IPRODUCT RECALLS: OFTEN TOO LITTLE TOO LATE - Why the CPSC can't do enough to protect consumers from dangerous products - CALPIRG

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IPRODUCT RECALLS: OFTEN TOO LITTLE TOO LATE - Why the CPSC can't do enough to protect consumers from dangerous products - CALPIRG
                          OFTEN TOO LITTLE TOO LATE
Why the CPSC can't do enough to protect consumers from dangerous products

                            ANALYSIS BY:
                          HANNAH RHODES
                     U.S. PIRG EDUCATION FUND
                           JANUARY 2022
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety              While the number of recalls decreased from
Commission (CPSC) plays a vital role in       2020 to 2021, this can be explained by the
protecting consumers from unsafe products.    types of products recalled. For example,
Often overlooked, this government agency      there were more essential oil recalls in 2020
determines what products pose an              than in 2021.
unreasonable risk of injury and develops
safety standards in accordance with its       Yet, the CPSC could do more to protect
research on products. Annually, deaths,       consumers. Before recalls are announced,
injuries and property damage from             what happens behind the scenes with the
consumer products cost Americans more         commission and recalling companies is
than $1 trillion.                             unknown to the public. Even when a serious
                                              injury or death is reported, the CPSC cannot
But 2021 reminds us the system is broken.     move forward in notifying the public
Federal laws favor corporations, not          without a series of hurdles to jump through
consumers, and it can take months or years    if they do not have the permission of the
for the public to be warned about dangerous   recalling company. This recall process can
products.                                     take weeks, months or years.

The CPSC is a small agency with a big task    With the CPSC’s hands tied behind its back,
to uphold. One of the CPSC’s methods for      the commission still made significant
protecting consumers is product recalls.      progress last year with high-profile recalls,
From children’s products to ATVs to           ranging from high-powered magnets to
fitness equipment, there were 219 recalls     newborn loungers.
from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021. During each
of the previous five years, there were more
recalls, ranging from 241 to 330 per year,
according to Saferproducts.gov. The 219
recalls last year involved more than 42
million units of products – twice as much
compared with 2020, when about 20
million units of products were recalled.

                                                                                PAGE 1
Incidents, injuries and deaths                   Other categories with the most recalls:
                                                 •        Furniture and related items,
Using the data from the CPSC, we found           including drawers, bunk beds and rugs: 32
that there were more than 8,000 incidents        recalls.
reported in 2021, with more than 6,000           •        Off-road vehicles, utility vehicles,
incidents involving an injury or illness         ATVs, tractors: 28 recalls.
associated with a product. There were 23
deaths reported in connection with the
products recalled.                               Others with at least 10 recalls:
                                                 •      Appliances.
For incidents, injuries and deaths, it’s         •      Sports and recreation.
important to note that while they were           •      Bicycles and related accessories.
associated with a recall in 2021, they could     •      Electronics.
have occurred in a different year. In fact, 19
of the deaths reported in 2021 occurred in       Notable recalls
previous years. One death occurred as far
back as 2011. This raises the question: how
                                                 One of 2021’s highest profile recalls
can a recall occur years or even a decade
                                                 involved Peloton’s Tread+ treadmill. In
after the first death was reported?
                                                 April 2021, the CPSC took the unusual
Safety hazards                                   action of issuing an urgent public warning
                                                 about the Peloton Tread+ treadmill, after
When looking at all recalled products and        commissioners learned of one child’s death
their associated hazards, we found that the      and 39 incidents. The next month, the CPSC
most common reasons for recalls in 2021          announced the recall of the Tread+
were:                                            treadmill, in conjunction with Peloton. The
                                                 CPSC cited the one child death and 70
  1. Product could cause injury (26.5            incidents, a significant increase compared
     percent).                                   with the initial reports.
  2. Risk of fire (25.6 percent).
  3. Product could cause burns (15.1             Urgent safety warnings have been an
     percent), which could be fire or            underused communication tool in the past.
     chemical related.                           The CPSC typically works with recalling
                                                 companies in a voluntary fashion, rather
Product categories                               than making statements that alert the public
                                                 about a product the commission considers to
When analyzing the types of products
                                                 be dangerous, because of restrictions it
recalled in 2021, children’s products were
                                                 operates under.
the highest category, with more than 40
recalls. That includes 15 recalls for
children’s clothing.

                                                                                    PAGE 2
In August 2021, the CPSC announced a           In November 2021, Walmart recalled
recall of about 10 million Zen and Neoball     about 3,900 of its Better Homes and
magnets. At the time of the recall, the CPSC   Gardens Essential Oil Infused
reported that two children had to have         Aromatherapy Room Spray with
emergency surgery after swallowing Zen         Gemstones after finding the oils contained
Magnets. The CPSC and Zen Magnets, LLC         a bacteria called Burkholderia
had a long battle over high-powered            pseudomallei. The bacteria could cause
magnets being available for sale. The CPSC     melioidosis, an illness that can be fatal.
passed a magnet rule in 2014 regulating the    Four cases of melioidosis associated with
sale of high-powered magnets, which was        the room sprays or one of its ingredients
later reversed in 2016 after Zen Magnets       were investigated. Two of the cases were
sued the CPSC.                                 fatalities, including one child.

Another large recall followed a month later,
in September 2021, with more than 3
million Boppy Original Newborn Loungers,
Boppy Preferred Newborn Loungers and
Pottery Barn Kids Boppy Newborn
Loungers being taken off the market. The
CPSC tallied eight reports of infant deaths
associated with the Boppy Company
Newborn Lounger. Almost a year before,
Consumer Reports (CR) had uncovered at
least 28 infant deaths from 2012 to 2018
related to nursing pillows and loungers.
Some were connected to products from the
Boppy Company.

                                                                                   PAGE 3
The CPSC works under the Consumer                In October 2020, the CPSC released a
Product Safety Act (CPSA), the umbrella act      generic warning about nursing pillows and
that dictates what the commission can and        loungers. The commission said, “CPSC has
can’t do. In the CPSA, Section 6(b) allows       identified deaths possibly associated with
manufacturers to object to what the CPSC         pillow-like products and continues to
releases to the public if it is company-         analyze incident data with the goal of
related.                                         determining the risks with these products
                                                 and providing more clarity to the public on
In layman’s terms, if a company doesn’t          any risks associated with these products.”
want its name made public in connection
with an unsafe product, there can be             Nearly a year passed before about 3.3
significant delays in information being          million Boppy Original Newborn Loungers,
relayed to the public. If the CPSC wants to      Boppy Preferred Newborn Loungers and
move forward and disclose information to         Pottery Barn Kids Boppy Newborn
the public, the commission must notify the       Loungers were recalled in September 2021.
company and wait five days. That gives the       The CPSC said eight reports of infant deaths
company time to file a lawsuit to block the      were associated with the Boppy Company
disclosure.                                      Newborn Lounger.
To avoid lawsuits, the CPSC sometimes
issues generic warnings that can be difficult
for consumers to understand. After all, if the
CPSC releases a general warning about a
type of product, the next rational question
would be: which brands are unsafe?

                                                                                  PAGE 4
The Sunshine in Product Safety Act would         A “corrected” recall could mean the product
remove Section 6(b), allowing for more           was returned to the recalling company and a
transparency between the agency and the          consumer received a refund. It could also
consumers that it strives to protect. The bill   mean that the product was repaired or
was introduced shortly after the urgent          replaced by the recalling company.
warning about the Peloton Tread+ treadmill
was released by the CPSC.                        Companies should spend the same amount
                                                 of money that they used to promote the
Sponsor Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)           product to promote a product recall.
said in a statement, “CPSC must be able to       Recalling companies have many methods to
move swiftly to warn Americans when              do so, including their social media pages,
products like the Peloton Tread+ and the         using influencers who promoted their
Fisher-Price Rock ’n Play Sleeper pose a         products to market the recall and targeted
danger to them and their families. Yet           advertisements.
current regulatory constraints allow
companies to call the shots on how and           Tips for consumers
when to notify the public about their
hazardous products, keeping important            Consumers can learn more about recalled
safety information from the public.”             products at Saferproducts.gov by searching
                                                 for recalled products, looking through
Consumers should be served better by the         product incident reports and reporting their
agency that was created to protect them,         own bad experiences.
including being informed of unsafe products
transparently and quickly. If a death is         Consumers can also sign up for safety
connected to a dangerous product, the public     notifications. There are different options for
should be made aware before weeks, months        notifications, including safety alerts for all
or even years pass with other Americans          recalled products or safety alerts just related
having the same exact product in their home.     to children’s products or products used for
                                                 sports and recreation.
Recall effectiveness
                                                 All information about recalled products in
More often than not, product recalls don’t       2021 was provided on https://
get unsafe products out of Americans’            www.cpsc.gov/Recalls. Some recalled
homes; they just stop new sales. In 2017, the    products had incomplete information.
CPSC found that recalled products with a
retail price of $19 or less were only
corrected or fixed about 4 percent of the
time. Recalled products with the retail price
of $10,000 or more were corrected about 32
percent of the time.

                                                                                    PAGE 5
Incidents and deaths in connection with recalls issued in 2021
Recall Number        Date                   Recall Heading                                      Incidents                               Deaths
   22-040       December 22, 2021                                      Compass has received three reports of entrapment
                                                                       deaths associated with the Bed Support Rail (model
                                                                       P566), which occurred between April 2014 and June
                                                                       2020, and involved an 85-year-old man at an assisted
                                                                       living facility in Ohio; an 84-year-old woman at her home
                                                                       in California; and an 88-year-old woman at an assisted
                                                                       living facility in Washington. In each incident, the bed rail
                                                                       was not securely attached to the bed and the user
                                    Compass Health Brands Recalls      became entrapped between the product and their
                                    Carex Adult Portable Bed Rails     mattress. Compass Health Brands has not received any
                                    After Three Deaths; Entrapment     reports of entrapment incidents involving the Easy Up 2-
                                    and Asphyxiation Hazards           in-1 Bed Rail (model P569).                                                 3
   22-037       December 22, 2021                                    Royal Sovereign is aware of 11 reports of the portable air
                                    Royal Sovereign Recalls Portable conditioners catching fire or smoking during use resulting in
                                    Air Conditioners Due to Fire and over $1 million in property damage, two injuries and one death
                                    Burn Hazards; One Death Reported due to smoke inhalation.                                                      1
   22-036       December 22, 2021 Longwood Forest Recalls Angel
                                  Line Bunk Beds with Angled
                                  Ladders Due to Serious
                                  Entrapment and Strangulation      A 2-year-old boy from Columbus, Ohio died in May 2018
                                  Hazards; 2-Year-Old Child’s Death after he was found unresponsive in a gap in the bunk bed
                                  Reported                          ladder.                                                                        1
   22-039       December 22, 2021 Essential Medical Supply
                                  Recalls Adult Portable Bed           One entrapment death has been reported involving the
                                  Rails Due to Entrapment and          Endurance Hand Bed Rail (model P1410). The death
                                  Asphyxia Hazard; One Death           occurred in December 2012 and involved an 86-year-old
                                  Reported                             man at his home in California.                                              1
   22-025       December 06, 2021 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare           Drive has received two reports of entrapment deaths
                                  Recalls Adult Portable Bed           associated with two of its Bed Assist Handle bed rails
                                  Rails After Two Deaths;              (models 15064 and RTL15073). The deaths occurred in
                                  Entrapment and Asphyxiation          February 2011 and February 2015, and involved a 93-
                                  Hazards                              year-old woman at her home in California, and a 92-year-
                                                                       old man at an assisted living facility in Canada.                           2
   22-007       November 02, 2021 Walmart Recalls Better Homes         CDC tested a version of the product and determined that
                                  and Gardens Essential Oil            it contained the dangerous bacteria Burkholderia
                                  Infused Aromatherapy Room            pseudomallei which causes melioidosis. CDC has been
                                  Spray with Gemstones Due to          investigating a cluster of four cases of melioidosis in the
                                  Rare and Dangerous Bacteria;         U.S., including two deaths. Cases were reported in
                                  Two Deaths Investigated              Kansas, Minnesota, Texas and Georgia, including a child
                                                                       fatality.                                                                   2
   21-198       September 23, 2021 The Boppy Company Recalls           There have been eight reports of infant deaths associated
                                   Over 3 Million Original Newborn     with the Boppy Company Newborn Lounger and this
                                   Loungers, Boppy Preferred           hazard. The infant deaths occurred between December
                                   Newborn Loungers and Pottery        2015 and June 2020.
                                   Barn Kids Boppy Newborn
                                   Loungers After 8 Infant Deaths;
                                   Suffocation Risk                                                                                                8
   21-147            June 03, 2021 Fisher-Price Recalls 4-in-1         There have been reports of four infant deaths in the 4-in-1
                                   Rock ‘n Glide Soothers After        Rock ‘n Glide Soother. The infants were reportedly placed
                                   Four Infant Deaths; 2-in-1          on their backs unrestrained in the product and later found
                                   Soothe ‘n Play Gliders Also         on their stomachs. These incidents occurred between
                                   Recalled                            April 2019 and February 2020. The fatalities were a 4-
                                                                       month old from Missouri, a 2-month old from Nevada, a 2-
                                                                       month old from Michigan and an 11-week old from
                                                                       Colorado. There have been no fatalities in the 2-in-1
                                                                       Soothe ‘n Play Gliders.                                                     4
   21-128             May 05, 2021 Peloton Recalls Tread+              A 6-year-old child recently died after being pulled under
                                   Treadmills After One Child Died     the rear of the treadmill. In addition, Peloton has received
                                   and More than 70 Incidents          72 reports of adult users, children, pets and/or objects
                                   Reported                            being pulled under the rear of the treadmill, including 29
                                                                       reports of injuries to children such as second- and third-
                                                                       degree abrasions, broken bones, and lacerations.                            1
                                                                                                                                                     19 deaths
                                                                                                                                                     occurred in
                                                                                                                                                     years other
                                                                                                                                                  23 than 2021
2021 Product Recalls through the CPSC
Recall Number       Date                      Name of product                          Hazard      Remedy Type           Units                                    Incidents                                                                 Remedy
   22-042       December 29, 2021                                               Cuts               Replace          About 43,200                                                                         Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled EFK, unplug
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the unit, and cut the power cord. Consumers should then contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Scott Fetzer Consumer Brands to receive a free replacement EFK by
                                                                                                                                                                                                         mail. Consumers will need to provide their mailing address and proof
                                                                                                                                       The firm has received 23 reports of the EFK’s trigger             of destruction by sending a photo of the recalled product and cut cord
                                                                                                                                       mechanism becoming stuck in the “on” position. No                 to the firm. The consumer should then throw away the unit in their
                                    American Angler Electric Fillet Knives                                                             injuries have been reported.                                      trash.
   22-714       December 23, 2021                                               Crash              Repair           About 8,800                                                                          Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled vehicles and contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                         a Polaris dealer to schedule a free repair, including the installation of a new
                                                                                                                                       Polaris has received 33 reports of broken or cracked steering     steering wheel. Polaris has notified consumers to stop riding the vehicle.
                                    Polaris RZR and GENERAL Recreational                                                               wheel spokes, including five reports of rollovers and two         Polaris will be contacting all registered owners directly to provide more
                                    Off-Road Vehicles                                                                                  reports of injuries                                               details about the repair.
   22-040       December 22, 2021                                               Entrapment,        Refund, Repair   About 104,900      Compass has received three reports of entrapment deaths
                                                                                Asphyxiation                                           associated with the Bed Support Rail (model P566), which
                                                                                                                                       occurred between April 2014 and June 2020, and involved an
                                                                                                                                       85-year-old man at an assisted living facility in Ohio; an 84-
                                                                                                                                       year-old woman at her home in California; and an 88-year-old
                                                                                                                                       woman at an assisted living facility in Washington. In each
                                                                                                                                       incident, the bed rail was not securely attached to the bed and
                                                                                                                                       the user became entrapped between the product and their
                                                                                                                                       mattress. Compass Health Brands has not received any reports      Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bed rails and contact
                                                                                                                                       of entrapment incidents involving the Easy Up 2-in-1 Bed Rail     Compass Health Brands for a free repair kit for the Bed Support Rail or a
                                    Carex Brand Adult Portable Bed Rails                                                               (model P569).                                                     refund for the Easy Up 2-in-1 Bed Rail.
   22-034       December 22, 2021                                               Fall, Injury       Refund,          About 1,030                                                                        Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled treestands
                                                                                                   Replace                                                                                             and contact Big Game Treestands to receive either replacement
                                                                                                                                                                                                       cables or to return the treestand for a full refund. Big Game
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Treestands is contacting all known consumers directly. To receive
                                                                                                                                                                                                       replacement cables, the company will set up pick-up of the original
                                                                                                                                                                                                       cables and delivery of the replacement cables to the consumers
                                                                                                                                       GSM Outdoors has received 10 reports of the treestand cables address. If a full refund is requested, the consumer will be asked to
                                    The Captain Hang-on Treestands (2021                                                               releasing and causing consumers to fall. Two injuries have been mail back the entire treestand using a pre-paid label at no cost to the
                                    Batch #2M-0121)                                                                                    reported.                                                       consumer.
   22-038       December 22, 2021                                               Fire               Replace          About 43,000                                                                        Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled propane hoses. To
                                                                                                                                                                                                        obtain a free replacement hose, send a photograph of the propane hose cut in
                                                                                                                                                                                                        half so that it is no longer operable to the firm’s e-mail along with a return
                                                                                                                                                                                                        mailing address to receive a free replacement hose. Once Pearl River
                                    Pearl River propane hoses used on propane                                                          Pearl River has received three reports of propane hoses swelling receives confirmation of the hose cut in half, consumers can throw away the
                                    torches and accessories                                                                            and rupturing. No injuries have been reported.                   cut hose.
   22-037       December 22, 2021                                               Burn, Fire         Refund           About 33,570                                                                         Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bunk beds, block
                                                                                                                                       Royal Sovereign is aware of 11 reports of the portable air        children’s access to the bunk beds and contact Angel Line to receive a free
                                                                                                                                       conditioners catching fire or smoking during use resulting in     repair kit with reinforcement brackets for the ladder. Consumers who paid
                                    Royal Sovereign/Royal Centurian portable                                                           over $1 million in property damage, two injuries and one death    for the bunk beds to be assembled when purchased will receive
                                    air conditioners                                                                                   due to smoke inhalation.                                          reimbursement for help with installing the repair kit if needed.
   22-036       December 22, 2021                                               Entrapment,        Repair           About 39,900                                                                   Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bunk beds, block
                                                                                Strangulation                                                                                                      children’s access to the bunk beds and contact Angel Line to receive a free
                                                                                                                                                                                                   repair kit with reinforcement brackets for the ladder. Consumers who paid
                                                                                                                                       A 2-year-old boy from Columbus, Ohio died in May 2018 after for the bunk beds to be assembled when purchased will receive
                                    Angel Line Bunk Beds with angled ladders                                                           he was found unresponsive in a gap in the bunk bed ladder.  reimbursement for help with installing the repair kit if needed.
   22-039       December 22, 2021                                               Entrapment,        Refund                                                                                                Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bed rails. For
                                                                                Asphyxiation                                                                                                             consumers who own bed rails sold or imported on or after November
                                                                                                                                                                                                         1, 2015, Essential Medical Supply, Inc., will provide a refund. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                         amount of the refund will be pro-rated based on the age of the bed
                                                                                                                                       One entrapment death has been reported involving the              rail. The company is not offering a remedy for older bed rails.
                                                                                                                                       Endurance Hand Bed Rail (model P1410). The death occurred         Consumers with older bed rails sold between October 2006 and
                                                                                                                                       in December 2012 and involved an 86-year-old man at his           October 2015 should stop use, disassemble and dispose of the bed
                                    Endurance® Hand Bed Rails                                                       About 272,000      home in California.                                               rails to prevent reuse.
   22-713       December 16, 2021                                               Drowning           Refund           About 900                                                                            Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled infant bath seats and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         contact Karmas Far to receive a pre-paid label to return the products. Upon
                                                                                                                                                                                                         receipt of the products, consumers will be issued a full refund for the
                                    Infant Bath Seats                                                                                  None reported.                                                    purchase price. Karmas Far is notifying all known purchasers directly.
   22-712       December 16, 2021                                               Laceration, Fire Refund             About 139,500                                                                         Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled candle and return it
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to any Costco Warehouse for a full refund. Consumers who are not able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                          return the Candle to a Costco Warehouse can contact Northern Lights by
                                                                                                                                                                                                          email at cr@northernlightscandles.com for instructions on how to cut the
                                                                                                                                       Northern Lights has received 138 reports of the jar candles        candle wicks, provide verification of this to Northern Lights, and then
                                                                                                                                       shattering, cracking or breaking apart, including three reports of dispose of the candle to receive a full refund. Costco is contacting all known
                                    Alaura Two-Tone Jar Candles                                                                        laceration injuries.                                               purchasers directly.
   22-033       December 15, 2021                                               Injury             Replace          About 77,900                                                                         Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled fans and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         contact Hong Kong China Electric Appliance Manufacture Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                         (“HKC”) to confirm their fan is under the scope of the recall by
                                                                                                                                                                                                         providing the firm a photo of the fan and date code. The consumers
                                                                                                                                       The firm has received 60 reports of the blades detaching from     will then be instructed to disconnect the fan, provide a photo of the
                                    Harbor Breeze Bellsisle and Honeywell                                                              the fan, including three reports of the blades causing property   disconnected fan to HKC and dispose of it in the trash or recycle.
                                    Rio Ceiling Fans                                                                                   damage to drywall. No injuries have been reported.                The consumer will then receive a free replacement fan by mail.
   22-032       December 15, 2021                                               Fire               Repair           About 2,500                                                                       Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled utility vehicles and
                                                                                                                                       Hisun Motors Corp. U.S.A. has received five reports of vehicle contact Hisun U.S.A. for a free consumer installable repair kit or arrange to
                                    Hisun 250cc Utility Vehicles                                                                       fires. No injuries have been reported.                         take the utility vehicle to an approved service center for a free repair.
   22-030       December 15, 2021                                               Injury, Fall       Repair           About 11,340                                                                Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled e-scooters
                                                                                                                                                                                                and contact Pacific Cycle for a free repair kit. Consumers will need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                provide the serial number of their scooter and a mailing address. The
                                                                                                                                       Pacific Cycle has received nine reports of loosened or   repair kit can be installed by the consumer and includes all required
                                                                                                                                       cracked handlebars which include one report of an injury tools and instructions, which are also available in video format.
                                                                                                                                       where bruising and abrasions occurred, when a consumer Pacific Cycle estimates it will take consumers between five and ten
                                                                                                                                       fell from the e-scooter while riding after the handlebar minutes to install. Alternatively, consumers can ship the e-scooter
                                    Schwinn Tone Electric Scooters                                                                     broke.                                                   back to Pacific Cycle for repair, at no cost to the consumer.
   22-029       December 08, 2021                                               Cuts               Refund           About 174,300                                                                        Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled mailbox and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         return it to any Target Store for a full refund in the form of a Target
                                                                                                                                       Target has received nine reports of sharp mail slot               gift card. Consumers can also contact Target to receive a prepaid
                                                                                                                                       openings and seven incidents of lacerations with three            return label to return the mailbox for a full refund in the form of a
                                    Letters to Santa Mailbox                                                                           requiring medical attention.                                      Target gift card.
   22-028       December 08, 2021 Free-Standing and Slide-In Electric           Burn               Repair           About 132,000 (InNone
                                                                                                                                                about 12,960 in Canada)                                  Consumers should contact GE Appliances to determine if their unit is
                                  and Gas Ranges                                                                                                                                                         part of the recall and to schedule a free in-home service call to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         inspect the recalled range’s anti-tip bracket and ensure it is securely
                                                                                                                                                                                                         installed in the floor or wall. Consumers can continue to use the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         recalled ranges but are cautioned not to place any objects on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         open oven door until the range’s anti-tip bracket has been inspected
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and repaired, if necessary. Consumers should not return the recalled
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ranges to the place of purchase, as retailers are not prepared to take
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the units back. The firm is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   22-027       December 08, 2021 Children’s robes                              Burn               Refund           About 10,000       None reported                                                     Consumers should immediately take the recalled children’s robes
                                                                                                                                                                                                         away from children and contact Mark of Fifth Avenue. Consumers
                                                                                                                                                                                                         can receive a full refund of the purchase price of the garment by
                                                                                                                                                                                                         cutting the robes in half, taking a photo of the cut garment, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         sending an email to mofaproductsafety@gmail.com with the photos.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         All known purchasers will be contacted.
   22-025       December 06, 2021 Bed Assist Handles and Bed Assist             Injury             Refund           About 496,100      Drive has received two reports of entrapment deaths      Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bed rails and
                                  Rail                                                                              (68,000 units in   associated with two of its Bed Assist Handle bed rails   contact Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare to receive a full refund.
                                                                                                                    Canada) (119       (models 15064 and RTL15073). The deaths occurred in
                                                                                                                    units in Mexico)   February 2011 and February 2015, and involved a 93-
                                                                                                                                       year-old woman at her home in California, and a 92-year-
                                                                                                                                       old man at an assisted living facility in Canada.
   22-023       December 01, 2021 DEWALT ® Jobsite Pro Wireless                 Burn, Fire         Replace          About 301,800      E-filliate has received 61 reports of the earphones               Consumers should immediately stop using the wireless earphones
                                  Earphones                                                                                            overheating during charging or use, including five reports        and contact E-filliate to receive a pre-paid shipment label to return
                                                                                                                                       of fire and four reports of minor burn injuries.                  the product directly to E-filliate in order to receive a free replacement.
   22-024       December 01, 2021 Projector Flashlights (included as part       Choking            Refund           About 82,500       The firm has received two reports of children accessing           Consumers should immediately take the recalled projector flashlight
                                  of a care package)                                                                                   the button cell batteries from the flashlight, and in one         away from children, stop using it, and contact Halo for a full refund
                                                                                                                                       case, a child required surgery to remove a swallowed              and a pre-paid shipping label to return the projector flashlight. Upon
                                                                                                                                       battery.                                                          return, Halo will send the consumer a $5 gift card redeemable at a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         major national retailer.
   22-022       November 23, 2021 Olympic Dumbbell Handles                      Impact,            Replace          About 77,200       Impex has received four reports of locking collars that           Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled dumbbell
                                                                                Physical, Injury                                       slipped. No injuries were reported.                               handles and contact Impex Fitness to receive a free replacement set
                                                                                                                                                                                                         of new locking collars. The replacement collars will be mailed out to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         consumers free of charge. Consumers should dispose of the old
                                                                                                                                                                                                         collar by discarding it into the trash
   22-711       November 18, 2021 AmazonBasics Memory Foam                      Fire, Burn         Repair           About 15,300       None reported                                                     Amazon is contacting all purchasers to arrange for direct shipment of
                                  Mattresses                                                                                                                                                             a cover for consumers to place over the mattresses that will bring the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         mattresses into compliance, free of charge.
Recall Number       Date                      Name of product                     Hazard     Remedy Type         Units                                 Incidents                                                            Remedy
   22-021       November 18, 2021 Evaporator coil drain pans installed     Fire              Repair         About 298,300     Goodman has received 23 reports of fire involving the         Contact Goodman Manufacturing Company to register for the free
                                  with residential condensing gas                                           (In addition,     evaporator coil drain pans. These incidents have resulted     repair by a qualified technician. Consumers should visit Goodman’s
                                  furnaces in an up-flow configuration                                      about 44,000 in   in significant fire and smoke damage to residences. No        recall website to use a model verification tool for the evaporator coil,
                                                                                                            Canada)           injuries were reported.                                       furnace, and outdoor condenser. Goodman’s model verification tool
                                                                                                                                                                                            provides step-by-step instructions for determining if your gas furnace
                                                                                                                                                                                            system is subject to this recall. Goodman will also assist consumers
                                                                                                                                                                                            in gathering information on their units including the drain pan serial
                                                                                                                                                                                            number, the furnace model number and brand name, and the model
                                                                                                                                                                                            number for the outdoor system.
   22-020       November 18, 2021 Honda Pioneer and Talon ROVs             Injury, Crash     Repair         About 1,400       Honda has received one report of a loss of steering           Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled recreational
                                                                                                                              function. No injuries have been reported.                     off-highway vehicles and contact an authorized Honda Powersports
                                                                                                                                                                                            dealer to schedule an appointment for a free inspection and repair to
                                                                                                                                                                                            install a yoke joint and hardware for the steering shaft assembly.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Honda is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   22-710       November 12, 2021 Baby Ruffle Rompers                      Choking           Refund         About 3,200 (10 Hanna Andersson has received three incidents of the             Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Ruffle
                                                                                                            were sold in    snaps detaching or fabric around the snaps ripping. No          Romper and contact Hanna Andersson for a full refund. Hanna
                                                                                                            Canada)         incidents of children putting snaps in their mouths or          Andersson will be providing postage-paid labeling to consumers for
                                                                                                                            injuries have been reported.                                    the return of the product for a full refund. Hanna Andersson is
                                                                                                                                                                                            contacting all known purchasers directly.
   22-709       November 12, 2021 Baby Long Sleeve Wiggle Sets             Choking           Refund          About 4,400     Hanna Andersson has received one reported incident of          Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Baby Long
                                                                                                            (10 were sold in the snaps detaching. No injuries have been reported. No        Sleeve Wiggle Set and contact Hanna Andersson for a full refund.
                                                                                                            Canada)          incidents of children putting snaps in their mouths or         Hanna Andersson will be providing postage-paid labeling to
                                                                                                                             injuries have been reported.                                   consumers for the return of the product for a full refund. Hanna
                                                                                                                                                                                            Andersson is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   22-708       November 12, 2021 VidaXL Steel Pool Ladders                Drowning          Refund         About 3,200       The firm has received four reports of falls off the pool      Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled pool ladders
                                                                                                                              ladders. No injuries have been reported.                      and contact VidaXL for a full refund. VidaXL is contacting all
                                                                                                                                                                                            purchasers directly and will instruct consumers to remove two of the
                                                                                                                                                                                            ladder’s steps and dispose of the steps and ladder in the trash.
   22-707       November 12, 2021 Lambeth Outdoor Metal Torches            Fire              Refund         About 1,200 (In RH has received seven reports of fuel leaking from the          Consumers should stop using the recalled torches and contact RH
                                                                                                            addition, about torch canister. No injuries have been reported.                 for a full refund of the purchase price, or a credit if the consumer's
                                                                                                            40 units were                                                                   purchase price cannot be determined. Consumers will receive a
                                                                                                            sold in Canada)                                                                 prepaid label and packaging to return the torch lid to RH. After RH
                                                                                                                                                                                            receives the returned lid, RH will provide a refund or credit to the
                                                                                                                                                                                            consumer. RH is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   22-017       November 10, 2021 Hart 18-Gauge 2” Brad Nailers            Injury            Refund         About 15,700      None Reported.                                                Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled nailer and
                                                                                                                                                                                            return it to any Walmart USA store for a full refund. Consumers may
                                                                                                                                                                                            also return items for free by mail via a scheduled pickup from your
                                                                                                                                                                                            home. To schedule a free pickup, consumers should call 800-776-
   22-013       November 10, 2021 ABUS MountZ Youth Helmets                Injury            Refund         About 790         None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled helmets and
                                                                                                                                                                                            return them to ABUS’s Recall Administrator, Sedgwick, free of
                                                                                                                                                                                            charge, for a full refund.
   22-706       November 04, 2021 Turbo Racer, Cloud Racer, Captain’s      Entrapment        Repair         About 5,100 (in None reported                                                   Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled playsets and
                                  Fort and Fort Highlander Outdoor                                          addition, about                                                                 contact Backyard Play Systems for a free repair kit which includes
                                  Playsets                                                                  200 units were                                                                  replacement wood parts, hardware and instructions. If a consumer is
                                                                                                            sold in Canada)                                                                 unable or does not want to do the repair themselves, Backyard will
                                                                                                                                                                                            send a representative to perform the repair for them at no charge.
                                                                                                                                                                                            The firm is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   22-705       November 04, 2021 Kubota RTV-X1100C Model Utility          Crash, Injury     Replace, Repair About 48,875     Kubota has received one report of a loss of control that      Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled utility vehicles
                                  Vehicles                                                                                    resulted in black eyes and minor bruising.                    and contact an Authorized Kubota dealer. If the floormat is warped or
                                                                                                                                                                                            degraded, consumers will receive a new floormat installed by the
                                                                                                                                                                                            dealer that will be secured by rivets to the floor. If the utility vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                                            floormat is not warped or degraded, the dealer will complete a
                                                                                                                                                                                            modification to the existing floormat by trimming the mat and then
                                                                                                                                                                                            securing it by rivets to the floor. Kubota is contacting all known
                                                                                                                                                                                            consumers directly.
   22-016       November 03, 2021 Usines Giant Factories Gas Water         Carbon            Repair         About 168 (in     None reported in the United States. Usines Giant              Consumers should immediately contact Usines Giant Factories, who
                                  Heaters with Emerson control valves      Monoxide,                        addition, about   Factories has received 20 reports of incidents with the       will arrange to have the Emerson control valve replaced by a certified
                                                                           Poisoning                        10,832 were       Emerson control valves in Canada, including one report        technician, and to receive a free replacement valve. Consumers who
                                                                                                            sold in Canada)   necessitating medical attention due to the release of         continue to use the water heaters while awaiting repair should have
                                                                                                                              carbon monoxide.                                              working carbon monoxide alarms outside of sleeping areas and on
                                                                                                                                                                                            every level of the home.
   22-015       November 03, 2021 Elektron BP-1 Power Handles              Fire, Burn        Refund         About 660 (In     Elektron has received one report of the power handle          Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled power
                                                                                                            addition, about   overheating. No fires or injuries have been reported.         handles, disconnect the power cable and remove the batteries; and
                                                                                                            37 were sold in                                                                 contact Elektron for instructions on receiving a full refund, including
                                                                                                            Canada)                                                                         shipping. The firm will provide each consumer with a prepaid
                                                                                                                                                                                            shipping label after they have contacted the firm to report the
   22-007       November 02, 2021 Better Homes and Gardens Essential Poisoning,         Refund              About 3,900       CDC tested a version of the product and determined that       Return product to Walmart for destruction and receive a full refund
                                  Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray Ingestion,                                              it contained the dangerous bacteria Burkholderia              and $20 Walmart Gift Card.
                                  with Gemstones                      Chemical                                                pseudomallei which causes melioidosis. CDC has been
                                                                      Ingestion, Injury                                       investigating a cluster of four cases of melioidosis in the
                                                                                                                              U.S., including two deaths. Cases were reported in             Consistent with CDC recommendations, consumers should
                                                                                                                              Kansas, Minnesota, Texas and Georgia, including a child       immediately stop using the recalled aromatherapy room spray,
                                                                                                                              fatality.                                                     double bag the bottle in clean, clear zip-top resealable bags, place it
                                                                                                                                                                                            in a small cardboard box and return it to any Walmart store for a full
                                                                                                                                                                                            refund. Do not open the bottle. Do not attempt to throw away or
                                                                                                                                                                                            dispose of the bottle. When handling the product or cleaning
                                                                                                                                                                                            contaminated surfaces, please follow the CDC guidance below.
   22-704         October 28, 2021 Arc Collection Furniture                Lead, Poisoning Refund           About 200         None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled furniture and
                                                                                                                                                                                            contact Design Within Reach for return instructions and a full refund.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Design Within Reach is contacting all purchasers directly.
   22-012         October 27, 2021 Ottomans                                Cuts              Refund         About 7,800       Meridian Furniture has received six reports of laceration     Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ottomans.
                                                                                                                              injuries as a result of the sharp edges on the metal band.    Contact Meridian Furniture for a prepaid mailing package and
                                                                                                                                                                                            shipping label to return the product to Meridian Furniture or provide
                                                                                                                                                                                            Meridian with photographic evidence of the disposal or destruction of
                                                                                                                                                                                            the product to receive a full refund.
   22-011         October 27, 2021 Nova Series 5-Drawer Chests             Physical, Tip     Refund         About 13,200    Magnussen Home has received one report of the chest             Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Nova Series
                                                                           Over                             (In addition,   tipping over, resulting in a minor bruise to a child.           5-Drawer Chest and contact Magnussen Home for a refund. The
                                                                                                            approximately                                                                   amount of the refund will be pro-rated based on the age of the chest.
                                                                                                            2,520 were sold
                                                                                                            in Canada)
   22-008         October 27, 2021 56100 Tactec™ Plate Carriers            Injury            Repair         About 45,170      The firm has received two reports of the cable in the quick Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled plate carriers
                                                                                                                              release system separating from the handle on the Tactec and contact 5.11 for a free replacement of the cable system.
                                                                                                                              Plate Carriers. No injuries have been reported.
   22-009         October 27, 2021 myCharge powerbanks                     Fire, Burn        Refund                  67,000 myCharge has received 30 reports of the powerbanks              Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled powerbanks
                                                                                                                            overheating, resulting in seven injuries, including burns to    and contact myCharge for instructions on returning the battery to
                                                                                                                            the upper body, hands, legs, and/or feet of users, and/or       obtain a refund in the form of an electronic voucher for the full
                                                                                                                            property damage to household flooring, walls and                purchase price plus a 25% bonus for redemption on www.mycharge.
                                                                                                                            furniture.                                                      com.
   22-010         October 27, 2021 Glass cabinet knobs                     Cuts              Refund         About 38,000      Liberty Hardware is aware of 29 reports of the knobs          Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled glass cabinet
                                                                                                                              breaking during use including three reported laceration       knobs, remove them, and contact Liberty Hardware to receive a full
                                                                                                                              injuries.                                                     refund.
   22-702       December 16, 2021 Husqvarna and GASGAS Off-Road         Crash                Repair         About 3,265       None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop riding the recalled closed
                                  closed course competition motorcycles                                     and About                                                                       course competition motorcycles and contact an authorized
                                                                                                            1,840                                                                           Husqvarna or GASGAS Motorcycles dealer to schedule a free repair,
                                                                                                                                                                                            which involves inspecting the retaining “R” clips for correct mounting.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Husqvarna and GASGAS Motorcycles are contacting all known
                                                                                                                                                                                            purchasers directly.
   22-703         October 21, 2021 Lightform projectors                    Fire              Repair         About 1,600       Lightform has received 16 reports of overheating. No          Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled projectors
                                                                                                                              injuries or property damage have been reported.               and contact the firm for a free software update for the projectors.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Lightform is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   22-006         October 13, 2021 Specialized Tarmac SL7 Bicycles and     Falling, Injury   Repair         About 6,900       The company has received two reports of the bicycle’s         Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bicycles and
                                   Framesets                                                                                  steerer tube breaking after harsh frontal impact. No          contact Specialized Bicycle Components for a free inspection and
                                                                                                                              injuries have been reported.                                  repair.
   22-701         October 07, 2021 Zoom 360 Ultralight jogging strollers   Falling, Injury   Repair         About 9,200       There have been 25 incidents of restricted front wheel        Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled strollers and
                                                                                                                              movement reported, including 12 incidents where the           contact the firm for a free repair kit to replace the front wheel fork
                                                                                                                              wheel fork bearing wore through the housing and               bearing. Joovy is contacting all known purchasers directly.
                                                                                                                              detached, with one fall resulting in bruises when the user
                                                                                                                              fell onto the stroller.
   22-003         October 06, 2021 ElliptiGO Arc bicycles                  Falling, Injury   Refund,        About 3,800 (In   ElliptiGO has received 12 reports of broken frames and        Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ElliptiGO Arc
                                                                                             Replace        addition, about   11 reports of cracked frames. Six minor injuries resulting    bicycles and contact ElliptiGO Inc. for a replacement bike, credit or
                                                                                                            31 were sold in   from falls have been reported, including lacerations,         refund. The amount of credit or refund will be prorated based on the
                                                                                                            Canada)           abrasions, road rash and a broken helmet.                     age of the bike.
Recall Number        Date                     Name of product                     Hazard     Remedy Type        Units                                   Incidents                                                            Remedy
   22-004         October 06, 2021 White Wood Stools                       Injury, Fall      Refund        About 14,000        Hobby Lobby has received seven reports of the stool           Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled stools and
                                                                                                                               breaking while in use, including six incidents resulting in   return them to the nearest Hobby Lobby store for a full refund.
                                                                                                                               minor injuries.
   21-204       September 29, 2021 Luyuan Youth All-Terrain Vehicles       Injury            Repair        About 6,800         None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ATVs and
                                   (ATVs)                                                                                                                                                    contact Luyuan for a free repair from an authorized repair shop.
   21-203       September 29, 2021 Venom Youth All-Terrain Vehicles        Crash, Injury     Refund        About 500           None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ATVs and
                                   (ATVs)                                                                                                                                                    contact Venom Motorsports to arrange the return of the recalled
                                                                                                                                                                                             ATVs for a full refund.
   21-201       September 29, 2021 SONOMA Goods For Life Branded           Falling,          Refund        About 31,000        Kohl’s has received 18 reports of the chairs breaking or      Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled chairs and
                                   Ultimate Oversized Antigravity Chairs   Collapse                                            collapsing, including two reports of minor injuries.          return them to the nearest Kohl’s store. Consumers with a receipt will
                                                                                                                                                                                             receive a full refund and consumers without a receipt will receive a
                                                                                                                                                                                             store credit.
   21-202       September 29, 2021 Martha Stewart Collection Oil &         Cuts              Refund        About 26,150        Macy’s has received six reports of the glass cruets           Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled product and
                                   Vinegar Cruets                                                                              breaking, resulting in three lacerations, two of which        return it to a Macy’s store or contact Macy’s to return the product with
                                                                                                                               required stitches.                                            free shipping for a full refund.
   21-784       September 23, 2021 Model Year 2011-2021 Phoenix 200        Crash             Repair        About 13,000        The firm has received 18 reports of throttle stop breaking    Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled vehicles and
                                   ATV                                                                     (In addition, 990   or sticking, including one report of a crash which resulted   contact Polaris to receive a free replacement throttle speed control
                                                                                                           units were sold     in a minor injury.                                            bracket. Polaris is notifying dealers and contacting registered owners
                                                                                                           in Canada)                                                                        directly.
                                                                                                           (Some of these
                                                                                                           vehicles were
                                                                                                           recalled in July
                                                                                                           2020 and April
   21-198       September 23, 2021 Boppy Original Newborn Loungers,    Injury,               Refund        About 3.3           There have been eight reports of infant deaths associated Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled loungers and
                                   Boppy Preferred Newborn Loungers    Suffocation                         million (35,000     with the Boppy Company Newborn Lounger and this           contact The Boppy Company for a refund.
                                   and Pottery Barn Kids Boppy Newborn                                     in Canada)          hazard.
   21-199       September 22, 2021 Oceanic Adult Dry Top Snorkels          Drowning          Replace       About 76,000        Oceanic has received 13 reports of the snorkels leaking.      Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled snorkels and
                                                                                                                               One injury, involving minor cuts to a consumer who            follow the instructions online at www.oceanicsnorkel.com to destroy
                                                                                                                               tripped after a snorkel leaked, has been reported.            the product and register for a free replacement snorkel, shipping
   21-783       September 16, 2021 E-Z-GO PTVs and Tracker Off-Road        Crash             Repair        About 6,600         Textron Specialized Vehicles has received 19 reports of       Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled vehicles.
                                   Vehicles                                                                                    worn parking brake latch brackets. No injuries have been      Textron Specialized Vehicles is contacting all purchasers directly to
                                                                                                                               reported.                                                     coordinate a free repair. Consumers may contact Textron per the
                                                                                                                                                                                             information listed below.
   21-782       September 16, 2021 Bauer Forced Air Propane Portable       Heat-Related,     Repair        About 19,000        The firm has received 13 reports of propane gas leaking,      Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled propane
                                   Heaters                                 Fire                                                including one report of a fire. No injuries have been         portable heaters and inspect the heaters with a soapy water leak test
                                                                                                                               reported.                                                     per these instructions from Harbor Freight to determine that the fitting
                                                                                                                                                                                             at the back of the unit is not leaking. Harbor Freight is contacting all
                                                                                                                                                                                             known purchasers directly with updated instructions for use and
                                                                                                                                                                                             detailed instructions on how to inspect and tighten the fittings on the
                                                                                                                                                                                             heaters if necessary, using the wrench supplied with the product. If
                                                                                                                                                                                             leaks persist, after self-inspection and appropriate tightening as
                                                                                                                                                                                             needed, contact Harbor Freight Tools for more information.
   21-197       September 15, 2021 Gas One propane adapter hoses           Fire              Replace       About 19,500        Gas One has received five reports of adapter hoses            Consumers should immediately stop using the adapter hose and
                                                                                                                               swelling. No injuries have been reported.                     contact Gas One to obtain a free replacement hose.
   21-780       September 09, 2021 Teak shower benches                     Physical, Injury, Refund        About 70,000        Consumers have reported 81 incidents of the shower           Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled shower
                                                                           Falling                         (In addition,       benches collapsing, breaking during use, or falling apart, benches and return them to Costco for a full refund. Costco is
                                                                                                           about 11,317        including four reports of people being injured in falls. The contacting all purchasers directly.
                                                                                                           were sold in        four injuries included a fractured tailbone, persistent head
                                                                                                           Canada)             and body aches and bruising.
   21-781       September 09, 2021 VITUS 14 and VITUS 16 Kids Bikes        Handbrakes,      Repair         About 280           None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately take the recalled bikes away from
                                                                           but no                                                                                                            children and stop using them. Wiggle Ltd. is contacting all purchasers
                                                                           footbrakes for a                                                                                                  directly and is providing a free replacement wheel with footbrake.
                                                                           child's bicycle.
   21-194       September 09, 2021 Janod Children’s Shaving Kits           Poisoning         Refund        About 13,600        None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled children’s
                                                                                                                                                                                             shaving kit and return it to the place of purchase for a full refund.
   21-779       September 09, 2021 Ballz QR Skewers                        Pinching,         Replace       About 2,935 (In Burley has received 21 reports of the skewer failing. No          Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Ballz QR
                                                                           Falling, Injury                 addition, about injuries have been reported.                                      Skewers and contact Burley to receive instructions on how to dispose
                                                                                                           260 in Canada)                                                                    of the skewer and to receive a free replacement skewer.
   21-778       September 02, 2021 StepUp Sidekick Learning Towers         Falling, Injury   Refund        About 1,570 (in Step2 has received 20 reports of the storage trays or             Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled StepUp
                                                                                                           addition, about steps coming loose from the tower, including one child            Sidekick Learning Tower and contact Step2 for a full refund or a
                                                                                                           34 were sold in sustaining minor bruises after falling from the tower.            credit on Step2.com of equivalent value or an Amazon gift card, if
                                                                                                           Canada)                                                                           purchased via Amazon.com.
   21-192       September 01, 2021 Top Paw® Double Diner Dog Bowls         Cuts              Refund        About 100,300       PetSmart has received three reports of cuts and           Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled dog bowls
                                                                                                                               scratches to consumers’ hands as a result of handling the and return them to any PetSmart store for a full refund.
                                                                                                                               unfinished edge on the recalled dog bowls.
   21-193       September 01, 2021 TurboSke Kids Toddler Bike Helmets      Injury            Refund,       About 860           None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled kids bike
                                                                                             Replace                                                                                         helmets and return them free of charge to SKE Outdoors for a full
                                                                                                                                                                                             refund or free replacement helmet.
   21-777          August 26, 2021 “Cutie Spoovel” children’s eating       Choking           Refund        About 17,750    Ryan and Rose have received three reports of the Cutie            Consumers should immediately take the recalled utensils away from
                                   utensils                                                                (In addition,   Spoovel handle breaking when a child bit down on it. No           children, dispose of them, and contact Ryan and Rose to receive a
                                                                                                           about 110 were injuries or reports of choking have been reported.                 full refund or a $20 shop credit. Ryan and Rose is directly notifying all
                                                                                                           sold in Canada)                                                                   known purchasers of the product recall.
   21-189          August 25, 2021 Hovertrax 2.0 Self-Balancing            Smoke             Replace       About 237,300       There have been more than 20 reports of Hovertrax 2.0         Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled self-balancing
                                   Scooters/Hoverboards with GLW           Inhalation,                                         Self-Balancing Hoverboards containing GLW battery             scooters/hoverboards and contact Razor for instructions on how to
                                   Battery Packs                           Sparking, Fire,                                     packs overheating, including some reports of smoke or         obtain a prepaid shipping carton to send the GLW battery pack back
                                                                           Explosion                                           fire. No injuries have been reported.                         to Razor, and to receive a free replacement battery pack.
   21-188          August 25, 2021 Ocean and Safari animal wooden tray     Choking           Refund        About 7,600 (In The firm has received six reports of puzzle pieces                Consumers should immediately take the recalled puzzles away from
                                   puzzles                                                                 addition, about breaking. No injuries have been reported.                         children and contact Wee Gallery for a refund in the form of a $35 gift
                                                                                                           550 in Canada)                                                                    certificate for the purchase of any Wee Gallery product.
   21-775          August 19, 2021 Infant Bath Seats                       Drowning          Refund        About 120           None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled infant bath
                                                                                                                                                                                             seats and contact Frieyss for instructions on returning the bath seats
                                                                                                                                                                                             with free shipping to receive a full refund. Frieyss is contacting all
                                                                                                                                                                                             known purchasers directly.
   21-776          August 19, 2021 John Deere compact utility tractors     Injury            Repair        About 200           John Deere has received one report of a wheel falling off. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled tractors and
                                                                                                                               No injuries have been reported.                            contact an authorized John Deere dealer for a free inspection and
                                                                                                                                                                                          repair of the wheel mounting bolts. John Deere is contacting all
                                                                                                                                                                                          known purchasers directly.
   21-187          August 18, 2021 Tucker & Tate children’s socks          Choking           Refund        About 370           None reported                                                 Customers should immediately stop using the recalled children’s
                                                                                                                                                                                             socks and contact Nordstrom to receive a full refund.
   21-184          August 18, 2021 Swivel Counter Stools                   Injury, Falling   Refund        About 4,300         TJX has received 20 reports of stools breaking in which       Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled counter
                                                                                                                               consumers fell, including 17 reports of minor injuries.       stools and return them to any HomeGoods or Homesense store for
                                                                                                                                                                                             their choice of either a full refund or store gift card.
   21-185          August 18, 2021 8-Pack Scent Stamper Pens               Poisoning         Refund        About 9,500         None reported                                                 Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Stamper
                                                                                                                                                                                             Pens and return them to a Primark store for a full refund.
   21-186          August 18, 2021 Ravin® white arrow nocks                Injury            Replace       About 220,000       The firm has received 51 reports of finger injuries while     Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled white arrow
                                                                                                           (In addition,       nocking or re-nocking the white nocks, including 21           nocks and contact Ravin Crossbows for free replacement orange
                                                                                                           about 3,600 in      serious injuries, and 28 new finger injuries reported since   nocks and up to a $1 merchandise credit for each recalled nock that
                                                                                                           Canada) (The        the original recall announcement. The firm has also           is returned. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and maintenance
                                                                                                           original recall     received reports of other injuries resulting from             guidelines for continued safe operation of the crossbows and nocks.
                                                                                                           was announced       maintenance and other issues.
                                                                                                           in December
   21-181          August 18, 2021 Teether Rings with Decorative Fabric    Choking           Refund        About 15,500        Hallmark has received four reports of the wooden teether      Consumers should immediately take the recalled teethers away from
                                   and Plush Attachments                                                   (In addition,       rings breaking, including one report of a child placing       children and contact Hallmark to receive a $25 gift card towards any
                                                                                                           about 1,200         broken wooden parts in their mouth and one report of a        product at Hallmark Gold Crown Stores or online at www.hallmark.
                                                                                                           were sold in        pinched lip.                                                  com.
   21-183          August 18, 2021 Mountain Bicycles                       Crash             Repair        About 2,100 (In The firm has received nine reports of broken bottom               Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bicycles and
                                                                                                           addition, 875   brackets. No injuries have been reported.                         contact Marin Bikes for instructions on receiving a free replacement
                                                                                                           were sold in                                                                      bottom bracket and scheduling a free repair.
   21-182          August 18, 2021 B-Air VP-33 Blower Fans                 Fire              Repair        About 29,500        Intertex has received five reports of the capacitor      Purchasers should immediately stop using the recalled blower fans
                                                                                                           (In addition,       overheating in the blower fans and causing fire-related  and contact the firm for a free repair kit including an S-3 capacitor
                                                                                                           about 5,000         property damage totaling about $75,000. No injuries have and installation instructions.
                                                                                                           were sold in        been reported.
Recall Number    Date                     Name of product                     Hazard    Remedy Type          Units                                 Incidents                                                              Remedy
   21-179       August 17, 2021 Zen Magnets and Neoballs Magnets       Ingestion       Refund           About 10 million   Zen Magnets LLC is aware of two children who ingested Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled magnets and
                                                                                                        magnets, sold      Zen Magnets and required surgery to remove the              contact Zen Magnets LLC for a refund.
                                                                                                        individually and   magnets and parts of their intestines and bowels. In
                                                                                                        in magnet sets     addition, CPSC is aware of other reports of children and
                                                                                                                           teenagers ingesting high-powered magnets and requiring
                                                                                                                           surgery. A 19-month-girl died after ingesting similar high-
                                                                                                                           powered magnets.
   21-772       August 12, 2021 Pacapet Fluffy Pink Area Rugs          Fire            Refund           About 700          None Reported                                                  Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled rugs and
                                                                                                                                                                                          contact Pacapet for instructions to return the recalled rugs with free
                                                                                                                                                                                          shipping in exchange for a full refund. Amazon, on behalf of Pacapet,
                                                                                                                                                                                          is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   21-774       August 12, 2021 YOH Super Soft Purple Rugs             Fire            Refund           About 100          None Reported                                                  Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled rugs and
                                                                                                                                                                                          contact Suellen Roosevein for instructions on how to receive a full
                                                                                                                                                                                          refund, including shipping. Amazon, on behalf of Suellen Roosevein,
                                                                                                                                                                                          is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   21-771       August 12, 2021 Andecor Girls Soft Tye Dye Area Rugs Fire              Refund           About 375          None Reported                                                  Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled rugs and
                                                                                                                                                                                          contact And Beyond for instructions on how to receive a full refund,
                                                                                                                                                                                          including shipping. Amazon, on behalf of And Beyond, is contacting
                                                                                                                                                                                          all known purchasers directly.
   21-773       August 12, 2021 Rossignol 2018 and 2019 Model Year     Falling         Replace          About 150 (In      None reported                                                  Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bicycles and
                                All Track DH Bicycles                                                   addition, 24                                                                      contact Rossignol for information on receiving a free replacement
                                                                                                        were sold in                                                                      front triangle of the bicycle frame. Rossignol is contacting all known
                                                                                                        Canada)                                                                           purchasers directly to arrange for free replacement parts and
   21-177       August 11, 2021 Delayed Egress Locks                   Entrapment      Repair           About 2,400        The firm has received reports of 56 incidents with the         Facilities using the recalled locks should contact the firm for
                                                                                                                           recalled locks. No injuries have been reported.                instructions on receiving a free repair of the firmware by a technician.
   21-175       August 04, 2021 LG Chem “RESU10H” Lithium-Ion          Electric, Smoke, Replace         About 10,000    The firm has received five reports of the lithium storage         Consumers with recalled batteries should immediately contact LG
                                Residential Energy Storage System      Fire                             (In addition,   batteries smoking and catching on fire, resulting in              Energy Solution Michigan to schedule a free replacement. LG Energy
                                Batteries                                                               2017-2019       property damage and one injury.                                   Solution Michigan will arrange for modifications to recalled batteries
                                                                                                        RESU 10H                                                                          that are connected online to reduce the risk of overheating until they
                                                                                                        were previously                                                                   can be replaced with new batteries. LG Energy Solution Michigan, its
                                                                                                        recalled for a                                                                    distributors, and its installers also are attempting to contact owners
                                                                                                        fire hazard on                                                                    directly.
                                                                                                        December 16,
   21-174       August 04, 2021 Dehumidifiers                          Fire, Burn      Refund           About 2 million    New Widetech is aware of 107 incidents of the recalled       Consumers should stop using the dehumidifiers immediately and
                                                                                                        (In addition,      dehumidifiers overheating and/or catching fire, resulting in contact New Widetech for a refund. The amount of the refund will be
                                                                                                        about 380,000      about $17 million in property damage. No injuries have       pro-rated based on the age of the dehumidifier.
                                                                                                        in Canada, and     been reported.
                                                                                                        about 25,000 in
   21-176       August 04, 2021 True Living Sling Loungers             Cuts            Refund           About 155,000      The firm has received three reports of the sling loungers      Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled sling
                                                                                                                           collapsing, resulting in amputations or lacerations to         loungers, cut the fabric of the chair rendering it unusable, and contact
                                                                                                                           fingers from the metal folding joints.                         Dollar General to return the recalled loungers for a full refund of the
                                                                                                                                                                                          purchase price.
   21-769         July 29, 2021 Children’s Sleepwear Sets              Fire            Refund           About 2,320        None reported                                                  Consumers should immediately take the recalled sleepwear sets
                                                                                                                                                                                          away from children and stop using them. SHEIN will contact all
                                                                                                                                                                                          known purchasers. Upon returning the garment, SHEIN will refund
                                                                                                                                                                                          consumers the purchase price and provide a $10.00 gift card. If you
                                                                                                                                                                                          do not receive communication from SHEIN, please use the consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                          contact information indicated below.
   21-173         July 29, 2021 Generac® and DR® 6500 Watt and         Amputation,     Repair           About 321,160      Generac has received eight reports of injuries, seven       Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled portable
                                8000 Watt portable generators          Crushing                         (In addition,      resulting in finger amputations and one in finger crushing. generators, unless the locking pin has been inserted to secure the
                                                                                                        4,575 in                                                                       handle in place before and after moving the generator, and contact
                                                                                                        Canada)                                                                        Generac for a free repair kit.
   21-770         July 29, 2021 Specialized 1st Generation Turbo Levo Burn, Fire       Repair           About 2,500        None reported                                                  Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled electric
                                and Kenevo electric mountain bike                                                                                                                         mountain bikes and contact Specialized Bicycle for a free repair.
                                battery packs                                                                                                                                             Specialized is contacting purchasers directly about the recall.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Consumers should not charge the recalled battery pack or expose it
                                                                                                                                                                                          to wet conditions until it has been repaired by an authorized
                                                                                                                                                                                          Specialized retailer.
   21-171         July 28, 2021 Children’s Pajamas                     Burn            Refund           About 6,000        None reported                                                  Consumers should immediately take the recalled pajamas away from
                                                                                                                                                                                          children and stop using them. Amazon and/or Tkala Fashion will
                                                                                                                                                                                          contact all known purchasers with information on how to receive a
                                                                                                                                                                                          refund. If you do not receive communication from either Amazon or
                                                                                                                                                                                          Tkala Fashion, contact Tkala Fashion.
   21-172         July 28, 2021 Birkenstock Kids’ Mogami Sandals       Choking         Refund           About 15,200       None reported                                                  Consumers should immediately take the recalled sandals away from
                                Sizes 24-28                                                             (in addition,                                                                     children and return the sandals to the place of purchase for a full
                                                                                                        about 27 pairs                                                                    refund.
                                                                                                        were sold in
   21-768         July 27, 2021 Removable Foam Facial Interfaces for Allergic          Repair           About 4 million    The firm has received approximately 5,716 reports of         Consumers who experience a skin irritation or reaction should
                                Oculus Quest 2 Virtual Reality       Reaction                           (In addition,      incidents of skin irritation and approximately 45 reports of immediately stop using the recalled foam facial interface, and all
                                Headsets                                                                about 172,600      consumers that required medical attention.                   consumers should contact Facebook Technologies to receive a free
                                                                                                        in Canada)                                                                      silicone cover. Facebook Technologies is contacting all Quest 2
                                                                                                                                                                                        users directly.
   21-764         July 22, 2021 Barrington 5-Drawer Chests             Tip Over,       Refund, Repair   About 90           Bel Furniture has received one report of the chest tipping     Consumers should immediately stop using the 5-Drawer Chests and
                                                                       Entrapment                                          over and injuring a child.                                     contact Bel Furniture for a full refund with free pick-up of the dresser
                                                                                                                                                                                          or consumers can return the drawer slides for free and dispose of the
                                                                                                                                                                                          dresser, or for a free installation of tip-over restraints by Bel
                                                                                                                                                                                          Furniture. Bel Furniture is contacting all purchasers directly.
   21-765         July 22, 2021 Model Year 2021 GENERAL 1000,   Injury, Crash          Repair           About 1,400 (In None reported.                                                    Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled vehicles and
                                GENERAL 4 1000, GENERAL XP                                              addition, about                                                                   contact a Polaris dealer to schedule a free inspection and if needed,
                                1000 and GENERAL XP 4 1000 ROVs                                         130 were sold                                                                     a free repair. Polaris is notifying dealers and contacting registered
                                                                                                        in Canada)                                                                        owners directly.
   21-766         July 22, 2021 Model Year 2021 RZR Pro XP and         Fire, Crash     Repair           About 1,700 (In None reported                                                     Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled vehicles and
                                RZR Pro XP 4 Recreational Off-Road                                      addition, 90                                                                      contact a Polaris dealer to schedule a free inspection and repair.
                                Vehicles (ROVs)                                                         units were sold                                                                   Polaris is notifying dealers and contacting registered owners directly.
                                                                                                        in Canada)
                                                                                                        (Some of these
                                                                                                        vehicles were
                                                                                                        recalled in May
   21-767         July 22, 2021 Model Years 2020 and 2021 Can-AM       Fire            Repair           About 34,400       BRP has received three reports of incidents involving          Consumers should immediately stop using track kits on the recalled
                                Defender HD10 side-by-side vehicles                                                        fires. No injuries have been reported.                         vehicles in snow conditions and contact a Can-Am dealer for a free
                                                                                                                                                                                          repair. BRP is contacting all known purchasers directly.
   21-167         July 21, 2021 Caldwell E-Max® Pro BT Earmuffs         Burn           Replace          About 13,740    None reported.                                                    Consumers should immediately remove the recalled lithium-battery
                                with rechargeable lithium battery packs                                 (In addition,                                                                     pack from the earmuffs and contact American Outdoor Brands for
                                                                                                        about 88 were                                                                     disposal instructions in accordance with local laws and to receive
                                                                                                        sold in Canada)                                                                   free replacement alkaline batteries; including shipping.
   21-168         July 21, 2021 One Stop Gardens 15,000 and 30,000 Burn                Refund           About 350,000      The firm has received reports of nine incidents of flame       Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled tank top
                                BTU Tank Top Propane Heaters                                                               redirection to the rear of the heater and/or the tip switch    propane heaters and return them to their local Harbor Freight Tools
                                                                                                                           safety feature melting. Three of these incidents resulted in   store for a full refund of the purchase price, plus applicable tax, in the
                                                                                                                           minor burn injuries when the consumers attempted to turn       form of a Harbor Freight Tools gift card. Harbor Freight Tools is
                                                                                                                           off the unit.                                                  contacting all known purchasers directly.
   21-169         July 21, 2021 Rechargeable handheld fans             Fire            Refund           About 9,780        Rite Aid has received two consumer reports of the              Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled rechargeable
                                                                                                                           rechargeable handheld fans overheating and emitting            handheld fans and contact Rite Aid for a full refund.
                                                                                                                           smoke. No injuries have been reported.
   21-763         July 15, 2021 Arroyo and Hideaway Wood Burning       Burn, Fire      Refund           About 700 (In      Real Flame has received one report of a fire involving         Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Arroyo or
                                Fire Pits                                                               addition, about    minor property damage. No injuries have been reported.         Hideaway Wood Burning Fire Pits and contact Real Flame to arrange
                                                                                                        81 in Canada)                                                                     for removal of the fire pit in exchange for a full refund. Real Flame is
                                                                                                                                                                                          contacting all known purchasers directly.
   21-163         July 14, 2021 Ozone 500® Girls’ and Boys’ Elevate    Falling         Refund,         About 3,860         Academy has received one report of a person injuring           Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bicycles and
                                24-Inch Bicycles                                       Replace, Repair                     their hand under the seat when the rear shock spring           bring them to any Academy Sports + Outdoors store for a free repair
                                                                                                                           compressed.                                                    or a full refund. Consumers can also contact Academy Sports +
                                                                                                                                                                                          Outdoors for a replacement shock and repair instructions or to
                                                                                                                                                                                          receive a pre-paid shipping label to return the bicycle for a full refund.
   21-164         July 14, 2021 Disney Baby Winnie the Pooh Rattle     Choking         Refund           About 54,000       Walgreens has received 8 reports of the feet on the            Consumers should immediately take the recalled rattle away from
                                Sets                                                                                       Winnie the Pooh rattle detaching. No Injuries have been        young children and contact Walgreens for a full refund.
   21-760         July 08, 2021 ECHO EGi-2300 Watt Generators          Burn, Fire      Repair           About 3,700        Echo has received four reports of the generator                Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled generators
                                                                                                                           overheating or catching fire. No injuries have been            and contact ECHO for instructions on how to obtain a free repair.
                                                                                                                           reported.                                                      ECHO is contacting all known purchasers directly.
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