                                                               Afternoon Session
                   Licensed Esthetician                                                  2:00 Giveaways
                                                                                         2:15 Scott Shalley: Update on Florida Economy, Deregulation and Business Strategies
                                                                                         3:30 Final Door Prizes and End of the Day Giveaway

                                                                                                           •LEARN •GROW •NETWORK
                                                                                             facebook.com/NASNPRO           twitter.com/NASNPRO          instagram.com/NASNPRO

                                                                                                                    772.882.2300      NASNPRO.COM
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO
The Eyes Are The Window          By Danné Montague-King
                                                                                                             Enzyme based treatments can remove dead, dry redundant cell build-up that often appears to be
                                                                                                           fine lines but is in fact a dead cell build-up. Fractionated oils and protein based cremes along with
                                                                                                           tyrosine inhibitors can smooth and brighten the area, doing away with “racoon” eyes that makes one
                                                                                                           look older and tired. Fresh cells in the eye area can be built up quickly with a myriad of treatments
                                                                                                           that establish EGF’s and an increased rhythm of new cell proliferation.

                                                                                                             There are temporary “quick fixes” as well. Beware of products shown online depicting older men
                                                                                                           and women with thick, deep, glycated lines and sunken eye wells smoothing a “serum” all over their
                                                                                                           faces which immediately lifts and tightens into a smooth youthful visage in seconds.

                                                                                                             What’s really going is a hair dryer off camera (sometimes you can see hair moving) drying a polymer
                                                                                                           that actually DOES create a tightening of tissue! What they don’t show is an hour later when it all
                                                                                                           flakes and peels off!

                                                                                                             I am not opposed to a few “chemical tricks” that can result in a temporary effect, such as a photo
                                                                                                           shoot, modelling runway or even a “tight for a night” seduction scene. As long as there is some
                                                                                                           therapeutic value that is ongoing with use. For example, one old trick film studio makeup artists have
                                                                                                           used for decades is slathering Preparation H hemorrhoid salve under an actor or actress eyes 30
                                                                                                           minutes before they go on camera. The main ingredient, squalene which actually does shrink tissue.
                                                                                                           Eyes are tissue is so a small that minimal amounts are required. This product is heavy and greasy, and
                                                                                                           the main ingredient is expensive as a raw material.

                                                                                                             Faced with this idea I could not let go—it took me 3 years working with a polymer that was oil
                                                                                                           soluble (hence not drying and flacking off). Adding some age management therapeutics which would
                                                                                                           stay in place for hours blanketed under the occlusive effects of the base maintain a therapeutic result.

                                                                                                             However, to move skin to a more turgid position you have to have traction. Basically, I call this
                                                                                                           traction for retraction! It worked well but for men, the gloss or faint shine around the eyes (easily
                                                                                                           covered by silicone foundation on females) was a challenge. Eventually using a water into oil
                                                                                                           formulation, I formulated a youthful dewy look, appealing to all sexes! Last but not least—know how
                                                                                                           to smile if you are bothered by deep turkey, crows or condor feet fanning outward onto the temples! I
  The eyes truly are an entrance to many              healing aspects of the eye skin is actually faster
                                                                                                           learned this technique from a very famous actress, on how to perform a sincere and even provocative
emotions, but the peripheral skin around them         and stronger.
                                                                                                           grin without moving the temporalis. Of course, BOTOX can accomplish this also—but with less
have been misunderstood by the AESTHETICS
industry for decades. We often see ads depicting        The eye-skin appears to be fragile because
facial treatments with damp cotton wool or            it lays tighter to the eye well bone, has less                                                                         ≥
cucumbers over the eyes, ostensibly because           fat under it as apposed, to the face and less
skin surrounding the eyes is said to be “so           availability of sudoriferous and sebaceous
                                                                                                           Danné Montague-King is a pioneer in his industy and the founder of DMK International. Danné has seen the depths of depression
delicate, so sensitive!”                              gland secretions making it seem dryer and
                                                                                                           associated with poorly functioning skin. In fact, his everlasting passion was born from his dissatisfaction with
  True, eye tissue can be sensitive but not           more fragile. Wrinkles appear around the eyes
                                                                                                           his own acne as a teen. Many times, he has shared the story of how his parents would take him to lavish events
because it is so delicate. In fact, it is the         first because the orbicularis oculi muscle, is
                                                                                                           where he would find a dark corner to hide away in, ashamed of this blemished skin. Not understanding the
strongest tissue on the face! Any plastic surgeon     the most used on the face—all day long, like
                                                                                                           condition completely, and after failed attempts from top US dermatologists to cure his acne, Danné took things
can tell you that when they perform an upper          folding a piece of paper over and over again-
                                                                                                           into his own hands and desperate for a cure, became his own guinea pig. A string of breakthroughs, trials and
and lower blepharoplasty along with a face lift,      creating a deep line. Botox or Dysport can put
                                                                                                           tribulations, and many travels would follow, until he found his first true breakthrough in the 60’s involving vitamin
the sutures, dissolvable or regular, come out or      parts of the round muscle to sleep for a few
                                                                                                           C therapy. That’s all it took to spark what would be decades of developing successful treatments and products
off in about 3 days, whereas the sutures for the      months, lessoning the deeper lines, sometimes
                                                                                                           that would combine to form the iconic brand that is DMK – sold throughout 30 countries. For 50 years Danné
face lift may have to be in up to 10 days! The        obliterating them altogether.
                                                                                                           has lived by his motto: rebuilding skin, rebuilding lives. dannemking.com
Page 4 NASNPRO January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 5
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO
2. Place Melanoma ABCDE posters in your treatment area and or reception area. These posters will
                                                                                                                       get the conversation started and will keep the importance of regular skin checks in the forefront of the
                                       Detecting Melanoma in                                                           clients’ skin health. skincancer.org can provide you with many different styles available to download and
                                                                                                                       print for free.

                                       Your Treatment Room                                                               3. Another super sleuthing technique...LOOK FOR THE UGLY DUCKLING.
                                                                                                                         What is the ugly duckling, you ask? The ugly duckling is a warning sign of melanoma. This recognition
                                       By Stephanie Holvick                                                            strategy is based on the concept that most normal moles or marks on your body resemble one another
                                                                                                                       while melanomas stand out like ugly ducklings in comparison. This highlights the importance of not just
                                                                                                                       checking for irregularities, but also comparing any suspicious spot to surrounding moles to determine
                                                                                                                       whether  it looks different from its neighbors. These ugly ducklings or lesions can be larger, smaller, lighter,
                                                                                                                       or darker compared to surrounding moles. Also, isolated lesions without any surrounding moles for
                                                                                                                       comparison are also considered ugly ducklings.
  Every day in the treatment room is a golden                 of melanoma that we can be on the lookout in our
                                                                                                                         You have 10 toes and 10 fingers. You also have fingernails. If one of those fingernails has marks or dark
opportunity to become a melanoma detective.                   treatment rooms. How do we go about spotting
                                                                                                                       spots, that is something of what an ugly duckling can be. Another for instance, if you are a massage
Whether you are a skincare professional, a massage            this killer cancer in our treatment room?
                                                                                                                       therapist and you notice that your client has a lot of brown spots on their back, but you notice a reddish-
therapist, cosmetologist with emphasis on hair,
                                                                                                                       brown spot quite different from the others, that would be considered an ugly duckling.
skin, or nails, you can be the catalyst sending your           1. Educate yourself by using the ABCDE
client to the dermatologist. Not to be overly                 method for detecting melanoma. Taught in most
dramatic but it could be the difference between life          esthetic schools but here is a quick refresher when
and death.                                                    observing our clients for the signs of malignant
  Okay. So, we all know that melanoma is a type of
deadly skin cancer? It is also a type of skin cancer            A is for asymmetry. Most melanomas are
that develops when the melanocytes, and we all                asymmetrical. If you draw a line through the
know what melanocytes are. When they start to                 middle of the lesion, the two halves do not match,
grow out of control that is the trouble. Melanoma             so it looks different from a round to an oval and
is much less common than other skin cancers, but it           symmetrical common mole.
is more lethal because it is likely to spread to other
parts of the body if not detected quickly.                     B is for border. Melanoma borders tend to be
                                                              uneven and may have scalloped or notched edges,
  Melanoma, Melanocytes. As we know,                          while common moles tend to have smoother, more
melanocytes create pigment in our skin and most               even borders.
melanomas are brown or black, but they can still
appear pink, tan and even clear or white. The skin is          C is for color. Multiple colors are a warning sign.
our largest organ of the body and these melanomas             While benign moles are usually a single shade of
can develop anywhere on this vast canvas from the             brown, a melanoma may have different shades of             !
face, neck, back to the palms of the hands, under             brown, tan, or black. As it grows, the colors red,
                                                                                                                       We all know who Bob Marley is. Did you know that he was diagnosed with melanoma? It happened when he
the nails, and even the soles of the feet or hands.           white, or blue may also appear.
                                                                                                                       noticed a dark spot under his toenail. He attributed to a soccer injury, but it ultimately claimed his life at 36
Less common areas are the eyes, mouth, and
                                                                                                                       years of age. Sadly, his melanoma had spread to other areas of the body.
genitals.                                                       D is for diameter or dark. While it is ideal to
                                                              detect a melanoma when it is small, it's a warning
  Melanoma fact. Only 20 to 30% of melanomas                  sign if a lesion is the size of a pencil eraser, about
                                                                                                                         4. Careful examination under magnification. Use the magnifying lamp in the treatment rooms. Clients
are found in existing moles, while 70 to 80 arise on          six millimeters or one quarter inch in diameter or
                                                                                                                       feel a sense of importance when a professional takes the time to carefully stop and really observe. Not a
normal looking skin. What does that mean? That                larger. Some experts say it is also important to look
                                                                                                                       cursory glance but a detailed look and go a step further and use your tactile sense to gain more information
means that most people walking around with the                for any lesion, no matter what size, that is darker
                                                                                                                       like is it raised or flat.
moles that they have had for years, are something             than others.
that generally do not change. The way most
                                                                                                                         Another extremely popular magnification tool in the treatment room is the DermLite DL 100. This
melanomas are detected and later diagnosed, are                 E is for evolving. Any change in size, shape,          dermatologist approve device can distinguish melanoma from other cancers and has been a game changer
from new spots on normal looking skin.                        color, or evaluation of a spot on your skin, or any
                                                                                                                       for dermatologists and skin care professionals around the world since 1999. With is polarization abilities
  Detect versus diagnose. We do not want to be                symptom in it such as bleeding, itching, or crusting,
                                                                                                                       and refracting light from under the irregularity in questions, you can view as if looking into a fishbowl. The
Jr Dermatologists, but we do want to be great                 maybe a sign of melanoma.
                                                                                                                       structures within a melanoma are mesmerizing. 
melanoma detectives. There are some telltale signs

Page 6 NASNPRO January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 7
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO
The Skin Classic
Treat various minor skin irregularites
usually in one treatment:
● Skin Tags
● Milia
● Fibromas
● Flat Hyperpigmentation
● Cherry Angiomas
● Sebaceous Hyperplasia
● Telangiectasia
● Blackheads
                                 DermLite DL1
                                              00                                                              !
● Acne Pimples
● Clogged Pores
                                                   $4695                                           DermLite provides extensive FREE training on just this topic...

                                                                                                     Dermoscopy Primer 1:

                                                                                                     Dermoscopy Primer 2:

                                                                                                     5. Refer to your favorite Dermatologist. It is important to have options for your client once you and your
                                                                                                   client have discovered a suspicious lesion. Have Dermatologists business cards in your office and familiarize
                                                                                                   yourself with their staff for easy referral if they do not already see a Dermatologist. Make notes in your
                                                                                                   clients file of your findings and recommendations. Follow up with your client.
                                                          ti m e W a ra nty includes                 Be a champion for your clients and install these 5 steps into your protocols.
                                                     Life                           ity
                                                                   in Your Facil
                                                                 in g P ro fe ss ional Suppo
                                                                               ayment Plan                                                                      ≥
                                                             No Interest P
                                                                                                   Stephanie Holvick, began her career in 1982 as a registered nurse specializing in surgery. Working in
                                                                                                   well-known institutes like Emory University, Medical University of South Carolina, St. Joes Exempla, and
                                                                                                   Atlantic City Hospital Stephanie was a mentor to new nurses in the operating room. While working in
                                                                                                   the field of plastic surgery, she took the first step into the aesthetic nursing world by enrolling into the
                                                                                                   Beau Institute of Micropigmentation. Having the opportunity to work with individuals who requested
                                                                                                   her services, she found very rewarding. Clients with visual impairments, those suffering from Parkinson’s
                                                                                                   disease, burn victims, and alopecia had their self-esteem heightened with Micropigmentation. She is the
719-859-0707                                                                                       owner of RN Faces which distributes and educates on the Skin Classic. rnfaces.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 9
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO
Glitter, Sparkle & Shine Valentine
                                                                                             It's Valentine month and we are spreading Love & Light. Get a chance to win all these
                                                                                                       products by entering and watching the Learn+Grow virtual event on
                                                                                                                       February 8 at nasnpro.tv/register

                                                                                                 7                             9                                11
1                                      3                             5
                         2                                 4
                                                                                                8                          10                             12

1  DMK International           3 ENVIRON                         5  DR GRANDEL              7  KAFFEE’S Garden            9  HERBAL SKIN SOLUTIONS               11  MINERALGIA
ULTRASAN Surface Sanitizer     Alpha Hydroxy Derma-Lac Lotion    Collagen Boost Ampoules    Aloe Hydrating Fluid          Overnight Sleeping Mask                Dead Sea Healing Pain
dannemking.com                 dermaconcepts.com                 vivari.us                  kaffeesgarden.com             herbalskinsolutions.com                Relief Cream
2 ENVIRON                      4 ENVIRON                        6                           8 HERBAL SKIN SOLUTIONS       10  Herbal Skin Solutions
RAD face and body SPF 30       Vitamin A, C & E Body oil
                                                                Certified organic lip and   Herbal Gel Cleanser           Chamomile & Lavender Hydrating Mist    12   ZAQ
dermaconcepts.com              Dermaconcepts.com                                            herbalskinsolutions.com       herbalskinsolutions.com                Amethyst Rechargeable
                                                                cheek cream
                                                                                                                                                                 vibrating facial roller
Page 10 NASNPRO January 2021                                                                                                                                                        Page 11
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO
Do You Know the Difference Between Mottled Hyperpigmentation,
        Malassezia folliculitis and Glycation?                                                                              CITY
                                                                                        By Candace Noonan

Being an Esthetician can be likened to being a              Pityrosporum folliculitis usually presents as
detective. The hardest part of our job description is       monomorphic keratosis pilaris-like fine papules and
deciphering the subtle differences in skin conditions.      pustules. And it’s sometimes pruritic. It is often located

                                                                                                                            be CALM. be RESILIENT.
Although diagnosing is out of our scope of practice,        on the upper forehead, extending into the hairline
it’s always important to stay educated on common            and the upper back. This type of infection does not
skin conditions, and moreover, the differences they         discriminate between sexes or race, but is more
represent in terms of treatment approach and if there       location and appearance specific, notably mimicking             be BEAUTIFUL.
is a need for medical intervention.                         the look of keratosis polaris.

       MOTTLED HYPERPIGMENTATION                            A similar malassezia yeast infection may manifest
Let’s start with the umbrella condition. The broad term     as tinea versicolor, which will mainly present in
of mottled or patchy skin color. Searching the internet     males during adolescence, or as young adults. The
will give you some great resources, but always be sure      appearance is of fine scales with sharp borders,
the check the credibility and source of the information.    darkened reddish to a tan color, and found on
Using search engines such as google scholar or              the back, armpits, upper arms, chest and neck.
reputable sites such as the U.S National Library Of         Interestingly, this variant does not darken in sunlight
Medicine is a great starting point.                         and may actually appear lighter when compared to the
                                                            surrounding tanned skin.
Irregular skin color may be caused by many aspects -
changes in melanin production:                              Both conditions will more likely manifest in hot,
         • Bacteria • Changes in blood vessels              humid climates, and is associated with high sebum
               • Inflammation due to a rash                 output, excessive sweating, occlusion through topical
And increases in melanin production can be caused by        products, antibiotic use or immunosuppression caused
multiple reasons:                                           by oral or topical steroids or HIV.
  • Genetic predisposition • Heat • UV • Injury
   • Hormones • Heavy metals • Vitiligo • Rash                     AND THEN THERE IS GLYCATION...
                  • Fungal infections                       It is not associated with pigmentation, so you were
                                                            right to be confused by the question. Glycation is
Pigmentation as an umbrella term, is significantly          one of the major contributing factors to aging skin.
difficult to see improvement in because there may be        Sugar bombarding the body bonds with fats and
many different aspects at work that are affecting the       proteins. Collagen is particularly vulnerable and the
skin. So, being able to whittle down the list to a more     sugar attachment causes degradation of the protein,
specific culprit will better equip the therapist on the     deeming it less flexible, deformed and dysfunctional
                                                                                                                            Introducing NEW Focus Care Comfort+
best treatment pathway. Taking into consideration,          before its time. Even though this won’t affect the              Anti-Pollution Spritz and Masque.
the appearance, location and color of the pigment           luminosity of your skin, it does lead to wrinkled,              Scientifically proven benefits of complete
will give a clue as to the cause and subsequent best        sagging skin.                                                   protection against the harmful effects of
clinical approach.                                                                       ≥                                  pollution, for healthy-looking, beautiful skin.
              MALASSEZIA YEAST                              Candace Noonan, is a Licensed Esthetician and Master
These yeasts are normally found in the microflora of        Trainer for DermaConcepts, the exclusive distributor of         BECOME A STOCKIST NOW
human epidermal tissue. Skin conditions caused or           Environ Skin Care in the USA, and hosts advanced training       Contact DermaConcepts at
aggravated by infection by Malassezia may include           on this pharmaceutical grade line. She holds certificates for
                                                                                                                            877-337-6227 or info@dermaconcepts.com,
tinea versicolor, malassezia folliculitis, seborrhoeic      internationally recognized programs including Advanced Skin
                                                            Analysis, Dermal Needling and Oncology Esthetics, and is a      and help make a real, lasting difference
dermatitis, neonatal cephalic pustulosis and some
                                                            proficient public speaker at medical and skincare conferences   to the appearance of your client’s skin.
facial dermatitis.                                          throughout the USA. Her belief is to never stop learning, in
When the lipophilic yeast infect the pilosebaceous unit,    hopes of sharing the knowledge gained by her continued
malassezia folliculitis may occur. This is often confused   studies. Born in South Africa, and having personal experience
with acne, but further investigation is imperative to       battling Melasma, she feels her passion for
ensure that the correct diagnosis and subsequent            skincare is her biggest asset.
treatment is chosen. Misdiagnosed malassezia                dermaconcepts.com
folliculitis will worsen with the typical acne treatments   Sources:
and requires specific anti-fungal medications and           https://Dermnet NZ.org
topical products.
Page 12 NASNPRO January 2021
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO
                     Terrance Bonner, is notably recognized in the massage and esthetic industry as an award-winning therapist,
                     massage therapy instructor, continuing education provider and spa owner. His book Determination +
                     Core Values has been listed #1 on Amazon and a must read for every therapist, practitioner and owner.
                     He has been featured in several local and national publications such as CBS, FOX, NBC and THE
                     NEW YORK TIMES. He has trained nationally and multiple times internationally specifically in Chiang
                     Mai and Thailand. With a thirst for knowledge, he continues to pursue education and is constantly
                     increasing his knowledge to develop a diverse approach in giving his massage and skin care clients
                     a unique bodywork, esthetic and educational experience. Whenever he looks back to his years of
                     experience, he can always pinpoint what worked best for him, was doing away with following the trend
                     and running the risk of becoming ordinary. The successes he has obtained were brought about by the
                     fact that he followed his own beat and ended up becoming extraordinary. iamterrancebonner.com

Keynote Speakers
               Ryan Christopher, is the Global Education Director, of COSMEDIX, and has over 15 years of professional
               skincare experience working with the skin in practice and in theory. Christopher is a licensed and ITEC certified
               practitioner that formerly served as the director of education at a learning institution creating their curriculum
               and setting the foundation for the next generation of aestheticians. With COSMEDIX, he will take his full-
               service spa experience to the next level with the creation of global online and regional training seminars to
               help those around the world partner with us to change the face of cosmetics with better skin service and care.

               Drew Coleman, holds an MBA in finance from Pepperdine Graziadio Business School. He is the Vice-President
               of Education and Sales for DMK International. He started with DMK 14 years ago in the warehouse sweeping
               floors, packing boxes and helping to mix batches of DMK Home Prescriptives. He was recruited from DMK for
               a 10-year career in commercial banking where he was a National Corporate Trainer and Southern CA Regional
               Manager with JPMorgan Chase. He volunteers as the CFO for Orange County Young Executives which has
               raised over one million dollars for children’s charities in Southern CA. He earned his B.S. in International
               Business at Azusa Pacific University and M.B.A. from Pepperdine University. His career has been dedicated
               to helping people & businesses grow and loves the esthetics industry because of the passionate business
               owners he works with every day. dannemking.com

               Candace Noonan, is a Licensed Esthetician and Master Trainer for DermaConcepts, the exclusive distributor
               of Environ Skin Care in the USA, and hosts advanced training on this pharmaceutical grade line. She holds
               certificates for internationally recognized programs including Advanced Skin Analysis, Dermal Needling and
               Oncology Esthetics, and is a proficient public speaker at medical and skincare conferences throughout the
               USA. Her belief is to never stop learning, in hopes of sharing the knowledge gained by her continued studies.
               Born in South Africa, and having personal experience battling Melasma, she feels her passion for skincare is
               her biggest asset. dermaconcepts.com

               Tasha Chen, is an Author, coach and speaker. She inspires people live a life of their dreams. She is the
               founder of The Science of Getting Rich Academy. Her interest in entrepreneurship began while operating
               a chain of successful hair franchises, which led her to the teachings of the Science of Getting Rich and
               the laws of manifestation. These have become the cornerstones of her annual business training workshops,
               The Manifesting Event. Chen has been referenced as a National Marketing Trendsetter. She was awarded
               Franchisee of the Year by REGIS Corporation, was a three-time Woman of Distinction Nominee by Soroptimist
               International and received the President’s Award for Volunteerism through contributions made through her
               business. scienceofgettingrichacademy.com

               Scott Shalley, currently serves as President & CEO of the Florida Retail Federation (FRF). For over 80 years FRF
               has served as the voice of Florida’s immense retail industry. As President & CEO, he maintains responsibility
               for all areas of FRF operations including oversight of Georgia Retailers, FRF Services, FRF Realty and other
               related ventures. Shalley joined FRF in 2017 and has over 30 years of experience in lobbying, association
               management and private sector business management. He has worked extensively with lawmakers and
               government agencies throughout Florida, and in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. frf.org

Page 14 NASNPRO January 2021                                                                                                                Page 15
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO

Page 16 NASNPRO January 2021
                                       Please reach out to info@cosmedix.com or visit https://www.cosmedix.com/aestheticians for additional information!
January/February 2021 - NASNPRO
                               NOTES                                                     EXCLUSIVE PLATINUM

                                        DMK International................................... dannemking.com.......................................888.DANNE.4.U


                                        COSMEDIX................................................ cosmedix.com..............................................800.676.9522
                                        FACETS OF HOSPITALITY................. facetsofhospitality.com.......................................231.252.5332
                                        RN FACES.................................................... rnfaces.com................................................719.859.0707

                                        AESTHETIC SCIENCE................... aestheticscienceskincare.com..................................954.440.6511
                                        CATCH THE WAVE OF HOPE.......... catchthewaveofhope.com.....................................772.210.4586
                                        DR GRANDEL..................................................vivari.us................................................ 877.DRG.4SPA
                                        ECO MED..................................................ecomedsa.com..............................................954.317.3436
                                        ELIXIR OF LIFE BY L’ALCHIMISTE... elixiroflifelalchimiste.com.....................................954.586.1167
                                        THE BONNER INSTITUTE................. iamterrancebonner.com......................................662.798.0150
                                        WAX UNIQUE AESTHETICS...................wuaesthetics.com...........................................772.291.2056

                                              NEW HIGHTECH- VITAMINS

                                                                           ABC BEAUTY COMPLEX

Page 18 NASNPRO January 2021                                                                                                                                         Page 21
                                       Distributed by Vivari NY I 877-374-4772, ext 2 I jennifer@vivari.us
REB U I L D I NG SKI N                                 R E B U I L DI NG L IV E S

Life changing photo credit: Shawna Porter, Renu Skin Spa
1st Place, DMK International Esthetics Competition 2019
You can also read