Isozymes of Lysozyme in Leukocytes and Egg White: Evidence for the Species-Specific Control of Egg-White Lysozyme Synthesis

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
  Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. 1653-1657, May 1974

 Isozymes of Lysozyme in Leukocytes and Egg White: Evidence
 for the Species-Specific Control of Egg-White Lysozyme Synthesis
      (leukocyte granules/bone marrow/hormones/antibacterial mechanisms/oviduct/muramidase)
 * Department of Biochemistry, State University of New York, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790; and t Department of Bacteriology and
 Immunology, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
 Communicated by Bentley Glass, February 15, 1974

 ABSTRACT         Two structurally distinct forms of egg-                 Canfield) and 3X crystalline chicken egg-white lysozyme
 white lysozyme (EC are known. The egg white of                 (Pentex) were the same as those used previously (6). In those
 some species contains both of these forms, while the egg
 white of other species appears to contain only one or the                cases where lysozyme activity in a sample was to be measured
 other of them. We have immunological and electrophoretic                 in the presence of rabbit antiserum, the antiserum was first
 evidence that the chicken, which has only one lysozyme                   treated with Bentonite (0.5% final concentration) to remove
 type in its egg white, contains both types in its poly-                  rabbit serum lysozyme.
 morphonuclear leukocytes. Experiments on Embden
 goose bone marrow showed that this tissue also contains                     Gel Diffusion Experiments. These studies were carried out
 both Iysozymes, even though the egg white of this species                in 1 % agar containing 0.15 M NaCl, 0.05 M Tris HCl (pH
 contains only one of them. Our studies suggest that many
 avian species have the genetic loci that code for both                   7.45), and sodium azide as a preservative.
 forms of lysozyme, but that a species-specific regulatory                   Lysoplate Enzyme Assays. The concentration of lysozyme
 mechanism controls whether one or the other or both of
 them are expressed during egg white production. The fact                in the large granule fraction from chicken leukocytes was de-
 that two distinct lysozymes are present in chicken leuko-               termined by either the lysoplate method of Osserman and
 cytes may be of significance to the antibacterial mecha-                 Lawlor (8) or a modification of this technique, where the
 nism of these cells, especially in light of the fact that they          lysoplates contained 1% Difco agar, 0.033 M sodium phos-
 lack myeloperoxidase, an important leukocyte enzyme in
 mammals.                                                                phate buffer (pH 6.2), 0.15 M sodium chloride, 0.5 mg/ml
                                                                         of Micrococcus luteus (Worthington), and sodium azide as a
 Two forms of lysozyme (EC that differ radically               preservative.
 from each other in molecular weight (1, 2), amino-acid com-
 position (1-4), amino-terminal amino-acid sequence (1, 2, 5),              Antibody Absorption Experiments. Equal volumes of the
 and immunological cross reactivity (6) have been found in               preparation of large cytoplasmic granules, or in some cases
 avian egg whites. This and other evidence (7) suggest that              partially purified lysozyme, and either antibody against
 these enzymes are the products of two distinct genetic loci.            chicken egg-white lysozyme or antibody against Embden
 One of these forms of lysozyme is typified by the enzyme                goose egg-white lysozyme were mixed, incubated for one hour
 found in chicken egg white ("chick-type" lysozyme), and                 at 230, and stored overnight at 4°. The supernatant was col-
the other form by the lysozyme found in the egg white of the             lected after centrifugation at 1000 X g for 30 min.
 Embden goose (3, 4) ("goose-type" lysozyme).                               Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. The "goose-type" and
    The egg whites of some species appear to contain only a              "chick-type" lysozymes were separated in 15% acrylamide
 "chick-type" lysozyme (e.g., chicken and Peking duck), other            gels without a stacking gel at pH 4.5 (9), with the buffers
species only a "goose-type" lysozyme (e.g., Embden goose);               described by Brewer and Ashworth (10). The gels (in tubes
still others contain both types of lysozyme (black swan; refs.           13 cm X 0.5 cm) were run for 2.5 hr at a constant current
2 and 6; and Canada goose, ref. 7).                                     of 5 mA per gel. After electrophoresis, they were fractionated
   We present data that demonstrate that even though a                  into 0.2-ml samples in a Savant Auto-Gel Divider, with am-
species may have only one form of lysozyme in its egg white,            monium acetate buffer (0.1 M acetate, pH 9.45), and sub-
it can contain both forms of the enzyme in other tissues.               jected to further tests.
   Our finding of multiple forms of lysozyme in chicken poly-
morphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) cytoplasmic granules and                      Bone Marrow was obtained from the leg bones of a goose of
in Embden goose bone marrow may eventually lead to new                  the Embden and Toulouse variety. The marrow was sonicated
information about the evolution of regulatory systems in                in ammonium acetate buffer (0.1 M, pH 9.45), lyophilized,
vertebrates as well as on the antibacterial mechanisms of               and stored at -20°.
lysosomes.                                                                  A Large Cytoplasmic Granule Fraction from Chicken PMN
                MATERIALS AND METHODS                                   Was Prepared according to the method of Brune and Spitznagel
   Antiserums and Proteins. Rabbit antiserums directed against          (9). Briefly, 6.68 X 108 peritoneal exudate cells from chickens
purified Embden goose egg-white lysozyme (gift of Dr. R.                (66% PMN, 17% lymphocytes, 9% monocytes, 8% eosino-
                                                                        phils) were homogenized in 10 ml of 0.32 M sucrose with 3
Abbreviation: PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte.                         units of heparin per ml at 4°. Cells were homogenized with
t To whom reprint requests should be sent.                              a Kontes type D glass homogenizer fitted with a Teflon pestle
1654     Biochemistry: Hindenburg et al.                                                  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71    (1974)

  FIG. 1. Gel diffusion study of the immunological resemblance
between Embden goose egg-white lysozyme and chicken leukocyte
granule lysozymes. L, leukocyte preparation; AG, antibodies
directed against Embden goose egg-white lysozyme; and G,
purified Embden goose egg-white lysozyme.

until 50% were broken. Unbroken cells and large fragments
were removed by layering the preparation on 23% sucrose
and subjecting it to centrifugation for 15 min at 180 X g.
The granule-rich, post-nuclear supernatant upper layer was
then removed and subjected to gradient centrifugation. The
sucrose gradient consisted of a 30-ml lower, linear gradient
portion [56% (w/w) sucrose at the bottom to 38% sucrose
at the top] overlaid by 10 ml of 28% sucrose, and on top of
this 10 ml of 18% sucrose. The entire gradient contained
heparin at a concentration of 3 units/ml. A total of 3.9 ml
of the post-nuclear supernatant fluid (equivalent to 2.6 X
108 cells) was layered on top of the 13% sucrose and centri-
fuged under the following conditions: fotw2dt = 8 X 109
sec1 with Rma = 15.3 cm and Rmin = 6.4 cm. After cen-
trifugation the material was collected by upward displace-           FIG. 2. Lysoplate analysis of chicken leukocyte granule
ment with 60% sucrose.                                             lysozymes after absorption with antibodies against lysozyme.
                                                                   L + AC and L + AG symbolize the supernatant obtained,
                            RESULTS                                after centrifugation, from a mixture of the leukocyte fraction
                                                                   (L) and antibody against chicken egg-white lysozyme (AC) or
   Purification of Large Leukocyte Granules. The large elongated   antibody against Embden goose egg-white lysozyme (AG),
granules of the PMN were, as described (9), in contiguous          respectively.
fractions of the gradient with the sucrose concentrations
ranging from 48.6% to 51.7%. These fractions were pooled             Antibodies prepared against purified Embden goose egg-
and diluted to make the sucrose equal to 23%. The granules         white lysozyme also reacted with the large granule fraction.
were collected by centrifugation, suspended in 1 ml of 0.32 M      The granule enzyme, however, is immunologically related,
sucrose, and stored at -20°.                                       but is not identical, to the Embden goose's egg-white lyso-
    Immunological Identification of Granule-Associated Lyso-       zyme, since the latter "spurs" over the former (Fig. 1). Since
 zymes. These studies used antibodies directed against either      the chicken and goose belong to taxonomically distinct orders
 crystalline chicken egg-white lysozyme or purified Embden         (11), differences in the structure and, therefore, in the im-
 goose egg-white lysozyme. The antiserum directed against          munological crossreactivity of these enzymes are not un-
 the chicken enzyme does not react with Embden goose lyso-         expected.
 zyme; the antiserum directed against the Embden goose               Additional studies also showed that the large granules from
 enzyme does not react with chicken lysozyme (6). Thus,            chicken leukocytes contain two distinct forms of lysozyme.
 these two antiserums could be used to determine unambig-          In these experiments the identification of the "goose-type"
 uously whether the leukocyte granule fraction contained a         and "chick-type" enzymes in the granule preparation was
 "chick-type", an "Embden goose-type", or both types of            based upon the inhibition of lysozyme activity observed after
 lysozyme.                                                         incubation with antiserum (6). If the large granule prepara-
    Antibodies prepared against crystalline chicken egg-white      tion is mixed with excess antibody against chicken egg-white
 lysozyme were found to react with extracts of the large granule   lysozyme, we would expect this enzyme to be precipitated.
 fraction in gel diffusion experiments. This granule enzyme        The supernatant from this mixture, after centrifugation,
 could not be distinguished from chicken egg-white lysozyme.       should contain only the "goose-type" lysozyme. The presence
 A precipitin line showing complete immunological identity         of this lysozyme can be detected by enzymatic assay as mea-
 formed between the two proteins. This result suggests, al-        sured in lysoplates: agar plates that contain a turbid suspen-
 though it does not prove, that this leukocyte granule enzyme      sion of Micrococcus luteus. If the supernatant containing a
 and egg-white lysozyme may be identical in amino-acid se-         "goose-type" lysozyme is placed in a sample well in a lyso-
  quence.                                                          plate, a clear halo will gradually develop around the well.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71   (1974)                                                                            Isozymes of Lysozyme              1655

    This is a consequence of the diffusion of the lysozym. mtg-
    the agar and its hydrolytic action on the Micrococcus cells.
    The identification of this enzymatic activity as being due to         15
    a "goose-type" lysozyme rather than any residual "chick-          0
    type" lysozyme is made by showing that the diffusion of this      w
   lysozyme activity is inhibited by antibody against goose
   egg-white lysozyme. Just such an experiment is shown in
   Fig. 2-1. It can be seen that the supernatant from a mixture           -5                          1
   of the large granule preparation and antibody against chicken
   egg-white lysozyme (L + AC) has lysozyme activity and                                5       10    15       20    25      30   35    40    45     78
                                                                                                                 FRACTON NO.
   that this activity is inhibited in its diffusion by antibody
   against goose egg-white lysozyme (AG) but not by antibody
                                                                           20       B
   against chicken egg-white lysozyme (AC). The result of a
   similar experiment carried out with the supernatant from
   a mixture of antibody against goose egg-white lysozyme and                   15                                    ~~~~C

   the large granule preparation (L + AG) is also shown in Fig.
   2-2. Antibody against chicken egg-white lysozyme (AC),                 -J5

   but not antibody against goose egg-white lysozyme (AG),
  inhibited the diffusion of the enzymatic activity. These re-
  sults confirm the presence of two distinct enzymes with lyso-
                                                                                0                                                                  45 78
  zyme activity in the large granules of chicken leukocytes.                                5    10       15   20    25     30     35    40
     These experiments furthermore rule out the possibility of a                                                FRACTON NO.
  single molecular species that has an immunological resem-               FIG. 3. Electrophoretic separation of the "chick-type" and
  blance to both chicken and Embden goose egg-white lyso-             "goose-type" lysozymes present in chicken leukocyte granules (A)
                                                                      or Embden goose bone marrow (B). Fractionation of -the gel
  zymes, since either antiserum alone would in that case have         was begun at the position in the gel to which the cationic tracking
  been expected to precipitate all the lysozyme activity from         dye migrated (tube no. 1). Peaks C and G contained the "chick-
  the granule fraction.                                               type" and "goose-type" lysozymes, respectively. The lysozyme
     Quantitation of the Lysozyme Content in the Large Cytoplasmic    concentration is expressed in ug/ml, as determined by lysoplate
  Granules of Chicken PMN. The large granule fractions which          assays using, wherever appropriate, purified chicken egg-white
                                                                      lysozyme or Embden goose egg-white lysozyme as a standard.
  had either the "chick-type" or the "goose-type" lysozyme
  completely removed by absorption with antibody, were used
  to estimate the amounts of the immunologically unrelated            tion of lysozyme makes it seem unlikely that the enzyme we
  forms of lysozyme in the granules. Known concentrations             demonstrated in these large granules could merely have been
 of chicken egg-white lysozyme diluted with an equal volume           absorbed to them as a preparative artifact. Rather, the ob-
 of a control rabbit serum were placed in wells in a lysoplate.       servation tends to support the hypothesis, which awaits more
 After incubation for 12 hr at 23°, the diameters of the halos        rigorous proof, that the lysozymes detected were intrinsic
 that formed around each well due to the diffusion of lysozyme        to the large granules.
 were measured and were found to be directly proportional                Electrophoretic Separation of the Leukocyte Granule Lyso-
 to the logarithm of the lysozyme concentration (8). By this          zymes. Two distinct peaks of lysozyme activity were detected
 procedure of standardization, the concentration of "chick-           in acrylamide gels after electrophoresis of the granule frac-
 type" lysozyme in the mixture of the large granule prepara-          tion at pH 4.5 (Fig. 3A). The more basic peak (C) contained
 tion and an equal volume of antibody against goose egg-white         "chick-type " but not "goose-type " lysozyme, as judged
 lysozyme was found to be 28 sg/ml. The concentration of the          by antibody absorption experiments. The other peak (G)
 "chick-type" enzyme in the undiluted granule fraction was            contained only the "goose-type" enzyme. The recovery of
 therefore 56 ,g/ml. Similar experiments were carried out on          the "chick-type" and "goose-type" lysozymes from the gel
 mixtures of antibody against chicken egg-white lysozyme              was 90% and 70%, respectively.
 and the granule fraction. In this case, known concentrations
of purified Embden goose egg-white lysozyme mixed with an               Studies on Embden Goose Bone Marrow. A bone-marrow
 equal volume of control rabbit serum were used as standards.         extract from the Embden goose was also found to contain
The results showed that the large granule preparation from           both a "chick-type" and a "goose-type" lysozyme. Fig. 4
chick PMN contains 44 /g/ml of "goose-type" lysozyme.                shows the results of an antibody absorption experiment. The
This estimate could be subject to some error. The lysoplate          supernatant from a mixture of the bone-marrow extract and
assay depends upon the rate of diffusion of the enzyme into          antibody against goose egg-white lysozyme was found to
the Micrococcus-containing agar. Structural differences be-          contain a lysozyme that was inhibited in its diffusion in lyso-
tween our control enzyme from Embden goose egg-white                 plates only by antibody against chicken egg-white lysozyme
and the chicken's "goose-type" lysozyme could result in              (Fig 4-1). The supernatant from a mixture of the marrow
different diffusion rates by virtue of differences in the inter-     extract and antibody against chicken egg-white lysozyme
action of each enzyme with the Micrococcus cells. Neverthe-          also contained an enzyme inhibited in its diffusion only by
less, we estimate that since this granule preparation contained      antibody against goose egg-white lysozyme (Fig. 4-2). Quan-
480 gg of protein per ml, the proportion of lysozyme in this         titative estimates of the amount of each lysozyme present
preparation was (56 ,g/ml + 44 g/ml)/(O.480 mgofprotein              in the marrow extract were also made. It contained 84 tg/ml
per ml) = 2084yg of lysozyme per mg of protein. This propor-         of "chick-type" and 100ug/ml of "goose-type" lysozyme.
1656     Biochemistry: Hindenburg et al.                                                  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71    (1974)
                                                                  anisms during the evolution of these birds from their common
                                                                  ancestors will require information on the molecular basis of
                                                                  the control of egg-white lysozyme synthesis. Further insights
                                                                  into the mechanism of control may come from studies on
                                                                  the hormonal induction of egg-white protein synthesis in some
                                                                  of these species. Experiments on chicken oviducts have al-
                                                                  ready provided a good deal of information on the hormonal
                                                                  regulation of the synthesis of egg-white proteins. Synthesis
                                                                  of chicken egg-white ovalbumin, ovomucoid, conalbumin,
                                                                  avidin, and lysozyme seems to be initiated in the oviduct
                                                                  after hormonal stimulation (13-15). Ovalbumin and avidin
                                                                  synthesis has been shown to be a consequence of an increased
                                                                  synthesis of their respective messenger RNAs (16-18). It is
                                                                  likely, therefore, that the species specificity of egg-white
                                                                  lysozyme content is controlled by species-specific regulatory
                                                                  mechanisms acting at the level of transcription or perhaps
                                                                  translation. Other mechanisms that may affect the presence
                                                                  of these lysozymes in egg white are less probable but cannot
                                                                  be rigorously excluded until further experiments are carried
                                                                    Regardless of the exact molecular mechanisms by which the
                                                                  egg-white lysozyme content of the different species was changed
                                                                  during evolution, the question remains as to what the evolu-
                                                                  tionary advantage was in altering the types of egg-white
   FIG. 4. Lysoplate analysis of goose bone-marrow lysozymes      lysozyme present in different species. One possibility is re-
after absorption with antibodies against lysozyme. M + AC and
M + AG symbolize the sqpernatant obtained, after centrifuga-      lated to the function of these enzymes. It seems likely that
tion, from a mixture of the marrow extract (M) and antibody       lysozyme has an antibacterial role in egg white, although
against chicken egg-white lysozyme (AO) and antibody against      additional functions have been proposed for the enzyme in
Embden goose egg-white lysozyme (AG), respectively.               other tissues (19, 20). Studies on the "goose-type" and "chick-
                                                                  type" enzymes have shown that they are muramidases and
Two distinct peaks of lysozyme activity were also observed        break down the bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycan by hydrolyz-
after acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the marrow extract        ing the j3(1, 4) linkage between N-acetylmuramic acid and
(Fig. 3B). Peak C contained only the "chick-type" enzyme          N-acetylglucosamine (21, 22). The two forms of lysozyme,
and peak G only the "goose-type" lysozyme, as judged by           however, also differ in other catalytic properties (1, 3, 4,
antibody absorption experiments. The recovery of the "chick-      22-27). The "goose-type" enzyme has a 3- to 6-fold higher
type" and "goose-type" lysozymes from this gel was 67%            specific activity and lacks the chitinase activity that is char-
and 60% respectively.
                                                                  acteristic of the "chick-type" enzyme. It has also been sug-
                                                                  gested that the "goose-type" enzyme may have a strong
                        DISCUSSION                                preference for those N-acetylmuramic-acid residues in the
The observation that the egg whites of the chicken and Peking     bacterial cell wall that are substituted with a peptide (22).
duck appear to contain only a "chick-type" lysozyme, that         It may be relevant that different species of bacteria vary
of the Embden goose only a "goose-type" lysozyme, and those       in the degree of cross-linking and amino-acid composition
of the black swan and Canada goose both types of enzyme           of the peptide portion of the peptidoglycan (28 29).
may be explained in either of two ways. The absence of a             A second alternative excludes any direct effect of natural
particular lysozyme in egg white could reflect the absence        selection on the presence or absence of each lysozyme type
of the structural gene for that enzyme in the genome of the       because of the enzymatic properties of these proteins. It is
species. Alternatively, the structural genes for both forms       possible that during evolution natural selection acted to affect
of lysozyme may exist in each species and the presence of         the appearance of many different gene products in the egg
one or the other or both lysozymes in egg white would reflect     whites of different species. The presence or absence of either
the action of a species-specific regulatory mechanism.            form of lysozyme might therefore be a fortuitous consequence
   Our data on granule-associated lysozymes of chicken PMN        of such an event based, for example, upon a close linkage to
and Embden goose bone-marrow lysozymes clearly support            other genetic loci.
the latter hypothesis. Additional confirmation comes from            The presence of lysozyme activity in chicken PMN leuko-
data on the Peking duck. This species, which has "chick-          cytes deserves comment from the point of view of the anti-
type" lysozymes in its egg white (summarized in ref. 12),         bacterial function of these cells. Brune and Spitznagel (9)
appears to have a "goose-type" enzyme in other tissues (7).       found two electrophoretically distinct forms of lysozyme in
The black swan (1, 2, 6) and Canada goose (7), on the other       large cytoplasmic granules of these cells. We have identified
hand, have both types of lysozyme in their egg white.             them as "chick-type" and "goose-type" enzymes. Brune
   It would appear, therefore, that the presence of either or     and Spitznagel (9) also observed that these cells lack the
both forms of lysozyme in the egg white of a particular species   enzyme myeloperoxidase, which serves an important anti-
depends upon a species-specific regulatory mechanism. In-         bacterial function in mammalian leukocytes. The absence
formation on the development of these species-specific mech-      of this enzyme in chicken PMN leukocytes may be com-
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71 (1974)                                                                 Isozymes of Lysozyme          1657

pensated for by a broader spectrum of antibacterial -activities        9. Brune, K. & Spitznagel, J. (1973) J. Infec. Dis. 1-27, 84-94.
produced by the different catalytic properties of the "goose-         10. BeBrwer, J. M. & Ashworth, R. B. (1969) J. Chem. Educ. 46,
type" and "chick-type" lysozymes. A recent report on human            11. Delacour, J. (1954) "The Waterfowl of the World," Country
PMN leukocytes indicates that, in addition to the one mur-                 Life, London, Vol. I.
amidase that has been found in those cells, a proteolytic en-         12. Prager, E. M. & Wilson, A. C. (1972) Biochem. Genet. 7,
zyme (elastase), which is able to digest the cell walls of some            269-272.
bacterial species, is also present (30). Further studies on avian    13. O'Malley, B. W., McGuire, W. L., Kohler, P. O. & Koren-
                                                                           man, S. G. (1969) Recent Progr. Horm. Res. 25, 105-160.
and mammalian leukocytes will perhaps provide more in-               14. Palmiter, R. D. (1972) J. Biol. Chem. 247, 6450-6459.
formation on the antibacterial agents of these cells and their       15. Oka, R. & Schimke, R. T. (1969) J. Cell Biol. 43, 123-127.
organelles.                                                          16. Chan, L., Means, A. R., & O'Malley, B. W. (1973) Proc.
  Finally, it will be especially interesting to investigate the            Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70, 1870-1874.
                                                                     17. Means, A. R., Comstock, J. P., Rosenfeld, G. C. & O'Malley,
lysozyme content of avian macrophages in light of a recent                B. W. (1972) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 69, 1146-1150.
proposal that lysozyme may be a mediator of the antitumor            18. Rhodes, R. E., McKnight, G. S. & Schimke, R. T. (1973)
functions of macrophages in mammals (20).                                 J. Biol. Chem. 248, 2031-2039.
                                                                     19. Osserman, E. F., Canfield, R. E. & Beychok, S., eds. (1973)
  This work was supported by N.S.F. Grant B036007 (N.A.),                 Lysozyme (Academic Press, New York), in press.
N.I.H. Grant 5-RoI-AI0243 (J.S.), and A.E.C. Grant AT-(40-1)-        20. Osserman, E. F., Klockars, M., Halper, J. & Fischel, R. E.
3628 (J.S.).                                                               (1973) Nature 243, 331-335.
                                                                     21. Imoto, T., Johnson, L. N., North, A. C. T., -Phillips, D. C. &
 1. Morgan, F. J. & Arnheim, N. (1973) in Lysozyme, eds.                  Rupley, J. A. (1972) in The Enzymes, ed. Boyer, P. D.
    Osserman, E. F., Canfield, R. E. & Beychok, S. (Academic              (Academic Press, New York), 3rd ed., pp. 665-868.
    Press, New York), in press.                                     22. Arnheim, N., Inouye, M., Law, L. & Laudin, A. (1973) J.
2. Arnheim, N., Hindenburg, A., Begg, G. S. & Morgan, F. J.               Biol. Chem. 248, 233-236.
    (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 8036-8042.                           23. McKelvy, J. F., Eshdat, Y. & Sharon, N. (1970) Fed. Proc.
3. Canfield, R. E. & McMurry, S. (1967) Biochem. Biophys.                 29, 532.
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