IT JOBS MARKET DUBLIN - Salary Survey April '20

Page created by Bobby Sandoval
IT JOBS MARKET DUBLIN - Salary Survey April '20
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey July ‘19                             1

                                              IT JOBS MARKET DUBLIN
                                              Salary Survey April ‘20
IT JOBS MARKET DUBLIN - Salary Survey April '20
1. About Archer
3. Market Overview
4. Java Development
6. .NET Development
8. Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
10. JavaScript Development
12. Python, Ruby & PHP Development
14. C++ Development
16. Business Analysis & Product
18. Project & Programme Management
20. Senior Appointments
22. QA and Software Testing
24. Systems Administration
26. DevOps, SRE & Cloud Engineering
28. IT Support
30. Our Team
IT JOBS MARKET DUBLIN - Salary Survey April '20

Archer’s consultants are experts in
recruiting in their specialist sector of the IT
market in Dublin. Our laser focus on the
niches that we focus on means that our
consultants have an in-depth knowledge
of the market and that keen insight forms
the foundation for everything we do.
Our team shares a common goal: to unite the top IT employers in Dublin with
the best IT talent. We have created this Salary Survey to share our insight
into the market with candidates and hiring teams to help them make their next
career move or to improve their recruitment process.

Let’s talk
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not get in touch?

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is a recruitment
consultancy with
a difference.
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                                      3

The coronavirus pandemic and the               We’ve seen a quick shift from a
                                               market where there was fierce
                                                                                          There is still a significant amount of
                                                                                          hiring happening in the Dublin
resulting economic uncertainty have            competition between companies to
                                               hire highly skilled IT candidates, to
                                                                                          market, and we expect a very
                                                                                          significant uptick as soon as offices
brought about sudden, significant              one where there are much fewer             reopen. Many companies have
                                               available opportunities, and               “pressed pause” on recruitment
changes in the IT Jobs market in               unfortunately a larger number of           until then for logistics reasons, with
                                               people on the market (due to               their hiring plans remaining intact
Dublin. We have experienced strong             redundancies, uncertain prospects in       long term.
                                               their current company etc.) While it
growth over the last 5 years, which has        is too early to see the impact this will   Companies who haven’t
                                                                                          experienced financial impact from
led to steadily increasing salaries, skills    have on compensation levels, it is
                                               likely that market average salaries        the crisis are finding that now is an
                                                                                          excellent time to hire great talent.
shortages in certain areas (particularly       and daily rates will drop over time.
                                                                                          People are readily available to
software engineering) and excellent            Companies have adapted incredibly
                                               quickly to the evolving
                                                                                          participate in remote interview
                                                                                          processes, there is less
availability of career opportunities for       circumstances of the crisis,
                                               particularly in relation to recruitment,
                                                                                          competition in the market, and
                                                                                          some really talented people are
candidates. Coming into Q2 of 2020             onboarding and remote working. On          available for a career move.
                                               site interviews disappeared                Organisations in sectors more
we’re dealing with a very different set        overnight, companies have                  directly affected financially (e.g.
                                               developed the capability to onboard        travel, retail) have shelved
of circumstances.                              people remotely and entire teams           recruitment plans and in some
                                               are working remotely.                      cases are looking at cost cutting
                                                                                          measures instead.
                                                                                          We are all looking forward to
                                                                                          seeing “things go back to normal”.
                                                                                          Until that happens, adaptable,
                                                                                          flexible people and organisations
                                                                                          are at a distinct advantage.
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                                       4

                                                                 Some companies have pressed                 Companies hiring in this sector are
We are now in the midst of the                                   pause on recruitment, and others            those that are in industries that are
coronavirus pandemic, which has                                  have shelved hiring plans altogether.
                                                                 Many organisations in the market
                                                                                                             less affected by coronavirus and
                                                                                                             ones that have a high degree of
resulted in substantial changes in the                           are still hiring, with good quality roles
                                                                 available for people. The volume is
                                                                                                             financial security. These companies
                                                                                                             are looking for versatile candidates
market over a short space of time.                               lower than earlier in the year, but we      who can solve new problems, learn
                                                                 can expect an upswing once offices          new technologies and adapt to
Companies have adapted quickly –                                 are open again later in the year.           changing environments quickly.
almost all recruitment processes are                             Salaries have stayed relatively             In terms of job seeking, candidates
                                                                 steady over the last 6 months, while        are searching for opportunities
now being conducted fully remotely,                              we’ve seen a slight increase in             where the company is financially
                                                                 contractor rates. The market                secure, with a clear plan around
with many companies developing the                               changes due to coronavirus will             hiring and onboarding. As ever –
capability to onboard people remotely                            most likely have an effect, but it is
                                                                 too early to say.
                                                                                                             candidates look for opportunities
                                                                                                             with clear paths for career
too.                                                             The two kinds of profiles we see the
                                                                                                             progression and developing new
                                                                                                             technical skills.
                                                                 most demand for are back end
                                                                 focused Java software engineers,
                                                                 with experience building
                                                                 microservices (usually cloud-based,
                                                                 on AWS or Google Cloud Platform)
                                                                 and fullstack java developers with
                                                                 React or Angular skills. As more
                                                                 organisations are adopting a
                                                                 DevOps culture, we see Kubernetes
                                                                 and Docker skills being highly
                                                                 valued in software engineers.

              PERMANENT                               CONTRACT
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                                          6

The .Net Developer jobs market                                   A steady increase in salaries for Senior
                                                                 Developers has transpired since our last
                                                                                                                 We have seen more demand for
                                                                                                                 developers with experience in .NET
remains good in spite of the                                     salary survey. In 2019, 80k was the usual
                                                                 ceiling for an extraordinary
                                                                                                                 Core, Azure DevOps, React and
                                                                                                                 Angular. Candidates with experience
COVID-19 crisis. The market in                                   Senior .NET Engineer; that has creeped
                                                                                                                 completing migrations from
                                                                                                                 Monolithic to microservices
Dublin is primarily driven by                                    up to 85k. This is for top talent – A Players
                                                                 with strong technical skills combined with
                                                                                                                 Architecture are highly sought after
                                                                                                                 as many organisations continue to
technology companies – the sector                                the most desirable personal traits (self-       undertake this journey.
                                                                 starter, strong communicator, innovative
that has been able to adapt most                                 and good at taking the lead).                   .Net Developers are attracted to
                                                                                                                 companies offering exposure to new
quickly to running interview                                     One of the major transformations over the       technologies; particularly with a
                                                                 last year is the release of .NET Core 3         cloud/DevOps focus. Tools like
processes & on-boarding remotely.                                which is more efficient than previous           Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Azure,
                                                                 versions of .NET Core. It’s faster,
The number of available                                          generally more effective. It supports the
                                                                                                                 Azure DevOps are highly sought after
                                                                                                                 by candidates.
                                                                 development of desktop application
opportunities for .Net Developers                                software, artificial intelligence/ machine      Flexible working hours and remote
has fallen a little, but there are                               learning and IoT apps.                          working options are becoming more
                                                                                                                 commonly offered, and sought after
great career moves available for                                                                                 by .Net Developers. As everyone is
                                                                                                                 currently working remotely, now is a
.Net Developers.                                                                                                 great time to smooth out all the
                                                                                                                 technical and process bumps so that
                                                                                                                 you’re in a position to consider
                                                                                                                 remote working as an offering when
                                                                                                                 offices reopen.

              PERMANENT                               CONTRACT
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                              8

The coronavirus crisis has                                  Salaries have been steadily trending
                                                            upwards in data engineering and
                                                                                                      The BI & Analytics markets in Dublin
                                                                                                      have been growing and buoyant for
caused significant changes in                               data science, while staying put in
                                                            business intelligence. Although it’s
                                                                                                      several years but companies are now
                                                                                                      proceeding more cautiously. Office
the market over a very short                                too early to say, the latest
                                                            developments may mean an
                                                                                                      closures make on-boarding new
                                                                                                      employees tricky for some
space of time (at the time of                               increased pool of available               organisations but companies are
                                                            candidates and therefore some             adapting quickly, with more of our
writing). Some organisations                                reduction in market salary rates.         clients developing the capability to
                                                            Other companies in this sector are        on-board people remotely.
are taking a “wait and see”                                 working remotely and have paused
approach the recruitment, as                                their hiring process. The companies
                                                            that are hiring are those that are
                                                                                                      There has been strong demand for
                                                                                                      Data Engineers with versatile skill
the situation continues to                                  less affected financially by the crisis
                                                            and have a high degree of financial
                                                                                                      sets. Python & AWS skills are the
                                                                                                      most common requirements. We saw
develop, while others are                                   security.                                 a lot of movement for senior- level
                                                                                                      Business Intelligence and Data
continuing recruitment plans                                The Data Science and Data                 Leaders, with a large number of
                                                            Engineering markets have been             organisations making appointments
while adapting their processes.                             busy over the last 6 months. In Data      at senior levels.
                                                            Science, we have seen more
                                                            companies building teams with deep
                                                            learning and AI capabilities. While it
                                                            is still a small niche, there has been
                                                            growth, particularly with innovative
                                                            technology companies creating new

                       PERMANENT                              CONTRACT
&DATA ANALYTICS        Data Scientist
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20

JavaScript Developers have seen                                 Security has suddenly become a hot
                                                                topic for JavaScript Developers
                                                                                                          Most Senior Level Frontend
                                                                                                          Engineer salaries seem to have
significant growth in average salaries                          considering a move. They want to
                                                                understand the financial stability of a
                                                                                                          plateaued around 90k, at the higher
                                                                                                          end of the scale. The only increase
and daily rates in recent years, and                            company and their plans to deal with      in salaries has been with Mid-Level
                                                                the current crisis before committing      candidates with experience in the
has been one of the most “candidate                             to a move. Candidates in the              latest frameworks/technologies
                                                                JavaScript space appear less              (particularly React and Node).
driven” markets in Dublin. While some                           attracted to start-up companies due
                                                                to a perception of lower job security.    Over the last 6 months, candidates
markets have seen recruitment slow                                                                        with in-demand skill sets have
                                                                JavaScript Developers are drawn to        sought significant salary increases
down significantly, we are seeing                               more established organisations with       along with learning and career
                                                                a dedicated engineering team rather       development opportunities, great
many organisations continue with                                than working autonomously.                company culture and interesting
hiring plans for JavaScript Developers.                         Functional programming
                                                                                                          technology when making a move. If
                                                                                                          the current economic trends
                                                                understanding and experience with
Some companies have spotted an                                  JS is becoming a more valued
                                                                                                          continue and there are fewer
                                                                                                          available opportunities, JavaScript
opportunity to hire “A-Player” level                            skillset. Many organisations are
                                                                valuing this skill over experience in
                                                                                                          Developers that the perfect
                                                                                                          opportunity that ticks all of these
talent that they normally would have to                         frameworks/libraries – which they
                                                                are usually happy for engineers with
                                                                                                          boxes becomes harder to come by.
compete for, while others are already                           strong enough core JS to pick up on       The most in-demand technical skills
                                                                the job.                                  in 2020 so far have been Node,
well set up for remote working and                                                                        TypeScript, React, Vue, Angular 4+,
                                                                                                          while companies look for people to
interviewing and have been easily able                                                                    also have leadership skills,
to adapt to our new situation.                                                                            mentoring and strong
                                                                                                          communication skills.

              PERMANENT                           CONTRACT
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20

Until March 2020, salaries in the                                  However, like other areas of software
                                                                   engineering, companies are continuing
                                                                                                                Within the Ruby/ Ruby on Rails
                                                                                                                development sector, having very good
Python, PHP and Ruby                                               to recruit strong Python, Ruby and PHP
                                                                   Developers in many cases. Generally,
                                                                                                                experience with JavaScript and Cloud
                                                                                                                Infrastructure are key areas that are
development spaces had all                                         these are business critical positions in     most in demand. Also, working with
                                                                   companies where technology is their          common libraries such as RSpec and
increased, due to the demand                                       core product, and could quickly adapt        Resque would be a must for any Ruby
                                                                   their processes to running remotely.         on Rails Developer.
within the Software Development
                                                                   Python is becoming a key programming         In this current market, candidates are
market increasing for high-quality,                                language in the Dublin market for its        looking for the guarantee of a
                                                                   ease of use and conventionality in           challenging, unique and impactful
experienced developers. The                                        regards to multiple different sectors. The   project, which will offer them the
                                                                   demand for skilled Python software           opportunity to work with modern
coronavirus crisis is likely to result                             engineers has greatly increased in           technology stacks but can also offer
in a plateau in market salaries and                                recent years. In particular, companies
                                                                   look for software engineers with
                                                                                                                them autonomy in their development
rates, with a reduction becoming                                   experience building web applications
                                                                   using frameworks like Django or Flask,       Flexible working schemes are becoming
more probable the longer it                                        and also with experience working with        a popular option offered by many
                                                                                                                companies in Ireland, which can include
                                                                   cloud infrastructure.
continues.                                                         For development in PHP, the most in-
                                                                                                                flexibility around the company’s core
                                                                                                                hours or the availability to work from
                                                                   demand skill sets are having worked          home.
                                                                   with modern PHP frameworks such as
                                                                   Laravel and Lamina (Zend), and more
                                                                   modern JavaScript frameworks such as
                                                                   React or Angular, as well as CSS and
                                                                   HTML. A technical skill that is becoming
                                                                   more sought after is Continuous
                                                                   Integration/ Continuous Deployment
                                                                   practices within a commercial setting.

                     PERMANENT                         CONTRACT
DEVELOPMENT          Python
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                                 14

C++ continues to be a stalwart                                Over the preceding 6 months C++
                                                              developers have had more career
                                                                                                        Two of the candidate trends that we
                                                                                                        have seen are, a desire to gain
technology for many organisations                             opportunities than the same time a
                                                              year before. The growth in demand
                                                                                                        exposure to AI and for many C++
                                                                                                        engineers to add strong Python
and if anything over the last 12                              has resulted in both increases in
                                                              salaries by up to 10% and more
                                                                                                        skills to their tool set.

months there has been an increase                             companies having to help relocate         Having a genuine enthusiasm for
                                                              international candidates into the Irish   the C++ language and software
in the number of vacancies in this                            market.                                   engineering as a whole is a
                                                                                                        mentality companies prize and are
specialism. It is common for                                  The organisations that use C++ as a       willing to invest in.
companies to value experience of                              primary software engineering
                                                              language vary across multiple
multi-threading more highly and                               business sectors while sharing the
                                                              common thread of need to building
knowledge of Boost libraries is also                          software that is stable and efficient
                                                              which includes financial services,
in demand.                                                    robotics, telecommunications
                                                              industry, semiconductor producers
                                                              and more.

              PERMANENT                             CONTRACT
DEVELOPMENT   C++ Developer
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                                16

The Business Analysis and                                      Many organisations have changed
                                                               or postponed hiring plans until later
                                                                                                       Candidates demonstrating strong
                                                                                                       client facing and Agile exposure,
Product sector was very                                        in the year – which will most likely
                                                               mean a shift in the market to there
                                                                                                       SaaS/Cloud experience and new
                                                                                                       Product Development have been
competitive in Q1 2020, with high                              being fewer permanent opportunities     particularly in demand.
                                                               for more available candidates. We
numbers of available                                           expect more companies to hire           Current benefits packages have
                                                                                                       remained the same with Healthcare
                                                               contractors, so for Business
opportunities and many                                         Analysts who have been considering      and Pension being a priority,
                                                               switching to contracting, the right     however, flexible working (from
companies going the extra mile                                 time may present itself in the next 6   home) hours is the main attribute
                                                                                                       candidates consider when taking on
on compensation to secure the                                  – 12 months.
                                                                                                       a new role.
                                                               Salaries increased in 2019, but we
talent needed. COVID-19 is sure                                expect them to hold steady in 2020.
to have a major impact on the
market, as in all areas.

                   PERMANENT                               CONTRACT
& PRODUCT          Business
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                            18

With the influx of tech firms in Ireland, a                        The implementation of IR35 in the
                                                                   UK this year has led to an influx of
                                                                                                          There is a high demand for skilled
                                                                                                          candidates. These include PMs with
war on tech talent has ensued which                                contractors to the Dublin market and
                                                                   daily rates have remained steady.
                                                                                                          Cloud, SaaS Project/Programme
                                                                                                          Management, external client-facing
has resulted in a strong increase in the                           Digital Transformation projects has
                                                                                                          abilities and digital transformation
number of permanent roles available                                become even more prevalent in the
                                                                   last 6 months. Financial Services,     In the current market, experienced
and increases in salaries in recent                                Transport/Logistics, Pharma, Health    PMs are in search of opportunities
                                                                   and Tech organisations are starting    to own a project (start to finish),
years. We expect the coronavirus crisis                            to move their solutions online to      work autonomously and grow their
                                                                   keep up with the fast-evolving         career along with a growing
to cause a swing from permanent hiring                             market.                                business. From a hiring perspective;
                                                                                                          Project Managers with client-facing
to contract in the project and                                                                            skills, entrepreneurial spirit, a
programme management space. This                                                                          technical background and the ability
                                                                                                          to bridge the gap between
has been a trend in previous                                                                              technology and business are the
                                                                                                          most in demand PM candidates.
recessions, as companies put
permanent hiring freezes in place and
bring in contractors to supplement the

                     PERMANENT                         CONTRACT
E MANAGEMENT         Scrum
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                               20

                                                                 The first phase of the impact of the   Over the last 6 months, the director
Until the start of March, there had been                         COVID-19 global pandemic is            or head of department salaries had
continued buoyancy in senior                                     being felt immediately with
                                                                 companies broadly split into 3
                                                                                                        seen an increase of between 5-15%.
                                                                                                        Companies had been very focused
appointments at both a CXO level as                              factions of similar size. One third
                                                                 have ceased recruitment
                                                                                                        on growth and scaling so experience
                                                                                                        in these areas was well rewarded. In
well as Head of Department & Senior                              immediately and for an indefinite      terms of hiring, tech companies right
                                                                 period of time. The second third       across industry sectors had been
Management.                                                      are holding their breath but intend    proactively scaling. This is now
                                                                 to continue with their plans as        shifting to organisations that are less
The trend towards data and cloud that                            normal service resumes and a
                                                                 third of businesses need to
                                                                                                        impacted by an immediate change in
                                                                                                        consumer habits or have a business
existed in 2019 had continued with tech                          continue recruiting IT professionals   that is insulated to changes in
                                                                 for a varied number of reasons.        market confidence.
organisations that either consume or                             The second phase will be the new
                                                                 economic outlook once the              Experience of scaling teams had
provide services in these domains                                healthcare crisis passes and it is     been the most common skill being
                                                                 only guesswork that paints that        sought but this is likely to change for
faring well. Within the software                                 picture.                               some organisations. The scale of the
engineering domain, the push towards                                                                    challenge and the opportunity to put
                                                                                                        one’s mark on things are the most
microservices had been a major focus.                                                                   common reasons that senior
                                                                                                        executives give for making a
                                                                                                        change. Compensation packages
                                                                                                        have to be correct at the same time.

               PERMANENT                                CONTRACT
APPOINTMENTS   CTO/CIO          5 - 9 yrs.   90-140k    CTO/CIO          5 - 9 yrs.   600-900
                                10+ yrs.     120-180k                    10+ yrs.     900-1400

                                5 - 9 yrs.   90-120k    Head of          5 - 9 yrs.   600-800
               Head of
                                                                         10+ yrs.     750-900
               Engineering      10+ yrs.     110-150k   Engineering

                                5 - 9 yrs.   80-110k    Head of IT       5 - 9 yrs.   450-600
               Head of IT
                                                                         10+ yrs.     550-800
               Infrastructure   10+ yrs.     90-130k    Infrastructure
                                5 - 9 yrs.   75-90k     Software         5 - 9 yrs.   450-600
                                                                         10+ yrs.     500-800
               Development      10+ yrs.     80-130k    Development
               Manager                                  Manager
                                5 - 9 yrs.   65-85k     Infrastructure   5 - 9 yrs.   380-480
                                                                         10+ yrs.     450-650
               Manager          10+ yrs.     80-120k    Manager
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                               22

QA AND                                                                                                     As more organisations adopt Agile
                                                                                                           methodology, a collaboration

SOFTWARE TESTING                                                     As many organisations build out
                                                                  their Automation function within the
                                                                  Dublin market, we are seeing a
                                                                                                           between different engineers has
                                                                                                           never been more visible as QA
                                                                                                           Automation Engineers, Software
                                                                  growing demand for Principal/ Lead       Development Engineers and
                                                                                                           DevOps Engineers are now working
QA Software Testing continues to                                  Automation Engineers who can
                                                                  deliver both hands-on technical          together within the SDLC and full
evolve, and the trend towards                                     solutions in addition to leading a
                                                                  team and devising the overall
                                                                                                           product lifecycle. This allows
                                                                                                           Automation Engineers to have more
automation testing has kept up over the                           Automation strategy. These are           visibility on their work but also
                                                                                                           upskill alongside other engineers
                                                                  typically highly technical candidates
last 6 months. We are seeing a growing                            with a strong background in coding,      and expand their technical skills,
                                                                  in many cases coming from a              with potential to transition their
demand for Automation Engineers and                               development background having            career into another vertical. We
                                                                                                           have noticed several organisations
Automation Leads to enhance                                       transitioned to Automation QA.
                                                                                                           transitioning from Selenium
                                                                  A key element for this profile is that   WebDriver to Protractor or similar
organisations’ software offerings.                                they must also have strong               automaton tools such as Cyprus,
Automating the software test process                              knowledge and background in
                                                                  traditional QA and Software Testing,
                                                                                                           working with JavaScript.
                                                                                                           The coronavirus pandemic has
allows QA Engineers to focus on new                               applying the fundamental principles
                                                                  of Software Testing. Proven              caused significant disruption in all
aspects of the product or application,                            experience in building out               markets in one way or another, but
                                                                                                           the long-term impacts remain to be
                                                                  automation environments and
collaborating with the development                                frameworks is essential, working         seen. In the last 12 months, salaries
                                                                                                           had remained steady even as
                                                                  with a range of tools and technology
teams to deliver better solutions for                             such as Selenium, Appium,                companies found it challenging to
                                                                  Protractor, Cyprus, in conjunction       hire talented QA engineers. We
their clients.                                                    with strong coding experience with       expect a reduced amount of
                                                                  Java, C#, Python, JavaScript or          permanent opportunities and
                                                                  other.                                   possibly an increase in the number
                                                                                                           of contract hires made compared to

                   PERMANENT                             CONTRACT
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                             24

Linux & Cloud Engineering are the                                 Just as Linux has become the
                                                                  default platform, Cloud Engineering
                                                                                                           The continued demand in this
                                                                                                           space has resulted in a steady
hottest tickets, while System                                     is also becoming the de facto for any
                                                                  company that is operating at scale.
                                                                                                           progression in the financial
                                                                                                           rewards. Having the opportunity to
Administrators will always need core                              Clearly Software companies in the        work at scale and gain exposure to
                                                                  SaaS domain rely heavy on these          new technologies are the two
competencies such as networking                                   technologies but equally, most           biggest draws for candidates in a
                                                                  businesses are coming to the same        role.
and security anyone with mastery of                               conclusion.
                                                                                                           Work-life balance is the other
cloud new platforms and tools has a                               The coronavirus is impacting all         consistent comment, avoiding
                                                                  areas but this that that is least        excessive on-call hours and being
distinct advantage. AWS, Google                                   affected since the underlying            able to work remotely at times are
                                                                  infrastructure needs to the              certainly helpful when trying to
Cloud, Azure or open cloud platforms                              maintained. The impact of this is that   attract the best talent. Benefit
such as OpenStack are all of interest.                            candidates that have strong
                                                                  experience in these areas are
                                                                                                           schemes typically include pension,
                                                                                                           health insurance, bonus, stock
                                                                  sought after and, in a position, to      options/ long-term incentive plan
                                                                  pick and choose which opportunities      (LTIP).
                                                                  will best meet their career goals.

                 PERMANENT                             CONTRACT
IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                              26

DevOps, Site Reliability and Cloud                                 We are in the midst of a game
                                                                   changing trend – moving from on
                                                                                                           The DevOps Engineering market is
                                                                                                           more diverse, with great
Engineering are sectors that are                                   premise to cloud based IT systems.
                                                                   The pace of change in the Dublin
                                                                                                           opportunities available in
                                                                                                           organisations of all sizes, across
relatively new to the Dublin market,                               market has increased in the last 12     different sectors (the largest being
                                                                   months, and the demand for              Financial Services, SaaS, Fintech
and have grown substantially and                                   candidates with strong Cloud skills     and enterprise software companies).
                                                                   has increased sharply (with salaries    Companies look for experience of
quickly over the last 3 years. This is                             following). AWS, Azure and GCP are      CI/CD pipeline automation with
                                                                   the most sought after technologies      Jenkins (or similar), cloud and
also the sector that seems to be                                   (in that order).                        containers. Experience with
impacted least by the coronavirus                                  Containerisation continues to gain in
                                                                                                           Infrastructure as Code with tools
                                                                                                           such as Terraform is also desirable.
                                                                   popularity. Kubernetes has been
pandemic. While some companies                                     slightly more demanded than             Having said that most hiring
have paused recruitment, the market                                Docker, reversing the situation in
                                                                   previous years.
                                                                                                           companies are in search of
                                                                                                           candidates with the right attitude,
remains extremely active. Most                                     There has been significant growth in
                                                                                                           who are willing to learn and evolve
                                                                                                           with the continuous enhancement of
organisations quickly adapted their                                the Site Reliability Engineering
                                                                   market in Dublin over the last 12
                                                                                                           technology. Top organisations are
                                                                                                           on the hunt for people who want to
hiring processes, with many                                        months. Global software companies
                                                                   continue to build SRE teams in
                                                                                                           consistently learn new trends and
                                                                                                           make a difference in the company.
organisations on-boarding engineers                                Dublin, offering very strong
                                                                   compensation packages.

                   PERMANENT                              CONTRACT

IT JOBSMARKET DUBLIN Salary Survey April ‘20                                                                                    28

                                                                 Salaries had crept up a little (circa   The enforced remote working
The ongoing transition towards                                   2-3%) over the last 6 months but        experiment that the Irish market has
cloud services and virtual systems                               there is an expected softening by       undergone has resulted in a pause
                                                                                                         in many recruitment processes
                                                                 5-10% as the market conditions
has been changing the IT support                                 evolve from a growth mentality to a
                                                                                                         while businesses work out their
                                                                                                         needs as well as their ability to hire
area incrementally and now the                                   consolidation approach.                 and on-board people remotely. We
                                                                                                         predict that this will result in an
COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the                              The demand for desktop support          upswing for IT support engineers as
                                                                                                         the technology catches up.
commitment to this journey.                                      engineers has kept an even keel
                                                                 over the last 6 months. There has       A need for IT support tends to be a
                                                                 been an upswing for project based       universal truth across nearly all
                                                                 work as enterprise-scale                organisations. Technical is more
                                                                 organisations transition to newer       user friendly now than ever before
                                                                 versions of existing platforms          but maintaining a consistent,
                                                                 There continues to be a shift           company wide technology approach
                                                                 towards cloud-based solutions           is important which means even
                                                                 IaaS, PaaS and SaaS and IT              technology companies need a
                                                                 engineers with experience of these      competent IT support function.
                                                                 are more in demand.
                                                                                                         A strong sense of the customer
                                                                                                         (internal or external) remains the
                                                                                                         ‘must-have’ soft skill that most tech
                                                                                                         and software companies consider
                                                                                                         when hunting for top-quality
                                                                                                         candidates. However, exposure to
                                                                                                         newer technology and learning new
                                                                                                         skills combined with some degree
                                                                                                         of flexibility seem to be the
                                                                                                         preferred features for candidates.


            PERMANENT                                 CONTRACT


For us, recruitment is truly personal. So,
our team always acts with the best
interests of both clients and candidates
at heart. We help companies find the
right people with the right skills and IT
professionals figure out their next step.

Archer Recruitment is a specialist IT
recruitment agency, but we’re more than
that too. We’re an expert hand throughout
the complete recruitment process. We’re
a trusted partner for the people.
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