January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association

Page created by Ricky Chen
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association   January 2021
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
7 Annual
                            Flying S Herefords
                                     Tuesday, March 16th

…fall bred heifers, open heifers, 3-in-1s, bred cows
                                                                                   HH ADVANCE 6250D
12 noon at the Ranch near Paluxy, Texas                                                AHA   43688583

                                                                                  HH ADVANCE 7193E ET
                                                                                       AHA   43786277

                                Catalogs mailed on request.
                                James Strode 214.533.9669
                                Jim Strode 214.801.9669
 Flying S Herefords             Ranch located southwest of Fort Worth at Paluxy
                                                                                  HH ADVANCE 8059F ET
                                                                                       AHA   43897484

                                SALE MANAGER
                                Dustin N. Layton • 405.464.2455
                                laytond@yahoo.com • laytonauction.com
                                Andee Marston • 785.250.4449

             Sale broadcast
             live on Superior
                                       think Line One
                                 think Flying S Herefords!                        FS ADVANCE 7053E ET
                                                                                       AHA   43868910
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
Texas Hereford Association Officers
                                                                                                                            Terri Barber, Channing, president
                                                                                                                         Larry Johnson, Abilene, president-elect
                                                                                                                         Jimmy Atlas, Grandview, vice-president
                                                                                                                            Pete Case, Mertzon, vice-president
                                                                                                                           E.C. Rosson, Milford, vice-president
                                                                                                                      Jack Chastain, Ft. Worth, secretary-treasurer
                                                                                                                        Curtis Younts, Jr., Belton, past president
                                                                                                                               Executive Committee:
                                                                                                                                 Chad Breeding, Miami
                                                                                                                                Wade Perks, San Angelo
                                                                                                                               John Scharbauer, Midland
    Official publication of the Texas Hereford Association                 January 2021 • Vol. 70, No. 3                         James Strode, Paluxy
                                                                                                                                 Cody Webb, Barnhart
    Mission Statement                                                                                                                  Directors
       The Texas Hereford Association will provide the leadership to unite, foster and protect                                Ryan Bullinger, Henrietta
    the interest of the Hereford breed; and promote fairly the production and consumption of                                   Stephen Coates, Mertzon
                                                                                                                            Cliff Copeland, Nara Visa, NM
    Hereford beef universally.                                                                                                  Linda Cowden, Midland
                                                                                                                                Mike Doyle, Wolfe City
                                                                                                                              Tom Echols, Breckenridge

                                                                                                                                  Jordan Glaze, Gilmer
                                                                                                                               Carl Herrmann, Caldwell
                                                                                                                                 Pete Hudgins Sherman
                                                                                                                             Joe Dan Ledbetter, Wheeler

                                                                                                                                  Jessica McInnis, May
               KeeChai Beef                                                                                                   Bobby McKnight, Ft. Davis
               By Asher Karnes                                                                                                   John Bill Oman, Avoca
                                                                                                                         Mary Joe Reynolds Montgomery, Kent
                                                                                                                                David Neal, San Angelo

                                                                                                                                   Scott Nolan, Gilmer
               2020 NAILE Show Results                                                                                            James Strode, Paluxy
                                                                                                                             James Uhl, San Angelo, TX
                                                                                                                            L.C. Whitehead, Ft. McKavett

      18       Hereford Heritage Showcase                                                                                       Jon Averhoff, Hamilton
                                                                                                                               Luke Bradford, Anderson
                                                                                                                               Swayze Brainard, Pampa
                                                                                                                                Lee Haygood, Canadian

      21       Fall Sale Reports                                                                                          Jan Beth Klein Johnson, Henrietta
                                                                                                                                Hadley Mann, Lubbock
                                                                                                                                  Travis Mason, Justin
                                                                                                                              Kurt Mathias, Mt. Pleasant

                                                                                                                              Jon David Moore, Abilene
                                                                                                                                   Van Owen, Abilene
                                                                                                                                Jackie Pullen, Rockwall
                                                                                                                               Steven Rader, Mt. Vernon

                                                                                                                                Gary Schneider, Aquilla
               Bulletin Board                                                                                                     Lee Terrell, Sherman

                                                                                                                               Wesley Theuret, Kenedy
                                                                                                                                Rick Tisdale, Kingsland

      4        Obituaries                                                                                                        Tom Walker, Stamford
                                                                                                                                  Cody Webb, Barnhart
                                                                                                                             Len Weinheimer, Stonewall
                                                                                                                               Shannon Worrell, Mason

      6        Tailgate Talk                                                                                                      Si Beerwinkle, Earth
                                                                                                                                 Chad Breeding, Miami
                                                                                                                             Gary Buchholz, Waxahachie
                                                                                                                              Jay Creamer, Waxahachie

     22        Cattle for Sale                                                                                                 Scanlon Daniels, Dalhart
                                                                                                                               John Dudley, Comanche
                                                                                                                               Cheryl Harris, Hamilton

                                                                                                                                   Matt Harris, Salado
               Calendar of Events                                                                                           Tracy Holbert, College Station
                                                                                                                                Robert Jackson, Ranger
                                                                                                                                Kelly Jacobs, Floresville

                                                                                                                                Bill King, Moriarty, NM
               Advertisers Index

                                                                                                                                  Bryan Lank, Millsap
                                                                                                                                Brady Mimms, Lorenzo
                                                                                                                               Wade Perks, San Angelo
                                                                                                                              John Scharbauer, Midland

    On The Cover                                                                                                            Monroe Schatte, Jr., Giddings
                                                                                                                                 Lisa Schnitker, Turkey
                                                                                                                                  Dwight Sexton, Cost
    Lee Haygood furnished this month’s cover of a set                                                                                Jon Weil, Irene
    of young cows coming to feed on a cold December                                                                           TEXAS HEREFORD
    morning at Indian Mound Ranch in Canadian, Texas.                                                              4609 Airport Freeway • Fort Worth, TX 76117
    For the photo chosen from all the submissions Lee will                                                               817/831-3161 • Fax: 817/831-3162
    receive a check for $250 from Park Place Enterprises.                                                                  texashereford@sbcglobal.net
                                                                                                                          Jack Chastain, Manager/Editor
                                                                                                                     Penni Hiles, Assistant Editor & Circulation
                                                                                                                          Park Place Enterprises, Design
                                                                                                                          Lee Chastain, Photo Production
         THE TEXAS HEREFORD (ISSN 0744-4761) (USPS 616-680) is published monthly except for the                                  AFFILIATED WITH
                                                                                                                        LPC – Livestock Publications Council
    month of July by the Texas Hereford Association. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address no­tic­es                National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
    to The Texas Hereford, 4609 Airport Frwy., Ft. Worth, TX 76117. Periodical postage paid at Ft. Worth,                  American Hereford Association
    TX, and additional mailing offices.Subscription rate: One Year, $15.00. Advertising rates on request.          Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
    Contributions to the ed­i­to­ri­al pages are welcome, but the magazine can­not be responsible for the return           Texas Purebred Cattle Alliance
    of unsolicited ma­te­ri­al.
2   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
    2021 Cattlemen’s Congress                  Steve Blankinship of Plano, the son      munity     organizations     including
                                               of brother, Ted. ★                       Northeast Florida Fair, Nassau County
    National Hereford Show                                                              Farm Bureau, Nassau County Cattle-
        Due to the recent cancellation                                                  men’s Association, and was a found-
    of the 2021 National Western Stock         Curtiss Gilbert Quarrier Jr.             ing member of the Nassau County
    Show, the American Hereford Associa-
                                                   Curtiss “Gil” Quarrier, age 69,      Beekeeper’s Association. He loved
    tion (AHA) board of directors recently
                                               went home to be with the Lord on         sharing his passion of agriculture
    voted to recognize the 2021 Cattle-
                                               December 19, 2020. He was born           with the community he loved.
    men’s Congress, Oklahoma City, OK to
                                               March 26, 1951 in Jacksonville, Flor-        Gil was preceded in death by his
    be held Jan. 4-17, 2021, as a National
    Hereford show.                             ida to Curtiss Quarrier SR and Do-       parents. He is survived by his wife
        Tentative schedule for the show        ris Goedert Quarrier. Gil resided in     of 45 years Cathy Quarrier of Calla-
    and sale is:                               Callahan for 69 years. He taught ag-     han, his daughter Martha Quarrier of
        Junior Heifer Show – Jan. 7, 2021      riculture for four years at Callahan     Callahan, his son Curtiss Quarrier of
        National Bull Show – Jan. 8, 2021      Middle School, then became a full-       Callahan, his sister Lyn Chastain of
        Pen Show - Jan. 9, 2021                time cattle rancher.                     Fort Worth, Texas, and an Aunt Lucy
        National Sale – Jan. 9, 2021               Gil was involved in several com-     Parks of Jacksonville, Florida. ★
        National Heifer Show – Jan. 10, 2021
        The AHA will release additional
    information concerning entry dead-
    lines, arrival, hotel accommodations,
    show and sale informational it be-
    comes available. This information will
    be available on the AHA social media
                                                           Your Chance to
                                                             Earn $$$
    outlets and www.hereford.org. ★

    J.H. Blankinship
         James Haskell “Hack” Blankin-
    ship, 93 years of age, passed away
    April 3, 2020
         He grew up in a farm family with
    stepbrothers Vernon, Weldon, and

    Herschel, and younger brother Ted in
    Atlas, Texas.
         Hack married Billie Jean Jamar in
    1947 and they had one son, Jim. He
    worked for Paris, Texas, fuel distribu-
    tors, including seventeen years for Gulf
    distributor Sam Weiss. In 1966, Hack
    and Billie started Blankinship Oil Com-
    pany operating for thirty-five years.
         In 2002, Hack and Billie sold
                                                   Beginning with the September 2020 issue of Texas Hereford
    Blankinship Oil Company and Hack
    continued raising Hereford cattle, sell-       magazine (through the May 2021 issue), Park Place Enterprises
    ing land, and representing buyers of           will pay $250 directly to any THA or TJHA member (sorry Jack
    real estate.                                   Chastain, you’re ineligible) whose photo is chosen to run on the
         Hack is survived by his son, Jim
    and wife, Anne of New Braunfels;               front cover.
    grandson, Houston, his wife Katy,
                                                   Submit your high-resolution (300 dpi) digital image (jpg,
    and their children, Brooke and Coo-
    per Hack of Austin; granddaughter,             approximately 10” x 12”) for consideration directly to the Texas
    Laura Hallam, her husband Nick, and            Hereford Association office via e-mail – texashereford@sbcglobal.net.
    their daughters, Maisie and Marin              Please use the subject line: Cover Submission. Deadline is the 15th of
    of Lubbock. He is also survived by             each month.

4   TEXAS HEREFORD • October 2020
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
Saturday, January 9, 2021
    at the Cattlemena’s Congress
       in Oklahoma City, OK

                                                  BK BH FAST BALL F102 ET
                                                  44015577 | 09.11.2018 | S: CCR 719 Catapult 107 | D: BK Cool Beans 5707C
                                                  Here is an opportunity to own and elite herd sire. Fastball’s added power, muscle shape and strik-
                                                  ing looks separate him from the rest. We are extremely excited about the future of Fastball and are
                                                  anxiously waiting for his first calves to be born in March. He has experienced success in the show
                                                  ring winning his division at Denver, Fort Worth, Junior Nationals and most recently was the
                                                  Grand Champion Bull at the Hereford Showcase in Abilene, TX.

                                                                                     These three heifers speak for themselves not only live but on paper
                                                                                       as well. Front end genetics combined with their EPD profiles
                                                                                     makes the pick of this pen a highlight for the Hereford Night Sale.

                                                                                    BK HANDY PROFITS 0125H
                                                                                    P44190967 | 02.19.2020
                                                                                    S: H The Profit 8426 ET | D: LFF Becky 4068 ET

                                                                   BK HOT PROFIT 0133H ET
                                                                   44190966 | 03.02.2020
                                                                   S: H The Profit 8426 ET
                                                                   D: BK Beauty Points 4158 ET
                      BK HIDDEN PERFECTION 0135H ET
                                  P44190968 | 02.02.2020
           S: LCX Perfecto 11B ET | D: /S Lady Thor 4086B           JIRL, BRENDA & BAILEY BUCK
                                                               580.795.4865 mobile • Madill, OK 73446
                                                               www.buckcattle.com • jirl@buckcattle.com
   WHERE CHAMPIONS ARE A TRADITION!                                          Matt Scasta, 580.220.7288
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
tailgateTALK                        By Jack Chastain, Editor

         ere we are at the start of another year for Texas
         Hereford Association. It is amazing how fast the
         years seem to fly by. 2020 proved to be a challeng-
ing year for Texas Hereford Association. Even though cattle
prices were off from the record prices of 2015, our purebred
prices were much better than 2019 for most breeders. Our
Hereford cattle continue to gain acceptability as more and
more cattlemen realize what our breed has to offer. The
Hereford cow is our rock of strength. We must build from
this. Our bulls continue to make an impact with the num-
ber of calves they can sire as well as the pounds and qual-
ity they breed. As we strive to use sires with more muscle,
REA and IMF EPD’s; we will continue to increase market
share of the bull trade. We must get more aggressive and
effective in promoting our breed and our product. We must
do a better job of developing and selling our cattle.
     COVID-19 has caused many cancellations and changes         new plans for the Powerhouse sale. I do want to thank the
for our association for the first part of 2021. As announced    donors of our Heritage pen for making a sale possible this
earlier, our executive committee totally cancelled our an-      year. Robbie Schacher is managing a sale to replace the an-
nual membership meeting and all show and sale activi-           nual all-breed sale of the Fort Worth Stock Show and has
ties associated with the annual Fort Worth Stock Show.          invited THA to sell our heifers in this sale. This year we
We plan to be back to regular activities in 2022 with some      Continued on page 21

                                                     We invite you to visit our stalls
                                                     at the San Antonio and Houston
                                                     Commercial All Breeds Bull and
                                                     Female sales. Visitors are also welcome at the
                                                     Farm. We will be consigning Bulls and Heifers that will
                                                     mature into cows of the quality below.

      to each of you from Atlas Farms                Our bulls will be Horned and Polled and…
                                                     the quality you expect from us.

                                                     Females and Herd bull prospects also for sale at private treaty.

                                                     Atlas Farms          Jimmy and Claudia Atlas • 214-202-5178 • 817-456-4691
                                                                          4920 Co. Rd. 401 • Grandview, TX 76050
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
Oklahoma’s Oldest Annual Sale

 ANNIVERSARY Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021

 Sale   Selling 150 Hereford and Angus Bulls
        and 60 Heavy Bred Hereford and Angus Heifers
January 2021 The Official Publication of the Texas Hereford Association
Selling at the
    O H Triangle Ranch pride ourselves on
    producing rugged, sturdy, sound cattle that
    will get the job done in any operation. Our
    cattle are accustomed to all vehicles and
    trailers, as well as being worked with via
    horse, on foot and with dogs. We are always
    striving to improve both our registered and
    commercial herds of horned Herefords in
    order to improve high quality beef production
    for us and you. Docile and easy fleshing cattle
                                                                  OHT 315 HARLANDS DOMINETTE 902 • #43996477 • 02/24/2019
    is what we work towards and strive to deliver.                Sire: DC 8108 Harland 315 [DLF,HYF,IEF]
                                                                  Dam: DC Dominette 134 [DOD]
    Classic West Texas Herefords with modern                       BW      WW      YW     Milk   M&G    REA     MARB        CHB
    genetics from our family owned and operated                    +2.8    +53     +90    +26    +52    +0.34   +0.08      +$108

    ranch founded in 1898.

                                                                  OHT 315 HARLANDS NEON 908 • #43996483 • 03/07/2019
    OHT 477 CHURCHILL SENSATION • #43996479 • 03/03/2019          Sire: DC 8108 Harland 315 [DLF,HYF,IEF]
    Sire: Churchill Domino 477B [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]               Dam: DC Neon Dominette 139
    Dam: DC Miss 208 Sensation 427
                                                                     BW      WW      YW      Milk   M&G   REA   MARB     CHB
       BW      WW      YW     Milk    M&G      REA  MARB   CHB
                                                                    +3.2     +48     +81     +22      +46 +0.25 +0.05   +$102
      +2.0     +58     +88     +34     +63    +0.60 -0.01 +$103

    OHT477 CHURCHILL SENSATION 910 • #44000610 • 03/19/2019       OHT 477 CHURCHILL ON-STAR 911 • #44000612 • 03/21/2019
    Sire: Churchill Domino 477B [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]               Sire: Churchill Domino 477B [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]
    Dam: DC Miss 782 Sensation 433                                Dam: DC Ms 5216 Star 418
      BW     WW      YW     Milk    M&G   REA     MARB     CHB      BW     WW      YW     Milk   M&G    REA     MARB        CHB
      +3.0   +60     +92    +33     +63   +0.63   -0.01   +$107     +0.3   +47     +62    +28    +52    +0.50   +0.02      +$103
8   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
South Texas Hereford Assn. Spring Sale
    February 6, 2021 • Beeville, Texas

OHT 477B CHURCHILL ADVANCE 914 • #44012204 • 04/09/2019              OHT 477 CHURCH YANKE DOM 912 • #44000618 • 03/21/2019
Sire: Churchill Domino 477B [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]                      Sire: Churchill Domino 477B [DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF]
Dam: DC Ms 102 Advance 1601                                          Dam: DC Ms 5216 Yankee 401
  BW      WW     YW     Milk   M&G    REA     MARB     CHB             BW        WW        YW       Milk   M&G    REA     MARB     CHB
  +4.1    +57    +86    +28    +56    +0.53   -0.07   +$104            +1.1      +48       +75      +27    +51    +0.50   +0.01   +$104

             o c o ns i g ni n g
                                                              5 Open Registered Heifers

                                                                              Follow us on social media
                                                          Ranch Manager: Ryan Akers 325-655-4486
                                                          Email: ohtriangleranch@suddinlinkmail.com
                                                          Website: ohtriangleranch.com
                                                          36 W. Beauregard, Suite 616 • San Angelo, TX 76903
                                                                                                           January 2021 • TEXAS HEREFORD   9
                     to the
            STHA Sale
          in Beeville, TX
     Saturday, February 6, 2021

            www.caseranch.com             Genetics Build Performance

                                     Pete and Angela Case (owners):
                                     pete@caseranch.com - (325) 650-6209
                                     angela@caseranch.com - (325) 450-7516

                                     Stephen and Tiffany Loyd:
                                     stephen@caseranch.com - (325) 642-5818
                                     tiffany@caseranch.com - (325) 665-8481

10   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
Lot 78                                                                                          Lot 126
BW 3.8 WW 70 YW 121 M 37 M&G 72 REA .71 IMF .34 CHB 163           SALE
                                                                    SALE                         BW 1.4 WW 65 YW 106 M 31 M&G 64 REA .46 IMF .55 CHB 154

                                                              MON JAN 18 12:30 pM
                                                                   OSHKOSH NE
                                                                      220 Bulls
                                                              290 Commercial Females
                                       Lot 215                   100 Hereford Heifers                                                    Lot 223
                                                              Right off Van Newkirk Replacements
BW 2.5 WW 68 YW 108 M 37 M&G 71 REA .56 IMF .38 CHB 142                                            BW 3.2 WW 70 YW 109 M 36 M&G 71 REA .53 IMF .28 CHB 139
                                                                 (See website for details)

                                       Lot 211                                                                                           Lot 168
                                                            Joe Van newkirk 308-778-6049
 BW 2.2 WW 63 YW 102 M 37 M&G 69 REA .66 IMF .46 CHB 155   kolby Van newkirk 308-778-6230          BW 2.8 WW 62 YW 103 M 36 M&G 67 REA .63 IMF .30 CHB 138


                                                                                                         January 2021 • TEXAS HEREFORD                       11
To market,
 to market to…

       Se l l l o c a l l y
                                                                                                                   KeeChai Ribeyes

                                                        by Asher Karnes

          he recent popularity of sustainably raised locally      picked a better time to launch KeeChai Beef. Business is
          produced beef has been welcomed by Texas ranch-         booming, and news of their operation is spreading. Some-
          ers. The move has inspired many family operations       times, they even sell out before posting a new sale online.
          to head out on their own, using the internet to mar-         The Hamman’s have built a real family operation, and
 ket their home-grown products directly to customers.             you can taste the love in every bite. Their beef is raised on
      One such enterprising rancher is Keely Hamman of            pasture and finished with grain. It’s then dry-aged for at
 KeeChai Beef in Jack County, Texas. A fourth-generation          least 21 days. “I grew up with homegrown beef in the freez-
 Hereford breeder, Keely was born and raised in Jacksboro         er at all times. As a child, I don’t remember going to the gro-
 and, like her grandmother, started showing heifers and           cery store to get any type of meat. But in college, I quickly
 steers when she was just knee-high to a grasshopper.             learned that there’s a huge difference between grocery store
      The Hamman family has a long history of breeding            meat and what we raise here on the ranch.”
 and raising cattle. Keely’s great grandfather is credited with        “With KeeChai Beef, you’ll know exactly what you’re
 bringing Polled Hereford to Texas. “The term ‘it’s in my         eating because you can see the producers who stand behind
 blood’ couldn’t be more accurate. I dearly love the ranching     the finished product. You aren’t just getting delicious Here-
 lifestyle and am grateful I was able to grow up in a commu-      ford beef from us; you’re also getting our hard work and
 nity that I now call my family.”                                 our pride. It’s the same meat that we put on our table each
      When asked why she decided to start selling her beef,       night.”
 Keely shared that her family had talked about conditioning            What does the future hold for the Hamman family? Keely
 and marketing their meat for some time. But it wasn’t until      hopes to keep helping her community fill their freezers with
 the COVID-19 shutdowns in March that the stars aligned. “I       great-tasting and economically feasible beef. That involves
 was staying on the ranch doing cattle work. At the supper        being able to process five calves a month for wholes, halves,
 table one night, we mapped out a plan to provide beef to         and quarters as well as retail cuts. Ultimately, KeeChai Beef
 our community. I filed for an LLC that week and chose some       wants to partner with area chefs and provide restaurants
 steers to feed out.”                                             with healthy meat and a unique story.
      With a beef shortage on the horizon and a surge of in-           “If you aren’t near Jacksboro or Lubbock and can’t
 terest in locally sourced meat, the Hamman’s couldn’t have       continued on page 16
12   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
Own the

           of the

February 6, 2021
                    Bud Brainard Estate   McKnight Ranch Co.        John Scharbauer

                        Since 1882           Fort Davis                Since 1914
                        Canadian                                        Midland
                                        Gray Wynn Klein Ranch
                    Ed Brainard Estate          Henrietta            Dudley Bros.
                        Since 1927                                  Established 1927
                        Canadian       Bridwell West Ranch South       Comanche
                                            Established 1929
                                                 Adrian            Curtis Younts & Son
                                                                       Since 1959
                                                                    Rocker b Ranch
                                                                    Established 1871
         ine of our most loyal Texas Hereford Association members have donated branded
         yearling heifers to be put in 2 pens – one pure Hereford and one Hereford x Angus
         cross heifers. Due to the cancellation of the 2021 Fort Worth Stock Show, these
heifers will be sold on February 6, 2021 in the All Breed Commercial Sale in Fort Worth which
will replace the Stock Show sponsored event. The proceeds of these heifers is designated to
boost the general operating and promotion account of the Texas Hereford Association. This
is a great opportunity to add quality cattle to your herd and help THA.
KEECHAI BEEF continued from pge 12

                                                                          e w Y e a r !
                                                                   Happy N
        The Hamman Family, Kaily, Bob, Sarah, Keely and William.

 buy from my family, I would like to encourage you to look
 for ranchers in your own community and purchase meat
 from them. When you buy meat directly from the source,
 you’re not only helping
 the people in your area,
 you’re helping the local
 economy. It’s a win for
 everyone, but a little
                                                                                       PRINT BY RIO KELLY SCHMIDT
 more for you, because
 you’ll also be getting
 great tasting beef in        KeeChai Beef
                                                                       FAMILY ❘ TRADITION ❘ QUALITY
 your freezer!”               Keely Hamman                              Schmidt Hereford Ranch
     We couldn’t agree        940-229-1795                                      Since 1948, in it for the long haul.
 more, Keely. Good luck       keechaicreekranch@gmail.com                         J.K. Schmidt • 972-921-8281
 with the new venture. ★      www.facebook.com/keechaibeef/                          jkschmidt1019@gmail.com
                                                                              12310 SR Ranch Rd. • Mason, Texas 76856

                                                                            Tired of replacing
                                                                            metal, wooden
                                                                            and plastic troughs?

                                                                   903-572-5902 • 800-458-3072 • Mt. Pleasant, TX • coxconcrete.com

16   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021

The grand and champion intermediate yearling open show female was           The reserve grand and reserve champion intermediate yearling open show
exhibited by Lauren May, Mineral Point, Wis., with Purple Iris 145G ET, a   female was exhibited by Hadley Dunklau, Wayne, Neb., with SCC 1640 Cami
May 7, 2019, daughter of UPS Sensation 2296 ET.                             935G, a June 2, 2019, daughter of SCC GS Ace In The Hole 1640.

The grand and champion senior bull was exhibited by BJ Herman & Sons,       The reserve grand and reserve champion senior open show bull was exhibited
Edgerton, Ohio; Golden Maples P H Haven, Deer Park, Wis.; and Todd, Kim     by Gary and Kathy Buchholz, Waxahachie, Texas, and Prairie Rose Cattle Co.,
and Kasey Herman, Lima, Ohio, with SSF KKH 26Z Ribeye 801 ET, a Jan. 5,     Sherman, Ill., with GKB PRCC Sandstorm 8132, an Aug. 4, 2018, son of GKB
2018, son of NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET.                                    88X Bryson 37B ET.

2020 NAILE Champions Named
     Purple Iris 145G ET and         of SCC GS Ace in the Hole 1640
SSF KKH 26Z Ribeye 801 ET            was first named reserve champi-
won grand champion titles at         on intermediate yearling female.
the 2020 North American Inter-            Grand champion bull hon-
national Livestock Exposition        ors went to BJ Herman & Sons,
(NAILE) Hereford Show Nov. 17        Edgerton, Ohio; Golden Maples
in Louisville, Ky. Judge Donnie      P H Haven, Deer Park, Wis.; and
Robertson, Yukon, Okla., sorted      Tod, Kim and Kasey Herman,
the 126-head open show.              Lima, Ohio, with SSF KKH 26Z
     In the female show, grand       Ribeye 801 ET. The Jan. 5, 2018,
champion honors went to Purple       bull is sired by NJW 98S R117 Ri-
Iris 145G ET, owned by Lauren        beye 88X ET and first took cham-
May, Mineral Point, Wis. She         pion senior bull honors.
was first named champion inter-           Reserve grand champion
                                                                            The grand champion open show cow-calf pair was exhibited by Lauren, Brady
mediate yearling female and is       bull honors went to Gary & Kathy       and Nicholas Jones, Darlington, Wis., with MF 308N Caitlin 13C ET, a March
a May 7, 2019, daughter of UPS       Buchholz, Waxahachie, Texas,           22, 2015, daughter of BR Currency 8144 ET and a May bull calf by CHEZ/
Sensation 2296 ET.                   and Prairie Rose Cattle Co., Sher-     PUGH/HARA Logic 8815F ET at her side.
     Reserve grand champion          man, Ill., with GKB PRCC Sand-
female honors were awarded           storm 8132. He is a Aug. 4, 2018,           Lauren, Brady and Nicholas       cow is a March 22, 2015, daugh-
to SCC 1640 Cami 935G, exhib-        son of GKB 88X Bryson 37B ET.          Jones, Darlington, Wis., exhib-       ter of BR Currency 8144 ET. She
ited by Hadley Dunklau, Wayne,       He first won reserve champion          ited the champion cow-calf pair,      showed with an April bull calf at
Neb. The June 2, 2019, daughter      senior bull honors.                    MF 308N Caitlin 13C ET. The           her side sired by CHEZ/PUGH/

                                                                                                                  January 2021 • TEXAS HEREFORD          17
                                                                            2020 TPHA Hereford Heritage
                                                                            Showcase Open Show
                                                                            December 5, 2020 • Abilene, TX

                                                                                    GRAND CHAMPION HEREFORD BULL
 The champion junior show female was exhibited Lauren May, Mineral Point,                 DIVISION CHAMPION
 Wis., with Purple Iris 145G ET, a May 7, 2019, daughter of UPS Sensation               BK BH FAST BALL F102 ET
 2296 ET.                                                                                 Jirl Buck, Madill, OK

                                                                                 RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION HEREFORD BULL
                                                                                        RESERVE DIVISION CHAMPION
                                                                                       GKB EJE 6011 BELLATOR 8072 ET
                                                                                         GKB Cattle, Waxahachie, TX
 Reserve champion junior show female was exhibited by Lauren Jones, Dar-
 lington, Wis., with DeLHawk Callen 48G ET, a May 16, 2019, daughter of

 HARA Logic 8815F ET.                  pion female, Purple Iris 145G
      Premier Hereford Exhibi-         ET. The May 7, 2019, daughter
 tor honor went to Lauren Jones,       of UPS Sensation 2296 ET was
 Darlington, Wis., and Purple          first named champion intermedi-
 Reign Cattle Co., Toulon, Ill., was   ate yearling female in the junior
 named Premier Hereford Breeder.       show and received champion
 Junior Show                           honors in the open show.
      Amanda        Schnoor       of         Lauren Jones, Darling-
 Modesto, Calif., judged the 109-      ton, Wis., exhibited the reserve
 head junior show in the Broad-        champion female, DeLHawk
 bent Arena.                           Callen 48G ET. She is a May 16,
      Lauren May, Mineral Point,       2019, daughter of CRR 109 Cata-
 Wis., claimed top honors at the       pult 322 and was first named               GRAND CHAMPION POLLED HEREFORD BULL
 NAILE junior Hereford show on         reserve champion intermediate                        DIVISION CHAMPION
                                                                                         EXR BENCHMARK 8240 ET
 Nov. 14 with their grand cham-        yearling female.                                  Express Ranches, Yukon, OK
18   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
2020 TPHA Hereford Heritage Showcase Open Show

             RESERVE DIVISION CHAMPION                                          DIVISION CHAMPION
              KLD RW MARKSMAN D87 ET                                      KOLT GARW CANDI STOCK 25 ET
                JMS Ranch, Carthage, TX                                  Mason and Landry Allan, Nocona, TX

       RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION HEREFORD HEIFER                          Grand Champion Polled Hereford Heifer
                  DIVISION CHAMPION                                             Division Champion
   KJ BJ 753D CHER 456G ET • GKB Cattle, Waxahachie, TX          CMCC Happy Points 048H ET • Fallon Gohr, Madras, OR

                                                          2020 TPHA Hereford Heritage
                                                          Showcase Junior Show
                                                          December 6, 2020 • Abilene, Texas

                 Callie Harris, Canton, TX                KOLT GARW CANDI STOCK 25 ET • Mason and Landry Allan, Nocona, TX
                                                                                          January 2021 • TEXAS HEREFORD   19
 2020 TPHA Hereford Heritage Showcase Junior Show

             RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION HEREFORD FEMALE                                                                                          Grand Champion Polled Hereford Female
                     RESERVE DIVISION CHAMPION                                                                                                         Division Champion
                       BK GOOD POINT 937G ET                                                                                                      CMCC Happy Points 048H ET
                      Claiborne Perry, Madison, WI                                                                                                  Fallon Gohr, Madras, OR

          RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION POLLED HEREFORD FEMALE                                                                          GRAND CHAMPION OVERALL HEREFORD STEER
                      RESERVE DIVISION CHAMPION                                                                                           Ryder Day, Meadow, TX
                             EXR VAL 0219 ET
                 Katherine and Tyler Coleman, Modesto, CA

                                                                                                                 Promote Your Herd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Official
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the Texas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hereford Associati
                                                                                                                                             2015   The Official
                                                                                                                                  December                         Publication
                                                                                                                                                                                 of the Texas
                                                                                                                            on                                                                  Hereford
                                                                                                          Hereford Associati                                                                               Association
                                                                                           of the Texas
                                                              The Official                                                                                                                                               August 2018

                                                            At only $15, a subscription to Texas Hereford makes a great gift for your
                                                            buyers who are not THA members. They’ll think of you every month
                      Jarrett Worrell, Mason, TX            when they receive their magazine.

20   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
tailgateTALK                                               Western States National Sale
                                                           Dec. 4, 2020 • Reno, NV ª Auctioneer: Butch Booker
continued from page 6
                                                           1 Bull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,200
have two pens, one Hereford and one baldy pen to sell.     12 Females. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,805. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,900
                                                           1 Flush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000
We have assembled a super set of heifers that will be
sold on February 6, 2021 at Fort Worth. If you know of     TOP SELLING BULL                       PRICE
anyone needing heifers, please send them to this sale.     Lot 2 – Black Hills Club Soda 008; 3/28/20;
                                                           Sam Massey, Stephenville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,200
     Our executive committee solicits your input on ac-
tivities that would make you proud to be a member of       TOP SELLING FEMALES                   PRICE
this organization. If you want to contribute time and      Lot 17 – Bar1 6105 Ma’M’Selle H1 ET; 3/13/20;
                                                           Colyer Herefords, Bruneau, ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,000
ideas, contact myself, President Terri Barber, any mem-
                                                           Lot 4 – RBF Time to Shine 903 ET; 3/21/19;
ber of the executive committee or board of directors.      Rosebrook Herefords, Deter, OR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,400
Your help, ideas and contributions are most appreci-
ated. We need more participation from more mem-
                                                           Upcoming Sales in FEBRUARY 2021
bers. Specifically, we need your attendance at Hereford
events. Success is generally measured by size of the        6th      All Breed Commercial Heifer Sale, Fort Worth
crowd. Next, we need more participation in advertis-        6th      South Texas Hereford Assn. Sale, Beeville
ing in our publication. More ads allow us more editori-     6th      Messner Herefords Annual Bull Sale, Slapout, OK
al and both will enhance a Hereford presence in Texas.      6th      Upstream Ranch Bull Sale, Taylor, NE
We put our magazine on our website when we send it         17th      S.A.L.E. All Breed Bull & Commercial Sale, San Antonio
to the printer. Our goal is to provide you as members      19th      Hoffman Ranch Bull Sale, Thedford, NE
an affordable means to promote your cattle. Our ”For       22nd      Colyer Herefords Production Sale, Bruneau, ID
Sale” section has proven to be very successful in help-    23rd      Perez Cattle Co. Production Sale, Tucumcari, NM
ing members sell cattle as well as buyers find cattle.
We have been posting announcements and results on

Facebook. We have nearly 5000 persons following us
on Facebook and have reached over 10,000 contacts
with our postings.
     I extend a plea to all members who do not have
                                                                  4              GENERATIONS
a business card ad in the magazine to place one this
year. The cost is slightly more than $250 per year. We
need your help in keeping enough ads to keep our rates
at present fees. Every director should have a card ad.
We also need more members to balance our operat-                             Selling bulls and females in the
ing budget. If each current member adds a customer,                        South Texas Hereford Association
friend or neighbor as a member, our membership will                                    Spring Sale
double. We added over 25 new members in 2020. We                            February 6, 2021 • Beeville, TX
have a goal of over 400 for 2021. We have managed to
operate on a very lean budget the past few years but
                                                                            as well as private treaty year-round.
there are many more ways we can promote Herefords                   Registered & Commercial Horned Hereford Bulls
with a few more dollars in our budget.
     As 2021 progresses, I hope to see more of our
members at Hereford events. I hope you encourage a
friend or neighbor to come along and become active
in our association. January is a busy month, but there
is something to do every month. Watch our magazine,                                Charles & Sammie Smith
our web site and our Facebook page for more exciting                                     Ward Smith
events in the planning stages for this year. Together we               1501 S.IH 37 Access Rd. • George West, TX 78022
can make Herefords reign Supreme not only in Texas                                 www.smithherefords.com
but across the entire USA. ★
                                                                                                             January 2021 • TEXAS HEREFORD                      21
                                           1 remaining horned L1 registered bull,    2 - 2-yr. old horned Hereford bulls      20 Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to
                                           15 months old for sale. Top Genetics.     and 3 - 18-month-old polled Hereford     18 months old and several Fall born
                                           2 Heifers, ages 10 & 11 months old        bulls for sale.                          show heifer prospects out of Bar SLHF
                                           ready to go.                              Contact: Mimms Herefords                 028 240.
                                           Contact: Dr. Bob Faseler                    Lorenzo, TX 79343                      Contact: Rick Tisdale
           FOR SALE                          Faseler Farms                             806-781-3400 – Brady                     TT Hereford Ranch
                                             Branchville, TX                           806-778-6677 – Ryan                      Llano, TX 78643
                                             409-749-9277                              806-778-6996 – Rhett                     325-423-2509
 2, each 15 month-old bulls, 4 yearling    Two Polled 18-month-old sons of           For Sale - 25 - 2 yr. old Bulls; 30 -    25 Hereford cows w/Angus cross
 heifers and 2 second calf cows.           Validated coming off test in October--    Open Weaned Heifers. Straight horned,    calves at side. Cows open. Bred
 Contact: Dave Atkins                      excellent carcass numbers! 7 fall bull    mostly line one pedigrees.               Angus cross heifers. Bred to low birth
   Forestburg, TX 76239                    calves will be available in November.     Contact: Vernie Doehring                 weight Angus bulls to begin calving in
   214-250-2964                            Excellent pedigrees and numbers.            417-733-3444                           October. Haskell County.
   datkins@pbisteel.com                    Contact:Paul Funk                           Shiloh Doehring – 936-827-5158         Contact: Cole Turner
 6 two-year old Line One bulls for sale.     Spearhead Ranch                           Steven Noack – 979-218-0065              Rochester, TX 79544
 Contact: Bar J Bar Hereford Ranch           Copperas Cove, TX 76522                   Noack Herefords                          940-256-2729
   El Paso, TX 79932                         254-289-7657                              Rockdale, TX 76567                     15, 16-18 month old Hereford bulls
   Jim Darnell 915-479-5299                  butchfunk@gmail.com                       kelly@earnestoperating.com             for sale.
   jdarnell@jdarnell.com                   Hereford bulls, horned and polled, 22     Yearling and Two year old horned and     Contact: Steve Whitaker
   Sue Darnell 915-549-2534                to 28 months of age as of January         polled Hereford Bulls, cows, pairs,        Flying 5 Herefords
   Sdar88@aol.com                          2018. Sired by WCC Great Divide,          show/replacement heifers for sale.         Hart, TX 79043
   barjbarherefords@aol.com                Perks Easy Money, Full Throttle,          Can help with delivery.                    806-774-7598
 Hereford Bulls for sale in East Texas.    ECR Chosen One and NJW 73s w18            Contact: Mike Nolles                     Registered Polled Bulls and Heifers.
 45 breeding age bulls, tested, hot and    Hometown 10Y, $2500 and up.                 Nolles Cattle Co.                      Central and East Texas. Proven
 ready to work! Mostly horned, but a       Contact: Grubbs Cattle                      Bassett, NE 68714                      bloodlines. Pictures & videos available
 few good polled bulls as well.              Dublin, TX 76446                          402-244-5473                           at www.whiteheadherefords.com
 Contact: Jim G. Bell Farms                  Ryan Grubbs 817-366-6376                  mtnolles@abbnebraska.com               Contact: Wendee Whitehead
   Pollok, TX 75969                          Bill Grubbs 817-366-1426                Horned Hereford bulls for sale – ready     Whitehead Herefords
   936-867-5126                            Consistent quality bulls available from   for service.                               McDade & Rusk, TX
 5 Head of Spring 2019 coming 2-Year- proven P606, Logic, Online, Garrett            Contact:Mark P Ranch                       512-970-1595
 Old Hereford bulls; 30 head of Spring bloodlines: 24- 2 yr. olds ready to go;         Sunset, TX 76270                         E-mail: drwendee@yahoo.com
 2020 Hereford bull calves; Heifer         25- 14-17 month old long yearlings;         Dr. Floyd Pirtle – 806-744-1300          www.whiteherefords.com
 Calves Available.                         28- 8-11month old development bulls.        Lubbock, TX 79415                      Horned Hereford bulls for sale.
 Contact: B&H Herefords                    Contact: Dale Hester                        Clyde Johnson, Mgr. - 940-366-9444     Sensation and Hometown breeding.
   Pinon & Artesia, NM                       Rockin 4H Ranch                         Horned and polled bulls for sale, ages   Contact: Sheldon Wilson
   Jim Bob Burnett: 575-365-8291             Canton, TX 75103                        10 months to 2 years. In Northeast        West Star Herefords
   burnettjimbob@gmail.com                   903-340-5006                            Texas, Mt. Vernon, TX.                    Kenton, OK 73946
   Phil Harvey, Jr.: 575-644-6925          7 yearling bulls for sale.                Contact: Steven Rader                     580-651-6000 (cell)
   philharveyjr@comcast.net                Contact: Pete Johnson                       Rader Herefords                         575-451-7469 (res.)
   BHHerefords.com                           Sunny Hill Ranch                          Mt. Vernon, TX 75457                   6 Registered Horned and Polled
 8 Registered horned bulls, one to 2         Lufkin, TX 75904                          903-439-4418                           Hereford cows, 3 years old, bred
 years old for sale. LH Calgary and Line     936-465-1672 (cell)                     10 polled Hereford bulls; 10 Angus       3 to 5 months with second calf to
 One bloodlines. U Bar Hereford Ranch 15 registered horned Hereford bulls            14-16 month old. Fertility tested.       Hereford or Angus bulls. Bulls for sale
 near Lockhart, TX.                        for sale 12-23 months old.                10 horned & polled Hereford cows.        - 8 Registered Hereford bulls, 21-24
 Contact: Thomas Cardwell                  Contact: Cindy Pope Leaverton             Bred to Hudgins Brahman bulls for        months old, both Horned and Polled.
   Manor, TX 78653                           Fairview Hereford Farm                  fall calves. 10, 10-13 month old open    Contact: Ronald Woodley
   512-689-5297                              Henrietta, Texas 76365                  polled Hereford heifers for sale.          Woodley Herefords
 5 spring yearling bulls and 10 fall         940-867-7197                            Contact: Joseph Skrivanek                  Bellville, TX 77418
 yearling bulls for sale.                                                              Caldwell, TX 77836                       979-877-9843 (cell)
                                           5 registered Hereford bulls for sale.
 Contact: Jack Chastain                                                                979-567-3131                             979-865-5187 (res.)
                                           Two Horned and three polled. Stout
   Chastain Cattle Co.                                                                 979-567-3857
                                           young bulls, 13 to 15 months old.
   Mineral Wells, TX 76067                                                             979-242-4698
                                           Developed in large traps with limited
 10, 18-month-old Horned Hereford
                                           supplementation. Also offering a
                                           select group of winter heifer calves
                                                                                     Semen for sale - NJW 98S Ribeye 88X
                                                                                     (7 Straws); HH Advance 8050 U (8         e-mail your listing to
 bulls for sale.                           for sale. Some are junior show            Straws); and CL 1 Domino 9126J (10
 Contact: Larry Collins                    prospects. They all should develop        Straws).
   Collins Cattle Co.                      into productive cows. From a herd         Contact: Lee Terrell
   Hughes Spring, TX 75656                 that has produced many successful           Sherman, TX 75092
   903-736-3599                            show heifers in the past. All bulls and     903-815-1299
                                           females are top national blood lines.     7 Horned Hereford Bulls, 22-26                  ACTIVE MEMBERS
 1 Fall bull, fertility tested – ready for Contact: Sam Massey
 service; 29 stout Spring yearling bulls                                             months old and tested ready to go.             RUNNING A MINIMUM
                                             Massey Hereford Ranch                   Contact: Wesley Theuret
 and 10 Spring calving cows for sale.
 Contact: Mike Doyle
                                             Stephenville, TX 76401                    Kenedy, TX 78119                              1" CLASSIFIED AD
   Wolfe City, TX 75496                      samhereford@yahoo.com
                                                                                       210-315-0103                                    EVERY MONTH
   Doyleherefordranch.com                                                              theuret@sbcglobal.net
   214-240-4538                            7 bred heifers, 4-6 months bred to                                                       can list cattle for sale
                                           Chi-Angus bull.
                                           Contact: John Matthews
                                             Sevensix Ranches
                                             Granbury, TX 76048                                                                           on this page
                                                                                                                                    non-member rate: $50
22   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
Faseler                                         L1 Herefords
                                                                                       Collins Cattle Co.
                                                                                       Bulls & Heifers For Sale
                                                                                                                                                  KJB Herefords/WB Club Lambs
                                                                                                                                                       Jamie, Kevin, William and BG Baker

Farms                                     Just Fair                                    Larry Collins, owner
Robert Y. Faseler, D.O.                 Cattle Trading                                 903-736-3599                                                                 214-629-9106
409-749-9277                                     Branchville, TX                       316 Crestview                                                           Jamb117@sbcglobal.net
                                                                                       Hughes Springs, TX                                           6370 State Highway 22 • Hillsboro, TX 76645

                                        J. Mac Weil                                                             THREE D RANCH                     Sam & Barbara Dominey
                                                                                       DDD                           PAUL DAVIS

                                                                                                                 777 Paul Davis Lane              Ken Cook, Mgr.
                                        macweil@yahoo.com                                                      ROCKWALL, TEXAS 75032
                                        Jon Weil
                                                                                          DDD                   972/771-3396 (RANCH)
                                                                                                                 972/771-5653 (OFC.)

                                                                                                                                                                               FOR SALE
                                        225-324-0770                                                            MIKE HAWKINS, MGR.                3312B SH 19N
          Est. 1957                     P.O. Box 91 • Irene, TX 76650                        DDD                 972/348-7049 (CELL)              Huntsville, TX 77340

                    Harry & Cheryl Grett                                                         oyle   “Genetics of today’s leading
                                                                                                                                                                             Gary & Kathy Buchholz
                                                                                       The                performance families.”
                    512-303-5714                                                                 ifference                                                                    www.gkbcattle.com
                             P. O. Box 969                                                DOYLE HEREFORD RANCH
                                                                                                  P.O. Box 82 • Wolfe City, TX 75496              e-mail: gary@gkbcattle.com
                             Elgin, Texas 78621                                                          mobile: 214/240-4538                     Gary’s Cell: 214-537-1285 • Kathy’s Cell: 214-537-1306
                             g3ranch@aol.com                                                         www.doyleherefordranch.com
                                                                                                    email: mdoyle0326@yahoo.com                   P.O. Box 2807, Waxahachie, TX 75168

                        Herrmann                                                                                                                      AHA Golden Breeder Award • Est. 1929
                                                                                                                                                        LEE HEREFORD RANCH
                        Cattle Co.                                                                                                                                  Ira F. Lee
                      Herefords Since 1938                                                                                                           6467 Seawillow Rd. • Lockhart, TX 78644
P.O. Box 864 • Caldwell, TX 77836 • 979/567-4204                                                                                                                  512/398-3032
   Clay Herrmann                                   Carl Herrmann                                                                                        e-mail: iralee1950@gmail.com
Braford Div. • 979/567-9604                   Hereford Div. • 979/567-9465                                                                                Registered Herefords For Sale

   Noack Herefords                                                                                     Mathias                                      IRON
                                                                                                                                                                                 Registered Herefords
                                                                                                                                                                                         Athens, Texas
           “Quality Registered Herefords”                                                Registered Herefords & Paint Horses                           Lake                     www.ironlakeranch.com
                                                                                                            Kurt • Brenda                                 Ranch
                     BULLS FOR SALE                                                           192 CR 4040 • Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455                                    Dimitri Mataragas 214-649-0071
                                                                                                                                                                        David Caraway 903-802-3373
 Office: 512-446-6200 • noackherefords.com                                                     903-573-1791 • kmathias@txk.net                                         Robbie Schacher 817-219-0102

                      ROCKIN’ W                                                                     McKenney Farms                                                     Bulls & Replacement Heifers
                            HEREFORDS                                                              Registered Line One Herefords                                       Available at All Times
                        Maynard Warnken • 979-561-8846                                                    Terrell, Texas
                        Kevin Warnken • 979-743-0619                                                                                                                   Dale & Donna Hester
                                                                                             “Doc” and Nancy McKenney                                                  903-848-9250
                        e-mail: rockinw@cvctx.com
                                                                                       Mobile 214-384-5465 • Ranch 972-524-0088                                        cell: 903-340-5006
Fax 979-561-8867 • Drawer 29 • Schulenburg, TX 78956                                            Email: docmckenney@aol.com                                         4800 VZCR 2120 • Canton, TX 75103

              Raising cattle in Texas since 1855
SKRIVANEK RANCHES                                                                            NOLAN HEREFORDS                                       Sunny Hill Ranch
                Joey & Susan Skrivanek, owners                                             Scott, Alise, Ilissa, Bethany & Audrey                                      Pete Johnson
             407 W. Mustang • Caldwell, TX 77836                                           1950 Skylark Rd. • Gilmer, TX 75645                                  Registered Polled Herefords
                                                                                                                                                                  Hwy. 94 West • 5 Miles
         Joey res. (979) 567-3857 • cell (979) 224-4698                                           nolanherefords@aol.com
                                                                                                                                                               Cell: (936) 465-1672
 office: (979) 567-3131 • e-mail: j.skrivaneklaw@outlook.com                                      www.nolanherefords.com
                                                                                                                                                            e-mail: pijmhj@yahoo.com
 9 miles E. of Caldwell on Hwy 21, or 15 miles W. of Bryan-College Station on Hwy 21      Res.: 903-797-6131 • Cell: 903-738-5636
                                                                                                                                                      Office: 844 Ben Dunn Rd. • Lufkin, TX 75904

                                                                                                             RADER     HEREFORDS
                                                                                                                                                          TRIPLE           L RANCH
                                                                                                                                                               BOBBY & JARED LIDE
Registered Polled Hereford Bulls, Heifers, Cows                                                        Susan, Mike, Steven, Sara                          714 FM 1366 • MEXIA, TX 76667
 Wendee Whitehead 512-970-1595 or Anne 512-970-3588                                    Ranch 903.537.7600                                                   BOBBY (CELL) 254.625.3800
             www.WhiteheadHerefords.com                                                Steven cell 903.439.4418               3117 US Hwy 67 E              JARED (CELL) 254.625.3806
(Central) McDade, TX                  (East) Rusk, TX                                  raders@hughes.net                    Mt Vernon, TX 75457            www.triplelblackherefords.com

                          Dave & Becky Allan                                                                                                      Jackie Pullen                               Est. 1985
                          Dave 979-561-7115
                          Becky 512-750-8367                                                 Larry Woodson • 214-491-7017
                          Drew Schmidt 443-386-5882                                                 Bonham, Texas
825 Jahn Lane ■ Schulenburg, Texas 78956                                                     ranch located 10 miles south of Bonham                 972-571-5906 CELL • 972-722-5081 RES
www.thegenesource.com                                                                               and 1 mile south of Gober                       460 Pullen Road • Rockwall, TX 75032

                                                                                                                                                               January 2021 • TEXAS HEREFORD               23
                ATLAS FARMS
           Your Texas Meat & Milk Factory                            Chastain                    Established in 1854
                                                                                                 Bulls, Females
                                                                                                 Club Calves
                                                                                                                                                              For Quality Hereford Cattle
                                                                                                                                                                  Bulls & Females
            Claudia, Precious & Jimmy Atlas                          cattle company                                                                               Louie Carroll
         4920 CR 401 • Grandview, Texas 76050                        P.O. Box 516 • Mineral Wells, TX 76067                                                     503 E. Trinity St.
        (817) 790-0202 • (817) 456-4691 (mobile)
                                                                     817-244-2637 res. or 940-325-2033 ranch                         Cattle Co.                Pearsall, TX 78061
            email: atlasfarms@sbcglobal.net                          Ranch located 10 miles south of Mineral Wells on US281           Pearsall, TX                830/334-7864

                                                                      Circle M Ranch                                                    Howard Herefords
     BAR OAK RANCH                                                                                                                        Quality Herefords Since 1950
     RANDALL & SHERRY BARNES & FAMILY                                                                                                      Bulls & Females For Sale
     (817) 279-3543 Randall
                                           email us at:
                                                                     P.O. Box 405
                                                                     Meridian, TX
                                                                                              M             Jane S. Murphey
                                                                                                          254/855-1276 (cell)
                                                                                                                                                Visitors Always Welcome
                                                                                                                                                  DAVID HOWARD
                                                                                                                                          830/988-2241 • Cell 830-591-3110
     (817) 243-5867 Craig   herefords@baroakranch.com                76665                                254/435-2162 (res.)           P.O. Box 1039 • SABINAL, TX 78881

          W. K. Gordon, Jr.
                                                                                 “Registered Herefords Since 1938”
                                                                                                                                    NEEL POLLED HEREFORDS
        ranchinG operations                                                                                      Box 10,
                                                                                                               Comanche,             Replacement Heifers
                    1546 FM 203
               Walnut Springs, TX 76690
                                                                                                               Texas 76442
                                                                             Office: 325/356-2284 • Fax: 325/356-3185
                   (254) 797-5322                                           John: 325/642-0745 • Tom R.: 325/642-0748               Nina Neel Sanders • (214) 454-8587
                                                                                    E-Mail: John@dudleybros.com                                        Brady, Texas

                                      Keith, Cindy, Shelby, Koby,
                                           Harley & Brody Rogers
                                                                              b li
                                                                          Esta shed                   J.T. Echols DVM               SCHMIDT HEREFORDS
                                                      171 CR 407
                                                                                            P.O. Box 709 • Breckenridge, TX 76424    RANGE RAISED CATTLE SINCE 1965

                                              Hamilton, TX 76531
                                                  (254) 386-5699                                    Office: (254) 559-9739              JD, Robert & Larry Schmidt
                                                                                                   Mobile: (254) 559-0156
                                  www.hiddenoaksranch.com                                                                             (830) 931-5451 ■ (830) 444-9564
                               e-mail: kcrhereford@gmail.com                                     muleshoeranch@gmail.com
                   “Raising respectable kids and herefords”                                    muleshoeherefordandangus.com         located 13 miles south of Hondo off Hwy. 173

                                    Farm & Ranch
                                                                         EDGAR HEREFORD RANCH
                                                                                             Bobby Edgar
                                                                                             P.O. Box 68
                                                                                             4525 Cty Rd 295
                                                                                                                                         Smith Herefords
                                                                                                                                            Horned Herefords Since 1904
                                                                                                                                                George West, Texas

                  Owners: Gary & Claudia Humphreys                                           Blanket, Texas 76432                   Charles Smith
       Manager: James Holder • 817.879.4675                                                  Cell: 325-642-2651                                                          Ward Smith
                                                                                                                                    H 361-449-2510
       james.cecc@hotmail.com • Grandview, Texas                                             email: abedgar@cctc.net                                                     830-255-9788
                                                                                                                                    C 361-362-3429
       “Stressing Excellence In Polled Herefords”
                         Larsons’ Polled Herefords                        Flying ‘S’ Herefords                                      Wesley Theuret
                            Ken and Carolyn Larson, Owners                        Registered Line One Herefords • Paluxy, Texas          Res./Ranch: 830-583-3365
                        972-223-6450 Office • 972-223-8955 Home
                                                                                                                                            Cell: 210-315-0103
                    254-435-6063 Ranch Office • 972-230-0629 Fax                       Jim Strode   James Strode
                Lee Larson, executive mgr • 972-824-5869 Cell
                             2793 F.M. 1991 • Clifton, Texas 76634
                                                                                       214-361-6900 214-533-9669                      2348 CR 165 • Kenedy, TX 78119-5101
            www.larsonspolledherefords.com • RunLRanch@aol.com                        James.strode@gmail.com                               theuret@sbcglobal.net

          M HEREFORD RANCH                                              Jackson Hereford Ranch
                                                                                   6481 Stephens CR 105
                                                                                   Ranger, Texas 76470                                      “Breeding cattle for the 21st century.”
          P.O. Box 1754 • Brownwood, TX 76804                                      Robert & Dena • (254) 647-3671                                   Jeff Mezger
            325/646-0956 or 646-5501 (office)                                      Fax (254) 647-3622                                        614 Honeymoon Ranch Rd.
                                                                                   denajackson@agristar.net                                    Marble Falls, TX 78654
      “Top Quality Herefords”                “Home of Pathfinder”
                                                                      Ranch located 15 miles north of Ranger on FM 207                             830/598-2258

                               Bill McInnis
                               325-646-3884 home                                                                                          LEE TERRELL
                               325-642-8823 cell                                                                                                    REAL ESTATE
                               Ben McInnis                                                                                                       Farms • Ranches
     Est. 1896                 325-646-4134 home                         B RYAN & J ILL L ANK, O WNERS                                  Commercial • Property Evaluations
                               325-647-4159 cell                       Z ACK MAUNEY, R ANCH M ANAGER                                   (903) 868-2505 • Res. (903) 893-2289
     e-mail: mcinniscattle@hotmail.com                                                                                                          cell (903) 815-1299
     14200 Highway 183 N. • May, TX 76857                             940.329.8694 • lankcattle.com                                   2404 San Miguel • Sherman, TX 75092

                                                                      RSS R. Schlegel & SonS                              V
       S P E AR ARN CHH E A D                                                      Route 2, Olney, TX 76374
                                                                                                                                             Curtis Younts & Son
     Paul and Sheila Funk • 254-289-7657                                    Registered Herefords Since 1974                                    Established in 1959
     525 County Road 51                                                           Bulls, Females, Club Calves                                    Curtis Younts, Jr.
                                                                                 email: rsshrfd@brazosnet.com
     Copperas Cove, TX 76522-7004                                     Ranch                                           Home            3648 Elmer King Rd. • Belton, TX 76513
     sheilabfunk@aol.com • www.spearheadranch.net                     (940) 873-4437                         (940) 873-4621         254/939-6492 (residence) 254/760-0243 (cell)

24   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
                                                             B-Bar          Herefords
                                                             Established 1983
                                                                                                                                        BARBER RANCH
                                                                                                                                            Channing, Texas 79018
      P.O. Box 240, Mertzon, TX 76941                        Brad Stuart
   Pete and Angela Case • 325-650-6209                       325-338-5111                                                               Dale & Mary Barber 806/235-3692
  Stephen and Tiffany Loyd • 325-642-5818                    876 State Hwy. 70 S.                                                          Justin Barber 806/681-5528
 pete@caseranch.com • www.caseranch.com                      Roby, TX 79543                                                                    www.barberranch.com
    7350 FM RD 915 • Eldorado, TX 76936                      hld.b-barherefords.com                                                       email: barberranch@wildblue.net

         Coates Ranch Co.                                                   Bull & Heifers for Sale
                                                                              HEREFORD RANCH                                                                 CATTLE CO.
                                                                                     Jim Darnell – Owner
           www.coatesranch.com                                            5 Paseo de Paz Lane, El Paso, TX 79932
         Box 645 • Mertzon, TX 76941                               915-479-5299 (Jim’s Cell) • 915-549-2534 (Sue’s Cell)               Bill or Chad Breeding
                                                                       915-532-2442 (Office) 915-877-2535 (Home)
          Steve Wayne: 325-835-2531                                           e-mail: barjbarherefords@aol.com
                                                                                                                                       1301 N. Lions • P.O. Box186
            Stephen: 325-226-4184                                 “Texas’ Only Hereford Operation West of the Rio Grande”              Miami, TX 79059       (806) 868-4661 or (806) 570-9554
         Email: scoatesjr@yahoo.com                                                    Se Habla Espanol                                                               breeder@amaonline.com

Select Group of Horned and                                                                                                             Mike & LaReshia Bragg
Polled Hereford Steers for Sale
                                                              BUTTON ESTES, JR. & PATRICIA ANN ESTES                                                                    1923 Shawnee Trail
Morgan Cox (432) 213-1235
                                                               1921-1998 GENERAL PARTNER                                                                                 Dalhart, TX 79022
Jonama Cox Myrick (432) 238-6219
P.O. Box 11 • Tarzan, TX 79783
                                                                    432/683-1406 • Fax 432/570-7769                                                                    home 806-249-5367
                                                                2000 WEST TENNESSEE • MIDLAND, TEXAS 79701
mcoxcattle@gmail.com                                                                                                                                                    cell: 806-333-4486
                                                              BEAU & BARBARA 432/682-2272 • GINNY 432/687-2454
                                                                                                                                         website: mlcattle.com • Email: mlcattle@mlcattle.com

         rafter j cattle co.                                                                                                                 DAUER                          Continuing a
                                                                                                                                                                            legacy …
                         Colt Johnson • 325-280-7975
                                                                                                                                         HEREFORDS                          Quality Hereford
                                                                                                                                         Registered Hereford bulls, heifers cattle since 1934.
                        Larry Johnson • 325-692-3940                       CLYDE HENSON                                                     and Black Baldies for sale.
                      1917 Hillside Rd • Abilene, TX 79603      P. O. Box 820 • Kermit, TX 79745                                                     Justin Paul Dauer
                                                                                                                                         997 County Road P • Panhandle, Texas 79068
       rafterjherefords@gmail.com • www.rafterjcattle.com                      432-940-8882                                                    806-683-7073 • 806-537-5294

Jon David Moore
Cell: 214/534-3402
e-mail: info@piedpiperfarms.com
website: www.piedpiperfarms.com
                                                             McKNIGHT Ranch Co.
                                                              Bobby McKnight, Ranch Manager
                                                              432/426-3003                                                             Mike Fuston                               Denny Fuston
                               4517 Majestic Sky                                                                                       (806) 423-1303                           (806) 423-1118
                                                              P.O. Box 1042 • FT. DAVIS, TEXAS 79734
                             ABILENE, TEXAS 79606                                                                                      Cell (940) 867-7336

                                                                                                                                                    Indian Mound Ranch
                                                                                                                                                    923 Hillside Ave.• Canadian, TX 79014
                                                                             MANN                Mark, Briss, Hadley, and Colby Mann
                                                                                                 Hadley (cell) 432-788-8375
                                                                                                                                                    Lee & Jacqui Haygood
                                                                             CATTLE CO. Mark 806-620-9002
                                                                             LUBBOCK, TX e-mail: mannmen1@yahoo.com                                 Res: 806/323-8232
                                                                             The Functional Kind www.manncattle.com                                 Cell: 806/323-2906
                                                                                                                                       Email: lee@indianmoundranch.com

       ROCKING CHAIR RANCH                                    Massey Hereford Ranch
             L.C. Whitehead, Owner                            Sam and Kila Massey                                                        Ledbetter Cattle Co.
          Randy Wood, Mgr. • 325/396-4911                     P. O. Box 518 • Wickett, TX 79788
                                                              P. O. Box 691 • Stephenville, TX 76401
                                                                                                                                       Joe Dan Ledbetter • 806-236-0958
              Mark McClintock, Consultant                                                                                                    P.O. Box 266 • Wheeler, TX 79096
              Mobile: 325/650-4223                            432-940-7720
                                                              samhereford@yahoo.com                                                            joedan@ledbettercattleco.com
              5749 Rocking Chair Lane
              Ft. McKavett, TX 76841                          www.masseyherefordranch.com                                                        www.ledbettercattleco.com

                 RANCH, INC.
                   Established in 1921

         For All Your Cattle Needs
                       Box 327                        Len
                                                                 Mimms Herefords
                                                                        Jere, Brady, Rhett & Ryan
                                                                              Lorenzo, Texas
                                                                                                                                       Ricketson Herefords
                                                                                                                                        ALLAN RICKETSON • 806-333-0624
                                                                                                                                       JARRETT RICKETSON • 806-676-8609
830/644-2226      Stonewall, TX 78671        830/889-2026                                                                                406 Oak Ave. • Dalhart, TX 79022

 See us for bulls, show steers & heifers                     Since 1947                                                                                      Whitaker Farms

                                                                                                                                                             Flying 5 Herefords
                                                                                                                                                             Steve and LaNell Whitaker
                                                             Stamford, TX • La Grange, TX                                                                    cell 806-774-7598
        RICK TISDALE • Cell: 325-423-2509                    Don 325-773-2062                                                                                120 CR 291 • Hart, TX 79043
rstisdale@yahoo.com • 107 FAWN RIDGE • KINGSLAND, TX 78639   Tom 979-247-4119 • Cell 979-966-8353                                                            stevewhitakerfarms@gmail.com

                                                                                                                                                    January 2021 • TEXAS HEREFORD                25
                                         Glynn Debter
                                         (205) 429-2040
                                         Perry Debter
                                                                                    HCC Harrison Cattle Co.
                                                                                      Leslie & Jan Harrison • Registered Herefords
                    Hereford             (205) 429-4415                                     22551 E. 990 Rd. • Arapaho, OK 73620                 Off: 361-362-COWS • Fax 361-362-1035
                  Farms                  Fax                                       Leslie’s cell 580 331-8103 •Grant Slaght 580 330-1869                    Cell: 361-362-5863
                                         (205) 429-3553                                      Email: harrisoncattle2@icloud.com                             casascattle@hotmail.com
               4134 Co. Hwy. 30 • Horton, AL 35980                                           www.harrisoncattlecompany.com                           171 Fairway Ridge • Beeville, TX 78102

                 B & H Herefords                                                         MESSNER                        HEREFORDS
                 Phil Harvey, Jr.             Jim Bob Burnett
                 575-524-9316               Cell 575-365-8291                                                                                                     Tom Johnson
                 Cell 575-644-6925     205 E. Cottonwood Rd.                                                                                            440 FM 246 • Wortham, TX 76693
                 P. O. Box 40         Lake Arthur, NM 88253                           Milton Messner                           Van Messner                    cell: 817/291-5121
                 Mesilla, NM 88046 burnettjimbob@gmail.com                            (580) 837-5384                          (580) 837-5532         e-mail: johnsoncattlemarketing@gmail.com
                 Philharveyjr@comcast.net    bhherefords.com                               Route 1, Box 350 • Laverne, OK 73838                      website: www.johnsoncattlemarketing.com

                                                                                             West ★Star

                                                                                                                                                             Mark & Teresa McClintock
      859 Romero Rd • Nara Visa, New Mexico                                                            Herefords                                    Registered Herefords • Sales and Consulting
         Clifford Copeland • 575.633.2251                                                     BULLS FOR SALE At Private Treaty                      Mark (325) 650-4223 • Teresa (325) 763-9202
           Cliff Copeland • 575.403.8123                                                     Sheldon Wilson • 575/451-7469                            10614 Mule Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901
          Matt Copeland • 580.336.8284                                                                                                              mcclintock@wcc.net • markandteresamcclintock.com
                                                       c3copeland@plateautel.net              cell: 580-651-6000 – leave message

             Kin                               Bill King                                               HOLDEN HEREFORDS                                                 Auctioneer &
                                                                                                                                                                      Sale Management
                                               505-832-4330                                             “The Best in Line 1 Breeding”
                                                                                                Jack and Tresha Holden
                                                                                       3139 Valier Dupuyer Rd. • Valier, MT 59486
                                                                                                                                                                       TROY ROBINETT
     Tommy & Becky Spindle • 505-832-0926
     P.O. Box 564 • Stanley, NM 87056                                                  406-279-3300 Ranch • 406-450-1029 Mobile                                        817/995-7509 | TDLR#16702
     Located 5 miles north of Moriarty on Hwy. 41, then 1.5 miles east.                        www.holdenherefords.com                                               www.robinettauctionservices.com

                                                 Michael & Connie
                                                                                                                        Denny and Dixie
           Michael’s cell • 575-403-7970
                                                                                                                       Jason and Kaycee
           Kyle’s cell • 575-403-7971                                              P.O. Box 287 Thedford, NE 69166
           Drew’s cell • 575-403-7115                                              jason@hoffmanranch.com
           901 Quay Road 96 • Nara Visa, NM 88430                                  www.hoffmanranch.com                  530-604-5096

     BUCK                                                                                                                                                                  Mark          & Ter
                                                                                                                                                                            Justin B. Stout
                                              Jirl, Brenda
                                              & Bailey Buck                                                                                                                       AUCTION SERVICE

                                                                                                                                                                              Mark & T
      cattle co.                              Cell 580.795.4865                                                                                                               15508 Woodward St. . Overland Park, KS 66223
                                              jirl@buckcattle.com                                          www.nollescattleco.com                                                 (913) 645-5136
     Jirl Buck & Family

                                                                                                                                                                                      Mark &
     Madill, OK 73446                         Matt Scasta                               MIKE, TRUDY & KATIE NOLLES • OFFICE 402.244.5473                                      jbs5356@hotmail.com
                                                                                   MIKE 402.760.3084 • TRUDY 402.760.1948 • KATIE 402.760.1122      Making your program stronger, one sale at a time.
     www.buckcattle.com                       580.220.7288                                86732 454TH AVE. • BASSETT, NEBRASKA 68714

                                                                                                                                                                    Pre-press production
                                                        Since 1919                          LARGENT and SONS
                                                                                              Hereford Cattle Since 1902                           We’ll make you of  Texas Hereford
                                                                                                                                                                    magazine since 1995
                                                                                           P.O. Box 66 • Kaycee, WY 82639
                                                                                            307-738-2443 or 307-267-3229
                                                                                                                                                     look good      G.G. Park
                          Kings, IL 61068                                                   Sale Date: November 19, 2020                            on paper.       817-877-8901
      Robert (815) 562-6391          James (815) 562-4946                                    largentandsons@yahoo.com                                               ggpark@flash.net
                     Malcolm (815) 562-5879                                                    www.largentandsons.com                                            parkplacewebsite.com

                   PRAIRIE MEADOW                                                  Midcontinent Livestock Supplements
                                                                                     MLS Forage Enhancing Program
                     HEREFORDS                                                              www.mlstubs.com
           11268 Hobbs Rd. • Rochester, IL 62563                                              Kyle Latham
        Office (217) 529-8878 • Fax (217) 529-9374                                           254-715-2162
                     Greg (217) 498-7095                                                     Valley Mills, TX
     Bar-S         Mark Stephens • 217-825-7913


                   704 Virginia Ave.,Taylorville, IL 62568
                                  Pete Loehr • 309-692-6026                                                                                      Michael Hampton – Sales Development Manager
                           113 Northgate Rd., Peoria, IL 61614                                         INSURANCE GROUP                           For information, call 1-800-347-8272 or visit our web sites:
                           Farm: 1777 N. 1000 East Rd.                                                 877.773.9633                              www.altosidIGR.com              www.centralflycontrol.com
                           Taylorville, IL 62568                                                                                                                 www.starbarproducts.com
     LHF           www.stephensandloehrherefords.com
                                                                                           www.rangelandinsurance.com                               1501 East Woodfield Road, 200W • Schaumburg, Illinois 60173

26   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021

Jan. 7: Cattlemen’s Congress Junior Heifer Show, Oklahoma       Feb. 22: S.A.L.E. Hereford Steer Show, San Antonio
  City, OK                                                      Feb. 22: Colyer Herefords Production Sale, Bruneau, ID
Jan. 8: Cattlemen’s Congress National Bull Show, Oklahoma       Feb. 23: Perez Cattle Co. Production Sale, Tucumcari, NM
  City, OK
Jan. 8: Hereford Eve Frozen Genetics Sale, Oklahoma City,       Mar. 3: Houston All Breed Sale, Houston
  OK                                                            Mar. 8: Holden Herefords Annual Production Sale, Valier, MT
Jan. 9: Cattlemen’s Congress Hereford Pen Bull Show and         Mar. 9: Cooper Hereford Ranch Production Sale, Willow
  Hereford Pen of Heifers Show, Oklahoma City, OK                 Creek, MT
Jan. 9: Cattlemen’s Congress National Sale, Oklahoma City,      Mar. 12: Junior Hereford Heifer Show, Houston
  OK                                                            Mar. 13: NorthEast Texas Annual Sale, Mt. Pleasant
Jan. 7-9: Sandhills Stock Show and Rodeo, Odessa                Mar. 16: Flying S Herefords Production Sale, Paluxy
Jan. 10: Cattlemen’s Congress National Heifer Show,             Mar. 20: Muleshoe Ranch Annual Range Ready Bull Sale,
  Oklahoma City, OK                                               Breckenridge
Jan. 18: Van Newkirk Production Sale, Oshkosh, NE               Mar. 26: Copeland & Sons, LLC Production Sale, Clayton,
Feb. 6: All Breed Commercial Heifer Sale, Fort Worth
Feb. 6: South Texas Hereford Assn. Sale, Beeville               Apr. 8: Bowling Ranch Spring Bull Sale, Newkirk, OK
Feb. 6: Messner Herefords Annual Bull Sale, Slapout, OK         Apr. 17: Stuber Ranch Production Sale, Bowman, ND
Feb. 6: Upstream Ranch Bull Sale, Taylor, NE
Feb. 14: San Angelo Junior Hereford Heifer Show, San Angelo     June 9-12: TJHA-TJPHA Combined State Show, Belton
Feb. 17: S.A.L.E. All Breed Bull & Commercial Sale, San
  Antonio                                                       July 28-31: Faces of Leadership Conference, Columbus, OH
Feb. 19: S.A.L.E. Junior Hereford Heifer Show, San Antonio
Feb. 19: Hoffman Ranch Bull Sale, Thedford, NE                  Nov. 10: Barber Ranch Annual Bull Sale, San Saba

                                            Subscription                          Remember your buyers
                                                                                  with a gift subscription.
                                            1 Year: $15.00                        Help promote Herefords!



City                                                            State                      Zip
    Personal Subscription                   Gift Subscription (card to be sent)


Remit to and mail this form to:
TEXAS HEREFORD • 4609 Airport Freeway • Fort Worth, TX 76117

                                  www.texashereford.org • texashereford@sbcglobal.net

                                                                                                 January 2021 • TEXAS HEREFORD   27

 ATLAS FARMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 24       HIDDEN OAKS RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                  POWELL, JAMES L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 B&C CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25      HOFFMAN RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                PRAIRIE MEADOW HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
 B&H HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26         HOLDEN HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                 PULLEN, JACKIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 BARBER RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25        HOWARD HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                   RADER HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 BARNES & SONS, RANDALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                  HUMPHREYS FARM & RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                         RAFTER J CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 BRAGG, MIKE & LARESHIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25                INDIAN MOUND RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25                     RED CHAIN FEEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 26
 BUCHHOLZ, GARY AND KATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 23                     IRON LAKE RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23              RICKETSON, ALLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 BUCK CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 26        JACKSON HEREFORD RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                         ROBINETT AUCTION SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
 CARROLL, L.J. (C2 CATTLE CO.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24               JOHNSON CATTLE MARKETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                           ROCKIN 4H RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 CASAS, III, LEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26   JOHNSON, PETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23            ROCKIN’ W HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 CASE RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 25        KING HEREFORDS, BILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                 ROCKING CHAIR RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 CENTRAL LIFE SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26             KJB HEREFORDS/WB CLUB LAMBS . . . . . . . . . . 23                              SCHACHER AUCTION SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
 CHASTAIN CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24           LANK LAND AND CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 24                    SCHLEGEL, R. & SONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
 CIRCLE M RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24        LARGENT & SONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3RD COVER, 26                        SCHMIDT HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
 COATES RANCH CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25          LARSON POLLED HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                        SCHMIDT, J.K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
 COLLINS CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23          LEDBETTER CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25                 SILVEUS INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
 COPELAND HEREFORDS & SONS LLC . . . . . . . . . 26                         LEE, IRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23   SKRIVANEK RANCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 COX CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25      LEGENDS OF THE RANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 15                     SMITH HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 24
 COX CONCRETE PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16                 LOCKLEAR -MW HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                       SOUTH TEXAS HEREFORD ASSOCIATION . . . . . . 10
 DARNELL, JIM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25     MANN CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25              SPEARHEAD RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
 DAUER HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25           MASSEY HEREFORD RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25                        STEPHENS AND LOEHR HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . 26
 DAVIS, PAUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23   MATHIAS, KURTIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23              STILL RIVER RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 DEBTER HEREFORD FARM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                MCCLINTOCK, MARK & TERESA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                          STOUT AUCTION SERVICE, JUSTIN . . . . . . . . . . . 26
 DOMINEY, SAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23        MCINNIS CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24               STUART, BRAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 DOUBLE DIAMOND RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23                  MCKENNEY FARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23                 TT HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 DOYLE HEREFORD RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23                MCKNIGHT RANCH CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25                   TERRELL, LEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
 DUDLEY BROS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4TH COVER, 24               MESSNER HEREFORDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 26                    THEURET, WESLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
 EDGAR HEREFORD RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                MEZGER, JEFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24         TRIPLE L RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 ESTES RANCH, BUTTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25             MIDCONTINENT LIVESTOCK SUPPLEMENTS . . . 26                                     UPSTREAM RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
 FASELER FARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23       MILLIGAN HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                 VAN NEWKIRK HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
 FLYING ‘S’ HEREFORDS. . . . . . . . . . . 1ST COVER, 24                    MIMMS HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25                  W-W LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
 FOREMAN HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23               MULESHOE RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                 WALKER HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 FUSTON HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25            NEEL POLLED HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                    WEIL CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 GENESOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23      NOACK HEREFORDS, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23                   WEINHEIMER RANCH, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 GKB CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 23     NOLAN HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23                WEST STAR HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
 GORDON RANCH, W. K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24             NOLLES CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26              WHITAKER FARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 GRETT, HARRY & CHERYL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23              O H TRIANGLE RANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 9                 WHITEHEAD HEREFORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
 HARRISON CATTLE CO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26            PARK PLACE ENTERPRISES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 26                      YOUNTS & SON, CURTIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
 HENSON, CLYDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25       PÉREZ CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
 HERRMANN CATTLE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23               PIED PIPER FARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
28   TEXAS HEREFORD • January 2021
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