Isle of Wight Wildlife Recording Challenge 2020

Page created by Larry Cook
Isle of Wight Wildlife Recording Challenge 2020
Isle of Wight Wildlife Recording Challenge 2020
Here is the complete list of flora and fauna recorded during my self-set wildlife recording challenge. My
aim was to see 2020 species on the Isle of Wight during the year and despite the lockdown it was a
success with 2211 species recorded and two where two subspecies were recorded. Ten aggregate taxa
were included where identification to species was not possible. The list includes naturalised non-native
species, accidentally introduced species, a few free-living escapes, feral species and one deliberate
introduction. More than 1850 species were photographed.

A number of species on the list had not been recorded previously on the Isle of Wight. These new county
records are highlighted in pink. Several more, potentially new species that are still to be checked, are
highlighted in orange. Blue text indicates species I hadn’t seen before.

Species are listed by taxonomic group with the date and location of the first record of the year. Some
were recorded on many occasions throughout the year.

I am immensely grateful for the help and support I received throughout the year. Keeping me up to date
with news, specimens, moth nights, tips on where to look for plants, forays and particularly help with
plant identification. Hopefully there aren’t any mistakes but if there are, they are entirely my own.

Iain Outlaw
Mites and ticks
Nineteen species recorded, almost all identified from the galls they produce

16/01/2020         Achipteria nitens                                           Upper Hyde
16/01/2020         Tectocepheus velatus                                        Upper Hyde
21/02/2020         White Snail Mite agg. (Riccardoella limacum agg.)           Hungerberry Copse
29/04/2020         Elm Mite (Aceria campestricola)                             Shanklin Big Mead
29/04/2020         Nail Gall Mite (Eriophyes tiliae)                           Shanklin Big Mead
01/05/2020         Aceria cephalonea                                           Yard Farm
17/05/2020         Field Maple Gall Mite (Aceria myriadeum)                    Causeway Lake
25/05/2020         Stenacis euonymi                                            Bouldnor
01/06/2020         Eriophyes viburni                                           St. Lawrence Shute
10/07/2020         Acalitus brevitarsus                                        Black Pan
10/07/2020         Blackthorn Mite (Eriophyes similis)                         Black Pan
24/07/2020         Aceria iteina                                               Shide-Blackwater Path
27/07/2020         Ash Flower Gall Mite (Aceria fraxinivora)                   Island View
17/08/2020         Walnut Leaf Gall Mite (Aceria erinea)                       Ventnor Botanic Garden
04/09/2020         Aceria tenella                                              Shanklin Big Mead
10/09/2020         Aceria macrochela                                           Bonchurch Landslip
25/09/2020         Aceria nalepai                                              New Bridge Ponds
23/10/2020         Fuchsia Gall Mite (Aculops fuchsiae)                        Shanklin
08/12/2020         Eriophyes ilicis                                            Shanklin Cemetery

Five species recorded

29/01/2020         Beadlet Anemone (Actinia equina)                            Horse Ledge
06/02/2020         Strawberry Anemone (Actinia fragacea)                       Foreland
06/02/2020         Snakelocks Anemone (Anemonia viridis)                       Foreland
12/11/2020         Daisy Anemone (Cereus pedunculatus)                         Ryde Pier
12/11/2020         Sagartia troglodytes                                        Ryde Pier

Fifteen species were recorded

21/01/2020         Coral Weed (Corallina officinalis)                          Horse Ledge
21/01/2020         Toothed Wrack (Fucus serratus)                              Horse Ledge
21/01/2020         Wireweed (Sargassum muticum)                                Horse Ledge
27/01/2020         Egg wrack (Ascophyllum nodosum)                             St. Helens Duver
27/01/2020         Bladder Wrack (Fucus vesiculosus)                           St. Helens Duver
27/01/2020         Sea Oak (Halidrys siliquosa)                                St. Helens Duver
29/01/2020         Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca)                                  Horse Ledge
06/02/2020         Spongeweed (Codium tomentosum)                              Foreland
06/02/2020         Gutweed (Ulva intestinalis)                                 Foreland
26/07/2020         Sea Cauliflower (Leathesia difformis)                       Horse Ledge
26/07/2020         False Irish Moss (Mastocarpus stellatus)                    Horse Ledge
26/07/2020         Peacock's Tail (Padina pavonica)                            Horse Ledge
23/08/2020         Oarweed (Laminaria digitata)                                       Nodes Beach
12/11/2020         Pepper Dulse (Osmundea pinnatifida)                                Ryde Pier
19/11/2020         Sugar Kelp (Saccharina latissima)                                  Puckpool Point

Just two species from the garden pond

13/01/2020         Common Toad (Bufo bufo)                                            Shanklin
13/01/2020         Palmated Newt (Lissotriton helveticus)                             Shanklin

Spiders and harvestmen
I haven’t spent much time looking for spiders in the past but this year recorded fifty-two species. They don’t appear to receive
much attention and there are very few records in the IWNHAS database. I have yet to check the records held by LRC but from
the distribution maps on the Spider Recording Scheme there are potentially three new county records

01/01/2020         Noble False Widow (Steatoda nobilis)                               Shanklin
06/01/2020         Neriene clathrata                                                  Haddon's Pits
08/01/2020         Long-bodied Cellar Spider (Pholcus phalangioides)                  Shanklin
08/01/2020         Meta menardi                                                       Shanklin
16/01/2020         Erigone atra                                                       Upper Hyde
19/01/2020         Missing Sector Orb Spider (Zygiella x-notata)                      Shanklin
20/01/2020         Amaurobius similis                                                 Shanklin
21/01/2020         Nigma puella                                                       Rylstone Gardens
24/01/2020         Paidiscura pallens                                                 Sibden Hill
24/01/2020         Lepthyphantes minutus                                              Sibden Hill
25/01/2020         Clubiona comta                                                     Shanklin
26/01/2020         Buzzing Spider (Anyphaena accentuata)                              Shanklin
01/02/2020         Anelosimus vittatus                                                Arreton
05/02/2020         Phylloneta sisyphia                                                West High Down
16/02/2020         Amaurobius fenestralis                                             Borthwood Copse East
18/02/2020         Invisible Spider (Drapetisca socialis)                             Greatwood Copse
18/02/2020         Metellina merianae                                                 Greatwood Copse
18/02/2020         Garden Orb Spider (Araneus diadematus)                             Greatwood Copse
18/02/2020         Nemastoma bimaculatum                                              Greatwood Copse
24/02/2020         Walnut Orb-weaver (Nuctenea umbratica)                             Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
24/02/2020         Platybunus triangularis                                            Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
28/02/2020         Black Lace-weaver (Amaurobius ferox)                               Shanklin
01/03/2020         Pardosa purbeckensis                                               Clamerkin Creek
06/03/2020         Zilla diodia                                                       Parkhurst Forest
09/03/2020         Nursery-web Spider (Pisaura mirabilis)                             Old Park
12/03/2020         Macrargus rufus                                                    Sibden Hill
16/03/2020         Zebra Spider (Salticus scenicus)                                   Shanklin
03/04/2020         White Crab Spider (Misumena vatia)                                 Shanklin
06/04/2020         Eratigena atrica                                                   West Shanklin
18/04/2020         Cucumber Spider (Araniella cucurbitina)                            Shanklin
27/04/2020         Tetragnatha extensa                                                New Bridge Ponds
27/04/2020         Dictyna arundinacea                                                 New Bridge Ponds
28/04/2020         Harpactea hombergi                                                  America Wood
28/04/2020         Metellina mengei                                                    America Wood
28/04/2020         Clubiona corticalis                                                 America Wood
04/05/2020         Common Woodlouse-spider (Dysdera crocata)                           Shanklin Manor
17/05/2020         Tibellus oblongus                                                   Newtown Meadows
20/05/2020         Philodromus dispar                                                  Sandpit Copse
28/05/2020         Mitopus morio                                                       Haseley Manor
05/06/2020         Garden Centre Spider (Uloborus plumipes)                            Thompson's Garden Centre
17/06/2020         Neoscona adianta                                                    Bembridge Down
21/07/2020         Episinus angulatus                                                  Firestone Copse South
24/07/2020         Dicranopalpus ramosus agg.                                          Shanklin
26/07/2020         Leiobunum rotundum                                                  Shanklin
01/08/2020         Agelena labyrinthica                                                Mottistone Down
05/08/2020         Wasp Spider (Argiope bruennichi)                                    Newtown
20/08/2020         Larinioides cornutus                                                Newtown NNR
04/09/2020         Gibbaranea gibbosa                                                  Shanklin Big Mead
10/10/2020         Linyphia hortensis                                                  Shanklin
21/10/2020         Diaea dorsata                                                       Westhill Road
22/10/2020         Neriene montana                                                     Shanklin
07/12/2020         Mitosloma chrysomelas                                               Ventnor Botanic Garden

Four species recorded

15/02/2020         Dilta littoralis                                                    Rylstone Gardens
06/07/2020         Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina)                                     Haseley Manor
16/08/2020         Sea Bristletail (Petrobius maritimus)                               Watershoot Bay
07/12/2020         Atelura formicaria                                                  Ventnor Botanic Garden
                   Independently discovered by Mark Telfer and Stephen Plummer within a few days of each other in 2016 as
                  a new species for the UK, this has not yet been formally identified but is likely to be Atelura formicaria

Including feral and introduced species just 163 taxa recorded. Other than on 01 January, woefully little time was spent birding
and very few were photographed

01/01/2020         Greylag Goose (Anser anser)                                         Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020         Dark-bellied Brent Goose (Branta bernicla bernicla)                 Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020         Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)                                    Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020         Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)                                             Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020         Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)                                   Newtown NNR
01/01/2020         Shoveler (Spatula clypeata)                                         Rofford Marsh
01/01/2020         Gadwall (Mareca strepera)                                           Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020         Wigeon (Mareca penelope)                                            Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020         Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)                                        Yarmouth Station
01/01/2020         Pintail (Anas acuta)                                                Causeway Lake
01/01/2020         Common Teal (Anas crecca)                                           Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula)                    Ryde Canoe Lake
01/01/2020   Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)             Seaview
01/01/2020   Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)         Seaview
01/01/2020   Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)       Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)            Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)         Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)                  Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)                 Seaview
01/01/2020   Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)                       Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Great Egret (Ardea alba)                         Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)                  Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia)                  Causeway Lake
01/01/2020   Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus)               Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)                     Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus)                    Yarmouth Station
01/01/2020   Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)                    Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Coot (Fulica atra)                               Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)            Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)               Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria)              Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)                      Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Common Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula)      Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Curlew (Numenius arquata)                        Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa)              Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)                   Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Sanderling (Calidris alba)                       Ryde East Sands
01/01/2020   Dunlin (Calidris alpina)                         Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)               Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus)             Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Greenshank (Tringa nebularia)                    Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Redshank (Tringa totanus)                        Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)   Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Common Gull (Larus canus)                        Ryde East Sands
01/01/2020   Herring Gull (Larus argentatus)                  Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus)          Rofford Marsh
01/01/2020   Feral Pigeon (Columba livia)                     Yarmouth
01/01/2020   Stock Dove (Columba oenas)                       Appley Park
01/01/2020   Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus)                   Laundry Lane North
01/01/2020   Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)            Ningwood
01/01/2020   Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)                       Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)     Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis)                 Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Jay (Garrulus glandarius)                        Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Magpie (Pica pica)                               Yarmouth Station
01/01/2020   Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)                        Hungerberry Copse
01/01/2020   Rook (Corvus frugilegus)                         Rofford Marsh
01/01/2020   Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)                     Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)                   Laundry Lane North
01/01/2020   Great Tit (Parus major)                           Laundry Lane North
01/01/2020   Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus)             Laundry Lane North
01/01/2020   Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)                    Laundry Lane North
01/01/2020   Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)                       Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla)                   Appley Park
01/01/2020   Cetti's Warbler (Cettia cetti)                    Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Robin (Erithacus rubecula)                        Shanklin
01/01/2020   Blackbird (Turdus merula)                         Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)                        Newtown
01/01/2020   Redwing (Turdus iliacus)                          Guyers Heath
01/01/2020   Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)                   Yarmouth Station
01/01/2020   European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)              Brading Marsh RSPB
01/01/2020   Dunnock (Prunella modularis)                      Yarmouth Station
01/01/2020   Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba yarrellii)           Ryde Esplanade
01/01/2020   Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis)                   Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus)                      Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus)               Newtown NNR
01/01/2020   Common Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)              Appley Park
01/01/2020   Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)                     Rofford Marsh
01/01/2020   European Greenfinch (Chloris chloris)             Yarmouth Station
01/01/2020   European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)          Western Yar Estuary
01/01/2020   House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)                 Yarmouth
02/01/2020   Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)                       Ventnor Down
02/01/2020   Coal Tit (Periparus ater)                         Shanklin
05/01/2020   Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis)                 Ryde Canoe Lake
05/01/2020   Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis)           Puckpool Point
05/01/2020   Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus)                 Appley Park
05/01/2020   Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)                  Spring Vale
06/01/2020   Common Raven (Corvus corax)                       Haddon's Pits
07/01/2020   Barn Owl (Tyto alba)                              Shanklin
10/01/2020   Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)                     Shide Quarry
12/01/2020   Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)             Ventnor
24/01/2020   Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)                  Shanklin
27/01/2020   Mediterranean Gull (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus)   Bembridge Harbour
31/01/2020   Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)                Attrill's Lane
04/02/2020   Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa)             St. Catherine's Point
05/02/2020   Skylark (Alauda arvensis)                         Main Bench
05/02/2020   European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)            Chilton Chine
14/02/2020   Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis)                       Flowers Brook
15/02/2020   Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus)                  Castle Cove
01/03/2020   Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)               Newtown NNR
04/03/2020   Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)                     Shanklin
07/03/2020   Linnet (Linaria cannabina)                        Sandown Airport
11/03/2020   Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)               St. Catherine's Point
13/03/2020   Red Kite (Milvus milvus)                          Luccombe Down
18/03/2020   Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)           Atherfield Coastguard Cottages
19/03/2020   Merlin (Falco columbarius)                        Culver Down
19/03/2020   Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)             Culver Down
22/03/2020   White Wagtail (Motacilla alba alba)                           Triangular Field
23/03/2020   Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra)                               St. Catherine's Point
23/03/2020   Red-throated Diver (Gavia stellata)                           St. Catherine's Point
23/03/2020   Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica)                          St. Catherine's Point
23/03/2020   Razorbill (Alca torda)                                        St. Catherine's Point
23/03/2020   Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)                                  St. Catherine's Point
27/03/2020   Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)                                Shanklin Down
05/04/2020   Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)                       Hungerberry Copse
11/04/2020   Little Owl (Athene noctua)                                    Whiteley Bank
20/04/2020   Greater Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)                         Black Pan
20/04/2020   Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)                           Sandown Golf Course
25/04/2020   Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)                                      Martin's Wood
25/04/2020   House Martin (Delichon urbicum)                               Martin's Wood
27/04/2020   Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)                         New Bridge Ponds
27/04/2020   Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)                                  Bembridge Harbour
27/04/2020   Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)                    Laundry Lane
27/04/2020   Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)                        Bembridge Lagoons
27/04/2020   Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides)                      Bembridge Lagoons
27/04/2020   Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia curruca)                           New Bridge Ponds
01/05/2020   Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)                               Wroxall
             Roosting on the edge of Wroxall, presumably a bird from Appuldurcombe
02/05/2020   Sand Martin (Riparia riparia)                                 Bexley Point
07/05/2020   Common Swift (Apus apus)                                      Shanklin
14/05/2020   Hobby (Falco subbuteo)                                        New Bridge Ponds
19/05/2020   Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)                                 Parkhurst Forest
19/05/2020   Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)                                    Parkhurst Forest North
19/05/2020   Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)                              Parkhurst Forest
25/05/2020   Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)                        Norton
27/05/2020   Blyth's Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum)                 Ventnor
31/05/2020   Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris)                        Bembridge Embankment
07/06/2020   Dartford Warbler (Sylvia undata)                              West High Down
07/06/2020   Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)                                 Tennyson Down
09/06/2020   Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana)                               Bembridge Marsh
11/07/2020   White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)                     Clamerkin Creek
05/08/2020   Little Tern (Sternula albifrons)                              Newtown NNR
11/08/2020   Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)                          Luccombe Down
11/08/2020   Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)                            Luccombe Down
21/08/2020   Hoopoe (Upupa epops)                                          St. Catherine's Road
29/08/2020   Black Swan (Cygnus atratus)                                   Ryde Canoe Lake
30/08/2020   Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)                                    Dynamite Pool
30/08/2020   Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra)                                   Brading Marsh RSPB
30/08/2020   Tree Pipit (Anthus trivialis)                                 Brading Marsh RSPB
31/08/2020   Grasshopper Warbler (Locustella naevia)                       Luccombe Down
31/08/2020   Western Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava)                      Nansen Hill
31/08/2020   Siskin (Spinus spinus)                                        Bonchurch Down
02/09/2020   Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus)                             Brading Marsh RSPB
17/09/2020   White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)                                 Whitwell
23/09/2020   Richard's Pipit (Anthus richardi)                             Shanklin
15/10/2020         Ring Ouzel (Turdus torquatus)                                     Bembridge Down
22/10/2020         Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)                                Sandown Meadows
24/10/2020         Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)                    Appley Park
23/11/2020         Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus)                                      Atherfield
29/11/2020         Russian White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons albifrons)           Western Yar Estuary
29/11/2020         Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus)                                      Barnsfields Stream
29/11/2020         Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)                                   Barnsfields Stream
04/12/2020         Slavonian Grebe (Podiceps auritus)                                Puckpool Point
14/12/2020         Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris)                                Rookley Country Park

Mosses and liverworts
Eight species recorded

11/01/2020         Minute Pouncewort (Cololejeunea minutissima)                      Shanklin
15/01/2020         Grey-cushioned Grimmia (Grimmia pulvinata)                        Shanklin
15/01/2020         Wall Screw-moss (Tortula muralis)                                 Shanklin
28/01/2020         Common Smoothcap (Atrichum undulatum)                             Hungerberry Copse
30/01/2020         Crisped Pincushion (Ulota crispa)                                 Sibden Hill
28/10/2020         Great Scented Liverwort (Conocephalum conicum)                    Appley Steps
28/10/2020         Endive Pellia (Pellia endiviifolia)                               Appley Steps
02/11/2020         Crescent-cup Liverwort (Lunularia cruciata)                       Ventnor Botanic Garden

One species identified from fresh cuttlebones

15/07/2020         Common Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis)                             Blackgang

One species, could easily have added a few more with a bit of effort

22/01/2020         Common Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris)                           Shanklin

With more than 4000 British species it was worth spending some time looking for and identifying beetles. A total of 159 species
was recorded, of those 93 were lifers and 9 were new county records

12/01/2020         Seven-spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata)                   Wheelers Bay
16/01/2020         Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata)                          Shanklin
27/01/2020         Paederus littoralis                                               Shanklin
03/02/2020         Small Bloody-nosed Beetle (Timarcha goettingensis)                Nansen Hill
04/02/2020         Parethelcus pollinarius                                           St. Catherine's Point
06/02/2020         Two-spot Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata)                             PLUTO Pavilion
07/02/2020         Mecinus circulatus                                                Appley Park
14/02/2020         Longitarsus dorsalis                                              Flowers Brook
15/02/2020         Nalassus laevioctostriatus                                        Shanklin Big Mead
15/02/2020   Ocys tachysoides                                                Shanklin Manor
             In 2016, beetles thought to be Ocys harpaloides were shown to comprise two species, Ocys harpaloides
             and Ocys tachysoides. They can only be separated by dissection. A specimen collected at Shanklin Manor
             was dissected and found to be a female Ocys tachysoides. This species was subsequently found at six more
             locations but Ocys harpaloides was not recorded
16/02/2020   Nebria brevicollis                                      Borthwood Copse East
20/02/2020   Fourteen-spot Ladybird (Propylea quattuordecimpunctata) America Wood
20/02/2020   Euophryum confine                                               America Wood
21/02/2020   Pycnomerus fuliginosus                                          Hungerberry Copse
23/02/2020   Dromius quadrimaculatus                                         Sibden Hill
23/02/2020   Acalles misellus                                                Sibden Hill
24/02/2020   Laemostenus terricola                                           Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
24/02/2020   Dromius meridionalis                                            Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
27/02/2020   Paradromius linearis                                            Gore Cliff
27/02/2020   Xantholinus longiventris                                        Shepherd's Chine
27/02/2020   Celery Leaf Beetle (Phaedon tumidulus)                          Gore Cliff
28/02/2020   Demetrias atricapillus                                          Shanklin
01/03/2020   Black Snail Beetle (Phosphuga atrata)                           Newtown
03/03/2020   Biphyllus lunatus                                               Luccombe
06/03/2020   Leistus ferrugineus                                             Parkhurst Forest
06/03/2020   Ocys harpaloides                                                Parkhurst Forest
06/03/2020   Micrambe ulicis                                                 Parkhurst Forest
06/03/2020   Exapion ulicis                                                  Parkhurst Forest
07/03/2020   Prasocuris junci                                                Sandown Airport
             A single specimen was collected from a ditch close to Sandown airport
07/03/2020   Longitarsus flavicornis                                         Sandown Airport
09/03/2020   Asaphidion curtum                                               Old Park
09/03/2020   Bembidion tetracolum                                            Old Park
09/03/2020   Red Apion Weevil (Apion frumentarium)                           St. Lawrence AONB
12/03/2020   Devil's Coach-horse (Ocypus olens)                              Sibden Hill
12/03/2020   Vincenzellus ruficollis                                         Sibden Hill
14/03/2020   Protopirapion atratulum                                         St. Catherine's Down
14/03/2020   Andrion regensteinense                                          St. Catherine's Down
15/03/2020   Varied Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus verbasci)                       Shanklin Upper Chine
16/03/2020   Minotaur Beetle (Typhaeus typhoeus)                             Harboro
16/03/2020   Black Oil-beetle (Meloe proscarabaeus)                          Mottistone Down
16/03/2020   Longitarsus jacobaeae                                           Mottistone Down
17/03/2020   Black Sexton Beetle (Nicrophorus humator)                       Shanklin
19/03/2020   Notiophilus biguttatus                                          Shanklin
19/03/2020   Anotylus sculpturatus                                           Shanklin
02/04/2020   Agonum muelleri                                                 Shanklin
03/04/2020   Bembidion lunulatum                                             Greatwood Copse
04/04/2020   Aphodius prodromus                                              St. Martin's Down
             Specimens collected from cow dung on St. Martin’s Down
05/04/2020   Copper Greenlock (Poecilus cupreus)                             Shanklin
05/04/2020   Common Sun Beetle (Amara aenea)                                 Shanklin
05/04/2020   Soronia grisea                                                  Shanklin
             A sap beetle recorded as moth trap by-catch. A second was trapped at Haseley Manor in August
06/04/2020   Tachyporus solutus                                                  America Wood
08/04/2020   Oedemera femoralis                                                  Shanklin
09/04/2020   Ten-spot Ladybird (Adalia decempunctata)                            Shanklin
11/04/2020   Cyphon coarctatus                                                   Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
11/04/2020   Chrysolina banksii                                                  Upper Hyde
11/04/2020   Common Leaf Weevil (Phyllobius pyri)                                Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
13/04/2020   Bembidion properans                                                 Shanklin
15/04/2020   Psylliodes affinis                                                  Appley Steps
16/04/2020   Epuraea melanocephala                                               Shanklin
20/04/2020   Alder Leaf Beetle (Agelastica alni)                                 Black Pan
20/04/2020   Silver-green Leaf Weevil (Phyllobius argentatus)                    Shanklin
21/04/2020   Black Ground Beetle (Abax parallelepipedus)                         America Wood
21/04/2020   Garden Click Beetle (Athous haemorrhoidalis)                        America Wood
21/04/2020   Clay-coloured Weevil (Otiorhynchus singularis)                      Shanklin
22/04/2020   Cantharis decipiens                                                 Shanklin
22/04/2020   Strophosoma melanogrammum                                           Shanklin
23/04/2020   Twenty-four-spot Ladybird (Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata)   Shanklin
24/04/2020   Black Clock (Pterostichus madidus)                                  Shanklin
25/04/2020   Green Dock Beetle (Gastrophysa viridula)                            Alverstone
27/04/2020   Cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha)                                  Shanklin
28/04/2020   Carabus problematicus                                               America Wood
28/04/2020   Paranchus albipes                                                   America Wood
28/04/2020   Anaspis maculata                                                    Shanklin
28/04/2020   Birch Leaf-roller (Deporaus betulae)                                Shanklin
29/04/2020   Leistus spinibarbis                                                 Shanklin Manor
29/04/2020   Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis)                              Shanklin Big Mead
01/05/2020   Green Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus)                           Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
02/05/2020   Rufous Soldier Beetle (Cantharis rufa)                              Fatting Marsh
02/05/2020   Galerucella sagittariae                                             New Bridge Ponds
03/05/2020   Malthodes marginatus                                                Shanklin
05/05/2020   Black Vine Weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus)                           Batts Copse
06/05/2020   Sepedophilus immaculatus                                            Whitecliff Bay
06/05/2020   Psilothrix viridicoeruleus                                          Whitecliff Bay
06/05/2020   Cream-streaked Ladybird (Harmonia quadripunctata)                   Yaverland
07/05/2020   Byrrhus pilula                                                      Shanklin
07/05/2020   Acorn Weevil (Curculio glandium)                                    Shanklin
09/05/2020   Drilus flavescens                                                   Bonchurch Down
09/05/2020   Cantharis livida                                                    Shanklin
09/05/2020   Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis)                           Bonchurch Down
09/05/2020   Cryptocephalus aureolus                                             Bonchurch Down
13/05/2020   Agriotes acuminatus                                                 Afton Chalk Pit
13/05/2020   Dasytes aeratus                                                     Freshwater Bay
13/05/2020   Eutrichapion vorax                                                  Freshwater Bay
14/05/2020   Bembidion biguttatum                                                New Bridge Ponds
14/05/2020   Red-tipped Flower Beetle (Malachius bipustulatus)                   Shanklin
14/05/2020   Sixteen-spot Ladybird (Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata)                  New Bridge Ponds
14/05/2020   Rhinoncus pericarpius                                               New Bridge Ponds
17/05/2020   Rustic Sailor (Cantharis rustica)                                   Newtown Meadows
17/05/2020   Anaspis frontalis                                                 Walter's Copse
17/05/2020   Wasp Beetle (Clytus arietis)                                      Newtown
17/05/2020   Viburnum Leaf Beetle (Pyrrhalta viburni)                          Walter's Copse
18/05/2020   Trixagus dermestoides                                             America Wood
18/05/2020   Cantharis pellucida                                               Shanklin
20/05/2020   Anthrenus fuscus                                                  Shanklin
20/05/2020   Anobium punctatum                                                 Shanklin
21/05/2020   Denticollis linearis                                              Shanklin
21/05/2020   Melanotus castanipes                                              Shanklin
             A large dark click beetle. One, probably this species, was taken as moth trap by-catch at Sandpit Copse on
             the previous day. This specimen from the garden moth trap was examined and keyed to castanipes
24/05/2020   Cantharis nigricans                                               Martin’s Wood
25/05/2020   Green Tiger Beetle (Cicindela campestris)                         Bouldnor
25/05/2020   Helophorus brevipalpis                                            Shanklin
28/05/2020   Bloody-nosed Beetle (Timarcha tenebricosa)                        Haseley Manor
01/06/2020   Red-headed Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa serraticornis)              St. Lawrence Shute
01/06/2020   Mononychus punctumalbum                                           Wheelers Bay
07/06/2020   Rose Chafer (Cetonia aurata)                                      Alum Bay
07/06/2020   Black-and-yellow Longhorn (Rutpela maculata)                      Alum Bay
14/06/2020   Twenty-two-spot Ladybird (Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata)          Bulley’s Pit
14/06/2020   Clytra quadripunctata                                             Firestone Copse North
             Associated with ant nests where the larvae feed on plant debris within the nest
14/06/2020   Cryptocephalus bilineatus                                         Brading Down East
14/06/2020   Chrysolina hyperici                                               Nettlestone
17/06/2020   Pseudovadonia livida                                              Bembridge Down
20/06/2020   Galeruca tanaceti                                                 East Afton Down
20/06/2020   Sermylassa halensis                                               East Afton Down
23/06/2020   Violet Ground Beetle (Carabus violaceus)                          Borthwood Copse East
23/06/2020   Brown Chafer (Serica brunnea)                                     Borthwood Copse East
24/06/2020   Summer Chafer (Amphimallon solstitiale)                           Shanklin
24/06/2020   Heterocerus fenestratus                                           Shanklin
29/06/2020   Glow-worm (Lampyris noctiluca)                                    Parkhurst Forest North
03/07/2020   Agabus nebulosus                                                  Chilton Chine
03/07/2020   Rhagonycha fulva                                                  Chilton Chine
08/07/2020   Lagria hirta                                                      Sibden Hill
10/07/2020   Oulema melanopus                                                  Black Pan
16/07/2020   Amara apricaria                                                   Dunsbury Grange
16/07/2020   Strawberry Seed Beetle (Harpalus rufipes)                         Dunsbury Grange
16/07/2020   Geotrupes spiniger                                                Dunsbury Grange
16/07/2020   Trox scaber                                                       Dunsbury Grange
             Collected from a moth trap during survey work at Dunsbury Grange. The larvae and adults of this beetle can
             be found in birds nests, particularly those where there are pellets and apparently favouring Tawny Owl nests
28/07/2020   Agabus bipustulatus                                               Parkhurst Forest North
02/08/2020   Lily Beetle (Lilioceris lilii)                                    Bonchurch
03/08/2020   Onthophagus joannae                                               Culver Down
03/08/2020   Mecinus pascuorum                                                 Culver Down
03/08/2020   Mecinus pyraster                                                  Culver Down
05/08/2020   Eleven-spot Ladybird (Coccinella undecimpunctata)                 The Needles
07/08/2020        Ilybius ater                                                       West High Down Quarry
07/08/2020        Ophonus ardosiacus                                                 Shanklin
07/08/2020        Bradycellus verbasci                                               Shanklin
07/08/2020        Polistichus connexus                                               West High Down Quarry
07/08/2020        Lesser Stag Beetle (Dorcus parallelipipedus)                       Shanklin
09/08/2020        Enochrus nigritus                                                  Shanklin
                  A water scavenger beetle taken as moth trap by-catch. It keyed to Enochrus and I thought it was likely to
                  be coarctatus but confirmed by dissection as Enochrus nigritus
09/08/2020        Nicrophorus vespillo                                               Shanklin
09/08/2020        Cryptocephalus fulvus                                              Shanklin
11/08/2020        Nicrophorus interruptus                                            Haseley Manor
11/08/2020        Mycetophagus piceus                                                Shanklin
                  A specimen taken as moth trap by-catch and tentatively identified as Mycetophagus piceus was confirmed
                  from a photograph by Martin Fowlie
11/08/2020        Mycetophagus quadripustulatus                                      Shanklin
11/08/2020        Orchesia micans                                                    Shanklin
                  Another specimen from the garden moth traps, this is one of the false darkling beetles
20/08/2020        Tasgius morsitans                                                  West High Down Quarry
04/09/2020        Pine Ladybird (Exochomus quadripustulatus)                         Shanklin Big Mead
14/09/2020        Plum Weevil (Otiorhynchus clavipes)                                Windy Corner
23/10/2020        Chrysolina oricalcia                                               Sibden Hill
04/11/2020        Small Striped Flea Beetle (Phyllotreta undulata)                   Parkhurst Forest
07/11/2020        Cream-spot Ladybird (Calvia quattuordecimguttata)                  Shanklin

Five species recorded

06/02/2020        Entomobrya nivalis                                                 Shanklin
07/03/2020        Orchesella cincta                                                  Scotchells Brook Pond
14/03/2020        Pogonognathellus longicornis                                       Crocker Lane
17/08/2020        Kalaphorura burmeisteri                                            Ventnor Botanic Garden
07/12/2020        Orchesella villosa                                                 Ventnor Botanic Garden

Fifteen species and one aggregate recorded, all but two from the coast. This group includes terrestrial and marine isopods but
excludes woodlice which in my database are included with centipedes and millipedes (something for me to deal with at a later

13/01/2020        Beach Hopper (Orchestes grammarellus)                              Horse Ledge
13/01/2020        Shore Crab (Carcinus maenas)                                       Shanklin Beach
20/01/2020        Landhopper (Arcitalitrus dorrieni)                                 Shanklin
                  An adventive species from Australia, first recorded in Britain in the Isles of Scilly in 1924. Now widespread
                  in the SW, South Wales, Northern Ireland and throughout the Isle of Wight
21/01/2020        Edible crab (Cancer pagurus)                                       Horse Ledge
21/01/2020        Dynamene bidentata                                                 Horse Ledge
21/01/2020        Idotea neglecta                                                    Horse Ledge
21/01/2020        Common Barnacle (Semibalanus balanoides)                           Horse Ledge
13/02/2020        Gammarus pulex/fossarum agg.                                       Ventnor Park
                  Specimens collected from the stream in Ventnor Park but unable to identify to species, recorded as an
19/02/2020        Pisa nodipes                                                       Horse Ledge
19/02/2020        Talitrus saltator                                                  Shanklin Beach
26/07/2020        Idotea balthica                                                    Horse Ledge
26/07/2020        Common Prawn (Palaemon serratus)                                   Horse Ledge
26/07/2020        Velvet Swimming Crab (Necora puber)                                Yellow Ledge
26/07/2020        Neomysis integer                                                   Yellow Ledge
12/11/2020        Long-clawed Porcelain Crab (Pisidia longicornis)                   Ryde Pier
22/11/2020        Broad-clawed Porcelain Crab (Porcellana platycheles)               Bembridge Ledge

Eighty-two species were recorded, some from the leaf mines of their larvae. Identification was confirmed by Barry Warrington
of the National Agromyzid Recording Scheme where necessary

03/01/2020        Phytomyza ilicis agg.                                              Shanklin
                  I’m not sure whether Phytomyza jucunda has been recorded in the UK yet but it is safer to record this species
                  as an aggregate. I did not examine any puparia
04/01/2020        Chromatomyia scolopendri                                           Shanklin Big Mead
06/01/2020        Acidia cognata                                                     Luccombe
07/01/2020        Contarinia coryli                                                  Shanklin
08/01/2020        Tephrochlamys rufiventris                                          Shanklin
08/01/2020        Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)                          Shanklin
12/01/2020        Celery Fly (Euleia heraclei)                                       Wheelers Bay
14/01/2020        Chromatomyia aprilina                                              Shanklin Manor
16/01/2020        Chromatomyia atricornis                                            America Wood
                  An aggregate for Chromatomyia syngenesiae and Chromatomyia horticola, common on sow-thistles
23/01/2020        Cerodontha iridis                                                  Bonchurch Landslip
06/02/2020        Marine Splash Midge (Telmatogeton japonicus)                       Foreland
08/02/2020        Sylvicola cinctus                                                  Shanklin
13/02/2020        Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)                          St. Lawrence
01/03/2020        Eristalis pertinax                                                 Newtown
11/03/2020        Dark-edged Bee-fly (Bombylius major)                               Rocken End
13/03/2020        Calliphora vicina                                                  Batts Copse
16/03/2020        Bibio lanigerus                                                    Mottistone Down
06/04/2020        Tipula oleracea                                                    Shanklin
12/04/2020        Bibio johannis                                                     Shanklin
12/04/2020        Rhingia campestris                                                 Shanklin
19/04/2020        Helophilus pendulus                                                Shanklin
23/04/2020        St. Mark's Fly (Bibio marci)                                       Shanklin
26/04/2020        Epistrophe eligans                                                 Shanklin
28/04/2020        Tipula vittata                                                     Apsecastle Wood
29/04/2020        Empis tessellata                                                   Shanklin Big Mead
30/04/2020        Tipula paludosa                                                    Shanklin
02/05/2020        Tipula vernalis                                                    Laundry Lane
03/05/2020   Murky-legged Black Legionnaire (Beris chalybata)     Shanklin
04/05/2020   Macrodiplosis pustularis                             Shanklin Manor
09/05/2020   Eupeodes corollae                                    Shanklin
13/05/2020   Nephrotoma appendiculata                             Afton Chalk Pit
13/05/2020   Syrphus ribesii                                      Afton Chalk Pit
17/05/2020   Contarinia melanocera                                Newtown Meadows
18/05/2020   Tipula maxima                                        America Wood
21/05/2020   Green Gem (Microchrysa flavicornis)                  Shanklin
24/05/2020   Macrodiplosis roboris                                Martin's Wood
24/05/2020   Baccha elongata                                      Newchurch
24/05/2020   Xylota segnis                                        Newchurch
24/05/2020   Bright Horsefly (Hybomitra distinguenda)             Martin's Wood
07/06/2020   Poecilobothrus nobilitatus                           Afton Marsh
07/06/2020   Volucella bombylans                                  Alum Bay
07/06/2020   Large Pied-hoverfly (Volucella pellucens)            Alum Bay
08/06/2020   Band-eyed Brown Horsefly (Tabanus bromius)           Shanklin
14/06/2020   Chirosia histricina                                  Firestone Copse North
17/06/2020   Striped Slender Robberfly (Leptogaster cylindrica)   Bembridge Down
20/06/2020   Black Snipefly (Chrysopilus cristatus)               Afton Chalk Pit
20/06/2020   Herina lugubris                                      East Afton Down
21/06/2020   Iteomyia major                                       Shepherd's Trail
23/06/2020   Dexiosoma caninum                                    Shanklin
02/07/2020   Myopites apicatus                                    Black Pan
03/07/2020   Common Green Colonel (Oplodontha viridula)           Chilton Chine
06/07/2020   Hornet Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria)                  Shanklin
07/07/2020   Anomoia purmunda                                     Shanklin
08/07/2020   Little Black Pudding (Dasineura pteridis)            Sibden Hill
08/07/2020   Tipula lateralis                                     Shanklin
08/07/2020   Amauromyza labiatarum                                Sibden Hill
11/07/2020   Black-horned Cleg (Haematopota crassicornis)         Newtown Meadows (west)
11/07/2020   Thistle Gall Fly (Urophora cardui)                   Newtown Meadows
14/07/2020   Agromyza varicornis                                  Appley Steps
14/07/2020   Broad Centurion (Chloromyia formosa)                 Shanklin
17/07/2020   Dryomyza anilis                                      Shanklin
18/07/2020   Eristalis intricaria                                 Marsh House Farm
20/07/2020   Liriomyza pascuum                                    Kemphill Moor Copse East
20/07/2020   Leucozona lucorum                                    Arreton Down
20/07/2020   Eriothrix rufomaculata                               Arreton Down
24/07/2020   Liriomyza eupatorii                                  Shide-Blackwater Path
28/07/2020   Hartigiola annulipes                                 Parkhurst Forest North
02/08/2020   Chromatomyia horticola                               Grangeside
03/08/2020   Sphaerophoria scripta                                Culver Down
05/08/2020   Orange-winged Fly (Mesembrina meridiana)             Newtown
09/08/2020   Agromyza nana                                        Shanklin
16/08/2020   Black Locust Gall Midge (Obolodiplosis robiniae)     Shanklin Big Mead
             Bred through from galls
18/08/2020   Euphylidorea lineola                                 Shanklin
30/08/2020   Dasineura rosae                                      Laundry Lane
05/09/2020        Xenodiplosis laeviusculi                                          Parkhurst Forest North
13/09/2020        Bright Four-spined Legionnaire (Chorisops nagatomii)              Borthwood Copse West
21/09/2020        Keroplatus testaceus                                              Haseley Manor
28/09/2020        Nephrotoma flavipalpis                                            Afton Marsh
16/10/2020        Dasineura urticae                                                 St. Catherine's Point
19/10/2020        Lighthouse Gall (Rondaniola bursaria)                             Godshill Church
19/10/2020        Tufted Clusterfly (Pollenia pediculata)                           Godshill Church
30/10/2020        Phytomyza vitalbae                                                Pan

Starfish and sea urchins
Just two species recorded

29/01/2020        Dwarf Brittle Star (Amphipholis squamata)                         Horse Ledge
12/11/2020        Common Starfish (Asterias rubens)                                 Ryde Pier

135 taxa recorded. Having little previous experience with fungi this was a rewarding area of study. Early in the year focusing
on host-specific rust fungi and smuts. Spores were examined where necessary to clinch identification. During the autumn I was
fortunate enough to join a couple of fungus forays with experienced mycologists.

01/01/2020        Alexanders Rust (Puccinia smyrnii)                                Yarmouth Station
02/01/2020        King Alfred's Cake (Daldinia concentrica)                         Shanklin Manor
02/01/2020        Clustered Brittlestem (Psathyrella multipedata)                   Shanklin Upper Chine
06/01/2020        Cheilymenia granulata                                             Haddon's Pits
08/01/2020        Candlesnuff Fungus (Xylaria hypoxylon)                            Shanklin
08/01/2020        Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare)                              Hungerberry Copse
11/01/2020        Illosporiopsis christiansenii                                     Shanklin
11/01/2020        Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor)                                 Hungerberry Copse
15/01/2020        Jelly Ear Fungus (Auricularia auricula-judae)                     Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
16/01/2020        Blushing Bracket (Daedaleopsis confragosa)                        America Wood
16/01/2020        Witches' Butter (Exidia glandulosa)                               America Wood
16/01/2020        Birch Polypore (Piptoporus betulinus)                             America Wood
16/01/2020        Panaeolus olivaceus                                               Upper Hyde
18/01/2020        Violet Bramble Rust (Phragmidium violaceum)                       Sandown-Alverstone cycle track
24/01/2020        Rhododendron Bud Blast (Pycnostysanus azaleae)                    Sibden Hill
03/02/2020        Yellow Brain (Tremella mesenterica)                               Ventnor Down
04/02/2020        Arum Rust (Puccinia sessilis)                                     St. Catherine's Point
20/02/2020        Scarlet Elfcup (Sarcoscypha austriaca)                            America Wood
01/03/2020        Salad Burnet Rust (Phragmidium sanguisorbae)                      Carisbrooke Castle
15/03/2020        Daisy Rust (Puccinia distincta)                                   Shanklin Upper Chine
14/04/2020        Dog's Mercury Rust (Melampsora populnea)                          Greatwood Copse
16/04/2020        Fuchsia Rust (Pucciniastrum epilobii)                             Shanklin
19/04/2020        Spurge Rust (Melampsora euphorbiae)                               Shanklin
28/04/2020        Hypericum Rust (Melampsora hypericorum)                           Shanklin
02/05/2020        Rose Rust (Phragmidium mucronatum)                                Laundry Lane
24/05/2020        Melampsora epitea var. epitea                                     Martin's Wood
28/05/2020        Nettle Rust (Puccinia urticata var. urticata)                     Haseley Manor
31/05/2020   Pocket Plum (Taphrina pruni)                           Bembridge Marsh
04/06/2020   Periwinkle Rust (Puccinia vincae)                      St. Lawrence
07/06/2020   Meadowsweet Rust (Triphragmium ulmariae)               Afton Marsh
02/07/2020   Botrytis cinerea                                       Shanklin
24/07/2020   Tar Spot (Rhytisma acerinum)                           Shide-Blackwater Path
22/08/2020   Horse Mushroom (Agaricus arvensis)                     Pan Country Park
27/08/2020   Soft Puffball (Lycoperdon molle)                       Shanklin
28/08/2020   Hairy Curtain Crust (Stereum hirsutum)                 Shanklin
01/09/2020   Common Earthball (Scleroderma citrinum)                America Wood
01/09/2020   Monilinia fructigena                                   Shanklin
05/09/2020   Fiery Milkcap (Lactarius pyrogalus)                    Shanklin
10/09/2020   Dryad's Saddle (Cerioporus squamosus)                  Week Down
10/09/2020   Parasol (Macrolepiota procera)                         Week Down
11/09/2020   Field Mushroom (Agaricus campestris)                   Shanklin
12/09/2020   Ganoderma australe                                     Shanklin
13/09/2020   False Death Cap (Amanita citrina)                      Borthwood Copse East
13/09/2020   Panther Cap (Amanita pantherina)                       Borthwood Copse East
13/09/2020   Brown Rollrim (Paxillus involutus)                     Borthwood Copse East
17/09/2020   Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)                          Parkhurst Forest
22/09/2020   Shaggy Ink Cap (Coprinus comatus)                      Shanklin Upper Chine
24/09/2020   Holly Speckle (Trochila ilicina)                       Shanklin
25/09/2020   Sphacelotheca hydropiperis                             New Bridge Ponds
02/10/2020   Blackening Waxcap (Hygrocybe conica)                   Shanklin Upper Chine
03/10/2020   Honey Fungus (Armillaria mellea)                       Bonchurch
06/10/2020   Black Bulgar (Bulgaria inquinans)                      Shanklin
06/10/2020   Steely Bonnet (Mycena pseudocorticola)                 Shanklin
16/10/2020   Green Elfcup agg. (Chlorociboria aeruginascens agg.)   Parkhurst Forest North
16/10/2020   Wood Blewit (Lepista nuda)                             Parkhurst Forest North
16/10/2020   Common Puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum)                  Parkhurst Forest North
16/10/2020   Clustered Bonnet (Mycena inclinata)                    Parkhurst Forest North
16/10/2020   Rosy Bonnet (Mycena rosea)                             Parkhurst Forest North
16/10/2020   Porcelain Fungus (Oudemansiella mucida)                Parkhurst Forest North
16/10/2020   Dead Moll's Fingers (Xylaria longipes)                 Parkhurst Forest North
21/10/2020   Upright Coral (Ramaria stricta)                        Shanklin Manor
21/10/2020   Parrot Waxcap (Gliophorus psittacinus)                 Shanklin Upper Chine
22/10/2020   Shaggy Scalycap (Pholiota squarrosa)                   Shanklin Manor
23/10/2020   Groundsel Rust (Puccinia lagenophorae)                 West Shanklin
24/10/2020   Spectacular Rustgill (Gymnopilus junonius)             Appley Park
26/10/2020   Fairy Inkcap (Coprinellus disseminatus)                St. Blasius
28/10/2020   Elsinoë mattiroloanum                                  Rylstone Gardens
28/10/2020   Red Cracking Bolete (Xerocomellus chrysenteron)        Rylstone Gardens
30/10/2020   Snowy Waxcap (Cuphophyllus virgineus)                  Shanklin Upper Chine
30/10/2020   Persistent Waxcap (Hygrocybe acutoconica)              Shanklin Upper Chine
31/10/2020   Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)                    Keats Green
31/10/2020   White Saddle (Helvella crispa)                         Keats Green
02/11/2020   Bay Cup (Peziza badia)                                 Ventnor Botanic Garden
04/11/2020   Blushing Wood Mushroom (Agaricus silvaticus)           Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   White False Death Cap (Amanita citrina var. alba)      Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Jewelled Amanita (Amanita gemmata)            Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Warted Amanita (Amanita strobiliformis)       Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Silk Piggyback (Asterophora parasitica)       Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Penny Bun (Boletus edulis)                    Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Small Stagshorn (Calocera cornea)             Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Peppery Bolete (Chalciporus piperatus)        Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Trooping Funnel (Clitocybe geotropa)          Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Common Funnel (Clitocybe gibba)               Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Fragrant Funnel (Clitocybe metachroa)         Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Clouded Agaric (Clitocybe nebularis)          Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Crepidotus cesatii                            Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Wood Pinkgill (Entoloma rhodopolium)          Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Wood Woollyfoot (Gymnopus peronatus)          Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Wood Hedgehog (Hydnum repandum)               Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Ivory Woodwax (Hygrophorus eburneus )         Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Bay Bolete (Imleria badia)                    Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystina)      Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Yellowdrop Milkcap (Lactarius chrysorrheus)   Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Tawny Milkcap (Lactarius fulvissimus)         Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Brown Birch Bolete (Leccinum scabrum)         Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Grooved Cavalier (Melanoleuca grammopodia)    Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Common Bonnet (Mycena galericulata)           Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Rancid Bonnet (Mycena olida)                  Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Snapping Bonnet (Mycena vitilis)              Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Deer Shield (Pluteus cervinus)                Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Bitter Bracket (Postia stiptica)              Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Butter Cap (Rhodocollybia butyracea)          Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Orange Mosscap (Rickenella fibula)            Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Blackening Brittlegill (Russula nigricans)    Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Split Porecrust (Schizopora paradoxa)         Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Birch Knight (Tricholoma fulvum)              Parkhurst Forest
04/11/2020   Sulphur Knight (Tricholoma sulphureum)        Parkhurst Forest
05/11/2020   White Spindles (Clavaria fragilis)            Shanklin
11/11/2020   Wrinkled Club (Clavulina rugosa)              Shanklin
12/11/2020   Oak Bracket (Pseudoinonotus dryadeus)         Appley Park
12/11/2020   Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)                Bembridge Lagoons
13/11/2020   Beefsteak Fungus (Fistulina hepatica)         Lower Hyde
14/11/2020   Beechwood Sickener (Russula nobilis)          West Shanklin
07/12/2020   Ramularia purpurescens                        St. Catherine's Point
08/12/2020   Agaricus impudicus                            Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020   Smoky Spindles (Clavaria fumosa)              Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020   Meadow Coral (Clavulinopsis corniculata)      Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020   Yellow Club (Clavulinopsis helvola)           Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020   Apricot Club (Clavulinopsis luteoalba)        Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020   Tawny Funnel (Clitocybe flaccida)             Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020   Meadow Waxcap (Cuphophyllus pratensis)        Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020   Crazed Cap (Dermoloma cuneifolium)            Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020   Moss Bell (Gallerina hypnorum)                Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Geoglossum fallax                              Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Slimy Waxcap (Gliophorus irrigatus)            Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Golden Waxcap (Hygrocybe chlorophana)          Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Scarlet Waxcap (Hygrocybe coccinea)            Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Crimson Waxcap (Hygrocybe punicea)             Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Honey Waxcap (Hygrocybe reidii)                Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Deceiver (Laccaria laccata)                    Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Iodine Bonnet (Mycena filopes)                 Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Turf Mottlegill (Panaeolus fimicola)           Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Leopard Earthball (Scleroderma areolatum)      Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Witches Broom (Taphina betulina)               Shanklin Cemetery
08/12/2020        Cedarwood Waxcap (Hygrocybe russocoriacea)     Shanklin Cemetery

Slugs, snails and marine gastropods
Thirty-four species recorded

07/01/2020        Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum)                  Shanklin
08/01/2020        Balea sarsii                                   Shanklin
13/01/2020        Common Limpet (Patella vulgata)                Shanklin Beach
20/01/2020        Two-toothed Door Snail (Clausilia bidentata)   Shanklin
21/01/2020        Common Periwinkle (Littorina littorea)         Horse Ledge
21/01/2020        Netted Dog Whelk (Nassarius reticulatus)       Horse Ledge
21/01/2020        Flat Top Shell (Steromphala umbilicalis)       Horse Ledge
24/01/2020        Irish Yellow Slug (Limacus maculatus)          Shanklin
29/01/2020        Flat Periwinkle (Littorina obtusata)           Horse Ledge
03/02/2020        Wall Snail (Balea perversa)                    Shanklin
06/02/2020        Grey Top Shell (Steromphala cineraria)         Foreland
15/02/2020        White-lipped Snail (Cepaea hortensis)          Rylstone Gardens
15/02/2020        Leopard Slug (Limax maximus)                   Shanklin Manor
16/02/2020        Rounded Snail (Discus rotundatus)              Borthwood Copse West
19/02/2020        Rissoa parva                                   Horse Ledge
20/02/2020        Smooth Glass Snail (Aegopinella nitidula)      America Wood
21/02/2020        Clear Glass Snail (Aegopinella pura)           Hungerberry Copse
24/02/2020        Lesser Bulin (Merdigera obscura)               Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
27/02/2020        Wrinkled Snail (Candidula intersecta)          Shepherd's Chine
29/02/2020        Black Slug agg. (Arion ater agg.)              Eaglehead Copse
01/03/2020        Strawberry Snail (Trochulus striolatus)        Newtown
28/04/2020        Brown-lipped Snail (Cepaea nemoralis)          Apsecastle Wood
13/05/2020        Pointed Snail (Cochlicella acuta)              Afton Chalk Pit
23/08/2020        Mouse-eared Snail (Myosotella myosotis)        St. Helens Millpond
23/08/2020        Laver Spire Shell (Peringia ulvae)             St. Helens Millpond
16/09/2020        Common Whelk (Buccinum undatum)                Ryde Pier
13/10/2020        Tree Slug (Lehmannia marginata)                America Wood
12/11/2020        Painted Top Shell (Calliostoma zizyphinum)     Ryde Pier
12/11/2020        Slipper Limpet (Crepidula fornicata)           Ryde Pier
12/11/2020        Sting Winkle (Ocenebra erinaceus)              Ryde Pier
12/11/2020        Grooved Razor Shell (Solen marginatus)         Ryde Pier
22/11/2020         Aeolidiella alderi                                                   Foreland
07/12/2020         Ambigolimax valentianus                                              Ventnor Botanic Garden
07/12/2020         Vitrina pellucida                                                    St. Catherine's Point

Plant bugs, aphids and scale insects
123 species recorded, frequently colleted from moth trap by-catch. There were 13 new county records, mostly of aphids.
Roughly 670 species of aphid have been found in Britain and they are largely overlooked so it is relatively simple to find species
new to the county. Many are host specific or host alternate which aids in their identification.

05/01/2020         Trioza centranthi                                                    Puckpool Point
12/01/2020         Ornate Aphid (Myzus ornatus)                                         Ventnor
                   Found on the leaves of Red Valerian (Centranthus ruber)
12/01/2020         Glasshouse Mealybug (Pseudococcus viburni)                           Shanklin Upper Chine
25/01/2020         Nettle Aphid (Microlophium carnosum)                                 Shanklin
28/01/2020         Hawthorn Shieldbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale)                      Hungerberry Copse
04/02/2020         Dock Bug (Coreus marginatus)                                         St. Catherine's Point
06/02/2020         Empoasca vitis                                                       Shanklin
23/02/2020         Parent Bug (Elasmucha grisea)                                        Sibden Hill
27/02/2020         Boat Bug (Enoplops scapha)                                           Shepherd's Chine
13/03/2020         Gorse Shieldbug (Piezodorus lituratus)                               Luccombe Down
16/03/2020         Hairy Shieldbug (Dolycoris baccarum)                                 Mottistone Down
24/03/2020         Corizus hyoscyami                                                    Shanklin
01/04/2020         Gerris lacustris                                                     Shanklin
04/04/2020         Brachycaudus klugkisti                                               Shanklin
                   Abundant on new growth Red Campion (Silene dioica) in the garden. Specimens collected and examined.
                   Very similar to Brachycaudus lychnidis which is found on the same host but with cauda similar in length to
                   basal width and fewer hairs on third antennal segment I believe these were Brachycaudus klugkisti
05/04/2020         Acericerus heydenii                                                  Shanklin
20/04/2020         Harpocera thoracica                                                  Shanklin
21/04/2020         Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina)                            America Wood
22/04/2020         Drymus sylvaticus                                                    Shanklin
28/04/2020         Rhabdomiris striatellus                                              Apsecastle Wood
30/04/2020         Honeysuckle Aphid (Hyadaphis passerinii)                             Shanklin
                   Common on the ornamental variety of Honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.) in the garden
01/05/2020         Black-and-red Froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata)                        Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
01/05/2020         Common Sycamore Aphid (Drepanosiphum platanoidis)                    Yard Farm
02/05/2020         Miris striatus                                                       New Bridge Ponds
05/05/2020         Red-legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes)                             Sibden Hill
11/05/2020         Cyllecoris histrionius                                               America Wood
11/05/2020         Cixius nervosus                                                      America Wood
11/05/2020         Hazel Aphid (Myzocallis coryli)                                      America Wood
13/05/2020         Eupteryx melissae                                                    Freshwater Bay
14/05/2020         Cymus melanocephalus                                                 New Bridge Ponds
15/05/2020         Elder Aphid (Aphis sambuci)                                          Westridge
15/05/2020         Poplar Spiral Gall Aphid (Pemphigus spyrothecae)                     Westridge
17/05/2020         Meadow Plant Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata)                             Newtown Meadows
17/05/2020         Spear Thistle Lacebug (Tingis cardui)                                Newtown Meadows
17/05/2020   Livilla ulicis                                                   Newtown Meadows
20/05/2020   Oncopsis flavicollis                                             Sandpit Copse
21/05/2020   Metatropis rufescens                                             Shanklin
22/05/2020   Corsican Pine Aphid (Cinara acutirostris)                        Shanklin Upper Chine
24/05/2020   Spindle Aphid (Aphis euonymi)                                    Martin's Wood
24/05/2020   Black Bean Aphid (Aphis fabae)                                   Martin's Wood
25/05/2020   Birch Shieldbug (Elasmostethus interstinctus)                    Bouldnor Copse West
28/05/2020   Neolygus populi                                                  Haseley Manor
01/06/2020   Ornate Shieldbug (Eurydema ornata)                               Wheelers Bay
02/06/2020   Phylus melanocephalus                                            Shanklin
04/06/2020   Andromeda Lacebug (Stephanitis takeyai)                          Shanklin
07/06/2020   Black-tailed Bamboo Aphid (Takecallis arundicolens)              Afton Marsh
09/06/2020   Campyloneura virgula                                             Shanklin
09/06/2020   Eupteryx vittata                                                 Haseley Manor
             One from moth trap by-catch. A distinctive leafhopper but identity confirmed by dissection
14/06/2020   Ant Damsel Bug (Himacerus mirmicoides)                           Seaview
14/06/2020   Meadow Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius)                          Firestone Copse North
17/06/2020   Leptopterna ferrugata                                            Bembridge Down
17/06/2020   Pithanus maerkelii                                               Bembridge Down
17/06/2020   Stenotus binotatus                                               Bembridge Down
17/06/2020   Kalama tricornis                                                 Culver Down
20/06/2020   Cymus glandicolor                                                East Afton Down
21/06/2020   Plagiognathus chrysanthemi                                       Chine Farm Chalets
24/06/2020   Phylus coryli                                                    Shanklin
24/06/2020   Megalonotus dilatatus                                            Cowleaze Chine
25/06/2020   Deraeocoris flavilinea                                           Shanklin
25/06/2020   Psyllopsis fraxini                                               Shanklin
             One collected from moth trap by-catch. This is one of several similar species that feed on Ash. Examination
             of parameres indicated P. fraxini
01/07/2020   Phoenicocoris obscurellus                                        Shanklin
02/07/2020   Poplar Shoot Aphid (Chaitophorus populeti)                       Lake
             Found on White Poplar (Populus alba) growing alongside footpath behind Broadlea Primary School
02/07/2020   Tansy Aphid (Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria)                       Lake
03/07/2020   Issus coleoptratus                                               Shanklin
06/07/2020   Notostira elongata                                               Upper Ventnor
06/07/2020   Gooseberry-willowherb Aphid (Aphis grossulariae)                 Shanklin
06/07/2020   Large Knapweed Aphid (Uroleucon jaceae)                          Coombe Bottom
08/07/2020   Common Flower Bug (Anthocoris nemorum)                           Shanklin
08/07/2020   Rhododendron Leafhopper (Graphocephala fennahi)                  Shanklin
08/07/2020   Bay Sucker (Lauritrioza alacris)                                 Sibden Hill
10/07/2020   Lopus decolor                                                    Black Pan
10/07/2020   Tupiocoris rhododendri                                           Shanklin
10/07/2020   Conomelus anceps                                                 Black Pan
11/07/2020   Miridius quadrivirgatus                                          Newtown Meadows
11/07/2020   Phytocoris varipes                                               Newtown Meadows
11/07/2020   Mealy Plum Aphid (Hyalopterus pruni)                             Afton Marsh
15/07/2020   Neolygus contaminatus                                            Blackgang Terrace
15/07/2020   Neophilaenus lineatus                                            Blackgang Terrace
16/07/2020   Sigara falleni                                                    Grange Withy Bed
16/07/2020   Turtle Shieldbug (Podops inuncta)                                 Grange Withy Bed
16/07/2020   Myrmus miriformis                                                 Dunsbury Grange
17/07/2020   Iassus lanio                                                      Shanklin
20/07/2020   Liocoris tripustulatus                                            Kemphill Moor Copse East
24/07/2020   Plagiognathus arbustorum                                          Shanklin
26/07/2020   Phytocoris longipennis                                            Shanklin
27/07/2020   Common Oak Aphid (Tuberculatus annulatus)                         Upper Hyde
29/07/2020   Sallow Leaf-vein Aphid (Chaitophorus salicti)                     Shide Quarry
30/07/2020   Ledra aurita                                                      Shanklin
01/08/2020   Stenodema laevigata                                               Brighstone Down Chalk Pits
01/08/2020   Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug (Aelia acuminata)                        Brighstone Down Chalk Pits
05/08/2020   Derephysia foliacea                                               Shanklin
05/08/2020   Lamprotettix nitidulus                                            Shanklin
05/08/2020   Opsius stactogalus                                                Newtown NNR
06/08/2020   Stenodema calcarata                                               Briddlesford Ponds
06/08/2020   Crucifer Shieldbug (Eurydema oleracea)                            Briddlesford Ponds
07/08/2020   Evacanthus interruptus                                            West High Down Quarry
08/08/2020   Eurhadina concinna                                                Shanklin
08/08/2020   Cixius simplex                                                    Shanklin
09/08/2020   Allygus mixtus                                                    Shanklin
09/08/2020   Idiocerus herrichi                                                Shanklin
11/08/2020   Metidiocerus elegans                                              Haseley Manor
11/08/2020   Tremulicerus tremulae                                             Haseley Manor
14/08/2020   Sthenarus rotermundi                                              Haseley Manor
16/08/2020   Common Green Capsid (Lygocoris pabulinus)                         Shanklin
16/08/2020   Eurhadina pulchella                                               Shanklin
16/08/2020   Metidiocerus rutilans                                             Shanklin
23/08/2020   Tuponia brevirostris                                              Bembridge Lagoons
29/08/2020   Australian Fluted Scale (Icerya purchasi)                         Ryde Canoe Lake
             A single specimen was found on Tamarisk gallica. Collected and photographed. Identified from photos as
             teneral adult female by Chris Malumphy
30/08/2020   Pilophorus cinnamopterus                                          Culver Parade
             Found on Scots Pine at the entrance to Dinosaur Isle. The third county record
03/09/2020   Large Cat's-ear Aphid (Uroleucon hypochoeridis)                   Shanklin
             Common on the Cat’s-ear (Hypochaeris radicata) that is taking over the front lawn
14/09/2020   Phytocoris dimidiatus                                             Shanklin
14/09/2020   Field Damsel Bug (Nabis ferus)                                    Shanklin
14/09/2020   Western Conifer Seed Bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis)              Windy Corner
14/09/2020   Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae)                            Shanklin Upper Chine
15/09/2020   Pantilius tunicatus                                               Shanklin
20/09/2020   Malacocoris chlorizans                                            Shanklin
28/09/2020   Bronze Shieldbug (Troilus luridus)                                Afton Marsh
28/09/2020   Linnavuoriana sexmaculata                                         Afton Marsh
07/10/2020   Pinalitus cervinus                                                Shanklin
10/10/2020   Scolopostethus thomsoni                                           Shanklin
02/11/2020   Bluegum Psyllid (Ctenarytaina eucalypti)                          Ventnor Botanic Garden
             A distinctive psyllid, all stages found on Blue Gum growing at the west end of the garden
27/11/2020        Aphis spiraecola                                                 Shanklin
                  Found on pyracantha sp. at Shanklin Esplanade
27/11/2020        Woolly Apple Aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum)                          Shanklin
24/12/2020        Pale Hogweed Aphid (Paramyzus heraclei)                          Westhill Road
                  Found on the underside of Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) leaves

Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies
Fifty-eight species were recorded. A diverse group including gall causers, inquilines and parasitoids. It was fascinating to
monitor what emerged from a single Robin’s Pincushion gall collected from Whitecliff Bay which produced 108 wasps of five

02/02/2020        Ophion obscuratus                                                Shanklin
06/02/2020        Common Black Ant (Lasius niger)                                  PLUTO Pavilion
14/02/2020        Red-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius)                         Greatwood Copse
18/02/2020        Diplolepis rosae                                                 Whitecliff Bay
23/02/2020        Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)                        Sibden Hill
02/03/2020        Oak Marble Gall Wasp (Andricus kollari)                          Ford Farm
07/03/2020        Gelis melanocephalus                                             Sandown Airport
08/03/2020        White-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lucorum)                          Sibden Hill
09/03/2020        Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)                               Old Park
10/03/2020        Pteromalus bedeguaris                                            Whitecliff Bay
11/03/2020        Yellow Meadow Ant (Lasius flavus)                                St. Catherine's Point
13/03/2020        Clarke's Mining-bee (Andrena clarkella)                          Batts Copse
13/03/2020        Yellow-legged Mining-bee (Andrena flavipes)                      Batts Copse
15/03/2020        Periclistus brandtii                                             Whitecliff Bay
16/03/2020        Tree Bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum)                                 Mottistone Down
19/03/2020        Hairy-footed Flower-bee (Anthophora plumipes)                    Bexley Point
26/03/2020        Ashy Mining-bee (Andrena cineraria)                              America Wood
31/03/2020        Orthopelma mediator                                              Whitecliff Bay
03/04/2020        Tawny Mining-bee (Andrena fulva)                                 Greatwood Copse
05/04/2020        German Wasp (Vespula germanica)                                  Shanklin
07/04/2020        Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris)                                   Shanklin
10/04/2020        Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum)                             Shanklin
11/04/2020        Leptothorax acervorum                                            Shanklin-Wroxall cycle path
18/04/2020        Torymus bedeguaris                                               Whitecliff Bay
28/04/2020        Netelia infractor                                                Shanklin
01/05/2020        Biorhiza pallida                                                 Appuldurcombe
09/05/2020        Early Bumblebee (Bombus pratorum)                                Shanklin
13/05/2020        Myrmica ruginodis                                                Compton Down
13/05/2020        Gooden's Nomad (Nomada goodeniana)                               Afton Chalk Pit
17/05/2020        Tenthredo temula                                                 Newtown Meadows
07/06/2020        Negro Ant (Formica fusca)                                        Tennyson Down
07/06/2020        Gasteruption jaculator                                           Afton Marsh
14/06/2020        Southern Wood Ant (Formica rufa)                                 Firestone Copse North
17/06/2020        Ancistrocerus parietinus                                         Lake
20/06/2020        Torymus microstigma                                              Whitecliff Bay
01/07/2020        Tapinoma ibericum                                                Ventnor Botanic Garden
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